NCP During Labor
NCP During Labor
NCP During Labor
Client may
Inform client
“sleep” and/or
of onset of
encounter partial
amnesia between
as appropriate.
contractions. This
can be a problem
for some clients,
impairing her
ability to
contractions as
they begin and
thus have a
negative impact
on her sense of
control. For
others, the brief
rest may
“energize” them
for the next
Evaluate client Discomfort
for tingling of caused by
lips, face, respiratory
hands, or feet. alkalosis can be
If present, relieved by
have client increasing carbon
breathe into dioxide levels
cupped hands through the
or paper bag. rebreathing
analgesic as Judicious use of a
ordered. Assist pharmacologic
anesthesiologi agent assists the
st if epidural client in coping
or caudal with contractions
anesthetic is to and may facilitate
be used. labor.