Maternity Nursing 2
Maternity Nursing 2
Maternity Nursing 2
Human Sexuality
A. Concepts
1. A person’s sexuality encompasses the complex behaviors, attitudes emotions and preferences
that are related to sexual self and eroticism.
2. Sex – basic and dynamic aspect of life
3. During reproductive years, the nurse performs as resource person on human sexuality.
Sexuality - behavior of being boy or girl, male or female man/ woman. Entity lifelong
dynamic change.
- developed at the moment of conception.
a. Mons pubis/veneris - a pad of fatty tissues that lies over the symphysis pubis covered by skin and
at puberty covered by pubic hair that serves as cushion or protection to the symphysis pubis.
b. Labia Majora - large lips longitudinal fold, extends symphysis pubis to perineum
d. Vestibule – an almond shaped area that contains the hymen, vaginal orifice and bartholene’s
2. Internal Structures
a. Vagina – Female organ of copulation, passageway of mens & fetus, 3 – 4inches or 8 – 10 cm long,
dilated canal.
b. Uterus- Organ of mens is a hollow, thick walled muscular organ. It varies in size, shape and
Size - 1 x 2 x 3
Shape: Nonpregnant - pear shaped / pregnant - ovoid
Weight - nonpregnant – 50 - 60 g/pregnant – 1,000g
Three parts of the uterus
1. Fundus - upper cylindrical layer
2. Corpus/body - upper triangular layer
3. Cervix - lower cylindrical layer
* Isthmus lower uterine segment during pregnancy
Cornua - junction between fundus & interstitial
Muscular compositions: There are three main muscle layers which make expansion possible in every
a. Endometrium - inside uterus, lines the nonpregnant uterus. Muscle layer for menstruation. Sloughs
during menstruation.
b. Myometrium – largest part of the uterus, muscle layer for delivery process
Its smooth muscles are considered to be the living ligature of the body.
Power of labor, responsible contraction of the uterus
Function: 1. ovulation
2. Production of hormones
4. Fallopian tubes – 2-3 inches long that serves as a passageway of the sperm from the uterus to the
ampulla or the passageway of the mature ovum or fertilized ovum from the ampulla to the uterus.
4 significant segments
B. Male Reproductive System
1. External Structures
a. Penis
The male organ of copulation and urination. It contains of a body of a shaft consisting of 3
cylindrical layers and erectile tissues. At its tip is the most sensitive area comparable to that of the
clitoris in the female – the glans penis.
3 Cylindrical Layers
2 corpora cavernosa
1 corpus spongiosum
b. Scrotum
– a pouch hanging below the pendulous penis, with a medial septum dividing into two sacs, each of which
contains the testes.
cooling mechanism of testes
< 2 degrees C than body temp.
Leydig’s cell – release testosterone
2. Internal Structures
Epididymis – 6 meters coiled tubules
s site for maturation of sperm
Male Female
Penile glans Clitoral glans
Penile shaft Clitorial shaft
Testes ovaries
Prostate Skene’s gands
Cowper’s Glands Bartholin's glands
Scrotum Labia Majora
III. Basic Knowledge on Genetics and Obstetrics
1. DNA – carries genetic code
5. Sperm is viable within 48 – 72 hrs, 2-3
Related terminologies:
Menarche – 1st menstruation
Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
Metrorrhagia – bleeding between menstruation
Menorhagia – excessive during menstruation
Amenorrhea – absence of menstruation
Menopause – cessation of menstruation/ average : 51 years old
Primary function:
development secondary sexual characteristic female.
1. Inhibit production of FSH ( maturation of ovum)
2. hypertrophy of myometrium
3. Spinnbarkeit & Ferning ( billings method/ cervical)
4. development ductile structure of breast
5. Increase osteoblast activities of long bones
6. Increase in height in female
7. Causes early closure of epiphysis of long bones
8. Causes sodium retention
9. Increase sexual desire
Progestin “Hormone of the Mother”
Primary function: prepares endometrium for implantation of fertilized ovum making it thick & tortuous (twisted)
I. On the initial 3rd phase of menstruation, the estrogen level is decreased; this level stimulates the
hypothalamus to release GnRH or FSHRF
III. Proliferative Phase – proliferation of tissue or follicular phase, post mens phase. Pre-ovulatory.
phase of increase estrogen.
IV. 13th day of menstruation, estrogen level is peak while the progesterone level is down, these
stimulates the hypothalamus to release GnRF on LHRF
VI. 14th day estrogen level is increased while the progesterone level is increased causing rupture of
graafian follicle on process of ovulation.
VII. 15th day, after ovulation day, graafian follicle starts to degenerate yellowish known as corpus luteum
(secrets large amount of progesterone)
IX. 24th day if no fertilization, corpus luteum degenerate (whitish – corpus albicans)
X. 28th day – if no sperm in ovum – endometrium begins to slough off to begin mens
11. Stages of Sexual Responses (EPOR)
Initial responses:
1. Excitement Phase – (sign present in both sexes, moderate increase in HR, RR,BP, sex flush, nipple
erection) – erotic stimuli cause increase sexual tension, lasts minutes to hours.
2. Plateau Phase – (accelerated V/S) – increasing & sustained tension nearing orgasm. Lasts 30 seconds
– 3 minutes.
3. Orgasm – (involuntary spasm throughout body, peak v/s) involuntary release of sexual tension with
physiologic or psychologic release, immeasurable peak of sexual experience. May last 2 – 10 sec-
most affected are is pelvic area.
Refractory Period – the only period present in males, wherein he cannot be restimulated for about 10-15
IV. Pregnancy & Prenatal Care
A. Fertilization
The union of the sperm and the mature ovum in the outer third or outer half of the fallopian tube.
B. Implantation
Immediately after fertilization, the fertilized ovum or zygote stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days,
during which time rapid cell division (mitosis) is taking place. The developing cells are now called
blastomere and when there are already 16 – 50 blastomeres, it is now termed as morula. In this
morula form, it will start to travel (by ciliary action and peristaltic contraction of the fallopian tube) to
the uterus where it will stay for another 3-4 days. When there is already a cavity formed in the
morula, it is now called blastocyst. Fingerlike projections, called trophoblasts, form around the
blastocysts and these trophoblasts are the one which will implant high on the anterior or posterior
surface of the uterus. Thus implantation, also called nidation, takes place about a week after
Implantation occurs 8-1 days after fertilization. Implantation must be in the upper portion of the
endometrium. The fertilized ovum will embed itself into the rich endometrial lining.
General Considerations:
o Once implantation has taken place, the uterine endothelium is now termed as DECIDUA.
o Occasionally, a small amount of vaginal spotting appears with implantation because
capillaries are ruptured by the implanting trophoblasts = Implantation bleeding.
Implication: this should not be mistaken for the last menstrual period (LMP)
Signs of implantation:
1. Slight pain
2. Slight vaginal spotting
- If with fertilization – corpus luteum continues to function & become source of estrogen &
progesterone while placenta is not developed.
3 processes of Implantation
1. Apposition
2. Adhesion
3. Invasion
Decidua – thickened endometrium (Latin – falling off)
* Basalis (base) part of endometrium located under fetus where placenta is delivered
* Capsularies – encapsulate the fetus
* Vera – remaining portion of endometrium.
Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) – removal of tissue sample from the fetal portion of the developing
placenta for genetic screening. Done early in pregnancy. Common complication fetal limb defect. Ex
missing digits/toes.
1. Cytotrophoblast – inner layer or langhan’s layer – protects fetus against syphilis. Life span is 24 wks/6
months. Before 24 weeks critical, might get infected syphilis
2. Synsitiotrophoblast – synsitial layer – responsible production of hormone. Gives rise to the fetal membranes:
“3 vessels”
A – unoxygenated blood
V – O2 blood
A – unoxygenated blood
b. Amniotic Fluid – bag of H2O, clear, odor is mousy/musty, with crystallized forming pattern,
slightly alkaline.
Polyhydramnios, hydramnios – “More than 1500cc” - GIT malformation TEF/TEA, increased amt of fluid
Kidneys are the source of amniotic fluid in the baby.
Purpose – obtain a sample of amniotic fluid by inserting a needle through the abdomen into the
amniotic sac. The fluid is tested for:
1. Genetic screening- maternal serum alpha feto-protein test (MSAFP) – 1st trimester
2. Determination of fetal maturity primarily by evaluating factors indicative of lung maturity – 3rd
Testing time – 36 weeks
Decreased MSAFP= down syndrome
Increase MSAFP = spina bifida or open neural tube defect
Common complication of amniocentesis – infection
Dangerous complications – spontaneous abortion
3rd trimester- pre term labor
Important factor to consider for amniocentesis- needle insertion site
Aspiration of yellowish amniotic fluid – jaundice baby
Greenish – meconium
B. Amnioscopy – direct visualization or exam to an intact fetal membrane.
C. Fern Test - determine if amniotic fluid has ruptured or not (blue paper turns green/grey - + ruptured
amniotic fluid)
Lecithin Sphingomyelin L/S
Ratio- 2:1 signifies fetal lung maturity not capable for RDS
b.1 Placenta – (Secundines) Greek – pancake, combination of chorionic villi + decidua basalis.
Size: 500g or ½ kg
1 inch thick & 8” diameter
Functions of Placenta:
1. Respiratory System – beginning of lung function after birth of baby. Simple diffusion
2. GIT – transport center, glucose transport is facilitated, diffusion more rapid from higher to
lower. If mom hypoglycemic, fetus hypoglycemic.
3. Excretory System- artery - carries waste products. Liver of mom detoxifies fetus.
C. Fetal Stage “Fetal Growth and Development”
Zygote – from fertilization till the 14th day.
Embryo – 15th day to 2 months
Fetus – From 2 mos. Until birth
Days of normal pregnancy - 266 – 280 days or equivalent to 10 lunar months or 9 Calendar months
Normal Pregnancy in weeks – 37 to 42
* Endoderm
1st week endoderm – primary germ layer
Thyroid – for basal metabolism
Parathyroid - for calcium
Thymus – development of immunity
Liver – lining of upper RT & GIT
* Ectoderm – development of brain, skin and senses, hair, nails, mucus membrane or anus &
First trimester:
Second Month
1. All vital organs formed, placenta developed
2. Corpus luteum – source of estrogen & progesterone of infant – life span – end of 2nd month
3. Sex organ formed
4. Meconium is formed
Third Month
1. Kidneys functional
2. Buds of milk teeth appear
3. Fetal heart tone heard – Doppler – 10 – 12 weeks
4. Sex is distinguishable
Health Teaching!
Terratogens- any drug, virus or irradiation, the exposure to such may cause damage to the fetus
A. Drugs:
Streptomycin – anti TB & or Quinine (anti malaria) – damage to 8th cranial nerve – poor hearing
& deafness
Tetracycline – staining tooth enamel, inhibit growth of long bone
Vitamin K – hemolysis (destr of RBC), hyperbilirubenia or jaundice
Iodides – enlargement of thyroid or goiter
Thalidomides – Amelia or pocomelia, absence of extremities
Steroids – cleft lip or palate
Lithium – congenital malformation
B. Alcohol – lowered weight (vasoconstriction on mom), fetal alcohol withdrawal syndrome char by
TORCH (Terratogenic) Infections – viruses
CHARACTERISTICS: group of infections caused by organisms that can cross the placenta or ascend through
birth canal and adversely affect fetal growth and development. These infections are often characterized by
vague, influenza like findings, rashes and lesions, enlarged lymph nodes, and jaundice (hepatic involvement).
In some chases the infection may go unnoticed in the pregnant woman yet have devastating effects on the
fetus. TORCH: Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalo virus, Herpes simples virus.
T – Toxoplasmosis – mom takes care of cats. Feces of cat go to raw vegetables or meat
O – Others. Hepa A or infectious heap – oral/ fecal (hand washing)
Hepa B, HIV – blood & body fluids
R – Rubella – German measles – congenital heart disease (1st month) normal rubella titer 1:10
<1:10 – less immunity to rubella, after delivery, mom will be given rubella vaccine. Don’t get pregnant
for 3 months. Vaccine is terratogenic
C – Cytomegalo virus
H – Herpes simplex virus
Second Trimester:
FOCUS – length of fetus
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month
1. eyelids open
2. wrinkled skin
3. vernix caseosa present
Third trimester: Period of most rapid growth.
FOCUS: weight of fetus
Eighth Month
Ninth Month
Tenth Month – bone ossification of fetal skull
A. Systemic Changes
1. Cardiovascular System
Increase blood volume of mom (plasma blood) 30 – 50% = 1500 cc of blood
Easy fatigability, increase heart workload, slight hypertrophy of ventricles, epistaxis – due to
hyperemia of nasal membrane palpitation,
Palpitations due to stimulation of Sympathetic nerves.
Normal Values
Hct 32 – 42%
Hgb 10.5 – 14g/dL
Pathogenic Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common hematological disorder. It affects toughly 20% of
pregnant women.
o Assessment reveals:
Pallor, constipation
Slowed capillary refill time (CRT)
Concave fingernails (late sign of progressive anemia) due to chronic hypoxia
Nursing Care:
Nutritional instruction – kangkong, liver due to ferritin content, green leafy vegetables such as
alugbati,saluyot, malunggay, horseradish, and ampalaya.
Parenteral Iron (Imferon) – severe anemia, give IM, Z tract- if improperly administered, it will result
in hematoma.
Oral Iron supplements (ferrous sulfate 0.3 gm, 3 times a day) empty stomach 1 hr before meals or
2 hrs after, black stool, constipation
Monitor for hemorrhage
Iron from red meats is better absorbed iron form other sources
Iron is better absorbed when taken with foods high in Vit C such as orange juice
Higher iron intake is recommended since circulating blood volume is increased and heme is
required from production of RBCs
Edema – lower extremities due venous return is constricted due to large belly, elevate legs above hip level.
Vulbar varicosities - painful, pressure on gravid uterus, to relieve- position – side lying with pillow under
hips or modified knee chest position
Milk leg – skinny white legs due to stretching of skin caused by inflammation or phlagmasia albadolens
2. Respiratory System Changes – common problem SOB due to enlarged uterus & increase O2
o Position - lateral expansion of lungs or side lying position.
Constipation – progesterone responsible for constipation.
o Increase fluid intake, increase fiber diet
o Fruits – papaya, pineapple, mango, watermelon, cantaloupe, apple with skin, suha.
o Except guava – has pectin that’s constipating
o Encourage/Increase exercise
o Avoid mineral oil – It interferes with absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
Flatulence – avoid gas forming food – cabbage
Heartburn – or pyrosis – reflux of stomach content to esophagus
o small frequent feeding, avoid 3 full meals, avoid fatty & spicy food, sips of milk, proper body
Increase salivation – ptyalsim – Management is mouthwash
Hemorrhoids – pressure of gravid uterus.
o Management is hot sitz bath for comfort.
4. Urinary System – frequency during 1st & 3rd trimester lateral expansion of lungs or side lying
6. Emotional responses
First Trimester: No tangible signs & symptoms, surprise, ambivalence, denial – sign of maladaptation to
Second Trimester – Tangible Signs & Symptoms. mom identifies fetus as a separate entity – due to
presence of quickening, fantasy.
Development task: prepare of birth & parenting of child. HT: responsible parenthood ‘baby’s
Layette” – best time to do shopping.
Most common fear – let mom listen to FHT to allay fear
Lamaze classes
B. Local Changes
a. Vaginitis – caused by trichomonas vaginalis due to alkaline environment of vagina of pregnant mother.
Flagellated protozoa – wants alkaline
Signs & Symptoms:
Greenish cream colored frothy irritatingly itchy with foul smelling odor with vaginal edema
FLAGYL – (metronidazole – antiprotozoa). Carcinogenic drug so don’t give at 1st trimester
1. treat dad also to prevent reinfection
2. no alcohol – has antibuse effect
VAGINAL DOUCHE – IQ H2O: 1 tbsp white vinegar
Color – white cheese like patches adheres to walls of vagina.
Management – antifungal – Nistatin, Gentian violet, cotrimozaxole, canesten
Gonorrhea -Thick purulent discharge
3. Skin Changes – brown pigmentation nose chin, cheeks – chloasma/melasma due to increased
Brown pinkish line- linea nigra- symphisis pubis to umbilicus
4. Breast Changes – increase hormones, color of areola & nipple. Pre colostrums present by 6 weeks,
colostrums at 3rd trimester
Breast self exam - 7 days after menstruation –– supine with pillow at back
Quadrant B – upper outer – common site of cancer
A. Presumptive – s/s felt and observed by the mother but does not confirm positive diagnosis of
pregnancy . Subjective
B. Probable – signs observed by the members of health team. Objective
C. Positive Signs – undeniable signs confirmed by the use of instrument.
o – Immature
1 – Slightly mature
2 – Moderately mature
3 – Placental maturity
A. Diagnosis of Pregnancy
1. Urine Examination
Urine exam to detect HCG at 40 – 100th day. 60 – 70 day peak HCG. 6 weeks after LMP- best
to get urine exam.
Elisa test – test for pregnancy detects beta subunit of HCG as early as 7 – 10days
Home pregnancy kit – do it yourself
1. History taking
a. Personal data – name, age (high risk < 18 & > 35 yrs old) record to determine high risk – HBMR.
Home based mother record. Sex (pseudocyesis or false pregnancy on men & women)
Couvade syndrome – dad experiences what mother goes through – lihi
Address, civil status, religion, culture & beliefs with respect, non judgmental
Occupation – financial condition or occupational hazards, education background – level
b. Baseline Data: V/S especially BP, monitor weight (increase weight – 1st sign preeclampsia)
Weight Monitoring
c. Obstetrical Data:
nullipara – no pregnancy
Gravida - # of pregnancy
Para - # of viable pregnancy
Viability – the ability of the fetus to live outside the uterus at the earliest possible gestational age.
Sample Cases:
1 – abortion G2P0(0010)
1 – 2nd months
1 – 39th week
1 – Miscarriage GP GTPAL
1 – Stillbirth 33 AOG (considered as para) 42 4111 1
1 – Pregnant, 3rd wk
d. Medical Data – is there a history of kidney, cardiac or liver diseases, hypertension, tuberculosis, or
sexually transmitted diseases.
2. Assessment
a. Physical Examination
Increase BP – HPN/HTN
Blurred vision – preeclampsia
Bleeding – 1st trimester, abortion, ectopic preg/2nd – H mole, incompetent cervix
3rd – placental anomalies
b. Pelvic Examination
Class I - normal
Class IIA – cytology but no evidence of malignancy
B – suggestive of inflammation
Class III – cytology suggestive of malignancy
Class IV – cytology strongly suggestive of malignancy
Class V – cytology conclusive of malignancy
Leopold’s Maneuver
Purpose: is done to determine the attitude, fetal presentation lie, presenting part, degree of descent, an
estimate of the size, and number of fetuses, position, fetal back & fetal heart tone
Use palm! Warm palm
1. Empty bladder
2. Position of mom-supine with knee flex (dorsal recumbent – to relax abdominal muscles)
1st maneuver: place patient in supine position with knees slightly flexed; put towel under head and right
hip; with both hands palpate upper abdomen and fundus. Assess size, shape, movement and firmness
of the part to determine presentation
2nd Maneuver: with both hands moving down, identify the back of the fetus (to hear fetal heart sound)
where the ball of the stethoscope is placed to determine FHT. Get V/S(before 2nd maneuver) PR to diff
fundic soufflé (FHR) & uterine soufflé.
Uterine soufflé – maternal H rate
3rd Maneuver: using the right hand, grasp the symphis pubis part using thumb and fingers.
To determine degree of engagement.
Assess whether the presenting part is engaged in the pelvis) Alert : if the head is engaged it will not be
4th Maneuver: the Examiner changes the position by facing the patient’s feet. With two hands, assess
the descent of the presenting part by locating the cephalic prominence or brow. To determine attitude –
relationship of fetus to 1 another.
When the brow is on the same side as the back, the head is extended. When the brow is on the same
side as the small parts, the head will be flexed and vertex presenting.
c. Urine Examination
Heat Acetic Acid test –To test for protein in the urine
Denatured Alcohol is used, test tube, test tube holder, 10 drops of urine, 3-5 ml of acetic
After heating for 3 minutes
o Clear (-) for albumin
o Cloudy (+) for albumin precipitate
Both solution may expire if Acetic Acid (Brown), Benedicts (Violet), then discard.
3. Important Estimates
2nd ½ of preg, x @ month by 5
3mos x 3 = 9cm
4 mos x 4 = 16 cm 10 x 5 = 50 cm 1st ½ of preg
5 x 5 = 25 cm
6x5= 30 cm
7x5= 35 cm 2nd ½ of preg
8x5= 40 cm
9x5= 45 cm
4. Health Teachings
* Inadequate protein intake has the pregnancy requirement
been associated with onset of
pregnancy induces hypertension
Calcium-Phosphorous Calcium increases of Calcium increases should reflect:
Essential for - 1200 mg/day representing - dairy products : milk, yogurt, ice
- Growth and development of an increase of 50% above cream, cheese, egg yolk
fetal skeleton and tooth prepregnancy daily - whole grains, tofu
buds requirement. - green leafy vegetables
- Maintenance of - 1600 mg/day is - canned salmon & sardines w/
mineralization of maternal recommended for the bones
bones and teeth adolescent. 10 mcg/day of - Ca fortified foods such as orange
- Current research is : vitamin D is required since it juice
Demonstrating an association enhances absorption of both - Vitamin D sources: fortified milk,
between adequate calcium intake calcium and phosphorous margarine, egg yolk, butter, liver,
and the prevention of pregnancy seafood
induce hypertension
b. Sexual Activity
Contraindication in sex:
1. Vaginal spotting
1st trimester – threatened abortion
2nd trimester– placenta previa
2. Incompetent cervix
3. Preterm labor
4. Premature rupture of membrane
Principles of exercise
Done in moderation
Must be individualized
Raise buttocks 1st before head to prevent postural hypotension – dizziness when changing position
d. Childbirth Preparation:
Overall goal: to prepare parents physically and psychologically while promoting wellness behavior that
can be used by parents and family thus, helping them achieved a satisfying and enjoying childbirth
1. Bradley Method – Dr. Robert Bradley – advocated active participation of husband at delivery
process. Based on imitation of nature.
2. Grantly Dick Read Method – fear leads to tension while tension leads to pain
1. Kitzinger method – preg, labor & birth & care of newborn is an important turning pt in woman’s life
flow with contraction than struggle with contraction
1. Conscious relaxation
2. Cleansing breathe – inhale nose, exhale mouth
3. Effleurage – gentle circular massage over abdominal to relieve pain
4. imaging – sensate focus
1.) birthing chair – bed convertible to chair – semifowlers
2.) birthing bed – dorsal recumbent pos
3.) squatting – relives low back pain during labor pain
4.) Leboyers – warm, quiet, dark, comfy room. After delivery, baby gets warm bath.
5.) Birth under H20 – bathtub – labor & delivery – warm water, soft music.
5. Tetanus Immunization
(1) Begin at the same time each day (usually in the morning, after breakfast) and count each fetal
movement, noting how long it takes to count 10 fetal movements (FMs)
(4) Warning signs should be reported to healthcare provider immediately; often require further testing.
Examples: nonstress test (NST), biographical profile (BPP)
B. Nonstress test – to determine the response of the fetal heart rate to activity
Done within 30 minutes wherein the mother is in semi-fowler’s position (w/ fetal monitor); external
monitor is applied to document fetal activity; mother activates the “mark button” on the electronic
monitor when she feels fetal movement.
Attach external noninvasive fetal monitors
1. tocotransducer over fundus to detect uterine contractions and fetal movements (FMs)
2. ultrasound transducer over abdominal site where most distinct fetal heart sounds are detected
3. monitor until at least 2 FMs are detected in 20 minutes
if no FM after 40 minutes provide woman with a light snack or gently stimulate fetus through
if no FM after 1 hour further testing may be indicated, such as a CST
Not Good
Responsive is
Real Good
Interpretation of results
A. Reactive result
B. Nonreactive result
Requires further evaluation with another NST, biophysical profile, (BPP) or contraction stress test
1.) Uterine stretch theory (any hallow organ stretched, will always contract & expel its content) –
contraction action
2.) Oxytocin theory – post pit gland releases oxytocin. Hypothalamus produces oxytocin
3.) Prostaglandin theory – stimulation of arachidonic acid – prostaglandin- contraction
4.) Progesterone theory – before labor, decrease progesterone will stimulate contractions & labor
5.) Theory of aging placenta – life span of placenta 42 wks. At 36 wks degenerates (leading to
contraction – onset labor).
1. Passenger
a. Fetal head – is the largest presenting part – common presenting part – ¼ of its length.
Bones – 6 bones
S – Sphenoid
E – Ethmoid
T – Temporal Bones (2)
F – Frontal/Sinciput
O – Occuputal/occiput
P – Parietal (2)
1. Transverse diameter
a. biparietal – 9.25cm, largest transverse
b. bitemporal - 8 cm
c. bimastoid 7cm smallest transverse
2. Anteroposterior diameters
a. suboccipitobregmatic - 9.5 cm, complete flexion, smallest AP
b. occipitofrontal - 12cm partial flexion
c. occipitomental – 13.5 cm hyper extension, submentobragmatic - face presentation
Sutures – intermembranous spaces that allows molding.
Sagittal suture – connects 2 parietal bones
Coronal suture – connect parietal & frontal bone (crown)
Lambdoidal suture – connects occipital & parietal bone
Molding: the overlapping of the sutures of the skull to permit passage of the head to the pelvis; usually
reserved by 3 days after birth.
Fontanels: membrane - covered spaces at the junction of the main suture lines.
2. Passageway
1. Gynecoid – round, wide, deeper most suitable (normal female pelvis) for pregnancy
2. Android – heart shape “male pelvis”- anterior part pointed, posterior part shallow
3. Anthropoid – oval, ape like pelvis, oval shape, AP diameter wider transverse narrow
4. Platypelloid – flat AP diameter – narrow, transverse – wider
Pelvimetry – x ray of the pelvis to determine if the fetus can pass through NSD.
Pelvis is a bony ring interposed between the trunk and the thigh. It serves to both support and protect
the reproductive and other pelvic organs.
Structures :
It composed of four bones: 2 innominate bones or hip bones, 1 sacrum and 1 coccyx.
1. Ilium – the largest portion of the bones forming the upper and back part of the pelvis.
iliac crest – the curved boarder which gives grace to the female figure.
anterior superior and posterior superior iliac spine – the terminal point of ilium.
ischial tuberosities – a pair of large prominence at the lower most part of the ischia on which
the bone rests when in sitting position.
ischial spine – a pair of small projections.
4. SACRUM - wedge- shaped bone composed of 5 sacral vertebral. It serves as the back part
of the pelvis.
COCCYX – a small movable bone consists of 4 coccygeal vertebral. It forms as tail end to the
Important Measurements
1. Diagonal Conjugate – measure between sacral promontory and inferior margin of the symphysis
Measurement: 11.5 cm - 12.5 cm basis in getting true conjugate. (DC – 11.5 cm=true conjugate)
2. True conjugate/conjugate vera – measure between the anterior surface of the sacral promontory and
superior margin of the symphysis pubis.
Measurement: 11.0 cm
3. Power – the force acting to expel the fetus and placenta – myometrium – powers of labor
a. Involuntary Contractions
b. Voluntary bearing down efforts
c. Characteristics: wave like
d. Timing: frequency, duration, intensity
4. Psyche/Person – psychological stress when the mother is fighting the labor experience
a. Cultural Interpretation
b. Preparation
c. Past Experience
d. Support System
5. Position – Maternal Position
Nursing Care:
Cord Prolapse – a complication when the umbilical cord falls or is washed through the cervix into the vagina.
Danger signs:
Presenting part has not yet engaged
Fetal distress
Protruding cord form vagina
Nursing Care:
Cover cord with sterile gauze with saline to prevent drying of cord so cord will remain slippery &
prevent cord compression causing cerebral palsy.
Slip cord away from presenting part
Count pulsation of cord for FHT
Prep mom for CS
Duration of Labor
Primipara – 14 hrs & not more than 20 hrs
Multipara – 8 hrs & not > 14 hrs
Nursing Interventions in Each Stage of Labor
D. Stages of Labor
1. First Stage: onset of true contractions to full dilation and effacement of cervix.
Latent Phase:
Active Phase:
Assessment: Dilations 4 -8 cm
Intensity: moderate Mom - fears losing control of self
Frequency – q 3-5 mins lasting for 30 – 60 seconds
Nursing Care:
M – edications – have meds ready
A – ssessment include: vital signs, cervical dilation and effacement, fetal monitor, etc.
D – dry lips – oral care (ointment)
Dry linens
B – Abdominal breathing
Transitional Phase:
Intensity: strong Mom – mood changes with hyperesthesia
Assessment: Dilations 8 – 10 cm
Frequency q 2-3 min contractions
Durations 45 – 90 seconds
Nursing Care:
T – ires
I – nform of progress
R – estless support her breathing technique
E – ncourage and praise
D – iscomfort
Pelvic Exams
b. Presentation/lie – the relationship of the long axis (spine) of the fetus to the long axis of the mother
spine of mom and spine of fetus
Two types:
Complete Breech – thigh breast on abdomen, breast lie on thigh
Incomplete Breech – thigh rest on abdominal
Frank – legs extend to head
Footling – single, double
b.2. Transverse Lie (Perpendicular) or Perpendicular lie. Shoulder presentation.
c. Position – relationship of the fatal presenting part to specific quadrant of the mother’s pelvis.
Occiput – LOA Left Occiput Anterior (most common and favorable position) – side of maternal pelvis
LOP – left occipito posterior
LOP – most common mal position, most painful
“Chin / Mento”
LMA – Left mento anterior
LMO – left mento posterior
Monitoring the Contractions and Fetal heart Tone
Parts of contractions:
Contraction – vasoconstriction
Increase BP, decrease FHT
Best time to get BP & FHT just after a contraction or midway of contractions
Mom has headache – check BP, if same BP, let mom rest. If BP increases, notify MD –preeclampsia
Health teachings
1.) Ok to shower
2.) NPO – GIT stops function during labor if with food- will cause aspiration
3.) Enema administer during labor
a.) To cleanse bowel
b.) Prevent infection
c.) Sims position/side lying
Lithotomy position – put legs same time up
Bulging of perineum – sure to come out
Breathing – panting (teach mom)
Assist doc in doing episiotomy- to prevent laceration, widen vaginal canal, and shorten 2nd stage of
Episiotomy – median – less bleeding, less pain easy to repair, fast to heal, possible to reach rectum
(urethroanal fistula)
Mediolateral – more bleeding & pain, hard to repair, slow to heal
use local or pudendal anesthesia.
Mechanisms of labor
1. Engagement
2. Descent
3. Flexion
4. Internal Rotation
5. Extension
6. External rotation
7. Expulsion
Three parts of Pelvis
Linea Terminales diagonal imaginary line from the sacrum to the symphysis pubis that divides the false and
true pelvis.
Nursing Care:
Shultz “shiny” – begins to separate from center to edges presenting the fetal side shiny
Dunkan “dirty” – begin to separate form edges to center presenting natural side – beefy red or dirty
Chills-due dehydration. Blanket, give clear liquid-tea, ginger ale, clear gelatin. Let mom sleep to regain
3. Fourth Stage: the first 1-2 hours after delivery of placenta – recovery stage.
Monitor v/s q 15 for 1 hr. 2nd hr q 30 minutes.
Nursing Management:
E. Complications of Labor
difficult labor related to:
MD administer
– muscle relaxant
Prolonged labor
normal length of labor in primi 14 – 20 hrs
Multi 10 -14 hrs
> 14 hrs in multi & > 20 hrs in primi
Maternal effect – exhaustion. Fetal effect – fetal distress, caput succedaneum or cephal hematoma
Nursing Care: monitor contractions and FHR
Precipitate Labor
Labor of < 3 hrs. Extensive lacerations, profuse bleeding, hypovolemic shock if with bleeding.
Uterine Rupture
1.) Previous classical CS
2.) Large baby
3.) Improper use of oxytocin (IV drip)
Management: Hysterectomy
Trial Labor – measurement of head & pelvis falls on borderline. Mom given 6 hrs of labor
Multi: 8 – 14, primi 14 – 20
Preterm Labor
Home Management:
1. Complete bed rest
2. Avoid sex
3. Empty bladder
4. Drink 3 -4 glasses of water – full bladder inhibits contractions
5. Consult MD if symptoms persist
1. If cervix is closed 2 – 3 cm, dilation saved by administer Tocolytic agents- halts preterm
contractions.YUTOPAR- Yutopar Hcl)
150mg incorporated 500cc Dextrose piggyback.
Monitor: FHT > 180 bpm
Maternal BP - <90/60
Crackles – notify MD – pulmo edema – administer oral yutopar 30 minutes before d/c IV
Tocolytic (Phil)
Terbuthaline (Bricanyl or Brethine) – sustained tachycardia
Antidote – propranolol or inderal - beta-blocker
VI. Puerperium
A. Definitions:
b. Genital Changes
Cervix – cervical opening
Vaginal and Pelvic Floor
Uterus – return to normal 6 – 8 wks. Fundus goes down 1 finger breath/day until 10th day – no longer
palpable due behind symphisis pubis
3 days after post partum: sub involuted uterus – delayed healing uterus with big clots of blood- a
medium for bacterial growth- (puerperal sepsis)- D&C
After, birth pain:
1. Position prone
2. Cold compress – to prevent bleeding
3. mefenamic acid
Lochia - blood, wbc, deciduas, microorganism. NSD & CS Both have Lochia.
1. Rubra – red 1st 3 days present, musty/mousy, moderate amt
2. Serosa – pink to brown 4 – 9th day, limited amt
3. Alba – créme white 10 – 21 days very decreased amt
urine collection
alternate warm & cold compress
stimulate bladder
Perineal area – painful – episiotomy site – sim’s position, cold compress for immediate pain after 24 hrs, hot
sitz bath, not compress
c. Urinary Changes: Bladder – freq in urination after delivery- urinary retention with overflow
d. Gastrointestinal Changes - Colon: Constipation – due NPO, fear of bearing down
Psychological Responses:
a. Taking in phase – dependent phase (1st three days) mom – passive, cant make decisions, activity is to
tell child birth experiences.
b. Taking hold phase – dependent to independent phase (4 to 7 days). Mom is active, can make decisions
Health Teaching:
c. Letting go – interdependent phase – 7 days & above. Mom - redefines new roles may extend until child
3. Prevent complications
a. Early postpartum hemorrhage – bleeding within 1st 24 hrs. Baggy or relaxed uterus & profuse bleeding
- uterine atony.
2.) cold compress
3.) modified trendelenberg
4.) IV fast drip/ oxytocin IV drip
Breast feeding – post pit gland will release oxytocin so uterus will contract.
Well contracted uterus + bleeding = laceration
assess perineum for laceration
degree of laceration
Management: Episiorraphy
1.) cold compress every 30 minutes with rest period of 30 minutes for 24 hrs
2.) shave
3.) incision on site, scraping & suturing
a. Sources
c. General Management:
Supportive care – CBR, hydration, TSB, cold compress, paracetamol, VITC, culture & sensitivity
– for antibiotic
o Prolonged use of antibiotic lead to fungal infection
Specific Symptoms:
2 to 3 stitches dislocated with purulent discharge
a. Abdominal tenderness
b. Uterus is not contracted and Painful to touch
Specific Management:
Basal Body Temperature - 13th day temp goes down before ovulation – no sex
get before arising in bed
Social Method
OVULATION –count minus 14 days before next mens (14 days before next mens)
Origoknause formula –
- monitor cycle for 1 year
- -get short test & longest cycle from Jan – Dec
- shortest – 18
- longest – 11
June 26 Dec 33
- 18 -11
8 - 22 unsafe days
Physiologic Method
Pills – combined oral contraceptives prevent ovulation by inhibiting the anterior pituitary gland production of
FSH and LH which are essential for the maturation and rupture of a follicle. 99.9% effective. Waiting time to
become pregnant- 3 months. Consult OB-6mos.
In case a mother who is taking an oral contraceptive for almost long time plans to have a baby, she
would wait for at least 3 months before attempting to conceive to provide time for the estrogen and
progesterone levels to return to normal.
If a new oral contraceptive is prescribed the mother should continue taking the previously prescribed
contraceptive and begin taking the new one on the first day of the next menses.
Discontinue oral contraceptive if there is signs of severe headache as this is an indication of
hypertension associated with increase incidence of CVA and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Signs of hypertension
Immediate Discontinuation
A – Abdominal pain
C – chest pain
H - headache
E – eye problems
S – Severe leg cramps
If mom HPN – stop pills STAT!
Adverse effect: breakthrough bleeding
chain smoker
extreme obesity
Thrombophlebitis or problems in clotting factors
If forgotten for one day, immediately take the forgotten tablet plus the tablet scheduled that day. If
forgotten for two consecutive days, or more days, use another method for the rest of the cycle and the
start again.
Norplant – has 6 match sticks – like capsules implanted subdermally containing progesterone.
Health Teachings:
Check for string daily
Monthly checkup
Regular pap smear
prevents implantation
most common complications: excessive menstrual flow and expulsion of the device (common problem)
P eriod late (pregnancy suspected)
Abnormal spotting or bleeding
A bdominal pain or pain with intercourse
I nfection (abnormal vaginal discharge)
N ot feeling well, fever, chills
S trings lost, shorter or longer
Uterine inflammation, uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy
it lessen sexual satisfaction
it gives higher protection in the prevention of STDs
Diaphragm – rubberized dome shaped material inserted to cervix preventing sperm to get to the uterus.
Health Teachings:
1.) proper hygiene
2.) check for holes before use
3.) must stay in place 6 – 8 hrs after sex
4.) must be refitted especially if without wt change 15 lbs
5.) spermicide – chem. Barrier ex. Foam (most effective), jellies, creams
S/effect: Toxic shock syndrome
Cervical Cap – most durable than diaphragm no need to apply spermicide
C/I: abnormal Pap smear
Surgical Method – BTL, Bilateral Tubal Ligation – can be reversed 20% chance. HT: avoid lifting heavy objects
1.) CBR
2.) Avoid sex
3.) Assess for bleeding (per pad 30 – 40cc) (wt – 1gm =1cc)
4.) Ultrasound to determine integrity of sac
5.) Signs of Hypovolemic shock
6.) Save discharges – for histopathology – to determine if product of conception has been expelled or not
1.) Chromosomal alterations
2.) Blighted ovum
3.) Plasma germ defect
a. Threatened – pregnancy is jeopardized by bleeding and cramping but the cervix is closed
b. Inevitable – moderate bleeding, cramping, tissue protrudes form the cervix (Cervical dilation)
1.) Complete – all products of conception are expelled. No mgt just emotional support!
2.) Incomplete – Placental and membranes retained. Mgt: D&C
Incompetent cervix – abortion
McDonald’s procedure – temporary circlage on cervix
S/E; infection. During delivery, circlage is removed. NSD
Sheridan – permanent surgery cervix. CS
c. Habitual – 3 or more consecutive pregnancies result in abortion usually related to incompetent cervix.
Present 2nd trimester
d. Missed – fetus dies; product of conception remain in uterus 4 weeks or longer; signs of pregnancy
cease. (-) preg test, scanty dark brown bleeding
Mgt: induced labor with oxytocin or vacuum extraction
5.) Induced Abortion – therapeutic abortion to save life of mom. Double effect choose between lesser
C. Ectopic Pregnancy – occurs when gestation is located outside the uterine cavity.
Unruptured Tubal rupture
missed period Sudden, sharp, severe pain. Unilateral
abdominal pain within 3 -5 weeks of missed radiating to shoulder.
period (maybe generalized or one sided) shoulder pain (indicative of intraperitoneal bleeding
scant, dark brown, vaginal bleeding that extends to diaphragm and phrenic nerve)
+ Cullen’s Sign – bluish tinged umbilicus – signifies
Nursing care: intra peritoneal bleeding
syncope (fainting)
Vital signs Mgt:
Administer IV fluids Surgery depending on side
Monitor for vaginal bleeding Ovary: oophrectomy
Monitor I & O Uterus : hysterectomy
Gestational anomaly of the placenta consisting of a bunch of clear vesicles. This neoplasm is formed form the
selling of the chronic villi and lost nucleus of the fertilized egg. The nucleus of the sperm duplicates, producing
a diploid number 46 XX, it grows & enlarges the uterus vary rapidly.
Early signs
vesicles passed thru the vagina
Hyperemesis gravidarium increase HCG
Fundal height
Vaginal bleeding( scant or profuse)
Early in pregnancy
High levels of HCG
Preeclampsia at about 12 weeks
Late signs
hypertension before 20th week
Vesicles look like a “ snowstorm” on sonogram
Abdominal cramping
Serious complications
Pulmonary embolus
Nursing care:
Prepare D&C
Do not give oxytoxic drugs
a. Return for pelvic exams as scheduled for one year to monitoring HCG and assess for enlarged uterus
and rising titer could indicative of choriocarcinoma
b. Avoid pregnancy for at least one year
D. Placenta Previa – it occurs when the placenta is improperly implanted in the lower uterine segment,
sometimes covering the cervical os. Abnormal lower implantation of placenta.
candidate for CS
Avoid: sex, IE, enema – may lead to sudden fetal blood loss
Double set up: delivery room may be converted to OR
Engagement (usually has not occurred)
Fetal distress
Presentation (usually abnormal)
Nursing Care
Bed rest
Prepare to induce labor if cervix is ripe
Administer IV
E. Abruptio Placenta – it is the premature separation of the placenta form the implantation site. It usually
occurs after the twentieth week of pregnancy.
Outstanding Sx: dark red, painful bleeding, board like or rigid uterus.
Concealed bleeding (retroplacental)
Couvelaire uterus (caused by bleeding into the myometrium)-inability of uterus to contract due to
Severe abdominal pain
Dropping coagulation factor (a potential for DIC)
Sudden fetal blood loss
placenta previa & vasa previa
Nursing Care:
Infuse IV, prepare to administer blood
Type and crossmatch
Monitor FHR
Insert Foley
Measure blood loss; count pads
Report s/sx of DIC
Monitor v/s for shock
Strict I&O
F. Placenta succenturiata – 1 or 2 more lobes connected to the placenta by a blood vessel may lead to
retained placental fragments if vessel is cut.
H. Placenta Marginata – fold side of chorion reaches just to the edge of placenta
K. Vilamentous Insertion of cord- cord divides into small vessels before it enters the placenta
C. Chronic or pre-existing Hypertension –HPN before 20 weeks not solved 6 weeks post partum.
3.) Eclampsia – with seizure! Increase BUN – glomerular damage. Provide safety.
Cause of preeclampsia
1.) idiopathic or unknown common in primi due to 1st exposure to chorionic villi
2.) common in multiple pre (twins) increase exposure to chorionic villi
3.) common to mom with low socioeconomic status due to decrease intake of CHON
Nursing care:
P – romote bed rest to decrease O2 demand, facilitate, sodium excretion, water immersion will cause to
Fetal effect:
Newborn Effect: DM
1.) hyperinsulinism
2.) hypoglycemia
normal glucose in newborn 45 – 55 mg/dL
hypoglycemic < 40 mg/dL
Heel stick test – get blood at heel
Hypoglycemia high pitch shrill cry tremors, administer dextrose
Therapeutic abortion
If push through with pregnancy
1.) antibiotic therapy- to prevent sub acute bacterial endocarditis
2.) anticoagulant – heparin doesn’t cross placenta
Heart disease
Class III - moderate limitation of physical activity. Ordinary activity causes discomfort
1.) Early hospitalization by 7 months
Class IV. Marked limitation of physical activity. Even at rest there is fatigue & discomfort.
Recommendation: Therapeutic abortion
VIII. Intrapartal Complications
1. Cesarean Delivery Indications:
a. Multiple gestation
b. Diabetes
c. Active herpes II
d. Severe toxemia
e. Placenta previa
f. Abruptio placenta
g. Prolapse of the cord
h. CPD primary indication
i. Breech presentation
j. Transverse lie
Causes :
a. psychosomatic – anxiety
b. social and economic difficulties
c. local lesion, rigid hymen
3. Impotence / erectile dysfunction – inability to achieve a sustained erection sufficient to allow vaginal penetration.
Causes :
a. drugs and alcohol
b. psychologic – stress, depression
c. congenital
a. depends on the causes
b. sexual counseling
4. Premature ejaculation – ejaculation before penile – vaginal contact. It can cause unsatisfactory for both partners.
Causes :
a. psychologic
b. masturbating to orgasm
c. doubt about masculinity
d. fear of impregnating
Mgt :
sexual counseling
5. Female orgasmic dysfunction – woman who does not attain orgasm during their entire life span.
Factors :
a. religious prohibition
b. being raised in a protective environment that excluded acknowledgement of sexual feeling or behavior.
c. Inability to identify with one’s inadequate partner
d. Marriage with inadequate man
6. Vaginismus - involuntary contraction of the muscles at the outlet of vagina when coitus is attempted. It may occur in
woman who has been raped.
Pelvic exam.
Factors :
a. married to impotent men
b. family background reflect the attitude that sex was considered “ dirty or sinful “
Predisposing factors :
a. death of family member
b. divorce
c. stressful job
Types of infertility :
a. Primary infertility – there have been no previous conception.
b. Secondary infertility – there have been a previous viable pregnancy but unsuccessful .
c. Idiopathic infertility – no definite cause for the infertility can be found.
Components of fertility :
1. The husband must produce sperm of adequate quantity and quality.
2. The sperm must gain entry not only into the vagina but into the womb itself during the wife’s fertile period.
3. The wife must ovulate.
4. The egg must be of good quality.
5. The wife’s tube must be open to received the egg each month and to permit the entry of sperm.
6. The tubes and womb must not be obstructed to permit a fertilized egg free passageway into the uterus and it
should also have a lining favorable for the implantation.
7. The various glands concerned with reproduction must be working harmoniously.
Causes of infertility :
A. Male
1. Inadequate sperm count
Azoospermia - absence of sperm
Factors contributing to infertility :
1. Genetic or developmental factors
a. production of deformed sperm
b. abnormalities of testicle
c. epispadias or hypospadias
d. chromosomal trisomy ( xxy )
2. Hormonal factors
3. Mechanical obstructions
a. retrograde ejaculation
b. spinal cord injury or disease
c. adhesion from previous surgery
d. salphingitis
e. endometriosis
f. repair of ectopic pregnancy
4. Chemical or environmental factors
a. drug abuse
b. alcoholism
c. excessive hot tub use
d. strenuous exercises
e. obesity or extreme underweight
5. Inflammatory process and immunologic factors
a. gonorrhea
b. prostatitis
c. epididymitis
d. post abortion sepsis
6. Psychogenic factors
a. physical or mental stress
b. poor information regarding sexual technique
c. anorexia nervosa
Causes of Infertility :
A. Male
1. Inadequate sperm count
Azoospermia – absence of sperm
Oligospermia – decrease sperm count
Asthenospermia – decrease motility
Teratospermia – low percentage, abnormal morphology
Causes :
1.1. chronic disease such as PTB or recurrent sinusitis because of slightly elevated temperature, there is a
decrease in spermatozoa
1.2. orchitis that follows mumps
1.3. exposure to excessive x – rays or radioactive substance
1.4. excessive use of alcohol or drugs ( alcohol causes erectile problem )
1.5. low vitamin intake
1.6. surgery near the testes
1.7. presence of varicocele ( varicosity of the spermatic vein )
1.8. Heavy use of marijuana, alcohol or cocaine with 2 years of testing – can depress sperm count and
testosterone level.
1.9. Cigarette smoking may depress sperm motility
2. Obstruction of sperm motility may occur at any point in the pathway that spermatozoa must travel to reach the
3. Changes in seminal fluid – infection of the prostate gland through which seminal fluid passes or infection of the
seminal vesicles change the composition of seminal fluid to reduce sperm motility.
4. Dificulty with ejaculation – too frequent intercourse may reduce sperm count. Abnormalities of the penis such
as hypospadias ( urethral opening in the ventral surface of the penis ) or epispadias ( opening in the dorsal
surface may cause deposition of spermatozoa too far from the cervix to allow for cervical penetration.)
Psychological problems and premature ejaculation may affect the proper deposition of sperm.
Assessment :
a. history taking - ask the client on :
congenital problem
coital position used
contraceptive method used
occupation and work habit
frequency of intercourse and masturbation
ever fathered by a previous marriage or relationship
b.physical assessment – observation of secondary sexual characteristics and genital abnormalities.
Semen is collected after 2 – 3 days of abstinence and usually by masturbation to avoid contamination or loss of
any ejaculate and brought to the lab. In a sealed container within of ejaculation. Exposure to excessive heat or cold is
avoided. Repeated semen analysis maybe required to assess the male’s fertility potential adequately. Because of the
cycle of spermatogenesis is 72 days, semen collection should be repeated at least 74 days apart to allow for new sperm
III. Post coital test – for adequacy of coital technique, cervical mucus, sperm and degree of sperm penetration through
cervical mucus. It is performed within 2 hours after ejaculation of semen into the vagina and performed only in the
absence of vaginal infection.
Therapy :
1. Drug therapy - testosterone enanthate ( Delatestryl ) and testosterone cypionate ( Depo – testosterone ) by
injection - to stimulate virilization.
hCG ( Pregnyl ) – to restore leydig cell function and spermatogenesis.
FSH and hMG – aid hCG for completion of spermatogenesis.
B. Female
1. Anovulation -
Causes :
a. pituitary or thyroid disturbance
b. immaturity or disease of the ovaries
c. excessive wt. Gain
d. excessive exercise
e. extreme emotional stress
f. excessive hair growth, acne, oily skin
Test :
1.1 Basal body temperature - aid in identifying follicular, ovulatory and luteal phase abnormalities. It should be taken
every morning before getting out of bed . ( after at least 3 hours of sleep ) Basal temperature in the preovulatory
phase is usually below 36.7 C ( 98 F ) . As ovulation approaches, production of estrogen increase and at its may
cause a slight drop, then rise, in the basal temperature. When ovulation occurs, there is s surge of LH and
progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum causing 0.3 C to 0.6 C ( 0.5 F to 1.0 F ) increase in basal
1.2 Fern test – usually done at midcycle and again before midcycle and again before menstruation. When high level of
estrogen are present in the body, as they are just prior to ovulation, the cervical mucus forms fern like patterns
when it is smeared and dried in a glass slide. When progesterone is the dominant hormone, a fern pattern is no
longer discernible.
1.3 Spinnbarkeit test or mucus elasticity – at the height of estrogen secretion, the cervical mucus becomes thin and
watery and can be stretched and when progesterone is the dominant hormone, it is contrast to its state.
1.4 Uterine endometrial biopsy – provides information about ovulation by assessing the adequacy of corpus luteum
function and endometrial receptivity. A corkscrew like appearance of the endometrium suggest ovulation has
occurred. It is done by introducing a thin probe and biopsy forcep through the cervix. It is usually done during the
24th – 26th day of a typical menstrual cycle and contraindicated if pregnancy and infection is suspected.
1.5 Culdoscopy – a sterile procedure performed to permit visualization of the organ of reproduction through a
culdoscope inserted into the posterior fornix of the vaginal canal. Both ovaries can be inspected grossly for the
presence of a graafian follicle, corpus luteum or corpus albicans.
2. Tubal factors
Causes :
a. chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
b. rupture appendix or abdominal surgery
c. congenital webbing or strictures of the fallopian tube
Test :
1.1. Rubin test - done in the 3rd day following cessation of menstrual flow, before the ovum has entered the fallopian
tube. Carbon dioxide is instilled into the cervix under pressure. It passes through the uterus and fallopian tube into
the pelvic cavity if the tubes are patent. After few hours, as the carbon dioxide is diffused into the peritoneum and
collects under the diaphragm, the woman experience sharp pain one or both shoulders. This is normal. It is
contraindicated when uterine bleeding or infection is present.
1.2. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) or Hysterogram – involves an instillation of a radiopaque substance into the uterine
cavity. As the substance fills the uterus and fallopian tube and spills into the peritoneal cavity, it is viewed with x –
ray technique. It should be performed in the proliferative phase of the cycle to avoid interrupting an early
pregnancy. It causes moderate discomfort and serious recurrence of PID.
1.3. Hysteroscopy – allow further evaluation on any areas of suspicion within the uterine cavity revealed by HSG.
1.4. Laparoscopy – direct visualization of the pelvic organs and is usually done 6 – 8 mos. After HSG unless symptoms
suggest the need for earlier evaluation.
3. Uterine factors
Causes :
a. tumors
b. congenital deformed uterine cavity
c. Inadequate endometrium formation resulting from poor secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
d. previous D and C
e. induced abortion
f. recurrent abortion
g. menorrhagia
Test :
same with tubal test
4. Cervical factors - wherein the sperm is in hostile environment or cannot penetrate the cervix to pass into the
Causes :
a. infection of the cervix
b. tight cervical OS
c. previous cervical surgery
d. postpartum D and C
e. douching
4.1. Sims – Huhner test – help to assess abnormalities in cervical mucus and sperm motility. The basal body
temperature is taken and during ovulation, the couple should have intercourse. After intercourse, woman lies on
her back for at least 30 mins. To ensure that spermatozoa will reach the cervix.
5. Vaginal factors
Causes :
a. infection
b. blood incompatibility
Test :
5.1. Pelvic examination
6. Pelvic factors
Causes :
a. history of appendectomy, abdominal surgery
b. PID
c. IUD insertion
d. Premenstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunea
Assessment :
1. History taking - ask the client on :
menstrual history including age of menarche, length and frequency of menstrual period, amount of
present or past infection
over all health
abdominal or pelvic operation
previous pregnancy or abortion
family planning device used
occupational hazard
2. Physical assessment
3. Laboratory test - urinalysis
Serologic test
breast discomfort
3. Parlodel – act directly on the prolactin secreting cells in the anterior pituitary. It inhibit the pituitary’s secretion of
FSH and LH. This restores normal menstrual cycles and induces ovulation by allowing FSH and LH production.
4. Danazol ( Danocrine ) – maybe given to suppress ovulation and menstruation and to effect atrophy of the ectopic
endometrial tissue.
5. Gonadotropin- releasing hormone ( GnRH ) – a therapeutic tool for ovulation stimulation. It is used for women
who have insufficient endogenous release of GnRH. The length of treatment varies from 2 – 4 wks. and HCG is
also given to stimulate ovulation.
Obstetric forcep is an instrument designed to deliver the head of the fetus .
Parts of forcep:
2. acute pulmonary edema
3. intrapartum infxn
4. rigid pelvic floor
5. it may also be used “electively” to shorten the 2 nd stage of labor.
1. Explain the procedure.
2. Encourage pt. To maintain breathing tech.
3. Monitor contraction and FHR
to the mother :
a. extensive laceration
b. hemorrhage
c. infxn
to the baby :
a. intracranial injuries
b. disfigurement
Instrument designed to facilitate the delivery of the fetal head by using suction ,applied to the fetal head and the
traction gained with the uterine contraction.
Defined as delivery of the fetus through incision in the abdominal wall and uterine wall.
1. Transverse ( pfannensteil )- made across the lowest and narrowest part of the abdomen.
bec. The incision is made just below the pubic hair line, it is almost invisible after healing.
2. Vertical ( infraumbilical /midline ) – made between the navel and symphysis pubis.
Incision is quicker and preferred in cases of fetal distress.
The type of skin incision is determined by time factor, client pref. Or physician pref.
1. lower uterine segment incision - most commonly used is a transverse incision although a vertical
incision may also be used.
Transverse incision is preferred for the ff. reason :
1.a. lower segment is the thinnest portion of the uterus and
involve less bld loss.
1.b. requires only mod. dissection of bladder from underlying
1.c. easier to repair, although repair takes longer .
1.d. site is less likely to rupture during subsequent preg.
1.e. decrease chance of adherence of bowel or mentum to
incision line.
1.a. takes longer to make transverse incision.
1.b. limited in size bec. of the (+) of major bld vessels on
either side of uterus.
1.c. greater tendency to extend laterally into uterine vessel.
vertical incision :
preferred for multiple gestation, abnormal pres., placenta previa. Fetal distress and preterm and
macrosomic fetus.
1.incision may extend downward into cervix.
2.More extensive dissection of the bladder is needed.
1. placenta previa
2. abruptio placenta
3. breech pres.
4. CPD
5. Active genital herpes
6. Umbilical cord prolapse
7. Failure to progress in labor
1. Orchitis - inflammation of the testes. Results from complication of mumps. If occur after puberty, it may lead to
a. Pain in the scrotal sac
b. Nausea and vomiting
c. Chills
a. Bed rest
b. Hot and cold application
c. Scrotal support
d. Gamma globulin
2. Epididymitis - infection from urine, urethra, prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
a. Difficulty in walking
b. Severe pain
c. Dysuria
a. Antibiotic
b. Bed rest
b. Scrotum should be elevated with cold towel – to relieved pain
a. Enlarged prostate
b. Inflammation of inguinal area and scrotal area
a. Antibiotic
b. Rectal irrigation of warm saline soln
a. Systemic antibiotic
b. Oral fluid
S/Sx :
a. Presence of leukorrhea – primary symptom. During pre and postmenstrual days, the flow is often
milky and may appear as small, white clumps of “material”.
b. vulvar irritation
c. Burning, pruritus esp. after urination
d. Redness
e. Edema of surrounding tissues
a. Douching with tbsp. Of vinegar to 1 qt. water or
b. To restore normal acidity.
c. Hot sitz – to decrease inflammation
d. Topical cream – may relieve discomfort
e. Antibiotics – to eradicate the microorganism
- use of Flagyl IV or vaginally 500 mg BID for 5 days
S/E: GI disturbance
S/P: not to be used during the first trimester
Nursing Intervention:
a. Sexual abstinence
b. Douche
c. Sunshine, rest and good nutrition
d. tampoon - to absorb discharge
e. Good perineal hygiene
S/Sx :
a. Offensive discharge with little or no discomfort or itching
b. Local evidence of infection in the epithelium
c. Very slight creamy discharge
a. Local therapy with Sulfonamides
b. Sulfa cream –at least 3 – 4 wks.
c. Terramycin supp.
d. Ampicillin 500 mg. q 6 hrs. x 5 days
a. Thin, blood – tinged discharge
b. dyspareunia
a. Estrogen therapy
b. Vaginal suppositories or cream (Stilbestrol 0.5 mg) 2
– 3 x a wk.
6. Bacterial vaginosis/non – specific vaginitis - the most common cause of vaginal symptoms among childbearing
women caused by Gardnerella vaginalis.
Clinical signs:
a. Vaginal fluid pH is elevated
b. Amine (fishy) odor when mixed with 10% KCL
c. Milk like discharge
d. Itching, burning sensation
e. Pain maybe present in the vagina
Predisposing factors:
a. Amniotic fluid infection
c. Preterm labor and delivery
d. Post partum endometritis
e. PID
a. Oral Metronidazole – should be given in the 2nd and 3rd trimester
b. Topical prep. Of Metronidazole and Clindamycin
a. Backache
b. leukorrhoea
c. Irregular mens
a. Speculum exam. of the cervix
b. cytologic smear – to R/O CA
c. Biopsy
a. Cauterization
b. Vaginal suppositories
c. Antibiotic
2. Chronic cervicitis
a. Persistent leukorrhea
b. Thick, viscid discharge
c. Abdominal discomfort
d. dyspareunia
e. Spotting of blood between period and / after intercourse
a. cryotherapy – destruction of cervical epithelium by freezing
b. Cauterization – complete healing requires 7 – 8 wks.
3. Cervical polyp - usually small tumors arising from the cervical canal extending downward toward or through the
cervical os. Generally, benign and maybe single or multiple characterized by bright red growths.
- Bleeding after coitus or may cause slight bleeding after defecation
a. Pap smear
b. Inspection of polyp
c. Biopsy of cervix and endometrium if bleeding persist
4. Ectoplasia or erosion - deep red appearance on the face of the cervix resulting from trauma or infection.
a. electrocautery
b. Use of vinegar ( acid ) douches
5. Laceration - deep extensive laceration either bilateral or stellate.
6. Cervical stenosis - may occur after laceration, cone biopsy, cryotherapy or cervical cauterization, and in cervical CA
during radiation therapy. If due to atrophy, it is not symtomatic. If malignancy occur, blood or mucus may fill the cavity and
cause pain and cramping.
Tx: drainage
A. Inflammatory diseases:
The vulvar skin maybe the site of any and all of the common dermatologic diseases caused of local irritants like
vaginal discharges, menstrual fluids, urine, feces and secretion from skene gland.
Clinical signs:
a. Skin is erythematous ( initial phase )
b. Linear fissuring
c. Thickening and cracking skin
a. Drying powders
b. Elimination of tight undergarments
2. Seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis - excessive secretion of the sebacious glands into both labial folds produces
an irritation and later, demonstrate crushing and scaling of the skin.
1. Batholin adenitis - the gland becomes swollen and painful with purelent exudate.
a. Bed rest
b. Analgesic – to relieve pain
c. Local thermotherapy ( ice pack or hot sitz )
d. Antibacterial therapy
e. I and D - if abcess formation is noted
2. Sebaceous or inclusion cysts - results from inflammatory blockage of the ducts of sebaceous glands and are usually
small, most commonly on the inner surfaces of the labia majora and minora.
They contain a cheesy sebaceous material with formation of small furuncle like abscess.
if it is small and asymptomatic – no treatment required
if it is large and annoying – excision is required
1. Myoma - muscle tumor, which composed chiefly of, unstripped muscled fibrous connective tissue.
Often called fibroids
They occur single or multiple
Cause is unknown
Location maybe cervical or corporal
S/Sx :
1.hypermenorrhea – due to excessive estrogen effect
2. Bearing down sensation
3. Pressure symptoms
4. Pelvic pain
5. Bladder disturbance
6. Presence of mass upon palpation
1. Simple cysts
a. Follicular cysts - varies from a small, pea sized structure to a size of an egg. It may be unilateral or
bilateral. It contains a clear, serous fluid. It represent an altered graafian follicle
b. Corpus luteum cysts – lined with slightly yellowish epithelium and filled with a pale yellowish – stained
clear fluid. It is usually unilateral.
2. Dermoid cysts – there is filled with sebaceous material elaborated by the skin – like lining. It contains abundant hair,
cartilage, bone, teeth, brain cells and other tissues. It can be unilateral or bilateral and usually seen in young women.
these involve the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, peritoneum or any extension from these organs.
a. Gonorrheal – due to infection by Neisseria gonorrheae
b. pyogenic - due to infection by a large variety of organism like E. coli and streptococci
S/Sx :
a. Severe pain in the pelvis and lower abdominal region
b. Muscular rigidity and tenderness
c. Abdominal distention
d. Nausea and vomiting
e. Fever
f. Rapid pulse
Tx :
a. Bed rest e. avoid sexual relation
b. Adequate IVF f. Hot compress at lower back
c. Analgesic g. sitz bath
d. Antibiotic
A condition characterized by presence of endometrial tissue outside the endometrial cavity. This occurs at
any age after puberty.
a. dysmenorrhea
b. Pain on defication during the time of menstrual cycle
c. Pelvic heaviness
d. dyspareunia
e. Abnormal uterine bleeding
a. laparoscopy - exam. of the interior of the abdomen
by inserting a small telescope through anterior abdl. Wall.
b. laparotomy
c. Bimanual exam.- may reveal a fixed, tender, retroverted uterus and
Palpable nodules.
a. Depends on the severity of symptoms:
b. Mild - require analgesic
c. Severe – treated with low estrogen to progestin ratio oral
d. Contraceptive - to shrink endometrial tissue
Danazol – a mildly synthetic androgenic steroid that suppress FSH and LH secretion
a. masculinizing traits in woman
b. Weight gain
c. Decrease breast size
d. Edema
e. Migraine headaches
f. Decrease libido
g. Dizziness
a. Not in used in pregnant woman – can produce pseudohermaphroditism in female
b. Contraindicated with liver disease
c. Should used in caution with cardiac and
renal disease
S/Sx :
a. Often asymptomatic
b. Thin or purelent discharge
c. Burning and frequency of urination
d. dyspareunia
e. Lower abdominal pain
Tx :
a. Non pregnancy: doxycycline or tetracycline
b. Pregnancy: erythromycin or amoxycillin
2. Gonorrhea - caused by Neisseria gonorrheae spread by direct contact and indirect contact through inanimate object
or fomites. (Secretion on fomites such as washcloths, towels, blood linens and clothing often are implicated)
S/Sx :
a. dysuria and urinary frequency
b. Heavy green – yellow purelent discharge
c. Cervical tenderness
d. dyspareunia
e. Post – coital bleeding
f. Lower abdominal pain
g. In some cases, swollen and inflammation of the vulva
a. For non-pregnancy and pregnancy: antibiotic therapy such as cefriaxone 250 mg IM OD + doxycycline 100
mg PO BID x 7 days. If allergy with cefriaxone, spectinomycin is given followed by doxycycline
b. Sexual partners should be treated
Neonatal effect:
a. Ophthalmia neonatorum
b. Pneumonia
3. Syphilis – caused by treponema pallidum. It can be acquired congenitally through transplacental inoculation (16th – 18
wks of gestation).
S/Sx :
c. Tertiary stage- Clinical evidence of disease throughout the body especially bones, cardiac and
Dx :
a. Dark field exam.
b. Blood test such as VDRL (venereal disease
Research lab)
Tx: penicillin
4. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 - is usually associated with genital infection and can occur as oral lesion after oral
genital sexual contact.
A. Primary:
1. Multiple blister like vesicle usually in the genital
Area and sometimes affecting the vaginal wall,
Cervix, urethra and anus.
2. Painful blister form, rupture and drain leaving
Shallow ulcers that crust over and disappear after 2 – 6 wks.
3. Fever
4. Malaise
5. Anorexia
6. dysuria
7. dyspareunia
B. Recurrent:
1. pruritus
2. Burning sensation the genital area
3. Slight increase in vaginal discharge
Effects on pregnancy:
a. Spontaneous abortion
b. preterm labor
a. cytologic testing
b. b. pap smear
Tx :
a. Zovirax ointment – to reduce viral shedding and
Healing time of lesion
b. Cleansing with betadine solution – to prevent
Secondary infection
c. Burow’s solution – to relieve discomfort
d. Keeping genital area clean and dry
e. Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear
f. Advised to abstain from sexual activity while lesion
are present
g. Bed rest
S/Sx :
a. wartlike exposure on the vulva, vagina, cervix,
Rectum, buttocks and inner thigh
b. Chronic vaginal discharge
c. dyspareunia
d. pruritus
Dx : a. colposcopy
b. Direct visualization of growth
c. Biopsy
Tx :
a. cryotherapy – to destroy the lesion
b. Knife excision
c. Application of podophyllin topically then wash it off 4
Hrs. after
d. Application ( for pregnant : trichloroacetic acid )
e. Laser therapy
Caused by Phythirus thay lays eggs and attach to the hair shaft. It can be transmitted through shared
towels and bed linens.
S/Sx :
a. Intense pruritus in areas covered by pubic hair
b. “ crabs” or brown – red spots may be noted in the
Tx :
a. Application of 1 % Permethrin cream for 10 mins.
Plus combing of the pubic hair with fine toothcomb.
b. Should be instructed to launder or dry clean all
Contaminated linens or clothing.
Caused by HIV. The HIV enters the body through blood, blood products and other fluids such as semen,
vaginal fluid and breast milk. Although the virus has been isolated in urine, tears, CSF, lymph nodes, brain tissue
and bone marrow. Individuals generally develop antibodies and test ( + ) for HIV within 2 – 12 wks. after
exposure, although some people will take up to mos. To develop antibodies. A person with HIV ( + ) are usually
asymptomatic and remain for 5 – 7 yrs. or more .
a. french kissing ( wet ) d. fellatio interruptus
b. Anal intercourse with condom e. cunnillingus
c. Vaginal intercourse with condom
a. Anal intercourse without condom
b. Vaginal intercourse without condom
c. Fisting (manual - anal contact)
d. Fellatio with semen ingestion
e. Rimming (oral – anal contact)
POWER – during the first stage of labor, the latent phase is said to be prolonged if it is > 20 hours in the nullipara
and > 14 hours in parous women.
1. Uterine dysfunction/ dysfunctional labor – problem of inadequate force described or characterized by
abnormal uterine contraction that prevent normal progress of cervical dilatation, effacement and descent.
a. malposition
b. fetopelvic disproportion
c. Overstretched uterus due to twin, big baby, hydramnios
d. Lax uterus due to grand multi.
Maternal risk:
a. Intrauterine infection – due to vaginal exam.
b. Post-partal hemorrhage – due to inadequate uterine that has been present and may
persist after birth.
c. Maternal exhaustion
Fetal risk:
a. Fetal and neonatal distress
b. Sign of sepsis
1.amniotomy maybe done
2.intravenous fluid
3.oxytocin IV – to improve quality of uterine
4.C/S – if fetal descent does not occur
a. Bed rest
b. Monitor progress of labor and FHB
c. Sedation
d. Administered adequate fluid
e. C/S – if fetal distress occur
NOTE: Oxytocin is not administered because it is likely to accentuate the abnormal labor
2. Pathologic retraction ring / Bandl’s ring – marked stretching and thinning of the lower uterine segment. It
occur at any stage of labor. When it occurs during the 1st stage, it is the result of uncoordinated contraction.
During 2nd stage, it is caused by obstetric manipulation. During 3rd stage, it is the result of administration of
a. C/S
b. Administration of IV morphine sulfate – to relieve the retraction ring.
3. Prolonged labor- labor lasting >24 hrs. The cervix fails to dilate within a reasonable period of time. Labor
was not considered prolonged unless 24 – 48 hrs. Had lapsed.
Other causes:
f. excessive use of analgesia / sedative
g. PROM in the present of uneffaced, closed cervix
h. Reduced pain tolerance
Maternal risk:
a. Maternal exhaustion
b. Infection and hemorrhage from uterine atony
Fetal risk:
a. Fetal distress
b. PROM – increase risk of infection
c. Prolapsed cord
a. adminitration of oxytocin
b. amniotomy
c. intravenous fluid
d. rest and sedation
e. forcep delivery or C/S
a. prolonged labor f. VBAC
b. faulty presentation g. weakened C/S scar
c. multiple pregnancy
d. unwise use of oxytocin
e. traumatic maneuver – version or difficult forcep
2.1. complete – extend through the 3 muscle layer of uterus
2.2. incomplete – involves the whole myometrium but the peritoneum remain intact
2.3. spontaneous – occurs during labor
2.4. traumatic – associated with manipulation
Fetal-neonatal risk:
a. fetal distress
b. fetal mortality
a. medical mgt. of shock
b. STAT C/S then hysterectomy
a. Woman in strong labor suddenly sit up
b. Grasps her chest – due to dyspnea
c. Sharp pain
d. Pale and cyanotic
e. Death may occur in minutes
a. O2 administration
b. Maintenance of cardiac output
Maternal risk:
a. May experience respiratory distress
b. Increased maternal mortality
Maternal risk:
a. may experienced shortness of breath and edema in the lower extremities.
b. Intrapartal uterine contraction
c. Post partum hemorrhage
Fetal-neonatal risk :
a. Fetal malformation
b. preterm birth
a. Hospitalization is required
b. Removal of fluid – amniocentesis with the aid of UTZ
Diagnosed on UTZ – when the largest vertical pocket of amniotic fluid is 5 cm or less.
Found in cases of postmaturity with IUGR secondary to placental insufficiency.
Medical therapy:
1. During antepartal period - fetus can be assessed by biophysical profiles, NST and serial UTZ.
2. During labor – continuous EFM – to detect cord compression. ( by baseline bradycardia and / or
moderate or severe variable deceleration.)
1.) Malpresentation
1. A. Breech presentation
Complication to be anticipated:
a.1. perinatal morbidity and mortality
From difficult delivery
a.2. LBW from prematurity, growth
a.3. Prolapsed cord
a.4. Placenta previa
a.5. Multiple fetuses
Sub – classification:
a.1. Frank breech – lower extremities are flexed at
The hips and extended at the knee.
a.2. Complete breech – one or both knees are flexed
a.3. Footling breech – one or both feet is at the
Lowermost in the birth canal.
1. abdominal exam. – leopold’s maneuver
LM 1 – hard, round, readily ballotable fetal head is
found to occupy the fundus.
LM 2 – indicates the back to be on one side of the
abdomen and the small parts on the other.
LM 3 – breech is movable above the pelvic inlet.
LM 4 – firm breech to be beneath the symphysis.
2. Vaginal exam. – Both ischial tuberosities, sacrum and the anus are palpable.
3. X – ray and ultrasound
b. Prague maneuver – this is used in case the back of the fetus fails to rotate to the anterior. A
strong traction on the fetal legs is applied with 2 fingers of one hand grasping the shoulder of
the back down the fetus from below, while the other hand draws the feet up over the
abdomen of the mother.
d. Pinard maneuver – used in extraction of frank breech and maybe accompanied by modified
traction exerted by a finger in each groin and facilitated by a generous episiotomy. Two
fingers are carried up along one extremity to the knee to push it away from the midline.
Fetal risk:
a. head entrapment
b. high incidence of perinatal mortality – associated with trauma to the head
c. cord prolapsed – if BOW is ( - )
a. perform version
VERSION – turning the fetus; a procedure used to change the fetal position by abdominal or
intrauterine manipulation.
Types of version:
a. 1.external version – usually done after 37th wks. gestation. This is an external
manipulation of the maternal abdomen.
a. presenting part is not engaged
b. normal amount of amniotic fluid
and intact BOW
c. no sign of fetal distress
d.the woman is not obese
a. ruptured membrane
b. ( + ) of uterine contraction
d. Placenta previa
e. Previous C/S
a.2.internal version – turning the fetus by inserting a hand into the uterine cavity. This is used
only with the 2nd twin during a vaginal delivery.
b.fetal monitoring
c. C/S – if version is unsuccessful
Fetal risk:
a. may develop caput succedaneum
b. edema of the face after birth
c. infection
a. vaginal delivery if no evidence of fetal distress
b. C/S – in case of CPD
Fetal risk:
a. increase fetal mortality
b. trauma – neck compression
- damage trachea and larynx
a. forcep delivery
b. C/S – if fetal distress is suspected
4.A. Shoulder presentation or transverse lie
The infant’s long axis lies across the woman’s abdomen and on inspection, the contour of
the maternal abdomen appears widest from side to side.
a. grandmulti with lax uterine musculature
b. preterm fetus
c. obstruction – placenta previa; neoplasm
d. hydramnios
e. contracted pelvis
a. Leopold’s maneuver
LM 1 – no fetal pole is detected in the fundus
LM 2 – ballottable head is found in one iliac fossa and the breech in the other.
LM 3 – negative
LM 4 – negative
FHB are heard just below the midline of umbilicus.
b. vaginal exam. – in early stages of labor, the side of the thorax may be recognized.
Maternal risk:
a. uterine rupture
b. infection in case of prolonged labor
Fetal risk :
a. prolapsed cord
b. prolapsed fetal arm
c. may die from asphyxia and trauma
Management: C/S
6.A. Cord prolapsed
When the umbilical cord precedes the fetal presenting part.
Occult cord prolapse – when the umbilical cord lies besides or just ahead of the fetal
Most likely to occur in :
a. malpresentation
b. LBW
c. Multipara
d. Multiple gestation
e. Presence of long cord
Fetal risk:
a. umbilical cord compression
b. bradycardia and persistent variable deceleration may develop
a. put patient in bed STAT and in T – berg position – because the possibility of cord
compression is high and reduce pressure on the cord.
b. Monitor FHB
c. Apply a warm, saline saturated OS on the cord
d. C/ S
Division of fertilized ovum at various early stages of development as follows ( Genesis of monozygotic
a. If the fertilized ovum divides within the 1st 72 hours past fertilization, the twin will be diamniotic,
dichorionic monozygotic twin.
b. If the division occurs from the 4th – 8th day past fertilization, the embryos will develop each in
separate amniotic sacs termed as diamniotic , monochorionic, monozygotic twin.
c. If the division happens after the 8th day, the twin will share both common amniotic sac termed
as monoamniotic, monochorionic, monozygotic twin.
Etiology :
a. Fraternal – occur from 2 separate ova ( dizygotic ) and they maybe the same sex or different
sexes. – diamniotic, dichorionic ( 2 amnion and chorion )
b. Identical – occur from 1 fertilized ovum ( monozygotic ) and are always of the same sex.
maternal system is nurturing more than one
1.c. increase incidence of PIH – as a result from
oversized uterus and increase amount of
placental hormones.
1.d. 3rd trimester bleeding from placenta previa and
abruptio placenta occurs more frequently.
2. During labor
2.a. uterine dysfunction – due to over stretched
2.b. abnormal fetal presentation
2.c. preterm labor
3. perinatal mortality
4. LBW
5. Uterine atony
6. Hydramnios
Medical therapy:
a. comprehensive prenatal
b. ultrasound – to assess the growth of each fetus
c. bed rest in lateral position – enhance uterine placental- fetal blood flow and decrease the risk of
preterm labor.
d. Non stress test – at 30 – 34 wks AOG
e. During intrapartal – anesthesia and x – matched blood should be readily available.
- electronic fetal monitoring
3.) Malposition
a. vaginal delilvery is possible as follows:
1. await spontaneous birth
2. forcep – assisted
3. forcep rotation using Scanzoni maneuver or manual rotation to OA
b. C /S – in case of CPD
Maternal risk:
a. may lead to dysfunctional labor – due to distention of the uterus
b. increase incidence of post partum hemorrhage
c. increase chance of uterine rupture
d. increase incidence of perineal laceration
Fetal risk:
a. asphyxia
b. brachial plexus injury – due to improper or excessive traction applied to the fetal head.
c. Shoulder dystocia – difficulty in the birth of shoulder or impaction of the shoulder.
a. ultrasound or x – ray pelvimetry
b. use of Mc Robert’s maneuver
c. enlarge the episiotomy
d. assess FHB for fetal distress
4.2. Hydrocephalus
Excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain with consequent
enlargement of the cranium. The volume of fluid is usually between 500 – 1,500 ml.
Maternal risk:
a. obstruction of labor
b. uterine rupture may occur if the uterus is allowed to continue contracting.
Diagnosis: ultrasound
a. cephalocentesis – removal of CSF
b. C/S
a. thoracopagus – shared body site is anterior
b. pyopagus – posterior
c. craniopagus - cephalic
d. ischiopagus – caudal
3 groups:
a. incomplete formation at the upper or lower half of the body ( diprosopus dipygus )
b. twins that are united at the upper or lower end of the body (craniopagus, pygopagus)
c. Double monster – united at the trunk ( dicephalus )
Management: a vaginal delivery is possible although dystocia is common and if the fetuses
are mature, traumatic delivery may experience.
4.4. Anencephaly
Condition in which the fetal cerebrum and cranium fail to develop.
Appearance of the fetus sometimes referred to as “ anencephalic monster”
Face is prominent with protruding eyes and cranial vault is absent.
Cause is unknown
Commonly accompanied by hydramnios
Diagnosis can be confirmed by UTZ and amniocentesis.
Maternal implication:
tend to be prolonged and induction of labor is difficult – uterus may not be responsive to
Nursing responsibilites:
1. Provide physical and emotional support
2. Provide information sensitively
3. Acknowledge the loss and grieving of family members
Maternal effect:
a. abnormal cervical dilatation
b. danger of uterine rupture and pathologic retraction ring
c. intra partum infection
Fetal effect:
a. caput succedaneum
b. fetal head molding – can result in skull fracture or intracranial hemorrhage
c. cord prolapse – if membranes ruptured and fetal head has not entered the inlet
Maternal risk:
a. prolonged labor in the presence of CPD
c. Uterine rupture
Management: C /S
When the sum of the interspinous and posterior sagittal diameter falls to 13.5 cm or below.
1.2. bartholin abcess – cause pain and discomfort and can be starting point of puerperal infection.
Protrussion of the bladder downward into the vagina that develops when supporting structure in the
vesicovaginal septum are injured.
Anterior wall relaxation gradually develops often after several babies. When the woman stands, the
weakened anterior vaginal wall cannot support the weight of the urine in the bladder, the vesicovaginal
septum is forced downward.
It is recognized as bulging of the anterior wall of vagina.
Herniation of the anterior rectal wall through the relaxed or ruptured vaginal fascia and rectovaginal
It can cause disturbance in bowel function, the sensation of “ bearing down”.
4.1. uterine prolapse – occurs when the cardinal ligaments that supports the vagina and uterus donot
return to normal after delivery and when the relationship of the axis of the uterus to that of the vagina
is altered.
Always accompanied with cystocele and rectocele.
4.2. retroversion
most common displacement
maybe congenital or a sequel to childbirth
5. Presence of tumor
During fetal development, the female reproductive tract is formed by the fusion of the 2
mullerian ducts. Anomalies arise primarily from the alteration of the fusion process. Failure of the
duct to fuse normally results in 2 partially or completely separated tracts.
Structural abnormalities:
10.1 Uterine abnormalities
4 types:
a. Septate uterus – appears normal from the exterior, but it contains a septum that
extends partially or completely from the fundus to the cervix, dividing the uterine
cavity into 2 separate compartment.
b. Bicornuate uterus – roughly Y –shaped. The fundus is notched to various depth
and the patient may even appear to have a “ double uterus” however, there is
only 1 cervix.
c. Double uterus – results from lack of midline fusion, and 2 complete uterine, each
with its own cervix are formed.
d. Uterus didelphys – when both are fully formed.
e. Hemiuterus – results when one mullerian duct fails to develop during embryonic
growth, resulting in 1 uterine cavity and 1 oviduct.
Malformation of the uterus may cause difficulty when pregnancy occurs. The uterus may not
be able to stretch sufficiently to accommodate the growing fetus.
If the woman has abnormal external genitals – surgical reconstruction of abnormal tissue and
construction of functional vagina may permit normal intercourse.
Surgical intervention depends entirely on the anatomic devt.
May affect labor and birth depending on the ability of the cervix to dilate and efface.
a. surgical tx for structural abnormalities
b. C / S
Nursing Responsibilities:
a. assessment and close monitoring of progress of labor
b. monitor for sign of dystocia
II. Precipitate labor – extremely rapid labor that last for <
3 hrs.
a. Abnormal low resistance in maternal tissues
b. Strong uterine contraction
c. Lack of pain sensation
d. multiparity
e. oxytocin overdose
f. Large pelvis
Maternal risk:
a. severe laceration
b. possibility of uterine rupture
c. post partum hemorrhage
d. amniotic fluid embolism
Fetal-neonatal risk:
a. subdural hemorrhage
b. increased intracranial pressure
c. injury secondary to fall
d. laceration or rupture of the cord
a. Allow the baby to be born and to catch the baby
b. Do not hold the baby back nor “ lock” the mother’s leg in an attempt to delay delivery – may result in
damage to the maternal soft part and baby’s brain.
Precipitate delivery –refers to sudden, unexpected and unprepared delivery under unsterile condition.
When the oxygen supply is insufficient to meet the physiologic demands of the fetus.
Contributing factors:
a. Cord compression
b. uteroplacental insufficiency associated by pre existing maternal / fetal disease.
a. Changes in FHT
b. meconium stained amniotic fluid
c. Late or severe variable deceleration or progressive acceleration – indication of hypoxia
Fetal risk:
a. Fetal hypoxia which may lead to mental retardation or cebreral palsy
b. Fetal demise (fetal death )
a. O2 inhalation
b. Positioned patient
c. Electronic fetal monitoring
d. D/C oxytocin
1. Maternal factors
a. Cardiovascular or renal disease
b. Diabetes
c. PIH
d. Abdominal surgery during pregnancy
e. Uterine anomalies
f. Cervical incompetence
g. DES exposure
h. Maternal infection
2. Fetal factors
a. Multiple pregnancy
b. hydramnios
c. Fetal distress
3. Placental factors
a. Placenta previa
b. abruptio placenta
Maternal risk:
a. psychologic stress factors related to the concern for her unborn child
b. Physiologic maternal risk related to possible medical tx such as tocolysis and prolonged bed rest.
a. Avoid hypoxia
b. Avoid depressing the fetal respiratory center with excessive analgesic drugs
c. Use epidural analgesia
d. Use C/S particularly in breech presentation
e. Reduce trauma to the fetus particularly the skull in vaginal delivery
Etiologic factors:
Hormonal changes of estrogen, progesterone and prostaglandin
Maternal risk:
a. Increase incidence of operative birth
b. oligohydramnios may be present
1. Assess client using NST, BPP weekly
2. Induction of labor
1. (-) fetal movement
2. (-) FHB
3. Uterine growth ceases
4. Uterine size decrease
5. Fetal heart movement cannot be visualized by UTZ
6. x – ray detected by the appearance of intravascular or intra abdominal fetal gas ( Robert’s sign )
associated with severe maternal DM, pre eclampsia, placenta previa and umbilical cord accident.
A. At 12 wks.
1. Confirmation of diagnosis – to diagnose fetal death ASAP through UTZ
2. D/C of uterine contents – to evacuate
3. Prescription of analgesic
B. 13 – 28 wks
1. Confirmation
2. Induction of labor after 3 wks of fetal death
3. Labor and delivery of product of conception
4. Prescription of analgesic and methergin
5. Uterine curettage – to ensure removal of all tissue
6. Cervical inspection for trauma
C. > 28 wks.
Same as above
Classification of hemorrhage:
1.1. Early post partum hemorrhage – or immediate post partal hemorrhage.
Occur within the 1st 24 hrs. After birth.
A. Uterine atony - failure of the uterus to contract adequately. This is the most common
cause of early post partum hemorrhage.
Predisposing factors:
a.1. overdistention of the uterus
a.2. Dysfunctional labor
a.3. Excessive analgesia during labor or
Prolonged anesthesia after sedation
a.4. oxytocin use
a.5. Trauma due to obstetric procedure or
a.6. grandmultiparity
a.1. Massage the uterus – initial action
a.2. Ice compress
a.3. oxytocin administration
a.4. emptying the bladder
a.5. Bimanual uterine compression – if
Bleeding is excessive
a.6. O2 via mask
a.7. Check the cervix and vagina for Laceration
Can be detected when bright red bleeding persists in the presence of firmly
contracted uterus.
C. Retained placenta – the most common cause is due to massage of the fundus prior to
placental separation.
c.1. manual removal of the placenta
1.2. Late post partum hemorrhage - generally occurs 1 – 2 wks after delivery and most often results of
abnormal involution of the placental site.
Predisposing factors:
retained placental fragments
2. HEMATOMA / PUERPERAL HEMATOMA – occur as a result of injury to a blood vessel, often without
noticeable trauma to the superficial tissue.
Predisposing factors:
a. PIH
b. Genital varicosities
c. Increase vascularity
d. Use of pudendal regional anesthesia
e. Precipitate labor
f. Prolonged 2nd stage of labor
g. Forcep – assisted birth
2.1.Vulvar - most opften involve branches of
the pudendal artery including the posterior
rectal, transverse perineal or posterior labial
2.2.Vaginal – may involve the descending branch
of the uterine artery.
a. small vulvar hematoma may be treated with the application of ice pack.
b. Large hematoma require surgical intervention
c. Antibiotic
d. Vaginal packing
Predisposing factors:
A. Antepartum
a. Anemia
b. Nutrition
c. Sexual intercourse
B. Intrapartum
a. Bacterial contamination
b. Trauma
c. Blood loss
e. Excessive i.e. during labor
Types of infection :
3.1. Lesion of the perineum, vulva, vagina and cervix
is a localized infection of repaired laceration or
most common puerperal infection.
Necrotizing fasciitis – an infection of the superficial fascia and subcutaneous tissue arising from
an episiotomy site.
Early sign:
erythema , edema and induration at the
episiotomy site with later devt. Of skin
1. Analgesic
2. Antibiotic therapy
3. Stitches should be removed
4. sitz bath
3.2.Endometritis / metritis
After placental expulsion, the placental site provides an excellent culture medium for bacterial growth.
Clinical sign:
a. Fever
b. Abdominal pain or tenderness on one or both side of abdomen
c. After pain
d. Foul smelling lochia
Tx: analgesic
Nursing care:
1. Place patient in fowler’s or semi – fowler’s position
2. Fluid intake 3000 – 4000 ml ( if not contraindicated )
3. Provide high caloric foods
Clinical sign:
a. Pain may be severe
b. Marked bowel distension
a. IVF
b. Broad – spectrum antibiotic
c. Should be treated surgically
a. Puerperal fever c. chills
b. Engorged breast d. abcess ( if untreated )
4.3.1. Milk stasis – a mild, short – lived condition, usually without fever and not requiring
a. Tight clothing
b. Missed feeding
c. Poor support of pendulous breast
4.3.3. Infectious mastitis – a more serious infection with fever, headache, flulike symptoms
and warm, reddened, painful area of the breast.
a. Bed rest
b. Increased fluid intake
c. Supportive bra
d. Feeding the baby frequently
e. Local application of heat
f. Analgesic
Occurs when the uterus fails to follow the normal pattern of involution.
a. Retained placental fragments
b. Infection
a. Methergin 0.2 mg every 4 hrs. for 24 – 48 hrs.
b. when metritis is present – antibiotics
c. curettage – if treatment is not effective