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Review Questions

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Review Questions

1. Distinguish between long-range planning and strategic planning.

2. Compare a company’s strategic plan with a football team’s game plan.

3. Describe the three activities that comprise strategy evaluation.

4. How important do you feel “being adept at adapting” is for business firms?

5. Compare the opossum and turtle to the woolly mammoth and saber-toothed
tiger in terms of being adept at adapting. What can we learn from the opossum
and turtle?

6. As cited in the chapter, Edward Deming, a famous businessman, once said, “In
God we trust. All others bring data.” What did Deming mean in terms of
developing a strategic plan?

7. What strategies do you believe can save newspaper companies from


8. Distinguish between the concepts of vision and mission.

9. Your university has fierce competitors. List three external opportunities and
three external threats that face your university.

10. List three internal strengths and three internal weaknesses that characterize
your university.

11. List reasons why objectives are essential for organizational success.

12. List four strategies and a hypothetical example of each.

13. List six characteristics of annual objectives.

14. Why are policies especially important in strategy implementation?

15. What is a “retreat,” and why do firms take the time and spend the money to
have these?
16. Discuss the notion of strategic planning being more formal versus informal
in an organiza- tion. On a 1 to 10 scale from formal to informal, what number
best represents your view of the most effective approach? Why?

17. List 10 guidelines for making the strategic-planning process effective.

Arrange your guidelines in prioritized order of importance in your opinion.

18. List what you feel are the five most important lessons for business that can
be garnered from The Art of War book.

19. What is the fundamental difference between business strategy and military
strategy in terms of basic assumptions?

20. Explain why the strategic management class is often called a “capstone

21. What aspect of strategy formulation do you think requires the most time?

22. Why is strategy implementation often considered the most difficult stage in
the strategic- management process?

23. Why is it so important to integrate intuition and analysis in strategic


24. Explain the importance of a vision and a mission statement.

25. Discuss relationships among objectives, strategies, and policies.

26. Why do you think some chief executive officers fail to use a strategic-
management approach to decision making?

27. Discuss the importance of feedback in the strategic-management model.

28. How can strategists best ensure that strategies will be effectively

29. Give an example of a recent political development that changed the overall
strategy of an organization.
30. Who are the major competitors of your college or university? What are
their strengths and weaknesses? What are their strategies? How successful are
these institutions compared to your college? 31. Would strategic-management
concepts and techniques benefit foreign businesses as much as domestic firms?
Justify your answer.

32. What do you believe are some potential pitfalls or risks in using a strategic-
management approach to decision making?

33. In your opinion, what is the single major benefit of using a strategic-
management approach to decision making? Justify your answer.

34. Compare business strategy and military strategy.

35. Why is it important for all business majors to study strategic management
since most students will never become a chief executive officer nor even a top
manager in a large company?

36. Describe the content available on the SMCO Web site at

37. List four financial and four nonfinancial benefits of a firm engaging in
strategic planning.

38. Why is it that a firm can normally sustain a competitive advantage for only a
limited period of time? 39. Why it is not adequate to simply obtain competitive

40. How can a firm best achieve sustained competitive advantage?

1. What are some different names for “mission statement,” and where will you
likely find a firm’s mission statement?

2. If your company does not have a vision or mission statement, describe a good
process for developing these documents.

3. Explain how developing a mission statement can help resolve divergent views
among managers in a firm.

4. Drucker says the most important time to seriously reexamine the firm’s
vision/mission is when the firm is very successful. Why is this?

5. Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts,

numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives.

6. Discuss the meaning of the following statement: “Good mission statements

identify the utility of a firm’s products to its customers.”

7. Distinguish between the “self-concept” and the “philosophy” components in

a mission statement. Give an example of each for your university.

8. When someone or some company is “on a mission” to achieve something,

many times they cannot be stopped. List three things in prioritized order that
you are “on a mission” to achieve in life.

9. Compare and contrast vision statements with mission statements in terms of

composition and importance.

10. Do local service stations need to have written vision and mission
statements? Why or why not?

11. Why do you think organizations that have a comprehensive mission tend to
be high perform- ers? Does having a comprehensive mission cause high

12. Explain why a mission statement should not include strategies and
13. What is your college or university’s self-concept? How would you state that
in a mission statement? 14. Explain the principal value of a vision and a mission

15. Why is it important for a mission statement to be reconciliatory?

16. In your opinion, what are the three most important components that
should be included when writing a mission statement? Why?

17. How would the mission statements of a for-profit and a nonprofit

organization differ?

18. Write a vision and mission statement for an organization of your choice.

19. Conduct a search on the Internet with the keywords vision statement and
mission statement. Find various company vision and mission statements, and
evaluate the documents. Write a one-page single-spaced report on your

20. Who are the major stakeholders of the bank that you do business with
locally? What are the major claims of those stakeholders?

21. List seven characteristics of a mission statement.

22. List eight benefits of having a clear mission statement.

23. How often do you think a firm’s vision and mission statements should be

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