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Rice Polish Composition

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© 2011, Scienceline Publication

Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research

Volume 2, Issue 3: 235-239 (2012) ISSN 2228-7701



1Department of Animal Science and Nutrition, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong,
2UG student, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
3Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,

Chittagong, Bangladesh
4Veterinary Officer, Strengthening of Support Services for Combating Avian Influenza Project-Bangladesh, District

Livestock Office, Dhaka


ABSTRACT: The present study was undertaken to observe the chemical composition of different
types of rice polish available in different areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Twenty different types of
rice polishes were collected from study areas. Chemical analyses of the samples were carried out in
triplicate for moisture, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract
(NFE), ether extract (EE) and total ash (TA) in the animal nutrition laboratory, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Metabolizable energy (ME) was calculated
mathematically for all samples by using standard formula. Results indicated that, there were no
marked variations (P>0.05) in the moisture, DM and TA contents of the samples. However, ME, CP,
CF, NFE and EE content significantly differed (P0.01) from one sample to another. Moisture content
varied from 4.0 to 11.4 g/100g, DM content varied from 88.6 to 96.0 g/100g, ME content varied
from 1321.8 to 3086.9, CP content varied from 4.7 to 14.9 g/100g, CF content varied from 6.4 to
41.5 g/100g, EE content varied from 1.0 to 18.0 g/100g, NFE content varied from 25.1 to 52.9
g/100g and TA content varied from 7.1 to 17.6. It could therefore, be inferred that, the chemical
composition rice polish currently available in the local market are widely variable.

Key words: Rice Polish, Moisture, Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Crude Fiber, Nitrogen Free Extract, Ether
Extract and Total Ash


Rice polish is derived from the outer layers of the rice caryopsis during milling and consists of pericap, seed
coat, nucleus, aleurone layer, germ and part of sub-aleurone layer of starchy endosperm (Juliano, 1988). Rice polish
is a byproduct of rice milling industry and is the cheapest source of energy and protein for poultry feeding. It
constitutes about 10% of paddy and is available in large quantities in major rice growing areas of the world
(Houston and Kohler, 1970).
Rice polish supplies total digestible nutrients almost close to maize (Singh and Panda, 1988). Use of rice
polish in poultry industry may reduce feed cost per kilogram weight gain (Khalil et al., 1997a; Shih, 2003). Rice
polish is a major cereal by-product available for animal feeding in rice-growing countries. It is a good source of
protein (13.2 to 17.1%), fat (14.0 to 22.9%), carbohydrate (16.1%), fiber (9.5 to 13.2%), vitamins and minerals
(Vargasgonzalez, 1995; Aljasser and Mustafa, 1996; Ambashankar and Chandrasekaran, 1998).
Nutritive value of rice polish is comparable to other cereals like maize, wheat, and sorghum. It is also a rich
source of phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and zinc, and the amino acid profile of the rice bran protein is
generally superior to that of cereal grains. The fiber contents range from 10-15% (Farrell, 1994).
Rice polish has better assortment of amino acids, particularly lysine and methionine, compared to other
cereal grains, including corn and wheat (Khalique et al., 2004). In addition to macronutrients, vitamins, minerals,
medicinally important antioxidant and γ-oryzanol content of rice polish has recognized it as a potential feed (Iqbal
et al., 2005; Moldenhauer et al., 2003; Chatha et al., 2006). Research conducted during the last two decades has
shown that rice polish is a unique complex of naturally occurring antioxidant compounds (Iqbal et al., 2005;
Moldenhauer et al., 2003).

To cite this paper: Hossain ME, Sultana S., Shahriar SMS, Khatun MM, 2012. Nutritive value of rice polish. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(3): 235-239.
Scienceline/Journal homepages:;
Inclusion of rice polish in the diet does not affect the health of chickens (Mahbub et al., 1989). In
experiments with chicks, cereal grains have been replaced with rice polish, and it was found promising in certain
stitutions (Khalil et al., 1997a).
Despite wide range of advantages, the quality of rice polish available in the local market is questioned.
Because, rice husk and saw dusts are frequently incorporated into it to make it cheap. Therefore, the present study
was aimed to investigate the chemical composition of rice polish used as poultry feed available in the local market.


Study area
Livestock and poultry feeds are mostly available in Pahartali, Khatungonja and Karnaphuli markets of
Chittagong division. Almost all farmers collect their poultry feeds from these markets Therefore, local markets
available in those areas were selected as the study are for collection of sample.

Collection of sample
Samples were collected by using simple random sampling technique. Twenty feed shops were selected
randomly. Approximately 500 grams of rice polish was purchased from each shop. Samples were wrapped up by
polythene bag and preserved in the laboratory for chemical analysis.

Preparation of sample
Samples were subjected to grinder to make it homogenous powder. Later on, it was mixed properly and
exposed to shade to cool down for sampling. Individual samples were identified by marker and subjected to
chemical analyses.

Analysis of sample
Chemical analyses of the samples were carried out in triplicate for moisture, DM, CP, CF, NFE, EE and TA in
the animal nutrition laboratory, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh as
per AOAC (1994).

Calculation of ME
ME was calculated separately for all 20 different rice polish samples. Calculation was performed by
mathematical formula as per Ludhi et al. (1976).

Statistical analysis
Data related to chemical composition of rice polish were compiled by using Microsoft Excel 2007. One
sample t-test was performed to analyze the data by using Stata 11C. For each t-test, reference value for the relative
component was obtained (Banerjee, 1995) to use as the test value for that particular component. Statistical
significance was accepted at 5% level (P0.05).


Moisture content did not differ significantly (P0.05). Minimum, maximum and mean values for moisture
content were 4.0, 11.4 and 8.0 respectively. In present study, mean value for moisture in rice polish was 8.0
g/100g. The result is in agreement with Banerjee (1995) who found 8.2 g/100g moisture in rice polish. Malik et al.
(1979) also obtained 7.4 g/100g moisture in rice polish. Other investigators (Anjum et al., 2007; Hamid el al.,
2007; Sharif et al., 2005; Sirikul et al., 2009) also found closely similar results. However, the result of the current
study is contradictory with Rao and Reddy (1986) who found 18.10 g/100g moisture in rice polish.
Similar to moisture, DM content did not differ (P0.05). Minimum, maximum and mean values for DM
content were 88.6, 96.0 and 92.0 respectively. Mean value for DM in rice polish was 92.0 g/100g. The result is in
agreement with Banerjee (1995) who found 91.8 g/100g DM in rice polish. Malik et al. (1979) also obtained 92.6
g/100g DM in another study. Anjum et al. (2007), Hamid el al. (2007), Sharif et al. (2005) and Sirikul et al. (2009)
also found similar results. However, the result of the current study is inconsistent with Rao and Reddy (1986) who
found 81.9 g/100g DM in rice polish.
Unlike moisture and DM, CP content differed significantly (P0.01). Minimum, maximum and mean values
for CP content were 4.7, 14.9 and 8.8 respectively. In present study, mean value for CP was 8.8 g/100g. The result
is consistent with other investigators (Anjum et al., 2007; Hamid el al., 2007; Sirikul et al., 2009) also found closely
similar results. However, it differs with Rao and Reddy (1986) who found 12.7 g/100g CP in rice polish. Banerjee
(1995) found 12.0 g/100g CP and Malik et al. (1979) found 11.45 g/100g CP. Similarly, result of the current study
is inconsistent with other investigators (Alencar and Alvarenger, 1991; Gnanasambandam and Hetiarachchy, 1995;
Kahlon and Smith, 2004; Saunder, 1990; Sekhon et al., 1997; Sharif et al., 2005; Sikka, 1990).
Similar to CP, CF content differed significantly (P0.01). Minimum, maximum and mean values for CF
content were 6.4, 41.5 and 25.2 respectively. In present study, mean value for CF was 25.2 g/100g. The result is
contradictory with Rao and Reddy (1986) who found 7.60 g/100g CF in the rice polish. Similarly Banerjee (1995)

To cite this paper: Hossain ME, Sultana S., Shahriar SMS, Khatun MM, 2012. Nutritive value of rice polish. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(3): 235-239.
Scienceline/Journal homepages:;
also found 11.2 g/100g CF and Malik et al. (1979) found 3.85 g/100g CF in the rice polish. Other researchers
(Gnanasambandam and Hetiarachchy, 1995; Hamid el al., 2007; Saunder, 1990; Sekhon et al., 1997; Sharif et al.,
2005; Sikka, 1990; Kahlon and Smith, 2004) also found similar results.

Table 1 - Chemical composition (g/100g) of individual rice polish

Nutritive value (g/100g)
Sample No.
1 11.4 88.6 2562.3 14.5 8.0 52.9 5.0 8.2
2 8.0 92.0 1321.8 6.5 36.0 25.5 4.0 20.0
3 9.6 90.4 3071.1 13.3 8.5 47.0 15.0 6.6
4 8.2 91.8 1496.4 6.3 34.5 31.0 4.0 16.0
5 9.4 90.6 3086.9 13.7 6.4 49.4 14.0 7.1
6 7.6 92.4 1353.1 5.6 40.6 25.1 5.0 16.1
7 10 90.0 2524.4 12.8 12.0 46.7 8.0 10.5
8 10.2 89.8 2516.2 11.9 12.8 47.4 8.0 9.8
9 6.8 93.2 1568.9 6.3 33.5 37.7 2.0 13.7
10 5.2 94.8 1886.2 4.7 30.7 44.4 4.0 11.0
11 9 91.0 1518.8 6.1 31.4 38.6 1.0 13.9
12 7.2 92.8 1542.5 6.3 34.6 32.4 4.0 15.5
13 9.2 90.8 2947.8 12.4 9.2 44.2 15.0 10.0
14 4.8 95.2 1649.6 5.3 34.6 32.2 6.0 17.2
15 5.8 94.2 1801.2 5.2 32.8 39.1 5.0 12.1
16 5.4 94.6 1501.3 6.1 36.8 29.1 5.0 17.6
17 4 96.0 1740.2 5.8 41.5 25.4 10.0 13.3
18 8.6 91.4 2969.3 14.9 10.2 35.6 18.0 12.7
19 9.6 90.4 1664.4 6.7 35.8 31.2 6.0 10.7
20 9.6 90.4 3037.5 10.8 11.6 41.8 18.0 8.2
DMDry matter; CPCrude protein, CFCrude fibre, NFENitrogen free extract, EEEther extract

NFE content differed significantly (P0.01). Minimum, maximum and mean values for NFE content were
25.1, 52.9 and 37.8 respectively. The mean value obtained in present study is in agreement with (Anjum et al.,
2007; Farrel, 1994; Hamid el al., 2007; Kahlon and Smith, 2004; Sharif et al., 2005).
EE content did not differ significantly (P0.05). Minimum, maximum and mean values for EE content were
1.0, 18.0 and 7.85 respectively. In present study, mean value for EE was 7.85 g/100g. The result is in agreement
with Choo and Sadiq (1982) who found 9.5 g/100g EE in rice polish. Similarly, Hamid el al. (2007) also found 8.7-
18.9 g/100g EE in rice polish. Anjum et al. (2007) also obtained 9.72 g/100g ether EE in rice polish. However, the
result of the current study is contradictory with Banerjee (1995) who found 13.9 g/100g EE in the rice polish. Malik
et al. (1979) found 13.65 g/100g EE in rice polish. Findings of other investigators (Kahlon and Smith, 2004;
Saunder, 1990; Sharif et al., 2005; Sikka, 1990; Sirikul et al., 2009) are also inconsistent with present study.

Table 2 - Mean values for chemical composition (g/100g) of rice polish

Parameters Minimum Maximum Mean SD SE Sig.
Moisture (g/100g) 4.0 11.4 7.98 2.1 0.46 NS
DM (g/100g) 88.6 96.0 92.0 2.1 0.46 NS
ME (kcal/kg) 1321.8 3086.9 2088.0 661.3 147.9 **
CP (g/100g) 4.7 14.9 8.8 3.7 0.83 **
CF (g/100g) 6.4 41.5 25.2 13.2 2.96 **
NFE (g/100g) 25.1 52.9 37.8 8.6 1.93 **
EE (g/100g) 1.0 18.0 7.85 5.3 1.18 **
Ash (g/100g) 7.1 17.6 12.5 3.7 0.84 NS
DMDry matter; CPCrude protein, CFCrude fibre, NFENitrogen free extract, EEEther extract; SDStandard deviation, SEStandard error; NSNon-significant

(P0.05); **Significant at 1% level (P0.01)

Ash content did not differ significantly (P0.05). In present study, mean value for Ash was 12.5 g/100g. The
result is in agreement with Banerjee (1995) who found 13.6 g/100g ash in rice polish. Similarly Malik et al. (1979)
obtained 10.80 g/100g ash in rice polish. Other investigators (Anjum et al., 2007; Gnanasambandam and
Hetiarachchy, 1995; Kahlon and Smith, 2004; Saunder, 1990; Sekhon et al., 1997; Sirikul et al., 2009) found
similar results. The result of the current study is contradictory with Rao and Reddy (1986) who found 17.4 g/100g
ash in rice polish. Similarly Ghazi (1992) also who found 17.15 g/100g ash in rice polish. Anjum et al. (2007)
obtained only 5.9 g/100g ash in rice polish.


Rice polish is a vital component of the traditional maize soybean based broiler and layer diet. In developing
countries, out of all the crop residues, this is one of the cheapest and largest sources of metabolizable energy as

To cite this paper: Hossain ME, Sultana S., Shahriar SMS, Khatun MM, 2012. Nutritive value of rice polish. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(3): 235-239.
Scienceline/Journal homepages:;
well as crude protein. There is no doubt that, inclusion of rice polish will substantially minimize cost of production
for livestock and poultry. However, current study indicates that the quality of rice polish is widely variable. Therefore,
to formulate least cost balanced ration, rice polish must be analyzed first in the laboratory and then incorporate it
into the practical ration.

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To cite this paper: Hossain ME, Sultana S., Shahriar SMS, Khatun MM, 2012. Nutritive value of rice polish. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(3): 235-239.
Scienceline/Journal homepages:;
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To cite this paper: Hossain ME, Sultana S., Shahriar SMS, Khatun MM, 2012. Nutritive value of rice polish. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(3): 235-239.
Scienceline/Journal homepages:;

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