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Principles of Marketing Week 1 - 2

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School Marcelino Fule Memorial College Grade Level GRADE12 (ABM)

Teacher Edlord O. Malabanan Subject PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING


WEEK 01 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an
understanding of marketing understanding of marketing understanding of marketing understanding of marketing principles,
principles, goals and traditional and principles, goals and traditional and principles, goals and traditional and goals and traditional and contemporary
contemporary approaches to contemporary approaches to contemporary approaches to approaches to marketing
marketing marketing marketing

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to plot The learners shall be able to plot The learners shall be able to plot The learners shall be able to plot
marketing goals and approaches for marketing goals and approaches for marketing goals and approaches for marketing goals and approaches for
product or service product or service product or service product or service

C. Learning The learners…. The learners…. The learners…. The learners….

Competency/Objectives 1. define and understand marketing 1. define and understand marketing 1. define and understand marketing 1. define and understand marketing
ABM_PM11-Ia-b-1 2. describe the traditional 2. describe the traditional 2. describe the traditional approaches
Write the LC code for each. 2. describe the traditional approaches approaches to marketing approaches to marketing to marketing
The learners… to marketing 3. discuss the goals of marketing 3. discuss the goals of marketing 3. discuss the goals of marketing
ABM_PM11-Ia-b-2 4. identify and explain contemporary 4. identify and explain contemporary 4. identify and explain contemporary
3. discuss the goals of marketing marketing approaches marketing approaches marketing approaches
4. identify and explain contemporary
marketing approaches

II. CONTENT Marketing Principles and Marketing Principles and Marketing Principles and
Strategies: What is marketing Strategies: Strategies:
and its traditional approaches 1.What is marketing and its 2. Goals of marketing
traditional approaches
Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource, ,,,
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The teacher will present a bird’s eye I KNOW IT! Give 2-3 words that The teacher will make a simple recall The teacher will ask the students their
presenting the new lesson view of the topics to be discussed for inform the class about Marketing on the concepts and components of goals in life
the whole quarter Marketing

B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the students jot down notes as WORD NETWORK Use the strip of Show to the class of the different To study and analyze your goals in life
lesson their basis for their advance readings papers to write the initial ideas about pictures about Marketing approaches. why is it important for a business man
Marketing then post it on the graffiti Let the students reflect then relate it to put in to priority their goal in putting
wall to the next topic on Traditional the business..students will share their
approaches of marketing. ideas about it
C. Presenting examples/ Learners shall come up with a course The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will ask the students to Video analysis: Teacher will let the
instances of the new lesson outline of the next topics make use of the given words to make a reflection in the different students to watch the video of a
define Marketing pictures famous business in the
Philippines..after watching students in
dyad will brainstorm what is the main
goal of the business based on the
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the students reflect on topics The students presented their output Students will be ask to recite their Let the students present their work.
practicing new skills #1 discussed and presented in determining the definition of reflections on the pictures
Marketing(Teacher facilitated the
meaning of Marketing)
E. Discussing new concepts and Formulation of the rules and The teacher will process the The teacher will process the answers Teacher facilitated the discussion on
practicing new skills #2 regulations set before the 3rd quarter answers and discuss additional input and discuss additional input on the the Goals of Marketing.
began. on the different components of traditional approaches of
Marketing. (Teacher facilitated the marketing(Teacher facilitated the
discussion on the different discussion)
components of marketing)

F. Developing mastery (leads Orientation on the Learning materials BEYOND THE WALL The students The teacher will ask many questions LAF(List all Factors in making the
to Formative Assessment 3) to Master will answer the question What role on the topic Marketing objectives
will Marketing will play in your life
after a decade?
G. Finding practical application Walk through of the curriculum guide SUMMARY Provide two or three Knowledge Checker: Students will What happens if we have no Goals in
of concepts and skills in daily sentences for reflection or opinion answer the question on What life?
living regarding the importance of studying concept they will choose and why
H. Making generalizations and Walk through of the Learners Role Playing : Portray the role of Let the students identify the different Reflection: What is the importance of
abstractions about the lesson Materials marketing in you as a consumer or a traditional approaches to marketing Goals in the life of any businessman?

I. Evaluating learning Let the learners write their Paper and pen (short quiz) Ask the students to read the case JOURNAL WRITING How do you look
expectations on the subject analysis given to them and answer at the different businesses in the
the questions. Philippines today?

J. Additional activities for Have an advance reading on the first Have an advance reading on the Movie critiquing on the different
application or remediation topic of Principles of Marketing. different approaches to marketing Philippine business Enterprise


A.. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Principal

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