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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introducing the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS

Understanding Web Content Management Systems
Introducing Sitecore
Take Home Points

Chapter 2: Information Architecture

Introducing Information Architecture
Sitecore Items
Sitecore Data Templates
Data Validation
Managing Multilingual Solutions
Managing Media
Sharing Content
Importing Content
Take Home Points

Chapter 3: The Layout Engine and Data Access APIs

The ASP.NET Page Lifecycle
The Sitecore Context
Layout Details and Layout Deltas
Presentation Components
Fundamental Sitecore APIs
Sitecore Data Access Techniques
Syndicate Content with Sitecore
Layout Engine Best Practices
Take Home Points
Chapter 4: Sitecore Security
Access Rights
Security Accounts and Domains
Preventing Sitecore from Applying Security
Requiring Authentication for a Managed Website
Integrating and Extending Sitecore Security
Switching Providers
Take Home Points

Chapter 5: Error Management

Exception Levels
Designing an Error Helper Class
Implementing Your Own Exception Classes
Trapping Exceptions with try...catch...finally Blocks
Handing Errors in Presentation Controls
Handling Exceptions at the Page Level
Handling Exceptions at the Application Level
Error Management Pages
System Outages
Take Home Points

Chapter 6: Optimizing, Scaling, and Troubleshooting

Optimizing Sitecore Performance
Scaling Your Solution
Troubleshooting Your Solution
Spelunking Sitecore
Take Home Points

Chapter 7: Extending and Integrating Sitecore

Determining Types with the Configuration Factory
Extending Sitecore Classes with Extension Methods
Leveraging the Sitecore User Interface Framework
Engaging the Rules Engine
Validating Data
Scheduling Sitecore Processes
Integrating from the Back End
Extending the Sitecore Page Editor
Take Home Points

Chapter 8: Automated Testing

Understanding Automated Testing
Complexities of Testing Against Sitecore
Testing Techniques for Sitecore
The Test Project
Testing with the HTTP Protocol
Testing Using a Web Browser Driver
Testing with an Embedded Test Runner
Instantiating Controls to Test
Invoking the Sitecore API Directly
Using Sitecore APIs without an HTTP Context
Working with Test Data
Take Home Points

Chapter 9: Managing Implementations

Approaching Sitecore Projects
Publishing with Sitecore
Managing Sitecore Deployments
Managing Multiple Sites with Sitecore
Take Home Points

Chapter 10: On Beyond CMS

The Digital Marketing System
Standalone Sitecore Products
Sitecore App Center
Optional Modules
Take Home Points

Chapter 11: Sitecore Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks

Sitecore Best Practices
Sitecore Tips and Tricks
Take Home Points

Appendix A: Resources for Sitecore Developers

Accessing Sitecore Resources

Appendix B: Installing Sitecore

Preparing to Install Sitecore
Installing Sitecore with the Setup Program
Installing Sitecore from a Zip or Other Archive
Creating a Visual Studio Project
Take Home Points


Chapter 1

Introducing the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS

What's in This Chapter?

Reviewing web content management systems
Separating content management environments
Sitecore product and company history
Identifying Sitecore solution components
This chapter explains the purpose of a web content management system
(CMS), describes the separation of CMS environments, such as test and
production, and provides an overview of Sitecore — both the company and
its namesake ASP.NET (Application Server Pages with the .NET
Framework) CMS, as well as the history of that product. Finally, this
chapter describes the components that comprise a Sitecore instance, which
is an installation of the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS product.
Web content management software enables nontechnical CMS users to
maintain the content driving a web solution without the need to understand
its technical implementation. Sitecore uses the ASP.NET platform
provided by the Internet Information Server (IIS) web server on the
Microsoft Windows operating system to provide one of the most advanced
and comprehensive web content management solutions and development
frameworks available today.
No web content management system delivers the solution you need
without some level of input, whether in the form of entering content and
choosing predefined presentation components or building an entire
solution. While predefined presentation components are available for the
platform, Sitecore is on the latter end of this continuum, focusing on CMS
developers as much as users, providing both a finished product and a
development framework.
Understanding Web Content
Management Systems
Web content management systems are typically web applications that
provide browser-based user interfaces for users within an organization
(CMS users) to maintain the content and often some aspects of the
presentation of one or more published websites. Web content management
systems typically depend upon a web server and an application server or
the Common Gateway Interface (CGI — see
Individual content management systems provide additional specific
features such as authentication, authorization, locking, versioning,
workflow, audit, internationalization, and localization of the content, as
well as separation of work-in-progress data from the published websites.
Web content management systems typically store structured,
unstructured, and binary content. Presentation components of the system
format that content as markup, such as HTML, for clients such as web
browsers. That markup typically contains embedded links to media and
other resources in the CMS. One primary aim is to enable nontechnical
subject matter experts to maintain the content of websites without having
to learn technologies such as HTML or install client-side software.
Additional goals typically include consistency in the presentation of the
published websites, as well as reuse of content among pages and multiple
managed sites, as well as formatting that content differently for various
devices (different markup for browsers, mobile devices, printers, and so
forth), or content reuse for any other purpose.
There are two primary types of web content management systems. In the
early days when web servers and web application servers were not tightly
integrated (think CGI), the first CMS tools merged content with code in
some kind of generation process run in a content management
environment and then published the result to a content delivery
environment as files. That result could be static markup to serve without
processing (which generally required a separate architecture to manage
web applications as opposed to static pages) or code to process further at
runtime using a web application server. More advanced solutions stored
information in database records in addition to or instead of files, often
using query string parameters or other URL components to identify those
As application servers became more common, and especially as
ASP.NET merged the application server with the web server, content
management systems evolved to generate output dynamically for each
HTTP request. These modern systems merge content with presentation at
runtime to generate each page. While publishing static files can have some
benefits, the advantages of generating output at runtime become more
clear as the Internet evolves further into a dynamic, integrated, social
experience personalized for each visitor.
Due in part to the incredible pace of change on the web, no CMS
software can possibly generate your site automatically, or even meet all of
your current expectations, let alone your potential future requirements. In
fact, requirements typically change between platform selection and the
time the website becomes available to public visitors. A website may have
a shelf life of just a few years before it begins to appear stale, and
organizations frequently acquire other organizations or go through other
rebranding exercises. The solution architecture must be flexible enough to
support new features and visual redesign. Consider a CMS as a
development platform or framework rather than a canned solution. Think
of CMS implementation as an ongoing program, not a project with a fixed
Content management solutions typically involve a number of technical
environments. Developers often install Sitecore on their workstations,
though some organizations employ a shared development environment for
multiple developers. From there, code changes should go through at least
an integration test environment and then additional environments such as
user acceptance testing (UAT). When complete, changes arrive in the
content management production environment, where CMS users update
the site; and from content management production to content delivery,
where visitors access the published website. Some organizations deploy
changes to a staging environment before they reach content management
production and content delivery.
As opposed to code changes initiated by developers, content changes often go through a
separate publishing workflow process initiated by CMS users in the production content
management environment.

Therefore, there are actually two production environments: production

content management and production content delivery. Content delivery is
the most critical environment; if that environment is down, the published
website is down. If the production content management environment is
down, CMS users cannot update the site.

Introducing Sitecore
Sitecore is a complete ASP.NET development platform and web content
management system (CMS). Sitecore is the leading ASP.NET web CMS
available worldwide today. Its unique open architecture, diverse
capabilities, and extensibility make it the most advanced CMS on the
market. Sitecore developers generally agree that they can deliver more
value on their projects in less time using the Sitecore product suite than
using any other system.
Sitecore is a high-performance, scalable, extensible ASP.NET web CMS
that generates all output dynamically and uses the same components and
system architecture for both content and application pages. Sitecore does
not limit the markup you can generate or the technologies that you can
use, such as XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language), HTML5,
CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Asynchronous JavaScript and
The Sitecore CMS provides at least the following array of facilities for
managing complex and dynamic websites:
Flexible, hierarchical data storage
APIs and points of configuration and extension, including hooks into
the user interface, pipelines, event handlers, and much more
A layout engine that dynamically assembles and caches ASP.NET
control trees, making it easier to implement a consistent solution by
reusing code and content than an inconsistent solution by cutting and
The concept of devices, which enable different presentations of
individual content items under varying conditions
Security, including authentication, authorization, role, and profile
management based on ASP.NET membership providers
Workflow and separation of unpublished content from published
Visual comparison of differences between versions of field values
A media library for managing binary assets
A rules engine for browser-based configuration of dynamic logic
Optional modules for additional functionality, most importantly the
Digital Marketing System (DMS) described in Chapter 10
Developer tools such as the free Sitecore Rocks extension for
Microsoft Visual Studio
Sitecore keeps content and presentation separate until runtime, when it
merges the two based on the context of the user (their personal profile and
access rights), the request (the content item identified from the requested
URL), and potentially other criteria such as the type of device that
requested the page. Based on this information, the layout engine assembles
a hierarchy of presentation controls, and then determines whether to
execute each or retrieve output cached previously under equivalent
processing conditions.
You can think of Sitecore as providing an extension to ASP.NET itself,
including browser-based user interfaces, abstract data storage facilities,
complete application programming interfaces (APIs), and opportunities
for configuration, extension, and customization.

Logging In
To log in to Sitecore, access the URL /sitecore on a Sitecore instance in
one of the browsers supported by Sitecore (generally, a current version of
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple
Safari (see the Sitecore Installation Guide at for
information about supported browsers in your version of Sitecore). For
example, the URL of the login page for the instance of Sitecore that I used
while writing this book is http://sitecorebook/sitecore.

If you previously logged in with the Remember Me option, accessing /sitecore may not
take you to the Sitecore login page, instead taking you directly into a Sitecore user
interface. In this case, you can access the login page at /sitecore/login.

To select one of the Sitecore user interfaces, click Options. Figure 1.1
shows the Sitecore login page.
Figure 1.1

This book assumes that you are familiar with all three CMS user
interfaces available from the Sitecore login page:
The Page Editor (see Figure 1.2), for nontechnical content
The Content Editor (see Figure 1.3), for more advanced content
The Sitecore desktop (see Figure 1.4), for administrators, advanced
content managers, and developers. The image shown in Figure 1.4
appeared after clicking the Sitecore button ⇒ Development Tools ⇒
Keyboard Map, which provides some context by opening the
Keyboard Map application.

The Sitecore desktop functions like a windowing operating system, but runs in a browser.
In this book, the term desktop generally refers to the Sitecore browser-based desktop
unless otherwise indicated, such with the phrase Windows desktop.

Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Many of the instructions in this book require that you use the Content
Editor. To launch the Content Editor, use a browser to access the Sitecore
login screen at /sitecore. For example, if the URL of the Sitecore
instance is http://sitecorebook, access http://sitecorebook/sitecore. Figure
1.1 shows the Sitecore login screen.
You can use the Content Editor as a standalone application, or you can
use the Content Editor within the Sitecore desktop. To choose between
these approaches, click Options on the Sitecore login screen. Login
options appear on the login screen as shown in Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5
Enter your authentication credentials. To use the Content Editor as a
standalone application, double-click Content Editor. The Content Editor
appears as shown in Figure 1.6.
Figure 1.6
Alternatively, to use the Sitecore desktop, enter your authentication
credentials and double-click Desktop on the Sitecore login screen. The
Sitecore desktop appears as shown in Figure 1.7.

The photograph shown in Figure 1.7 is of a lighthouse at the Danish Trekroner Fort (see Sitecore initially developed and continues to engineer much of the
CMS in Denmark. Sitecore desktop background images distributed with the CMS are
similar to the desktop background images provided with the Microsoft Windows
operating system, but are intended for use within the Sitecore browser-based desktop.

Figure 1.7
Click the Sitecore button in the lower-left corner of the Sitecore desktop.
The Sitecore menu appears as shown in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8
Click Content Editor. The Content Editor appears within the Sitecore
desktop as shown in Figure 1.9.
Figure 1.9
Embedded Applications
From within each of the Sitecore user interfaces, and especially from
within the Sitecore desktop, you can access additional Sitecore
applications. These applications include the following:
Marketing Center — Configure marketing programs and tracking
elements to help understand who is visiting the site, what brought
them there, and which programs and content are most engaging.
Media Library — The Media Library is just the Content Editor with
the Media Library tab selected, exposing a repository for binary assets
such as images and video.
I am not aware of any task that you can perform in the Media Library that you cannot
accomplish by navigating to the /sitecore/media library branch in the Content Editor.
Due to (arguably) better usability, some users may prefer to access the Media Library to
work with media items rather than the Content Editor.

Engagement Analytics — Measure the effectiveness and efficiency

of your website and marketing programs (requires the Digital
Marketing Suite, or DMS).
Executive Dashboard — Assess from a high level how marketing
channels, traffic sources, and campaigns perform (requires the Digital
Marketing Suite, or DMS).
Security Editor — Apply access rights to items for users and roles.
Template Manager — The Template Manager is simply the Content
Editor rooted at the /sitecore/templates item.

I am not aware of any task that you can perform in the Template Manager that you
cannot achieve by navigating to the /sitecore/templates branch in the Content Editor.
Due to (arguably) better usability, some developers may prefer to access the Template
Manager to work with data templates rather than the Content Editor.

Sitecore App Center — Configure and manage email, social media

monitoring, Windows Azure hosting, search engine optimization
(SEO), translation, standards compliance, and other cloud-based
Preview — View the site as its content may have appeared at a point
in the past or as it may appear at a point in the future.
Debugger — Activate the Sitecore browser-based debugger to
analyze your pages and their performance.
Carousel — Visually analyze internal links between items.
Recycle Bin — Review and restore deleted items.
Search — Search the content database.
Workbox — Manage active workflow processes.
Control Panel — Manage system and personal configuration options.
Access Viewer — Review effective security access rights.
Domain Manager — Manage security domains.
Role Manager — Manage security roles.
User Manager — Manage CMS users and identifiable visitors of the
published sites.
Developer Center — Use a browser-based integrated development
environment (IDE) to manage layouts, sublayouts, XSL renderings,
and other development resources.

When possible, use Microsoft Visual Studio, especially with Sitecore Rocks, in favor of
the Developer Center.

Package Designer — Create packages for migrating components

from one Sitecore environment to another.
Installation Wizard — Install packages created with the Package
File Explorer — Navigate the document root filesystem of the IIS
website hosting the Sitecore solution.
Keyboard Map — Collect codes for use in keyboard shortcuts.
Log Viewer — View Sitecore log files.
Broken Links — Manage broken internal links.
Additionally, specific Sitecore user interfaces often contain further
embedded interfaces. For example, when you select a definition item for a
data template in the Content Editor or the Template Manager, Sitecore
displays the Template Builder, which is a custom editor for items based on
that data template. For more information about data templates, see
Chapter 2.
This book assumes that you have some familiarity with each of these
user interfaces, or can quickly learn to use them with minimal instruction
and no screen shots. By following the Microsoft Windows and Office UI
conventions wherever possible, Sitecore user interfaces support usability
through familiarity and discoverability, and provide for application
configuration at both the role and user levels.

Working with Sitecore

Sitecore is an ASP.NET application that uses the same architecture and
APIs that you use to develop solutions with Sitecore: the Sitecore user
interfaces are in fact a website managed with Sitecore. It can take some
time to adjust to this concept, so to say it another way, Sitecore uses the
same technologies and its own APIs to build the CMS user interfaces that
you use to build solutions with Sitecore. This benefits Sitecore developers
who need to customize the Sitecore user interfaces by lowering the amount
of API knowledge required to achieve such objectives.
With Sitecore, URLs on the published websites often do not correspond
to files under the document root or in a virtual directory on the web server,
but to items (records) in a relational database that indicate what
presentation components the layout engine should use to process HTTP
requests that specify those items. While mapping URLs to files can have
some benefits, mapping URLs to items in a data store has tremendous
value in terms of content and presentation component reusability.
Because Sitecore is a development framework, you can implement an
information architecture and presentation components to generate output
in any way you want. Sitecore does not provide data structures or
presentation components to capture and present your solution; you use
Sitecore to implement these components to deliver the exact solutions
needed. The platform is incredibly flexible, providing comprehensive
validation and other features that you can configure and extend to meet
almost any foreseeable requirements. Sitecore's robust combination of
architecture, flexibility, efficiency, and, most important, usability, reduces
the risk that a web solution might not reach production or achieve user
adoption, and increases the project's potential return on investment (ROI).
Sitecore provides additional software such as the Digital Marketing
Suite (DMS) for advanced experience management, personalization, and
web analytics, as well as additional software products and services that
work with its web content management system. These include an Intranet
management product, the Foundry product for dynamically syndicating
numerous similar websites, e-commerce products, a framework for
integrating Sitecore with Microsoft SharePoint, and numerous others as
described in Chapter 10.
Sitecore Company History
After working together extensively on numerous technical and other
projects in and out of school, six Copenhagen University graduates
founded Sitecore in 2001. Sitecore focused on its ASP.NET web content
management system as its core competency, building a partner channel to
deliver consulting and entire solutions to its customers. Sitecore quickly
capitalized on the rise of ASP.NET from the ashes of classic ASP
(Application Server Pages without .NET) and the foibles of Java and
missteps of several Java-based CMS platforms, outcompeting large
vendors in established markets and expanding worldwide.
Even in difficult global economic conditions, Sitecore continues to
announce record business performance, including an impressive number of
new customers every month. Sitecore now has more than 390 employees
around the world, primarily in research, development, and innovation, and
more than 750 partners that function as an extension of the organization.
Thousands of organizations use Sitecore to manage tens of thousands of
websites, and approximately 15,000 users can access the Sitecore
Developer Network (SDN —

Sitecore ASP.NET CMS Version History

When I joined Sitecore in the summer of 2004, the current distribution of
Sitecore CMS was version 4.3.2.x. I would not have joined Sitecore if my
research had not lead me to believe it was the best CMS available at the
time, and I think Sitecore 4.x would probably still be a viable CMS for
many projects.
Sitecore CMS 5.0 through 5.3 replaced the Sitecore 4 concept of layout
groups with the concept of devices, replaced a simple version approval
checkbox with advanced workflow capabilities, added the extranet,
security, core, archive, and Recycle Bin databases, and introduced the
Sitecore desktop, built with new Sitecore UI technology. Possibly most
important for developers, Sitecore CMS 5 provided a consolidated API for
both the CMS and the published websites, whereas Sitecore 4 had separate
APIs for each. With Sitecore CMS 5, Sitecore introduced the current
Sitecore Developer Network.
Sitecore CMS 6.0 introduced standard values, branch templates and
command templates (all of which eliminated the need for the concept of
masters used to instantiate new items in earlier Sitecore versions).
Sitecore 6 improved usability and performance in the Content Editor,
replaced WebEdit (with the circular content markers) with the Page Editor,
and replaced a proprietary security implementation with ASP.NET
membership providers. Sitecore 6 eliminated the Archive and Recycle Bin
databases by implementing tables for these features in the content
databases, and eliminated the Security and Extranet databases by moving
security information to the core database.
Sitecore CMS 6.1 introduced the rules engine, added the Field Editor
and Edit Frames, provided a foundation for the Online Marketing Suite
(now the Digital Marketing System, or DMS), and introduced rendering
parameters templates.
Sitecore CMS 6.2 added support for WebDAV (Web-based Distributed
Authoring and Versioning) and the File Drop Area field type, introduced
the Word Document field type, and provided support for public and
Sitecore Client RSS feeds.
Sitecore CMS 6.3 improved Sitecore's architecture for horizontal
scalability by introducing remote events, eliminating the staging module,
supporting load balancing in the content management environment, and
introducing support for Sitecore Azure to deploy solutions to the
Microsoft Windows Azure Internet cloud.
Sitecore CMS 6.4 improved the Page Editor and its extensibility,
updated the Telerik Rich Text Editor included with the CMS, introduced
compatibility with and support for .NET 4.0 and ASP.NET MVC, provided
clones, the notification engine, and layout deltas, and was the first version
of Sitecore to support additional browsers in the Sitecore Desktop.
Sitecore 6.5 provided the foundation for the Digital Marketing System
(DMS) and hence Customer Engagement Platform (CEP), which replaces
Sitecore's Online Marketing Suite (OMS), its first platform supporting
integrated web analytics. In addition to simple traffic measurement and
other common web statistics, CEP supports efficient marketing and
engagement automation, automatic visitor origin classification, as well as
analysis of the value of each visit and the efficiency of paths through the
website. In comparison to OMS, DMS provides improved scalability,
greater performance, enhanced report readability, improved capabilities
for real-time personalization, and high-level dashboards.

Sitecore Components
Sitecore is an ASP.NET application that provides a layer between the
developer and the ASP.NET framework, including components such as

Follow Microsoft best practices for Internet Information Services (IIS) and ASP.NET
security, performance, and scalability, load testing, hardware requirements planning,
and other administrative considerations.

A Sitecore installation consists of five basic components: some number

of relational databases (three by default), a Microsoft Windows Internet
Information Services (IIS) website, an application pool, a corresponding
filesystem for the document root of that website, and a separate
subdirectory for storing data files (technically, that subdirectory can exist
within the document root). Most Sitecore solutions include a Visual Studio
project, and I recommend that all Sitecore developers use the free Sitecore
Rocks extension for Visual Studio. For instructions to install Sitecore, see
Appendix B.

Sitecore Databases
Each Sitecore instance depends on some number of Microsoft SQL Server
or Oracle relational databases. You can install the database server on the
same machine as the web server. For production, you should use one or
more separate, dedicated database servers to host the Sitecore databases.
You can use the free Express versions of Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle in
development, test, and potentially additional non-production environments. Because you
write code against a Sitecore API layer that abstracts the underlying storage mechanism,
you can even use different database vendors in different environments, unless you write
code that interacts directly with the database.

The three default Sitecore databases serve the following purposes:

Master — The master database contains all versions of all content,
including changes not yet published to the live website. Excluding the
browser-based Sitecore debugger that accesses the published website
by default, CMS user interfaces access the master database by default.
Web — The web database contains the current published version of
each item in each language. The web database is the default
publishing target database: by default, Sitecore publishes changes
from the master database to the web database. You can add additional
publishing target databases as described in Chapter 9.
Core — The core database defines the Sitecore user interfaces, and
controls which users can access which features of the various Sitecore
applications. By default, the core database also contains the tables
used by the ASP.NET security provider implementations, as well as
system tables such as that used for internal link management. The
managed website that provides the Sitecore user interfaces accesses
the core database and allows the user to view and edit content in the
master database by default.
Each of these databases contains very similar database schemas, but the
core database typically contains tables for its additional default function.
You can configure Sitecore to use different databases for each function.
You can sometimes add and eliminate databases, such as by adding one
or more additional publishing target databases in the content management
environment or by removing the master database from a content delivery
environment. If you configure multiple Sitecore instances to write to a
single database, to ensure appropriate cache clearing, you must enable
remote event management on both instances. For more information about
eliminating databases and sharing databases between instances, see The
Sitecore Scaling Guide (
Optional modules, including the Digital Marketing Suite (DMS) and
Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM), require additional relational
databases. Apply enterprise backup and optimization techniques to the
Sitecore databases, including rebuilding database indexes.

Hosting IIS Websites

Sitecore requires an IIS (Internet Information Services) website with a
corresponding application pool and document root to host the ASP.NET
application. For more information about IIS and ASP.NET, see and, respectively.
You can use IIS to host any number of websites. IIS bindings determine
which website services a request based on the hostname, port, and protocol

Technically, the root subdirectory of the website (its document root) and each
subdirectory can expose an ASP.NET application, and each application can use a
separate application pool. Sitecore does not support applications in subdirectories.

Sitecore can use a single IIS website to manage multiple logical

websites. While IIS can manage multiple websites, including multiple
instances of Sitecore with separate filesystems, each Sitecore instance can
manage multiple logical websites with a common filesystem and

IIS Application Pool

Each IIS website can expose an ASP.NET application, which depends on
an application pool. The application pool hosts an ASP.NET application,
and Sitecore is an ASP.NET application. The Sitecore setup executable
creates an IIS application pool for the instance. If you install Sitecore
without using the setup executable, you should manually create an
application pool for each new instance.
Windows uses a process to host the application pool, typically w3wp.exe
but sometimes aspnet_wp.exe. A Windows user such as Network Service
or an application pool identity owns the application pool process. For
information about application pool identities, configuring filesystem
access rights, and other aspects of the application pool, see Appendix B.

Document Root Subdirectory

The IIS website references a document root subdirectory. By default, this
subdirectory contains the Sitecore application and supporting files. Your
solution files will appear in this subdirectory. The document root
subdirectory contains the /web.config file that configures the ASP.NET
application at that location.

As described further in this book, features including the Sitecore configuration factory
support Web.config include files. Web.config include files allow you to patch the actual
/web.config file. This book describes the Web.config file in relation to features that
support include files, but includes a leading slash and applies a style (/web.config)
when referring to the actual /web.config file itself. Web.config include files can only
apply to elements within the /configuration/sitecore section.

Data Subdirectory
Sitecore uses the subdirectory specified by the dataFolder variable in the
Web.config file to store data files such as its license, logs, and Lucene
search indexes.

Lucene ( is an open-source search engine maintained by the

Apache group ( For more information about Sitecore's use of Lucene,

Sitecore Visual Studio Project

Most Sitecore solutions involve at least one Microsoft Visual Studio
project. Install Visual Studio on development workstations, not on
production servers. Most Sitecore developers use IIS rather than the web
server built into Visual Studio. For instructions on how to create a Visual
Studio project for your Sitecore solution, see Appendix B.

Sitecore Rocks
Developers working with Visual Studio and the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS
should use the Sitecore Rocks ( extension for
Visual Studio. Most Sitecore developers use Visual Studio and can benefit
greatly from this free tool from Sitecore.

Install Sitecore Rocks on the development workstations on which you install Visual

For more information about Sitecore Rocks, see my blog post at For additional useful tools for Sitecore developers,
see my blog post at

Take Home Points

This chapter introduced web content management systems (CMS), CMS
environments, the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS product, the Sitecore company,
and the main components of a Sitecore installation. Sitecore developers
using Visual Studio can implement advanced, scalable, consistent Sitecore
solutions on the Microsoft Windows, IIS, and ASP.NET infrastructure to
enable nontechnical CMS users to maintain structured content to populate
a website using only a browser. Sitecore is a pure ASP.NET application,
and tightly conforms to the core architectural principle of the framework.
The Sitecore solution infrastructure maximizes code and content reuse,
and minimizes development and maintenance costs. It also provides a
comprehensive, extensible, and flexible platform for your projects and a
pleasant working environment for developers. Sitecore provides a variety
of browser-based interfaces and applications for various types of users and
tasks, as well as tools for developers, including the Sitecore Rocks plug-in
for Visual Studio and optional software modules that integrate with the
Sitecore CMS.
Chapter 2

Information Architecture

What's in This Chapter?

Creating items, including item properties, definition items, and item
Using data templates, including base templates, the standard template,
standard values, template sections, template fields, field properties, and
field types
Considering data validation, including validators and validation options
Implementing multilingual solutions, including languages, regions, and
multiple managed sites
Working with binary media, including media library settings and media
item URLs
Understanding clones, aliases, and wildcards
Using insert options, including branch templates, command templates,
and the uiGetMasters pipeline
This chapter introduces fundamental high-level concepts and low-level
constructs and techniques used to implement and enforce information
architecture with the Sitecore ASP.NET web content management system
(CMS). Data templates define the structure of each type of item that you
can store in a Sitecore database. Some types of items represent pages, such
as the home item for each managed site. Sitecore contains logic to
determine the URL for each such item, and to determine the item indicated
by the URL in an incoming HTTP request. Sitecore uses items to manage
numerous additional types of information, including configuration data,
system components, and binary media.
Each data template defines zero or more sections that contain fields to
define the structure and properties of a type of items. A data template can
inherit sections and fields from any number of base templates. By default,
data templates inherit from the standard template, which contains fields
that define system properties available to all items. You can translate each
item into any number of languages, and create any number of versions
within each language. You can specify that Sitecore should not maintain
versions or allow translation for the values of specific fields. Standard
values define defaults (“standards”) for new items based on each data
template. You can use validation to enforce data entry requirements. You
can import content by invoking Sitecore Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) to create items and update field values.
Insert options control the types of items that users can create beneath
existing items to define a hierarchical data structure. You can create item
structures to represent websites, lookup lists, metadata taxonomies, and
any other kind of data that you can structure in a hierarchy. Sitecore
provides a number of facilities that enable you to share items and field
values among components. You can create aliases to provide alternate
URLs for items. You can create clones to make items appear in multiple
locations in the content tree with the ability to override field values in the
cloned items without actually duplicating those items. You can use
wildcards to map URLs to resources in external repositories such as
relational databases rather than items in the Sitecore database.
For more information about the topics described in this chapter,
including instructions to implement the various components described, see
The Sitecore Data Definition Reference (, The
Sitecore Data Definition Cookbook (, and The
Sitecore Data Definition API Cookbook (

Introducing Information
All web content management systems include two major components:
Facilities to define data structures that allow CMS users to enter site
Facilities to present that data in those structures as a website
This chapter focuses on the former component; Chapter 3, which
describes the Sitecore layout engine and data access APIs, focuses on the
You can think of information architecture as a model for the structure of
the data behind a web solution. Information architecture includes both
high-level structures — defining the relationships among managed sites,
their home pages, sections, applications, and pages, as well as other
features of the solution — and low-level details, defining individual page
types and the properties of individual data elements and other features
within those pages. The information architecture can describe security,
workflow, archiving, validation, and related requirements, and can even
specify the presentation components required to render specific types,
sections, pieces, and other aspects and groupings of content.
Information architecture may be the most critical component of a web
solution. You cannot implement an optimal solution without solid
information architecture, let alone enhance that solution over time. The
user interface of a website begins to look stale as time passes, but the
information architecture of that solution can have a longer life if you can
apply a new presentation layer to the existing data.
Because definitions for some Sitecore terms result in circular references
(for example, items depend on data templates, which depend on items,
which depend on data templates), the following list provides a quick
overview of key terminology explained in subsequent sections of this
Item — An item is a data record, similar to an instance of a class in
object-oriented programming (defined using the class keyword in
Data template — A data template defines the structure of a type of
items, much like a class or structure in object-oriented programming.
Data template field — A data template consists of some number of
data template fields, which are similar to properties of a class or
members of a structure in object-oriented programming.
Standard value — Each data template can specify standard values for
each field defined in the template and any of its base templates, much
as constructors and other initialization code can set property values in
object-oriented programming.
Base template — Each data template can inherit from any number of
base data templates, much as a class can inherit from a base class and
implement interfaces in object-oriented programming.
Standard template — Most data templates inherit from this standard
data template, as all classes eventually inherit from the
System.Object class in .NET.
Sitecore facilitates hierarchical information architectures. Most
developers are familiar with relational databases, but most websites are
hierarchical — a home page contains sections, sections contain
subsections and pages, and subsections contain nested subsections and
pages. Hierarchical information architectures can assist in securing
sections and subsections of the site; you can use security inheritance to
deny anonymous users read access, or to grant write access for a CMS role
to an entire section or subsection.
Items in the information architecture have implicit relationships with
other items, such as the parent/child relationship and the preceding-sibling
and following-sibling relationships. Items also have explicit relationships
with other items, such as when an image field in a content item contains a
reference to a media item.
Sitecore uses the information architecture to determine the URLs of
content items. URLs include the name of the item preceded by the names
of its ancestors. For example, the default URL of the
/sitecore/content/home/section/subsection/page item is
/section/subsection/page.aspx relative to the
/sitecore/content/home item that represents the home page for the
default managed site.
Most Sitecore solutions use the information architecture to drive
navigation for the site. In such cases the information architecture typically
matches the visual structure of the website exactly. For example, the
children of the home item might represent sections that appear in a top
navigation component. When the user clicks an element in the top
navigation, taking the browser to that section, the items representing
subsections and pages within the clicked section could appear in the left
navigation. Other solutions use techniques such as faceted search, which
presents a default navigational structure based on content classification
characteristics along multiple dimensions, and allows visitors to navigate
in a variety of ways rather than using a single taxonomy, often through the
application of filters that eliminate elements in that navigational structure
that the visitor deems irrelevant.

Sitecore Items
Sitecore items represent individual resources within the CMS. Items can
represent any type of data, such as a page, section, paragraph, or metadata
attribute. Each item contains a number of properties common to all
languages and versions of the item, such as its name and ID. In addition to
content elements, Sitecore uses item to manage system and configuration

Make item names unique among siblings. Sitecore does not require this, but provides a
validator that you can use to enforce this rule.

Each item can contain any number of field values that can vary by
language and by version within each language. Each item exists within a
hierarchy of items in a Sitecore database. The path of an item identifies its
location within the hierarchy. Sitecore assigns a globally unique identifier
(GUID, or just ID) to each item.
Sitecore does not differentiate content from metadata or control data.
Each item can contain fields for content, metadata, system data, and
potentially other types of data. You can use items to implement metadata
and other taxonomies or to manage any data that you can represent in a
Like files, items contain data, but like subdirectories, items can contain
other items. This means that you do not have to think about whether
something is a subdirectory or a file when you create it; in Sitecore, you
create an item regardless of whether you need to store data or contain
other items. That item might not have any children today (making it like a
file), but it could have children in the future (making it like a
subdirectory). Either way, each item can contain field values and other
items. If you need to change the fields that appear in an item, you can add
fields to the data template associated with the item, or update the item to
use a different data template.
You can use the Sitecode.Data.Items.CustomItem abstract class as a
base class for your classes that represent different types of items. For
more information about this approach, see Chapter 3. Many solutions
benefit from the implementation of .NET classes to represent various
types of Sitecore items. You can use the
Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItemBase class as a base class for your
classes that represent different types of items. Sitecore Rocks has features
that you can use to generate classes from data templates, or you can use
either the CustomItemGenerator ( Sitecore Shared
Source project or the CodeGen ( Sitecore Shared
Source project for this purpose.
For more information about many of the concepts described in the
remainder of this section, see The Sitecore Guide to Reusing and Sharing
Data (

Item Languages, Versions, and Revisions

You can translate each item into any number of languages. You can
register languages before you use them, in which case they are available to
all items and you can configure their properties in advance, such as to
specify a flag, spellcheck dictionary, and security to control which CMS
users can edit content in that language. Alternatively, you can add a
version of an item in any language, in which case Sitecore applies default
language properties.

Sitecore does not store different values for each language in fields that you mark as

When you register a language, Sitecore creates a definition item under

the /sitecore/system/Languages item to contain information about that
language, such as the flag to display and the spellchecking dictionary to

I recommend that you register languages before you use them. That way, you can iterate
the language definition items even if no versions exists in those languages in your
content items, and you can retrieve metadata about languages consistently from those
definition items.

To register a language in the Sitecore desktop, follow these steps:

1. Click Sitecore, and then click Control Panel. The Control Panel
2. Click Globalization in the Control Panel. The Globalization Control
Panel appears.
3. Click Add a New Language in the Globalization Control Panel. The
Add Language wizard appears. If you have not already disabled wizard
welcome pages, a welcome page appears; click Next. The Language
Codes page appears as shown in Figure 2.1.
4. In the drop-down list at the top, select the appropriate language and
region, and then click Next. The Code page and Encoding page
5. Click Next. The Checker Dictionary page appears.
6. For the Spellchecker file path, enter the name of a spellchecker
dictionary file for the language from the
/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/Dictionaries
subdirectory of the document root. If no file corresponding to the new
language exists, leave this field blank. Then click Next. The
completion page appears.
7. Click Finish. The Add Language Wizard closes. You can now apply
security or update other properties of the new language definition item
under the /sitecore/system/Languages item in the Content Editor.
Figure 2.1
To create a version of an item in a language that you have not registered:
1. Select the item for which you want to add a version in an
unregistered language in the Content Editor.
2. Click the flag at the top-right corner of the editing pane, and then
click More Languages. The Select Language dialog appears as shown
in Figure 2.2.
3. Select the language, and then click OK. The Select Language dialog
4. Click Add a new version in the warning that appears at the top of
the editing pane in the Content Editor. Sitecore creates the first version
of the item in the language that you selected. This step applies only for
languages registered in advance; no versions exist for a language until
you create them.
For an example of a presentation component that links to each registered
language for which a version exists for an item, see my blog post at
You can create any number of versions of an item in each language. By
default Sitecore uses the latest available version of each item in each
language. Click the number at the top right corner above the editing pane
in the Content Editor to select an alternate version of an item. Click the
Versions tab to perform other operations on versions, including deletion
and translation.

Having many versions in any number of languages for an item can reduce
performance, especially when you work with items that contain a large number of
fields, or fields that contain a large number of links. For information about a
solution that uses a scheduled process to remove old versions of items, see my blog
post at

Figure 2.2
You may not find the API that removes a version where you expect it.
The following code removes the oldest version of the context item:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Many examples in this book use the context item exposed by the Sitecore.Context.Item
static property. I used this shortcut to avoid repeatedly explaining and reproducing code
to retrieve a database and an item within that database. Using the context item should
work, but does not always provide the most logical example. You can apply any
technique demonstrated for the context item to any item (any instance of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class).

In addition to a version number, which controls workflow and other

features, Sitecore assigns a unique revision ID to each item every time you
make a change to the item. Sitecore stores the revision ID in the field
named __Revision (which you can access through the
Sitecore.FieldIDs.Revision property that functions like a constant
containing the ID of this field) in the Statistics section of the standard
template. The __Revision field is unrelated to the version number for a
language of an item, which Sitecore does not store as a field value, but as a
property of that version.

Instead of hard-coding field names or IDs, which can increase maintenance effort, create
static classes like the Sitecore.FieldIDs class with properties to expose the IDs of your
data template fields. For the same reason, you can create classes like the
Sitecore.ItemIDs class to store the IDs of specific items, and like the
Sitecore.TemplateIDs class to store the IDs of your data templates.

Item Properties
To control the data type of an item, how that item appears in the user
interface, how you can refer to that item in code, and the item's
relationships with other items in the database, each item defines all of the
properties in the following list:
Name — The name of the item, which is not necessarily unique, even
among its siblings.
Key — The lowercase of the item name, which is not necessarily
unique, event among siblings.
Path — The names of the item and its ancestors in document order,
separated by the slash (/) character. (Sitecore does not store the path
in the item, but constructs the path dynamically based on its location
in the content tree, from the top of the hierarchy down.)
Data Template — The data template, or structure definition,
associated with the item. (A property of the item contains the ID of its
data template.)
ID — The unique identifier for the item. (An item has the same ID in
the Master database and all publishing target databases, and may also
exist in the Core database with the same ID.)
In addition, most items can define values for numerous additional fields
defined by the standard data template from which almost all other data
templates inherit.
Sitecore item names have two fundamental purposes: to identify
Sitecore items within the item hierarchy, and to provide default URLs for
content items. These purposes are sometimes at odds: you might not want
space characters in URLs, but whitespace helps users identify items in the
CMS. One solution to this dilemma is to use the __Display Name
(Sitecore.FieldIDs.DisplayName) field defined in the Appearance
section of the standard template. If that field has a value, Sitecore user
interfaces show the display name of the item; otherwise the name of the
item appears. Display names also allow different values for different
To set the display name of an item, do the following:
1. Select the item in the Content Editor.
2. Click the Home tab, and then click Display Name in the Rename
group. A prompt appears.
3. Enter the new display name for the item, and then click OK. The
prompt disappears and you return to the Content Editor.
Sitecore provides for item name validation using the following settings
in the Web.config file:
Remember that by the conventions used in this book, Web.config can refer to Web.config
include files, where /web.config refers to the actual /web.config file. For more
information about Web.config include files, see my blog post at

InvalidItemNameChars — Sitecore does not allow these characters

in any item names.
ItemNameValidation — Item names must match this regular
MaxItemNameLength — Item name lengths cannot exceed this limit.

Before changing either InvalidItemNameChars or ItemNameValidation setting in the

Web.config file to allow additional characters in item names, I recommend that you check
with Sitecore support to confirm that the CMS does not exclude the character(s) under
consideration for any technical reason. If you must use special characters in an item
name, consider setting the display name of the item instead.

These settings provide useful safeguards, but do not allow much

flexibility. For example, you cannot apply different naming restrictions to
items in different branches, items based on different data templates, items
with layout details or containing items with layout details, or according to
any other logic that you might want to define. For a solution that uses the
rules engine to control item names dynamically, see my blog post at For more information about the rules engine, see
Chapter 7.

Item Structure
Sitecore can represent items in a number of formats, including:
Browser-based user interfaces such as the Content Editor
Native database storage
Objects in memory (the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class and its
XML containing all field values in all versions in all languages, with
or without descendant items
XML containing only the structure of items, including field
definitions but not including language information, versions, or field
values, as used by XSL (eXtensible Style Sheet) renderings
Serialization files used for source control of items in databases as
well as exchange with other Sitecore instances
Package entries used to exchange items in databases with other
Sitecore instances
You can use some of these formats to export data. For example, to access
the XML representation of an item from .NET, you can use the
GetOuterXml() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class that
represents an item. The first parameter to this method specifies whether to
include descendants of the item in that XML. To access the XML
representation of items available to XSL renderings, pass a
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.Item object to the
Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.CreateItemNavigator() static
method and retrieve the OuterXml property of the
Sitecore.Xml.XPath.ItemNavigator object that it returns. From an XSL
rendering you can use an <xsl:copy-of> element to write the XML
representation of an item and its descendants to the output stream, and
then view the source of the rendered page in a browser. For example, to
render the XML representation of the context item visible to XSL, you can
use the following code in an XSL rendering:
<xsl:copy-of select="$sc_currentitem" />

Remember that Sitecore APIs automatically apply access rights for the context user. Items
to which the context user does not have read access do not appear in either object or
XML representations. If code or a requested URL attempts to access an item to which the
context user does not have read access, Sitecore returns an error message or behaves as
if that item does not exist.

For more information about XSL renderings and the layout engine, see
Chapter 3. For an example of using a layout to access the XML
representation of items using a browser, see my blog post at
If you render XML over HTTP, remember to set the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType property to text/xml so that
you can easily use a browser to view that XML. Of the techniques that you can use to
format items, handlers as defined within the /configuration/sitecore/customHandlers
element of the Web.config file may be most appropriate for this purpose. Handlers are
more efficient than Web Forms.

Definition Items
Definition items specify the properties of system components such as
devices renderings used by the layout engine, and even components such
as data templates, sections, and fields. Definition items use the same
technical infrastructure as content items, which the layout engine renders
as pages of managed sites, but definition items do not have URLs and do
not contain layout details to inform the layout engine how to render those
items. For example, when you register a new language, Sitecore creates a
language definition item to store properties of that language. A definition
item represents a logical construct in the system, and its fields define
properties of that construct.
Because of their simplicity and versatility, Sitecore uses items to
represent every type of information it can. Sitecore uses items to represent
or define:
Folders and content, including Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds
Media folders and media items
Presentation components, including devices, layouts, renderings, and
placeholder settings
URL alias definitions
Term translations
Publishing target database definitions
Language definitions
Configuration settings, including layout presets, security presets, and
various other types of information not specifically mentioned in this
Rules engine configuration, including conditional rendering rules
Data validation features
Child item sorting rule definitions
Scheduled task details
Data template and standard values definitions
Interface for editing user profiles
Sitecore user interface components, including the data template field
Workflow processes definitions

Instead of using items to store information about items in workflows, Sitecore uses items
only to define workflow processes, and stores information about items in those workflows
directly to a relational database. Similarly, while the CMS stores security access rules in
items, Sitecore uses security providers to manage most attributes of users and roles, and
the default providers store that information directly to a relational database.

Items in the Core database configure numerous aspects of the Sitecore

user interfaces. In fact, the Sitecore user interfaces rely on a managed site
built using much of the same technology that you use to build sites with
the CMS, but based on items in the Core database. Optional modules for
the Sitecore CMS, including the Digital Marketing System (DMS), also
use definition items extensively for a wide range of purposes.

Insert Options
Insert options control the types of items that users can insert beneath
existing items. Insert options can include data templates, branch
templates, and command templates. You can use insert options to restrict
the information architecture and to control what types of items users can
create beneath existing items, but more importantly, you can apply insert
options in standard values to define insert options for all items of a
specific type.

Whenever possible, instead of defining insert options in individual items, define insert
options in the standard values of your data templates.
Branch templates allow users to insert predefined structures consisting
of some number of items. When you use a branch template to create an
item, Sitecore copies all descendants of the branch template definition
item, and then expands tokens such as $name not just in the standard
values for the data templates behind those items, but in the names of those
items as well. For more information about tokens such as $name, see the
section of this chapter about standard values.

Along with standard values, branch templates replace masters, which Sitecore used in
versions prior to CMS to 6.0. Earlier versions used masters to constructor new items and
hierarchies of items and to define insert options. Branch templates support features
beyond those previously supported by masters. For example, a branch template
definition item can have more than one child, meaning that you can implement a branch
template to insert multiple sibling items simultaneously rather than inserting a single root
item as required by masters.

Command templates allow CMS users to insert items by applying logic

that you implement. For example, an insert option for the
/sitecore/system/Languages item enables use of a command template
to insert a language definition item under that existing item. That
command template contains code that invokes the Add Language wizard
described previously, which lets the system use the same user interface
and logic that you can invoke from the Globalization Control Panel to
register a language.
Sitecore uses the uiGetMasters pipeline defined in the Web.config file
to determine effective insert options at runtime. The uiGetMasters
pipeline includes processors that retrieve insert items defined in the
selected item, invoke insert rules defined in that item, invoke global insert
rules, and then apply security to the result. For more information about
pipelines, see Chapter 7.
As mentioned previously, Sitecore CMS 5 and earlier versions included masters, which
functioned as constructors for new items. Sitecore 6 introduced standard values and
branch templates, which eliminated the need for masters. To avoid disruptive changes,
master terminology remains in some places in the Sitecore product, including the name
of the uiGetMasters pipeline mentioned here.

To control access to the Insert from Template option that appears with
insert options in Sitecore user interfaces, configure access rights for the
Editor/Menues/New/Insert from Template [sic] item in the Core
database. You cannot use the uiGetMasters pipeline to control access to
the Insert from Template option.
Insert options rules use the rules engine to determine insert options
dynamically. In the context of insert options, one benefit of insert options
rules is that you can define insert options dynamically through a browser-
based user interface instead of assigning insert options declaratively or
determining insert options programmatically with code in uiGetMasters
pipeline processors. You can define global insert options rules under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Insert Options/Rules item
using the System/Rules/Insert Options Rule data template. A
processor in the uiGetMasters pipeline invokes insert options rules while
determining effective insert options for an item.
Insert rules (not to be confused with insert options rules described in the
previous paragraph) also determine insert options dynamically. Unlike
insert options rules, which apply when determining effective insert options
for all items, insert rules apply only to the individual items in which you
select them. Insert rules depend on definition items under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Insert Rules item that use the based
System/Branches/Insert Rule data template. Configure insert rules
where you declare insert options (click the Configure tab in the Content
Editor, and then click Assign in the Insert Options group). For more
information about insert options, see my blog post at

Sorting Items
In addition to sorting items manually, you can select a rule for sorting the
children of an item, sometimes called the subitem sorting rule (although
sometimes the term subitems includes all descendants).
For each item, Sitecore stores a numeric sort order value in the
__Sortorder field (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Sortorder) defined in the
Appearance section of the standard template. Sitecore user interfaces,
developer APIs, and XML representations order lists of items by their sort
order values. When you invoke commands in the user interface to sort
items, Sitecore calculates and applies new sort order values for the
affected items (and potentially their siblings). In some cases, such as to
control the visual order of sections defined in a data template and the base
templates in its inheritance chain, you may need to view standard fields
and set the value of the sort order field manually.
If you do not manually sort the children of an item, Sitecore
automatically applies the sorting rule specified in the __Subitems
sorting field. The default sorting rule sorts items by name, but you can
select alternative child sorting rules, and even implement your own child
sorting rules for each item.
To select a child sorting rule for an item, do the following:
1. Click the Home tab in the Content Editor. Click the square icon next
to the group name Sorting in the Sorting group. The Set the Sorting for
the Subitems dialog appears as shown in Figure 2.3.
2. Select the desired child sorting rule in the Sorting field in the Set
the Sorting for the Subitems dialog, and then click OK. The Set the
Sorting for the Subitems dialog disappears, and you return to the
Content Editor.

Remember to publish children, siblings, and parents after operations that change the sort
order values of items, or when the order of items in the content delivery environment
erroneously differs from the order of items in the content management environment.

Figure 2.3
For an example that implements the
> interface to sort items by a field value, and registers that comparer as a
child sorting rule, see the FieldValueComparer (
Sitecore Shared Source project.
If you use .NET 3.5 or later, you can LINQ (Language-Integrated Query, to sort items. In your code, add a using directive for
the System.Linq namespace:
using System.Linq;
Then you can add .OrderBy() and .OrderByDescending() clauses to
various types of lists. For example, you can sort by a property of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class, such as the display names of the
children of the context item:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;

foreach(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in
item.Children.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayName))
// process child
You can also sort items by the value of a field:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;

foreach(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in
item.Children.OrderByDescending(x => x["FieldName"]))
// process child
For more information about sorting items, including how to sort with
XSL and an XSL extension library for sorting, see my blog posts at and Read the comments on those
blog posts for some warnings about sorting in multilingual Sitecore

Managing ItemURLs
While Sitecore provides default logic to determine and resolve URLs for
items, you may need to implement custom URLs for your solution, such as
to add query string parameters or resolve URLs with custom logic. There
are two major considerations for managing URLs with Sitecore:
Configuring the solution to generate URLs that meet your
Configuring the solution to correctly map those URLs to the
corresponding items in the database
The first component typically involves the link provider specified by the
type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file. To override the link provider,
create a class that inherits from the class specified by the type attribute of
this <add> element, and update that attribute to reference your class. The
second consideration typically involves a processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline defined in the Web.config file that, among
other things, parses URLs to determine the context item. You can add
processors to and override existing processors in this pipeline to set the
Sitecore.Context.Item static property as required for your solution.
For more information about managing links with Sitecore, see The
Sitecore Guide to Dynamic Links (

How Sitecore Generates URLs

The default Sitecore link provider specified by the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file automatically generates URLs that
assist in search engine optimization (SEO) efforts for each item based on
its name and its path relative to the home item of the context site. If the
Rendering.SiteResolving setting in the Web.config file is true and the
item is not the home item of the context site or one of its descendants,
Sitecore constructs the URL relative to the home item of the managed site
that Sitecore determines to be an ancestor of the item. To construct the
URL of an item, Sitecore removes the path to the start item of the
managed site associated with the item. For example, under the default
configuration, the URL of the /sitecore/content/home/section/page
item would be /section/page.aspx.
Internal links in raw field values, such as in the source view of Rich Text
fields, contain item IDs, which Sitecore refers to as dynamic links.
Presentation components use constructs that invoke the renderField
pipeline defined in the Web.config file to transform those references into
friendly URLs. To convert IDs in field values to friendly URLs based on
item paths explicitly, you can do any of the following:
Use the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldRenderer web
Invoke the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldRenderer.Render() static
Call the renderField pipeline.
Call the Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.ExpandDynamicLinks()
static method (which does not add Page Editor, debugging, or other
features, as the renderField pipeline does).
The default link provider specified by the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore supports the following attributes:
addAspxExtension — Determines whether to include the .aspx
extension in the URLs of content items
alwaysIncludeServerUrl — Determines whether to include the
protocol, such as http, and domain, such as www.domain.tld, in URLs
encodeNames — Determines whether to encode characters in item
names according to the
elements in the Web.config file
languageEmbedding — Determines whether to include a language
code in URLs
languageLocation — Determines whether to use the first step in the
URL path or the sc_lang query string parameter to specify the
language code
shortenUrls — Reserved for future use by Sitecore
useDisplayName — Determines whether Sitecore uses the display
names of items to construct URLs rather than using the names of
those items

Attributes of the link provider do not affect the URLs of Sitecore media items.

For an example that overrides the default link provider with the
following features, see the LinkProvider ( Sitecore
Shared Source project:
Where one exists, use the alias for an item instead of its path.
Include the trailing slash (/) character in URLs when possible.
Convert all characters in the path part of the URL to lowercase.
Include the language in URLs for some sites, but not others.
To determine the friendly URL of a content item, call the
Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl() static method. For
example, to access the URL of the context item:

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;

Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions urlOptions =
urlOptions.SiteResolving =
string url = Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item,

The Sitecore.Links.LinkManger.GetItemUrl() static method might not automatically

apply the Rendering.SiteResolving setting defined in the Web.config file. If you set the
Rendering.SiteResolving setting to true, follow the approach outlined in the preceding
code. If you do not set the Rendering.SiteResolving setting to true, you do not need to
create the Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions object and you can call the implementation of the
Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl() method that requires only one parameter
(the item).

How Sitecore Resolves URLs

Processors in the httpRequestBegin pipeline defined in the Web.config
file parse the requested URL to determine the context item. They do so in
this order:
QueryStringResolver resolves the sc_itemid query string
parameter used to specify a context item when you invoke CMS user
interfaces such as the Page Editor.
DynamicLinkResolver resolves dynamic links that contain item IDs
in case you forget to use the renderField pipeline.
AliasResolver resolves aliases as described in a subsequent section
of this chapter.
DefaultResolver resolves requests for the home item of a managed
ItemResolver resolves item paths.
Sitecore data providers apply wildcards internally. A subsequent section of this chapter
describes wildcards.

Removing /sitecore/content from URLs

If an item is not the home item of the context site or one of its
descendants, or if the Rendering.SiteResolving setting in the
Web.config file is true and the item is not the home item of any managed
site or the descendant of such a home item, Sitecore generates its URL
using the full path to the item. For example, under the default
configuration, the URL of the /sitecore/content/external_data/page
item is /sitecore/content/external_data/page.aspx, where you
might prefer /external_data/page.aspx or simply /page.aspx.
The best way to address this issue is to ensure that you create all items
for which you generate URLs as descendants of the home item of one of
the managed sites, and if you manage multiple sites on a single instance,
set the Rendering.SiteResolving setting in the Web.config file to true.
For more information about managing multiple sites with individual
Sitecore instances, see Chapter 9. If you must store items in a location not
under the home item of any managed site or use some items in multiple
sites, do either of the following:
Create items for which you want URLs under the home items of
managed sites, where those items contain fields to let CMS users
select items not under the home item of any managed site. Configure
presentation components for the items under the home items of the
managed sites to retrieve data from the items selected in those fields.
Implement a custom link provider to generate URLs according to your
requirements. Add a custom processor after the default ItemResolver
processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline to set the
Sitecore.Context.Item static property to the required item when
that property is null and the requested URL corresponds to one of
those items.
Clone Items
A clone functions like a virtual copy of an item; it can override field
values in the item of which it is a clone. Clones use the same data
templates as the cloned items. When you access a field value in a clone,
Sitecore retrieves the value from the clone if it contains a value for that
field, or from the cloned item if the clone does not contain a value for that
field and the cloned item does, or from the standard values for the data
template associated with the cloned item if neither the clone nor the
cloned item contains a value for that field. You can even clone clones and
inherit field values from the original cloned item. When you clone an
item, Sitecore creates of each of its descendants as well.

You cannot clone a data template or data template section.

When you select a clone in the Content Editor, Sitecore displays a

warning to inform you whether changes have occurred to the cloned item
since the creation of the clone. The warning tells you of field changes as
well as the addition, deletion, and renaming of descendant items under the
cloned item. Using actions available in the warning, you can then accept
the changes and apply them to the clone or reject the changes and keep the
values and structure previously cloned. When you delete a cloned item,
Sitecore converts its clones to actual items and copies field values from
the deleted clone to the items themselves, which are then no longer clones.

Publishing expands clones in the Master database to create actual items in publishing
target databases. The IsClone() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class, which
you can use to determine whether an item in the Master database is a clone, does not
return true for items in publishing target databases.

For clones, the __Source (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Source) field defined

in the Advanced section of the standard template stores information about
the cloned item. To prevent infinite recursion, clones do not inherit the
value of the __Source field from the cloned item. Neither do standard
values apply for the __Source field.
To create a clone, Sitecore uses the CloneTo() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class. This method resets the values of all
fields in the clone to the values defined in the cloned item, except for
those returned by the GetNonInheritedFieldIDs() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.CloneItem class. In other words, clones
effectively do not apply values for the fields defined by the standard
template shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Fields Defined in the Standard Template
Field Name Constant Section
__Updated Sitecore.FieldIDs.Updated Statistics
__Updated By Sitecore.FieldIds.UpdatedBy Statistics
__Revision Sitecore.FieldIDs.Revision Statistics
__Created Sitecore.FieldIDs.Created Statistics
__Created By Sitecore.FieldIDs.CreatedBy Statistics
__Workflow Sitecore.FieldIDs.Workflow Workflow
__Workflow State Sitecore.FieldIDs.WorkflowState Workflow
__Lock Sitecore.FieldIDs.Lock Workflow

For more information about clones, see my blog post at

Alias Items
You can use aliases to provide additional URLs for content items. An alias
URL is typically shorter than the default friendly URL for an item, and
often used for print campaigns or other forms of marketing. To create or
manage aliases for an item in the Content Editor, click the Presentation
tab, and then click Aliases in the URL group.
Aliases involve definition items under the /sitecore/system/Aliases
item that use the System/Alias data template. If a requested URL
matches the path to an alias definition item, the AliasResolver processor
in the httpRequestBegin pipeline sets the context item to the item
specified by the Linked item field in the Data section of that alias
definition item.
Aliases support nesting. You can create the
/sitecore/system/Aliases/Section item using the Common/Folder
data template, and the /sitecore/system/Aliases/Section/Page item
using the System/Alias data template to define the alias URL
/Section/Page.aspx for an item elsewhere in the content tree.

Considerations for Working with Alias Items

The following list describes some issues you need to address when working with
Aliases can result in multiple URLs for an item, which can affect search engine
Try to avoid aliases by putting the content in a location and naming it to generate
the URLs you want in the first place. Partly for search engine optimization (SEO),
I don't like the potential for a page to have multiple URLs. I have even stronger
objections to creating multiple aliases for a single item unless it's necessary.
When generating links to items, Sitecore does not apply aliases automatically. The
LinkProvider ( Sitecore Shared Source project includes a link
provider that applies aliases where they exist, but this can use inordinate system
resources in solutions that contain large numbers of aliases.
As with all items that you create in the Master database, you must publish alias
definition items to the publishing target database(s) supporting the content
delivery environment.
Without a custom solution, all aliases apply to all managed sites, and each alias
name can reference only a single item. If you create an alias pointing to an item
under the home item of a specific managed site, that alias works for all the
managed sites. Regardless of the context site, Sitecore sets the context item to the
item specified by the alias, but with a different processing context for each
managed site.
When Sitecore processes an HTTP request that contains a URL that maps to an
alias, Sitecore sets the context item to the item specified by the alias, not to the
alias definition item itself.

If you do not use aliases, you can disable aliases by setting the
AliasesActive setting in the Web.config file to false, or by removing
the AliasResolver processor from the httpRequestBegin pipeline.

Wildcard Items
Sitecore wildcard items match all HTTP requests that do not match the
names of any siblings of the wildcard definition item. A wildcard is an
item with a single asterisk (*) as the only character in its name. Otherwise,
wildcard items are just like any other item. You can apply security, layout
details, workflow, and other features to wildcard items. You can use them
for various purposes, most commonly to integrate data from external
systems, in which case the part of the URL matched by the wildcard
typically corresponds to an identifier in the external system.
For example, if the /products item contains a wildcard item
(/products/*) and no other children, Sitecore sets the context item to
/products/* for any URL that would otherwise correspond to a child of
the /products item, such as /products/ProductID.aspx. Presentation
components specified for the wildcard item parse the requested URL (in
the Sitecore.Context.RawUrl static property) to determine the
requested ProductID, and render information about that product from the
external system. If needed, wildcards support nesting, such as
/Products/*/* to match URLs such as
/Products/Category/ProductID.aspx. If multiple presentation
components in a page depend on the ProductID, the first presentation
control to parse the URL, or preferably a custom processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline, can store the product identifier in the
visitor's ASP.NET session, in the Sitecore.Context.Items static
collection, or elsewhere for subsequent presentation components to access.

If you use the Sitecore.Context.Items static collection, be sure to use a key that Sitecore
will never use, and use programming facilities such as constants to avoid hard-coding
that key in multiple components.

Sitecore automatically sets the context item when the requested URL
matches only the wildcard definition item, but your presentation
components must generate links using appropriate URLs, such as to
contain the product ID instead of the asterisk (*) character. In other words,
you have to generate URLs that trigger the wildcards even though no items
by those names exist at those paths in the Sitecore database.
For more information about wildcards, see my blog post at

Sitecore Data Templates

Data templates (or just templates) define the structure of types of items as
a collection of named field values. For example, the data template for
news article items could include fields for the title, byline, author, date,
content body, and other data elements common to all news articles. Each
data template field has numerous configuration properties, such as ID and
data type. Each item based on a data template can contain a value for each
field that template defines. Data templates can provide default
(“standard”) values for each field in the data template. Using base
templates, data templates support multiple and sequential inheritance from
other data templates. Most data templates eventually inherit from
Sitecore's standard template, which defines sections and fields that can
apply to any item.

Many CMS products use the term template to describe presentation components. Some
CMS products use the term template for both data capture and presentation components.
Sitecore uses it only for data capture components, and uses terms such as layout, layout
details, and renderings to describe presentation components.

A data template consists of a definition item that defines properties of

the data template. Each definition item for a data template can be the
parent of any number of definition items for data template sections, which
contain properties of the sections in that data template as described in the
next section. Each section definition item can be the parent of any number
of definition items for data template fields, which define properties of the
fields in that section as described in the section subsequent to that which
describes data template sections.
Each definition item for a data template can contain a standard values
definition item, which defines values for the fields in that data template
that apply to all items that do not specify values for those fields. The
Template Builder application that you see when you select a data template
in the Content Editor or the Template Manager abstracts the underlying
implementation of sections, fields, and standard values, allowing you to
specify basic properties of the template, its sections, and the fields within
those sections through a simplified user interface. Figure 2.4 shows the
Template Builder open in the Content Editor with the Sample/Sample
Item data template selected in the content tree.
In the image shown in Figure 2.4, you can see the definition item for the
standard values of the data template and a single section definition item
containing two field definition items under the template definition item
selected in the content tree on the left. The editing pane on the right shows
the Template Builder, which simplifies access to those items. The Builder
tab on the Ribbon, which appears when you navigate to a data template
definition item, lets you perform operations on the object selected in the
Template Builder, such as to remove or sort sections and fields, to set base
templates for the selected data template, or to configure standard values
for that template.

To edit the data template associated with an item, select the item in the Content Editor,
click the Configure tab, and then click Edit in the Template group.

Figure 2.4
Data Template Sections
A data template consists of zero or more data template sections, which
group the fields defined by the data template. A definition item for a data
template can contain any number of children that represent data template
sections, each section contains any number of fields. Data template
sections simply collect and order fields for the following purposes:
To group fields logically for data entry
To make it easier for users to locate fields in items
To avoid presenting a monolithic data entry form for CMS users
To group fields for reuse by other data templates, such as base
template with no items based directly on that base template
Sort the definition items for fields that CMS users access most frequently to the top of
each section, and sort the definition items for sections that users access most frequently
to the top of each data template.

When a data template and one or more of its base templates contain a
section by the same name, Sitecore user interfaces show a single section
containing all of the fields defined by the data template and in all sections
of its base templates that define sections by that name.

Base templates are simply data templates inherited by other data templates.

Sitecore developers write code that accesses fields directly by name or

ID, and refers to data template sections only in very specific
circumstances. For example, sections are relevant to developers ordering
fields defined in the same section of multiple base templates, using the
Sitecore APIs instead of the Sitecore user interfaces to define data
templates. Sections are irrelevant when retrieving field values from an

Data Template Fields

Each data template section can contain any number of data template fields,
which define the CMS user interface component for editing values and the
storage formats for those values. You can apply a number of properties to
each field to control its features, such as to support translation and
versioning of the field value.
Name data template fields to help users determine the purposes of your
fields, and supply additional properties such as help text to provide
additional contextual information. If the name of the field is not friendly
to users, set the Title property of the field.
To avoid confusion, do not use the same field name twice in a data template, including its
base templates, even if that field name would appear in separate sections.

In some cases, the names of data template fields appear in code. You
may want to apply a naming convention for data template fields, such as to
exclude whitespace characters. In such cases, apply titles to data template
fields for greater usability.

Data Template Field Types and Categories

The data type of each data template field, referred to as its field type,
controls the user interface component that Sitecore displays for the field in
CMS user interfaces. For example, the Single-Line Text field type presents
a user interface that allows the CMS user to enter a single line of text,
while the Rich Text field type presents a WYSIWYG (What You See Is
What You Get) HTML editor. Field types also control the format of the
field value represented by Sitecore, as well as how Sitecore manages
internal links contained in fields of that type. Excluding the Attachment
field type used for the binary component stored in the database for media
items, all field values contain text. For some field types, that text is in a
specific format, such as XML or XML-escaped HTML.
Sitecore defines the field types available to data templates using items
based on the System/Templates/Template field type data template
under the /sitecore/system/Field types item in the Core database.
Each definition for a field type can have children that define commands
visible for the field in the Content Editor and the Page Editor. Definition
items for field types can use the Assembly and Class fields in the Data
section to designate the class that implements the user interface for the
field type. Alternatively, if a definition item for a field type contains a
value in the Control field in the Data section, the prefix before the colon
(:) character matches the prefix attribute of one of the
/configuration/sitecore/controlSources/source elements in the
Web.config file, where the namespace attribute of that <source> element
identifies the .NET namespace that contains the class that implements the
user interface for the field type, and the token after the colon indicates the
name of that class.
The /App_Config/FieldTypes.config file maps the keys (lowercase
names) of the data template field types to the classes that implement
internal link management for those field types. If you define your own
field types that support internal links, you should consider adding entries
to this file.
Sitecore provides numerous field types, organized into the following
categories. For an example data template that demonstrates many of these
field types, use the Installation Wizard tool on the Development Tools
submenu of the Sitecore menu in the browser-based desktop to install the
User Defined/Field Types data template. For instructions to install a
package, see The Sitecore Package Designer Administrator's Guide
( To examine the fields it contains, you do not need
to create an item based on this data template. Instead, navigate to the
definition item for its standard values (/sitecore/templates/User
Defined/Field Types/__Standard Values) in the Content Editor or the
Template Manager. The package (.zip file) that you installed contains this
item. You will read more about standard values later in this chapter.

The definition item for the standard values of data templates is simply an item based on
that data template stored as a child of the definition item for the data template, where the
name of that child is __Standard Values.

The field types in the Analytics category support features of the Customer
Engagement Platform (CEP) provided by the Digital Marketing System
(DMS). This book does not describe these field types because you should
not use them in your own data templates.

Simple Types
The field types in the Simple Types category implement typical data entry
components such as Checkbox, Date, Datetime, Image, and File, Integer,
Multi-Line Text, Rich Text (HTML), and Single-Line Text.
The Image field type lets you select an image from the media library; the File field type
lets you select any file, such as a .pdf.

Sitecore stores values for most of these field types as simple text, using
the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) format
yyyyMMddTHHmmss for dates, and XML elements for images and files. For
an explanation of the characters in date format strings, see

Depending on how you access field values, they may contain XML entities in place of
special characters, such as & in place of an ampersand (&) character.

List Types
Most of the field types in the List Types category let the user select one or
more items, while the Name Lookup Value List and Name Value List types
allow the user to enter key/value pairs. With a Name Value List, the CMS
user enters both keys and values. With a Name Lookup Value List, the
CMS user enters keys and selects an item from a drop-down list to
associate with each of those keys.
The Droplist and Grouped Droplist field types allow the user to select a
single item and store the name of that item. Droplist allows the user to
select a child of the item specified by the Source property of the field;
Grouped Droplist allows the user to select a grandchild of the Source item,
where the children of that source item represent categories containing
those items.

To avoid weak references, use field types that store IDs rather than names. For example,
use the Droplink field type, which stores the ID of the selected item, rather than the
Droplist field type, which stores only its name. Whenever you present data to a user,
include item paths instead of or in addition to IDs.
The Grouped Droplink field type in the List Types category, as well as
the Droplink and Droptree field types in the Link Types category that
follows, allow the user to select an item. Sitecore stores the ID of the
selected item as the value of the field.
The Checklist, Multilist, Treelist, and TreelistEx field types allow the
user to select zero or more items. Sitecore stores a list containing the IDs
of those items separated by pipe (|) characters.

Of the field types that allow the user to select more than one item, the TreelistEx field type
performs best and has as wide a range of capabilities as any other field type.

Link Types
The Link Types category of contains field types that can store a reference
to a single Sitecore item, a single external URL, or another type of link
such as an anchor within the page or an email address.
The Droplink field type allows the user to select a single item from a
drop-down list, and stores the ID of that item.
The Droptree field type allows the user to select a single item from a
tree structure, and stores the ID of that item.
The General Link field type allows the user to specify an internal,
external, JavaScript, anchor, or email address, and stores that value and
other properties of that link as an XML element.
Sitecore clones use the Version Link field type, which stores a reference
to a database, item ID, language, and version number in a proprietary

Developer Types
The Developer Types category contains field types intended for Sitecore
The Icon field type allows the user to select an image from Sitecore's
icon library, and stores that value as a relative path.
Sitecore provides an extensive icon library in the /sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard
subdirectory under the document root of the IIS website hosting the instance. You can use
these images royalty-free on the sites that you manage.

The IFrame field type enables you to embed custom applications as

fields in data templates. You define the storage format for the IFrame field
type. For more information about the IFrame field type, see The Sitecore
Client Configuration Cookbook (
The Tristate field type allows the user to specify that a value is Yes
(true), No (false), or Default (undefined).

System Types
Other than the File Drop Area and possibly Rules field types, the field
types in the System Types category are primarily for the Sitecore
application itself, and not intended for your data templates. You can use
these field types in your own data templates, but their details are beyond
the scope of this book.
The File Drop Area field type uses Web-Based Distributed Authoring
and Versioning (WebDAV — see to associate
media with content items.
The Rules field type lets you use the rules engine in custom processing

Deprecated Types
Sitecore includes the field types in the Deprecated category for internal
use, but does not provide technical support for their use in your solutions.

Do not use the Deprecated data template field types.

Custom Data Template Field Types

In addition to overriding the default field types, you can implement
custom field types. Overriding a field type is not a trivial task and is
beyond the scope of this book. For more information about custom data
template field types, see Creating a Composite Custom Field
( on the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN). For an
example of a custom data template field, see my blog post at, as well as the following Sitecore Shared Source
VideoEmbed — Lets CMS users specify the URL of a video
ColorPicker — Lets CMS users select HTML color codes from a
visual palette (
FieldTypes — Includes Visual List, Carousel, Text List, Limited
Single-Line Text, Slider, and Filtered Multilist custom field types
AccountSelectorField — Lets CMS users select users and roles
InlineItemListField — Creates items without leaving a Multilist
field (

The IFrame field type can often provide the same functionality as a custom field type, and
presents less of a learning curve for CMS developers.

Data Template Field Properties

You can specify a number of field properties to control how users and code
interact with each field and its values.
Sitecore uses definition items to describe the fields in each data
template. Field definition items are like any other items, and therefore
have names, IDs, paths, and other universal properties. Your code can refer
to fields by name, but to follow best practice, reference fields by ID, such
as by creating a class similar to the Sitecore.FieldIDs class that
exposes the IDs of fields provided by the CMS.
If you specify the Title property of a field, CMS user interfaces display
the value of that property as the label for the field. Otherwise, CMS user
interfaces display the name of the field.
The Source property works differently for different types of fields. The
Source property does not apply to some field types, such as simple text
fields. For list fields, the Source property specifies the items to appear in
the selection list. For fields of type Image and File, the Source property
specifies the root of the tree for item selection dialogs. For Rich Text
fields, the Source property can specify a Rich Text Editor (RTE) profile
definition item, which controls the features visible in the editor.
If the Source property of a field of type Image or File begins with a tilde
character (∼, probably located below the Esc key on your keyboard), as in
(for example) ∼/sitecore/media library/images, then the selection
tree shows the specified location by default, but allows the user to
navigate to the root of the tree. For an example of setting the Source
property dynamically at runtime, see my blog post at
The Source field of these and other field types allow a relative path, which
specifies an location relative to the item selected by a user. For example, if
the value of the Source property is an XPath shortcut for the parent
element, and a user edits the /sitecore/content/home/page item, that
source path references the /sitecore/content/home item; when editing a
different item that is not a sibling of the /sitecore/content/home/page
item, the Source property of the same field could evaluate to a different
item. These three approaches can increase data template reusability and
inheritance options, such as when you use the same data template for
multiple managed sites. For more information about managing multiple
websites with a single Sitecore instance, see Chapter 9.
The Source property of a selection field can specify a path, multiple
paths separated by pipe characters, a query beginning with the query:
prefix, a fast query beginning with the query:fast: prefix, or multiple
parameters encoded much like a URL query string as described later in
this section). For more information about Sitecore query and fast query,
see Chapter 3. Sitecore invokes the getLookupSourceItems pipeline
defined in the Web.config file to determine the items to include in the
drop-down list or selection tree for fields that show such features. My blog
post at provides an example processor that let you use
the getLookupSourceItems pipeline that lets you use tokens such as $now
and $id in the Source property of fields to construct queries that specify
the item selected by the user and the current system date.
Where possible, all selection field types, including Checklist, Droplist,
Grouped Droplink, Grouped Droplist, Multilist, Name Lookup Value List,
Treelist, and TreelistEx, support multiple parameters in the Source
property of the data template field, encoded and separated as query string
parameters. These parameters include:
AllowMultipleSelection — Allows the user to select an item more
than once (allowed values are yes and no)
DatabaseName — Names the database containing the items to include
in the list or display in the selection tree
DataSource — Specifies a path that would have been the Source
property for the field if you had no other parameters to pass

Under the default implementation of the getLookupSourceItems pipeline, the DataSource

parameter must specify an item or a pipe-separated list of items, not a query or a fast

ExcludeItemsForDisplay — A comma-separated list of IDs; the

specified items do not appear in the drop-down list or selection tree
ExcludeTemplatesForDisplay — A comma-separated list of
template names; items based on these data templates do not appear in
the drop-down list or selection tree
ExcludeTemplatesForSelection — A comma-separated list of
template names; the user cannot select items based on the specified
data specified
IncludeItemsForDisplay — A comma-separated list of template
IDs; the items they specify appear in the drop-down list or selection
IncludeTemplatesForDisplay — A comma-separated list of
template names; items based on these data templates appear in the
drop-down list or selection tree
IncludeTemplatesForSelection — A comma-separated list of
template names; the user must select an item based on one of the data
templates specified
When a drop-down list or selection tree does not display an item, it does not display its
descendants either.

The __Masters (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Branches) field defined in the

Insert Options section of the standard template provides a complex
example of Sitecore's internal use of these parameters. While you should
normally assign insert options using the Assign command in the Insert
Options group on the Configure tab, you can also assign insert options
using this field of type TreelistEx. The Source field of the
Options/Insert Options/__Masters item that defines this data
template field uses the DataSource parameter to root the tree at the
/sitecore/templates item, the IncludeTemplatesForSelection
parameter to allow selection of definition items for data templates, branch
templates, and command templates, the IncludeTemplatesForDisplay
parameter to navigate a variety of types of folders, and the
ExcludeItemsForDisplay parameter to prevent certain items from
appearing in the tree.
To access the __Masters field as a standard TreelistEx, click the View
tab in the Content Editor, and then select the Standard Fields checkbox in
the View group. Then, click the Edit command above the field titled Insert
Options (the Title property of the __Masters field) in the Insert Options
section. The Select Items dialog appears, allowing you to select definition
items for branch templates, command templates, and data templates. This
selection tree provided by the Select Items dialog allows you to expand
folders to navigate the tree, but not to add those folders to your selection.
Additionally, the Source property of this field excludes the data templates
for section definition items from the selection tree, which prevents you
from expanding data templates to view the sections they contain or
selecting those section definition items. It also specifies the types of items
that you can select, which prevents you from selecting the standard values
definition items beneath the definition items for those data templates.
Remember to clear the Standard Fields checkbox in the View group on the
View tab before proceeding.
For shared fields those for which you check the Shared checkbox in the
definition item for the field, Sitecore maintains a single value for all
versions of each item in all languages. For fields that you choose not to
version by checking the Unversioned checkbox in the definition item for
the field, Sitecore maintains a single value for all versions of each item in
a language, but different values for different languages. Sitecore does not
version field values if you select either the Shared or the Unversioned
checkbox in the definition item for the field.

Publishing operations that include a version of an item include all values in shared fields
and fields of the published language that you do not version, regardless of the workflow
state or publishing restrictions associated with other versions of that item.

The Reset Blank property in each data template field controls whether
Sitecore resets that field to its standard value when a user enters an empty
string in that field. If you do not check the Reset Blank checkbox (as by
default), Sitecore stores an empty string in the field when the user clears
the value of that field. If the Rest Blank property is checked, Sitecore
instead resets the field to its standard value.

Standard Values
Standard values define field values that apply to all items based on a data
template that do not override those values. All items based on a data
template automatically contain its standard values, but each item can
override standard values for individual fields.
You can create a standard values item for each data template. The
standard values item for a data template is just an item based on that data
template, stored as a child of the data template definition item, with the
name __Standard Values.
To create or edit the standard values item for a data template, do the
1. Select the data template in the Content Editor or Template Manager.
2. Click the Options tab, and then click Standard Values in the
Template group.
Standard values items inherit standard values defined in base templates,
recursively. For example, if template B inherits from template A, and
template A defines a standard value for a field, items based on template B
share that standard value for that field, unless those items or standard
values for B override the standard value defined for that field by Template
A. If A inherits from another template, the standard values for that
template apply to A and hence B and any items associated with B.
Just as clones do not inherit the value of the __Source
(Sitecore.FieldIDs.VersionLink) field defined in the Advanced
section of the standard template from the cloned item, items do not inherit
the value of the __Source field from the standard values of the data
template associated with those items. Standard values apply to all other
fields, but item creation and save operations often override standard
values for the same fields that Sitecore resets for clones (previously listed
in Table 2.1).
Always define at least layout details (see Chapter 3), insert options, and
initial workflow (see Chapter 9) in the standard values for each data
template. If you need to override standard values for a large number of
items, you can create a data template that inherits from the existing
template, apply alternate standard values for that inheriting data template,
and associate those items with that inheriting template.

Set the icon for a data template in the data template itself, not in its standard values.

When you create an item, Sitecore expands the following tokens in the
standard values for the data template, resulting in field values in the item
that override the standard values for those fields:
$name — The response from the user to the prompt to name the new
$id — The ID of the new item
$parentid — The ID of the parent of the new item
$parentname — The name of the parent of the new item
$date — The system date in yyyyMMdd format
$time — The system time in HHmmss format
$now — The system date and time in yyyyMMddTHHmmss format
You can always determine the values for these properties of the item at
runtime, but you may want to use these tokens to store the values at
creation time, in case the user moves or otherwise changes the data. For
example, the __Created (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Created) field defined in
the Statistics section of the standard template stores the creation date and
time for each item. Your presentation code can use this field, for example
as the release date of a news article, but the user cannot easily change its
value. If you create a Datetime field in your data template, and set its
standard value to $now, Sitecore will set that field as it sets the __Created
field defined in the standard template. Unlike the __Created field that
most users cannot update, CMS users can subsequently change the value
of your Datetime field like any other field. Regarding the $name token,
you may want to store the name originally entered by the user, perhaps
using the display name property of the item, in case the user or the system
subsequently changes the name of that item.
To add your own expanding tokens for use in standard values, do the
1. Create a class that inherits from the class specified by the
MasterVariablesReplacer setting in the Web.config file in your
Visual Studio project.
2. Override the Replace() and ReplaceField() methods to call the
corresponding methods in the base class and then perform your
3. Update the MasterVariablesReplacer setting in the Web.config
file to specify the signature of your class.
If the value for a field in a version of an item is null, Sitecore retrieves
the standard value for that field. In this context, Sitecore differentiates
between null (equivalent to a missing row in the database) and an empty
string. An empty string is a value like any other. A null value specifically
indicates that a field should contain its standard value.
To reset a field to its standard value, first select the item containing the
field in the Content Editor.
For clones, these operations reset the field to the current value in the cloned item.

To reset the __Renderings (Sitecore.FieldIDs.LayoutField) field

defined in the Layout section of the standard template, which specifies
layout details, to the standard value defined for the item's data template or
by the cloned item, follow these steps:
1. Select the Presentation tab, and then click Reset in the Details
group. A confirmation dialog appears.
2. Click OK. The confirmation dialog disappears and you return to the
Content Editor.
To reset the __Masters (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Branches) field defined
in the Insert Options section of the standard template, which defines insert
options, to the standard value defined for the item's data template or by the
cloned item, follow these steps:
1. Select the Configure tab, and then click Reset in the Insert Options
group. A confirmation dialog appears.
2. Click OK. The confirmation dialog disappears and you return to the
Content Editor.
To reset the __Subitems Sorting
(Sitecore.FieldIDs.SubitemsSorting) field defined in the Appearance
section of the standard template, which defines the child sorting rule, to
the standard value defined for the item's data template or by the cloned
item, follow these steps:
1. Select the Home tab, and then click the square icon next to the
group named Sorting on the Ribbon. The Set the Sorting For The
Subitems dialog appears as shown previously in Figure 2.3.
2. Select Reset to Standard Value in the Sorting drop-down list and
then click OK. The Set the Sorting For The Subitems dialog disappears
and you see the Content Editor.
In the Set the Sorting For The Subitems dialog, the Reset button resets the sort order
values of the children of the selected item according to the sorting rule currently defined
in the selected item.

To reset any other field to the standard value defined for the item's data
template or by the cloned item, follow these steps:
1. If the standard template defines the field, select the View tab in the
Content Editor, and then select the Standard Fields option in the View

If you show standard fields, remember to hide them afterward to improve performance
and usability, as well as to make an inadvertent error in one of those fields less likely.

2. Click the Versions tab and then click Reset in the Fields group. The
Reset Fields dialog appears as shown in Figure 2.5. The fields left side
of this dialog shows the current values of fields in the item; the right
side shows the standard values for those fields. If you elected to show
the fields defined in the standard template, they appear in the Reset
Fields dialog.

If you reset a field to its standard value, and that standard value contains a token such
as $name, the value of the field will contain that token rather than the value expanded
when you originally created the item

3. Check the checkboxes for the fields to reset in the Reset Fields
dialog, and then click Reset. The Reset Fields dialog disappears and
you return to the Content Editor.
4. If the standard template defines the field, select the View tab, and
then clear the Standard Fields checkbox in the View group.
To override the logic that Sitecore uses to determine standard values, override the class
specified by the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/standardValues/provider/add element named sitecore in the
Web.config file.

Figure 2.5

The ContainsStandardValue property of the

Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field class that represents a field value
indicates whether a field contains its standard value. For example, to
determine whether the context item contains the standard value for the
field named Title, do the following:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field title = item.Fields["Title"];

if (title.ContainsStandardValue)
// the context item contains the standard value for the
field named Title.

Data Template Inheritance

Each data template can inherit sections, fields, standard values, and
potentially other properties from any number of other data templates,
called base templates. If you directly or indirectly inherit from the same
data template more than once, Sitecore behaves as if you had inherited that
data template only once. If you do not specify any base templates for a
data template, that template inherits directly from the standard template
by default.

Avoid circular template inheritance. A data template should never inherit directly or
indirectly from itself.

If a data template inherits from two base templates that define different
standard values for a field inherited from a common base template, the
standard value for that field in the template that inherits from those two
base templates may contain either value.

The Standard Template

The standard template defines sections and fields common to all items. If
a template does not explicitly inherit from no template (the data template
with the null ID, {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}), one of
the base templates of the standard template, or a data template that does
not inherit from the standard template, that template inherits from the
standard template by default. The standard template and the data templates
for definition items for data templates, data template sections, and data
template use these features to avoid inheriting from the standard template.
Many of the commands in the Ribbon visible in the Content Editor
abstract access to fields defined in the standard template, helping to avoid
a long data entry form for users and providing simplified user interfaces
instead of those provided by the underlying field types. For example, the
Details command in the Layout group on the Presentation tab abstracts
access to the __Renderings (Sitecore.FieldIDs.LayoutField) field
defined in the Layout section of the standard template.

Not all fields defined by the standard template logically apply to all items in which they
appear. For example, layout details typically apply only to items under the home item of
one of the managed sites, but you can apply layout details to any item. It is your
responsibility to use the fields defined by the standard template correctly.

Technically the standard template does not define any fields. Instead it
specifies a number of base templates, each of which defines a different
section that contains several fields. These base templates inherit from the
null template.
The following may be confusing and irrelevant, or it may be useful and
interesting. Sitecore uses items based on data templates to define data
templates and their components. A data template definition is a hierarchy
of items rooted at a template definition item, which may contain a
standard values item based on the data template as well as some number of
section definition items, each containing field definition items. This
means that Sitecore uses data templates to define the structure of
definition items for data templates, section definition items, and field
definition items. As mentioned previously in this section, these data
templates do not inherit from the standard template or the null template,
but only from a subset of the base templates used by the standard template
that are useful for these types of definition items. Additionally, the
standard template does not inherit from itself.
To specify that a data template does not inherit from the standard
template or any other data template, do the following:
1. Select the definition item for the data template in the Content Editor
or Template Manager, and then select the Content tab.
2. Select the View tab, and then check the Raw Values checkbox in the
View group.

Remember to hide raw values afterward to improve usability.

3. Enter {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} (the null ID) as

the value of the __Base template field in the Data section as shown
in Figure 2.6.
To inherit only specific sections from the standard template, in the
__Base template field of the data template, select one or more data
templates from the /sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Sections
folder that contains the base templates for the standard template.
To enhance the standard template, you can create a data template that
inherits from the standard template and then update the
DefaultBaseTemplate setting in the Web.config file to specify that
template. Alternatively, create a data template that inherits from the null
template and add that to the base templates for the default standard
Figure 2.6
Data Validation
Sitecore provides extensive data validation facilities for field values and
entire items. You can use these features to enforce constraints on data
entered by CMS users. Using validation, you can define data entry
requirements for individual field values, as well as for entire items and
even hierarchies of items, meaning that you can validate almost anything.
You can validate the name and location of each item. You can validate data
while the user enters it with validation indicators appearing to the left of
individual fields, in the Quick Action bar to the left of the Content Editor,
and in the Validation bar to the right of the Content Editor. You can
validate data when CMS users click the Validate command in the Proofing
group on the Review tab in the Content Editor. You can use validation to
prevent the user from submitting content to the next state in the workflow
until before addressing a validation issue. You can provide validation
actions that let the user correct validation issues automatically. You can
specify different validation error levels to indicate the severity of the error
and control how the system responds to it. You can suppress specific types
of validation for individual items.

Optimizing Data Validation

The following tips and techniques can help you benefit from using data validation.
For more information about validation, see Chapter 7. Avoid the legacy Validation
and ValidationText properties in the Data section of data template field definition
To maximize performance, configure validation for the Validate command and
workflow rather than using the Quick Action bar or the Validation bar.
Content Editor warnings can provide an alternative to validation. For information
about Content Editor warnings, see Chapter 7.
To disable the requirement that fields of type Image specify alternate text (ALT
text), remove the Image Has Alt Text validator from the fields in the Validation
section of the /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types/Image
item in the Core database.
To disable XHTML validation for Rich Text fields , remove the Is Xhtml validator
from the fields in the Validation section of the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types/Rich Text item in
the Core database.
To disable full page XHTML validation, remove the Full Page XHtml validator
from the fields in the Validation section of the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Global Rules item in the Core
database. Alternatively, disable (move or delete) the validation action from the
workflow action the user chooses to submit content to the next state in the
workflow. For information about workflow, see Chapter 9.
In some versions of Sitecore the definition item for the Rich Text field type (the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types/Rich Text item in
the Core database) has the erroneous display name Multilist in multiple languages.
If you see two children under the /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation
Rules/Field Types item that appear as Multilist, click on each one until the item
header shows Multilist [Rich Text], and clear the display name property for that
item in all languages.

For more information about validation, see The Sitecore Data Definition
Reference (, The Sitecore Client Configuration
Cookbook (, and my blog post at,
which links to a number of resources that include sample validators.
Managing Multilingual Solutions
Sitecore lets you translate your managed sites into any number of
languages for any number of regions and cultures. Your site visitors from
multiple regions and cultures often speak a single language with various
distinctions. You can vary content within a single language to present
specific variations of content to visitors from specific regions and
cultures. Specifically, you can translate each field of each item for any
number of language and region/culture combinations, and present content
from one or more language and region/culture combinations on each page
according to your requirements.
Because the Sitecore user interfaces are components of a Sitecore
solution, they support internationalization just as your solution supports
internationalization. To select a language to display in CMS user
interfaces, on the Sitecore login screen, client Options to display the
Options panel, and then select a language from the User Interface
Language drop-down list.

You cannot translate the value of shared data template fields.

Language and Culture

Sitecore maintains a code for each language, for example en for English.
In addition to differentiating content by language, you can also
differentiate content by culture or region, for example by using the code
US for the United States and GB for Great Britain. While the default en
language provided by Sitecore does not specify a culture, Sitecore
associates a culture with any language that you create. Together, the
language and culture create the combined country code, for example en-
To change the flag associated with the default English language, do the
1. Select the /sitecore/system/Languages/en item in the Content
2. Click the flag that represents the icon for the item at the top of the
editing pane. The Assign Icon dialog appears.
3. Select the Icons tab.
4. Select Flags from the drop-down list at the right. Figure 2.7 shows
the Assign Icon dialog as it appears while making this selection.
5. Select the flag that the Sitecore user interfaces should display for
the English language, and then click OK. The Assign Icon dialog
disappears and you return to the Content Editor.
Optionally, in the /sitecore/system/Languages/en item that defines
the default English language, enter the name of an alternate spell-checking
dictionary file, such as en-GB.tdf for the English language in the Great
Britain region/culture, for the value of the Dictionary field in the Data
section. You can find these files in the /sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich
Text Editor/Dictionaries subdirectory beneath the IIS document root.
For more information and additional .tdf files that you can install, see

You may prefer to leave the default English language alone and register new English
languages for other cultures as described previously in this chapter.

If you implement multiple languages, you should always let the user
select from the available content languages to override the current context
Figure 2.7
Determining the Context Language
The LanguageResolver processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline
determines the context language (the Sitecore.Context.Language static
property) for the duration of each request. Subsequently, Sitecore accesses
versions of items in that language by default. The
Sitecore.Context.Language provides a value even before the layout
engine invokes the httpRequestBegin pipeline for the HTTP request.
Under some conditions, the value of the Sitecore.Context.Language
static property differs before and after invocation of the
LanguageResolver processor.

Within Sitecore CMS user interfaces such as the desktop and the Content Editor, the
context language is the CMS client language, and the content language (the
Sitecore.Context.ContentLanguage static property, also called the current language in
this book) is the language of content edited within that user interface.
A URL can specify the context language in at least the following ways,
where that specification matches the name of a language definition item
under the /sitecore/system/Languages item in the context database:
From the sc_lang query string parameter, such as sc_lang=en for the
default region-neutral English language
From the path, such as /en/section/page.aspx for the default
From the language associated with the context site (the language
attribute of the corresponding
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config
file) triggered by the requested URL
If the requested URL does not specify a language using a the sc_lang
query string parameter or the first step in the path, and the language
attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the
Web.config that represents the context site does not specify a value for the
language attribute, Sitecore sets the context language to the value
specified by the DefaultLanguage setting in the Web.config file.
You can configure multiple managed sites with different values for the
hostName and language attributes of the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config file.
If you do this, set the languageEmbedding attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file to false to prevent Sitecore from
ever including the language in URLs. Otherwise, set the value of that
languageEmbedding attribute to always to prevent Sitecore from
generating multiple URLs for a single item (with and without the language
in the path or query string). To allow the user to select a language, you
must provide links or other features in the page that trigger the appropriate
URLs for those languages.
Sitecore can use a cookie to store the user's language selection. For
example, if the URL of an incoming HTTP request specifies a language in
the path or query string, Sitecore sets that language as the context
language, and issues a cookie to the client to store that language selection
so that links to other pages on the site do not need to indicate the language.
You can use additional techniques to determine the user's preferred
language, typically in a pipeline processor to precede, replace, or follow
the default LanguageResolver process in the httpRequestBegin pipeline.
For example, you can do the following:
Evaluate the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE HTTP header for preferred
Evaluate the language preference in the profile of a known user.
For more information about how Sitecore determines the context
language, including an example pipeline processor that overrides that
logic, see my blog post at For an example of a web
control that links to all languages that contain a version of an item, see my
blog post at For more information about web
controls, see Chapter 3.

Falling Back to an Alternate Language

Sitecore does not automatically fall back to an alternate language if an
item or a field value does not exist in the context language; Sitecore
behaves as if the item has no field values or as if no value exists for the
field. The LanguageFallback ( and
LanguageFallbackItemProvider ( Sitecore Shared
Source projects can help you implement fallback languages if you wish,
but requirements can become complex quickly. For the benefit of your site
visitors, I recommend against mixing content from multiple languages on
a single page, or linking to content that does not exist in the context
language. If you do link to content that does not exist in the context
language, near the link, indicate the language that the user will see if they
access that page, such as by showing that language name in parentheses
after the link.

Managing Media
Use the Sitecore media library to manage binary media, including images,
PDFs and other files. Media items are like any other items based on data
templates. You can access the media library that contains media items by
clicking the Media Library tab at the bottom of the Content Editor, by
clicking the Media Library command on the Sitecore menu in the desktop,
or by navigating to the /sitecore/media library item in the Content
Editor. The Media Library application is the Content Editor application
with the content tree rooted at the /sitecore/media library item, where
Sitecore manages media. When you upload a file into the media library,
Sitecore creates a media item with fields containing metadata about that
By default, Sitecore stores the binary components of media library items
in a database using the field named Blob in the File section of the media
item. Sitecore developers refer to such media items as database media.
Alternatively, you can configure Sitecore to store the binary components
of media items on the filesystem. Sitecore developers refer to such media
items as file media. In the case of file media, Sitecore stores the binary
component of the media item in the file specified in the File Path field in
the File section of the media item.

Sitecore uses media items to represent both database media and file media. File media
that CMS users manage and reference in content differ from files on the file system that
developers manage and reference from code components.

In some cases, such as that of very large binary assets, Sitecore stores
media items as file media automatically. Because Sitecore advises against
the use of file media in favor of database media, this book does not
describe file media.

When you upload a .zip file into the media library using the advanced user interface for
uploading media, you can choose to extract the contents of that file to create media
folders and media items based on its contents instead of creating a single media item
representing the .zip file.

You do not have to use the Sitecore media library for every media
resource in a Sitecore solution. The media library is for media managed by
CMS users. If you do not require CMS services such as security,
translation, versioning, locking, publishing, and workflow, and cannot
benefit from additional features such as Sitecore media caching and
dynamic image manipulation, you can store resources on the filesystem
without using the media library, especially media used by developers
rather than CMS users.

Changes to items in Sitecore databases and changes to the contents of files typically
follow different deployment processes. Changes to items typically follow a publishing or
workflow process; changes to files typically follow a release management process.

By default, Sitecore does not maintain version information for media

items and does not apply workflow to media items. To support versioning
and workflow, set the Media.UploadAsVersionableByDefault setting in
the Web.config file to true. This setting causes Sitecore to use data
templates that support versioning for media items.

Under the default configuration, Sitecore can publish any media item at any time,
including updates to those items.

Consider the impact of database media and caching on your storage

requirements. Because of encoding, binary data can consume significantly
more space in a relational database than on a filesystem. In addition to the
number of media assets and their individual sizes, database storage
requirements depend on whether you translate the binary component of
media (different binary content and metadata for different languages), and
for the Master database, how frequently you version media items. Finally,
by default, each Sitecore instance caches media data to a local filesystem.

Sitecore Media Folders

Sitecore uses the System/Media/Media folder data template to structure
the media library into a hierarchy. In the Sitecore content tree, everything
is an item, and every item can have children. A folder is simply an item
based on a data template that does not define any fields beyond those
defined by the standard template. Standard values for the
System/Media/Media folder data template specify a custom item editor
(the Folder tab that appears when you select a media folder in the media
library) and insert options that simplify creating nested media folders
within a media folder, uploading new media items, and updating existing
media items.

In general, the information architecture of the media library should follow the
conventions used by the content information architecture. The names and locations of
folders in the media library should match those of corresponding content items. To
increase performance and usability, prevent media folders from containing hundreds of
media items.

Media URLs
Sitecore constructs the URL for a media items much as it constructs the
URL for a content item: based on the path to and name of the media item.
Media URLs begin with the ∼/media prefix (as specified by the
Media.MediaLinkPrefix setting in the Web.config file), continue with the
path to the media item relative to the /sitecore/media library item,
and end with the .ashx extension. For example, the default URL of the
/sitecore/media library/Images/MyImage item would be
∼/media/Images/MyImage. The ∼/media prefix triggers the Sitecore
media request handler, which processes query string parameters and media
metadata, resizes images if required, and serves the HTTP response.
If you change the value of the Media.MediaLinkPrefix setting in the
Web.config file, you should duplicate the
/configuration/sitecore/customHandlers/handler element in that
file with a value of ∼/media/ for the trigger attribute below that existing
<handler> element, and update the trigger attribute of the new
<handler> element to the new value of the Media.MediaLinkPrefix
setting. Also, add a
element to the Web.config file with a value attribute containing the value
of the Media.MediaLinkPrefix setting.
The .ashx extension in the URLs of Sitecore media items causes IIS to
service the HTTP request with ASP.NET instead of attempting to serve a
file from disk. If your configuration of IIS uses ASP.NET for requests for
media extensions, such as .jpg and .pdf, to replace the .ashx extension
in media URLs with the original file extension of the media item, set the
Media.RequestExtension setting in the Web.config file to an empty
string. By default, Sitecore does not output a leading slash (/) as the first
character in media URLs. Browsers interpret such URLs relative to the
current page rather than relative to the document root of the IIS website.
While IIS and hence Sitecore resolve these relative URLs correctly, they
can result in multiple URLs for a single media item. More importantly,
especially in deep information architectures and solutions with very long
item names, such URLs can exceed IIS limitations for URL length.

Ensuring That Media URLs Begin with a Slash Character

Use the Sitecore.StringUtil.EnsurePrefix() static method to ensure that media
URLs begin with a slash (/) rather than a tilde. For example, to access the URL of
the media item referenced in the Image field named Image in the context item, use
the following code:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField image = item.Fields["Image"];

if (image != null && image.MediaItem != null)

string url = Sitecore.StringUtil.EnsurePrefix('/',

// use url

The MediaUrlTransformer ( Sitecore Shared

Source project includes a renderField pipeline processor that adds the
leading slash to images and links to media in field values that you render
using that pipeline and constructs that invoke that pipeline.
The Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions class exposes a
number of properties that control how Sitecore generates a URL for a
media item. Each such property corresponds to a query string parameter
that can appear in media URLs. You can use the same query string
parameter keys as attribute names for the <sc:image> XSL extension
control that renders an <img> element, with equivalent results. Relevant
properties of the Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions class
appear in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions Class Properties
Most of these properties apply only to images, but the Language,
Version, Database, DisableMediaCache, and DisableBrowserCache
properties apply to all types of media items.
Avoid constructing media URLs containing these query string
parameters manually in favor of higher-level APIs. To retrieve the URL of
the icon for an item, pass the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.Appearance.Icon property to the
Sitecore.Resources.Images.GetThemedImageSource() static method.
To retrieve the URL of the thumbnail for an item, call the
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetThumbnailUrl() static
method. You can use the
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl() static
method with the Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions class to
construct a media URL programmatically. For more information about
these APIs, see The Sitecore Content API Cookbook

Configuring the Media Library

A number of settings in the Web.config file affect the way Sitecore
manages media. For more information about each setting, see the
comments above that setting in the Web.config file.
Some of the settings available for media include:
Media.AutoSetAlt — Automatically sets the Alt field (for alternate
text) in image items to the name of the media item
Media.DisableFileMedia — Enables or disables file media (as
opposed to database media, which store the binary component of
media items to the database)
Media.IncludeExtensionsInItemNames — Controls whether
Sitecore includes the original file name extension without the leading
dot (.) character, such as jpg, in the names of media items
(potentially useful for identifying file types in the content tree)
Media.MaxImageWidth — Controls the maximum width for images
in Rich Text Editor fields
Media.MaxSizeInDatabase — Controls the maximum size of media
allowed in the database
Media.MaxSizeInMemory — Controls the maximum size of media to
load into memory for transformation (resizing of an image, and so on)
Media.MediaLinkPrefix — Controls the prefix used in URLs to
identify media requests
Media.OpenContentEditorAfterUpload — Controls whether the
Content Editor opens the media item after a CMS user uploads a file
so that the user can enter media metadata such as alternate (alt) text
for images
Media.UseItemPaths — Controls whether Sitecore uses item paths
or IDs for media URLs

Do not set the Media.UseItemPaths setting in the Web.config file to false. Doing so
causes media URLs to contain the IDs of media items with curly braces ({}) and dashes
(-) removed rather than media item paths and names.

Media.WhitespaceReplacement — Controls the character to use in

item names to replace all whitespace in file names
If processing of a media item exceeds either the
Media.MaxSizeInDatabase or the Media.MaxSizeInMemory setting in the
Web.config file, Sitecore may generate an error message (if you try to
upload too large a media item), show a validation error (if you managed to
upload a media item that is too large), or write an error message to the
page trace, and may throw an apparently unrelated exception.
Additionally, the following settings in the Web.config file configure
caching of media by clients as described in the comments above them in
the Web.config file, as well as the resources in the following list (all of
these URLs lead to pages under
MediaResponse.Cacheability —
MediaResponse.CacheExtensions —
MediaResponse.MaxAge —
MediaResponse.SlidingExpiration —
Media Upload Watcher
The media upload watcher monitors the subdirectory specified by the
MediaFolder setting in the Web.config file for certain types of changes.
For each new subdirectory or file, the upload watcher creates a
corresponding media folder or item in the media library.

If you use the media upload watcher to import large quantities of media, to help ensure
success and to avoid overwhelming the system, import in small batches and monitor the
Sitecore logs during the resultant processing. If you move or rename files and
subdirectories under the subdirectory specified by the MediaFolder setting, the media
upload watcher creates new media folders and items but does not move or rename
existing media items. If you delete files and subdirectories from the subdirectory specified
by the MediaFolder setting, the media upload watcher does not delete the corresponding
media items. If you move, rename, or delete items created from files and subdirectories
written to the subdirectory specified by the MediaFolder setting, Sitecore does not move,
rename, or delete the corresponding subdirectories and files from the subdirectory
specified by the MediaFolder setting.

To disable the media upload watcher, such as in the content delivery

environments or if you do not use it or in the content management
environment, comment out the
/configuration/system.webServer/modules/add and
/configuration/system.web/httpModules/add elements named
SitecoreUploadWatcher in the Web.config file.

The media upload watcher depends on a running ASP.NET worker process. Before you
add files or subdirectories to the subdirectory specified by the MediaFolder setting in the
Web.config file, use a browser to request an ASP.NET resource, such as the homepage of
the site, to ensure that ASP.NET is active.

You can use WebDAV to enable CMS users to drag and drop files from
their remote desktops into the Sitecore media library.
The File Drop Area field type uses the media library and WebDAV.

The Sitecore WebDAV implementation uses a third-party WebDAV

engine. You do not need to enable any native WebDAV components in IIS.

The Sitecore WebDAV implementation is impressive, but supporting a wide range of

WebDAV clients (browsers) can present challenges, especially considering the number of
operating systems and browser versions combinations possible. Before overinvesting in
WebDAV, ensure that a sufficient percentage of your CMS users access the solution using
user agents for which you can support WebDAV, and that they intend to use the File Drop
Area field type or other WebDAV features.

To disable WebDAV, change the

extension of
/App_Config/Include/Sitecore.WebDAV.config file, for example by
adding .example (renaming it to Sitecore.WebDAV.config.example).
Alternatively, set the WebDAV.Enabled setting to false in the
/App_Config/Include/Sitecore.WebDAV.config file, or delete the file.
You can also remove the
/configuration/system.webServer/handlers/add and
/configuration/system.web/httpHandlers/add elements that have
webdav in their names or that otherwise indicate support for WebDAV
from the /web.config file and any Web.config include files, such as
anything that contains the string sitecore_webDAV.ashx.
The Sitecore WebDAV implementation generates its own log file to the
same directory used for the Sitecore system log as described in Chapter 6.
If you disable WebDAV, Sitecore continues to generate an empty WebDAV
log file. To prevent Sitecore from generating the WebDAV log file,
comment out the entire /configuration/log4net/appender element
named WebDAVLogFileAppender in the /web.config file. If you comment
this element out without disabling WebDAV, messages from the WebDAV
subsystem appear in the standard Sitecore log file, possibly with less
detail than they would provide in the WebDAV-specific logic, and possibly
duplicated (each message from WebDAV may appear in the system log
For more information about WebDAV, such as how to configure your
server and clients to support it, see The Sitecore WebDAV Configuration
Guide (

Media Types
When you create a new media item, Sitecore uses configuration data for
that type of media as defined by the
element in the Web.config file with a value for the extensions attribute
that matches the original extension in the file name. If no such element
exists, Sitecore uses media type configuration data from the
element in the Web.config file with a value for the extensions attribute
that includes an asterisk (*).

Changing a data template specified in a

/configuration/sitecore/mediaLibrary/mediaTypes/mediaType element in the
Web.config file does not update the data template associated with existing media items of
that type.

To configure how Sitecore manages a specific type of media, edit the

element in the Web.config file with a value for the extensions attribute
that includes the file name extensions associated with that media type. If
no such element exists, duplicate an existing
element, update the extensions attribute of that new <mediaType>
element to specify the extension(s) of your media type, separated by
comma (,) characters. Update the contents of the new <mediaType>
element to meet your requirements.
You can configure Sitecore to allow versioning of all media items, and
CMS users can designate whether Sitecore should version each media item
they upload using the advanced media upload user interface. To configure
the data template that Sitecore uses for items of a media type that support
versioning, set the value of the <versionedTemplate> child element of
the relevant
element in the Web.config file to the path to that data template relative to
the /sitecore/templates item. To configure the data template that
Sitecore will use for items of a media type that do not support versioning,
set the value of the <sharedTemplate> child element of the relevant
element in the Web.config file to the path to that data template relative to
the /sitecore/templates item.
To register a new media type, do the following:
1. Create a new data template for versioned items of the type.
2. Set the base templates for the new data template to include the
System/Media/Versioned/File data template,
System/Media/Versioned/Image data template, or the appropriate
data template that supports versioning for the type of media that you
3. Create a new data template for unversioned media items of the type.
4. Set base templates for the new data template to include the
System/Media/Unversioned/File data template, the
System/Media/Unversioned/Image data template, or the appropriate
data template that does not support versioning for the type of media
that you register.
5. Optionally, create a class to manipulate media metadata when you
create new media items of that type.
6. Optionally, create a class to manipulate media streams when you
create new media items.
7. Disable any /configuration/mediaType elements in the
/App_Config/MimeTypes.config file with a value for the
extensions attribute that contains a file name extension used by the
media type.
8. Duplicate an existing
element beneath itself in the Web.config file.
9. Remove irrelevant elements from the new
element in the Web.config file, and update the contents of that
<mediaType> element to suit your purposes for that media type.
If you set the value of the <forceDownload> element within a
element in the Web.config file to true, Sitecore adds a Content-
Disposition HTTP header to the response that instructs browsers to
download media items of that type instead of attempting to open them.

Configuring MIME Types

To set the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type for a
media type, update the value of the /configuration/mediaTypes element
in the /App_Config/MimeTypes.config file with a value for the
extensions attribute that includes the file extension associated with that
media type. If no such element exists, you can create it, or create a
<mimeType> element beneath the
element in the Web.config file with a value in the extensions attribute
that includes the original extension for the file type. Values in the
/App_Config/MimeTypes.config file take precedence over values in
<mimeType> elements in the Web.config file.

When you change a MIME type associated with a media type in the Web.config file,
Sitecore does not update the MIME type associated with existing media items of that type.
To do that, update the value of the MIME type field in the Information section of existing
media items of that type.

If Sitecore cannot determine the MIME type for a media item, it uses the
value of the <mimeType> element within the
element in the Web.config file with a value for the extensions attribute
that includes an asterisk (*) character.
Media Path Provider
The media path provider implements APIs that translate file paths to
media item paths and media item paths to file paths. To customize how
Sitecore determines the name and path to use for a new media item when a
CMS user uploads a file into the media library or with the media upload
watcher, override the media path provider as follows:
1. Create a class that inherits from the type specified by the type
attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/mediaPath/providers/add element
named default in the Web.config file.
2. Override methods in the base class according to your requirements,
typically by calling the corresponding methods in the base class and
then altering their results.
3. Update the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/mediaPath/providers/add element
named default in the Web.config file to the signature of your class.

Caching Media
Sitecore manages a cache on the filesystem for some types of metadata
and the binary components of media items automatically. For each
managed site, Sitecore creates a subdirectory under the subdirectory
specified by the Media.CacheFolder setting in the Web.config file, and
stores media cached for that site in that subdirectory. Sitecore caches
media items after it applies transformations, such as after it resizes
images. To prevent Sitecore from caching media for a managed site, set
the cacheMedia attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element in the Web.config file that defines that site to false. To disable
media caching for all sites, set the Media.CachingEnabled setting in the
Web.config file to false.
You might see some performance improvement if you replicate the media cache between
instances in load-balanced environments, but otherwise each instance will build its own
media cache as needed.

Sharing Content
You can easily share field values, items, branches of items, content in
external systems, and other resources among presentation controls, pages,
external systems, and other components. When rendering any item, almost
every Sitecore solution includes data from other items in the repository.
Sitecore provides the following facilities to allow you to share content as
described elsewhere in this chapter or the remainder of this book:
Standard Values — All items based on a data template automatically
share any standard values defined for that data template.
Data Sources — You can pass the same data source item to multiple
presentation controls or to presentation controls used by multiple
pages, devices, or other components to indicate from where those
components should retrieve shared data.
Rendering Properties — Layouts, sublayouts, and layout details can
pass parameters including item paths and IDs to presentation controls,
reusing those values among multiple pages.
Conditional Rendering — With conditional rendering you can
dynamically apply common data source items and rendering
properties to presentation controls.
Selection Fields — You can create fields in your data templates to
allow users to specify items for any number of presentation
components to reuse on any number of pages.
Devices — Presentation components can generate markup around, and
format individual field values to meet requirements for, specific
devices and general categories of devices, such as web browsers and
mobile devices.
Syndication — RSS feeds typically reuse existing items that
represent pages on a managed site.
Aliases — Aliases reuse the same context item at different URLs.
Publishing Targets — You can publish any item to any number of
publishing target databases to use that data in different environments.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) — Presentation components can
determine CSS to apply at runtime, reusing items, presentation
components, or both with different styling.

I use the term presentation for markup and the term styling for CSS.

Clones — Clones automatically share data with cloned items.

XML — External systems can access XML representations or other
serializations of items in Sitecore.
Web Services — External systems can invoke web services to access
Sitecore APIs.
Wildcards — Wildcards conceptually support various content reuse
scenarios that may or may not be realistic.
Snippets — You can define reusable snippets that appear in the Rich
Text Editor (RTE).

Sitecore expands snippets when you insert them into the RTE. If you subsequently change
a snippet definition, Sitecore does not update the values of Rich Text fields in which you
previously inserted that snippet.

Dictionary — Any number of presentation components can use the

Sitecore dictionary to translate shared character sequences.
Token Substitution — You can use a number of approaches to
substitute tokens in field values when CMS users save data, when
Sitecore publishes that data, or when the layout engine renders that
For more information about the concepts described in this section, see
The Sitecore Guide to Reusing and Sharing Data (
Importing Content
Importing content from an existing web management solution into the
Sitecore ASP.NET CMS is straightforward. Getting the data out of the
source system might not be as easy.
Before you can import content, there are a few APIs to learn as
described in The Sitecore Content API Cookbook (,
and if you automate the creation of data templates, The Sitecore Data
Definition API Cookbook ( Pick an approach to
import data, such as cut and paste, a simple ASP.NET page to invoke
Sitecore APIs, or a scheduled process to invoke those APIs.
Most importantly, the data to import must be in a place from which you
can import it. If the volume of that data is relatively small, and especially
if the quality is poor (as in bad styling, bad image references, broken links,
obsolescence, lacking SEO features, inconsistent voice, poor information
architecture, and so forth), it may be more efficient to cut and paste than
to automate. Either way, consider importing content in small batches,
check the quality along the way, and try to export content from the system
in advance of the import instead of building a solution dependent on that
running system.

Tips for Importing Content Into Sitecore

Apply these suggestions for importing content into Sitecore:
Remember to update references in imported field values, including internal and
external references to content, media, and external resources such as CSS and
JavaScript. Also consider how you will map legacy CSS designations to your new
Importing a large volume of content can exceed ASP.NET page generation time
limits as well as browser request timeout limits. If you use an ASP.NET page to
import content, use programming techniques to refresh the page periodically to
indicate the current status of that process.
Consider how you will map old content URLs to new URLs, how you will update
references in your content to the new URLs, and how you will handle requests to
those old URLs (for example, bookmarks and links from external sites including
Internet search engines).
Import media before importing content that references that media.
In some cases you may be able to use the XmlImporter
( Sitecore Shared Source project to import content.
Kapow Software also provides a framework for importing content into
Sitecore (see For more information about importing
content into the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS, see my blog post at

Take Home Points

This chapter provided a brief overview of fundamental Sitecore
components relevant to information architecture. For additional
suggestions for working with these constructs, see Chapter 11. Items
represent entities as a collection of named field values defined by a data
template. Sitecore arranges items in a hierarchy used to determine the
default URL of each item. Definition items specify characteristics of
system components, such as languages and devices. Insert options control
what users can create beneath existing items.
Clones work as dynamic copies of existing items, in which you can
override values from the cloned item. Aliases provide alternate URLs for
content items. Wildcards map numerous HTTP requests to individual
Sitecore items. You can use Sitecore to implement multilingual solutions,
including different content for different regions and cultures. You can
store binary media in a Sitecore database, and reference those media from
your Sitecore content. You can use a variety of techniques to share content
in a Sitecore database among various components and even external
Data templates define the structures for a type of item. Data templates
can define any number of visual sections, where each section can contain
any number of fields. Each field defines a number of properties including
the field's name, ID, data type, the versioning and translation features the
field supports, and additional configuration for the field. Data templates
can inherit sections, fields, and standard values from some number of base
templates. Most data templates eventually inherit from the standard
template that contains fields for common system properties such as
creator and workflow state. You can use validation to enforce data entry
requirements. Standard values provide field values that apply to all items
based on a data template that do not override those values.
You can reverse-engineer page mockups to determine the requirements
for your data templates. Once your data templates exist you can write a
process to import existing content. In your process, create items and set
field values based on existing data.
Chapter 3

The Layout Engine and Data Access


What's in This Chapter?

Enhancing the ASP.NET page lifecycle
Defining the Sitecore context
Developing presentation components
Accessing fundamental APIs and data access techniques
Implementing conditional rendering and personalization
Understanding the renderField pipeline
This chapter introduces fundamental concepts of the layout engine
responsible for servicing HTTP requests with the Sitecore ASP.NET web
content management system (CMS). After you read this chapter, you will
have a greater understanding of how to use these constructs to build web
solutions with Sitecore.
Among other responsibilities, the layout engine applies logic and merges
predefined markup and logic in the presentation components that you
implement with content from the CMS. Each presentation component can
access the entire Sitecore information architecture including all field
values to which the context user has read access. In addition to
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and eXtensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL) extensions provided by Sitecore, your presentation
components can access any APIs and XSL constructs available on the
ASP.NET platform, including external systems, web services, RSS feeds,
and other resources. As with any website, the markup that you generate
can reference styling, JavaScript, media, and other resources managed in
Sitecore, the document root of the website, or at external locations.
ASP.NET services HTTP requests by building a control tree, where
controls can generate markup by implementing methods to handle events
in the page lifecycle. Significant difference between a standalone
ASP.NET solution and a Sitecore solution involves enhancements to the
process for building and manipulating the control tree. The first involves
declarations in items stored in the database such as to add controls to
placeholders in existing components, while the second involves global and
localized logic such as to change the data sources of those components,
instead of relying primarily on markup and code stored in individual files.
For each HTTP request that Sitecore handles (except when using specific
ASP.NET handlers, such as the handler for media requests), the layout
engine populates the Sitecore context, assembles the ASP.NET control tree
based on not just markup and code in files, but also layout details for the
context device in the context item. It then uses the rules engine to apply
any conditional rendering required for those controls, such as to set
properties of the controls. ASP.NET then renders the control tree as a page.
Logic around individual controls and especially the renderField pipeline
extends field values in the CMS, presentation controls, and other
components of the page with features such as inline editing in the Page
Editor and rendering information in the Sitecore's browser-based page

Sitecore continues to provide the Developer Center application for working with
presentation components in the browser. Considering the productivity it allows for
developers, as well as its intuitive integration with the IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), its extensibility, its vast capabilities, and Sitecore's strong commitment to
its further development, I recommend that you use the Sitecore Rocks extension for
Microsoft Visual Studio rather than the Developer Center.

The layout engine does not include ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-

Controller) functionality, which this book does not describe. For
information about using ASP.NET MVC with Sitecore, see Integrating an
ASP.NET MVC Web Application in Sitecore CMS (
This chapter is intentionally somewhat terse to avoid duplicating
Sitecore's own extensive documentation. I strongly recommend that you
read that documentation before or after you read this chapter. For more
information about the layout engine beyond that provided in this chapter,
see The Sitecore Presentation Component Reference
(, The Sitecore Presentation Component Cookbook
(, The Sitecore Presentation Component API
Cookbook (, and The Sitecore Guide to
Troubleshooting Presentation Components (

The ASP.NET Page Lifecycle

Sitecore uses a number of techniques to enhance the standard ASP.NET
page lifecycle, such as invoking pipelines (described in Chapter 7) at
various points during request processing, as well as providing application-
level exception management. If you are new to ASP.NET development,
this section provides background information about the page lifecycle and
describes how Sitecore implements these features. This is not a complete
description of how IIS (Internet Information Services) uses ASP.NET to
process HTTP requests, or of how Sitecore enhances the ASP.NET page
Conceptually, IIS receives a request from the Internet using one of
various Internet protocols, such as HTTP. After routing the request to the
appropriate website typically based on host header bindings, IIS
determines whether to use ASP.NET to process the request and, if so,
which application within the website should service the request, which
triggers the ASP.NET page lifecycle.

Where relevant, I use the term “website” to indicate an IIS site, and the term “managed
site” to indicate an individual logical site managed by Sitecore within that website, such
as the default published site named website or the site named shell that provides access
to the Sitecore user interfaces.

The Sitecore.Web.Application class extends the default

System.Web.Application class that is responsible for the ASP.NET
application at the root of the IIS website hosting the Sitecore instance. In
some cases multiple instances of the application exist for a single IIS

Because Sitecore URLs correspond to items in a database, not files and subdirectories on
a filesystem, you cannot configure a subsection of Sitecore to use a separate application.
For additional information about this issue, see “Creating a project in a virtual directory
under Sitecore root” at

Some configurations of IIS do not use ASP.NET to service all requests,

meaning that Sitecore effectively never has a chance to process those
requests. Additionally, features such as the preprocessRequest pipeline
and the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in the Web.config file can prevent
Sitecore from establishing a complete Sitecore context for the request or
even servicing the request at all. The easiest way to configure IIS to use
ASP.NET to process all requests is to use IIS7 with an application pool
using the Integrated managed pipeline mode. For instructions to configure
various versions of IIS to use ASP.NET to process all HTTP requests, see
The Sitecore Guide to Dynamic Links (
ASP.NET uses a number of handler classes to service various types of
requests, where the handler is responsible for constructing an HTTP
response. Each handler implements the System.Web.IHttpHandler or
System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler interface. When servicing an HTTP
request, ASP.NET parses the URL to determine the handler to trigger.
Components of the URL, including the extension in what appears as the
filename such as .aspx (web form), .asmx (web service), and .ashx (web
handler), as well as prefixes such as ∼/media, trigger specific handlers.
Not all URLs serviced by ASP.NET correspond to files under the
document root subdirectory, but can instead trigger logic to generate an
HTTP response. ASP.NET or the handler creates objects as required for the
handler, and pushes those objects through the page lifecycle.
The /global.asax file at the application root specifies the class used
for the ASP.NET application hosted at that location, and can define
methods to add to that class. The default global application is
System.Web.HttpApplication, which exposes methods that correspond
to stages in the page lifecycle. The /global.asax file provided with
Sitecore configures the Sitecore.Web.Application class as the global
application, which inherits from the System.Web.HttpApplication class.
The global application can be appropriate for logic that applies to an entire
application; HTTP modules provide similar functionality in a more
modular fashion. For more information about HTTP modules, see
“HttpModules” at
In a .NET presentation control, the static Current property of the
System.Web.HttpContext class exposes an instance of that class that
represents the current HTTP context, which exposes Request and
Response properties that represent the HTTP request and the response
under construction to service that request, respectively. You can read from
the Request and write to the Response, such as to set the HTTP status
code, cookies, and HTTP headers.
The Sitecore layout engine uses ASP.NET Web Forms (.aspx files) to
service requests. An .aspx file contains markup that works as a prototype
for the response, but can also reference a code-behind file that represents a
class responsible for populating that prototype with information. That
class inherits from the System.Web.UI.Page class. The handler for Web
Forms creates an instance of that class, which then follows the page

The System.Web.UI.Page abstraction is relatively expensive; HTTP handlers can provide

solutions that are more efficient. The Sitecore media library uses a web handler (.ashx)
to service requests. For more information about HTTP handlers and HTTP modules, see
“HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules Overview” at

The System.Web.UI.Page class implements the

System.Web.IHttpHandler interface and uses the Controls property to
represent individual literal and dynamic components responsible for the
presentation of elements within the page, each of which can generate
markup and contains its own Controls property allowing nesting to any
level. When the page lifecycle invokes the Render() method of the
System.Web.UI.Page class, it passes a System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter
object as an argument to the Render() method. That argument resolves to
the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream
property that represents the current HTTP response back to the requesting
browser or other web client. Each control can write to the output stream,
but also calls the Render() method of each of its child controls,
recursively. Each control experiences the ASP.NET page lifecycle,
including the ability to respond to page events such as user clicks, not just
the Render() method.
Sitecore adds lightweight extensions to the ASP.NET page lifecycle.
Most such functionality exists at the application level. Specifically,
various events in the ASP.NET page lifecycle trigger Sitecore to invoke
pipelines, including the preprocessRequest, httpRequestBegin,
renderLayout, and httpRequestEnd pipelines, as well as Sitecore error

The ASP.NET application lifecycle triggers additional pipelines, such as the initialize
and shutdown pipelines.

For more information about the ASP.NET page lifecycle, see “ASP.NET
Page Life Cycle Overview” at

The Sitecore Context

Sitecore defines a processing context for each HTTP request. The Sitecore
context contains information about the user, the requested item, the
requesting device, the managed site, and other information associated with
the current HTTP request. For each HTTP request, Sitecore invokes the
httpRequestBegin pipeline, which is largely responsible for populating
the Sitecore context.
Properties of the Sitecore context indicate a variety of information,
including the current managed site and database accessed, the security
context, and the content item requested, including its language and
version. Important static properties of the Sitecore context (the
Sitecore.Context class in the Sitecore.Kernell.dll assembly)
include the following:
Database — Sitecore database associated with the current request, or
default database for the context site
Device — Sitecore device associated with the current request, or
default device for the context site
Domain — Sitecore security domain associated with the context site
Item — Item in the context database requested by the web client
(based on the path in the requested URL)
Items — Keyed collection of values available throughout the HTTP
request lifecycle

If you add items to this collection, be sure to use keys that Sitecore would never use.

RawURL — Original URL requested by the web client before any

modifications by Sitecore
Site — Managed site associated with the current request
User — Authenticated user, or anonymous user in the context
security domain

Some properties of the Sitecore context, such as the context language, database, and
security domain, can depend on properties of the context site. Both the Preview and Page
Editor interfaces set the context site as they would for an HTTP request for a published
site rather than the shell site used to implement the CMS. For these CMS user interfaces,
Sitecore sets the context database to the Master database rather than the publishing
target database those published sites would otherwise use by default.

For more information about the Sitecore context, see The Sitecore
Presentation Component API Cookbook ( and my
blog post at

Layout Details and Layout Deltas

Layout details define the presentation components that Sitecore should
apply dynamically to render an item for a specific type of web client, such
as a browser or mobile device. Layout deltas allow items to inherit layout
details from other items (including standard values), storing only the
differences between those inherited layout details and the layout details
you define in the item, so that you can override individual presentation
components as needed.

Define layout details in the standard values for each data template, and avoid defining
layout details in individual items. If you need to override the layout details defined in a
data template, create a new data template that inherits from the existing base template
and apply new standard values for that data template.

For instructions to update layout details for an item programmatically,

see my blog post at and note the comments about
storing layout details in the item or storing layout deltas instead.

Presentation Components
This section describes the presentation components used by the layout
engine, which include devices, layouts, sublayouts, web controls, XSL
renderings, method renderings, URL renderings, placeholders, and data
sources for presentation components. For more information about the
topics described in this chapter, see The Sitecore Presentation Component
Reference (

Layouts, sublayouts, XSL renderings, and web controls include both Sitecore items and
filesystem components. You should check these files in with a source code management
system. You typically deploy such files from a development environment through test
environments to a production content management environment and any number of
content delivery environments. The need to deploy changes to these files can affect whom
you allow to edit these presentation components and the process for their deployment.
Consider how you will migrate changes made by developers and any users that you
allow to update presentation components. For more information on this topic, see
Chapter 9.

Sitecore devices are logical constructs that allow Sitecore to apply
different presentation components to a content item depending on aspects
of the HTTP request. Devices can represent categories of appliances, such
as personal computers, mobile phones, and tablets. Sitecore devices can,
but do not necessarily, correspond directly to physical products or versions
of products such as the Apple iPad 2. Devices can serve a wide range of
purposes: for example, Sitecore uses layout details for the default device
named Feed to format content for RSS feeds. You can even use devices to
identify different browsers or versions of browsers.
For each HTTP request, the DeviceResolver processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline determines the context device from the
sc_device query string parameter (which can specify the name of a
device), by matching query string parameters against values in device
definition items, by matching the user agent transmitted by the browser
against values in device definition items, or from attributes of the context

The default DeviceResolver processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline does not support
regular expressions. For an example of a similar processor that supports regular
expressions, see

The default devices are as follows:

Default — Typically represents web browsers; applies to HTTP
requests that do not trigger a specific device
Print — Triggered by the query string parameter p=1; represents a
Feed — Represents RSS readers

Technically, Sitecore uses layout details for the default device to render RSS feed
definition items. Sitecore uses the first rendering added to any placeholder for the Feed
device to specify the presentation control to render items when they appear in RSS feeds.

You can register any number of additional devices, such as one for
mobile phones and another for tablets. You can register devices for
specific hardware or even versions of hardware. You must define criteria
to activate each device. You can associate devices with individual
managed sites, such as a mobile site separate from the default site using
the same content but with a different device. You can use the sc_device
query string parameter to specify the name of a device, or you can define
query string parameters or specify browser client user agent strings to
match in your device definition items. If none of these techniques meets
your requirements, you can implement an httpRequestBegin pipeline
processor to resolve the context device according to your specific
requirements. For an example that uses the Sitecore rules engine and the
Wireless Universal Resource File (WURFL, pronounced wer-ful) database
to determine the context device, see the MobileDeviceDetector
( Sitecore Shared Source project. For more
information about WURFL, see

In some cases, you may wish to store the device in a cookie, to avoid the need to re-
recognize the device on each request.

Sitecore layouts are ASP.NET Web Forms (.aspx files) that define a
markup superstructure typically shared to a number of pages. You can use
anything in a layout that you can use in a standard ASP.NET web form,
including codebehind. You might have layouts that you use for very
specific purposes, but layouts are generally the most reusable presentation
component. You typically have at least one layout per supported device,
and if needed, another layout for the home page and any other pages that
have unique designs or other requirements.
You can bind presentation controls to a layout (or a sublayout as
described in a subsequent section of this chapter) statically, at design time,
by adding the control to the markup in the .aspx file. Alternatively, you
can bind presentation controls to placeholders in a layout (or a sublayout)
dynamically, at runtime.
For greater reuse of content and code, use Sitecore layouts and layout details rather
than ASP.NET master pages.

Placeholders and Placeholder Settings

Sitecore placeholders are ASP.NET controls to which you can dynamically
bind presentation controls using layout details. You must define a key for
each placeholder. When you bind a presentation control to a placeholder,
reference that placeholder by its key. In the case of nested placeholders,
such as when you bind a sublayout that contains a placeholder to a
placeholder in a layout, you can also reference placeholders by full path
Use placeholder settings to specify whether users can affect the controls
bound to each placeholder in Page Editor, and, if so, what controls they
can bind to that placeholder. For each placeholder key that you implement,
create a placeholder settings definition item under the
/sitecore/layout/Placeholder Settings item using the
System/Layout/Placeholder data template. To control who can modify
the presentation controls bound to a placeholder, restrict write access to
the corresponding placeholder settings definition item.
The Data section of placeholder settings definition items contains the
following fields:
Placeholder Key — Key of the placeholder for which these settings
Allowed Controls — Presentation controls the user is allowed to bind
to the placeholder
Description — Information relevant to users interested in binding
controls to the placeholder, which can include a graphic that indicates
the location of the placeholder on the page
Bind presentation components statically whenever possible (when every occurrence of
the layout or sublayout uses those component(s) in the same place). Do not create excess
placeholders; use them only for regions of the page that present different components
under different conditions. Excessive use of placeholders has minimal impact on
performance, but can increase unnecessary administration, as you may need to define
repeatedly what binds to each placeholder, when static binding allows you to define that
control placement for all uses of the layout or sublayout in a single location.

Presentation Controls (Renderings)

Because they are largely interchangeable, I generally use the terms renderings and
presentation controls to include all sublayouts, XSL renderings, and web controls. The
term renderings does not include placeholders, which are technically controls.

In ASP.NET, controls are classes that can write to the HTTP response
output stream to render part of a response to an HTTP request. Using a
browser-based user interface to edit layout details, you can declare which
Sitecore presentation controls to bind to each placeholder for each device,
and you can define caching criteria for each presentation control. You can
use the rules engine to pass parameters to presentation controls and to add
and remove presentation controls at runtime.

If you use ASP.NET controls from a third party, test each to ensure that it functions
correctly with the Sitecore layout engine. You may need to add some controls to the
/configuration/rendering/typesThatShouldNotBeExpanded element in the Web.config
file. In some cases you may need to change the LayoutPageEvent setting in the Web.config

Sitecore sublayouts provide extensions around ASP.NET web user controls
(.ascx files). Just like layouts, sublayouts support all the features
provided by ASP.NET, including codebehind. Sublayouts suit a number of
To render output like any other rendering or control
To implement reusable page subdivisions, such as two-column and
three-column sublayouts within a shared superstructure defined by a
To implement web applications, such as HTML forms
To create collections of controls that you can use in multiple contexts
To dynamically generate any type of output required to service an
HTTP request

Sublayouts are the most versatile type of presentation component. Only sublayouts
support nested placeholders. Unlike XSL renderings, sublayouts support the Visual
Studio debugger.

To enforce separation of concerns and maximize usability, I suggest that

you minimize the number of layouts in favor of sublayouts. A layout can
contain the minimal markup shared to all pages (including the <html>,
<head>, <body>, and <form> elements), with embedded renderings or
placeholders for everything else. Sublayouts typically contain features
specific to individual pages or shared by a subset of the pages that use the
same layout.

XSL Renderings
Sitecore makes it easy for you to present content using XSL renderings.
You can use the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile
(<sc:XslFile>) web control class provided by Sitecore to invoke .xslt
transformation files that can contain a variety of standard XSL elements
and Sitecore XSL extension controls, and can invoke numerous Sitecore
XSL extension methods. Sitecore also makes it easy for you to implement
your own XSL extension methods, though extension controls are more
difficult to implement than extension methods.
Using XSL Renderings Effectively
Considering the following points will help you make better use of XSL renderings:
XSL renderings can be appropriate where nontechnical users must manage
markup outside of content areas managed in the CMS or for developers with
extensive knowledge of XSL.
XSL extension controls are typically just syntactic sugar for invoking XSL
extension methods.
You can implement an entire Sitecore solution without using XSL.

For more information about XSL renderings, see The Sitecore

Presentation Component XSL Reference ( as well as
my blog posts at,,, and You might also find some
value in the XslHelper ( Sitecore Shared Source XSL
extension library, even if just to further your understanding of XSL
extension development.

Method Renderings
Method renderings invoke the method specified to the method rendering
control. The method accepts no arguments, and the method rendering
control writes the string returned from the method to the output stream.

Method renderings are uncommon and useful only when you need to invoke an existing
method rather than creating a web control.

URL Renderings
URL renderings invoke the URL specified to the URL rendering control,
and write the contents of the <body> element returned to the output
stream. Unlike URLs specified to the <iframe> HTML element, which the
web client runs, the server invokes URL renderings and transmits the
response to the client as a component of the content of the page.
URL renderings are uncommon and useful only when you need to embed the contents
from one URL in the body of a page generated by Sitecore.

Web Controls
Sitecore web controls are classes that write to the HTTP response output
stream. Classes that implement web controls derive from and extend the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class, which derives from the
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl class. Web controls are more
lightweight than sublayouts, with only one source code file to manage, and
no need to deploy any source such as .ascx or .cs, but rather only the
compiled assembly (.dll). Sitecore web controls implement the
DoRender() method as required by the programming contract for the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class, where web controls that derive
directly from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl implement the
Render() method. The reason for this is that the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class implements caching logic in the
Render() method, which ASP.NET continues to call, and only calls the
DoRender() method in your web controls if the layout engine cannot
retrieve cached output generated previously by the control under
equivalent processing conditions as described in Chapter 6.

Technically, all presentation controls use web controls.

Sitecore uses the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.WebPage web control to implement URL renderings, the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Method web control to implement method renderings, the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout web control to invoke sublayouts, and the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile web control to invoke XSL renderings.

You can benefit from creating an abstract base class that inherits from
the default Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class for web
controls, and using your class as the base class for all your web controls
rather than inheriting directly from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl.
Your abstract base class for web controls can do the following:
Implement the GetCachingID() method to support output caching
instead of implementing this in each web control. For example:
protected override string GetCachingID()
string id = base.GetCachingID();

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
id = this.GetType().ToString();

return id;
Implement the Render() method, for example to manage exceptions
from the DoRender() methods of all web controls as described in
Chapter 5
Implement the GetCachingKey() method, for example to add custom
caching criteria to cache keys

If you do not implement the GetCachingID() method, Sitecore cannot cache the output of
your web control.

Rendering Parameters and Rendering Parameters

You can pass parameters to presentation controls (renderings) to control
their features, such as to set a style or indicate from where the rendering
should retrieve some type of data. You can use <xsl:param> elements
immediately after the root <xsl:stylesheet> element of an XSL
rendering to define and accept parameters. For a web control to define and
accept a parameter, add a property to the class that defines the web
control. For information about accessing, defining, and accepting
parameters in a sublayout, see the SublayoutParameterHelper
( Sitecore Shared Source project.
The names of rendering parameters cannot contain spaces.

Rendering parameters templates are simply data templates that you use
to define rendering parameters. Sitecore uses rendering parameters
templates to provide greater usability instead of requiring the user to enter
key/value pairs.
To implement a custom rendering parameters template, follow these
1. Add parameter definitions to the presentation control code.
Specifically, for XSL renderings, add an <xsl:param> element to
define the parameter name. For web controls, add a public property to
the class that defines the web control. For more information about
defining parameters for presentation controls, see the Sitecore
Presentation Component Reference ( and the
Sitecore Presentation Component XSL Reference
2. Create a data template that inherits from the default rendering
parameters template (System/Layout/Rendering
Parameters/Standard Rendering Parameters) with fields named
after the parameters defined in the presentation control. For
instructions to create a data template, see the Sitecore Data Definition
Cookbook ( Figure 3.1 shows an example of a
rendering parameters template named Sample Rendering Parameters
that defines a single parameter named MyItem.
3. In the Content Editor, which you can access as described in Chapter
1, select the XSL rendering, web control, and/or sublayout definition
item(s) that define the parameters specified in the new rendering
parameters data template. In the Editor Options section, in the
Parameters Template field, select the rendering parameters data
template that you created previously. Figure 3.2 shows the
Sample/Sample Rendering definition item configured to use the
Sample Rendering Parameters template.
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
To specify a value for the parameter, update layout details for items that
use the presentation control. In the Content Editor:
1. Select the item.
2. Select the Presentation tab.
3. Click Details in the Layout group. The Layout Details dialog
appears as shown in Figure 3.3.
4. Click the rendering for which you want to define the parameter (for
example, the rendering named Sample Rendering previously shown in
Figure 3.3). The Control Properties dialog appears as shown in Figure
5. Enter a value in the field that you defined in the rendering
parameters template (My Item in Figure 3.4), and then click OK. The
Control Properties dialog disappears and you return to the Layout
Details dialog as previously shown in Figure 3.3.
6. Click OK. The Layout Details dialog closes and you return to the
Content Editor.
Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4
Presentation Control Definition Item Properties
The data templates for presentation controls (sublayouts, XSL renderings,
and web controls provide a number of fields that you can use to
manipulate how controls operate. You can edit these properties after
selecting the definition item for a presentation control in the Content
Editor. You can see some of these properties in Figure 3.2 shown
Fields in the Editor Options section of all definition items for
presentation controls serve the following purposes:
Description — Textual explanation or even a graphic representation
of the output of the control so users can use visual representations to
select controls rather than item names.
Parameters Template — Rendering parameters template for the
presentation control, as described in the previous section.
Open Properties After Add — If this checkbox is selected, Sitecore
automatically opens the Control Properties dialog to allow the user to
set additional properties after they add the control to layout details for
an item.
Customize Page — Legacy feature superseded by rendering
parameters templates.
Editable — Controls whether users of the Page Editor can update the
Datasource Location — Location from which the user can select a
data source for this presentation control, or under which they can
create such an item.
Datasource Template — Data template required for or to use when
creating a data source item for this presentation control.
Compatible Rendering — Limits the user's choice of presentation
controls to replace this one.
Page Editor Buttons — Commands to expose around the presentation
control in the Page Editor.
Fields in the Caching section of definition items for presentation
controls specify default criteria for the control. For more information
about component caching criteria, see Chapter 6, The Sitecore
Presentation Component Reference (, and my blog post
The fields that appear in the Data section of definition items for
presentation controls depend on the type of control. Figure 3.5 shows some
of the fields available for a web control.
The fields that can appear in definition items for the various types of
presentation controls include the following:
Namespace — .NET namespace containing the class that implements
a web control
Tag — Name of the .NET class within Namespace that implements a
web control
TagPrefix — ASP.NET prefix associated with the namespace
containing the class identified by Namespace and Tag (matching the
value of the tagPrefix attribute of one of the
/configuration/system.web/pages/controls/add elements in the
Web.config file)
Assembly — .NET assembly (.dll file) containing the class that
implements a web control
Path — Path to the code file for a sublayout or XSL rendering relative
to the IIS document root
Placeholder — Default placeholder for the control
Login control — Alternate control to render if the user has not
authenticated (typically a login control)
Data Source — Default data source item for the presentation control

The Data Source (or Source) property of presentation components is entirely unrelated
to the Source property in definition items for data template fields as described in Chapter
2. The data source of presentation components indicates from where they should retrieve
data while rendering the site; the Source property of a data template field controls
aspects of that field in data templates visible to CMS users.

Figure 3.5
Choosing Presentation Technology
For each presentation control on a page, such as navigational elements or
the footer, you can choose one of the presentation technologies listed in
the previous five sections: sublayout, XSL rendering, method rendering,
URL rendering, or web control. Alternatively, you can standardize on a
single presentation technology for all site components, which has
advantages for maintainability.
Most importantly, XSL renderings can have advantages, but they can
also have significant limitations. While XSL is great for formatting
markup, it is not very good for logic, even simple string parsing. You don't
compile XSL renderings, so you don't get compile-time error reports, only
runtime, and you can't step through XSL renderings using the Visual
Studio debugger. Use XSL only if you already know its syntax, or if you
need to let nontechnical CMS users update markup not stored in items.

Presentation Component Data Sources

The data source of each presentation component identifies an item from
which that component should begin processing. Presentation components
can retrieve field values from the data source item or from items related to
it, or use the data source item for other purposes. Data sources aid in
reusing content in multiple contexts, such as on multiple pages or for
multiple devices, and in using a single rendering to process different items
depending on the context. The default data source for each presentation
component is the context item. You can specify the data source for each
presentation component at design time, or you can use conditional
rendering to apply a data source at runtime.

Technically, there is no data source for a layout; by convention, the Sitecore context item
is the data source for a layout.

You can use the $sc_item parameter to access the data source of an XSL
rendering. You can use the GetItem() method to access the data source of
a web control. For information about accessing the data source of a
sublayout, see the SublayoutParameterHelper (
Sitecore Shared Source project mentioned previously for accessing
parameters passed to a sublayout.

Rather than accessing the context item directly, always code renderings to access the
data source, even if you expect that the context item and the data will always be the same
item. Multivariate testing, personalization, conditional rendering, and other Sitecore
features can affect the data source, but do not always affect the context item.

You can define additional presentation control parameters to pass

additional items similar to the data source.
The data source for a presentation component is not the same as the source of a data
template field. Developers (and in some cases, users) set the data source of a
presentation template to control where it gets its data; developers set the source of data
template fields to control the behavior of those fields.

Technically, you can store the data source items for a presentation
control anywhere in the content tree. Practically, if the data source items
also represent pages, they should exist beneath the home item of the
managed site to which those pages belong. Otherwise, you can store data
source items in the location of your choice, such as by creating a
/sitecore/content/global folder with subfolders for the various types
of data source items. Alternatively, you can store data source items as
children or deeper descendants of the items that use them.
For more information about presentation component data sources, see
The Sitecore Presentation Component Reference (
and my blog posts at and For
instructions for adding presentation component data sources to Sitecore's
internal link management database, see my blog post at

Conditional Rendering and

You can use conditional rendering to personalize and otherwise
dynamically control the experience of users of managed sites. Conditional
rendering uses the Sitecore rules engine, which provides a browser-based
user interface to define conditional rendering logic.
Before rendering a response to an HTTP request, the layout engine
invokes the rules engine to apply conditional rendering rules that can
invoke the following actions:
Hide Rendering — Remove a presentation control
Set Data Source — Set the data source of a presentation control
Set Parameters — Pass parameters to a presentation control
Set Placeholder — Move a presentation control from one placeholder
to another
Set Rendering — Replace a presentation control with another
You can define global conditional rendering rules under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Conditional Renderings/Global
Rules item, or you can use layout details to define rules for each

Global conditional rendering rules that do not apply to most pages consume
unnecessary central processing unit (CPU) capacity and other machine resources.

You can use the Content Editor to define conditional rendering rules for
an individual presentation control. For example, you might want to set the
Winner property of a web control to true if the visitor came to the site by
searching for the term sitecore.
First, to define a conditional rendering rule:
1. Create a conditional rendering rule definition item under the
Center/Personalization/Rules/Persona item using the
System/Rules/Conditional Rendering Rule data template. For
example, if the visitor came to the site using search terms that
included the search keyword sitecore, you could create a conditional
rendering rule definition item named Searched for Sitecore as shown
in Figure 3.6.
2. Click Edit Rule above the Rule field in the Data section. The Rule
Set Editor appears as shown in Figure 3.7.
3. Select conditions from the list on the left and actions to invoke
under those conditions from the list on the right to add them to the
rule definition at the bottom. For example, click the Where The Search
Keywords String Compares To The Specific Value condition and the
Set Parameters To Value action. Figure 3.8 shows the Rule Set Editor
after a condition and action are selected.
4. In the rule definition at the bottom of the Rule Set Editor, click each
of the links to set values for each parameter. For example, click
Compares To. The Select Comparison dialog appears as shown in
Figure 3.9.
5. Select Contains, and then click OK. The Select Comparison dialog
disappears and you return to the Rule Set Editor. Click Specific Value.
The Enter value dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.10.
6. Enter sitecore, and then click OK. You see the Rule Set Editor.
Click Value. The Enter value dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.10.
Enter winner=true, and then click OK. You see the Rule Set Editor as
shown in Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
Figure 3.9
Figure 3.10

Figure 3.11
Next, to apply the conditional rendering rule to a presentation control,
you may first need to enable personalization features in the Content Editor.
To do so:
1. Click the Sitecore logo in the upper-left corner of the Content
Editor. A menu appears as shown in Figure 3.12.
2. Click Application Options. The Application Options dialog appears
as shown in Figure 3.13.
3. Click the View tab, then select Show the Personalization Section,
and then click OK. The Application Options dialog disappears and you
return to the Content Editor.
Figure 3.12
Finally, to apply the conditional rendering rule to an item in the Content
1. Select the item for which to apply the conditional rendering rule.
2. Click the Presentation tab, and then click Details in the Layout
group. The Layout Details dialog appears as previously shown in
Figure 3.3.
3. Click the presentation control. The Control Properties dialog
appears as shown in Figure 3.14.
4. Select the conditional rendering rule in the Personalization section,
and then click OK. The Control Properties dialog disappears and you
return to the Layout Details dialog.
5. Click OK. The Layout Details dialog disappears and you return to
the Content Editor.
For more information about the Sitecore rules engine and conditional
rendering, see Chapter 7, The Sitecore Rules Engine Cookbook
(, and my blog post at
Figure 3.13

Figure 3.14
The FieldRenderer Web Control and the
renderField Pipeline
You can use the FieldRenderer web control
(Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldRenderer) to invoke the
renderField pipeline against the value of a field in an item. The
renderField pipeline transforms internal URLs containing IDs for both
media and content items to friendly URLs, and adds inline editing,
debugging, or other features in the Page Editor, the Sitecore browser-based
debugger, and other user interfaces, and otherwise dynamically
manipulates field values at runtime.
If you do not use the FieldRenderer web control to retrieve the values of RTE fields (or
any other construct that invokes the renderField pipeline or the appropriate APIs), field
values could contain URLs with query string parameters containing IDs rather than
friendly URLs. XSL extension controls such as <sc:text> and the sc:field() XSL
extension method invoke the renderField pipeline.

You can bind the FieldRenderer web control to a layout or sublayout

with code such as the following, which renders the field named Title from
the /sitecore/content/home item:
<sc:FieldRenderer runat="server"
datasource="/sitecore/content/home" fieldname="title" />
If you do not specify the datasource property, the FieldRenderer web
control retrieves the field from the context item by default. Alternatively,
you can use the static Render() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldRenderer class. For example, to
retrieve the field named Title from the context item:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
string markup =

The Page Mode

Your presentation components can generate different output depending on
the Sitecore features active for the current user. You can check the page
mode and generate different output when the user accesses the Page
Editor, Preview, or Sitecore browser-based debugger, or when specific
features are visible in those interfaces, without that output appearing on
the published site.
You can use the following properties of the
Sitecore.Context.PageMode property to determine the active page
modes. To determine the page mode in XSL, you can use the
sc:pageMode() XSL extension method with the values shown in
IsDebugging (/debug) — The browser-based debugger is enabled
IsNormal (/normal) — No CMS features are enabled (the user is
accessing the published site)
IsPageEditor (/pageEditor) — The user is in the Page Editor
IsPageEditorEditing (/pageEditor/edit) — The user is inline
editing in the Page Editor
IsPreview (/preview) — The user is in the Preview user interface
IsProfiling (/IsProfiling) — Performance profiling is active
For example, if you use a field named Title in the data template to allow
the user to specify a value for the <title> element in an HTML page, that
value only appears in the title bar of the browser, which the user cannot
edit in the Page Editor. You can use code such as the following to expose
an inline editing field for that value elsewhere in the page (assuming the
output variable is the System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter argument passed
to the DoRender() method of a web control):
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;

if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPageEditorEditing)

er(item, "title"));
Or in XSL:
<xsl:if test="sc:pageMode()/pageEditor/edit">
<sc:text field="title" />
For more information about the page mode, see The Sitecore Client
Configuration Cookbook (

Fundamental Sitecore APIs

You can achieve incredible results with Sitecore with minimal knowledge
of its APIs. As described in The Sitecore Context section earlier in this
chapter, the Sitecore.Context class exposes a number of important
static properties of types that you will use throughout your Sitecore
development. These properties include Sitecore.Context.Item (the
context item),
Sitecore.Context.Site (the context site), and
Sitecore.Context.Database (the context database). For more
information about the APIs described in this section, see The Sitecore
Content API Cookbook (, The Sitecore Data
Definition API Cookbook (, and The Sitecore
Presentation Component API Cookbook (

Unless otherwise specified, all APIs described in this book exist in the
Sitecore.Kernel.dll assembly, the Sitecore.Client.dll assembly, or possibly the
Sitecore.Analytics.dll assembly.

You can use the static Sitecore.Configuration.Factory class to
retrieve objects configured using the Sitecore configuration factory, which
Sitecore uses to determine the .NET types to implement specific features.
The static Sitecore.Configuration.Factory class includes methods
such as the following:
GetDatabase() — Retrieve a named database
GetDatabaseNames() — Retrieve a list of the names of all databases
GetDatabases() — Retrieve all databases
GetDomain() — Retrieve the named Sitecore security domain
GetDomainNames() — Retrieve a list of the names of all security
GetIDTable() — Retrieve the IDTable used to map Sitecore IDs to
identifiers in external systems
GetItemComparer() — Retrieve a comparer that implements the
child sorting rule for an item
GetLinkDatabase() — Retrieve the links database
GetMasterVariablesReplacer() — Retrieve an object that replaces
tokens in standard values, and branch templates (including the names
of items in branch templates) on item creation
GetSiteNames() — Retrieve a list of the names of the managed sites
GetSite() — Retrieve information about the named site using the
same class as Sitecore.Context.Site
For examples that use the Sitecore.Configuration.Factory class, see
the following sections. For more information about the configuration
factory, see Chapter 7.

The Sitecore.Data.Database class represents a Sitecore database, such
as the Master or Core database or a publishing target database. You
typically access the context database (Sitecore.Context.Database), the
content database (Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase, for use in
Sitecore user interface components), or a named database. For example, to
access the context database, you can use code based on the following:
Sitecore.Data.Database context = Sitecore.Context.Database;
To access the Master database by name:
Sitecore.Data.Database master =

Always use Sitecore APIs to access Sitecore databases. Avoid SQL queries directly
against a Sitecore database.

The name of the database that you pass to the GetDatabase() method of
the Sitecore.Configuration.Factory static class is not the name of the
database on the database server. The argument passed to this method is a
token that maps to the actual database connection string (for SQL Server,
defined in the /App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file under the
document root subdirectory of the IIS website hosting the Sitecore
solution). Using tokens instead of actual database connection information
allows the same code to run in different environments, with different
connection string information for those tokens.

The Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class represents an item in a Sitecore
database. Presentation components typically access the context item, the
data source item for the presentation component, and/or any other specific
items either hard-coded, passed to the presentation component as
parameters, stored in fields of the item or in items somehow related to the
item, or otherwise determined.

The Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class actually represents a version of an item in a

language. Properties of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class expose other languages and
versions of the item.

You can use the GetItem() method of the Sitecore.Data.Database

class to retrieve the current version of an item in the context language
from a database using either its path or its ID as the first parameter. For
example, you can use code based on the following to retrieve the
/sitecore/content/home item from the Master database:
Sitecore.Data.Database master =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(master, "master");
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item home =

Sitecore ignores character case when retrieving items. Whenever possible, reference
items by ID rather than by path.

The GetItem() method of the Sitecore.Data.Database class provides

additional signatures that you can use to retrieve items using the unique
IDs of items or their paths, and to specify a language and version if
needed. Except in Sitecore user interfaces such as Preview, when passed
only the ID or path to an item, the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class returns the latest version of the specified
item in the context language from that database. If you specify a language
as the second parameter to the method, it returns the latest version of the
item in that language. If you additionally specify a version identifier as the
third parameter to the method, it returns that version of the item in the
language specified by the second parameter.
The Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class exposes a number of properties,
including the following:
Axes (Sitecore.Data.Item.ItemAxes) — Exposes items related to
the item, such as its ancestors and descendants
Children (Sitecore.Collections.ChildList) — Lists the
children of the item
Database (Sitecore.Data.Database) — References the database
containing the item
DisplayName (System.String) — Optionally contains a user-
friendly name for the item
Fields (Sitecore.Collections.FieldCollection) — Provides
access to the fields of the item
ID (Sitecore.Data.ID) — Identifier of the item within the
Sitecore database
Key (System.String) — Name of the item in lowercase
Language (Sitecore.Globalization.Language) — The language
of the item
Languages (Sitecore.Globalization.Language[]) — Languages
available for the item
Links (Sitecore.Links.ItemLinks) — Links from this item to
other items as reported by the Sitecore links database, including
broken links
Name (System.String) — Name of the item
Parent (Sitecore.Data.Items.Item) — Parent of the item, or
null for the root item /sitecore
ParentID (Sitecore.Data.ID) — ID of the parent item
Paths (Sitecore.Data.ItemPath) — An object of the
Sitecore.Data.ItemPaths class containing members that expose
information about the item, such as the FullPath property containing
the full path to an item and the IsAncestorOf() method that returns
true if the item specified by the first argument is an ancestor of this
Source (System.String) and SourceUri
(Sitecore.Data.ItemUri) — Source of a cloned item
Statistics (Sitecore.Data.Items.ItemStatistics) —
Provides access to properties of the item such as its creator, creation
date and time, date and time of last update, and the user who
performed that update
Template (Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem) — Data
template associated with the item
TemplateID (Sitecore.Data.ID) — ID of the data template
associated with the item
TemplateName (System.String) — Name of the data template
associated with the item
Uri (Sitecore.Data.ItemUri) — Identifying information about
the item (its database, ID, language, and version)
Version (Sitecore.Data.Version) — Provides information about
the version of the item
Versions (Sitecore.Data.Items.ItemVersions) — Provides
access to all versions of the item
Visualization (Sitecore.Data.Items.ItemVisualization) —
Abstracts layout details of the item
You can use the Fields property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
class to access the fields of an item, or you can access the fields using the
implicit collection exposed by the class. The difference is that the Fields
property returns null for fields that do not exist, while the item returns an
empty string. For an example that uses the Fields property, see the next
section. The following code demonstrates how you can use the implicit
collection to retrieve a field value:
string text = item["FieldName"];
// text contains either a value or an empty string

Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field and Related

You can use the Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field class to access any field
in an item through the Fields property of Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
objects. You can use code based on the following to determine whether the
field named FieldName exists in an item retrieved previously:
Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field =

if (field == null)
// field does not exist

text = field.Value;
// text is either a value or an empty string

Sitecore lazily loads the Fields collection of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class, which
means it may not contain standard values or null values for fields with no standard
value, and may not contain other inherited field values such as cloned field values. To
force Sitecore to load all field values for an item, call the ReadAll() method of the Fields
property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class.

Sitecore ignores character case when retrieving fields by name, meaning

that you can refer to a field by name in code using your choice of
uppercase and lowercase. Whenever possible, reference fields by ID rather
than by name.
You can use additional classes in the same namespace, such as
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField, to access specific types of fields.
For example:
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField image =

if (image != null && image.MediaItem != null)

// process image and/or image.MediaItem
While you can access any field value as a string, you can use the
following classes in the Sitecore.Data.Fields namespace to access the
specified types of fields using typed objects rather of simple text values:
CheckboxField — Access fields of the Checkbox type
Field — Access fields of any type, especially fields that store simple
text values (you can use this class to access any field)
DateField — Access fields of the Date and Datetime types
FileDropAreaField — Access fields of the File Drop Area type
FileField — Access fields of the File type
ImageField — Access fields of the Image type
LinkField — Access fields of the General Link type
MultilistField — Access fields of the Checklist, Multilist,
Treelist, and TreelistEx types
WordDocumentField — Access fields of the Word Document type
XmlField — Access any type of field that stores an XML structure
The IFrame field type enables you to embed custom applications as
fields in data templates. You are responsible for defining the storage
format for IFrame field types, and for processing field values in that
format. For more information about the IFrame field type, see The
Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook (

The Siteore.Data.ID class represents the unique identifier of a Sitecore
item. To retrieve an item, you can pass an object of type
Sitecore.Data.ID to the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class.

Compare items by ID, not by comparing objects of type Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.

BeginEdit(), and EndEdit()
Before you can update an instance of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
class, Sitecore requires that you either enter a
Sitecore.Data.Items.EditContext class or that you invoke the
BeginEdit() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class before the
change and the EndEdit() method afterward. For example, to update the
field named FieldName in the /sitecore/content/home item in the
Master database:
Sitecore.Data.Database master =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(master, "master");
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item home =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(home, "home");

using(new Sitecore.Data.Items.EditContext(home))
item["FieldName"] = "value";

Code that creates or updates items should run only in the content management
environment (not in the content delivery environment), and should update the Master
database (or in some rare cases, the Core database). If you write only to a publishing
target database such as the default Web database, subsequent publishing from the
Master database can remove those updates.

You can also use the Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field class and the other
classes in the Sitecore.Data.Fields namespace to update field values.
You can use the Add() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class
to insert an item based on a data template or any number of items based on
a branch template under an existing item. For example, to add a child
named ChildName under the /sitecore/content/home item in the
Master database using the same data template as that
/sitecore/content/home item, you can use code based on the following:
Sitecore.Data.Database master =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(master, "master");
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item home =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(home, "home");
Sitecore.Data.ID template = home.TemplateID;
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child = home.Add("ChildName",
You can then place the item in an editing state and update field values as
described in the previous section.
For information about importing content into the Sitecore ASP.NET
CMS, see my blog post at

You can use the Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItem abstract class as a
base class for your own classes that represent items based on specific data
templates. For example, if you have a data template for news articles,
instead of accessing articles with the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class,
you can create a class that inherits from the
Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItem class and exposes properties that
encapsulate access to the underlying item and its fields, such as a string
for the title and a Datetime for the article date.
The InnerItem property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItem
class specifies the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item associated with the
Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItem object. Typically, your constructor
sets the InnerItem property. Your class should then provide getters for the
relevant fields of the data template. For convenience, you can provide a
method to convert from Sitecore.Data.Items.Item to your type
implicitly, as shown here:

namespace SitecoreBook.Data.Items
using System;

public class NewsArticleItem :

public NewsArticleItem(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
innerItem) : base(innerItem)
// if desired, validate the data template associated
with innerItem
// and throw an exception if the item is associated
with a different template.

public static implicit operator NewsArticleItem(

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item innerItem)
return new NewsArticleItem(innerItem);

public string Title

return this.InnerItem["title"];

public DateTime Date

string parse = this.InnerItem["date"];

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parse))
return DateTime.MinValue;

return Sitecore.DateUtil.IsoDateToDateTime(parse);

You can use your class in place of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item

class. For example, to access the context item using the
Sitecorebook.Data.Items.NewsArticleItem class, you can use code
based on the following
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(db, "db");
Sitecorebook.Data.Items.NewsArticleItem news = db.GetItem(
You can also provide setters for the field values. You can take one of
three approaches to place the item in an editing state before making the
Require the user to place the InnerItem in an editing state, and to
commit those changes after calling the setters. This is not very
friendly to developers.
In each setter, put the item in an editing state, change the field value,
and commit the field. This is relatively expensive if you plan to
update a number of fields.
Add BeginEdit(), CancelEdit(), and EndEdit() methods to your
class to call the corresponding methods of the Editing property of the
InnerItem object.

Sitecore ID Constants
To reduce hard-coding, especially of item paths, Sitecore provides a
number of static classes that expose properties that act as constants to
define the IDs of elements. The following list includes the most important
classes of this type:
Sitecore.FieldIDs — IDs of common fields, primarily defined by
the standard template
Sitecore.ItemIDs — IDs of system items
Sitecore.TemplateIDs — IDs of system data templates
For example, to retrieve the /sitecore/content item in the context
database, you can use code based on the following:
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(db, "db");
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item =

Implement classes similar to Sitecore.ItemIDs to expose IDs rather than hard-coding

IDs or paths.
Sitecore Data Access Techniques
Depending on your requirements, you can use a variety of techniques to
access Sitecore items. You can:
Retrieve individual items from a Sitecore database
Retrieve items using a Sitecore query
Retrieve items using a fast query
Retrieve items using a Lucene search index
Retrieve items using the internal links database
Use recursion to access all descendants of an item
Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages as described
in the following sections. For more information about Sitecore data access
techniques, see my blog post at

Direct Item API Access

As described previously, you can use the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class to retrieve an item. As the first
parameter, you can pass the ID of the item or its path. You can specify
additional parameters to retrieve the item in a specific language and a
specific version within a language.

To maximize performance, whenever possible, use item IDs rather than paths. If you use
a path, Sitecore must determine the associated ID, which is often unnecessary. If you
know the path or ID of the item, using the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class is the best technique for selecting an item.

You can also access items relative to other items, such as by using the
Parent and Children properties of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class
to access the parent or children of the item, or the Axes property that
exposes methods such as GetDescendants().

Sitecore Query Access

You can use a Sitecore query to select zero or more items that match
specific requirements from a Sitecore database. You can pass queries to
the GetItems() and SelectSingleItem() methods of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class. You can also use the SelectItems() and
SelectSingleItem() methods of the Axes property of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class to select items relative to an existing

Avoiding Issues with Sitecore Queries

The following techniques will help you avoid problems when working with queries.
For optimal performance, construct queries relative to an item at the lowest level
possible in the information architecture of the site rather than from the root item.
The SelectItems() and SelectSingleItem() methods of the Axes property of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class automatically create queries relative to that item.
Avoid the descendant axis and union operators.
The Query.MaxItems setting in the Web.config file limits the number of items
returned by a Sitecore query. For performance and usability, the default value of
the Query.MaxItems setting is 100. If you find drop-down and other lists restricted
to 100 items, you can change the Query.MaxItems setting. If you set it to 0,
Sitecore does not limit query results.
In some cases, such as when setting the Source property of a data template field to
a Sitecore query, you must precede a query with the query: prefix.

For more information about Sitecore queries, including their syntax and
examples, see The Sitecore Data Definition Reference
( and “Using Sitecore Query” ( on
the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN).

Sitecore Fast Query Access

Sitecore fast query works much like Sitecore query, but rather than using
abstraction APIs fast query invokes SQL queries directly against the
database, resulting in better performance than standard Sitecore queries.
To indicate that Sitecore should use fast query, preface the query with the
token fast: or query:fast:.

Sitecore fast query requires Microsoft SQL Server (as opposed to Oracle).
For more information about Sitecore fast query, including its syntax,
significant limitations, and examples, see

Lucene Search Index Access

Sitecore includes the Apache Lucene search engine that you can use to
identify items in a Sitecore database that match specific criteria. Lucene is
typically the most efficient, capable, and flexible out-of-the-box solution
for identifying items to process, although your requirements may
necessitate some specific configuration. For example, you can use Lucene
to identify all items that contain a field that contains the ID of another
item, or to implement internal search, faceted navigation, or metadata-
driven presentation logic. You can integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore for
additional features, and you can also integrate third-party search engines.
For more information about Lucene, see For
more information about Solr, see
If you suspect that the search indexes are corrupt, rebuild them. To
rebuild search indexes, in the Sitecore desktop, which you can access as
described in Chapter 1, do the following:
1. Click the Sitecore button at the bottom left, and then click Control
Panel from the menu that appears. The Control Panel appears as shown
in Figure 3.15.
Click Database. The Control Panel refreshes to show database
commands as shown in Figure 3.16.
2. Click Rebuild The Search Index. If a welcome dialog appears, click
Next. The Select Search Index dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.17.
3. Select the indexes to rebuild, and then click Rebuild. The
Rebuilding dialog appears as shown in Figure 3.18.
4. After Sitecore rebuilds the selected search index or indexes, a
completion page appears. Click OK. The Rebuild Search Index dialog
closes and you return to the Sitecore desktop. You can close the
Control Panel.
Figure 3.15
Figure 3.16
Figure 3.17
Figure 3.18
To rebuild all search indexes through the API, use code based on the
following example:
Sitecore.Search.SearchConfiguration config =
"search/configuration", true) as
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(config, "config");

foreach(Sitecore.Search.Index index in
if (index != null)

Running Code as an Administrator

All code invoked within Sitecore runs in the context of a specific user, which
defaults to the context user. This user may or may not have the access rights
required to perform the requested operation. To ensure that code has sufficient
access rights, wrap it with the equivalent of a C# using statement that creates an
instance of the Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler class or an instance of
the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher class (in which case the specified
account must exist):
using (new Sitecore.Security.
Accounts.UserSwitcher("extranet\\indexer", false))
// code to run as the specified user

If Sitecore fails to rebuild an index, do the following:

1. Move, delete, or rename any subdirectories or files in the
subdirectory specified by the IndexFolder setting in the Web.config
2. Rebuild the search indexes.
For more information about using Lucene, including configuration
instructions for solutions that separate the content management
environment from the content delivery environment, see Sitecore Search
and Indexing ( For access to a custom search
indexer with additional functionality, see the AdvancedDatabaseCrawler
( Sitecore Shared Source project.

Internal Links Database Access

Sitecore maintains an internal links database (actually a table in a
database) that stores information about relationships among Sitecore
items, specifically references to items in field values of other items. When
you move, rename, or delete an item, Sitecore uses the links database to
determine whether to present a wizard allowing you to update, remove, or
break references to that item from other items.
When working with Sitecore items, you often follow references from
one item (A) to another (B) contained in the field values of A. For
example, a Rich Text field can contain embedded images, which are
references to items in the media library, and can contain links to other
content items, images, and other types of media items such as .pdf
(Portable Document Format) files. Selection fields allow the user to select
one or more items, and store the names, paths, or ID(s) of those items.
To identify references in fields in an item (A) to another item (B), check
for the ID or path of item B in all fields of A (or in the case of fields that
store the name of the selected item rather than its ID or path, the name of
B). If you have the name or path of an item, pass that ID or path of item B
from the field value in item A to the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class. You can use the links database to walk
references backward, to locate all items that reference an item (find all
items that link to B).
The table named Links, in the Core database by default, implements the
Sitecore Links database, which contains records of internal links in all
versions of all items in all languages in all databases. To specify the
database to contain the links database, set the ref attribute of the first
/configuration/sitecore/LinkDatabase/param element in the
Web.config file to the name of that database.
The /App_Config/FieldTypes.config file under the document root of
the IIS website hosting the Sitecore solution specifies the type to manage
the links database for each data template field type. The ValidateLinks()
method of each of the types specified by the type attribute of a
/configuration/fieldType element in the
/App_Config/FieldTypes.config file is responsible for identification of
links and broken links in fields of that type. In some cases, multiple types
that use a consistent storage format can use a single type to manage
internal links.
The Links database maintains records for at least the following field
File Drop Area
General Link
Grouped Droplink
Grouped Droplist
Internal Link
Rich Text (both embedded images and internal links, including links
to media items)
Template Field Source
Version Link
Word Document
You can use the static
Sitecore.Globals.LinkDatabase.GetReferrers() method to locate all
the items that contain references to another item. For example, to process
all links in the context item:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");
Sitecore.Links.ItemLink[] links =
You are responsible for ordering the results returned from the links
database, filtering those results to eliminate any not relevant to your
database, language, and version of an item, and ignoring results in fields
other than those that you care about or that specify items that no longer
exist. You might also want to validate that the current field values still
contain each reference.
Normally Sitecore events trigger updates to the links database. If you
suspect that the links database is incomplete or invalid, rebuild it.
Depending on the system hardware, the number of items, the number of languages, the
number of versions per language, and the number of links in each version, rebuilding the
links database can take some time.

To rebuild the links database, follow these steps in the Sitecore desktop:
1. Click the Sitecore button at the bottom left, and then click Control
Panel from the menu that appears. The Control Panel appears as
previously shown in Figure 3.15.
2. Click Database. The Control Panel refreshes to show database
3. Click Rebuild the Link Database. If a welcome dialog appears, click
Next. The Rebuild Link Database dialog appears as shown in Figure
4. Select the databases for which to rebuild internal links database
records, and then click Rebuild. The user interface refreshes for some
time to indicate the status of the rebuild process, and then displays a
summary of the process.
5. Click Finish. The Rebuild Link Database dialog disappears and you
return to the Control Panel in the desktop. You can close the Control
Figure 3.19
You can use the Rebuild() method of the
Sitecore.Globals.LinkDatabase static property to rebuild the links
database for a single Sitecore database. For example, to rebuild the links
database records for all Sitecore databases, you can use code such as the
foreach(Sitecore.Data.Database database in
Sitecore does not maintain records in the links database for the data
sources of presentation components. Worse, layout details store the paths
to data source items rather than storing their IDs. If you rename, move, or
delete the data source of a presentation control, Sitecore does not prompt
you to update the data sources of presentation components that use that
item to the new path. For a sample event handler that updates paths in
layout details to IDs, see the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN) forums
thread at To configure Sitecore to maintain records
in the links database for the sources of presentation components, see my
blog post at This solution does nothing for dynamic
data sources such as queries, relative paths, and conditional rendering.

You can use recursion to access the relatives of an item. You can process
each descendant of an item, or you can process the ancestors of an item.
You can process items in document order (from a root element down) or
reverse document order. You can either include or exclude the root item
for processing. You can sort sibling items to control the order of
processing at each level in the information architecture.
To process all descendants of an item in document order, write a
recursive method that accepts an instance of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class and calls itself for each child of that
item, as shown here:

private void RecurseDescendant(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item

Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");
// process item

foreach(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in item.Children)


Then pass an item to the recursive method. For example, to process the
context item and all its descendants:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
To process items in reverse document order, move the processing to
after the foreach loop.
To exclude the item itself from processing, pass each of its children to
the recursive method. For example, to process only the descendants of the
context item:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");

foreach(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in item.Children)

To control the order of processing sibling items, sort
Sitecore.Collections.ChildList (item.Children), and then iterate
that sorted list when calling the recursive method.
Depending on the depth of the tree and the number of items it contains,
descendant recursion can use more memory than other means of accessing
items. For example, you can use a Lucene index to retrieve the IDs of the
items you need rather than the objects of the items, as used in recursion.
To access the ancestors of an item, you can:
Implement a recursive method
Implement a while loop that terminates when an instance of
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item is null, and, within the loop, set that
item to its parent
Use the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.Axes.GetAncestors() method
For example, to implement a recursive method that processes an item
and all its ancestors in document order, create a method that accepts an
item and passes the parent of that item to itself unless that parent is null:
private void RecurseAncestor(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");

if (item.Parent != null)

// process item…

To process the ancestors of an item in reverse document order, move the

processing before the if statement. Other than document order or reverse
document order, you do not need to consider the order of processing
To exclude the item itself from processing, pass its parent to the
recursive method. For example, to process only the descendants of the
context item, use code such as the following:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Unlike processing all descendants of an item, unless the logic is
extremely intensive, processing all of the ancestors of an item has
minimal performance impact.

Sitecore Web Services

You can use web services with Sitecore in a number of ways:
Your presentation controls and other components can invoke any web
service (not just Sitecore web services).
Other systems can invoke the web services provided by Sitecore.
You can implement additional web services that invoke Sitecore APIs.
Sitecore provides two sets of web services:
Visual Sitecore Service (Good Old Web Service) at
Sitecore Web Service 2 (Hard Rock Web Service) at

Sitecore CMS provides the Visual Sitecore Service. Sitecore Rocks can install the Hard
Rock Web Service.

For more information about Sitecore web services, see The Sitecore Web
Service Reference ( For information about
implementing web services that invoke Sitecore APIs, see The Sitecore
Presentation Component Cookbook (

Syndicate Content with Sitecore

Sitecore can syndicate content on your published sites, but also provides
client RSS feeds that syndicate workflow and item update information. For
more information about RSS feeds with Sitecore, see The Sitecore
Presentation Component Cookbook ( and The
Sitecore Content Author's Cookbook (

Public RSS Feeds

A Sitecore public RSS feed consists of a feed definition item that specifies
feed entry items to include in the feed. Feed definition items use the
System/Feeds/RSS Feed data template. Layout details for the Default
device in feed definition items use the System/Feed Delivery Layout
layout to render an RSS feed from the items specified in the Source field
of the feed definition item.
The Source field in definition items for RSS feeds is entirely unrelated to the Source
property in definition items for data template fields as described in Chapter 2. The
Source field in RSS feed definition items indicates the items to include in RSS feeds; the
Source field in data template fields controls aspects of fields in data templates for CMS

The Source field in the Data section of RSS feed definition items (which
may have the title Items in some versions of Sitecore) specifies which
items to include in a feed. In the Source field you can specify an
individual item or a Sitecore query. If you specify an item, the feed can
include any descendants of that item that define layout details for the
System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control for the Default device. Feeds
sort and retrieve only the newest items automatically.
Feed entry items can use any data template. Layout details for the Feed
device for feed entry items pass parameters to the
System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control (or any control that inherits
from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FeedRenderer class) to
specify the control to render the feed entry item and the fields in the data
template for that control to render (using the TitleField, BodyField, and
DateField presentation control parameters). To configure presentation for
a feed entry item, click the Design command in the Feeds group, on the
Presentation tab of the Content Editor.
Avoiding Issues with RSS Feeds
The following tips will help you avoid potential problems with the RSS feeds you
Unlike most commands, which update the item selected in the Content Editor, the
Design command in the Feeds group updates layout details in the standard values
item for the data template associated with that item. If you use a derivative of the
System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control, the Design command adds the default
System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control as the first presentation control in layout
details for the device named Feed. Use the Design command to configure the
default System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control, specify TitleField, TextField, and
DateField, and update layout details to use the alternate FeedRenderer; thereafter
do not use the Design command for that item.
The System/Feeds/FeedRenderer web control or its derivative should be the first
presentation component listed in layout details for the Feed device.
The Caching.SmallCacheSize setting in the Web.config file limits the size of the
cache for RSS feed output. If Sitecore does not cache your RSS feeds, you may
need to increase the value of this setting. This setting does not appear in the
default Web.config file, which may result in a default value smaller than you need
to cache your RSS feeds.

By default, feed definition items use the

Sitecore.Syndication.PublicFeed class to render RSS feeds. The
GetSourceItems() method of that class determines which items can
appear in the feed and the GetItems() method limits those results
according to the Feeds.MaximumItemsInFeed setting in the Web.config
file. For an example that dynamically configures the number of items in
an RSS feed, see my blog post at
To define custom logic to determine which items to include in an RSS
feed, create a class that inherits from the
Sitecore.Syndication.PublicFeed class. In that class, override the
GetSourceItems() method to determine the items to include. To
configure a feed definition item to use your class, enter the signature of
your class in the Type field (found in the Extensibility section) of a feed
definition item. For an example of a custom RSS feed, see my blog post at For an example of a solution that overrides the URLs
of feed entry items, see my blog post at
Before you can use certain RSS APIs, you need to add a reference to the
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll system assembly to your Visual Studio project.

Client RSS Feeds

Client RSS feeds provide information about items in the CMS to CMS
users. For more information about client RSS feeds, see The Sitecore
Client Configuration Cookbook (

Sitecore client RSS feeds use a different infrastructure from public RSS feeds.

Sitecore provides three types of client RSS feeds:

Workflow — Contains an entry for each state change for each item in
a specific workflow. The Workflow Feed appears as an RSS icon for
each type of workflow in the Sitecore Workbox.
Workflow State — Contains an entry for each time a version enters
or leaves a specific workflow state. The Workflow State Feed appears
as an RSS icon for each state of each workflow shown in the Workbox.
Item Updated — Contains an entry for each workflow state change
for an item or for each new version of the item. The Item Updated
Feed appears in the Content Editor if you click the Subscribe
command in the Proofing group on the Review tab.
You can set the ClientFeeds.Enabled setting in the Web.config file to
false to disable Sitecore client RSS feeds and remove the corresponding
elements from Sitecore user interfaces such as the Workbox. The
ClientFeeds.ItemExpiration setting in the Web.config file controls
how long entries remain in client RSS feeds. The
ClientFeeds.MaximumItemsInFeed setting in the Web.config file
controls the maximum number of items in a client RSS feed.
Layout Engine Best Practices
I believe in the following best practices for the Sitecore layout engine:
Apply layout details to the standard values of data templates rather
than to individual items.
Do not use ASP.NET master pages.
Apply caching to each presentation control unless one of its ancestors
caches under the same caching criteria or criteria less restrictive.
When working with nested presentation components, for flexibility,
cache the output of individual leaf renderings; for reuse of larger
sections of output, cache the output of the parent or higher sublayout.
For the relevant field types, especially Rich Text Editor (RTE) fields,
always use constructs that invoke the renderField pipeline to access
field values.
Rather than using attributes of the HTML <img> element or uploading
multiple versions of an image, use Sitecore dynamic image
manipulation options to resize images on the server before
transmission to the client.
Implement complex presentation components as sublayouts or web
controls rather than XSL renderings.
Minimize the number of layouts in favor of sublayouts.
Avoid caching output at the user level.
Consider edge caching systems and content delivery networks (CDNs)
for optimal performance, especially for media items, but ensure you
have the ability to clear those caches. For more information about
these types of solutions, see Chapter 6.
Instead of assuming that the context item is the data source for a
rendering, always explicitly access the data source.
To support internationalization and localization, avoid hard-coding
text in presentation components in favor of fields in items or the
Sitecore dictionary.

This is not a comprehensive list of recommendations for optimizing performance. For

more suggestions, see Chapter 11.
Take Home Points
This chapter provided a brief overview of the ASP.NET page lifecycle, the
Sitecore layout engine, and fundamental data access APIs, as well as best
practices for working with Sitecore presentation components.
The Sitecore context contains information about the current HTTP
request, such as the anonymous or known user, the general or specific
device used, and the managed site accessed. Sitecore uses layout details in
the context item to determine which layout (.aspx file) to use to service
the request, what ASP.NET controls to bind to placeholders in that layout,
and the controls to bind to placeholders nested into that layout using
sublayouts. You can use placeholder settings to control which users in the
Page Editor can bind which controls to each placeholder.
The types of controls you can bind to a placeholder include sublayouts
(.ascx files, also called web user controls), web controls, XSL renderings,
method renderings, and URL renderings. Of these, sublayouts are the most
versatile, while web controls are more lightweight and XSL renderings can
offer advantages to nontechnical business users. Developers rarely use
URL renderings or method renderings.
You can pass parameters to renderings, and you can implement
rendering parameters templates to control the types of those parameters.
Each rendering also supports a number of properties that control its
behavior. One of the most important parameters for each rendering is its
data source item, which tells the rendering from where to retrieve data.
Through conditional rendering you can control rendering properties
dynamically using the Sitecore rules engine.
You can use a number of techniques to access Sitecore items. You can
retrieve items from a database by path or ID. You can query for Sitecore
items using a syntax based on XPath, and with some limitations you can
use the fast query engine. You can use a search engine or the internal links
database to determine the items to process. You can access Sitecore
through its default web services or through the web services installed by
Sitecore Rocks, or you can write your own web services to invoke Sitecore
APIs. You can syndicate Sitecore items as RSS feeds, and CMS users can
access Sitecore client RSS feeds to get information about items and
Chapter 4

Sitecore Security

What's in This Chapter?

Evaluating access rights and security inheritance
Applying access rights with the Security Editor
Examining access rights with the Access Viewer
Understanding security domains, accounts, profiles, and roles
Integrating and extending the Sitecore security model
Sitecore provides a comprehensive security infrastructure that you can use
to secure any item in any Sitecore database. This model uses concepts
familiar to security administrators experienced with Windows domains,
New Technology File System (NTFS), and Access Control Lists. Concepts
of the Sitecore security infrastructure include:
Access rights
User profiles
Roles (groups)
Security inheritance
After reading this chapter, you will have a greater understanding of the
purpose of each access right, as well as of how Sitecore evaluates rights
and inheritance.
You can use a number of techniques to integrate Sitecore with external
security systems. The Sitecore security model uses the provider pattern,
which lets you plug in alternate implementations for each component of
the model. Sitecore supplies default ASP.NET security providers for
authentication, user profile management, and role management. Sitecore
provides optional modules that enable you to use Microsoft Dynamics
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Active Directory (AD)
for authentication. You can replace the default providers with these or with
custom provider implementations that access external systems.
Alternatively, you can implement virtual users, in which case you first
invoke APIs (Application Programmer's Interfaces) to authenticate against
the external system, and then invoke APIs to build a virtual user and
associate it with roles in Sitecore.
For additional information about Sitecore security, see The Sitecore
Security Reference (, The Sitecore Security
Administrator's Cookbook (, The Sitecore Security
API Cookbook (, and the Security section (http:// on the Sitecore Developer Network (

This book does not describe how to secure the ASP.NET infrastructure hosting your
Sitecore solutions. For some helpful pointers in this regard, see The Sitecore Security
Hardening Guide (

Access Rights
Access rights control which users can access features and functions of the
CMS environment and on the managed websites. You can apply access
rights for users or roles. To simplify maintenance, you should apply access
rights for roles, unless that would require you to create numerous roles
containing individual users to achieve the same end.
Sitecore stores access rule definitions in each item using the
__Security (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Security) field defined by the
standard template. To get an idea of how Sitecore serializes access rights,
apply access rights to an item, view the standard fields, view raw values,
and investigate the value of this field (titled Security) in the Security
section. To see rights that you apply in the content management appear in
the content delivery environment, publish the items containing updated
security descriptors.
If you set the embedAclInItems attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/authorization/providers/add element in the Web.config file to
false, Sitecore stores access rights in the AccessControl table of the database specified
by the connectionStringName attribute of that element. If this attribute in both content
management and content delivery environments specifies the same database, then you do
not need to publish updates to access rules, and changes take effect immediately. If these
attributes specify separate databases, you must implement a strategy to replicate changes
from the database used by the content management environment to the database(s) used
by the content delivery environment.

Each /configuration/sitecore/accessRights/rights/add element

in the Web.config file defines an access right. The default access rights
include the following:
field:read — Apply the field:read access right in data template
field definition items to control which users can read values from the
field. You can use the field:read access right to hide fields in user
interfaces such as the Content Editor.
field:write — Use the field:write access right to make fields
read-only in user interfaces such as the Content Editor, preventing
CMS users from updating the contents of a field.
item:read — Use the item:read access right to control whether
users can access items. If a user cannot access an item (or, assuming
security inheritance, its descendants), then that user cannot perform
other operations on that item and its descendants either, except in
certain cases, such as when deleting an item containing hidden

While all access rights can affect both CMS users and visitors to the managed web sites,
most access rights apply primarily in the content management environment. The
item:read access right is an exception, and is particularly important in the content
delivery environment, where it controls which items visitors can access.

item:write — Use the item:write access right to control which

CMS users can update existing items.
item:rename — Use the item:rename access right to control which
CMS users can rename existing items.
item:create — Use the item:create access right to control which
CMS users can use insert options to create items beneath existing
item:delete — Use the item:delete access right to control which
users can delete an item and its descendants.
item:admin — Use the item:admin access right to control which
CMS users can update security access rules for an item and its
language:read — Apply the language:read access right to
language definition items to control whether accounts can read items
in those languages.
language:write — Apply the language:write access right to
language definition items to control whether accounts can update
items in those languages.
site:enter — Apply the site:enter access right to the home items
of each managed site to control access to the entire site.
insert:show — Apply the insert:show access right to definition
items for data templates, command templates, and branch templates
to control which CMS users can use these items to insert additional
workflowState:delete — Apply the workflowState:delete
access right to definition items for workflow states to control whether
CMS users can delete items with versions in those workflow states.
workflowState:write — Apply the workflowState:write access
right to definition items for workflow states to control whether CMS
users can write to items in those workflow states.
workflowCommand:execute — Apply the
workflowCommand:execute access right to definition items for
workflow commands to control whether CMS users can see and
invoke those commands.
Some access rights depend on others. For example, the field:write access right is
irrelevant when an account does not have field:read access to that field. Furthermore,
a user cannot update a field in an item to which the user does not have the item:read
and item:write access rights. The access rights that affect workflow features further
depend on the user's access to the items associated with those workflow constructs; for
example, if a user does not have read access to an item, they cannot move the item from
one workflow state to another, regardless of the their workflowState:write access rights.

The Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRight class

represents an access right. You can use the IsAllowed() method of the
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationManager class to
determine whether a user has an access right to an item. As an example,
you could use the following code as a starting point to determine whether
the context user has write access to the context item (for more information
about the context user, see the Context User section later in this chapter):
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User user =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(user, "context
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "context
// the context user has write access to the context item

You can add custom access rights to use for your own purposes. For an example that
describes how you can implement a custom access right to control whether a user can
publish each individual item, see my blog post at
Inheriting Access Rights
By default, each item automatically inherits access rights from its parent.
If you do not specify access rights for an item, it inherits access rights
from its parent; the access rights defined for the parent apply to the item.
If you do not specify access rights for the parent item, then access rights
defined for the parent item of that parent (the grandparent) apply to that
item (the grandchild), and so on to the top of the content tree. For a more
detailed explanation of how Sitecore applies inherited access rights, see
the next section, “Evaluating Access Rights.”
As described in subsequent sections, you can use the Security Editor or
the Content Editor to disable security inheritance for any item, meaning
that the item no longer inherits access rights from its parent. For
instructions to grant and deny rights, and to enable and disable inheritance,
see the section “Setting Access Rights.” When applying inherited access
rights for the item or any of its descendants, after processing an item that
disables security inheritance to its descendants, Sitecore stops evaluating
access rights. If the item and its inheritance chain do not grant an access
right, Sitecore denies that right by default. In addition to disabling access
right inheritance completely for an item, you can also disable inheritance
for individual access rights for individual users and roles.
If the inheritance chain to the root item or to an item that disables
security inheritance does not allow an access right for a user or any of that
user's roles, Sitecore denies that right by default. After you break security
inheritance for an item, unless you have granted access rights to specific
roles or users, only administrators can access that item until you grant
access rights to additional roles or users.

Evaluating Access Rights

Figure 4.1 and the list that follows approximate the process that Sitecore
follows to determine whether to grant or deny an access right to a user.
When the user is a Sitecore administrator, the system always allows
the access right.
When the item explicitly denies the access right to the user, the
system denies the access right.
When the item explicitly allows the access right to the user, the
system allows the access right.

Access rights assigned to a user override rights assigned to their roles. If you allow or
deny a right to a user, you allow or deny that right for that user regardless of whether
you allow or deny that right to any of their roles.

When the item explicitly denies the access right to any of the roles
that contain the user, the system denies the access right.
When the item explicitly allows the access right to any of the roles
that contain the user, the system allows the access right.
When the item explicitly disables security inheritance for the access
right, the system denies the access right.
If none of the previous conditions result in allowance or denial of the
access right, and the item does not disable inheritance of that access
right from its parent item, Sitecore evaluates the same criteria
sequentially on the ancestors of the item, starting with the parent of
the item and progressing towards the top of the tree. Sitecore stops
evaluating access right inheritance at the nearest ancestor that
disables security inheritance, respecting options for disabling
inheritance for individual users, roles, access rights, and the entire
Figure 4.1
As you can see, a user's explicit rights override the rights provided by a
user's roles, and Sitecore stops evaluating security inheritance as soon as it
finds a reason to allow or deny the right.
The Sitecore security infrastructure implicitly and automatically affects
almost all operations on Sitecore items. If a presentation component
attempts to access an item to which the context user does not have read
access, Sitecore behaves as if that item does not exist. If the user somehow
requests the URL of a restricted item, Sitecore redirects the browser to the
URL of the friendly error page specified by the NoAccessUrl setting in the
Web.config file.
By default, Sitecore applies the access rights of the context user. Most
importantly, the read access right controls whether the user can access an
item in any way. If the context user does not have read access to the item
specified by the first argument to the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class, that method returns null rather than a
readSitecore.Data.Items.Item object. Other item access techniques
return null or exclude items from lists.
Ensure that each Sitecore.Data.Items.Item is not null and contains
at least one version in the context language (by checking the Count
property of the Versions property of the item) before using that item in
your code, such as when you retrieve items specified in the field of
another item or from a search index. For example, given the ID of the item
in the query string parameter named sc_item, the following code confirms
that the context user can read that item from the context database:

string id =

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
Sitecore.Data.Database db =
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item =

if (item != null && item.Versions.Count > 0)

// the item exists, the context user can read
that item,
// and that item contains at least one version in
the context language
If a user cannot access an item, that user cannot perform other
operations on it, such as updating or deleting it, except in certain cases,
such as when a user deletes an item, which deletes descendants of that
item to which that user may not have rights to delete.

Setting Access Rights

You can use the browser-based Security Editor application to apply access
rights to items for users and roles. To access the Security Editor, log in to
the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button, click Security Tools, and
then click Security Editor. Figure 4.2 shows the Security Editor.
Figure 4.2

Alternatively, you can also use the Content Editor to apply access rights.
To do so, click the Security tab in the Content Editor, and then click
Assign in the Security group. Because its primary selection is an item, the
Content Editor is most efficient when you need to set access rights for an
individual item or a small number of items, especially when you need to
apply access rights for a number of users or roles. The Security Editor is
more efficient when you need to apply access rights for a number of items
or a branch, especially when you repeatedly apply access rights for an
individual account.
When you need to apply a consistent pattern of access rights to more
than one item, first consider whether you can instead use security
inheritance. Otherwise, consider scripting the application and (potentially)
the maintenance of access rights, including updates and publishing. If you
must apply the same access rights to a number of items through the user
interface, consider using the Content Editor to copy and paste the raw
value of the __Security (Sitecore.FieldIDs.Security) field defined in
the standard template, instead of using the Security Editor to apply the
same access rights repeatedly. If you choose to use the Security Editor,
minimize the number of times you must select a account by setting access
rights for each account on a number of items, and then moving on to the
next account, rather than setting access rights item by item.

Interpreting Access Rights with the Access

You can use the browser-based Access Viewer application to review
effective access rights for a user. To access the Security Editor, log in to
the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button, click Security Tools, and
then click Access Viewer. Figure 4.3 shows the Access Viewer.
Figure 4.3
Use the following steps to select a user or role for which to evaluate
access rights in Access Viewer:
1. Click Select in the Users group on the Ribbon in the Access Viewer.
The Select an Account dialog appears as shown in Figure 4.4.
2. Select Roles or Users from the radio group at the top.
3. Select the account from the list at the bottom, and then click OK.
The Select an Account dialog closes and the Access Viewer refreshes
to show effective access rights for the selected account.
Figure 4.4
The Access Viewer evaluates effective access rights for the account you
select, such as inheritance and role membership, including nested roles (as
described in a subsequent section of this chapter), and displays the results.
Green indicates that an item allows access for the selected account; red
indicates that the system denies that right to that account. If you click an
access right, the Access Viewer shows a description of that right, and an
explanation of why the system allows or denies that right to the selected
You cannot use the Access Viewer to update access rights for an item;
you can use the Access Viewer only to see how access rights apply. To
update access rights for an item, use the Security Editor or the Content
Editor as explained in the previous section, “Setting Access Rights.”

Securing Data Template Fields

Sometimes you need to control which fields CMS users can read and write
within items to which those users have read and write access. To provide
this level of control, you can apply the field:read and field:write
access rights to field definition items in data templates. If you do not
apply access rights for a data template field, the user's access rights for the
item apply to that field.

Do not confuse the field:read access right with the item:read access right or the
field:write access right with the item:write access right. Field access rights defined in
definition items for data template fields control which users can read and write values in
those fields of items to which they also have the corresponding item access rights. You
would not normally define item access rights in definition items for individual data
template fields, where they control which users can update those definition items as
opposed to updating fields in items based on those data templates.

To apply access rights to a data template field, do the following:

1. Select a definition item for a data template field in the Content
Editor or the Template Manager.
2. Select the Security tab and then click the Assign command in the
Security group. The Security Settings dialog appears as shown in
Figure 4.5.
3. Click Add accounts. The Select an Account dialog appears as shown
previously in Figure 4.4.
4. Select a role, and then click OK. Alternatively, you can select a user
if you absolutely must apply security for a user rather than a role.
5. Grant or deny the Field Read (field:read) and Field Write
(field:write) access rights in the definition item for the data
template field to the role as shown in Figure 4.6, which demonstrates
granting Field Read and Field Write to the Designer role in the
Sitecore security domain. (For more information about security
domains, see the “Security Domains” section later in this chapter.)
Then click OK. You see the Content Editor.

You should grant rights to read fields to any account to which you grant rights to write
those fields. You can grant read access to everyone, and grant write access to specific
roles and even users.

Figure 4.5
Figure 4.6

Alternatively, in the Security Editor, do the following:

1. Click the Columns command in the Security group on the Ribbon in
the Security Editor. The Columns dialog appears as shown in Figure
2. Select Field Read and Field Write, and click OK. You see the
Security Editor.
3. Select the definition item for the data template field in the content
tree of the Security Editor as shown in Figure 4.8.
4. Click the Select command in the Roles and Users group on the
Ribbon in the Security Editor to select a role or a user.
5. Use the Security Editor to grant or deny the Field Read and Field
Write access rights.
Figure 4.7

Figure 4.8
CMS user interfaces such as the Content Editor apply the field:read
and field:write access rights to items that include such data template
fields. To support data template field access rights in user interfaces such
as the Page Editor, your presentation components must respect data
template field access rights. You can use the CanRead and CanWrite
properties of the Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field class to determine
whether a user can read and write to a field. The following code
demonstrates how to confirm that the context user has read and write
access to the Title field in the context item, as well as read and write
access to the context item itself.
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");


Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field title =

if (title != null
&& title.CanRead
&& title.CanWrite)
// the context user has write access to the field

Applying Access Rights with APIs

You can use APIs to set access rights for an item. For example, you cannot
set the site:enter access right through any Sitecore user interface. To set
this access right programmatically, add an access rule to the list of access
rules associated with the item.
The Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRight class
represents an access right. The
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule class represents an
access rule, which can associate an account with the allowance or denial of
an access right. The
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRuleCollection class
represents a list of access rules, such as the access rules associated with an
item. The GetAccessRules() method of the
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.ItemSecurity class exposed by
the Security property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class returns
an Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRuleCollection object
that represents the access rules associated with the item. You can use the
SetAccessRules() method of the
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.ItemSecurity class to update the
list of access rules associated with an item.
The example shown in Listing 4.1 denies the site:enter access right in
the /sitecore/content/home item to the Anonymous user in the Extranet
security domain.

Listing 4.1: Denying the site:enter access right

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System.Web.UI;

public class DenySiteAccessToExtranetAnonymous :

// set an access right for an account in an item
protected void SetAccessRight(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Account account,
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRight right,
bool allow)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");

// the new list of access rules to apply to the item

updated = new


foreach (Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule
in item.Security.GetAccessRules())
if (existingRule.Account.Name != account.Name
|| existingRule.Account.AccountType !=
|| existingRule.AccessRight != right)

// indicates whether to allow or deny the access

permission =
allow ?
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessPermission.Allow :


// add an access right according to the parameters

passed to the method



// update access rules for the item


protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)

// explicitly reference the Master database
Sitecore.Data.Database master =


// retrieve the home item by path

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item home =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(home, "home");

// retrieve the extranet security domain from the

configuration factory
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain extranet =


// the Anonymous user in the extranet domain

Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User anonymous =

// apply the site:enter access right for the

extranet\anonymous user
// for the /sitecore/content/home item in the Master

false /*allow*/ );

The SetAccessRight() method in this example contains code to update

the access rules for an item to grant or deny a specific right to an account.
This method accepts four arguments:
1. The item for which to set the access right
2. The account for which to set the access right
3. The access right to set
4. A Boolean indicating whether to grant (true) or deny (false) the
access right
This method retrieves the existing access rights for the item into a list
using the Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRuleCollection
class, excluding any existing access rights that exist for that account in
order to replace any such rule. It then adds a
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule object to that
collection to grant or deny the right to the user as specified by the
arguments to the method. Finally, it uses the SetAccessRules() method
of the Security property (which uses the
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.ItemSecurity class) of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item passed to the method to update the access
rules associated with the item to those listed in the collection.
The DoRender() method in this example constructs arguments to pass to
the SetAccessRight() method described previously. The DoRender()
method uses the GetDatabase() method of the static
Sitecore.Configuration.Factory class to retrieve a
Sitecore.Data.Database object that represents the Master database, and
then uses the GetItem() method of that object to retrieve the
/sitecore/content/home item from that database. Next, it uses the
GetDomain() method of the same Sitecore.Configuration.Factory
class to retrieve an instance of the Sitecore.Domains.Domain.Domain
object that represents the Extranet security domain. It then uses the
GetAnonymousUser() method of that Sitecore.Domains.Domain.Domain
object to retrieve the Anonymous user in that domain. Finally, it calls the
SetAccessRight() method, passing arguments to add or update an access
rule denying the site:enter access right to that Anonymous user in that
domain for that item.

I implemented this as a web control for my own convenience, but you can call equivalent
methods from other types of components.

Security Accounts and Domains

Because they serve similar purposes and support similar operations,
ASP.NET refers to both users and roles using the term security accounts,
which includes both users and roles. In Sitecore, a security domain is a
collection of security accounts.

In some contexts, the terms role and group are largely interchangeable. Groups often
belong to operating systems, while roles often belong to applications. In Sitecore a group
is a collection of commands in the Ribbon of a user interface such as the Content Editor.
Excluding the fact that you can apply access rights to group definition items to control
who can access those groups of commands in user interfaces, in Sitecore, groups have
nothing to do with security.

Users are individual people with authentication credentials for a Sitecore
solution, whether in the CMS or on one or more of the published websites.
A user can be a member of any number of security roles.
You can use the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class to access a
user. You can use the static Exists() method of this class to determine
whether a user exists in a domain. For example, the following code shows
how to determine if the default user named admin exists in the Sitecore
security domain:
"grant admin to a real user and remove the default
Sitecore\\admin user.",
You can use the static
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName() method to retrieve a
user by name. The first argument to this method specifies the user name,
including the name of the security domain that contains the user. The
second parameter tells the system whether to update its internal record of
when the user last accessed the solution. For example, the following code
shows how to determine whether the default admin user exists in the
Sitecore security domain:
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User admin =

Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNull(admin, "sitecore\\admin
The System.Web.Security.MembershipUser class provides an
alternative means of accessing users that you can use if the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class does not provide functionality
that you require. Important methods in the
System.Web.Security.MembershipUser class include:
ChangePassword() — Change the password associated with the user
to a new value (requires the existing password).
ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer() — Change the security
question and answer associated with the user to new values (requires
the existing password).
ResetPassword() — Reset the password associated with the user to
a random string (requires the answer to the security question
associated with the user).
UnlockUser() — Unlock the user after that user has reached the
limit for invalid login attempts.
For example, you can pass the name of a user (including the security
domain) to the static GetUser() method of the
System.Web.Security.Membership class to retrieve that user as a
System.Web.Security.Membership object. The following example
accesses the context user as an instance of that class:
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User user =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(user, "context
System.Web.Security.MembershipUser membershipUser =
Conversely, you can use the static FromName() method of the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class to retrieve a
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User object based on the UserName
property of a System.Web.Security.MembershipUser object. Sitecore
does not provide a method to access all known users on the system. You
can use the static GetAllUsers() method of the
System.Web.Security.Membership method to iterate all users using
System.Web.Security.MembershipUser objects, and convert each to a
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Account object only if needed, as in the
following example:
foreach(System.Web.Security.MembershipUser membershipUser
in System.Web.Security.Membership.GetAllUsers())
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User user =

rName, false);
// process user
Alternatively, theGetUsers() method of the
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain class returns all of the users in that
security domain. You can use the GetDomainNames() method of the static
Sitecore.Configuration.Factory class to retrieve the names of all
security domains, and the GetDomain() method of that class to retrieve a
security domain by name. The following example web control
demonstrates how to use these methods to iterate all users in all domains,
which is functionally equivalent to using the GetAllUsers() method of
the System.Web.Security.Membership class. You can determine which
approach performs better for your load of users and purpose, including
sorting, filtering, and any additional requirements. The GetUsers()
method of the Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain class may be more
efficient than the GetAllUsers() method of the
System.Web.Security.Membership class when you need to iterate the
users in a single Sitecore security domain.

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
public class ListDomainsAndUsers :
protected override void
DoRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
// iterate the names of all Sitecore security domains
foreach(string domainName
in Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDomainNames())
// retrieve the domain object
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain domain =


// ensure the domain exists


// list the name of the domain

output.WriteLine("<strong>" + domain.Name + "

// if the domain contains at least one user

if (domain.GetUserCount() > 0)
// write an unordered list

// iterate the users in that domain

foreach (Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User user in
// list the name of the user
output.WriteLine("<li>" + user.Name + "</li>");

output.WriteLine(" (no users)");

User Profiles
Each user has a profile, which can define any number of properties
specific to that user, such as the user's full name and e-mail address. You
can update user profiles in the User Manager. To access the User Manager,
log in to the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button, click Security
Tools, and then click User Manager. Figure 4.9 shows the User Manager.
Figure 4.9

To access the profile of a user, double-click that user in the User

Manager. The Edit User dialog appears as shown in Figure 4.10.
Figure 4.10

You can use the Sitecore.Security.UserProfile class to access user

profiles. The Profile property of the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class conveniently exposes an
instance of this type that represents the profile of the user.
To update user profile properties, the system must authenticate the user.
To work with an authenticated user, you can either update the profile for
the context user that has already logged in, or you can pass true as the
second argument to the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName() method when you
retrieve a user explicitly.
The Sitecore.Security.UserProfile class exposes basic user profile
properties such as the Email property for an email address. You can use
the GetCustomProperty() and SetCustomProperty() methods of the
Sitecore.Security.UserProfile class to get and set custom user
profile properties. If you prefer, the Sitecore.Security.UserProfile
class also exposes a collection that you can use to access profile values.
The following example shows how to set custom properties using both
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User user =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(user, "context
Sitecore.Security.UserProfile profile = user.Profile;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(profile, "profile");
profile.SetCustomProperty("First", "One");
profile["Second"] = "Two";
The first four linespopulate and validate the
Sitecore.Security.UserProfile variable named profile with the
profile of the context user. The next two lines demonstrate the two ways
you can set custom profile properties by setting profile properties named
First and Second for that user. The last line saves those changes to the
user's profile.

To optimize performance, as shown in the example, invoke the Save() method of the
Sitecore.Security.UserProfile class after updating multiple profile properties rather
than after setting each property.

The GetCustomPropertyNames() method of the

Sitecore.Security.UserProfile class returns the names of the custom
profile properties defined for the user, but not the names of all profile
properties defined for all users.
To expose custom profile properties in the User Manager, add fields to
the System/Security/User data template in the Coredatabase using field
names that correspond to the names of the user profile properties (for
example, First and Second in the previous example). The User Manager
application exposes such properties automatically on the Profile tab when
you edit a user.

Be sure to make this change in the Core database rather than the Master database, or
the fields will not appear in the User Manager.

The default profile properties exposed by the System/Security/User

data template in the Core database consist of the following:
Portrait: Appears with the username in the User Manager, on the
Sitecore menu when that user logs in, and potentially elsewhere
Wallpaper: Wallpaper image shown when the user logs in to the
Sitecore desktop
The Security API Cookbook ( contains much
more information about working with security profiles, including a sample
user profile self-management form.

Anonymous Users
Each security domain can contain a user named Anonymous to represent
all visitors who access the solution without providing authentication
credentials. Sitecore ensures that the Anonymous user exists in all security
domains that require such a user. You do not need to create or delete
Anonymous users in any security domain. The Anonymous user in each
security domain can have either no access or limited read access to the
solution, but should not have read access to everything, and should have
write access to nothing.
While Anonymous is a user, it actually represents a class of visitors who
access the solution without authenticating. This class includes both actual
visitors and robots such as search engines. For this reason, the Anonymous
user is an exception to the rule that you should always apply access rights
for roles rather than for users — the Anonymous user functions something
like a role. One easy way to deny access to all users who have not
authenticated is to deny access to the Anonymous user.
You can use the method of the
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain class to access the Anonymous
user for a security domain.

There is no Anonymous user in the Sitecore security domain, as all CMS users must
authenticate to access the system.

Context User
The context user is the user associated with the current HTTP request. For
each HTTP request, the UserResolver processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline determines the context user. If the
UserResolver processor cannot identify a known user, the context user is
the Anonymous user in the security domain associated with the context
You can access the context user through the static
Sitecore.Context.User property. For example, the following code
shows how to check for the context user safely:
, "context user");
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User = Sitecore.Context.User;

A role is a collection of users. Roles simplify the application of access
rights by grouping users.
The Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role class represents a security
role. Use the following methods in the classes specified to perform
essential tasks with this class:
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role.Exists() — Determines if a
role exists.
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role.FromName() — Retrieves a
role, much like the static FromName() method in the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class described in the previous
section, but without the second argument that indicates whether to
update the internal record indicating when the account last accessed
the solution.
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role.IsMember() — Determines
whether a user is a member of a role. The first parameter specifies the
account, which can be a Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User or
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role class. The second parameter
indicates whether to return true if
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role is the global Everyone role or
the Everyone role for the domain associated with the user. The third
parameter indicates whether to apply nested roles as described in a
subsequent section of this chapter.
System.Web.Security.Roles.CreateRole() — Creates a role.
Include the security domain name with the role name that you pass as
the argument to this method.
System.Web.Security.Roles.DeleteRole() — Deletes a role.
Depending on the number of roles, the number of users, and whether
you use nested roles as described in a subsequent section of this
chapter, this operation can take some time.
To access the roles associated with a user, you can use the Roles
property of the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class, which exposes
the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserRoles class. The
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserRoles class exposes the Add(),
Contains(), Remove(), and RemoveAll() methods, which add a user to a
role, determine whether a user's roles directly include another role (not
respecting nested roles as described in a subsequent section of this
chapter), remove a user from a role, and remove a user from all roles,
respectively. The Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class exposes the
IsInRole() method to determine whether a user is a member of a role,
respecting nested roles as described in a subsequent section of this chapter.
When you delete a role, Sitecore does not update access rules defined in
items to reflect that deletion. Because the role does not exist, such access
rules are irrelevant, and cannot apply. While this means that you can
restore access rights by recreating the role, it continues to appear in user
interfaces, which could confuse users. You are responsible for updating
access rights in items that refer to deleted roles. The most common means
of doing so are the following:
A manual process in the Sitecore user interface
A scheduled process to iterate all items and remove access rights
assigned to roles that no longer exist
An event handler, pipeline processor, or other solution to remove
access rights when a user removes a role
The example scheduled agent shown in Listing 4.2 removes access rules
associated with users and roles that do not exist for all items in the
database(s) specified to the class as a configuration parameter.

Listing 4.2: Using an agent, RemoveInvalidAccessRulesTask.cs, to fix

access rules
namespace Sitecore.SitecoreBook.Tasks
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class RemoveInvalidAccessRulesTask

// constructor initializes the list of databases to
public RemoveInvalidAccessRulesTask()
this.Databases = new List<string>();

// the databases to process, set in the Web.config file

public List<string> Databases

// for each database, remove invalid access rights,

starting from the root item
public void Run()
foreach (string dbName in this.Databases)
Sitecore.Data.Database database =

"datbase " + dbName);
this + " : begin processing database " + dbName,

this + " : completed processing database " +
dbName, this);

// remove invalid access rights from the item and its

protected void
RemoveInvalidAccessRights(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");

// new list of access rules to apply to item

updated =

// indicates that an access rule with an invalid

account existed
bool modified = false;

// for each access rule associated with the item

foreach (Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule
in item.Security.GetAccessRules())
// if the account is valid, add it to the new list
of access rules
if (this.UserExists(rule.Account) ||
// otherwise, exclude it from the new list,
// and set the flag to apply changes
modified = true;
string message = this
+ " : removing "
+ rule.Account.AccountType
+ " "
+ rule.Account.Name
+ " from "
+ item.Paths.FullPath
+ " in " + item.Database.Name;
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Warn(message, this);

if (modified)

foreach (Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in


// returns true if the role exists or is the Everyone

protected bool
RoleExists(Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Account account)
return account.AccountType ==
|| account.Domain.IsEveryoneRole(account.Name));

// returns true if the account represents a user that

protected bool
UserExists(Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Account account)
return account.AccountType ==

In this agent:
The Databases property specifies a list of databases from which to
remove access rights that specify users and roles that do not exist.
The Sitecore scheduling engine invokes the Run() method of the
The Run() method invokes the recursive
RemoveInvalidAccesssRules() method for the root item in each
database specified by the Databases property.
The recursive RemoveInvalidAccesssRules() method sets the
modified flag to indicate whether the item contains invalid access
rules, creates the updated list to contain valid access rules for the
item, and then iterates the access rules for the items adding valid rules
to the updated list and setting the modified flag in the case of an
invalid rule.
If the item contains invalid access rules, the agent logs a warning and
updates the access rules for the item to those specified in the updated
The RemoveInvalidAccessRules() method calls itself for each child
of the item, recursively.
To schedule this agent to run approximately once daily, add a
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent element to the
Web.config file based on the following example that will remove invalid
access rules from the Master and Core databases:

<databases hint="list">

You do not need to include publishing target databases such as the Web in the list of
databases. Updating the Master database and publishing those changes to the
publishing target databases corrects this issue in those target databases.

For more information about scheduling tasks with Sitecore, see my blog
post at For more information about passing
parameters to types specified in the Web.config file, see my blog post at

Everyone Roles
The Everyone role automatically contains all users in a security domain,
including the Anonymous user. Each security domain can contain an
Everyone role. An additional Everyone role associated with no security
domain contains all users in all security domains. You can use the
Everyone role to allow an access right to all members of a domain.
You cannot use the Everyone role to deny an access right to Sitecore administrators. A
user with the User Is Administrator check box selected on the General tab of the user's
profile has all access rights to all items, regardless of the access rights defined for those
items. Unless you implement custom code to block functions at runtime rather than using
access rights, you cannot deny those functions to Sitecore administrators.

You do not need to create or delete the Everyone role in any security
domain. Technically, you can remove or rename the Everyone role in each
security domain by updating the
/App_Config/Security/Domains.config file according to the comments
in that file, but I advise against making such changes without specific
direction from Sitecore's customer service department.
The Everyone role is virtual, and does not exist in the role management
provider. If you use the static Exists() method of the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role class to check whether the Everyone
role exists, that method returns false. The list of roles associated with
each user never includes the Everyone role. You can use the
GetEveryoneRole() method of the
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain class to access the Everyone role
in a security domain.

Nested Roles
Sitecore supports nested roles, meaning that roles can be members of other
roles, or that each role can contain other roles. Nested roles can simplify
security configuration in some scenarios, such as when some roles are
subsets of others. Figure 4.11 shows the nesting of roles within the
Sitecore Client Users role in the Sitecore security domain.
Figure 4.11
As the diagram depicts, the various roles listed on the right, from
Sitecore Client Administrators through Sitecore Client Publishing, are all
members of the Sitecore Client Users role, as are the Sitecore Client
Authoring and the Sitecore Client Developing roles. Stated in reverse, the
Sitecore Client Users role contains these roles. The Author role is a
member of the Sitecore Client Authoring role, and hence an indirect
member of the Sitecore Client Users role. The Developer role is a member
of both the Author role and the Sitecore Client Developing role, and hence
an indirect member of the Sitecore Client Users role.
You can use the static
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.RolesInRolesManager class to configure
nested roles. You can access the static RolesInRolesSupported property
of this class to determine whether the solution supports nested roles.
Relevant static methods in the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.RolesInRolesManager class are:
IsRoleInRole() — Determines whether a role contains a nested role
AddRoleToRole() — Adds a nested role to a role
RemoveRoleFromRole() — Removes a nested role from a role
GetRolesInRole() — Retrieves roles nested within the role. This
method optionally includes roles nested within the requested roles, no
matter how deep the nesting becomes.

Sitecore Client Roles

Sitecore predefines the Sitecore client roles to provide limited access to
the Sitecore application, its user interfaces, and their features. For
example, to grant a user access to publishing features in the Sitecore user
interfaces, add that user to the Sitecore Client Publishing role in the
Sitecore security domain.
For more information about the Sitecore client roles, see the Sitecore
Client Configuration Cookbook ( and the Sitecore
Security Reference (

Security Domains
Security domains segregate groups of security accounts, such as CMS
users and users of the published websites. Each user and role exists within
a domain.
Each /domains/domain element in the
/App_Config/Security/Domains.config file configures a Sitecore
security domain. You can update this file to add or remove security
domains and to update properties of existing security domains.
Sitecore includes three default security domains:
Sitecore: Contains the CMS accounts
Extranet: Contains accounts for the published websites
Default: Acts as a default security domain for accounts that do not
belong to either of the other security domains
The Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain class represents a Sitecore
security domain. You can use the static Sitecore.Context.Domain
property to access the context domain, which is the security domain
associated with the context site. If the context site is null, or does not
specify a security domain, the Sitecore.Context.Domain property
returns the default Sitecore security domain specified by the
/App_Config/Security/Domains.config file.
Alternatively, you can use the static
Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDomain() method to access a
named domain. For example, you can use the following code to access the
domain named extranet:
Sitecore.Security.Domains.Domain extranet =

Preventing Sitecore from Applying

While it is generally desirable to configure access rights exactly as
required for users to perform necessary operations, it is not always
practical. In some cases you might need to override the access rights
defined for the context user. For example, you might want to tease a visitor
with a value in a field of an item to which that visitor does not have read
To give a user access rights that security rules would otherwise deny him
for the duration of a block of code, you can use either the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher class to impersonate a
specific user that has the required access or the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler class to disable Sitecore
security within that block of code.

While these techniques are as secure as the code you write within the contained blocks of
code, whenever possible, use access rights to provide CMS users with access to the items
they need to perform their responsibilities, and to provide visitors to the published sites
with read access to the items appropriate to their levels of privilege.

Impersonating a Sitecore User

You can use the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher class to
impersonate a specific user for the duration of a block of code. The
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher class causes a block of
code to function as if the context user were the specified user. Any objects,
properties, methods, or other components accessed within that block of
code maintain the overridden level of access. At the close of the block of
code, functionality automatically reverts to that of the original context
user. For example, you can use the following code to impersonate a user
named API in the Sitecore security domain:
string username = "sitecore\\api";

if (Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.Exists(username))
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User apiUser =

using (new
// code to execute as the user named API in the
Sitecore security domain

Disabling Sitecore Security

You use the Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler class to
disable Sitecore security for the duration of a block of code. Code within
such a block runs as if the context user were a Sitecore administrator —
that code has all rights to all items, regardless of any access rights defined
in or inherited by those items. The following code shows how to create a
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler block:
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
// code to run as a user with administrative rights
You can create an
instance of the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityEnabler class to enable security
within a block of code that
disables security using the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler class. The following code
demonstrates both classes, with comments to indicate which code runs
with the access rights of the context user and which runs with
administrative access:
// code to run as the context user

using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())

// code to run as a user with administrative rights

using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityEnabler())

// code to run as the context user

// code to run as a user with administrative rights


// code to run as the context user.

Requiring Authentication for a

Managed Website
To specify a log-in page for each managed website, set the loginPage
attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the
Web.config file that defines that managed website. If you manage only one
website under the default configuration, configure the loginPage attribute
of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the
Web.config file named website that represents the default published
website. You can set the loginPage attribute to the URL of a file or an
item relative to the document root of the website.
If you set the loginPage attribute to the URL of an item rather than a file, ensure that the
Anonymous user in the default security domain for the managed website has read access
to that item. For example, you may have to provide read access to the Extranet security
domain for the default managed website named website.

If a web client requests a URL that corresponds to an item to which that

visitor does not have read access, and the loginPage attribute is absent for
the context site, Sitecore redirects the browser to the URL specified by the
NoAccessUrl setting in the Web.config file. If the loginPage attribute is
present in that site definition, Sitecore redirects the browser to the page
that attribute specifies.
Optionally, you can set the requireLogin attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config file
to true to require all users to authenticate in order to access the managed
website. If the requireLogin attribute is true and a web client requests
the URL of an item to which the visitor does not have read access, Sitecore
redirects the browser to the URL specified by the loginPage attribute. If
you do not set the requireLogin attribute to true, users who do not
authenticate can access any portion of the solution that the Anonymous
user on the default security domain for the managed website can read;
restrict access rights for this user to control what unauthenticated users
can access.
The log-in page can use ASP.NET log-in controls to authenticate users as
described in The Sitecore Security API Cookbook (
Ensure that the security domain appears in the user name before
attempting authentication. If authentication succeeds, redirect to a page to
which the context user has read access. Alternatively, you can use the
Login() method of the
Sitecore.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager static
class to authenticate a user. The first argument to this method specifies the
user name, the second the password for that user, and the third whether to
require authentication on future visits.
The Sitecore Security API Cookbook describes how you can configure
the default authentication provider. This information includes how to
configure password reset and retrieval, how to limit the number of invalid
login attempts before Sitecore locks a user out of the system, and how to
establish password complexity requirements. In addition to a sample login
form and an explanation of how to use ASP.NET log-in controls, the
cookbook contains a sample user self-registration form and an example
that achieves the same result using the ASP.NET CreateUserWizard web
control, as well as a sample password recovery form.

Integrating and Extending Sitecore

You can extend the Sitecore security infrastructure and integrate external
security systems using ASP.NET membership, profile, and role providers.
Sitecore uses these ASP.NET security providers for the following three
Membership Providers — Verify users' credentials, including user
names, passwords, and answers to the security questions used to
validate authentication in specific scenarios
Profile Providers — Represent users' profile information, such as e-
mail addresses and custom profile properties
Role Providers — Abstract role management and the relationships
between users and roles
In short, membership providers support authentication, such as by
abstracting the details of a system that manages usernames and passwords.
Profile providers abstract systems that manage information about users,
such as their preferences on the system. Role providers abstract systems
that manage information about collections of users so that you can grant or
deny access to those collections en-masse.

Configuring ASP.NET Membership,

Profile, and Role Providers
The default security providers supplied by Sitecore store information in
tables in a relational database. To configure the default authentication,
profile, and role providers you can update attributes of the
/configuration/system.web/membership/profile/add, and
/configuration/system.web/membership/roleManager/add elements
in the /web.config file.

Because they exist outside the /configuration/sitecore element in the /web.config file,
you cannot use a Web.config include file to configure these elements.

For example, to store information in a database other than the Core

database, set the connectionStringName attributes of these elements to
the name of that connection string.
You can implement ASP.NET security providers that use external
systems to manage authentication, profiles, and roles. Security providers
consist of classes that inherit from abstract classes and implement various
methods required to fulfill the contracts defined by those base classes. You
can use the default providers included with Sitecore, you can use optional
providers available as modules from Sitecore, or you can implement your
own providers. Optional providers available from Sitecore include those in
the Active Directory module ( further described in
Chapter 10 and the CRM Security Provider ( module.
Typically, you use the CRM provider to authenticate visitors on the
published websites, while you use the Active Directory provider to
authenticate CMS users. For instructions to implement custom
authentication providers, see Sitecore Membership Providers Guide

Building Virtual Users

You can implement virtual users to simulate Sitecore users after
authenticating those users against an external security system. In some
cases, virtual users are easier to implement than authentication providers.
To implement virtual users, after successfully authenticating a user against
your existing user management system, such as by using a log-in page,
invoke APIs to create a virtual user in Sitecore, and then assign actual
roles to that virtual user to control access rights to items in Sitecore
Sitecore does not provide virtual roles; you can use the native roles
provider or a custom roles provider, and assign virtual users to those roles.
Typically you create roles in Sitecore based on roles defined in the
external system, and associate virtual users with those roles when they log
in. The difference between virtual users and actual roles is that between
client sessions, Sitecore does not persist information about virtual users;
they exist only for the duration of the browsing session. Sitecore persists
information about roles that you create using the default role provider to a
database, which is important because those roles need to appear in the user
interface in order for you to apply access rights.
You can create a new unique identifier each time you create a virtual
user, or store the unique identifier of the virtual user in the external
system. To build a virtual user you can use the static
irtualUser() method, which returns an instance of the
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User class to which you can assign roles
and profile properties. The first argument to the BuildVirtualUser()
method is the user name, including the domain. The second parameter
indicates whether to update the internal record of the user's last access
date and time. For more information about and an example of creating
virtual users, see

Employing Federated Authentication

You can manage Sitecore users that authenticate using federated
authentication systems, in which multiple systems share a common
identification credential and user profile store. For example, the free
Sitecore Social Connected ( module uses this
technique to support authentication using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Switching Providers
To use different authentication, user profile, and role management
providers for different security domains, you can configure switching
providers. The default providers use the same technical implementations
for all security domains. The switching providers replace these defaults
with providers that apply different actual implementations for different
security domains. For example, you can use switching providers to use
different security implementations for different managed websites, in
which case each site specifies a security domain that the switching
provider maps to an actual provider.
You can configure switching providers for individual functions, such as
to use different providers for authentication for some security domains but
a single provider for role management for all domains. You might
authenticate CMS users against an internal LDAP using the Sitecore
Active Directory authentication provider, but authenticate users of
published websites using the default authentication provider so that you do
not have to maintain those external users in your internal LDAP. Further,
you might want to use the Active Directory provider for CMS user
authentication, but use the default role provider even for the Sitecore
security domain so that CMS users without administrative rights in Active
Directory can manage roles specific to the CMS system through the CMS
user interfaces.
For each provider implementation that you create, you should add an
element to the Web.config file as described in this section. To use the
provider, you must update a separate section of the actual /web.config
file as described previously in the section, “Configuring ASP.NET
Membership, Profile, and Role Providers.”
The authentication switching provider allows different authentication
providers for different security domains. To enable the authentication
switching provider, set the defaultProvider attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/membership element in the Web.config file
to switcher. This change instructs Sitecore to use the authentication
switching provider, which evaluates the
r elements in the Web.config file to determine which actual authentication
provider implementation to use for each security domain. To make
additional authentication providers available to the authentication
switching provider, insert <add> elements within the <provider> element.
The role management switching provider allows different role
management providers for different security domains. To enable the role
management switching provider, set the defaultProvider attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/roleManager element in the Web.config file
to switcher. This change instructs Sitecore to use the role management
switching provider, which evaluates the
vider elements in the Web.config file to determine which actual role
management provider implementation to use for each security domain. To
make additional role management providers available to the role
management switching provider, insert <add> elements within the
<provider> element.
The user profile management switching provider allows different profile
management providers for users in different security domains. To enable
the user profile management switching provider, set the defaultProvider
attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/profile element in the
Web.config file to switcher. This change instructs Sitecore to use the user
profile management switching provider, which evaluates the
elements in the Web.config file to determine which actual user profile
management provider to use for each security domain. To make additional
user profile management provider implementations available to the user
profile management switching provider, insert <add> elements within the
<provider> element.
To specify which authentication provider Sitecore should use for a
security domain, do the following:
1. Enable the authentication switching provider as described earlier in
this section.
2. Add a
vider element to the Web.config file.
3. Set the domains attribute of the new <provider> element to the
name of the security domain.
4. Set the providerName attribute of the new <provider> element to
the value of the name attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/membership/providers/add element in
the Web.config file to use for that domain.
To specify which role management provider Sitecore should use for a
security domain, follow these steps:
1. Enable the role management switching provider as described earlier
in this section.
2. Add a
ovider element to the Web.config file.
3. Set the domains attribute of the new <provider> element to the
name of the security domain.
4. Set the providerName attribute of the new <provider> element to
the value of the name attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/roleManager/providers/add element
in the Web.config file to use for that domain.
To specify which role management provider Sitecore should use for a
security domain, do the following:
1. Enable the user profile management switching provider as described
earlier in this section.
2. Add a /configuration/sitecore/switchingProviders/
profile/provider element to the Web.config file.
3. Set the domains attribute of the new <provider> element to the
name of the security domain.
4. Set the providerName attribute of the new <provider> element to
the value of the name attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/profile/providers/add element in the
Web.config file to use for that domain.

Take Home Points

Even if your Sitecore solution does not require authentication for users of
the managed websites, you should consider Sitecore security when
designing your information architecture. Specifically, very few users
should have rights beyond read for the home item for a managed website,
especially the right to delete this item.
If you do need to secure your published websites, the Sitecore security
model is quite comprehensive, including capabilities that exceed most
requirements. You can restrict access to entire managed websites, branches
within those sites, individual items within those branches, and individual
fields within those items.
Chapter 5

Error Management

What's in This Chapter?

Trapping exceptions with try...catch blocks
Managing exceptions in XSL renderings, sublayouts, and web controls
Handling exceptions at the application level with the global.asax file
Redirecting to friendly error pages
This chapter describes error-management techniques that you can use with
Sitecore solutions, including some provided by ASP.NET itself. You can
trap errors at a number of layers, including the code, component, page, and
application levels. This chapter covers error-management facilities from
the lowest layer up to the highest.
Sitecore error management applies only to HTTP requests handled by
Sitecore, which handles most of the requests that IIS handles with
ASP.NET. As described in this chapter, Sitecore error management varies
according to the configuration defined under the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the Web.config
Sitecore attempts to log every exception that it encounters. Such log
entries include stack traces. An optimized Sitecore solution should log few
or no exceptions. You should attempt to identify all potential errors in
development and test environments before deploying that code to
production. For more information about Sitecore logging, see Chapter 6.
For more information about error management with the Sitecore ASP.NET
content management system (CMS), see The Sitecore Presentation
Component API Cookbook ( In fact, much of the
information and code in this chapter derive directly from that work.
Figure 5.1
Exception Levels
With Internet Information Services (IIS), ASP.NET, and Sitecore, you can
handle errors and exceptions at a number of levels. The diagram shown in
Figure 5.1 summarizes your options. While the diagram appears top-down,
exceptions that you do not trap at a lower level actually bubble up through
the call stack, from the individual line of code that generated the exception
through the presentation control, the page, the application, Sitecore,
ASP.NET, IIS, and potentially even to the browser (not shown in Figure
5.1), which conceptually handles errors in IIS.

Designing an Error Helper Class

You will likely want to handle exceptions at a number of levels and to apply
the same exception management logic for every type of presentation
component, including layouts, eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
renderings, sublayouts, and web controls. Your application may benefit
from a class that encapsulates error management logic, such as access to
the /configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config file to determine whether to render information about an
error or to redirect to a friendly error page instead. For more information
about this element in the /web.config file, see the ASP.NET Error
Management Pages section of this chapter. You can create an error helper
class based on the prototype shown in Listing 5.1. Subsequent examples in
this chapter depend on this prototype rather than repeatedly duplicating its

Listing 5.1: Implementing an ErrorHelper class

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI
using System;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.UI;
public static class ErrorHelper
// represents the /configuration/system.web/customErrors
section of web.config
private static CustomErrorsSection _config = null;

// URL to handle server errors

private static string _error500Url = null;

// lazy-loading representation of
public static CustomErrorsSection Config
if (_config == null)
System.Configuration.Configuration config =

_config =


return _config;

// lazy-loading URL to handle server errors

public static string Error500Url
// if this application has not attempted to
determine the error page
// to handle the HTTP 500 condition, but the
// /configuration/system.web/customErrors/error
element exists in web.config,
// check for a contained <error> element with a
statusCode attribute of 500
if (_error500Url == null && Config != null)
// check for a
/configuration/system.web/customErrors/error 500 element
CustomError error500 = Config.Errors.Get(


if (error500 != null &&

_error500Url = error500.Redirect;

// if no such element exists, use the

defaultRedirect attribute
// of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors/error element
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_error500Url))
_error500Url = Config.DefaultRedirect;

// default to using an empty string if the

defaultRedirect attribute is null
if (_error500Url == null)
_error500Url = String.Empty;

return _error500Url;

// Determine whether to redirect after an error.

public static bool ShouldRedirect()
// if the user is debugging, they have authenticated;
do not redirect
if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsDebugging)
return false;

// if the /configuration/system.web/customErrors
element is absent
if (Config == null)
return true;

// if redirection to friendly error pages is

completely disabled
if (Config.Mode ==
return false;

// if configured to redirect only remote clients and

this client is local
if (Config.Mode ==
&& System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal)
return false;

// otherwise, redirect by default

return true;

// implementation of redirection logic

public static void Redirect()
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Error500Url))
string url = Error500Url
+ "?aspxerrorpath="
"replace this text with your friendly error
// log an exception
public static void LogException(string message,
Exception ex, object owner)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(message, ex, owner);

// render an error to the client browser

public static void RenderError(
string message,
string details,
HtmlTextWriter output)
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.ErrorControl errorControl;
errorControl =
details) as
string error = String.Format(
"A rendering error occurred: {0} (details: {1})",
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(error, errorControl);
In the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.ErrorHelper class shown in Listing 5.1:
The Config property exposes the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors section of the
/web.config file.
The Error500Url property exposes the URL of a generic error
management page.
The ShouldRedirect() method returns false if any of the following
are true:
The user is in the browser-based debugger.
The value of the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config file is Off.
The value of the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config is RemoteOnly and the current HTTTP request
originated from the local system.
The ShouldRedirect() method returns true by default or if any of the
following are true:
The /configuration/system.web/customErrors element does not
exist in the /web.config file and the use is not debugging.
The value of the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config file is On or is RemoteOnly, the current HTTP request
is not from the local system, and the user is not debugging.
The Redirect() method redirects the client to the URL specified by
the redirect attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors/error element in the
/web.config file with a value of 500 for the statusCode attribute.
If no such /configuration/system.web/customErrors/error
element exists, the Redirect() method redirects the client to the URL
specified by the defaultRedirect attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config file.
If the /configuration/system.web/customErrors element does not
exist or its mode attribute does not exist or does not have a value, the
Redirect() method redirects the client to the URL specified by the
ErrorPage setting in the Web.config file.
The RenderError() method invokes the error control as described in
the further sections of this chapter, and then writes the error message to
the Sitecore log.

Implementing Your Own Exception

You should implement your own classes to represent the types of
exceptions that can occur in your code. Your exception classes can derive
from the System.Exception class or another class that inherits from
System.Exception. You may want to create an abstract base class from
which to derive all of your classes that represent specific types of
exceptions, meaning that all those classes derive from that same abstract
base class. For an example of this type of abstract base class for exceptions,
see Listing 5.2.

Listing 5.2: Accessing the URL associated with an exception

namespace SitecoreBook.Exceptions
using System;
using System.Web;

public abstract class CustomExceptionBase :

// constructor accepts exception message
public CustomExceptionBase(string message) :

// return the results of calling ToString(), plus when

possible, the original
// requested URL and current URL (Sitecore may have
modified the requested URL)
public string GetLogMessage()
string result = this.ToString();

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Sitecore.Context.RawUrl))
result += System.Environment.NewLine
+ this.GetType().ToString()
+ " : Original URL : "
+ Sitecore.Context.RawUrl;

if (HttpContext.Current != null
&& HttpContext.Current.Request != null
result += System.Environment.NewLine
+ this.GetType().ToString()
+ " : Current URL : "
+ HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl;

return result;
Listing 5.2 defines the
SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase abstract class from
which you can derive any number of classes that represent specific types of
exceptions. Each such deriving class can invoke the GetLogMessage()
method in this abstract base class, which attempts to add the type of the
exception and the URL associated with the current HTTP request to the
result of calling the ToString() method in the System.Exception class
from which the SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase class
derives. Where you trap such exceptions, you can write the value returned
by the GetLogMessage() method to the Sitecore log or elsewhere to include
the exception type and the requested URL in error messages whenever
You can create any number of classes that derive from the
SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase class to represent
specific types of exceptions. For example:
namespace SitecoreBook.Exceptions
public class ActualException :
public ActualException(string message) : base(message)
When you experience an error condition that you cannot manage or would
like to handle at a higher level, throw an exception as shown in the
following example:
throw new SitecoreBook.Exceptions.ActualException("Error

Trapping Exceptions with

try...catch...finally Blocks
Follow best practices for trapping exceptions with
try...catch...finally blocks (also called try...catch blocks)
throughout your code. If you are not familiar with exception management
practices, research this subject on the Internet. Implement and use your own
exception classes as described in the previous section. Trap only those
exceptions that you expect and from which you can recover. Trap
exceptions as close as possible to where they occur.
You can use try...catch blocks anywhere in .NET code, and you can
nest try...catch blocks within try...catch blocks. Other than in XSL
extension methods and controls, you cannot use try...catch blocks in
XSL renderings.
To log an exception, you can pass that exception as the second parameter
to the Error() method in the Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log static class
using the signature of that method that accepts three parameters, as shown
in the last call to that Error() method in the following example:
// if some error condition is true
throw new SitecoreBook.Exceptions.ActualException("Error
catch (SitecoreBook.Exceptions.ActualException ex)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(ex.GetLogMessage(), this);
catch (SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase ex)
// this catch block may appear redundant with the previous
catch block,
// but you may want to handle specific types of exceptions
differently than others
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(ex.GetLogMessage(), this);
catch (Exception ex)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("unexpected exception", ex,
throw (ex);
The first two calls to the Error() method in the
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log static class shown in this example use a
signature of that method that accepts only two parameters: a string
containing a message to log, and an object to associate with that message.
The third call to the Error() method accepts three parameters: a message
to log, an exception to log, and the object to associate with that message. In
either case, the logging infrastructure can use the type of the object passed
as the last argument to route the message to different logging sinks, though
such differentiation is uncommon in practice.

Handing Errors in Presentation

You can configure how the layout engine handles the following error
conditions in presentation components:
Syntax errors in XSL renderings
Runtime errors in XSL renderings
Exceptions in web controls
Exceptions in sublayouts
For example, you can determine whether to render information about the
error in-line with the rest of the page, render the rest of the page without
providing any output for the presentation component that encountered the
error, redirect the browser to a page containing a friendly error message, or
present the error information in some other way. You can base your decision
on the page mode (such as whether the user is debugging or using the Page
Editor), configuration in the Web.config file or elsewhere, or other logic.
Handing Syntax and Runtime Errors in
XSL Renderings
XSL renderings can result in two types of errors:
Syntax errors in the XSL code
Exceptions raised during XSL processing
XSL renderings do not support compile-time error detection. When you
change an XSL rendering, you do not need to compile it before the system
can attempt to use that code. You might not know an XSL rendering
contains a syntax error until you use it (or worse, someone else tries to use
Whether an XSL rendering contains a syntax error or throws an
exception, the layout engine uses the same approach to handle that error.
The Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class that Sitecore uses to
process XSL renderings inherits from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl
base class for web controls. The layout engine calls the Render() method
of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class. If output from
the rendering under the same processing conditions does not exist in the
output cache for the context site, the Render() method invokes the
DoRender() method defined in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class. For more information
about caching the output of renderings, see Chapter 6. The DoRender()
method contains a try...catch block that handles both syntax errors and
exceptions raised by XSL extension methods and controls as well as
exceptions thrown by the XSL transformation engine and the underlying
If an error occurs while processing an XSL rendering, the layout engine
(specifically, the catch block in the DoRender() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class) invokes the
RenderError() method of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract
base class. The RenderError() method prevents the layout engine from
caching the output of the control and invokes the RenderControl() method
of the error control specified by the type attribute of the
/configuration/ErrorControl element in the
/App_Config/Prototypes.config file.
The Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class maintains a flag
that indicates whether an error occurred during rendering, which controls
whether the layout engine caches the output of the control. The
RenderError() method of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract
base class sets this flag. If you override error management and you want to
cache the fact that an error occurred, do not call the RenderError()
method. Otherwise, call the RenderError() method to set the flag that
prevents the layout engine from caching the output of the XSL rendering.
Alternatively, you can set your own flag if an exception occurs, and
implement the GetCachingID() method to return an empty string if that
flag is set, effectively preventing Sitecore from caching the output of that
control in that condition.
The default error control renders an icon and a message that indicates that
an error occurred. Depending on the value of the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the Web.config
file, the error control may output information about the error. You can
override the type specified by the /configuration/ErrorControl element
in the /App_Config/Prototypes.config file with one that manages
exceptions differently, such as to render no output when a rendering
encounters an error.
You cannot differentiate an XSL syntax error from an XSL runtime error
without overriding the DoRender() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class. Additionally, an exception
can occur after an XSL rendering has generated some output, in which case
both that output and the information about the exception can appear in the
page. You can avoid this condition by replacing the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class with a version that writes
to a temporary object using the System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter to
prevent output in case of error, and then writes the content of that object to
the output stream if no error occurs. If you replace the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class, you must update the type
attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/renderingControls/control
element in the Web.config file with a value of xsl rendering for the
template attribute, similar to the technique described for sublayouts in the
following section.
As described in Chapter 3, you can bind XSL files statically in layouts
and sublayouts using code in those files, or dynamically to placeholders
using layout details. To maximize consistency and minimize administration
of layout details when all uses of a layout or sublayout invoke the same
rendering in the same location, bind the rendering statically to the layout or
sublayout. To apply custom logic to handle errors in XSL renderings bound
either statically and dynamically, you must override methods in two
Override the DoRender() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class with error
management logic.
Override the GetControl() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.XslControlRenderingType class to return
instances of the class that overrides the DoRender() method rather than
the default Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class.
The prototype shown in Listing 5.3 for a replacement to the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class used to process XSL
renderings prevents XSL renderings from writing to the output stream
before an exception occurs.

Listing 5.3: Defining the XslFile class replacement

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;

public class XslFile : Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile

// use default Sitecore error control instead of custom
error control
public bool DisableErrorControl

// cache the output of this control even if an exception

private bool CacheAfterException

// render the XSL transformation

protected override void
DoRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
// if error control is disabled, call the default
implementation and exit
if (this.DisableErrorControl)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new

// invoke the XSL transformation and write the
output to the output stream

// no exception occurred; write the output to the

output stream
catch (Exception ex)
// in case of exception, log an error message
containing the and actual URLs
string message = this + " : " +

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path))
message += " (" + this.Path + ")";

message += " processing " + Sitecore.Context.RawUrl;

string details = ex.ToString();
ErrorHelper.LogException(message, ex, this);

// redirect if configured to redirect under current

processing conditions
if (ErrorHelper.ShouldRedirect())

// if configured to cache in case of exception,

invoke custom RenderError()
if (this.CacheAfterException)
ErrorHelper.RenderError(message, details, output);

// if not configured to cache after an exception,

invoke default RenderError()
this.RenderError(message, this.Path, details,
In the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class shown in
Listing 5.3:
The DisableErrorControl property controls whether to apply the
custom error management logic.
The CacheAfterException property controls whether the layout
engine caches output for this instance of the control if it throws an
If the DisableErrorControl property is true, the DoRender() method
calls the corresponding method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile base class and then exits.
If the DisableErrorControl property is false, the DoRender()
method creates a temporary System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter object,
and passes that object to the corresponding method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile base class.
If the DoRender() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile base class does not throw
an exception, the DoRender() method writes the content of the
temporary System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter object to the output
If the DoRender() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile base class throws an exception,
the DoRender() method in the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class shown in Listing 5.3
logs the exception, and then uses the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.ErrorHelper
class shown in Listing 5.1 to determine whether to redirect and whether to
render information about the error to the browser.
The approach you use to replace the default
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile web control Sitecore uses by
default to invoke XSL renderings differs depending on whether you bind
XSL renderings statically or dynamically. To use the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class where you bind XSL
renderings statically:
1. Add a /configuration/system.web/pages/controls/add element
to the /web.config file.
2. Set the tagPrefix attribute in the new element to a unique prefix
that identifies your class library.
3. Set the namespace and assembly attributes of the new element to the
signature of your class. For example:
<add tagPrefix="sb"
4. Replace the sc tag prefix in <sc:xslfile> elements in your layouts
and sublayouts with your tag prefix. For example:
<sb:xslfile runat="server" ... />
To use your class where you bind XSL renderings dynamically using
layout details, update the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/renderingControls/control element in the
Web.config file with a value of xsl rendering for the template attribute
to specify the signature of your class based on the prototype shown in
Listing 5.4. This type attribute specifies a class that serves as a factory to
create objects that implement XSL transformations bound to placeholders.

Listing 5.4: Defining a GetControl() prototype

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Web.UI;

public class XslControlRenderingType :

// retrieve an object that renders an XSL transformation
public override Control GetControl(
NameValueCollection parameters, bool assert)
// create a control using the custom XslFile
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile xslFile =
new SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile();

// pass all defined parameters to the control

foreach (string str in parameters.Keys)

Sitecore.Reflection.ReflectionUtil.SetProperty(xslFile, str,

// return the control

return xslFile;
The SitecoreBook.Web.UI.XslControlRenderingType class shown in
Listing 5.4 inherits from the
Sitecore.Web.UI.XslControlRenderingType class to provide a
replacement for that type. This implementation overrides the
GetControl() method in that class to return an instance of the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class defined in Listing 5.3
instead of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class used by the
default implementation. Use of the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile class prevents the layout
engine from writing anything to the output stream when an XSL rendering
encounters an exception, even when you bind XSL renderings dynamically
using placeholders, assuming that you implement and configure the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.XslControlRenderingType class
shown in Listing 5.4 as described previously.

The GetControl() method in the default Sitecore.Web.UI.XslControlRenderingType class

does not use the Boolean assert argument passed as the second argument to the method,
so neither does the corresponding method in the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.XslControlRenderingType class shown in Listing 5.4 that overrides
that class.

Handling Exceptions in Sublayouts

By default, Sitecore does not handle exceptions thrown by sublayouts —
they bubble up to the page and potentially to the application or even IIS.
Technically, Sitecore uses the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout
web control class to invoke sublayouts. That class inherits from the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class. As with XSL renderings, the
Render() method of Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl calls the DoRender()
method of Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout web control class,
which does not include a try...catch block. Just like with XSL
renderings, you can override the type that returns the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout objects that the layout engine
uses to invoke sublayouts with a custom version that returns instances of a
derivative class that adds exception management logic. You can even apply
the same error control logic used for XSL renderings.
This exception management logic applies only to the rendering phase in the ASP.NET page
lifecycle. Use standard ASP.NET techniques, such as try... catch blocks, to trap
exceptions at other phases.

To handle errors in sublayouts bound either statically or dynamically, you

must override methods in two classes:
Override the DoRender() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class with error
management logic.
Override the GetControl() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.SublayoutRenderingType class to return instances
of the class that overrides the DoRender() method rather than the
default Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class.
In some cases, an exception can occur in a presentation component after
that component has generated output to the page. To prevent this possibility,
this solution creates a temporary object using the
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter class for use within the try...catch
block, and writes the contents of that writer to the actual output stream only
if no exception occurs.
In addition to exceptions thrown during rendering of a sublayout, just like
XSL renderings, the .ascx file that implements the sublayout can contain
syntax errors. You can override the CreateChildControls() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class to handle some types of
syntax errors in sublayouts. Simply wrap the call to the corresponding
method in the base class with a try...catch block. Over time, you may
find additional methods that require error control, including methods for
other types of presentation components such as web controls. The code
shown in Listing 5.5 provides a replacement for the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class that implements the
features described previously in this section.
Listing 5.5: Defining a Sublayout class prototype
namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;

// custom implementation of web control to apply exception

management to sublayouts
public class Sublayout :
// disable custom exception management
public bool DisableErrorManagement

// cache the output of this sublayout even if an

exception occurs
private bool CacheAfterException

// last exception known to have occurred

private Exception _lastException;

// override CreateChildControls() to add exception

protected override void CreateChildControls()
// if instructed not to use custom exception
// call the corresponding method in the base class and
if (this.DisableErrorManagement)
// add exception management to the corresponding
method in the base class
catch (Exception ex)
// log the exception
ErrorHelper.LogException("Error in
CreateChildControls()", ex, this);

// store the exception

this._lastException = ex;

// override Render() to add exception management

protected override void
DoRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
// if instructed not to use custom exception
// call the corresponding method in the base class and
if (this.DisableErrorManagement)

// if an exception has already occurred, such as in

if (this._lastException != null)
// if configured to redirect under current
conditions, redirect and exit
if (ErrorHelper.ShouldRedirect())

// exception message
string message = this._lastException.Message;
// details about the exception
string details = this._lastException.ToString();

// if configured to cache after an exception, call

custom RenderError()
if (this.CacheAfterException)
ErrorHelper.RenderError(message, details, output);

// if configured not to cache after an exception,

call default RenderError()
this.RenderError(message, this.Path, details,

// the output of the sublayout

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new

// add error control around DoRender() in the base


// no exception occurred; write the output to the

output stream
catch (Exception ex)
// exception message
string message = this
+ " : "
+ ex.GetType().ToString()
+ " in sublayout "
+ this.Path
+ " processing "
+ Sitecore.Context.RawUrl;

// details about the exception

string details = ex.ToString();

// log the exception

ErrorHelper.LogException(message, ex, this);

// if configured to redirect under current

conditions, redirect and exit
if (ErrorHelper.ShouldRedirect())

// if configured to cache after exception, call

custom RenderError() and exit
if (this.CacheAfterException)
ErrorHelper.RenderError(message, details, output);

// if configured not to cache after an exception,

call default RenderError().
this.RenderError(message, this.Path, details,
In the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout web control
class shown in Listing 5.5:
The CacheAfterException property designates whether the control
should attempt to cache its output after experiencing an exception.
The DisableErrorManagement property enables or disables custom
error management. If the DisableErrorManagement property is true,
the CreateChildControls() method calls the corresponding method
in the base Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class, and
then exits.
If the DisableErrorManagement property is false, the
CreateChildControls() method invokes the corresponding method in
the base Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class, and sets
the _lastException variable to any exception thrown by that method
If the DisableErrorManagement property is true, the DoRender()
method invokes the corresponding method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout base class, and then
If the DisableErrorManagement property is false and the
CreateChildControls() method generates an exception, the
DoRender() method renders the error control and then exits.
If the DisableErrorManagement property is false and the
CreateChildControls() method does not generate an exception, the
DoRender() method creates a temporary
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter and passes that object to the
DoRender() method of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout base class.
If the call to the DoRender() method in the base class does not
generate an exception, the DoRender() method writes the data in the
temporary System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter to the output stream.
If the call to the DoRender() method in the base class generates an
exception, the DoRender() method logs the exception and uses the
error helper class to determine whether to redirect.
Depending on configuration, the DoRender() method may render
information about the error.
Just like XSL renderings as described in the previous section, you can
bind sublayouts statically to layouts and sublayouts using code in those
files, or dynamically to placeholders using layout details. To use the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class shown in Listing
5.5 where you bind sublayouts statically:
1. Add a /configuration/system.web/pages/controls/add element
to the /web.config file.
2. Set the tagPrefix attribute in the new element to a unique prefix
that identifies your class library.
3. Set the namespace and assembly attributes of the new element to the
signature of your class. For example:
<add tagPrefix="sb"
4. Replace the sc tag prefix in <sc:sublayout> elements of your
layouts and sublayouts with your tag prefix. For example:
<sb:sublayout runat="server" ... />
To use your class where you bind sublayouts dynamically, update the
type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/renderingControls/control element in the
Web.config file with a value of sublayout for the template attribute to
specify the signature of your class based on the prototype shown in Listing

Listing 5.6: Defining a SublayoutRenderingType class prototype

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Web.UI;

// works as a factory for creating controls to implement

sublayout rendering
public class SublayoutRenderingType :
// retrieve a control that renders a sublayout
public override Control GetControl(
NameValueCollection parameters, bool assert)
// create an instance of the custom Sublayout control
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout sublayout =
new SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout();

// pass all defined parameters to the control

foreach (string str in parameters.Keys)
// return the control
return sublayout;
The SitecoreBook.Web.UI.SublayoutRenderingType class shown in
Listing 5.6 inherits from the Sitecore.Web.UI.SublayoutRenderingType
class to provide a replacement for that type. This implementation overrides
the GetControl() method in that class to return an instance of the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class defined in Listing
5.5 instead of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class used
by the default implementation. Use of the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout class prevents the layout
engine from writing anything to the output stream when a sublayout
encounters an exception, even when you bind sublayouts dynamically using
placeholders, assuming that you implement and configure the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.SublayoutRenderingType class shown in Listing
5.6 as described previously.
Unlike the solution for XSL renderings described in the previous section,
which handles syntax errors in the .xslt files that implement XSL
renderings, the solution described in this section does not trap every
possible error that could occur while processing a sublayout, such as when
the Inherits attribute of the Control directive in a sublayout file (.ascx
file) specifies a class that does not exist. You should identify such cases in
test environments before deploying them to production. For more
information about managing exceptions in sublayouts, see my blog posts at and

Handling Exceptions in Web Controls

By default, the layout engine does not handle exceptions in web controls —
they bubble up to the page and potentially to the application or even IIS.
You can configure Sitecore to handle exceptions in web controls in a
manner similar to those previously described for XSL renderings and
All web controls that you use with Sitecore should inherit directly or
indirectly from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class,
which allows the layout engine to bind those controls to placeholders and
cache their output. ASP.NET invokes the Render() method defined in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class, which determines
whether to retrieve output from cache or invoke the DoRender() method of
that individual web control. You can add try...catch blocks within the
DoRender() methods of your web controls to trap specific types of
exceptions, and you can apply an error control to manage exceptions not
trapped elsewhere as described previously for XSL renderings and
You can follow this procedure to manage all exceptions thrown by the
DoRender() method of all web controls:
1. Create an abstract base class that inherits from the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class in your Visual
Studio project.
2. Implement the Render() method in the new class to handle
exceptions thrown by calling the Render() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class.
3. Update your web controls to inherit from your new base class.
The code shown in Listing 5.7 provides a prototype for such a base class.

Listing 5.7: Defining a SublayoutRenderingType class prototype

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;

public abstract class WebControl :

// disables custom error management for this control
bool DisableErrorManagement

// cache the output of this control even if an exception

private bool CacheAfterException

// add exception management to the Render() method in

the base class
protected override void
Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)
// if instructed to disable error management,
// call the corresponding method in the base class and
if (this.DisableErrorManagement)

// the output of the web control

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new

// add exception management around the Render() method

in the base class

// no exception occurred; write the output to the

response stream
catch (Exception ex)
// an exception occurred
if (ErrorHelper.ShouldRedirect())

ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.ToString(), output);

public override void RenderError(

string message,
string itemPath,
string details,
HtmlTextWriter output)
if (this.CacheAfterException)
ErrorHelper.RenderError(message, details, output);
base.RenderError(message, itemPath, details,

protected override string GetCachingID()

string id = base.GetCachingID();

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
id = this.GetType().ToString();

return id;
In the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl prototype abstract base class
for web controls shown in Listing 5.7:
The CacheAfterExpiration property controls whether the layout
engine can cache the output generated by this instance of the control.
The DisableErrorManagement property controls whether to apply the
custom error management logic to this instance of the control.
The overridden Render() method calls the Render() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class and exits if
DisableErrorManagement is true.
If DisableErrorManagement is not true, the Render() method
constructs a temporary System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter, opens a
try...catch block, and passes that temporary writer to the existing
Render() method in the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base
class, preventing that method from writing directly to the output
If no exception occurs, the Render() method writes the content of the
temporary System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter object to the actual
output stream and exits.
In the case of an exception, the Render() method uses the
Sitecore.Web.UI.ErrorHelper static class shown in Listing 5.1 to
interrogate the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
Web.config file to determine whether to redirect to a friendly error
management page.
If the error helper does not redirect the client, the Render() method
calls the RenderError() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class, which determines
whether and how to render information about the exception.
If the CacheAfterException property is true, the overridden
RenderError() method replicates the functionality of the
RenderError() method in the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract
base class without setting the flag that indicates an error occurred,
which would otherwise prevent Sitecore from caching the output of this
instance of the control.
If the CacheAfterException property is false, the overridden
RenderError() method calls the RenderError() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class, signaling that an
error occurred and preventing the layout engine from caching the
output of this instance of the control.
The GetCachingID() method returns the value returned by the
GetCachingID() method in the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl
abstract base class, or the namespace and name of the class if that
value is null or an empty string. While this method does not relate to
the purpose described in this section, I assume that you might want to
cache the output of any web control, so you might as well include this
implementation in the base class for all web controls. If you know you
do not want to cache the output of a web control, do not configure
caching for that web control as described in Chapter 6.
Depending on which additional methods of the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class and its base classes your web controls
implement and where you experience or expect to experience exceptions in
your solution, you can follow a similar pattern to provide error control at
other phases in the ASP.NET lifecycle. For example, similar to what you
can do for sublayouts, you can override the CreateChildControls()
method of the System.Web.UI.Control abstract base class for all controls.
The System.Web.UI.Control class is an eventual base class for the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class. The CreateChildControls()
method is just an example; this method handles only one phase in the
ASP.NET page lifecycle that might concern you. Your override can add
exception management to any phase(s) of the ASP.NET page lifecycle in all
web controls that do not implement methods to handle those phases. When
your control experiences an exception, you can set something similar to the
_lastException variable used in the sublayout example to avoid calling
the DoRender() method of your web control if an exception occurs in that
control earlier in the page lifecycle. You would need to use try...catch
blocks to trap exceptions in all methods of any web controls that actually
implement methods to handle such lifecycle phases.
Because web controls inherit from a base class that contains all the
required features, you do not have to add a line to update any layouts or
sublayouts, add a line to any configuration file, or update any line to the
/App_Config/Prototypes.config file. This solution for handling errors in
the render phase of the ASP.NET lifecycle applies automatically to all web
controls that inherit from the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl abstract
base class shown in Listing 5.7, whether you bind those controls statically
in code or dynamically using layout details.

Hiding Presentation Control Errors

You can implement an error control based on the prototype shown in
Listing 5.8 that hides information about all exceptions unless the user is in
the Sitecore browser-based debugger.

Listing 5.8: Hiding exception information

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System.Web.UI;

// error control to display exception details only if

public class HiddenErrorControl :
// clone this error control (implementation required by
the contract)
public override Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.ErrorControl
return new HiddenErrorControl();

// render the error

protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)
// if the user accessed the Sitecore debugger, render
error details
if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsDebugging)

// if the user did not access the debugger, don't

render any output
The SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.HiddenErrorControl web
control class shown in Listing 5.8 inherits from the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.ErrorControl web control class that
manages the presentation of error information by default. The Clone()
method of the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.HiddenErrorControl
class returns an instance of that type. The DoRender() method calls the
corresponding method in the base class if the debugger is active, or
generates no output otherwise.
To use this control, set the type attribute of the
/configuration/ErrorControl element in the
/App_Config/Prototypes.config file to the signature of your class.

Handling Exceptions at the Page

To implement exception management at the page level, you can use an
event handler for error events. If the AutoEventWireup attribute in the
Page directive in the layout (.aspx file) is true, then all you have to do is
name your event handler Page_Error. If the AutoEventWireup property
does not evaluate to true, you may have to add the error handler
programmatically using a line such as the following in the constructor for
the layout or early in the page lifecycle:
this.Error += new EventHandler(Page_Error);
Within this event handler, you canuse the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError() method to
retrieve the last exception, and the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearLastError() method
to clear the exception, preventing it from reaching higher exception
management levels. The example shown in Listing 5.9 does exactly that,
logging and clearing all exceptions that inherit from the
SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase base class for
exceptions shown in Listing 5.2. This example depends on classes in the
System and System.Web namespaces not shown in the code.

Listing 5.9: Logging and clearing CustomExceptionBase exceptions

// page-level exception handler
public void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)

// retrieve the last exception

Exception exception =

// handle only exceptions based on CustomExceptionBase

customException =
exception as

// if this exception is based on CustomExceptionBase

if (customException != null)
// log and clear the exception

(), this);
The code for the Page_Error() method shown in Listing 5.9, intended
for use in the code-behind of layouts, traps all exceptions that reach the
page level due to no trapping at any lower level. This Page_Load() method
implementation uses the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError() method to
retrieve the most recent exception. If the exception derives from the
SitecoreBook.Exceptions.CustomExceptionBase abstract base class for
exceptions shown in Listing 5.2, this Page_Load() method implementation
calls the GetLogMessage() method of that exception, writes the result of
that method call to the Sitecore log, and then invokes the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearError() method to
clear that exception. Otherwise, it allows the exception to bubble up to the
next layer that can handle exceptions.
This solution will not trap every possible error that could occur while
processing a layout, such as if the Inherits, CodeBehind, or CodeFile
attributes of the Page directive of a layout (.aspx file) specify classes that
do not exist.

Handling Exceptions at the

Application Level
You can use the global.asax file in the document root subdirectory of the
document root of your Sitecore solution to handle exceptions at the
application level, which means all exceptions that you do not handle at a
lower level. You can either implement the Application_Error() method
inline or implement this method in a class that inherits from the
Sitecore.Web.Application class and update the Inherits attribute in the
Application directive in the default global.asax file to specify your

For compile-time error detection, avoid inline code in the global.asax file by creating and
compiling a class and updating the default global.asax file to use that class. For
instructions, see the “How to Trap Application Exceptions” section of The Sitecore
Presentation Component API Cookbook (

Application exception handlers are similar to page-level exception

handlers in the following ways:
In both cases, you implement an event handler.
In both cases, you can call the
method to access the exception.
In both cases, you can call
method to clear the exception.
The primary difference between page-level exception handlers and
application-level exception handlers is that page-level exception handlers
apply only to requests that activate the .aspx file that contains the error
handler, whereas application-level exception handlers apply to all requests
that IIS processes with ASP.NET.

Error Management Pages

By default, Sitecore redirects the web client to the pages specified by the
following settings in the Web.config file under the conditions described:
ErrorPage — General error other than any of those listed here, such
as server error.
ItemNotFoundUrl — The item specified in the URL does not exist in
the context database.
LayoutNotFoundUrl — The context item contains invalid layout
details for the context device.
NoAccessUrl — The context user cannot access the context site or
context item.
NoLicenseUrl — The Sitecore license is missing or invalid.
The RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect setting in the Web.config
file controls whether Sitecore invokes the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.Transfer() method to
implement a server-side redirect rather than using the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect() method that
issues a client-side redirect (the default). If you use a client-side redirect,
the value in the address bar in the browser changes from the requested URL
to the redirect target URL. If you use a server-side redirect, the address bar
shows the original requested URL, rather than the target of the redirect.
If application-level exception handlers do not handle an exception, then
Sitecore redirects to the page specified by the ErrorPage setting in the
Web.config file. For most error conditions that do not involve an exception
thrown by a presentation component, the ExecuteRequest processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline redirects the request to the error page. For
more information about pipelines, see Chapter 7. The media request handler
specified by the type attributes of the
/configuration/system.WebServer/handlers/add and
/configuration/system.web/handlers/add elements in the
/web.config file with sitecore_media.ashx for the value of their path
attributes handles error conditions for media requests separately.
In addition to the settings described previously in this section, when the
value of a data template field of type Rich Text contains a link to an item
that no longer exists or which the context user cannot access, Sitecore
renders that link using the URL specified by the LinkItemNotFound setting
in the Web.config file.

ASP.NET Error Management Pages

If you do not handle an exception at a lower level or redirect to an error
page, ASP.NET applies the configuration defined under the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the /web.config
Sitecore error management features follow the conventions defined by
ASP.NET and the configuration defined by this section of the /web.config
file, and your error management constructs can take this configuration into
account as well.

Because the /configuration/system.web/customErrors element is not within the

/configuration/sitecore element in the /web.config file, you must update the actual
/web.config file within the document root of the IIS website rather than using a Web.config
include file.

When an exception occurs, depending on system configuration and

whether the request originated from the local system (localhost) or a
remote system, ASP.NET can render detailed information about the
exception, including the error message, the exception type, and a stack trace
to the client. Although this information can be useful when you are
debugging an ASP.NET solution, it could also reveal information that could
be used in attempts to compromise the site. The mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the /web.config
file controls if and when ASP.NET renders such detailed information about
exceptions to client browsers on the server and on remote systems.
There are three possible values for the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the /web.config
file are as follows:
Off — Always display detailed error information; never redirect to a
friendly error page.
On — Always display a friendly error page; never display detailed
error information.
RemoteOnly — Display detailed error information if the request
originated from the local system (localhost); otherwise, display a
friendly error page.

To increase system security, never allow a value of Off for the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the /web.config file. Otherwise,
when an error occurs, you could expose information that attackers could use in attempts
to compromise the system.

The /configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the

/web.config file can contain any number of <error> elements with values
for the statusCode attribute that match HTTP error code numbers. For
example, if a /configuration/system.web/customErrors/error
element exists with a value of 404 for the statusCode attribute, ASP.NET
uses that element to handle the HTTP 404 (not found) condition.
Specifically, ASP.NET redirects to the URL specified by the redirect
attribute of that /configuration/system.web/customErrors/error
element. If no such element exists, ASP.NET redirects to the URL specified
by the defaultRedirect attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element. In either case,
before redirection, ASP.NET adds the aspxerrorpath query string
parameter to the new URL to indicate the URL of the page that experienced
the error.
In some cases, Sitecore uses the mode attribute of the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element defined in the
/web.config file to determine how to handle errors, mimicking ASP.NET
itself. For example, if the mode attribute is Off or RemoteOnly, Sitecore
does not handle an exception by redirecting; instead it allows ASP.NET to
render information about the exception to the client.

IIS Error Management Pages

If ASP.NET does not handle an exception that neither Sitecore nor any
lower-level component handles, IIS handles the exception by redirecting to
an error management page. The instructions to configure IIS error pages
vary depending on the version of Windows and hence IIS in use. To
configure IIS error management pages such as HTTP 404 (not found) and
HTTP 500 (server error) conditions in IIS Manager (inetmgr) on Windows
7, select a server or a site, and then double-click Error Pages.

HTTP 404 Not Found

When a web server receives a request for a resource that does not exist, it
returns the HTTP 404 (not found) status code. In Sitecore, the 404 condition
occurs when there is no content item, media item, file, or other handler that
matches the requested URL. If no item beneath the context site corresponds
to the path in the requested URL but a corresponding file exists beneath the
document root, Sitecore returns control to ASP.NET. If neither a
corresponding item nor a corresponding file exists beneath the document
root, the context item (Sitecore.Context.Item) remains null and
Sitecore handles the 404 condition as described in this section. If Sitecore
does not handle an HTTP request and no corresponding file exists beneath
the document root, then ASP.NET redirects as specified by the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the /web.config
file. If IIS does not handle a request with ASP.NET and no corresponding
file exists beneath the document root, then IIS activates its own 404 handler
as defined in IIS Manager (inetmgr).
The ItemNotFoundUrl and RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect
settings in the Web.config file control how the application handles the 404
condition. Under the default configuration, the
RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect setting is false, and the
ExecuteRequest processor at the end of the httpRequestBegin pipeline
redirects the browser to the URL specified by the ItemNotFoundUrl setting
in the Web.config file. Under this configuration, the ItemNotFoundUrl
setting can contain the following:
The path to a file relative to the document root subdirectory, such as an
.html or an .aspx file
An external URL including a protocol and domain, such as
The URL of a Sitecore item relative to the home item of the managed
In all these cases, Sitecore passes the item, user, and site query string
parameters to identify the item path, the context user, and the context site,
respectively. Also in all cases, the target page for the redirect should
contain a friendly error message or logic to handle the condition, and return
the HTTP 404 status code. Be sure to apply this status code change late in
the page lifecycle so nothing else overrides this value, and so that ASP.NET
and IIS do not detect the status code and handle the 404 condition using
their own facilities.
By default, the ItemNotFoundUrl setting in the Web.config file specifies
the path to a file relative to the document root that contains a friendly error
message and applies the HTTP 404 (not found) status code to the response.
Because all managed sites share a document root, if the ItemNotFoundUrl
setting contains the path to a file, that error page applies to all managed
websites. This is the default configuration.
If the ItemNotFoundUrl setting contains the URL of an item relative to
the home item of the managed website, then the item that handles the 404
condition depends on the context site. For example, if the
ItemNotFoundUrl setting is /notfound.aspx, then under the default
configuration, the /sitecore/content/home/notfound item handles the
404 condition for the default managed site named website. You would need
to create additional items named notfound under the home items of any
additional managed sites.
Under the default configuration, the
RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect setting is false, and Sitecore
issues an HTTP 302 (found) response code and redirects the browser to the
URL specified by the ItemNotFoundUrl setting in the Web.config file. For
search engine optimization (SEO) or other purposes, you may prefer to
avoid this redirect. Your options include these two approaches:
Set RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect to true.
Implement a pipeline processor to set the context item to an item that
handles the HTTP 404 (not found) condition when the context item is
If you set RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect setting in the
Web.config file to false, Sitecore invokes the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect() method to
perform a client-side redirect, which results in a subsequent HTTP request.
If you set RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect to true, Sitecore
instead invokes the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Transfer()
method to perform a server-side redirect, which renders the content of the
page specified by the ItemNotFoundUrl setting in the Web.config file
without a subsequent HTTP request.
By the time the request reaches the ExecuteRequest processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline, it is too late to use the
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Transfer() method to transfer to the
URL of a Sitecore item. If you set
RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect to true, then all error pages,
including those specified by the ItemNotFoundUrl, ErrorPage,
LayoutNotFoundUrl, NoAccessUrl, and NoLicenseUrl settings in the
Web.config file should specify paths to files relative to the document root
subdirectory of the Sitecore solution, and Sitecore uses the same error
pages for all managed websites. To use Sitecore items to handle errors,
allowing different error items for different managed websites, or to use an
external URL to handle errors, the
RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect setting cannot be true.
To avoid the redirect and still use Sitecore items to handle the 404
condition, you can implement a processor in the httpRequestBegin
pipeline defined in the Web.config file such that, if the context item is null,
sets the context item to an item that handles the 404 condition for the
context site. With this solution, you can use a different item to handle the
404 condition for each managed website.
To specify the item to handle the 404 condition for each managed site,
you can add a custom attribute to the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config file
— for example, notFound. Then you can extend the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class with a method that returns the item
specified by that attribute. You can retrieve the item that handles the 404
condition for the context site easily by calling that method of the
Sitecore.Context.Site static property that exposes an instance of the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class that represents the context site.
Listing 5.10 defines such an extension method.

Listing 5.10: Extending the Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class

namespace SitecoreBook.Sites
using System;

// extension method
public static class SiteContext
// the name of the notFound attribute of <site> elements
in the web.config file
public const string NotFoundAttribute = "notFound";

// retrieve the not found item based on the notFound

attribute for the site
public static Sitecore.Data.Items.Item GetNotFoundItem(
this Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext me)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(me, "me");
"context database");

// if the context database or the notFound attribute

is null for the site, exit
if (Sitecore.Context.Database == null
return null;

// full path to notFound item

string path = me.StartPath +

// retrieve and return the item at that path from the

context database
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item notFound = db.GetItem(path);
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(notFound, path);
bool allowed =


"context user access to 404 item");
return notFound;
The SitecoreBook.Sites.SiteContext static class shown in Listing
5.10 defines the GetNotFoundItem() extension method for the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class provided by Sitecore. For more
information about extending classes provided by Sitecore with additional
methods, see my blog post at In this class shown in
Listing 5.10:
The NotFoundAttribute constant defines the name of the attribute of
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config
file that can contain the path to the item that handles the 404 condition
for each managed site.
The GetNotFoundItem() extension method retrieves the attribute
named by the NotFoundAttribute constant from the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext argument passed to the method
implicitly using the first argument (me). That argument abstracts the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config
file that defines the context site. If no such attribute exists in that
<site> element, the GetNotFoundItem() method returns null to
indicate that the site does not override Sitecore's default logic for
handling the 404 condition.
If the attribute named by the NotFoundAttribute constant exists in
that /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element, the
GetNotFoundItem() method constructs the full path to that item. To do
so, it uses the StartPath property of that
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext object, which combines the rootPath
and startItem attributes of that <site> element to specify the home
item for that managed site.
The GetNotFoundItem() method throws an exception if the item at
that path does not exist in the context database or if the context user
does not have read access to that item. Otherwise, it returns that item.

You may have noticed that the code in Listing 5.10explicitly calls the
Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationManager.IsAllowed() static method to
determine if the context user can access the 404 item for the context site. While the
GetItem() method of the Sitecore.Data.Database class returns null if the context user
cannot access the item specified as the first argument to this method, because the
UserResolver processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline determines the context user,
Sitecore cannot establish a proper security context before it invokes that pipeline.
Therefore, the security context for the httpRequestBegin pipeline is undefined, and you
can assume it runs in the context of a user with administrative rights. Processors in this
pipeline perform explicit security checks as done in Listing 5.10, and since you will call
the method in that listing from an httpRequestBegin pipeline processor or in any methods
that you invoke from such processors.

Add a new pipeline processor to apply the site-specific 404 item after the
default ItemResolver in the httpRequestBegin pipeline defined in the
Web.config file. Listing 5.11 provides sample code for such a processor.

Listing 5.11: Defining the NotFoundResolver class

namespace SitecoreBook.Pipelines.HttpRequest
using System;
using System.Web;
using SitecoreBook.Sites;

// httpRequestBegin pipeline processor to set the context

item to the notFound item
// associated with the context item if the context item is
null after the default
// ItemResolver
public class NotFoundResolver :
// httpBeginRequest processor implementation
public override void
Process(Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
// if the context item is not null, this is not the
404 condition; exit.
// if the context site is not known, it is not
possible to determine the 404
// page associated with the context site; exit.
if (Sitecore.Context.Item != null
|| Sitecore.Context.Site == null)

// if the site specifies a virtual folder, exit

&& Sitecore.Context.Site.VirtualFolder != "/")

// determine if the request maps to a file path rather

than an item
string filePath =

// if the request maps to a file path rather than an

item, exit
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)
|| Sitecore.Web.WebUtil.IsExternalUrl(filePath)

// set the context item to the notFound item

associated with the context site
Sitecore.Context.Item =
The SitecoreBook.Pipelines.HttpRequest.NotFoundResolver class
shown in Listing 5.11 defines the Process() method containing the
following logic:
If the context item is not null, the current request did not trigger the
404 condition. If the context site is null, the processor cannot
determine the 404 item for the context site. In either of these cases,
Process() method exits immediately and the httpRequestBegin
pipeline continues.

For optimal performance, exit processors as soon as you determine that the processing
context is irrelevant.

This processor does not handle managed sites that define the
virtualFolder attribute as anything other than slash. In such cases,
the Process() method exits immediately and the httpRequestBegin
pipeline continues.
If the requested URL is empty, indicating a request for the home page
of the context site, or if that URL is an external page, or maps to a file
on the file system, the processor cannot handle that condition and the
Process() method exits immediately and the httpRequestBegin
pipeline continues.
If none of the conditions described previously apply, the processor sets
the context item to the item that handles the 404 condition for the
context site using the GetNotFoundItem() extension method for the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class defined in Listing 5.10. If the
definition for the context site does not define the notFound attribute
evaluated by that method, then the context item continues to be null,
and the httpRequestBegin pipeline applies its default logic for
handling the 404 condition by redirecting to the URL specified by the
ItemNotFoundUrl setting in the Web.config file.
For items that handle the 404 condition, you can statically or dynamically
bind a presentation control to a placeholder in the layout or a nested
sublayout to set the HTTP status code for the response to 404. The example
in Listing 5.12 provides a web control that generates no output, but sets the
HTTP status code of the response to 404.

While it would be convenient to set the status code in the httpRequestBegin pipeline
processor shown in Listing 5.11, that pipeline runs too early in the ASP.NET page lifecycle
for this to work. If you set the response status code in that processor, IIS or ASP.NET
handles the 404 condition with their own logic, preventing the layout engine from
applying layout details defined in the item you specify to handle the 404 condition.

Listing 5.12: A presentation control to set the HTTP status in the response
to 404
namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System.Web.UI;

// web control to set the HTTP status code to 404 (not

public class SetNotFoundStatus :
protected override void OnInit(System.EventArgs e)
this.Page.Response.StatusCode = 404;
// required by the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl contract
protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)
// this method intentionally generates no output
The SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.SetNotFoundStatus web
control class shown in Listing 5.12 implements the Init() method to set
the HTTP response status code to 404 to indicate that no resource exists at
the requested URL. While the DoRender() method implementation shown
in Listing 5.12 generates no output, if you implement a control based on
this class that does generate output, you can cache the output of that control
as described in Chapter 6. In your control, implement the GetCachingID()
method required to support output caching or inherit from a class based on
the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class shown in
Listing 5.3 that implements the GetCachingID() method for you. When
you cache the output of a presentation control, ASP.NET invokes all page
lifecycle events for the control. If the layout engine has cached the output
of your control, the Render() method Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl
abstract base class from which your control eventually derives, which
handles the rendering lifecycle event, does not call the DoRender() method
of your control, but the ASP.NET framework invokes other lifecycle
methods including Init().

Although you should not cache the output of this web control and this control is unlikely to
experience exceptions at any phase in the ASP.NET page lifecycle, the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls.SetNotFoundStatus web control could inherit from the
SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl prototype abstract base class shown in Listing 5.7
instead of the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class as shown in Listing 5.12.

Finally, create items to handle the 404 condition under the home item of
each managed site for which you want to apply this custom 404
management logic, and set the notFound attribute of the corresponding
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config file
to the paths to those items relative to the home items of those managed
sites. For example, set the notFound attribute to /notfound (with the
leading slash but without the .aspx extension) to trigger the child of the
home item named notfound. If you do not set the notFound attribute for
one of the managed sites, Sitecore redirects to the URL specified by the
ItemNotFoundUrl setting in the Web.config file for 404 requests associated
with that managed site, which results in a client or server redirect
depending on the value of the RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect
setting in the Web.config file.
Some apparent error conditions, specifically the HTTP 404 (not found)
condition, do not always indicate errors. You can sometimes use the 404
management facilities of IIS and ASP.NET to your advantage. For example,
IIS versions prior to 7 that added the integrated mode for application pools,
IIS did not use ASP.NET to handle all HTTP requests, but used ASP.NET
only for URLs with certain extensions such as .aspx. You could set the IIS
404 page to a URL such as /default.aspx to trick IIS into triggering
ASP.NET for all requests that did not map to files within the document root.
For another example httpRequestBegin processor, see the
olver processor in the PageNotFound ( Sitecore
Shared Source project, which attempts to determine search keywords from
the requested URL.

For more information about handling the HTTP 404 condition with Sitecore, see The
Sitecore Guide to Handling HTTP 404 (

System Outages
Sitecore depends on the underlying platform, which includes Microsoft
Windows, IIS, ASP.NET, supporting relational databases, and of course the
underlying hardware, including network facilities. If any of these elements
does not function properly, Sitecore cannot function. If the databases are
unavailable, Sitecore is unavailable. Although certain Sitecore features,
such as agents configured in the Web.config file, continue to run while
ASP.NET is running, they fail if they attempt to access a Sitecore database
or various Sitecore APIs. Research and implement best practices and tools
for handling scheduled and unscheduled application outages on the
ASP.NET platform, including external monitoring software and services.

Take Home Points

Error management is critical to the quality of a Sitecore solution. Follow
best practices for managing exceptions with ASP.NET, including
implementation of your own exception classes. Use similar logic and
facilities to trap exceptions at all levels and in all presentation component
types, including XSL renderings, web controls, layouts, and sublayouts. To
make this easier, implement a helper class that you can use from any
component and configure error controls for all types of components.
Consider different exception management approaches depending on
whether the user accesses the published site, the Sitecore browser-based
debugger, or another CMS user interface. Evaluate the
/configuration/system.web/customErrors section of the Web.config
file to determine how to handle errors.
Begin by implementing your own exception types and trapping
exceptions that you expect using try...catch...finally blocks. Then,
configure error management for XSL renderings, sublayouts, and web
controls. You can also trap exceptions at the application level; and, finally,
you should consider the error pages that Sitecore, ASP.NET, and IIS apply
under various conditions. You can implement custom logic to determine the
item to handle the HTTP 404 condition for each managed site, and you can
otherwise handle the HTTP 404 condition to your advantage or the visitor's.
Chapter 6

Optimizing, Scaling, and


What's in This Chapter?

Capitalizing on caching
Scaling your solution
Virtualizing your instances
Edge caching and content delivery networks
Architecting for high availability
Planning hardware capacity
Monitoring and improving performance
Diagnosing problems and debugging
Understanding the web.config file
Disassembling .NET assemblies
This chapter contains invaluable information that you can use to scale,
troubleshoot, and optimize the performance of your Sitecore solution.
Beginning with a detailed description of the layered Sitecore caching
architecture, it continues to explain how you can monitor and tune the size
of each cache.
The next section introduces concepts that you can use to scale your
Sitecore solution to meet high visitor traffic loads in the content delivery
environment and high concurrent user loads in the content management
environment, which also increases the reliability of that solution. This
section touches on virtualization, edge caching, and content delivery
networks (CDNs).
Next, this chapter provides techniques that you can use to troubleshoot
your Sitecore solution, such as monitoring the contents of the Sitecore log
files, configuring performance thresholds, and debugging. The final
section contains information about options for furthering your
understanding of the product, such as by investigating the root
/web.config file, Web.config include files, stack traces, and how to
reflect upon and disassemble .NET assemblies (.dll files) that ship with
the product to review an approximation of the source code used to compile
those assemblies.

Optimizing Sitecore Performance

This section explains how to maximize the performance of a Sitecore
solution and covers a variety of subjects to help you wring every
microsecond of processing time out of your Sitecore servers. Optimal
performance directly improves viewers' impressions of a website, and
indirectly their impressions of the organization hosting that website. Just
as important, optimal performance provides a given hardware
configuration with greater capacity to service requests, especially under
heavy loads. While some of the techniques described here are specific to
Sitecore, others apply to the underlying technology stack, including the
Microsoft Windows operating system, the Internet Information Services
(IIS) web server, and the ASP.NET web application layer.

While this book covers the most important topics on the subject, space does not permit a
comprehensive guide to optimizing the performance of the technology platform. For
information about optimizing these technologies, see Improving .NET Application
Performance and Scalability (; ISBN 978-8120326989) by Microsoft

Leveraging Sitecore Caching

One of the most important aspects affecting the performance of a Sitecore
solution involves the layers of caching inherently provided by the
platform. As with any high-performance application, caching strategies
and cache tuning have a significant impact on the performance of a
website. In fact, one of the major advantages of using Sitecore relative to
alternative solutions such as building your own content management
system is the implicit caching mechanisms provided by the platform.
Sitecore engineering has designed its caching architecture carefully and
tested its caching strategies and default configuration thoroughly to
provide the greatest benefit for the most common types of solutions
without excessive memory consumption. At the same time, you can
increase, decrease, and disable the various caches to tune the platform for
your specific requirements. Regardless of whether you use the default
configuration or refine Sitecore caching precisely, when it comes to tuning
performance, knowledge of the Sitecore caches and their interactions can
be very important. For example, if you know that Sitecore caches a
specific type of data, and how Sitecore clears that cache, to avoid
redundant caching that can only adversely affect memory consumption,
avoid caching that data in your application.
For more information about caching with Sitecore beyond that provided
in the following sections, see The Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference

Utility Caches
Sitecore provides a number of caches for different purposes. In general,
other than defining appropriate size limits as described later in this
chapter, you can ignore the utility caches included here only for
informative purposes. Sitecore provides most of these caches to improve
the performance of Sitecore CMS user interfaces such as the Content
Editor. Such utility caches include the following:
Client Data Store cache — This cache stores information about
authenticated users, including user names and properties.
Security caches — The IsUserInRole, UserProfile, and AccessResult
(security) caches store information about whether users are members
of roles, user profiles, and access rights for items.
Viewstate cache — This cache stores information about the state of
ASP.NET controls.
Registry cache — Sitecore user interfaces use the registry cache for
various purposes, such as to store the ID of the item selected by each
user in the Content Editor.
XSL caches — Sitecore associates an eXtensible Stylesheet Language
(XSL) cache with each managed site to store the transformation .NET
objects used to implement XSL renderings.

The XSL cache does not contain the output of XSL transformations, but the objects used
to implement those transformations. The output cache for each managed site described in
a subsequent section of this chapter can contain cached output from XSL renderings. If
your solution depends on XSL renderings, and especially if it uses XSL renderings
extensively, then you should not ignore the XSL cache. In that case, the XSL cache can
significantly improve performance by minimizing the number of load and process
operations to build transformation objects for XSL renderings.

This is not a comprehensive list of all utility caches — only those that
may interest typical Sitecore developers. You can generally ignore any
cache not specifically mentioned in this chapter. This book does not touch
upon these caches beyond the information provided here. For a complete
list of the caches in use on a Sitecore instance, access the cache
administration page on that instance (a subsequent section of this chapter
provides more information about this tool).

Database Caches
To minimize round trips to the database, Sitecore caches data about items
in each database at a number of layers. These database caches can
drastically affect the performance of a Sitecore solution, both at startup
and throughout the lifecycle of the application. Sitecore automatically
maintains these database caches for each database throughout the lifetime
of the application.

Restarting the application, such as by intentionally or unintentionally cycling the

application pool, clears all Sitecore caches other than the media caches described in a
subsequent section of this chapter.

Sitecore data providers abstract implementation details about underlying

data stores to provide a universal architecture and application
programming interface (API) for the data retrieved from each. Database
caches technically cache data from data providers, not directly from the
associated databases.

Prefetch Caches
Prefetch caches contain information about items that the system typically
accesses during or immediately subsequent to starting the CMS. Sitecore
loads the prefetch caches during application initialization or immediately
thereafter. Prefetch caches optimize performance immediately subsequent
to application startup, but loading too much data into a prefetch cache can
adversely affect the time required for the application to initialize. Prefetch
caches provide the first caching layer between the application and the
database. Each prefetch cache contains data from a single data provider,
such as the data provider associated with each Sitecore database.
Each entry in a prefetch cache contains data for a single item returned by
the data provider associated with the cache. Each such entry contains field
values for all versions of the item in all languages available from that
provider. Because the Master database can contain multiple versions for
each language, the size of the prefetch cache typically exceeds that of the
corresponding caches for each publishing target database, which contain
only one version in each language for each item. Entries in these caches
can contain information about items related to that item, such as its parent
and children.
The .config files in the /App_Config/Prefetch subdirectory of the
document root of the IIS website control the prefetch caches. The names
of these files match the names of the corresponding database; for example,
the /App_Config/Prefetch/Core.config file controls the prefetch cache
for the Core database. Sitecore merges the information in these files with
global prefetch cache configuration definitions in the
/App_Config/Prefetch/Common.config file. Together, these
configuration files limit the size of the prefetch caches, control which
items to load into each of these caches, and dictate whether to include
information about the children of items in each of these caches.
The default /App_Config/Prefetch/Web.config file, which defines
prefetch cache settings for the default publishing target database named
Web, contains the following XML by default:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template desc="alias">{54BCFFB7-8F46-4948-AE74-
<template desc="layout">{3A45A723-64EE-4919-9D41-
desc="xsl rendering">{F1F1D639-4F54-40C2-8BE0-
<item desc="home">{110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}
<children desc="main items">{110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-

The /App_Config/Prefetch/Web.config file is unrelated to the /web.config file in the

document root of the IIS website hosting the solution. Sitecore does not apply files in the
/App_Config/Prefetch subdirectory as Web.config include files automatically;
<sc.include> elements in the /web.config file include these files explicitly for each
database. If you add publishing target databases, you should configure prefetch caching
for that database, either directly in the /web.config file or a Web.config include file, or
using one or more <sc.include> elements in that database definition to include specific
prefetch cache configuration files.

The fundamental elements in a prefetch cache configuration file are as

<cacheSize> — The <cacheSize> element defines the memory size
limit for the prefetch cache for this database. If you change
configuration of a prefetch cache, you should almost certainly tune
the cache size accordingly. A prefetch cache size of 100 MB to 300
MB is not uncommon for a publishing target database.
<template> — Each <template> element specifies the ID of a data
template. At application initialization, Sitecore loads all items based
on this data template into the prefetch cache for this database. The
prefetch caches should typically include the data templates for the
types of pages accessed most frequently in your solution, such as the
data template for top-level sections of the managed sites, without
causing Sitecore to load a very large number of items into the cache.
The default <template> elements shown previously for the Web
database contain the IDs of the data templates for alias definition
items and layout definition items.
<item> — Each <item> element specifies the ID of specific items to
load into the prefetch cache for this database at application
initialization. The only <item> element in the default
/App_Config/Prefetch/Web.config file specifies the ID of the
/sitecore/content/home item, which is the home page of the
default managed site named website. If you change the data template
associated with the /sitecore/content/home item, or update
configuration to use a home item based on a different data template
for any of your managed sites, you should update the default <item>
element or add a corresponding <item> element accordingly.
<children> — Each <children> element specifies the ID of an item
whose children should be loaded into the prefetch cache at application
initialization for this database. The default <children> element
contains the ID of the /sitecore/home/item; Sitecore loads all
children of that item into the prefetch cache at application
To increase performance, you can tune the prefetch caches to include the
items most commonly requested for your solution. For example, if a
number of functional components depend on some specific items to
determine their intended behavior, you can update your configuration to
include those items in the prefetch caches. You may also benefit from
storing structured data that you represent as items, such as metadata
hierarchies and lists of keywords, in the prefetch caches.

If your CMS users complain of slow performance, you may want to adjust configuration
of the prefetch cache for the Master database (in the
/App_Config/Prefetch/Master.config file) to include the items accessed most frequently
in the content management environment. You can use the cache statistics page described
in a subsequent section of this chapter to tune caches.

Data Caches
Data caches contain information from all the data providers defined for a
database. Under the default configuration, each representation of a
database depends on a single data provider that connects to an actual
database, but it is possible for such a database representation to retrieve
data from multiple providers. For example, you could implement a data
provider that retrieves information from an external product information
management (PIM) or order management system and represents that data
as if it were native to the Master database. The data cache could contain
data retrieved from all the providers defined for a representation of a
Data caches retrieve data from database prefetch caches where such
caches exist, and therefore contain the same information but in a different
format. When Sitecore purges data from a prefetch cache, it also purges
corresponding data from the data cache that depends on that prefetch
cache. Not all data providers implement prefetch caching; database data
caches are especially important for such providers.
Similar to prefetch caches, entries in database data caches represent
individual items, and each entry contains field values for all versions in all
languages available for an item, as well as the relations between that item
and other items. Unlike prefetch caches, Sitecore does not prepopulate
data caches at application initialization, but rather as the application
(specifically, the item caching layer) demands data from the data provider.
Data caches use .NET classes that provide extremely fast access to
maximize performance while protecting data providers, which typically
abstract database servers, from constant requests.
After your solution is up and running, performance can often benefit
from data cache tuning as described later in this chapter. Specifically,
when monitoring cache utilization indicates that a data cache has reached
its size limit, assuming sufficient available memory, you should increase
the size limit for that cache.
To specify a default size limit for all database data caches, set the
Caching.DefaultDataCacheSize setting in the Web.config file. To
specify a size limit for the data cache for an individual database, set the
value of the
/configuration/sitecore/database/data/cacheSizes/data element
in the Web.config file, where the value of the id attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/database element containing that <data>
element matches the logical name of the database.

Item Caches
Each entry in a database item cache represents an individual version of an
item in a single language using the well-known
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class. Most Sitecore developers access items
using this class, implicitly accessing an item cache rather than accessing a
database directly. Therefore, automatic caching of objects using the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item type with a well-populated item cache can
really make a Sitecore solution fly.
Item caches retrieve data from data caches. When Sitecore purges data
from a data cache, it also purges corresponding data from the item cache
that depends on that data cache. Sitecore does not populate item caches at
application initialization, but rather as the application demands data.
To specify a default size limit for all database item caches, set the
Caching.DefaultDataCacheSize setting in the Web.config file. To
specify a size limit for the item cache for an individual database, set the
value of the
/configuration/sitecore/database/data/cacheSizes/item element
in the Web.config file, where the value of the id attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/database element containing that <item>
element matches the logical name of the database. To disable all database
item caches, perhaps because you suspect item caching as the cause of an
issue you are troubleshooting, you can set the
Caching.ItemCachingEnabled setting in the Web.config file to false.

Disabling item caching has a significant negative impact on performance.

Sitecore does not track the exact size of item caches; it approximates the
amount of memory consumed to determine whether each cache has
reached its size limit. To estimate the size of each item cache, Sitecore
multiplies factors, including the number of entries in the cache, the value
specified by the Caching.AverageItemSize setting in the Web.config
file, and the load factor initially defined by the Caching.LoadFactor
setting in the Web.config file. The Caching.AverageItemSize setting in
the Web.config provides an estimate of the average size of each entry in
the item cache. The Caching.LoadFactor setting in the Web.config file is
simply a factor that Sitecore uses to adjust cache size estimates. Before
the number of entries in the cache exceeds the configured size limit for the
cache divided by the product of Caching.AverageItemSize and the load
factor, Sitecore begins to evict entries from the cache. Increasing the value
of either of these two settings reduces the number of items Sitecore can
store in the cache before reaching its size limit. Your solution may benefit
from an accurate Caching.AverageItemSize estimate, which depends on
your unique solution. For more information about these settings, see The
Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference ( and the
comments above these settings in the Web.config file.

The Caching.LoadFactor setting affects Sitecore's size estimates for all caches stored in
memory, but the Caching.AverageItemSize setting affects only the item caches.

Item Path Caches

Sitecore uses database item path caches to map item paths to the IDs of
the corresponding items in each database. Item paths often appear in
URLs, and sometimes in code, configuration, and elsewhere, but you can
always achieve a slight performance advantage by accessing items using
IDs rather than paths. Sitecore does not populate database path caches at
application initialization, but as the application demands data.
To specify a default size limit for all database path caches, set the
Caching.DefaultPathCacheSize setting in the Web.config file. To
specify a size limit for the item path cache for an individual database, set
the value of the
/configuration/sitecore/database/data/cacheSizes/path element
in the Web.config file, where the value of the id attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/database element containing that <path>
element matches the logical name of the database.
When you use the Sitecore API to request an item using its path,
Sitecore uses an item path cache to map that path to an ID and then uses
that ID to retrieve data from the underlying cache layers. While you
always gain some slight performance edge by using the ID of an item
rather than its path, your solution can also benefit from using the path
cache when you do not know the ID of an item. For example, to access a
known child of an item, you can use an approach such as the following:
private void Sitecore.Data.Items.Item GetKnownChild(
Sitecore.Data.Database database,
string childName)
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item knownItem =

if (knownItem != null)
return knownItem.Children[childName];

return null;
A slightly more efficient, and arguably more maintainable,
implementation would leverage the path cache as shown here:
private void Sitecore.Data.Items.Item GetKnownChild(
Sitecore.Data.Database database,
string childName)
return database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/knownitem/" +
These two examples achieve the exact same result, but the former
accesses the children of the known item, whereas the latter accesses an
individual child item directly using its path. The second version can
therefore utilize the path cache during subsequent reads of children under
the same known item, which is more efficient than accessing its children.
While some readers may intuit this relative advantage, others might
assume a performance advantage from using the known item that Sitecore
caches automatically, and potentially its cached children as well (in reality,
Sitecore may confirm the children each time you access them). Together,
minor optimizations like this can add up to dramatically increased

Site Media Caches

Sitecore maintains a media cache for each managed site. Media caches
contain metadata about media items accessed in the context of that site, as
well as a cached copy of the binary media itself. Sitecore caches the binary
data after media manipulation, such as server-side image resizing. If you
access an image media item in multiple dimensions, the media cache
contains multiple cache entries for that image. Unlike most Sitecore
caches that store data in random access memory (RAM), due to the
volume and persistence of media data, Sitecore manages media caches
within a filesystem.
By default, Sitecore manages site media caches in the subdirectory
specified by the Media.CacheFolder setting in the Web.config file. For
each managed site, Sitecore creates a subdirectory named after the site
within the subdirectory indicated by this setting. Under the default
configuration, the Media.CacheFolder setting is /App_Data/MediaCache.
Under this configuration, Sitecore caches media for the default site named
website to the /App_Data/MediaCache/website subdirectory of the
document root of the IIS website. Sitecore creates these subdirectories
automatically when needed.

Storing site media caches under /App_Data prevents IIS from serving cached media files
directly. While it is unlikely that an attacker could determine the URL of a cached media
file, moving the media cache to a subdirectory that IIS does not protect could allow
attackers to access cached media directly, increasing the attack surface and thereby
reducing security.

To specify the location of the media cache subdirectory for an individual

managed site, you can set the mediaCachePath attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config file
that defines properties of that site to the path to that subdirectory. To
disable media caching for a managed site, you can set the cacheMedia
attribute of that /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the
Web.config file to false. To disable media caching entirely, set the
Media.CachingEnabled setting in the Web.config file to false.
Sitecore does not populate media caches at application initialization, but
as clients request media resources. Unlike other Sitecore caches, which
store data in memory, because the media cache uses a filesystem, it can
contain entries before the application initializes. Sitecore does not limit
the size of media caches. Sitecore uses a scheduled agent to expire old
entries from media caches.

If you specify an alternate subdirectory for a media cache, update elements within the
Sitecore.Tasks.CleanupAgent /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent element in
the Web.config file to ensure that the process to remove old entries from the media cache
includes that subdirectory.

Site Output Caches

Sitecore maintains a site output cache for each managed site. These output
caches (also called HTML caches) contain the results of invoking
renderings (typically markup fragments) under various conditions as
described later in this section. Unlike all Sitecore caches described
previously, which Sitecore populates automatically, you must explicitly
configure renderings to populate output caches. Site output caching is
typically the most important aspect of caching to monitor, as this cache
can greatly increase solution performance by reducing central processing
unit (CPU) load.
By default, Sitecore does not cache the output of entire pages. Instead,
Sitecore caches the output of individual renderings. You can reuse the
cached output of a rendering on any number of content items (pages), or
Sitecore can invoke that rendering each time it encounters differing
processing conditions as described further in this section. Unless you
direct Sitecore to cache the output of a rendering (or sublayout), Sitecore
invokes that rendering each time it applies layout details to an item that
include that rendering, which is always more resource-intensive than
retrieving cached output for that component.
In addition to application initialization, under the default and recommended
configuration, publishing clears the entire output caches for the managed sites.

For the published site to benefit from output caching, you should
configure output caching for each presentation component. Sitecore does
not cache the output of a rendering unless you instruct it to do so and
optionally define the conditions under which to generate multiple entries
in the output cache for that rendering. To minimize both the number of
times Sitecore invokes each rendering and the amount of memory used by
the output cache, cache the output of each rendering by the fewest possible
criteria described in the following paragraphs.
While you can configure default (implicit) caching options for a
rendering in the Caching section of the definition item associated with the
rendering, I prefer to explicitly define caching options for each use of each
rendering. To configure caching options in the layout details of the
standard values for a data template or an individual item, follow these
1. Select the item in the Content Editor. For instructions on how to
access the Content Editor, see Chapter 1.
2. Select the Presentation tab, and then click Details in the Layout
group. The Layout Details dialog appears as shown in Figure 6.1.
3. Click the rendering for which to configure caching options. The
Control Properties dialog appears as shown in Figure 6.2.
4. To enable output caching for the rendering, select the Cacheable
checkbox. Until you select the Cacheable checkbox, Sitecore will not
cache the output of the rendering, and you cannot select additional
caching options (the Vary By options).
5. Click OK. The Control Properties dialog disappears and you return
to the Layout Details dialog.
6. Click OK again. The Layout Details dialog disappears and you
return to the Content Editor.
You should also define caching options where you bind presentation controls statically
and programmatically. To define caching options for presentation controls that you bind
statically, set the Cacheable attribute and the appropriate VaryBy attributes of the control
to true. To define caching options for presentation controls that you bind
programmatically, set the Cacheable property and the VaryBy properties of the control to
true before reaching the rendering phase of the ASP.NET lifecycle.

Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2

Because Sitecore maintains an output cache for each managed site,

output caching automatically varies by site. In other words, if you select
the Cacheable checkbox and then invoke the rendering in the context of
two different managed sites, Sitecore invokes the rendering twice and
generates two cache entries, one in the output cache of each site.
To add the output generated by a rendering to an output cache, Sitecore
generates a cache key that uniquely identifies the criteria under which it
generated that output. If you have enabled output caching for a rendering,
before invoking that rendering, Sitecore constructs a cache key for that
rendering based on the Vary By options selected for the rendering and the
current processing conditions. If that key already exists in the output
cache, the layout engine retrieves that output and embeds it in the current
page; otherwise, the layout engine invokes the rendering, embeds that
output in the HTTP response stream, and adds that output to the output
cache for the context site using that cache key.
Each output cache works much like a large hash table, where the cache
key is the key and the output generated by the rendering is the value. The
cache key automatically includes a code that identifies the rendering,
which is the value returned by the GetCachingID() method of the web
control used to implement that rendering. For XSL renderings and
sublayouts, the GetCachingID() method returns the path to the .xslt or
.ascx file relative to the document root of the IIS website hosting the
Sitecore solution. Because the output of a rendering usually depends on
the context language, keys for entries in the output cache automatically
contain the name of the context language, so Sitecore automatically varies
by the language.

Note the distinction between the cache ID, which identifies the presentation control, and
the cache key, which identifies the presentation control, the Vary By caching options
selected for that control, and current values of those options.

After you select the Cacheable checkbox in the Layout Details dialog as
described previously, you can select additional checkboxes to vary by
additional criteria, which effectively adds those criteria to the cache key.
Because the output of most renderings depends on the data source of the
rendering, you are most likely to select the Vary by Data checkbox, which
causes the key to contain the ID of the data source item for the rendering.
You can select the Vary by Device checkbox to include the name of the
device in the cache key. Selecting Vary by Login causes the cache key to
contain a flag that indicates whether the user authenticated; you can use
this option for renderings that generate different output based on whether
the user is anonymous or known. If you select Vary by User, the cache key
includes the login name of the context user, which means that the
rendering can generate and cache different output depending on the
specific user who has authenticated.

Because it results in cache entries specific to each user, selecting the Vary by User option
can increase memory utilization, especially on systems with large numbers of concurrent
users. Apply this option with caution.
The Vary by Parameters option results in a cache key that contains any
key/value parameters passed to the rendering. The Vary by Query String
option causes the cache key to contain any query string parameters in the
URL for which Sitecore invoked the rendering.
When you publish changes from the Master database to a publishing
target database, on the local instance Sitecore clears the output cache for
the managed sites listed under the
/configuration/sitecore/events/event/handler element in the
Web.config file for the <event> element named publish:end. On remote
content delivery instances, publishing clears the output caches for the sites
listed for the publish:end:remote event. For more information about
remote content delivery instances, see The Sitecore Scaling Guide

Publishing clears all entries from the output caches. To make the best use of entries in
output caches, minimize publishing frequency.

The Sitecore browser-based debugger disables output caching by default,

causing Sitecore to invoke each rendering on each page view regardless of
processing conditions. This can help in diagnosing issues with renderings,
but it can prevent you from diagnosing issues with output caching. To
enable output caching in the Sitecore debugger, clear the Information
checkbox in the Rendering group on the Ribbon. Alternatively, add the
sc_ri query string parameter with a value of 0.
Caching the output of a rendering prevents Sitecore from invoking
rendering operations in that rendering, but does not prevent Sitecore from
invoking operations during other phases in the ASP.NET page lifecycle. In
general, activity during those other phases has no impact if the system has
already cached the output of the rendering, but this functionality may be
valuable under certain circumstances. As a contrived example, consider a
page hit counter that does not display the hit count. After the first
invocation, this rendering always renders cached output under equivalent
processing conditions, but it can increment the counter at a step in the
page lifecycle not related to rendering. Consider this when optimizing
your rendering; at other stages in the page lifecycle, you may wish to exit
the method if Sitecore has already cached the output of that rendering
under equivalent processing conditions. The
on web control shown in Listing 6.1 implements this technique for the
initialization phase of the lifecycle.

Listing 6.1: PerformsExpensiveInitialization.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System;
using System.Web.UI;

public class PerformsExpensiveInitialization :

public bool HasBeenCached()
// used to identify an entry in the output cache
// for this control under equivalent processing
string cacheKey = this.GetCacheKey();

// if the layout engine will not cache the output

// of this instance of the control
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheKey))
return false;

// if the context site defines an output cache

// and that cache already contains the output of this
// under equivalent processing conditions, return
// otherwise, return false
Sitecore.Caching.HtmlCache htmlCache =
return htmlCache != null &&
htmlCache.GetHtml(cacheKey) != null;

protected override string GetCachingID()

// define a unique identifier for this control
string id = base.GetCachingID();

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
id = this.GetType().ToString();

return id;

protected override void OnInit(System.EventArgs e)

// if the layout engine has already cached the output
of this control
// under equivalent processing conditions
// in the output cache associated with the context
// do nothing
if (this.HasBeenCached())

// expensive initialization logic


protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)

// rendering logic
The source code for the
on web control class shown in Listing 6.1 defines the HasBeenCached()
method to determine whether the output of this control under equivalent
processing conditions already. The HasBeenCached() method calls the
GetCacheKey() method defined in the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl
abstract base class, and then checks whether the output cache contains an
entry with that key exists in the output cache for the context site. The
GetCacheKey() method in the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract
base class from which the
on web control class derives adds the value returned by calling the
GetCachingID() method of the control to strings that identify the Vary By
caching criteria defined for each use of each control. The resulting cache
key identifies the output of those controls under equivalent processing
conditions. If the GetCacheKey() method returns null or an empty string,
Sitecore does not cache the output of the control; in this case the
HasBeenCached() method returns false. If the GetCacheKey() method
returns a string that is not empty, and an output cache exists for the context
site, and that cache contains an entry for this control under equivalent
processing conditions as defined by the Vary By caching options specified
for this instance of the control, the HasBeenCached() method returns true.
Like any web control that supports output caching, the
on web control class shown in Listing 6.1 implements the
GetCachingID() method to identify the individual presentation control. If
your web controls inherit from a custom abstract base class that inherits
from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class and implements the
GetCachingID() method, such as the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl
abstract base class shown in Listing 5.7, you can move the
HasBeenCached() method to that abstract base class.
on web control class shown in Listing 6.1 defines the GetCachingID()
method to return a string that uniquely identifies this presentation control.
If your web controls inherit from a custom abstract base class that inherits
from the Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl class and implements the
GetCachingID() method, such as the SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControl
abstract base class shown in Listing 5.7, you do not need to implement the
GetCachingID() method in each concrete web control as shown in this
The OnInit() method of the
on web control shown in Listing 6.1 calls the HasBeenCached() method to
check whether an entry generated by the presentation control previously
under equivalent processing conditions exists in the output cache for the
context site. If the call to the HasBeenCached() method returns true, the
OnInit() exits, avoiding unnecessary initialization logic. Otherwise, the
OnInit() method continues to initialize the control.
For more information about output caching, see The Sitecore
Presentation Component Reference ( and my blog
posts at and For information
about adding custom Vary By options for output caching, see my blog post
at For information about scheduling expiration of
entries from output caches, see my blog post at

Tuning Cache Sizes

You can specify a maximum size for all but media caches. When Sitecore
determines that a cache is close to reaching its size limit, it evicts one or
more entries from the cache or clears the entire cache before adding any
additional entries to it. For instructions about how to configure the size of
each cache, see preceding sections and The Sitecore Cache Configuration
Reference (

Sitecore does not allocate memory for caches at initialization; it creates new entries in
each cache until it reaches the limit for each.

To help determine an appropriate size limit for each cache, as well as to

monitor the current utilization of each cache and its growth over time,
access the cache administration page at /sitecore/admin/cache.aspx on
your Sitecore instance, such as
In load-balanced environments, the cache administration page shows information for the
individual instance on which the page runs rather than all instances in the balance.

Generate some load against your solution before evaluating the cache
administration page, and then click Refresh in the page to populate the
table. You can click Clear All in the cache administration page to clear all
of the Sitecore caches in memory completely.
Use the cache administration page to tune the size limits for each cache.
When you determine that the utilization of a cache has approached or
exceeded its size limit, consider increasing that size limit if available
RAM permits. You can use the CacheTuner Sitecore Shared Project
( to help identify caches that could benefit from
larger size limits.
The table displayed by the cache administration page contains the
following columns as shown in Figure 6.3.
Name — Name of the cache, which can indicate the database or
managed site associated with the cache in addition to the type of data
it contains
Count — Number of entries currently in the cache
Size — Approximation of total memory consumed by the cache
Delta — Approximation of the amount of memory consumed by the
cache since you last clicked Refresh

Because this page uses an ASP.NET postback to compute cache size deltas, always click
Refresh instead of using the page reload feature of your browser.

MaxSize — Size limit for the cache

Figure 6.3
When monitoring caches with the cache administration page, you should
not see negative numbers in the Delta column unless you have restarted
the application pool, cleared or removed entries from the cache with code,
or otherwise knowingly reduced the number of items in the cache since
you last clicked Refresh in that page. Except in such cases, a negative
number in this column generally indicates that Sitecore removed items
from the cache after it reached its size limit, in which case you should
seriously consider increasing the size limit for that cache. At worst, caches
should reach their size limits very infrequently. Requiring Sitecore to
remove items from the cache in order to add them back afterward can
significantly reduce solution performance by consuming CPU time simply
for cache management.
For more information about the cache administration page, see The
Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference ( For a cache
administration page replacement with an improved UI and more features,
see the Caching Manager ( Sitecore Shared Source

Disabling Cache Size Limits

Sitecore CMS 6.4.1 rev. 110928 introduced the
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to the Web.config file, which
defaults to false. Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev. 111123 introduced the
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to the 6.5 line. Setting the
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to true prevents Sitecore
from enforcing cache size limits, allowing each cache to grow indefinitely.
You can set the Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to true
during load testing to evaluate how large caches would grow without size
limit constraints, which can help you determine appropriate cache size
limits. If you leave Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits set to true, you
should have no need to tune cache sizes. However, you may need to worry
about running out of memory, as you cannot control how Sitecore uses the
caches with this setting in place. You should leave
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits set to true only on 64-bit platforms
with sufficient available RAM.

Whether you choose to set the Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to true may

depend on your hosting environment. If you use an Internet cloud that provides capacity
on demand, the cost savings of reducing memory consumption may outweigh the
performance advantage of extreme caching. Additionally, virtualized environments can
limit available RAM. Use this setting only on systems with sufficient available memory. In
any case, tuning the content of prefetch caches (as opposed to the size limit of these
caches) can always help to implement the best trade-off between startup time and
efficient processing.

Bringing the Most Bits Together

As the title of this section indicates, I simply cannot resist a bad pun, even
if it results in a technical inaccuracy. The following list describes, and
Figure 6.4 demonstrates, the dependencies between the caches described in
this section:
When the layout engine processes a rendering for which you have
configured output caching, if output generated previously under
equivalent processing conditions does not exist in the cache, Sitecore
invokes the rendering. Each rendering typically accesses some
number of items in the item cache for the context database.
Theoretically, a rendering could access items in multiple databases.
Sitecore manages separate output caches for each managed site; the
content of these caches often depends on the data in the item cache for
the database associated with the context site.
If required data does not exist in the item cache, Sitecore retrieves it
from the data cache and populates the item cache with an item
representation of that data.
If required data does not exist in the data cache, Sitecore retrieves it
from the prefetch cache and populates the data cache with that data.
If required data does not exist in the prefetch cache, Sitecore retrieves
it from the database and populates the prefetch cache with that data.
Figure 6.4
The importance of output caching varies according to the specifics of
your solution. The performance of extremely efficient renderings that
access a very small number of items may not improve significantly with
output caching. Renderings that access external resources, such as
databases and RSS feeds, may benefit more from output caching.
Excluding output caches, the database caches (prefetch, data, and item
caches) are typically most important. Sitecore implements database
caching in an attempt to optimize every aspect of the solution, including
CMS user interface performance as well as that of the content delivery
environment, and to minimize interaction with the underlying database.
Under the default and all correct configurations according to The
Sitecore Scaling Guide (, Sitecore updates almost all
caches in memory in both single-instance and multi-instance
environments automatically when the underlying data changes — for
example, when a user updates or publishes an item. The site output caches
present a single exception to this rule. Because it is infeasible for Sitecore
to track all the items on which the output of each rendering depends under
all possible processing conditions, the system does not identify which
entries in the site output caches to remove when those underlying items
change. For this reason and as described previously, whenever you publish,
Sitecore completely clears output caches for the managed sites.
Specifically, on the local instance, Sitecore clears the output caches for the
managed sites listed under the
/configuration/Sitecore/events/event named publish:end in the
Web.config file; on content delivery instances separate from the content
management environment, Sitecore clears the output caches for the
managed sites specified under the publish:end:remote event.

While efficient utilization of site output caches can dramatically increase performance,
these caches should not provide the foundation of your optimization effort, especially for
solutions that publish frequently.

Scaling Your Solution

This section focuses on the challenge of scaling Sitecore for larger
installations, specifically those involving multiple content management
and content delivery instances hosting a single Sitecore solution. Sitecore
supports very large installations measured both in terms of traffic (the
number of HTTP requests per second) and content volume (the number of
items in the content databases). Scaling provides for higher capacity and
helps to ensure availability in the case of hardware failure. Sitecore
handles both objectives in the same manner, though the underlying
infrastructure requirements may differ in some regards.
To minimize costs, optimize your solution (both code and caching) before determining
scalability requirements.

Horizontal scaling, or scaling across multiple servers, is typically the

best way to scale Sitecore solution as opposed to vertical scaling, or
increasing the capacity of individual servers. Sitecore natively supports
extreme scalability and largely relies on the hosting infrastructure to scale
across servers. Therefore, other than enabling scalability features, Sitecore
does not require much administration to scale across servers. As described
in Chapter 9, Sitecore does present some unique challenges in deploying
software and solution updates to multiple instances.

Adding capacity for Sitecore cannot help to scale that solution if the bottleneck is a
dependency on a database or integrated external application.

Most of the work you will do to scale your Sitecore solutions involves
scaling your hosting infrastructure, including the following:
Hardware sizing, both in terms of individual machine capacity and the
number of servers
Firewalls and load balancing, which involves hardware and software
to secure the solution and spread the load between those servers
Database server scalability and optimization
Network infrastructure capacity, both local area network (LAN) for
connections to the database and wide area network (WAN) for the
connection to the Internet
Many of the specific details involved in scaling a Sitecore solution
depend on the unique performance profile of that solution. For example, a
solution requires less hardware for an equivalent load if the code is
efficient and you can cache the output of most renderings, as opposed to
the same solution with inefficient code and without output caching.
Additionally, a complex solution might require more hardware than a
simple solution.
Always consider scalability to support traffic in excess of anticipated load over a short
time duration at your peak traffic periods. Other than cost (licensing, hardware, network
bandwidth, administration, power, and so on), it cannot harm your solution to acquire
more capacity than you expect to need under peak load.

In addition to the techniques described in this section, you can use

Sitecore Azure to deploy your solution to the Microsoft Windows Azure
Internet cloud, effectively resulting in unlimited scalability and
geographic dispersion at minimal cost. For more information about
Sitecore Azure, see Chapter 10.
Scaling Sitecore requires that you enable relevant features as described
in The Sitecore Scaling Guide ( The
Web.config include file lists the most common settings involved in
enabling scalability. Of these, the most important may be the
EnableEventQueues setting. When set to true, this setting enables
Sitecore event queues, which Sitecore uses to pass messages between
instances. Among other things, messages in event queues inform the
various Sitecore instances about cache entries to remove and entire caches
to clear after item updates, publishing events, and other operations.

Scaling Infrastructure
Before scaling Sitecore into multi-instance environments, you need to
understand the infrastructure of a Sitecore environment. You can deploy
Sitecore in a nearly unlimited number of configurations; this section
describes some of the most common approaches.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, each Sitecore instance depends on an
ASP.NET application, which consists of an Internet Information Services
(IIS) website using ASP.NET (Application Server Pages with .NET)
running on the Microsoft Windows operating system. A Sitecore
environment consists of one or more such instances. A single Sitecore
instance can host a content management environment for CMS users and
any number of managed sites for visitors in the content delivery
environment integrated by default into that instance. Each instance
depends on one or more database servers, where multiple instances can
share databases on those servers, and different instances in a single
environment can use different databases. Regardless of which database
vendor you use, the principles involved in scaling that infrastructure are
the same, though Oracle and SQL Server name the corresponding
technologies differently and use different tools for these purposes.
One of the first steps to scaling and securing your Sitecore solution is to
separate the content management environment, typically inside your LAN,
from the content delivery environment, typically in a periphery network.
To scale further, add instances to one or both of these environments. Most
solutions begin by scaling the content delivery environment to meet site
visitor load; you can scale the content management environment if you
have a very large number of concurrent CMS users, to offload publishing
overhead to a single content management instance (in the case of frequent
publishing or very large content databases), and to provide failover in that

Load Balancing
After separating the content management environment from the content
delivery environment, the most common technique to scale Sitecore
solutions involves load balancing. Load balancing uses two or more
Sitecore instances to serve a common solution. Sitecore allows you to load
balance the content management environment, the content delivery
environment, or both. To support load balancing, enable a scalable
infrastructure as described previously, and follow best practices for
scalability of ASP.NET solutions.
When you decide to load balance a solution, you face a number of
choices. Primarily, you can balance using Microsoft Network Load
Balancing (MS NLB) built into the Microsoft operation system, or you can
use external load-balancing hardware from a number of vendors such as
BIG-IP, Citrix, Cisco, and Barracuda. The Sitecore CMS does not limit
your options for load-balancing software and hardware that do not affect
the software platform. That said, if you plan to immediately or eventually
scale beyond two Sitecore instances, you should use load-balancing
hardware. Such hardware provides greater application failure detection
and failover management. MS NLB relies on the network stack to detect
hardware failure in order to implement such transitions; it may not detect
and remove an instance from the balance in case of application failure.
While Sitecore solutions can employ clustering technology, it does not
require such solutions. You can scale your Sitecore solutions simply by
adding servers and instances side-by-side to the balance in each
environment, where the load-balancing solution routes HTTP requests to
the most appropriate server determined from configuration of the balance
and current system loads.
In addition to scalability, load balancing supports high availability; if
one of the instances in the balance fails, the load balancer routes traffic to
any of the remaining instances. For many Sitecore customers, scalability
and high availability in the content delivery environment are more
important than the same features in the content management environment.
Hence, the most common environment to balance is content delivery. The
basic principles in scaling either environment are similar, but also
consider publishing from the content management environment. The
following sections describe aspects of load balancing specific to each

Balancing Content Management

A load-balanced content management environment consists of two or
more Sitecore instances hosting CMS users managing one or more
managed sites, typically supported by three or more Sitecore databases
(the Master database, the Core database, one or more publishing target
databases, potentially a separate database for security information, and
possibly additional publishing target and other databases). By default,
each content management environment includes a content delivery
environment that CMS users can access to evaluate aspects of the solution,
but the visiting public typically cannot access the content delivery
environment available in the content management environment. Instead,
visitors access a production content delivery environment separate from
the production content management environment.
You can balance the content management environment to support a large
number of CMS users, to place CMS instances in multiple geographic
locations for improved local performance for CMS users, and to provide
fault tolerance and high availability in that environment. After content
delivery, organizations most often balance the production content
management environment (as opposed to content management
environments used for development and testing).

To test failover and other load balancing features, you need balanced test environments
similar to your production environments.

Before balancing the content management environment, you need to

either disable the capability to store media as files or configure software,
such as Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS), to synchronize media
files between the content management instances. If you choose to allow
file media in a balanced content management environment separate from
the content delivery environment, you must also use software, such as
Microsoft WebDeploy, to deploy those files from the content management
environment to the content delivery environment, which should also use
software such as DFS to synchronize media files between the instances in
that environment. The Sitecore Scaling Guide (
provides instructions on how to disable file media, configure DFS, and
configure WebDeploy.

I strongly recommend that you disable support for storing the binary content of media
items on the file system rather than in the database. If you decide that you must store
media on a file system, however, I recommend that you consider integration with edge
caching systems and CDNs as an alternative to file media. The
/App_Config/Include/ScalabilitySettings.config.example Web.config include file most
commonly used to enable Sitecore scalability disables file media by default by setting the
Media.DisableFileMedia setting to true.

In addition to addressing file media, if you balance the content

management environment you should also set the
Publishing.PublishingInstance setting on all instances in that
environment to specify an individual content management instance to
perform publishing operations, as described in a subsequent section of this
chapter. Otherwise, each instance in the balance may republish items
previously published by other instances, which can only harm
performance. You do not need to dedicate an entire instance to publishing;
you can select any instance in the balance to perform these operations, and
allow CMS users to access that instance like any other in the content
management environment.
Finally, you should use the InProc mode for managing ASP.NET sessions
on all instances in the content management environment. For information
about ASP.NET session management options including InProc, see In short, with InProc mode, ASP.NET manages
session information in memory instead of using a dedicated process or
database server to manage that information, which prevents sharing the
ASP.NET session state between instances in the balance. For InProc to
work, you must configure the load balancer for server affinity (also called
sticky sessions), which causes that balancer to direct all traffic from an
individual browser to one of the instances in the balance instead of
spreading that traffic between all instances. InProc session management
generally results in better application performance; but if a server fails,
the CMS user loses their session.

The same session management concerns can apply to the content delivery environment if
you use session state there. Unlike the content delivery environment, Sitecore actually
requires InProc in the content management environment, whereas InProc is simply an
optimization in the content delivery environment. Wherever you use InProc, you should
enable server affinity in the load balancer.

Balancing Content Delivery

A load-balanced content delivery environment consists of two or more
Sitecore instances hosting one or more managed sites supported by at least
one Sitecore database (at least one publishing target database, an optional
Core database, potentially a database for security artifacts, and possibly
more databases, such as to support optional modules). Most Sitecore
customers that load balance Sitecore do so in the production content
delivery environment, where performance and availability are often of
critical importance. Content delivery includes primarily the layout engine
and any custom applications that you develop, supported by one or more
Sitecore databases. You should also apply information in The Sitecore
Security Hardening Guide ( to maximize security in
the content delivery environment.
Specifically, in the content delivery environment you should remove all
references to the Master database. Because content delivery depends on
publishing target databases, and the Master database contains unpublished
work in progress that is not appropriate for content delivery, you should
not expose that database and that environment. To share security
information without duplication and to use a common event queue to
optimize cache clearing, you can share the Core database between the
content management and content delivery environments.
Otherwise, configuring load balancing in the content delivery
environment is very similar to configuring load balancing in the content
management environment. For specific instructions on how to configure
load balancing in either environment, see The Sitecore Scaling Guide

Scaling Publishing
Publishing involves the transfer of updated items from the Master
database used in the content management environment to one or more
content delivery databases that support one or more content delivery
environments. Not only does publishing clear caches, but it can be a CPU-
intensive process in the content management environment that can affect
the performance of the publishing instance. For more information about
publishing, see Chapter 9.
A number of factors can trigger publishing operations, such as when a
CMS user chooses to publish through the graphical user interface, when a
content item reaches a given state in a workflow, on a regular basis using a
scheduled process, and if you write custom code that invokes APIs that
publish. You should make an effort to minimize the number of publishing
operations required to support your solution. Experience has shown that
many organizations publish an excessive number of items more frequently
than needed. Specifically, CMS users are often unaware of the preview
functionality built into the CMS, and often publish changes, review them
visually, continue editing, and publish again. Considering that publishing
consumes resources and clears entire output caches, this approach is
unnecessarily harmful to performance and hence the scalability of both the
content management and content delivery environments.
You can take two steps to improve the performance of a Sitecore
solution that involves frequent or large publishing operations. The first
step is to work with your editorial staff to reduce the frequency of
unnecessary publication. If CMS users use the edit-publish-check-edit
process described previously, you will likely experience performance
challenges regardless of your hosting infrastructure, the quality of your
code, and anything else you attempt to improve performance, capacity, and
scalability. Educate your CMS users to use the preview functionality of the
CMS, and spend your development resources ensuring that the preview
features closely mimic visual aspects of the published sites. In some cases,
you can implement features available in previewing modes that exceed
those available on the published sites, such as by improving CMS
performance and usability by allowing CMS users choose whether to
display page components that use Adobe Flash.

To get the most productivity in your development environments, you should take a similar
approach when you update code. Every time you build your solution, Sitecore
reinitializes, which is worse for performance than clearing all caches. Though it requires
more engineering discipline than changing small amounts of code and building, you will
benefit from changing significant amounts of code and then evaluating the impact of
those combined changes.

In some cases, you may even want to limit the number of users with
rights to publish, and instead use an incremental, scheduled publishing
operation, and possibly a workflow action to publish when users have
completed all changes. This approach strongly encourages CMS users to
preview their changes instead of publishing them, reducing stress on the
system. Because CMS users often want to know when their changes will
publish, you can build visual indicators into the desktop, the Content
Editor, and even the Page Editor, such as countdowns to indicate when the
next publishing operation will occur.
The second step to improve the performance of the content management
environment in a solution that involves frequent or large publishing
operations is to dedicate a content management instance to publishing
operations, and to remove that instance from the balance. With this
approach, you offload expensive publishing operations to an instance
committed only to publishing operations, so that publishing does not
consume resources on the content management instances accessed by
CMS users. A significant number of Sitecore installations, especially
those with very large content repositories, use this approach to mitigate
the effect of publishing operations in the content management
environment. To set the publishing instance, in the content management
environment, configure the PublishingInstance setting in the
Web.config file, typically in the
/App_Config/Include/ScalabilitySettings.config.example file
after renaming that file to ScalabilitySettings.config to activate that

Scaling the Database Layer

Each instance in each environment must have the ability to connect to the
databases on which it depends. Such connections may require you to open
ports in one or more firewalls between the Sitecore instances and the
database servers. The resiliency, scalability, and performance of any
Sitecore instance depend on the underlying databases. To ensure these
features, do your best to guarantee the corresponding features at the
database layer.
Sitecore can connect to databases that use standard database server
clustering technologies. Typically, you implement clustering for reliability
and sometimes scalability, rather than performance (clustering the
database can actually reduce performance). You can achieve some increase
in reliability by implementing multiple publishing targets in favor of
database clustering, which generally requires a more expensive database
server license. You can use database replication features to synchronize
multiple databases as described further in this chapter and in The Sitecore
Scaling Guide (

Virtualizing Sitecore
Virtualization software enables multiple virtual machines to run on a
single physical machine, and it can enable a single virtual machine to span
multiple physical machines. Numerous Sitecore customers use the CMS
software in virtualized environments for both small-scale and large-
capacity solutions. Virtualization provides a number of advantages for
server administration, scalability, redundancy, and cost reduction by
helping an organization utilize a greater percentage of available machine
Sitecore has no requirements that you cannot address with virtualized
hardware, though you should ensure that you allocate enough actual
hardware to each virtual machine as required by Sitecore. For specific
hardware requirements for each physical or virtual instance of your
version of Sitecore, see The Sitecore Installation Guide at, noting that optional components such as the Digital
Marketing System (DMS) can require additional resources. The choice of
virtualization software can also affect performance of the virtualized
Sitecore content delivery instances are often excellent candidates for
hardware virtualization. While virtualization of the web server and the
database server should not directly affect Sitecore itself, you should be
aware that Sitecore solutions tend to implement many small, parallel
transactions with the database. Sitecore content databases do not typically
place an untoward level of stress on database servers. The features of
Sitecore that you use, such as complex authorization rules in the content
delivery environment and especially the use of DMS, can increase the
number of database transactions. Therefore, the performance of storage
subsystems on the database server can affect the performance of the
Sitecore solution, so it is not always advantageous to virtualize the
database server.
Edge Caching and Content Delivery
You can use edge caching devices and content delivery networks (CDNs)
to scale your Sitecore solutions. These technologies reduce the number of
HTTP requests for the content delivery environment to service, and can
place web servers closer to the clients that request resources, reducing
network response time, especially for image-intensive sites and large,
static, binary assets such as video. Both technologies effectively offload
request processing from the Sitecore instances to the edge caching and
CDN systems.
With edge caching, you deploy content to separate servers near the
production content delivery environment. You can use a load balancer such
as Citrix NetScaler ( to direct specific HTTP requests
from Internet users to the caching servers instead of the Sitecore instances,
or you can use dedicated caching technologies such as Varnish
( and Squid (
With CDNs, you cache resources using technologies that are not part of
your infrastructure, instead using an external service that you purchase.
CDNs often use specific URLs to differentiate resources that you manage
as opposed to those that the CDN can cache, typically using separate
Domain Name System (DNS) entries for each of these systems. On the
first HTTP request for a resource, the CDN requests the asset from the
Sitecore content delivery environment, and then caches it locally to
service subsequent requests. CDNs are most valuable for audiences with a
wide geographic spread, as larger networks synchronize cached content
automatically across servers around the globe. With this approach, content
consumers retrieve media from the caching servers closest to their
individual locations, reducing network transit time for those assets.
You can use edge caching and CDNs for any static files, including those
that you do not manage in the Sitecore media library, such as JavaScript
(.js files), Cascading Style Sheets (.css files), and images referenced
directly by developers in code and retrieved from the filesystem rather
than referenced by managed content and retrieved from the media library.
Some solutions enable “minification” of resources such as CSS and
JavaScript, removing whitespace to reduce file size and hence network
download time. You can also use CDN and edge caching technologies for
binary material stored in the media library, which can dramatically
improve performance of the overall solution.
Because edge caching systems and content delivery networks are
unaware of Sitecore security, you should not use these technologies for
resources that you secure. Additionally, if you use the Digital Marketing
System (DMS) described in Chapter 10 to track the download of binary
assets, you should not use edge caching or CDNs for those resources, nor
should you cache any material externally for which the organization may
need to measure access. For example, you may want to cache product
images but not whitepapers and other resources that you wish to monitor.
Some Sitecore customers use edge caching for textual content managed
in Sitecore. While this approach increases performance and hence
scalability, especially for sites with massive traffic volumes, it reduces the
potential for dynamic aspects of the solution such as per-user
personalization. Before caching such content, consider the implications
carefully. Certain edge caching technologies, such as NetScaler, can
support personalization and similar features, but it can take some work to
achieve your goals without adversely affecting Sitecore features.

Architecting High Availability

Many organizations strive for very high availability (HA) of systems,
especially in the content delivery environment. Again, Sitecore capitalizes
on the underlying technology stack to provide for HA at all levels, from
network infrastructure to web server hardware and database servers. You
should ensure redundancy in each of these layers individually, and apply
HA solutions at all layers. The network layer includes network failover
equipment such as switches, routers, firewalls, and load balancers not
within the scope of this book, but critical to actually achieving high
Considering only the CMS software, for high availability, you should
configure least two load-balanced instances of Sitecore in the content
delivery environment. If you need high availability in the content
management environment, you must configure load balancing in that
environment as well. If you employ virtualized hardware, the various
instances should not depend on a single physical host, as a failure of that
host could affect more than one virtualized instance.
You should also configure at least two servers in the database tier, where
you should use standard database replication technologies. In Microsoft
SQL Server, you can implement merge replication, which is the most
appropriate approach for Sitecore solutions and hence the approach
supported by Sitecore. Some organizations use other replication modes in
production environments, but Sitecore fully supports only merge
replication in case the need for conflict resolutions between the databases
arises. Reliability of the publishing target databases is critical to the
content delivery environment, which you should isolate from the content
management environment as described previously. You can use database
replication to scale the publishing target database (and additional
databases such as Core if needed) to reside on multiple hosts without the
need to publish to each target database separately.
If you implement multiple content delivery environments in different
geographies, you should configure at least one publishing target database
to support each location. If publishing will likely present bottlenecks, it
may be worthwhile to configure publishing to a single publishing target
database in the content delivery environment closest to the content
management environment, and then use database replication to copy
content to the additional publishing target databases in different locations.
For maximal performance and security, you can publish to a target
database in the content management environment, and then use database
replication to copy content from that publishing target database to all of
the databases supporting the content delivery environments, potentially
replicating the Core database as well.

Planning Hardware Capacity

For every solution, you must determine the amount of resources required,
most importantly to service load in the content delivery environment.
Questions to consider include:
How many Sitecore instances does your solution require today
(horizontal scaling)?
How much server capacity should you dedicate to each instance
(vertical scaling)?
How can you determine when to add Sitecore instances?
How much database capacity will you need (storage)?
How can you determine when to add more publishing target and other
While the answers to these questions are important, they depend on
solution-specific factors including the amount of visitor traffic, the
complexity of the solution, the quality of the implementation, the amount
of caching that implementation allows, and page performance
requirements, as well as the frequency and volume of publishing. Capacity
requirements can vary significantly between solutions, and no general
formulas to answer these questions apply to all implementations.
The most common processing bottleneck in a Sitecore solution is the
time required to generate HTML. The amount of processing power needed
depends significantly on the amount of caching the solution can leverage
for rendered output, but also on how well you control application restarts,
which can be expensive in terms of computing resources. While you
cannot estimate hardware requirements without knowledge of the actual
solution, the amount of RAM available for caches can significantly affect
solution performance. The only rule to determine the amount of memory
required to optimize performance to the utmost is that each instance
should have enough memory to avoid reaching any limits defined for
prefetch, data, item, and output caches. While some solutions may benefit
most from 16GB of memory, smaller solutions may function well with
smaller amounts, while other solutions could leverage more.
As an example, major components of an actual eCommerce site built
with Sitecore include the CMS, the Digital Marketing System (DMS), and
a search engine. At peak volume, this solution experiences more than
300,000 page views per hour, equating to more than 150 page views per
second. Even after optimizing the code, prefetch cache configuration, and
general tuning of IIS including content expiration and compression, to
support these requirements, the content delivery environment depends on
three physical machines, each supported by eight processor cores and
16GB of memory, plus a dedicated database server with eight processor
cores. Only very large Sitecore installations require multiple publishing
target databases; some solutions involve more than ten Sitecore instances
accessing a single publishing target database. Because the Digital
Marketing System involves high transaction rates, you should consider a
separate database server for the analytics database used by that optional

Troubleshooting Your Solution

Inevitably, despite your best efforts, you will experience issues with your
solution that require some troubleshooting, preferably in a development
environment but sometimes in production. This section contains
information to assist you in that effort.

The Sitecore Log Files

Sitecore uses Apache log4net ( to log system activity
and audit messages. Sitecore periodically creates a new log file in the
subdirectory specified by the LogFolder setting in the Web.config file.
The Sitecore log files contain a wealth of information that you can use to
diagnose a Sitecore solution.

The Sitecore log files, which record Sitecore activity, are completely separate from the
IIS log files, which record web client access to the solution.

Sitecore writes both system and audit messages to a single log. To

configure Sitecore to write audit messages to a separate log file, which can
simplify audit trail monitoring, update the /web.config file as described
Because the /configuration/log4net section is not within the /configuration/sitecore
section of the /web.config file, you cannot implement this change using a Web.config
include file.

1. Add the following elements after the

/configuration/log4net/appender element named

<appender name="AuditFileAppender"
<file value="$(dataFolder)/audit/audit.{date}.txt"
<filter type="log4net.Filter.StringMatchFilter">
<regexToMatch value="ˆAUDIT" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%4t %d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p
%m%n" />

2. Add the following elements

before the
/configuration/log4net/root/appender-ref with a value of
LogFileAppender for the ref attribute:
<appender-ref ref="AuditFileAppender" />
To prevent specific messages from appearing in the system log, you can
use the <filter> element within a /configuration/log4net/appender
element in the /web.config file. For example, to prevent messages
containing the text Sitecore.Tasks.CounterDumpAgent from appearing
in the system log, add a section such as the following within that
/configuration/log4net/appender element named LogFileAppender:
<filter type="log4net.Filter.StringMatchFilter">
<stringToMatch value="Sitecore.Tasks.CounterDumpAgent" />
<acceptOnMatch value="false" />
To control the verbosity level in the Sitecore log, set the value attribute
of the /configuration/log4net/root/priority element to DEBUG,
INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL, where DEBUG is the most verbose and FATAL
records only critical log entries.

I recommend setting the value attribute of the /configuration/log4net/root/priority to

WARN or a more verbose option. You should monitor the log for WARN, ERROR, and FATAL
entries, and always try to resolve and eliminate as many as possible in all environments.
To find such messages in a Sitecore log file, search for the tokens WARN, ERROR, and FATAL.

Depending on the configured logging verbosity level, you can use the
Audit(), Debug(), Error(), Fatal(), Info(), and Warn() methods of the
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log static class to write messages to the system
log. You can also use the Error() and Fatal() methods to log exceptions.
All log entries contain at least the time, the verbosity level, and a message,
and exceptions include a stack trace and information about any nested
When writing a message to the Sitecore log, I like to include the name of
the class writing the message to make it easier to find my own messages in
the log. For methods that require an owner parameter, I generally pass
this, which is the class that generated the error message. For example:
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(this + " is a horrible way to
debug.", this);
For more information about Sitecore logging, see my blog post at That blog post includes links to additional posts that
describe how write to your own separate log files, move old log files from
the default subdirectory at application initialization, log to a SQL Server
database instead of files, and integrate with the log4net dashboard, which
provides a graphical user interface for investigating logs generated with
Rendering Statistics
You can use the rendering statistics page to identify underperforming
renderings and renderings for which you may be able to improve output
cache configuration, by enabling output caching or caching output by
fewer Vary By options, for example. To access the rendering statistics
page, navigate a browser to /sitecore/admin/stats.aspx on your
Sitecore instance, such as http://sitecorebook/sitecore/admin/stats.aspx.

In load-balanced environments, the rendering statistics page shows information for the
individual instance on which the page runs rather than all instances in the balance.

Generate load before reviewing the rendering statistics page. You can
click links at the top of the rendering statistics page to filter the data by
managed site. Figure 6.5 shows how the rendering statistics page appears
after clicking the website link to exclude data for other managed sites.
The table displayed by the rendering statistics page contains the
following columns as shown in Figure 6.5.
Rendering — Identifier for an individual presentation control
Site — Context site associated with data presented in this row
Count — Total number of uses of this control by this site since
application initialization
From cache — Number of times the layout engine retrieved output
for this control from cache instead of invoking the control
Avg. time (ms) — Average duration of an invocation of the control
Avg. items — Average number of items accessed during an invocation
of the control
Max time — Maximum duration of a single invocation of the control
Max. items — Maximum number of items accessed during an
individual invocation of the control
Total time — Total duration of all invocations of the control
Total items — Total number of items accessed while processing the
Last run — Date and time the layout engine last invoked the control
Figure 6.5

Because other processing can occur concurrently with the invocation of

each control, Sitecore cannot accurately report exactly the average or
maximum number of items accessed by each control or the average,
maximum, or total actual processing time for each control. For example,
the Max. items column in the image shown in Figure 6.5 shows the same
value for several presentation components because layout details nest
these components, so processing for the sublayouts actually shows the
number of items accessed by all descendant controls.
Despite this limitation, information presented on the Rendering
Statistics page can help you determine presentation components that
consume significant processing time (high numbers in the Avg. Time,
Max. Time, and Total Time columns) or access an inordinate amount of
items (high numbers in the Avg. Items, Total Items, and Max. Items
columns), which can affect processing time. This tool can also help you
determine presentation controls for which you may be able to enable
caching or reduce the number of Vary By caching options to increase the
frequency of retrieving output from cache rather than invoking the control
anew (a low number in the From Cache column relative to the value in the
Count column).

Tracking Performance Thresholds

You can configure Sitecore to log a warning if processing an HTTP request
does not complete within a given period, appears to access more than a
given number of items, or appears to consume more than a given amount
of memory.

While it may appear that a single request exceeded one or more thresholds, in some
cases, other system activity at the same time — including that required to service
concurrent HTTP requests — could utilize processing time, access items, and consume
memory that would appear to be associated with that HTTP request. Specifically,
Sitecore initializes itself during the first HTTP request after the application pool restarts,
which can consume time and memory, and access a large number of items. Threshold
warnings immediately after an application pool restart may be invalid. After restarting
an application pool, to initialize Sitecore load a page other than the suspect page, and
then load the suspect page to see if it generates a threshold warning.

To configure Sitecore to log such threshold warnings, set the value of the
<ShowThresholdWarnings> element of the StopMeasurements processor
in the httpRequestEnd pipeline defined in the Web.config file to true,
and optionally override the default values of the <TimingThreshold>,
<ItemThreshold>, and <MemoryThreshold> elements of that processor to
define the thresholds for these criteria that you deem appropriate for your

Debugging in a Browser
You can use the Sitecore browser-based debugger remotely or locally to
troubleshoot and diagnose issues with your solutions, as well as to find
opportunities for further performance optimization, without installing any
software. To access the Sitecore debugger, log into the Sitecore desktop,
click the Sitecore button, and click Debug from the menu that appears.
The Sitecore debugger opens in a new browser window that resolves the
Sitecore context as it would in the content delivery environment. Under
the default configuration, the debugger accesses the
/sitecore/content/home item in the Web database using the
configuration defined for the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element in the Web.config file named website. The icon at the far right of
the gray bar that appears at the top of the debugger contains an icon to
show or hide the debugging Ribbon. Figure 6.6 shows the debugger as it
appears after clicking that icon.
Figure 6.6

Using the Modes group on the debugger Ribbon, you can enable or
disable inline editing with the Edit command and switch between the
Preview and Debug interfaces. Using the Profile group in the debugger
Ribbon, you can enable or disable performance profiling and access a
high-level performance profile for the page. The profile attempts to
identify hot spots, which are the components that appear to perform worst.
Using the Trace group in the debugger Ribbon, you can enable or disable
low-level tracing and access a low-level trace for the page. When you
enable profiling or tracing, the debugger renders the profile or page trace
after the page body as shown in Figure 6.7.

The profile and trace can contain error messages that do not otherwise appear on the
page, such as if you attempt to bind a presentation component to a placeholder that does
not exist.

Figure 6.7
Using the Open group in the debugger Ribbon, you can access the
ASP.NET trace for the current page, which is separate from the trace that
Sitecore maintains.
You can use the Info() method of the Sitecore.Diagnostics.Tracer
static class to write to the trace from a .NET presentation component, as
shown in the following example:
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Tracer.Info(this + " : debugging
You can use the equivalent sc:trace() XSL extension method to write
to the trace from an XSL rendering, as shown in this example:
<xsl:value-of select="sc:trace('debugging message')" />
The trace indicates whether Sitecore invoked each presentation
component or instead retrieved cached output generated previously by that
component under equivalent processing conditions based on output
caching settings (Vary By options) that you specify for that component.

Use health monitoring thresholds as described in the previous section to identify

underperforming pages from the Sitecore logs. Use the rendering statistics pages
described in a previous section and profiling features in the Sitecore debugger to identify
underperforming components within those pages. Use tracing features in the Sitecore
debugger to identify underperforming steps within those components. Use the Visual
Studio debugger to debug your code as described in the following section.

Using the Rendering group in the debugger Ribbon, you can enable and
disable Borders and Information. With Borders enabled, Sitecore adds
visual borders around each presentation component. With Information
enabled, Sitecore adds green triangle icons to each presentation
component. Hover over these rendering information icons to see
information about individual presentation components, which includes
tabs to show performance profiles, cache settings, and output generated by
individual controls. The example shown in Figure 6.8 shows the Details
tab for the default Sample Rendering XSL.
When showing rendering information, Sitecore never retrieves the output of a
presentation component from the output cache, but instead executes each presentation
component for each HTTP request. To see the impact of caching, you must clear the
Information checkbox in the Rendering group.

Figure 6.8

If you use XSL renderings, note that Sitecore caches the objects used to
apply the XSL transformation objects as well as the output of XSL
transformations. A trace message such as the following indicates that the
layout engine retrieved output for a control from cache:
Finished rendering "/xsl/sample rendering.xslt" (using
A trace message such as the following indicates reuse of a cached XSL
transformation object:
Xslt file loaded from cache.
For more information about the Sitecore browser-based debugger, see
my blog post at For instructions to add a command to
the Content Editor Ribbon to debug the selected item in the content
database rather than always debug the home item in a publishing target
database, see Chapter 7.

Debugging with Microsoft Visual Studio

You can use Microsoft Visual Studio to debug your Sitecore solution. You
can even debug remote Sitecore solutions.

Follow the instructions in this section to debug with Internet Information Services rather
than debug with the native web server built into Visual Studio.

To debug a Sitecore solution in Visual Studio, first request a page from

the solution to ensure the ASP.NET application pool is active. Then follow
this process:
1. Open the Sitecore project.
2. Clear the Show All Files button in Solution Explorer.

If you do not clear the Show All Files option before attempting to attach to the
application pool process, Visual Studio may try to read all files under the document
root when you start debugging, and either fail or seriously underperform. To
address this issue if you happen to forget, restart Visual Studio and clear the Show
All Files option.

3. Click the Debug menu, and then click Attach to Process. The Attach
to Process dialog appears.
4. Select the Show Processes From All Users checkbox.
5. Select the Show Processes In All Sessions checkbox.
6. Select the appropriate instance of the w3wp.exe or aspnet_wp.exe
Alternatively, you can configure the start page for your Visual Studio
1. In Solution Explorer, expand your project and then double-click
Properties. The project properties pane appears.
2. Click the Web tab.
3. Under Servers, select Use Custom Web Server.
4. Under Use Custom Web Server, for Server Url, enter the URL of the
home page of the Sitecore solution (such as http://sitecorebook), or the
page to debug (such as http://sitecorebook/mypage.aspx).
5. Close the project Properties pane to save the changes.
6. To start debugging, press Ctrl+F5, or click the Debug menu and then
click Start Debugging.

Spelunking Sitecore
This section describes various aspects of the Web.config file that you can
investigate to understand, configure, extend, and troubleshoot Sitecore
solutions. It then explains how you can disassemble compiled .NET
assemblies (.dll) files to achieve an approximation of the source code
used to compile the CMS and supporting products.

The Web.Config File

You can expand your knowledge of Sitecore and how you can extend the
platform by reviewing the Web.config file, including both the root
/web.config file and the example Web.config include files in the
/App_Config/Include subdirectory of the document root of the IIS
website hosting your Sitecore solution. Thanks to the configuration factory
described in Chapter 7, you can substitute your own classes to replace the
default implementations of numerous product features by simply updating
the /web.config file, updating a Web.config include file, or best, adding
your own Web.config include files.
The Sitecore developer community does not keep secret the fact that the default
/web.config file is a monolithic monster, but in the end, you will likely appreciate the
flexibility this solution allows. You should include at least the Web.config file and any
include files that they modify or create in your Visual Studio project and in your source
code management system (SCMS), although you may need to maintain multiple versions
of these files for different environments. Always take a backup of the /web.config file and
any Web.config include files before making any changes. Visual differencing tools such
as WinMerge (, which you can use to compare your Web.config
setup against the default, can help you troubleshoot issues that you may have introduced
to your solution. Remember to use the /sitecore/admin/ShowConfig.aspx page (through
a URL such as http://sitecorebook/sitecore/admin/ShowConfig.aspx on your solution) or
the DetailedConfigReport ( Sitecore Shared Source project to
evaluate your configuration after the application of Web.config include files.

Web.Config Include Files

The contents of Web.config include files override (patch) the contents of
the Web.config file itself. You can use Web.config include files:
To override aspects of Sitecore's default configuration
To simplify configuration, release management, system maintenance
including upgrades, and other aspects of the system
To separate configurations such as content management and content
delivery or test and production
To separate elements specific to certain solutions, modules,
components, instances, and environments
To otherwise to categorize configuration elements in separate files
Sitecore automatically applies Web.config include files (all files ending
with the .config extension) in the /App_Config/Include subdirectory of
the document root of the IIS website hosting the Sitecore solution, as well
as those specified by <sc.include> elements in the actual /web.config
file. The /App_Config/Include subdirectory contains examples (with the
.config.example extension) for you to investigate and so that you can
easily enable features. To enable the configuration in one of these example
files, rename it with the .config extension. Web.config include files
derive their structure from the /configuration/sitecore element of the
root /web.config file. You can only patch elements within the
/configuration/sitecore element of the Web.config file.
Each Web.config include file typically begins with a <configuration>
element that uses the xmlns:patch attribute to map the patch namespace
to support dynamic configuration. Elements within the
/configuration/sitecore element such as a Web.config include file can
then use the patch: prefix to indicate the position for their inclusion
relative to existing elements in the actual /web.config file or to specify
existing elements to replace, update, or delete.

Use of the patch: prefix is just a convention. You can use any prefix that you map
appropriately. If the location of elements defined in a Web.config include file relative to
existing elements is unimportant, that Web.config include file does not need to define any
such prefix.

For example, to add a /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element

before the default managed site named website:
<site patch:before="*[@name='website']" name="mysite"
... />
To define a new managed site, the patch:before attribute in this
example specifies an XPath expression that positions this new <site>
element as a sibling before the existing
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site with a value of website for the
name attribute. For more information about managing multiple sites, see
Chapter 9.
If you add a managed site as this example demonstrates, you typically need to update the
publish:end and publish:end:remote events defined in the Web.config file to clear the
output cache for the new site after publishing. For more information about publishing
and managing multiple sites, see Chapter 9. For a more comprehensive example
Web.config include file for adding a managed site, see my blog post at

You can use the following tokens with the patch: prefix:
patch:before — As shown above, insert a new element before the
specified element
patch:after — Insert an element after the element specified by the
XPath expression
patch:instead — Replace the element specified by the XPath
patch:delete — Remove the element specified by the XPath
patch:attribute — Define or replace the attribute specified by the
XPath expression
For more information about Web.config include files, see my blog post

The /configuration/sitecore Section

Because the Sitecore configuration factory uses the
/configuration/sitecore section of the Web.config file to provide so
much flexibility and extensibility, it is by far the largest section of the file;
this book cannot describe every element it contains. I will only mention
briefly those sections of the default root /web.config file that I think you
are most likely to reconfigure or override.
The database attribute of the /configuration/sitecore element
specifies whether the instance uses SQL Server or Oracle.
The /configuration/sitecore/sc.variable elements define
variables used elsewhere in the Web.config file.
The /configuration/sitecore/prototypes element configures a
few specific types used by the configuration factory factored out to
the /App_Config/Prototypes.config file.
The /configuration/sitecore/events element defines Sitecore
events and configures event handlers for those events.
The /configuration/sitecore/eventing element configures
management of events on remote instances.
The /configuration/sitecore/customHandlers element maps
handlers for URL prefixes used by Sitecore, such as the ∼/media
prefix for Sitecore media, to tokens that match the path attributes of
/configuration/system.web/handlers/add and
/configuration/system.webServer/httpHandlers/add elements
to specify the .NET classes to handle HTTP requests that begin with
those prefixes. The CustomHandlers processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline defined in the Web.config file aborts that
pipeline if the URL matches any of these prefixes, minimizing server
overhead for such requests.
The /configuration/sitecore/LinkDatabase element specifies the
class that implements the internal links management table and in
which Sitecore database to maintain that table.
The /configuration/sitecore/TaskDatabase element specifies the
class that processes tasks scheduled in a Sitecore database and in
which Sitecore database the instance maintains task information.
The /configuration/sitecore/IDTable element configures the
IDTable that you can use to map unique identifiers in external systems
to Sitecore IDs, and vice-versa.
The /configuration/sitecore/pipelines and
/configuration/sitecore/processors elements configure
pipelines. Sitecore user interfaces invoke pipelines defined within the
/configuration/sitecore/processors element; pipelines defined
within the /configuration/sitecore/pipelines manage
application logic and HTTP requests.
The /configuration/sitecore/dataProviders element configures
Sitecore data providers, including those used for the file system and
the Sitecore databases.
The /configuration/sitecore/workflowHistoryStores element
configures history management for the Sitecore workflow engine.
The /configuration/sitecore/databases element configures the
Sitecore databases, including features you might not expect, such as
workflow providers and notification engines.
The /configuration/sitecore/archives element configures
Sitecore archive management.
The /configuration/sitecore/indexes and
/configuration/sitecore/search elements configure the Lucene
search engine.
The /configuration/sitecore/authentication,
/configuration/sitecore/domainManager, and
/configuration/sitecore/switchingProviders elements
configure the Sitecore security infrastructure.
The /configuration/sitecore/accessRights element configures
access rights for the Sitecore security infrastructure. Each
/configuration/sitecore/accessRights/rights/add element
defines an access right. For information about adding custom access
rights, see my blog post at
The /configuration/sitecore/publishManager element configures
publishing operations, which invoke the publish pipeline defined in
the Web.config file.
The /configuration/sitecore/itemManager element configures a low-
level item provider API.
The /configuration/sitecore/mediaPath element configures the media
path provider, which is responsible for determining the paths, names,
and potentially other properties of new media items that users upload.
The /configuration/sitecore/siteManager element configures the site
configuration provider, which abstracts information about the
managed sites.
The /configuration/sitecore/linkManager element configures link
management, meaning dynamic URL generation.
The /configuration/sitecore/standardValues element configures the
standard values provider, which is responsible for retrieving standard
values for data templates.
The /configuration/sitecore/fieldTypes element configures internal
link management features for the Sitecore data template field types.
The /configuration/sitecore/clientDataStore element configures
storage of data used by the Sitecore user interfaces.
The /configuration/sitecore/hooks element configures initialization
hooks triggered at application startup by the LoadHooks processor in
the initialize pipeline defined in the Web.config file.
The /configuration/sitecore/scheduling element of the Web.config file
configures the Sitecore task scheduling engine, including the interval
between polls for tasks to invoke as defined in a Sitecore database or
as <agent> elements within this element. For more information about
scheduling processes with Sitecore, see Chapter 7.
The /configuration/sitecore/settings element contains a number of
settings; review the comment above each to determine its purpose.

Rather than parsing Web.config directly, use methods in the

Sitecore.Configuration.Factory static class to access specific types configured in the
Web.config file, and the Sitecore.Configuration.Settings class and descendant classes to
access named settings.

Reflecting on Sitecore
This section describes how you can use software products to disassemble
Sitecore and other .NET assemblies (.dll files) to view an approximation
of the source code compiled into those files. Disassembly can be
invaluable to both troubleshooting and development, especially when
extending Sitecore solutions. If you are not familiar with disassembly, this
may be the most important section of this book for you to read.
Check your Sitecore end-user license before disassembling any Sitecore product. For
any questions about your rights, contact your regional Sitecore representative. If you do
not know whom to contact, see In no case does any Sitecore license
permit you to reverse engineer Sitecore software to develop competing products. Nothing
in this section or elsewhere in this book authorizes you to reverse engineer Sitecore
products except as indicated by Sitecore's end-user licenses.

Because the disassembler must guess at the original syntax from the IL
(intermediate language) contained in the assembly, disassembly results in
only an approximation of the original source code, not a line-by-line exact
replica of that source. The disassembler cannot expose comments and
other non-essential aspects of the original code removed by the compiler,
which can also optimize code in ways you might not expect. For example,
the compiler converts certain types of loops to goto statements with labels,
and can convert method calls to inline code. Additionally, Sitecore
intentionally obfuscates some assemblies to protect its intellectual
With Sitecore and ASP.NET, you can use a number of languages that can
compile into .NET assemblies. Sitecore internally uses the C# language,
and for a variety of reasons I generally recommend that customers use C#.
Most example code for Sitecore, including everything in this book, uses
C#. You may want to confirm that the software you choose to decompile
can generate output in C#, and you should have at least a reading
competency in C#. If necessary, you can compile C# samples to IL, and
then decompile from IL to your preferred language.
The RedGate company ( distributes the .NET
Reflector software product ( for investigating .NET
assemblies. This book describes RedGate's .NET Reflector (also called
Reflector) because it is most familiar to me, but you can use any such tool
that you prefer. Reflector uses reflection to interrogate the structure of
compiled code, but much more important, it disassembles IL to source
code that you could use to compile the interrogated assembly.
To investigate Sitecore assemblies, launch Reflector, and then use
standard Windows features to open the assemblies (.dll files) that you
wish to investigate from the /bin subdirectory of the document root of the
IIS website hosting your Sitecore solution, starting with those that your
Visual Studio project references. Most Sitecore developers primarily use
APIs in the Sitecore.Kernel.dll assembly, which mostly contains back-end
code. You could also use classes in Sitecore.Client.dll, which contains user
interface code, and Sitecore.Analytics.dll, which contains code most
relevant to the Digital Marketing System (DMS) described in Chapter 10.
When you open an assembly, Reflector may prompt you to open
dependent assemblies as needed, or may open such assemblies
automatically. For performance and usability, you may wish to limit the
number of open assemblies. To close an assembly, select it in the tree and
press the Delete key. For your convenience, when you close and restart
Reflector, it reloads the assemblies that you had opened previously.
If your Sitecore solutions employ both .NET and XSL, in addition to
reviewing The Sitecore XSL Presentation Component Reference
(, you can learn more about XSL extension methods
such as sc:field() by disassembling the Sitecore.Xml.Xsl.XslHelper
class in the Sitecore.Kernel.dll assembly.

Sitecore typically translates XSL extension controls such as <sc:text> in XSL renderings
to call methods in the Sitecore.Xml.Xsl.XslHelper class.

For convenience and your own education, you may wish to open
additional assemblies, such as the HtmlAgilityPack.dll assembly, which
contains the HTML Agility Pack (HAP) implementation described in
Chapter 7. After you open assemblies, you can expand contained
namespaces and types in the assembly tree frame on the left. Figure 6.9
shows Reflector after opening some common assemblies, navigating to the
static constructor for the Sitecore.Context class, and double-clicking
that member to disassemble (decompile) it.

Always review the constructors for any classes that you disassemble. Otherwise, you can
spend a significant amount of time investigating other methods and never find the logic
that you actually need to examine.
Figure 6.9

Unless you have a stack trace or something else to identify the types that
you need to investigate, you will likely need to search. Using Reflector,
you can search for the name of a type, for the name of a member of a type,
or for specific tokens in the code. If you know or can guess the name of
the type (most commonly a class) but not the namespace that contains that
type, or you do not care to navigate to the type, you can search for a type
by name. If you know or can guess the name of a member (most
commonly a method or property) but not the name of the type containing
that member, you can search for a member by name. If you would like to
search the code for a string, such as the name of a pipeline to see what
invokes that pipeline, you can search for a token.
To initiate a search, press F3 to show the search bar. By default,
Reflector searches for types with names that match the value you enter. To
search for a member, press Ctrl+M (for member). For example, you can
review the Web.config file to identify a setting, and then search for a
member of the same name as that setting to locate the type that exposes
that setting as a member. To search for a token in code, such as the name
of a pipeline, press Ctrl+S (for string). To revert to searching for a type,
press Ctrl+T (for type). Once you find an item to investigate further,
double-click it in the search results, and then disassemble it and review the
source code.
Another useful feature of Reflector enables you to find all usages of a
type or member. To do so, select the type or member in the tree on the left,
and then press Ctrl+R or right-click and select Analyze from the context
menu that appears. In the Analyzer pane that opens, expand the type, and
then expand Used By. As shown in Figure 6.10, a very large number of
types use the Sitecore.Context class.
Figure 6.10
You can expand these types in the Analyzer pane as well, providing
something like a list of all possible stack traces that can lead to that type
or member.
This section really just skims the surface of what you can achieve with
Reflector, highlighting the features that I use most frequently. You can
download add-ins from to extend Reflector with even
more functionality. For maximal productivity, I recommend that you
devote some time to reading about and working with this or another
disassembly tool of your choice.

Reviewing Stack Traces

A stack trace indicates the hierarchy of method calls that lead to a point in
the program. Especially in combination with reflection and disassembly,
you can learn a great deal from a stack trace, and you can investigate stack
traces to determine the cause of exceptions.
The static System.Environment.StackTrace property exposes the stack
trace to the current line of code. The following example writes the stack
trace to the point of execution to the system log, prefixed by an identifier
of the class writing the log message:
this + " : " + System.Environment.StackTrace,
More commonly, stack traces appear in the Sitecore logs to indicate
where to begin your troubleshooting analysis. For information about
special characters that can appear in stack traces, see my blog post at

Browsing Sitecore Databases

Sitecore cannot prevent you from taking certain actions that can render
your solution unusable, specifically the Sitecore browser-based user
interfaces. For example, I recently helped someone on the Sitecore
Developer Network forums with a problem that involved two data
template field types with the same key. Somehow, in the Core database,
someone had created a second definition item for a field type with the
same name as one of the default field types. When they attempted to log in
to any Sitecore browser-based graphical user interface (GUI), the system
attempted to assemble a dictionary using the names of the field type
definition items as keys, raising an exception due to the duplicated key.
Because users could not log into the user interfaces due to this exception,
they could not use the GUI to correct the issue. There are at least two ways
to address this type of issue, both of which involve access to a Sitecore
database using interfaces other than the browser-based GUIs.

Before manually altering a Sitecore database using either of the techniques described in
this section, back up the database so that you can restore it if your efforts actually
worsen the problem. Always be cautious when working directly with a Sitecore database,
even with the tools described.
The first solution requires Visual Studio and the free Sitecore Rocks
extension for Sitecore developers ( Using these
tools, you can connect to any Sitecore instance without accessing a
Sitecore browser-based user interface, which enables you to correct issues
using Sitecore Explorer. For more information about Sitecore Rocks, see
my blog post at
The second solution does not require Visual Studio and Sitecore Rocks,
which are not always available or may not be able to connect to the
Sitecore instance experiencing the issue. You can use the database browser
tool to investigate Sitecore databases using a very lightweight browser-
based user interface. Sitecore does not support or document this tool, but
provides it so that you can address issues such as that described
previously, specifically under direction from the Sitecore customer service
department. To access the database browser, navigate your web browser to
/sitecore/admin/dbbrowser.aspx on the Sitecore instance, such as

Take Home Points

Sitecore includes a number of features that you can use to improve the
performance of your Sitecore solution. You can configure the contents of
the prefetch caches to increase solution performance at the cost of
initialization time. Use the cache administration page to tune size limits
for your caches, or in more recent versions, set the
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting in the Web.config file to true to
disable cache size limits entirely. Use performance thresholds to identify
underperforming pages and the rendering statistics page to identify
underperforming presentation components.
Sitecore provides an almost infinite range of configuration options to
support scalability and reliability. To scale your Sitecore solutions, start by
separating the production content management environment from the
production content delivery environment, and using dedicated database
servers rather than local databases on the web servers. After
implementing, optimizing, and load testing your solution, determine how
many load-balanced instances you need to service your peak traffic load in
the content delivery environment. Finally, consider whether you need to
load balance the content management environment, and if you have a very
large number of concurrent CMS users or a very large content repository,
whether you should dedicate an instance in that environment solely for
An understanding of the Sitecore logging mechanism and the contents of
the Sitecore logs can help in diagnosing problems with your web solution,
as can familiarity with the contents of the Web.config file. Most Sitecore
developers consider disassembly a critical aspect in their ability
understand and troubleshoot the workings of a Sitecore solution, but also
use this technology to further their ability to extend the system.
Chapter 7

Extending and Integrating Sitecore

What's in This Chapter?

Using the configuration factory
Implementing .NET extension methods
Understanding the Sitecore user interface framework
Configuring ribbons and item context menu commands
Enhancing user interfaces
Employing the rules engine
Scheduling processes
Initializing with hooks
Handling events
Processing pipelines
Extending the Sitecore Page Editor
No CMS vendor can provide software that includes all features that every
organization could possibly require. Even you cannot completely define
your current requirements, let alone your future requirements. Fortunately,
Sitecore's flexible platform architecture enables you to quickly implement
almost any feature you could need and adapt to almost any requirements
as they emerge. In no particular order, Sitecore provides for at least the
following potential points of extension:
Pipelines — Pipelines define processes as sequences of discrete steps
implemented as pipeline processors.
Command templates — These templates enable you to implement
code to help users create new items.
Validation — Validation enables you to implement custom logic to
define data validity.
The rules engine — This engine enables you to configure logic to
apply under various circumstances, including conditional rendering to
support personalization, multivariate testing, and other advanced
Scheduled processes — The capability to schedule processes enables
you to invoke logic at predefined periods.
Hooks — Hooks provide for application initialization logic.
Event handlers — Event handlers support extension before, during,
and after various operations.
Custom editors — Editors enable you to embed user interfaces in
Sitecore items.
The ribbon and commands — The ribbon and commands enable you
to add functionality to the Content Editor.
Custom applications — Create your own applications to do almost
anything within the Sitecore desktop.
Data providers — These providers represent data in external systems
as Sitecore items.
The configuration factory — The configuration factory enables you
to configure and override numerous Sitecore subsystems.
Sitecore Rocks — Sitecore Rocks extends Visual Studio with features
for Sitecore developers, and Sitecore Rocks itself supports extensions.
Override User Interfaces — You can replace markup and code-
behind in XML and Web Forms (.aspx files) files that define user
interfaces (UIs) included with the CMS.
Page Editor commands — These commands add features to
elements, fields, renderings, and other presentation components.
Context menus — These menus appear for items in the content tree
and support any number of custom entries.
Extension classes — This .NET technology enables you to extend
classes provided by Sitecore with custom methods.
Web services — Web services, including the Good Old Web Service
provided with the ASP.NET CMS and the Hard Rock Web Service
provided with Sitecore Rocks, provide for extension from remote
ASP.NET security providers — These providers support integration
with external systems for authentication, role, and user profile
management, such as using a customer relationship management
(CRM) system for authentication.
The Rich Text Editor — This editor supports custom toolbar buttons
and other features.
Content Editor warnings — These warnings enable you to
dynamically add notification for items in the Content Editor.
Page Editor commands — These commands enable you to add
features around markup, fields, presentation controls, and
placeholders in the Page Editor.
Custom field types and the IFrame field type — These field types
enable you to embed your own controls as Sitecore data template
Whenever you extend Sitecore, in addition to considering the potential
for incorrect interaction with existing components, you must consider
performance. Many types of components run extremely frequently,
sometimes in multiple contexts simultaneously. For example, Sitecore
invokes item:saved event handlers every time a user or API call updates
an item. Event handlers, pipeline processors, validators, and other
components should return immediately if they do not apply to the
arguments passed to the component or other current processing conditions.
For more information about the extensibility of the Sitecore ASP.NET
CMS, see my blog posts at and

Determining Types with the

Configuration Factory
The Sitecore configuration factory works as a dependency injection
container to configure types to insert dynamically into the running
application. Dependency injection determines at runtime the software
components that implement specific features. The Sitecore configuration
factory works like a provider for .NET types. You can use the
configuration factory to override the .NET types that Sitecore uses to
implement specific features, to pass parameters to those types, and to
otherwise configure those types.
The Sitecore configuration factory uses the Web.config file, as well as
definition items in the Sitecore databases. To get an idea of how to
configure Sitecore, first investigate the Web.config file.

Remember to use the /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx page to investigate

configuration after the application of Web.config include files.

While pipelines are just one example of components that you can
address with the configuration factory, they provide a good example of this
functionality. Sitecore implements numerous features with pipelines,
which a subsequent section of this chapter describes in detail. These
include the httpRequestBegin pipeline described previously in this book,
such as in Chapter 5. Sitecore invokes the httpRequestBegin pipeline
when it begins processing each HTTP request. The configuration factory
reads pipeline definitions from the Web.config file. The
/configuration/sitecore/pipelines/httpRequestBegin element in
the Web.config file defines the httpRequestBegin pipeline using a series
of nested <processor> elements. Each <processor> element specifies a
.NET class that contains a method that implements that step in the
pipeline. When Sitecore invokes a pipeline, it invokes those methods in
the order of the elements in the Web.config file that define the pipeline.
You can update the Web.config file (or preferably, add Web.config include
files) to:
Override the types used to implement processors in a pipeline
Remove processors from a pipeline
Add custom processors to a pipeline
Change the order of processors in a pipeline
Declaratively pass parameters to pipeline processors
The configuration factory uses type signatures to identify the .NET types
that implement features. A type signature consists of a namespace, a type
name (such as the name of a class), and the name of the assembly
containing that class (following a comma (,) and without the .dll
NamespaceName.TypeName, AssemblyName
In some cases, Sitecore uses a separate field or attribute for the assembly name; and in
some cases, separate fields or attributes for the namespace and the type name.

If an element within the Web.config file specifies a type attribute, the

text of any child <param> elements represent parameters to the constructor
for that type. Other children typically represent the names of properties of
the type. A child element with a hint attribute often indicates a list or a
specific method to invoke on the type after instantiation.

In some versions of Sitecore, each repeated element in a Web.config include file must
have a unique value. For example, in place of the sequence <element /><element />,
you could use a convention such as <element unique=“1” /><element unique=“2” /> to
ensure that each element has a unique value in the attribute named unique.

In some cases, the configuration factory returns an object that works like
another configuration factory. For example, as described in Chapter 5, you
cannot use the configuration factory directly to specify the control types
that Sitecore binds to placeholders to implement sublayouts. The default
value of the type attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/renderingControls/control element in
the Web.config file specifies the
Sitecore.Web.UI.SublayoutRenderingType class. The configuration
factory instantiates an instance of that type, which works as a factory to
return instances of the actual type that implements sublayouts
(Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Sublayout by default). You can
override the type specified by such elements to return instances of your
overrides for the types returned by factories of this kind.
In addition to the /web.config file and Web.config include files, for
some features Sitecore uses fields in items in databases to specify types
and parameters. Some Sitecore products, such as Sitecore E-Commerce
products, use the Microsoft Unity Application Block for dependency
injection. For more information about dependency injection in general, see For more information about the Microsoft Unity
Application Block, see For more information
about dependency injection with Sitecore, see my blog post at For more information about the Sitecore
configuration factory, see my blog post at

Extending Sitecore Classes with

Extension Methods
You can implement .NET extension methods to extend Sitecore classes
with your own methods. To add an extension method for a class, create a
static class containing the extension methods, where the first parameter to
the method uses the this keyword to designate the class to extend. For
example, the following extends the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class
that represents an item in a Sitecore database with a method named
public static class ItemExtension
public static void MethodName(this
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item me)
// method body accesses the argument
Developers frequently extend the Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class
used to represent a managed website with methods that access custom
attributes of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the
Web.config file.
The following example enhances the Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext
class to support a custom twitter attribute for each
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config file.
You can use the twitter attribute to specify the name of a Twitter account
associated with each managed site.
namespace SitecoreBook.Sites
using System;

public static class SiteContextTwitter

public static string GetTwitterAccount(this
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext site)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(site, "site");
return site.Properties["twitter"] ?? String.Empty;

To use the extension method, add a using statement for the namespace
containing the extension class, and then you can invoke the method as you
would any other method on the extended class. For example, use the
following to determine the Twitter account associated with the context
using Sitecore.Book.Sites
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext siteContext =
string twitterAccount = siteContext.GetTwitterAccount();
You can use this approach to define an attribute for the Google Analytics
account ID, error pages, or any other property of each managed website.
For more information about implementing extension methods with
Sitecore, see the Library ( and the PageNotFound
Sitecore Shared Source projects (, as well as my blog
posts at and
Leveraging the Sitecore User
Interface Framework
You can extend the Sitecore user interface using commands, ribbons,
context menu entries, and Web Forms (.aspx files), and using Sitecore-
specific user interface framework components. In fact, the Sitecore user
interface framework probably deserves at least one book of its own.

Always consider the effect of the context site on other aspects of the Sitecore context,
such as the context database. When you access a published site, the context site is that
published site and the context database is a publishing target database such as the Web
database associated with that site. When you access a Sitecore user interface such as the
Content Editor or the browser-based desktop, the context site is the site named shell, the
context database (Sitecore.Context.Database) is the Core database (which controls the
Sitecore applications presented by the site named shell through which you access those
interfaces), and the content database (Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase) is the Master
database. When you select a database using the database icon in the lower-right corner
of the desktop, you change the content database, not the context database. In Sitecore
user interfaces such as Preview and the Page Editor, the context site is the published site,
but the context database is the Master database. In the browser-based debugger, the
context site is the published site and the default context database is the publishing target
database. This distinction is especially important to Sitecore user interface components.
The context database configures the application; the content database contains the data
managed by the context user.

Introducing Sitecore Commands

Sitecore commands implement features of the CMS. When you click a
button in the ribbon in the Content Editor, such as the Delete button in the
Operations group on the Home tab, Sitecore invokes a command that
implements the deletion function. You can think of Sitecore commands as
circumstances — user actions, timeouts, scheduled processes or otherwise
— that require the system to pass zero or more parameters to some facility
in Sitecore that implements an operation that may or may not present a
user interface to interact with the user.
Sitecore uses entries in the Core database to define CMS user interfaces
including the ribbon visible in the Content Editor, but also ribbons and
other features of other browser-based applications. Specific items in the
Core database contain metadata about buttons in the ribbon, including
command codes for Sitecore to issue when CMS users click those buttons.
Sitecore uses the /App_Config/Commands.config file to map those
command codes to the .NET classes that implement those features. Some
applications register commands dynamically; not all commands appear in
the /App_config/Commands.config file.
In the Core database, the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Ribbons item contains strip, group, and command definition
items to configure the Content Editor ribbon. For example, the
Editor/Ribbons/Strips/Home item in the Core database defines the
Home tab that appears in the Content Editor. The
Editor/Ribbons/Strips/Home/Operations child of that item defines the
Operations group that appears on the Home tab (in this context, a strip
contains the features shown when you click a tab). The Reference field in
the Data section of the Operations item specifies the
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Operations item that
contains definition items
for the commands that appear in the Operations group. The
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Operations/Delete command definition item
contains data about the Delete command that appears in the Operations
group on the Home tab. The Click field of that item contains the value
item:delete, which the /App_Config/Commands.config file maps to the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Delete class that implements
item deletion logic.
The Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Delete class inherits from
the Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command abstract base class
for commands. The Execute() method in that class contains the command
implementation. The Menu field in the Data section of the
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Operations/Delete item specifies the
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Menues/Delete
[sic] item, which defines the menu that can appear under the Delete
command when you select an item that has children. The children of that
item define commands that appear on that menu.
Some groups on the ribbon expose dialog launchers, which appear as
small square icons after the names of specific groups and open additional
dialogs. For example, the Sorting group on the Home tab provides a dialog
launcher that lets you choose a child sorting rule for the selected item. To
implement a dialog launcher, in the Core database, in the group definition
item (such as /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Operations in the Delete example provided in
the previous paragraph, in the Click field (found in the Data section), enter
a command code that the /App_Config/Commands.config class maps to
the class that implements that command.

Extending Ribbons
For many reasons, including familiarity, capability, manageability,
consistency, and usability, Sitecore browser-based user interfaces such as
the Content Editor borrow the ribbon user interface paradigm from the
Microsoft Windows operating system.
A ribbon consists of tabs. If a ribbon consists of only one tab, the tab
names may not appear in the ribbon. Clicking a tab shows a strip
consisting of groups containing related commands that you can click to
invoke specific functions. Groups are simply visual containers for
commands; you can use the same group on multiple strips and the same
command in multiple groups. Some commands display an interface, while
others update data in the background and may subsequently refresh the
user interface. Some commands expose drop-down menus, while some
trigger flyouts, modal dialogs, or other user interfaces.

Some aspects of Sitecore may refer to groups on the ribbon as chunks.

The ribbon that appears at the top of the Content Editor includes a
Sitecore logo, which is actually a button that you can click to access
configuration options, as well as information about the current item.
To override one of the default Sitecore commands, follow these steps:
1. Create a class that inherits from the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command abstract base class
or from the default implementation of the command.
2. Implement the Execute() method in the new class.
3. Replace the type specified by the type attribute of the
/commands/command element in the /App_ConfigCommands.config
file for which the value of the name attribute indicates the command
to override.
Here are the steps to create a tab that appears only for items based on
specific data templates:
1. Select the Core database using the database the icon at the lower-
right corner of the desktop, and then launch the Content Editor.
2. Select the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Ribbons/Contextual Ribbons item.
3. Duplicate one of the children of the
Editor/Ribbons/Contextual Ribbons item to create a new strip.
4. Update the new item and its descendants to define the strip.
5. Select the Master database using the database icon at the lower-
right corner of the Sitecore desktop, and then launch the Content
6. Select the data template to which the new tab should apply.
7. Select the Configure tab, and then click Contextual Tab in the
Appearance group. The Contextual Tab dialog appears as shown in
Figure 7.1, which presents this dialog as it appears for the
Media/Versioned/File data template that specifies a custom tab
containing commands for working with media items.
8. Select your custom tab, which updates the __Ribbon
(Sitecore.FieldIDs.Ribbon) field defined in the Appearance
section of the standard template, and then click Open. The Contextual
Tab dialog disappears and you return to the Content Editor.
Figure 7.1

You can implement the QueryState() method in your command classes

to control whether commands are hidden or visible, or disabled or enabled.
The QueryState() method returns one of the entries from the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState enumeration,
which includes values for Disabled (grayed out), Enabled (the default),
and Hidden (not visible in the ribbon). You can validate that the Items
array of the Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandContext
argument passed to the QueryState() method contains a single item, and
then return a value depending on properties of that item. For example, to
disable your command for clones:
public override
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState QueryState(
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandContext context)
if (context != null
&& context.Items.Length == 1
&& context.Items[0] != null
&& context.Items[0].IsClone)

return base.QueryState(context);

Showing and hiding commands on the ribbon depending on the selected item can
distract users by changing the ribbon as they navigate from item to item. Instead of
hiding commands, disable them, or create a custom tab for the command and associate
that tab with the data template(s) to which that command applies.

To define which of the CMS users can access each command, Sitecore
defines default access rights for the Sitecore client roles to the command
definition items and the group definition items that contain those
commands. To control access to features without increasing any
administrative burden, add users to Sitecore client roles. If the default
access rights do not meet your requirements, you can create custom client
roles, set access rights for those roles, and add users (and nested roles) to
those roles.
You can rearrange, duplicate, remove, and add commands to a ribbon.
For example, you can add a command to the ribbon in the Content Editor
to debug the selected item in the content database. For more information
about the Sitecore debugger, see Chapter 6. By default, the Debug
command on the Sitecore menu in the desktop simply opens a new
browser window with a URL that contains query string parameters to
enable all debugging features. Under the default configuration, the
debugger runs against the home item of the default managed site named
website in the default publishing target database named Web. The custom
implementation of the Debug command described in this section is a bit
more complicated, as it must determine whether to debug a specific item
in a specific database, and if so, which item and database to debug.
I like this example for a number of reasons. One of the best ways to
enhance existing functionality is to create a class that inherits from the
existing implementation of a feature, and then override methods of that
class as required. Like most enhancements to Sitecore, instead of starting
from scratch, the solution described in this section leverages something
already provided by Sitecore: not just the debugger itself, but the
system:debug command used by the Debug button on the Sitecore menu,
defined by the /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All
users/Start menu/Right/Debug item in the Core database.
By default, the type attribute of the /configuration/command element
named system:debug in the /App_Config/Commands.config file
indicates that this command uses the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.System.Debug class in the
Sitecore.Kernel.dll assembly. This class inherits from the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command abstract base class that
defines a contract for commands.
The Execute() method of the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.System.Debug class contains
logic to invoke the debugger. The default implementation always opens a
new browser window using the same protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and
hostname of the current browser window, no path, and the following query
string parameters to enable debugging and specific debugging features:
sc_debug — Disable or enable Sitecore debugging
sc_prof — Disable or enable page profiling
sc_trace — Disable or enable page tracing
sc_ri — Hide or show rendering information
After you click Debug on the Sitecore menu in the desktop and Sitecore
opens the debugger, you can set each of these query string parameters to 0
or 1 to disable or enable the related feature, respectively, or you can use
the corresponding features in the ribbon that appears in browser window
hosting the debugger.
Under the default configuration, when Sitecore processes the HTTP
request from this new browser window, the request matches the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element named website in the
Web.config file, and the SiteResolver processor in the
httpRequestBegin pipeline sets the context site based on that site
definition. You can add the sc_site query string parameter set to the
name of a /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the
Web.config file to specify an alternate site to debug.
The database attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element named website in the Web.config file specifies the publishing
target database named Web by default, so the DatabaseResolver
processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline sets the context database to
that database. You can add the sc_database query string parameter set to
the name of an alternate database to debug.
Because the URL in the browser window that the Debug command opens
does not include a path (only the query string parameters such as those
used to enable the debugger and its specific features as listed previously),
the ItemResolver processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline sets the
context item to the home item defined for the context site
(/sitecore/content/home by default). To specify the ID of the item to
debug, you can add a path or the query string parameter named
sc_itemid. Alternatively, you can use a browser bookmark or otherwise
navigate to the page to debug.
In other words, the debugger always opens to the home page of the
default published site using the published database (the Web database by
default). It may be convenient to click a command to debug the item
selected in the Content Editor using the content database (the Master
database by default, or whichever database you select in the desktop). The
custom implementation shown in Listing 7.1 adds the sc_itemid,
sc_database, and sc_lang query string parameters to specify the item,
database, and language to debug, respectively.
Listing 7.1: Debug custom implementation, Debug.cs
using System;

namespace SitecoreBook.Shell.Framework.Commands.System

// implements the debug command on the Sitecore menu of

the desktop
// and in the ribbon of the Content Editor
public class Debug :
public override void Execute(
// validate arguments and processing context

// ensure the new browser window authenticates as the

current CMS user
// (in case the user formerly previewed as another

// open the new browser window

"'" + this.GetDebuggingUrl(context) +
"', ‘_blank');");
// construct a URL to launch the debugger
private string GetDebuggingUrl(
// whether to use the sc_lang query string parameter
to specify the language
bool includeLanguage =
Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.LanguageEmbedding !=

// URL of the debugging window defaults to home page

of managed site
Sitecore.Text.UrlString url = new

// enable all debugging options

url.Add("sc_debug", "1"); // enable the debugger
url.Add("sc_prof", "1"); // enable profiling
url.Add("sc_trace", "1"); // enable tracing
url.Add("sc_ri", "1"); // enable rendering

// if the user has selected an item, ensure they have

// then debug the item in the database and language
associated with that item
if (context != null
&& context.Items != null
&& context.Items.Length > 0
&& context.Items[0] != null)

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = context.Items[0];
url.Add("sc_database", item.Database.Name);
url.Add("sc_itemid", item.ID.ToString());

if (includeLanguage)
url.Add("sc_lang", item.ID.ToString());
// if the user has not selected an item,
// if there is a content database, debug that
// using the content language
else if (Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase != null)

if (includeLanguage)

// return a URL to open the debugger

return url.GetUrl();

public override
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState QueryState(
// if the user has selected at least one item
if (context.Items != null
&& context.Items.Length > 0
&& context.Items[0] != null)
// if that item does not specify a layout for any
device, disable this command
if (!this.HasLayoutForAnyDevice(context.Items[0]))

return base.QueryState(context);

// returns true if the item specifies a layout for any

protected bool
HasLayoutForAnyDevice(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(item, "item");

// evaluate each device in the database containing

the item
foreach (Sitecore.Data.Items.DeviceItem compare
in item.Database.Resources.Devices.GetAll())
// if the item specifies layout details for that
device, return true
if (item.Visualization.GetLayout(compare) != null)
return true;

// layout details for the item do not specify a

layout for any device
return false;
The custom system:debug implementation shown in Figure 7.1
accounts for the content language, but the default implementation does not
(neither accounts for the selected version within that language). To restore
the default logic for managing the language accessed by the debugger,
comment out the two lines that set the sc_lang query string parameter
from the sample code provided in Listing 7.1:
url.Add("sc_lang", item.ID.ToString());
url.Add("sc_lang", Sitecore.Context.ContentLanguage.Name);
The Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.System.Debug class does
not implement the QueryState() method, which controls whether to
show, hide, enable, or disable the command in the ribbon. Hence, it uses
the default implementation of this method in the
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command class, which always
returns Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState.Enabled.
Any user with read access to the item in the Core database that defines the
Debug command can attempt to debug any item, which could generate an
error if the item does not contain layout details. For demonstration
purposes, the example included in Listing 7.1 implements the
QueryState() method to return
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState.Disabled if the
item selected in the Content Editor does not specify a layout for any
device. You can implement your own logic in the QueryState() method,
or you can remove this method from your command implementation. As
an alternative to implementing the QueryState() method to disable the
command, you could add logic to the Execute() method to ask users
whether they meant to debug the home item, similar to the default
system:webedit command implementation that launches the Page Editor.
To add the command to the Go To group on the Developer tab in the
Content Editor, follow these steps:
1. Set the type attribute of the /configuration/command element
named system:debug in the /App_Config/Commands.config file to
the signature of your implementation of this command.
2. Select the Core database in the Sitecore desktop, and then launch
the Content Editor.
3. Insert a command definition item under the
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Goto item named Debug using the
System/Ribbon/Small Button data template.
4. Set the Header field in the Data section to Debug, the Icon field to
Software/16x16/debug_run.png, the Click field to system:debug,
and the Tooltip field to Start the debugger.
5. Use the database selection icon in the lower-right corner of the
Sitecore desktop to select the Master database, and then launch the
Content Editor.
6. If the Developer tab is not visible, right-click the tab strip, and then
select Developer.
7. Select an item that does not contain layout details, and then select
the Developer tab. The Debug command appears disabled in the Go To
8. Select an item that contains layout details for any device. The
Debug command appears enabled.
9. Click the Debug command. The debugger opens to that item in a
new browser window.
After step 1, the Debug command on the Sitecore menu in the desktop
activates the debugger with the context database set to the content
database, rather than the default database associated with the context site
determined for the requested URL. To debug a publishing target database
without entering the sc_database query string parameter, select that
database from the list that appears when you click the database icon in the
lower-right corner of the desktop. Remember to select the Master database
or close the desktop window after debugging. Alternatively, comment out
the following line from the code shown in Listing 7.1:
For more information about the Content Editor ribbon, see my blog post
at Note that the Content Editor is not the only
Sitecore application that exposes a ribbon, and the ribbon is not the only
feature that exposes commands. For example, the User Manager
application has its own ribbon, and features such as Content Editor
warnings (described later in this chapter) can expose commands.

Adding Entries to Item Context Menus

You can add commands to the context menu that appears when you right-
click an item in Sitecore. Using the context menu instead of the ribbon
avoids the need to click a tab before clicking a command. More
importantly, context menu entries make commands available when the
ribbon does not appear, such as in dialogs outside of the Content Editor.
One disadvantage of using the context menu is that usability decreases as
you the number of commands shown increases.
As an example, consider the Path command in the Show group on the
Developer tab, which copies the path to the item selected in the Content
Editor to the operating system clipboard. To add this command to the
context menu for all items, follow these steps:
1. Select the Core database using the selection icon in the lower-right
corner of the Sitecore desktop, and then launch the Content Editor.
2. Navigate to the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Context Menues/Default [sic] item.
3. Insert an item named Path using the System/Menus/Menu item data
template. To control the order of entries in the context menu, sort this
item and its siblings.
4. Set the Display name field in the Data section to Copy Path, the
Icon field to applications/16x16/window_dialog.png, and the
Message field to clipboard:copypathtoclipboard(id=$Target).
5. Select the Master database using the selection icon in the lower-
right corner of the Sitecore desktop. The Content Editor disappears
and you return to the Sitecore desktop.
6. Open the Content Editor, right-click an item, and then click Copy
For more information about replicating the Path command in the Show
group on the Developer tab in the Content Editor to the item context menu,
see my blog post at
You can also create custom context menus for all items based on specific
data templates and for individual items. Unfortunately, you cannot clone
items in the Core database, so this technique results in some duplication:
1. Select the Core database using the selection icon in the lower-right
corner of the Sitecore desktop, and then launch the Content Editor.
2. Duplicate the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Context Menues/Default [sic] item with a name that
identifies the context menu, such as the name of a relevant data
3. Add or remove commands from the new menu.
4. Select the Master database using the selection icon in the lower-
right corner of the Sitecore desktop. You see the Sitecore desktop.
5. Launch the Content Editor and navigate to the standard values
definition item for the data template.
6. Select the Configure tab, and then click Context Menu in the
Appearance group. The Context Menu dialog appears.
7. Select the context menu definition item that you created previously,
and then click Open. The Context Menu dialog disappears and you
return to the Content Editor.

Using Content Editor Warnings

When a user selects an item in the Content Editor, Sitecore invokes the
getContentEditorWarnings pipeline defined in the Web.config file to
generate the list of warnings to display.

Processors in the getContentEditorWarnings pipeline often warn about conditions

opposite to what their names imply. For example, the CanWrite processor generates a
warning if the context user cannot write to the selected item. Others do exactly what their
names imply. For example, the HasNoVersions processor generates a warning if the
selected item has no versions in the current language.

The default Content Editor warnings include the following:

ItemNotFound — The specified item does not exist or the context
user does not have read access.
CanReadLanguage — The context user cannot read the specified item.
HasNoVersions — The selected item has no versions in the current
CanWrite — The context user does not have write access to the
selected item.
CanWriteWorkflow — The context user does not have write access to
the selected version's current workflow state, and therefore cannot
write to that version.
CanWriteLanguage — The context user does not have write access to
the current language, and therefore cannot write to the selected
IsReadOnly — The selected item is protected (read-only).
IsLocked — The selected item is locked to users other than the
context user.
HasNoFields — The data template for the selected item defines no
fields other than those defined by the standard template.
NeverPublish — Publishing restrictions for the selected item prevent
its publication.
ItemPublishingRestricted — Publishing restrictions for the
selected item prevent its publication at this time.
VersionPublishingRestricted — Publishing restrictions for the
selected version prevent its publication at this time.
ShowingInputBoxes — Raw field values are visible in the Content
FeedIsEmpty — Configuration error in RSS feed definition item.
RunRules — Invokes the rules engine to invoke rules defined under
the /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Content Editor
Warnings/Rules item in the current database in a subsequent section
of this chapter.
Notifications — Renders information from the notification engine,
such as information about a cloned item.
In cases of multiple warnings, the order of processors in the pipeline
controls the order of warnings in the Content Editor. You can remove
processors from, override processors in, and add processors to the
getContentEditorWarnings pipeline to add any number of warnings to
alert the user to various conditions. Each warning can include actions the
user can click to resolve those issues.
You can add processors to the getContentEditorWarnings pipeline to
report your own warning conditions when a user selects an item in the
Content Editor. You can use warnings to display important information and
convenient tasks. To implement a getContentEditorWarnings pipeline
1. Create a class that implements the following method in your Visual
Studio project:
public void Process(

2. Invoke the
Add() method of the
torWarningsArgs (GetContentEditorWarningsArgs for the
remainder of these instructions) argument passed to the Process()
method. The Add() method returns a
torWarningsArgs.ContentEditorWarning (ContentEditorWarning
in the remainder of these instructions) object that contains information
to appear in the warning displayed to the user.
3. Set the Title and Text properties on the ContentEditorWarning
4. (Optional) Set the Icon property of the ContentEditorWarning
5. (Optional) Set the HideFields property of the
ContentEditorWarning object to prevent the user from updating the
6. (Optional) Set the IsExclusive property of the
ContentEditorWarning object to prevent other warnings from
appearing (in which case, your code should call the AbortPipeline()
method of the GetContentEditorWarningsArgs argument passed to
the Process() method to prevent Sitecore from invoking additional
processors in the pipeline).
7. (Optional) Set the IsFullScreen property of the
ContentEditorWarning object to cause the warning to consume the
entire editing pane in the Content Editor.
8. (Optional) Invoke the AddOption() method of the
ContentEditorWarning object to add commands for the user to
invoke in order to resolve the condition that resulted in the warning.
9. Add a
s/processor element in the Web.config file with a type attribute
containing the signature of your class.
For more information about Content Editor warnings, see my blog post
at That blog post provides an example processor
for the getContentEditorWarnings pipeline that warns the user if the
selected item, the latest version of that item in the current language, or the
current revision of that item in that language does not exist in all
publishing target databases, and includes a command to refresh the user
interface. That blog post also links to another example processor for the
getContentEditorWarnings pipeline that notifies CMS users in the
Content Editor before a code deployment.

As demonstrated in the section of this chapter about the rules engine, you can use the
rules engine to configure Content Editor warnings. Content Editor warnings generated
by the rules engine cannot expose commands to help the user address the issue.

Overriding Sitecore User Interface

While Sitecore uses ASP.NET Web Forms (.aspx files) to implement
some user interfaces, it uses a more elegant (and hence, sometimes
complex) approach for developing certain user interface components.
Instead of .aspx files for these components, Sitecore uses XML files
under the /sitecore/shell/applications subdirectory within the
document root. The Sitecore UI layer converts these XML files to
ASP.NET controls hierarchies that render the user interface.

The names of the XML files do not always match the names of the applications they
implement. Try to determine the XML file that implements a feature by locating the
corresponding item(s) in the Core database, and validate your guess before you
investigate that file too closely.

XML presentation components reference classes that effectively provide

code-beside for the user interface represented by the XML. These classes
tend to be in the Sitecore.Client.dll assembly. The <CodeBeside>
element in XML presentation component files specifies the code-behind
that contains logic for the control. Once you become familiar with the
Sitecore UI architecture and the controls it uses, you can update existing
XML controls, and override and even implement your own controls.
For example, use the following steps to investigate the Licenses
command on the System submenu under All Applications on the Sitecore
menu in the desktop:
1. Select the Core database using the icon in the lower-right corner of
the Sitecore browser-based desktop.
2. Open the Content Editor and select the
/sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start
menu/Programs/System/Licenses item that defines the command
that appears on the menu. Note the value in the Application field in the
Data section that defines which application to invoke when a CMS
user clicks this command.
3. Select the
item specified in the Application field that defines which application
to invoke when a CMS user clicks this command. Note that you can
update fields in the Appearance section to control the height, width,
and other characteristics of the window that appears when the user
opens this application.

The /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start

menu/Programs/System/Licenses and
/sitecore/content/Applications/Licenses/LicenseOverview items separate
properties of the shortcut to the application from properties of the application itself.

4. Select the Presentation tab, and then click Details in the Layout
group. The Layout Details dialog appears. Note the layout specified
for the Internet Explorer device, which in this case actually represents
all browsers, and then click Cancel. The Layout Details dialog
disappears and you see the Content Editor.
5. Select the /sitecore/layout/Layouts/Control
panel/Licenses/License overview item, which is the layout
specified for the Internet Explorer device. Note the value in the
Control field in the Data section.
6. Select the Master database using the icon in the lower-right corner
of the Sitecore desktop.
When a CMS user invokes this application, Sitecore uses the .xml file
with the name specified in the Control field of the Data section of the
layout definition item. Sitecore locates this file by checking for its
existence in the subdirectories specified by the folder attributes of the
/configuration/sitecore/controlSources/source elements in the
Web.config file. Sitecore uses the file from the first subdirectory specified
in which a file by that name exists. Under the default configuration,
Sitecore uses the file from the /sitecore/shell/override subdirectory
if it exists, or from another subdirectory of the /sitecore/shell
subdirectory otherwise, making it easy to copy a file from another
subdirectory of /sitecore/shell to /sitecore/shell/override to
override a CMS UI component. In this case, the first matching file is
To customize the licensing overview UI, follow these steps:
1. Copy
enseOverview.xml in Visual Studio to the
/sitecore/shell/Override subdirectory, and add the
/sitecore/shell/Override/LicenseOverview.xml file to your
Visual Studio project.

For UI components that use .aspx files rather than XML interfaces, back up the
original file and edit it in place, rather than copy the file to
/sitecore/shell/Override. Whether you edit a file in place or copy it to the
/sitecore/shell/Override subdirectory, add that file to your source code
management system.

2. Add the following markup before the close of the

element in the /sitecore/shell/override/LicenseOverview.xml
<Border Background="white" Padding="8px">
<Literal ID="ContributorPrefix" Text="Customized by "
<a ID="ContributorName" target="_blank"
3. Log into the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button, and select
All Applications ⇒ Licenses. The Licenses dialog shown in Figure 7.2
appears, which contains the value of the Text attribute of the
l element as well as the link that you added after that <Literal>
4. Click OK. You see the Sitecore desktop.
Figure 7.2

You can also override the code-beside for XML components. Your class
can expose properties that correspond to elements in the XML file, where
the type of the property is the same as the type of the element, and the
name of the property is the value of the ID attribute of that element. For
example, the class shown in Listing 7.2 inherits from the default
implementation of the code-beside for the Licenses dialog. To use it,
compile this class into your project and update the Type attribute of the
/control/LicenseOverview/FormPage/CodeBeside element in the
/sitecore/shell/override/LicenseOverview.xml file to the signature
of that class.

Listing 7.2: Overriding code-beside for the Licenses dialog,

using System;

public class LicenseOverviewForm

public Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Literal

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

this.ContributorPrefix.Text = "Recustomized by ";
Updating the code-beside of the Licenses dialog to that shown in Listing
7.2 changes the text shown before the link based on the Text attribute of
the /control/LicenseOverview/FormPage/GridPanel/Border/Literal
Some Sitecore applications use standard ASP.NET Web Forms rather
than XML controls. For example, the
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor item in the Core
database defines the Content Editor application. Layout details for this
item reference the /sitecore/layout/Layouts/Applications/Content
Manager layout definition item.

For legacy reasons, some places in Sitecore may display the text Content Manager in
place of the Content Editor.

The Path field in the Data section of that item references the
/sitecore/shell/applications/Content Manager/default.aspx file,
which implements the Content Editor. You can update the markup in this
file or, just as you could in an XML control, you can specify an alternate
code-behind. The default implementation of the Content Editor uses
pipelines, including the renderContentEditor,
getContentEditorFields, getContentEditorSkin, and
getContentEditorWarnings pipelines. To minimize the chance of issues
occurring during upgrades, use these pipelines whenever possible rather
than customize the Content Editor.
Whether you log in to the Content Editor or access the Content Editor
within the Sitecore desktop, Sitecore uses the
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor item in the Core
database. If you log in to the Content Editor, Sitecore directs the browser
to the path /sitecore/shell/Applications/Content%20editor.aspx
on the Sitecore server. This path triggers the
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element named shell in the
Web.config file, which specifies the Core database as the default database,
and Sitecore maps the URL to the item. In the definition for the Content
Editor command on the Sitecore menu in the desktop, the Application
field in the Data section references the
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor item. When you
click that command, Sitecore loads the same URL used by the standalone
Content Editor into an HTML <iframe> element within the desktop.
Engaging the Rules Engine
The Sitecore rules engine provides a browser-based user interface that you
can use to define logic and apply it under specific conditions in the CMS
and the content delivery environment. The rules engine can associate rules
with events and operations, where a rule consists of a number of
conditions and a number of actions. When the event occurs, the rules
engine evaluates the conditions and if the result is true, it invokes the
actions. For example, you can define a rule that specifies that after an
event, such as saving an item, under some condition, such as whether the
item is associated with a specific data template, the rules engine invokes
an action to update a field in that item.
Sitecore maintains information about rules in rule definition items using
the Rule field type, which stores information about the conditions, actions,
and parameters that you can pass to each. The location in the content tree
determines the event that triggers some types of rule definition items, but
you can add any number of fields of type Rule to your own data templates
to define a rule in any type of item to use for your own purposes. Like any
other field, the conditions and actions that appear in a field of type Rule
depend on the Source property of that field, which specifies an item in the
content tree. Use different data templates for different types of rules to
apply a different Source property to the Rule field so that you can define
conditions and actions for various kinds of rules in other locations.
Like so many things in Sitecore, conditions and actions involve
definition items that contain fields specifying the .NET class that
implements the component, and metadata about that component. Create
condition and action definition items in folders under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules item using the
System/Rules/Condition and System/Rules/Action data templates,
You can create rule definition items beneath the following items to
invoke under each of the conditions described:
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Content Editor
Warnings/Rules — Use the rules engine to create Content Editor
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Insert Options — Use the
rules engine to define insert options.
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Item Deleted/Rules —
Define rules to invoke after a user deletes an item.
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Item Saved — Define rules to
invoke after a user saves an item.
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Version Removed/Rules —
Define rules to invoke after a user removes a version.
Certain tokens in the Text field in the Data section of condition
definition items affect the user interface where CMS users select the
condition and enter its parameters. If the word if, when, or where appears
in the Text field, when presenting that value to the user, the word is a link
that enables the user to reverse the condition to except, except when, or
except where.
A sequence of tokens within square brace ([]) characters enables the
CMS user selecting the condition to specify four parameters — separated
by commas (,) — to pass when evaluating the condition. These four
parameters within the braces specify the following, where the position of
each parameter defines its purpose:
The name of a property of the .NET class that implements the
condition. Before evaluating the condition, the rules engine sets that
property to the value specified by the user who defines the rule.
An empty string, or the name of an item beneath the
/Sitecore/System/Settings/Rules/Common/Macros item that
controls the user interface the CMS user sees when defining a value
for the parameter. For example, to activate a user interface allowing
the user to select an item from the content tree, specify the value
An empty string, or parameters to pass to the user interface specified
by the macro. For example, to specify the /Sitecore/Content/Home
item as the root for a selection tree, enter
The text to display until the CMS user specifies a value for the
Define global conditional rendering rules under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Conditional Renderings/Global
Rules item. For more about conditional rendering, see Chapter 3.
Rather than write something here similar to existing resources, including
those listed at the end of this section, I think a few visuals can truly assist
you in understanding the rules engine. One simple example uses an action
to generate a Content Editor warning message under the condition defined
by the rule. To define a rule that can generate a Content Editor warning
message in the Content Editor, follow these steps, but select conditions
and actions and enter parameters appropriate for your requirements:
To use the rules engine to generate Content Editor warnings:
1. Select the /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Content Editor
Warnings/Rules item in the Content Editor.
2. Insert a rule definition item using the System/Rules/Content
Editor Warning Rule data template.
3. Click Edit rule above the Rule field in the Data section. The Rule
Set Editor appears as shown in Figure 7.3.

In the Rule Set Editor, you can enter text under “Select the conditions for the rule”
to filter the list of condition definition items to only those with a specific value in the
Text field.

4. Click the conditions that should trigger your warning from the list
at the left.

To create combinatorial conditions, click additional conditions to add them to the

rule. If you then click the word And that appears in the Rule Set Editor, Sitecore
changes that group of conditions from an And condition to an Or condition.
Clicking the word Or in the condition again changes it back to an And condition.
When you hover the mouse over a condition, the Rule Set Editor exposes features
that you can use to move that condition up or down or delete it from the list.

5. Click the Show Content Editor Warning: Title, Text action from the
list at the right. Figure 7.4 shows the Rule Set Editor after clicking the
Where True (Actions Always Execute) condition and the Show
Content Editor Warning: Title, Text action.

You can click links in the Rule description (such as the word Where in Figure 7.4) to
reverse conditions (such as to Except Where).

6. Click Title and then Text to enter values for those properties of the
warning in the rule description.
7. Click OK to close the Rule Set Editor and return to the Content
Editor. When the condition is true, the warning appears at the top of
the editing pane as shown in Figure 7.5 (at step 6 in these instructions,
I entered This is the title for the Title parameter and This is the text
for the Text parameter).
For more information about the rules engine and conditional rendering,
see The Sitecore Rules Engine Cookbook ( and my
blog post at That blog post links to additional
resources, such as my blog post about using the rules engine in a custom
context to set the context device ( and my blog post
about using the rules engine to control item names (
Figure 7.3
Figure 7.4
Figure 7.5
Validating Data
As mentioned in Chapter 2, you can validate individual fields and entire
items. You can use validation for a surprising number of purposes. To
implement validation, create a validator for field values or entire items,
and then apply that validator to the fields or items.
Whether you validate a field or an item, the process is the same:
1. Create a class with the [Serializable] attribute that inherits from
the Sitecore.Data.Validators.StandardValidator abstract class.
2. Implement the default constructor and a constructor with two
arguments to support serialization.
3. Implement the Evaluate() method to validate the field or item. If
the data is valid, then return
Sitecore.Data.Validators.ValidatorResult.Valid. If the data is
invalid, set the Text property defined by the
Sitecore.Data.Validators.BaseValidator abstract class from
which the Sitecore.Data.Validators.StandardValidator class
inherits to a helpful message and return the value returned by calling
the GetMaxValidatorResult() method.
4. Implement the GetMaxValidatorResult() method to return a
value of the Sitecore.Data.Validators.ValidatorResult
enumeration that defines the highest validation error level applied by
the validator.
5. Implement the Name property to define a friendly name for the
6. Register a validation definition item in Sitecore to define
characteristics of your validator.
7. Select your validation definition item in fields of the Validation
section of the items to which the validator should apply.
The main differences between field validators and item validators are as
Field validators validate the values of fields, which can contain
changes that the CMS user has not yet saved. Item validators always
validate saved items.
Field validators validate the ControlValidationValue property
defined in the Sitecore.Data.Validators.BaseValidator abstract
class. Item validators validate the value in the item returned by the
GetItem() method.
You create field and item validator definition items in different
You select field and item validator definition items in the Validation
section of different types of items.
In addition to the examples in the following sections, you can find
numerous item field validators in the Sitecore Stuff (
Shared Source project.

Validating Fields
Field validators apply to values in individual fields. When a field contains
invalid content, a bar appears next to the field in the Content Editor. The
color of the bar indicates the severity of the error.
You can use the field validator shown in Listing 7.3 to ensure that all
anchor (<a>) elements in all Rich Text Editor field values contain title
attributes with values.

Listing 7.3: Creating a field validator, LinkTitleValidator.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Data.Validators.FieldValidators
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

// field validator to ensure title attributes for <a>

elements in RTE fields
public class LinkTitleValidator :
// default constructor
public LinkTitleValidator()

// constructor supporting serialization

public LinkTitleValidator(SerializationInfo info,
StreamingContext context)

// validate the field

protected override
Sitecore.Data.Validators.ValidatorResult Evaluate()
// optimization in case the field does not contain
any links
if (String.Compare(base.ControlValidationValue, "<a")
< 0)

// object representation of HTML value in field

HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new

// parse field contents into object


// use XPath-based syntax to retrieve <a> elements

without title attributes
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection nodes =
"//a[@title=" or not(@title)]");

// if there are no <a> elements without title

attributes, the data is valid
if (nodes == null || nodes.Count < 1)

// otherwise, the data is invalid. use the href of

the first <a> element
// without a title attribute in the validation error
this.Text = "Title (tooltip) missing for link to "
+ nodes[0].GetAttributeValue("href", String.Empty)
+ ".";
return this.GetMaxValidatorResult();

// defines the highest validation error level returned

by this validator
protected override
// the friendly name of this validator
public override string Name
get { return "LinkTitleValidator"; }
This code uses the open-source HTML Agility Pack (HAP) distributed
with Sitecore and documented at To
use this library in your Visual Studio project, add a reference to the
HtmlAgilityPack.dll assembly in the /bin subdirectory to your project.
Remember to set the Copy Local property of the reference to False;
otherwise, Visual Studio may delete assemblies from the /bin
subdirectory when you compile.
This example depends on the
/Sitecore/System/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types/Rich
Text item in the Master database. As mentioned in Chapter 2, due to a
defect in some versions of Sitecore, the
/Sitecore/System/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types/Rich
Text item erroneously uses the display name Multilist. In this case, there
are two child items apparently named Multilist
the under
/Sitecore/System/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types item.
You can correct this issue in the Content Editor:
1. Click each of the children named Multilist under the
/Sitecore/System/Settings/Validation Rules/Field Types
item until the header above the editing pane fields displays the text
Multilist - [Rich Text].
2. Select the Home tab, and then click Display Name in the Rename
field. A Sitecore dialog appears containing a single field.
3. Clear the value in the field and then click OK. When the Content
Editor appears, the item title bar contains the text Rich Text.
To configure this field validator, follow these steps in the Content
1. Navigate to the /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation
Rules/Field Rules item.
2. Create a folder for your project, and potentially additional folders
for different categories of validators.
3. Within one of these folders, insert a validator definition item using
the System/Validation/Validation Rule data template.
4. Enter a short title for the validator in the Title field in the Text
section, such as Links Require Titles.
5. Describe what the validator requires in the Description field in the
Text section, such as Links must specify the title attribute (tooltip).
6. Enter the signature of the validator in the Type field of the Data
7. Navigate to the /Sitecore/System/Settings/Validation
Rules/Field Types/Rich Text item in the Content Editor.
8. In the fields of the Validation Rules section (Quick Action bar,
Validate command, Validator bar, and Workflow), select the
validator(s) to apply under those conditions.
In addition to validating all fields of a specific type, as demonstrated in
this example, you can validate specific fields in individual data templates.
Follow these steps to validate an individual field in a specific data
1. In the Content Editor or the Template manager, expand the data
template definition item, expand the section containing the field, and
select the field definition item.
2. Select the validator(s) in the fields of the Validation Rules section
(Quick Action bar, Validate command, Validator bar, and Workflow)
to apply under those conditions.

Validating Items
Item validators apply to entire items, including all fields of the item. You
can validate conditions about all fields, all fields of a given type, a
specific combination of fields, values in other items, or any other logic
you require. For an example of an item validator that ensures that the
value of one date field follows the value in another date field, see my blog
post at
For example, to help ensure that users do not create links to items that
Sitecore cannot render to a browser, the item validator shown in Listing
7.4 ensures that all items (excluding media items) referenced in all RTE
(Rich Text Editor) fields contain some form of layout details.

Listing 7.4: Defining an item validator, RTELinkValidator.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Data.Validators.ItemValidators
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

// item validator to ensure target items in <a> elements

reference items with layout
// details
public class RTELinkValidator :
// default constructor
public RTELinkValidator()

// constructor supporting serialization

public RTELinkValidator(SerializationInfo info,
StreamingContext context)

// the friendly name of this validator

public override string Name
get { return "RTELinkValidator"; }

// validate the item

protected override
Sitecore.Data.Validators.ValidatorResult Evaluate()
// the item to validate
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = this.GetItem();

if (item == null)
this.Text = "Item does not exist";

// good practice before operations that access all


foreach (Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field in

// if it's not a rich text field, or it doesn't
contain any links, ignore it
if (field.TypeKey != "rich text" ||
field.Value.IndexOf("<a") < 0)

// object representation of HTML value in field

HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new

// parse field contents into object


// use XPath-based syntax to retrieve <a> elements

with href attributes
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection nodes =

// if there are no <a> elements without title

attributes, the data is valid
if (nodes == null || nodes.Count < 1)
// otherwise, iterate the <a> elements in the field
foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node in nodes)
// the value of the href attribute
string href = node.GetAttributeValue("href",

// ignore links to external web sites

if (Sitecore.Web.WebUtil.IsExternalUrl(href))

// retrieve the item referenced by the href

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item target =

// if that item does not exist or the context

user does not have read access
// set the error message and return a value to
indicate the data is invalid
if (target == null)
this.Text = "Target item for link " + href + "
does not exist";
return this.GetMaxValidatorResult();

// ignore links to media items

if (item.Paths.IsMediaItem)

// otherwise, if that item does not contain

layout details for any device
// set the error message and return a value to
indicate invalid data
this.Text = "Target item for link "
+ target.Paths.FullPath
+ " does not contain layout details.";
return this.GetMaxValidatorResult();

// if no links are invalid, then all links are valid


// retrieve item referenced by href attribute of an RTE

field value
protected Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
GetItemFromHref(string href)

// parse the href into an object

Sitecore.Links.DynamicLink link;

link = Sitecore.Links.DynamicLink.Parse(href);
catch (Sitecore.Web.InvalidLinkFormatException)
// the href does not reference an item that exists
return null;

// retrieve the database

Sitecore.Data.Database db =

// retrieve the item associated with the ID specified

in the href attribute
return db.GetItem(link.ItemId);

// defines the highest validation error level returned

by this validator
protected override
To configure this validator:
1. Navigate to the /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation
Rules/Item Rules item.
2. Create a folder for your project, and potentially additional folders
for different categories of validators.
3. Insert a validator definition item within one of these folders using
the System/Validation/Validation Rule data template.
4. Enter a short title for the validator in the Title field in the Text
section, such as Links Require Layout Details.
5. Describe what the validator requires in the Description field in the
Text section, such as The target items of links contain layout details.
6. Enter the signature of the validator in the Type field in the Data
7. Navigate to the /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation
Rules/Global Rules item in the Content Editor.
8. Select the validator in the fields of the Validation Rules section
(Quick Action bar, Validate command, Validator bar, and Workflow)
to apply the validator under those conditions.
Follow these steps to apply item validators to individual items in the
Content Editor:
1. Select the View tab, and then select Standard Fields in the View
group. The Content Editor displays the fields that Sitecore uses for
validation, which the standard template defines.
2. Select the validator in the fields of the Validation Rules section
(Quick Action bar, Validate command, Validator bar, and Workflow)
to apply the validator under those conditions.
To apply validation to all items based on a data template, select
validators in the standard values of that data template. For more
information about validation, see The Sitecore Data Definition Reference
(, The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook
(, and my blog post at, which
links to a number of sample validators.

Scheduling Sitecore Processes

You can use the following techniques to schedule processes with Sitecore:
Agent — Create a /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent
element in the Web.config file. Agents provide the simplest
mechanism to schedule tasks that repeat indefinitely at some interval.
Task — Create a command definition item under the
/sitecore/system/Tasks/Commands item and a schedule definition
item under the /sitecore/system/Tasks/Schedules item. Tasks
enable you to control scheduled processes dynamically through APIs
without updating the Web.config file, which restarts the ASP.NET
worker process.
External Scheduler — Use an external scheduling engine such as that
built into Windows to invoke a command-line tool that invokes web
services against the Sitecore solution. External scheduling engines are
the only practical solution when you need to run something at an exact
time, or in scenarios where the ASP.NET worker process is not active.
As an ASP.NET application, it is impractical for Sitecore to schedule a
process to begin at an exact point in time. If needed, you can use Windows
Scheduler to invoke a command-line tool that invokes a web service in the
production content management environment to initiate a publishing
operation. You can use additional scheduling engines and other techniques
to schedule processes.
For Sitecore to invoke scheduled agents and tasks, the ASP.NET worker process must be
running. To ensure an active ASP.NET worker processes, request an ASP.NET resource,
such as the home page of the solution.

For more information about scheduling processes with Sitecore, see my

blog post at

Defining Agents in the Web.config File

The /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent elements in the
Web.config file define agents, which are processes that run at a given
interval. You can add <agent> elements to the Web.config file to schedule
processes that repeat at an interval you specify.
The type attribute of each <agent> element contains the signature of the
.NET class to invoke. The method attribute of each <agent> element
defines the method of that class to call. The interval attribute of the
<agent> element defines the minimal interval between invocations of the
agent (d.HH:mm:ss format). To disable an agent, set the value of the
interval attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agents element in the
Web.config file to 00:00:00.

Multiples of 24 hours, such as 24:00:00 or 48:00:00, evaluate to 0 hours. You can prefix
the number of hours with a number of days, such as for 24 hours.

Comments above the /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent

elements in the Web.config file describe the functions of the following
default agents:
DatabaseAgent — Invokes tasks scheduled in a specific Sitecore
database (configured for both the Master database and the Core
database by default)
UrlAgent — Periodically requests a page in an attempt to prevent the
application pool from expiring
TaskDatabaseAgent — Invokes the tasks scheduled in the database
specified by the connectionString attribute of the first <param>
element within the /configuration/sitecore/TaskDatabase
element in the Web.config file (used for reminder and archive features
not described in this book)
CompactClientDataAgent — Optimizes information stored for CMS
CleanupHistory — Deletes expired information from the database
table supporting Sitecore's history engine
CleanupPublishQueue — Deletes expired information from the
database table supporting incremental publishing operations
CleanupEventQueue — Deletes expired information from the
database table supporting remote event queues
HtmlCacheClearAgent — Periodically clears output caches for all
managed websites (disabled by default)
PublishAgent — Periodically publishes (configure multiple
<agents> to implement multiple publishing configurations)
CleanupAgent — Deletes expired files from the Sitecore data
CounterDumpAgent — Periodically writes diagnostics information to
files in the /diagnostics subdirectory of the Sitecore data

The default Sitecore configuration disables some of these agents.

Note especially UrlAgent. Under some configurations, periodically

requesting a page will prevent IIS from terminating the application pool.
Restarting the application pool leads to application re-initialization and
hence reduces performance for some HTTP requests immediately after
startup. Ironically, keeping ASP.NET running also keeps the scheduling
engine running.
If the URL specified by the first <param> element within the
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent does not specify a
protocol and host, Sitecore assumes, which is not
necessarily a URL that maps to the Sitecore solution. This can lead to
Sitecore log entries such as the following:
ManagedPoolThread #3 10:26:51 ERROR Exception in UrlAgent
(url: /sitecore/service/keepalive.aspx)
Exception: System.Net.WebException
Message: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not
To address this issue, add the appropriate protocol and domain to that
To control the polling frequency, or how often Sitecore checks for agents
to invoke, set the value of the
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/frequency element in the
Web.config file (d.HH:mm:ss format).

Set the polling frequency to half or less of the smallest value for the interval attribute in
all /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent elements defined in the Web.config file.

To create a custom agent, follow these steps:

1. Create a class containing the method to invoke (typically named
Run() with no parameters).
2. Add a /configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent element to
the Web.config file.
3. Set the type attribute to the signature of your class in the new
<agent> element.
4. Set the method attribute to the name of your method in the new
<agent> element.
5. Set the interval attribute to the frequency at which Sitecore should
invoke the agent (d.HH:mm:ss format) in the new <agent> element.
6. If necessary, update the value of the
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/frequency element to
ensure it is less than the interval attribute of the new <agent>
By default, Sitecore logs the invocation and completion of each agent. For more
information about Sitecore logging, see Chapter 6.

For an example of a scheduled agent that removes old versions of items,

see my blog post at

Registering Tasks in a Sitecore Database

In addition to agents defined in the Web.config file, you can create task
definition items in a Sitecore database. Ironically, Sitecore uses the
DatabaseAgent and TaskDatabaseAgent agents defined in the
Web.config file to invoke tasks defined in a Sitecore database. The
difference between these two agents is that you must specify the database
using the first <param> element of the DatabaseAgent
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent element in the
Web.config file, whereas the TaskDatabaseAgent determines the database
from the first <param> element within the
/configuration/sitecore/TaskDatabase element in the Web.config
file. The default Sitecore configuration invokes tasks defined in the
Master and Core databases.
To define a task to invoke in a Sitecore database:
1. Create a .NET class that contains the logic in your Visual Studio
2. Implement a method in the new class with a signature based on the
following prototype:
public void MethodName(
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] items,
Sitecore.Tasks.CommandItem command,
Sitecore.Tasks.ScheduleItem schedule)
You can pass items in the first parameter to your method. Sitecore
passes the command and schedule definition items as the second and third
parameters. Alternatively, you can add base templates to the data
templates for commands and schedules, and retrieve values from those
fields using the arguments passed to your task.
To define the schedule to invoke a task:
1. Create a command definition item using the
System/Tasks/Command data template under the
/sitecore/system/Tasks/Commands item in the Content Editor.
2. Set the value of the Method field in the Data section to the name of
the method to invoke in the new class.
3. Insert one or more items using the System/Tasks/Schedule data
template under /sitecore/system/Tasks/Schedules.
4. Select the command definition item that you created previously for
the Command field in the Data section.
5. Enter values to control the schedule in the Schedule field (found in
the Data section) as described in the following list, separated by pipe
(|) characters:
The first value contains the start date for the schedule in
yyyyMMdd format. For an explanation of the characters in date
format strings, see
The second value contains the end date for the schedule in the
same format.
The third value contains the days of the week on which to run the
task, where 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, 4=Tuesday, 8=Wednesday,
16=Thursday, 32=Friday, and 64=Saturday, so every day is
1+2+4+8+16+32+64 = 127. The value is the minimum interval
between invocations of the task in d.HH:mm:ss format.
6. (Optional) Indicate a list of items to pass to your command in the
Items field, separated by pipe (|) characters. Alternatively, you can
enter a Sitecore query without the query: prefix.
7. (Optional) Enter the date and time for Sitecore to determine when it
last invoked the command due to the existence of this schedule
definition item for Last Run. Sitecore automatically updates this field
after invoking the command to control the processing schedule.
You can also use the Sitecore.Globals.TaskDatabase class to
manipulate scheduled tasks in a Sitecore database.
To publish periodically, you can enable the
PublishAgent/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent in the
Web.config file. To publish in different configurations periodically, you
can replicate this <agent> and change its parameters. For another
approach to scheduled publishing, see the AutomatedPublisher
( Sitecore Shared Source project.

Publishing clears caches, which can affect performance. For optimal performance, do
not schedule frequent publishing unnecessarily.

Integrating from the Back End

This section describes hooks, events, pipelines, pipeline processors, and
data providers. You can use hooks to implement logic when the Sitecore
application initializes. You can implement event handlers to respond to
events that occur on the system. You can use processors to intercept
pipelines that implement operations, in which you can interact with the

Initializing with Hooks

Sitecore hooks are .NET classes that contain logic to invoke on system
initialization, before servicing any HTTP requests. Hooks have fewer
capabilities than event handlers and especially pipeline processors.
The default hooks subscribe to events dynamically and configure
memory and health monitoring. You can implement hooks similar to the
default hooks that configure memory and system health monitoring, to
register event handlers programmatically, to raise custom events for
operations that do not raise events by default, to apply logic specific to
development, test, production, and other environments, or for any other
purposes you see fit. Hooks often leave behind a timer or other persistent
The Sitecore.Pipelines.Loader.LoadHooks processor in the
initialize pipeline invokes the Initialize() method of each of the
types defined by a /configuration/sitecore/hooks/hook element in
the Web.config file.
To implement a hook:
1. Create a class that implements the Sitecore.Events.Hooks.IHook
interface in your Visual Studio project.
2. Implement the Initialize() method in the class.
3. Add a /configuration/sitecore/hooks/hook element in the
Web.config file based on the following example, changing the
signature to that of your class:
<hook type="Namespace.ClassName, assembly" />
For more information about hooks, see my blog post at

Handling Events
Numerous operations in Sitecore raise events. Sitecore invokes any
number of handlers for each event. The name attribute of each
/configuration/sitecore/events/event element in the Web.config
file defines an event. The type attribute of each <handler> child of the
/configuration/sitecore/events/event element specifies the type
that implements a handler for that event; the method attribute indicates the
event handling method in that class. You can remove, override, and add
event handlers, but be careful not to interfere with existing Sitecore
Event handlers accept two arguments: an object representing the entity
that raised the event and an instance of the
Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs class containing event arguments.
Sitecore can pass zero or more parameters to each event. For example,
Sitecore passes the item to save to handlers for the item:saving and
item:saved events. Event handler parameters are positional: You access
these parameters by numerical index, rather than by name. You can use the
static Sitecore.Events.Event.ExtractParameters() argument method
to retrieve a parameter from the Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs
object passed to the method.
In load-balanced environments, you may need to handle events raised by
remote instances as well. For each event defined in the Web.config file,
such as item:saved, there is also a remote event, such as
item:saved:remote, raised when the event occurs on a remote instance.
Many operations actually raise two separate events: one before or during
the operation (the “ing” event, such as item:saving), and another
afterward (the “ed” event, such as item:saved). If you need to access the
values of fields as they were before an event, or to prevent Sitecore from
triggering other event handlers for the event or from completing the
operation that raised the event (such as update or deletion), use the “ing”
event, such as item:saving. To cancel an event, set the Result property
of the Cancel property of the Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs
argument to false as demonstrated in the following example. There are
no “ing” remote events, only “ed” remote events.
One common requirement for event handlers and other customizations is
that they should run only for items in specific databases. For example, you
might want an event handler to process only items in the Master database
or the Core database, but not publishing target databases. You can use the
configuration factory to specify the relevant database(s) for event
handlers. You can also use the configuration factory to specify data
templates, item paths, or other relevant processing criteria.
Listing 7.5 provides an example of an item:saving event handler that
prevents users other than one specific user from saving changes to items
previously updated by that user. The
SitecoreBook.Tasks.PreventSaveEventHandler class could contain
event handlers (methods with the signature of an event handler) for
multiple events. Because this event handler depends on parameters (the
username and databases on which to operate) that are not relevant to
handlers for other events, it makes sense to isolate those properties and
this logic into its own class. Because each class can have only a single
event handler of a given name, you might also implement multiple classes
if you need multiple handlers for an event and want to use a method
naming convention such as OnItemSaved() for the item:saved event. The
Username property enables you to specify the security domain and
username. The AddDatabase() method enables you to specify the
databases that this event handler should monitor. The OnItemSaving()
method contains the event handler implementation.

Listing 7.5: Defining an event handler, ItemEventHandler.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Tasks
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// example class to contain event handler methods

public class PreventSaveEventHandler
// ignore events for items not in these databases
private List<string> _databases = new List<string>();

// prevent other users from overwriting changes by this

public string Username

// add a database to the list of databases this event

handler monitors
public void AddDatabase(string database)
// validate and convert arguments

, "database");

database = database.ToLower();

// if the list already contains this database

if (this._databases.Contains(database))
throw new ArgumentException(database + " specified

// if the specified database does not exist

(Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase(database) ==
throw new ArgumentException(database + " does not

// add the name of the database to the list


// item:saving event handler to prevent users

// other than that specified by the Username property
// from saving changes to items last modified by that
public void OnItemSaving(object sender, EventArgs args)
// ensure the configuration specifies a username
"specify username in event handler configuration");

// if the context user is the specified user, they

can always save
if (String.Compare(Sitecore.Context.User.Name,
this.Username, true) == 0)

// validate and cast arguments

Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs scArgs =
args as Sitecore.Events.SitecoreEventArgs;
this._databases.Count > 0,
"specify databases in event handler

// updated item (includes updates for the current

save operation)
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item updatedItem =
Sitecore.Events.Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as


// if the operation is in a database other than those

specified, ignore it

// the existing item (excludes updates from the

current save operation)
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item oldItem =

// if the item does not exist or the specified user

was not last to update it,
// the context user can save their changes
if (oldItem == null
|| String.Compare(oldItem.Statistics.UpdatedBy,
this.Username, true) != 0)

// attempt to inform user their change won't persist

if ((!Sitecore.Context.IsBackgroundThread)
&& Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.IsEvent)
cannot save this item.");
// prevent the save operation and further item:saving
event handlers, as well as
// item:saved event handlers
scArgs.Result.Cancel = true;

In item:saving event handlers, the instance of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class

available through the arguments passed to the event handler (updatedItem in Listing 7.5)
contains unsaved data. Sitecore APIs such as the GetItem() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Database class retrieve the previously saved version of the item (oldItem
in Listing 7.5).

You can use a Web.config include file such as the following to insert this
handler before the first existing handler for the item:saving event:

<event name="item:saving">
<handler type="SitecoreBook.Tasks.ItemEventHandler,
method="OnItemSaving" patch:before="handler[1]">
<databases hint="list:AddDatabase">
<database hint="core">core</database>
<database hint="master">master</database>
While this item:saving event handler effectively blocks save operations, it does not
prevent Sitecore from writing a log entry to audit the attempted save operation. Nor does
it prevent the “shrinking” effect in the Content Editor that indicates that save completed,
and it may not function correctly in the Content Editor. If this type of functionality is
important to you, consider overriding commands or implementing a processor for the
saveUI pipeline.

Typically, Sitecore developers are most likely to implement handlers for

the following events:
item:added — Raised when the user adds an item using insert
options (including the Insert from Template option)
item:creating/item:created — Raised when creating an item,
whether using insert options or not
item:copying/item:copied — Raised when copying an item
item:deleting/item:deleted — Raised when deleting an item
item:moving/item:moved — Raised when moving an item
item:renaming/item:renamed — Raised when renaming an item
item:saving/item:saved — Raised when saving an item
item:sortorderchanged — Raised after changing the sort order of
an item
item:templateUpdated — Raised after changing an item to use a
different data template
item:versionAdding/item:versionAdded — Raised when adding a
version of an item
item:versionRemoving/item:versionRemoved — Raised when
removing a version of an item
publish:begin/publish:end — Raised before and after publishing
publish:fail — Raised if publishing fails
Of these, Sitecore developers are likely to implement handlers for the
item:saving and item:saved events most often. Sitecore raises the
item:saving and item:saved events immediately after some operations
that update item data, such as renaming an item. In any case, users or API
calls will eventually, inevitably save each item. Therefore, in some cases
you can implement your item change handling logic using only
item:saving and item:saved events instead of configuring handlers for
multiple events that can involve item data, such as both item:saved and
item:renamed. The NewsMover ( Sitecore Shared
Source project uses this approach to organize items into a hierarchy based
on the value of a Date field. One potential drawback of this technique is
that Sitecore raises your handler more frequently than needed.
To minimize the performance impact of event handlers, exit
immediately when their logic is not relevant to the processing context.
Gracefully handle multiple occurrences of an event when you might
expect a single occurrence. For more information about events, including
the parameters passed to handlers for each type of event, see on the Sitecore Developer Network, as well as my
blog post at

Processing Pipelines
Sitecore uses pipelines to implement a number of features. Each pipeline
implements a single logical procedure, such as defining the Sitecore
context for each HTTP request or generating a list of warning messages
for an item in the Content Editor. Each pipeline consists of a series of
processor classes, where each processor implements one aspect of the
common function defined by the pipeline.
Pipelines and processors support separation of concerns between aspects
of the system, providing for testability, configurability, and extensibility.
You can remove existing processors, override default processors, and add
your own processors, but be sure not to affect default Sitecore
Processor classes implement a method named Process() that accepts a
single parameter and returns void. Some pipelines use a class specific to
the pipeline to pass arguments, where that class inherits from the default
To implement a pipeline processor:
1. Create a class that implements a method named Process() in your
Visual Studio project that has the same signature as the other
processors in the pipeline. Your processor can inherit from an existing
processor, and you can add, remove, replace, and rearrange processors
in the pipelines to suit your requirements.
2. Add a <processor> element with the type attribute set to the
signature of your processor to the pipeline definition in the
Web.config file. Use the configuration factory to pass parameters by
setting properties of the class.

Exit the Process() method immediately if the logic contained in the pipeline processor is
not relevant to the processing context.

To cancel a pipeline from a pipeline processor, you can call the

AbortPipeline() method of the argument passed to the Process()
method of your processor.
Sitecore provides more pipelines than I can describe. Some of the most
important pipelines under the /configuration/sitecore/pipelines
element in the Web.config file, which typically implement system
operations such as initialization or extending the ASP.NET page life cycle,
and which you are most likely to extend, include the following:
initialize — Runs when ASP.NET initializes Sitecore. In some
cases, you can use a hook rather than add a processor to the initialize
preprocessRequest — Runs for each HTTP request for which IIS
invokes ASP.NET to determine whether Sitecore should handle the
request. The httpRequestBegin pipeline also includes processors that
apply logic to each HTTP request.
httpRequestBegin — Runs for each HTTP request for which IIS
invokes ASP.NET
getContentEditorWarnings — Runs each time you select an item in
the Content Editor to generate a list of notifications (warnings) to
display at the top of the editing pane.
httpRequestEnd — Performs diagnostics after each HTTP request
insertRenderings — Determines presentation components to render
an item
job — Invokes jobs (background processes that can run for long
periods) in dedicated threads
publish — Manages publishing
publishItem — Runs to publish each item. For an example
publishItem pipeline processor, see my blog post at
renderLayout — Populates placeholders to assemble the control
hierarchy for rendering a page
healthMonitor — Periodically invokes diagnostic operations
sessionEnd — Runs when an ASP.NET session ends
getMediaStream — Retrieves the binary stream for a media request
expandInitialFieldValue — Expands tokens in standard values
such as $name when you create items
getLookupSourceItems — Determines the items to include in
selection data template fields. For an example
getLookupSourceItems pipeline processor, see my blog post at
getContentEditorFields — Determines the fields to display in the
Content Editor
getPlaceholderRenderings — Determines the renderings a user can
add to a placeholder
getChromeData — Determines features available for placeholders,
fields, markup elements, and renderings in the Page Editor

In the getChromeData pipeline, chrome refers to HTML markup elements around

components in the Page Editor, not the Google Chrome browser.

getRenderingDatasource — Controls the CMS user interface that

allows the user to create or select a data source for a presentation
renderField — Renders the value of a field
search — Implements search operations
filterItem — Determines which version of items to display in
interfaces such as Preview
Some of the most important pipelines defined under the
/configuration/sitecore/processors element in the Web.config file,
which typically define pipelines used by Sitecore user interfaces, include
the following:
uiAddFromTemplate — Invoked when the user adds an item based on
a data template, branch template, or command template
uiCopyItems — Copies an item and its descendants
uiCloneItems — Clones an item and its descendants
uiDeleteItems — Deletes an item and its descendants
uiDragItemTo — Invoked when a user drags and drops an item
uiDuplicateItem — Duplicates an item
uiMoveItems — Moves an item and its descendants
uiRenameItem — Renames an item
uiGetMasters — Determines effective insert options for an item
loggingin — Invoked when a user logs in
loggedin — Invoked after a user logs in. For an example loggedin
pipeline processor, see my blog at
logout — Invoked after a user logs out
saveUI — Invoked when a CMS user saves an item
uiUpload — Invoked when a user upload a media item
Sitecore modules and customizations, especially the Digital Marketing
System (DMS), introduce additional pipelines, typically using Web.config
include files.
For more information about pipelines, including a link to a blog post
about creating and invoking your own pipelines, see my blog post at For more information about important CMS
pipelines, see my blog post at

Handing the httpRequestBegin Pipeline

For each HTTP request processed by Sitecore, the layout engine invokes
the httpRequestBegin pipeline, primarily to define the Sitecore context,
but also for general HTTP request handling such as redirection. The
httpRequestBegin pipeline consists of the following processors:
CheckIgnoreFlag — Aborts the pipeline if the preprocessRequest
pipeline determined that Sitecore should not process this request
StartMeasurements — Sets up a timer to calculate the amount of
time elapsed while processing the request and stores information used
later to approximate the number of items accessed by the rendering
and the amount of memory consumed to generate threshold warnings
in the Sitecore log
IgnoreList — Aborts the pipeline if the URL matches any of the
prefixes in the IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in the Web.config file
SiteResolver — Determines the context site
UserResolver — Determines the context user
DatabaseResolver — Determines the context database
BeginDiagnostics — Initiates diagnostics if enabled
DeviceResolver — Determines the context device
LanguageResolver — Determines the context language
CustomHandlers — Activates the appropriate handler if the URL
matches one of the trigger attributes of any of the
/configuration/sitecore/customHandlers/handler elements in
the Web.config file
FilterUrlExtensions — Does nothing (the preprocessRequest
pipeline and the CheckIgnoreFlag processor earlier in the
httpRequestPipieline seem to have rendered this processor
obsolete). You can remove this processor from the pipeline.
DefaultResolver — Determines the context item if the request
triggers the home page of a managed website
FileResolver — Handles URLs that map to files under the document
root, rather than items in a database
ItemResolver — Determines the context item from the path in the
LayoutResolver — Determines the layout or Sitecore user interface
control to process the request
ExecuteRequest — Redirects under various error conditions

The httpRequestBegin pipeline does not actually assemble a page. Processors in the
renderLayout pipeline manipulate the ASP.NET control tree, but Sitecore then returns
control to ASP.NET, which assembles the page from the control tree.
You can use the httpRequestBegin pipeline for a number of purposes:
To determine whether Sitecore should process a request, use a specific
handler to process a request, let ASP.NET and IIS process a request
without Sitecore, redirect a request, or otherwise
To rewrite URLs, including mapping legacy URLs to the URLs of
corresponding Sitecore items
To resolve Sitecore context properties, such as the context item, using
custom logic, allowing custom URLs
To enforce canonical URLs
To implement performance diagnostics
To manipulate HTTP headers
To authenticate users, such as to support SSO (single sign-on)
For additional purposes, such as custom HTTP 404 (page not found)
For example, you might want to include ETag (Entity Tag — see headers in the HTTP responses for some of your
managed websites. Conveniently, Sitecore updates a unique revision
identifier each time an item changes; you can use the revision identifier as
the ETag to uniquely identify a revision of a version within a language.
The Sitecore.Context.Site static property exposes the context site
determined from the current HTTP request using the
Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext class. The extension class in Listing 7.6
adds the GetETag() method to that class, which returns the value of the
etag attribute that you can add to
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config file
that configures each managed site.

Listing 7.6: Extending the context site, SiteContextETag.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Sites
// extend Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext (and hence
// with the GetETag() method to evaluate the etag
attribute of the
// corresponding /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element in web.config
public static class SiteContextETag
// evaluate the etag attribute of the site
public static bool GetETag(
this Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext me)
// validate arguments
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(me, "me");

// retrieve the attribute value

string tag = me.Properties["etag"];

// compare the attribute value and return the result

return tag != null && (tag == "true" || tag == "yes"
|| tag == "1");
If the etag attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element in the Web.config file associated with the context site is true,
yes, or 1, the httpRequestBegin pipeline processor in Listing 7.7 sets the
ETag header in the HTTP response to the revision identifier in the context

Listing 7.7: Setting the ETag header, ETag.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Pipelines.HttpRequest
// in order to use the GetETag() extension method without
full qualification
using SitecoreBook.Sites;

// httpRequestBegin pipeline processor to set the ETag

HTTP header
// to the revision identifier for the context item if the
// attribute of the /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
// defining the context site is true
public class ETag :
// processor implementation
public override void Process(
Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
// if the context item or the context site is
// or if the etag attribute of the context site is
absent or false,
// do nothing
if (Sitecore.Context.Item == null
|| Sitecore.Context.Site == null
|| !Sitecore.Context.Site.GetETag())

// set the ETag header in the HTTP response to the

revision identifier
// of the context item
args.Context.Response.Headers["ETag"] =
You can use the following Web.config include file to insert this
processor before the last existing processor in the httpRequestBegin
pipeline, and to add the etag attribute for the default
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element named website in the
Web.config file. Most important, this processor must follow the default
ItemResolver processor and any custom processors that set the context
item (the Sitecore.Context.Item static property).

<site name="website">
<patch:attribute name="etag">true</patch:attribute>

patch:before="processor[last()]" />

You might be amazed by how many challenges you can address with
these techniques, often where you might expect to use an ASP.NET
module or handler. For additional example httpRequestBegin pipeline
processors, see the PageNotFound ( Sitecore Shared
Source project.

Processing the renderField Pipeline

The renderField pipeline applies two fundamental transformations to
field values:
It expands dynamic links, including both content and media
It adds inline editing features if the user is inline editing in the Page
Processors in the renderField pipeline accept a parameter of type
Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.RenderFieldArgs, which exposes a
Sitecore.Xml.Xsl.RenderFieldResult property named Result. The
Result.FirstPart property of this object typically contains the field
value of the field, and each processor in the pipeline can transform that
value, but you should apply the same logic to the Reply.LastPart
property in case it also contains a value. For example, some field types
may store an opening element, such as <a>, in Result.FirstPart, and
store the closing </a> in Result.LastPart.
The renderFileld pipeline consists of the following processors:
SetParameters — Processes the disable-web-editing, show-
title-when-blank, linebreaks, and default-text attributes if
passed to the pipeline
GetFieldValue — Retrieves the value of the field
ExpandLinks — Expands dynamic links in the field value
GetImageFieldValue — Manages inline editing features for Image
fields in the Page Editor
GetLinkFieldValue — Manages inline editing features for Link and
General Link fields in the Page Editor
GetInternalLinkFieldValue — Manages inline editing features for
Internal Link fields in the Page Editor
GetMemoFieldValue — Handles line breaks in Multi-Line Text fields
GetDateFieldValue — Handles formatting and manages inline
editing features for Date and Datetime fields
GetDocxFieldValue — Manages inline editing features for the Word
Document field types, and renders Word Document field values as
HTML where appropriate
AddBeforeAndAfterValues — Coalesces values retrieved thus far in
the pipeline
RenderWebEditing — Adds inline editing features around the field
value if the user is inline editing in the Page Editor
The renderField pipeline processor shown in Listing 7.8 sets the
target attribute of any HTML anchor (<a>) elements in Rich Text fields
for which the target attribute is missing or empty to _blank, causing the
browser to open a new window if the user clicks such a link.

Listing 7.8: Adding target attributes to external links, AddLinkTargets.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Pipelines.RenderField
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

// renderField pipeline processor to add target

attributes to external links
public class AddLinkTargets
// renderField pipeline processor implementation
public void
// ignore field types other than rich text
if (args.FieldTypeKey != "rich text")

// transform both parts of the result

args.Result.FirstPart =
args.Result.LastPart =

// returns the input string after adding target

attributes to external links
protected string EnsureTargets(string markup)
// optimization in case the markup does not contain
any links
if (!markup.Contains("<"))
return markup;

// parse the markup into an object

HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new

// retrieve all <a> elements with an empty target

// or no target attribute
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection nodes =
"//a[@target = ‘’ or not(@target)]");

// if there are no such nodes, return the original

if (nodes == null || nodes.Count < 1)
return markup;

// avoid rewriting the markup if no external links

bool foundLink = false;

// for each such anchor

foreach(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node in nodes)
// value of href attribute of <a> element
string href = node.GetAttributeValue("href",

// if href is empty or does not start with http or

https, ignore it
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(href)
|| !(href.StartsWith("http://") ||

// found an external link that requires a target

foundLink = true;
node.SetAttributeValue("target", "_blank");

// if the markup did not contain any external links,

return the original
if (!foundLink)
return markup;

// convert from object form back to markup, and

return that markup.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
return sb.ToString();
You can use the following Web.config include file to add this processor
toward the end of the renderField pipeline, after retrieving and
transforming field values, but before merging FirstPart and LastPart:

patch:before="processor[last() - 2]" />

For additional examples of renderField pipeline processors, see my

blog posts at and, as well as the
MediaUrlTransformer ( Sitecore Shared Source

Intercepting the renderLayout Pipeline

The renderLayout pipeline assembles the control tree that ASP.NET uses
to render the page, and sets some client cache configuration options for the
page. The renderLayout pipeline consists of the following processors:
CheckIgnoreFlag — Aborts the pipeline if the preprocessRequest
pipeline determined that Sitecore should not process this request
PageHandlers — Handles specific HTTP requests by invoking a page
from the server and returning its response or by invoking a method.
Sitecore has deprecated this processor.
SecurityCheck — Aborts the pipeline and redirects to the login page
for the context site if the user does not have access to enter the
context site or read the context item
InsertRenderings — Binds renderings to placeholders
PageExtenders — Adds the page-appropriate extenders defined by
elements in the Web.config file, including support for the Page Editor,
Preview, and the browser-based Sitecore debugger
BuildTree — Expands controls and placeholders
InsertSystemControls — Inserts system controls, such as those
used by page extenders
InsertUnusedControls — Attaches presentation components not
bound to any placeholder to the <form> element in the page (for
internal use by Sitecore)
BrowserCaching — Sets the HTTP Last-Modified header based on
the last update date for the version of the context item in the context
language, and the Cache-Control and Pragma HTTP headers
according to the DisableBrowserCaching setting in the Web.config
The renderLayout pipeline processor shown in Listing 7.9 logs the
requested URL and the current structure of the control tree.

Listing 7.9: Logging the control tree, LogControlTree.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Pipelines.RenderLayout
using System.Web.UI;

// renderLayout pipeline processor to log the current

ASP.NET control tree
public class LogControlTree :
// message to include in header log messages
public string Message

// renderLayout pipeline processor implementation

public override void Process(
// if the Sitecore page or the ASP.NET page is null,
do nothing
if (Sitecore.Context.Page == null ||
Sitecore.Context.Page.Page == null)

// log a header message indicating the requested URL

this + " : " + this.Message + " : " +

// log the control tree

this.LogControls(Sitecore.Context.Page.Page, 0);

// recursive method to log information about a control

and its descendants
protected void LogControls(Control control, int level)
// log entries includes simple spacing indent,
control IDs, and control types
string msg = this
+ " : "
+ Sitecore.StringUtil.Repeat(" ", level)
+ control.ID
+ "("
+ control.GetType()
+ ")";
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(msg, this);

// process all controls in the tree

foreach(Control child in control.Controls)
this.LogControls(child, level + 1);
You can use the following Web.config include file to insert this
processor before the first existing processor and after the last existing
processor in the renderLayout pipeline:

<processor patch:before="processor[1]"

<message>before expansion</message>

<processor patch:after="processor[last()]"

<message>after expansion</message>

DMS Pipelines
The Sitecore Digital Marketing Suite (DMS) uses the
/App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Analytics.config web.config
include file to define several pipelines and update pipelines in the
Web.config file provided with the CMS.
DMS pipelines include the following:
automation — Applies engagement automation
startTracking — Invokes the initializeTracker pipeline, parses
tracking as specified by query string parameters, processes tracking
defined for the context item
initializeTracker — Initializes the
Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker class used to implement tracking
parseReferrer — Identifies search engines and search terms
provided by the browser using the referrer HTTP header
trafficTypes — Identifies the traffic type associated with a visit
(referral, organic search, branded search, or otherwise)
createVisit — Records an analytics visit
registerPageEvent — Associates page events, including goals and
failures, with pages
triggerCampaign — Triggers campaigns
processMessage — Processes outbound e-mail messages
DMS updates the following CMS pipelines:
renderLayout — Adds event handlers to support tracking
getContentEditorWarnings — Warns about items missing
marketing profiles
initialize — Initializes tracking and engagement automation
httpRequestBegin — Initiates analytics diagnostics and sets context
items depending on page-level multivariate testing
httpRequestEnd — Applies analytics tracking
sessionEnd — Invokes rules and automations
For more information about important DMS pipelines, including links to
example pipeline processors, see my blog post at
Hook, Pipeline Processor, Event Handler,
or Rule?
In some cases, you can implement the same feature in Sitecore using an
initialization hook, a pipeline processor, an event handler, or the rules
engine. This is especially true for managing what happens when a user or
the system updates data, which can involve the item:saving event, the
item:saved event, the saveUI pipeline, item saved event rules, validation,
and potentially other features. Here are some general guidelines:
Use an initialization hook for system initialization logic that does not
depend on any processing context.
Use events to handle both interactive (UI) and automated (API)
If you use events, use “ed” events when you can; use “ing” events
only when necessary, such as to cancel an operation.
Use pipelines to interact with the user.
Use the rules engine to provide a browser-based interface to configure
logic, especially for nontechnical business users.
Always remember to consider whether validation can meet your
requirements, rather than more complex approaches that can
adversely interact with Sitecore itself, especially for expensive
Most operations that update data raise item saved events. Certain
operations raise additional events, such as the creation of an item. In some
cases, you can use either event, such as the creation event or the save event
that follows it. One of the advantages of using save handlers and pipelines
(as opposed to creation or other events or pipelines) is that Sitecore
invokes the save event for each save operation. If you associate an event
handler with item creation, it only runs when you create the item; if the
logic fails or data changes on which the event handler depends, your logic
will not run again. Additionally, you might have to intercept multiple
events, such as creation and renaming. If you handle a save event instead,
your logic runs when the user creates, renames, updates, or otherwise
touches an item, but not when the user duplicates an existing item. Save
handlers are more expensive in terms of compute resources, but more
reliable for handling data changes over time, and easier to implement and
configure if you need to handle multiple events.
For more ideas about choosing between events, pipelines, the rules
engine, and validators, see my blog post at

Extending the Sitecore Page Editor

You can extend the Page Editor in a number of ways. As described in
Chapter 3, your presentation controls can generate different output
depending on the active Sitecore mode (Sitecore.Context.PageMode),
such as whether the user is debugging or inline editing in the Page Editor.
This book does not provide a specific example; but similar to the Content
Editor, you can add commands to the Page Editor ribbon. As explained in
the following instructions, you can extend the Page Editor with commands
that appear in the chrome around the markup element, field, rendering, or
placeholder selected by the Page Editor.

For optimal usability, whenever possible, use field, rendering, and placeholder
commands in favor of edit frames around an individual markup element. For more
information about edit frames, see The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook

The chrome that can appear around each HTML element, field,
rendering, and placeholder in the Page Editor provide inline editing,
access to layout details, personalization, and other features for these
objects in the Page Editor. Sitecore uses the getChromeData pipeline to
determine which commands to expose in the chrome for each component.
The RenderChromeData processor in the renderField pipeline invokes
the getChromeData pipeline around fields.
To create a Page Editor command for a field, rendering, or placeholder:
1. Create a class that inherits from the
nd class in your Visual Studio project.
2. Create an entry in the /App_Config/commands.config file
mapping a command code to the signature of your class.
3. Add a button definition item using the System/WebEdit/WebEdit
Button data template in the Core database, under the
/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience
Buttons item, using the Content Editor.
You can use the solution shown in Listing 7.10 to add a Page Editor
command that resets a field to its standard value. As shown in this
example, Sitecore developers often use pipelines to interact with the user
(in this case, to confirm they meant to reset the field).

Listing 7.10: Adding a Page Editor command, ResetField.cs

namespace SitecoreBook.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands
using System.Collections.Specialized;

// Page Editor field command to reset a field to its

standard value
public class ResetField
// Page Editor infrastructure invokes this method to
call the command
public override void Execute(
// validate arguments

// if unable to determine the item containing the

field to reset, do nothing
if (context.Items == null
|| context.Items.Length != 1
|| context.Items[0] == null)

// the item containing the field to reset

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = context.Items[0];

// construct key-value parameters for the pipeline

// defined by the following Run() method
NameValueCollection parameters = new

// ID of the selected item

parameters["id"] = item.ID.ToString();

// database containing the selected item

parameters["database"] = item.Database.ToString();

// language of the selected item

parameters["language"] = item.Language.ToString();

// version of the selected item

parameters["version"] = item.Version.ToString();

// name of field in selected item associated with

this command
parameters["field"] = context.Parameters["field"];

// invoke the pipeline

Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run",

// command implementation
protected void
Run(Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer.ClientPipelineArgs args)
// validate parameters

["field"], "field");

// if the user has changed the item, prompt to save

and save if approved
// if the user chooses to cancel, do not reset the
field value

// if the user has not already confirmed that

// they want to reset the field to its standard value
// then prompt and wait for confirmation or
if (!args.IsPostBack)
string message =
"Reset {0} to its standard value?",
new object[] { args.Parameters["field"] });


// if the user did not confirm the reset, do nothing

if ((!args.HasResult) || args.Result != "yes")

// the database containing the item

Sitecore.Data.Database database =

// the item containing the version

Sitecore.Globalization.Language language =


// the version containing the field value to reset

Sitecore.Data.Version version =

// the item containing the field to reset

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = database.GetItem(

// field to reset
Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field =

// reset the field to its standard value

using (new Sitecore.Data.Items.EditContext(item))

// indicate whether to show or hide the command in the

chrome for the field
public override
Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandState QueryState(
// validate arguments

// if unable to determine the item containing the

field, disable the command
if (context.Items == null
|| context.Items.Length != 1
|| context.Items[0] == null)

// the field to reset

Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field =


// if unable to determine the item containing the

// or if that field contains its standard value,
disable the command
if (field == null || field.ContainsStandardValue)

// otherwise, apply the default logic to determine

the state of the command
return base.QueryState(context);
To make this command available to all fields rendered using the
renderField pipeline:
1. Create a /configuration/command element in the
/App_Config/commands.config file.
2. Set the name attribute to a code that uniquely identifies the
command, such as sitecorebook: webedit:resetfield.
3. Set the type attribute to the signature of your class.
4. Click the database icon in the lower-right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select Core from the menu that appears to work with
items in the Core database.
5. Open the Content Editor and navigate to the
/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Common Field
Buttons item.
6. Insert a Page Editor command definition item named Reset using
the System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button data template.
7. Enter Reset in the Header field,
Applications/16x16/checkbox.png for Icon, the command code
(such as sitecorebook:webedit:resetfield) for Click, and select
Common for Type in the Data section. Save the item.
8. Click the database icon in the lower-right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select Master from the menu that appears to revert
to editing the Master database.
Now, in the Page Editor, when you click the More drop-down for a field,
you can use this command to reset the field to its standard value as shown
in Figure 7.6.
Figure 7.6
Click the Reset command. If you have made changes to the item,
Sitecore displays a dialog asking whether you want to save the changes to
the item, as shown in Figure 7.7, before resetting the field to its standard
Figure 7.7

If you click Cancel, Sitecore does nothing. If you click No, Sitecore
discards the changes to the item. If you click Yes, Sitecore saves the item.
In either case, Sitecore then prompts for confirmation as shown in Figure
7.8 before proceeding to reset the field to its standard value.
Figure 7.8

Click OK to reset the field to its standard value. The Page Editor
refreshes to show that the field now contains its standard value. Due to the
QueryState() method implementation, the Reset command does not
appear in the More menu for the field because the field already contains
its standard value.
Don't confuse resetting a field to its standard value with discarding your changes. You
can set access rights on the definition item for the Reset command in the Core database
to control who can invoke that command.

Use these instructions to add a Page Editor command to the following:

An individual field — Select the command in the Page Editor
Buttons field in the Data section of the item that defines the data
template field.
All fields of a specific type — Insert an item using the
System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button data template under the WebEdit
Buttons child of the field type definition item (such as
/sitecore/system/Field types/Link Types/General
Link/WebEdit Buttons for the General Link field type) in the Core
All fields — Add a button definition item using the
System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button data template under the
/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Common Field
Buttons item in the Core database, and select Custom in the Type
field in the Data section as described in the previous example.
An individual rendering — In layout details or in the rendering
definition item, select the command in the Page Editor Buttons field
of the Editor Options section.
All renderings — Add one or more button definition items using the
System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button data template under the
/Sitecore/Content/Applications/WebEdit/Default Rendering
Buttons item in the Core database.
All placeholders — Add one or more button definition items using
the System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button data template under the
Placeholder Buttons item in the Core database.

Take Home Points

There are probably more ways to customize Sitecore than there are
Sitecore developers in the world. I have worked with Sitecore for more
than seven years and I still find more features to explore than I have time
to investigate. Although this chapter only touched on what is possible with
the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS, it should have provided some ideas to help
you approach specific objectives with your Sitecore solutions.
Before you extend the CMS, ensure that you cannot achieve your
objectives using default functionality. To minimize the learning and
development effort as well as the chance of introducing conflicts with
existing components, use the simplest possible approach that meets your
requirements. For example, Content Editor warnings, validation, and even
custom ribbon commands are simple, lightweight, and insulated well
enough from other components to reduce the chance of interference with
other functionality. Custom user interfaces and complex pipeline
processors present more effort and risk, especially during upgrades.
Take advantage of the configuration factory rather than hard-coding type
references. For your convenience, implement extension methods that .NET
supports natively. Employ the rules engine to let CMS users configure
processing logic. Use scheduled processes to invoke long-running jobs in
the background. Always ensure that you optimize usability in the Page
Chapter 8

Automated Testing

What's in This Chapter?

Understanding automated testing
Creating test projects
Testing through an HTTP interface
Interacting with a page under test through a browser
Limiting the scope of tests for presentation components
Calling the Sitecore API
Creating test data
This chapter introduces general concepts involved in automated testing,
and then describes a number of techniques that you can use to create and
invoke automated tests for your Sitecore solutions. These techniques
address various challenges that you will face when designing tests for code
that executes in the context of a third-party system — in this case, the
Sitecore ASP.NET web content management system (CMS). This chapter
describes these approaches, including their advantages and disadvantages
to help you determine when each is appropriate.
After explaining some of the complexities involved in automated testing
of Sitecore solutions, this chapter presents three specific testing
techniques, each of which address some of those challenges. These
techniques include the following:
Testing over HTTP — .NET code run on a remote system retrieves a
web page from the Sitecore solution, parses that page, and then
ensures that the parsed content meets expectations.
Testing with a web browser driver — .NET code run on a remote
system instantiates a web browser to retrieve a web page from the
Sitecore solution, and then ensures that the resulting representation of
the page meets expectations.
Instantiating controls — .NET code on the Sitecore server
instantiates presentation controls, and then ensures that the output
meets expectations.
In addition to providing details about each of these approaches, this
chapter describes some considerations for managing data used by your
testing solution, and then describes some considerations for tests that call
Sitecore application programming interfaces (APIs) directly, both with an
HTTP context and without. It concludes by providing some direction for
assessing which components of the project will most benefit from
automated testing.

Understanding Automated Testing

Automated testing is the act of programmatically verifying aspects of a
piece of code. One benefit of automated tests is that you can execute them
with minimal effort. This can save you a great deal of time in the later
phases of a project by providing a set of regression tests that can be run
repeatedly without requiring significant manual effort.
Automated testing achieves two objectives. First, it verifies that code
functions as expected. Second, it provides a safety net to prevent the
introduction of defects when you update existing code. Writing automated
tests requires you to think about the conditions under which the code must
operate, and to ensure that the results of code are predictable under those
A common practice when writing unit tests, which are a form of
automated test, is to provide many different values for a required
parameter, including normal expected values but also invalid values, very
large values, very low values, 0 and null. By creating tests for all of these
conditions, it becomes quite easy to uncover defects due to common
mistakes such as not checking whether a parameter passed to a method is
Having the capability to rerun the tests easily is meaningless unless the
tests are predictable and return the same results each time you execute
them under equivalent conditions. A good automated test is repeatable,
reliable, and resilient.
Repeatable means the test will always return the same result given the
same inputs.
Reliable means you can trust that the tests cover enough conditions to
give a true reflection of the completeness and quality of the code
under test.
Resilient means creating code that does not fail after the introduction
of minor or insignificant changes.
An example of resiliency is a test that verifies the output of a page for
the structure of a latest news component. Changes to other components on
the page, such as a navigational element across the top of the page, should
have no effect on tests for the latest news component.

One famous blogger who writes about unit testing in .NET is Roy Osherove, author of the
book The Art of Unit Testing (ISBN-13: 978-1933988276, Manning Publications). Roy
maintains a current definition of a good unit test at Using Roy's
definition, the techniques covered in this chapter are integration tests, as they are not
isolated from Sitecore and do not run entirely in memory. To avoid confusion between
unit tests and integration tests, and because the difference between the two can be
subjective at times, this book refers to these combined topics as automated tests. When
searching for additional sources to gain a deeper understanding of the material
presented in this chapter, you may find the best results by searching for “unit testing”
rather than “automated testing.”

Complexities of Testing Against

In a standalone .NET application such as a command-line tool, the
developer has full control of the code and the environment in which the
code runs as shown in the simplified example in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.1

This is not the case with ASP.NET applications such as Sitecore. Your
code runs in the context of the ASP.NET environment and the Sitecore
application built on top of the ASP.NET framework, which differs
significantly from the context of a command-line tool. The ASP.NET
framework is always at the top of the method call stack for code that you
develop for that environment. Functioning something like a logical layer
between the developer and ASP.NET itself, Sitecore extends the ASP.NET
framework. When designing tests for Sitecore components, you must
consider this context, which generally depends on an HTTP request. Figure
8.2 shows a typical flow of control for a Sitecore application.
Figure 8.2
Some code may depend on the context that invokes that code, such as the
HTTP context exposed to ASP.NET applications by the
System.Web.HttpContext (HTTP context) class provide by the
System.Web.Context.Current property. Sitecore is an ASP.NET
application that services requests sent to it through HTTP, with pieces of
that application heavily dependent upon the HTTP context. To aid in
testing, to the extent possible, endeavor to ensure that no code in your
Sitecore solutions depends on the Sitecore context or the HTTP context.
Specifically, your code should not rely directly upon the Sitecore
context, such as static properties of the Sitecore.Context class. Relying
on the Sitecore context makes the code much harder to test, as you cannot
simply supply the test values to a method or class, but must set up the
Sitecore context before calling the method or class under test.
A well-designed solution exposes an API that you can easily test. This is
in fact one way to measure the quality of the implementation. If the
majority of methods and classes allow you to call them directly from test
code, then that indicates a well-considered architecture abstracted to an
acceptable degree. A bad design can be extremely hard to test, requiring
the developer to implement workarounds for various issues when writing

As you write code, it is vital to consider how you can test it. For example, when writing a
method, you can access the context item or you can pass the context item to the method.
Not only is a method that accesses the context item more limited than a method that
accepts an item as a parameter, but testing a method that uses the context item is more
difficult than testing a method that accepts an item as a parameter. Small design
decisions like this can lead to code that is much easier to test and reduces testing
requirements. You can find valuable suggestions for writing testable code on the Google
testing blog at

Testing Techniques for Sitecore

This section details various techniques that you can apply to a Sitecore
project to enable testing of the major project components. You can use the
following techniques described throughout this book to test presentation
components including layouts, sublayouts, and web controls:
Testing through HTTP (.NET code to simulate a limited web browser)
Testing using a web browser driver (.NET code to manipulate an
actual browser)
Instantiate controls (.NET code to invoke individual presentation
These techniques focus on the markup produced by the component. They
can verify the markup or the inferred behavior and functionality
encapsulated by the component.
You can use the following techniques to test components not related to
presentation, such as methods and other code that calls the Sitecore API to
verify that the code behaves as expected:
Calling the Sitecore API directly (.NET code run on the Sitecore
Calling the Sitecore API outside of an HTTP context (.NET code
calling Sitecore APIs without a Sitecore instance)
The latter techniques focus more on the functionality and logic of
sections of the project. A project will result in a more rational architecture
and structure when you write code that enables testing using these

The Test Project

You can write an automated test in any manner that you like, but the most
common way is to use a framework specifically designed for unit testing.
A number of unit testing frameworks are available for use with .NET
applications. This chapter exlpains how to use NUnit, an open-source unit
testing framework that is freely available for download from
NUnit exposes an API, and you write NUnit tests in .NET code using
that API. It is a good idea to write the unit tests in a separate project from
the code under test. This helps isolate the production code from the test
code and makes it easy to remove the test code before deployment to
production. This in turn decreases the attack surface of the application for
malicious users. The testing techniques covered in this section use a class
library project to maintain the tests.

Creating the Test Project

The following instructions describe how to obtain NUnit and create a test
project you can use to hold the automated tests. Later, you will use a test
runner, which is a software component specifically designed for this
purpose, to invoke the tests you define in your test project.
Before you can use NUnit in a test project, you must download NUnit
from You can download and expand a .zip file containing
NUnit or you can download and run the .msi (Windows Installer
Package). Whichever approach you use, I recommend that you download
the latest stable version rather than a beta of NUnit. The location of the
NUnit test runner program (nunit.exe) and assemblies (.dll files)
depends on whether you install using an .msi or a .zip release of NUnit.
When I used the .msi to install NUnit, files and subdirectories appeared
under the C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6 subdirectory, while I
controlled the location of expansion for the .zip. In both cases, the
subdirectory structure within the root NUnit subdirectory was equivalent,
but the .zip installation included files not installed by the .msi, which
depend on the options you select during installation.

After my initial NUnit installation using the .msi, the NUnit Windows application
(nunit.exe) raised error messages about missing files such as pnunit-agent.exe until I
reinstalled using the .msi and chose the PNUnit Runner option. If you use the .msi to
install NUnit and experience this issue, reinstall NUnit, select the Custom Installation
option, and include PNUnit Runner (Parallel NUnit Runner). The .zip automatically
includes PNUnit. Based on this experience, I would just use the .zip file in the future.
Bless open-source software — I love the idea, but each piece of each version of each
ware usually sneezes on me a few times initially.

Follow these steps to create a new class project for unit tests with the
existing Visual Studio solution or your Sitecore project:
1. Open the existing Sitecore solution in Visual Studio.
2. Right-click the top element in Solution Explorer, which represents
the solution. In the context menu that appears, click Add ⇒ New
Project. The Add New Project dialog appears as shown in Figure 8.3.
3. Select the Class Library project model.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the unit test project, such as
SitecoreBook.Tests, and then click OK. The Add New Project
dialog disappears and you return to Visual Studio.
5. Optionally, select your new project in the solution explorer and
double-click Properties to enter values in the Assembly name, Default
namespace, and potentially other fields to control project properties.
The examples in this chapter assume the same namespace and
assembly as the test project name: SitecoreBook.Tests and
SitecoreBook.Tests.dll, respectively.

Figure 8.3
To make the NUnit APIs available to the project:
1. To add a subdirectory to your tests project to contain the NUnit
assembly (.dll file) that contains the NUnit APIs your test will use,
right-click the test project in Solution Explorer. In the context menu
that appears, click Add ⇒ New Folder. Name the new subdirectory lib
(short for library).
2. Copy the nunit.framework.dll assembly from the
/bin/framework subdirectory of your NUnit installation subdirectory
to the /lib subdirectory within your test project.
3. Right-click the References element in the test project in Solution
Explorer, and then click Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog
appears as shown in Figure 8.4.
4. Click the Browse tab, navigate to the /lib subdirectory, select the
nunit.framework.dll assembly, and then click OK. The Add
Reference dialog disappears and you return to Visual Studio. Now you
can add test fixtures (classes that contain tests) to your test project. To
indicate that a class in the test project contains NUnit tests, add the
[NUnit.Framework.TestFixture] attribute before the class
definition as shown in the following example:
namespace SitecoreBook.Tests
public class MyTestClass

Figure 8.4

Alternatively, you can add the following using statement to the class
and then use the [TextFixture] attribute without the namespace:
using NUnit.Framework;
For clarity outside of an integrated development environment (IDE)
such as Visual Studio, except for namespaces under System, this book
always includes namespaces inline rather than relying on a using
directive. Whether you qualify all types with namespaces or include using
directives, when you use a test runner, NUnit attempts to load tests only
from those classes attributed as [NUnit.Framework.TextFixture].
Each test is a method of a test fixture class, which is a class attributed
with [NUnit.Framework.TextFixture]. After attributing the class as a
test fixture, add the [NUnit.Framework.Test] attribute to each method
that you want the test runner to invoke automatically when testing your
solution. Test runners invoke methods decorated with the
[NUnit.Framework.Test] attribute in classes decorated with the
[NUnit.Framework.TextFixture] attribute automatically. You can
include any number of test methods in a single test fixture class. Test
methods do not accept arguments. You can include methods without the
[NUnit.Framework.Test] attribute in a test fixture class, such as to
contain utility routines used by one or more of the actual tests. The test
runner does not invoke such methods directly or automatically. Listing 8.1
provides an example of a single test.

Optionally, you can add the [NUnit.Framework.Category] attribute to your class to define
a category for tests in that class as demonstrated in Listing 8.1. When you use a test
runner to invoke the tests as described later in this chapter, you can select one or more
test categories, or run all tests in all categories. Add the [NUnit.Framework.Category]
attribute to entire test fixture classes; it has no effect if you add it to individual test

Listing 8.1: Example test

namespace SitecoreBook.Tests
using System;

public class ExampleTests
public void TestOne()
// Populate result from calling code under test
string result = "output";

// Perform assertions on test execution

NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("output", result);
A typical test case would set the variable result shown in Listing 8.1 by
performing an operation such as calling a method in a class under test. The
test then asserts that the value of the variable result matches
expectations after that method call. This example uses the static
NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual() assertion method, which verifies
that both parameters have equal values. Unlike other assertion methods
with which you may be familiar, failing an NUnit assertion does not raise
an exception. If the assertion succeeds, the test passes; if the assertion
fails, the test fails, and appears in failure reports generated by the test

Running the Tests

To execute the tests, a test runner must load the testing assembly. NUnit
ships with a standalone test runner that you can use to run the tests using a
Windows application (nunit.exe). To run the test in the preceding
section, follow these steps:
1. If you have not already done so already, build the test project to
generate an assembly (.dll file) containing the test fixture classes.
2. Invoke the nunit.exe application in the appropriate subdirectory of
your NUnit installation or from the Windows Start menu if you used
the .msi to install NUnit. The NUnit test runner appears as shown in
Figure 8.5.
3. Select the File menu, and then select Open Project. In the Open
Project dialog that appears, select the assembly generated by your test
project (such as /bin/debug/SitecoreBook.Tests.dll, and then
click Open. You see the NUnit test runner as shown in Figure 8.6.
4. Select namespace(s), class(es), or individual method(s) to test, and
then click Run. If the test passes, you see only green. If one or more
tests failed, you see red and one or more error messages for you to
resolve. Figure 8.7 shows a test that passes.
Figure 8.5

Figure 8.6
Figure 8.7
Several types of extensions for Visual Studio enable you to run tests
directly inside the integrated development environment (IDE). These
include TestDriven.NET (, Visual NUnit
( from Ohloh (, and ReSharper
( from JetBrains ( For example,
ReSharper exposes testing features in the sidebar at the left when editing
test fixture classes that contain NUnit tests as shown in Figure 8.8.
Figure 8.8
Alternatively, you can create a custom test runner using additional
assemblies available in the NUnit release. For instructions to create a
custom test runner that executes within an ASP.NET application, which
gives you access to a complete Sitecore context and APIs, including an
HTTP context, see the section “Testing with an Embedded Test Runner”
later in this chapter.

Testing with the HTTP Protocol

Almost every web solution provides an interface that enables external
applications to request resources using the HTTP protocol. To exercise this
interface, you can use a browser or an application such as Wget, or you
can construct a custom application that issues simple HTTP requests and
returns the result as text. For more information about Wget, see
The HTTP interface is something like the lowest common denominator
for testing web applications. Regardless of the technology used to
implement the solution, the application exposes an interface that you can
access using HTTP. This section explains how you can use the HTTP
interface to test specific aspects of a web solution.

Implementing Tests over HTTP

The basic outline of a process that implements testing over the HTTP
protocol is as follows:
1. Request the resource such as a web page — for example, using an
instance of the System.Web.WebRequest class.
2. Parse the page response — for example, using the HTML Agility
Pack (HAP) described in Chapter 7 and later in this section.
3. Verify the results and perform the test assertions.
The web application should respond with text, which your program can
examine using techniques such as regular expressions, the HAP, the
Contains() method in the System.String class, or any other technique
that meets your requirements. Modern web applications generally output
well-formed eXtensible Markup Language (XML), including eXtensible
HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), which enables you to use XPath
in assertions against the structure of that output. Although it is not
impossible, verifying a complex output structure using this approach can
be quite difficult.
Your Sitecore solutions should almost certainly generate XML, which is
similar to HTML in that it is a markup language using elements and
attributes, but applies additional restrictions. Some of the most important
characteristics that differentiate well-formed XML and hence XHTML
from HTML include the following:
The markup contains only legal Unicode characters. For more
information about Unicode, see
The markup contains a single root element, such as the <html>
element in an XHTML document.
The markup uses symbols such as the < (less than) character and &
(ampersand) character only for markup-delineation purposes, and uses
XML entities such as &lt; and & as alternatives (escape sequences)
where they exist in content or other data.
The markup wraps all attribute values with matching opening and
closing single-quote or double-quote characters.
All elements are properly nested, meaning if you open an element
within another element, you close the inner element before you close
the outer element (e.g., <html><body></body></html> rather than
Element names are case sensitive, and the case of the opening and
closing elements must match (e.g., <html></html> rather than
Not all web applications output well-formed XML. If you attempt to
create an object that represents an XML document from malformed
markup, you will likely experience exceptions or other errors. You can
sometimes use the open-source HAP library mentioned previously to
mitigate issues with malformed XML. The HAP can often parse invalid
XML and even HTML, and can return valid XML, enabling you to work
with the response as you would work with valid XML. The HAP can
convert that content to an object using the
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator class, which enables you to invoke
XPath queries against content parsed from HTML or invalid XML.
Sitecore CMS conveniently includes the HAP for its own internal
purposes, so you do not have to download anything in order to use it. You
do have to reference the HtmlAgilityPack.dll assembly in your project
in order to use the HAP, and you must copy that file to the subdirectory
containing the assembly (.dll file) that your test project generates to
contain your text fixture classes.
The following code shows how to request the home page of a Sitecore
solution at the URL http://sitecorebook using the HTTP protocol, and
how to retrieve the textual output returned from that application, which
represents the content of the home page. This code depends on classes in
the System,System.IO, System.Net, and System.Xml.XPath
namespaces, with which I assume you are already familiar:
// Request the home page to test using HTTP
WebRequest request =
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

// Get the response stream to read the response from

Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

// Read the output as text

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
String output = reader.ReadToEnd();

// Close the reader to free up resources

The example code first makes a request to a URL used to access the
Sitecore instance and retrieves the response. When implementing your
own test based on the example code, be sure to replace http://sitecorebook
in this code with the actual URL of the page to test.
The code then wraps that response stream in a StreamReader, which
makes it easy to convert the response to a string. Remember to invoke the
Close() method on the System.IO.StreamReader object after reading the
stream, which automatically closes the stream that
System.IO.StreamReader wraps, implicitly releasing any resources
currently held by the stream.

For brevity and readability, all code in this chapter intentionally omits defensive
constructs. You should check each variable for null and other potential error conditions
in the testing code itself.

You can now use the HAP to parse the page into an XML document as
shown in in the following example:
// Create a new HtmlAgilityPack document
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document =
new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

// Load the textual output of the page into the

HtmlAgilityPack document
// Create an XML document navigator for evaluating XPath
XPathNavigator nav = document.CreateNavigator();
After loading the textual output of the page into the HtmlDocument, this
code uses the HAP to parse the document to create a valid XML document.
Then it creates an instance of the System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
class from that document in order to traverse the parsed content.

Because the HAP representation differs from the original markup, this approach cannot
test various specifics of the original response, such as the presence, absence, or volume
of whitespace, nor whether the markup contains single quote characters (') or double
quote characters (“) in specific locations. Remember that the HAP may also correct
problems with the markup, preventing you from seeing those issues. Most modern web
browsers perform similar corrections. For more information about this approach, see the
following section.

Assume that the home page should include the following markup and
you want to test only some aspects of only that section of the response (not
including the values of the href attributes, the depth of the <nav> element
in the HTML superstructure, whether this structure includes any
unexpected markup, or various other aspects of the response):
<nav class="primary">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Partners</a></li>

Many of the tests used in the remainder of this chapter expect this markup format. If you
compile the code provided into a project to develop some experience with testing, you
may want to enter this markup as the value of a field of an item in your Sitecore solution
and publish that item so that the tests can pass. In a development environment, the
/sitecore/content/home item may be convenient for this purpose.

The following code demonstrates how you can traverse the XML
representation of the markup returned by the Sitecore solution to verify
aspects of that markup, such as to find a particular element or set of
elements and ensure that they conform to expectations:
// Find all list items within the primary nav element
XPathNodeIterator elements = nav.Select(

// Verify there are only 3 elements found

"primary nav li count");

// Move to the first element


// Verify the text of the first link in the current element

"text of first primary nav li");

// Move to the second element and verify the link text

"About Us",
"text of second primary nav li");

// Move to the third element and verify the link text

"text of third primary nav li");
The preceding example uses the
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator class to locate elements in the
parsed XML using XPath, and then uses NUnit to verify limited specifics
of those elements. The first assertion ensures the correct number of
matching elements. The next three assertions verify the text of the first
link found in each list item element. Note the calls to the MoveNext()
method of the System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator object before
each assertion, which progress that iterator to the next matching element.
Regardless of your testing strategy, tests can take longer to run than you might expect.
Specifically, if you have not used the Sitecore solution since you last rebuilt that project,
ASP.NET initializes the application when the testing code requests the home page, which
adds to testing time.

NUnit reports only the first failed assertion in each tested method. If
your class contains multiple test methods, NUnit can report multiple failed
assertions, but only the first such assertion in each method. Because unit
test methods generally should not accept arguments, this can present
limitations when you want to investigate multiple error conditions for a
single test.
One benefit of this approach is complete decoupling of the testing
infrastructure from the technology used to create the web application. You
can use this technique to test solutions built with a technology that does
not expose a public API. You can run the test from a separate IIS website
without Sitecore, and even from a separate server. Unfortunately, this
approach is somewhat tedious and has a variety of limitations as described
in the following section.

Regardless of your testing strategy, remember to decorate classes that contain tests with
the [NUnit.Framework.TestFixture] attribute, and the testing methods in the tested
assembly within those classes with the [NUnit.Framework.Test] attribute. NUnit
automatically invokes all methods with the [NUnit.Framework.Test] attribute in all
classes with the [NUnit.Framework.TestFixture] attribute.

Limitations of Testing over HTTP

The technique of testing by requesting pages and performing assertions on
the textual response using HTTP presents a number of limitations. This
technique does not use a web browser or any type of engine to process the
output of the request and perform dynamic behaviors that can affect the
Document Object Model (DOM) represented within the client, such as
JavaScript and other aspects of a complete client-server interaction. The
test runner used for this technique, which functions as a web client, does
not evaluate the response from the server using the same mechanisms used
by typical web browsers, nor does it address CSS, images, and other
resource references embedded within that response. When you use this
technique, tests can only assert against the preliminary fundamental
structure of the page.
Additionally, this test runner always requests an entire page instead of
evaluating a single component or control within a page. This can increase
the difficulty of maintaining the tests, especially if they rely on a
particular page structure to locate the markup to test.
Imagine that the response contains several instances of a control that
you need to test. Assume that you can use XPath similar to the following
to locate the markup of that control:
This XPath expression fails if you remove any of the nested <div>
elements for any reason. In such cases, the cause of test failure may not be
immediately apparent, as other controls, such as a sublayout that someone
has added around the control that you intend to test, may output tags that
interfere with those tests.
This approach requires that developers understand the entire page
structure in order to test a single component within that structure. In short,
this technique depends on a relatively static markup structure; if you
change that structure, you may need to update all the tests accordingly.
Such tests are not resilient, reliable, or completely repeatable.

Testing Using a Web Browser

To overcome the limitations of testing through HTTP, and specifically to
realize the dynamic behaviors of the page such as those that result from
JavaScript, tests can utilize a web browser to enable functionality of such
page elements. You can control a web browser programmatically with a
web browser driver such as Selenium ( or WatiN
Implementing Testing with a Web Browser
A web browser driver exposes an API that test code can call. Because this
approach uses a real web browser, it realizes all normal browser behaviors,
such as running JavaScript code in the client. This approach greatly
simplifies testing of HTML forms that require interaction, and the web
browser driver can post form entry data back to the server.
The basic process of testing with a web browser driver is as follows:
1. Instruct the browser driver to navigate to the page under test.
2. Use the browser driver to navigate through the page to retrieve
elements to verify.
3. Verify such elements against expectations, such as by using NUnit
The code examples in this book use Selenium to control the Firefox web
browser. To use Selenium you must first download it and add it to the test
project, much like NUnit. To add Selenium to your test project:
1. Download the Selenium client drivers (.zip file) from Be sure to download the C#/.NET release, as
Selenium is also available for other platforms such as Java.
2. Copy the WebDriver.dll from the /net40 subdirectory in the
Selenium .zip file to the /lib subdirectory of your test project.
3. In your test project, add a reference to the WebDriver.dll assembly
in the /lib subdirectory. When you compile your project, Visual
Studio will copy this assembly to the directory in which it builds the
assembly that contains your test fixture classes (typically the
/obj/debug subdirectory).
4. Copy the Ionic.Zip.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll assemblies on
which the WebDriver.dll assembly depends from the /net40
subdirectory of the Selenium .zip file to the subdirectory in which
Visual Studio builds your assembly (typically the /obj/debug
subdirectory). Your project does not need to reference those
5. Double-click Properties under your test project in Solution Explorer
and configure that project to target .NET 4.0.
To use Firefox, you must install the browser available from Then you can use Selenium to invoke the Firefox
browser to access the page under test. The following code shows an
example of using Selenium to drive Firefox to access the home page at
http://sitecorebook, select elements on the page, and verify that the
number of elements matches the number you expect.

namespace SitecoreBook.Tests
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

class TestHomePageWithFirefox
public void PageTest()
// Create a Firefox driver
using (OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver
driver =
new OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver())
// Navigate to the page to test


// Locate the list item elements of the primary

navElements =


// Verify only 3 list items exist


The code used to create this test fixture contains a single test that relies
on Selenium to drive the Firefox browser to access the home page at
http://sitecorebook, uses an XPath expression to locate elements to verify
within the page, and then uses an NUnit assert against the expected
number of elements.
This code instantiates an object of the
OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver class wrapped in a C# using
statement. When the application exits the scope of this using statement,
the .NET Framework automatically closes the driver, which closes the
Firefox window used for the tests and frees any resources it used. You
might see the page load into that window before the browser closes.
Selenium enables you to locate elements on the page using a variety of
techniques. You could alternatively populate the navElements variable in
this example using a CSS selector instead of using XPath. Both techniques
enable you to select zero or more elements in a block of markup such as
XHTML. For more information about CSS selectors, see The following code demonstrates how to use a CSS
selector to locate the same elements selected with XPath in the previous
ReadOnlyCollection<OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement> navElements
= driver.FindElements(
OpenQA.Selenium.By.CssSelector("nav.primary ul li"));
You can use Selenium to interact with the elements of the page to test
dynamic behaviors. For example, if a page includes a form that contains a
button with the ID myButton, and the page uses JavaScript to change the
inner text of a <div> element with ID theText to button clicked, you
can use Selenium to locate and “click” the button, which executes the
JavaScript action associated with that button. You can then test the inner
text of the <div>. The following code demonstrates this approach using
the page at http://sitecorebook/form.aspx:
public void FormTest()
// Create a Firefox driver
using (OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver driver =
new OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver())
// Navigate to the page to test


// Locate the button and click it

OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement button =

// Locate the text to verify

OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement text =

// Verify the text

NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("button clicked",

This test creates a Firefox driver just as in the previous test. It then uses
that driver to navigate the browser to the URL of the page containing the
form to test. After loading that page, the test locates and clicks the button
with ID theButton. In this instance, that simulated click actually occurs
inside the Firefox browser controlled by your test method, and causes any
JavaScript attached to the button to execute. The rest of the test locates the
HTML element with ID theText and verifies that the inner text of that
element is as expected by accessing the element's Text property.
Limitations of the Web Browser Driver
Testing with a web browser driver overcomes one of the most significant
limitations of testing over HTTP: Because it uses a real browser to execute
the tests, testing with a web browser driver allows tests to account for
JavaScript and dynamic behaviors of the page. However, this technique
does not address the scope limitation common to employing HTTP
directly: The browser loads an entire page to verify a single component of
that page. Use a web browser driver when you need to test HTML forms
and JavaScript.

Testing with an Embedded Test

The previous testing techniques have shown how to test entire pages at a
time. You will find it much easier to maintain tests with smaller scope.
Page-based tests tend to break when they focus on a single component on
the page and other parts of the page change. For example, if the
component under test was originally inside a sublayout but has moved to
another sublayout, the test code may not correctly locate the elements on
the page to verify. Such a relatively brittle test would then fail.
To reduce the scope of the tests, you need to call the Sitecore API
directly. To call the Sitecore API easily, you can write code that runs inside
the Sitecore application, which depends on an HTTP context. Code run
inside the Sitecore application has access to all Sitecore APIs, which will
function as you expect.

Running code inside the Sitecore application does not require placing that code in the
same Visual Studio project as your Sitecore solution. You should still maintain a separate
project for testing, and avoid deploying that solution to environments that you do not use
specifically for testing.
The NUnit test runner used thus far executes one or more tests as a
standalone application. To execute NUnit tests inside a Sitecore
application, the test runner needs to run inside the Sitecore application.
For this task, you can use the NUnit API to create a test runner that runs as
an ASP.NET web form inside the Sitecore application.

Implementing an Embedded Test Runner

To implement an embedded test runner, you can create an ASP.NET
project in Visual Studio. The previous examples in this chapter used a
class library project to hold the tests; create a new project for the test
runner in the same manner you use to create your initial Sitecore project
(see Appendix B). You should use a new subdirectory for this project
rather than the /Website subdirectory of your Sitecore installation. For
example, create the project under C:\inetpub\sitecore\SitecoreBook
rather than within C:\inetpub\sitecore\SitecoreBook\Website. You
then need to copy the required files from this project to the /Website
subdirectory to use the embedded test runner as described later in this
For ease of deployment, the embedded test runner demonstrated in this
section loads and executes tests in the assembly that contains the test
runner. This embedded test runner enables you to filter the tests by
category, which makes it easier to run a small portion of the test suite,
rather than run the entire suite each time you test.
The following process description summarizes how to create a Visual
Studio project for an embedded test runner as described previously in this
1. Create a new ASP.NET web application project inside Visual Studio
to hold the test runner. This project will hold the tests written to run
inside the embedded test runner.
2. In the new project, add references to the following assemblies in
your copy of NUnit as required to create the test runner and to write
testing code:
3. Add a new web form to the project and call it TestRunner.aspx.
This web form will provide access to the embedded test runner.
4. Add the equivalent of the following to the markup file of the
embedded test runner web form:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"

Inherits="SitecoreBook.Tests.TestRunner" %>



<title>Embedded NUnit Test Runner</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Sans-Serif; font-
size: 12px; }
h1 { font-size: 1.3em; }
h2 { font-size: 1.2em; }
.result { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; }
.result-pass { color: Green; }
.result-fail { color: Red; }
.pass { background-color: Green; }
.fail { background-color: Red; }
<form id="Form1" runat="server">
<h1>Embedded NUnit Test Runner</h1>
<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="ltrStats" />
<p class="result">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblResult" />
<hr />
<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gvResults"
> <h2>Category Filter</h2>
<asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="cblCategories"
<hr />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Run"

To implement the code-behind for the embedded test runner web form
you just created:
1. Add the following member variables to the code-behind class.
Various methods of the page populate these variables used to report
the outcome of the tests. The code snippets for this example depend on
classes in the System, System.Collections.Generic, System.Data,
System.Reflection, and System.Web.UI.WebControls namespaces.
If they do not already exist, add using statements for those
namespaces to your class.

private DataTable resultsTable;

private int executedCount = 0;
private int failedCount = 0;
private NUnit.Core.TestSuite testSuite = null;

2. Add the following Page_Load() event handler method to the code-

behind of the new web form, replacing any existing method of the
same name. This code calls the CreateTable() method that you will
create next to initialize the HTML table that will hold the results of
the tests. It also initializes the TestSuite declared in the previous code
snippet and loads the tests from the assembly that contains this
compiled code-behind. If the current request is the initial request for
the test runner, the following code also loads the categories from the
tests and displays them in the list of checkboxes from which you
select the categories of tests to invoke.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Initialize the results table

// Initialize NUnit

// Load test suite from current assembly


if (this.IsPostBack)

// Populate categories for optional filtering

List<string> categories = new List<string>();
this.GetCategories(this.testSuite, categories);
cblCategories.DataSource = categories;

3. Add the CreateTable() method to the code behind to initialize the

results table:
private DataTable CreateTable()
this.resultsTable = new DataTable();
this.resultsTable.Columns.Add("Test Name");
this.resultsTable.Columns.Add("Pass", typeof(bool));
return this.resultsTable;

4. Add the LoadTestSuite() method to load the tests from the same
assembly as the test runner:
private void LoadTestSuite()
NUnit.Core.TestPackage package = new
this.testSuite = new

5. Add the following GetCategories() method to read the categories

of tests from the assembly (.dll file) that contains the test suite as
specified by any [NUnit.Framework.Category] attributes defined for
test fixture classes:
private void GetCategories(
NUnit.Core.TestSuite suite,
List<string> cats)
// Check if the current suite contains any categories
if (suite.Categories != null)
// Add unique categories to the list of found
for (int i = 0; i < suite.Categories.Count; i++)
if (!cats.Contains((string)suite.Categories[i]))

// Recurse into any nested test suites

for (int i = 0; i < suite.Tests.Count; i++)
if (((NUnit.Core.ITest)suite.Tests[i]).IsSuite)


6. Add the RunTest() method that will handle the Click event for the
Run button in the embedded test runner web form:
protected void RunTests(object sender, EventArgs args)
// Create a list of any selected categories to filter
List<string> selectedCategories = new List<string>();

foreach (ListItem item in cblCategories.Items)

if (item.Selected)

// Create the category filter based on the selected

NUnit.Core.Filters.CategoryFilter filter =

// Declare a variable to hold the results of the test

NUnit.Core.TestResult result = null;

// If the category filter is not empty

// execute the test run with the category filter,
// otherwise execute the test run with an empty filter
if (filter.Categories.Count > 0)
result = this.testSuite.Run(this, filter);
result = this.testSuite.Run(
// Bind the collected results to the grid view
gvResults.DataSource = this.resultsTable;

// Display statistics
ltrStats.Text = string.Format(
"{0} out of {1} tests run in {2} seconds.",

if (this.failedCount > 0)
ltrStats.Text += string.Format(
"<br/>{0} {1} failed",
this.failedCount == 1 ? "test" : "tests");

// Display overall outcome of the test run

lblResult.Text = "Suite " + (result.IsFailure ?
"Failed" : "Passed");

if (result.IsFailure)
this.lblResult.CssClass = "result-fail";
this.lblResult.CssClass = "result-pass";

Before completing the embedded test runner implementation in the

following steps, take a few minutes to understand this code. The
RunTests() that ASP.NET invokes when you click the Run button in the
embedded test runner first creates a list of all the names of categories that
the user selected to run. If the user selected no categories, then the test
runner invokes all the tests in the assembly under test. The code then
creates a category filter based on the selected category names. If the user
selects at least one category, the code invokes the test suite by calling the
Run() method of TestSuite specifying the category filter to meet the
required filter parameter. If the user selects no categories, the code passes
an empty filter to the Run() method, which indicates that the method
should invoke all tests in the assembly.
The Run() method requires a reference to an object that can receive
feedback from the test runner regarding the outcome of each individual
test invoked. To collect such information with ease, the embedded test
runner is passed to the test suite. To enable the embedded test runner to
receive the feedback from the test suite, it must implement the correct
interface, as this section demonstrates further.
The call to the Run() method blocks, and will not return until all tests
have run. At that point, the DataTable named resultsTable contains
records populated by callbacks from the test suite to the embedded test
runner. The code then binds the results table to the GridView control
gvResults, and various statistics about the test run appear in other
controls on the page.
To complete the embedded test runner:
1. Add the RowDataBound event handler for the GridView control in
the page to change the background color of the test result cell in that
table. This styling provides visual feedback about the state of each
test. The code first confirms that the bound row is a data row, in which
case it extracts data from the event arguments and applies the
appropriate CSS class to the appropriate cell of the markup table to
style that cell:

protected void RowDataBound(object sender,

GridViewRowEventArgs args)
// Ensure the row being bound is a data row
if (args.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
DataRowView data = args.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

if (data == null)
// Set the appropriate CSS class to allow styling
the table cell
args.Row.Cells[1].CssClass = (bool)data.Row["Pass"]
? "pass" : "fail";

2. Update the code-behind class declaration for the embedded test

runner web form to implement the NUnit.Core.EventListener
interface as shown in the following code. This change enables the
embedded test runner to collect information about each test as it runs.
The Run() method of the test suite requires an instance of a class
implementing the NUnit EventListener interface. The test runner
implements this interface to collect information about the running
public partial class TestRunner : System.Web.UI.Page,
The contract for this interface requires many implementation methods,
though you really only need to implement the TestFinished()
method to store the test results:
public void TestFinished(NUnit.Core.TestResult result)
// Put results into a data row
DataRow dr = this.resultsTable.NewRow();
dr["Test Name"] = result.Test.TestName;
dr["Message"] = result.Message;

// Add the stack trace if the test failed

// to allow easier debugging of the test
if (result.IsFailure)
dr["Message"] += result.StackTrace;

dr["Pass"] = result.IsSuccess;

// Update statistical member variables

if (result.IsFailure)

if (result.Executed)

// Add the result to the data table


public void RunFinished(Exception exception)


public void RunFinished(NUnit.Core.TestResult result)


public void RunStarted(string name, int testCount)


public void SuiteFinished(NUnit.Core.TestResult result)


public void SuiteStarted(NUnit.Core.TestName testName)


public void TestOutput(NUnit.Core.TestOutput testOutput)


public void TestStarted(NUnit.Core.TestName testName)


public void UnhandledException(Exception exception)

In the TestFinished() method, a call to the NewRow() method creates a
new row for the result DataTable. The code then populates this row with
information about the test that has just completed. The test runner updates
the statistics for display at the end of the test run.

Remember to add tests to your project that contains the embedded test runner.

Deploying the Embedded Test Runner

Now that you have completed the test runner implementation, you must
deploy it to a Sitecore test environment before you can use it. The
implementation described previously makes such deployment quite
straightforward: Compile the test runner and copy it to the document root
of the Sitecore solution. You must deploy both the web form (the .aspx
file) and the compiled assembly (the .dll file) to the Sitecore solution
you use for testing. Later in this chapter, you will write NUnit tests into
the same project so that the compiled assembly contains both the test
runner and the tests to run.
The following explanation describes how to update the project such that
after a successful build, Visual Studio automatically deploys the test
runner to the Sitecore instance that you will use to run the tests:
1. To unload the project file, right-click the project in Solution
Explorer and select Unload Project from the context menu.
2. To edit the project file, right-click the unloaded project in Solution
Explorer and select Edit [project name].csproj from the context
3. In the first <PropertyGroup> element that has no attributes, add an
element to define the SitecorePath variable as shown in the
following example, and set its value to the path to the document root
of the Sitecore solution you use for testing on the local machine:
4. Find the commented section near the bottom of the file containing
the <Target> element named AfterBuild. Uncomment that <Target>
element and add code such as the following to it:
<CreateItem Include="**\*.aspx;bin\*.dll;bin\*.pdb">
<Output ItemName="TestFiles" TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(TestFiles)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true"
(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
The <CreateItem> task creates a list containing all the web forms
(.aspx files) in all subdirectories and all assemblies (.dll files) and
program databases (.pdb files, for debugging) in the /bin subdirectory of
the project. This includes the web form containing the embedded test
runner and the assembly containing its code. That assembly will also
contain the tests that you write in this project. This <CreateItem> task
also copies the NUnit assemblies on which the project depends, because
when you compile your assembly, Visual Studio copies the referenced
assemblies to the output path for the project (the /bin subdirectory in this
case). The <Copy> task contains a transform in the DestinationFiles
attribute that causes Visual Studio to place the files in the subdirectories in
the target filesystem that correspond to their locations in the test project.
Now that you have created the embedded test runner and configured its
deployment to the testing environment, you can write additional tests to
run with the embedded test runner. If you invoke the embedded test runner
without defining any tests, you may experience an error.

Instantiating Controls to Test

The testing technique described in this section enables you to instantiate
individual controls to test. This approach overcomes some of the
limitations of testing through HTTP and testing with a web browser
described in previous sections, and addresses the issues of test scope. The
two techniques previously explained each request an entire page to verify
the output generated by a single component. The technique described in
this section limits the scope of individual tests to the output generated by
an individual control.

Implementing Tests that Instantiate

You can use the technique of instantiating controls to test inside a Sitecore
application by using the embedded test runner created in the previous
section. The embedded test runner enables tests to call Sitecore APIs
The basic process involved in the control instantiation technique is quite
similar to testing through HTTP in that it collects, parses, and verifies the
output of a control. The difference is that it does not collect the output of
an entire page request.
The basic process of this technique is as follows:
1. Configure any required aspects of the Sitecore context.
2. Instantiate the control to test.
3. Parse the output of the control.
4. Verify output by asserting conditions.
The control to test likely expects a Sitecore context, including a context
item and other static properties of the Sitecore.Context class. Your code
can set the Sitecore.Context.Database, Sitecore.Context.Item, and
other properties of the Sitecore context using the API methods shown in
the following example:
Sitecore.Context.Database =
Sitecore.Context.Item =
After setting the required Sitecore context properties, you can instantiate
the control and invoke its RenderAsText() method to retrieve the output
of a presentation control. The following example shows how to instantiate
an eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) rendering control, set the Path
property of that control to specify which .xslt file to process, and
retrieve the output that results from rendering that control under current
processing conditions:
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile xsl =
new Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.XslFile();
control.Path = "/xsl/Child List.xslt";
string output = control.RenderAsText();
As when testing through HTTP, you can use the HAP to parse the output
of the control as shown in the following example. Remember that the HAP
attempts to represent the markup as valid XML.
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new
The remainder of the test follows the same process as testing through
HTTP. The code creates a System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator object to
traverse the output of the control and perform assertions against that
output as shown in the following code:
XPathNavigator nav = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator elements = nav.Select("//li");
Assert.AreEqual(3, elements.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("About Us",
The output processed in this case is that of the individual control; the
test focuses on this limited scope rather than the markup of the entire
page. This technique insulates tests from other controls that could affect
the markup superstructure of the page.

Limitations of Testing by Instantiating

Because this technique instantiates controls directly rather than using
Sitecore to create controls, the behavior of the control may differ from
that exhibited in a true Sitecore context. For an HTTP request, Sitecore
instantiates the control and adds it to the page control tree during a
specific ASP.NET page life cycle event. In that context, additional page
events fire after ASP.NET creates the control, and the control may respond
to those events. If the control under test relies on any of these events, it
may not behave as expected when tested with this technique, leading to
invalid results. If the control relies on events, then you can test either with
HTTP or by using a web browser driver.
The lack of a full ASP.NET page lifecycle when you instantiate
individual controls affects contextual information from Sitecore on which
those controls may depend. If a Sitecore pipeline normally sets data used
for a control under test, you need to set that data explicitly from code in
order to test the control accurately.
Because this technique makes assertions against only the static output of
the control, much like assertions made when testing through HTTP against
the static output of a page, this technique does not allow you to test
dynamic behaviors that affect the output of the control.

Invoking the Sitecore API Directly

The preceding testing techniques focus on testing presentation components
and controls by parsing the markup they produce. Most controls generate
markup that depends on calls into the Sitecore API to retrieve data or
interact with the Sitecore context or other components.
A well-designed solution extracts the data collection logic from the
controls themselves and places it into a series of utility classes and
methods. It is easier to test such a solution than to test the markup
produced by individual controls. This additional API layer also can help to
centralize logic and make the solution easier to maintain, regardless of
For example, suppose a control renders a list of an item's children,
where each of those items contains a checkbox field named Include in
List, and the control only processes those children that have that checkbox
field selected. You can use code such as the following in the code behind
of a sublayout to locate the items to display and bind them to the
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater control named
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
selectedChildren.DataSource = this.GetSelectedChildren();

private Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] GetSelectedChildren()

return Sitecore.Context.Item.Axes.SelectItems("*[@include
in list = ‘1'");
This version of the GetSelectedChildren() method has several issues.
First, this implementation uses a private method of a sublayout, meaning
that no other classes (including tests) can use that method. Second, the
method uses the context item. Other components may need to access the
selected children of an item other than the current context item. Finally,
using the context item makes methods harder to test. When using the
embedded test runner to invoke tests, the context item is likely to be null.
It would be easier to test this method if it accepted the item under which to
locate selected items.
Because other components may need to find the selected children of an
item, you should move the GetSelectedChildren() method to an
external class and make it public. Additionally, you may want to add
additional signatures of the same method to allow developers to specify
the name of the checkbox field and the item that contains that field. You
would then update the existing implementation of the
GetSelectedChildren() method to call one of the alternate signatures,
passing Sitecore.Context.Item as the first argument to specify the item
that contains the checkbox field and include in list as the value of the
second argument to specify the name of the checkbox field to evaluate in
the children of that item. The original method would then return the value
returned by that nested method call to another signature of the same
method name.
The following methods show a more testable version of the original
method. These signatures include overloads that provide the capability to
specify the item containing the children and the name of the checkbox
field, which default to the context item and the original field name.
public static class ItemUtil
public static Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[]
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item parent,
string fieldName)
string query = "*[@" + fieldName + " = ‘1']";
return parent.Axes.SelectItems(query);

public static Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[]

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item parent)
return ItemUtil.GetSelectedChildren(parent, "include in

public static Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[]

This data collection method is more testable and enables you to limit the
scope of the test to include only the logic that locates the items to display,
rather than parsing output to infer what the control did.
Now you can call the method that calls the Sitecore API directly inside a
test as shown in the following example. This code depends on the
System.Linq namespace:
public void SelectedChildItems()
// retrieve the web database by name
Sitecore.Data.Database web =

// retrieve the /sitecore/content/home item from the web

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item home =

// retrieve the selected children of the home item

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] selected =

// confirm the expected number of children

NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, selected.Length);

// retrieve the names of those children

string[] names = (from child in selected
select child.Name).ToArray();

// confirm the names of the children match expectations

NUnit.Framework.Assert.Contains("child 1", names);
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Contains("child 2", names);
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Contains("child 3", names);
This example first retrieves the item containing the selected children to
test from the Web database, and then passes that item to the
GetSelectedChildren() method that accepts only one argument. The
first assertion ensures that the application returned the correct number of
items. The subsequent code uses Language INtegrated Query (LINQ — see to create a list containing the names of those items.
The final assertions operate against that list to validate that the names of
the selected items match expectations.

Using Sitecore APIs without an

HTTP Context
Because Sitecore is a complete web application, to function properly,
Sitecore APIs often depend on aspects of the solution configuration, which
links together components of the system to create an application. You can
use some, but not all, Sitecore APIs without a Sitecore configuration.
Some aspects of Sitecore, such as the Sitecore context, depend on an
HTTP context; you cannot test some APIs without a Sitecore context and
hence an HTTP context.

Considering Calling Sitecore APIs Without

an HTTP Context
To utilize this technique, the test project needs access to many Sitecore
components. The following process describes how to configure everything
you need to use this technique. You will need a .zip distributive (as
opposed to the setup program) matching your version of the CMS, which
you can download from the Sitecore Developer Network
( Because this technique does not run tests inside
an HTTP context, you should perform the following process with the test
project created as described for the two techniques presented previously in
this chapter: testing through HTTP and testing using a web browser driver.
1. Ensure that the .zip archive matches the version of Sitecore used in
the Sitecore solution to test.
2. Create a new subdirectory named Sitecore under the /lib
subdirectory of the test project to hold the Sitecore binaries.
3. Expand all the files from the /bin subdirectory inside the Sitecore
.zip archive to the /lib/Sitecore subdirectory you just created.
4. Create a new subdirectory named /App_Config under the test
project to hold the Sitecore configuration files if that subdirectory
does not already exist.
5. Expand all the files from the /App_Config subdirectory inside the
Sitecore .zip archive to the /App_Config subdirectory in the test
6. To add an /App.config file to the test project, right-click the test
project in Solution Explorer and select Add ⇒ New Item from the
context menu. The Add New Item dialog shown in Figure 8.9 appears.
7. Select the General category and highlight the Application
Configuration File item. Leave the content of the Name field as the
default, /App.config, and click OK.
8. Expand the /Website/web.config file from the Sitecore .zip
archive to a temporary location and open it in a text editor.
9. Copy the following sections from the temporary web.config file
into the /App.config file in the test project:
The /configuration/configSections/section elements
named sitecore and log4net
The /configuration/connectionStrings element
The /configuration/appSettings element
The /configuration/sitecore element
The /configuration/log4net element
10. Locate the /configuration/sitecore/sc.variable element
named dataFolder and update the value to data.
11. Create a /data subdirectory under the test project and copy a valid
Sitecore license file into that subdirectory.
Figure 8.9
The test project now has all the files it needs to use the Sitecore API
outside an HTTP context, but the files are not in the correct locations. You
can use MSBuild (see to copy the files to the correct
locations so the tests will work. The following process describes how to
configure MSBuild on the test project to copy the files to the correct
1. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and select Unload
Project from the context menu. This step enables you to edit the
MSBuild components of the test project file using a text editor in the
2. Right-click the unloaded test project and choose Edit [project
name].csproj from the context menu. The test project will open in
the editor.
3. Locate the <Target> element named AfterBuild. Uncomment that
<Target> element.
4. Add the following XML to locate all the configuration files inside
the /App_Config subdirectory that you created previously and copy
those files to the output subdirectory while retaining the subdirectory
<CreateItem Include="App_Config\**\*.*">
<Output ItemName="ConfigIncludes"
TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(ConfigIncludes)"
(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
The CreateItem task locates the files indicated by the pattern in the
Include attribute, which in this case locates all files inside the
App_Config subdirectory (recursively). The <Output> element nested
inside the CreateItem task defines the ConfigIncludes variable to
contain the list of files, which the <Copy> element instructs Visual
Studio to copy to the output subdirectory. The DestinationFiles
attribute uses a transform to alter the destination files and
subdirectories for the files.
5. Add a similar XML fragment to copy the Sitecore assemblies from
the /lib subdirectory to the output subdirectory as shown here:
<CreateItem Include="lib\sitecore\*.*">
<Output ItemName="SitecoreBinaries"
TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(SitecoreBinaries)"
SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />
This XML fragment follows the same structure as the previous
fragment. The Include attribute of the CreateItem task locates all the
files inside the /lib/sitecore subdirectory (not recursively).
Because this is a flat list of files, you can use the simple
DestinationFolder attribute of the <Copy> element to copy all the
files specified by the SourceFiles attribute to that location.
6. Add a similar XML fragment to copy the /data subdirectory to the
output subdirectory as shown here:
<CreateItem Include="data\*.*">
<Output ItemName="DataFiles" TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(DataFiles)"
SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />
This XML fragment is the same as the previous one, but locates a
different set of files and stores them in a different variable.
The last step is to determine how to handle Web.config include files.
Sitecore automatically processes Web.config include files located in the
/App_Config/Include subdirectory. Other than requiring the .config
extension, the name of the file is irrelevant to Sitecore, although file
names should describe what type of information each configuration file
The Web.config include files apply after Sitecore loads initial
configuration from the actual /web.config file. The configuration patch
utility tries to locate the patch files by using the
System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath() method. If the current
application does not run in the context of a web server, which is the case
for tests invoked using the method described in this section, then the
System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath() method returns the path
passed to the method unmodified. When Sitecore tries to load the
configuration patch files, it passes the path of the /App_Config/Include
subdirectory to the System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath() method.
This call returns the value passed to it, in this case /App_Config/Include.
The leading slash (/) character causes the patch utility to search for the
subdirectory from the root of the disk where the application is running,
such as c:\App_Config\Include.
There are two options to mitigate this issue:
Do not use configuration patch files in the test environment and
ensure that any configuration required appears within the
/App.config file.
Use MSBuild to copy the /App_Config subdirectory from the test
project to the root of the current disk.
The first option is straightforward. The second option requires an
additional copy task in the test project file. Locate the tasks in the
AfterBuild target that copy the configuration to the output subdirectory
and add an additional copy task to copy the configuration files to the root
of the current disk:
<CreateItem Include="App_Config\**\*.*">
<Output ItemName="ConfigIncludes"
TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(ConfigIncludes)"
(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
Now the configuration patch files will work. You can reload the test
project and run tests that call the Sitecore API directly.
This technique is somewhat more intensive than traditional unit testing.
When calling the Sitecore APIs from the test code, Sitecore interrogates
its configuration to determine which system components to create and
connect, which includes the Sitecore databases. Tests that call Sitecore
data APIs to read or write data actually read and write to and from the
Sitecore database as defined by the configuration.
You can trim the configuration down by removing components not
required in the testing context. For example, the test code may not need
connections to all three default Sitecore databases; a single database
connection may suffice for tests that read and write Sitecore items.
Remember that the more the configuration of the test project differs from
the configuration used in production, the greater the chance that the
environment in which the tests run does not reflect that production
environment. Although such tests may pass, the solution may not behave
as expected in production. Cull the configuration of the test environment
Normally, a Sitecore test project exists only to contain tests for a
Sitecore project. To ensure the tests run in an environment similar to
production, use the Sitecore configuration actually used by the Sitecore

Limitations of Using Sitecore API Outside

an HttpContext
Although you can access a number of Sitecore APIs using this technique,
several APIs and classes depend heavily on an HTTP context and will only
work properly when executed inside such a context.
When calling Sitecore APIs directly without an HTTP context, page life
cycle events do not fire and the various Sitecore pipelines do not run. If
the code under test uses Sitecore data in such cases, then the test code
must create or initialize that data.
For example, the SetGlobals processor in the initialize pipeline
initializes the Sitecore.Globals static object when the Sitecore
application runs in an HTTP context. With no pipelines running, tests that
depend on that object must initialize that component with an API call such
as the following:

Working with Test Data

Good tests are resilient and repeatable. Small changes in the environment
should not affect the outcome of a test, unless the specific intention of the
test is to detect such conditions. The outcome of one test should not affect
the outcome of any other tests. Tests should be isolated from each other to
ensure predictable results.
You should run tests in a known environment. In Sitecore terms, the
content tree makes up part of that environment. Many tests against
Sitecore solutions involve methods and classes that access the content tree
and interact with content in various ways, including reading, writing, and
deleting content.
Writing automated tests requires more effort from developers than
writing only functional code. If test results are not repeatable or seem to
be random, developers may quickly lose heart with the practice, may not
write sufficient tests, and may not maintain those tests.
To ensure that tests are repeatable, do not rely on the expectation that the
content tree in the test environment will not change. For example, if you
manually create an item for testing, and write your tests to depend on that
item and the field values it contained when you created it, your tests may
fail if another user moves, renames, deletes, updates, or otherwise affects
that item.
To ensure a predictable and consistent state for the data used by your
tests, create the test data at the commencement of the test, whether you
create artificial data or copy actual data from elsewhere in the system. One
test should not affect another test or leave the test environment in a state
that differs from that at commencement of the test run. This means that
each test should create and destroy any data that it requires. Creating and
destroying test data prevents litter in the test environment and other
potential issues.
On one real-world project consisting of more than 300 tests, most tests accessed the
content tree, working with the same five items as most of the other tests. Some tests
modified these test items. The need to isolate tests became apparent when vast numbers
of tests failed because an unrelated test failed and left one of the test items in a state
other than what the subsequent tests expected. This made it much more difficult to
identify the culprit and the actual cause of the failure than if the tests had been isolated
from one another, created test data when required, and removed that data when

NUnit provides several methods that automatically run at the

commencement and conclusion of each individual test method, or at the
commencement and conclusion of an entire test fixture class. You must
attribute these types of methods in your text fixture classes to execute
automatically in each of these cases so that NUnit can determine when to
execute each such method.
Table 8.1 shows the attributes that you can apply for test data setup and
destruction. These attributes exist in the NUnit.Framework namespace.
Table 8.1 Attributes Used for Test Data Setup and Destruction
Attribute Purpose
[TestFixtureSetUp] The test runner calls these methods before any tests inside the test
fixture class. In these methods, create test data used by all tests.
[TestFixtureTearDown] The test runner calls these methods after completing all tests inside the
test fixture class. In these methods, destroy all test data.
[SetUp] The test runner calls these methods before each test in the test fixture
class. In these methods, recreate common test data used by each
individual test if any of the tests might alter the test data.
[TearDown] The test runner calls these methods after each test in the test fixture
class. In these methods, destroy any volatile data that any tests might

You may encounter cases for which the lifetime of the test data should
not exceed a single test. In those cases, the test that requires the data
should create and destroy that data. To ensure destruction of the test data,
even in the event of an error or exception in a test, wrap the test code logic
in a try...finally block, and destroy the data in the finally block.
Location of Test Data
You can create temporary or permanent Sitecore items to use solely for
testing purposes. Most items used for testing are temporary. You can
create items for testing in any Sitecore database. While you should create
items not intended for test in the Master database rather than a publishing
target database so that publishing does not delete those items, you
typically want to remove test items shortly after you create them.
Therefore, you can create test data in a publishing target database such as
the default Web database, in which case publishing can clean up the
database if your testing infrastructure fails to delete those temporary
items. If you use the technique described earlier for testing with an
embedded test runner, the test runner operates in the context of the public
website, which defaults to the Web database. There is a slight chance that
publishing operations concurrent with testing could remove items in the
publishing target database while tests run; if you create items in a
publishing target database, avoid publishing while testing.

Creating Test Data through HTTP

The method used to create the test data may depend on the testing
technique used for the test. If the test uses one of the techniques that run
the test code outside an HTTP context, such as testing through HTTP or
testing using a web browser driver, then you can use the standard Sitecore
web service to create and destroy the test data.
The standard Sitecore web service resides at
/sitecore/shell/WebService/Service.asmx on the Sitecore server. For
example, assuming the home page of the Sitecore solution is
http://sitecorebook, the address of the standard Sitecore web service on
that instance is
To utilize the web service, you must add a service reference to the test
project in Visual Studio. You can use the following procedure to add such a
1. Right-click the test project in Solution Explorer and select Add
Service Reference from the context menu. The Add Service Reference
dialog shown in Figure 8.10 appears.
2. Enter the URL for the Sitecore web service on the Sitecore instance
on which you need to create data in the URL field.
3. Click Go. Visual Studio accesses the web service and retrieves the
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) data for the service. The
IDE uses the WSDL information to create a service proxy class that
abstracts the web service methods available at the address you entered.
4. (Optional) Supply a namespace for the service in the Namespace
field. Enter an appropriate namespace such as SitecoreService.
5. Click OK. The Add Service Reference dialog disappears and you
return to Visual Studio.
6. Use the Sitecore standard web service to create test data as
described in the remainder of this section.
Figure 8.10

Each call to a Sitecore web service method must include authentication

details in the form of a username and password. You must populate an
instance of the Credentials class in the namespace that contains the
service proxy class, and supply that to the web service methods. The
following code samples assume that the Sitecore service proxy class exists
in the namespace SitecoreService. To create an instance of the
SitecoreService.Credentials class, use code such as the following:
SitecoreService.Credentials credentials =
new SitecoreService.Credentials();
credentials.UserName = @"sitecore\admin";
credentials.Password = "b";
You must provide a fully qualified username, which includes both the
Sitecore security domain and the name of the user. When you create an
item in Sitecore, you must specify four things:
The database to contain the item
The item under which to create the new item
The data template to associate with the new item
The name of the new item
Sitecore web methods expect IDs rather than instances of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class. The following code demonstrates how
to create an item named test item under an existing item. This code
depends on classes in the System.Xml.Linq namespace:
// Define the ID of the item under which to place the test
string parentId = "{0DE95AE4-41AB-4D01-9EB0-67441B7C2450}";

// Define the ID of the template upon which base the new

string templateId = "{76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-

// Create the proxy instance

SitecoreService.VisualSitecoreServiceSoapClient client =
new SitecoreService.VisualSitecoreServiceSoapClient();

// Create the new item

XElement response = client.AddFromTemplate(
"test item",
The response from the call to the web method represents XML
structured in the following format:
The response includes both a <status> element and a <data> element.
You can use the <status> element to determine whether the web service
call succeeded. The information returned in the <data> element and the
structure of that data depends on the web method you call. In the case of
the example code, the data returned by the AddFromTemplate() method
contains the ID of the item created. You can use this ID in other method
calls, such as to set field values in the new item.
You can set field values using the Save()method of the web service
proxy class. This method accepts XML in the following format, which
specifies the item to update, the fields to set, and the values for those
<field itemid="{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"
language="en" version="1"
<value>The Field Value</value>
You can include multiple <field> elements to update multiple field
values with a single call.
The following code demonstrates how to parse the ID returned from the
AddFromTemplate() method call, construct XML to set the Title field of
the newly created item, and then pass that XML to the Save() method to
set the value of that field:
// retrieve the ID of the item created by the previous web
service call
string itemid = response.Element("data").Value;

// Define the ID of the field to set

string fieldId = "{75577384-3C97-45DA-A847-81B00500E250}";
// Create the XML containing the field values to set
XDocument fieldXml = new XDocument(
new XElement("sitecore",
new XElement("field",
new XAttribute("itemid", itemid),
new XAttribute("language", "en"),
new XAttribute("version", "1"),
new XAttribute("fieldid", fieldId),
new XElement("value", "the title")

// Save the field value

XElement fieldResponse = client.Save(fieldXml.ToString(),
"web", credentials);
At the completion of each test run, you should destroy test data created
during that run. You can use the Delete() method of the class that
represents the web service to delete a single item and all of its
descendants. For example:
XElement response = client.Delete(id.ToString(), false,
"web", credentials);
Pass the ID of the item to delete as the first argument to the method. The
second argument is a Boolean value that indicates whether to move the
item to the recycle bin or destroy it. The third argument specifies the
database from which to remove the item. The final argument contains
credentials used to authenticate before executing the command.

Creating Test Data through the API

If the testing technique used allows you to call the Sitecore API directly,
then you can use the Sitecore API to create and destroy test data.
Accessing the Sitecore API directly is easier than using web services
because you can use all the classes in the Sitecore assemblies, you do not
need to specify authentication credentials in code, and you do not have to
parse an XML response to determine the outcome of each operation. The
Sitecore API is more comprehensive than the web service API, providing
many more options. You can use most of the Sitecore data APIs with or
without an HTTP context.
The following code demonstrates how to use the Sitecore API to create
items in the default publishing target database named Web by creating the
/sitecore/content/test item using the Sample/Sample Item data
// retrieve the database named web
Sitecore.Data.Database web =

// retrieve the /sitecore/content item in the web database

Sitecore.Data.Items.Item parent =

// grant this block of code rights to perform any operation

using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
// retrieve the sample item template
// from the /sitecore/templates/sample folder
Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem template =
web.GetTemplate("sample/sample item");

// create the /sitecore/content/test item item

// using the sample item template
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item =
parent.Add("test item", template);
First, the application must retrieve the database in which to create the
item. If you run this code inside an embedded test runner, which runs in
the context of the published website, then the context database would be
the Web database and you could update the code to use
Sitecore.Context.Database instead of referencing a named database
explicitly. Second, the application retrieves from that database the item
under which to create the new test item. Third, the application retrieves
the template with which to create that test item. Fourth, the application
creates the test item based on that template as a child of the
/sitecore/content/home item by calling to the Add() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class.
Note the use of the Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler
class, which is required to ensure that the test code has sufficient access
rights to create new items under the parent. If you run the example code
with an HTTP context, and that context includes a Sitecore context that
specifies a user with sufficient access rights, then you can move the
instantiation of the template variable outside and above the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler, and possibly remove the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler entirely. If you run this
code without an HTTP context, Sitecore cannot determine the context user,
and assumes an anonymous user. In that case, without the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler, this code would throw an
exception because the anonymous user should not have access rights to
perform the required operation. When using a
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler, Sitecore does not apply
security for the context user, and the code does not fail due to insufficient
access rights. For more information about the
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler class, see Chapter 4.
Setting the fields of an item using the Sitecore API is much easier than
assigning field values using XML through a web service. The following
code demonstrates how to set the value of the field named Title in the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item object represented by the item variable
created previously:
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
item["title"] = "the title";
You can use the Delete() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
class to destroy the test data, as shown in the following example. To ensure
that you delete the correct item, store the ID of the item that you created
previously (the following example assumes that ID exists in the variable
named id).
Sitecore.Data.Database db =
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item = db.GetItem(id);
Alternatively, you
could store a reference to the actual
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item that you created, and then destroy it using
the Delete() method of that object. Either method permanently deletes
the item.

Creating Test Data from XML

Some tests can require large data sets and complex content tree structures.
You can use the Sitecore API with a looping construct to create repetitive
test data efficiently. For example, within a loop, you can call the Add()
method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class to add items and then set
field values in those items using logic appropriate for your purposes. If the
test data is complex, you may find it easier to create the test data using
Sitecore user interfaces such as the Content Editor or the Page Editor, and
then export those items as XML. You can then use that XML to create data
required for tests.
There are many options for exporting the XML of an item. For example,
you can use the GetOuterXml() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class to export items as XML, or you can
use the free Sitecore Rocks ( Visual Studio
extension for Sitecore developers. You can also use third-party tools to
export items as XML, but these techniques are beyond the scope of this
To retrieve the XML of a branch of items from the content tree using
Sitecore Rocks, right-click the root item of that branch in Sitecore
Explorer, and then select tools ⇒ XML ⇒ Copy. The resulting Get Item
XML dialog allows you to copy the XML representation of the branch to
the Windows Clipboard or save it to a file (see Figure 8.11).
Figure 8.11
The XML returned by
the GetOuterXml() method of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class or using the Sitecore Rocks technique
described in the previous section provides an exact copy of the item as it
exists in the content tree. Sitecore does not require all the attributes and
field values in that XML when pasting it to create new items. You may
need only the structure of the branch nested within that root branch, or
particular field values from those items. At a minimum, Sitecore requires
that pasted XML contain the components described in Table 8.2.
Table 8.2 Nodes Required in the item XML
Node Type Name Purpose
attribute @name Name of the item
attribute @tid ID of the data template associated with the item
element version Each version of the item in each language
attribute version/@language Language of the version
attribute version/@version Number of the version
element version/fields Contains fields of the version
element version/fields/field Each field of the version
attribute version/fields/field/@tfid ID of the data template field
element version/fields/field/content Value of the data template field

For an item to exist in a given language, it must contain at least one

field. The specific field that exists is not important; what is important is
that the item contains at least one field. The following markup provides an
example of the minimal amount of XML required to represent an item
with a single version in the default English language:
<item name="min" tid="{8B1787D2-99A1-4688-ABA1-
<version language="en" version="1">
<field tfid="{001DD393-96C5-490B-924A-
<content>&lt;r /&gt;</content>
You can use the Paste() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item
class to create new items and entire branches of items in the content tree
from an XML representation of an item that meets the requirements
defined in the previous section. The following code demonstrates how to
use the Paste() method to paste item XML to create new items. This
example retrieves item XML from an external file:
string xml = File.ReadAllText("../../test data/tree.xml");
parent.Paste(xml, true,
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item testItem =
parent.Axes.GetChild("test data");
The second argument to the Paste() method of the parent variable,
which represents a Sitecore.Data.Items.Item object that you retrieved
before invoking that method, controls whether Sitecore applies new IDs to
items created from the XML instead of using the IDs that XML contains.
Most often, you should apply new IDs to the new data, which avoids
potential conflicts with existing items in the database that have the same
IDs as the items in the XML. Such items may exist if you copied the XML
from the same database into which you paste that XML (or a database that
publishes to that database, as both could contain items with the same IDs).
If field values in the imported XML reference other items in that XML by
ID, you may wish to maintain the existing IDs when you paste the XML. If
you do not instruct Sitecore to change the IDs, then you can create only a
single instance of the test data in the content tree at any one time.
The Paste() method of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class does not
return an item. To retrieve an item from the test data created by pasting
XML in this manner, use common Sitecore APIs. This example uses the
Axes property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item object represented by
the parent variable under which it pasted the data to select one of the
imported items by name, where that name corresponds to the name of an
item in the XML markup.
Once you have created the test items by pasting XML, you can treat
them like any other items in a Sitecore database. Use the standard Sitecore
APIs to destroy the test items as you would to destroy items created using
the Sitecore API. For example, to delete the item created previously:

Take Home Points

This chapter detailed numerous techniques covering a wide range of
Sitecore components and showed how you can effectively test each. If you
are a seasoned developer with a test-driven mindset, then the idea of
implementing testing for an entire Sitecore project may seem reasonable.
If you are new to testing, the task of developing unit tests may seem quite
daunting and tedious. Regardless of your experience with testing, any
project can benefit from automated testing.
Inevitably, time and cost constrain the scope of any project, and hence
the comprehensiveness of testing and the eventual quality of the solution.
Investing excessive resources into testing could reduce the amount of
development time available to implement functionality, visually appealing
features, or other aspects of the solution from which you could derive
more value regardless of code quality. If time is of the essence, then you
need to take care when selecting which components to test and which
aspects of those components to test automatically.
The tests that achieve the greatest value are those that cover functional
aspects of the system under development. This is where defects that have
the most impact typically manifest. These defects can be more difficult
and time consuming to identify by testing throughout the entire site, which
typically requires numerous different sets of input data to cover all cases.
Developers often identify defects that present visually by interactively
inspecting the website under development using common web browsers.
A well-written solution ensures the separation of the functional
components that contain logic from presentation components. This allows
you to design the functional components in a manner that simplifies
testing, such as passing all parameters rather than using static properties
of the Sitecore context. These components benefit most from automated
This is not to say that the presentation components do not benefit from
automated testing. Some presentation components may contain logic
intrinsic to the component. You may find that the best way to test such
aspects of the solution is to invoke such components individually or in the
context of a page and test the resulting output. Your test architecture can
use a combination of the techniques described in this chapter.
Chapter 9

Managing Implementations

What's in This Chapter?

Managing projects
Publishing content
Understanding workflow
Deploying changes
Supporting multiple sites
After you configure your Sitecore solution, you want to get the most value
from it. This chapter provides the information you need to manage
Sitecore projects. After an overview of traditional project management,
this chapter continues to cover the concepts of publishing and workflow,
which separate work-in-progress content from that visible on your public
sites and enforce a combined manual and automated process for
transferring approved changes to your production content delivery
environment. Once you understand content publishing, you can consider
deployment, which involves the migration of developer assets, such as
data templates and code, from one environment to another. You can also
use Sitecore to manage multiple logical sites with a single Sitecore
Sitecore is very true to the core principles of the ASP.NET application
server, so you can easily leverage your existing expertise with the CMS
platform. Once you truly understand Sitecore, the toolset should improve
your ability to meet any web objectives that you can define, and reduce
your time to market, as Sitecore eliminates some of the steps in the typical
implementation process. You can use Sitecore to prototype solutions and
then add features to the framework in iterations. Sitecore does not limit
the output that you can produce in any way; you can implement any web
solution in Sitecore. Sitecore also makes it easy to modify any component
of your solution, such as by adding data to existing pages or by adding
entire features to the solution.
This chapter describes the Team Development for Sitecore (TDS — see product from Sitecore Technology Partner Hedgehog
Development (, which you can use to optimize and
eliminate risk in your deployment procedures.

Approaching Sitecore Projects

Many organizations that engage in web development projects employ a
formal project methodology to their initiatives. Whether they use agile,
waterfall, rapid application development (RAD), or some combination of
techniques, methodology selection is a core component of the
development process. At times, a content management system (CMS) can
interfere with project methodologies and coding practices due to factors
such as a framework closed to development and extension, coding
restrictions, and proprietary scripting language limitations. The Sitecore
CMS framework helps you avoid many of these pitfalls while actually
enhancing the web development process. Working with Sitecore should not
affect the project plan in a negative manner if you spend sufficient time on
requirements analysis before choosing the underling platform and
carefully chart your course. Unless directed otherwise by Sitecore, follow
standard best practices for working with the underlying platform of
ASP.NET. To achieve the greatest return in the least time, Sitecore
customers should consider engaging an experienced Sitecore partner to
assist with at least the initial phases of their first Sitecore projects. For
more information about Sitecore partners, see Appendix A.
Modern web development projects often leverage agile project
management methodologies such as the Scrum incremental
implementation model that involves a number of iterative development
sprints. For more information about Scrum, see With
Sitecore, you can use RAD methods to create a hybrid of project
methodologies. This approach leverages RAD during the planning and
requirements gathering phase of the project to validate assumptions
quickly and to help identify any requirements missed during the initial
analysis. The project can then move into an agile Scrum process for the
remainder of the project. Throughout this entire life cycle, it is critical that
the technology and platform components not hinder the developers or the
application development process. The following sections of this chapter
focus on how Sitecore enhances the developer's ability to prototype
rapidly, especially early in the development process, and how Sitecore
supports common coding techniques already established for object-
oriented design processes.

Prototyping with Sitecore and RAD

Projects that use Sitecore do not interfere with the hybrid project
management methodology described in the previous section. During the
planning and requirements-gathering phases, such projects employ
Sitecore to test assumptions within a development environment rapidly.
This is one example of Sitecore providing a boost to developers that many
other CMS platforms do not offer. Developers can quickly design basic
data templates, common layouts and sublayouts, and other major
components, which greatly increases productivity, enabling developers to
focus on core requirements much more than would be possible using only
.NET with a database server, or in comparison with various other CMS
platforms. In addition, Sitecore provides a mechanism to elicit client
feedback using the functional prototype, which aids in shortening the
requirements-gathering phase and helps to validate the development
team's initial ideas and plans. Furthermore, by employing this approach,
project managers can segment the development effort into logical sprints,
resulting in improved efficiency and concurrency. Upon completion of
each sprint, the team can assess progress and the remaining sprints to
determine whether to apply course correction based on lessons learned.

Prototyping with Traditional RAD

Typically, a web development team using standard Microsoft technologies
(ASP.NET with Microsoft SQL Server and Visual Studio) uses the
following procedure to build a simple data structure with storage
persistence, along with a grayscale functional front end:
1. Create the database instance.
2. Create database tables that represent application objects and
3. Configure the application project in an integrated development
environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio.
4. Create custom classes to instantiate, get, and set application objects.
5. Add custom code to add, modify, and delete objects in the database.
6. Create front-end shell HTML using ASP.NET master pages (see
7. Create web forms to add, modify, and delete objects in the database.
8. Create front-end web controls and user controls to display objects
from the database in accordance with project requirements.

Prototyping with Sitecore RAD

The Sitecore CMS framework enhances the traditional RAD process while
reducing time to market. Sitecore automates many of the manual, labor-
intensive steps that compose the traditional RAD process. Sitecore RAD
prototype steps include the following:
1. Install Sitecore.
2. Create data templates to represent application objects and
3. Configure an application project in an IDE such as Visual Studio.
4. (Optional) Create custom classes to instantiate, get, and set
application objects.
5. Create front-end shell HTML using layouts.
6. Create front-end presentation controls (renderings) to display
objects from the database in accordance with project requirements.
Sitecore can help you automate or eliminate the following steps in the
traditional RAD process:
Create database tables that represent application objects and
Add custom code to add, modify, and delete objects in the database.
Create web forms to add, modify, and delete objects.
The Sitecore CMS framework automates these tasks and enhances your
ability to prototype in several areas. For example, suppose the
development team implements a data template to represent products, and
creates three renderings that perform the following functions:
List all products.
Display details about a product.
Highlight a featured product.
If requirements emerge that indicate the need for an additional field to
describe a new attribute available to all products, the developer can
implement this change to the data template through a graphical user
interface (GUI) without changing the database schema, and then update
the corresponding presentation controls to use that field. In addition to
requiring a new column in a database table, in a traditional web
development process, such a change would require modification of the
data entry forms used to manage product data, possibly changes to stored
procedures in the database, and potentially even more development and
testing effort (for example, to define a default value for the new field).
Sitecore automatically and dynamically generates consistent, user-friendly
data entry forms based on data template definitions.
To provide additional benefits for developers, the Sitecore CMS
platform supports rapid front-end interface modifications by using
placeholders in layouts and sublayouts. Placeholders enable the layout
engine to bind any number of presentation controls to a page dynamically.
Placeholders also enable users and developers to change the list of
presentation components bound to each placeholder at any time using a
browser-based GUI, rather than requiring updates to code, configuration,
database records, or other technical solutions. Continuing with a real-
world example using products, as illustrated in Figure 9.1, the
development team can prototype the product detail page to include a
product description and a matrix of product features.
Knowing that other pages have very similar designs, a developer would
insert a placeholder into the layout or sublayout where the product features
appear, and use layout details to bind a presentation control to that
placeholder to render product features when needed, and bind other
presentation controls to that placeholder for other types of pages. By using
a placeholder, the developer can replace the presentation control for
product features easily with an alternate version and see the impact on the
entire site without changing a single line of code. The prototype shown in
Figure 9.1 represents the exact structure as outlined by the information
architecture team, but with sample content in place, which makes it clear
to designers that there is not enough room to fit product reviews within the
first fold of the web page. Assuming the presentation control
implementations support flexible visual widths, a developer can rearrange
presentation objects by binding them to alternate placeholders (such as a
placeholder in the right column) through a browser-based user interface
without updating any code or configuration files, resulting in output as
depicted in Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.1
Figure 9.2
You can achieve these types of modifications using traditional ASP.NET
web development, but that approach requires more effort and direct
manipulation of code to see results. This manual effort can increase the
amount of time required to implement such a modification, reduce
resources available for testing the modification and implementing
additional features, and even discourage essential design changes.

Facilitating Object-Oriented Coding

Upon completion of the requirements-gathering phase with rapid
prototyping, you can leverage techniques from the agile Scrum
methodology for the remainder of the development process. After
implementing the basic data templates, common layouts, and
superstructure sublayouts required for the project during a rapid
prototyping phase, you could identify core features to develop in Scrum
sprints. You can then check changes into a source code management
system (SCMS) and deploy completed code using standard integration and
deployment tools.
Most content management systems force developers to learn and
manage a coding syntax unique to the product, which can negatively affect
the development learning curve and the implementation process. The open
nature of the Sitecore development framework, its use of standard
ASP.NET components, and its adherence to the underlying principles of
ASP.NET simplify the development process. The Sitecore framework
enables you to follow a typical ASP.NET web application development
approach while reducing effort and increasing speed. The development
team follows the same steps to create custom objects, business logic, and
front-end markup as they would follow without a CMS. This similarity in
the process reduces the amount of learning required of developers before
approaching the platform and project. Developers do not need to learn
product-specific code syntaxes, work with incomplete application
programming interfaces (APIs), or change the way they design and
develop front-end markup in order to fit the requirements of the product
framework. The following sections demonstrate how Sitecore seamlessly
integrates itself with the existing development process.

Integrating Front-End Markup

Sitecore developers, including those working with Sitecore partners, can
work directly with Sitecore clients and creative agencies that provide their
own front-end markup, images, and other visual resources. These
deliverables may consist of layered .psd (Adobe Photoshop Document)
files or complete HTML or other markup, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
JavaScript, and additional file types. The CMS must not dictate or shape
the direction of the creative team or the development style of markup. The
inherent segmentation of the Sitecore layout engine supports standards-
driven markup using layouts and sublayouts, which provide a clear path
for unobstructed front-end implementation and further integration.
As an example, consider the requirement to implement a navigation
drop-down menu. You can develop and implement markup to meet this
objective in several different ways. The Sitecore framework does not
control whether you use unordered lists (HTML <ul> and <li> elements)
with CSS and jQuery, a pure CSS approach (such as HTML <div>
elements with supporting styles), or any other technique deemed
appropriate for the project. Sitecore focuses on structuring and managing
the content; you develop presentation components to render that content in
any manner that you like. In fact, you can implement multiple presentation
components for a shared set of content — for example, to use different
markup elements for different types of devices (such as browsers and
mobile phones). Sitecore leaves the markup implementation completely to
the developer, which is the most flexible infrastructure possible. This
single advantage supports broader organizational freedom, allowing
interchangeable skill sets above the Sitecore foundation, reducing the level
of effort required, eliminating bottlenecks, and delivering speed to market,
organizational efficiency, and hence return on investment (ROI).

Integrating Custom Business

Nearly every project requires integration with a third-party system or
legacy business objects. The pluggable design of Sitecore and its
adherence to standard ASP.NET coding techniques streamlines such
integration efforts. Because the foundation of a Sitecore site is an
ASP.NET web application, the options for integration and custom logic
available to that platform apply to any Sitecore solution. Sitecore provides
facilities such as events and pipelines to simplify system integrations.
You can use Sitecore APIs, any of the various techniques described in
Chapter 7, and standard ASP.NET techniques such as web services to
integrate custom logic and third-party systems into your Sitecore
solutions. The coding required to use standard ASP.NET techniques does
not vary due to the fact that you use Sitecore. For example, if a Sitecore
solution requires integration with a legacy .NET application that uses
custom classes, the Sitecore Visual Studio project can reference the
assemblies containing those classes, and use those classes for native
access to the methods contained therein.

Publishing with Sitecore

Sitecore sites offer a simple but flexible paradigm for publishing content
from a content management environment accessed by CMS users to one or
more content delivery environments accessed by visitors to the public (or
internal, or extranet) sites. Content editors typically edit and preview
content in a production content management environment, and then
publish that content to a content delivery environment. Content becomes
visible to visitors to the managed site in the content delivery environment
only after publication. You must publish changes made by CMS users to
items in the content management environment for those changes to appear
in the content delivery environment. Specifically, Sitecore publishes items
from the Master database to one or more publishing target databases.
You can publish an individual item, an item and its descendants, or an
entire database. You can publish in one or more languages to one or more
publishing target databases. When you publish, you can choose from
incremental, smart, and complete republishing modes as described in the
following section.
Follow these steps to publish an individual item or branch from the
Content Editor:
1. Select the item from which to begin publishing.
2. Click the Publish tab, click Publish in the Publish group, and then
click Publish Item. The Publish Item Wizard appears. If the Publish
Item Wizard displays a welcome screen, click Next. The Settings page
appears as shown in Figure 9.3.
3. Select publishing options based on your requirements and as
described in the following sections. You can select either Smart or
Republish mode, one or more languages to publish, and one or more
publishing targets. Choose the Publish Subitems checkbox to publish
an entire branch instead of only the selected item. Then click Publish.
When Sitecore completes publishing, click Finish. The Publish Item
Wizard disappears and you return to the Content Editor.
Figure 9.3

To publish the entire Master database from the Sitecore desktop, follow
these steps:
1. Click the Sitecore button, and then click Publish Site. The Publish
Wizard appears. If the Publish Wizard displays a welcome screen,
click Next. The Settings page appears as shown in Figure 9.4.
2. Select publishing options based on your requirements and as
described in the following sections. You can select the Incremental,
Smart, or Republish publishing mode, one or more languages to
publish, and one or more publishing targets. Then click Publish. When
Sitecore completes publishing, click Finish. The Publish Wizard
disappears and you return to the Content Editor.
Figure 9.4
For more information about publishing with Sitecore beyond that
provided in the remainder of this chapter, see the publishing operations
article at on the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN).
For ideas about controlling the publication of deleted items, see my blog
post at You can also find several Sitecore shared
source modules relevant to publishing at

Publishing Modes
Whether you publish an individual item or the entire Master database, you
can select a mode of publishing for the operation. The following sections
describe the publishing modes summarized in this list:
Republish — Publishes all items in the database or only those items
you select to publish, with no exceptions in either case
Incremental — Publishes all items in the database or only those
items you select to publish, in either case excluding items that
Sitecore has not added to an internal list of items that may require
Smart — Publishes all items in the database or only those items you
select to publish, in either case excluding items for which the revision
identifier in the source database matches that in the publishing target

Regardless of which publishing mode you choose, Sitecore does not transfer items and
versions of items to the target database if publishing restrictions (including workflow
status) indicate that Sitecore should not publish the item or the version. Subsequent
sections in this chapter describe publishing restrictions and workflow.

When you choose to republish, Sitecore publishes each of the items that
you indicate to publish (or all items) from the Master database to the
publishing target database(s), with no exclusions. Republishing is the least
efficient publishing mode. You can use republishing to force Sitecore to
publish all items, such as when you bring a new publishing target database
online or after you add a new language and corresponding content.

Incremental Publishing
When CMS users add and update items, Sitecore adds the IDs of those
items to an internal list of items that may require publication. When you
select incremental publishing mode, Sitecore publishes the items that you
select to publish that also exist in this list, or all items in that list if you
select to publish the entire database. Incremental publishing is typically
more efficient than republishing or smart publishing.

Smart Publishing
Whenever a user updates an item, Sitecore updates its internal revision
identifier for that item in that database to a unique value. When you select
the smart publishing mode, Sitecore compares its internal revision
identifiers for each version of each item that you select to publish in the
Master database against the revision identifiers of the corresponding items
in the publishing target database to determine which items to publish.
Smart publishing is more efficient than republishing, but less efficient
than incremental publishing. You can choose the smart publishing mode
when incremental publishing does not transfer a change that you expect,
without resorting to republishing.

Publishing Restrictions
You can specify publishing restrictions for each item and each version of
each item in each language. Publishing restrictions control whether
Sitecore can publish that item or version, as well as the dates during which
Sitecore can publish the item or version. Additionally, you can specify
publishing targets for an item, which prevent Sitecore from publishing that
item to any other publishing target databases.

Regardless of publishing restrictions, Sitecore does not publish versions associated with
non-final workflow states.

Follow these steps to set publishing restrictions for an item in the

Content Editor:
1. Click the Publish tab, and then click Change in the Restrictions
group. The Publishing Settings dialog appears as shown in Figure 9.5.
2. Click the Item or Versions tab to define publishing restrictions for
the item or individual version according to your requirements.
3. To prevent Sitecore from publishing the item or version, clear the
Publishable checkbox. To restrict the dates during which Sitecore
allows the item or version to appear in publishing target databases,
enter values in the Publishable From and Publishable To fields. Then
click OK. The Publishing Settings dialog disappears and you return to
the Content Editor.

If Sitecore cannot publish an item, it cannot publish any descendants of that item.

Figure 9.5

Publishing Targets
Publishing target databases represent Sitecore content databases to which
you can publish content from the Master database in the content
management environment. Publishing target databases typically support
content delivery environments. A publishing target database involves an
actual database and a publishing target definition item. Whereas the
Master database contains all versions in all languages of all items,
including unapproved changes, publishing targets contain at most one
version of each item in each language, and they do not contain unapproved
Most customers want to publish all items to all publishing targets, which
is what Sitecore does by default. After you add a publishing target,
publishing operations can publish all items to that new publishing target.
Publishing restrictions can associate items with publishing targets,
allowing Sitecore to publish those items only to the publishing targets

It may not be intuitive, but if you do not select any publishing targets (as by default) on
the Targets tab in the Publishing Settings dialog, Sitecore publishes the item to all
publishing targets. As soon as you start selecting publishing targets for an item, you
actually limit the publishing targets to which Sitecore can publish the item to those
targets that you select. This is important because you do not need to update all your
items after you add a publishing target; Sitecore automatically publishes every item to
every publishing target if you select no targets. If you really do not want to publish an
item to any publishing targets, clear the Publishable check box on the Item tab.

The name of the default publishing target is Internet. This publishing

target specifies the Web database. This name could be confusing when
using Sitecore for an intranet or extranet. You can rename this default
publishing target, but you may need to update any code or configuration
that references that publishing target by name.
You can configure additional publishing targets for various purposes,
including the following:
To support high-traffic volumes (each bank of content delivery
instances accesses a separate publishing target database)
To support geographic distribution and failover (publish to content
delivery environments on different continents)
To address redundancy and other scalability considerations
To allow publishing to a preproduction environment before publishing
to the production content delivery environment (see the SDN forum
thread at for information about addressing this
To host the databases for some of the managed sites in one publishing
target database and other sites in another database, which can reduce
publishing time and database storage requirements
To complete publishing to a database and then switch the production
configuration to use that new database
For more information about publishing target databases, see The
Sitecore Content Reference manual ( and my blog
post at

Publishing to Preproduction Sitecore

While the Sitecore publishing paradigm offers a robust user experience for
content editors, developers often need additional options to deploy updates
to data templates and other technical resources managed as Sitecore items.
You may need to separate multiple different types of deployment assets.
Apart from content deployment, which you can achieve with publishing
alone, a typical “code” deployment consists of file assets and Sitecore
items. For example, a sublayout consists of at least a web user control
(.ascx file) and a sublayout definition item in a Sitecore database, and
may involve a .NET assembly (.dll file). The functionality of the site
depends on both types of assets becoming available simultaneously. If you
deploy either of these assets without the other, the site might not function
as you expect. For example, if you deploy the sublayout definition item
without the file(s), content items that use that sublayout may generate
Because the public Internet should not have access to the content
management environment, you might be able to schedule downtime during
which content editors should not update content while you migrate updates
from development and test environments to that environment. After you
have deployed both the code and the Sitecore items, you can further test
the site internally in that environment.
Deploying updates to the content delivery environment presents a
different challenge. Due to specific customer requirements, some
published sites cannot tolerate any downtime. Such sites require more
complex deployment procedures, especially considering the machine time
required to deploy and publish new and updated items and files. Typically,
file assets deploy more quickly than Sitecore items publish, which can
open a window during which the content delivery environment does not
contain all necessary components.
Many large Sitecore implementations share a single publishing target
database with a bank of content delivery instances. This arrangement
provides some flexibility for solutions that cannot tolerate downtime. You
can copy or replicate the publishing target database to create a temporary
publishing target database, and then configure some of the instances in the
bank to use that temporary database instead of the original. Then you can
remove the other content delivery instances from the bank, apply the
deployment (or Sitecore upgrade), publish to the original publishing target
database, and then test those instances. After you confirm functionality of
the updated instances, you can add them back to the content delivery bank,
remove the remaining servers from the bank, upgrade the remaining
servers, and reconfigure them to access the original publishing target
database. After you complete the deployment to all instances, they all use
the same publishing target database and service requests with the latest
code; you can then remove the temporary publishing target database. You
can follow a similar process even when multiple banks of content delivery
instances depend on multiple publishing target databases.

Publishing Media
When you upload a file into the media library, Sitecore encodes its binary
content and stores that data as a record in the Master database. Before you
publish content items that reference a media item, you should publish that
media item.
Excluding the File Drop Area field type, Sitecore does not automatically prevent a user
from publishing content that references unpublished media.

There are multiple potential strategies for publishing media. You could
require users to publish their media before publishing their content, in
which case you might implement validation to alert the user about items
that reference unpublished media (see my blog posts at If you use workflow for content (which you should,
even if users simply publish their own changes), then you can use a
workflow action to publish related media (see my blog post at Otherwise, you can use event handlers or other
features to publish media immediately after users upload new files or
update existing media items. This last approach works whether you use
workflow or not, but some organizations may not want to publish media
immediately. Therefore, the most comprehensive solution may be to
intercept content publishing to publish media referenced by that published
content. In that case, see my blog post at

Before you publish a media item, you must first publish the folder that contains that
media item to ensure that the parent item exists in the target database before the child.

Scheduling Publication
There are two aspects to scheduling publication: configuring publishing
restrictions to control when Sitecore can publish the item (or versions of
that item), and triggering a publishing operation after that time on that
Configuring publishing restriction does not cause Sitecore to publish or
unpublish the item or version at the date and time specified; publishing
restrictions merely control whether Sitecore can publish the item or
version. You must initiate a publishing operation to publish the changes
after reaching the date and time configured in publishing restrictions. You
can publish manually; you can configure the
/configuration/sitecore/scheduling/agent element in the
Web.config file with a value of Sitecore.Tasks.PublishAgent for the
type attribute to publish periodically; or you can implement a more
advanced solution such as the Automated Publisher
( Sitecore Shared Source project. For information
about scheduling processes with Sitecore, see Chapter 7.

The publishItem Pipeline

Sitecore invokes the publishItem pipeline for each item that it publishes,
including the publication of deleted items. You can implement a processor
in the publishItem pipeline to intercept item publishing and apply
custom logic, such as to add media referenced by the item to the list of
items to publish. For an overview of the publishItem pipeline and an
example processor, see my blog post at

A CMS workflow typically prevents content from reaching the production
content delivery environment without passing through some combination
of manual and automated process. Such a process can include any number
of editorial and review phases, sometimes delineated by email notification
to the parties involved, as well as automatic content validation and
Primary components of the Sitecore workflow system include the
Workflows — Define overall processes
States — Represent steps in workflow processes
Commands — Allow users to transition content items from one state
to another
Actions — Automate functions in the workflow process
Keep your workflow implementation as simple as possible. Minimize the number of
workflows, states, commands, and actions (especially actions that send email). Use
access rights to allow the same workflow to work for multiple departments within the

Before delving into complex workflow requirements, remember that one

primary goal of the CMS is to facilitate changes to the site, not to hinder
such changes or discourage CMS users from updating content. You cannot
always design and implement a CMS workflow process to enforce every
possible variant of the publishing process. I recommend that you use the
fewest number of workflows possible, and make those workflows as
simple as possible. At the same time, it is important that all changes
except those made by developers and administrators flow through at least
a simple workflow consisting of no less than two states, such as one
“editorial” and one “published” state. The next level of workflow
complication adds a review state between the editorial state and the
published state. For more information about workflow, see The Sitecore
Workflow Reference ( and The Sitecore Workflow
Cookbook (

The Sitecore Workbox

The Workbox is a browser-based application for managing workflows in
the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. You can use the Workbox to approve, reject,
edit, or otherwise manage content in the workflow system. To access the
Workbox from the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button, and then
click Workbox. To access the Workbox from the Content Editor, select the
Workbox tab at the bottom of the window. To access the Workbox from the
Page Editor, click Workbox in the Edit group on the Ribbon. Figure 9.6
provides an example of the Workbox.
Figure 9.6
Locking and Workflow
Sitecore maintains locks to control which users can edit versions of items.
Only one user can lock a version at any time. Excluding Sitecore
administrators, no other users can edit a version while you own the lock
for that version. When you create an item, Sitecore assigns you a lock to
the initial version of that item in the current working language.

Locks do not prevent Sitecore from publishing version of items. Placing a version of an
item in a workflow state that is not final prevents Sitecore from publishing that version.

Sitecore workflows define publishing processes for content items as a
sequence of states. When a user creates or edits an item based on a data
template, Sitecore initiates the workflow that you designate as the initial
workflow in the standard values for that data template.
Sitecore follows a specific procedure when you create an item. If the
data template for that item specifies an initial workflow, Sitecore puts the
first version that you create in a language into the initial state of the
workflow specified in the standard values of the data template associated
with that item. When a user that is not a Sitecore administrator edits an
item associated with a final workflow state, Sitecore creates a new version
of that item in that language, and puts that version in the initial state of the
initial workflow associated with that data template.

Specify the initial workflow in the standard values for each data template (Review ⇒
Workflow ⇒ Initial).

By default, each complete workflow cycle creates a new version. For

example, when a CMS user creates an item, Sitecore creates version 1 of
that item in the language selected by the user. After that version completes
the workflow, when a CMS user that is not an administrator edits the item
in that language again, Sitecore creates version 2, which must complete a
workflow cycle before becoming a candidate for publication.

Workflow States
Workflows consist of some number of states representing different phases
in the publishing process, such as editorial, review, and published states. A
user's access to a content item depends on the union of their rights to the
content item and its current workflow state. For example, even if you have
write access to an item, if that item is in a workflow state to which you do
not have write access, you do not have effective rights access to the item.

Initial Workflow State

You must specify an initial workflow state for each workflow. The initial
workflow state specifies the default state in which to place items when
they enter that workflow.

The initial workflow state of a workflow is not the same as the initial workflow for a data
template. The initial workflow selected in the standard values for each data template
specifies the workflow to activate for items based on that data template. The initial
workflow state selected for each workflow specifies the state in that workflow in which to
place items when they enter that workflow.

Final Workflow States

You should specify at least one final workflow state in each workflow.
Final workflow states serve at least two purposes:
Sitecore can publish versions associated with final workflow states.
When a user that is not a Sitecore administrator edits an item that is in
a final workflow state, Sitecore creates a new version and puts that
version in the initial state of the initial workflow specified in the
standard values of the data template associated with the item.

Final workflow states have no correspondence to initial workflow states. A workflow can
have any number of final workflow states, but designates only one initial workflow state.

Workflow Commands
Workflow commands provide a mechanism for users to move a version of
an item from one workflow state to another. For example, from an
editorial workflow state, an author could select a command such as Submit
to move that content to a review state.

Workflow Actions
Workflow actions invoke .NET code when a version of an item reaches a
specific workflow state or when a user invokes a workflow command. For
example, you can associate an action with the final states of your
workflow to publish the updated content automatically when it reaches
that state, and you can associate an action with a rejection command to
send an email message to the author.

You can associate workflow actions with both workflow states and workflow commands.

Sitecore provides default workflow actions that do the following:

Publish the version that completed workflow, and optionally its
descendants (associated with final workflow states)
Send email notification (associated with workflow states and
Prevent workflow progress until the user resolves validation issues
(associated with workflow commands)
Move the version to a different workflow state when a user who is a
member of a specific role saves the version
For an example of a custom workflow command intended to prevent
reviewers from approving their own changes in cases where users serve as
both editors and reviewers in a single workflow, see my blog post at

By default, Sitecore does not apply a workflow when you delete an item or a version of
an item. Any subsequent publishing operation can publish the deletion. For a discussion
of using workflow to delete items, see my blog post at

You can assign the same initial workflow (the landing workflow) in the
standard values of all data templates and use a workflow action to
determine the actual workflow to apply to each item at runtime. For
example, a content item might flow through different workflows
depending on the site, branch, creator, category, or other properties. The
initial state of the landing workflow contains a workflow action to
determine which actual workflow to apply. Assigning this same landing
workflow to all items can reduce administrative effort. More important,
you can trigger specific workflows based on your specific requirements,
meaning you can use landing workflows when you do not know in advance
which workflow to apply to an item or all items based on a data template.
You may want to add the landing workflow action to the initial state of all
workflows, to move the item into a different workflow if conditions have
changed since its last workflow assignment.

The landing workflow need not have a final state, but you should assign permissions and
someone responsible for checking this workflow in the Workbox to ensure that your
workflow action has not failed, leaving items in the initial state of the landing workflow.

In your landing workflow action, after you determine the ID of the

definition item of the actual workflow to apply to the item, you can call a
method based on the following example to set the workflow for the item:
protected void TransferToWorkflow(
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item,
string workflowId)
Sitecore.Workflows.IWorkflow workflow =


using(new Sitecore.Data.Items.EditContext(item))
item[Sitecore.FieldIDs.Workflow] = workflow.WorkflowID;


You could use the rules engine to determine which workflow to trigger. For an example
that uses the rules engine in a custom context, see my blog post at

Managing Sitecore Deployments

You will likely need to migrate three types of updates from development
through test and production content management and content delivery
Content updates, which developers may initiate in a development
environment or users may initiate in the production content
management environment
Code updates, which developers initiate in a development
Sitecore CMS updates, released by Sitecore and deployed to all
In relation to deployment, the distinction between files on the filesystem
and items in a Sitecore database is important. In addition to using
definition items to contain metadata, Sitecore depends on files for specific
features, including layouts, sublayouts, XSL renderings, and web controls.
In many cases, you can use Sitecore publishing to deploy changes to
content items from the production content management environment to
the production content delivery environment. You should always use a
separate release management process to migrate files from the
development environment through one or more testing environments and
eventually to production content management and content delivery
environments. That release management process must account for items
that developers change in development environments as opposed to items
that CMS users change in the production content management
environment, such as presentation component definition items and data
template definitions, and you should typically synchronize the deployment
of both types of assets. Sitecore automatically versions items in the
database, but you should use an SCMS to version your files.
In some cases, you may have to choose between storing an asset in
Sitecore or on the filesystem. For example, if a presentation component
references an image, and CMS users never update that reference, you can
put that image on the filesystem or in the Sitecore media library. If you
want the capability to change the image, and potentially version that
change using the CMS, without a code deployment, you can store the
image in the media library. If you want a change to that image to be part of
a code deployment, you can store that image on the filesystem. The same
holds true for video and other types of resources.

In this context, I do not mean file-based storage of Sitecore media items, which is an
option that I do not recommend (store your Sitecore media items in the database
whenever possible). Rather, I mean that you can store such files on the filesystem without
any corresponding media item in Sitecore, and reference those assets from code and
markup as you would using a standalone ASP.NET solution rather than the Sitecore

Sitecore Item Serialization

You can use Sitecore serialization to serialize items and branches of items
in a Sitecore database to .item files on a filesystem, and to import the
data in such serialization files to a Sitecore database. You can check
serialization files into an SCMS, which has advantages for sharing
resources between developers as well as versioning and defining release
branches. You can manipulate serialization files in ways that you cannot
manipulate items, such as by using visual comparison tools. To access
serialization features in the Content Editor, right-click a tab and then click
Developer in the context menu to show the Developer tab. Then use the
commands in the Serialization group to serialize items and entire branches
to files and to update items from serialization files. For more information
about serialization, see The Sitecore Serialization Guide

Creating a Deployment
To create a deployment, first compile your Visual Studio project(s). Next,
create a folder structure that contains all the new and updated files to
deploy. This folder structure can include layout files (.aspx), sublayout
files (.ascx), eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation files
(.xslt), compiled assemblies (.dll), and other new and updated
resources, including JavaScript (.js) and Cascading Style Sheet (.css)
files to deploy to the document root of the Sitecore solution. Then create a
Sitecore package to contain the Sitecore items changed since the previous
deployment. A Sitecore package is a .zip file that contains meta data and
it can contain Sitecore items from any database and files from the
document root. For more information about Sitecore packages, see The
Sitecore Package Designer Administrator's Guide (
To access the Package Designer from the Sitecore desktop, click the
Sitecore button, and then click Development Tools ⇒ Package Designer.
To create a package in Visual Studio using the free Sitecore Rocks
extension for Sitecore developers (, select the
items to include in the package using the Sitecore Explorer, right-click one
of those items, select Tools from the context menu that appears, and then
click Create Package. Alternatively, with Sitecore Rocks, you can use the
package keyword to create a package in Query Analyzer. You can include
files in your package. Alternatively, when the time comes, you can simply
copy the file assets manually or using a release management tool.
Depending on the complexity of the deployment, you can use two
techniques to determine which items to include in the package:
Package only the items that you have changed.
Package all the data templates for the solution, ensuring you include
all changes without having to pick each individual item.
Each of these alternatives presents potential problems. When you
package items selectively, you may forget to include an item, which can
cause delays or worse problems for the deployment. If you instead
package all the templates, you may include work in progress not intended
for the current deployment. You may also experience issues if your
environment does not include the latest changes from all developers
working on the project. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to merge
changes from multiple developers by packaging all data templates
comprising the solution. A more reliable approach requires a central
repository for the current versions of all Sitecore items managed by all
developers on the project, similar to a source control system for files.

Deploying to the QA Environment

To install the deployment in a quality assurance (QA) environment, run the
Package Installation Wizard in that environment. To run the Package
Installation Wizard from the Sitecore desktop, click the Sitecore button,
click Development Tools from the menu that appears, and then click
Installation Wizard. This task sounds simple and straightforward, but you
may need multiple iterations due to the complexity of the packaging
process, the number of packages created, and the order of dependencies
controlling the package installation order.
Once you deploy the updates to QA, test in that environment to identify
code that you need to update to address technical issues and anything that
you may have forgotten to package, including both code and items.

Deploying Additional Changes

If you have to make some code changes in your local development
environment to address issues that you identified by testing in the QA
environment, you need to decide how to deploy those changes. You can
follow the same process described previously, especially for the code
assets. To reduce the size and number of update packages to install, you
might want to create one or more packages containing only a subset of the
items contained in the package(s) that you already deployed, especially if
you updated a small number of items after that deployment.
If you create an entirely new package containing only the items changed
since the initial deployment, you risk forgetting something important that
changed from the original package(s). Careful tracking of all changes
reduces this risk but adds overhead for developers. If you create a new
package the deployment becomes more complex, as you need to deploy
the packages to each environment in the proper order. This scenario gets
even more complex when multiple developers contribute Sitecore item
changes to the deployment.

Deploying to the Production Environments

After you deploy all changes to the QA environment and those changes
pass QA testing, you can deploy those changes to the production
environments (both content management and content delivery). Ideally,
you can follow the same deployment steps that you used for the QA
environment to deploy the same changes to production. Because
production environments have different configurations than development,
QA, and potentially other environments, you must take special care to
ensure the preservation and deployment of a proper configuration.

Upgrading Sitecore
For current CMS releases, Sitecore provides update packages (.update
files) that you can use to upgrade your Sitecore instances through a
browser-based user interface. Unfortunately, Sitecore does not provide a
user interface that allows you to create such update packages yourself.
Always follow all instructions from Sitecore to install each update.

Update packages (.update files) differ from packages that you can create with Package
Designer and Sitecore Rocks (.zip files). Use Package Designer and Sitecore Rocks for
your changes; Sitecore uses update packages for its own system changes.

Team Development for Sitecore

Sitecore Technology Partner Hedgehog Development (
provides the optional Team Development for Sitecore (TDS — see software product, which enables developers to treat
Sitecore items as code assets. Using TDS, you create items in one or more
Sitecore environments and then synchronize those changes using a TDS
project in Visual Studio. After a Sitecore item becomes part of a TDS
project, it has all the features available for files in a source control system.
Through integration with Sitecore Rocks, you can automatically include
items in your TDS project. In other words, with Sitecore Rocks, TDS does
not require any manual effort to include these items in your project.
When developers get the latest code from the source control system,
they automatically get the latest Sitecore items within the TDS project. By
simply deploying your solution, you get the most current Sitecore items in
the target environment.
TDS removes many of the issues that exist with standard Sitecore
serialization. Developers check in only those items that they have created
or modified (not including all items provided by Sitecore itself), resulting
in substantially fewer items in source control. This can reduce potential
problems from inadvertently overwriting changes to items with old data
from the source control system. For example, if a Sitecore update changes
an item and that change did not make it into source control, overwriting
that item from source control would lose the change.
TDS provides a complete audit trail on items, including deletion and
renaming trails. You can easily use TDS to work on Visual Studio projects
without storing your files within the document root on your development
instance. TDS addresses path length limitations imposed on the filesystem
by the operating system, and it automatically escapes characters in item
names that are invalid on the filesystem.

Managing Multiple Sites with

You can manage multiple logical sites with a single instance of the
Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. For each HTTP request, Sitecore sets the context
site based on the first /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in
the Web.config file where the following attributes match the request:
hostName — Matches the hostname part of the URL (remember that
the N is uppercase)
virtualFolder — Matches the path part of the URL (the
subdirectory or virtual directory)
port — Matches TCP/IP port (defaults is 80)
For more information about these attributes, read the comments above
the /configuration/sitecore/sites element in the Web.config file. For
example, the hostName attribute supports wildcards using the asterisk (*)
characters, and multiple values separated by pipe (|) characters.
Additional attributes of each managed site
(/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element in the Web.config file)
include the following:
mode — Enables or disables the site
name — Name of the site, by which you may refer to it in code or
other configuration elements
physicalFolder — The subdirectory containing files for the site
rootPath — Path to an ancestor of the home item of the site
startItem — Path to the start item of the site, relative to rootPath
language — Default content language for the site
database — Default context database for the site
content — Default content database for the site (the database to edit
within CMS user interfaces)
contentLanguage — Default content language for the site (the
language to edit within CMS user interfaces)
contentStartItem — Path to default home item for CMS users
relative to the value of the rootPath attribute (/home)
masterDatabase — Name of database to set as context database in
Preview and Web Edit modes
device — For this site, the layout engine sets the context device to
the named device if layout details in the context item exist for that
filterItems — Controls whether the site shows the current version
of an item without requiring publishing (for live mode configurations,
which I recommend against)
filteredItemsCacheSize — Size of the cache used to store items
filtered according to the filterItems attribute
cacheHtml — Enable or disable output caching for the site
htmlCacheSize — Maximum size of output cache for the site
cacheMedia — Enable or disable media caching for the site
mediaCachePath — Subdirectory for caching media for the site
domain — Default security domain for the site
requireLogin — Require users to authenticate before accessing the
loginPage — Relative URL of login page for site
The loginPage attribute must specify the URL of a physical file or an item that does not
require Sitecore authentication.

enableDebugger — Enable or disable Sitecore debugging features,

including tracing, profiling, and rendering information, and the
debugging ribbon
enablePreview — Enable or disable Preview for the site
enableWebEdit — Enable or disable the Page Editor for the site

WebEdit is a legacy name for what is now the Page Editor.

enableWorkflow — Enable or disable workflow for the site (for live

mode configurations)
enableAnalytics — Enable or disable analytics (the Digital
Marketing Suite) for the site
allowDebug — Controls whether presentation components that
inherit from Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl collect profile and trace
information, affecting whether the debugger renders information
about those controls, and whether to show tracing and profiling
commands in the debugger ribbon
browserTitle — Value for HTML <title> element for pages on
this site (used by the site that hosts the CMS user interfaces)
disableClientData — Enable or disable storage required for CMS
user interfaces for the site
disableXmlControls — Enable or disable Sitecore user interface
technology for the site
defaultDevice — Default device for this site
inherits — Name of another site from which to inherit all attributes
not overridden by attributes of this site
targetHostName — The hostname to use in URLs for the site (useful
when the hostName attribute contains an asterisk (*) character or a
pipe (|) character)
Some of these attributes, such as content, contentLanguage, and
contentStartItem, are relevant only to the site named shell used by
Sitecore user interfaces.

The distinction between the device and defaultDevice attributes of each managed site
definition is subtle and not commonly understood, but it can be important when you need
to apply different default devices for different managed sites. To determine the context
device for an HTTP request, Sitecore first checks the query string parameter named
sc_device. If the requested URL does not specify that query string parameter, Sitecore
sets the context device to the device specified by the device attribute used in the site
definition associated with the context site. If the device attribute does not exist for that
site, Sitecore sets the context device to the first device definition item under the
/sitecore/layout/Devices item in the context database containing field values that
match the query string or user agent specified in the request. If no device definition item
matches either of these values, Sitecore sets the context device to the first device
definition item with the Checkbox field named Default selected, unless the defaultDevice
attribute exists for the context site, in which case Sitecore sets the context device to the
device named by that attribute.

Each site has a start item that represents the home page for that site. To
determine the start item for a site, Sitecore appends the value of the
startItem attribute of the value of the rootPath attribute. For example,
the default site named site defines rootPath as /sitecore/content and
startItem as /home, leading to a start item at /sitecore/content/home.

Instead of using the Web.config file to define properties of the managed sites, you can use
the Multiple Sites Manager ( Sitecore Shared Source project, which
manages site definitions as definition items.

Sitecore defines ten managed sites by default:

shell — Host Sitecore user interfaces including the desktop and the
Content Editor (components under the /sitecore/shell
login — Represents the Sitecore authentication system (components
under the /sitecore/login subdirectory)
admin — Represents Sitecore administrative pages (components
under the /sitecore/admin subdirectory); some versions of the
Sitecore installer may configure IIS to deny anonymous access to this
service — Hosts Sitecore error service pages (components under the
/sitecore/service subdirectory)
modules_shell — Represents Sitecore modules running within
Sitecore user interfaces (components under the /sitecore
modules/shell subdirectory)
modules_website — Represents Sitecore modules running in the
context of a published site (components under the /sitecore
modules/web subdirectory)
website — The default published site
scheduler — Used for scheduled processes
system — Used for system administration
publisher — Used for publishing
HTTP requests in the content delivery environment, as well as CMS
interfaces such as the Page Editor, Preview, and the browser-based
debugger, activate the site named website. HTTP requests in Sitecore user
interfaces such as the desktop and the Content Editor activate the site
named shell.
You can add as many managed sites as you need, but you must use
criteria such as those described previously to activate each site. You can
use different managed sites for different devices, different languages, or
for whatever purposes you need. The
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements in the Web.config file
function something like a fall-through mechanism: The SiteResolver
processor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline sets the context site to the
first <site> element with attributes that match the request.
Use the following steps to create a new site:
1. Create the home item and any descendant items, including any
required data templates, presentation components, and any other
required items.
Remember to publish the items for the new site from the Master database to the
publishing target database(s), and consider that you can apply different languages,
devices, and other properties to items in an existing site.

2. Copy the existing /configuration/sitecore/sites/site

element in the Web.config file named website to create a new <site>
element before the existing <site> named website.
3. Update attributes of the new <site> element, especially the
attributes used to determine the context site (typically at least
hostName, but potentially virtualFolder and port as well) and the
startItem and possibly rootPath attributes.
4. (Optional) Set the device attribute of the new <site> element to
the name of the device to associate a device with the site.
5. Duplicate one of the existing <handler> elements listed under the
/configuration/sitecore/events/event/handlers element for
each of the /configuration/sitecore/events/event elements
named publish:end and publish:end:remote in the Web.config file,
and update the values of those new <event> elements to the name of
the new managed site.
If CMS users create internal links between managed sites, set the
alwaysIncludeServerUrl attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file to true so that Sitecore includes
the protocol and domain in links. You can set the targetHostName
attribute of each /configuration/sitecore/sites/site element to the
value to use as the hostname in URLs for that site.
For more information about managed sites with Sitecore, including a
sample Web.config include file to define a site, see my blog posts at,, and

Take Home Points

You can use any project methodology you like to implement Sitecore
solutions, and you can use a hybrid approach that combines the best
features from multiple disciplines. You can use the Sitecore layout engine
to construct any markup or other output format that you need.
Before you roll your Sitecore solution into production, define a
publishing process that should almost certainly involve workflow. You
should separate that publishing process from the procedure that you use to
deploy updates to the Sitecore software and your custom solution.
You can use multiple logical sites on individual Sitecore instances for a
variety of purposes. For example, with multiple managed sites you rely on
a single content tree, where the actual differences between the sites
involve the hostnames used to access the server, the content language
served, and the device-specific formats used to render that content.
Chapter 10

On Beyond CMS

What's in This Chapter?

Engaging your audience with the Digital Marketing System (DMS)
Managing web forms with Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM)
Organizing email campaigns with the Email Campaign Manager (ECM)
Employing standalone Sitecore products
Accessing the App Center
Using optional modules
This chapter introduces Sitecore products beyond its core ASP.NET
content management system (CMS). Sections in this chapter provide
additional information about products in the following list.
Digital Marketing System (DMS) — Leverage web statistics,
engagement analytics, marketing automation, and much more
Sitecore Intranet Portal (SIP) — Deploy intranet solutions with ease
Sitecore Foundry — Allow multiple groups of users to manage
numerous web properties with similar characteristics
Sitecore App Center (SAC) — Integrate third-party online
applications into your CMS
Adaptive Print Studio (APS) — Reuse content and apply
personalization in print campaigns
Calendar — Publish calendars of events from your CMS
dtSearch — Expose site search results using the dtSearch search
Sitecore E-Commerce Services (SES) — Implement electronic
commerce features
SharePoint Integration Framework (SPIF) — Integrate Microsoft
SharePoint with your Sitecore solution
Active Directory (AD) — Authenticate users against Microsoft
Active Directory
Search Engine Optimization Toolkit (SEO) — Analyze and
optimize your web solutions to improve Internet search engine
Sitecore Azure — Host your Sitecore solution in the Microsoft
Windows Azure Internet cloud
Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) — Simplify web form
maintenance and form results analysis for non-technical CMS users
This is not a complete list of Sitecore products, but instead includes
what I consider the most important components available for use with
Sitecore CMS 6.5. Sitecore has discontinued some of its older products.
For example, Sitecore 6.3 incorporated features from the Staging module,
eliminating the need for that product. Sitecore continuously develops new
software. For comprehensive information about current Sitecore offerings,

The Digital Marketing System

The Sitecore Digital Marketing System (DMS) pre-integrates functionality
to automate customer engagement, monitor, manage web statistics, and
support a wide variety of complex digital marketing activities as described
in this section.

DMS replaces the Online Marketing Suite (OMS), which was available in Sitecore CMS
6.1 through 6.4 and adds a variety of improvements and new features not available in
the OMS.

DMS extends CMS to support the Customer Engagement Platform

(CEP). CEP is simply CMS with the DMS product installed. DMS
provides a combination of features that enable marketing staff to track and
analyze visitor behavior; launch, test, and optimize various marketing
campaigns: and manage, measure, and optimize visitor engagement and
experience. CEP provides a foundation for integration with products that
provide additional capabilities including Email Campaign Manager
(ECM) and Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM).
The Digital Marketing System supports the following major features:
Engagement analytics — At the heart of DMS, engagement analytics
tracks and collects all visitor engagement data across multiple
channels and measures the quality of each interaction. Data written to
the analytics database is available through Sitecore user interfaces as
well as external reporting tools. DMS APIs make analytics data
available to drive personalization in the content delivery environment.
Engagement management and automation — You can think of
engagement management and automation as workflow for visitors to
the published websites and through other channels rather than content
items in the CMS. With DMS, you can implement engagement plans
that define a number of states, and manage visitors through those
states. Time-based and event-based triggers move users from one
state of an engagement plan to another, and you can transition users
between states using a graphical user interface. In each engagement
plan, you can specify system conditions to control which users can
transition from each state to any of the possible subsequent states in
that plan. You can associate any number of actions with conditions to
automate specific functionality. By implementing actions that, for
example, activate based on user clicks in marketing email messages
sent to visitors in a state of a plan, you can coordinate digital
engagement across marketing channels. Each channel can leverage
insights gleaned from customer interactions through other channels,
suggesting strategies to tailor the most relevant content to various
Testing and optimization — These tools enable marketers to test the
effectiveness of content in various web pages, email, and mobile
interactions, enabling them to determine optimal content to achieve
the greatest visitor engagement. Specifically, CMS users can apply
rules to show and hide presentation components, change the data
source of each such component, and replace entire visual components
with alternative renderings.
Visitor profiling — Profiling enables marketers to associate values
with various content elements and functionality in order for the
system to build knowledge about visitors based on their behavior on
the site. As site visitors view items, Sitecore uses these profile values
to determine profile scores for the visitor, which DMS can build from
multiple visits and channels. CMS users can configure testing rules to
drive personalization based on visitor profile characteristics, which
are also available in reports.
Real-time personalization — Personalization enables customization
of each page view based on behavioral profiles, explicitly contributed
profile values, logic, and other data such as geographic location.
Universal profile management — Universal in this context refers to
enabling marketers to use customer intelligence knowledge stored in
third-party systems such as databases, customer relationship
management systems (CRMs), and social networks to influence the
user's unique experience on the site, through email interactions, and
via other channels including print.
Campaign management — Campaign management enables
marketers to create, track, and manage various email, advertising, and
search placement campaigns.
Dynamic segmentation — Segmentation enables the placement of
visitors groups dynamically based on profile attributes and user
behavior. Segmentation enables marketers to target email campaigns
and other features to different types of visitors.
Traffic type analysis — DMS automatically classifies traffic sources
into categories based on aspects of the visit such as whether the user
accessed the site directly, through referral by an external site and the
type of content on that site, or if a search engine brought the user to
the site.
Visitor classification — DMS determines visitor classification from
a combination of automated logic and user settings, such as to identify
search engine crawlers and other robots and existing customers. DMS
users can override automatic visitor classification.
In addition to these features, DMS uses the following terminology:
Visitor — Visitors access any number of pages in the content delivery
environment over any number of visits. Visitors differ from
authenticated users of the published site and the anonymous user of
the published site. Sitecore issues a cookie to all visitors regardless of
whether they log in, enabling DMS to record information about each
visitor over sequential page requests without requiring the user to
Visit — A visit consists of a number of page views by a visitor in a
single browsing session. A visitor can return for any number of visits.
Page — A page represents an HTTP request for a content item that
contains layout details.
Page event — Activity within a page can trigger any number of page
events that DMS can report as associated with the page view.
GeoIP — GeoIP records contain information about the owner of the
Internet Protocol (IP) address associated with a visit, such as the
geographic location associated with that IP address.

If you are familiar with Sitecore's Online Marketing Suite (OMS), a prior software
release with a subset of the capabilities provided by DMS, the term visit replaces the term
session, and the term visitor replaces the term global session.

In addition to the preceding terms and properties such as visitor profiles,

DMS records information about many other attributes associated with
each visit. Tracked data includes details about the marketing campaign(s),
browser and user agent (the specific version of the browser), screen
resolution, operating system, referring site, and the Internet search
keywords that brought each visitor to the site, as well as the visitor
classification, traffic type, multivariate test(s) executed, and test results
associated with that visit.
You can configure DMS to use GeoIP lookup services such as MaxMind
to expose information about the owner of an IP address block in web
analytics reports. Such information can include the following attributes of
the visit:
Postal code
ISP (Internet Service Provider) name
Organization name
For more information about DMS, see and

Engagement Analytics
As mentioned previously, engagement analytics is at the heart of DMS.
Engagement analytics consists of a variety of reports and visualization
tools that provide marketers with information about website and campaign
performance, visitor behavior and visit history, as well as a number of
traffic-based reports containing traditional web analytics data.
Engagement analytics differs from most other web analytics systems in
two significant ways: it provides rich, detailed, visit-level statistics and a
qualitative metric termed engagement value.
Traditional web analytics tools generally compress historical data into
aggregate statistics such as total page visits for a given period of time. In
contrast, engagement analytics stores detailed, visit-level data, such as a
record of the individual pages viewed by each visitor. This extra
information enables detailed analysis of visitor behavior patterns and
other features such as predictive personalization.
Measuring engagement value provides a means to assess the quality of
interaction with each visitor instead of merely collecting statistics such as
the number of interactions that occur on the site. For example, a visitor
reading product reviews might view only five pages. The specific focus of
content on those pages may suggest that visitor is more likely to become a
customer in the near term than another visitor who views more pages
containing information about a greater number of products. A visitor who
views information about a small number of expensive products might be a
more valuable prospect to an organization than a visitor who views more
pages about a greater number of inexpensive products. Investigating only
the number of page views leads to a different perspective about the site
visitor than measuring the quality and the quantity of those interactions.
With engagement analytics, you can measure the effectiveness of a
marketing campaign and various other traffic sources as well as the
performance of various marketing channels.
DMS measures engagement value by applying a weighted score to the
crucial conversion events that occur in visitor interactions. CMS users
predefine engagement value points to activities such as a subscribing,
signing up for a newsletter, registering for an event, downloading an asset,
requesting additional information, and purchasing a product. DMS user
interfaces indicate the accumulated value of the activities associated with
visits, campaigns, and other system constructs. Engagement value
provides a common key performance indicator (KPI) to help marketers
make important decisions regarding how to focus their resources toward
specific channels and campaigns. Sitecore offers a complete methodology
for applying optimal engagement values to conversion events, as well as
detailed workshops about best practices for approaching this activity. For
more information about optimizing engagement value, see the Sitecore
Engage website at
DMS provides the following reporting and visualization tools targeted at
different types of CMS users:
Engagement reporting — The simplest of all the engagement
analytics tools, engagement reports contain information about visitor
behavior, campaign summaries, and a variety of traditional web
statistics. Engagement reporting targets content contributors and
marketing users who need detailed information about website traffic
for entire sites and individual pages.
Engagement intelligence — Engagement Intelligence Analyzer
enables web analysts and marketing managers to analyze current
website engagement activity across various channels, campaigns, and
interactions, a capability that traditionally required data analysts. This
feature enables integration of site engagement information with data
from external systems including Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) and loyalty management applications, giving marketers a
more complete view of the customer across all channels. Engagement
intelligence dashboards provide traditional web statistics and
marketing performance analytics.
Marketing Performance Quickview — DMS users can access the
Marketing Performance Quickview application (previously known as
the Executive Insight dashboard) from the Sitecore desktop to
evaluate the performance of traffic sources and campaigns using the
engagement value KPI. The Marketing Performance Quickview
application targets marketing leaders who want a quick overview of
performance of various channels, campaigns, and traffic sources.
The Marketing Performance Quickview application provides access to
the following types of dashboards:
Traffic — Traffic dashboards offer a view into traffic sources, as well
as how different traffic sources perform, such as branded and
nonbranded (organic) search keywords, entry pages, site search
keywords, assets consumed, and goal conversions. With this insight,
marketers can optimize their search engine placement and other
campaign efforts.
Campaigns — Campaign dashboards utilize engagement value scores
to determine and report the level of visitor engagement associated
with each of the campaigns that brought visitors to the site. Marketers
can use this information to obtain insight and optimize campaigns
DMS provides the Engagement Intelligence Analyzer as an online
analytical processing (OLAP) datamart that condenses data from the
Sitecore CEP database(s) into a highly optimized reporting and business
intelligence repository. The Engagement Intelligence Analyzer includes a
comprehensive set of tools that allow marketers to access information in
the datamart quickly and easily. These tools provide visualizations of
common web statistics and marketing performance data, and enable ad hoc
data analysis. To present data, the Engagement Intelligence Analyzer
provides clear, dynamic tables and diagrams including the following:
More than 120 interactive reports encompassing traditional web
statistics along with engagement value
More than 300 printable quick reports that you can export to a
spreadsheet for further analysis
Prototypes for users to create their own dashboards and reports
Built-in simple trending and mathematic capabilities, such as linear
trends and standard deviations
The capability to trigger email alerts after meeting or exceeding
The capability to schedule reports and their distributions via email
The ability to create slides for presentation dynamically
DMS users can filter and segment data on every dimension in the OLAP
cube, which enables them to partition the data set in numerous ways and
investigate anomalies, find causal relationships between various events,
and identify latent trends and patterns in user behavior.

Engagement Automation
Engagement automation enables marketers to nurture customers and
prospects by automating interactions based on the visitor's implicit and
explicit behavior, or with timed triggers (for example, if no interaction
occurs within a given time period, send an email message to the visitor).
You can think of engagement automation as functioning like workflow as
described in Chapter 9, but involving site visitors rather than content
items. Engagement automation enables marketers to create and execute
cross-channel campaigns for site visitors, increasing marketing efficiency
through automation and presenting the audience with relevant content
based on their actions or their state in a given engagement plan.
For example, when users register for access to the website, you could
automatically enter them into an engagement plan that triggers a welcome
email. The system can then check whether the visitor has opened the email
and logged in to the site, and can perform actions based on that response.
If the visitor does not access the site within three days, the system can
automatically send a reminder email. If they access the site, DMS can
track the visitor's activity and begin to personalize content based on their
behavior. For example, if a visitor focuses on a specific area of the site, the
system can automatically show an offer inviting them to download a white
paper about that subject, but requiring the visitor to complete a web form
that asks for different information than they provided when they originally
registered for access to the site. This type of approach enables the
marketer to learn more about the visitor and continue to provide even
more relevant content.
DMS users can configure engagement automation through the Marketing
Center application in the Sitecore desktop. In this application, the user can
design a process flow by dragging states and conditions onto the canvas,
then connect those states, and add actions to execute when users move
from one state to another. Engagement automation conditions and actions
leverage the Rules Engine, which provides numerous predefined
conditions to evaluate a visitor's profile and GeoIP information, and
supporting personalization of the visitor's experience across all pages.
DMS actions can integrate with other channels and systems, such as to
update a record in an external customer relationship management (CRM)
system or to send an email message. Like almost everything that Sitecore
provides, if the default conditions and actions available in DMS do not
meet your requirements exactly, you can implement your own.
DMS users can monitor the progress of automation plans by seeing how
many visitors are in each stage of an engagement plan. They can
determine the number of visitors in each state of the plan, as well as the
success rate and value of a campaign, and then adapt the campaign and
engagement plan based on that information. DMS users can also add
visitors to, remove visitors from, and move visitors between the states in
an engagement plan, and can simulate conditions and actions to test how
various visitors will flow through different engagement states, conditions,
and actions.

Testing and Optimization

Today's marketers need the ability to test various types of content, offers,
features, and other types of interaction. This testing can mean the
difference between guessing about the optimal message and ensuring that
selection is based on concrete data. DMS provides testing and
optimization capabilities aimed specifically at marketing users, providing
the ability to test various pieces of content and functionality against each
other, and to review precise feedback about the performance of each piece
of content, without involving development staff.
Sitecore offers two levels of testing: simple tests of individual elements
on a page, known as A/B/N split testing, and the capability to test multiple
variables on a page simultaneously, known as multivariate testing.
Marketers can access both at the page level through an intuitive user
DMS provides A/B/N tests that enable marketers to create a test on any
page by selecting a component in the Page Editor and then choosing
options from the Testing menu. This enables the user to create any number
of variants of the selected component, providing the marketer with an
option to select an existing data source item for that component, create a
new data source item, or clone an existing item. Marketers have the option
to test variations of content as well as presentation and styling of that
content. After configuring the variations in the content management
environment, the marketer elects when to deploy the test configuration to
the content delivery environment.
After starting a test, DMS automatically calculates how long to run the
test before reaching statistical significance, basing that duration on the
number of variants under test and the volume of traffic the site receives.
While the test runs, the marketer can see how each variant of a test
scenario performs in terms of engagement value gained by each affected
visitor, enabling the marketer to measure the complete impact of a
variation of content or functionality. For example, the marketer can test
two images and compare the results to determine whether visitors who see
variation A of the content are more inclined to register for an offer than
visitors who see variation B. Once a test reaches statistical significance,
DMS automatically stops the test and prompts the marketer to select the
winning scenario. At that point, the other variants deactivate and the
system applies only the winning variant. Marketers can also stop tests
manually at any time.
To configure a multivariate (MV) test, you simply configure more than
one test for a single page. MV tests work exactly like A/B/N tests, but test
a combination of variations across all of the tests on the page. For
instance, with two tests, one with four variations and one with five, you
would have a combined 20 permutations to test (4 × 5 = 20). If you add a
third test with five variations, you have 120 permutations to test (4 × 5 × 6
= 120). The testing and optimization feature automatically creates all the
required combinations of tests, and reports on each permutation
individually as well as in combination. Similar to A/B/N testing, MV tests
run until they reach statistical significance, and then enable the marketer
to pick the winning combination. A greater number of permutations
requires more time to reach statistical significance.

Visitor Profiling
You can learn a great deal about people based on their behavior in the
digital world just as you can in the physical world, for example by
observing clothing, body language, and where they focus their attention.
Sitecore DMS provides a rich profiling engine that enables marketers to
understand visitor interests, tendencies, buying behavior, and other
persona characteristics and audience segments to which the visitor
belongs. You can use the profile data collected from visitor interactions in
a variety of ways, such as to target content to each visitor in order to
increase relevancy. Additionally, you can share this information with other
systems, such as CRM solutions, so that it is immediately available to
sales teams and call center agents. You can also use profile data to filter,
segment, and otherwise evaluate campaign performance in reports and
dashboards. These features allow marketers to make better decisions about
how to manage their marketing programs.
Sitecore provides a profiling system that enables nontechnical users to
create and manage profile attributes, and then associate those attributes
with content and functionality that visitors experience in various
interactions across channels. As visitors consume content and
functionality, their profile grows. DMS can aggregate profile data across
many visits into a single data set. DMS users manage profiling in the
Marketing Center, which they access from the Sitecore desktop.
To understand profiling, you must first understand some relevant terms:
A profile defines a category used to specify the type of information by
which to track visitor behavior, such as skill level, product
preferences, and so forth.
A profile key defines an individual attribute related to a specific
profile. For example, if the profile tracks visitor behavior on a website
for a car manufacturer site, a marketer might implement a driver type
profile with profile keys for safety consciousness and exhibitionist
A profile card defines a preset collection of profile key values that
DMS users can apply to content, simplifying the application of
profiles during the content creation process. For example, a DMS user
could apply the predefined “Interested in Family Cars” profile card to
content items to set a high score for profile keys that indicate safety
A profile card – persona defines a profile card used to assign profile
information to personas (fictional characters/archetypes designed to
be similar to real people, with details describing their lives, habits,
backgrounds, interests, and professions).
Content profiling is the assignment of profile values to new or
existing site content using either profile cards or specific values.
A real-time visitor profile contains the unique profile of a visitor
based on the content that visitor consumes on a site in real time.
A pattern defines an easy way to recognize how similar one visitor is
to other typical visitors. DMS matches patterns against each visitor's
profile in real time, and automatically display relevant, personalized
content based on similar behaviors and interests.
After you configure profiles, keys, and cards, you can begin profiling
your content. Once you profile your content, DMS automatically builds a
profile for each site visitor as they access content and site features. DMS
automatically classifies visitors into predefined persona groups, or
segments, but also expresses profile information visually to help
marketers reclassify visitors if desired.

Real-Time Personalization
Personalization targets content and features at visitors to one or many
pages using known information about that visitor. Real-time
personalization reflects the capability to observe visitor behavior and
attributes and dynamically adjusts content, presentation, and functionality
based on that changing data. As discussed in the preceding section, you
can learn a lot by observing visitors in your various channels. In addition
to profiling data (equivalent to digital body language), DMS can react to
visitors based on things they have informed the system about themselves
intentionally or unintentionally. For instance, you can determine the
approximate location of a visitor from the GeoIP record associated with
their visit, you can investigate attributes of the phone or other device they
use to browse your site, and you can account for the gender information
provided when they registered for access. You can use the Page Editor to
configure personalization for any element of any page.
Much like the testing and optimization capabilities, CMS users can
personalize any component on any page without the need for development
resources. To personalize a presentation component in the Page Editor, the
CMS user selects that component on the page and then selects an option
from the menu for that component Selecting that option exposes a dialog
that allows the CMS user to create as many data source items for that
component as needed, and to assign rules that dictate when the component
should apply each data source. Users can personalize just the data source
item, or vary the presentation used to render that content, or both.
Configuring personalization involves selecting rules within the Rules
Editor and entering parameters for the conditions and actions in each rule,
similar to configuring Microsoft Outlook's Out of Office Wizard. DMS
provides dozens of predefined rule conditions and actions, and you can
also develop custom implementations of each. Built-in rules can select
content to render based on GeoIP properties, handle mobile device
displays, target content to various user types or personas, and even vary
content when users match certain behavioral patterns. In addition to
configuring personalization at the page level, you can also configure
personalization for all pages on the site, for each section, and for each
page type using personalization theming.

Universal Profile Management

In modern organizations, customer information resides in many places.
Customer databases such as loyalty management systems and customer
relationship management (CRM) systems are commonplace. Social
networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and others expose a
tremendous amount of information, with new sites of these type appearing
constantly. The capability to tap into those data repositories, use that
information, and even feed information back to those repositories is
becoming critically important in creating a consistent and cohesive user
experience for your visitors across multiple web properties.
The universal profile management technology utilizes a combination of
Sitecore's security architecture, profile providers, and CRM and social
integration features to enable bidirectional data sharing with these third-
party customer databases. This enables you to use any information located
in these external repositories as if it were native Sitecore data, such as to
drive personalized experiences, to feed customer experience data back to
those external systems, and to create follow-up tasks and more.

Campaign Management
Marketing campaigns are the lifeblood of marketing. DMS supports many
types of campaigns, including online advertising campaigns, offline
campaigns, and email campaigns. DMS natively supports tracking
campaigns. Marketers create campaigns in the Marketing Center, which
they can access from the Sitecore desktop. As described in the following
paragraph, you can trigger campaigns in several ways.
For online advertising campaigns, embedding the unique ID of a
campaign in links back to the website triggers the campaign and associates
the visit and all goal conversions and engagement value derived from that
visit with that campaign. For offline campaigns and other situations that
do not involve direct links, you can implement landing pages to trigger the
campaign. When a visitor accesses a page, that visitor's visit becomes
associated with that campaign, including all conversion goals and
engagement value for that visit.
To support email campaigns, Sitecore DMS provides the Email
Campaign Manager (ECM) application described further in this chapter,
enabling DMS users to conduct bulk and individualized email campaigns
integrated with the content management system. Marketers can
personalize email content based on a visitor's known interests, and you can
personalize content on the website based on the visitor's actions in the
email, such as which link they click. Because CMS users access the Page
Editor to create content for email, including images and other media, they
work in a consistent, familiar, user-friendly environment. Once composed,
ECM automatically encodes links within an email to trigger campaigns if
a visitor clicks. The links in an email not only trigger the campaign, but
also support individualization for each visitor, so that you know when each
visitor clicks each link for any campaign.
The engagement automation engine can access ECM to trigger email
distribution based on conditions defined in an engagement plan. CMS
users can monitor email campaign results in the Marketing Performance
Quickview, which indicates how a campaign performs based on the
engagement associated with it. CMS users can also compare the results of
email campaigns with each other and with other campaigns and traffic

For more information about Email Campaign Manager, see and

Dynamic Segmentation
A fundamental component of marketing campaign management involves
managing lists of members in the audience, or audience segments.
Marketers use these lists to target offers to specific visitors to the website
or recipients of email, and to follow up with those visitors. Traditionally,
marketing systems created lists and segments based on static attributes of
profile data such as mailing address, gender, and age. While marketers can
create and administer visitor lists manually, DMS can also define
segments dynamically and reclassify visitors based on their behavior. As
such, lists and segments support dynamic inclusion or exclusion of
members based on their activities and profile attributes.
Marketers create and manage lists and segments within the Marketing
Center, which you can access from within the Sitecore desktop. The
Dynamic Segmentation tool allows marketers to configure lists in a
manner similar to using personalization rules. Audience segmenting rules
define parameters that determine which visitors to include in each
segment. After creation, you can use dynamic segments for purposes such
as directing email newsletters, marketing campaigns using engagement
automation, and targeting web page content to visitors in specific

Web Forms for Marketers

The Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) module provides browser-based
user interfaces to help nontechnical CMS users create and manage web
forms associated with Sitecore items. Each form consists of a number of
fields with various properties. Forms can also include buttons that can
invoke any number of predefined actions, such as to create an item from
the field values and save them to a database, or send an email message.
You can also develop custom actions. WFFM forms automatically support
internationalization and localization. WFFM includes a Form Data Viewer
for viewing information from forms submitted to the database. Using the
viewer, you can export that data to a spreadsheet for analysis. Sitecore
implements WFFM forms as .ascx files that work like any other
presentation controls. You can export WFFM forms as sublayouts that you
can update in Visual Studio.

For more information about the Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) module, see and the documentation at appropriate for your
version of WFFM.

Email Campaign Manager

Sitecore's Email Campaign Manager (ECM) provides a solution that
allows marketers to create, manage, and deliver email messages to
targeted lists of individuals. ECM allows marketers to track the rates by
which recipients open each message and click contained links, and to
monitor subsequent site visitor activity. You can configure ECM to work
with Sitecore's enterprise-grade Message Transfer Agent (MTA) and other
third-party MTAs to maximize the delivery rate of emails. MTAs deliver
email messages, maintain relationships with Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) on your behalf, assist with whitelisting, monitor and resolve
blacklisting issues, implement real-time feedback loops (RTFLs) to
prevent spam reports, and provide additional services to maximize
delivery without adversely affecting your reputation.
In addition to MTA services, you can use email services through the
Sitecore App Center described in this chapter, which integrates with third-
party providers in Internet clouds. For example, you can use a service that
analyzes how major spam filters are likely treat a message under
composition, to preview a message as it appears in different email clients,
and to view email campaign landing pages in various browsers.
You can use ECM to send email campaigns in bulk and to deliver
iterative marketing campaigns in conjunction with engagement
automation. ECM users can create and assemble emails using the same
Page Editor they use to build web pages. Additionally, ECM users can
configure personalization rules for targeted content delivery as well as
A/B tests in the email subject line and content body. ECM is ideal for
email newsletter distribution, ad hoc email distribution, and marketing
campaigns to grow your business.

For more information about ECM, see and and

Standalone Sitecore Products

Sitecore provides the standalone Intranet Portal (SIP) and Foundry
products that include the Sitecore CMS. You can use Sitecore Intranet
Portal to manage intranets. You can use Foundry to simplify the
management of a large number of websites with similar characteristics,
often managed by different groups of CMS users.
Sitecore Intranet Portal
SIP is a standalone solution for managing full-featured intranets, which
are internal websites intended for the members of an organization.
Intranets facilitate internal communication, information sharing, and
collaboration within an organization, and can help to ensure compliance
with government regulations and other standards. You can also use your
intranet to implement processes such as data entry and maintenance forms.
SIP includes data templates, presentation components, and other features
to help you deploy your intranet as quickly as possible. Because SIP uses
the Sitecore CMS as a foundation, everything that you learn about building
public sites with Sitecore applies to your intranet solutions, so you can
easily extend these components and add features. While most SIP users
access the published website using an in-context editing environment that
functions like a simplified Page Editor, given appropriate access rights,
they can also access the Content Editor, the Sitecore desktop, and all the
applications available in the desktop. In addition to relevant features
provided by Sitecore CMS, such as translation and versioning, SIP
includes the following:
Presentation components, including web and print layouts as well as
numerous individual presentation controls
Personalized content
Wiki-like in-context editing
Discussion forums
Image slideshows
Intranet search
Employee database and phone book
Interactive organization charts
Activity calendar
Support for web parts (SharePoint presentation components)
Cafeteria (canteen) menu
For more information about Sitecore Intranet Portal, see and

Sitecore Foundry
Sitecore Foundry enables you to centrally provision and manage large
numbers of websites, potentially in the thousands. In addition to relevant
capabilities provided by Sitecore CMS, Foundry provides predefined data
templates, presentation components, and other features to make it easier to
deploy new websites. These include functional components such as
discussion forums, event calendars, newsletters, photo galleries, and ad
rotators, as well as site configuration wizards and styling skins. Further,
Foundry automates the process of creating users and roles, as well as
assigning rights, to simplify the process of bringing up a new site for a
new department or other organization. Foundry can also assist in ensuring
visual consistency throughout a large number of websites, including
instantaneous global updates to those components, while providing the
owners of each site with an appropriate level of control.

For more information about Sitecore Foundry, see and

Sitecore App Center

The Sitecore App Center (SAC) enables Sitecore customers to access an
online marketplace of pre-integrated applications and Internet cloud-based
services to extend the value of their Sitecore solution.
SAC consists of a user interface available on the Sitecore menu within
the Sitecore desktop. Using this interface, you can discover, activate, and
manage software and services complementary to CMS. You can use the
SAC to add, reconfigure, and remove services at your will and on your
schedule. The SAC currently supports email delivery services, spam, and
client previewing applications, as well as page previewing tools. Over
time, the App Center exposes additional pre-integrated services to include
social media monitoring, Sitecore Azure management, search engine
optimization (SEO) services, translation for content internationalization
and localization, standards and additional forms of compliance, social
media monitoring, digital print, device detection, and more.

For more information about the Sitecore App Center, see

Optional Modules
This section describes the following optional Sitecore modules that you
can license and use in your Sitecore solution:
Active Directory (AD) — Manage user authentication, user profiles,
and roles in Active Directory
Adaptive Print Studio (APS) — Apply personalization to CMS
content to generate print materials
Calendar — Expose event calendars on your managed websites
dtSearch — Integrate the dtSearch crawler for searching your
managed websites
E-Commerce — Implement e-commerce solutions
SharePoint Integration Framework (SPIF) — Integrate between
SharePoint and your Sitecore solutions
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit — Analyze and improve
your search engine index ranking
Sitecore Azure — Deploy your Sitecore solutions to the Microsoft
Windows Azure Internet cloud

Active Directory
The Sitecore Active Directory (AD) module is a set of ASP.NET security
providers that allow Sitecore to access users, roles, and user profiles
defined in Microsoft Active Directory. While you can configure the AD
module for CMS users, users of one or more published websites, or both,
most organizations use AD for their internal users in the CMS
environment. Resources defined in AD appear as native functionality,
replacing the default implementation of these features.
The AD module supports single sign-on (SSO). If the operating system
user running the browser has authenticated against the AD security domain
configured in Sitecore, the instance can automatically authenticate the
browser as a CMS user without requiring the user to enter a username and
password at the Sitecore login screen. This works even if the user did not
select the Remember Me check box on the Sitecore login screen when they
previously logged in from that browser.

For more information about the Active Directory module, see

Adaptive Print Studio

The Adaptive Print Studio (APS) module brings the sophistication of web
content management to the print world by integrating Sitecore CMS with
Adobe InDesign. APS is an important component of Sitecore's ability to
bridge online channels such as the web, email, and social networks with
offline channels, including print.
With APS, you can create targeted and personalized print-grade assets
from content stored in the CMS. For example, you can generate catalogs
that emphasize certain product lines based on a customer's order history
and site browsing history. APS can generate QR codes (Quick Response
codes, with embedded campaign tracking codes
that link back to a website, allowing you to track conversions across
APS is just one example of how you can reuse content in a Sitecore
repository across a number of channels. With APS, users can easily share
content between websites and printed materials. APS enables Sitecore's
standard content management features for printed documents, including
versioning, workflow, support for multiple languages, access control, and
collaborative authoring. These features can significantly reduce
duplication and inconsistencies that occur with a copy-and-paste approach
commonly used for repurposing content.
APS provides native connectors to Adobe InDesign and InCopy. Print
designers and editors who work in these tools can edit and use content
directly from Sitecore. In addition, users of these external tools can save
documents directly to the Sitecore content repository. Once the content
exists in Sitecore, other designers and editors can access them without the
need to manually copy or email files, fostering a more collaborative
environment for building and editing these documents.
APS provides a marketer-centric application for building printed
documents, providing functionality similar to InDesign for marketers. The
browser-based Print Studio Editor application provides basic features
similar to those of InDesign, but exposes those facilities to marketers.
Documents created with the Print Studio Editor are InDesign-compatible,
allowing marketers and designers to collaborate in new ways.

For more information about Adaptive Print Studio, see

The Sitecore Calendar module facilitates the creation of event calendars
within Sitecore solutions. You can apply access rights to each event
definition item to control who can see the event. The Calendar module
provides day, week, and month views, with both read-only and read-write
access. Site visitors can filter the events listed on the calendar, and
Sitecore provides components that enable them to select the day, month,
and year to display.

For more information about the Sitecore Calendar module, see
The Sitecore dtSearch module provides preconfigured integration with the
third-party dtSearch search engine so that you can easily expose search
features on the websites that you manage with Sitecore. The dtSearch
indexer generates a search index for the solution, and the dtSearch module
provides presentation controls and APIs to access that index.

For more information about the dtSearch company and its products, see For more information about the dtSearch module from Sitecore, see

E-Commerce Modules
Sitecore provides two optional products that can help you implement
solutions that engage in electronic commerce:
E-Commerce Services (SES) — SES provides a framework for
building e-commerce solutions on the Sitecore platform. SES brings
the benefits of CEP — visitor tracking, segmentation, and behavior-
based content targeting — to commerce sites. SES includes an e-
commerce API that supports integration with external systems such as
ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning systems). SES also includes a
number of dedicated interfaces for tasks such as merchandising and
order management.
Insite for Sitecore — Built on SES, Insite for Sitecore supports all of
the features of SES along with more advanced, rule-based commerce
features such as pricing, promotions, shipping, and taxation. Insite for
Sitecore also provides an integration framework supporting bi-
directional communication and synchronization with ERP and other
external systems.
Sitecore E-Commerce Services replaces Sitecore E-Commerce Fundamentals Edition
(SEFE). For more information about Sitecore E-Commerce products, see

SharePoint Integration Framework

The SharePoint Integration Framework (SPIF) provides advanced, bi-
directional content sharing capabilities between Sitecore and SharePoint.
SPIF can expose data in SharePoint as items in Sitecore, which enables
you to use existing presentation components to present that data. Sitecore
can also present entire SharePoint objects such as lists within the CMS,
exposing collaboration components within pages delivered by Sitecore.

For more information about the SharePoint Integration Framework, see

Sitecore Search Engine Optimization

The Sitecore Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit provides content
editors with information they can use to improve ranking values assigned
to web pages by Internet search engines. The SEO Toolkit incorporates
relevant information directly into the Page Editor, making it available to
content authors in the context of the page.
The SEO Toolkit separates information into the following tabs:
Page Information — Displays basic page metadata, including the
page title, description, keywords, and language. This tab also provides
a summary of information detailed on other tabs, including headings,
images, links, and meta tags.
Text Only View — Renders content as it appears to search engines,
without formatting, styling, images, or media. You can use this tab to
analyze how content appears to search engines.
Keywords — Analyzes the words and phrases to determine those
most prevalent in the page. This tab provides links to perform
searches for each word, and word combinations, using popular search
Search Engines — Displays inbound links as reported by popular
search engines. You can use this tab to investigate how other sites link
to the page.
Headings — Renders the heading tags embedded in the page as a
hierarchy. When you click the text of a heading tag, the Page Editor
scrolls to that tag and displays the type of the tag, such as heading1 or
Images — Lists all images on the page, along with a thumbnail of the
image, its alternate text, location, and dimensions.
Links — Lists all links on the page, including the text of each link,
and indicates whether the link references a resource that does not
Meta Tags — Lists the meta tags included in the page header,
including the name and value of each tag.

For more information about the SEO Toolkit, see

Sitecore Azure
Sitecore Azure enables you to automate deployment of your Sitecore
solutions to the Microsoft Windows Azure Internet cloud, using SQL
Azure for storage rather than Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle. For more
information about the Microsoft Windows Azure cloud, see
Sitecore Azure provides at least the following benefits:
Unlimited, flexible, near-instantaneous scalability
Real-time database backup and failover
Automated deployment of content and code from content management
to content delivery
Distribution of redundant content delivery infrastructure across
Reduced total cost of ownership
Sitecore Azure can help to improve solution performance by placing
content delivery servers closer to users in disparate locations, and increase
reliability by providing redundant infrastructure within and between
locations, which also facilitates disaster recovery.

For more information about Sitecore Azure, see and

Take Home Points

Using the Sitecore products described in this chapter, you can implement
solutions to the most common types of challenges in CMS
implementations more rapidly than if you had to build the infrastructure
yourself. These tools range in scale from relatively simple components
such as calendars to the full-featured Digital Marketing System (DMS),
which extends the CMS with engagement and analytics. You can also use
the standalone Sitecore Intranet Portal (SIP) and Foundry products, which
use the CMS as a foundation, to deliver your Sitecore solutions sooner,
with lower maintenance costs and total cost of ownership (TCO).
Chapter 11

Sitecore Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks

What Is in This Chapter?

Optimizing the information architecture
Getting the most from the media library
Applying security
Managing projects
Taking advantage of the layout engine
Enforcing workflow
Increasing performance
Maximizing usability
Generating simple reports
Using the browser-based debugger
This chapter describes best practices and tips for working with the
Sitecore ASP.NET content management system (CMS). You can use these
suggestions to maximize the usability, performance, and security of your
Sitecore solutions, as well as increase your productivity. This chapter
includes information on a wide variety of subjects including web project
and CMS program management, hardware requirements estimation,
system administration, data infrastructure, presentation, workflow,
security, the media library, configuring Sitecore user interfaces (UIs)
including the Rich Text Editor (RTE), ad hoc report generation, keyboard
shortcuts, the browser-based debugger, and a number of other topics.
To be honest, I found it difficult to determine which content defines best practices as
opposed to opinion. As such, this chapter contains guidance that you can follow to get
more value and achieve greater productivity and usability with your Sitecore solutions,
not hard and fast rules that you must obey or face catastrophe. I also had trouble
separating best practices from tips and tricks, especially for subjects such as the Content
Editor that span both areas. Many of the topics discussed in this chapter do not fit nicely
under a single heading; I recommend that you read the entire chapter, even if some of
the content seems irrelevant. A number of the suggestions provided in this chapter may
appear duplicated elsewhere in this book, while others did not fit neatly within any of the
previous chapters.

I have spent much of my eight years with Sitecore conducting research

into the CMS product's capabilities. Even after all this time, I continue to
learn things about the CMS (often from the Sitecore developer
community), and Sitecore continues to implement new features; as such,
this chapter can never be complete. While some of the content in this
chapter derives from that experience and my four years implementing
CMS solutions prior to joining Sitecore, I also scoured the Internet,
solicited input from parties internal and external to Sitecore, conducted
interviews, and encouraged peer review of this work in order to provide
the most comprehensive resource possible.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or other feedback regarding the

information in this chapter or this book, please comment at

Sitecore Best Practices

This section contains suggestions that I consider best practices for
working with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. A number of existing resources
describe Sitecore best practices; some of these may differ from or add to
my perspective.
The Sitecore Best Practices Blogs ( provide expert
advice on a number of topics, including the following:
Accessibility and compliance
Community and social media
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)
Landing pages and experience testing
Lead management and email marketing
Managing multiple websites
Marketing and sales automation
Mobile web solutions
Multilingual websites
Persona and personalization
Search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing
Taxonomy and information architecture (IA)
User experience (UX) and usability
Web analytics
Web implementation and integration
See also the Sitecore Recommended Practices document

Managing Sitecore Implementations

While no project team can possibly fully understand, let alone document,
all project requirements in advance, implementing a solution without clear
requirements can result in mid-project shifts to the technical architecture,
which can put the entire solution at risk. In my opinion, requirements
analysis should account for at least half of the project timeline, including a
variable amount of time after implementation begins. When you migrate
an existing website to Sitecore, you can consider some portion of its prior
existence as a portion of the requirements analysis phase for that
replacement system. Avoid inflexible solutions that could be difficult to
adapt as unforeseen requirements emerge.
Follow best practices for securing, optimizing, scaling, and otherwise
applying all technologies underlying your Sitecore solutions, including the
Microsoft Windows, Internet Information Services (IIS), and
Web standards, including HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, XHTML, XML,
XSL, and CSS
Client technologies, including JavaScript and Adobe Flash
Underlying relational database management platforms, such as
Microsoft SQL Server
Identify stakeholders within the organization to sponsor the project, and
allocate sufficient resources to fill all the required roles throughout the
overlapping phases of the solution life cycle. These phases, which often
overlap, include requirements analysis, platform selection, system
administration, developer and eventually CMS user training,
implementation, development of custom training and documentation
materials, content migration and maintenance, testing, user acceptance,
production support, and other aspects of the project. Plan sufficient time
for training, documentation, various types of testing, and other
components frequently omitted from web solution project plans.
Before you determine your technical approach to achieve various project
objectives, attend Sitecore developer training, especially the Sitecore CMS
Developer Foundations (SDF), Sitecore CMS Website .NET Developer
(SND), Sitecore CMS .NET Developer Day of Prototyping (DOP), and
Sitecore CMS Advanced .NET Developer (AND) courses. For more
information about Sitecore training, see Appendix A. Additionally, review
available Sitecore documentation. Participate in online forums about
Sitecore, as well as local user groups when possible. Make use of Sitecore
support, which has likely seen requirements similar to yours previously.
Involve CMS users early in the requirements analysis, CMS selection,
and implementation processes. CMS users can provide valuable insight
that helps to define and refine requirements, and can help build user
confidence and foster eventual acceptance of the system.
Develop and optimize the solution before attempting to determine
hardware requirements or deploy Sitecore on the production hardware.
You can use a single machine for both the web server and the database
server in development and some test environments, but you should use
production-class hardware in the load-testing environment, which should
include one or more separate database servers.
Implement appropriate exception management as described in Chapter
5, and monitor the Sitecore logs for errors and exceptions as described in
Chapter 6. You should be able to resolve or at least understand every error
message that Sitecore generates. In addition to Sitecore error management
facilities, consider ASP.NET application and error page functionality, as
well as IIS error pages and logs.
Avoid excessive and unnecessary customization, and remember that
product extensions can interfere with Sitecore and with each other. New
Sitecore developers frequently welcome Sitecore's flexibility and
capabilities without understanding the ramifications of altering
components of such a complex system. You can often satisfy your users by
meeting most requirements and approximating others without
significantly enhancing Sitecore.
In many cases, you can achieve an objective that you think might require
Sitecore-specific customization by instead using existing features of the
ASP.NET Framework itself. Just because you can extend something using
a Sitecore-specific approach does not mean that approach is necessarily
the best way to achieve that goal. In some cases, decoupling a feature from
Sitecore has advantages over implementing a solution that depends on the
CMS. Use Sitecore features where they facilitate your objective, but
remember that you have the power of the entire ASP.NET Framework
behind your Sitecore solutions.
Use Web.config include files to contain your configuration settings,
class overrides, and other changes to the /configuration/sitecore
section of the Web.config file. For more information about Web.config
include files, see my blog post at
You can use the Sitecore Recycle Bin if you accidentally delete
something, but try to avoid relying on it.

Estimating Hardware Requirements

Because numerous variables affect a solution's capacity, you cannot
accurately estimate hardware requirements without first developing the
solution and testing it on hardware equivalent to what you intend to use in
production. These variables include hardware performance, such as web
servers, database servers, load balancers, and the network, as well as any
dependencies on external databases and other systems.
To estimate hardware requirements for a Sitecore solution:
1. Implement the solution (or a close approximation thereof).
2. Optimize the solution.
3. Monitor resource usage while load testing the solution on hardware
equivalent to that you will use in the production content delivery
environment to determine the peak traffic supported by a single
4. Monitor resource usage on the database server while adding content
delivery instances to determine how many a single publishing target
database can support.
5. Estimate the number of content delivery instances and database
servers required to meet projected peak traffic requirements.

Administering Sitecore Solutions

At the time of this writing, I recommend 64-bit Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 R2 for all web servers and database servers. Unless instructed
otherwise by Sitecore, always patch Windows, including Internet
Information Services and ASP.NET, as well as additional supporting
technologies, including Microsoft SQL Server, client operating systems,
and web browsers.
Whenever possible, use the Sitecore setup program to configure
Sitecore. If you instead install Sitecore from a .zip distributive or from
an archive of an existing Sitecore solution, secure the solution completely
as described in The Sitecore Installation Guide (
Always review product release notes (, including
known issues for the versions you use as well as issues fixed in subsequent
releases that might affect your solution.
For performance and capability, I recommend integrated mode for the
Internet Information Services application pool associated with the IIS
website hosting the Sitecore solution.
The speed of network connections between web servers and database
servers can have a fundamental impact on the performance of Sitecore
solutions. Configure Sitecore web servers to access database servers in the
same location rather than remote database servers, and optimize network
connections between those machines.
For security, scalability, resiliency, performance, and potentially other
benefits, separate the content management environment from the content
delivery environment. Do not implement content delivery features that
depend on content management functions, such as attempting to access the
version history of an item or write to a Sitecore database.
Separate development environments from production and implement at
least one test environment between the two. Clearly differentiate content
assets from code assets, including both items and files. Use source code
management software and release management processes and tools to
deploy code to all environments after development, and use Sitecore
publishing to deploy content from the production content management
environment to the production content delivery environment.
Implement maintenance plans to clean up and defragment filesystems,
to defragment databases and indexes, and to back up the entire solution.
Test the system recovery plan, which includes testing the backup system
and any cold, warm, and hot failover solutions.
When feasible, rather than introduce settings and external configuration
files, use the configuration factory and Web.config include files to set
properties on instantiated types. For more information about the
configuration factory, see my blog post at Only when
multiple components share configuration values should you consider
adding settings to the Web.config file or using external configuration files
that all such components can access. Such approaches are preferable to
using the configuration factory to pass the same values to multiple
individual components.
Test each presentation component under a variety of conditions, such as
with varying amounts of valid and invalid data on the published site, in the
Page Editor, as anonymous and authenticated users, and under any other
conditions specific to your solution. Require that each build of the solution
pass automated regression testing before deployment to production.
Always test using accounts with access rights configured similar to those
of end users, rather than test with administrative accounts. For more
information about testing, see Chapter 8.

Architecting Data Infrastructure

For performance and usability, avoid creating items with hundreds of
children. Use a narrow, deep information architecture that helps CMS
users focus on proper data categorization. In presentation components and
CMS user interfaces such as the content tree, performance and usability
degrade as the number of children under a single item increases, similar to
performance and usability with a large number of subdirectories and files
on a filesystem. Prevent any item from having hundreds of children, and
consider whether you will likely add items under existing items in the
future. Avoid structures that could require you to apply logic to a large
number of items, especially in the content delivery environment, such as
any construct that uses of the descendant axis. When necessary, use
alternative techniques such as search indexes to evaluate a significant
amount of items at once.
Like filesystem subdirectories, if you put too many items in one place, it
becomes very hard to find anything. Validating, automatically moving
items, dynamically manipulating effective insert options, and other
techniques can help you limit the number of children under any item.
Consider using a relational database for data that you cannot represent as a
relatively narrow hierarchy.
You can update the MaxTreeDepth setting in the Web.config file to
change the limit depth limit allowed for nesting items in a Sitecore
database. The default depth limit is 20 levels. Deep information
architectures, especially containing long item names, can result in URLs
that exceed path length limitations in IIS.
When appropriate, use the information architecture to drive navigation.
Consider that the name of each item and its location in the information
architecture relative to the home item of the managed website in which
that item appears determine its default URL. Implement item naming and
path conventions to support search engine optimization (SEO).
You can sometimes implement various forms of inheritance for custom
purposes, such as by inheriting branding or other features from an
ancestor. For example, a presentation control that renders the site logo
could use the value of an Image field in the nearest ancestor of the context
item that defines a value for that field. You can use the same technique to
select a CSS file or other components of the page. You can even create
fields to allow CMS users to select presentation components to include in
the page, but you must implement a solution to render those components.
Do not allow two items with the same name at the same level of the
information architecture. Validation helps enforce this requirement
globally (configure global validation in the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Global Rules item).
You can also use events, pipelines, and other techniques to enforce item
naming requirements and conventions.
Without good reason, do not delete, update, move, or rename items that
appear by default in the Master database or the Core database created
when you initially installed Sitecore. Inadvertent changes to these items
could interfere with Sitecore functionality.
Never update a publishing target database directly, neither through the
Sitecore application programming interface (API) nor through CMS user
interfaces. Always update items in the Master database and publish such
changes to the publishing target databases rather than editing directly in a
target database.
Always use Sitecore APIs, and avoid writing queries directly against
Sitecore databases. Sitecore caches data retrieved from databases, and
validates data, clears caches, invokes event handlers, and activates other
features both before and after updating data. Reading directly from and
writing directly to Sitecore databases without using the APIs circumvents
these features and could have unpredictable results, such as caches that do
not contain the latest updates.
Most CMS users have read access to items to which they generally do
not navigate. Hide items that are not relevant to most users. Sitecore hides
a number of items by default, including the /sitecore/layout,
/sitecore/system, and /sitecore/templates items and many of their
descendants. To hide an item, select the item in the Content Editor, click
the Configure tab, and then click Hide Item in the Attributes group on the
Ribbon. To view hidden items, click the View tab, and then check Hidden
Items in the View group.
Developers often overlook validation, a relatively simple feature that
can address a wide range of requirements. For example, to enforce
information architecture requirements, you can write event handlers that
create item structures and move items into those structures based on the
data they contain automatically, or you can implement validation to
encourage or require users to create an item structure and move items into
that structure manually. Implementing validation introduces less risk than
other forms of customization. For more information about validation, see
Chapter 7 and my blog post at You can also use
Content Editor warnings as described in Chapter 7 and my blog post at to help users address issues with their content.
To generate consistent URLs, set the languageEmbedding attribute of
the /configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file to always or never rather than the
default (asNeeded), which can result in multiple URLs for a single content
item in a single language. To avoid search engines indexing two URLs that
activate the same content, if an item has an alias, use it whenever you
generate a link to that item. For a solution that applies aliases
automatically, see the LinkProvider ( Sitecore
Shared Source module.
To eliminate the .aspx extension in item URLs, ensure that IIS uses
ASP.NET to process requests that do not contain the .aspx extension, and
then set the addAspxExtension attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/linkManager/providers/add element
named sitecore in the Web.config file to false. For information about
configuring IIS to use ASP.NET to process requests without the .aspx
extension, see the guide to The Sitecore Dynamic Links Guide
When you move or rename an item that you have already published, its
URL changes. Changing the URL of a piece of content can adversely affect
search engine indexes, links from external sites to your content (including links and other shortened URLs, such as those that appear in Twitter
tweets), browser bookmarks, and other references to that content. Create
items in the correct locations or move them manually or automatically to
the correct locations immediately after creating, and avoid renaming items
after publishing them.

Designing Data Templates

The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook (
contains specific instructions to implement many of the suggestions in this
section that can improve the usability of data templates.
Invest significant resources into information architecture (IA) analysis,
including requirements for the content tree, data templates, section and
field names and grouping, standard values, workflow, security, insert
options, relationships between items, languages, and even layout details.
Until the organization reaches consensus as to the information
architecture, you can implement the presentation layer using simple
wireframes. Before you implement the IA or develop components that
depend upon its structure, ensure that CMS users consider a description or
visual depiction of the information architecture to be logical and relatively
In designing the information architecture and data templates for your
Sitecore solutions, remember that Sitecore locks, versions, translates,
publishes, and puts each version in each language through workflow
separately. This could encourage you to consolidate data templates,
enabling you to apply these features to a greater number of field values in
unison, or to separate data templates further, leading to greater flexibility
in managing different groups of field values.
Organize your data templates into data template folders under the
/sitecore/templates item. First categorize data templates by project,
such as by global data templates and those specific to individually
managed websites. Then categorize data templates by purpose, such as
base templates and page templates. Apply additional classifications as
appropriate for your solution. Use the same approach to folder or
subdirectory structures for other infrastructure components, such as
definition items for presentation components and the corresponding
hierarchy of files, especially when managing multiple sites in a single
Sitecore environment.
Use appropriate, friendly names for data templates, sections, fields,
branch templates, command templates, and other types of definition items
that users access. Field names and titles and data template names appear in
CMS user interfaces, providing users with contextual information about
data types, existing content, and the type of data to enter. Use field names
that are helpful to CMS users, or provide titles for fields with unfriendly
names. So that developers and CMS users use the same terms when
referring to specific fields, apply titles to fields only when necessary to
increase usability. In definition items for data templates and data template
fields, as well as individual items that require explanation, to provide
contextual information to CMS users working with those items, click the
Configure tab in the Content Editor, and then click Help in the Appearance
group on the Ribbon.
To optimize performance, store and use item IDs rather than paths,
names, or more complex objects. Whenever possible, reference items by
ID rather than path or name. For example, use the Droplink data template
field type, which stores the ID of the selected item, rather than the
Droplist data template field type, which stores its name. For usability,
display item paths in user interfaces instead of or in addition to item IDs.
Avoid hard-coding paths and field names and rely instead on classes
such as Sitecore.ItemIDs, Sitecore.FieldIDs, and
Sitecore.TemplateIDs. To expose the IDs of key items, data template
fields, and data templates in your solutions as constants, create classes
similar to these.
To help define consistent information architecture on which presentation
components may depend, apply insert options to the standard values of
your data templates. Minimize the number of users with permissions to
insert items using arbitrary data templates, branch templates, and
command templates. As described in Chapter 2, to restrict which users can
create items of arbitrary types, configure access rights for the
Editor/Menues/New/Insert from Template [sic] item in the Core
Do not allow two fields with the same name within a single data
template. Validation for data template definition items could help you
enforce this requirement.
Take advantage of data template inheritance whenever possible. When
defining the information architecture of your solution, remember that data
templates support multiple inheritance, meaning that a data template can
inherit from multiple base templates. You can create base templates used
only to define sections and fields to include in other data templates, where
no actual items exist based directly on those base templates. To avoid
complexity, try to keep the number of base templates to a minimum
without compromising your design goals. Avoid circular template
inheritance, where a data template inherits directly or indirectly from
itself. When standard values should differ for a single data type in
different contexts, create a new data template that inherits from and
overrides standard values in the original data template, but defines no
additional sections or fields.
Even when two types of pages appear to have the same structure,
consider implementing multiple data templates based on a common base
template, especially when logic depends on the data type. Using separate
data templates initially will assist with separating layout details or other
properties of each data type in the future.
Sitecore imposes no specific limits to the number of sections and fields
that a data template can contain or the number of base templates that you
can add to a data template. Try to separate data into as many fields as
possible without adversely affecting performance or usability. Avoid data
templates with very large numbers of sections and fields (including
sections and fields defined in base templates), and especially avoid a large
number of Rich Text fields in a single data template. The number of
permissible fields in a data template varies according to factors such as
solution complexity and user sophistication. Excluding the standard
template itself (which generally does not appear in user interfaces due to
abstraction by the Ribbon), data templates with more than a dozen sections
or a hundred total fields may indicate an opportunity to improve the
information architecture. When appropriate, replace groups of fields with
child items containing equivalent data, or allow the user to choose items
containing that data using a selection field. You can use branch templates
to help users create structures meeting information architecture
requirements. When planning the information architecture, remember that
you will likely add fields to data templates over time to meet emerging
Group fields into sections based on commonality and to
compartmentalize related data elements. Sort data template fields into a
logical order within each data template section. Sort important data
template fields and those that users will likely access most frequently
toward the top of each data template section, and sort sections that CMS
users will access most frequently toward the top of each data template.
Assign icons to data templates and data template sections as well. For
example, if a data template for news articles contains a section named
News, you could use the same icon for both the data template and the data
template section. Remember to set the icon for the data template itself
rather than in its standard values. A subsequent section of this chapter
describes how to apply icons.
Sitecore does not support repeating fields. As an alternative to repeating
fields, in some cases you can use a selection field in a data template, such
as the TreelistEx field type, to allow the user to choose some number of
items containing field values to use as if the fields in those items were
native to the item containing the section field. Alternatively, you can use
children of an item to represent what you would otherwise manage with
repeating fields in a single item. In other cases, you can use the IFrame
data template field type, a custom editor, or a custom data template field
type to store data as XML or another data format containing multiple
elements as a single field value.
Consider providing multiple fields where you might expect a single
value, especially to support internationalization, in which case values in
different languages can have drastically different lengths. For example,
you can use the item name or display name as the default text of links to
an item, the value of the HTML <title> element, the value of a heading
element on the page, and the text of the breadcrumb for the page.
Alternatively, you can provide separate fields for each of these and any
other types of title values. Instead of requiring a value for each of these
fields, you can use logic to fall back to the value of another field when no
value exists for one of these fields, eventually falling back to the display
name and item name.
Use data template fields and renderings to define metadata for each
page. For example, you can create a Single-Line Text field to populate
the <title> element of the HTML page, Multi-Line Text fields to
define values for the <meta> keywords and description elements, and a
presentation control in the <head> element of the layout to render those
field values. You can implement a classification taxonomy consisting of a
hierarchy of items containing only metadata, and then use selection fields
such as TreelistEx to enable users to select entries from the taxonomy to
associate with the page.
In addition to content and metadata, you can use data template fields for
control information, such as using a Checkbox field to control whether an
item should appear in the site map, or using a TreelistEx field to select
items for a presentation component to list when rendering an item.
Excluding data template standard values, do not store items with layout
details except as descendants of the home item of a managed site.
To optimize Content Editor performance, use the TreelistEx data
template field type in favor of other selection field types, especially when
the selection tree is large or where a single data template contains a large
number of selection fields. In the Content Editor, the TreelistEx field type
renders the selection tree only if the user clicks the Edit command above
that field. Therefore the TreelistEx field type is more efficient than the
Treelist field type, which renders the selection tree each time a CMS user
selects an item containing such a field in the Content Editor.
Use the Source property in definition items for data template to control
what CMS users can see and pick in selection fields. For information
about what you can use in the Source property for various field types, see
The Sitecore Data Definition Reference ( and The
Sitecore Data Definition Cookbook (
To set the visual height of a data template field in the Content Editor, in
the field definition item, click the Tree Node Style command in the
Appearance group on the Configure tab in the Content Editor or the
Template Manager. For example, to set the visual height of a Rich Text
field to 300 pixels, enter a CSS value such as height:300px.
Items created from branch template do not reflect subsequent structural
updates to those branch templates. If you use branch templates to create
structures that could vary over time, consider if and how you should
update existing items created from those branch template definitions when
they change.
For more information about best information architecture practices for
Sitecore, see my blog post at

Applying Standard Values

Whenever possible, use standard values to store data shared among
multiple items. Standard values are especially important for defining
layout details, insert options, and the initial workflow for each data
template. Standard values can include default values for fields, tokens for
expansion (such as $now), instructions to the user creating the item, lorem
ipsum text, or any other kinds of values. Some solutions use lorem ipsum
text because it helps people evaluating visual elements to focus on design
rather than content. For more information about lorem ipsum text, see You can find tools that generate lorem ipsum on the

Configuring Insert Options

Along with validation, use insert options to enforce information
architecture requirements. Your information architecture documentation
should specify insert options for each data template and item, as well as
any rules for determining insert options for all items, individual items, or
individual types of items. Avoid declaring insert options in individual
items in favor of standard values, insert rules, insert options rules, and
uiGetMasters pipeline processors, as well as controlling the
item:create and insert:show access rights. To intentionally repeat
something important that appeared earlier in this chapter, minimize the
number of users who can insert items using arbitrary data templates,
branch templates, and command templates.
Managing Multiple Sites
If you manage multiple sites on a single Sitecore instance, insert
additional managed site definitions before the default
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site element named website in the
Web.config file after all other existing
/configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements. Remember to update
the configuration of existing handlers for the publish:end and
publish:end:remote events in the Web.config file to clear the output
caches for any sites that you add. Remember that the name of the
hostName attribute in /configuration/sitecore/sites/site elements
in the Web.config file is case sensitive, and that you can use the
targetHostName to specify the hostname to use in URLs if the hostName
attribute contains wildcards (*) or pipes (|), or if you have a preferred
hostname for a web property. Unless you add or remove sites frequently, I
advise that you maintain site configuration in the Web.config file, rather
than investigate solutions that manage site configuration as Sitecore items.
For more information about managing multiple sites, see Chapter 9.

Working with Multiple Languages

When you retrieve content from items other than the context item, and to
avoid linking to items for which no version exists in the context language,
check for the existence of versions in the context language before working
with such items. To determine if an item contains more than zero versions
in .NET code, you can check the
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.Versions.Count property. In XSL, you can
use the sc:HasVersions() extension method to check whether an item
contains a version in the context language. The following XSL fragment
demonstrates how you can use the sc:HasVersions() extension method
to generate an unordered list of links to the children of the context item
that contain at least one version in the context language:
<li><sc:link><xsl:value-of select="@name" /></sc:link>
The following XSL fragment demonstrates how you can use the
sc:HasVersions() extension method to determine whether a specific
item (the /sitecore/content/home/test item) exists and contains at
least one version in the context language before generating a link to that
<xsl:variable name="item"
select="sc:item('/sitecore/content/home/test', .)" />
<xsl:if test="sc:HasVersions($item)">
<sc:link select="$item"><xsl:value-of select="$item/@id"
Avoid mixing multiple languages on a page or linking to content that
does not exist in the context language. If you must link to pages in an
alternate language, indicate that language — for example, by including the
name of the language in parentheses after the link — and attempt to fall
back to the user's preferred language if the user clicks a link from that
page for which content exists in that language.
Before you designate a field as shared or not versioned, you should
understand the ramifications of making that change. While sharing and not
versioning fields reduces storage requirements and can improve
performance in the CMS environment for features such as the links
database, the values of shared fields and fields that are not versioned do
not respect publishing restrictions, especially workflow. If an item exists
in a publishing target database, Sitecore can publish the current values of
shared fields to that database. If an item contains a version of an item in a
language in a publishing target database, Sitecore can publish the current
values of fields that are not versioned in that language of the item to that
target database. You cannot use workflow or publishing restrictions
reliably to prevent Sitecore from publishing changes to values of fields
that are shared or not versioned.
Some Sitecore solutions use the same information architecture for all
languages, meaning that each site has the same home item regardless of
the context language. Others use a common information architecture for
one or more languages, but separate information architectures for some
specific languages. Such solutions involve separate home items for each
language, typically with a /configuration/sitecore/sites/site
element in the Web.config file for each such language to specify the
hostName, startItem, language, and potentially additional attributes of
each managed site.
Avoid hard-coding any text, or images containing text, in any rendering
components. Instead, retrieve field values from the context item or from
specific items or use the Sitecore translation dictionary. For more
information about the translation dictionary, see The Sitecore Guide for
Reusing and Sharing Data (
Consider how to render dates, numbers, and other values for different
regions. You can add a processor such as that shown in Listing 11.1 to the
httpRequestBegin pipeline to set the culture for the current thread so that
the layout engine formats dates and numbers appropriately for the context
language, which can include region information.

Listing 11.1: Adding a processor to the httpRequestBegin Pipeline

namespace SitecoreBook.Pipelines.HttpRequest
using System.Threading;

public class SetCulture :

public override void Process(
Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture =
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =

You can use a Web.config include file to add the processor shown in
Listing 11.1 to the httpRequestBegin pipeline, or add a line such as the
following after the existing LanguageResolver in the /web.config file

When you add a pipeline processor using Sitecore Rocks, it generates a stub Web.config
include file automatically.

Consider using validation in the Content Editor and adding warning

markup in the Page Editor for content that does not exist in the selected
language or in at least one registered language. For example, if a CMS
user in the Page Editor clicks a link to an item for which no version exists
in the context language, instead of rendering empty field values, at least
one rendering for that item could output markup indicating that the user
must create a version in that language.

Storing Relational Data

You do not need to store all the information supporting your websites in a
Sitecore database. Relational databases and other storage mechanisms can
be appropriate for order management data, user-generated content, and
other material not developed and maintained by CMS users. You may need
to develop administrative interfaces to manage such data — for example,
to update that data, control what appears on the published website (such as
to set an approval flag for user-generated content), or to delete obsolete
records. To associate records in external systems with Sitecore items, you
can store the ID(s) of any Sitecore item(s) associated with that data in a
column or table in the database or otherwise in the external system.
You should consider using a set of relational database tables or another
alternative to Sitecore items under any or all of the following conditions:
The data and required user interfaces to maintain that data are readily
available in an existing system, or such user interfaces are
The content delivery environment gathers the data, such as user-
generated content.
The data is relational, transactional, and otherwise difficult to
represent as a hierarchy.
The data is associated with a user, not secured by Sitecore access
rights and role membership.
The data does not require CMS services, including translation,
versioning, workflow, locking, and publishing (separation of work-in-
progress data from live data).
Other systems require access to the data.
For example, Sitecore uses ASP.NET security providers for
authentication, role membership, and profile management, rather than
storing that information as Sitecore items. The default providers manage
data directly in an SQL database, never abstracting those records as
Sitecore items.

Coding Presentation Infrastructure

To minimize administration of layout details and maximize site
consistency, apply layout details in the standard values of your data
templates instead of configuring layout details in individual items.
Limit the number of layouts in favor of sublayouts and other types of
presentation controls. Compared to .NET presentation components, XSL
renderings have significant limitations, including a lack of compile-time
error detection and no support for debugging in Visual Studio. While you
can use sublayouts to generate any output, particularly subdividing pages
and implementing specific web forms, sublayouts can also be useful for
creating reusable groups of child presentation controls.
Use sublayouts and web controls in favor of XSL renderings. Some
solutions use sublayouts for everything, with no XSL or web controls.
Here are some of the advantages of using sublayouts:
Sublayouts support a superset of the features that XSL renderings,
web controls, and user controls support.
Sublayouts provide markup templates with code-behind to separate
logic from presentation.
Sublayouts can access all Sitecore APIs and any other APIs available
to the ASP.NET worker process.
Sublayouts support placeholders, allowing dynamic nesting of
presentation components to any level.
Sublayouts support debugging with the Visual Studio debugger.
Sublayouts support compile-time error detection.
If it helps in the migration of existing code or the integration of third-
party components, you can easily implement a sublayout as a wrapper
for a single web control.
Other than separation of code-behind from markup and support for
placeholders, web controls share all of these traits with sublayouts.
To minimize administration of layout details and maximize site
consistency, prevent excessive use of placeholders. Use static binding
whenever possible and appropriate; reserve placeholders for regions of the
page that present different components at different times, such as on
different pages that otherwise share much of a common visual layout.
Placeholders also have a minor negative impact on performance.
Configure placeholder settings for each placeholder, including the
Editable check box that controls whether Page Editor users can bind
presentation components to the placeholder. To control which Page Editor
users can bind presentation controls to placeholders, disable write access
to the corresponding placeholder settings definition items.
Design presentation components such that you can cache their output by
the fewest possible criteria. For example, if some output depends on
whether the user is logged in and other content depends on the context
item, instead of using a single rendering to generate that output, you can
implement two presentation components, and vary caching for each
according to the appropriate conditions.
To expand dynamic links and add CMS features around field values in
user interfaces such as the Page Editor and the Sitecore browser-based
debugger, use the <sc:html> XSL extension control or the sc:field()
XSL extension method instead of the sc:fld() XSL extension method. In
.NET renderings, use the FieldRenderer web control or the renderField
pipeline to retrieve field values. You do not always need to use these
constructs for simple field values such as checkboxes and other field types
that do not contain links or support inline editing or other dynamic
Use rendering parameters templates to define the parameters that users
can pass to presentation controls. Associate a rendering parameters data
template with each rendering definition item associated with a
presentation control that accepts parameters you want users to be able to
define. For more information about rendering parameters templates, see
Chapter 3.
To facilitate code and content reuse across devices and languages, avoid
ASP.NET master pages in favor of layouts and layout details. File-based
master pages have limitations that make the Sitecore layout engine a more
productive foundation for most web solutions.
While you should also upload optimized graphics, use Sitecore media
library features to resize images on the server in favor of resizing images
with HTML attributes or other techniques that do not reduce the
bandwidth required to transfer the image from the server to the client.
Consider creating classes based on the
Sitecore.Data.Items.CustomItemBase class to abstract the
implementation details of your data templates. To make it easier to adapt
your code to emerging requirements, avoid referencing the context item or
context database directly, and always use a variable to represent the
context item. Each presentation control should respect its data source,
even if you do not currently pass a data source, which defaults to the
context item. Avoid accessing the static Sitecore.Context.Item
property in .NET code; instead, use the GetItem() method in the
Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl abstract base class web controls or the
$sc_currentitem item in XSL renderings. For example, you can use the
following code to retrieve the title of the context item from .NET:
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item contextItem =
string title = contextItem["title"];
The layout engine does not automatically set the data source of
sublayouts or pass parameters to sublayouts. You must use a solution such
as that provided in the SublayoutParameterHelper (
Sitecore Shared Source project to access the data source of a sublayout.
For more information about this issue, see my blog post at
To let users create data source items for presentation components, use
the Datasource Location and Datasource Template fields in the Editor
Options section of the rendering definition item:
Datasource Location — The user must select a data source item from
this location, or may create a data source item within this location.
Datasource Template — The user must select a data source item
based on this data template, or may create a data source item based on
this data template.
Avoid reinventing the wheel. Seemingly diverse web solutions can have
a surprising degree of technical commonality. More than likely,
experienced Sitecore developers have implemented something similar to
what you need to do, and may have suggestions to improve the technical
approach or even sample code. Before coding a complex solution, check
for an existing solution in the Sitecore Shared Source repository
( and post a description of your issue on the Sitecore
Developer Network forums (
When you configure layout details for an item, ensure proper nesting of
controls and correct component order. For example, if a sublayout bound
to placeholder A in a layout contains a placeholder B, and a web control
binds to placeholder B, then layout details should list the sublayout
containing that placeholder before the web control that binds to that
placeholder in the sublayout. When you add two presentation components
to a single placeholder, Sitecore outputs the markup for each component
sequentially in the order of these components configured in layout details.
You can configure renderings to generate some output only if the user is
in the Page Editor or the debugger, or only if the user is inline editing in
the Page Editor, or according to your requirements. For example, below
the page, you could output the values of fields that do not otherwise appear
in the page body, with or without inline editing controls for those fields.
For more information about this topic, see the information in Chapter 3
about the page mode exposed to .NET code by the
Sitecore.Context.PageMode static property and to XSL renderings by
the sc:pageMode() extension method.
Remember to disable the Show All Files feature in Solution Explorer
before debugging in Visual Studio, and to debug by attaching to the
existing ASP.NET worker process rather than using the web server built
into Visual Studio.
If you use a disassembler to investigate an approximation of the source
code used to decompile Sitecore, be sure to investigate the constructors for
any classes that you review. Constructors often contain initialization logic
that can illuminate system functions.
Avoid the Sitecore browser-based Developer Center in favor of Visual
Studio with the Sitecore Rocks ( extension for
Sitecore developers working with that Integrated Development
Environment (IDE).

Automating Publishing Workflow

Determine a publishing strategy that minimizes the number of publishing
operations, the number of items published per publishing operation, and
the number of CMS users who can publish. For example, unless an update
includes urgent changes, instead of publishing each item manually after
each change or automatically after each workflow completion, publish all
updated and approved items at some regular interval.
Specify an initial workflow in the standard values of each data template
for content items. You can use a simple workflow that consists of only two
states and allows users to publish their changes without approval. Such a
workflow consists of an editorial state from which CMS users can submit
their own changes to a system workflow state marked as final to allow
publication of those changes. Such a minimal workflow provides
automated versioning and hence an audit trail, prevents inadvertent
publishing, and supports the addition of validation, review, and other
features when needed.
Do not configure excessively complex workflows, especially for features
such as content translation. Minimize the number of workflows, workflow
states, workflow commands, and workflow actions, as well as the number
of users required to act in each workflow process. One goal of CMS
implementation is to facilitate changes to the website, encouraging CMS
users to keep their content fresh and accurate. The more cumbersome the
publishing process, the more training and support CMS users require to
utilize the system, and the less likely they will be to fully utilize that that
system as intended, reducing actual the actual return on investment (ROI)
of that system. Remember that people (especially approvers) are often
unavailable, and when overwhelmed with workflow responsibilities, can
tend to approve content as suggested by contributors instead of actually
reviewing it, which reduces the intended value of that workflow. Be
especially careful to eliminate bottlenecks in the publishing process. It
may not be feasible to automate every potential variation of a publishing
Do not configure excessive email notification from CMS workflows; if
you do, users will learn to ignore such messages, reducing or eliminating
the potential value of that development investment. Use client Really
Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, scheduled tasks that generate reports, and
user interfaces such as the Sitecore Workbox for day-to-day content
management activities. See for more information about
RSS, and The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook
( for more information about Sitecore client RSS
Reserve workflow email for exception cases, such as if a reviewer fails
to act on a piece of content within a reasonable period of time, or an
author considers their change urgent. A single workflow state can contain
multiple workflow commands that each transition the item to the same
workflow state, but with only one command containing the workflow
action to send email. You can even set access rights on workflow
commands to hide the action that sends email messages from users who
should not have the option to generate email notification.
To encourage users to use a particular workflow command in preference
to others, sort that workflow command first among its sibling command
definition items under the definition item for the workflow state. For
example, if the user can use one of two commands to submit content to the
next state in the workflow, and you would prefer they use the command
that does not include the workflow action that sends email notification,
sort the definition item for the command without the action to appear first.
While workflows should generally allow users to comment when
transitioning from one workflow state to another, you can prevent Sitecore
from prompting users when they select a workflow command. To prevent a
workflow command from prompting the user for a comment, select the
Suppress Comment check box in the Data section of the definition item for
the workflow command.
To optimize CMS performance, avoid storing an excessive number of
versions. For example, use the default model of one version per complete
workflow cycle, rather than creating additional versions within a single
workflow, and periodically delete obsolete versions, such as when adding a
new version or using a scheduled process or custom user interface. You
can use the VersionManager ( Sitecore Shared Source
module to manage versions through a graphical user interface beyond that
provided by the Content Editor. For a solution that deletes excessive
versions automatically, see my blog post at

Securing Sitecore Solutions

This section describes two aspects of securing a Sitecore solution:
Applying access rights to items in a Sitecore database
Securing the infrastructure, such as the web server and the database
There are no truly secure systems connected to any other systems, and a
web server requires connections. Securing your solutions is a goal that you
never reach but that requires constant effort. Your objectives in securing
systems include minimizing attack surfaces, mitigating the most
significant risks, and implementing and testing a disaster recovery plans.
As with virtually every aspect of any CMS implementation, keep your
security infrastructure as simple as possible. A reduction in complexity
generally leads to a reduction in development, maintenance, risk,
documentation, training, support, and other costs.
To minimize security administration, use security inheritance whenever
possible. Items automatically inherit access rights from their parents,
making it easy to secure entire sections of the solution. Specify access
rights in the smallest possible number of items. Avoid security presets,
which duplicate access rights instead of using inheritance. Avoid defining
access rights in branch templates, as using branch templates to create
items duplicates rights from the branch templates to the items created.
Grant only the access rights required. Start by granting read, and if
needed, write. Few users should have rights to rename items, which
changes their URLs and affects search engines, bookmarks, and other links
from external systems. Few users should have permission to delete or
apply access rights to items. You can apply the create access rights to
control which CMS users can add items at each location in the information
architecture, and you can apply access rights to insert options to restrict
the types of items that different CMS users can create in those locations.
To deny access rights, rather than explicitly deny access rights for a role
or user, disable inheritance of access rights to that item, and grant access
rights to other roles as required. This reduces the potential for confusion
and inadvertent right assignment when a user is a member of one role
allowed a specific access right and another denied that same right. The
Anonymous user is an exception to this general rule: to deny access to all
unauthenticated users easily, deny the item:read access right to the
Anonymous user in the Extranet domain.
Separate the content management environment from the content delivery
environment. If possible, place the content management environment
within the internal network. You can place the content delivery
environment in the periphery network or even an external hosting facility.
Consider multiple content delivery environments in different geographic
locations. Use different databases with separate authentication credentials
in each environment, and potentially on each instance in each
environment. These techniques reduce the potential for attackers to
compromise your entire content delivery infrastructure if they
compromise an individual content delivery environment or instance. If
attackers compromise one of your content delivery instances or
environments, you can restore that instance or environment from the
content management environment or from one of the other content
delivery instances or environments.
After you create a new user with a secure password and administrative
rights, remove all the default users (excluding built-in users such as
anonymous), including the default admin user. If you do not delete the
default admin user, at the very least change its password. Minimize the
number of users with Sitecore administrative rights. Excessive access
increases the potential of inadvertent error, conflicting edits, and other
potential issues with the solution. Very few users should have
administrative access to any system. Whenever possible, work as a user
without administrative rights. This may require that you create two
accounts for yourself: one with administrative rights, and one without. Do
not share Sitecore credentials, even for non-administrative accounts.
Use the Sitecore client roles to configure access to Sitecore features.
Membership in most client roles allows access to CMS features, but
membership in those named Sitecore Limited Content Editor and Sitecore
Limited Page Editor limits access to CMS features. For example,
membership in the Sitecore Client Publishing role allows CMS users
access to publishing operations in the desktop, the Content Editor, and the
Page Editor, but membership in the Sitecore Limited Page Editor role
restricts access to features available in the Page Editor. For more
information about the Sitecore client roles, see The Client Configuration
Cookbook (
Minimize role membership for each user. For CMS users, heavily
restrict membership in the Sitecore client roles that control access to CMS
features, excluding those few Sitecore client roles that limit CMS users'
abilities within the system instead of allow access to features.
Membership in a large number of roles for a single user can lead to
administrative confusion, and may indicate a need for nested roles.
Evaluate whether nested roles can assist in securing your solution.
Minimize users' rights to the system by limiting access rights for each
role. Do not grant users or roles rights beyond those necessary to complete
their operational functions. The more rights a user has, the greater chance
that user has of inadvertently introducing an error.
To minimize administration of access rights, apply access rights for
roles rather than individual users. Roles are typically permanent, but users
come and go, and may even change roles over time. Denial of an access
right overrides allowance of that access right, but that allowance of an
access right to a user overrides denial of that access right to any of the
roles associated with that user. This potential point of confusion is another
reason to apply rights for roles rather than users.
Sitecore uses a field in the standard template to define access rights for
each item. If you change access rights for an item in the Master database,
remember to publish that change to the publishing target databases.
In your content delivery environment, never expose error information,
such as exception types, messages, and stack traces. Trap exceptions that
you can handle as close to the source as possible. Set the mode attribute of
the /configuration/system.web/customErrors element in the
/web.config file to On or RemoteOnly.
Avoid replicating security information such as by importing users from
another system into the CMS membership provider without
decommissioning that system or copying the ASP.NET membership tables
used by Sitecore. Instead, implement a membership provider, virtual
users, or any other technique that allows you to authenticate against a
remote system. For more information about these options, see Chapter 4.
Follow industry best practices to secure the servers and the solution,
such as patching servers and validating user input in the content delivery
environment on both the client and the server.
Never leave custom administrative pages unprotected. Sitecore protects
all of its default administrative pages. You should use the same
subdirectories or other techniques to protect any custom administrative
pages that you develop.
Minimize use of the Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher and
Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler classes. In addition,
minimize the number of methods called and properties accessed within
blocks of code contained within these constructs. While it is safe to use
these classes where necessary, a better approach is to try to grant access
rights to the data that users need to access.
Heavily restrict permissions on the home item of each managed site, and
grant access rights to its children and descendants instead. Most users
should not need to update these items, and especially should not have
access to delete or rename home items. Deleting the home item of a
managed website deletes all descendants of that home item, and deleting
or renaming a home item results in a configuration error within the
/configuration/sitecore/sites element in the Web.config file.
Install the correct license in each environment. Most important, do not
install a license that allows content management in a content delivery
environment. An improper license can increase the solution's vulnerability
to attack.
For more information about securing a Sitecore solution, see The
Sitecore Security Hardening Guide (

Using the Media Library

Organize the media library to be comprehensible for CMS users, and if
possible, to mimic the content information architecture. If you manage
multiple sites on a single instance, you can create media folders under the
/sitecore/media library item named after each of the managed sites,
and store media for each managed site within those folders. Create nested
media folders within each site media folder. For example, if the
/sitecore/content/home item contains a child item named About
representing a section of the default managed site named website, you
could create /sitecore/media library/website, /sitecore/media
library/website/about, and /sitecore/media
library/website/about/images folders. These folders would contain
general media for the site, media specific to the About section of the site,
and images specific to the About section of the site, respectively.
When possible, store Sitecore media in the database rather than on the
filesystem. Use database media instead of file media whenever possible.
Instead of referencing a file in a subdirectory, database media include the
binary component of the media item using a field of type Attachment in
the media item itself. Database media work like any other items in that
you can publish the binary component along with the metadata in the other
fields of the item. If you store media items as files, you must synchronize
filesystems between Sitecore solutions when you synchronize item
metadata in the media library. If you must use file-based media, consider
integration with external media management solutions and Content
Delivery Networks (CDNs).
Use validation, a workflow action, the File Drop Area field type, a
processor in the publishItem pipeline, or other techniques to ensure that
users publish media before publishing any content that references that
media. For an example that uses validation to assist users to publish
referenced media items, see my blog post at For an
example of a workflow action that publishes related media, see my blog
post at
Instead of using attributes of the <img> element to scale images on the
client, use Sitecore features to resize images on the server before
transmission to the client. Optimize each image down to the maximum
size and quality required for any use of that image before uploading it to
the media library. Sitecore can always scale images down without
distorting the image, but you may notice quality issues if you attempt to
scale images up.
Prevent media item URLs from beginning with a tilde. Web clients such
as browsers interpret URLs with a leading tilde relative to the page that
contains the link to the media item. The disadvantages of a leading tilde in
media URLs include the following:
When multiple pages link to a single media item, search engines see
multiple URLs for that media item, which can affect search index
ranking. You can resolve this issue by prefixing media URLs with a
slash (/).
When working with deep information architectures, relative URLs
determined for paths that begin with a tilde can exceed path length
restrictions imposed by the Microsoft Windows operating system and
hence Internet Information Services (IIS). You can resolve this issue
by prefixing media URLs with a slash (/).
IIS may resolve other symbols more efficiently than the tilde. You
cannot resolve this issue by prefixing media URLs with a slash (/).
For an example of a partial solution that uses the renderField pipeline
to prepend slashes to media URLs, see the MediaUrlTransformer Sitecore Shared Source project. For a more complete
solution, use an alternate prefix in media URLs. For example, to use
/-/media as the media URL prefix:
1. Set the Media.MediaLinkPrefix setting in the Web.config file to
<setting name="Media.MediaLinkPrefix" value="/-/media"/>
2. Insert a <prefix> element with /-/media in the value attribute
under the
/configuration/sitecore/mediaLibrary/mediaPrefixes element
in the Web.config file:
<prefix value="/-/media" />
3. Insert a <handler> element with -/media/ as the value for the
trigger attribute and sitecore_media.ashx as the value for the
handler attribute under the
/configuration/sitecore/customHandlers element in the
Web.config file:
<handler trigger="-/media/"
The media upload watcher creates media folders and media items in the
Sitecore media library based on subdirectories and files that you create in
the subdirectory specified by the MediaFolder setting in the Web.config
file, which defaults to the /upload subdirectory of the IIS document root
subdirectory hosting the Sitecore solution. The media upload watcher is
irrelevant in content delivery environments and in content management
environments that do not use this feature. If you do not use the media
upload watcher, you can disable it in the content delivery environment, the
content management environment, or both. To disable the media upload
watcher, comment the
/configuration/system.webServer/modules/add and
/configuration/system.web/httpModules/add elements named
SitecoreUploadWatcher in the /web.config file.
Because these sections are not within the /configuration/sitecore element, you must
make this change in the actual /web.config file rather than using a Web.config include

If you do not disable the media upload watcher in the content

management environment, you can control the types of files that the
watcher monitors, and you can prevent the watcher from monitoring
subdirectories or files that contain specific character sequences. To limit
the types of files that the media upload watcher monitors:
1. Comment the
/configuration/sitecore/watchers/media/filter element with a
value of * in the Web.config file.
2. Add /configuration/sitecore/watchers/media/filter
elements to the Web.config file for each filename extension the
watcher should monitor. For example, use the following to monitor
only for .png and .jpg files:
ref="settings/setting[@name='MediaFolder']/@value" />
To prevent the media upload watcher from monitoring files with names
that contain specific patterns:
1. Add a
gnore element to the Web.config file.
2. Set the contains attribute of the new element to the character
pattern to ignore.
To prevent the media upload watcher from monitoring subdirectories
with names that contain specific patterns:
1. Add a
gnorepath element to the Web.config file.
2. Set the contains attribute of the new element to the character
pattern to ignore.

Maximizing Solution Performance

Do not implement presentation or other components that process a large
number of items in the foreground. If necessary, such as for certain
administrative functions, process a large number of items in a background
process such as a scheduled agent. For more information about scheduling
background tasks, see my blog post at
When possible, use search engines, Sitecore query, or other techniques to
avoid iterating large branches of items, including any constructs that
involve the descendant axis, including the following:
The descendant axis (abbreviated as //, for example .//* or
The descendant-or-self axis
The sc:descendants() XSL extension method
The GetDescendant() and GetDescendants() methods of the
Sitecore.Data.Items.ItemAxes class, such as the instance exposed
by the Axes property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.Item class
If you must perform a long-running task in the foreground, such as to
iterate all items, update the user interface periodically to indicate the
progress of that process. Implement coding techniques to prevent
background processes from consuming inordinate resources.
As described in Chapter 6, monitor and tune cache sizes over time.
Enable output caching for each rendering, especially those that consume
significant system resources such as CPU or memory. If you cache the
output of a parent control, such as a sublayout, do not cache the output of
descendant controls, such as renderings nested within that sublayout. Vary
caching by the fewest possible criteria, most commonly the data source
item of each presentation component. For maximum flexibility, configure
output caching for individual renderings; for maximal reuse, configure
output caching for the parent sublayout. Unless the number of concurrent
users is relatively low and relative to the amount of available memory,
avoid caching output at the user level.
As described in Chapter 6, Sitecore CMS version 6.4.1 rev. 110928,
released subsequent to Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev. 110818 described in this
book, introduces the Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits setting to the
Web.config file. If this setting is true, Sitecore disables cache size limits,
meaning that caches can grow indefinitely. With modern systems, memory
is often less constrained than it was in the past. You can set
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits to true to see how large caches
would grow without limits. If the solution does not approach memory
capacity limitations with this configuration, you may be able to leave
Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits set to true.
Enable compression of static and dynamically generated content in IIS
Manager (inetmgr) for the IIS website hosting your Sitecore solution.
Also in IIS Manager, enable content expiration headers, particularly for
the /sitecore subdirectory and the /temp/IconCache subdirectory (or
the directory specified by the Icons.CacheFolder setting in the
Web.config file) under the IIS document root hosting your Sitecore
solution. This can improve performance in the content management
environment. Specific instructions to enable these options depend on the
version of IIS that you use; to change these options, consult the
documentation for your version of Windows.

Sitecore Tips and Tricks

This section provides a number of tips and tricks for working with the
Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. These suggestions can maximize your
productivity when working with the CMS, as well as increase its usability
for end users.

Optimizing Sitecore Usability

Sitecore takes usability very seriously, but you are ultimately responsible
for the usability of your solutions. Usability is critical to the success of
each CMS implementation. The degree to which CMS users access the
system to create and maintain content is one of the factors that drives
traffic to the site and hence delivers ROI from the solution.
To maximize consistency, familiarity, and usability, Sitecore follows
Microsoft Windows and Office user interface (UI) conventions. Features
in Sitecore user interfaces, such as the Content Editor and the Sitecore
desktop, including those that you can implement by extending Sitecore,
mimic aspects of the Windows and Office user interfaces. Many
components of the Sitecore user interfaces are reusable, which maximizes
consistency and minimizes not just development effort but also the time
required to conceptualize the UI before implementation. The Sitecore UI
framework also helps you to provide a uniform user experience — you
generally already know how CMS UI components that you need to develop
should look and function, and the framework facilitates those objectives.
Optimally, CMS users should see their ability to control content as an
opportunity rather than a responsibility. Content management systems can
be an enabling technology for rapid, easy, and automated deployment of
web assets to the managed websites. While Sitecore provides user training
and documentation for the platform and you often must develop resources
specific to your solution for your CMS users, as a Sitecore developer, one
of your goals should be to make the solution as intuitive and discoverable
as possible. Provide as much relevant information as possible in context
without overwhelming the user with details, and make additional
information available to users through simple operations such as clicking
or even hovering the mouse pointer over an item.
Consider usability in all Sitecore interfaces, but especially the Page
Editor and the Content Editor. The Content Editor is more appropriate for
certain types of operations, such as those that affect the information
architecture, including sorting, copying, and moving items, as well as
dragging and dropping items.
Performance can directly impact the usability of a web application.
Along with striving for optimal system configuration, ensure that any
extensions that you develop do not significantly affect performance.
Configure all web clients, especially Microsoft Internet Explorer,
according to The Sitecore Browser Configuration Reference
( For example, some CMS features may not work
unless you enable pop-up windows in the browser for the root URL of the
content management environment. Remember to add each CMS instance
to Internet Explorer's trusted sites.
Finally, whenever they are not in use, hide the standard fields and raw
field values, and after selecting any other database in the Sitecore desktop,
revert to the Master database.

Logging In to a Sitecore User Interface

As explained in Chapter 1, at the Sitecore login screen, you can click
Options to show the login options. When the login options appear, you can
click a user interface, enter your credentials, and then click Login or press
Enter to log in to that user interface. Your choices for user interfaces
include the Page Editor (the default), the Content Editor, and the desktop.
Alternatively, you can enter your credentials and then double-click a user
interface to log in to that UI.
If you forget to click Options to show the Options panel in the login
screen and select a user interface before you log in, and then enter your
credentials and click Login or press Enter, Sitecore logs you in to the user
interface selected on that hidden Options panel, which may not be the user
interface you intended to access. If you realize you forgot to select an
option before that user interface appears, and if you are fast enough, you
can click Options and then double-click the interface you intended.
Otherwise, log out, click Options, select a user interface, and then log in
To cause the Sitecore login screen to display the Options panel by
default, reminding you to select a user interface before you log in, remove
the style attribute of the <div> element with a value of OptionBox for
the id attribute from the /sitecore/login/default.aspx file. If a user
clicks Options in the login screen to hide the Options panel, and then fails
to authenticate, the Options panel reappears. To prevent the user from
clicking Options, remove or comment the <a> element with an onclick
attribute that invokes the scToggleOptions() JavaScript function from
above that <div> element with a value of OptionBox for the id attribute in
the /sitecore/login/default.aspx file. It would be preferable, but
more complicated, to add a base template containing fields controlling
login page options to the
/sitecore/content/Applications/System/Login item in the Core
database. To customize the login process further, you can override the
code-behind specified in the /sitecore/login/default.aspx file.
You can make the browser use all available screen space, typically by
pressing F11. You can get even more space by hiding the status bar,
address bar, and other aspects of the browser user interface, which can be
useful on equipment with limited resolution.
If you are in a user interface such as the Page Editor or the Sitecore
browser-based debugger and you wish to access the desktop, you can log
out and log in, or you can change the path in the browser's address bar to
/sitecore/, leaving the root of the URL that already appears in the
address bar. For example, remove everything except
http://sitecorebook and add/sitecore/shell, resulting in

Limiting User Interfaces

As described previously, you can use the Sitecore client roles to restrict
access to CMS features, which increases usability by simplifying the user
interfaces. To avoid overwhelming CMS users by exposing unnecessary
features, encourage them to access the Page Editor rather than the Content
Editor, and when necessary to achieve an objective, the Content Editor
rather than the Sitecore desktop. You can force users into specific user
interfaces regardless of their user interface selection in the Options panel
on the Sitecore login screen, and you can restrict users to specific
interfaces even if they enter the URL of another interface into the
browser's address bar.
Use the following steps to cause users to log in to a specific user
interface regardless of their selection on the Sitecore login screen:
1. Log in to the Sitecore browser-based desktop as a user with
appropriate access rights.
2. Click Sitecore ⇒ Security Tools ⇒ User Manager. The User
Manager dialog appears.
3. Double-click the user. The Edit User dialog appears.
4. Click the Profile tab. Figure 11.1 shows an example of how the Edit
User dialog appears after you click the Profile tab.
5. In the radio group under Start Url, select the user interface that you
want to apply for the user, such as Page Editor.
6. Click OK. When the User Manager appears, close it to return to the
Sitecore desktop.
Figure 11.1
To control which interfaces a CMS user can access (even if they know
the URL of the desktop or the Content Editor), you can limit access rights
for the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor,
/sitecore/content/Applications/Desktop, and
/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit items in the Core database.
Versions of Sitecore CMS prior to 6 included a user interface named WebEdit that
provided functionality similar to that of the Page Editor introduced in Sitecore CMS 6.0.
Certain aspects of Sitecore, such as the /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit item
in the Core database and any reference to content markers (“dots”), continue to reflect
WebEdit terminology.

For example, if you want to prevent a user from accessing the Sitecore
desktop, you can create a role in the Sitecore domain, for example named
Sitecore Client Desktop Restricted Users, deny that role item:read access
to the /sitecore/content/Applications/Desktop item in the Core
database, and add that user to that role.

If users cannot access the Sitecore desktop, they cannot access the Control Panel to
configure their language, region, and other preferences. An administrator can
accomplish these tasks through the User Manager.

Optimizing the Sitecore Desktop

Each user can change the Sitecore desktop background image — for
example, to help them differentiate test and production systems. To change
the background image:
1. Right-click the desktop, and then click Properties. The Desktop
Background dialog appears as shown in Figure 11.2.
2. Select a background in the Background field.
Figure 11.2
To make additional background images available, add them to the
/sitecore/shell/Themes/Backgrounds subdirectory beneath the
document root of the IIS website hosting the Sitecore instance. For an
example that applies a random desktop background each time you log in to
the Sitecore desktop, see my blog post at
When you enter text in the search box in the lower right-corner of the
taskbar in the Sitecore desktop and press Enter, a search results dialog
appears. If you pause before pressing Enter in that process, a list of the
matches for the search term that you entered appears automatically. If you
enter a path or ID in the search box instead of a search term, you can open
the specified item in the Content Editor by clicking the first entry in that
list of matches (the one labeled Direct Hit). Figure 11.3 shows use of this
feature to find the /sitecore/media library/Images item by path.
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts within the Sitecore
Ctrl+/ — Gives the search box in the lower-right corner cursor focus
Ctrl+F2 — Displays the window manager (then click a window to
select it)

Unfortunately, an apparent defect in some versions of Sitecore CMS prevents the

Ctrl+F2 keyboard shortcut from working in some browsers, including Microsoft Internet
Explorer 9.

Ctrl+WIN — Activates the Sitecore menu (same as clicking the

Sitecore button)
Figure 11.3
Sitecore prevents the browser from displaying its standard context menu
when you right-click in various user interfaces. In some cases, you can
hold the Ctrl key (or the Alt key, or some combination of keys) while you
right-click to access the browser's context menu.

To activate features for the correct component, be sure to right-click the frame on which
to operate, such as the Content Editor or a specific frame within the Content Editor
within the Sitecore desktop.

For example, if you do not own a lock on an item, then Rich Text fields
appear disabled (grayed out). You can scroll and select text in such fields,
but if you right-click a selection, no context menu appears to let you copy
that text to the operating system clipboard. If you hold the Ctrl key while
you right-click, you can use the context menu to copy the text.
You can also hold Ctrl and right-click to view the URL and source code
of a frame, or to refresh a frame (such as to refresh a single application
within the desktop without losing the context of other applications open in
the Sitecore desktop).

This technique does not work for modal dialogs. To view the source of a modal dialog,
press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Scroll Lock.

Optimizing the Content Editor

This section describes the surprising number of mouse and keyboard
shortcuts that the Content Editor supports.
To expand or collapse a section in the editing pane of the Content Editor,
double-click the section title, or click the plus (+) or minus (-) icon in the
right corner of the title.
To show or hide features in the Quick Action bar to the left of the
content tree in the Content Editor, right-click the Quick Action bar, and
then select the features to display.
Finding a section or field in an item based on a data template that
contains a large number of sections and fields, or when showing the
sections and fields defined in the standard template, can take some effort.
You can use the drop-down that appears when you click the Ribbon icon to
the left of the language selector (to the left of the version selector at the
top of the editing pane) to navigate to a specific field more easily. Figure
11.4 shows use of this feature to navigate to the Cacheable field in the
Caching section of an XSL rendering definition item.
To obtain more screen space for editing, clear the Content Tree check
box in the View group of the View tab in the Content Editor.
You can search for a command by hovering over the Ribbon and using
the mouse wheel to scroll through the tabs. Click the command to perform
the desired action. To scroll through a subcomponent such as the content
tree or the editing pane without scrolling the main Content Editor window,
hover the mouse cursor over that component and use the mouse wheel.
To sort one sibling item before another, hold the Alt key and drag the
item onto that sibling. Depending on your access rights, you can drag and
drop items in the content tree. You can hold down the Ctrl key while
dragging an item to copy that item instead of move it.
Hide user interface components in the Content Editor when you are not
using features that depend on those components. Subcomponents that you
can hide include the following:
Pages bar — Tabs at the bottom of the Content Editor
Quick Action bar — Shortcuts to the left of the content tree
Validator bar — Validation features to the right of the editing pane
Quick Info section — Information above the sections in the editing
Item Title bar — Icon, name, and short description above the editing
Figure 11.4
To hide features in the Content Editor:
1. Click the Sitecore logo at the top-left corner, and then click
Application Options. The Application Options dialog appears as
shown in Figure 11.5.
2. Click the Content Editor tab.
3. Clear check boxes to disable user interface features.
To further improve Content Editor performance, you can also disable
prefetching of collapsed sections to load sections only when you expand
them in the user interface (and remember to keep sections collapsed when
not in use) using the options shown in Figure 11.5. You can hide field
section titles to merge all sections into a single pane, which can be helpful
with limited screen space. You should hide any other features that you do
not use. For example, if you show the Quick Action bar, you can right-
click it to select features to show or hide. To hide the Quick Action bar, the
Validator bar, and the search box by default,
set the
ContentEditor.ShowGutter, ContentEditor.ShowSearchPanel, and
ContentEditor.ShowValidatorBar settings in the Web.config file to

Figure 11.5

In addition to creating an item using insert options or an arbitrary data

template, branch template, or command template, you can create an item
by duplicating an existing item, and then updating field values in the new
item. This technique is most useful when any of the following are true:
You need to create an item of the same type as an existing item, but
you do not know the data template associated with that item.
The path to the data template associated with the existing item is long
and therefore difficult to remember or select in the user interface.
The new item will contain many of the same values for fields as the
existing item, for example a web control definition item.
Working with the search box within the Content Editor is similar to
using the search box in the Sitecore desktop. You can enter a search term,
the ID of an item, or the path to an item in the search box above the
content tree, and then either click the magnifying glass icon next to the
search box or press Enter to obtain search results. When you click the
magnifying glass or press Enter, the content tree displays search results
for the value that you entered. If the list includes a Direct Hit, click it to
navigate directly to the item that you specified. To view the portion of the
content tree obscured by the search results panel, click the X icon in the
Search Results label above the panel.

Maximizing Content Editor Performance

You can use the following techniques to optimize the performance of the
Content Editor, especially for users accessing Sitecore over slow network
Use the Sitecore client roles to minimize features visible to users.
Ensure proper browser configuration according to The Sitecore
Browser Configuration Reference (
Improve network conditions between the client and the server.
Consider the Page Editor as an alternative to the Content Editor.
Upgrade to the latest recommended release of Sitecore.
Patch Microsoft Windows on your servers, particularly IIS and .NET.
Patch client operating systems as well.
Organize fields into sections, avoiding dozens of fields per section.
Organize data into hierarchies, avoiding dozens of fields in a single
data template or hundreds of items under a single parent.
Hide the fields defined by the standard template (clear the Standard
Fields check box in the View group of the View tab).
Hide unnecessary tabs by right-clicking the tab strip and clearing the
checkmarks for each tab that you do not use frequently.
To validate content, rather than using the Quick Action bar or the
Validator bar in the Content Editor, use the
Sitecore.Workflows.Simple.ValidatorsAction workflow action
and the Validate command in the Proofing group on the Review tab of
the Ribbon. Right-click the Quick Action bar and use the context
menu that appears to disable validation when you are not reviewing
validation issues (you can use this technique to disable additional
features of the Quick Action bar to improve performance).
Set the ContentEditor.CheckSecurityOnTreeNodes and/or
ContentEditor.CheckHasChildrenOnTreeNodes settings in the
Web.config file to false.
Avoid security options such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and
Windows authentication, which can adversely affect client
Use field security to show or hide fields irrelevant to specific roles.
Double-click a tab to show or hide the Ribbon.
For more information about optimizing performance in the Content
Editor, see my blog post at

Content Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

The Content Editor supports the following keyboard shortcuts:
Alt+F1 — Shows or hides keyboard shortcuts for the current tab
Ctrl+S — Saves the current item
Ctrl+D — Duplicates the current item
F2 — Renames the current item
F7 — Subscribes to an RSS feed about the current item
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up Arrow — Moves the current item after its
previous sibling in the sort order
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down Arrow — Moves the current item after its
next sibling in the sort order
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L — Protects (makes read-only) or unprotects the
current item
Ctrl+Shift+Home — Navigates to the home item
Left Arrow — Collapses the branch
Right Arrow — Expands the branch
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R — Shows or hides raw field values
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T — Shows or hides fields from the standard
Alt+H — Selects the Home tab
Alt+N — Selects the Navigate tab
Alt+R — Selects the Review tab
Alt+P — Selects the Publish tab
Alt+V — Selects the Versions tab
Alt+C — Selects the Configure tab
Alt+E — Selects the Presentation tab
Alt+S — Selects the Security tab
Alt+I — Selects the View tab

To see the shortcut for a tab or command, hover the mouse cursor over it in the Content

Investigating and Copying Raw Field Values

In some cases, viewing raw field values can help you explore and
understand the system. For example, while writing this book, I did not
know where Sitecore stores conditional rule definitions that apply at the
rendering level. I could have tried to find the answer in the documentation,
or by disassembling Sitecore, but the approach described in the following
paragraph was relatively efficient for my purposes at that time.
Knowing that layout details indicate which presentation controls to use
when rendering an item, I assumed that layout details would also reference
the conditional rendering rules to apply to each presentation control. In the
layout details for an item, I selected a presentation control, and then
selected one of the default conditional rendering rules to apply to that
rendering. I then selected options on the View tab in the Ribbon to show
the fields from the standard template and raw values for all fields before
investigating the value of the Renderings field in the Layout section,
which contains layout details. I copied the ID of the conditional rendering
rule definition item from that field value, pasted that ID into the search
box above the content tree, and pressed Enter. I then cleared options on the
View tab in order to hide the fields defined in the standard template and
show usable controls instead of raw field values.
To copy a complex field value from one item to another, view the
standard fields (if required), view raw field values, copy the field value to
the operating system clipboard, and paste that value into the target field.
Remember to hide standard fields (if showing) and raw values afterwards.

Copying and Moving Items with the Clipboard

You can use the operating system clipboard to copy and move items in the
content tree. To copy or move an item and its descendants, right-click the
item, then click Copy (to duplicate the item) or Cut (to move it) from the
context menu that appears. If you paste the value from the clipboard to a
text editor, you will see a value such as sitecore:cut:{110D559F-DEA5-
42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9}. To paste the item and its descendants, right-
click the destination item, and then click Paste.

Sitecore Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to the default keyboard shortcuts defined by Sitecore and
applications such as the Content Editor, you can assign keyboard shortcuts
to Sitecore commands. Sitecore uses a text string to identify each
keystroke combination, such as sca76 for Alt+Ctrl+Shift+L (where s
stands for Shift, c stands for Ctrl, a stands for Alt, and 76 represents a
capital L). To determine the text code for a keystroke combination, you
can use the Keyboard Map application on the Development Tools menu in
the Sitecore desktop.
Before you assign a keyboard shortcut to a command, attempt to confirm
that Sitecore itself does not already use that keystroke combination. The
example shown in Listing 11.2 generates an unordered list of the existing
items that contain a value in the field named KeyCode used to associate a
keyboard code with a command.

Listing 11.2: Listing keyboard shortcuts

namespace SitecoreBook.Web.UI.WebControls
using System.Web.UI;

public class KeyboardShortcuts :

protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter output)
Sitecore.Data.Database db =
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert.IsNotNull(db, "core db");
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] items = db.SelectItems(

if (items == null || items.Length < 1)



foreach (Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item in items)

string code = item["KeyCode"];
string message = item.Paths.FullPath
+ " : "
+ code
+ "("
+ Sitecore.Web.UI.Keyboard.GetKeyCodeText(code)
+ ")";
"<li>" + message + "</li>");


I used a web control for this example because it is easy for me to implement and test by
binding such a web control to a placeholder in the home item of a development
environment. This approach leaves me with a library of web controls that I can easily
duplicate and use at my convenience. Alternatively, you can invoke code such as this
from any context that you find convenient.

After you identify a keystroke combination not already in use, enter the
text code for that combination into the KeyCode field of the definition
item for that command in the Core database. To specify a keyboard
shortcut for a command in the Content Editor Ribbon:
1. Click the database icon in the lower-right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select core from the context menu so that you can
edit items in the Core database.
2. Open the Content Editor.
3. Navigate to the command definition item, which is a descendant of
the /sitecore/content/Applications/Content
Editor/Ribbons/Chunks item.
4. Set the value of the KeyCode field in the Data section to the text
code for the keystroke combination.
5. Click the database icon in the lower-right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select master from the context menu to return to the
Master database.
To create a keyboard shortcut for a command not in the Content Editor
1. Click the database icon in the lower-right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select core from the context menu so that you can
edit items in the Core database.
2. Open the Content Editor.
3. Navigate to the /sitecore/system/Settings/Key Map item.
4. Insert an item using the Sitecore Client/Key Map data template.
5. Set the value of the KeyCode field in the Data section to the text
code for the keystroke combination.
6. Set the value of the Click field in the Data section to the command
to execute (from the /App_Config/commands.config file).
7. Click the database icon in the lower right corner of the Sitecore
desktop, and then select master from the context menu to return to the
Master database.

Optimizing the Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text data template field type exposes a what you see is what you
get (WYSIWYG) HTML editor in a Sitecore data template. The Rich Text
Editor (RTE) can give users complete control over the presentation of their
content. In general, subject matter experts (CMS users) should focus on
the text of their content rather than the presentation and styling of that
content. Visual consistency leads to usability, usability leads to repeat
visitors, and repeat visitors lead to solution value. Excessive use of and
features in the RTE can reduce the visual consistency of the solution for
which you strive. Additionally, by storing data as HTML, to a greater or
lesser extent depending on how you use them and what you allow in them,
WYSIWYG HTML editors defeat one of the primary goals of web content
management systems, which is to separate content from presentation.
To maximize consistency and encourage CMS users to focus on the
subject matter of their expertise rather than markup, styling, and page
structure, minimize the use of the Rich Text data template field type, and
configure RTE profiles to minimize available features. Use presentation
components to structure and style the content. Use the RTE field type
sparingly, and expose only those features required by the individual users
who need them.

Click the box icon in the upper-right corner of the Rich Text Editor to expand the RTE to
use the full browser window. As always, you can press F11 to cause the browser to use all
available screen space.
For more information about configuring and optimizing the Rich Text
Editor, see the Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook

Rich Text Editor Profiles

Rich Text Editor (RTE) profiles control the commands visible in each Rich
Text field. You can use the Source property in Rich Text field definition
items to specify the RTE profile to use for that field.
Sitecore manages RTE profiles under the
/sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles item in the Core
database. The default RTE profile (/sitecore/system/Settings/Html
Editor Profiles/Rich Text Default) allows relatively few features.
You can apply access rights to items in RTE profiles to control which
users can access each feature. To maximize site consistency, minimize
features visible in Rich Text fields.

You can use clones to manage RTE profiles. For more information about clones, see
Chapter 2.

Rich Text Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Rich Text Editor keyboard shortcuts include the following:
Ctrl+A — Selects all
Ctrl+B — Applies bold formatting (<strong>)
Ctrl+C — Copies the selection in the RTE to the operating system
Ctrl+F — Activates the browser's find feature to search for text in the
RTE field value
Ctrl+I — Applies emphasis/italics (<em>)
Ctrl+K — Inserts or updates an external link
Ctrl+Shift+K — Removes a link
Ctrl+P — Prints
Ctrl+U — Underlines (<span>)
Ctrl+V — Pastes from the operating system clipboard into the RTE
Ctrl+X — Cuts the selected text (moves it to the clipboard)
Ctrl+Y — Allows unlimited redo
Ctrl+Z — Un-does an action
Shift+Enter — Enters a line break (<br>)
F10 — Moves focus to the first toolbar (then use Tab and Shift+Tab to
move between tools on the toolbar, the arrow keys to activate drop-
downs, and the Enter key to make a selection)
Common keyboard shortcuts including Home, Ctrl+Home,
Ctrl+Shift+End, and others typically work as expected. You can use the
/Sitecore/shell/controls/Rich Text Editor/ToolsFile.xml file to
configure the Rich Text Editor, including keyboard shortcuts. As described
in The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook (, you
can use predefined markup snippets to allow users to insert reusable text
into RTE fields easily.

Ad Hoc Reports
To easily implement ad hoc reports, you can use a temporary XSL
rendering (or save the rendering for reuse later) or Sitecore Rocks. For
example, viewing the raw values for the __Base template field in the
standard template, which defines the base templates for a data templates,
provided the IDs to construct the XSL fragment shown here, which I then
used to identify data templates that inherit from the null template (with ID
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000}) or from only specific
sections of the standard template.

<xsl:for-each select="//item[contains(sc:fld('__Base
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{F5BC7AE4-F62D-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{18420296-D8FC-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{823ECF5F-AE72-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{4D30906D-0B49-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{6EF07334-7FBA-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{6495CF23-DE9C-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{AB811AF4-393C-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{1597272C-C823-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{93F3A8FA-9E5A-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{2491819E-0C61-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{06F366E6-A7E6-
or contains (sc:fld('__Base template',.), ‘{00000000-0000-
<strong><xsl:value-of select="sc:path(.)" /></strong>
<xsl:for-each select="sc:Split('__Base template', .)">
<xsl:variable name="item"
select="sc:item(text(),.)" />
<xsl:when test="$item">
<xsl:value-of select="sc:path($item)" />
<xsl:value-of select="text()" /> does not

Overlay Icons
Sitecore displays an icon for each item. You can set the default icon for all
items based on a data template in that data template itself. You can
override the icon defined in the data template for each item. To set the
icon for a data template or an individual item, click the Configure tab in
the Content Editor, and then click the Icon command in the Appearance
group. You can either select an icon from the pallet that appears (defined
by the /App_Config/Icons.config file), or click More Icons at the
bottom of that pallet. In the latter case, the Icon dialog appears, allowing
you to select an icon from all of those available on the system. You can
use the drop-down at the top-left of the Icon dialog to select various
categories of icons from which to select an image. Figure 11.6 shows how
the Icon dialog appears when making a selection from the category drop-
Figure 11.6

The Icon field at the bottom of the Icon dialog shows the path to the icon
that you select.
You can overlay an icon with another icon in the lower-right corner of
the original icon image. To do so, follow this procedure:
1. Determine the relative paths to the two icons that you wish to use by
selecting those icons individually in the Icon dialog and noting the
values in the Icon field for each selection.
2. Enter a value such as the following into the Icon field in the Icon
3. Replace the two relative paths shown with those of the icons you
wish to use, where the first (Applications/32x32/warning.png in
this example) specifies the primary icon and the second
(Applications/16x16/help.png in this example) specifies the
overlay icon.
Note the dimensions specified in the relative path to each image —
32x32 for the first image and 16x16 for the second. Use these dimensions
regardless of those identified previously using the Icon dialog (Sitecore
provides all icon images in both dimensions). For more information about
icons, see The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook

Showing the Developer Tab

The Developer tab provides a number of commands to assist Sitecore
developers. To show or hide the Developer tab in the Content Editor, right-
click any tab in the Content Editor, and then select or clear the Developer
option. The Path and ID commands in the Show group of the Developer
tab are particularly helpful for copying the path and ID of the item
selected in the content tree to the operating system clipboard, though these
commands may only work in certain browsers (specifically Internet
Explorer). You can also use the Developer tab to manage Sitecore item
serialization as described in Chapter 9.

The My Toolbar tab enables you to group commands that you use frequently. Personally,
I move between systems frequently enough that configuration of the My Toolbar tab is
generally not worthwhile.
Working with the Sitecore Debugger
Remember to use the browser-based Sitecore debugger, as well as the
cache and rendering statistics pages, both described in Chapter 6. These
tools can help you to optimize the solution before you deploy it to
production and to monitor and diagnose issues with the solution after

Take Home Points

Sitecore is a broad, flexible, and extensible development platform
providing almost infinite potential for configuration and expansion. By
following the conventions outlined in this chapter, you can dramatically
increase the usability, performance, security, and quality of your Sitecore
solutions. Using the tips and tricks described, including extensive
keyboard shortcuts in multiple applications, you can maximize your
productivity as well as that of your CMS users. You should especially
focus the quality of experience in the Page Editor and the Content Editor.
Restrict users' access within the system to only those features and
capabilities required for their job function. Content should also pass
through a publishing workflow to enforce validation, review, and any other
quality standards.
Appendix A

Resources for Sitecore Developers

You can maximize your productivity as a Sitecore developer by reviewing

a variety of resources on the Internet and by participating in online and in-
person Sitecore community events. Review the information in this
appendix before installing the Sitecore ASP.NET Content Management
System (CMS).

Accessing Sitecore Resources

This section provides pointers to various resources for users,
administrators, project managers, and most importantly developers
working with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. It contains information about
resources including Sitecore training, Sitecore partners, online materials
such as Sitecore documentation and the Sitecore Developer Network
forums, local and virtual user groups, the annual Sitecore Symposium
conference for developers and partners (formerly Dreamcore), and
Sitecore Success Services.

In general, you can use the same log-in information (e-mail address and password) for
all the websites that Sitecore manages, including the Sitecore Portal
(, the Sitecore Developer Network (, and
the Sitecore Support Portal (

Sitecore Training
In addition to being one of the most efficient methods to learn a new
platform, one of the best ways to evaluate a web CMS is to attend
developer training. I strongly recommend that all Sitecore developers
attend as many relevant Sitecore training courses as possible from those
listed at I specifically recommend that .NET
developers complete the following courses in the order listed:
1. SDF: Sitecore CMS Developer Foundations (
2. SND: Sitecore CMS Website .NET Developer
3. DOP: Sitecore CMS .NET Developer Day of Prototyping
4. AND: Sitecore CMS Advanced .NET Developer
If the platform architecture matches the requirements that you used to
analyze the available CMS platforms, and hence to select Sitecore, then
you are likely to remember much of the technical detail provided during
training. Importantly, you must work with the product immediately after
training in order to maintain and enhance that understanding. After
training, I recommend that you spend at least one week implementing a
prototype of your actual solution. Use that time to see what you can
remember, research what you forgot or never learned, participate in the
Sitecore community online, and attempt to build a functional solution that
you may subsequently discard.

Sitecore Partners
To maximize the value of your solution quickly, Sitecore encourages all of
its customers, even those with prior CMS experience, to work with
seasoned Sitecore partners. Some Sitecore partners can provide a full
range of services from requirements analysis, platform selection, visual
design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), technical implementation, and
integrations such as with social media sites. You may also benefit from
working with a Sitecore partner that has expertise implementing web
solutions for organizations like yours or your specific industry vertical.
The following sections explain how an organization that provides these
types of consulting services can become a Sitecore partner and the benefits
of that partnership.
Becoming a Sitecore Partner
If your company uses Sitecore to implement web solutions for other
organizations, you can almost certainly become a Sitecore partner. To
initiate the partner engagement process, prospective Sitecore partners can
complete and submit the web form found at Sitecore
Certified Solution Partners must execute a General Terms of Business
Agreement with Sitecore and must maintain at least one staff member
certified as an ASP.NET developer on the Sitecore platform.

Benefiting from Your Sitecore Partnership

Sitecore partners can realize additional business based on the following
aspects of Sitecore as an organization and as a platform:
Sitecore is a visionary and leader within a growing web CMS space
Sitecore is a Microsoft Gold-Certified and award-winning ISV
(Independent Software Vendor) partner
Sitecore solutions scale from small to very large with great flexibility
Sitecore is highly committed to its partner program
Your dedicated Sitecore team supplies proven technical and business

Sitecore Portal
You can use the Sitecore Portal ( to register for
access to the Sitecore Developer Network (, update
your personal information and your public profile, and access other
information about your relationship with Sitecore. As described in the
following sections, you can use the portal to configure your subscriptions
to Sitecore mailing lists, which keep you informed with vital information
about Sitecore products. You can also use the portal to reset the password
you use to access the Sitecore Developer Network, the Sitecore Support
Portal (, and the Sitecore Partner Portal itself.

Registering for a Sitecore Account

Before you can access the Sitecore Portal and additional Sitecore
resources online, you must register an e-mail address to create an account
with Sitecore. To register for an account, do the following:
1. Access in a browser. If Logout appears in
the header, click it.
2. Click Sign-Up Here. The Validate Email page appears.
3. Type your e-mail address into the Email field, and then click Send
Me a Validation Mail. The Validation Email Sent page appears. You
can close the browser window.
4. Check your e-mail for that address for a message from In that message, click the link to validate your e-
mail address. The Choose Password page appears in a browser
5. Type the required information about yourself into the various fields,
including a password in the Password and Password (Repeat) fields.
Then click Complete Registration. The Registration Completed page
appears. You can close the browser window.

Signing Up for E-Mail Alerts

I recommend that you visit the Sitecore Support Portal to sign up for
available mailing lists. You can receive newsletters intended for users,
administrators, and developers regarding new Sitecore products, updates,
development practices, as well as other useful information. Sitecore does
not send excessive e-mail, and its newsletters can contain alerts that
address technical, security, and various other issues concerning Sitecore
and supporting products, including issues specific to third-party web

Resetting Your Sitecore Password

You can use the Sitecore Portal to reset the password you use to access the
Sitecore Developer Network, the Sitecore Portal, the Sitecore Support
Portal, and other Sitecore online resources. To reset your Sitecore
password, do the following:
1. Access in a browser. If Logout appears in
the header, click it.
2. Click Forgot Password. The Reset Your Password page appears.
3. Enter the e-mail address that you used to register with Sitecore in
the Email field, and click Reset Password. The Done page appears.
You can close the browser window.
4. Check your e-mail for that address for a message from In that message, click the link to reset your
password. The Choose Password page appears in a browser window.
5. Enter a new password in the Password field, and again in the
Password (Repeat) field, and click Complete Registration. The
Registration Completed page appears. You can close the browser

Sitecore Developer Network

The Sitecore Developer Network, or SDN (, is the
primary source of technical information for Sitecore developers. Its
resources include the invaluable Sitecore documentation as well as the
Sitecore Developer Network forums described in the following sections.

Sitecore Documentation
Through SDN, Sitecore provides extensive documentation for CMS users
and administrators, but most importantly for developers. You can get most
of the best documentation by clicking the References tab on SDN and then
clicking Sitecore 6. Other documents, such as the installation and
troubleshooting resources that appear on the installation materials pages,
exist elsewhere on SDN. For a single, comprehensive list of current
Sitecore documentation, see my blog post at Where
appropriate, this book contains direct links to these documents.
Of the Sitecore documents available online, I believe that the following
are most important:
The Installation Guides ( and Installation
Troubleshooting ( materials, as well as the
Browser Configuration Reference (
The Data Definition Reference (, the Data
Definition Cookbook (, and the Data Definition
API Cookbook (
The Content Reference (, the Content Author's
Cookbook (, the Content Cookbook
(, and the Content API Cookbook

Where multiple documents exist on a subject (such as presentation), references contain

descriptive information. Cookbooks contain instructions; API cookbooks describe APIs;
anything with author in the title is more for users than for administrators or developers.

The Sitecore Client Configuration Cookbook (

The Sitecore Presentation Component Reference
(, the Sitecore Presentation Component
Cookbook (, and the Sitecore Presentation
Component API Cookbook (
The Sitecore CMS Performance Tuning Guide (,
the Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference (,
and the Sitecore Scaling Guide (
The What's New document for each new version (
You can access documentation packages to download multiple Sitecore
documents as a .zip file, which you can then extract into a subdirectory
and search as a collection. In Adobe Reader press Ctrl+Shft+F or click the
Edit menu and select Advanced Search. In the Search window that appears,
select All PDF Documents In, select the folder containing the extracted
files, enter a search term, and click Search.

Using the Sitecore Developer Network Forums

Along with hosting an active and responsive community, the Sitecore
Developer Network forums ( contain a vast archive of
information about Sitecore. I suggest that you sign up for e-mail
notification regarding new posts on as many forums as possible, especially
the General Discussion forum. As with any online forums, especially when
you are new to Sitecore, please remember to search for your issue before
starting a new thread about it.

Accessing the Sitecore Shared Source

The Sitecore Shared Source Library ( contains a
variety of free modules that you can use, customize, and review for
educational and other purposes. All modules include source code that you
can use to further your knowledge of Sitecore. See also the Sitecore
Shared Source blog ( For information
about contributing to Sitecore Shared Source projects, see my blog post at

Sitecore Blogs
As a highly capable and extensible development framework, Sitecore is
both broad and deep. One of the best ways to learn Sitecore is to read blog
posts by people who have been working with the software for years,
especially those who have addressed requirements similar to yours.
Instead of listing individual blogs here, I suggest reviewing the Sitecore
pipe on Yahoo! (, or for the RSS

Sitecore Demo Sites

Sitecore maintains several sample solutions for demonstration, training,
testing, and other purposes. Some are available through the developer
training program mentioned in a previous section. Others are available on
the Sitecore Developer Network or the Sitecore Partner Network. If you
cannot find an appropriate sample solution for your activity, contact
Sitecore (
These are not production-quality solutions, do not necessarily follow
Sitecore best practices, and are not optimized for performance or
scalability. I advise against using such demonstration sites as a basis for
your own solutions. You may not understand every aspect of these
implementations, and you are unlikely to use every feature included.
While you can learn a great deal about Sitecore by evaluating them, you
will develop a better understanding of Sitecore if you build a complete
implementation from scratch.

Virtual and Local Sitecore User Groups

A number of regional Sitecore groups exist for in-person exchanges with
other members of the Sitecore community. You can join the Sitecore Users
Virtual Group ( sponsored by Sitecore Technology
Partner Hedgehog Development (, organized around a
mission to further educate and support the global Sitecore community.
When your Sitecore skills have reached an appropriate level, you can even
volunteer to present at a user group meeting.

The Sitecore Support Portal

You can file questions, defect reports, feature requests, and other types of
cases at the Sitecore Support Portal ( For defect
reports, include a minimal but detailed reproduction scenario.
If you cannot access the Sitecore Support Portal, contact Sitecore in your
region to determine access requirements ( If you
ever feel that Sitecore Customer Service does not address your issue
quickly enough through the Sitecore Support Portal, provide your case
identifier to your regional Sitecore contact, who can escalate it through the
Sitecore Customer Service department.

To determine the location of existing documentation specific to a topic of interest, request

additional documentation, report errata in Sitecore documentation, and for all other
documentation requests, send an e-mail to the address listed in the footer of every SDN
page (

Before you file an issue in the Sitecore Support Portal, you can use the
SDN forums to collect information about your issue. Reporting issues on
the SDN forums can have numerous benefits, including the following:
Due to the number of eyes reading SDN forum posts, you can
sometimes get an answer more quickly on the forums than you would
through the Sitecore Support Portal.
The more people who see an issue, the more likely it is that one of
them has seen it before.
Additional perspectives can often lead to superior solutions and
Forum posts inform the developer community about issues.
Other developers can try to confirm your issue in an attempt to
determine whether it is specific to a Sitecore product or version, your
configuration, your solution, or something else.
People more familiar with the Sitecore documentation, release notes,
and known issues will point you to them when appropriate.
The community can search forum threads to identify topics quickly
without needing to file support cases.
If you file a case in the Sitecore Support Portal after posting about it on
the SDN forums, add the case identifier to the forum thread afterwards so
that other developers with the same issue can reference that case.

The Sitecore Customer Service department is not responsible for the Sitecore Developer
Network forums. Any information that you post on the forums should also appear in your
support case. Instead of filing a support case that links to your SDN forum thread,
condense that information to provide succinct details in the text of your support case.

Sitecore Symposium
In 2010, Sitecore initiated its annual conference with in-person events in
Boston and Copenhagen to engage, educate, and motivate Sitecore
developers and partners. Originally named Dreamcore, Sitecore
subsequently renamed this conference as the Sitecore Symposium. The
locations of the conference vary by year.
Each event provides multiple tracks that include customer-oriented
content relevant to both technical and business users. The conference is an
opportunity for members of Sitecore's active and dynamic online
community to interact outside the constraints of web forums and social
media, and to provide feedback directly to those within the Sitecore

Sitecore Success Services

Sitecore Success Services ( can assist you through the
entire project life cycle to help ensure the success of any implementation.
From requirements analysis through deployment and maintenance,
Sitecore Success Services helps you apply best practices and optimize
your Sitecore solutions.
Appendix B

Installing Sitecore

What's in This Appendix?

Preparing to Install Sitecore
Installing Microsoft SQL Server
Installing Sitecore
Creating a Microsoft Visual Studio project
This appendix contains information to help you determine how to
approach Sitecore installation. It also includes instructions to install
Microsoft SQL Server, install Sitecore using the setup program, install
Sitecore from an existing archive distributed by Sitecore or an archive
generated from an existing solution, and create a project for your solution
using Microsoft Visual Studio.

Preparing to Install Sitecore

This section provides information that you can use in conjunction with the
scalability details in Chapter 6 to develop a strategy before you install
Sitecore in various environments such as development, test, production
content management, and production content delivery. Beginning by
listing some prerequisites and highlighting information for you to collect
before installing Sitecore, this section continues to provide specific
instructions to install and configure Microsoft SQL Server.
You can install Sitecore using a setup program or from an archive of an
existing Sitecore solution, such as a .zip file of a blank solution provided
by Sitecore equivalent to the contents of the setup program. You can
follow the .zip file installation process to duplicate the databases and
document root of an existing Sitecore installation to create a new
installation. Alternatively, you can use the Sitecore Installer
( Sitecore Shared Source module to automate
installation from a .zip file.

Before you install the Sitecore CMS, always refer to the current Sitecore Installation
Guide (, Installation Troubleshooting Guide (,
Browser Configuration Reference (, release notes including known
issues (, and other documentation on the Sitecore Developer
Network ( relevant to your version of the software, including
optional modules.

Ensure that all web clients, web servers, and database servers meet
Sitecore's minimum (and preferably recommended) hardware
requirements. Install Sitecore in development environments first, then
test, and eventually production. Installing Sitecore on the production
servers on day one will have little benefit.

Install Sitecore to an IIS document root directory. Do not attempt to install Sitecore to a
subdirectory or configure Sitecore as a virtual directory. Even if you can get Sitecore to
function in a virtual directory, Sitecore may deny support for such solutions.

If you will host the databases on a separate machine, install the

databases on the database server before installing Sitecore on the web
To enhance security regardless of which installation approach you
choose, after you install Sitecore, create a CMS user with administrative
rights in the Sitecore security domain. Then remove the default user
named admin from that security domain.

Choosing an Installation Strategy

Before you install Sitecore, you should choose an installation strategy. To
evaluate the product without consideration for performance or scalability,
you can use a single machine for both the database server and the Sitecore
application, and you can use the setup program for installation. For
convenience, you can implement this simplest-possible configuration on
development workstations, especially portable computers such as laptops
that may not have persistent connections to dedicated database servers.
You can also use this setup in test environments.
The further you move into the CMS project life cycle, the more likely
you are to install Sitecore manually rather than use the setup program, and
to use separate database servers. As the solution develops, assets
accumulate, consisting of at least files and items in Sitecore databases. To
create a new instance of the solution, you need to install Sitecore and then
replicate these assets. Rather than perform a two-step process, depending
on how you manage releases of your solution, you may find it easier to
follow the instructions for installing the .zip file distributive of Sitecore
to copy your entire solution, including Sitecore itself and your custom
implementation, as well as the supporting databases. You are most likely
to use the setup program to install Sitecore instances supported by new,
dedicated databases in development environments than in production or
even test environments. For example, to add a production content delivery
instance, you might clone an existing instance, rather than starting from a
blank solution created by the Sitecore automated setup program,
reconfiguring that solution, and then migrating your solution assets.
Sitecore depends on a database server; this book assumes that you use
Microsoft SQL Server. You must install the database server before you
install Sitecore. The Sitecore setup program configures Sitecore to use
SQL Server authentication for the database connection rather than
Windows authentication.
When you use the setup program to install Sitecore, typically in a single-
instance environment, you have a small number of significant choices to
make, such as whether to use a local or remote database server.
Configurations that include a number of development, test, production
content management, and production content delivery instances, or that
require load-balancing within environments, require more decisions. The
same is true for solutions that involve optional modules such as the Digital
Marketing System (DMS), especially those that rely on additional
databases. These decisions include when to share databases between
instances, how to replicate data between instances and databases, how to
deploy updates to Windows components, Sitecore, and the custom
solution, when to add instances to an environment, and when to add
additional content delivery and other databases. For more information
about such complex configurations, see Chapter 6 and the Sitecore Scaling
Guide (
Before you begin any type of Sitecore installation process, you must
determine values for the system components shown in Table B.1.

Install Sitecore to a subdirectory outside of the C:\inetpub\wwwroot subdirectory so that

your Sitecore solution does not appear to be a subdirectory of the default IIS web site.

Table B.1 Required Sitecore Installation Information

Component Description Example
Installation Subdirectory containing Sitecore C:\inetpub\sitecore\SitecoreBook
Path subdirectories and files
Website Name of IIS website to host the Sitecore sitecorebook
Name solution
Hostname DNS entry or an entry in the hosts file on all
or DNS clients mapping a name to the IIS website
Entry hosting Sitecore, allowing URL routing to the
Database Prefix for naming Sitecore databases SitecoreBook
Prefix connected to the instance
Namespace Code namespace for .NET customizations and SitecoreBook
Assembly Name of assembly (.dll file) containing .NET SitecoreBook.dll
customizations and extensions
License Sitecore content management, content license.xml
delivery, or other license

As shown by these examples, you can often derive many of these

variables from the project name (SitecoreBook in this example). Specific
database names can also include a suffix and an additional prefix to
indicate the environment type, such as test or production and content
management or content delivery.
In addition to using a hostname or a DNS entry to access the Sitecore instance, you can
configure IIS to bind localhost, the machine name, and the IP address of the server to
the website hosting the Sitecore solution.

Installing Microsoft SQL Server

As mentioned previously, you can install Microsoft SQL Server on the web
server hosting the Sitecore solution. This configuration is appropriate for
developers and in demonstration environments, but it is not scalable and is
less secure than separating the database server from the web server. You
can even use the free Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition to support
Sitecore. This section contains instructions to install SQL Server Express.
You can download Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 from I recommend that you select a SQL Server distributive
that includes tools, specifically the Management Studio Express

Management Studio Express distributed for SQL Server Express is visually and
functionally similar to Management Studio distributed for SQL Server. This book refers to
both applications as Management Studio.

When you install SQL Server, install Management Studio, enable SQL
Server authentication, and create a password for the sa user.

While the general principles described in this section apply to any release of SQL Server,
the specific instructions and screen shots may not match versions released after the
publication of this book.

The installation process has many screens, but you can accept most of
the defaults described in the following instructions to install SQL Server:
1. Run the SQL Server setup program. After extracting files, the SQL
Server Installation Center appears.
2. Click New Installation or Add Features To An Existing Installation.
The SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup window appears at the License Terms
3. Accept the license terms and click Next. The Feature Selection
dialog appears as shown in Figure B.1.
4. Under Shared Features, select Management Tools – Basic, and click
Next. The Instance Configuration dialog appears as shown in Figure
5. Accept the defaults and click Next. The Server Configuration dialog
appears as shown in Figure B.3.

The Windows security account that you select will own the SQL Server Database
Engine service. In some cases, you may want to change from the default to an
alternate user. You may need to grant filesystem access rights to the database files
for that user.

6. Click Next. The Database Engine Configuration dialog appears as

shown in Figure B.4.
7. Select Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows
authentication), enter a password for the sa user twice, click Add to
add the local administrators group to the list of SQL Server
administrators, and then click Next. The Error Reporting dialog
8. Click Next. The Complete dialog appears.
9. Click Close. When you next see the SQL Server Installation Center,
click Close again.
After installing SQL Server, use Microsoft Windows Update to install
important updates to SQL Server and its components.
Figure B.1
Figure B.2
Figure B.3
Figure B.4
Configuring an Existing SQL Server
If you have already installed SQL Server, to enable SQL authentication for
an existing instance of SQL Server configured to allow only Windows
Authentication in Management Studio:
1. Right-click the server and then click Properties. The Server
Properties dialog appears as shown in Figure B.5.
2. Select the Security tab. Under Server authentication, select SQL
Server and Windows Authentication mode, and then click OK.
Management Studio appears.
3. Right-click the server, and then click Restart. A confirmation dialog
4. Click Yes. The Service Control dialog appears after SQL Server
restarts, returning you to Management Studio.
5. Under the server, expand Security, and then expand Logins. Right-
click the sa login, and then select Properties. The Login Properties
dialog appears as shown in Figure B.6.
6. Enter a password for the sa user in the Password field. Type the
password a second time in the Confirm field.
7. Select the Status tab, choose Enabled under Login, and then click
OK to return to Management Studio.
Figure B.5

Figure B.6
Installing Sitecore with the Setup
If you plan to use a single machine as both the database server and the web
server, you can install Sitecore by running the Installation Wizard once on
that machine. Otherwise, you should first run the setup program on the
database server to create the databases, and then run the setup program on
the web server to install Sitecore.
If you cannot run the Sitecore setup program on the database server, you can create the
databases from a .zip file of the Sitecore CMS (the .zip file distributive) as described the
Sitecore Installation Guide (

When you run the Sitecore setup program, review each page of
instructions. To see additional configuration options, such as to select a
.NET Framework version, when you reach the screens on which the
Advanced button appears, click that button to apply additional
configuration options.

These instructions and screen shots describe the installation program for Sitecore CMS
6.5.0 rev. 110818, which may not exactly match other product versions.

If you plan to host databases on the web server, run the Sitecore setup
program on the web server and select Full mode. If you use a separate
database server, instead run the same setup program on the database server
to create the databases (select Database Only) that you use to install
Sitecore on the web server (select Client Only), or you can create the
databases manually from a .zip file provided by Sitecore.
The Sitecore setup program overwrites the SitecoreInstaller.log file
in the subdirectory specified by the %TEMP% environment variable or under
C:\. If installation fails without providing a useful error message, review
the contents of this file and provide it to Sitecore support. The following
steps describe how to start the installation:
1. Start the installation by double-clicking the setup program (.exe
file) in Windows Explorer. After the setup program extracts the
required files, you see the Welcome to the Installation Wizard for
Sitecore dialog.
2. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog appears.
3. Put a check beside I Accept the Terms of the License Agreement
and then click Next. The Installation Type dialog shown in Figure B.7
4. To install both the databases and the Sitecore application, select
Complete. To install only the databases, select Database Only. To
install only the Sitecore application, select Client Only. Then click
Next. The procedure will continue with the kind of installation you
selected in one of the sections that follow.
Figure B.7

Performing a Complete Installation

If you selected Complete in the Installation Type dialog shown in Figure
B.7, the Instance Name dialog shown in Figure B.8 appears.
Figure B.8
In that case, follow these instructions to install both Sitecore and the
databases on a single web server:
1. Type a unique name in the Instance Name field, which will set the
name of the installation subdirectory, the database prefix, the website,
and the application pool, and then click Next. The License File dialog
shown in Figure B.9 appears.
2. Select a valid license file for the instance, and then click Next. The
Database Server dialog shown in Figure B.10 appears.
3. Enter criteria to connect to the database server. To connect to the
default instance of SQL Express on the local system, type
.\SQLEXPRESS in the Database Server field. Type sa in the Login ID
field, and enter the password for the SQL Server sa user in the
Password field. You can click Advanced to configure options not
shown by this dialog, such as whether to include the database prefix in
the names of the files used to implement the database. When you are
done, click Next. The Destination Folder dialog shown in Figure B.11
4. Type the path to the installation subdirectory in the Install Sitecore
in field. You can click Advanced to access options not shown by this
dialog, such as to configure the locations of the files used to
implement the database. When you are done, click Next. The IIS Web
Site dialog shown in Figure B.12 appears.
5. Type the name of the new website in the Web Site Name field. You
can click Advanced to access configuration options not shown by this
dialog, such as to specify an HTTP port, to configure the application
pool, or to select a .NET Framework version. Click Next. The Ready to
Install Sitecore dialog appears.
6. Click Install. When installation is complete, the Sitecore Setup
dialog appears.

You can select the Launch Sitecore checkbox to open the solution in a new browser

7. Click Finish to close the Sitecore Setup dialog and return to

Windows Explorer.
Figure B.9
Figure B.10

Figure B.11
Figure B.12
Performing a Database Only Installation
If you selected Database Only in the Installation Type dialog as shown in
Figure B.13, the Instance Name dialog shown in Figure B.8 appears.
Figure B.13

In that case, follow these instructions to configure Sitecore databases on

a database server:
1. In the Instance Name dialog shown in Figure B.8, type a unique
name for the instance in the Instance Name field, which will set the
database prefix. You can click Advanced to configure options not
shown by this dialog, such as whether to include the database prefix in
the names of the files used to implement the database. Then click
Next. The Database Server dialog shown in Figure B.10 appears.
2. Enter criteria to connect to the database server as described in the
section “Performing a Complete Installation.” You can click Advanced
to configure options not shown by this dialog, such as the prefix for
database names and whether to include the database prefix in the
names of the files that implement those databases. Click Next. The
Destination Folder dialog shown in Figure B.14 appears.
3. Type the path where you want to store the SQL server database files
in the Sitecore Databases field, and then click Next. The Ready to
Install Sitecore dialog appears.
4. Click Install and wait for the setup process to complete.
5. Click Finish to close the Sitecore Setup dialog and return to
Windows Explorer.
Figure B.14

Performing a Client Only Installation

If you selected Client Only on the Installation Type dialog as shown in
Figure B.15, the Instance Name dialog shown in Figure B.8 appears.
Figure B.15
In that case, follow these instructions to install a Sitecore instance
connected to existing databases:
1. When the Instance Name dialog appears as shown in Figure B.8,
type a unique name for the instance in the Instance Name field, which
will set the name of the installation subdirectory, the database prefix,
the website, and the application pool, and then click Next. The License
File dialog appears as shown in Figure B.9.
2. Select a valid license file, and then click Next. The Database Server
dialog shown in Figure B.16 appears.
3. Enter criteria to connect to the database server as described in the
section “Performing a Complete Installation,” and then click Next.
The Destination Folder dialog appears as shown in Figure B.11.
4. Type the path to the installation subdirectory in the Install Sitecore
field, and then click Next. The IIS Web Site dialog appears as shown
in Figure B.12.
5. Type a name for the new website in the Web Site Name field, and
then click Next. The Ready to Install Sitecore dialog appears.
6. Click Install. When installation completes, the Sitecore Setup
dialog appears.
7. Click Finish to close the Sitecore setup program and return to
Windows Explorer.
Figure B.16

Installing Sitecore from a Zip or

Other Archive
If you cannot install Sitecore using the setup program, or if you need to
replicate an existing Sitecore solution from one instance to another, you
can follow the instructions to install Sitecore from a .zip file. To ensure a
secure solution, follow the installation instructions meticulously. The
Sitecore Installation Guide ( provides comprehensive
manual installation instructions. Therefore, this section provides a process
that you can follow to clone an existing Sitecore installation.
Archiving a Sitecore Solution
First create an archive of the existing solution. Begin by stopping IIS. To
stop IIS, I generally start a command prompt as a Windows administrator
and issue the following command.
net stop w3svc
To start a command prompt as an administrator, right-click the
Command Prompt icon in Windows and choose Run As Administrator
from the context menu. After you stop IIS, use Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio to create a backup of each of the existing Sitecore
databases. To back up Microsoft SQL Server databases easily, you can
create a backup device, which can be a simple backup file that contains
archives of multiple databases. To create such a backup device in
Management Studio, follow these instructions:
1. Right-click Server Objects, then click New ⇒ Backup Device. The
Backup Device dialog appears as shown in Figure B.17.
2. Type a name for the new backup device in the Device name field,
such as DefaultBackupDevice.
3. Select File under Destination, enter the full path to the file to use
for database backups, and then click OK to return to Management
Figure B.17
To back up a database in Management Studio:
1. Right-click the database, then click Tasks ⇒ Back Up. The Back Up
Database dialog appears as shown in Figure B.18.
2. Select Disk under Destination on the General tab, and then click
Add. The Select Backup Destination dialog appears as shown in Figure
3. Click the Backup device radio button and select the backup device
created previously. Click OK, and then click OK again. SQL Server
adds an archive of the database to the backup device file, and then you
return to Management Studio.
Figure B.18
Figure B.19
After backing up the Sitecore databases, create a compressed archive of
the document root subdirectory for the existing installation (typically
named /Website within an existing Sitecore installation subdirectory).
Other than licenses, Sitecore creates all files in the /Data subdirectory of
the installation subdirectory dynamically, so you do not need to copy the
contents of that subdirectory. The process described in this section uses
database backups, so you do not need a copy of the /Databases
subdirectory, even if such a subdirectory exists in the existing installation
subdirectory. Optionally, you can remove the contents of the /temp
subdirectory within the /Website subdirectory, either before creating the
archive or afterwards.
After you archive the existing solution, you can restart IIS. To do so, I
execute the following command in a command prompt running as a
Windows administrator as described previously.
net start w3svc

Creating and Configuring a New Installation

To implement the infrastructure required for the new installation, create
the subdirectory that will contain the new installation, which does not have
to use the same name as the existing installation but should follow the
same structure (a subdirectory named after the project to contain the
/Website and /Data subdirectories). Extract the archive created
previously to populate the /Website subdirectory that will become the
document root of the new instance.
To configure and secure the new instance, apply the manual installation
instructions provided in the Sitecore Installation Guide
( At a minimum, manual configuration includes the
following tasks described in this section:
1. Update references in copied configuration files, including
subdirectory paths and database connection strings, to specify the new
installation subdirectory.
2. Create a DNS entry for the new instance or update the hosts file.
3. Apply the appropriate license file to the new instance.
4. Configure the IIS website and application pool for the new instance.
5. Apply security to the subdirectories supporting the new instance.
In the Web.config file of the new instance, update any references to the
installation path of the existing solution to the installation path of the new
solution. For instance, set the value attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/sc.variable element named dataFolder in
the Web.config file to the absolute operating system path to the /Data
subdirectory in the new installation, such as
Create a DNS entry or update the
C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on all clients to create a
new entry for the host header that you will bind to the new instance.
To create new databases from the database backups, in Management
Studio (once for each database):
1. Right-click Databases, and then click Restore Database. The Restore
Database dialog appears as shown in Figure B.20.
2. Type a name for the new database in the Destination For Restore
field, including a prefix, such as SitecoreBook, to identify the project
and a suffix, such as _Master, to identify the purpose of the database.
Optionally, include additional prefixes and suffixes to identify the
environment such as test or production and content management or
content delivery.
3. Select the From device radio button in the Source For Restore field,
and then click the ellipses (…). The Specify Backup dialog appears as
shown in Figure B.21.
4. Select Backup Device in the Backup media field and then click Add.
The Select Backup Device dialog appears as shown in Figure B.22.
5. Select the backup device you created previously in the Backup
Device field, and then click OK. The Specify Backup dialog appears as
shown in Figure B.21.
6. Click OK. When the Restore Database dialog appears, select the
database to restore in the Select The Backup Sets To Restore field, and
then click OK. SQL Server creates the new database from the backup.
If you enable remote event management as described in Chapter 6 and the Sitecore
Scaling Guide (, content delivery instances can share databases
with other content delivery instances and even the content management environment,
and therefore may not require new databases. Multiple content management instances
can share databases as well. You do not necessarily need to create new databases and
update connection strings for the new instance as described in this section.

Figure B.20

Figure B.21
Figure B.22

Update the connectionString attributes of the

/connectionStrings/add elements in the
/Website/App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file, to specify
connection information for the new databases.
Overwrite the file specified by the LicenseFile setting in the
Web.config file with the appropriate license for the new environment.
Perform the following steps to create an IIS website to host the new
1. Open the IIS Manager shown in Figure B.23, found in the
Administrative Tools folder of the Windows Control Panel or by
issuing the inetmgr command.
2. Expand the tree at the left, then right-click Sites, and then click Add
Web Site. The Add Web Site dialog shown in Figure B.24 appears.
3. Type the name of the website in the Site name field.
4. Select the /Website subdirectory from within the subdirectory for
the new instance in the Physical path field.
5. Type the DNS entry or hostname created previously in the Host
name field, and then click OK. You return to IIS Manager.
6. Click Application Pools in the tree at the left. You see a list of
application pools as shown in Figure B.25, including the application
pool IIS created automatically when you created the website
(SitecoreBook in this example).
7. Right-click the application pool named after the new website, and
then click Basic Settings. The Edit Application Pool dialog shown in
Figure B.26 appears.
8. Select the version of the .NET Framework associated with the
website that you copied or the version appropriate for the project in
the .NET Framework version field. Figure B.26 shows selection of a
version of the .NET 4.0 Framework.
9. Select the mode associated with the application pool supporting the
website that you copied or the mode appropriate for the project in the
Managed pipeline mode field. Figure B.27 shows selection of the
Integrated pipeline mode.
10. Click OK to return to IIS Manager.
Figure B.23
Figure B.24
Figure B.25
Figure B.26
Figure B.27

Confirm that you can access the solution, which at this point is not
secure. Perform the following steps to deny anonymous access to the
/App_Config, /sitecore/admin, /sitecore/debug, and
/sitecore/shell/WebService subdirectories:
1. Open the IIS Manager shown in Figure B.23, found in the
Administrative Tools folder of the Control Panel or by issuing the
inetmgr command.
2. Expand the tree at the left, expand the new website, select the
subdirectory that you want to modify, and then double-click
Authentication under IIS. The Authentication dialog appears as shown
in Figure B.28.
3. Click Anonymous Authentication, and then click Disable to ensure
that the Status column indicates Disabled, not Enabled as shown in
Figure B.28.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the specified subdirectories.
Figure B.28
Apply filesystem permissions as specified in the Sitecore Installation
Guide ( The Sitecore setup program sets the
application pool owner to the local Network Service account. Creating a
new website in IIS Manager creates an application pool associated with
the Application Pool Identity, which uses a virtual Windows account.
Using Application Pool Identities has advantages over assigning
ownership of application pools to the Network Service account. For one
thing, you can more easily identify the ASP.NET worker process
associated with each website when attaching the Visual Studio debugger.
For more information about application pool identities, see and
You cannot see virtual accounts in user interfaces in which you apply
access rights. Instead, you can type the name of the account into the user
interface as when assigning filesystem rights as described in this section.
The Application Pool Identity, associated with the application pool named
DefaultAppPool and associated with the default IIS website is IIS
AppPool\DefaultAppPool. This is what you would enter to set rights for
that Application Pool Identity. If you create a website named
SitecoreBook, by default, IIS creates an application pool with the same
name, named after the website (technically, it uses the value that you enter
in the Application pool field of the Add Web Site dialog shown in Figure
B.24, which defaults to the name of the website). The Application Pool
Identity account for that website is the name of the application pool (IIS
AppPool\SitecoreBook), which is what you would enter to set rights for
that Application Pool Identity.

Do not confuse the IIS AppPool prefix, which identifies a domain built into the operating
system for dynamic virtual accounts, with a machine name or a domain name, which
provide domains that contain traditional built-in accounts and accounts such as Network
Service, and accounts that you create such as your personal account.

As an alternative to typing in the virtual account name, you can

configure the application pool to run under a different user, such as
Network Service. Perform the following steps to configure the application
pool to run under a different user:
1. Open the IIS Manager, found in the Administrative Tools folder of
the Windows Control Panel or by issuing the inetmgr command, and
then click Application Pools. Figure B.25 shows the IIS Manager as it
appears after you click Application Pools.
2. Select the application pool created automatically (named after the
website), and then click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings
dialog shown in Figure B.29 appears.
3. Click the ellipses (…) in the Identity field under Process Model.
The Application Pool Identity dialog shown in Figure B.30 appears.
4. Click the Built-in account radio button, select the account (such as
NetworkService), and then click OK. You see the Advanced Settings
dialog shown in Figure B.29.
5. Ensure that the Load User Profile field under Process model is set to
True and the Maximum Worker Processes field under Process model is
set to 1 as shown in Figure B.29.
6. Click OK.
Figure B.29

Figure B.30
The owner of the application pool must have the listed permissions to
the following subdirectories, including read access to ancestors and the
listed access to descendant subdirectories:
%WINDIR%\Globalization — Modify (typically C:\Windows)
%WINDIR%\temp — Modify (typically C:\Windows\Temp)
%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Crypto — Modify (typically
The following steps describe how to apply filesystem permissions using
Windows Explorer:
1. Right-click the subdirectory to invoke the context menu.
2. Select Properties. The Properties dialog shown in Figure B.31
3. Select the Security tab, and then click Edit. The Permissions dialog
shown in Figure B.32 appears.
Figure B.31
Figure B.32
To update filesystem permissions for an account that already has some
explicit access rights to the subdirectory, perform the following steps in
the Permissions dialog:
1. Choose the account in the Group or User Names field.
2. Check the Allow or Deny checkboxes as appropriate, and then click
OK. The Windows Security dialog appears while Windows applies the
permissions, and then you see the Properties window.
3. Click OK to return to Windows Explorer. If you see a Windows
Security dialog asking you to confirm changes to filesystem
permissions, click Yes.
To grant filesystem permissions to an account that does not already have
some explicit access rights to the subdirectory, perform the following
steps in the Permissions dialog:
1. Click Add. The Select Users or Groups dialog shown in Figure B.33
When checking or setting ownership of an application pool, applying filesystem
permissions, or otherwise working with Windows accounts, be sure to check or
select the local machine or domain before checking or setting the account, for
example in the From this location field in the Select Users or Groups dialog shown
in Figure B.33. Otherwise, you may not find the user or group on which you wish to
operate. In some cases, you may wish to select a Windows security domain and
select a user or group from that domain rather than from the local machine.

2. Type the name of the account in the Enter The Object Names To
Select field, such as Network Service or the name of the Application
Pool Identity. You can click Check Names to validate what you enter.
Alternatively, you can click Advanced to access the Select Users and
Groups dialog, in which you can enter search criteria, click Find Now,
select a user, and then click OK to select an account.

If Windows presents the Name Not Found dialog, click Cancel to dismiss the dialog,
and then in the Select Users or Groups dialog, click Locations and ensure that
Location is the local machine or a Windows security domain according to your

3. Put checks in the Allow or Deny columns to allow or deny the

access right, and then click OK. The Windows Security dialog appears
while Windows applies the permissions, and then you see the
Properties window.
4. Click OK to return to Windows Explorer.
Figure B.33
To propagate permissions from a subdirectory to all of its subdirectories,
recursively, perform the following steps in Windows Explorer:
1. Right-click the subdirectory to invoke the context menu.
2. Click Properties to invoke the Properties dialog shown in Figure
3. Select the Security tab, and then click Advanced. The Advanced
Security Settings dialog shown in Figure B.34 appears.
4. Select the user or role, and then click Change Permissions. A new
Advanced Security Settings dialog like the one shown in Figure B.35
5. Select the application pool owner, check Replace All Child
Permissions With Inheritable Permissions From This Object, and then
click OK. The Windows Security dialog appears.
6. Click Yes. After Windows has applied the permissions, you return
to the Advanced Security Settings dialog.
7. Click OK, and then click OK again to return to Windows Explorer.
Figure B.34
Figure B.35
Perform the following steps to make the owner of the application pool a
member of the Performance Monitor Users group:
1. Right-click Computer on the Windows desktop to invoke the
context menu, and then click Manage. The Computer Management
application appears.
2. Expand Local Users and Groups, select Groups, and then double-
click the Performance Monitor Users group. The Properties dialog
appears as shown in Figure B.36.
3. Click Add. The Select Users dialog appears as shown in Figure
4. Enter the name or select the owner of the application pool as
described previously, and then click OK.
5. In the Properties dialog that appears, click OK to return to the
Computer Management application.
6. Close the Computer Management application to return to the
Windows desktop.
Figure B.36

Figure B.37
At this point, configuration of the new instance is complete; test the
solution to ensure that it functions. In some cases, you may wish to rebuild
search indexes using the Databases option in the Control Panel of the
Sitecore browser-based desktop.

Creating a Visual Studio Project

The ASP.NET Web Application project model is typically easiest for
developers learning Sitecore. With this project model and the instructions
provided in this section, Visual Studio stores all source code and project
configuration files within the document root of the solution. Some
developers prefer to store their project outside of the document root
subdirectory, and deploy only the necessary components from that location
to the document root during or after a build process. You can use that
approach with this project model, or with alternate project models. For
more about this topic, see the comments on my blog post at
Perform the following steps to create a Web Application project for a
new Sitecore installation in Visual Studio 2010:
1. Click File ⇒ New, ⇒ Project. The New Project dialog appears as
shown in Figure B.38.
2. Select .NET Framework 4 as shown in Figure B.38.
3. Select the ASP.NET Web Application project model as shown in
Figure B.38.
4. Enter the name of the project in the Name field.
5. Enter the path to the Website subdirectory hosting the installation in
the Location field.
6. Clear the Create Directory For Solution checkbox, and then click
OK. Visual Studio creates a subdirectory named after the name of the
project within the /Website subdirectory.
7. Click File, and then click Close Solution.
8. Move the /Properties subdirectory, the .csproj file, and the
.csproj.user file from the subdirectory named after the project
created by Visual Studio within the /Website subdirectory up one
level to the /Website subdirectory itself — for example, from the
subdirectory to the C:\inetpub\sitecore\SitecoreBook\Website
9. Delete the subdirectory named after the project created by Visual
Studio — for example, the
Figure B.38

Perform the following steps to configure the Web Application project:

1. Click the File menu, and then click Open ⇒ File/Solution. The
Open Project dialog appears.
2. Select the .csproj file that Visual Studio produced when you
created the project and you subsequently moved to the /Website
subdirectory of the Sitecore installation, such as
3. Click the View menu, and then click Solution Explorer.
4. Expand /Web.config, right-click
/Web.config/Web.Debug.config, and then click Delete. When Visual
Studio prompts for confirmation, click OK. Repeat these steps for the
/Web.config/Web.Release.config file, the /About.aspx file, the
/Site.Master file, the /Account subdirectory, the /App_Data
subdirectory, the /Scripts subdirectory, the /Styles subdirectory,
and any other subdirectories Visual Studio included in the project by
default. You can add these subdirectories to the project later if you
need them.
You should not compile the /Default.aspx file at the document root
into your project, but do not delete this file. To remove /Default.aspx
from the project without deleting the file, right-click the /Default.aspx
file in Solution Explorer, and then click Exclude From Project.
If you do not configure the web application using the /Global.asax file,
you can exclude it from your project, but do not delete this file. If you do
not exclude /Global.asax from your project, expand and delete the
/Global.asax/Global.asax.cs file.
To add references to assemblies (.dll files) containing Sitecore and
third-party APIs, perform the following steps in Visual Studio:
1. Right-click References in Solution Explorer to display the context
2. Click Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog shown in Figure
B.39 appears.
3. Select the Browse tab, and then browse to the /bin subdirectory
within the /Website subdirectory of the installation subdirectory, such
as C:\inetpub\sitecore\SitecoreBook\Website\bin.
4. Select the assembly or assemblies, and then click OK. You see
Solution Explorer.
5. Right-click the new assembly reference, and then click Properties.
The Properties pane shown in Figure B.40 appears.
6. Set the Copy Local property to False.
If you do not set the Copy Local property of a reference to an assembly in the /bin
subdirectory to False, Visual Studio may delete assemblies from that subdirectory when
you compile your project, which will cause the instance to error.

Figure B.39

Figure B.40
Whenever you work with assemblies in Visual Studio, look for any
broken references identified by triangular, yellow warning icons
containing exclamation points as shown in Figure B.41 while you have
References expanded in Solution Explorer.
Figure B.41
To remove a broken reference, right-click that reference in Solution
Explorer, and then click Delete.
Sitecore projects usually reference the Sitecore.Kernel.dll,
Sitecore.Client.dll, Sitecore.Analytics.dll, and potentially
additional Sitecore and third-party assemblies such as
HtmlAgilityPack.dll and Lucene.Net.dll. All of these assemblies
exist by default in the /bin subdirectory under the document root of the
IIS website.
Perform the following steps to configure the assembly name and default
namespace for the ASP.NET Web Application project:
1. Double-click Properties in Solution Explorer. The project properties
dialog shown in Figure B.42 appears.
2. Click the Application tab. For Assembly name, enter the name of
the assembly, without the subdirectory or the .dll extension. When
you compile your project, Visual Studio automatically copies the
generated assembly to the /bin subdirectory within the /Website
3. Type the default namespace for the project in the Default namespace
4. Close the project properties dialog.
Figure B.42

To add files and subdirectories that you use to the solution, such as the
/layouts subdirectory and the /xsl subdirectory, or specific files and
subdirectories from within such subdirectories, perform the following
steps in Solution Explorer:
1. Select the project, and then click the Show All Files button shown in
Figure B.43.
2. Right-click each relevant subdirectory or file to display the context
3. Click Include In Project. To exclude nested subdirectories and files,
right-click them, and then click Exclude From Project.
Figure B.43

When you close the project or exit the application, Visual Studio
prompts you to create a solution. Allow Visual Studio to create the

After including files and subdirectories in the project, click Show All Files as shown in
Figure B.43. If you leave all files showing, debugging in Visual Studio may fail.
After you create the initial ASP.NET Web Application project, you can
optionally create any number of class library projects within the solution
to encapsulate specific functions, such as to separate libraries of XSL
extension methods and web controls from the layouts, sublayouts, and
code-behind of the solution.

I highly advise anyone using Visual Studio with Sitecore to install Sitecore Rocks, the free
extension to Visual Studio for Sitecore developers. To download Sitecore Rocks, see For more information about Sitecore Rocks, see my blog post at

Take Home Points

Sitecore offers numerous installation and configuration options. Whether
you install Sitecore using the setup program, a manual process, or the
Sitecore Installer ( Shared Source module, and whether
you use a remote database server or local databases, choose an installation
strategy before installing Sitecore in any environment. Always read the
current installation documentation and release notes before installing
Although it is impossible to provide comprehensive coverage of Sitecore
development in a single resource, I hope this book has given you the
fundamental information, and pointers to additional resources, that you
need to work with and enjoy using this full-featured, extensible product
for your own unique solutions.
Professional Sitecore ® Development
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-0-470-093901-7
ISBN: 978-1-118-22148-8 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-23525-6 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-25997-9 (ebk)
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I dedicate this book to the thousands of internal and external Sitecore
developers, project managers, technical writers, sales staff, support
engineers, instructors and instructional material managers, and everyone
else in the Sitecore community working around the clock and around the
world to contribute to the success of Sitecore initiatives on a daily basis.
About the Author

John West works as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Sitecore in North
America. Between the year 2000 and the time he joined Sitecore in 2004,
John consulted on approximately twenty significant web content
management system (CMS) implementations including Network
Associates (now McAfee), U.S. Bank, John Deere, Stanford Hospitals and
Clinics, and Intel. During that time, he taught courses on CMS products in
the United States, Europe, and Asia.
While researching the CMS market to replace a legacy CMS, John
identified Sitecore as the leading CMS platform architecture available,
and joined the company immediately after attending developer training.
Initially the only technical employee in North America, John certified
hundreds of Sitecore developers while building the foundations of the
local technical team including IT (information technology) platform
services, presales technical engineering, solution prototypes,
documentation, and support, all while working to promote a vibrant
Sitecore developer community.
John wrote early drafts for a majority of the current technical
documentation about the Sitecore CMS. Including his input on more than
six thousand posts on the Sitecore Developer Network
(, John has interacted with thousands of web
developers working on untold CMS projects around the globe. John has a
strong interest in programmer productivity and is passionate about helping
Sitecore developers learn the product to overcome any challenges.
Although his current responsibilities are primarily those of a consulting
product architect on products including the Sitecore ASP.NET Content
Management System (CMS), Digital Marketing System (DMS), and
Sitecore Azure for deploying Sitecore solutions to the Microsoft Windows
Azure cloud, John considers his primary responsibility to be that of Chief
Customer Advocate. You can access his blog about Sitecore at and follow him on Twitter ( as
About the Technical Editors

Christie Densmore is a senior software developer who has been

integrating Sitecore into .NET websites for several years. Her experience
in software architecture, custom development, and Sitecore integrations
covers a broad range of applications including global multi-lingual sites
and Sitecore's e-commerce software. Christie is based in Atlanta, GA and
graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Lewanna Rathbun is a Solutions Engineer for Sitecore in North America.
In what she describes as her dream job, she works as part of the technical
services team that assists Sitecore clients with installation, upgrades, site
reviews, custom solutions, and other technical projects. Lewanna began
developing with Sitecore CMS 5 in 2006 for a Fortune 100 client.
Subsequent experience with other CMS products helped to secure a place
for Sitecore in Lewanna's heart. Despite some setbacks during the project,
she still claims to be “grateful for the privilege of being involved with this
book,” and wishes to thank all the amazing Sitecore developers who
pioneered the way before her.

Acquisitions Editor
Carol Long

Project Editor
Sydney Argenta

Technical Editors
Christie Densmore
Lewanna Rathbun

Senior Production Editor

Debra Banninger

Copy Editor
Luann Rouff

Editorial Manager
Mary Beth Wakefield

Freelancer Editorial Manager

Rosemarie Graham

Associate Director of Marketing

David Mayhew

Marketing Manager
Ashley Zurcher
Business Manager
Amy Knies

Production Manager
Tim Tate

Vice President and Executive Group Publisher

Richard Swadley

Vice President and Executive Publisher

Neil Edde

Associate Publisher
Jim Minatel

Project Coordinator, Cover

Katie Crocker

Jen Larsen, Word One

Robert Swanson

Cover Image
© iStock / Kemter

Cover Designer
LeAndra Young

Several people worked in a variety of roles to improve the quality of my

work on this project. Before thanking them, I would like to show some
appreciation for Bjarne Hansen and Kerry Bellerose of Sitecore for
allocating my time to this project (honestly, Kerry, the publisher
introduced almost all of the passive voice in this book). I also have Derek
Roberti of Sitecore to thank for helping me maintain sanity through some
of the more difficult phases of this project. Adam Conn, Suzy McKee, and
Darren Guarnaccia of Sitecore provided most of the content for the chapter
about Sitecore products other than CMS (Sitecore's web Content
Management System). Of course, I can never thank Ivan Sharamock and
Alex Shyba of Sitecore enough for their invaluable assistance with this
and countless other Sitecore initiatives.
John Mueller ( rewrote almost every
chapter, and provided more advice than I could possibly find time to apply
during the timeline allowed by this project. I also enjoyed working with
Paul Reese, Sydney Jones Argenta, and Carol Long at Wiley.
In writing this book, I solicited input from a number of seasoned
Sitecore developers working for established Sitecore partners as described
in the following paragraphs.
Klaus Petersen is a partner at the Danish software consultancy and
Sitecore partner Alpha Solutions. Since beginning professional work with
Sitecore in 2003, Klaus has been part of numerous large and extremely
large Sitecore installations, building some of the most significant content
management solutions in Sitecore CMS versions 4, 5, and 6.
Klaus has been a Sitecore MVP (Most Valued Professional) since 2008.
Since 2005, Klaus has worked to support internal development efforts at
Sitecore as part of the Sitecore Expert Team that consists of consultants
and solutions partners who help the company to define how the platform
can best support emerging customer objectives. The core engineering team
at Sitecore continues to spar with Klaus about various aspects of the
Sitecore platform.
Alpha Solutions offers project-oriented information technology
development with an emphasis on providing complete solutions for its
customers. Alpha Solutions focuses on the process-related elements of
such projects, with competence that spans project leadership, strategic
initiatives, architecture, modeling, development, and testing. Alpha
Solutions is certain that the most effective strategy involves sharp focus,
and maintains that goal with its 25 employees intent upon being amongst
the best in their particular fields. Customers often select Alpha Solutions
for the largest and most visible Sitecore projects in the world, especially
in relation to search-driven solutions.
Alpha Solutions has integrated Sitecore with a number of large-scale
search platforms including Microsoft FAST, Exalead, Google, Apache
Solr, and a number of smaller Nordic search vendors. The results include
solutions such as,,,,,,,, and, as well
as more than 50 additional large-scale Sitecore implementations.
Alpha Solutions works with Sitecore customers in both the private and
public sectors. The implementation timeline for typical Sitecore projects
with Alpha Solutions ranges between 600 and 10,000 hours. Through its
experience with Sitecore, the organization has created processes and
developed knowledge regarding the control of extremely scalable and
technologically complex projects.
Hedgehog Development, LLC is a recognized leader in Sitecore web
content management implementations, custom application development,
and integration services. The privately held company headquartered in
Holbrook NY, serves clients around the world, ranging from global giants,
to Fortune 500, to small, local companies.
Hedgehog's specialties include .NET development and Visual Studio
Team System (VSTS), SQL server, cloud services development, and
SharePoint development and implementations. The company's developers
also have considerable experience in building large-scale applications that
aid customers in making their deployment process run quickly and easily.
Built on the philosophy “If you can dream it, we can make it happen,”
Hedgehog has a long record of accomplishment in undertaking the
toughest online challenges from clients and providing the most efficient
customized solutions. Hedgehog's industry experience, insights, and
attention to detail have earned the organization a solid reputation as the
go-to company for developers working in Sitecore Content Management
System and Microsoft .NET, two of the world's most important and robust
development platforms.
Founders Daniel Galvez and Peter C. Madsen, who have worked together
professionally for 15 years, serve as Hedgehog's core management team.
The extended team of highly experienced, senior-level developers includes
Charles Turano, who is also a partner, and Sean Kearney, who in 2009
became a Sitecore MVP. The company's well-known and highly successful
Team Development for Sitecore product (TDS —
provides a best-practice solution for the development of Sitecore-based
web sites. TDS works as a plug-in for the Microsoft Visual Studio
programming environment that simplifies the process of adding Sitecore
items to a source control system and streamlines the way individuals and
teams work together to develop Sitecore solutions. In 2011, the TDS
product earned Hedgehog the coveted position of Technology Partner in
the Sitecore Partner program, making Hedgehog one of only three
worldwide companies partnered as both a Sitecore Implementation and
Sitecore Technology partner.
In 2010, Hedgehog's client The Knot received the North American
Sitecore Site of the Year award and the North American Sitecore Media
Site of the Year award. For more information about Hedgehog
Development, visit
Alistair Deneys is a Sitecore MVP who has worked with Sitecore for six
years. Alistair works as a Solution Architect for Next Digital in
Melbourne, Australia, where he designs and delivers solutions built using
Sitecore. Next Digital is the longest-standing Sitecore partner in Australia,
having introduced Sitecore as one of its offerings in 2004.
Prior to immersing himself in everything Sitecore, Alistair had a
fascination with XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
and wrote a simple CMS using XML, XSLT, and the Apache ANT build
engine ( to output static HTML pages. He used this
basic CMS to manage several smaller websites.
Alistair cut his Sitecore teeth on the first .NET version of the CMS,
Sitecore 4. Since then, he has worked on many different Sitecore projects
of varying size and complexity.
During the initial stages of Alistair's use of Sitecore, he engaged in as
many training courses as he could schedule, and eventually ended up
running the official Sitecore training program for the Australian region
under the direction of the newly established Sitecore Australia office.
Alistair has blogged about Sitecore for over three years, with posts
covering a wide range of topics such as extending the CMS, best practices,
and testing techniques. He actively contributes to numerous Sitecore
Shared Source projects, most importantly the WeBlog blogging module
(previously EviBlog; see He wrote the first batch-
processing module for Sitecore, which he named Revolver
( Revolver provides a command prompt within the
Sitecore desktop to allow developers and administrators to script
repetitive tasks with ease.
Alistair did not follow a traditional computer science background, but
instead received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Swinburne
University of Technology in robotics and mechatronics. He began
programming computers during primary school, starting with GW Basic
and progressing through Pascal, C, C++, Java, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, and
Nick Laidlaw is Chief Technology Officer at Agency Oasis with direct
experience in a variety of medium and large Sitecore implementations.
Since 1997, Nick has worked extensively with content management
systems that range from custom builds to enterprise-scale solutions. Oasis
clients can utilize Nick's expertise when looking for content management
system recommendations, analyzing deployment requirements for new
solutions, and converting existing systems. In 2010, Nick earned the
Sitecore MVP award. Along with his other responsibilities, Nick continues
his activity within the Sitecore development community.
Oasis is a full service digital marketing agency that specializes in
interactive marketing campaigns, website design and development, and the
integration of digital marketing technology platforms such as Sitecore
CMS. Founded in 2001, Oasis maintains its headquarters in Boston with
offices in New York and San Francisco. The firm works with a robust
roster of global brands to support enterprise-level websites and complex
digital marketing campaigns that require international reach.
Oasis was one of the first Sitecore integration partners in North America
and continues to be among the top Sitecore partners in terms of completed
implementations in that region. With two Sitecore MVPs on staff and a
deep bench of Sitecore Certified developers, Sitecore customers often call
upon Oasis to implement sophisticated and complex Sitecore assignments.
The firm's experience with global brands has lent itself to work on
enterprise-level deployments of over 100 websites controlled from a
single centralized Sitecore platform. Additionally, Oasis has extensive
experience with international deployments that include web properties in
as many as 15 different languages.
Oasis has received multiple technology and creative awards including
recognition from the Horizon Interactive Awards, the Massachusetts
Innovation & Technology Exchange (MITX) Awards, and Hatch Awards.
Additionally, Boston Business Journal has consistently recognized Oasis
as one of Boston's “Best Places to Work.”

Recent years have seen dramatic expansion in the use of mobile

computing and social media on the Internet. Organizations show
increasing interest in web analytics, and will soon comprehend the
importance of engagement and experience management and monitoring.
With the increasing value of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the
nature of the web as a crucial channel for customer service, sales, and
other essential interactive business functions, and especially with the
advent of the Sitecore Digital Marketing System (DMS) and Customer
Engagement Platform (CEP), these continue to be exciting and lucrative
times with tremendous opportunities for Sitecore developers. If you
already understand web development, ASP.NET, and the purposes of
Content Management Systems (CMS), Sitecore is probably the tool for
which you have been looking. If you are not familiar with these underlying
technologies, examining Sitecore is a great way to learn best practices in
web development.
This book provides material to increase the capabilities of developers
working with the Sitecore ASP.NET web CMS. To help developers new to
the Sitecore CMS achieve maximum productivity and satisfaction with
minimal effort, the primary focus of this text includes information
architecture, presentation, and extension of the Sitecore CMS. It also
includes a chapter about tips, tricks, and best practices for working with
the platform.
I realize that this book is an anachronism: a book about a web Content
Management System. At the same time, a single, comprehensive (though
far from complete) resource in book format could benefit developers new
to the Sitecore CMS. Most of the content comes from my own experience
and research over 15 years of web development. During that time, I spent
over seven years working for Sitecore, before which I spent four years
leading projects on other CMS platforms.
This book is a 1.0, meaning I hope to write at least a second edition
(probably around Sitecore 7) with more useful information. I compiled
most of the information in this book from resources that have been
available for some time. Experienced Sitecore developers may recognize
that some of the ideas and even content in this book has previously
appeared in Sitecore training and documentation materials, my blog, and
other writings. Even so, I hope that you will find useful the consolidation
of these ideas presented previously along with new content under a single
cover. My objective is to sift and condense what I consider some of the
most important resources into a single, structured resource in the form of a
Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers who have recently attended Sitecore .NET
Developer Training (SND — While it may contain
useful information for users, administrators, project managers, or anyone
not familiar with the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS, I did not intend this book
for those audiences. Though experienced Sitecore developers may use this
book as a form of reference, and jump from section to section without
reading the entire volume, I encourage all readers to review all of the
material in the order presented within these pages.
Experience with other CMS software can be a benefit or a hindrance to
developers learning Sitecore. Terms such as template can have different
meanings on different platforms. Worse, experience with poor CMS
platform architectures can engrain development practices that can be hard
to break. Especially when working with Sitecore staff and other Sitecore
developers, try to think, write, and talk using Sitecore terminology. Do not
be ashamed to use the Sitecore Support Portal (
or the Sitecore Developer Network ( forums
( to ask experienced Sitecore developers for specific
pointers before proceeding down an inefficient path.
Because of its architecture, and its adherence to and support for common
principles, standards, and typical requirements in ASP.NET, CMS, and web
development problem spaces, Sitecore can be an excellent training
platform for developers learning these and related technologies.

Because I believe eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) has significant disadvantages for
developers with competency in .NET, this book touches upon, but does not focus on, XSL.
What This Book Covers
This book describes the Sitecore ASP.NET web Content Management
System. While it touches upon underlying technologies and tools
including Microsoft Windows, Internet Information Server (IIS), the
ASP.NET web application server, SQL Server, and Visual Studio, its
primary focus is development with the Sitecore ASP.NET web CMS.
Although much of the information in this book is available through
Sitecore training, in Sitecore documentation, and on the web at large, I
sincerely hope that this attempt at a somewhat comprehensive resource
can help new Sitecore developers orient themselves to the system. At the
same time, a single book cannot provide a completely comprehensive
reference for the entire Sitecore CMS product. Considering the
components and capabilities of the entire Sitecore Customer Engagement
Platform (CEP), which consists of the Sitecore CMS plus the Sitecore
Digital Marketing System (DMS) that provides web analytics, enhanced
personalization, marketing automation, and potentially additional
functionality such as email campaign and web forms management,
Sitecore is a very broad and very deep framework.
This book is not a step-by-step guide to building solutions with Sitecore.
Instead, it contains a very large number of very small facts intended to
improve your capabilities on a wide range of topics. The reader should
have a working knowledge of software development methodologies,
ASP.NET, and the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS user interfaces and fundamental
concepts before reading this book. While reinforcing and adding detail
around existing knowledge, this book attempts to provide the next few
rungs on the ladder towards Sitecore mastery, with pointers to additional
rungs where possible.
I developed this book using Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev. 110818 (Update-1),
but most of the information it contains pertains to any 6.x version of
Sitecore. This book includes minor details about other versions of the
Sitecore ASP.NET CMS.
How This Book Is Structured
This book introduces subjects in a logical order that builds on itself. The
sequence of chapters also provides some correspondence to order of
importance, with material early in the book having more significance than
subsequent content. Chapter 1 introduces the ASP.NET web Content
Management System (CMS).
All web content management solutions involve two major components: a
mechanism for representing data and a system of rules to present that data
as part of one or more managed websites. The data is fundamental to the
solution: without data, the presentation layer cannot do anything. The data
of a website, also known as its information architecture, tends to outlive
the visual presentation of that data; data is permanent while code is
fleeting. Therefore, Chapter 2 of this book begins by describing data
infrastructure aspects of the Sitecore CMS, and Chapter 3 proceeds to
explain how you can present that data on your websites.
After you have data and code, the next step often involves restricting
access to those resources. Therefore, Chapter 4 covers the Sitecore
security model. Because all web solutions experience errors, which
attackers can use to compromise the security of the system, Chapter 5
describes error management techniques that you can use with Sitecore.
After you have developed your information architecture and the
components required to present that data, secured that data, and addressed
error conditions, the next common concerns include performance and
scalability. Chapter 6 provides guidance to help you maximize the
throughput and capacity of your Sitecore solutions.
With this background, you are ready to begin customizing and extending
Sitecore in various ways as described in Chapter 7, which focuses on
integration. After you have implemented the majority of your solution,
you can begin testing it using the information provided in Chapter 8.
Chapter 9 focuses on how to manage Sitecore implementations, both
from the perspective of project management and implementation, but also
considering various options for release management to get updates from
your development environment to your production content delivery
After you have mastered core CMS concepts, you can read Chapter 10,
which includes information about Sitecore products beyond its core CMS.
These products include the Digital Marketing System (DMS) used for web
analytics, experience management, engagement automation, and
Chapter 11 concludes this book with tips, tricks, and best practices for
working efficiently with the Sitecore CMS. This chapter repeats some of
the most important information provided in the preceding chapters, but
also provides details not included anywhere else.
Appendix A lists a wide array of resources available for Sitecore
developers including online materials and in-person events. Appendix B
provides guidance for installing the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS.

What You Need to Use This Book

To use the code sample code provided in this book, you will need:
A Microsoft Windows computer meeting Minimum Sitecore
Development Host Requirements listed in the Sitecore Installation
Guide (, with IIS installed and ASP.NET enabled
A licensed copy of the Sitecore ASP.NET web CMS
Microsoft SQL Server (any edition including Express)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (any edition other than Express)
I highly recommend that you complete Sitecore .NET Developer
Training (SND — see before you read this book.

To help you get the most from the text and keep track of what is
happening, we used a number of conventions throughout the book.
We highlight new terms and important words when we introduce
We show keyboard strokes like this: Ctrl+A.
We show file names and code within the text like so:
We present code in two different ways:
We use a monofont type with no highlighting for most code
We use bold to emphasize code that is particularly
important in the present context or to show changes from a
previous code snippet

As described further in this book, features including the Sitecore configuration factory
support Web.config include files that allow you to patch the actual /web.config file. This
book describes the Web.config file in relation to features that support include files, but
includes a leading slash and applies a style (/web.config) when referring to the actual
/web.config file itself. Web.config include files can apply only to elements within the
/configuration/sitecore section.

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