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Downtown Music Publishing V Peloton Counterclaim MTD Order

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This case involves a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by 15 music publishers against Peloton. Peloton filed counterclaims alleging antitrust violations and tortious interference.

The music publishers sued Peloton for copyright infringement over the use of music in Peloton's fitness classes. Peloton filed counterclaims against the publishers and NMPA alleging violations of antitrust laws and tortious interference.

Peloton argued that the relevant market should be defined as sync licenses controlled by all NMPA members, not just the plaintiff publishers. However, Peloton did not provide enough evidence or analysis to support redefining the relevant market in this way.

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------------------------------------------- X
Plaintiffs, :
-v- :
Defendant. :
------------------------------------------- X
Counterclaimant, :
-v- :
L.P., :
Counter-defendants. :
------------------------------------------- X
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For plaintiffs:
Jay Cohen
Darren W. Johnson
Elana R. Beale
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
(212) 373-3163

For defendant:
Kenneth L. Steinthal
King & Spalding LLP
101 Second Street, Ste. 2300
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 318-1200

J. Blake Cunningham
King & Spalding LLP
500 West 2nd St., Ste. 1800
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 457-2000

Christopher C. Yook
David P. Mattern
King & Spalding LLP
1700 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 200
Washington, DC 20006

Emily T. Chen
King & Spalding LLP
1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
(212) 556-2100

DENISE COTE, District Judge:

Fifteen music publishers (the “Music Publishers”) 1 have sued

Peloton Interactive, Inc. (“Peloton”) for copyright

1 Downtown Music Publishing LLC (“Downtown”), ole Media

Management, L.P. (“ole”), Big Deal Music, LLC, CYPMP LLC d/b/a
Pulse Music Group, Peer International Corporation, PSO Limited,
Peermusic Ltd., Peermusic III, Ltd., Peertunes, Ltd., Songs Of

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infringement. This Opinion addresses the motion to dismiss

Peloton’s counterclaim against the Music Publishers and the

National Music Publishers’ Association, Inc. (“NMPA”) for

violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act (“the Sherman Act”), 15

U.S.C. § 1. This Opinion also addresses Peloton’s counterclaim

against NMPA for tortious interference in business relations in

violation of New York law. For the following reasons, the

motion to dismiss the counterclaims is granted.


The following facts are taken as alleged in the

counterclaims. NMPA is the largest trade association of music

publishers in the United States. Each of the Music Publishers

is a member of NMPA.

Peloton was formed in 2012 as an at-home fitness equipment

and content company. The first product that Peloton brought to

market was the Peloton Bike, a stationary bike with a built-in

screen that displays live and on-demand workout classes.

Peloton also operates an indoor cycling studio in New York City,

where members of Peloton can participate in instructor-led group

cycling classes. These classes are available on live-stream or

through an archived, on-demand library to home riders of the

Peer Ltd., Reservoir Media Management, Inc. (“Reservoir”), the

Richmond Organization, Inc., Round Hill Music LLC, the Royalty
Network, Inc. and Ultra International Music Publishing, LLC
(collectively the “Music Publishers”)

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Peloton Bike. Peloton has recently launched new products that

apply the same concept to other forms of exercise.

The instructor-led classes made available by Peloton

contain music. According to Peloton, instructors choose which

music to play during their classes and curate “playlists of

songs that are suitable for the feel and tempo desired by the

instructor.” Peloton alleges that instructors plan “only days,

or sometimes hours, in advance” the music they wish to

incorporate into their classes.

I. Sync Licensing

Because instructors provide Peloton with limited notice of

the music that they intend to play in class, Peloton alleges

that it is “ill-suited” to the “traditional” method by which

music publishers license rights to third parties for use in

derivative works with audio and visual components. Peloton

explains that these licenses, known as synchronization or “sync”

licenses, “traditional[ly]” are issued for use in television

shows and feature films “on an individual composition basis, one

by one, and well in advance of exhibition of the content.”

Rather than obtain sync licenses in this manner, Peloton

explains, it has acquired from certain music publishers

“catalog-wide” sync licenses, which cover all or substantially

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all of a licensor’s repertoire. 2 Peloton has reached licensing

agreements with all of the “major” music publishers and many

independent music publishers. Some of the music publishers with

whom Peloton entered licensing agreements are members of NMPA.

II. Negotiations with NMPA

On April 9, 2018, Peloton received a letter from NMPA

accusing Peloton of infringing uses of works owned, at least in

part, by unnamed NMPA members with whom Peloton had not entered

licensing agreements. The letter stated that NMPA would

negotiate on behalf of its members to obtain “compensation for

all past, present, and future uses of musical works.”

Following receipt of NMPA’s letter, Peloton began

discussing with NMPA possible terms for Peloton to license, on a

going-forward basis, the use of compositions controlled by NMPA

members that had not yet entered into licensing agreements with

Peloton. As alleged by Peloton, they also discussed possible

compensation for prior uses of such publishers’ works. NMPA

“insist[ed]” in the discussion that Peloton enter licensing

agreements with all of NMPA’s member music publishers. Peloton

explained that it “did not need licenses to all or even most

music to provide a compelling experience for Peloton users; and

2 Peloton alleges that it also obtained “comprehensive licensing

of the public performance rights associated with the
compositions embodied in those sounds recordings from the
relevant performing rights organizations.”

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it was therefore unreasonable and uneconomical for Peloton to

pay publishers whose works would never be used on Peloton’s


On several occasions, Peloton asked NMPA for a list of its

members so that Peloton could negotiate with them separately.

NMPA declined to provide the list. Peloton alleges that NMPA

“demanded” that Peloton deal exclusively through NMPA, except

for those members with whom Peloton already had licensing


III. Direct Outreach to Music Publishers

By January 2019, NMPA had become “increasingly non-

responsive” in discussions with Peloton. At this point, Peloton

reached out directly to several Music Publishers whose works

Peloton wanted to license. It describes in some detail its

discussions with three of them. After initial discussions, the

Music Publishers stopped responding to Peloton’s outreach.

According to Peloton, NMPA “conveyed information to and

coordinated with” these Music Publishers during Peloton’s futile

attempts to negotiate individual licenses.

IV. The Harry Fox Agency

In January 2019, Peloton began formal discussions for data

services with the Henry Fox Agency (“HFA”), a rights-management

agency that provides music publishing licensing and rights

administration services. HFA was founded by NMPA and was under

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its ownership until October 2015, when it was acquired by SESAC,

a performing rights organization. On February 1, 2019, HFA

amended the terms of a non-disclosure agreement it signed with

Peloton and entered into an Administration Services Agreement to

assist Peloton with identifying musical works and their

associated licenses. Under the terms of the agreement, HFA

would identify sound recordings that HFA believed to be licensed

100% under Peloton’s direct licensing agreements with


HFA continued providing services to Peloton through early

May 2019. On May 16, Peloton sent HFA an email containing terms

for additional services. On June 4, HFA explained that it would

no longer engage with Peloton because it was under “a ton of

pressure, not just from D.C. but also from New York.” According

to Peloton, the data HFA had provided to Peloton in February and

May 2019 was “faulty” and “inaccurate.”

V. Procedural History

On March 29, 2019, the Music Publishers commenced this

action against Peloton, alleging that Peloton has willfully

infringed their copyrights in musical works they own and

control. Although not a plaintiff, NMPA issued a press release

publicizing the lawsuit on the day of its filing.

On April 30, Peloton answered and filed counterclaims

against the Music Publishers and NMPA (collectively, the

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“Counter-Defendants”). The counterclaims assert that, in

violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, NMPA sought to

extract supracompetitive license terms from Peloton by

negotiating collectively on behalf of its member publishers, and

that, as a result, the Music Publishers collectively refused to

deal with Peloton. The counterclaims also assert that NMPA

committed tortious interference in prospective business

relations in violation of New York law by disrupting Peloton’s

negotiations with individual Music Publishers.

Following a conference on May 9, a scheduling order set May

31, 2019 as the deadline for the amendment of pleadings. On May

31, the Music Publishers filed a first amended complaint. On

June 14, Peloton answered the first amended complaint,

repleading its counterclaims. The Counter-Defendants moved to

dismiss Peloton’s counterclaims on June 24.

On September 12, the Music Publishers requested leave to

amend their complaint to join additional music publishers as

plaintiffs and to add musical compositions to the list of

infringed works. The Music Publishers explained that they had

become aware of these works in the course of discovery. On

September 27, the Music Publishers’ request was granted and they

filed a second amended complaint. On October 11, Peloton filed

an answer to the second amended complaint and amended its

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counterclaims. 3 On October 25, the Counter-Defendants renewed

their motion to dismiss Peloton’s counterclaims. This motion

became fully submitted on November 15.

As extended through an Order of October 3, fact discovery

is set to conclude on March 6, and expert discovery to conclude

on June 12. Any summary judgment motion is due July 13, 2020.


“A motion to dismiss counterclaims under Rule 12(b)(6) is

decided under the same standard applied to a motion to dismiss

the claims of a complaint.” Dress Barn, Inc. v. Klauber Bros.,

Inc., No. 18cv8085(DLC), 2019 WL 1949675, at *2 (S.D.N.Y. Apr.

22, 2019). “To survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must

contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a

claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” Geffner v.

Coca-Cola Co., 928 F.3d 198, 199 (2d Cir. 2019) (citation

omitted). “A claim has facial plausibility when the plaintiff

pleads factual content that allows the court to draw the

reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the

misconduct alleged.” Charles v. Orange County, 925 F.3d 73, 81

(2d Cir. 2019) (citation omitted). “Threadbare recitals of the

elements of a cause of action, supported by mere conclusory

statements, do not suffice.” Empire Merchants, LLC v. Reliable

3 The amended counterclaims added Peloton’s allegations regarding

the Henry Fox Agency.

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Churchill LLP, 902 F.3d 132, 139 (2d Cir. 2018). The plaintiff

must plead enough facts to “nudge[ ] [his] claims across the

line from conceivable to plausible . . . .” Bell Atlantic Corp.

v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007).

When a party moves to dismiss for failure to state a claim

upon which relief can be granted under Rule 12(b)(6), Fed. R.

Civ. P., a court must “constru[e] the complaint liberally,

accept[ ] all factual allegations as true, and draw[ ] all

reasonable inferences in the plaintiff’s favor.” Coal. for

Competitive Elec., Dynergy Inc. v. Zibelman, 906 F.3d 41, 48-49

(2d Cir. 2018) (citation omitted). “A complaint is . . . deemed

to include any written instrument attached to it as an exhibit,

materials incorporated in it by reference, and documents that,

although not incorporated by reference, are ‘integral’ to the

complaint.” Sierra Club v. Con-Strux, LLC, 911 F.3d 85, 88 (2d

Cir. 2018) (citation omitted).

I. Antitrust Claim

The Counter-Defendants argue that Peloton’s Sherman Act

claim is barred by the Noerr-Pennington doctrine, and in any

event, fails to state claim. These arguments are addressed in


A. Noerr-Pennington Doctrine

“Generally, under the Noerr-Pennington doctrine, citizen

petitions are immune from antitrust liability in light of the

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First Amendment.” In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser Antitrust Lit.,

585 F.3d 677, 685-86 (2d Cir. 2009). “[G]ood faith litigation

to protect a valid copyright . . . falls within the protection

of the Noerr-Pennington doctrine.” Primetime 24 Joint Venture

v. Nat’l Broad., Co., 219 F.3d 92, 100 (2d Cir. 2000). Noerr-

Pennington also protects “prelitigation” efforts, including

threat letters, settlement offers, and the rejection of

settlement offers. Primetime, 219 F.3d at 100, 102. Thus,

under Noerr-Pennington, a collective rejection of a settlement

offer is not susceptible to an antitrust claim alleging a

concerted refusal to deal. See Primetime, 219 F.3d at 102.

In the context of antitrust actions brought against

claimants alleging copyright infringement, however, the Second

Circuit has clarified that while “coordinated efforts to enforce

copyrights against a common infringer may be permissible,

copyright holders may not agree to limit their individual

freedom of action in licensing future rights to sue an infringer

before, during, or after” a lawsuit. Id. at 102-03. In making

this distinction, courts consider whether the party initiating

negotiations attempted to “deal individually” with copyright

holders. Id. at 102.

The Noerr-Pennington doctrine does not protect the Music

Publishers’ alleged concerted refusal to license copyrighted

works to Peloton. Relying on NMPA’s April 9, 2019 letter to

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Peloton in which it informed Peloton that it would be willing to

negotiate on behalf of its members for all “future uses by

Peloton of works that are presently unlicensed,” and Peloton’s

futile efforts to separately negotiate individual licenses with

certain NMPA members, Peloton has alleged that NMPA and the

Music Publishers have agreed to unlawfully limit the individual

freedom of action of the Music Publishers.

The Counter-Defendants’ arguments to the contrary are not

persuasive. First, they contend that the Noerr-Pennington

doctrine protects their pre-litigation conduct from antitrust

liability unless Peloton can prove that the Music Publishers’

copyright-infringement action against Peloton was “baseless.”

It is true that a “baseless” lawsuit is not protected by the

Noerr-Pennington doctrine. In re DDAVP Direct Purchaser

Antitrust Lit., 585 F.3d at 686. But, the legitimacy of the

Music Publishers’ copyright-infringement action against Peloton

would not permit the Music Publishers to band together and deny

Peloton the right to individually negotiate future sync licenses

with either some or all of them.

The Counter-Defendants also argue that Columbia Pictures

Industries, Inc. v. Professional Real Estate Investors, Inc.

(“PREI”), 944 F.2d 1525 (9th Cit. 1991), teaches that their

conduct is protected by the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. They are

wrong. In PREI, the Ninth Circuit held that, “[o]n the facts of

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this case,” a request to obtain licenses amounted to a

settlement offer where the offer was made after the initiation

of the copyright infringement action. Id. at 1528. Peloton’s

allegations cannot be so cabined. 4

B. Section 1 of the Sherman Act

Next, the Counter-Defendants argue that Peloton’s Sherman

Act claim should be dismissed for two separate reasons. They

argue that Peloton has failed to sufficiently plead facts

supporting the existence of a conspiracy and also that Peloton

has failed to identify a relevant product market. They are

correct that Peloton’s antitrust claims must be dismissed for

failure to identify a relevant market.

1. Conspiracy

Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits restraints on trade

effected by a contract, combination, or conspiracy. US Airways,

Inc. v. Sabre Holdings Corp., 938 F.3d 43, 54 (2d Cir. 2019).

The “crucial question” in a Section 1 case therefore is whether

“the challenged conduct stems from independent decision or from

4 The remaining cases cited by the Counter-Defendants are non-

binding on this Court and, in any event, do not hold that pre-
litigation collective action to obstruct individual licensing
activity is protected by the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. See
Sosa v. DIRECTV, Inc., 437 F.3d 923, 935 (9th Cir. 2006);
Maverick Recording Co. v. Chowdhury, No. 7cv200, 7cv640 (DGT),
2008 WL 3884350 at *3 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 19, 2008).

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an agreement, tacit or express.” United States v. Apple, 791

F.3d 290, 314-15 (2d Cir. 2015) (citation omitted).

At the pleading stage, a plaintiff must allege enough facts

to support the inference that a conspiracy existed. Mayor and

City Council of Baltimore, Md. v. Citigroup, Inc., 709 F.3d 129,

136 (2d Cir. 2013). “While for purposes of a summary judgment

motion, a Section 1 plaintiff must offer evidence that tends to

rule out the possibility that the defendants were acting

independently, to survive a motion to dismiss, . . . a plaintiff

need only allege enough factual matter (taken as true) to

suggest that an agreement was made.” Starr v. Sony BMG Music

Entm’t, 592 F.3d 314, 321 (2d Cir. 2010) (citation omitted).

To prove the existence of a conspiracy, parallel action is

not, by itself, sufficient. Apple, 791 F.3d at 315. But, “the

existence of additional circumstances, often referred to as

‘plus’ factors . . . when viewed in conjunction with the

parallel acts, can serve to allow a fact-finder to infer a

conspiracy.” Id. (citation omitted). These additional

circumstances can consist of “direct evidence that the

defendants entered into an agreement,” or “circumstantial facts

supporting the inference that a conspiracy existed.” Id.

(citation omitted). “Circumstances that may raise an inference

of conspiracy include a common motive to conspire, evidence that

shows that the parallel acts were against the apparent

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individual economic self-interest of the alleged conspirators,

and evidence of a high level of interfirm communications.” Id.

(citation omitted).

Peloton has plausibly alleged that the Counter-Defendants

conspired to deny Peloton licenses to their copyrighted works.

Peloton alleges that from April 2018 to January 2019 it

negotiated with NMPA regarding the compensation of the Music

Publishers. According to Peloton, NMPA demanded Peloton deal

exclusively with NMPA and repeatedly declined to give Peloton a

list of NMPA members, impeding Peloton in its effort to

independently negotiate licenses. In January and February 2019,

when Peloton finally attempted bilateral discussions with

several Music Publishers, including ole, Reservoir, and

Downtown, those Music Publishers cut off the discussions

simultaneously and abruptly. One month later, on March 29,

2019, the Music Publishers initiated this litigation against

Peloton. That same day, NMPA’s President and CEO appeared on a

news segment as “the man behind the Peloton lawsuit.”

This evidence suggests that the Music Publishers’ decisions

to stop discussions with Peloton regarding future licensing

agreements were not the result of “coincidence, independent

responses to common stimuli, or mere interdependence unaided by

an advance understanding among the parties.” Apple, 791 F.3d at

315 (citation omitted). Rather, this evidence supports the

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inference that the Music Publishers decided together that they

would refuse to negotiate with Peloton.

In arguing to the contrary, the Counter-Defendants contend

that the Music Publishers’ copyright infringement lawsuit

against Peloton was an “obvious reason” to discontinue further

negotiations with Peloton. They also argue that their parallel

decisions to discontinue negotiations with Peloton is innocently

explained by Peloton’s own allegation that NMPA misled the Music

Publishers about the status of NMPA’s negotiations with Peloton.

But, at the pleading stage, Peloton is not required to offer

evidence that tends to rule out the possibility that each of the

Music Publishers was acting independently. It need only allege

enough factual matter to suggest that an agreement was made. It

has succeeded in doing so.

2. Relevant Market

The Counter-Defendants next argue that Peloton has failed

adequately to allege a relevant product market. To state a

Section 1 claim, Peloton must identify a relevant market in

which the anticompetitive effects of the challenged restraint

are to be measured or, if a per se violation is alleged, may be

presumed. 5 Sabre, 938 F.3d at 55. “The relevant market is

5 Peloton argues that there is no need to address the relevant

market given the “per se” nature of the Counter-Defendants’
violation of Section 1. But, “it is an element of a per se case
to describe the relevant market in which [courts] may presume

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broadly defined as the area of effective competition, which is

typically the arena within which significant substitution in

consumption or production occurs.” Id. The relevant market “is

determined by the choices available to” consumers of the

product. Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Tech. Servs., Inc., 504

U.S. 451, 481-82 (1992). “Products will be considered to be

reasonably interchangeable if consumers treat them as acceptable

substitutes.” PepsiCo, Inc. v. Coca-Cola Co., 315 F.3d 101, 105

(2d Cir. 2002) (citation omitted).

“Market definition is ordinarily a deeply fact-intensive

inquiry.” Sabre, 938 F.3d at 55 (citation omitted).

Accordingly, courts often “hesitate to grant motions to dismiss

for failure to plead a relevant market.” Todd v. Exxon Corp.,

275 F.3d 191, 199-200 (2d Cir. 2001). “There is, however, no

absolute rule against the dismissal of antitrust claims for

failure to allege a relevant product market.” Id. at 200; see

also Concord Assocs., L.P. v. Entm’t Props. Tr., 817 F.3d 46, 53

(2d Cir. 2016).

The Second Circuit has explained that

the anticompetitive effect would occur.” Bogan v. Hodgkins, 166

F.3d 509, 515 (2d Cir. 1999); cf. Texaco Inc. v. Dagher, 547
U.S. 1, 5-6 (2006) (explaining that companies did not compete in
the same relevant market, so per se analysis was not required);
Apple, 791 F.3d at 330 (recognizing that one considers conduct
within the relevant market to determine whether the rule of
reason or per se analysis applies). Thus, regardless of which
standard applies, Peloton must articulate a relevant market.

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where the plaintiff fails to define its proposed

relevant market with reference to the rule of
reasonable interchangeability and cross-elasticity of
demand, or alleges a proposed relevant market that
clearly does not encompass all interchangeable
substitute products even when all factual inferences
are granted in plaintiff’s favor, the relevant market
is legally insufficient and a motion to dismiss may be

Chapman v. N.Y. State Div. for Youth, 546 F.3d 230, 238 (2d Cir.

2008) (citation omitted).

Peloton defines the relevant market as sync “licenses to

the copyrighted works controlled (in whole or in part) and

collectively negotiated by the [Music] Publishers through NMPA.”

This proposed market is legally insufficient. In the words of

Chapman, this proposed market “clearly does not encompass all

interchangeable substitute products.” 546 F.3d at 238 (citation

omitted). Peloton does not explain why it cannot substitute

songs with sync licenses owned by the Music Publishers for songs

with sync licenses owned by other publishers. Indeed, as

Peloton admits, it has successfully “collaborated with music

publishers to develop an innovative [sync] licensing framework

that is appropriate for its business and reached agreements with

all the ‘major’ music publishers and many independent music


Peloton argues that sync licenses are not interchangeable

because every song has “nonfungible qualities.” It is true that

every copyrighted work has at least some modicum of originality.

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But, recognition of that fundamental tenet of copyright law does

not explain why songs not controlled by the Music Publishers

cannot substitute in exercise programming for songs they do


Peloton also contends that its proposed relevant market is

“consistent” with how “other courts” have defined markets

involving “music rights” in antitrust suits. The sole case on

which Peloton relies to so argue is Meredith Corp. v. SESAC,

LLC, No. 09cv9177 (NRB), 2011 WL 856266, at *9 (S.D.N.Y. 2011).

But, in Meredith, the district court credited the plaintiffs’

allegation that, as a matter of “entrenched industry practice,”

music was “irrevocably embedded” in programming acquired by

television networks, and thus the plaintiff networks could not

avoid music with rights belonging to the defendant performing-

rights organization. Id. at *7-8 & 8 n.10. Peloton has made no

such allegation with respect to sync licensing used in fitness

videos. Indeed, as just noted, Peloton has already obtained

licenses from all the “major” and “many independent” music


II. Tortious Interference

Peloton also alleges that NMPA has committed tortious

interference with prospective business relations in violation of

New York law by disrupting Peloton’s licensing negotiations with

individual Music Publishers. To state a claim for tortious

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interference with prospective business relations under New York

law, four conditions must be met: “(1) the plaintiff had

business relations with a third party; (2) the defendant

interfered with those business relations with a third party; (3)

the defendant acted for a wrongful purpose or used dishonest,

unfair, or improper means; and (4) the defendant’s acts injured

the relationship.” Catskill Dev., LLC v. Park Place Entm’t

Corp., 547 F.3d 115, 132 (2d Cir. 2008). Tortious interference

with business relations also “requires an allegation that

plaintiff would have entered into an economic relationship but

for the defendant’s wrongful conduct.” 6 Premium Mortg. Corp. v.

Equifax, Inc., 583 F.3d 103, 107 (2d Cir. 2009) (per curiam)

(citation omitted).

NMPA argues that Peloton’s tortious interference claim

fails because Peloton has insufficiently alleged that it would

have entered into sync licenses with the Music Publishers but

for NMPA’s conduct. 7 NMPA is correct. Although Peloton has

6 Peloton argues that the current standard for a tortious

interference claim requires that a plaintiff allege only a
“reasonable expectancy” of a contract with a third party, rather
than but for causation. In so arguing, Peloton cites Davidcraft
Corp. v. Danu Int’l, Inc., No. 90cv6578 (CMM), 1992 WL 162997,
at *4 (S.D.N.Y. June 24, 1992). The New York Appellate Division
has confirmed that New York law requires plaintiffs to allege
but for causation. See, e.g., Shawe v. Kramer Levin Naftalkis &
Frankel LLP, 91 N.Y.S. 3d 369, 373 (App. Div. 1st Dep’t 2018).

7 NMPA also contends that Peloton has insufficiently pleaded that

NMPA pursued wrongful means or had a wrongful purpose. It is

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alleged that it sent “term sheets,” “other offer materials,” and

a non-disclosure agreement to certain Music Publishers, and

“provided data and proposed license terms” to another before

NMPA’s alleged interference, Peloton has not alleged that any of

these Music Publishers reciprocated Peloton’s interest in

continuing, much less finalizing, these agreements.

III. Leave to Amend

Peloton requests that, if its alleged relevant market is

found legally deficient, it should be granted leave to amend in

order to define the relevant market as all members of NMPA that

have not licensed their rights to Peloton. Rule 16, Fed. R.

Civ. P., governs the amendment of pleadings after a scheduling

order has been issued. It states, “[a] schedule may be modified

only for good cause and with the judge’s consent.” Fed. R. Civ.

P. 16(b). “[A] district court . . . does not abuse its

discretion in denying leave to amend the pleadings where the

moving party has failed to establish good cause, as required by

Rule 16(b), to amend the pleadings after the deadline set in the

scheduling order.” Kassner v. 2nd Ave. Delicatessen Inc., 496

F.3d 229, 243 (2d Cir. 2007). “Whether good cause exists turns

on the diligence of the moving party.” BPP Illinois, LLC v.

not necessary to address whether Peloton has adequately pleaded

wrongful means or wrongful purpose because Peloton has not
sufficiently alleged but-for causation.

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Royal Bank of Scotland Grp., 859 F.3d 188, 195 (2d Cir. 2017)

(citation omitted).

When a plaintiff “fails to specify . . . how amendment

would cure the pleading deficiencies in the complaint,” it “need

not be given leave to amend.” Attestor Value Master Fund v.

Republic of Argentina, 940 F.3d 825, 833 (2d Cir. 2019)

(citation omitted). A court may even “deny leave to amend

implicitly by not addressing the request when leave is requested

informally in a brief filed in opposition to a motion to

dismiss.” Porat v. Lincoln Towers Cmty. Ass’n, 464 F.3d 274,

276 (2d Cir. 2006) (citation omitted).

Peloton’s request to further amend its counterclaims is

denied. Peloton did not make a formal request by submitting the

proposed amendment to its counterclaims. Instead, it requested

leave informally in three sentences in its opposition brief to

the Counter-Defendants’ motion to dismiss. Peloton did not

explain why its alternative definition of a relevant product

market would cure the deficiencies that it anticipated this

Court would find with respect to the interchangeability of music

suitable for fitness videos. Rather, it left to speculation the

quantity and diversity, or lack thereof, of music controlled by

NMPA members from whom Peloton does not have licenses. It also

did not explain how this set of compositions compares to the

music controlled by all the “major” and “many independent” music

Case 1:19-cv-02426-DLC Document 95 Filed 01/29/20 Page 23 of 25

publishers from whom Peloton already has obtained licenses. In

sum, Peloton did not provide any basis to conclude that the

issue of interchangeability would be solved by changing the

relevant product market from sync licenses held by the Music

Publishers to sync licenses held by all NMPA members and not

licensed to Peloton. Peloton has not shown, therefore, that its

proposed amendment would be anything other than futile.

Peloton also has failed to demonstrate the diligence

necessary for a finding of good cause. Since the start of this

litigation, Peloton has had ample opportunity to amend its

counterclaims to redefine the relevant product market. It has

declined to do so. This action was filed on March 19, 2019.

Peloton answered and filed counterclaims on April 30. As it has

throughout this lawsuit, Peloton proposed that, for purposes of

its antitrust counterclaim, the relevant product market be

defined as sync “licenses to the copyrighted works controlled

(in whole or in part) and collectively negotiated by the [Music]

Publishers through NMPA.”

A scheduling order of May 9 set May 31, 2019 as the date by

which amended pleadings had to be filed. On that date, the

Music Publishers filed their first amended complaint, and

Peloton answered on June 14, repleading its counterclaims. On

June 24, the Counter-Defendants moved to dismiss the

counterclaims arguing that, among other things, Peloton’s

Case 1:19-cv-02426-DLC Document 95 Filed 01/29/20 Page 24 of 25

definition of the relevant market required dismissal of its

antitrust counterclaim.

On September 27, the Music Publishers were granted leave to

file a second amended complaint (“SAC”) in light of information

that they became aware of through discovery. On October 11,

Peloton filed amended counterclaims with its answer to the SAC. 8

Despite knowledge that its definition of the relevant market was

subject to a motion to dismiss, Peloton did not revise the

definition of the relevant market. With the amendment of the

counterclaims, the June 24 motion to dismiss became moot, and

the Counter-Defendants filed a renewed motion to dismiss again

seeking dismissal of Peloton’s antitrust claim based on its

failure to plead a legally cognizable relevant market.

Throughout this time, discovery has been ongoing. Fact

discovery is set to close on March 6, 2020. Allowing Peloton to

amend its counterclaim at this late stage of the litigation

would, at a minimum, require additional discovery regarding the

entire universe of musical compositions controlled by NMPA’s

membership, as well as their licensing patterns and practices.

The need to obtain such additional discovery would delay

proceedings and require substantial additional expense.

8 Authority is divided in this Circuit as to whether the filing

of an amended complaint entitles a defendant to amend its
counterclaims other than to respond to new issues raised in the
amended complaint.

Case 1:19-cv-02426-DLC Document 95 Filed 01/29/20 Page 25 of 25


The Counter-Defendants’ October 25, 2019 motion to dismiss

Peloton’s counterclaims is granted.

Dated: New York, New York

January 29, 2019

United States District Judge


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