Fruehauf vs. TEAM
Fruehauf vs. TEAM
Fruehauf vs. TEAM
On December 3, 2008, the arbitral tribunal awarded Nonetheless, an arbitral award is not absolute. Rule 19.10
Fruehauf: (1) 8.2 million pesos as (the balance of) unpaid of the Special ADR Rules - by referring to Section 24 of the
rent from June 9, 2003 until March 5, 2005; and (2) 46.8 Arbitration Law and Article 34 of the 1985 United Nations
million pesos as damages. Commission on International Trade
TEAM moved for reconsideration which the tribunal Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law - recognizes the very limited
denied. Thus, TEAM petitioned the RTC to partially vacate exceptions to the autonomy of arbitral awards.
or modify the arbitral award. It argued that the tribunal
failed to properly appreciate the facts and the terms of (Rule 19.10. Rule on judicial review on arbitration in the
the lease contract. Philippines. - As a general rule, the court can only vacate
or set aside the decision of an arbitral tribunal upon a
On April 29, 2009, the RTC found insufficient legal clear showing' that the award suffers from any of the
grounds under Sections 24 and 25 of the Arbitration Law infirmities or grounds for vacating an arbitral
to modify or vacate the award. It denied the petition and award under Section 24 of Republic Act No. 876 or
under Rule 34 of the Model Law in a domestic
arbitration, or for setting aside an award in an
international arbitration under Article 34 of the Model
Law, or for such other grounds provided under these
Special Rules.)