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HHM Handout (2019-20)

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(An Autonomous Institute with Permanent Affiliation to
JNTUK, Kakinada)
Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, Gudlavalleru – 521

Department of Civil Engineering


To provide quality education embedded with knowledge, ethics and advanced

skills and preparing students globally competitive to enrich the civil engineering
research and practice.

 To aim at imparting integrated knowledge in basic and applied areas of civil

engineering to cater the needs of industry, profession and the society at large.
 To develop faculty and infrastructure making the department a centre of
excellence providing knowledge base with ethical values and transforming
innovative and extension services to the community and nation.
 To make the department a collaborative hub with leading industries and
organizations, promote research and development and combat the challenging
problems in civil engineering which leads for sustenance of its excellence.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Exhibit their competence in solving civil engineering problems in practice,

employed in industries or undergo higher study.
2. Adapt to changing technologies with societal relevance for sustainable
development in the field of their profession.
3. Develop multidisciplinary team work with ethical attitude &social
responsibility and engage in life - long learning to promote research and
development in the profession.

Class : II B.Tech. - II Semester Year:


Branch : Civil Engineering

Credits: 02

1. Brief History and Scope of the Subject

In our curriculum, the subject Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines is
offered to students of Civil Engineering in the II year- II Semester. The students
have studied Fluid Mechanics in II year I semester. The basic principles studied in
that subjects will be the foundation for the students to initiate the subject
Hydraulics and Hydraulic machinery Hence it is quite appropriate to offer this
subject in this semester.

Hydraulic Machine is a device which converts the energy stored by a fluid

into Mechanical Energy or vice versa. The fluid machines use either liquid or gas
as the working fluid depending upon the purpose. The machine transferring
mechanical energy of rotor to the energy of the fluid is termed as a pump, when it
uses liquid and it is termed as compressor or a fan or a blower, when it uses gas.

The force from the fluid jet is used to operate the prime movers and
turbines. The working of centrifugal pump reciprocating pump and hydraulic
machines (i.e., hydraulic crane, hydraulic press and hydraulic lift) are very much
applicable in day to day life of human being. Gear pump and Vane pumps are very
much applicable in industries. The various hydraulic turbines are used in
generation of hydraulic power which is very essential for all fields. This subject will
become the base for power plant engineering. Hence, the students should able to
understand the concept of hydraulic jet, centrifugal pump, various turbines and
different hydraulic machines through this course in this semester.

2. Pre-Requisites
 Fluid Mechanics

 To familiarize with the design principles of channels.
 To impart knowledge on Uniform and Non-Uniform flow in open
 To introduce the working principles of hydraulic machines.
By the end of the course student will be able to learn
 design the most economical section of open channel
 determine the hydraulic jump for energy dissipation at the
downstream of irrigation structures
 compute the force exerted by the jet on vane under different
 illustrate the functioning of various turbines and their hydraulic
 analyze the performance of various turbines under different operating
 analyze the performance of the centrifugal pump under different
working conditions

5. Program Outcomes:

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze

complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering

problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge

and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation
of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual

knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and

responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a

member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities

with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.


Students will be able to

1. Survey, plot and prepare layout for buildings, dams, canals and highway
alignments and conduct geotechnical and geological investigations of the
2. Test, analyze and design the various sub structure and super structure
like buildings, industrial and irrigation structures and highways.
3. Understand the Project management, modern construction techniques
and equipment.
4. Identify the water and environmental issues, test and analyze and
suggest remedies

6. Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

7. Prescribed Text Books

1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines, P.N.
Modi and S.M.Seth, eighteenth edition, Standard book house.
2. Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic machines, A.K Jain, twelth edition,
Khanna Publishers
8. Reference Text Books
1.Flow in Open channels, K. Subramanya, third edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R. K. Bansal, ninth Edition,
Laxmi Publications
3. Hydraulic machines, R.K Rajput, sixth edition, S. Chand publishing.
9. URLs and Other E-Learning Resources

1. URL : journals/fluids

2. URL : journals/Turbo machinery
3. URL :


Topic No. of Periods

Theory Tutorial
Types of flows, Type of channels 1 1
Velocity distribution, Energy and momentum 1
correction factors
Chezy’s, Manning’s; and Bazin’s formulae for 2
uniform flow
Most Economical sections 2 1
Critical flow: Specific energy, Critical depth – 2
computation of
Critical depth
sub-critical and super critical flows 1
Non uniform flow - Dynamic equation for G.V.F 1
Dynamic equation for Mild, Critical, Steep slopes 2
Dynamic equation for horizontal and adverse 1 1
Surface profiles-direct step method 2
Rapidly varied flow, Hydraulic jump, Energy 2
Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary- flat, 2 1
inclined & curved
Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving flat plate- 2
velocity triangle- Work done and efficiency
Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving inclined 2 1
triangle- work done and efficiency
Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving curved 2
vanes - velocity triangle- work done and efficiency,
jet strikes at center
Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving curved 1
vanes - velocity triangle- work done and 1
efficiency, Jet striking at tip
Problems on hydrodynamic force of jets 2
Layout of a typical Hydropower installation 1
Heads and efficiencies-classification of turbines 1 1
Pelton wheel, Francis turbine -Working 2
Velocity diagram, work done and efficiency 2
Hydraulic design, draft tube theory 2 1

Draft tube function and efficiency 1 1

Governing of turbines-surge tanks-unit and 2
specific turbines
Unit speed-unit quantity-unit power 2
Specific speed performance characteristics 2 1

Geometric similarity- cavitation 2 1

Introduction – Advantages of centrifugal pump 1
Components of centrifugal pumps, Types 2
Work done, Head, losses and efficiencies 2
Minimum starting speed, Diameter impels and 1 1
Specific speed, Multi stage pumps 1
Pumps in parallel, Performance and Characteristic 2 1

NPSH, Cavitation 2
Total 56 14


Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions

I) Objective questions

1. What do you understand by flow in open channel?

2. In what ways is the open channel flow different from the flow in closed
3. Differentiate between critical, sub critical and super critical flow in
open channel.
4. What is meant by economical section of a channel?
5. Explain the terms: i) specific energy of a flowing liquid
6. Explain specific energy curve
7. Write bazin’s formula for uniform flow.
8. Compute the hydraulic mean depth of a small channel 1 m wide, 0.5
m deep with water flowing at 2 m/s.
9. The flow characteristics of a channel does not change with time at any
point. What type of flow is it?
a) Steady flow
b) Uniform flow
c) Laminar flow
d) Turbulent flow
10. For a given discharge in a horizontal frictionless channel two
depths may have the same specific force. These two depths are
known as
a. Specific depths b. Sequent depths
c. Alternate depths d. Normal depth and critical depth
11. What is energy per unit head of water called as __________
a) Total energy
b) Specific energy
c) Velocity head
d) Datum head
12. What is the equation of the curve AB?

II) Descriptive Questions

1. Derive the condition for the best side slope of the most economical
trapezoidal channel.
2. Derive the expression for discharge through a channel by Chezy’s
3. Derive the conditions for most economical section of a rectangular
4. Explain the terms specific energy of flowing liquid, minimum specific
energy, critical depth in detail
5. Derive an expression for critical depth and critical velocity
6. A concrete lined trapezoidal channel with uniform flow has a normal
depth of 2-m. The base width is 5-m and the side slopes are equal at 1:2.
Manning’s n can be taken as 0.015 and the bed slope S=0.001. Calculate
the discharge and the mean velocity in the open channel.
7. A power canal of trapezoidal section has to be excavated through hard
clay at the least cost. Determine the dimensions of the channel given,
discharge equal to 14m3/s, bed slope 1:2500 and Manning’s N-0.020.
8. A trapezoidal channel with side slopes of 3 horizontal to 2 vertical has to
be designed to convey 10 m3 /s at a velocity of 1.5 m/s so that the
amount of concrete lining for the bed and sides is minimum. Find the
wetted perimeter and slope of the bed if Manning’s N=0.014 in the
formula C=m1/6(1/N).
9. Derive the condition for maximum discharge for a given value of specific
10. The discharge of water through a rectangular channel of width 8m is
15m3/s when depth of flow of water is 1.2m. Calculate
i) specific energy of the flowing water,
ii) critical depth and critical velocity
iii) value of minimum specific energy
11. Find the bed slope of trapezoidal channel of bed width 6m, depth of
water 3m and side slope of horizontal to 4 vertical, when the discharge
through the channel is 30 m3/s. take chezy’s constant, C= 70.
12. Determine the economical cross-section for an open channel of
trapezoidal section with side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal, to carry
10 m/s, the bed slope being 1/2000. Assume Manning coefficient as

Gate questions

1. A rectangular channel of width 4.5 m is carrying a discharge of

100m3/s. The critical depth of the channel is

a) 7.09 m b) 3.69 m c) 2.16 m d) 1.31 m

2. For a rectangular channel section, Match List-I ( Geometric elements)

with List-II (proportions for hydraulically efficient section) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II

A. Top width 1. ye/2

B. Perimeter 2. ye

C. Hydraulic radius 3. 2ye

D. Hydraulic depth 4. 4ye


a) 2 4 1 3

b) 3 1 4 2

c) 3 4 1 2

d) 3 4 2 1

3. The Froude number of flow in a rectangular channel is 0.8. If the depth

of flow is 1.5m, the critical depth is

a) 1.80 m b) 1.56 m c) 1.36 m d) 1.29 m

4. For a given discharge, the critical flow depth in an open channel depends
a) Channel geometry only
b) Channel geometry and bed slope
c) Channel geometry, bed slope and roughness
d) Channel geometry, bed slope, roughness and Reynolds number

5. Water flows at a rate of 10m3/s in a rectangular channel 3m wide. The

critical depth of flow is
a) 1.13 m b) 2m c) 1.45m d) 1.04 m
6. Critical depth at a section of a rectangular channel is 1.5m. The specific
energy at that section is
a) 0.75 m b) 1.0 m c) 1.5 m d) 2.25 m
7. A trapezoidal channel is 10.0 m wide at the base and has a side slope of
4 horizontal to 3 vertical. The bed slope is 0.002. The channel is lined
with smooth concrete (Manning’s n= 0.012). The hydraulic radius in m
for a depth of flow 3.0m is

a) 20 b) 3.5 c) 3.0 d) 2.1

8. A rectangular open channel of width 5.0m is carrying a discharge of

100m3/s. The Froude number of the flow is 0.8. The depth of flow in m in
the channel is

a) 4 b) 5 c) 16 d) 20

9. The normal depth in a wide rectangular channel is increased by 10%.

The % increase in discharge in the channel is
a) 20.1 b) 15.4 c) 10.5 d) 17.2


Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions

I) Objective questions
1. Explain the terms : i) rapidly varying flow ii)gradually varying flow.
2. Explain the terms : mild ,critical ,steep ,horizontal and adverse slopes
3. What is meant by energy dissipation?
4. The phenomenon occurring in an open channel when a rapidly
flowing stream abruptly changes to slowly flowing stream causing a distinct
rise of liquid surface, is
a. Water hammer
b. Hydraulic jump
c. Critical discharge
d. None of the above

5. Hydraulic jump is a
a) Steady flow b) uniform flow c) unsteady flow d) non uniform

6. Seventy percent of the initial energy is lost in a jump taking place in

a horizontal rectangular channel. The Froude number of the flow at
the toe is :
a) 4.0 b) 15.0 c) 9.0 d) 20.0
7. If the length of the jump in a sloping rectangular channel = Ljs and the
corresponding length of the jump in a horizontal rectangular channel having
same y1 and F1 is Lj, then:
a) Lj>Ljs b) Ljs>Lj c) Lj=Ljs d) Lj/Ljs=0.80
8. The hydraulic jump is a phenomenon
a) in which the water surface connects the alternate depths
b) which occurs only in frictionless channels
c) which occurs only in rectangular channels
d) none of these
9. The initial depth of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is 0.2 m
and the sequent-depth ratio is 10. The length of the jump is about:
a) 4m b) 6m c) 12m d) 20m
10. In a hydraulic jump taking place in a horizontal rectangular channel
the sequent depths are 0.30 m and 1.50 m respectively. The energy loss in
this jump is:
a) 1.92m b) 1.20m c) 1.50 m d) 0.96m

11. If the specific energy at upstream section of a rectangular channel is 3m

and minimum specific energy is 2.5m, the maximum height of jump without
causing afflux will be
a) 0.50m b) 1.20m c) 2.50m d) 5.50m
II) Descriptive Questions
1. Derive the dynamic equation for s gradually varied flow in open channel
and list all assumptions?
2. Explain classification of surface profiles which occur in mild sloped
3. The depth of flow of water, at a certain section of a rectangular channel
of 4m wide is 0.5m. The discharge through the channel is 16m 3/s. If a
hydraulic jump takes place on the downstream side, find the depth of
flow after the jump
4. Explain classification of surface profiles which occur in steep sloped
5. A sluice gate discharges water into a horizontal rectangular channel with
a velocity of 10m/s and depth of flow of 1m. Determine the depth of flow
after the jump and consequent loss in total head

6. Prove that the loss of energy head in a hydraulic jump is equal to

Where d1 and d2 are the conjugate depths.

7. Explain classification of surface profiles which occur in horizontal sloped
8. A hydraulic jump forms at the downstream end of spillway carrying
17.93m3/s discharge.If the depth before jump is 0.80m, determine the
depth after the jump and energy loss.
9. The depth of flow of water at a certain section of a rectangular channel
of 2m wide is 0.3m. The discharge through the channel is 1.5 m 3 /s.
Find whether a hydraulic jump will occur and if so find its height and
loss of energy per kg of water.
10. A Wide channel of uniform rectangular section with a slope of 1/95 has a
flow rate of 3.75m3/s/m. The Manning constant is 0.013. Suddenly the
slope changes to 1/1420. Determine the normal depths for each case.
Show that a hydraulic jump has to occur and calculate the downstream
flow height.

Gate questions

1. A hydraulic jump takes place in a frictionless rectangular channel. The

pre-jump depth is Yp. The alternate and sequent depths corresponding to Y p
are Ya and Ys respectively. The correct relationship among Yp , Ya and Ys is:
(A) Ya<Ys<Yp (B) Yp<Ys< Ya
(C) Yp<Ys=Ya (D) Yp=Ys=Ya
2. A spillway discharges flood flow at a rate of 9 m 3/s per metre width. If
the depth of flow on the horizontal apron at the toe of the spillway is 46cm,
the tail water depth needed to form a hydraulic jump is approximately given
by which of the following options?
a) 2.54 m b) 4.90 m c) 5.77 m d) 6.23 m
3. A mild sloped channel is followed by a steep sloped channel. The profiles
of gradually varied flow in the channel are
a) M3, S2 b) M3, S3 c) M2, S1 d) M2, S2
4. Direct step method of computation for gradually varied flow is
a) applicable to non-prismatic channels
b) applicable to prismatic channels
c) applicable to both prismatic and non-prismatic channels
d) not applicable to both prismatic and non-prismatic channels
5. A discharge of 1 cumec is flowing in a rectangular channel one meter
wide at a depth of 20 cm. The bed slope of the channel is
a) mild b) critical c) steep d) adverse
11. Water flows in a rectangular channel at a depth of 1.20 m and a velocity
of 2.4 m/s. A local rise in the bed of 0.60 m will cause
a) the surface to rise
b) the surface to fall
c) a stationary jump to form
d) a surge to travel upstream
12. The sequent depth ratio of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is
10.30. The Froude number at the beginning of the jump is
a) 5.64 b) 7.63 c) 8.05 d) 13.61
13. Water flows at a depth of 0.1 m with a velocity of 6m/s in a rectangular
channel. The alternate depth is
a) 0.30 m b) 0.40 m c) 0.86 m d) 0.81 m
14. In a lined rectangular canal, the Froude number of incoming flow is 3.0.
A hydraulic jump forms when it meets the pool of water. The depth of
flow after the jump formation is 1.51 m. Froude number of the flow after
the hydraulic jump is
a) 0.30 b) 0.71 c) 0.41 d) None of these

Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions

1. Define the term Impact of jets

2. What is angular momentum principle
3. Write the expression for force exerted by the jet of water on a fixed
vertical plate in the direction of jet
4. The impact of a jet on a normal flat vane is maximum when
a) the vanes move in the direction of jet
b) the vanes move opposite to the direction of jet
c) the vane is stationary
d) series of such vanes are mounted on a wheel
5. Curved vanes are preferred to flat vanes in a hydraulic turbine for the
following reason
a) low cost of maintenance
b) higher hydraulic efficiency can be obtained
c) convenience of moulding and machining
d) it is impossible to use high velocity jets
6. Water flows over a series of curved vanes mounted on a wheel. The
component of velocity of water in the radial direction of the wheel is called
a) relative velocity b) velocity of flow c) velocity of whirl d) wheel
7. The relative velocity of a whirl in a hydraulic turbo machine is defined as
a) absolute velocity in the tangential direction
b) absolute velocity in the radial direction
c) relative velocity in the tangential direction
d) relative velocity in the tangential direction
8. A jet of fluid of area a, and velocity V impinges on a normal flat plate
which itself moves in the direction of jet at velocity u. The mass rate f
flow striking the plate is
a) ρaV b) ρa(V+u) c) ρa(V-u) d) ρa(V-u)2

9. The force of impact of liquid jet of area a and velocity V on a moving

normal flat vane moving in the direction of jet at velocity u
a) ρa(V-u)2 b) ρa(V-u) c) ρau(V-u) d) ρaV(V-u)

10. A liquid jet of area a and velocity V strikes a series of normal flat
vanes mounted on a wheel the vane velocity being u. The force of impact
a) ρa(V-u) b) ρa(V-u)2 c) ρau(V-u) d) ρauV

11. A series of normal flat vanes are mounted on the periphery of a wheel,
the vane speed being v. For maximum efficiency, the speed of the liquid
jet striking the vanes should be
a) v/3 b) v/2 c) v d) 2v

II Descriptive

1. Differentiate between the force exerted by a jet on a single curved moving

plate and a series of curved moving plate.
2. Prove that the force exerted by a jet of water on a fixed semi-circular
plate in the direction of the jet when the jet strikes at the center of the
semi-circular plate is two times the force exerted by the jet on an fixed
vertical plate.
3. Derive the expression for force, work done and efficiency of a jet striking
at the center of the series of vanes connected to a rim , such that each
time one vane is facing the jet.
4. Derive the expression for the force exerted by a water jet on a plate
moving in the same direction of the jet with a velocity less than that of the
5. Show that the force exerted by the jet of water on an inclined fixe plate in
the direction of jet is Fx= ρaV2 sin2 θ

6. A water jet 20 mm in diameter and having a velocity of 90 m/s strikes

series of moving blades in a wheel. The direction of the jet makes 20°
with the direction of movement of the blade. The blade angle at inlet is
35°. If the jet should enter the blade without striking, what should be the
blade velocity? If the outlet angle of the blade is 30°, determine the force
on the blade. Assume that there is no friction involved in the flow over
the blade.

7. A jet of water of diameter 50 mm moving with a velocity of 20 m/s strikes

a fixed plate in such a way that the angle between the jet and the plate is
60°. Find the force exerted by the jet on the plate (i) in the direction
normal to the plate, and (ii) in the direction of the jet.

8. A jet of water having a velocity of 15m/sec strikes a curved vane which

is moving with a velocity of 5m/sec. The vane is symmetrical and it is so
shaped that the jet is deflected through 1200. Find the angle of the jet at
inlet of the vane so that there is no shock. What is the absolute velocity
of the jet at outlet in magnitude and direction and the work done per
second per kg of water? Assume the vane to be smooth.

9. A 4 cm diameter water jet with a velocity of 35 m/s impinges on a single

vane moving in the same direction at a velocity of 20 m/s. The jet enters
the vane tangentially along the x direction. The vane deflects the jet by
150°. Calculate the force exerted by the water on the vane.
10. Find the force exerted by a jet of water of diameter 100 mm on a
stationary flat plate, when the jet strikes the plate normally with a
velocity of 30 m/s
11. A blade turns the jet of diameter 3 cm at a velocity of 20 m/s by 60°.
Determine the force exerted by the blade on the fluid.
12. A jet of water of diameter 100mm strikes a curved plate at its center
with a velocity of 15m/s. the curved plate is moving with a velocity of
7m/s in the direction of jet. The jet is deflected through an angle of 150 0.
Assuming the plate smooth find: i) force exerted on the plate in the
direction of the jet, ii) power of the jet and iii) efficiency.
13. A jet of water having a velocity of 30m/s strikes a curved vane, which
is moving with a velocity of 15m/s. The jet makes an angle of 30 0 with
the direction of motion of vane at inlet and leaves at an angle of 120 0 to
the direction of motion of vane at outlet. Calculate: i) Vane angles, if the
water enters and leaves the vane without shock, ii) work done per
second per unit weight of water striking the vanes per second
Gate Questions
1. A horizontal water jet with a velocity of 10 m/s and cross sectional
area of 10 mm2 strikes a flat plate held normal to the flow direction.
The density of water is 1000 kg/m3. The total force on the plate due to
the jet is (a) 100 N (b) 10 N (c) 1 N (d) 0.1 N
2. A horizontal jet of water with its cross-sectional area of 0.0028 m 2 hits
a fixed vertical plate with a velocity of 5 m/s. After impact the jet
splits symmetrically in a plane parallel to the plane of the plate. The
force of impact (in N) of the jet on the plate is
(a) 90 (b) 80 (c) 70 (d) 60
3. A horizontal nozzle of 30 mm diameter discharges a steady jet of water
into the atmosphere at a rate of 15 litres per second. The diameter of
inlet to the nozzle is 100 mm. The jet impinges normal to a flat
stationary plate held close to the nozzle end. Neglecting air friction
and considering the density of water as 1000 kg/m3, the force exerted
by the jet (in N) on the plate is ………….

Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions

1. Differentiate between inward and outward radial flow turbine

2. How cavitations be avoided in reaction turbine
3. Differentiate between the radial and axial flow turbines
4. Define and explain hydraulic efficiency and mechanical efficiency
5. Differentiate between the impulse and reaction turbine
6. Differentiate between the turbines and pumps
7. The use of a draft tube in a reaction type water turbine helps to:.
(a) Prevent air from entering (b) Increase the flow rate
(c) Convert the kinetic energy to pressure energy
(d) all the above
8. Which of the following water turbines does not require a draft tube?
(a) Propeller turbine (b) Pelton turbine
(c) Kaplan turbine (d) Francis turbine

9. The movable wicket gates of a reaction turbine are used to:

(a) Control the flow of water passing through the turbine.
(b) Control the pressure under which the turbine is working.
(c) Strengthen the casing of the turbine
(d) Reduce the size of the turbine.
10. The mechanical efficiency of an impulse turbine is

a) ratio of the actual power produced by the turbine to the energy

actually supplied by the turbine
b) ratio of the actual work available at the turbine to the energy
imparted to the wheel
c) ratio of the Work done on the wheel to the energy of the jet
d) none of the above

11. In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used

a) to run the turbine full
b) to prevent air to enter the turbine
c) to increase the head of water by an amount equal to the height of the
runner outlet above the tail race
d) to transport water to downstream
12. The ratio of quantity of liquid discharged per second from the pump to
the quantity of liquid passing per second through the impeller is known as
a) manometric efficiency b) mechanical efficiency
c) overall efficiency d) volumetric efficiency

13. In a Kaplan turbine runner, the numbers of blades are generally

a) 2 to 4 b) 4 to 8 c) 8 to l6 d) 16 to 24

14. . If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction,
then net or effective head (H) is given by
a) H = Hg/hf b) H = Hg x hf c) H = Hg + hf d) H = Hg - hf

II Descriptive Questions

1. Explain how hydraulic turbines are classified

2. What do you understand by the characteristics curves of turbine? Name
the important characteristics of a turbine.
3. Explain the different types of the efficiency of a turbine
4. Define the specific speed of the turbine? Derive an expression for the
specific speed. What is the significance of specific speed of the turbine.
5. Explain briefly the principles on which a Kaplan turbine works
6. What is a draft tube and what are its functions
7. Describe the working of a Pelton wheel.
8. Two jets strike at bucket of a Pelton wheel, which is having shaft
power as 14,715 kW. The diameter of each jet is given as 150 mm. If
the net head on the turbine is 500 m, find the overall efficiency of the
turbine. Take Cv = 1.0

9. A pelton wheel develops 300Kw under a head of 300m. The overall

efficiency of the turbine is 83%. If speed ratio is 0.46, Cv = 0.98 and
specific speed is 16.5 then find i) diameter of the turbine ii)
diameter of the jet

10. A Pelton wheel is having a mean bucket diameter of 0.8 m and

is running at 1000 r.p.m. The net head on the Pelton wheel is 400
m. If the side clearance angle is 15° and discharge through nozzle is
150 liters/s, find (i) Power available at the nozzle, and (ii) Hydraulic
efficiency of the turbine
11. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60 m when running at
200 r.p.m. The Pelton wheel develops 95.6475 kW shaft power. The
velocity of the buckets = 0.45 times the velocity of the jet, overall
efficiency = 0.85 and co-efficient of the velocity is equal to 0.98.
12. As inward flow reaction turbine has external and internal diameters
as 1.0 m and 0.6 m respectively. The hydraulic efficiency of the
turbine is 90% when the head on the turbine is 36 m. The velocity of
flow at outlet is 2.5 m/s and discharge at outlet is radial. If the vane
angle at outlet is 15° and width of the wheel is 100 mm at inlet and
outlet, determine: (i) the guide blade angle, (ii) speed of the turbine,
(iii) vane angle of the runner at inlet, (iv) volume flow rate of turbine
and (v) power developed.
13. A Pelton wheel develops 8000kW under a net head of 130m at a speed
of 200 r.p.m. assuming the Coefficient of velocity for the nozzle 0.98,
hydraulic efficiency 87%, speed ratio 0.46 and jet diameter to wheel
diameter ratio 1/9, determine
i) the discharge requiredii) the diameter of the wheel iii) the
diameter and number of jets required, and mechanical efficiency is

Gate Questions
1. Consider the following statements regarding a draft tube used in water
i) It reduces the discharge velocity of water to minimize the loss of
kinetic energy at the outlet.
ii) It permits the turbine to be set above the tail race without any
appreciable drop in available head.
iii) It is used in both impulse and reaction type of water turbines.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) I,ii and iii (b) I, ii (c) ii, iii only (d) i only
2. A hydraulic power station has the fol1owing major items in the
hydraulic circuit:
1. Draft tube 2. Runner 3. Guide wheel 4. Penstock 5. Scroll case
The correct sequence of these items in the direction of flow is:
(a) 4,2,3,1,5 (b) 4,3,2,5,1 (c) 1,2,3,5,4 (d)
3. In a Pelton wheel, the bucket peripheral speed is 10 m/s, the water jet
velocity is 25 m/s and volumetric flow rate of the jet is 0.1m3/s. If the
jet deflection angle is120° and the flow is ideal, the power developed
(a) 7.5kW (b) 15.0 kW (c) 22.5kW (d) 37.5kW
4. A Pelton wheel with single jet rotates at 600 rpm. The velocity of the jet
from the nozzle is 100m/s. If the ratio of the vane velocity to jet
velocity is 0.44, what is the diameter of the Pelton wheel?
(a) 0.7 m (b) 1.4 m (c) 2.1 m (d) 2.8 m
5. The overall efficiency of a Pelton turbine is 70%. If the mechanical
efficiency is 85%, what is its hydraulic efficiency?
(a) 82.4% (b) 59.5% (c) 72.3% (d) 81.5%
6. The gross head available to a hydraulic power plant is 100 m. The
utilized head in the runner of the hydraulic turbine is 72 m. If the
'hydraulic efficiency of the turbine is 90%, the pipe friction head is
estimated to be:
(a) 20 m (b) 18 m (c) 16.2 m (d) 1.8 m
7. A Francis turbine working at 400 rpm has a unit speed of 50 rpm and
develops 500 kW of power. What is the effective head under which
this turbine operates?
(a) 62.5 m (b) 64.0 m (c) 40.0 m (d) 100 m


Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions

A. Questions testing the remembering / understanding level of

1. Discuss about cavitations in turbines
2. What is meant by governing of turbines
3. What are surge tanks
4. Define Unit speed
5. Define Unit power
6. Define Unit discharge
7. What are the physical indicators for the presence of cavitations in
8. What is the use of specific speed?

9. At hydroelectric power site, available head and flow rate are 24.5 m and
10.1 m3/s respectively. If the turbine to be installed is required to run at
4.0 revolution per second (rps) with an overall efficiency 90%, then suitable
type of turbine for the site is
a) Francis b)Kaplan c) Pelton d) Propeller

12.Cavitation occurs at

a) high pressure b) low pressure c) atmospheric pressure

d)none of the above
13. In cavitation, the material fails
a) by fatigue
b) due to creep
c) due to impact load
d) due to fracture
14. Which one of the following forms of draft tube will NOT improve
the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine?
(a) Straight cylindrical (b) Conical type (c) Bell-mouthed (d) Bent
15. Assertion (A): The specific speed of a Pelton turbine is low.
Reason (R): Pelton turbine works under a high head and handles low
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct
explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

II Descriptive

1. What is Specific Speed of turbine? Derive the equation for Specific Speed.
2. What do you understand by the characteristics curves of turbine? Name
the important
Characteristics of a turbine.
3. What are unit quantities? Define unit quantities for a turbine? Why are
they important
4. Obtain an expression for unit speed, unit discharge and unit power of a
is the significance of specific speed of the turbine.
5. Define the term governing of a turbine. Describe with a neat sketch the
working of an oil pressure governor.

6. A turbine develops 7225KW power under a head of 25 meters at 135

r.p.m . Calculate the specific speed of the turbine and state the turbine.

7. A turbine is o operate under a head of 25m at 200 r.p.m. The discharge

is 9 cumec. If the efficiency is 90%, determine
i) specific speed of the machine ii) power generated iii) type of

8. A turbine develops 9000KW when running at a speed of 140 r.p.m. and

under a head of 30m. Determine the specific speed of the turbine.

9. Draw a general layout of a hydroelectric power plant and explain it.

10. A turbine develops 7460 KW under a head of 25m at 135 rpm. What is
the specific speed? What would be its normal speed and power under a
head of 18 m.
11. A pelton wheel is revolving at a speed of 190 r.p.m. and develops
5150.25kW when working under a head of 220m with an overall
efficiency of 80%. Determine unit speed, unit discharge and unit power.
The sped ratio for the turbine is given as o.47. Find the speed, discharge
and power when this turbine is working under a head of 140m.
12. A turbine develops 9000 kW when running at a speed of 140 r.p.m. and
under a head of 30 m. Determine the specific speed of the turbine.

D. Gate Questions

1. The speed of a turbine runner is

a) directly proportional to H1/2 b)inversely proportional to H1/2
c) directly proportional to H3/2 d) inversely proportional to H3/2

2. A Pelton wheel develops 1750 kW under a head of 100 metres while

running at 200 r.p.m. and discharging 2500 litres of water per second. The
unit power of the wheel is
a)0.25 kW b) 0.75 kW c) 1.75 kW d) 3.75 kW

3. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per
second against a head of 15 metres at 725 r.p.m., is
a)24.8 r.p.m. b) 48.2 r.p.m c) 82.4 r.p.m. d) 248 r.p.m

4. Which of the following turbine is preferred for 0 to 25 m head of water?

a)Pelton wheel b) Kaplan turbine c) Francis turbine d) none of

5. A hydraulic turbine develops 1000 kW power for a head of 40m. if the

head id reduced to 20 m, the power developed (in kW) is

(A)177 (B)354 (C) 500 (D) 707


Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
A. Questions testing the remembering / understanding level of

1. Define a centrifugal pump

2. Differentiate between the volute casing and vortex casing for the
centrifugal pump
3. Define the terms i) suction head ii)delivery head iii)static head iv )
manometric head
4. What is priming? Why is it necessary?
5. What is the difference between single stage and multi stage pump?
6. Define the specific speed of a centrifugal pump

II Descriptive

1. How will you find an expression for the minimum speed for starting a
centrifugal pump?
2. What is the difference between single stage and multi stage pump?
Describe multi stage pump with a) impellers in parallel b) impellers in
3. Define the specific speed of a centrifugal pump. Derive an expression
for the same.
4. Obtain an expression for the work done by the impeller of a
centrifugal pump on water per second per unit weight of water.
5. Explain the working of a single –stage centrifugal pump with sketches
6. Explain about characteristic curves of centrifugal pump.
7. Explain about NPSH
8. Differentiate between pumps in series and pumps in parallel.

9. The internal and external diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal

pump are 300 mm and 600 mm respectively. The pump is running at
1000 r. p. m. The vane angles at inlet and outlet are 20 o and 30o
respectively. The water enters the impeller radially and velocity of
flow is constant .Determine the work done by the impeller per unit
weight of water.

10. Find the rise in pressure in the impeller of a centrifugal pump

through which water is flowing at the rate of 15 litre/s . The internal
and external diameters of the impeller are 20 cm and 40 cm
respectively . The widths of impeller at inlet and out let are 1.6 cm
and 0.8 cm. The pump is running at 1200 r .p . m. The water enters
the impeller radially at inlet and impeller vane angle at out let is 30 o.
Neglect losses through the impeller.

11. A centrifugal pump rotating at 1000 rpm delivers 160 litres/sec of

water against a head of 30 m the pump is installed at a place where
atmospheric pressure is 1 X105 pa (abs) and vapour pressure of
water is 3 k pa ( abs) the head loss in suction pipe is equivalent to
0.2 m of water calculate
i) minimum NPSH ,
ii) maximum allowable height of pump from free surface of water
in the sump .

12. Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well
under total head of 156 m. also the pumps are identical and are
running at 1000 rpm . The specific speed of each pump is given as 20
while the rated capacity of each pump is 150 litres/sec

D. Gate Questions

1. A centrifugal pump running at 500 rpm and its maximum efficiency is

delivering a head of 30 m at flow rate of 60 litre per minutes. If the
rpm is changed to 1000, then the head H in metres and flow rate
Qin litres per minute at maximum efficiency are estimated to be
a) H=60, Q=120 b) H=120, Q=120

c) H= 60, Q=4800 d) H= 120, Q=30

2. At a rated capacity of 44 cumecs, a centrifugal pump develops 6 m of

head when operating at 1450 r.p.m. Its specific speed is
a) 654 b) 509 c) 700 d) 90

3. Identify the FALSE statement from the following.

The specific speed of the pump increases with

a) increase in shaft speed b) increase in discharge

c) decrease in gravitational acceleration d) increase in head

4. The allowable Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) for a pump provided by
the manufacturer for a flow of 0.05 m 3/s is 3.3 m. The temperature of water
is 30°C (vapour pressure head absolute = 0.44 m), atmospheric pressure is
100 kPa absolute and the head loss from the reservoir to pump is 0.3 N-
m/N. The maximum height of the pump above the suction reservoir is

a) 10.19 m b) 6.89 m c) 6.15 m d) 2.86 m

5. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per
second against a head of 15 metres at 725 r.p.m., is
a) 24.8 r.p.m. b) 48.2 r.p.m c) 82.4 r.p.m.
d)248 r.p.m
6. A centrifugal pump will start delivering liquid only when the pressure rise in the
impeller is equal to the

a) kinetic head b) velocity head c) manometric head d) static head

7. If the pump head is 75 m, discharge is 0.464 m 3/s and the motor speed is 1440
rpm at rated condition, the specific speed of the pump is about

a) 4 b) 26 c) 38 d) 1440

8. For centrifugal pump impeller, the maximum value of the vane exit angle is

a) 10° to 15° b) 15° to 20° c) 20° to 25° d) 25° to 30°

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