HHM Handout (2019-20)
HHM Handout (2019-20)
HHM Handout (2019-20)
(An Autonomous Institute with Permanent Affiliation to
JNTUK, Kakinada)
Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, Gudlavalleru – 521
The force from the fluid jet is used to operate the prime movers and
turbines. The working of centrifugal pump reciprocating pump and hydraulic
machines (i.e., hydraulic crane, hydraulic press and hydraulic lift) are very much
applicable in day to day life of human being. Gear pump and Vane pumps are very
much applicable in industries. The various hydraulic turbines are used in
generation of hydraulic power which is very essential for all fields. This subject will
become the base for power plant engineering. Hence, the students should able to
understand the concept of hydraulic jet, centrifugal pump, various turbines and
different hydraulic machines through this course in this semester.
2. Pre-Requisites
Fluid Mechanics
To familiarize with the design principles of channels.
To impart knowledge on Uniform and Non-Uniform flow in open
To introduce the working principles of hydraulic machines.
By the end of the course student will be able to learn
design the most economical section of open channel
determine the hydraulic jump for energy dissipation at the
downstream of irrigation structures
compute the force exerted by the jet on vane under different
illustrate the functioning of various turbines and their hydraulic
analyze the performance of various turbines under different operating
analyze the performance of the centrifugal pump under different
working conditions
5. Program Outcomes:
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
1. Survey, plot and prepare layout for buildings, dams, canals and highway
alignments and conduct geotechnical and geological investigations of the
2. Test, analyze and design the various sub structure and super structure
like buildings, industrial and irrigation structures and highways.
3. Understand the Project management, modern construction techniques
and equipment.
4. Identify the water and environmental issues, test and analyze and
suggest remedies
NPSH, Cavitation 2
Total 56 14
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I) Objective questions
Gate questions
List-I List-II
a) 2 4 1 3
b) 3 1 4 2
c) 3 4 1 2
d) 3 4 2 1
4. For a given discharge, the critical flow depth in an open channel depends
a) Channel geometry only
b) Channel geometry and bed slope
c) Channel geometry, bed slope and roughness
d) Channel geometry, bed slope, roughness and Reynolds number
a) 4 b) 5 c) 16 d) 20
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I) Objective questions
1. Explain the terms : i) rapidly varying flow ii)gradually varying flow.
2. Explain the terms : mild ,critical ,steep ,horizontal and adverse slopes
3. What is meant by energy dissipation?
4. The phenomenon occurring in an open channel when a rapidly
flowing stream abruptly changes to slowly flowing stream causing a distinct
rise of liquid surface, is
a. Water hammer
b. Hydraulic jump
c. Critical discharge
d. None of the above
5. Hydraulic jump is a
a) Steady flow b) uniform flow c) unsteady flow d) non uniform
Gate questions
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions
10. A liquid jet of area a and velocity V strikes a series of normal flat
vanes mounted on a wheel the vane velocity being u. The force of impact
a) ρa(V-u) b) ρa(V-u)2 c) ρau(V-u) d) ρauV
11. A series of normal flat vanes are mounted on the periphery of a wheel,
the vane speed being v. For maximum efficiency, the speed of the liquid
jet striking the vanes should be
a) v/3 b) v/2 c) v d) 2v
II Descriptive
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions
14. . If Hg is the gross or total head and hf is the head lost due to friction,
then net or effective head (H) is given by
a) H = Hg/hf b) H = Hg x hf c) H = Hg + hf d) H = Hg - hf
II Descriptive Questions
Gate Questions
1. Consider the following statements regarding a draft tube used in water
i) It reduces the discharge velocity of water to minimize the loss of
kinetic energy at the outlet.
ii) It permits the turbine to be set above the tail race without any
appreciable drop in available head.
iii) It is used in both impulse and reaction type of water turbines.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) I,ii and iii (b) I, ii (c) ii, iii only (d) i only
2. A hydraulic power station has the fol1owing major items in the
hydraulic circuit:
1. Draft tube 2. Runner 3. Guide wheel 4. Penstock 5. Scroll case
The correct sequence of these items in the direction of flow is:
(a) 4,2,3,1,5 (b) 4,3,2,5,1 (c) 1,2,3,5,4 (d)
3. In a Pelton wheel, the bucket peripheral speed is 10 m/s, the water jet
velocity is 25 m/s and volumetric flow rate of the jet is 0.1m3/s. If the
jet deflection angle is120° and the flow is ideal, the power developed
(a) 7.5kW (b) 15.0 kW (c) 22.5kW (d) 37.5kW
4. A Pelton wheel with single jet rotates at 600 rpm. The velocity of the jet
from the nozzle is 100m/s. If the ratio of the vane velocity to jet
velocity is 0.44, what is the diameter of the Pelton wheel?
(a) 0.7 m (b) 1.4 m (c) 2.1 m (d) 2.8 m
5. The overall efficiency of a Pelton turbine is 70%. If the mechanical
efficiency is 85%, what is its hydraulic efficiency?
(a) 82.4% (b) 59.5% (c) 72.3% (d) 81.5%
6. The gross head available to a hydraulic power plant is 100 m. The
utilized head in the runner of the hydraulic turbine is 72 m. If the
'hydraulic efficiency of the turbine is 90%, the pipe friction head is
estimated to be:
(a) 20 m (b) 18 m (c) 16.2 m (d) 1.8 m
7. A Francis turbine working at 400 rpm has a unit speed of 50 rpm and
develops 500 kW of power. What is the effective head under which
this turbine operates?
(a) 62.5 m (b) 64.0 m (c) 40.0 m (d) 100 m
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
I Objective questions
9. At hydroelectric power site, available head and flow rate are 24.5 m and
10.1 m3/s respectively. If the turbine to be installed is required to run at
4.0 revolution per second (rps) with an overall efficiency 90%, then suitable
type of turbine for the site is
a) Francis b)Kaplan c) Pelton d) Propeller
12.Cavitation occurs at
II Descriptive
1. What is Specific Speed of turbine? Derive the equation for Specific Speed.
2. What do you understand by the characteristics curves of turbine? Name
the important
Characteristics of a turbine.
3. What are unit quantities? Define unit quantities for a turbine? Why are
they important
4. Obtain an expression for unit speed, unit discharge and unit power of a
is the significance of specific speed of the turbine.
5. Define the term governing of a turbine. Describe with a neat sketch the
working of an oil pressure governor.
10. A turbine develops 7460 KW under a head of 25m at 135 rpm. What is
the specific speed? What would be its normal speed and power under a
head of 18 m.
11. A pelton wheel is revolving at a speed of 190 r.p.m. and develops
5150.25kW when working under a head of 220m with an overall
efficiency of 80%. Determine unit speed, unit discharge and unit power.
The sped ratio for the turbine is given as o.47. Find the speed, discharge
and power when this turbine is working under a head of 140m.
12. A turbine develops 9000 kW when running at a speed of 140 r.p.m. and
under a head of 30 m. Determine the specific speed of the turbine.
D. Gate Questions
3. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per
second against a head of 15 metres at 725 r.p.m., is
a)24.8 r.p.m. b) 48.2 r.p.m c) 82.4 r.p.m. d) 248 r.p.m
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
A. Questions testing the remembering / understanding level of
II Descriptive
1. How will you find an expression for the minimum speed for starting a
centrifugal pump?
2. What is the difference between single stage and multi stage pump?
Describe multi stage pump with a) impellers in parallel b) impellers in
3. Define the specific speed of a centrifugal pump. Derive an expression
for the same.
4. Obtain an expression for the work done by the impeller of a
centrifugal pump on water per second per unit weight of water.
5. Explain the working of a single –stage centrifugal pump with sketches
6. Explain about characteristic curves of centrifugal pump.
7. Explain about NPSH
8. Differentiate between pumps in series and pumps in parallel.
12. Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well
under total head of 156 m. also the pumps are identical and are
running at 1000 rpm . The specific speed of each pump is given as 20
while the rated capacity of each pump is 150 litres/sec
D. Gate Questions
4. The allowable Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) for a pump provided by
the manufacturer for a flow of 0.05 m 3/s is 3.3 m. The temperature of water
is 30°C (vapour pressure head absolute = 0.44 m), atmospheric pressure is
100 kPa absolute and the head loss from the reservoir to pump is 0.3 N-
m/N. The maximum height of the pump above the suction reservoir is
5. The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 litres of water per
second against a head of 15 metres at 725 r.p.m., is
a) 24.8 r.p.m. b) 48.2 r.p.m c) 82.4 r.p.m.
d)248 r.p.m
6. A centrifugal pump will start delivering liquid only when the pressure rise in the
impeller is equal to the
7. If the pump head is 75 m, discharge is 0.464 m 3/s and the motor speed is 1440
rpm at rated condition, the specific speed of the pump is about
a) 4 b) 26 c) 38 d) 1440
8. For centrifugal pump impeller, the maximum value of the vane exit angle is