Medico Legal Aspects
Medico Legal Aspects
Medico Legal Aspects
Review Article
Ranjeeta et al. World Journal
AND MEDICAL RESEARCH of Pharmaceutical and Medical ISSN 2455-3301
Research WJPMR
Death particularly the death of humans-has commonly been considered a sad or unpleasant occasion due to the
affection of the being that has died and the termination of social and familial bond with the deceased. Human body
consist approximately 60 trillion cells. The brain contains 20 billion cells and the brain stem contains about 2
billion cells. These may take some time to die. 127
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Ranjeeta et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Casper’s Dictum
It gives the rate at which a dead body decomposes. The
rate of decomposition in soil water air is equivalent to
1:2:8.”According to an old rule of thumb (Casper‟s
dictum) one week of putrefaction in air is equal to two
weeks in water and eight weeks burried in soil, given
same environmental temperature.
Medico-Legal Importance
1- It is the surest sign of death.
Cadaveric Spasm
2- Can help in establishing time of death.
It is a condition where in a group of muscles, which were
3-Cause of death may remain unknown in advance stage
in contraction or spasm at the time of death, continue to
of putrefaction.
be in spasm even after death. 129
Ranjeeta et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Medico-Legal Importance
1. It is the surest sign of death.
2. A rough estimate of the time of death can be made.
3. Well preserved natural appearances and features of
the body helps in identification of the body.
4. The cause of death can be determined from the
5. The place of disposal of the body can be made.
The determination of time of death is of crucial
Fig.-2. importance for Forensic Investigators, both in civil and
criminal cases especially when they are gathering
Medico-Legal Importance evidence that can support or deny the stated actions of
1-Body appearances, features are retained which helps in suspects in a crime.
establishing identity of the body.
2-All injuries are well preserved which helps in assessing The time of death is not confined to criminal
the various causes of death. investigation; it can also come into play in civil
3-It can help in establishing the time and place of death. situations. Insurance payments may depend upon
whether the insured individual was alive at the time the
Mummification policy went into effect or if he died before the policy
It is the rapid dehydration and shriveling of the dead expired Likewise property inheritance can hinge on when
body from evaporation of water, with preservation of the deceased actually died.
natural appearances and features of the body.
Determining the time of death is both an Art and Science
Essential Requirements for Mummifiction and requires that the medical examiner use several
1. Absence of moisture techniques and observations to make his estimate.
2. Excess of air Unfortunately the changes the body undergoes after
3. Warmth death occurs is widely variable ways and with
unpredictable time frames. There is no single factor that
Time Required for Mummification will accurately indicate the time of Physiological death,
The time required for complete mummification of a body thus it is always a “BEST GUESS”.
varies greatly from 3-12 months or longer.
1. Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 3rd
edition, Gautam Biswas, The Health Sciences
2. Text book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
Anil Aggrawal, Avinchal Publishing Company. 130
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