Breeder Review IHP
Breeder Review IHP
Breeder Review IHP
breeder for expansion in Dominant CZ also offer modern
commercial hybrid laying
customers global programmes synthesised from
traditional attractive breeds,
everywhere markets resulting in robust and flexible layers
with distinctive appearance. These
colourful hybrids offer fantastic
The Arbor Acres breeding and For more than 20 years Dominant opportunities to poultry breeders,
selection programme has created CZ’s growth has been dynamic. With hatcheries and egg producers by
the brand’s leading performance in modernisation of existing facilities supplying non-standard breeding
the poultry industry and, together initiatives that are still in practice and construction of new, 2019 has stock, commercial hens, dual-
with dedicated service and support, today – relocating production and seen further increases in purpose chicks or premium eggs,
it has built trust and confidence by service close to customers, use of capacity for breeding as well as where robust highly
providing the best combination of floor slats to improve litter quality, research and development. This adaptable chickens
breeder and broiler traits to become first to create and develop a highly family owned private company are needed.
the preferred breeder for customers successful production management from the Czech Republic As a company
everywhere. school and the regular distribution specialises in breeding and dedicated to
of market oriented analysis called selection of laying and dual supplying niche markets, Broiler Economics. purpose poultry. Dominant CZ has
While innovation is critical, the unrivalled flexibility to meet
R&D technology and innovation consistent improvement and the needs of customers,
will continue to drive Arbor Acres in enduring quality of its breeding supplying sex-linked hybrid
the future and ensure it remains a stock is what has earned Arbor Acres Dominant CZ traditional utility programmes to suit every farming
leading competitor in the broiler the industry’s trust and respect. layers are perfectly suited to method anywhere in the world.
breeder industry. Arbor Acres has continually driven specific local breeding programmes, Calm temperament,
For 85 years Arbor Acres has been change and today benefits from the including Baladi, Sonali, Inasal, excellent plumage
building its real world know-how by innovative technologies utilised in Kampong, and Hmong, and are and high
continually challenging and the Aviagen breeding programme. very successful throughout Asia adaptability for free-
improving breeder and broiler Innovations include electronic and in heritage marketing across range breeding and
performance traits – sought after measurement of lifetime feed Europe and the USA. After profitable production, including
and identified during time spent conversion progress, testing under egg production hens are home milled and organic feed
working closely with customers challenging conditions to processed, their high yielding rations, and the maximum
to satisfy their requirements. improve the efficiency and quality carcase adds value to number of fertile
From its earliest days Arbor robustness of the birds breeding programmes. eggs producing
Acres has been an and variations in feed Excellent flexibility creates strong chicks are key
innovator in breeding, form and quality to profitable alternatives for points to maximise
nutrition and flock challenge and improve independent hatcheries producing poultry farmer’s
management with a broiler appetite in less day old chicks for sustainable meat profits, making Dominant
number of key than optimal conditions. and egg production as well as CZ genetics popular in so
These improvements in the supporting local small scale family many countries. Technical
genetic breeding programme farms, especially in developing support and practical assistance
have been widely economies. for profitable breeding and egg
acknowledged in performance In addition to dual purpose production as well as fattening
by customers across the global brown egg breeding cockerels is always
broiler industry. programmes, Dominant CZ also available to help your
Arbor Acres has a strong offer special programmes for the business thrive.
commitment and has production of premium high value Whatever your
recognised the need to table eggs of mixed colours, requirements Dominant
provide a valuable source of including white, brown, dark CZ has a breeding programme
animal protein to consumers. brown, cream, green and to suit your needs and is
The Arbor Acres bird has blue. actively seeking
responded with the right genetic These artisan eggs partners and
performance and produced an offer excellent representatives
efficient breeder and competitive opportunities to to continue
broiler to continue to succeed producers to create expanding
in supplying customers in new markets with a breeding
the global poultry viable value added programmes into
industry. alternative to new countries.
Co-hosted by Positive Action Publications Ltd and VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific