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Breeder Review IHP

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The preferred Continued standard brown and white egg

breeder for expansion in Dominant CZ also offer modern
commercial hybrid laying
customers global programmes synthesised from
traditional attractive breeds,
everywhere markets resulting in robust and flexible layers
with distinctive appearance. These
colourful hybrids offer fantastic
The Arbor Acres breeding and For more than 20 years Dominant opportunities to poultry breeders,
selection programme has created CZ’s growth has been dynamic. With hatcheries and egg producers by
the brand’s leading performance in modernisation of existing facilities supplying non-standard breeding
the poultry industry and, together initiatives that are still in practice and construction of new, 2019 has stock, commercial hens, dual-
with dedicated service and support, today – relocating production and seen further increases in purpose chicks or premium eggs,
it has built trust and confidence by service close to customers, use of capacity for breeding as well as where robust highly
providing the best combination of floor slats to improve litter quality, research and development. This adaptable chickens
breeder and broiler traits to become first to create and develop a highly family owned private company are needed.
the preferred breeder for customers successful production management from the Czech Republic As a company
everywhere. school and the regular distribution specialises in breeding and dedicated to
of market oriented analysis called selection of laying and dual supplying niche markets, Broiler Economics. purpose poultry. Dominant CZ has
While innovation is critical, the unrivalled flexibility to meet
R&D technology and innovation consistent improvement and the needs of customers,
will continue to drive Arbor Acres in enduring quality of its breeding supplying sex-linked hybrid
the future and ensure it remains a stock is what has earned Arbor Acres Dominant CZ traditional utility programmes to suit every farming
leading competitor in the broiler the industry’s trust and respect. layers are perfectly suited to method anywhere in the world.
breeder industry. Arbor Acres has continually driven specific local breeding programmes, Calm temperament,
For 85 years Arbor Acres has been change and today benefits from the including Baladi, Sonali, Inasal, excellent plumage
building its real world know-how by innovative technologies utilised in Kampong, and Hmong, and are and high
continually challenging and the Aviagen breeding programme. very successful throughout Asia adaptability for free-
improving breeder and broiler Innovations include electronic and in heritage marketing across range breeding and
performance traits – sought after measurement of lifetime feed Europe and the USA. After profitable production, including
and identified during time spent conversion progress, testing under egg production hens are home milled and organic feed
working closely with customers challenging conditions to processed, their high yielding rations, and the maximum
to satisfy their requirements. improve the efficiency and quality carcase adds value to number of fertile
From its earliest days Arbor robustness of the birds breeding programmes. eggs producing
Acres has been an and variations in feed Excellent flexibility creates strong chicks are key
innovator in breeding, form and quality to profitable alternatives for points to maximise
nutrition and flock challenge and improve independent hatcheries producing poultry farmer’s
management with a broiler appetite in less day old chicks for sustainable meat profits, making Dominant
number of key than optimal conditions. and egg production as well as CZ genetics popular in so
These improvements in the supporting local small scale family many countries. Technical
genetic breeding programme farms, especially in developing support and practical assistance
have been widely economies. for profitable breeding and egg
acknowledged in performance In addition to dual purpose production as well as fattening
by customers across the global brown egg breeding cockerels is always
broiler industry. programmes, Dominant CZ also available to help your
Arbor Acres has a strong offer special programmes for the business thrive.
commitment and has production of premium high value Whatever your
recognised the need to table eggs of mixed colours, requirements Dominant
provide a valuable source of including white, brown, dark CZ has a breeding programme
animal protein to consumers. brown, cream, green and to suit your needs and is
The Arbor Acres bird has blue. actively seeking
responded with the right genetic These artisan eggs partners and
performance and produced an offer excellent representatives
efficient breeder and competitive opportunities to to continue
broiler to continue to succeed producers to create expanding
in supplying customers in new markets with a breeding
the global poultry viable value added programmes into
industry. alternative to new countries.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7 23

research and
performance for
Aviagen Turkeys is a leading turkey
primary breeding company,
distributing turkey breeding stock of
The latest pipeline, Hubbard is already the highest genetic merit and health maximise the biological potential of
prepared for future market status to turkey operations across their birds. On-the-ground technical
technology and developments in the broiler industry. the globe. support by management specialists
Present in over 100 countries and and nutritionists offers field advice
techniques to with support of dedicated teams, and help with problem-solving in all
Hubbard delivers high quality aspects of production.
further progress genetic solutions to broiler breeder It specialises in the development of Crucial feedback from customers
customers around the world. the top breeds for the heavy and is also gathered to assist their
performance medium turkey sectors, the BUT6, production and breeding
l Hubbard Efficiency Plus, the new Nicholas Select and BUT Premium departments as part of a continuous
standard for efficiency: and also provides a wide range of cycle of improvement.
In addition to the major sums of During the middle of 2019 Hubbard breeds for alternative and slow-grow Aviagen Turkeys provides
money Hubbard has invested in R&D launched a new conventional female market segments. customers with a range of technical
to implement ongoing breeder, the Hubbard Efficiency Plus. Aviagen Turkeys operates two full- advice covering all key aspects of
improvements in their breeding It is the result of a long-term scale pedigree breeding programmes turkey production.
programmes, an additional $10 research and development strategy in the UK and USA. The breeding The company is at the forefront of
million has been invested since early that was initiated several years ago. programmes apply the latest research on management and
2018 to further advance the Hubbard The Hubbard Efficiency Plus advances in selective breeding nutrition of turkeys as demonstrated
conventional breeder research and represents a perfect blend of technology. by the operation of dedicated
development base in Walpole, USA, advanced breeder and broiler Feed stations for individual FCR research farms within Aviagen
and €8 million in its Premium performance. measurement, x-ray assessment of Turkeys and collaborative research
breeding centre in France. Customers will benefit from high leg health and multi-environment trials with universities and
egg and chick numbers, robust testing for robustness are used in commercial partners in Europe and broiler growth rate with good addition to traditional measures the USA.
health, and a high output of good such as weight, defect, gait and These research trials are used to
Hubbard uses the latest quality saleable meat. It also adapts conformation scoring. More develop new advice for customers
technology and techniques to well to climatic and nutritional recently, the implementation of to maximise bird performance. A
further progress bird performance, challenges. DNA based genomic selection is comprehensive library of technical
robustness, meat yield and quality. Additionally, its excellent feed allowing a further uplift in the rates advice is available on the company
Additional gains in FCR made in efficiency results in economic of improvement. website.
recent years means that less feed – advantages for producers and Pedigree information is used for Parent breeding stock is available
the single highest cost in poultry sustainability for the environment. genetic evaluation and selection of directly from Aviagen Turkeys and
production – is needed to produce individuals to be retained for future commercial eggs and poults can be
healthy and productive birds. l Hubbard Premium, the natural generations. sourced from their network of
With several options in the R&D choice: Taking a balanced breeding owned and independent distributors
As a global leader in the premium approach enables simultaneous across the globe.
market segment, Hubbard has the advances in breeder, commercial and The latest addition to the
key objective to be ‘the natural processing performance alongside distribution network is Aviagen
choice to bring the taste with a improvements in health, welfare, Turkeys Russia, a new operation
difference to more people in the robustness and environmental based in the Penza region supplying
world!’ sustainability. commercial eggs directly to Russian
With the Hubbard Premium The Technical Support Team at turkey producers from November
product range, Hubbard is the Aviagen Turkeys assists customers to 2019.
worldwide choice for speciality
markets and offers products with
colour differentiation, slow(er)
growth and excellent
For this segment Hubbard
offers a large range of Premium
breeder females and males that
are able to respond to the growing
differentiation of the broiler markets
ranging from organic, Label Rouge,
81-day free range, 56-day free range,
certified, RSPCA Assured, ‘Beter
Leven’, ‘Chicken of Tomorrow’ and
the expected developments driven
by ‘GAP’ in North America and
‘Broiler Ask’ in Europe.

24 International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7

Balanced excellent facilities for cutting edge
research with non-invasive methods,
performance, SNP detection and genetic diversity
outstanding The effect of climate change on
animal husbandry, invention on
livability, and precision feeding and housing
techniques, as well as breeding for
management heat tolerance in layers and
coloured broilers, are also hot topics Sasso have the world’s largest gene
tolerance for Tetra in the next few years. An opportunity pool of traditional poultry where
Famously, the low mortality of all they select the best animals that are
Tetra hybrids is intended to be to stand out healthy and easy to raise. Each of
As a result of more than half a maintained no matter which housing their products has been bred for
century of poultry breeding work in system a partner may choose. The from the crowd specific needs, depending on the
Bábolna, balanced performance, company offers various layer hybrids region.
outstanding liveability, and to cover different market needs: Sasso’s products are robust,
management tolerance are the most l Tetra-SL LL: It is a crowded and challenging efficient, and thrive in alternative
important values that mainly Mainstream layer with longer laying playing field when you are raising systems. Their unique breeding also
characterise the Tetra hybrids cycle to produce quality brown eggs, poultry. To get a step ahead of the makes the final product stand out
currently available on the market. with low mortality even in competition, you need the right for its unique and flavourful taste.
alternative systems. products that are efficient and easy To ensure that the animals they l Tetra Harco: to manage. Coloured birds give you select will be healthy and strong in a
An attractive, black feathered layer the opportunity to stand out from range of environments, they test
The target of Bábolna Tetra layer with extreme resilience. the crowd and enhance your their birds to evaluate the effect of
breeding has not changed much l Tetra L Superb: business. climate, diet, and management style.
throughout the last decade; finding With improved performance with a They also look at the right balance
a balance between welfare and prolonged laying cycle and excellent of traits so that their products are
economical production and egg quality in cage or free-range all-around performers.
increasing its share in the global systems. SASSO traditional poultry SASSO is a part of Hendrix
market by predicting future trends in l Tetra Amber: products are easy to raise and they Genetics, a global multi-species
the sector. Beside the most Mainly white feathered layer, with deliver high quality meat, while still breeding company with a strong
important traits, such as egg quality lower egg size, rustic look and maintaining great feed conversion portfolio of leading brands in
and quantity as well as viability, the excellent feathering. rates. turkeys and layers.
Tetra selection programme is l Tetra Tint: Products combine important As part of this well-established
focusing on improving the heat and Suitable for the market segment welfare traits, such as livability and organisation, SASSO is backed by a
management tolerance which needs demanding creamy coloured eggs. docile behaviour, while maintaining global network of support and
to be approached with effective The company has alternative their unique colour and taste resources. They have decades of
R&D. The company has successfully hybrids to cover special market derived from heritage pedigree experience in breeding the best
strengthened its pure line research demands: families. Their products may look animals for customers all over the
in the last 10 years, which resulted in l Tetra-H and Tetra Super Harco: like traditional, local breeds, but world.
two large-capacity pedigree farms in Slow-growing hybrids producing they perform with better efficiency
different parts of Hungary, and two nice quality eggs as well as meat and livability than existing offerings.
farms for long term, commercial RC with a high tolerance to feed and SASSO colours your world with a
sibling tests. management. unique promise. Their specialised
In response to globally growing l Tetra HB Color: products deliver dependable
alternative management systems, A medium-growing broiler, with performance that will open the
the company has been premium meat quality and excellent door to new opportunities.
implementing massive selection FCR. Their breeding programme is up to
programmes for better overall Bábolna Tetra believes that date with the latest breeding
performance of Tetra layers in their balanced performance, outstanding technologies, including genomic
newly built research units. liveability and management selection, to accurately select the
Breeding is well on the way to tolerance will guarantee best animals.
generate improved pure lines with competitiveness and increased l A large range of slow growth:
traits important under farm popularity of their hybrids around (For label rouge, organic and dual
conditions such as the globe. purpose market 80 days), Sasso Ruby
nest acceptance, T, Sasso Mamba, T Rainbow.
calm behaviour, l Medium growth:
excellent feather (For organic, certified markets 60
coverage and high days), Sasso Ruby X, Sasso Ruby N,
number of saleable Sasso Rusty, X Rainbow, Sasso
eggs. Thunder.
This programme is l Rapid growth:
accomplished by (For certified, welfare markets 49
two partner universities with days), Sasso Ruby C, Sasso Gold.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7 25

Value added The difference
qualities in one maker in the
complete poultry sector
Indian River is the all-purpose bird
Ross consolidates value-added that adapts to challenging
qualities in one complete package: conditions and performs well in
consistently strong reproductive developed and developing markets.
traits, a dedicated service and Strength, durability and productivity
support team and excellent broiler give Indian River the reputation as
performance, making it the world’s the difference maker for your
most popular broiler breeder. breeder and broiler requirements. Continual investment and the
improvements in health, welfare and utilisation of new technology has performance. enhanced the efficiency of the
To ensure customers benefit from breeding programme and enabled a
l Strong reproductive traits and the full genetic potential made The proven breeder and broiler more rapid rate of genetic progress
excellent broiler performance: possible by years of research and package delivering excellent field to be delivered each year.
Ross is recognised globally as a development, an experienced and performance and value to customers The breeder and broiler regularly
broiler that consistently delivers knowledgeable regional service has generated growth and ongoing outperform other breeds. Aviagen
robust performance in the broiler team is always close at hand to demand for the Indian River breed. invests millions of dollars in R&D
house. Integrated and independent champion their success. The consistent performance has and has a successful strategy of
producers profit from the cost- No matter where Ross customers caught the attention of customers maintaining a balanced approach to
effectiveness and productivity of a are located on the globe, these of all sizes and has continued to be bodyweight, feed efficiency, leg
broiler that has excellent feed dedicated local teams live in the the fastest-growing brand in the health, cardiovascular fitness and
efficiency, high meat yield and same communities, speak the local broiler breeder market. robustness, which enables Indian
strong livability and the versatility to language and understand their l The performance difference: River to continue to improve and be
meet a broad range of end product unique challenges. The Indian River reputation comes the difference maker in the poultry
requirements. l The complete package: from outstanding support through industry.
Adding further value to the broiler With valuable breeding traits, close-knit, highly dedicated and
advantage, Ross customers gain from excellent broiler productivity and customer-focused support teams
the outstanding fertility and the commitment of local teams to that have been openly recognised by
hatchability of the Ross breeder, fortify customer success, Ross offers customers as a distinct advantage
bringing superior egg and chick the complete package for current when choosing a breeding package
numbers. and future business needs. for their needs.
l A dedicated service and support This expertise and attention to
team: product performance have made a
Ross is an important part of the clear difference in live performance
Aviagen portfolio of world leading in the highly competitive and
poultry breeding brands. Aviagen’s challenging markets in many regions.
balanced breeding programme has l The value difference:
led the industry in successful Indian River has also succeeded in
breakthrough technologies for delivering incremental performance
decades. As a result of these benefits by being part of the
continual advancements, Ross has industry’s market-leading R&D
reaped powerful genetic breeding programme.

Co-hosted by Positive Action Publications Ltd and VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific

23-24th March 2020 – Bangkok, Thailand

For more details contact Jojo at: or visit the website:

26 International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7

Accelerating intensified efforts in genetic
genetic Hy-Line produces and sells brown,
white and tint egg breeding stock to
progress more than 120 countries worldwide
and is the largest selling layer
around the world.
Hy-Line is accelerating genetic Hy-Line layers are known for their
progress across all genetic lines, strong egg production, superior
putting more selection pressure on
increased egg numbers and shell
liveability and feed conversion as
well as outstanding shell strength
Your trusted testing cycles of up to 100 weeks. By
measuring performance longer, they
strength, while not overlooking and interior quality. partner for are able to select the birds that will
other key traits. be healthy and successful for a
success longer period of time. Within the R&D department,
testing of pedigree birds is
With Hy-Line layers, producers get Hendrix Genetics has experienced conducted in commercial
more saleable eggs from balanced tremendous growth and success environments in locations around
layers suited for every market. since its start in 2005. Every genetic the world, so they can incorporate
“We are achieving progress in all brand and distributor that has the effects of different diets,
lines faster than has ever been seen become a part of Hendrix Genetics housing systems, and climate into
before,” noted Dr Danny Lubritz, has contributed their best values the genetic analysis.
research and development director and rich history. Their current Their product performance
for Hy-Line International, in a recent portfolio consists of the following standards are supported by research
discussion regarding Hy-Line’s brands: ISA, Babcock, Shaver, Hisex, data, progeny test field data,
Bovans and Dekalb. customer data and independent
random sample tests from all over the world.
A new existing GP production in France,
China and Vietnam, Grimaud Frères Animal breeding is the core of
More and more, they are seeing
producers around the world able to
generation of Selection is now redeploying its
products through North America,
what they do. The nature of animal
breeding means that they are always
achieve 500 first quality eggs per
hen housed in 100 weeks with birds
improvements Middle East and Asia (except for
China at the moment).
looking ahead at the next
generation. They are committed to
carrying their genetics.
Quantity of eggs is not just
This now makes it possible to delivering high quality protein for important, but quality is crucial as
In 2019 Grimaud Frères launched a supply genetics to the large majority the entire value chain. They select well. Steady genetic progress can be
new generation of its famous Star 53 of production sites all over the birds that are healthy, efficient and seen in better shell strength, shell
Pekin duck. The FCR is improved by world. able to thrive in all housing systems. colour, and internal egg quality. This
40g and overall bodyweight is Accurate data translates to directly translates into more
increased by more than 50g. accurate selection, leading to better saleable eggs and more income for
product performance. Combined producers. with their experience in breeding,
Hendrix Genetics have invested in
The use of new technology, the latest technology to use the
including CT scanning, the FCR most accurate tools for selection.
testing station developed by Groupe The breeding directions are guided
Grimaud’s Genetech platform and by the needs of their customers and
increasing pressure in their selection the market.
programmes, has allowed this To stay up to date, they are closely
improvement in genetics. connected to their customers. After
Genetch is the multi-species R&D finding the right genetic solution,
platform of Groupe Grimaud that you can count on their global
allows the latest technologies, distribution network. This structure
know-how and investments to be allows them to deliver a secure
shared. supply of disease-free parent stock
Good product performance comes and good quality day old chicks.
alongside the re-opening of In all of their products, they focus
deliveries from France after more on key traits that matter: livability,
than two years of an avian influenza egg quality, productivity, and
crisis. Supported by new Star 53 reliability.
distributor partners in Australia and A large part of product
Canada, complementing their advancement is due to longer

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7 27

Generations of Producers can count on them for
healthy birds, continuous genetic
progress and progress, superior meat quality, and
industry-leading products and
innovation technical support.
Their products provide safe,
affordable, high-quality protein that
can feed a growing world.
Established in 1916, Cobb is the They have quality products for all
world’s oldest pedigree broiler markets, including:
breeding company. Long-dedicated
to genetic research and the l Cobb500:
responsible use of technology, they Excellent growth rate, feed
are focused on innovating the efficiency and uniformity. Superior
poultry industry for the next 100 performance in a variety of
years. conditions and nutrition
programmes. Competitive breeder.
l Cobb700:
Slower growing in dedicated product development
exclusively for the alternative, They are passionate about the The standard in the high yield
and coloured slower-growing sector for the last 15
development, production, sale and
service of broiler breeding stock.
broiler market. High efficiency, low
cost and leading performance.
bird offering Owing to the brand’s high standard
of health and welfare, products
From the farms and hatcheries to
their corporate offices and
Preferred filet profile. Competitive
within the Rowan Range have been everywhere in between, Cobb team
The Rowan Range is a group of approved in a series of welfare members work hard and think l MVMale:
specialty birds developed to meet accreditation schemes worldwide. customer-first. Superior breeder and broiler
the needs of selected markets, The Rowan Range portfolio brings With seven pedigree and pure line performance. Excellent feed
including the slower-growing, free- to market product choice to fit facilities throughout the world, conversion, yield, fertility and
range, and organic segments. individual customer requirements in Cobb has the product availability hatchability. Adapts easily to various
traits such as plumage colour and and logistics solutions to meet your weights, environments and nutrition shade, as well as variation in growth needs. programmes.
rate and suitability for a variety of
The Rowan Range belongs to the alternative production systems, from
Aviagen family of poultry breeding indoor to organic and free-range. Cobb broilers are healthy and robust with premium meat quality and
products. Aviagen has focused As well as offering excellent health texture. Tender, juicy chicken begins with Cobb.
decades of R&D efforts to develop a and welfare characteristics, products
balanced breeding programme that within the Rowan Range also deliver
leverages industry innovations to strong advantages for feed
promote poultry health and welfare, efficiency, meat yield and livability.
while catering to rapidly evolving The Rowan Range is backed by the
market demands. As part of this commitment, knowledge and
advancement, Aviagen has invested expertise of a large and experienced
global poultry breeding company.
Strategically located near customers
in markets that demand a slower-
growing or coloured bird option,
Aviagen service and support teams
are committed to customer
success. The Rowan Range offers
customers increased flexibility in
their product choices,
supplemented with full customer
service and a strong breeding
programme with continuous
investment toward targeted product

A two day conference that will focus on

Key aspects of Health & Nutrition

to improve Productivity &
7th-8th May 2020
Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
For more information:

28 International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7

SM3 Heavy SM3 Medium

Eggs at 50 weeks of lay 296 296

Ducklings at 50 weeks of lay 241 244
Liveweight at 42 days (kg) 3.55 3.45
FCR 1.88 1.92

Quality and at all levels by Cherry Valley and its

customers. This programme ensures
efficiency at excellent egg production, fertility
and hatchability to produce the
all stages of maximum number of day-old
ducklings with the highest growth
production rate, the best feed conversion ratio
and exceptional meat yield of the
Tailored widely used turkey strain in the
world Cherry Valley Farms Ltd is the
best quality.
Investment in research and
products and • Hybrid XL: the heaviest option in
their portfolio and ideal for further
world’s leading supplier of Pekin
duck breeding stock with more than
development centres in UK and
China guarantees continued
superior processing. 50 years of experience in the duck
progress. Cherry Valley was the first
duck breeding company to adopt
support l Alternative: feed station technology for the
These products offer a balance selection of all its elite breeding
between the economics of a stock, and its innovative use of
commercial turkey strain, and the Its trademark and SM3 Heavy and genomics and DNA molecular
To ensure the global turkey industry characteristics of a traditional breed. Medium strains are recognised by markers will allow it to improve
has choice, Hybrid Turkeys’ product • Orlopp Bronze: a bronze feathered producers and consumers alike in difficult to measure traits, such as
portfolio is designed to meet the turkey that can be raised in a variety more than 60 countries as producing resistance to disease and liveability.
needs of various markets and give of production systems. Available in the least cost and best quality duck Cherry Valley’s position as a leader
options to growers and processors, North and South America. meat. in duck production gives its
ensuring success throughout the • Cartier: a majestic, bronze- Cherry Valley Farms’ success is technical support team strength in
value chain. feathered turkey suitable for a built on its commitment to its depth. Commitments to technology
variety of production systems and pedigree breeding programme, transfer and active customer has achieved the Beter Leven one- which is the source of the whole engagement are core company
star certification. Available in elite breeding population. Selection values. Cherry Valley veterinary,
In addition, they have a team of Europe. criteria are balanced between the nutrition and husbandry technicians
dedicated turkey experts that are • MiniCLASSIC: a small, stocky and need to develop reproductively support deliveries of day-old
available to help ensure you get the robust turkey that has been carefully efficient parent stock and growing ducklings and work with customers
most out of your investment. bred to deliver the qualities of a stock that will produce the to ensure that they get outstanding
Their product portfolio is broken classic, commercial bird, in a small maximum amount of duck meat results from their Cherry Valley
into three segments: Core, convenient package. with the least amount of feed. breeding stock.
Alternative and Specialty. Alongside these production Cherry Valley Farms’ range of SM3
l Specialty: parameters, measures of feather Pekin duck breeding stock provides
l Core: These products include breeds that development, skeletal integrity and nothing less than consistent
These products are best suited for have been preserved for generations. leg health are used to secure the improvement, consistent quality and
commercial production systems and • MiniBRONZE: a bronze-feathered welfare of the animals that are kept consistent performance.
offer excellent economics in areas turkey that is reminiscent of a
such as feed conversion, breast meat simpler time due to its slow growth,
and livability. rustic characteristics and natural
• Hybrid Grade Maker: A medium beauty.
bird that excels in the whole bird • Artisan: a slow growing black
market. turkey that is perfect for niche
• Hybrid Optima: a medium bird markets.
with optimal results at processing • Nimba: a guinea fowl that offers a
including increased breast meat unique and unforgettable culinary
yield and final body weight. experience.
• Hybrid Converter: a heavy bird • Rouges des Ardennes: a rare red-
designed for total system feathered turkey offering superb
profitability. Known as the most taste.

Hybrid Turkeys remain focused on

providing the industry with viable
product options, not only to meet
the needs of today’s markets but
also to prepare for the needs of the
future. Their research and
development teams continuously
test and research current and new
crosses in order to address customer
feedback, market shifts and changing Our Breeder Review feature is run each year in the October issue of
consumer preferences. With a International Hatchery Practice.
diverse portfolio of options, the
expertise and support of their global If you would like to be considered for inclusion in the next review
team and a dedication to quality, the please contact us at:
future looks bright.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 7 29

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