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Pyridyllithium Compounds

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Received January 19, 1961

, Functionally active pyridyl- and quinolyl-metallic compounds have been

made available in recent years by the halogen-mctal intereonversion reaction
(1, 2), a modified “entrainment” method (3), and the classical reaction Se-
tween a metal, such as lithium or magnesium, and a pyridyl halide (4). The
limited scope of the classical procedure in the formation of the pyridylmetallic
3-PyLi + BuBr 1.

--+ 5-Br-x-PyLi + BuH HI.

Py = LiBr III.
BJ r=

and/or IT.
Li Bu
BuLi + BuBr V.


1 Present Address: Polak’s Frutal Works, Inc., Middletown, N. Y.

compounds has been established by numerous workers (4, 5 ) ; on the other

hand, the versatility of the X-&f interconversion reaction2 ( 6 ) has been extended
to the preparation of the 2-pyridyl-, the 3-pyridyl-, the 6-bromo-2-pyridyl-, and
the 5-bromo-3-pyridyl-lithiuni compounds, and of several quinolyllithium corn-
pouiids (1b) .
The entrainment technique, providicg only a 40-5501, yield of 2-pyridyl-
magnesium bromide from 2-bromopyridilze, magnesium, and ethyl bromide as
the "auxiliary" agent, is suggestive of an X-XI interconversion reaction. How-
ever, the slight yield difference observed with marked deficiences of the auxiliary
content does not support an X-iU interconversion mechanism (3).
Preliminary failures (7) to prepare pyridyl- and quinolyl-lithium compounds
by X-M interconversion (reaction I) a t 30-35" for twenty hours are under-
standable in the light of our present knowledge. Under these conditions, the
-X=C linkage has ample opportunity to add not only the interconverting
agent (reaction IT;) but also the pyridyl- or quinolyl-lithium product as it is
formed (reaction WII). Failure to curb the activity of the azomethine function
accounts in considerable, if not in complete, measure for the negative results
obtained hitherto ( 5 , 7). Subsequently, the application of the interconversion
technique a t low temperature (-35" to 0") and short reaction time (5 to 15
minutes) was established as the most suitable means for suppressing the -N=C
activity (1). The simultaneous occurrence of X-?I1 interconversion and RLi
addition is reflected in the isolation of 2-p-dimethylaminophenylcluinoline from
the reaction between 3-bromoquinohne and p-dimethylaminopheiiyllithium,sub-
sequent to the customary hydrolysis arid air-oxidation CS) :

Competition from nuclear metalation (reaction 11) may in large part be

ignored since this reaction is conspicuously slower than reactions I, IV, and
VLII (1b). The well-known lateral metalations of a-picoline and quinaldine
(9) do not apply to the problem under discussion, but even this type of metala-
tion is slow. On the other hand, the RLi addition to the azomethine linkage in
pyridine and quinoline is rapid (IO). A striking illustration is the 93.5% yield
of 2-n-butylquinoline from a 15-minute reaction between 92-butyllithium and
quinoline a t -35" (lb). Indeed, the zction of various alkyllithiums on 2-bromo-,
Nxorno-, 3-iodo-, 2,6-dibromo-, 3,5-dibromo-, and 2-bromo-3,4,6-triphenylpyri-
* For a review of the mechanism, scope, and experimental m e of the halogen-metal inter-
conversion reaction, see Jones and Gilman, Org. Reactions, 6,339-365 (1951).

dines (a),as well as on 3-bromoquinoline (1) and 2-iodolepidine (lb), which,

incidentally, conteins an active lateral hydrogen, failed to yield detectable
quantities of metalation products.
The interconversion yields may, however, be diminished by a variety of
coupling reactions (111, V, VI, and VII). Both the inorganic and an organic
coupling product have been isolated. The latter, 2,2'-bipyridyl from a 2-pyridyl-
lithium preparation (ll),tags the occurrence of reaction VII. As yet, little is
known about the relative magnitude of the several coupling reactions. Further
aspects of the coupling reactions are presented in the experimental part.
The 63-69y0 yield of 2-pgridyllithium, estimated by its condensation with
benzaldehyde, is in contrast with the 30-35% yield of the 3-isomer, determined
by carbonation. Substitution of the 3-bromopyridine by the iodo compound in-
creased the yield of 3-pyridyllithium to 40-46%. But the reactions of 3-bromo-
pyridine viith a variety of interconverting agents (Table I) did not effect any
yield improvement, and thus failed to disclose any noteworthy RLi agent capable
of slow addition to the -X=C group and of rapid interconversion with the
halogen atom. It should be noted that the decreasing X-M reactivities of sec-
CdHgLi, n-C3H7Li, CZHjLi, tert-CeHsLi, n-C4H9Li,n-CsHJi, CBH6Li,and CH3Li
toward a-brornonaphthalene (12) did not correlate exactly with the intercon-
version yields from 3-bromopyridine. For example, n-propyllithium gave a
16.8% yield of 3-pyridyllithium in contrast to the 24.5% yield obtained with
the relatively sluggish n-amyllithium. The yield reversal may arise from a
greater reactivity of the propyllithium for the -K=C bond. The steric factor
expected from the substitution of the sec- and tert-butyllithiums for the 'pz-
lowtyllithiucn did not decrease ani1 addition (Table I, expts. 5, 6, and 7).
In contrast to the dihalogenated carbazoles (lb), the 2,6- and 3,5-dibromo-
pyridines undergo monointerconversion :

In conjunction with the carbazole studies, these facts suggest a stepwise mecha-
nism for multiple interconversions in polyhalogenated compounds. Interestingly,
the application of the modified entrainment method to 2,6-dibromopyridine
yields the dimagnesium compounds (3).
TOdate, only the bromo- and iodo-pyridines and -quinolii:es have responded
t a the X-M interconversion. Compounds containing a- and ?-chlorine atoms,
recognized for their increased reactivity toward hydrolysis, ammonolysis, and
etherification by alkoxides, have not yet been found capable of the X-AI inter-
conversion reaction (lb, 13).
S-Pyridyllithium from 8-bromopyridine. Of the several experiments summarized in Table
I, only experiment 1is described in detail. A solution of 10 g. (0.063mole) of 3-bromopyridine
in 50 ce. of ethyl ether was added dropwise under nitrogen to a rapidly stirred solution of

0.07 mole of n-butyllithium in 150 cc. of ether a t -5" t o 0" over a period of 25 minutes. Each
addition of the 3-bromopyridine formed a yelloT,.; flocculent precipitate which gradually
changed t o a more compact red-brown body with the simultaneous coloration of the solution
to brick red. When all of the bromopyridine had been added, agitation of the mixture was
OB 3-
- -
1 3-BrPy n-CiHgLi 30 30.5
0.063 m. in 50 cc. 0.07 m. in 150 cc.
2 3-BrPy n-CAHoLi 15 16.8
0.063 m. in 100 cc. 0.07 m. in 150 cc.
3 3-BrPy n-CrH,Li Ethyl ethercbd -20" 16 16.9
0.045 m. in 50 cc. 0.052 m. in 100 c5.
4 3-BrPy WC6HllLi Ethyl etherold -20" 15 24.5
0.057 m . in 50 cc. 0.067 m . in 100 cc.
5 3-BrPy sec-CoHoLi Petroleum 15 35.7
0.057 rn. in 40 cc. 0.065 m. in 140 cc. ether (b.p.

0.Q47 m. in 40 cc.
. .
0.056 m. in 1419 cc.
' -20 to -15"


0.056 fii. i 3 40 cc. 0.062 m. in 140 ce. etherd
8 3-IPv n-C&Li Et5yl ether6 -20 t o -16" 41 41 . 3
0.017 m. in 30 cc. 0.027 m. in 80 cc.
9 3-IPy n-CiHsLi Ethyl ether" -20 t o -15" 25 42.2
0.02 m. ia 35 cc. 0.027 m. in 100 cc.
10 3-IPy n-C4HgLi Ethyl etherczd -20 t o -15" 16 46.3
0.02 m. in 3: cc. 0.027 m. in 100 cc.
11 3-IPy n-C4HgLi Ethyl ether6 -20 t o -15" ~ 33 40.2
0.013 m. in 25 cc. 0.018 m. in 75 cc,

* Legend: BrPy = Bromopyridine; IPy = Iodopyridine; PyLi = PysidyEithiux; cc.

refers t o quantity of solvent.
a The initially yellow, flocculent precipitate gradually changed t o a dark, red-brown,
amorphous or gummy precipitate. Only the supernatant so?u:ion was carbonated. I n
this experiment, the customary addition of the halogenated pyridine t o the aikyllithium
reagent n-as reversed. c The alkyllithivm compound was prepared in unsaturate-free
petroleum ether (b.p. 20-28"); t h e solvent mas distilled off under nitrogen t o within a
volume of about 8-10 cc. and replaced with ethyl ether. The color and consistency of
t h e voluminous, crexn-colored precipitate did not change materially by the end of the re-
action. The entire contents were carbonated, since separation of the liquid from the pre-
cipitate was attended with difficulties. 6 The quantity of dark, red-brown, gummy pre-
cipitate which formed by the end of the reaction was considerably smaller than those
of experiments 1 and 2.
stopped and the precipitate allowed t o settle for five minutes. The supernatant liquid was
carbonated by decantation into an ether slush3 of freshly powdered Dry Ice. The dark red-

* The technique of carbonating organolithium compounds by pouring onto a slush of

Dry Ice and ether was reported previously by Gilman and Spatz, J . A m . Chem. Soc., $3,
1553 (1941).

brown residue was hydrolyzed t o a thick oil, but except for the isolation of a minute amount
of pyridine, t h e rest of the oily material remains t o be identified. It did not contain any
Bfter hydrolysis of the carbonation mixture with 1% potassium hydroxide solution, the
alkaline layer was boiled with Norit, filtered, acidified with hydrochloric acid, and boiled
tQremove odor traces of valeric acid. The solution, neutralized t o litmus, yielded via the
copper salt (14) 2.4 g. (30.8%) of nicotinic acid, melting a t 231-232" (15). The picrate melted
a t 214-215", which agrees with t h e reported value (16). The octadecylamine salt of this
acid, prepared by Dr. B. 9. Hunter (17), melted a t 78-79', and a mixture melting point with
an suthentic specimen showed no depression.
Examination of the ether layers of experiments 3 and 4, subsequent t o carbonation and
hydrolysis, yielded 0.07 g. and 0.04 g . of pyridine, respectively, but no 3-bromopgridine.
The preparation of the n-amyllithium (12b) for experiment 4 was effected in 84Q/, yield
from 8.5 g. (0.08 mole) of n-amyl chloride in 60 cc. of petroleum ether (b.p. 20-28") and
1.25 g. (0.18 g.-atom) of lithium in 60 cc. of the same solvent.
The sec-hutyEithium (1%) for experiment 5 was prepared in 65% yield from 0.1 mole of
sec-butyl chloride and 0.22 g.-atom of lithium. The lert-butyllithium for experiment 6 was
prepared by Dr. W. F. Moore from ierl-butyl chloride (12b).
I n experiments 5 a r d 7, one-half t o one-cc. samples of the reaction mixture were with-
drawn jnst prior t o carbonation for Color Tests I (18) and IIa (19). I n both experiments, the
former test was positive (deep, dark green) and the latter negative, indicating t h a t tha
orgenolithiurn G Q E I ~ Q Uwas~ not an alkyilithium compound. sec-Butyllithium itself in
petrolemi ether gave a red-violet Color Test I and a bright salmon red Color Test I I a .

The 3-bromopyridlne for experiments 2 and 4 was provided by the kindness of Dr. 8 . $.
Harris of Merck tk Co. Eastman's 3-bromopyridine was employed in the other experiments.
Wniike the preparation of the other pyridyllithium compounds, t h a t of the 3-
pyridyllithium is accompanied by precipitate formation, presumably originating from
either simple or multiple RLi additions t o t h e --N=C< group (reactions IV and V I I I ) ,
The absence of precipitate formation does not necessarily infer the absence of ani1 addition.
For example, t h e reaction between o-anisyllithium and quinoline may or may not precipi-
tate the intermediary l-lithio-2-o-anisyl-I, 2-dihydroquinoline a i t h o u t affecting materially
the uitir-ate isolation of 2-o-anisylquinoline (13). Since the alkyllithium compound is con-
sumed comp:etely n-ithin 15 minutes, the occurrence of the rapid reactions I, I Y , and V I I I
is strongly suggested. The product of reaction I, as already indicated, is dissolved in the
solvent. The insoluble body, since it yielded neither pyridine nor 3-bromopyridine subse-
quent t o hydrolysis, is neither 3-pyridyllithiuni nor an addition complex (Fig. 1) of the
type postulated for pyridine and phenylmagnesium bromide (20) ; the insoluble body must,
therefore, hzve resulted from reactions I V and/or VIII.
d-P~ridylZithiunzfrom 3-iodepyridine. I n experiment 8, Table I, the ethereal solution of
iodopyridine4 was added dropwise over B 36-minute period t o a vigorously stirred solution
of n-butyllithiurn. The pale yellow, voluminous precipitate gradually changed t o a compact
body. The soIution darkened from yellow through orange t o brick red. When all of the
iodopyridine had been added, stirring v a s arrested t o permit settling of the dark red precipi-

4 Provided through the courtesy of the late Dr. F. C. Schmelkes, Wallace and Tiernan

CO., Selleville, iv. 3.


t a t e ; this was accomplished within five minutes. Also, from the clear supernatant liquid a
white, crystalline material settled out in increasing amount toward the end of the reaction
period. The supernatant solution mas easily decanted upon D r y Ice and processed for t h e
nicotinic acid.
I n experiment 11, the white, crystalline material was rinsed off the dark red gum with
dry ether. After one recrystallization from water, i t rvas identified as lithium iodide, t h e
inorganic product of coupling. I t s chronological appearance, largely toward the end of t h e
reaction period, suggests t h a t the primary coupling (reaction 111) is of minor significance.
Of the three secondary coupling reactions, VI and/or VI1 appear to be the dominant ones
since the color test I I a (19) for alkyllithium compounds is negative long before the major
portion of the lithium iodide has precipitated.
It is interesting t o note t h a t the pyridyllithium solution from 3-iodopyridine and n-
butyllithium in ethyl ether is more easily decanted than the pyridyllithium solution from
3-bromopyridine in t h e same solvent.
b-P2/ridgllithium and pyridyl-l-phenylcarbinol. -4solution of 12.6 g. (0.08 mole) of 2-
bromopyridine6 in 50 cc. of ether was added slowly over a three-minute period t o 0.09 mole
of n-butyllithium in 200 cc. of ether a t -Bo, and the red solution stirred for seven minutes.
T o the solution of 2-pyridyllithium was added, over a five-minute period, 10.6 g. (0.1 mole)
of freshly purified benzaldehyde in 50 cc. of ether. When most of the aldehyde had been
added, t h e red color suddenly disappeared and a gray precipitate formed which gradually
turned t o yellow by the end of 30 minutes. The temperature was kept a t -18" throughout.
At t h e end of this time, a sample of the reaction contents gave a negative color test (18).
After hydrolysis a i t h an ice-cold solution of ammonium chloride, t h e ether layer wa8 filtered
from a small amount of insoluble residue and extracted with 10% hydrochloric acid. Neu-
tralization of t h e acid extract gave a dark oil, which was dissolved in ether and the solution
dried over potassium carbonate. Fractional distillation gave a pale yellow oil (b.p. 143'/2
mm.) which gradually solidified t o a white, crystalline mass, melting a t 68-74", The yield
of crude carbinol was 10.1 g. or 68.7% on the basis of the 2-bromopyridine used.
A sample of t h e crude product, dissolved in 95% ethanol, gave a picrate, melting a t
169O, which is in agreement with the value reported by Ashworth, et al. (21).
Recrystallization of the carbinol from an ether-ligroin mixture gave heavy, white crys-
tals, melting a t 76-78". Ashworth reported the melting point as 78". The yield of pure product
was 9.3 g. (62.7%).
b-Bromo-9-pyridylZithiz~m.A solution of 10 g. (0.042 mole) of 3,5-dibromopyridine (East-
man) in 100 cc. of ether, cooled t o -30", was added with stirring over a two-minute period
t o a filtered, similarly cooled solution of n-butyllithium (0.11 mole) in 160 cc. of ether. The
reactants were stirred for ten more minutes a t -30' and for five minutes with the cooling
bath removed. After carbonation, 4.35 g. of crude acid was isolated from the alkaline layer.
The acidic material was redissolved in dilute base and then acidified with glacial acetic
acid, which precipitated 0.1 g. of a yellow colored product, melting a t 213-217'. Further
acidification of the filtrate with dilute hydrochloric acid yielded 3.5 g . (41%) of 5-bromo-
nicotinic acid, melting, as reported (22,23), a t 182-183".
When 9.9 g. (0.4 mole) of 3,5-dibromopyridine3 in 150 cc. of ether was added gradually
t o 0.12 mole of n-butyllithium in 200 cc. of ether and stirred at -16" for 50 minutes, t h e
transparent orange colored solution gave, subsequent to carbonation, a 64.1% yield of crude
5-bromonicotinic acid. The yield of pure product was 46.3%.
-4nother 9.9 g. of the 3,5-dibromopyridine3 and 0.11 mole of n-butyllithium was kept a t
-35" for ten minutes, and then refluxed for 30 minutes in an attempted di-interconversion.
After carbonation, only a minute quantity of highly impure acidic material mas isolated.
Substitution of n-propyl- for n-butyl-lithium also failed t o effect di-interconversion. A
solution of 0.04 mole of the pyridine compound in 150 oc. of ether was treated with 0.12 mole
of n-propyllithium in 20!3 cc. of the same solvent for 25 minutes at -35 t o -10' t o yield,

6 Provided through the courtesy of Dr. E. C. Britton, Dow Chemical Co.


subsequently, 4.0 g. (47.2%) of crude 5-bromonicotinic acid. The yield of pure product was
2.7 g. (32.1%).
Methyl 5-bromonicotinate. The methyl ester was prepared quantitatively by the action of
excess diazomethane on an ethereal solution of 0.1 g. of the acid. The ester melted a t 48-99",
as reported (23).
B-Brorno-2-pyridyllithium. In this case, (10 g., 0.042 mole) of 2,6-dibromopyridine was
treated with 0.11 mole of n-butyllithium in the manner described for the preparation of
the 5-bromo-3-pyridyllithium. The purified acid, isolated after carbonation, melted a t 192-
194'. Obtained in a yield of 3.85 g. (45.270), t h e compound gave satisfactory bromine and
nitrogen analyses for 6-bromopicolinic acid, as yet unreported in the literature. Likewise,
t h e methyl ester derivative was found t o have the correct nitrogen content. However, the
acid itself gave unsatisfactory neutral equivalent data when titrated with dilute alkali
against phenolphthalein as indicator.
Anal. Calc'd for CJ%BrKOz: Br, 39.57; N, 6.95; Neut. equiv., 202.
Found: Br, 39.13, 39.34; N, 6.88, 6.52; Neut. equiv., 181, 182.2.
An attempted di-interconversion between 12.4 g. (0.05 mole) of 2,6-dibromopyridine in
150 cc. of ether and 0.16 mole of n-butyllithium, maintained a t -16" for 55 minutes, gave,
instead, a 39.8% yield of 6-bromopicolinic acid. I n a run carried out at the temperature of
t h e refluxing ether, no acidic material was isolated after carbonation.
Methyl 6-bromopicolinute. Methylation of 6-bromopicolinic acid with diazomethane gave
a crystalline ester, which softened a t 92-93" and melted at 93-94'.
Anal. Calc'd for C7HeBrN02:N , 6.41. Found: N, 6.49.


The yield estimation of a non-isolatable RMgX or RLi compound varies

not only with the characterizing agent employed, but also with the ease of
isolation of the resulting derivative. This statement takes intQaccount the varia-
tion in side reactions incurred with different functional groups. Only recently,
French and Sears demonstrated a yield variation of 16 to 7QY0for 3-pyridyllith-
ium, depending on the method of derivatization (24). The respective 69 and
35% yields of the 2- and 3-pyridyllithiums, reported in this paper, are, therefore,
not strictly Comparable, since the former was estimated by a condensation with
benzaldehyde and the latter by reaction with carbon dioxide, although both
reagents are highly reactive toward RLi and RlLIgX compounds. However,
in subsequent studies (25) an S3-86% yield of 2-pyridyllithium was effected
by a condensation with p-methoxybenzonitrile, a type of molecule which is
low in the Entemann-Johnson series of reactivities with RMgX compounds
(26). It is, therefore, our opinion that 2-pyridyllithium is obtainable in better
yield than the 3-isomer from the X-M interconversion reaction with the cor-
responding halogenated pyridines. This opinion is justified further by the fol-
lowing considerations.
The yield difference can be explained simply in terms of the socalled greater
reactivity of the 2- over the 3-positioaed halogen in the pyridine (and quinoline),
series. However, it is to be noted that the reactivity difference has been es-
tablished from a variety of metathetic reactions with amines, sodium alkoxides,
etc. (27), not one of which is capable of adding to the azomethine function, even
under the conditions essential for metathesis. Accordingly, it is perhaps possible
to consider the yield variations of X-Ill interconrersions in the pyridine series

in terms of the deactivating influence of the electronegative halogen on the

competitive azomethine function.
In 2-bromopyridine, the electron density a t the nitrogen atom must be lesa
than that of its counterpart iiz 3-bromopyridine by virtue of the unequal in-
ductive effects (-Is) of the halogens. Hence, the former nitrogen -will have a
iveaker affinity for the electrophilic lithium in the process of anil addition, re-
sulting in an increased availability of the RLi reagent for X-14 interconversion.
The deactiwting effect of an electron-attracting group on the azomethine
function is supported by the large recovery of a-chlaroquinoline from an at-
tempted reaction with rnethyMthium (1b) . Likewise, organolithium compouiids
have been found to add much less readily to 2-aryl- and to 2-chloro-pyridines
than to pg7ridi:w itself as evidenced by the slower rate of addition, the lover
yield of product, or the complete absence of reaction (PI). I n these examples,
geometric hiiid~ancemay also play a significant role. Decisive evidence for the
geometric liindrance of the methyl radical of a-picoline in the reaction with
trimethylbaron has been established recently by B~QITII and Barbaras (28).
In the case of the bromopyridines, the 2-bromine atom conceivably creates a
greeter steric hindrance toward RLi ~ O S Sby anil addition than the %bromine
atom, providing thereby a greater X-M interconversion yield.

.. ..
FIG. 2

Likewise, 3,5-$ibromopyridine, e d o w e d with two electron-attracting sources,

shodd be characterized by less RLi addition and more interconversion than
3-)ssomspyridine, which is in accord with the experimental data.
Finally, the -I, effect of the -CH=CH-CH=CH- group, deducible from
the ionization constants of qoinoline and pyridine (I X and 2.3 X IO-@
at 25", respectively) and of a-naphthylamine, P-naphthylamine, rmcl aiiiliiie
(9.9 X l W 1 , 2 X and 4.6 X at 2 5 O , respectively) (291, suggests
that 3-bromoquinoline, like 3,5-dibromopyridine, should undergo less ani1 addi-
tion than 3-bromopyricliiie. The X-ltl interconversion yields conform with
these contentions.
Possibly, the X-M interconversion reaction of bromopyridines with alkyl-
lithiuna compounds provides an additional tool for the relative estimation of the
geemetrio versus electronic influences in sterically hindered reactions (28). In
the consideration of certain alkylbromopyridines (Fig. 2), a predominance of
the electronic influence should be reflected by a diminished X-M interconversion
yield over that obtaii~edwith 2-hromopyridine, since the -I, effect of the halogen
atom is partially counteracted b y the +I, effect of the alkyl group -A-hichthus
erzhances tbe electron availability of the nitrogen for RE1 addition. Conversely,
a proportionately larger share of the geometric influence should be reflected

by less ani1 additisii and accordingly more X-M interconversion in the molecule
represented by Fig, 2 than in 2-bromopyridine.
The superior X-M interconversion yield from 3-iodopyridine, compared ‘io
that from 3-bromopyridine, is in accord with the greater polarizability of the
iodine atom (- I > - Br > - C1 > - F).6

The preparation of %pyridyl-, 3-pyridyl-, B-bromo-2-pyridyl-, and 5-bromo-

5-pyridyl-lithium compounds is described.
The mono-interconversion behavior of the dibromopyridines contrasts with
the di-interconversion behavior of the bromocarbazoles.
The variation of interconversion yields with molecular structure is discussed,

(1) (a) GILMANASD SPATZ,J. Am. Chem. SOC.,62, 446 (1940); (b) 63, 1553 (1941); ( e )
SPATZASD GILNAN,Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 47, 262 (1940); (d) SFATZ, Iowa State
Coll. J . Sci., 17, 129 (1942).
(2) GILMANIND ?~IELSTROM, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,68, 103 (1946).
(3) OVERHQFF ASD PRQOST, Rec. trav. chim., 57, 179 (1938); PROQST AND WIBATT, Rec.
trav.chim., 59, 971 (1940).
(4) ALLENAND F ~ a u n J, . Am. Chem. SOC., 62, 1301 (1940).
(5) SACHSARD SACHS, Ber., 37, 3088 (1904); ROWITII AX’D KQPHE.A m . , 396, 38 (1913);
WIBAUTA N D OVERHOFF,Rec. trav. chim., 47,761 (1928); S. A. HAZEIS,Iowa State
Coll. J . Sci., 6, 425 (1932); HERTOG AS> WIBAVT,Rec. trav.chim., 66, 122 (1936).
( 6 ) GiL&1.4N, LANGHAM, . ~ X DJACOBY, J . A m . Chem. Xoc., 61, 106 (1939); WITTIG, POCICELS,
AND DROGE, Ber., 71, 1903 (1938).
( 7 ) I. BANNER, M.S. Thesis, Iowa State College, Axes, Iowa, 1939.
(8) Unpublished work of Drs. S. &I. Spatz and Leo Tolman.
(9) Z I E G L E R AND Z E I S E B , Ber., 83, 1847 (1930); Ann., 485, 174 (1931); BERQMSWN, et d.,
Ann., 483, 80 (1930); J . prakt. Chem., [2] 135, 267 (1932).
(10) Unpublished work of Dr. J. A. V. Turck, Jr.
(11) Unpublished work of Dr. J. T. Edward.
(12) (a) GILMANAXD R I O D R ~J, . Am. Cheni. SOC., 629 1843 (1940) ; (a) GILUAN,MDQIZE, AND
BAINE,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 83, 2479 (1941).
(13) GILMANAND SD.4TZ. J . Am. Chem. SOC., 66, 621 (1944).
(14) VON PECHNANN ASD WCLSH,Ber., 17, 2392 (1884); S C H E I BASD ~ E MNOTIIC, B e y . , 46,
2258 (1912).
(16) Beilstein, 22, 38 (1935).
(16) SUZUKI, SHIMAYURA, A N D QDAKE, Biocham. z., 43, 99 (1912).
(17) HCNTER, Iowa State Coll. J. Sci., 15, 223 (1941).
(18) GILXAN-4ND SCHULZE, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 47, 2302 (1925).
(19) GILXANASD SWISS,J . Am. Chem. SOC.,62, 1847 (1943).
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6 For as extended discussion of the mechanism of the halogen-metal interconversion

ieaction, particularly in respect t o the nature of the organolithium compound, the kind
and number of halogen atoms present, and the Iiuclear positions occupied by the halogen
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. in ELDERFIELD, Heterocyclic Cornpowads, John Wiley & h n s , Inc., New,
York, 195.0, VO!.1, pps. 397-616.
(28) S R Q ~A NSD BARBARAS, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 69, I137 (1947).
(29) LANGE,H a d 3 0 0 ~of Chemistry, 5th Ed., Handbook Publishers, Inc., Sandusky, Ohio,
1944, p. i388.

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