ROADSTONE SR-21-Brochure-V3
ROADSTONE SR-21-Brochure-V3
ROADSTONE SR-21-Brochure-V3
21 - Annex E: 2016
In March of 2016 the NSAI published the updated version of Standard Recommendation 21 (S.R. 21.)
With the exception of Annex E, each of these Annexes will refer you to the NRA Specification
for Roadworks which will give more detailed information on the specified requirements for each material.
The NSAI have also published I.S 888:2016:Code of Practice for the procurement and use of unbound granular
fill hardcore material for use under concrete floors.
It specifies requirements for post manufacturing operations of unbound granular fill (hardcore) for use under
concrete floors and footpaths such as procurement, haulage, delivery and receipt, storage and handling,
placing, traceability and record management, with an aim of improving the chain of custody within the supply
chain and ensuring the complete traceability of hardcore suitable for this particular end-use, from the original
manufacture and source of the location where it is incorporated into the works.
In 2007, Annex E was added to SR21 in response to Further additions were made in 2016 to incorporate
concerns about deleterious materials containing an optional structural unbound granular fill
excessive pyrite having entered the supply chain from (hardcore) material, for use at depths greater than
a small number of suppliers and resulting in structural 900mm depending on site conditions, settlement
damage to a significant number of houses mainly in potential and other engineering factors and the new
the Greater Dublin region. Building Regulation requirements for a Radon Sump
to be included in the sub-floor of all occupied new
The 2014 revision is substantially on foot of the build projects, i.e. anywhere a person might be for
Pyrite Panel Report 2012 issued by DECLG following work, leisure or residence.
an enquiry into the matter. It had been revised by
request of the Minister for the Environment to ensure
granular fill used under concrete floors and footpaths
will not cause an issue due to pyritic heave.
Suitability graded structural unbound granular Suitably graded unbound granular fill material
fill material (0/125mm), for use at depths greater (4/40mm) to facilitate the free movement of radon
than 900mm below the radon barrier/damp proof gas within the hardcore area.
T.3 Blinding
T.1 Structural
Fine aggregate (0/4mm) GF 80, for blinding the top
Structural unbound granular fill material is an all surface of the T2 Permeable material.
in graded aggregate (0-32mm) or gravel (0/40mm)
to facilitate placing and compactability. (Current
T.3 Blinding:
0/4mm blinding layer for T.2
- Max depth 50mm max
T.2 Permeable:
Gas Permeable layer
(Radon) Min depth 200mm
T.1 Structural:
0/31.5mm crushed rock
(0/40mm for crushed gravel)
for use in depths of <900mm
T.0 Structural:
0/125mm -for use in depths
of > 900mm
1. Application of T.0 Struc 0/125mm
T.3 Blind 0/4mm Blinding Layer: For blinding the top surface .063mm f9
of the T.2 Permeable material to ensure the radon barrier is not
punctured and there is a level surface upon which to place the
insulation and pour the concrete.
80 100
63 100
40 80-100
31.5 80-100
20 55-85 63-77 +8
16 55-85 63-77 +8
10 35-65 43-57 +8
8 35-65 43-57 +8
NOTE 1 Test results should fall within the overall grading range.
NOTE 2 The supplier should additionally declare the typical grading of the product - this supplier declared value (SDV)
should lie within the SDV grading range. However, the SDV together with the relevant tolerances, is used solely
for the purpose of the suppliers internal factory production control.
80mm 63mm 40mm 8mm 6.3mm 4mm 2mm
GTNR Gc80/2 100% 98-100% 80-99%* -NR -NR 0-20% 0-5%
Supplier Tolerance on
Overall Declared the Supplier
100% 98-100% 80-99%* NR
grading range Value Grading Declared
Range (SDV) Value (SDV)
* The inclusion of 99 % instead of 100 % is to ensure consistency and to prevent smaller size aggregates being classified as D size
aggregate. However, I.S. EN 13242:2002+A1:2007, Table 2 , footnote d specifies that the percentage passing D may be greater than
99 % by mass but in such cases the producer is required to document and declare the typical grading including the sieves D, d, d/2
and sieves in the basic set plus set 2 intermediate between d and D.
TABLE E.1— Recommended properties, test methods and test
frequencies for unbound granular fill for use under concrete floors
and footpaths
Grading 0/31,5
I.S. EN 933-1
(crushed rock) See Table E.2
Grading 0/40
I.S. EN 933-1 Yes 1 per week
(gravel ) See Table E.2
Geometrical Grading
crushed rock or I.S. EN 933-1 Yes 1 per week
See Table E.3
% Crushed or
broken particles I.S. EN 933-5 C50/10 Yes Monthly
(gravel only)
Los Angeles
Physical I.S. EN 1097-2 LA30 Yes 2 per year
Acid soluble
I.S. EN 1744-1 AS0,2 Yes Quarterly
See E.2.4.4,
Total sulfur I.S. EN 1744-1 Yes Quarterly
(SR 21)
E.1.1 Documentation
The following information shall appear on your Roadstone delivery docket:
i) Supply Location ii) Product description and size iii) Date of dispatch iv) Docket serial number v) Product code
It is the responsibility of the material purchaser/user to enure an adequate system of traceability is in operation
on site from the point of delivery to the location within the works where the material is incorporated.
Roadstone Ltd have a long and successful history of supplying a wide range of building materials to the Irish
construction industry with no issues relating to pyritic heave or swelling.
We are happy to confirm that all relevant Roadstone Ltd locations have been tested and inspected by
independent geologists at a frequency set out in Annex E of SR 21.2016 and found to be in full compliance
with S.R 21, and all other S.R’s such as:
S.R 16 Aggregates for Concrete (including blocks)
S.R 17 Aggregates for Bituminous Mixtures and Surface Treatments
S.R 18 Aggregates for Mortar
Declarations of Performance are available to download for the relevant locations from the Support &
Certification section of the Roadstone website.
Cork Laois
Quarry Locations
1. Ballygarvan 26. Ballyadams Retail Outlet Locations
2. Carrigtwohill
3. Castlemore 12
27. Creeves Quarry
4. Classis
28. Joseph Hogan’s
5. Keim
6. Mallow Longford
7. Midleton 29. Moyne
Clare Mayo
8. Ballyquinn 30. Castlebar 13
9. Bunratty Meath
10. Ryan’s of Ennis 31. Barley Hill
Donegal 32. Duleek
11. Ballintra 33. Mullaghcrone 36
12. Carndonagh 34. Slane 30 9
13. Laghey Offaly
Dublin 35. Tullamore
14. Belgard Central Roscommon 37 32 33
Dispatch / Belgard 36. Boyle
Weighbridge 37. Cam 5
18 17
15. Huntstown Finglas 38. Castlemine
6 15
19 35
16. Head Office, 4 14 16
Tallaght Tipperary 23
45 46
17. Swords, Feltrim 39. Ballyknockane
10 3 10
40. Killough
Galway Waterford
18. Two-Mile-Ditch 41. Cappagh 28
26 44
27 40 24
19. Kilchreest
Kerry 42. Brownswood,
20 39 42
20. Ballyegan Enniscorthy. 43
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What do I do if I
want more information
on Granular Fill to
Annex E of S.R. 21?
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Frequently Asked Questions at www.
Phone: 01 4041200 - Fortunestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24. ENVIRONMENT ENERGY QUALITY
I.S. EN ISO 14001:2004 ISO 50001:2011 I.S. EN ISO 9001:2008
This publication is for information purposes only. The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, no representations or warranties, express or implied, are given by Roadstone, its directors, employees or advisors as to the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained herein or any other written or oral information which has been or may be made available. Accordingly, none of Roadstone, its directors, employees or advisors accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever
resulting from the information contained in this publication. Roadstone reserve the right to seek indemnification from any persons to whom this publication has been furnished in respect of any third party claims, losses or demands that may be made against Roadstone.