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Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication

Volume 5, Issue 1&2 - 2018, Pg. No. 25-30

Peer Reviewed Journal
Research Article

Manipuri Film Industry

M Bimolchandra Singh1
Research Scholar (UGC NET-JRF), Department of Journalism and Creative Writing, Central University of
Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh-176215, India.

In this article, researcher critically analyzes the multiple challenges faced by Manipuri film industry. Manipuri
film industry, even though a very small film industry it is, has been obviously giving a big contribution
to the Indian film Industry, and even to the international scenario since 1972 with the production of its
first feature film ‘Matamgi Manipur’. The State bagged 57 National Film Awards - 27 for feature films
and 30 for non-feature (Short and Documentary) films till 2014. Unfortunately, for the last two decades,
Manipuri film industry has been diminishing its prestige of making international and national acclaimed
films. Hence, the researcher is very much curious to critically analyze the challenges faced by Manipuri
film industry. For this study, researcher conducted a telephonic interview with a senior Manipuri film
journalist of The Poknapham, a Daily Manipuri Newspaper which has the largest circulation in Manipur
and also used the official documents published by Directorate of Film Festival, Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting, Government of India.

Keywords: Challenges, Celluloid and Manipur Film Development Corporation, Manipuri film, National
Awards, Prospect

Introduction development of new technologies and appliances, film can

be easily accessible at home and in public place. Film has
Film is the image of the society. Film provides us a way better advantages over the other media like print media.
through which we can open our society into multiple worlds. It combines both audio and visual thereby appealing to
Before the invention of Cinema, the humankind gathered both the eyes and ears.
around the campfire and listen to stories. Cinema is a
modern campfire. They remind us of who we are, where And Since 1936, Manipur started its contribution to the
we have come from, and where we want to go.4 Film is an Indian cinema with the documentation of its first Manipuri
art of audio-visual storytelling. Film plays a significant role Documentary Film, “Hiyang Tannaba”.12 Manipur was part
in society and we can understand the different expression of the vibrant Film Society Movement along with the rest
of different societies through films. of the country in 1960’s-70’s. In 1972, for the first time,
Manipur could gift a great contribution to the Indian Cinema
Film is a medium of communication rich with social with officially releasing its first completed Manipuri feature
implications, created within different social, historical and film, “Matamgi Manipur”. Manipur has bagged 57 National
cultural contexts.4 Not only does it serve as a platform for Film Awards - 27 for feature films and 30 for non-feature
presenting rich cultures and traditions and for highlighting (Short and Documentary) films till 2014.12
the economic, social and political issues, but it also provides
entertainment to the people. Since 1972 as many as 25 films from Manipur, comprising
feature and non-features, were selected for screening as
There is no doubt in saying that film has an amazing the Best of Indian Cinema in Indian Panorama Section of
influence on the society. The cultures, tradition and social the International Film Festival of India by the Directorate
problems are exposed in film. Children and grownups of Film Festival of India, DFFI, Ministry of I and B, Govt
are spending more and more time in movies. With the of India.12 The theme of the Manipuri films is inspired

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How to cite this article: Singh MB. Manipuri Film Industry. J Adv Res Jour Mass Comm 2018; 5(1&2): 25-30.

Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication (ISSN: 2395-3810)
Singh MB
J. Adv. Res. Jour. Mass Comm. 2018; 5(1&2) 26

by the love of the medium and the art rather than for training institution, manpower, connectivity to the mainland
commercial consideration.2 Manipuri films give more stress India and financial support, many films were produced
on production of good films thematically and aesthetically. in Manipur which acclaimed international and national
Aribam Syam Sharma, G Narayan Sharma, K Ibohal Singh,
MA Singh, Oken Amakchan, Makhonmani Mongshaba, Ten (10) Manipuri feature films have received the National
Lancha Ningthouja, Sunzu Bachaspatimayum, Haobam Film Awards before Manipuri film enter the Digital Era
Paban Kumar, Haobam Ronel, Oinam Guatam, Oinam which was considered to begin from around 1993. They
Doren and Borun Thokchom are renowned Manipuri film are namely: Deb kumar Bose’s Matamgi Manipur (1972);
makers.12 Manipuri Filmmaker, Aribam Syam Sharma needs Aribam Syam Sharma’s Saaphabee (1976), Olangthagee
special mentioning for his outstanding achievements. He Wangmadasoo (1979), Imagi Ningthem (1982); MA Singh’s
is creative and multifaceted filmmaker. He has discovered Sanakeithel (1983); Aribam Syam Sharma’s Ishanou
many hidden beauty of different subjects not only from (1991); K Ibohal sharma’s Sambal Wangma (1993); Oken
Manipur but also from other parts of Northeast India Amakcham’s Mayophygee Macha; Aribam Syam Sharma’s
and made them known to the world.15 He was conferred Sanabi (1995); Makhonmani Mongsaba’s Chatledo Eidi
‘Padma Shri’ in 2006 for his immense contribution to Indian (2000) received the Rajat Kamal for the Best regional Film in
Cinema. He is also the recipient of ‘Dr. V. Shantaram Lifetime the National Film Awards instituted by the Union Ministry
Achievement Award’ (2008) for his unparallel contribution of Information and Broadcasting.
to Indian Cinema by the Films Division, Ministry of I and B,
Govt of India.15 Besides winning 15 National Film Awards, Manipur has also bagged national film awards in other
his feature film ‘Imagi Ningthem” (My Son, My Precious) categories. RK Bidhur received the ‘Best Film Critic Awards’
became the first Indian film to win the Grand Prix at the at the 56th National Film Awards, 2008; Master Leikhendra
internationally acclaimed, ‘Festival Des Trios Continents’, received the Best Child Artiste Award at the 29th National
Nantes, Frances in 1982.15 Film Awards 1982 for his role in Imagi Ningthem; Anoubham
Kiranmala received Special jury award for acting at 38th
Methodology National Film awards 1990 for her role as Maibi in Ishanou
film; Irom Maipak received the best cinematography award
This research study is based on both primary and secondary for the film “The Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh” for his
data collected from different sources. For primary data, fascinating style of framing under uncontrolled situations
telephonic interview of Boney Thongamcha, a film journalist at the 49th National Film Awards in 2001 and this non-
of “the Poknapham” which is the largest circulated daily feature film directed by Aribam Syam Sharma was also
of Manipur, is conducted to get authentic and valuable selected for the Best Anthropological/Ethnographic award;
information related to Manipur film industry. For this study, and Leishangthem Tonthoingambi who played the role of
researcher also studied the news or reports related to Yaiphabee in Phijigee Mani was selected for the prestigious
Manipuri film published in popular local newspapers for the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 59th National Film
last one year and also used the official documents published awards 2011.12
by Directorate of Film Festival, Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, Government of India. Unfortunately for the last two decades, Manipuri film
hardly receives any internationally or nationally acclaimed
Critically Analyze the Challenges Faced by reward or recognitions despite producing 60 to 80 films
Manipuri Film Industry in a year. Since 1993, films are started making in digital
format. Since 1993 till now, more than a thousand films
Manipur is one of the extreme bordered States of North East are produced in digital format. Unfortunately, among
India having the geographical area of Manipur of 22,327 Manipuri feature film - “Phijigee Mani” (My Only Jem)
Sq. Km. and the population of Manipur of 2,721,756 with directed by Oinam Gautam, co-written and produced by
79.85 percent literacy rate.19 Manipur, however small it is, Takhelchangbam Ongbi Medha Sharmi, and cast artists
is a land of diversity with 34 listed scheduled tribes apart including Gurumayum Bonny Sharma, Abenao Elangbam
from the Meities, Meitei Pangals and 7 scheduled castes and Leishangthem Tonthoingambi was one and only feature
along with their separate dialects and cultures.16,17 Apart film which was selected for the National Film Award at
from problems for being a bordered state, it is also deprived the 59th National Film awards in 2011 after the Manipur
from the mainstream of India due to lack of connectivity. film enter the Digital Era. Leishangthem Tonthoingambi in
Manipur is land of arts and culture. Among them, Manipuri “Phijigee Mani” was selected for Best Supporting Actress
film industry is one of the parts that need to be recognized Award.13
and need to be carefully studied. Here arises the question why it happens and what the main
In spite of lacking exquisite infrastructure, organized film problems are being faced by the Manipur film industry.

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27 J. Adv. Res. Jour. Mass Comm. 2018; 5(1&2)

Following are some of the primary reasons:- producers to get monetary help from MFDC as it does not
fulfil the criteria for getting assistance”.
Lack of Market
Even though, 60 to 80 films are made in a year, only 30 to
“The main problem of Manipuri cinema is its limited 35 films are screened in Public theatres as it is necessary
audience in spite of having many talented actors, directors to get certification from Central Board of Film Certification
and musicians. Audience is the core of any film industry (CBFC) to get film exhibited in public theatres. It is one
and as a matter of fact it is the determining factor for the of the financial burdens to low budget film producers as
success of any film industry. The audiences of Manipuri fee is needed to apply for certification and it is also time
films, a majority of which are made in Meiteilon language, consuming.
are screened to audience in the valley area. As a result,
the market of Manipur film industry confines to a very tiny Lack of Infrastructures
limited area” as remarked by Boney Thongamcha, a film
journalist of the Poknapham. Geographically, the valley There is no state Government’s plan/policy for giving
area of Manipur occupies only 10 percent of the total area. financial assistance/loan for construction of cinema theatre,
so far. There is no enough infrastructure of film production
In September 2000, Revolutionary People’s Front, an in terms of equipment, money (directly or indirectly
outlawed outfit of Manipur, imposed a ban on the screening given by the state Government) Studio, laboratory etc.
of Hindi films in the State since, in their terms, Hindi films (Interestingly, the Manipur government has recently taken
destroys Manipuri tradition, culture and language. They up steps to set up a film city somewhere in the State). Most
called it the “Indianization” of Manipur. This instance of of the Manipuri films, particularly celluloid films which
banning of Hindi movies severely affected the theaters of are now very rare, are exposed, printed, processed and
Manipur. Some theaters ceased showing movies and closed. re-recorded at Kolkata or Chennai or Mumbai. These make
Some of them became shopping malls and educational more expenditure in transportation and communication.
institutions. During those days, there were very few The overhead expenditure and capital invested become
Manipuri films to screen, and therefore, theaters had bigger. Besides, most of the theaters are decrepit and lack
only two options either to close the theaters or to screen a of good equipments. At times, temporary screenings are
few available Manipuri films or English films. According to organized in community halls.2
Meghachandra Kongbam, the Film Critic (National Awardee)
and DIPR Director, there were around 58 cinema halls However, it is quite encouraging to say that almost all the
in Manipur of which 10 halls were in Imphal, the state digital films producing in recent times are processed in the
capital being the most populated area. But today, only State with domestic infrastructure and expertise.
10 cinema halls are running in the entire State to screen
Manipuri films.20 Surprisingly, “there is no cinema hall in Lack of Organized Institutions
Hill Districts to screen Manipuri film”, as expressed by Manipur needs trained and professional cine artistes. In the
Boney Thongamcha, a film journalist of the Poknapham. current scenario, most artistes are trained by the producers
Financial Problems themselves. In case of women artistes, sometimes, they
get married even before the completion of the film or they
“It’s only in Assam and Manipur where there is a regular enter the same after acting one or two film(s). Hence, every
filmmaking culture” as told by Utpal Borpujari, Assam-born producer need to train artistes before making a new film.2
capital-based filmmaker to IANS (Indo-Asian News Service). In Manipur, there is lack of organized institutes that can
“The big budget Assamese feature films are about Rs.70 impart formal training and education in film and creative
to Rs.80 lakhs. They make approximately 15 to 20 films in technologies. Most of the technicians in Manipur film
a year. In Manipur, around 60 to 70 films are made in a industry are self-trained or lack of formal training.
year, but the budget varies between Rs.7 lakhs and Rs.8
lakhs” he.8 Lack of Skilled, Trained Persons and Professionalism

There is less investor and financier in Manipur’s film. As yet, The nature of film industry is volatile. It is changing at
there is no concrete plan and scheme of film financing under fast pace. The inventions of new technologies and tools
MFDC (Manipur Film Development Corporation) Ltd. or the quickened the pace. So, it is highly needed to train with the
state Government. Boney Thongamcha, a film journalist latest technologies and tools. Most of the crew members
of the Poknapham, also expressed that “MFDC provides do not have training from recognized or repute institutions.
financial assistance for film making. But the problem is They lack of professionalism. They entered the film industry
that it gives finances to the movies which are shot on just for amateur. They have little knowledge of theoretical
celluloid. In Manipur, today most of the films are shot on and practical skill. Even though Manipuri Film industry has
digital camera. In such case, it becomes difficult for film been producing many national and international award

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winning films, there is not a single well infrastructure film in low budget but eligibility for national awards put a
and television institute to give training to the filmmakers condition to preserve the negative of films. The eligibility
of the state. Only a very few filmmakers of Manipur are documents states that ‘the negative should be available
trained graduate. Aribam Shyam Sharma, the renowned with the right holder in India to strike prints’.9 Manipuri
and national and international Award Winner was trained films are shot on digital cameras because of their budget
in Rabindra Sangeet and Classical Music and Dance at issues. Shooting films on celluloid will increase the budget
Santiniketan, Calcutta and graduated in Hindustani making it difficult for the producers. That is also one of the
Classical Music, Bhatkhande, Lucknow. Haobam Paban biggest reasons that Manipuri films are not able to file their
Kumar who is the Director of National Award Winning Film nomination for national awards. In this way, films are not
“AFSPA-1958, 2005” and a trained graduate from Satyajit able to make their presence on national level.
Ray Film and Television Institute of India (SRFTII), Calcutta,
Sunzu Bachaspatimayum who is the director of popular Suggestions
movies: Rude Awakening, 1995; Living in Manipur, 2002;
Innocent Guns, Thread of Life, 2000-2001, was trained • To initiate a system that enables producers to screen
in Xaviers Institute of Communication, Mumbai can be movies in different states: Manipuri films are confined
mentioned. So far, not a single filmmaker who is trained to Manipur region only. So, its market is limited to the
graduate from repute film or television institute produced a Manipur only. The solution is to reach out beyond the
commercial film. It is very expensive and costly that can be Manipur. The same problem is faced by many regional
afforded by only a few people. In this digital area with the film producers in India. Such an accessible system is
latest technologies and tools, it is highly important for the needed to get initiated that enables producers to
filmmakers to train with the latest technologies and tools. screen movies in different parts of the region thereby
Unfortunately, in Manipur, only a very few filmmakers, it enlarging the film market collectively. “We should
may be Directors, Producers and Crew member, get training also start a system that allows us to screen movies in
from repute institutions. Even though in Manipur, nearly 60 different parts of the region. For instance, films from
to 70 films are produced in a year, only a very few movies Mizoram or Manipur should be shown in Meghalaya
are produced by well trained Filmmakers. and vice-versa. This will open the market for everyone.
We can’t depend on other parts of the country only.
Piracy If this happens, there will be chances of positive
growth” expressed by Pradip Kurbah, Meghalaya –
It is a big threat to Manipur film industry. Due to lack of based Director.8 Manipur films can also follow the
strict enforcement of Piracy act, most of movies are easily steps of South Indian cinema where they dubbed their
available in market soon after releasing. These movies can movies into the Hindi language so as to catch the larger
be watched in DVDs at home in comfort at free of cost. number of audience.
Producers face a setback due to this problem and they are • To organize well structured film promotion: To make
not able to recover money spent while producing the film. film successful in market, Film promotion plays a
significant role in making a movie popular in market and
Harassment and Extortion to make mass awareness of the movie. Film promotion
consist of advertising campaigns, merchandising and
In Manipur, Film industry is frequently attacked by state media, press releases, and interviews with the key
and non-state elements. Film industry has been persistently people involved with the making of the film, like actors
attacked and pressurized to become their mouthpiece. and directors. Marketing and awareness of the film
This industry is mistakenly considered as financially sound has become the paramount factor of its success. In
in comparison to other industries. Non-state elements of Manipuri film industry, due to lack of brand promoter,
society try to extort money from them. investor and new technology, grand film promotion is
“All activities related to Manipuri movies have been not practical.
suspended following monetary demands made by some • Establishment of standard and organized institution:
armed groups”, L. Surjakanta, Chairman of Film Forum Manipur is very much rich in terms of talent, artistic
Manipur, expressed to the media persons that “KCP resources and the talent too. Excellent movies can be
(Kangleipak Communist Party) - MC (Paikhomba), NRFM produced if they are utilized at full. But those talent,
(National Revolutionary Front, Manipur) and URF (United artists and resources are difficult to bring at the same
Revolutionary Front) allegedly served huge monetary platform because there is lack of film institute and
demands to FFM and guilds and associations which have organization. Establishment of a Film and television
been working together with FFM”.6 institute can solve this problem to one level. As it will
help as a centre point to bring all at one platform by
Above all, Manipuri films face difficulties while filing infusing formal knowledge, skills and professional. So
nominations for the national awards. The films are prepared far Manipuri films are yet to evolve its own identity in

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Film Arts, primarily due lack of formal and theoretical.

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Television Institute of India in Manipur on 9 Nov 2014 New Zealand.
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Conclusion 11. Kshetrimayum Vimol. Now showing –Matamgi Manipur.
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