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BJMP Thesis Semi FinaL

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“Oplan Greyhound” of the Quezon City Jail Male Dormitory as

Basis for Improvement of Prison Security

Dela Peña, Maynard Jun S.1, Pantaleon, Benedict P.1,2, Rizalado, Ivan Jay G.1,2,3,
Salgado, Eddiemar S.1,2,3,4, Pedrosa, Christian O.1,2,3,4,5

College of Criminal Justice System

Criminological Research and Statistics
Our Lady of Fatima University
Quezon City Campus

Ms. Bèma Fulgencio

Research Adviser

“Oplan Galugad” of the Quezon City Jail as
Basis for Improvement of Prison Security

1.0 Introduction

The Quezon City Jail (QCJ), was awarded as “the best” city jail in Metro Manila that around
4,000 detainees on the 17 other detention facilities of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology in 2017, It should ensure that all city jails and other detention facilities have to end drug
trafficking and addiction, and there should be no graft, corruption, riots and minimal entry of
contrabands, during the greyhound operations jointly launched by the Bureau of Jail and
Management and Penology (BJMP) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) in the
Quezon City Jail to end their illegal activities. (March 27, 2018) Nelson S. Badilla.

In the inspection of its jail facility, following is declaration of full alert status that the
directive on the governance, and ease of access to public service campaigns. It also discussed the
current management strategy of an administration to ensure that the Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology is giving the best safekeeping and development services to person’s deprive of
liberty under its care. In the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology officials in the regions were
also ordered to inspect the jail facilities in their areas.

On these Research, we would like to know about how their Security keep up with the
modernizing illegal activities inside the prison. To point out the deficiency in the prison facility and
to know more about the needs of the person deprived of liberty to the facilities in Quezon City
Jail. In these Research, the BJMP having inspection for the Person’s Deprive of Liberty in Jail, to
avoid the entry of contrabands that causes illegal activities, and also escaping of illegal drugs.

This policy prescribes the standards for the prevention of entry, use and movement of
contraband within the jail premises to protect the public, employees and inmates. To classify
contraband and evidence according to the “OPLAN Greyhound” and to observe the procedures in
the confiscation of contraband for the safety of the public, employees and inmates and a
mechanism in the handling and disposal of contraband and physical evidence.
2.0 Literature Review
Local Literature
Our current prison management system is composed of shared governance models for
correctional management wherein the government provides adequate resources, security, and
personnel. It is realistic in developing countries like governance by prison administrators. There’s
a lot of prisoners who are in jail even for years due to prolonged trials they are undergoing but
still unconvict. This is the reason why BJMP facilities are experiencing Overcrowding population
due to the day rise of detainees while our courts are not sufficient enough to work on this case.
They also explore the origins of gangs also controls the inmates and arrange the disputes between
inmates and provide safekeeping within their territory. (March 01, 2018) Raymund E. Narag.
The book of the prison officer has greatly increase knowledge and understanding, this
book contains detailed narrative exist of prison work and the sort of role, the prison officers
occupies it also discussed theoretical literature about prisoners that helps a lot in prison security.
(December 22, 2010) Alison Liebling, David Price, Guy Shefer.

To date, the fate of prisons and prisoners in the disaster has stirred very limited attention
from both scholars and policy makers. However, anecdotal evidences suggest that both prisons
and prisoners are particularly affected by disastrous events associated with external natural and
other hazards. In fact, the spatial, social and political forms of exclusion and marginalization
associated with imprisonment coincide with factors which make some places and people more
vulnerable. This study draws upon a scoping study conducted in three prisons in France completed
with sparse evidences available from the academic literature, government reports and media
accounts. It further suggests ways forward for better integrating prisons and prisoners in disaster
risk reduction policies. (October 01, 2012) J.C. Gaillard.

The imprisoned population is increasing worldwide and is over represented in the HIV
epidemic. The purpose of this paper is to explore the HIV vulnerability of female Filipinos who are
pre-trial prisoners, as the specific needs of imprisoned women are poorly understood and fewer
resources are granted to pre-trial detainees, especially in low and middle-income countries
(LMICs). (August 29, 2019) Diana M. Palma, Jennifer Parr.

When governments justify the necessity to segregate and isolate terrorist inmates from
mainstream prisoners, they commonly raise concerns about their prisons becoming schools for
terrorism. Yet, these concerns are often based on limited information about prisoner
radicalization, potentially resulting in the mismanagement (both financially and psychologically)
of terrorist inmates in many countries. This article challenges contemporary research on prison
radicalization and recruitment by highlighting several factors that may hamper these activities to
demonstrate why some prison regimes and their programs for housing terrorist inmates face a
greater risk than others. In contrast to other studies, this article concludes that the radicalization
and recruitment of mainstream prisoners by terrorist inmates under certain prison conditions is
not necessarily a given outcome. (January 07, 2014) Clarke R. Jones.
Foreign Literature

Prison in southern United States are the most crowded underfunded and understaffed in
the whole nation. Alabama state correctional officers they are mentally and physically burned out
due to insufficient staff and also because of this they feared being attack by the inmates that is
why new strategies are urgently needed to reduce the stress level among jail officers. (January
24, 2012) Joseph L. martin, Bron Wan Lichtein, Robert B. Jenkot, David Forde.

Numbers of corporation who built prisons and runs this facility had greatly increase had
a high job stress had the largest impact on job satisfaction even they pay good enough to create
a high job satisfaction to other. The highest totality and a great impact to the commitment they
have. (February 14, 2009) Nancy L Hogan, Eric Lambert, Morris Jenkins, Daniel E. Hall.

Illegal immigrations are the focus on the United States because of the lack of availability
of opportunities available for them, some of them are being deported due to their repeatable
crime offenses. The country is now tightening their security measures to make sure they won’t go
to the country and commit a crime again; they are also providing examinations in prison to make
sure that the illegal migrants won’t be part of any gang inside the prison. (July 22, 2015) Marika
Suttorp-Booth, Laura J. Hickman, Jennifer S. Wong.

While much of the penal tourism literature focuses on historically significant and
Infamous penitentiary, prison, and jail museums, such as Alcatraz and Eastern State Penitentiary
in the United States. There exist many smaller, rural sites, including decommissioned local jails
and lockups, where confinement and punishment are represented. We make comparisons with
national meanings found in studies concerning penal history museums across Australia, South
Africa, and the United States and reflect upon the factors animating the emergence of these sites
in Canada. We conclude with a discussion on the significance of our findings for criminological and
penal tourism literatures. (July 23, 2015) Kevin Walby, Justin Piche.

Prisoners display many features suggestive of a higher risk of poorer oral health than the
general population. They have many risk factors: disadvantaged social background, consumption
of psychoactive substances and a high proportion of persons with mental illness. The oral health
of prisoners is handled by different care providers such as hospital doctors together with some
students, interns, and some dedicated dental practitioners. There are few data describing the
outcomes of this activity. The objective of this descriptive study was to determine the oral health
of prisoners in the current care system as observed in three French jails. This study suggested
that, in the French jails studied, a stable level of oral infection, including untreated caries was
obtained at the cost of a degraded masticatory function. (December 29, 2019) Decerle N. Woda,
Nicolas E. Hennequin.
Local Studies
-These studies are about the declaration of full alert during the holy week season by BJMP
Director Jail Chief Superintendent Allan Iral, visited in jail and reminded all the personnel that
corruption should not be tolerated. Personnel should always consider the safekeeping and
development of the Person’s Deprived of Liberty and he also give orders to other regional director
in other jail facilities. (August 1, 2019) Chito Chavez.

-Inmate classification is a key aspect of prison management and inmate programming. It

guides inmate housing assignment, level of supervision and control, and inmate program
placement. The Philippines formally incorporated these principles to modernize its prisons.
However, structural, organizational, and cultural challenges posed barriers to successful
implementation. Utilizing qualitative data gathered through interviews and focus group
discussions with prison personnel, inmates, and volunteers in a major prison in the Philippines,
this paper investigates the practices that impact on inmate classification and how these affect
housing assignments, levels of supervision and control, and inmate programming. Implications
towards developing an integrated correctional management in the Philippines, and other similarly
situated countries, are discussed. (June 25, 2017) Jordan Galehan.

-Visiting an overcrowded prison is a journey into the private life of each person deprived
of his or her freedom, into the community of the detainees and of the staff working in such a
place. Using the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch, combined with empathy and time for
observation, helps ICRC delegates to explore vulnerabilities, discover how detainees and staff
cope, and grasp the intricate complexity of such a prison system. Beyond what is left of human
dignity in these places of detention, when coping mechanisms become survival mechanisms, the
suffering shows that overcrowding is wrong. It follows that if overcrowding is “nobody's fault”, it
is the responsibility of every individual and every institution of the criminal justice system to
create solutions. (December 10, 2017) Vincent Ballon.

This thesis identifies processes of ‘spiritual transformation’ among boys from prison in
the Philippines. It is a qualitative study for which data were collected largely by means of
interviews and observation in jails and rehabilitation centers in the Philippines. The thesis argues
that boys who suffer deprivation at home, on the streets and in jail become alienated from
society. The subsequent treatment they receive can either lead them to make changes in their
lives or it can thwart them from doing so. With encouragement, boys are able to consolidate
positive life changes and reach a lasting condition of spiritual transformation. (June 11, 2014)
Derbyshire Marion.
Foreign Studies
-In India there’s a prison called an open prison where in the government assist on
managing the said prison but not all are able to acquire the minimum number of prisoners but to
decent popularity due to certain aspect that it is not available in all states and there is no set
requirement and lack of structure and financial support. (January 2017) Pragyan Prasanjita Sahoo.
-Prison Violence and misconduct can be understood through a general integrated
framework using Agnew’s model that has 3 major parts deprivation importation and coping
model, it also shows that mental and emotional traits should be consider for correct
understanding. (September 2010) Kristie R Blevins, Francis T. Cullens, Shelly Johnson Listwan,
Cheryl Lero Jonson.
Research has documented racial and ethnic disparities in utilization, access, continuity,
and quality of care for psychiatric disorders, including treatment for substance use disorders
among those with similar need in the general community. This study examines race/ethnic
disparities in treatment for drug dependent inmates using the 2004 survey of Inmates in State
Correctional Facilities. Fixed effects logistic regression is used to analyze treatment outcomes for
5180 inmates housed within 286 prisons. The findings identify a remarkable unmet need among
drug dependent inmates in that less than one-half of drug dependent inmates had received any
type of treatment in prison at the time of the interview with the most common treatment type
being self-help groups. The current study suggests that treatment for drug dependent inmates
needs to be expanded to include clinically or medically based treatment since the failure to
address addictions in the criminal legal system has been identified as the single most significant
reason for recidivism once released. (May 09, 2014) Kathryn M. Nowotny.
Through community partnership traumatic injuries acquired by inmates before they enter
the jail greatly affects the well-being of each individual, these injuries possess a great risk inside
the prison and much worst they could be infected with the prevailing health issues so they are
asking the community to be pro-active when it comes to the community safety. (August 27, 2010)
Hung-en Sung.
This paper examines the current level of competition and innovation in the private prison
industry in the US. The author places twenty-five years of private prison business development
within an industrial life cycle framework and argues that the realities of the mature
prison privatization, market do not match the promise of innovation and quality improvements
voiced by privatization advocates during the 1980s and early 1990s. The net effect is that any real
cost advantages of privatization are marginal at best, private prison programs have become
virtually indistinguishable from the public prison, and the promise of innovation remains
unfulfilled. The article concludes with a discussion of policy implications, including the idea of
increasing the role of the non-profit sector in the operation of secure correctional facilities.
(August 28, 2009) Richard Culp.
2.1 Theoretical Framework
Social Learning Theory, Theorized by Albert Bandura posits people learn from one another
or observation, imitation and modeling. From observing other one forms an idea of how new
behaviors are performed and or later occasions, this coded information serves as a guide to
action. (1925) Albert Bandura.

The Social Learning Theory of Bandura emphasizes the importance of observing and
modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Bandura (1977) states:
“Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely
on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behavior
is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how
new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for

As use in this study, Social Learning Theory will be applied because the best practices
of the Quezon City Jail are implemented properly will be used for the entire jail in the Philippines.

2.2 Variable Discussion

“Oplan Galugad”. It is the process of planning, strategic goals and objectives that stands
for policies and regulations are in force and effect the illegal activities. It is the order or the law
enforcement agencies like PNP and PDEA to make a valid search within the jail facilities.

Basis for Improvement. The underlying support or foundation for an idea, arguments, or
process, and instance of improving or being improved. On these operation greyhounds of Quezon
City Jail will be constantly improving their security and facilities to basis for improvement in our
Prison System.

Prison Security. A building in which people are legally held as punishment for a crime they
have committed or while awaiting trial and the state of being free from danger or threat. The
BJMP provides security to its inmates and personnel through its well-maintained secured facilities.

Prison Congestion. The state of being extremely crowded and blocked with traffic or
people. On the current situation on prison around the Philippines over congestion is never new
to anyone it is the most common problem of the BJMP and one of the main focus of the

Contrabands. Goods that have been exported illegally. Is the main concern of “Oplan
Galugad”, stopping the exportation of contrabands inside the detention cell and it is the reason
of gang war inside the jail.
Gang Violence. It means criminal and non-political acts of violence committed by a group
of people who regularly engage in criminal activity against innocent people. Inside the prison, the
gang possible threat due to different gang that could cause riots and endangered the lives of jail

Weapon. Is a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage. Is the
one major concern when it comes to prison in the Philippines, but in Quezon City Jail they reach
the lowest amount of weapon seized.

Vice. It is the immoral or wicked behavior. These are alcohol, cigarettes, prostitute, and
prohibited drugs that are most common vices being smuggled inside the prison.

Problem Statement/ Hypothesis

RQ1. What is the extent of the problems at the Quezon City Jail? In terms of:
1.1. Prison congestion
RH1.1. Prison congestion because of overcrowded and lack of jail facilities.
1.2. Contrabands
RH 1.2. Contrabands confiscated in operations like drugs, weapons, gadgets and other
RQ2. What strategies used by the jail officers to detect the contrabands inside the jail facilities?
In terms of:
2.1. Weapons
RH 2.1. Jail officers conduct “Oplan Galugad” to confiscate any weapons that use to
commit crime.
2.2. Drugs
RH 2.2. Sometimes they use sniffing dogs to detect possible drugs inside the detention
2.3. Other Contrabands
RH 2.3. They receive from the person deprived of liberty that conduct illegal gambling or
prostitute inside the detention cell.
RQ3. What are the different programs of Quezon City Jail? In terms of:
3.1. Livelihood program
RH3.1. In Q.C. jail them improve their livelihood program like handcrafted product.
3.2. Discipline monitoring
RH. 3.2. They discipline their inmates with a formation and regularly conducts physical
RQ4. How effective the preventive measures against contraband entry? In terms of:
4.1. Body search
RH4. They conduct a body search before the entry of the visitor of the inmate to avoid
smuggling of contrabands and illegal activities.
RQ5. Is there a significant relationship between the strategies used to detect contrabands inside
jail facilities and prison security?
RH5. Contrabands inside the jail facilities can be detected through search and seizure
while in the prison security, jail officer prevent the entry of other contrabands from outside before
the entry of the inmate’s visitor.

2.3 Research Paradigm:

What strategies
What is the extent used by the jail
of the problems at officers to detect How effective the
the Quezon City the contrabands preventive
Jail? inside the jail measures against
facilities? contraband entry?

Is there a
What are the between the
different strategies used to
programs of detect
Quezon City Jail? contrabands inside
jail facilities and
prison security?

“Oplan Galugad” of the Quezon City Jail as

Basis for Improvement of Prison Security
As shown in the paradigm of the study, our topic is affecting our inquiries as it explains
that the result will be the improvement of prison security within the Quezon City Jail. The
researcher demonstrated the conceptual framework of this study on a systematic information
approach that starts from gathering relevant information necessary for the study up until
compilation, evaluation and gathered data that involved in this research for improvement of the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in Quezon City Jail.

3.0 Research Method:

This chapter illustrates the descriptive research methods in gathering the
information needed for this study using an interview guide, to make our study valid, reliable and
to encourage the reader’s satisfied with what they learned to our topic it scopes the research
design, respondents, and the validity of the instruments.

3.1 Research Design:

As a group of researchers, we will use qualitative research because of it is the most
appropriate for the study so our respondents will easily answer on our interview.

3.2 Research Locale:

The Bureau of Jail Management Quezon City Jail is located in EDSA Kamuning, Quezon
City. It was built for 800 Person’s Deprived of Liberty but more than 4000 were detained. In
one room, it only accommodates 85 Person’s Deprived of Liberty in a 200-square foot space and
inside the Quezon City Jail there are different gangs in different facilities that may also help the
jail warden to the peace and order. Inside the Quezon City Jail there are 20 jail wardens to secure
and facilitate the Person’s Deprived of Liberty.

3.3 Population and Sampling:

The research respondents are the jail officers inside the Quezon City Jail. We informed
the BJMP with the assistance of the Program Development Division of BJMP-NCR regional directed
by J/CSUPT Ignacio S. Panti, DSC for obtaining information to jail guards or officers about their
facility and their security of the Person’s Deprived of Liberty. The respondents of this research
were the selected Non-Commissioned Jail Officers of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in
Quezon City Jail. The Quezon City Jail is composed of 20 jail wardens on duty in the day that we
conducting an interview.
This study uses convenience or accidental or grab sampling technique as the research
relies on the availability and confirmed the participation of the jail warden. The participation of
jail warden mainly depends on the availability of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in
Quezon City Jail and conveniently/suitable of Jail warden and their willingness to contribute to the

3.4 Research Instruments

The interview guide serves as the research study of the instrument. Interview are
distributed to the respondents of the study. Researchers gave instructions to the respondents on
how to answer the line items by interviewing and made sure that the respondents understood
their role in the study conducted.

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