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Making Sense of Data Statistic Course

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University of Toronto

Statistics: Making Sense of Data

@Coursera by Alison Gibbs, Jeffrey Rosenthal

Gábor Bernát

May 1, 2013

Contents 3

1 Introduction 5
1 Making sense of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Data categorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Quantative variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Categorical variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Releationships and data collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Relationship between quantitive and categorical variables . . 11
2.2 Relationship between two categorical variables . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Relationship between two quantitive variables . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Observational studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3 Introduction to Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1 The need for probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Probability basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Probability distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Long running averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.5 Sampling distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4 Confidence interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.1 Confidence intervals with proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2 Sample size for estimating a proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3 Confidence intervals for means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.4 Robustness for confidence intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5 Statistical Tests of Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.1 The structure of the statistical test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Hypothesis Testing for Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.4 Powerand Type I and Type II Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.5 Potential pitfalls to look out for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4 Contents
Chapter 1


1 Making sense of data

1.1 Data categorization
An observational unit is the person or thing on which measurements are taken.
Note that this can also be a case, object, a subject and so on. A variable is a
characteristic measured on the observational unit. An instance of the variable we
call the observed value or observation. Variables can be of three kind:

quantitive variable take numerical values for which arithmetic operations make
sense. The height of the people is a such variable,

caterogical variable consist of records into which the observation falls into (one of
several categories). For example the countries of the world may be classified
into one of the five great continets: Europe, America, Africa, Asia and the

ordinal variable have natural order, however the difference between two instance
of the variables does nt always make sense. A good example is grades given
by a teacher: A, B, C, D, E, F.

1.2 Quantative variables

One way of making sense of a quantitive variable is to use the five number summary.
Given a collection of a observations we can calculate the:

Minimum is the lowest observation value.

Maximum is the highest observation value.

6 Making sense of data

Median is the center observation, average point. To find it you’ll need to sort
the observations, and then take the observation in the middle position.

First quartile is the observation value at the 14 rd position in the sorted observa-
tion array.

Third quartile is the observation value at the 34 rd position in the sorted obser-
vation array.

A graphical representation of this five values is possible via the boxplot as shown
on figure 1. On the boxplot the whiskers show the minimum and the maximum



3rd quartile

Inter−quartile range


1st quartile


Figure 1: A simple way to represent the five number summary.

Note that the median, first or thrid quartile may result in a non–integer posi-
tion. In this case these values are calcualted by interpolating them from the nearby
observations, with the given percentage; therefore, it may happen that these values
are not part of the variable instances.

Modified boxplots
Outliers (known as extreme values, or unusual observations) are hard to study on
a classical boxplot, so for them we use the modified boxplot. In this case let us
Introduction 7

first define the inter-quartile range (noted as IQR) as the difference between the
3rd and the 1st quartile. Then we can define the inner fences as the:

lower fence is = 1st quartile − 1.5⋅IQR, and the

upper fence is = 3st quartile + 1.5⋅IQR.

Now the lower whisker is noted as the lower fence, while the upper fence as
the upper whisker. Observations smaller than the lower fence, or larger than the
upper fence are drawn with their own circle on the plot as shown on figure 2.

A modified boxplot

Maximum ●

Upper fence

Inter−quartile range

3rd quartile

1st quartile

Lower fence ●


Minimum ●

Figure 2: Modified boxplots help dealing with outliers.

Given a list of observations (x1 , x2 , . . . xn ), the mean of the variable is noted as x̄
(or µ) and is calculated as:
∑ data values ∑ xi
Mean = x̄ = = i=1 .
number of data points n
However, this definition of mean is not robust, as it’s easily influenced by
outlier points. Note, that in contrast the median is robust. To alleviate this we
can introduce the conept of trimmed mean, which exclude some percentage of
8 Making sense of data

the lowest and highest values from the observations, before performing the same
operation to calculate the trimmed–mean. The input of the trimmed mean is the
percentage of outliers to remove.

Spread of the data

The range of the data is the difference between the maximum and the minimum.
This is not a robust measurement. The same can be told about the IQR too. The
deviation of an observation i is xi − x̄. A good show of the spread of the whole
data is the:

n 2
∑i=1 (xi − x̄)
variance =
Note that we divide by one less than the count of observation points. An
intuitive explanation for this is that the first observation does not tells us anything
about√deviation. The standard deviation (also noted as σ) is the square root of
this ( variance), and shows the dispersion of a set of data from its mean.

The shape of the data - histogram

A histogram showing the life expentancy by country





15 15


50 60 70 80

Life expentancy in years

Figure 3: Histogram
Introduction 9

The distribution is the pattern of values in the data, showing their frequency
of occurance relative to each other. The histogram is a good way to show this
graphically; you can see an example of this on figure 3.
Its key part is the number of bins used, as observations must be separated into
mutually exclusive and exhaustive bins. Cutpoints define where the bins start and
where they end. Each bin has its own frequency, the number of observations in it.
The largest bins define the peaks or modes. If a variable has a single peak we call
it an unimodal, bimodal for two peaks and multiple peaks above that.

Figure 4: Skewed histograms

Uniform distribution is a case when all the data values occur around the same
times, so we have no peaks, and such the variable has no mode. The tails of the
histogram are on its left or right side, where its extreme values are. A histogram
is left skewed if it has the left tail larger than the right, and right skewed if the
right tail is larger than its left.

Empirical rule
The empirical rule (also know as three σ rule) states that for a normal distribution
68% of the data is within one standard deviation of the mean value, 95% is within
two standard deviation, and 99.7% is within three standard deviation.

1.3 Categorical variables

Caterogical variables are not represented by numbers, so all of the earlier statistics
no longer make sense. What does make sense is the frequency of the categories,
which is graphically represented either by a barchart or a piechart.
Figure 5 shows an example of this. In case of barcharts we may choose to
normalize the frequency, by dividing it with the total number of observations.
10 Making sense of data

World Regions: Relative Frequencies World Regions: Bar Chart

10 20 30 40 50

Americas M.E&N.Afr Americas M.E&N.Afr

World Regions: Pie Chart



Figure 5: Skewed histograms

Introduction 11

2 Releationships and data collections

2.1 Relationship between quantitive and categorical vari-
Relationships are at the hearth of statistic. Let us consider an example. Let
there be the unit of observation the worlds countries. Now we define on this two
variables: a quantitive one – the life expentancy, and a caterogical one – in which
of the six world regions they fall into. Now we want to check for instance if life
expectancy in East Asia and Pacific tends to be larger than in the Sub-Saharan
One way of approach is to consider the median and mean per region, and to see
where this it’s larger. However, this does not tells the whole story as the highest
in one of the regions can still be a lot higher than the lowest in another region.
Box plot is a graphical way to make the comparision.
Examining the relationship between a quantitative variable and a categori-
cal variable involves comparing the values of the quantitative variable among the
groups defined by the categorical variable. We need to:

1. Examine the centre of the data in each group.

2. Examine the spread of the data in each group.

3. Examine the centre of the data in each group.

So create a boxplot (or summary) for each categorical observation and compare.

In the R language
In the R lanugage we can draw a new boxplot per category to make the com-
parision. To separate categories we can use the split function, and finally use
non-modified boxplots (range is set to 0) to draw them, as seen on figure 6:

lifedata = read.table(’LifeExpRegion.txt’)
colnames(lifedata) = c(’Country’, ’LifeExp’, ’Region’)
lifedata[Region==’EAP’, ]
lifesplit = split(lifedata, Region)
lifeEAP = lifedata[Region==’EAP’,]
lifeSSA = lifedata[Region == ’SSA’, ]
boxplot(lifeEAP[,2], lifeSSA[,2], range=0, border=rainbow(2),
names=c(’EAP’, ’SSA’), main="Life Expectancies: Box Plot")
12 Releationships and data collections

boxplot(LifeExp~Region, range=0, border=rainbow(6),

main=’Life Expectancies: Box Plot (all 6 regions)’)

Life Expectancies: Box Plot (all 6 regions)



Figure 6: Boxplots to compare quantitive and categorical variables

2.2 Relationship between two categorical variables

For instance let there be the two observations the gender of persons and their body
weight. One question we can ask is that are the same count of overweight female
as man?


Distribution types are:

Introduction 13

joint distribution of two categorical variables is the frequency or relative fre-

quency of the observations considered together as a combination. The graph-
ical approach is to use bar plots per combination, or aggregate these into a
stacked bar plot.

marginal distribution is the distribution of only one of the variables in a con-

tingency table (so we take the total of the rows or of the columns in the table
– essentially its the distribution by only one of the variables).

marginal distribution is the distribution of only one of the variables in a con-

tingency table (so we take the total of the rows or of the columns in the table
– essentially its the distribution by only one of the variables).

conditional distribution of a categorical variable is its distribution within a

fixed value of a second variable. This distribution is normalized by the count
of the fixed value. For graphical approach a stacked plot is used, by using
the percentage values. Two variables in a contingency table indedependent
if the conditional distribution of one variable is the same for all values of
other variable.

Simpson’s paradox is when the conditional distributions within subgroups can

differ from condition distributions for combined observations. The issue be-
hind the paradox is that behind the two categorical variables ther is a third
lurking variable which influences the study, like for a smoking study, to trans-
form the age into age groups (if we study if the people die or not, having
more old people in a group as observations may influence the result).

Categorical values in R
Categorical variables read into R are always sorted alphabetically, and therefore
any statistics about it will be displayed on that order. However, sometimes there
is a better order to this variables. In this case we can use the factor function and
its levels paramter to set a different order for the categories:

allData <- read.table(’SkeletonData.txt’, header=TRUE) # dataset read

attach(allData) # now we can use the column header names as variables
BMI = factor(BMI, levels = c(’underweight’, ’normal’, ’overweight’,
’obese’)) # reorder categories

We can even give to the categories nicer names, as we do in the following

example for the sex categorical variable (which in the file is specified by the values
1 and 2):
14 Releationships and data collections

Sex = factor(Sex, levels=c(’1’, ’2’), labels=c(’Male’, ’Female’))

To find the number of items per category use the table command. You can
divide tis with the number of observations to get the relative frequencies:

relfreqBMI = table(BMI)/length(BMI)

Which will result in the distribution of the data:

underweight normal overweight obese
0.1850 0.5625 0.2025 0.0500

We can even combine the relative and non relative values in a single table:

cbind(freqBMI, relfreqBMI)

To get joint and the conditional distribution for two categorical variables we
need to use the CrossTable function from the gmodels library.

joint = CrossTable(BMI, Sex, prop.chisq=FALSE)
Cell Contents # legend for the table below
| N |
| N / Row Total |
| N / Col Total |
| N / Table Total |
Total Observations in Table: 400
| Sex
BMI | Male | Female | Row Total |
underweight | 46 | 28 | 74 |
| 0.622 | 0.378 | 0.185 |
| 0.164 | 0.235 | |
| 0.115 | 0.070 | |
normal | 166 | 59 | 225 |
| 0.738 | 0.262 | 0.562 |
| 0.591 | 0.496 | |
| 0.415 | 0.147 | |
Introduction 15

overweight | 59 | 22 | 81 |
| 0.728 | 0.272 | 0.203 |
| 0.210 | 0.185 | |
| 0.147 | 0.055 | |
obese | 10 | 10 | 20 |
| 0.500 | 0.500 | 0.050 |
| 0.036 | 0.084 | |
| 0.025 | 0.025 | |
Column Total | 281 | 119 | 400 |
| 0.703 | 0.297 | |

Life Expectancies: Box Plot (all 6 regions)



Life Expectancies: Box Plot



Figure 7: Relationship between two categorical variables

16 Releationships and data collections

At this point the joint contains four tables: a contingency table (frequencies –
joint$t), two conditional distribution (one per point of view – sex joint$prop.col
or BMI joint$prop.row), and one displaying relative frequencies (joint distribu-
tion – joint$prop.tbl). We can use barplots to visualize this:

layout(matrix(c(2,2,1,1), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))

# side by side barplot
barplot(joint$t, beside=TRUE, col=rainbow(4), ylab=’Frequency’,
# add legend information, 15 = plotting symbol, a little square
legend(’topright’, c(’underweight’, ’normal’, ’overweight’, ’obese’),
pch = 15, col=rainbow(4))
#stacked barplot
barplot(joint$prop.col, beside=FALSE, col=rainbow(4),
ylab=’Frequency’, xlab=’Sex’)

as you can see it on figure 7.

2.3 Relationship between two quantitive variables

One approach is to convert one (or both) of the quantitive variables into categorical
variable and then just use the already seen methods. One way to create good
groups is to use the quartile breakdown. However, this does not uses the full
information of the quantitive variables.
One way to use it is to use a scatterplot (that is to use the quantitive variable
pairs as points in the space). On this we can use regression techniques to fit a line
on the points, effectively finding the relationship between the variables (correlation
means a rising line)
A numerical representation of this is the correlation. Let there be two variables
indicated by the series x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and y1 , y2 , . . . yn , the correlation is calculated
∑i=1 (xi − x̄) ⋅ (yi − ȳ)
correlation = √
n 2 n 2
∑i=1 (xi − x̄) ⋅ ∑i=1 (yi − ȳ)
Correlation values are between [−1, 1], where 1 is perfect match, and −1 is the
perfect negative. If this is a positive value when one increases the other tends to
follow. However, note that this only captures the linear aspects of the relationship.

In the R lanuage
For calculating the correlation we can use the cor function.
Introduction 17

Countries = read.table(’LifeGDPhiv.txt’)
colnames(Countries) = c(’Country’, ’LifeExp’, ’GDP’, ’HIV’)
plot(GDP, LifeExp, xlab=’GDP(2000USD)’, ylab=’Life Expectancy (years)’,
main=’Scatterplot: Life Expectancy versus GDP per capita’)
cor(GDP, LifeExp)
[1] 0.6350906
cor(LifeExp, GDP)

Scatterplot: Life Expectancy versus GDP per capita

●● ● ● ●● ●
● ●● ● ●
●● ●●

●●● ●
●● ● ● ●●●
● ● ●

● ●●● ●
● ● ●●
●● ● ●●

● ●
●●● ● ●● ● ●

●● ● ●●●●
● ●●
Life Expectancy (years)

● ●
●● ● ●

● ●
● ● ●

● ●

●● ●


● ●● ●

● ●
● ●


●● ●


● ●

● ● ●


● ●

0 20000 40000 60000 80000

GDP per capita (2000 US $)

Figure 8: Relationship between two quantitive variables

Figure 8 shows the information visually, when drawn on a plot.

2.4 Sampling
The goal of the statistics is to make rational decision or conclusion based on the in-
complete information that we have in our data. This process is knows as statistical
18 Releationships and data collections

inference. The question is that if we see something in our date (like a relationship
between two variables) is it due to chance or a real relationship? If it’s not due to
change then what broder conclusions we can make, like generalize them to a larger
group, or does it supports a theoretical model? In this process the data collection
has a major significance.
We collect data from the real world, however our scientific and statistical models
are part of a theoretical world.
population the group we are interested in making conclusion about.
census a collection of data on the entire population. This would be the best,
however it’s impractical due to time and cost effectiveness; or it’s straight
up impossible if by observing the item we would destroy it. Therefore, in
practice we sample the population; and infer conclusions from the sample
statistic is a value calculated from our observed data. It estimates a feature of
the theoretical world.
paramter is a feature of the theoretical world. Statistics are used to estimate
their values. In order to get a good estimation our sampling needs to be
randomisation is the key to select representative samples. This ensures that we
do not over– or under–sample any part of the population.
Methods to make random sampling:
Simple Random Sampling – SRS Each possibly sample size of n (the sample
size) from the population is equally likely to be the sample that is choosen.
A pratical example of this is taking out balls from a hat.
Stratified sampling Divide the population into non–overlapping subgroups called
strata and choose a SRS within each subgroup. Provinces and states are a
practical instances of stratas. This performs better when we may want to
compare stratas, or can allow to better see traits if something is only char-
acteristic to only some of the stratas (which otherwise would be hidden on
the whole sample space).
Cluster sampling Divide the population into non–overlapping subgroups called
clusters, select clusters at random, and include all individual inside the clus-
ter for sampling. It’s good when it’s easier to select groups instead of mem-
bers; for example if we want to study students we may choose to select
random schools and use students inside those as samples. This does requires
that each cluster to be representative for the whole population.
Introduction 19

There are also non–random sampling techniques:

Systematic sampling Select every k–th individual from a list of the population,
where the position of the first person choosen is randomly selected from the
first k individuals. This will give a non–represenative sample if there is a
structure to the list. This is fine if in the ordering of the population has no

Conveniance or Voluntar sampling Use the first n individuals that are avail-
able or the individuals who offer to participate. This is almost sure to give
a non–representative sample which cannot be generalized to the population.

If the sample is not representative it can induce bias into our results, that is
that it differs from its corresponding population in a systematic way. Bias types

Selection bias occurs when the sample is selected in such a way that it system-
atically excludes or under–represents part of the population. For instance
poll by using only land line phones (misses the cellular population).

Measurement or Response bias occurs when the data are collected in such
a way that it tend to result in observed values that are different from the
actual value in some systematic way. In case of a poll this shows in terms of
ill formed questions.

Nonresponse bias occurs when responses are not obtained from all individuals
selected for inclusion in a sample. An example of this is in a poll working
parents tend to not respond, so their sampling will be under represented.

2.5 Observational studies

Whenever we want to compare the effect of variables on each other we need to
construct a study, for which sampling is really importat. Let us assume that we
have two (or more) groups, and we want to compare a response variable (outcome)
between them. An explanatory variable is a variable that can be used to possibly
explain the differences in the response variable between groups (cause ⇒ effect).
In the study we want to avoid confounding variables, which differ between
groupsa and may effect the response variable so we can’t tell what causes the
differences between groups. For instance if one were to study the effect of pot on
the IQ of the person, here a confounding variable is the social alternative (which
governs the IQ better, than the pot itself).
20 Releationships and data collections

Data collection methods include anecdotes (this are not representative), obser-
vational studies and experiments. Experiments differ from observational studie is
the strength of the conclusion we can make, which is higher for the experiment.
In observational studies we just observe existing characteristics of a subset
of individuals inside the population. The goal is to make conclusion about the
population based on the samples, or to conclude the relationship between groups
or variables in the sample.
In this scenario the investigator has no control on which individual in which
group belongs or about any of their characteristic, as opposed to the experiment
where he can add some kind of intervention.
The relationship between the outcome and the explanatory variable may be:

causes explanatory variable ⇒ outcome (drinking coffe results in a longer life)

reverse causation outcome ⇒ explanatory variable (people with health issues

avoid drinking coffe, though the longer life)

coincidence pure chance

common cause both of them are effected by another variable (who have diabiates
drink less coffee, however due to their sickness have shroter life)

confounding variable they vary with the explanatory variable. If one changes
the other changes with it (smokers tend to drink more cofee, however this
also effects the expected life outcome)

Lurking variables are variables that are not considered in the analysis, but may
effect the natuer of relationship between the explenatory variable and the outcome.
This may be a confounding variable, or the source of the common response , or
another variable that, when considered, changes the nature of the relationship.

2.6 Experiments
Are the golden standard. Allows for making conlusions. Again the response vari-
able (or also know as dependent variable – how it depends from other variables)
is the outcome of interest, measured on each subject or entity participating in the
study (this may be quantitive or categorical). Explanatory variable (predictor or
independent variable) is a variable that we think might help to explain the value
of the response variable (can also be quantitive or categorical).
Compared to the observation study now the researcher manipulates the ex-
planatory variables to see the effect of them on the outcome. Tipically a researcher
has finite time, and therefore he can study only a finit number of variable values,
Introduction 21

and such the explanatory variable tends to be a categorical one, to which we can
also refer as a factor. The values of the factor studied in the experiment are its
A particular combination of values for the factors is called treatment. An
experimental unit is the smallest unit to which the treatment is applied to. A
treatment may not be applied to a single entity, like trying out a new study method
for a class results in a single experimental unit (a class) instead of the count of the
students inside the class.

extraneous factors are not of interest in the current study, but are thought to
affect the reponse. They need to be controlled to avoid them effecting the
outcome. For controlling we can:

• Hold it constant. This limits the generilization of the study, however it

also eliminates turning the extraneous variable into a confounding one.
• Use blocking, where block are groups of experimental units that are
similar. All treatments are assigned to experimental units within each
block. So for instance in a vaccine testing we create age groups, and each
group will have have members getting any one of treatments, however
the group as a hole, receives all the vaccines.

However, this still does not solves the problem of extranous or unknown vari-
ables. To bypass this we need to use randomisation to assign experimental
units to treatment groups.

Once we’ve eliminated other differences between the treatment groups, if the
response variable is different among the groups, the only explanation is the treat-
ment and casual conclusions can be made.
Fundamentals of experimental design:

1. Control the identified extraneous variables by blocking or holding them con-


2. Randomisation – is to randomly assign expermintal units to treatment groups.

3. Replication – induce it. Not repeat the experiment, but to apply each treat-
ment to more than one experimental unit. This allows to measure vari-
ability in the measurement of the response (which in turn also ensures that
treatment groups are more comparable by extraneous factors, by having the
oppurtunity of these to differ between groups).
22 Releationships and data collections

Experiments also have a control group. This is used to make comparisions with
a treatment of interest and either does not receives a treatment (what if the study
itself causes the change to occur) or receives the current standard treatment. It’s
also refered to as the comparision group.
In conclusion we can say the randomised controlled experiments are needed to
establish casual conclusion. Another technique to reduce the potential of bias is

1. the experimental units are blinded, so they do not know which treatment
they have received.

2. the researcher is blinded if s/he does not know which treatment was given.

Experimetns can be single–blinded (only one type of blinding was used) or

double–blind (if both types of blinding was used). You can also use the placebo
effect. People often show change when participating in an experiment wheater
or not they receive a treatment. It’s given to the control group. A placebo is
something that is identical to the treatment recevied by the treatment groups,
except that it contains no active ingridients.
Introduction 23

3 Introduction to Probability
3.1 The need for probability
Up to this point we’ve seen and focused on how to handle data available to us.
Now it’s time to see what the data in the real world corresponds in the theoretical
world. The data of the real world, that we usually end up having, can be viewed
as just a sampling of the theoretical world (which has an infinit number of data
points). Even if it really isn’t any more data points in the real world (so we
have collected all the existing data points) we can still pretend that there is and
construct a theoretical model around it.
We usually try to draw inferences about our theoretical world by using the data
that we have, which represents the real world. Of course, the theoretical world
may differ from the real world and we’ll be interested in studying the relationship
between two world. For instance let us consider a coin toss. In the theoretical
world we expect to get 5 heads out of ten tosses, yet if we were to conduct a little
experiment we may end up getting 6 heads out of ten tosses.
In some cases (like tossing a bottle cap) we may not even have a theoretical
model, so the question arises that what we can conclude in this case?

3.2 Probability basics

Outcomes are possible data that our experiment may result in. The set of all
possible outcomes is the sample space and it’s noted as S.

Event is any subset of the sample space.

Probability – each event has it’s own probability to turn true, and for event A:

0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1

For example, the probability of some outcome is 1, as we always end up

having some result. The probability of the comploment event (meaning that
event A is not true) is:
P(Ā) = 1 − P(A)

The term probability may have multiple interpretations: applies to a theoretical

world with a theoreticaal model where the probability for an event to occur is P(A);
or we can look it as a long run, meaning that if we repeat the experiment over
and over again for a long time the occurance of event A is P(A) fraction of all the
events; another one is the subjective one: in my opinion the chance that the event
to occur is P(A).
24 Introduction to Probability

3.3 Probability distributions

For a coin or bear bottle fliping we use the binomial, not ass B(2, 12 ) distribution.
If the exponential of the binomial is one, we refer to it as te Bernoulli distribution:
Bernoulli( 12 ) =B(1, 12 ). The rolling of a dice is a discrete uniform distribution.
Mean is the expected value, what it equales on average”

mean = µ = ∑ xP(x)

For instance in case of a rolling dice with six side:

1 1 1 1 1 1 7
mean = 1 ⋅ + 2 ⋅ + 3 ⋅ + 4 ⋅ + 5 ⋅ + 6 ⋅ = = 3.5
6 6 6 6 6 6 2
For flipping two coins, with Y being the total number of heads:
1 1 1
mean = E(Y ) = 0 ⋅
+1⋅ +2⋅ =1
4 2 4
Variance in the theoretical world measures the spread of the values from their
mean value. The formula is:

variance = ∑(x − µ)2 ⋅ P(x)


So for one coing flipping:

1 2 1 2 1
variance = (1 − ) + (0 − ) + =
2 2 4
The standard deviation is:

√ 1 1
SD = variance = =
4 2
The mean is linear, so any linear combination of two random variables may be
expressed with their means:

E(aX + bY ) = a ⋅ E(X) + b ⋅ E(Y )

For variance:

Var(aX) = a2 ⋅ Var(X)
Var(aX + b) = a2 ⋅ Var(X)
SD(aX) = ∣a∣ ⋅ SD(X)
Introduction 25

If X and Y are independent:

Var(X + Y ) = Var(X) + Var(Y )

Discrete random variables has a finit number of possible outcomes, and thus
may be enumerated in a form of a list. Continous random varaibles can take any
value inside an interval. An instance of this is the unifrom variable, for instance
on the interval from zero to one, meaning it’s equally likeley to be any number
inside this interval.
So for example P(0 ≤ X ≤ 1) = 1, and P(0 ≤ X ≤ 13 ) = 13 ; generally speaking
P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = b − a, if 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 1. This does mean that if a = b the probability
is zero, so it’s easier to think of continous probability as the area under the graph
of the density function. It’s important that for any density function the total area
of the entire graph to be equal with 1.
Uniform distributions are of a form of square function, however other functions
exist to like the exponential(1) function has the form of:

⎪e−x if x > 0

f (x) = ⎨
⎩0 if x ≤ 0

The standard normal (Gaussian) distribution (bell–curve):
f (x) = √ ⋅ e− 2

New bell–curves may be constructed by shifting the upper with µ (making it the
new center point) and stretching it by a factor of σ, and is noted as Normal(µ, σ 2 ).
If we have a random variable X from this newly constructed normal distribution
we may transform it into a standard normal distribution by:
X −µ
Z= , where Z ∼ Normal(0, 1).
For expected values and standard deviation now we use integals instead of
sums, for example the expected value of the uniform distribution between 0 and 1
1 1
E(X) = ∫ xdx =
0 2
with it’s variance:
1 1 2 1
Var(X) = ∫ (x − ) dx =
0 2 12
For the exponential distribution it’s expected value is:
26 Introduction to Probability

E(X) = ∫ x ⋅ e−x dx = 1
with it’s variance:

(x − 1) ⋅ e−x dx = 1
Var(X) = ∫

For the X ∼ Normal (0, 1):

∞ 1
x ⋅ √ ⋅ e− 2 dx = 0
E(X) = ∫
−∞ 2π
∞ 1
(x − 0) ⋅ √ ⋅ e− 2 dx = 1
2 x2
Var(X) = ∫
−∞ 2π
And in case of Y ∼ Normal (µ, σ 2 ) the mean is µ, variance of σ 2 and standard
deviation of σ.

3.4 Long running averages

What happens if you repeat an experiment lots of times and you look at the average
value you get. For example if you start flipping a coin a lot of times and you look
at the fraction of times you get head, you expect that the more you do it, the more
this comes closer to half. If you were to draw the probabilities of the coin flip on a
graph, you’d observe that the shape starts to resemble the density function for the
normal distribution. The same is the case for dice rolling at looking the average
of the rolled numbers.
The Law of Large Numbers states that if an experiment is repeated over and
over, then the average result will converge to the experiment’s expected value.
The Central Limit Theorem states that if an experiment is repeated over and
over, then the probabilities for the average result will converge to a Normal–
Suppose that an experiment is repeated over and over, with outcomes: X1 , X2 ,
. . . and suppose each mean is E(Xi ) = m, and each variance is is Var(Xi ) = v. Now
let X̄ = X1 +X2n+...+Xn be the average outcome. In this case we can say that:

E(X1 ) + E(X2 ) + . . . + E(Xn ) nm

E(X̄) = = = m,
n n
Var(X1 ) + Var(X2 ) + . . . + Var(Xn ) nv v
Var(X̄) = = 2 = ,
n n n
so we can conclude as n rises to infinity the variance (uncerteinty) becomes
smaller and smaller, tending to zero; with this the standard deviation too.
Introduction 27

The centreal limit theorem also is responsible for the emparical rule; the per-
centages are true for the graph of the normal distribution. In conclusion we can
say that all that is some kind of average, or is made up of lots and lots of small
contributions usually has a normal distribution behind it.

3.5 Sampling distribution

From the real world we collect samples, which can be considered as part of the
theoretical worlds population. We have scientific and statistical models in the
theoretical world which have parameters of features that we do not know. We use
the science of statistics to estimate them.
Let there be p our parameter of interest, what we are observing, and let it
denote the number of heads of a coin flip sequence. From the real world (data) we
get some result. With this we can esitmate the parameter as:
numbers of heads observed
p̂ =
number of coin flips
The observed value of an estimator varies from sample of data to sample of
data. The variability of this is called the sampling variability. The probability
distributions of the possible value of an estimator is its sampling distribution.
A statistic used to estimate a paramters is unbiased if the expected value of its
sampling distribution is equal to the value of the parameter being estimated (the
sampling probability is the same as the theoretical probability). How close the
distribution of the sampling gets to the parameter dependes on the varince of the
sampling distribution. This decreases with the number of samples, so the more
data we have the closer we get to the theoretical word.
Following the central limit theorem for large n the sampling distribution for
a Bernoulli event (happens or not, with probability p) is N(p, p(1−p)n ) (sampling
distribution of p̂).
If we take a normal distribution as a sample distribution with a normal dis-
tribution theoretical model we can calculate the expected value of the theoretical
model as the average of the sample we have, and the standard deviation of the
theoretical model decreases with the number of data compared to the standard
deviation of the sampling distribution ( √σn ). The sampling distribution of X̄ is
N(µ, σn ).
For calculating the variance dividing with n − 1 is important to make the esti-
mator unbiased, while dividing with n will result in a bias estimator.
28 Confidence interval

4 Confidence interval
We observe the real world in order to understand the theoretical world; for this
we’ll use the scientific and statistical models divised in the theoretical world and
use data from from the real world to estimate the paramters from the model. We
do this in hope that what conclusions we can make from our models will also hold
in the real world.
Now let us imagine the experiment of tossing a fair coin ten times. This exper-
iment has a binomial distribution with probability 12 , however when amassing data
from the real world we will not always get this proportion, due to the sampling
having its own distribution: for example extreme events (like getting ten heads)
are very unlikely, however getting half or close to half of them heads is likely to
happen. The question arrises where do we draw the line, what are the values well
likely to get most of the time?
Sometimes we will not have a model for our events: like in the case of flipping
a beer cap. If we were to perform a single experiment and get m one side out of n
events we can ask: was this a likely outcome? m may be a sample of any sample
distribution (with its own parameters). For instance for the beer cap let n = 1000
and m = 576. Our statistical model is binomial with a 1000 samples, however we
have no idea what’s the probability of the model.
n 576
An estimation is p̂ = m = 1000 = 0.576. This may be a good estimate, however it
may be some other number, and so we ask what elso could p be? That is what is
an interval that based on our existing experiments the probability of getting one
side of the beer cap could be? We refer to this as the confidence interval.
The following methods are suppose that our data was taken in a form of simple
random sampling, and that our variables are independent; something that statis-
tical inference requires, otherwise we may need more complicated model.
So in conclusionwe can say that the goal of statistical inference is to draw
conclusions about a population parameter based on the data in a sample (and
statistics calculated from the data). A goal of statistical inference is to identify a
range of plausible values for a population parameter. A goal of statistical inference
is to identify a range of plausible values for a population parameter. Inferential
procedures can be used on data that are collected from a random sample from a

4.1 Confidence intervals with proportions

Let us follow the example of the bottle cap. We are searching for the real p
with the given estiamte p̂. The expected value of p̂ is E(p̂) = p the variance is
Var(p̂) = p(1−p)
n = p(1−p)
1000 . Now according to the center limit theorem because p is
Introduction 29

the addition of lots and lots of small flips, it approximately follows the normal
distribution; that is p̂ ≈ Normal (p, p(1−p)
1000 ). Now by performing a reorganization:

p̂ − p
√ ≈ Normal(0, 1)
p ⋅ 1−p

Now for a normal distribution (and according to the empirical rule) the area
between [−1.96, 1.96] covers 95% of the area, so most likely our sample is from this
interval. In mathematical formula:
⎛RRRR p̂ − p RRRR ⎞
P ⎜RRRR √ RRR > 1.96⎟ = 0.05 = 5%
⎝RRRR p ⋅ 1−p
n RRR ⎠
By writing up the reverse, and expanding we can conclude that, with z α2 = 1.96:

⎛ margin of error ⎞
⎜ ³¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹√ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ · ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹µ √ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 − p 1 − p ⎟
⎟ = 95%
P ⎜p̂ − z α2 p ⋅
⎜ ≤ p ≤ p̂ + z α2 p ⋅ ⎟
⎜ n n ⎟
⎜´¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¸¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¶ ´¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¸¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¶⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ lower limit upper limit ⎠
This means that we are 95% confident that the value of p is between is lower and
upper limit. Now the true value of p is not random, however p̂ is as we took a
random sample. Now the problem with this formula is that while we do know p̂, p
is unknown. One solution is to make p̂ = p; or to make p = 12 because that’s the
worst case, the widest interval we can get.
For a given confidence interval [a, b] the margin of error may be calculated as:

a = p̂ − margin of error
b = p̂ − margin of error
margin of error =
Now modifying the area under the normal distribution that we take we can
get different confidence intervals for different probabilities. Now if you specify a
bigger confidence value, like 99% you’ll get a widder confidence interval. It’s up
to you the trade off you are willing to accept.
Now assume you want to achive an α probability that you’re wrong. In this
instance taken the graph of the normal distribution you want to find z α2 (y axis)
such that the area remaining at each and is only α2 . In this case the area between
30 Confidence interval

intervals −z α2 to z α2 is 1 − α, which we are looking over, as now we’re missing α of

the full area.

4.2 Sample size for estimating a proportion

Now in order to get a proportion the size of the sample has a major impact. Let’s
see how we can determinate the sample size we need to find a given proportion. We
do not want to go overboard with this as we may just waste resources or induce
unrequired effort to collect it. We assume that data was collected with simple
random sampling from a population.
So a margin of error is:

margin of error = z α2 p⋅

For isntance, if our confidence interval is 95%, then α2 = 1−0.95

2 = 0.025, and we
want a margin of error of β = 0.03. The question is what n should be? For 95%
our normal quantile is 1.96. So:

0.03 = 1.96 p⋅

But we do not know what p will be. To bypass this we plan for the worst case
scenario, the expression p ⋅ (1 − p) has its maximum at p = 12 , which also give our
maximal margin of error for a given n. Now we resolve the equation:

1.96 ⋅ 12
n=( ) = 1067

Confidence intervals are about our confidence in the procedure to give us correct
results – 95% confidence intervals should contain the population parameter p95% of
the time. If simple random samples are repeatedly taken from the population, due
to the randomness of the sampling process the observed proportion of p̂ will change
from sample to sample and so will the confidence interval constructed around p̂.
Of these confidence intervals, 95% will include the true population proportion p.
Note that p is a population parameter and is therefore not a random variable.
For any interval, p is either contained in the interval or not. Different margin of
error will result in different number of events required, however the sample size
increases quadratically as the margin of error decreases linearly.
Introduction 31

4.3 Confidence intervals for means

In this case the data is not a categorical one, is instead a continous variable.
In this case the expected value is µ = X̄, and this is also our estimation. The
variance is equal to σn . Again if the data is made up of the sum of bunch of
small measurements, we can assume according to the center limit theorem that
X̄ ≈ Normal (µ, σn ) . Again we reduce this to the standard normal distribution to

X̄ − µ
√ ≈ Normal (0, 1)

Now the problem now is that we do not know the value of σ. What would
be a good estimation for this? One solution is to use the standard deviation of
X (calculated with dividing with n − 1), noted as s. However, while E(s2 ) = σ 2 ,
substituting this into upper formula does not gives a normal distribution; instead
we’ll have a t distribution with n − 1 degrees of freedom:

X̄ − µ
√ ≈ tn−1

The t distribution is similar to the normal one, however not quite there. In-
creasing the degree of freedom reduces the difference between these two. With this
the z α2 changes also, so you’ll need to use a table to get the correct number for a
given number of freedom (which is n−1, where n is the sample size). The marginal
error may be calculated as:

marginal error = z α2 ⋅
We can use this to calculate the true mean from a sample mean. That is with
a given confidence we can say that our true mean is somewhere inside the calcu-
lated confidence interval, which depends from the sample mean with the calculated
marginal error.

4.4 Robustness for confidence intervals

To use these methods many conditions must be satisfied, and an important part
of the statistical inference is to determine if these hold. Here are what we need to
make sure that they are true:

1. the n observations are independent,

32 Confidence interval

2. n needs to be large enough, so that the central limit theorem may kick in
and p̂ to have a normal distribution,

For extreme theoretical p values larger counts of samples are required to achieve
the same confidence interval. For instance in case of a coin flip if p is 12 a hundred
samples may be enough for the central limit theorem to kick in and achive a 95%
confidence. However, if p = 0.01 we may need 1000 samples for the same confidence.
An explanation for this is that the normal distribution is a continous model, and
we are using it to estimate discrete values.
In order for the confidence interval procedure for the true proportion to provide
reliable results, the total number of subjects surveyed should be large. If the true
population proportion is close to 0.5 a sample of 100 may be adequate. However,
if the true population proportion is closer to 0 or 1 a larger sample is required.
Increasing the sample size will not eliminate non-response bias. In the presence
of non-response bias, the confidence interval may not cover the true population
parameter at the specified level of confidence, regardless of the sample size. An
assumption for the construction of confidence intervals is that respondents are
selected independently.
In case of means the conditions are:

1. the n observations are independent

2. n needs to be large enough so that X̄ is approximatly normally distributed.

The t distribution works extremly well with even a low number of samples
(n = 10) if the theoretical model is a normal or skewed normal one. For this to
not be true we need some really extreme distribution, like most of the time on one
end, but has some chance for an outlier value. However, in these cases by just
increasing the mean with a constant multiplier (like to 40) may already result in
a 90% confidence value.
Nevertheless, we also need to consider if estimating the mean is a meaningful
thing to do. Remeber that the mean is not a robust measurement, because it’s
effected by outliers, something that is true for the distribution too.
A method for constructing a confidence interval is robust if the resulting con-
fidence intervals include the theoretical paramter approximately the percentage
of time claimed by the confidence level, even if the necessary condition for the
confidence interval isn’t satisfied.
Introduction 33

5 Statistical Tests of Significance

Suppose that we observe the difference between two groups, the question now is
that is the difference significant or not? It’s the answer to the question could that
be just due to change; or it says something else about the nature of the date.
Once we collect data from the real world, we already saw how we can construct
models that about the theoretical world. Based on the models we can make some
conclusions about our situation in the real world. For instance, if we collect samples
from a population by examining the sample set we may draw conclusions about
the entire population. The test of significance is about is our observation is only
due to chance or it may even shed light on some wrongful asssumptions about the
theoretical world.
For example, assume we have the life expectancies of the countries in East–Asia
and the Sub–Saharan Africa. We can see that on average this is smallre for the
African region, however is this just an effect of the natural variability of data, or
holds something more to it. To observer this we construct a theoretical model that
assumes that there is no difference between the groups. We are either searching
for proof of this or some contradiction, based on our data amassed.

5.1 The structure of the statistical test


Statistical math is like proof by contradiction in math. We start out by assuming

something. Then we observe the date, do some calculations and eventually end
up with a contradiction; such we conclude that there must be something wrong
about our assumption, our theoretical model. Of course, we are in the domain of
statistic something is wrong is actually meaning that the model is unlikely to hold
true in the real world.
Tests are used to answer questions about the theoretical world, and the goal is
to check if the data collected provides enough evidence that the theoretical model
holds in the real world. Statistical tests are also called hypotetical test, or tests
of significance. The first step of any statistical test is to formulate the hypothesis:
is the flipping of a beer cap like a coint flipp? Afterwards you need to state an
alternative to the hypothesis.
A real world analogy is a court case. We start out from the assumption that
everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. In statistics this corresponds to the
null hypothesis (H0 – pronounced as H-naught”). This states that nothing is

happening; that is that there is no relationship, no difference. We assume that
this is true and check weather our date support it or contradicit it.
34 Statistical Tests of Significance

The alternative hypothesis corresponds to the guilty alternative in the court

case, and it corresponds usually to what the reaseach tries, wants to show (noted
as Ha or H1 or HA ). We may conclude that this is true if we can proove that H0
is false, in other words rule out that any difference between HA or H0 is due to
Alternatives may be one– or two–sided. One sided is the case of the beer cap,
our assumption holds true or not; while a two sided example is the effect of plastical
surgery on the perceived age of a person, here our null hypothesis is that there is
no change, and we have two alternative, they either look younger or older.

The evidence
In the court to proove our claim we’ll need evidence. In statistics the evidences are
proovided by the data we have. In order to make it useful we have to summarize
our data into a test statistic; whcih is a numeric representation of our data. This is
always formulated such that it’s assumed that the null hypothesis holds. In case of
the plastic surgery we summarize data assuming that the perceived age difference
is zero, to support our null hypothesis.

Once the evidences are presented the judge/jury delibirates if beyond a reasonable
doubt the null hypothesis holds or not. In statistics the tool of delibiration is
the p–value. This transforms a test statistics into a probability scale; a number
between zero and one that quantifies how strong the evidence is against the null
At this point we ask, if the H0 holds how likely would it be to observe a test
statistic of this magnitude or large just by chance? The numerical answer to this
question is the p–value. The smaller this is the stronger evidance it is against the
null hyptothesis. However, it is not an a measurement to tell you how likely it is
that the H0 is true.
H0 is or it is not true, however it’s not a random variable, because it’s either
true or not true, no randomness involved. The p–value just tells you how unlikely
the test statistic is if the H0 were to be true.

The verdict
The fourth final step is the verdict. Not strong enough evidance corresponds to
a high p–value. With this we conclude that the data is consistent with the null
hypothesis. However we haven’t yet prooved that it’s true, although we cannot
reject it either. A small p–value consist of sufficient evidence against H0 , and we
may reject it in favour of HA . In this case the result is statistically significant.
Introduction 35

It remains one question to be answered: how small is small? There’s no clear

rules on this, hower it’s a good practice that p < 0.001 is very strong, 0.001 <
p < 0.01 is strong, 0.01 < p < 0.05 is moderate, while 0.05 < p < 0.1 is weak. A
larger p–value holds no strength against H0 . The cut off value you’l want to use
is context based, with smaller values if that would lead to inconveniances.
If there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, the conclusion of
the statistical test is that the data are consistent with the null hypothesis. The
null hypothesis cannot be proven true. For example, imagine an experiment where
a coin is flipped 100 times and we observe 52 heads. The null hypothesis may be
that the coin is fair and the probability of heads on any flip is 0.5. The alternative
hypothesis would be that the probability of heads on any one flip is not 0.5.
The observed data show 52 heads out of 100 flips and that is not convincing
evidence to reject the null hypothesis. These data are consistent with the null
hypothesis p = 0.5 but would also be consistent with a null hypothesis that the
probability of heads is 0.5000001 or 0.501 or 0.52 or many other values.

5.2 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions

We’ll use the following situation to visualize: there has been a poll with n = 1, 046
people from which 42% said that they support the mayor. So the true support for
the mayor is unknown (p), however the estimated is p̂ = 0.42. What we want to
know if the true support is less than 50%:

• H0 ∶ p = 0.5

• HA ∶ p < 0.5

• Question: can we reject H0 ?

We want to compute the p–value. We start out from our theoretical model,

p̂ − p
test statistic = √ ≈ Normal(0, 1)
p⋅ n
Now by doing the substitution for the known values:

p̂ − p
√ 1
≈ Normal(0, 1)
1 1− 2
2 ⋅ 1046

Now assumign H0 is true p̂ − p = 0.42 − 0.5 = −0.08. So our p–value is the

probability of observing this value under the H0 hypothesis:
36 Statistical Tests of Significance

⎛ p̂ − p −0.08 ⎞ 1
P(p̂−p < −0.08) = P ⎜ √ ≤ √ ⎟ ≈ P (Normal (0, 1) ≤ −5.17) ≈
⎝ 1 ⋅ 1− 2
1 1− 2 ⎠ 9, 000, 000
2 1046 2 ⋅ 1046
This is an extremly small value, which means that our evidence against the
null hypothesis is strong, therefore we may reject it, and conclude that the mayors
support is less than 50%. If we were to put in a lower number into the equation
we may check just how small the mayors support it is. For example in case of 44%
we’l get a numbe of 0.0968, which means that under the null hypothesis we have
a ≈ 10% chance to sample this, and that’s not a strong evidence aginst H0 .
If we have a two sided hypothesis then instead of P(Z ≥ test statistic) we can
say that P(∣Z∣ ≥ test statistic)=P(Z ≥ test statistic) + P(Z < − test statistic),
which in case of symmetric distributions translates to 2⋅P(Z ≥ test statistic).

5.3 Hypothesis Testing for Means

As test case for this we’ll use the plastic surgery data, where we were interested
just how much younger are people perceived after the surgery. The question is
that all patiance will look younger or have we been just lucky? We had n = 60
persons in the survey, where after the surgery people looked younger on average
with X̄ = 7.177 years with a standard deviation of 2.948 years.
So formulating the problem we can say that in the real world we have the true
mean (noted as µ), with an estimated mean of µ̂ = X̄ = 7.177. Our null hypothesis
is that people do not look younger, H0 ∶ µ = 0; with hour alternative hypothesis is
that HA ∶ µ > 0. Now we saw previously that:

X̄ − µ
√ ≈ tn−1

We also know from our observation that X̄ − µ = 7.177 − 0 = 7.177. The p–value
is the probability of observing such an extreme value given that H0 is true.

⎛ X̄ − µ 7.177 ⎞
P (X̄ − µ ≥ 7.177) = P ⎜ √ ≥ √ ⎟
⎝ sn2 s2 ⎠
Now we got something for what we know its distribution, it’s:

⎛ 7.177 ⎞ 1
P ⎜t59 ≥ √ ⎟ = P (t59 ≥ 18.86) = 26
⎝ (2.948)2 ⎠ 10
Which is really small, and such we can reject the null hypothesis.
Introduction 37

5.4 Powerand Type I and Type II Errors

We start out from the null and the alternative hypothesis. We then calculate thep
p–value representing the probability of observing the value of the test statistic
given that H0 is true. Small p–values are evidence against the H0 .

significance level of a test gives a cut–off value for how small is small for a p–
value. We note it with: α. This gives a definition for the reasonable doubt
part of the method. It shows how the testing would perform in repeated
sampling. If we collect test statistics again and again sometime we’ll get
weird data. So for a significance level of 1% in case of 100 we’ll draw the
wrong conclusion in one case (reject H0 ). Setting it to small however would
result that you never reject H0 .
power of the test is the probability of making a correct decision (by rejecting the
null hypothesis) when the null hypothesis is false. Higher power tests are
better at detecting false H0 . To do this you’ll need to:
• power increases the further our alternative hypothesis is from the null
hypothesis (however in practice this is rarely in our control),
• α is increased then less evidence is required from the data in order to
reject the null hypothesis; therefore for increased α, even if the null
hypothesis is the correct model for the data, it is more likely that the
null hypothesis will be rejected;
• less variability increases,
• increasing the sample sizea also helps.
To determine the sample size needed for the a study for which the goal is to
get a significant result from a test, set α and the desired power, decide on
an alternative value that is practically interesting, estimate σ, and calculate
the sample size required to to give the desired power.
type I error is incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis, as we got data that
seemed unlikely with the data we got. For a fixed significance level α the
probability of this happening is α.
type II error is incorrectly not rejecting the null hypothesis, the probability of
this is β = 1 − power. This usually happens because we do not have enough
power due to small data size.

Generally we would like to decrease both types of errors, which can be done
by increasing the sample size (as having more evidence in a trial). It’s context
dependent which of the errors are more important.
38 Statistical Tests of Significance

5.5 Potential pitfalls to look out for

Do not miss interpret p–values. It does not tell you how likely it is that H0 is true.
It tells you how likely the observed data would be if H0 holds. The p–value is a
measure of significance. Therefore report it whenever you make conclusions.
Data collection matters! Testing cannot correct flaws in the design of the data
collection: not randomly choosing samples, lack of control, lack of randomising
in assigning treatments. All these would lead to bias, confounding and variables
inable to make conclusions.
Always use two–sided test, unless you’re sure apriori that one direction is of no
Statistical significance is not the same as practical significance. Just because
it’s significant statistically it does not mean that it’s also meaningful practicaly.
For example let us suppose we want to measure the tempatures of people. For this
we’ll use a huge sample size, compared to the small already existing one.
The increased sample size means that even a small difference from the expected
mean temperature under the null hypothesis may be declared statistically signifi-
cant. For example we could demonstrate that a difference of 0.005 degrees would
be significant statistically. While this is very precise, there is not much practical
significance especially because most commercial thermometers do not measure the
temperature with such a high precision.
A large p–value does not necessarily means that the null hypothesis is true.
There may not be enough power to reject it. Small p–values may happen due:

• chance,

• data collection issues (lack of randomization),

• violation of the conditions required by the testing procedure used,

• or because the null hypothesis is false.

If multiple tests are caried out, some are likely to be significant by chance alone.
So we need to be suspicious when you see few significant results when many tests
have been caried out; such as significant results on a few subgroups of data.
Test results are not reliable if the statement of the hypothesis are suggested by
the data. This is called data snopping. Generally the primary hypothesis should
be stated before any data is collected. Seeing some relation in the data and testing
for it is not good, as in this the p–value does not says anything.
The tests presented here require:

• independent observations
Introduction 39

• the sampling distributions of the estimators to be (approximately) normally


Any statistical test is deemed robust if it is not dependent on this requirements.

While the independent is hard to go around, the sampling distribution is not. A
good example of this is that although we have discrete values, for instance in case
of a coin flip, we can still use the test method although the norma distribution is
Start with explanatory analysis using plots and summary statistics. If you
can’t visualize it you may wonder if its important even if from a statistical point
of view it’s significant.

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