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Quantitative Research About School Canteen

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Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study

A school canteen is a place where students buy their food and drinks to
satiate their hunger and thirst. The school has a canteen so that their students
will not be required to venture farther from the school and the school gain
profits from it.

Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a business. Not only

it is the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty and identify unhappy
customers, it is also a key point of differentiation that helps to attract new
customers in competitive business environments. Therefore, satisfaction is a
person’s feeling of disappointments resulting from comparing a products
perceived performance in relation to his/her expectations. If the performance
falls short of expectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance
matches the expectation the customer is satisfied.

We conducted this study to know what the customers really feel and if the
service of the canteen can be improved.

The problem most commonly talked about by student is how our school
canteen gives us our change on the product we paid for not in cash but in
candies. They want to use their change on other things. Other than that we see
no more existing noticeable problems.

The Department of Education is strongly committed to support student’s

health and well-being through its curriculum in schools and range initiatives that
offer opportunities for physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food.
Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being
programs, including food and nutrition education. They help eliminate
malnutrition, and serve as avenue for the development of desirable eating habits

among students. By virtue of Dep.Ed. Order No 14. S, 2005, the Instruction to

Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe Foods in Schools that all schools
must have school canteens is indicated. This is reiterated by Dep. Ed Order No.
13 s of 2017 implementing guidelines on the school canteen. Canteens should
serve as venue for the development of eating habits and not be an unhealthy

B. Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the level of satisfaction of LMNHS Students

to the Canteen Service offered by LMNHS. Specifically it seeks to answer:

1. What is the level of satisfaction of students to the school canteen in terms

a. Nutritional Value
b. Taste of the Food
c. Price of the Food
d. Cleanliness of the school canteens
e. Diversity of the products
2. What is average level of satisfaction to the School Canteen Services
provided by LMNHS?

C. Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the level of satisfaction of the canteen service
offered by Luciano Millan National High School.

Furthermore, we will also identify what aspect of the canteen service have
a poor rating and will be able to suggest recommendations which will serve as

guide in order for the LMNHS Administration to give the students the canteen
service that they deserve.

D. Significance of the Study

This study is significant to:

Canteen. The results gathered from the study will help the canteen see its
weaknesses and problems and hopefully they will be able to improve those
weaknesses and problems they have seen in the results we have given to them.

Students. This study will help the students get their service in the canteen
improved and changed for the better.

Teachers. Same as the students the teachers will receive an improved and
changed canteen services provided by LMNHS if they’re able to fix their

School. Not only will it help the students but it will also help the school itself
because if the canteen fixed their problems because of the data results we have
given their reputation will improve because of the improvement of the school
canteen services.

E. Definition of Terms

To provide a clearer understanding of the following, the following terms are

defined as they were used in the study:

School. This refers to the place where students study and learn new

Satisfaction. This term refers to the fulfillment of one’s wishes,

expectations, or needs.

School Canteen. This refers to the place where students buy their food
and drinks to replenish their energy. This place is located from behind the
school and behind the gym.

Customer. This refers to someone who buys a product.

Fellow. This refers to someone who is among their group.

Student. This refers to someone who studies in a school to gain knowledge.

Study. This refers to the devotion of time and attention acquiring

knowledge on a research specifically on the satisfaction of canteen services
provided by LMNHS.

Cash. This term refers to the currency to pay a product.


Chapter 2

This study presents the methodology of the study. Specifically, it discusses

the research design, subjects of the study and sampling scheme, data gathering
instrument and data gathering procedure.

Research Design
The researchers used the Descriptive Method in this present study. This
method is appropriate since the researchers aim to get the level of satisfaction to
the school canteen services and describe the present situation in Luciano Millan
National High School.
The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and
characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research
is to study frequency, averages, and other statistical calculations.

Subjects of the Study and Sampling Scheme

The respondents of the study were two-hundred fifty-eight (258) students
of Luciano Millan National High School.
This number comprises 10 percent of the whole student population which
is 2,580. The researchers considered the percentage of the grade levels to get
the proper ratio of their population to the total number of respondents.
The Grade 7 students who comprise 17.80% of the population will have
total respondents of 46; Grade 8 with 19.68% will have total respondents of 51;
Grade 9 with 16.97% will have total respondents of 44; Grade 10 with 15.19%
will have total respondents of 39; Grade 11 with 16.16% will have total
respondents of 42; and Grade 12 with 14.19% will have total respondents of 37.

Data Gathering Instrument

In order to carry out this study, researchers used questionnaires to be
answered by the students of Luciano Millan National High School.
It is certain that the questions are relevant to The Level of Satisfaction to
the School Canteen Services. The questionnaire was approved and validated by
their Subject Teacher.
The survey questionnaire aims to get the level of satisfaction to the school
canteen services. The respondents will be rating each component using the
following scale: Poor (1), Needs Improvement (2), Satisfactory (3), Very
Satisfactory (4) and Outstanding (5).

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought approval from authorities to conduct the research
on the level of satisfaction to the school canteen services.
The researchers allotted 5 days to float and retrieve the questionnaires.
After gathering all the questionnaires, the researchers carefully tabulated and
tallied the answers.

Data Processing Method

After getting the results of the survey we will be able to process the data
to get the output.
The level of satisfaction to the school canteen services is measured by
answering each subject being asked in five levels.

Table 1a. Scale is used to rate the level of satisfaction to the school canteen services

Descriptive Value Numerical Value

Poor 1

Needs Improvement 2

Satisfactory 3

Very Satisfactory 4

Outstanding 5

The mean or average answer for each of the component questions shown
in the statement of the problem and the overall average will be rated against the
following scale to determine the level of satisfaction to the school canteen

Table 1b. Scale is used to rate the average level of satisfaction to the school canteen services

Descriptive Value Numerical Value

Poor 1.00-1.80

Needs Improvement 1.81-2.60

Satisfactory 2.61-3.40

Very Satisfactory 3.41-4.20

Outstanding 4.20-5.00

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data stated
problems of this present study which are: 1.) Level of Satisfaction of Students in
the Nutritional Value, Taste of the Food, Price of the Food, Cleanliness, Diversity
of the products to the School Canteen; 2.) the average level of satisfaction to the
School Canteen Services provided by LMNHS.

Table 2a. Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Nutritional

Value of Food in the School Canteens.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Grade 7 10 3 22 5 6 2.87 Satisfactory
Grade 8 4 6 27 2 12 3.24 Satisfactory
Grade 9 3 9 20 9 3 3.00 Satisfactory
Grade 10 3 15 14 7 0 2.64 Satisfactory
Grade 11 1 10 17 12 2 3.10 Satisfactory
Grade 12 4 11 13 8 0 2.69 Satisfactory
Total 25 54 113 43 23 2.94 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In this table above, it shows that Grades 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 gave a

Numerical Value of 2.87, 3.24, 3.00, 2.64, 3.10, and 2.69 respectively. These
ratings fall under the descriptive equivalent of Satisfactory

Nutritional Value




Figure 1. A pie chart showing the Percentage of Ratings for the Nutritional Value.

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 44%; Needs Improvement comprise 21%; Outstanding
with 9%; Very Satisfactory with 16% and Poor with 10%.

The Nutritional Value of Food Products and Beverages sold in the school
canteen garnered an average numerical rating of 2.94 which means that the
students are giving a Satisfactory Descriptive Rating.

Table 2b. Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Taste of the

Food in the School Canteens.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Grade 7 6 12 15 6 7 2.91 Satisfactory
Grade 8 3 6 27 6 9 3.24 Satisfactory
Grade 9 1 12 22 7 2 2.93 Satisfactory
Grade 10 3 15 16 4 1 2.62 Satisfactory
Grade 11 1 6 24 7 4 3.17 Satisfactory
Grade 12 4 11 15 6 0 2.64 Satisfactory
Total 18 62 119 36 23 2.93 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In this table above, it shows that Grades 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 gave a

Numerical Value of 2.91, 3.24, 2.93, 2.62, 3.17 and 2.64 respectively. These
ratings fall under the descriptive equivalent of Satisfactory.

Taste of the Food


9% 7%



Figure 2. A pie chart showing the Percentage of Ratings for the Taste of the Food.

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 46%; Needs Improvement comprise 24%; Outstanding
with 9%; Very Satisfactory with 14% and Poor with 7%.

The Taste of the food in the school canteen garnered an average

numerical rating of 2.93 which means that the students are giving a Satisfactory
Descriptive Rating.

Table 2c. Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Price of the food
in the School Canteens.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Grade 7 6 9 20 5 6 2.91 Satisfactory
Grade 8 5 18 12 4 12 3.00 Satisfactory
Grade 9 5 7 23 5 4 2.91 Satisfactory
Grade 10 7 12 18 2 0 2.38 Needs
Grade 11 6 7 20 7 2 2.29 Needs
Grade 12 3 9 20 4 0 2.69 Satisfactory
Total 32 62 113 27 24 2.80 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In this table above, it shows that Grades 7,8,9 and 12 gave a Numerical
Value of 2.91, 3.00, 2.91, and 2.69 respectively. These ratings fall under the
descriptive equivalent of Satisfactory.

On the otherhand, Grades 10 and 12 rated this aspect 2.38 and 2.29
respectively. This signifies that they believe that the Price of the Food in the
School Canteens Needs Improvement.

Price of the Food


9% 12%




Figure 3. A pie chart showing the Percentage of Ratings for the Price of the Food .

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 44%; Needs Improvement comprise 24%; Outstanding
with 9%; Very Satisfactory with 11% and Poor with 12%.

The Price of the Food in the school canteen garnered an average

numerical rating of 2.80 which means that the students are giving a Satisfactory
Descriptive Rating.

Table 2d. Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Cleanliness of

the School Canteens.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Grade 7 3 8 16 10 9 3.30 Satisfactory
Grade 8 3 3 21 10 14 3.57 Very Satisfactory
Grade 9 4 9 15 12 4 2.59 Needs
Grade 10 3 9 17 9 1 2.90 Satisfactory
Grade 11 2 3 25 9 3 3.19 Satisfactory
Grade 12 3 10 17 5 1 2.75 Satisfactory
Total 18 42 111 55 32 3.15 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In this table above, it shows that Grades 7,10,11 and 12 gave a Numerical
Value of 3.30, 2.90, 3.19, 2.75 and 2.75 respectively. These ratings fall under
the descriptive equivalent of satisfactory.

The Grade 9 Students gave a Numerical Value of 2.59. This rating falls
under the descriptive equivalent of Needs Improvement.

On the otherhand, the Grade 8 Students rated this aspect 3.57. This
signifies that they believe in a Very Satisfactory rating on the cleanliness of the
School Canteens.






Figure 4. A pie chart showing the Percentage of Ratings of the Cleanliness to the school canteens.

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 43%; Needs Improvement comprise 13%; Outstanding
with 13%; Very Satisfactory with 21% and Poor with 7%.

The cleanliness of the school canteens garnered an average numerical

rating of 3.15 which means that the students are giving a Satisfactory
Descriptive Rating.

Table 2e. Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Diversity of the

Products in the School Canteens.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Grade 7 4 7 14 14 7 3.28 Satisfactory
Grade 8 6 2 17 13 13 3.49 Very Satisfactory
Grade 9 2 10 20 10 2 3.00 Satisfactory
Grade 10 4 13 10 10 2 2.82 Satisfactory
Grade 11 2 7 22 9 2 3.05 Satisfactory
Grade 12 3 9 17 5 2 2.83 Satisfactory
Total 21 48 100 61 28 3.10 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In this table above, it shows that Grades 7,9,10,11 and 12 gave a

Numerical Value of 3.28, 3.00, 2.82, 3.05 and 2.83 respectively. These ratings
fall under the descriptive equivalent of satisfactory.

On the otherhand, the Grade 8 Students rated this aspect 3.49. This
signifies that they believe in a Very Satisfactory rating on the diversity of the
products to the School Canteens.

Diversity of the Products


11% 8%



Figure 5. A pie chart showing the percentage of Ratings to the Diversity of the Products.

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 39%; Needs Improvement comprise 18%; Outstanding
with 11%; Very Satisfactory with 24% and Poor with 8%.

The Diversity of the Products sold in the school canteen garnered an

average numerical rating of 3.10 which means that the students are giving a
Satisfactory Descriptive Rating.

Table 3. Average level of satisfaction to the School Canteen Services

provided by LMNHS.

P NI S VS O Average Descriptive
Numerical Value
Nutritional 25 54 113 43 23 2.94 Satisfactory
Taste of the 18 62 119 36 23 2.93 Satisfactory
Price of the 32 62 113 27 24 2.80 Satisfactory
Cleanliness 18 42 111 55 32 3.15 Satisfactory
Diversity of 21 48 100 61 28 3.10 Satisfactory
the Products
Total 114 268 556 222 130 2.98 Satisfactory
*P: Poor; NI: Needs Improvement; S: Satisfactory; VS: Very Satisfactory; O: Outstanding

In the table above the Nutritional Value, Taste of the Food, Price of the
Food, Cleanliness, and Diversity of the Products gave a numerical value of 2.94,
2.93, 2.80, 3.15 and 3.10 respectively. These ratings fall under the descriptive
equivalent of satisfactory.

Total Average

10% 9%

17% 21%


Figure 6. A pie chart showing the percentage of Ratings for the Total Average Level of Satisfaction to the School Canteen
Service provided by LMNHS.

The pie chart shows the percentage of ratings. Most of the responses fall
under Satisfactory with 43%; Needs Improvement comprise 21%; Outstanding
with 10%; Very Satisfactory with 17% and Poor with 9%

The Total Average Level of Satisfaction to the School Canteen Services

garnered an average numerical value of 2.98 which means that the students are
giving a Satisfactory Descriptive Rating.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary, the restatement of the research

problems, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study.


This study sought to determine the level of satisfaction to the school

canteen services.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following problems: Problem Number 1

dealt with determining the level of satisfaction of students in the school canteen
services in a. Nutritional Value, b. Taste of the Food, c. Price of the Food, d.
Cleanliness, e. Diversity of the Products; Problem Number 2 dealt focused on the
average level of satisfaction to the school canteen services.

This study made use of the Descriptive Type of Research where the level
of satisfaction to the school canteen services was determined using a 5-point
scale and the statistical tools used were frequency and mean.


In view of the problems raised in this study, the following are the findings:

1. a. The students rated the Nutritional Value with a Numerical Value of 2.94
and a Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.

b. The students rated the Taste of the Food with a Numerical Value of
2.93 and a Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.

c. The students rated the Price of the Food with a Numerical Value of 2.80
and a Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.

d. The students rated the Cleanliness of the school canteen with a

Numerical Value of 3.15 and a Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.

e. The students rated the Diversity of the Products with a Numerical Value
of 3.10 with a Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.

2. The students rated the Average level of satisfaction to the School Canteen
Services provided by LMNHS with a Numerical Value of 2.98 and a
Descriptive Value of Satisfactory.


In light of the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. a. The respondents are satisfied with the nutritional value of the food and
beverages sold at the School Canteen
b. The taste of the food at the School Canteen is good to be satisfied
c. The price of the food at the School Canteen is fair.
d. The cleanliness of the School Canteen is clean to be satisfied with.
e. The diversity of the products in the School Canteen is quite diverse.

2. The students are satisfied in the services offered by the School Canteens.

Based on the conclusions, several recommendations are offered:

1. a. The School Canteens should see to it that they can improve in the
nutritional value of the food so that the students are very satisfied rather
than just being satisfied.
b. If the School Canteens want to achieve a better rating they should
supply the products that they will sell with delicious and healthy foods
brimmed with flavor.
c. The prices of the food is fair but if the School Canteens somehow
achieved to buy the same products with a cheaper price the prices would
be favorable to the students.
d. The School Canteens is clean enough but if they received better
cleaning tools they can change the cleanliness of the School Canteens in a
whole new level.
e. The School Canteens can be even more diverse if they somehow gained
foreign or unique food products.

2. The School needs to focus in making the School Canteen Services even
better to hopefully achieve an Outstanding rating or at the very least a
Very Satisfactory rating.

3. Future researchers are encouraged to conduct studies inclined with the

customer’s wants and needs


Appendix A

Letter to respondents

Luciano Millan National High School

SY 2018-2019

January 21, 2019

To whom it may concern:

We are conducting our simple research study as one of our requirements

in our English Subject for Fourth Grading SY 2018-2019.

In connection to this, we would like to request for your permission for the
conduct of our study during your class.

Thank you for cooperating and may God bless you.



Group Leader


Genesis V. Delmendo

Subject Teacher

Appendix B
S.Y. 2018-2019
Level of Satisfaction of LMNHS Students to the Canteen Service
NAME (OPTIONAL):___________________ YEAR AND
DIRECTION: Rate the following aspects of School Canteens. Check the
corresponding box of your choice
(1) ENT (2) NG (4)

1.) How will you describe the canteen staff?

2.) Are you satisfied with the food being served?

Appendix C

Tally Sheets

Appendix D

Pictures taken during survey




Name : John Kevin Piso

Address : Purok Silaw, Domanpot,

Asingan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : October 4, 2001

Place of Birth : Tarlac

Name of Father : Jeffrey A. Raguindin

Name of Mother : Million B. Piso

Email Address :


Junior High School: Luciano Millan National High School (Batch 2019)

Asingan, Pangasinan

Elementary : Teofilo Gante Elementary School (Batch 2015)

Baro, Asingan, Pangasinan

Motto : Life is just a game that we’re all forced to play




Name : Stephanie Jean T. Duatin

Address : Purok Cappia, Domanpot,

Asingan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : October 4, 2001

Place of Birth : Domanpot, Asingan, Pangasinan

Name of Father : N/A

Name of Mother : Mary Jean Duatin

Email Address :


Junior High School: Luciano Millan National High School (Batch 2019)

Asingan, Pangasinan

Elementary : Domanpot Community School (Batch 2015)

Domanpot, Asingan, Pangasinan

Motto : Being alone doesn’t mean you don’t have a friend but
sometimes being alone is better than to be used by your friends



Name : Maria Angelica G. Licudan

Address : San Vicente East,

Asingan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : December 18, 2002

Place of Birth : Pangasinan

Name of Father : Amadeo G. Licudan

Name of Mother : Olympia G. Licudan

Email Address :


Junior High School: Luciano Millan National High School (Batch 2019)

Asingan, Pangasinan

Elementary : Little Learners Guided Educational Center (Batch 2015)

Asingan, Pangasinan

Motto : If you want to make it in anything, you need to have a

deeper purpose you need to have a “why” you do it



Name : Sheba Mae R. Cojotan

Address : Ariston West

Asingan, Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : August 20, 2003

Place of Birth : Quezon City, Manila

Name of Father : Romel P. Cojotan

Name of Mother : Evangeline R. Cojotan

Email Address : N/A


Junior High School: Luciano Millan National High School (Batch 2019)

Asingan Pangasinan

Elementary : Narciso R Ramos Elementary School (Batch 2015)

Asingan, Pangasinan

Motto : If you believe, you can achieve


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