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Surge Protection Catalogue of Australia

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that surges can damage electrical equipment, surge protection devices are important to prevent this damage, and standards like IEC and AS/NZS are important to understand for surge protection system design.

The document mentions that around 80% of surges are generated from internal sources like switching loads and motors or turning on air conditioning, while 20% come from external sources like lightning strikes and grid switching.

Some important standards mentioned are IEC LV Framework, ANSI/IEEE C62.41 for waveforms and testing, AS/NZS1768 for lightning and surge risk assessment, IEC61643 and UL1449 for equipment, and IEC 61006-1,2,3,4 for EMI/RFI generation and immunity.

SPD Product Catalogue 2010

Low Voltage
Surge Protection
Australia & New Zealand
Low Voltage Surge Protection
Understanding Surge Protection & it’s Applications

Why do I need surge Are there any standards that be used in conjunction with 2. Control current flow to the
protection? apply? local electrical switchboard next zone.
If a surge is of sufficient For many years now there & wiring codes. Some of the
energy level then it can have been internationally standards that apply & are Do it again!
damage or destroy electrical recognised standards often mentioned are:
equipment or even the for surge & lightning risk 1. Divert excess residual
electrical infrastructure assessment & protection. • IEC LV Framework energy.
itself. Direct & indirect costs Research & standards
to a business can be very committees publish many • ANSI / IEEE C62.41 2. Control current flow to the
expensive. A surge protection standards relating to surge Waveform, test & current next zone.
device is in real terms very in- risk & immunity. These standards & limits.
expensive & when correctly standards however differ from It’s that simple. However,
selected & installed can one geography to another. • AS/NZS1768 Lightning & understanding what the
prevent damage occurring. Of importance is that there Surge Protection - Risk correct risk rating is, what
are two basic low voltage assessment. needs to be protected vs. what
What is a surge? standards in the world. In the does not, what product to use
A surge is a random, short U.S. it is 120Vac, 60Hz. ( half • IEC61643, UL1449 Equipment & how to correctly install it for
burst of excess electrical the voltage & twice standards full performance benefit can
energy to a system. It is the current ). In Europe, be difficult. By following the
typically measured in micro & Australasia & parts of Asia it • IEC 61006-1,2,3,4 next few pages we make it
milli-seconds. Also referred is 220-240Vac, 50Hz. ( twice EMI/RFI generation & easier to identify risk, classify
to as a transient, impulse the voltage, half the current immunity protection zones & identify
or spike, these electrical ). It is important to recognise suitable products.
disturbances can damage that there are differing And that’s not all of them.
or even destroy sensitive methodologies & compliance There’s a lot to understand. What are the rules for
microprocessor-based regulations for both systems. installation?
equipment. Surge protection There are similarities between Some standards overlap, it is One of the key issues often
devices are designed to the US & European standards, easy to confuse them & apply overlooked is the correct
reduce the amount of harmful but at key points the standards an in appropriate standard. placement & installation
energy that flows into a become mutually exclusive. Understanding the standards practice that should be
system. is key to success. applied. Each site is different.
So what standards do I use? There is no single definitive
Where do they come from? Our electrical infrastructure in System design design that can be applied
80% of transients are Australia has been developed System design is not as across the board for all surge
generated from internal based on European standards. difficult as it seems. As long protection situations. It very
sources such as load It is therefore appropriate to as the basic principles of much depends on the specific
switching, motors starting use the European standards applicable standards are site infrastructure. There are
up or even turning on air as our guide. There are applied then the job at hand however, some basic rules
conditioning systems. The many surge standards that is to: that should be practiced to
other 20% of transients are can be followed. Most AS/ ensure that a solution will
typically generated from NZS standards have great 1. Divert the incoming excess work effectively. Whilst not
external sources such as similarity to the IEC standards. energy at the point-of-entry. comprehensive, the following
lightning strikes & power There are several levels of (Stop it BEFORE it gets into the are guidelines for successful
company grid switching. Like it standards that can apply to system. It’s cheaper & easier installation.
or not, most electrical systems any solution. It is important to deal with it at the point of
are subjected to some level of to understand that there is a entry).
transients. hierarchy of standards. At the
highest level there are the Low
What is SPD? Voltage Framework Directives.
Referred to as Surge Below this are Lightning
Protection Device (SPD). They & Surge Risk Assessment
are defined as: standards. Below this again
“A device designed to protect are TVSS & SPD equipment
electrical equipment from standards & within these are
power surges & voltage test & waveform standards.
spikes.” All these standards need to

2 Eaton Surge Protection

Physical & electrical location. rising transients. For medium 0.5m on any cable & always to the load with the potential
Location, Location, Location. & high-current services tie cables tightly together. to damage the load instead
It’s a familiar line but very true. (250-3000A), use the maximum Try to keep surge voltage of being diverted to the main
Getting the location of an SPD fuse as recommended by the drop to <1kV/cable. Don’t loop earth & safely dissipated
right is paramount to success. manufacturer. For low-current extra cable! It only adds more AWAY FROM THE LOAD.
It should be located as close services (<250A), the fuse inductance & reduces the By following the above
as possible to Main Switch or rating will limit surge capacity. surge withstand capacity of guidelines you will maximise
metering point – within Main For very low-current services the circuit. EVERY millimetre your investment in a surge
SWB if possible. The earthing (<80A), it may be necessary to counts. product. All products in
point for the SPD (for Main rely on line fuses. this catalogue have been
SWBs) must be located within Earthing. designed & tested to
a short distance. The main Cable length & type. The site earth must be as good international standards by
earthing point is where you Cable length (inductance) is as possible. This is where the Eaton’s SPD Engineering
want the excess energy to end the biggest issue. Multiple, excess energy will end up. Division in laboratories
up being safely dissipated. small cables are better than Again, if possible, busbars in Australia & China. For
one large cable. Where should be used for runs <3m. more information including
Safety disconnectors. permitted, busbars are much Use a ‘star’ (or ‘single-point’) engineering support, white
It is preferred to use HRC preferred as they provide the earthing system in all cases. papers, specification advice &
Gg/Gl fuses, not CBs. HRC lowest impedance return Do not daisy-chain earth in a product support, contact your
fuses perform better than path for the surge energy. surge circuit. Daisy chaining Eaton representative.
CB’s which are not designed Wherever possible, keep the earth simply allows the surge
for surge waveforms & fast total connection length below return path to be connected

Selecting Surge Protection Equipment 4 Class II/Cat C & B - Secondary Protection
MSFI – 1 & 3 Phase 40-63A Surge Filter 25
Class I/Cat D & E - Direct Strike Protection DSFI – 1 Phase High Performance Surge Filter 27
SPDSG50-300 – Spark Gap Diverter 7 CSFI – Din Rail Compact Surge Filter 29
SPDSG50-255 – GDT Diverter 7 SPD50NGI – Neutral-Earth Surge Protector 31

Class II/Cat D & C - Point of Entry Protection Class III/Cat A

PPFi – 3 Phase Premium Power Filter 9 Point of Use Protection
MSDI – 3 Phase Surge Diverter 13 POD – Surge Powerboard 34
SPDI – Din Rail Mounted Surge Diverters 15 SSFI – Portable Surge Filter 36
SPDV60 & SPDT60 – Din Surge Diverters 18 SPD DM Series – 5-48V Low Voltage Diverters 38
Quickmov – Integrated Surge Protection 20 EMTJ & ERAK – Dataline Protectors 39
PVD40 Series – Photvoltaic Surge Diverters 22 SF8RM – Single Phase Rack Surge Filter 40

Quick Product Selection Guide 41

UPS & Surge Filter Selection Guide 42

Eaton Surge Protection 3

Selecting Surge Protection Equipment
Understanding Surge Protection Categories

Protection Categories to neutral or earth, protecting switchboards, contactors,

transformers & motors from burnout due to extreme voltages.
A properly installed surge diverter can limit surges to below
Surge Protection Zones (ANSI/IEEE C62.41) 2000V.

Cat E Cat D Cat C Cat B Cat A If the main load in an installation is critical of high voltages
6kV/70kA 6kV/30kA 6kV/15kA 6kV/3kA 6kV/200A
(computers, communications systems, test equipment etc.), or
generates electrical noise (variable speed motor drives,
high-frequency welders etc.), a Surge/Power Filter (PPFI)
should be used. In an PPFI, surge diverters are utilised in
conjunction with low-pass filtering to reduce the surge voltage
& remove noise. In normal operation, an PPFI can be expected
to reduce surge potentials to less than 1000V whilst providing
up to 70dB of noise attenuation.
Firstly determine whether or not you require filtering or just
BUILDING surge diversion. If selecting a surge diverter, select a device
appropriate for the protection category. The MSDI & SPDI are
suitable for category C & B locations. Quickmov surge diverters
can also be used in these locations for protection of Quicklag
& DIN panelboards.
Eaton manufactures a complete range of power protection
components. These components fall into a number of If the site requires filtering at the point of entry, select an PPFI
categories, depending upon where they are utilised in an with the appropriate current rating for the load, then select the
electrical installation. The 3 main categories are, according to model appropriate for the protection category.
ANSI/IEEE C62.41 & AS/NZS1768-2007:
For DC solar panel arrays with Grid Interactive inverters it is
Category A (6kV/200A): Long final sub circuits & power outlets recommended that Cat C / Class II, DC type SPD’s are used.
Category B (6kV/3kA): Major sub mains & short final sub circuits For this situation the PVD40 series Photo Voltaic Diverters in
500, 600 and 1000vdc versions be used.
Category C (6kV/15kA): Point of entry
Minor sub mains & short final sub circuits – Class II/Category B
In addition to these categories, there are 2 more categories
Once past the main board, most protection involves both
which simply extend the Category C rating:
surge diversion & filtering. Non-critical loads such as lighting
Category D (6kV/30kA): Point of entry, high exposure & general-purpose power circuits do not necessarily require
Category E (6kV/70kA): Point of entry, very high exposure
& critical load
Equipment listed in this catalogue is referenced by category to For large 3-phase loads such as mainframe computers or
make the selection of correct components easier. computer-controlled machinery, select an PPFI appropriate for
the load. In this case the protection level required is usually
taken as ‘one step’ below the protection level applied to the
Selecting Surge Protection Equipment for Commercial point of entry. For single-phase loads up to 63A, the DSFI &
& Industrial Applications MSFI filter ranges are suitable (for current < 25A, the CSFI
filter also provides installation compatibility with modular
switchboards). Generally, filters should be mounted as close as
High risk direct strike or point of entry. Class I/Cat D & E possible to the equipment being protected.
For very high risk installations it is recommended that Class I
type SPD’s are used. Such devices are commonly referred to
as “Spark gap arresters “. For this situation the SPDSG50-300
should be used for L-N and L-E modes and the SPDSG50-255NPE
should be used for N-E mode.

Point of Entry – Class II/Category C

Basically, all installations should at least be protected at the
point of entry. The starting point for protection is the surge
diverter. Surge diverters effectively clamp the incoming lines

4 Eaton Surge Protection

Long Final Sub circuits & Power Outlets - Class III/ If the site requires filtering at the point of entry, select a DSFI
Category A filter with the appropriate current rating for the load. The DSFI
When protecting final sub circuits & power points there are 2 filter is rated at 5-32A (for current < 25A, the CSFI filter also
options. Either fit hard-wired filters to the circuit or use plug-in provides installation compatibility with modular switchboards).
filters on the equipment to be protected. This choice will be
determined by the load (plug-in filters are only rated up to 10A), Final Sub circuits & Power Outlets – Class III/Cat A
& whether or not there is space for a plug-in filter adjacent When protecting final sub circuits & power points there are 2
to the equipment. With large computer networks, many options. Either fit hard-wired filters to the circuit or use plug-in
administrators prefer not to use plug-in filters as they can be filters on the equipment to be protected. This choice will be
accidentally unplugged by the operator’s foot, causing network determined by the load (plug-in filters are only rated up to 10A),
problems. For small servers however, a plug-in filter provides & whether or not there is space for a plug-in filter adjacent to
extra protection at the computer for ‘insurance’. the equipment. Generally, a plug-in filter, used in conjunction
with protection at the switchboard, gives the best protection.
Firstly select whether a hard-wired or plug-in filter is to be Method
used. If selecting a hard-wired filter, the DSFI range is suitable Firstly select whether a hard-wired or plug-in filter is to be
for currents up to 32A (for currents < 25A, the CSFI filter also used.
provides installation compatibility with modular switchboards).
If selecting a hard-wired filter, the DSFI is suitable for currents
For plug-in filters, the SSFI series provides high levels of
from 5 to 32A (for currents < 25A, the CSFI filter also provides
protection with good filtering.
installation compatibility with modular switchboards).
For plug-in filters, the SSFI & POD provides high levels of
protection with good filtering. The POD also provides protection
Selecting Surge Protection Equipment for Domestic for ancillary devices such as phone/fax, network & coaxial
& Home-office Applications cables - ideal for protecting video TV systems in domestic
Point of Entry – Class II/Cat C, B Note: cable systems are electrically referred to mains neutral
As with commercial & industrial applications, all installations which only increases the potential of damage from electrical
should at least be protected at the point of entry. Again, this faults. If high levels of filtering are required such as for home
usually involves the use of surge diverters. Surge diverters automation or high-end audio visual, or other noise-critical
effectively clamp the incoming lines to neutral or earth, equipment, the sub circuits supplying these systems should be
protecting the switchboard & wiring from damage due to protected at the switchboard by a high level device such as the
extreme voltages. CSFI.
Surge diverters are a ‘must’ if the building is located in an
exposed position or fed by long aerial cables, as in rural
installations. If the building is part of a medium or high-density
development & is fed by an underground cable, the risk of high- Selecting Surge Protection for Dataline Applications
energy surges is quite low. In these cases, a surge diverter may
not be necessary.
For IT & telecommunication applications, dataline network
protectors provide further protection against transients which
In most domestic buildings, the main switchboard is the only can enter the electrical system through “back-doors”. The
switchboard & therefore, if it is desired to provide filtered EMTJ & ERAK series offer transient protection for single port or
power for critical applications such as computers, office multi-port configuration on CAT5 & CAT6 networks. The SF8RM
equipment or entertainment systems, this should be done on is designed for surge protection in data rack cabinets where
the main switchboard. Few domestic applications use 3-phase space is typically limited.
power & those that do usually only use it for heating or air-
conditioning. For this reason, only the phase supplying power to For twisted pair coms and signalling data line it is
critical equipment is actually filtered. The remaining phases are recommended that Cat A / Class III type SPD’s are used. For
simply fitted with shunt diverters. this situation the SPD-DM series diverters in 5, 12, 24 or 48vdc
Method versions be used.
Firstly determine whether or not you require filtering or just
surge diversion. If selecting a shunt diverter, select a device
appropriate for the installation. The SPD3NI, SPD3GI, SPDV60 &
SPDT60 are suitable for single & multi-phase installations whilst
the SPD120I is ideal for very exposed sites (on hilltops or with
long aerial cables).

Eaton Surge Protection 5

Direct Strike Protection
Class I/Category D & E (6kV/30kA)

6 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® SPDSG Series
Class I/Cat D & E Spark Gap & GDT Diverter

multiple gap element design to ensure accurate

triggering & with no follow current. There are 2 models
to choose from. The SPDSG50-300 is suitable for
connection across L-N or L-E. The SPDSG50-255NPE is
suitable for connection in common mode across N – E.
Each have been tested to the stringent requirements of
10/350us waveform standard , commonly known as I imp,
& exhibit exceptionally low let through voltage of less
than 2.5kV at 50kA.

• 1 mode protection. N-E, L-E or L-N
• 50kA surge suppression rating
• Compact modular solution
Shunt Surge Diverter • 2 unit DIN43880 case, 36mm DIN-rail mount
3 Phase, 100-400A, 80-240kA
The new SPDSG series diverters are designed as IEC • Direct strike point of entry locations.
61643-1, Class I, direct strike, surge diverters to protect
high risk installations. Typically known as spark gap Key Features:
devices, these diverters use the latest technology

Technical Specifications SPDSG50-300 SPDSG50-255NPE

Technology Encapsulated Spark Gap Encapsulated Gas Arrester

Method of mounting 35mm Din rail 35mm Din rail

Input voltage (Un) 230vac nominal 230vac nominal

Max Continuous Voltage (Mcov) 300vac 255vac

Test classification IEC Class I Class I

Maximum rated surge current – 50kA 50kA

(I imp) 10/350us

Max rated surge current – (Imax) 8/20us 140kA 140kA

Residual voltage (Vpl) <2.5KV <2.5KV

Leakage current None None

Response time <100ns <100ns

External disconnector max 160A gL None

Terminations 35mm multi-strand 35mm multi-strand

Insulation resistance > 103 M Ohm > 103 M Ohm

Enclosure material Thermo plastic. UL94-V0 Thermo plastic. UL94-V0

Enclosure rating IP20 IP20

Applicable standards. IEC61643-1:2001 IEC61643-1:2001

Dimensions 35mm (W) x 100mm (H) x 77mm (D) 35mm (W) x 100mm (H) x 77mm (D)

Weight 200 grams 200 grams

Environment -40c to +80c -40c to +80c

Warranty 5 years 5 years

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Eaton Surge Protection 7

Point of Entry Protection
Class II/Category C (6kV/15kA)

8 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® PPFi
Class II/Cat C & D
3 Phase Premium Power Filter
The PPFI is designed to provide point-of-entry (Category
C) & sub-circuit protection (Category B) against power
surges caused by external sources such as lightning strikes
& substation switching as well as providing a measure of
protection from surge events generated on the secondary side
of the filter. An ideal device for all Category locations.

The PPFI is a 3-stage protection system utilising primary &

secondary MOV protection in conjunction with a Low-Q LC
filter. The unit provides filtering of the line harmonics, noise
& RF transmitters with a cut-off frequency of <10kHz & a
minimum attenuation of 70dB above 1MHz. Special care has
been taken in the design of the filter to minimise ringing caused
by light loads, surge diverter operation & inductive load back-
Series Power & Noise Filter with Shunt Surge Diverter
3 Phase, 100-400A, 80-240kA All models in the PPFI Series are fully enclosed in wall
mounting IP24 steel enclosures. A graphical mimic display
provides at-a-glance indication of the status of the PPFI with
indicators showing correct functions in green & faults in
red. The alarm function provides a summary alarm output for
• All Power Circuits including "Point-of-Entry"
protection failure & power failure.
• Telecommunications Systems & Rectifiers
• Process & Control Systems & UPS Systems
• Computer Systems & Medical Systems
• AV circuits for clubs & hotels
• All sensitive Electronic Equipment

Key Features:

• Surge suppression & filtering in a single package

• Standard Current ratings from 100A to 400A
• 1 mode, Multi-Element Series Filter
• 2 mode, 3 stage Surge Diverter
• Surge suppression ratings from 80kA to 240kA
• Provides extensive high frequency & RF filtering
• Incorporates a EN certified EMI/RFI filter
• Panel-mounted mimic display
• Protection Fail Alarm Relay
• Enclosed in IP24 painted steel cabinet
• 5 Year Warranty


• Custom configurations
• Isolation switches & circuit breakers
• Custom cabinets
• Chassis Mount versions

Eaton Surge Protection 9

Eaton® PPFI

Technical Specifications PPFXXX3CEi PPFXXX3DEi PPFXXX3EEi

Input voltage 380 - 440VAC 3 Phase

Maximum continuous voltage – MCOV 300VAC L-N

Temporary overvoltage - TOV 320VAC, 15 mins

Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any 3-phase system with a grounded neutral. This unit must not be connected to an ungrounded

Test classification Class II

Energy Absorption rating - per mode (Joules)

Primary protection L-N: 1,200J/ph, 3,600J total. 1,800J/ph, 5400J total. 3,600J/ph, 10,8000J total.
Secondary protection L-N: 600J/ph, 1,600J total. 600J/ph, 1800J total. 600J/ph, 1,800J total.
Common mode protection N-E: 2,130J. 710J. 710J.
Aggregate rating: 7,530J. 7,910J. 13,310J.

Current rating – continuous (standard 100A, 160A, 200A, 300A, 400A


Recommended maximum over current protection 100A, 160A, 200A, 300A, 400A

Residual current <1 mA

Short circuit withstand (1 sec) 29kA

Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Neutral, Line-Neutral,

Neutral-Earth Neutral-Earth Neutral-Earth

In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Nominal Surge Life 30kA x 20 hits/ph 45kA x 20 hits/ph 90kA x 20 hits/ph

In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Nominal Surge Life 45kA x 20 hits 45kA x 20 hits 45kA x 20 hits

Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Max surge level 80kA 120kA 240kA

Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Max surge level 120kA 40kA 40kA

Filter attenuation 70dB nominal above 1MHz

Initial clamp voltage (Line-Neutral) 560V (350Vac RMS)

Initial clamp voltage (Line-Earth) 1240V (700Vac RMS)

Initial clamp voltage (Neutral-Earth) 680V (420Vac RMS)

Residual voltage (Vpl) Line-Neutral <900Vac (3kA, 8/20uS) IEC61643.1

Residual voltage (Vpl) Line-Earth <1100Vac (3kA, 8/20uS) IEC61643.1

Residual voltage (Vpl) Neutral-Earth <1000Vac (3kA, 8/20uS) IEC61643.1

Internal protection (fusing) All surge diverter connections are fused via HRC fuses to IEC269-2-1

Terminations Bolted lug. 8mm bolts for phase & neutral connections. 8mm PE (earth) stud provided on geartray.

Alarms/indicators Mimic panel display via LED (2 colour), OK - Green; Protection Fault - Red.
Dry contact alarm relay output – 250Vac/32Vdc, 10A, 4kV isolation,
Alarm under-voltage cutoff 180Vac.

Enclosure rating IP24

Design standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1,2,3,4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B,C,D

AS1768-2007 Cat B,C,D,E AS3000, AS3100, CE mark

Dimensions 600 x 200 x 800 mm (W x D x H) = 100A to 200A

800 x 400 x 1000 mm (W x D x H) = 300A & 400A

Weight 100A & 160A = 50 kg, 200A = 60 kg, 300A & 400A = 75 kg

Environment -10 to 65°C, 10 to 90%RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

10 Eaton Surge Protection

Block Diagram & Mimic Display

Surge Category 1 Mode Multi-Element Series Filter

2 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

The PPFI is suitable Primary

Protection Protection
for use in all category Capacitor Inductor Capacitor

Normal Normal
Mode Mode
Class II/Cat D

(6kV/30KA) Point of Power


Entry, High Exposure

Common Mode EMF/RFI Common Mode
Filter Block

Class II/Cat C

(6kV/15kA) Point of
Entry/ Service Entrance
SPFXXX3CEi Block Diagram

Class II/Cat B 1 Mode Multi-Element Series Filter

(Special Applications) 2 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

Primary MOV Secondary MOV

(6kV/3kA) Major sub High Series High
Protection Frequency Blocking Frequency Protection
Capacitor Inductor Capacitor
mains & short final sub
Normal Normal
Mode Mode

Power Power
Input Output

EMF/RFI Common Mode
Filter Block

SPFXXX3DEi & SPFXXX3EEi Block Diagram

Eaton Surge Protection 11





Eaton® PPFI
Connection & Line Diagram

F i S urge F ilter
nec tion Diagram
Min dis tance
1003C E i, S P F 1003DE i, S P F 1003E E i, to ceiling 300mm
50C E i, S P F 150DE i, S P F 150E E i,
00C E i, S P F 200DE i, S P F 200E E i, OUT P UT/LOAD
250C E i, S P F 250DE i, S P F 250E E i

L1 L2 L3 N
ument is to be us ed in c onjunc tion with LOAD
S urge F ilter Ins tallation G uide
(T vs s Doc #510063)

eutral connections via 8mm bolts.

n via M8 s tud, lower right of enclos ure.
g for connection points.
parate earth cable, even if the unit is bolted to L1 L2 L3 N

output cables phys ically separated at all times. E Earth Stud

dis tance 500mm. INP UT/S UP P LY On G ear T ray
preferred to MC B s for connection to main S W B . 8mm
ns tallation guide for details.
ted within 3m (cable length) of the main system
al link for point-of-entry application. G reater
proper operation of this S P F it is essential that
Min distance
ys ically s hort earth connection be made to the to floor 600mm
nt. W ith reference to local wiring standards,
us ually s ized agains t a thermal rating,
xpected fault currents , (5,000 to 25,000 amps).
an S P F however, the installer must be aware
nts can exceed 50,000 amps, and therefore




re generally required to limit voltage drops MAIN

ditions . T o achieve these requirements, the
s hould be s elected to be equal to, or greater

incoming cable into the S P F . T his ensures that Important: Before installing the
n the earth cable are minimis ed. device, please read & follow the instal-
power-carrying conductors s hall be s ized
a lly-applicable s tandards. It is recommended
lation & operation instructions.
g neutral conductor be sized the same as (or
phas e conducts as it is the primary return for
es. 1 2 3 4

D 3/2/2005 S P F i S eries D

Differential protection and filtering. 550193

3/2/2005 LC
One phase shown, all phases identical




L-N protection L-N protection


N-E protection
Display Driver Display PCB



Size Number Revision
A4 550246 0
12 Eaton Surge Protection Date: 7-Aug-2006 Shee1t of1
File: C:\tvss engineering\Product_engineering\current\MSF\MSF.ddb
Drawn By:
1 2 3 4
Eaton® MSDI
Class I & II/Cat D & C
Three Phase Surge Diverter
The MSDI surge diverter is designed to provide point-of-entry
protection against power surges caused by external sources
such as lightning strikes & substation switching. Common-mode
protection is available for sites remote from the M.E.N. point
including industrial sites & rooftops in multi-storey
buildings. An ideal device for all Category locations.

The MSDI surge diverters utilise MOV protection for both

differential & common-mode protection. Multiple MOV devices
are used in parallel for primary circuit redundancy. The status of
protective devices is continuously monitored & displayed using
LED bar-graph indicators. All MOV devices are thermally fused
& isolated by ceramic fuses.

Shunt Surge Diverter, 3 Phase 200kA MSDI unit is provided with an alarm relay. The alarm function
provides a summary alarm output for protection degradation as
Typical applications:
well as power failure. The alarm may be configured to indicate
either partial or total protection failure. The level of protection
• All Power Circuits including "Point-of-Entry"
remaining is indicated by LED bar-graph indicators on the front
• Telecommunications Systems & Rectifiers
panel. A summary alarm relay contacts provide remote
• Process & Control Systems & UPS Systems
signalling to remote equipment.
• Computer & Medical Systems
• Multi-storey buildings
• All sensitive Electronic Equipment

Key Features:

• 3 Mode, 2 Stage Surge Diverter

• Surge suppression rating of 200kA
• Enclosed in IP24 cabinet
• LED Bargraph display on each phase
• Protection Fail Alarm Relay
• 5 Year Warranty

Surge Category 3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

The MSDI is suitable Primary

for use in category Protection Protection


Class II/Cat D Normal


Common Mode
(6kV/30KA) Point of Power Power
Entry, High Exposure Input Output

Class II/Cat C Common Mode

(6kV/15kA) Point of
Entry/ Service Entrance

MSDi Block Diagram (Only 1 phase shown, all phases are identical)

Eaton Surge Protection 13

Eaton®® MSDI
Eaton MSDI

Technical Specifications MSD200CM60i

Input voltage 200 - 250VAC (380 - 440VAC 3 Phase)
Maximum continuous voltage (MCOV) 320VAC
Temporary overvoltage - TOV 350VAC, 15 mins
Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any 3-phase system with a grounded neutral
Energy Absorption rating - per mode (Joules) Primary Protection L-N = 3,000J/ph, 9,000J total
Common mode protection L-E = 710J/ph, 2,130J total
Common mode protection N-E = 2,130J total
Aggregate rating 13,260J
Recommended max. overcurrent protection 125A GL HRC fuse
Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Earth, Neutral-Earth
In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Nom. surge life 75kA per phase x 20 times
In 8/20us (Line-Earth) Nom. surge life 15kA per phase x 20 times

In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Nom. surge life 45kA x 20 times

Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Max. surge life 200kA
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Earth) Max. surge life 40kA
Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Max. surge life 120kA
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Neutral) 560V (350Vac RMS)
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Earth) 680V (420Vac RMS)
Initial clamp voltage (Neutral-Earth) 680V (420Vac RMS)
Internal protection (fusing) All surge diverter connections are fused via HRC fuses to IEC269-2-1
Alarms/indicators Bargraph display for protection remaining, dry contact alarm relay output – 250Vac/32Vdc, 10A, 4kV
isolation, Alarm under-voltage cutoff 180Vac.

Enclosure rating IP24

Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1,2,3,4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B,C,D,E AS1768-2007 Cat B,C,D,E AS3000,
AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions & Weight 370 x 160 x 560 mm (W x D x H), 14kg
Environment -10 to 65°C, 10 to 90%RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.








Connection & Line Diagram

550192_msdi_cnx_dia_a4.pdf 6/10/2008 1:30:27 PM

1 2 3 4

S urge Diverter
Min distance D D

c tion Diagram to ceiling 300mm

Differential protection.
One phase shown, all phases identical

t is to be us ed in c onjunc tion with LINE

Diverter Ins tallation G uide T O LOADS FPRI
vs s Doc #510065)

L-N protection
connections via 8mm bolts .
M8 s tud, lower right of enclos ure. INP UT
connection points . F US E
e earth cable, even if the unit is bolted to L3 L2 L1 N

t cables phys ically s eparated at all times. E E AR T H S T UD

nce 500mm. ON C AS E
red to MC B s for connection to main S W B . 8mm NEUTRAL
ation guide for details . L3
within 3m (cable length) of the main s ystem
k for point-of-entry application. G reater N-E protection L-E protection
per operation of this MS D it is es s ential that NO
Min distance
ly s hort earth connection be made to the L1 Protection alarm
ith reference to local wiring standards, to floor 600mm B

ally s ized agains t a thermal rating, NE UT R AL LINK

ted fault currents , (5,000 to 25,000 amps). OR
S D however, the ins taller mus t be aware
M.E .N. NC
an exceed 50,000 amps, and therefore
nerally required to limit voltage drops MAIN S W B EARTH STUD
ns . T o achieve these requirements, the Common-mode protection.
ld be s elected to be equal to, or greater
ming cable into the MS D. T his ensures that
One phase shown, all phases
earth cable are minimis ed. < 3m line distance identical
er-carrying conductors s hall be sized MAIN FROM OTHER PHASES
pplicable s tandards . It is recommended E AR T HING
utral conductor be s ized the same as (or
e conducts as it is the primary return for Important: Before installing the device,
please read & follow the installation & A

operation instructions. Size

2/23/2005 MS Di S eries Date: 7-Aug-2006 Shee1t of1
File: JDP
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Drawn By:
2/23/2005 LC 1 2 3 4

14 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® SPDI Series
Class I & II/Cat D, C & B
Din Rail Mounted Surge Diverters
Key Features:

• Surge ratings starting from 40kA up to 100kA (8/20uS)

• DIN43880 profile IP20 enclosure allows compatibility with most
common switchboards
• Versatile mounting clips offer the option of DIN rail or surface
mount with ease
• Clear & concise protection status indicators &
a dry-contact alarm
• Extended voltage range to suit most common power
distribution systems

Shunt Surge Diverter, 1 & 3 Phase, 40kA & 100kA

Eaton's SPDI surge diverters provide the ultimate solution for surge protection in single & multi-phase systems. Whether the
application involves residential homes, telecommunication facilities, hospitals, schools or heavy industrial plants, the SPDI surge
diverters provide protection against the damaging effects of lightning, utility switching, switching electric motors & more. SPDI surge
diverters can be installed as point-of-entry or sub-board protection & are connected in parallel with the power circuit via separate
protection HRC fuses. These devices are ideal for Category C & B locations.

1 Mode (L-N) 1 Stage Diverter


Normal Mode

Power Power
Input Output

Class I/Cat D SPD120i Block Diagram

The SPD120I is designed to protect single-phase power systems against surges & spikes caused by lightning strikes & other electrical
sources. The unit is intended for point-of-entry or main board protection in medium to high exposed locations. SPD120I are easily
configured for L-N or L-E protection for installations adjacent or remote from the M.E.N. link, which means it can provide protection
for commercial buildings to rural sites.

Eaton Surge Protection 15

Eaton® SPDI Series
Class II/Cat C & B
Din Rail Mounted Surge Diverters

• Ideal for Point of Entry or Sub-board Protection

• Telecommunication Systems & Rectifiers
• Process & Control Systems
• Computer Systems
• Medical Systems
• All Sensitive Electronic Equipment

Class II/Cat C & B

The SPD3NI is designed to protect 3-phase power systems against damage from surges & spikes caused by lightning & other
electrical sources. The unit is intended for point-of-entry or sub-board protection in low to medium exposed locations adjacent to the
M.E.N. link. For protection in locations remote from the M.E.N. link use a SPD3GI Gas Arrestor model.

2 Mode 1 Stage Surge Diverter Surge Category


Protection Protection Protection

L1 L1
The SPDI is suitable for use in
Mode L2
category locations:
Power Power
Mode L3
Class II/Cat D

N N (6kV/30KA) Point of Entry, High

Common Mode Exposure (SPD120I Only)

Class II/Cat C

SPD3Ni Block Diagram (6kV/15kA) Point of Entry/ Service


Class II/Cat B
2 Mode 1 Stage Surge Diverter
(6kV/3kA) Major sub mains & short
Protection final sub circuits

L1 L1

L2 L2
Power Power
Input Common Output
L3 Mode L3

N Common N


SPD3Gi Block Diagram

16 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® SPDI

Technical Specifications SPD120I SPD3NI SPD3GI

220-277VAC (380-480V) 220-277VAC (380-480V) 220-300VAC (380-520V)

Input voltage
40-70 Hz 40-70 Hz 40-70 Hz

Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) 320VAC 350VAC

Temporary overvoltage - TOV 350VAC, 15 mins 420VAC, 15 mins

TN-S & TT (3-wire with

Service Type TN-C & TN C-S (3-wire with grounded neutral)
grounded neutral)

Test Classification (IEC61643-1) Class II

Initial clamp voltage 560V 680V

Maximum rated surge current - Ismax 8/20us 100kA 40kA / Phase

Nominal surge current - In 8/20us 50kA 20kA / Phase

Residual voltage (Vpl) @ 3kA, 8/20us 1.0kV <1.2kV L-N, 900V N-E <1.2kV L-N, 1.4kV N-E

Residual voltage (Vpl) @ 40kA, 8/20us 1.65kV <2.1kV L-N, 1.46kV N-E <2.1kV L-N, 2.45kV N-E

Energy absorption (2ms) 2130 Joules 3640 Joules

Nominal surge lifetime (In) 50kA (8/20us), 20 times 20kA (8/20us), 20 times

Recommended maximum over-

gG/gL HRC fuses, 1 per phase, 125A maximum
current protection

Terminations Power terminals 16mm2, Alarm terminals 1.5mm2

Alarms/Indicators 5 indicators, dry contact alarm relay - 250VAC/32VDC, 5A

Design standards IEC61643-1, IEC610006, ANSI/EEE C62.41, AS1768-2007, AS3100, CE mark

Dimensions & Weight (DIN43880) 70 x 68 x 90 mm (WxDxH), 200g

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection Diagrams

L-E Connection L-N Connection


Important: Before installing the device, please read & follow the installation & operating instructions.

Eaton Surge Protection 17

Eaton® SPDV60 & SPDT60
Class II/Cat C & B
Modular Single Pole DIN Surge Diverters

Key Features:

• 1 mode plug-in protection

• 60kA 8/20uS maximum surge rating
• Compact solution for primary protection
• DIN43880 case, 35mm DIN-rail
• Removable dry-contact alarm connection
• Thermally protected


• Mains point-of-entry / Sub-board

• Factories / Workshops
• Small Offices / Residential homes

Shunt Surge Diverter, 1 Pole 60kA

The new SPDV60-300 & SPDT60-255 single pole DIN surge diverters offer 60kA of surge
Surge Category
suppression, making them suitable for either main or sub-board protection. The compact
modular design allows the units to be easily installed in new or retrofitting existing
installations. The units feature a plug-in module that may be replaced without rewiring in the The SPDV60 & SPDT60 is suitable
event of a fault. for use in category locations:

Class II/Cat C
The SPDV60-300 utilises the latest thermal MOV technology, making it suitable for point- (6kV/15kA) Point of Entry/ Service
of-entry protection in main switchboards & can be used in conjunction with an SPDT60-225 Entrance
Gas Arrestor for protection on distribution boards remote from the M.E.N. point. Both models
come as standard with mechanical flag status indication & a dry contact alarm for remote Class II/Cat B
(6kV/3kA) Major sub mains & short
status monitoring. final sub circuits

1 Mode (L-N) 1 Stage Diverter 1 Mode (N-E) 1 Stage Diverter


Normal Mode

Power Power Power Power

Input Output Input Output

Common Mode

SPDV60 Block Diagram SPDT60 Block Diagram

18 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® SPDV60 & SPDT60

Technical Specifications SPDV60-300 SPDT60-255

Input voltage 220-250VAC (380-480V) 40-70Hz Neutral - Earth connection only. System voltage 220-
250VAC (380-440V)
Maximum Continuous voltage - MCOV 300VAC 255VAC
(no conduction under load fault conditions)
Shunt Technology MOV GDT
Service type TN-C & TN C-S (3-Phase with Single & 3-Phase with remotely
grounded neutral) grounded neutral

Test Classification (IEC61643-1) Class II

Supply Current <10mA

Initial clamp voltage 470V N/A
Initial spark over voltage N/A 600V
Maximum rated surge current - Ismax 8/20us 60kA
Nominal surge current - in 8/20us 30kA 40kA
Residual voltage (Vpl) @ 3kA, 8/20us 1.0kV N/A
Residual voltage (Vpl) @ Ismax, 8/20us 1.4kV 1.8kV
Energy absorption (2ms) 2130 Joules N/A
Nominal surge lifetime (In) 30kA (8/20us), 20 times 40kA (8/20us), 20 times
Internal protection MOV thermal disconnect device Thermal disconnector
Recommended maximum over-current protection gG/gL HRC fuses, 1 per phase, 160A max None
Terminations Power terminals 16mm2, Alarm terminals 1.5mm2
Alarms / indicators Flag indicator, dry contact alarm relay - 250VAC/24VDC, 2A
Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006, ANSI/IEEE C62.41, AS1768-2007, AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions & Weight (DIN43880) 17 x 68 x 90 mm (not incl relay), 100g

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection Diagrams

SPDV60-300 SPDT60-255

Important: Before installing the device, please read & follow the installation & operating instructions.

Eaton Surge Protection 19

Eaton Quickmov™
Class II/Cat C & B
Integrated Quicklag Protection Device
Key Features:

• Surge rating 30kA Inom & 60kA Imax

• Integrated Surge Protection solution
• In-built HRC fusing
• Dual Barrier Flame Retardant Housing
• Fail Safe Status Indicator
• Protection for MEN & non-MEN applications
• Compatibility with Quicklag™ accessories
• Designed in Australia

1 Mode (L-N) 1 Stage Diverter


Shunt Surge Diverter, 1 Pole 60kA

Normal Mode

Quickmov™ is Australia's first fully integrated Surge Protection

HRC Fuse
Device (SPD), designed to protect single & multi-phase
electrical distribution systems against the damaging effects of Power MOV Power

voltage spikes & surges. Input Output

The new Quickmov™ SPD plugs straight into a Quicklag™ Element

loadcentre, connecting to the chassis busbar for the lowest

source impedance. Its integrated HRC fuse enables the
Quickmov™ to be connected directly to the neutral bar,
providing the shortest possible cable length for superior
protection of the entire loadcentre. The advanced MOV Quickmov Block Diagram
technology is housed in a dual barrier flame retardant case
to provide optimum surge protection performance without
compromising safety & reliability.

The Quicklag™ range of mounting accessories compliments

the Quickmov™, extending its features & benefits to many
applications. Its integrated protection reduces the amount of
extra components required to carry out a typical installation,
saving valuable space & installation time. With a 60kA (MOV
Imax) surge suppression
rating, Quickmov™ Surge Category
is ideal for primary
protection in main The Quickmov™ is suitable for
switchboards & can use in category locations:
be used in conjunction
Class II Cat C (6kV/15kA) Point of
with an Eaton SPD50NGI
Entry/ Service Entrance
Neutral-Earth arrestor
for distribution boards Class II Cat B (6kV/3kA) Major
remote from the M.E.N. sub mains & short final sub
point. circuits

20 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton Quickmov™

Technical Specifications SPDQM1

Protection Mode Single Mode - connected L-N
Service type TNC, TN C-S (for TNS add 1 x SPD50NGI protector)
System voltage - Un 220 - 250VAC (380 - 440VAC 3 Ph) 50/60 Hz
Test Classification Class II (IEC 61643-1), Category C3 (ANSI/IEEE C62.41)
Maximum Continuous Over Voltage (MCOV - Uc) 300VAC
Temporary Over Voltage (TOV) (5s) 330VAC
External disconnector requirements None. In-built 100AgL/50kA HRC fuse

Surge current rating In (20 times) 30kA (8/20us)

Surge current rating Ismax (2 times) 60kA (Imax MOV rating, 8/20us)
Residual voltage (Vpl) @ 3kA 1.1kV (cable trimmed to 250mm)
Residual voltage (Vpl) @ In 1.8kV (device only)
Connections Quicklag™ terminal for phase connection.
6mm2 cable (black) for Neutral connection (500mm length)
Dimensions & Weight 25 x 71 x 93 mm (WxDxH), 310g

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection Diagram

Important: Before installing the device, please read & follow the installation & operating instructions.

Eaton Surge Protection 21

Eaton PVD40 Series
Class II/Cat C & D
Photovoltaic Diverters

The PVD series diverters are designed to protect the

DC input side of grid interactive inverters from harmful
transients that can appear on the output of solar arrays,
especially where they are located on roof or other high
infrastructure locations. These units can be combined with
existing SPDV60 series diverters on the AC Input/Output side
of the inverter to provide complete protection from surges
& thus increasing the life of a grid interactive solution
investment. IEC61643-1 & UL1449 ed3 compliant. Available in
3 models to suit nominal 500, 600 & 1000VDC systems.

Key Features

• 2 mode plug in protection

• 40kA surge suppression rating
Shunt Surge Diverter, 60kA
• Compact modular solution
• 2 & 3 unit DIN43880 case, 36 & 54mm DIN-rail mount
The new PVD series diverters are designed to protect
home & industrial solar panel arrays commonly used in
grid interactive power solutions in the 1.5kW to 10kW Applications
range. These systems commonly use voltages between • Standalone & Grid Interactive Solar arrays.
500-1000VDC from the solar panels.

Technical Specifications PVD40-500-V-C PVD40-600-V-C PVD40-1000-V-CD

Nominal Voltage Un 500VDC 600VDC 1000VDC
Voltage Uc 530VDC 620VDC 1060VDC
Nominal Discharge Current ( 8/20us, kA ) Inom. 20 20 20
Max Discharge Current ( 8/20us, kA ) Imax. 40 40 40

Nominal current (ma) IL 10 10 10

Residual voltage (Vpl) @ Inom 20kA, 8/20us 1.6kV 2.0kV 3.2kV
Test classification Class II Class II Class II
External disconnector ( if required ) 125A Gg/Gl fuse 125A Gg/Gl fuse 125A Gg/Gl fuse
Internal protection MOV thermal disconnect MOV thermal disconnect MOV thermal disconnect
Alarm & indicators Red flag indicator on module Red flag indicator on module Red flag indicator on module
Alarm relay contact. 250vac/24vdc, Alarm relay contact. 250vac/24vdc, Alarm relay contact. 250vac/24vdc, 2A
2A 2A
Terminations Main terminals 25mm Main terminals 25mm Main terminals 25mm
Alarm terminals 1.5mm Alarm terminals 1.5mm Alarm terminals 1.5mm
Degree of protection 20 20 20
( IP rating ).
Mounting Din rail Din rail Din rail
Enclosure material UL94 V0 UL94 V0 UL94 V0
Environment temperature ( C ) -10 to 60c, 0-90% RH -10 to 60c, 0-90% RH -10 to 60c, 0-90% RH
Applicable standards IEC61643-1:2000 IEC61643-1:2000 IEC61643-1:2000
UL1449 ed3 UL1449 ed3 UL1449 ed3
Weight 180g 180g 240g
Dimensions 90mm (H) x 36mm (W) x 68mm (D) 90mm (H) x 36mm (W) x 68mm (D) 90mm (H) x 54mm (W) x 68mm (D)
excluding alarm connectors excluding alarm connectors excluding alarm connectors
Warranty 12 months 12 months 12 months

22 Eaton Surge Protection

Faster than a
speeding bullet

Much faster.
In microseconds a power quality into our full line of
surge can do major damage Powerware surge protection
to sensitive equipment and products. Eaton has a world
data. It can come from beating reputation for Power
anywhere, and like a bullet, Quality and a full range of
you only know it has been surge protection solutions,
by the destruction left covering every eventuality.
behind. That's why surge
protection is so critical. And
why Eaton builds so much

Eaton Surge Protection 23

Secondary Point Protection
Class II/Category B (6kV/3kA)

24 Eaton Surge Protection

Powerware® MSFI
Class II/Cat C & B
1 & 3 Phase 40-63A Series Surge Filters

Typical applications:

• All Power Circuits including "Point-of-Entry"

• Telecommunications Systems & Rectifiers
• Process & Control Systems & UPS Systems
• Computer Systems & Medical Systems
• All sensitive Electronic Equipment

Key Features:

• Surge suppression & filtering in a single package

• 1 mode, 2 Element Series Filter
• 3 Mode, 2 Stage Surge Diverter
• Surge suppression rating of 160kA
• Power & Protection status indicators
• Protection Fail Alarm Relay
Series Filter with Shunt Surge Diverter, • 5 Year Warranty
1 & 3 Phase, 40A, 63A & 160kA

The MSFI is designed to provide point-of-entry protection against power surges caused by external sources such as
lightning strikes & substation switching as well as providing a measure of protection from surge events generated on the
secondary side of the filter. An ideal device for Category B & some Category C locations.
The MSFI is a 3-stage protection unit utilising primary & secondary MOV protection in conjunction with a Low-Q LC filter.
The unit provides filtering of the line harmonics, noise & RF transmitters with a cut-off frequency of <10kHz & a minimum
attenuation of 40dB above 1MHz. Special care has been taken in the design of the filter to minimise ringing caused by
light loads, surge diverter operation & inductive load back-EMF.

1 Mode 2 Element Series Filter

Surge Category 3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

Primary Series High Secondary

The MSFI is suitable for MOV

use in category
Normal Normal
Mode Mode

Class II/Cat C
Power Power
(6kV/15kA) Point of En- Input Output

try/ Service Entrance

Common Mode

Class II/Cat B

(6kV/3kA) Major sub

mains & short final sub
circuits MSFi Block Diagram (Single Phase shown)

Eaton Surge Protection 25

Eaton® MSFI
Technical Specifications MSF401CCMI MSF631CCMI MSF403CCMI MSF633CCMI
Input voltage 220 – 254VAC 1 Phase 380 - 440VAC 3 Phase
Maximum continuous voltage - MCOV 320VAC
Temporary overvoltage - TOV 350VAC, 15 mins
Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any system with a grounded neutral. This unit must not be connected to
an ungrounded system
Test Classification Class II (IEC 61643-1), Category C3 (ANSI/IEEE C62.41)
Energy Absorption rating - per mode (joules) Primary protection L-N = 2,400J/ph, Three Phase unit = 7,200J total
Secondary protection L-N = 600J/ph, Three Phase unit = 1,800J total
Common mode protection L-N & N-E = 1,420J, Three Phase unit = 4,280J total
Aggregate rating 4,420J (single phase units), 13,260J (three phase units)
Current rating - continuous 40A 63A 40A 63A
Recommended maximum over current protection 40A 63A 40A 63A
Short circuit withstand (1 sec) 29kA
Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Earth, Neutral-Earth
In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Nom. surge life 60kA x 20 hits 60kA x 20 hits/ph
In 8/20us (Line-Earth) Nom. surge life 15kA x 20 hits 15kA x 20 hits/ph
In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Nom. surge life 15kA x 20 hits 45kA x 20 hits
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Max surge level 160kA 160kA/ph
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Earth) Max surge level 40kA 40kA/ph
Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Max surge level 40kA 120kA/ph
Filter attenuation 40dB nominal above 1MHz
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Neutral) 560V (350Vac RMS)
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Earth) 680V (420Vac RMS)
Initial clamp voltage (Neutral-Earth) 680V (420Vac RMS)
Internal protection (fusing) All surge diverter connections are fused via HRC fuses to IEC269-2-1
Alarms/indicators 2 LED display, dry contact alarm relay output – 250Vac/32Vdc, 10A, 4kV isolation,
Alarm under-voltage cutoff 180Vac.
Enclosure rating IP24
Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1,2,3,4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B,C,D,E AS1768-2007 Cat B,C,D,E AS3000,AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions 210 x 160 x 560 mm (W x D x H) 370 x 160 x 560 mm (W x D x H)
Weight 9kg 14Kg
Environment -10 to 65°C, 10 to 90%RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection Diagrams
as e MS F i S urge F ilter S ingle P has e MS F i S urge F ilter
onnec tion Diagram Min dis tance
to ceiling 300mm
C onnec tion Diagram Min distance
to ceiling 300mm
r MS F 323C C Mi, MS F 403C C Mi, MS F 633C C Mi F or MS F 321C C Mi, MS F 401C C Mi, MS F 631C C Mi

his doc ument is to be us ed in c onjunc tion with T his doc ument is to be us ed in c onjunc tion with
P has e S urge F ilter Ins tallation G uide N L1 L2 L3 OUT P UT S ingle P has e S urge F ilter Ins tallation G uide N L OUT P UT
(T vs s Doc #510063) (T vs s Doc #510064)

E arth E arth

s e and neutral connections via 8mm bolts. 1. All phas e and neutral connections via 8mm bolts.
onnection via M8 s tud, lower right of enclos ure. 2. E arth connection via M8 s tud, lower right of enclos ure.
o labelling for connection points. 3. R efer to labelling for connection points.
run a s eparate earth cable, even if the unit is bolted to INP UT 4. Always run a s eparate earth cable, even if the unit is bolted to N L
N L1 L2 L3
B tray. the S W B tray.
nput and output cables phys ically separated at all times. 5. K eep input and output cables phys ically separated at all times. E Earth Stud
E Earth Stud
paration dis tance 500mm. On Case
Min. s eparation dis tance 500mm. On Case
us es are preferred to MC B s for connection to main S W B . 8mm 6. HR C fus es are preferred to MC B s for connection to main S W B . 8mm

ge 2 on ins tallation guide for details. S ee P age 2 on ins tallation guide for details.
to be located within 3m (cable length) of the main system 7. Unit is to be located within 3m (cable length) of the main system
nd Neutral link for point-of-entry application. G reater E arth and Neutral link for point-of-entry application. G reater
lengths reduce protection.
reduce protection.
Min dis tance 8.1. E arth wiring: F or proper operation of this MS F it is essential that
Min distance
wiring: F or proper operation of this MS F it is essential that
s t and phys ically s hort earth connection be made to the to floor 600mm a robus t and phys ically s hort earth connection be made to the to floor 600mm
rthing point. W ith reference to local wiring standards, s ite earthing point. W ith reference to local wiring standards,
ables are us ually s ized agains t a thermal rating, earth cables are us ually s ized agains t a thermal rating,
determined by expected fault currents , (5,000 to 25,000 amps).
ined by expected fault currents , (5,000 to 25,000 amps).
W hen ins talling an MS F however, the installer must be aware
ns talling an MS F however, the installer must be aware
that s urge currents can exceed 50,000 amps, and therefore
rge currents can exceed 50,000 amps, and therefore
heavier cables are generally required to limit voltage drops MAIN
r cables are generally required to limit voltage drops MAIN
s urge conditions . T o achieve these requirements, the MAIN S WB E AR T HING under s urge conditions . T o achieve these requirements, the
earth cable s ize s hould be s elected to be equal to, or greater
able s ize s hould be s elected to be equal to, or greater
Important: Before installing the
than, the larges t incoming cable into the MS F . T his ensures that

Single Phase
he larges t incoming cable into the MS F . T his ensures that
drops on the earth cable are minimis ed.
wiring: All power-carrying conductors s hall be s ized 3 Phase 8.2
voltage drops on the earth cable are minimis ed.
Other wiring: All power-carrying conductors s hall be s ized
device, please read & follow the
according to locally-applicable s tandards. It is recommended

Connection Connection
ing to locally-applicable s tandards. It is recommended
that the incoming neutral conductor be sized the same as (or
e incoming neutral conductor be sized the same as (or
han) the phas e conducts as it is the primary return for
utral s urges.
installation & operating instructions.
larger than) the phas e conducts as it is the primary return for
line-neutral s urges.

2/25/2005 S ingle P has e MS F i S eries

2/23/2005 3-P has e MS F i S eries
550190 2/25/2005 LC
2/23/2005 LC

26 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® DSFI
Class II/Cat B & A
Single Phase High Performance Surge Filter

• Secondary power circuits/Sub-boards

• UPS Systems & Rectifiers
• Telecommunications Systems & Rectifiers
• Process & Control Systems & UPS's up to 6kVA
• Computer Systems & Medical Systems
• AV circuits for clubs & hotels
• All sensitive Electronic Equipment

Key Features:

• Surge suppression & filtering in a single package

• Modular design
• Enclosed in IP20 painted steel housing
• Protection Fail Alarm Relay
Series Filter with Shunt Surge Diverter, • 3 mode, 3 Stage Protection
• 5 Year Warranty
1 Phase 5-32A, 40kA Primary

The DSFI is designed to provide secondary protection against power surges caused by external sources such as
lightning strikes & substation switching as well as providing a measure of protection from surge events generated
on the secondary side of the filter.

The DSFI is a 3-stage protection unit utilising primary & secondary MOV protection in conjunction with a 2-stage
Low-Q LC filter (i.e. 2 inductive coils) using separate differential mode & common mode circuits. The unit provides
filtering of the line harmonics, noise & RF transmitters with a cut-off frequency of <1.5kHz & a minimum attenuation
of >55dB to 10MHz.

Secondary MOV protection (in all 3 modes) is located after the inductive coils, to provide further surge reduction
& to protect against load-generated surges. An ideal device for Category B & A locations.

2 Mode 5 Element Series Filter

Surge Category 3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter
Primary Series High Series High Secondary M
The DSFI is suitable MOV

for use in category

Normal Normal
Mode Mode

Class II/Cat B
Power Power

(6kV/3kA) Major sub mains Input Output

& short final sub circuits

Common Mode Common Mode

Class II/Cat A

(6kV/200A) Long final sub

circuits & power outlets
DSFi Block Diagram

Eaton Surge Protection 27

Eaton® DSFI

Technical Specifications DSFI

Input voltage 200-250VAC 1 Phase
Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any single-phase system with a grounded neutral.
Test Classification Class III (IEC 61643-1), Category A & B (ANSI/IEEE C62.41)
Energy Absorption rating - per mode (joules) Primary Protection L-N = 740 J
Primary common mode protection L-E & N-E = 780 J
Secondary protection L-N = 225J
Secondary common mode protection L-E & N-E = 480J
Aggregate rating = 2,225J
Current rating – continuous 5 - 32A
Recommended max. overcurrent protection 32A (C curve MCCB)
Short circuit withstand (1 sec) Suitable for use with a 6kAIC C Curve MCB
Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Earth, Neutral-Earth
In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) 15kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Line-Earth) 10kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) 10kA x 20 hits
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) 40kA
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Earth) 25kA
Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) 25kA
Filter attenuation >55dB to 10MHz
Internal protection (fusing) Thermal
Terminations 10mm2 PCB Mounted Terminals
Alarms/indicators 2 LED display, Power OK & Protection OK LEDs, Dry contact alarm relay output – 250Vac/32Vdc, 5A, 5kV isolation,
Alarm under-voltage cutoff 180Vac
Enclosure rating IP20
Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1,2,3,4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B,C,D,E AS1768-2007 Cat B,C,D,E AS3000,AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions & Weight 140 x 50 x 270 mm (W x D x H), 1.5kg
Environment -10 to 65°C, 10 to 90%RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection & Line Diagram

1 2 3 4


Differential filtering Common mode

Thermal fuse

L-N protection CM TX L-N protection


N-E protection L-E protection L-E protection N-E protection



Common-mode protection.

Size Number Revision
A4 550248 0
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follow the installation & operating instructions.

28 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® CSFI
Class II/Cat B & A
Din Rail Compact Surge Filter

• Secondary power circuits, Sub-boards

• UPS Systems & Rectifiers
• Telecommunications Systems
• Process & Control Systems, Homes & Units
• Computer Systems & Medical Systems
• All sensitive Electronic Equipment

Key Features:

• Surge suppression & filtering in a single package

• Modular design
• Enclosed in IP 20 ABS plastic housing
• DIN rail mountable (4 pole wide)
• Protection Fail Alarm Relay
• 3 mode, 3 Stage Protection
Series Filter with Shunt Surge Diverter, • 12 Month Warranty
1 Phase 3-25A, 25kA Primary

The CSFI is designed for mounting in distribution boards to provide secondary protection against power surges caused by external
sources such as lightning strikes & substation switching as well as providing a measure of protection from surge events generated on
the secondary side of the filter. An ideal device for Category B locations.

The CSFI is a 3-stage protection unit utilising primary & secondary MOV protection in conjunction with a Low-Q LC filter. The unit
provides filtering of the line harmonics, noise & RF transmitters with a cut-off frequency of <10kHz & a nominal attenuation of >60dB.

All CSFI units are provided with indicators showing power & protection status. Alarms are indicated on the front panel of the unit.
The alarm function provides a summary alarm output for protection degradation as well as power failure. The protection alarm is
configured to partial protection failure. The summary alarm relay contacts provide remote signalling to other equipment.

Surge Category 2 Mode 3 Element Series Filter

3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

The CSFI is suitable Primary


for use in category

Protection Inductors Capacitor Protection

Normal Normal
Mode Mode
Class II/Cat B

(6kV/3kA) Major sub Power

mains & short final sub
circuits Common Mode Common Mode

Class II/Cat A

(6kV/200A) Long final

sub circuits
& power outlets CSFi Block Diagram

Eaton Surge Protection 29

Eaton® CSFI

Technical Specifications CSFI

Input voltage 200-250VAC 1 Phase
Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any single-phase system with a grounded neutral. This unit must not be connected to an ungrounded system
Test Classification Class III (IEC 61643-1), Category A & B (ANSI/IEEE C62.41)
Energy Absorption rating - per mode (joules) Primary protection L-N = 370J
Primary common mode protection L-E & N-E = 480J
Secondary protection L-N = 225J
Secondary common mode protection L-E & N-E = 480J
Aggregate rating = 1555J
Current rating - continuous 3 - 25A
Recommended max. overcurrent protection 25A (C curve MCB 25A)
Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Earth, Neutral-Earth
In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Nominal surge life 10kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Line-Earth) Nominal surge life 3kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Nominal surge life 3kA x 20 hits
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Max surge level 25kA
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Earth) Max surge level 10kA
Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Max surge level 10kA
Filter attenuation 62dB above 1MHz
Internal protection (fusing) All surge diverter connections are fused via HRC fuses to IEC269-2-1
Terminations 6mm2 PCB Mounted Terminals
Alarms/indicators 2 LED display, Power OK & Protection OK LEDs, Dry contact alarm relay output – 250Vac/32Vdc, 5A, 5kV isolation, Alarm under-
voltage cutoff 180Vac
Location Category Indoor
Enclosure rating IP20
Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1,2,3,4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B,C,D,E AS1768-2007 Cat B,C,D,E AS3000,AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions & Weight 70 x 68 x 90 mm (W x D X H), 200g
Environment -10 to 65°C, 10 to 95%RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection & Line Diagram

1 2 3 4


Differential protection
Thermal fuse Differential and common-mode filtering


L-N protection CM TX CF L-N protection


N-E protection L-E protection L-E protection N-E protection



Common-mode protection.

A Important: Before installing the device, please read & follow Title
the installation & operating instructions. Size Number
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30 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton SPD50NGI
Class II/Cat C & B
Neutral-Earth Surge Protector

• Equipotential Coupler
• Neutral-Earth Surge Arrestor
• Sub-boards remote from MEN point

Key Features:

• Compact Neutral-Earth Protection Solution

• Surge current rating from 50kA - 100kA In, 70kA - 150kA Imax
• Compatible with most switchboards
• Quick & simple installation

Neutral-Earth or Earth-Earth Equipotential Clamp

The SPD50NGI is designed for use as an equipotential coupler between separately-grounded systems to provide protection against
surge transients. Under normal conditions the coupler does not conduct, preventing earth loops & inter-circuit coupling. Under surge
conditions, effectively interconnecting the circuits for the duration of the surge.

The SPD50NGI is an ideal companion for the Quickmov™ surge diverter for surge protection in distribution boards remote from an
M.E.N point. the SPD50NGI equipotential coupler (gas arrestor) is connected between the neutral & earth bar for N-E surge
protection. The SPD50NGI is suppllied as an "in-line" cable assembly for ease of installation.

1 Mode (N-E) 1 Stage Diverter Surge Category

Protection The SPD50NGI is suitable for
use in category locations:

Class II/Cat C

(6kV/15kA) Point of Entry/

Power Power Service Entrance
Input Output

Class II/Cat B
Common Mode

(6kV/3kA) Major sub mains &

short final sub circuits

SPD50NGi Block Diagram

Eaton Surge Protection 31

Eaton SPD50NGI

Technical Specifications SPD50NGI

Protection Mode Single Mode - connected Neutral-Earth or between separately earthed systems
Service type (N-E protection only) TNS or similar (neutral must be grounded either locally or remotely)
System voltage - Un Applicable to any common LV system voltage
Test Classification Class I & II (IEC 61643-1) Cat B & C ANSI C62.41
External disconnector requirements None
DC breakdown voltage (1mA) 230V +/-20%
Firing voltage 800V +-20%

Operating current <1mA

Surge current rating In (20 times) 50kA (8/20us)
Surge current rating Ismax (2 times) 70kA (8/20us)
Residual voltage with full cable <1.3kV (3kA, 8/20uS)
Residual voltage with minimal cable <1.3kV (15kA, 8/20uS)
(100mm total) <2.5kV (50kA, 8/20uS)
Connections 6mm2 cable (black & green/yellow) for connection
Mounting None required for fixed installation (suspended by cable)
Dimensions & Weight 60 x 15 x 15 mm (not including cables), 70g

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Connection Diagram

Sub-board with remote MEN

link connection

Important: Before installing the device, please read & follow the installation & operating instructions.

32 Eaton Surge Protection

Point of Use Protection
Class III/Category A (6kV/200A)

Eaton Surge Protection 33

Eaton® POD
Class III/Cat A
Surge Powerboard for IT & AV applications

Series Power Filter & Shunt Surge Diverter

10A, 220-250V, 60kA
The Eaton POD protects your precious Computer System, Home
Key Features:
Entertainment System & other valuable electronic equipment
from surges, spikes & noise caused by lightning & other power
disturbances. • POD 6 Outlet or POD+ 8 Outlet models
• 60,000 Amp surge protection
Its series power filter provides superior protection against • Highest quality power sockets with extra wide spacing
surges & spikes, with the additional benefit of protecting against • Visual indication of Power & Surge Protection status
line noise that may affect sensitive equipment. With a surge • 1.8 metre power cord with insulated pins
rating of 60kA, the POD out-performs & outlasts many other • Resettable circuit breaker
products that provide shunt-only protection. • Power On/Off switch
• Data, Video/Aerial & Phone Line surge protection on POD
The POD not only protects your power circuits, but also protects
• Data, Video/Aerial, Cable TV & Phone Line surge
against “back door” surges that can enter your systems
telephone lines, aerials or network cables. protection on POD+
• Network cable, telephone cable & Coax cable supplied
The POD is manufactured from the highest quality materials • Wall mountable to save valuable floor space
& is ergonomically & aesthetically designed to suit office &
home installations. Rest easy with a five year full replacement
warranty & a $100,000 load protection guarantee* (Australia &
New Zealand).

2 Mode 3 Element Series Filter

Surge Category
3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

Primary Series High Secondary

POD & POD+ are suitable MOV
for use in category
Normal Normal
Mode Mode

Class III/Cat A
Power Power
(6kV/200A) Long final sub Input Output

circuits & power outlets

Common Mode Common Mode

POD Block Diagram

34 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® POD

Power Connections POD POD+ Phone/Fax Connections (RJ11) POD POD+

Input Voltage: 220-250VAC Nominal Line Impedance 6000 Ohms

Frequency: 50/60Hz Maximum Line Voltage 275Vrms

Maximum Continuous Load: 10 Amps Clamping Voltage (Line to Line) 430V (270Vac RMS)

Test Classification Class III (IEC 61643-1), Category A (ANSI/IEEE Clamping Voltage 600V (375Vac RMS)
C62.41) (Line to Earth)

Current Limiting: Resettable Circuit Breaker Response Time 500ns nominal

Clamping Voltage (Line to Neutral): 470V Maximum Surge Current 20,000 Amps
Peak let-through voltage (3kA L-L) 1000V
Clamping Voltage (Neutral to Earth): 680V
Aggregate energy absorption 300 joules
Response Time: 5nS Nominal
Video/Aerial Connections POD POD+
Aggregate Surge Current: 60,000 Amps
Connections Video Connector Video Connector & F Type
Maximum surge current (one pulse L-N): 40,000 Amps Screw Connector
Maximum surge current (one pulse L-E): 10,000 Amps Nominal Line Impedance 75 Ohms
Maximum surge current (one pulse N-E): 10,000 Amps Signal Loss Approx. 3dB @ 500MHz
Aggregate Energy Absorption: 1470 Joules Clamping Voltage 600V (375 Vac RMS)
Attenuation at full load: >40dB @ 1MHz Maximum Surge Current 20,000 Amps
Network Connections (RJ45) POD POD+ Aggregate energy absorption 200 joules
Lines Protected 1/2, 3/6 Dimensions (L x W x Hmm) 338 x 130 x 42 383 x 130 x 42

Clamping Voltage (Line to Line) <20V Weight 0.8 kg 1.0 kg

Clamping Voltage (Line to Earth) 600V (375 Vac RMS) Power Cord 1.8 metres length

Surge Current - Amp (10/1000us) 20 Amps (2ms) / 40

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Layout Diagrams

for Protected Power Sw itch
Circuit with illumination TV Antenna Network
& Earthed In/Out (broadband / Ethernet)
B reaker

for Protected Power Sw itch
Telephone / Fax Circuit with illumination TV Antenna Network
& Earthed In/Out (broadband / Ethernet)
/ Answeri ng B reaker
machine etc.
Ex tra-wide spacing
for plug packs
Insulated pins

Telephone / Fax
/ Answeri ng
machine etc.
Ex tra-wide spacing
for plug packs
Insulated pins

Eaton Surge Protection 35

Eaton® SSFI
Class III/Cat A
Portable Surge Filter

• Plug-in UPS systems

• Servers
• Portable instrumentation
• POS systems
• Small office systems
• Industrial & rural surge prone sites

Key Features

• Surge suppression & filtering in a single package

• Small footprint, modular design
• Enclosed in IP 20 painted metal housing
• Surge suppression rating of 20kA (L-N)
• Protection Fail Indicators
• 3 mode, 3 Stage Protection
Surge Filter, 1 Phase 10A & 15A, 25kA Primary • 12 Month Warranty

The SSFI is designed to provide secondary protection against power surges caused by external sources such as lightning strikes &
substation switching, as well as providing a measure of protection from surge events generated on the secondary side of the filter.
The unit has been designed in accordance with AS3100, AS1768, IEC61643-1, IEC61000-6-1, 2, 3, 4 & other standards & codes as

The SSFI is a 3-stage protection unit utilising primary & secondary MOV protection in conjunction with a Low-Q LC filter. The unit
provides filtering of the line harmonics, noise & RF transmitters with a cut-off frequency of <10kHz & a minimum attenuation of 40dB
above 1Mhz. The operation status of the SSFI is indicated by lamps on the front panel. The "OK" light indicates that power is applied to
the SSFI. The "FAULT" light indicates that the surge protection circuitry is damaged & the unit should be replaced. An ideal device for
Category A locations.

2 Mode 3 Element Series Filter

Surge Category 3 Mode 2 Stage Surge Diverter

Primary Series High Secondary

SSF10I & SSF15I are MOV

suitable for use in

category locations:
Normal Normal
Mode Mode

Class III/Cat A
Power Power

(6kV/200A) Long final sub Input Output

circuits & power outlets

Common Mode Common Mode

SSFi Block Diagram

36 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton® SSFI

Technical SSF10I SSF15I

Number of ports 2 Port
Method of mounting Portable
Input voltage - Uc 200-250VAC 1 Phase
Maximum Continuous voltage - MCOV 285VAC L-N
Temporary overvoltage - TOV 300VAC L-N, 15 mins
Service type TT, TN, TN C-S or any 1 phase system with a grounded neutral.
This unit must not be connected to an ungrounded system.
Test Classification Class II
Energy Absorption rating - per mode (joules) Primary Protection L-N = 370J
Primary Common Mode protection L-E & N-E = 480J
Secondary protection L-N = 225J
Secondary Common Mode protection L-E & N-E = 480J
Aggregate rating = 1,555J
Current rating - continuous 10A 15A
Test Classification Class III (IEC 61643-1), Category A (ANSI/IEEE C62.41)
Recommended max. overcurrent protection 10A 15A
Residual current <0.5 mA
Protection modes Line-Neutral, Line-Earth, Neutral-Earth
In 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Nominal surge life 10kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Line-Earth) Nominal surge life 3kA x 20 hits
In 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Nominal surge life 3kA x 20 hits
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Neutral) Max surge level 20kA
Ismax 8/20us (Line-Earth) Max surge level 10kA
Ismax 8/20us (Neutral-Earth) Max surge level 10kA
Filter attenuation 40dB nominal above 1MHz
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Neutral) 560V
Initial clamp voltage (Line-Earth) 680V
Initial clamp voltage (Neutral-Earth) 680V
Residual voltage (Vpl) (Line-Neutral) (Let through voltage) <1100 (3kA, 8/20uS)
Residual voltage (Vpl) (Line-Earth) (Let through voltage) <1400 (3kA, 8/20uS)
Residual voltage (Vpl) (Neutral-Earth) (Let through voltage) <1400 (3kA, 8/20uS)
Internal protection (fusing) Thermal fusing on primary line-connected MOVs
Terminations IEC 320-C14 10A input x 1, , IEC 320-C13 10A output x 1 IEC 320-C20 16A input x 1,, IEC 320-C19 16A output x 1
Alarms/indicators 2 LED display, Power OK, Protection Fault
Location Category Indoor
Enclosure rating IP20
Design Standards: IEC61643-1, IEC610006-1, 2, 3, 4 ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat B, C, D, E AS1768-2007 Cat B, C, D, E AS3000, AS3100, CE mark
Dimensions & Weight 155 x 150 x 50 mm (W x D x H), 500g
Environment -10 to 60oC, 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

1 2 3 4

Line Diagram

Differential protection
Thermal fuse Differential and common-mode filtering


L-N protection CM TX CF L-N protection


N-E protection L-E protection L-E protection N-E protection



Common-mode protection.

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1 2 3 4 Eaton Surge Protection 37

Eaton SPD-DM Series
Class III/Cat A
5-48V Surge Diverters

Key Features:
• 1 mode plug-in protection
• 10kA surge suppression rating
• Compact solution for data systems protection
• DIN43880 case, 13mm wide

• Data networks signalling protection

Part Code Description

SPD-DM05 1 Pole, 5vdc, 10kA, 1 mode Surge Diverter

w/ removable module

SPD-DM12 1 Pole, 12vdc, 10kA, 1 mode Surge Diverter

DM Series w/ removable module

SPD-DM24 1 Pole, 24vdc, 10kA, 1 mode Surge Diverter

w/ removable module
The new SPD ‘D’ series digital signalling surge diverters are
SPD-DM48 1 Pole, 48vdc, 10kA, 1 mode Surge Diverter
designed for low voltage data signalling systems in the 5 volt to w/ removable module
48 volt range. Models are available in 5, 12, 24 & 48 volt DC. All
are IEC 61643-21:2000 compliant.

Technical Specifications SPD-DM05 SPD-DM12 SPD-DM24 SPD-DM48

Nominal Voltage Un 5 12 24 48

Max Continuous Voltage Uc AC/DC 5/6 12/15 24/28 48/60

Nominal Discharge Current ( 8/20us, kA ) per line. Inom. 5 5 5 5

Max Discharge Current ( 8/20us, kA ) Per line. Imax. 10 10 10 10

Nominal current (A) IL 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Voltage Protection Level ( 8/20us, V ) Up

Line –Line <80v <150v <200v <250v
Line - Ground <350v <350v <500v <500v

Voltage Protection Level ( 1KV/us, V ) Up

Line - Line <10v <18v <30v <70v
Line - ground <600v <600v <600v <600v

Series impedance per line ( Ohm ) 4 4 4 4

Insertion loss at 100Mhz (dB) <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0

Degree of protection ( IP rating ). 20 20 20 20

Mounting Din rail Din rail Din rail Din rail

Enclosure material UL94 V0 UL94 V0 UL94 V0 UL94 V0

Environment temperature ( C ) -40 to 80c, 0-90% -40 to 80c, 0-90% -40 to 80c, 0-90% -40 to 80c, 0-90%

Warranty ( months ) 12 12 12 12

38 Eaton Surge Protection

Eaton EMTJ & ERAK Series
Class III/Cat A
CAT5, CAT6 & Power-over Ethernet Dataline Protectors


Key Features:

• State-of-the-art avalanche diode & thyristor technology

• Improved reliabillity & maximised systems up-time
• High-speed, high-energy handling capability
• Easy to install, compact, in-line installation
• Manufactured in the USA


EMTJ Series ERAK Series

Eaton's EMTJ series of single port I/O devices guard sensitive Eaton's ERAK Series offer 16-port flush mount 19-inch relay
data networks against lightning induced surges, ac power rack protectors for either 10/100BaseT Ethernet (CAT5) or
interference, & electrostatic discharge & ground loop Power over Ethernet protection.
energies. The EMTJ Series offer protection for LAN interface
technologies such as Ethernet, 10/100BaseT, CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6 Whether for a single network concentrator or an entire relay
& Power over Ethernet. rack of voltage-sensitive equipment, ERAK series protectors
are one of the most cost-effective & versatile devices of their
Typical applications include: Network Interface Cards (NICs), kind. These devices exhibit an extremely fast response time of
switches, hubs, repeaters, bridges, routers, point-of-sale less than 5 nanoseconds.
terminals, modems, fax machines, telephones & most types of
communication equipment utilising RJ45 modular telephone


Network Type CAT6/5/5e CAT6 POE Network Type CAT5 POE

Clamp Voltage 12V 7.5V Pins 1,2,3 & 6 - 7.5V Number of ports 16 16
Pins 4,5,7 & 8 - 60V
Clamp Voltage 7.5V Pins 1,2,3 & 6 - 7.5V
Max surge current 97A 132A Pins 1,2,3 & 6 - 132A Pins 4,5,7 & 8 - 60V
(10/1000uS) (10/1000uS) Pins 4, 5,7 & 8 - 50A
Max surge current 132A Pins 1,2,3 & 6 - 132A
Response Time < 5 ns < 5 ns < 5 ns (10/1000uS) Pins 4, 5,7 & 8 - 50A

Max shunt capaci- < 25 pF < 5 pF < 25 pF Response Time < 5 ns < 5 ns
tance (Device Only) (Ethernet Lines Only)
Max shunt < 40 pF < 25 pF
Size 91x37x23 mm 91x37x23 mm 91x37x23 mm capacitance (Ethernet Lines Only)
(not incl cable)
Size 483x89x20 mm 483x89x20 mm
Weight 0.1kg 0.1kg 0.1kg (19" 2RU) (19" 2RU)

Weight 0.64 kg 0.64 kg

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

Eaton Surge Protection 39

Eaton® SF8RM
Class II & III/Cat B & A
Single Phase Rack Mounted Filter/PDU
Key Features

• 8 way 10A Power Filter

• Can be rack or surface mounted
• 3 mode, 3 stage protection
• Resettable circuit breaker for over-current protection

Surge Filter, 1 Phase 10A, 25kA Primary

The SF8RM is designed to protect equipment against power surges & electrical noise whilst providing a convenient
combination of power outlets to suit most applications. A unique mounting system allows mounting in many different
modes to suit crowded racks. Even if no rack space exists, the units may be mounted externally on the front or rear of
the rack. For horizontal mounting, the units require a single 1RU rack space for installation. The unit may also be flush
mounted to either side of a rack or cabinet.

Technical Specifications SF8RM

Current rating 10A total

Configuration Single-phase, L/N/E.

Surge Protection Category AS/NZS1768-2007 Category B

Primary protection modes L-N, L-E, & N-E

Secondary protection modes L-N, L-E, & N-E

Surge rating (8/20uS L-N) 22.5kA

Let-through voltage < 700V@ 3kA

Overvoltage withstand 300VRMS

Filter type Low Q/low C filter providing differential & common-mode filtering.

Attenuation > 50dB above 1MHz.

Voltage drop Less than 3V at rated load.

Input connection Approved power cord with Australian 10A plug

Output connections Australian 3 pin 10A (x8).

Enclosure Steel, powder coated, black.

Dimensions (without brackets) 441 x 120 x 44 mm (W x D x H)

Weight 1.2kg

Due to continual product improvement specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2010 Eaton Corporation.

40 Eaton Surge Protection

Quick Product Selection Guide
For use in commercial, industrial & domestic applications

Surge Class / Connection/ Nominal Max Surge Max Load Protective Shunt Mounting CE Mark Power Status Remote Dimensions & Weight
Protection Category Phases Surge Current (max) Current Modes Diversion Applicable Filtering Indicators Alarm
Product ANSI/IEEE Current (In) L-N Stages Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
C62.41 L-N x 20 hits
Portable Surge Power Filters
POD III / A Cord 3kA 40kA 10A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Portable No Yes Yes No 338x130x42mm, 800g
POD+ III / A Cord 3kA 40kA 10A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Portable No Yes Yes No 383x130x42mm, 1kg
SSF10I / 15I III / A Cord 10kA 25kA 10A / 15A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Portable Yes Yes Yes No 150x140x50mm, 500g
Hardwired Surge Diverters
SPDQM1 II / B, C 1 30kA 60kA N/A L-N 1 - No No Yes No 25x71x93mm, 0.3kg
SPD50NGI II / B - 50kA (N-E) 70kA (N-E) N/A N-E 1 Cable No No No No 60x15x15mm, 0.15kg
SPDV60-300 II / B, C 1 30kA 60kA N/A L-N 1 DIN Yes No Yes Yes 18x65x97mm, 0.1kg
SPDT60-255 II / B - 40kA 60kA N/A N-E 1 DIN Yes No Yes Yes 18x65x97mm, 0.1kg
SPD120I II / B, C 1 50kA 100kA N/A L-N or L-E 1 DIN Rail Yes No Yes Yes 70x68x90mm, 200g
SPD3N / GI II / B, C 3 20kA 40kA/ph N/A L-N, N-E or 1 DIN Rail Yes No Yes Yes 70x68x90mm, 200g
L-N, L-E
MSDI II / B, C 3 75kA/ph 200kA/ph N/A L-N, L-E, N-E 1 Surface Yes No Yes Yes 370x160x560mm, 14kg
Hardwired Surge Power Filters
CSFI II / B 1 10kA 25kA 25A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 DIN Rail Yes Yes Yes Yes 70x68x90mm, 200g
DSFI II / B 1 15kA 50kA 32A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Surface Yes Yes Yes Yes 140x50x270mm, 1.5kg
MSFXX1I II / B & C 1 60kA 160kA 40A or 63A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Surface Yes Yes Yes Yes 210x160x560mm, 9kg
MSFXX3I II / B & C 3 60kA/ph 160kA/ph 40A or 63A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 Surface Yes Yes Yes Yes 370x160x560mm, 14kg
PPFI I & II / 3 CEi = 30kA/ph CEi = 80kA/ph 100A, 160A, L-N, N-E 2 Surface Yes Yes Yes Yes 100-250A = 600 x 200 x
A,B,C,D DEi = 45kA/ph DEi = 120kA/ph 200A, 315A, 800mm, 50-60kg
315A & 400A = 800 x 400 x
EEi = 90kA/ph EEi = 240kA/ph 400A
1000mm, 100kg

Dataline Network Transient Protectors

ERAK16EC5 III / A - N/A 132A/port N/A W-W, W-E 1/port 19" Rack No N/A No No 483x98x20mm, 0.64kg
EMTJC6 III / A - N/A 97A N/A W-W, W-E 1 Portable No N/A No No 91x37x23mm, 0.1kg
ECAT6PPC III / A - N/A 132A N/A W-W, W-E 1 Portable No N/A No No 91x37x23mm, 0.1kg
Rackmount Power Filters
SF8RM III / A Cord N/A 22.5kA 10A L-N, L-E, N-E 2 19" Rack No Yes Yes No 441x120x44mm, 1.2kg

Eaton Surge Protection 41

UPS & Surge Filter Selection Guide
UPS Model Rating Main (Rectifier) Input Surge Filter Bypass Input Surge Filter
Powerware 5125
PW51251000A 1kVA SSF10I NA

PW51251500A 1.5kVA SSF10I NA

PW51252000A 2kVA SSF10I NA

PW51252200A 2.2kVA SSF10I NA

Powerware 5130
PW5130i1250-XL2U 1.25kVA SSF10I NA

PW5130i1750-XL2U 1.75kVA SSF10I NA

PW5130i2500-XL2U 2.5kVA SSF15I NA

PW5130i3000-XL2U 3kVA SSF15I NA

Powerware 9120 Dual or Single Input UPS, for single input use Rectifier input rating
PW91206000A 6kVA DSFI DSFI

Powerware 9130
PW9130G700T-XLAU 0.7kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G1000T-XLAU 1kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G1500T-XLAU 1.5kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G2000T-XLAU 2kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G3000T-XLAU 3kVA SSF15I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G1000R-XL2UAU 1kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G2000R-XL2UAU 2kVA SSF10I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

PW9130G3000R-XL2UAU 3kVA SSF15I plug/play, or CSFI/DSFI Hardwired NA

Powerware 9135
PW9135G6000-XL3U 6kVA DSFI NA

Powerware 9140 Dual or Single Input UPS, for single input use Rectifier input rating
PW91407500HW 7.5kVA DSFI DSFI

PW914010000HW 10kVA DSFI DSFI

Powerware 9155S Dual or Single Input UPS, for single input use Rectifier input rating
PW91558iSxx 8kVA MSF401CCMI MSF401CCMI

PW915510iSxx 10kVA MSF631CCMI MSF631CCMI

Powerware 9155N Dual Input UPS, 3 Phase Rectifier, 1 Phase Bypass

PW91558iNxx 8kVA MSF403CCMI MSF401CCMI

PW915510iNxx 10kVA MSF403CCMI MSF631CCMI

PW915512iNxx 12kVA MSF403CCMI MSF631CCMI

PW915515iNxx 15kVA MSF403CCMI MSF631CCMI

PW915520iNxx 20kVA MSF403CCMI Contact Eaton

PW915530iNxx 30kVA MSF403CCMI Contact Eaton

Powerware 9355 Dual or Single Input UPS, for single input use Rectifier input rating
93558Nxx 8kVA MSF403CCMI MSF403CCMI

935510Nxx 10kVA MSF403CCMI MSF403CCMI

935512Nxx 12kVA MSF403CCMI MSF403CCMI

935515Nxx 15kVA MSF403CCMI MSF403CCMI

935520Nxx 20kVA MSF633CCMI MSF403CCMI

935530Nxx 30kVA MSF633CCMI MSF633CCMI

935540Nxx 40kVA PPF1003CEi MSF633CCMI

Powerware 9390 Dual or Single Input UPS, for single input use Rectifier input rating
PW939040N 40kVA PPF1003CEi MSF633CCMI

PW939060U 60kVA PPF1003CEi PPF1003CEi

PW939080N 80kVA PPF1603CEi PPF1603CEi

PW9390100U 100kVA PPF2003CEi PPF1603CEi

PW9390120N 120kVA PPF3003CEi PPF2003CEi

PW9390120U 120kVA PPF3003CEi PPF2003CEi

PW9390160N 160kVA PPF4003CEi PPF3003CEi

For UPS ratings above 160 kVA please contact your Eaton representative for further information.

42 Eaton Surge Protection

Fast, Safe &

Safety and
Eaton’s Quickmov™ is a fully ideal for primary protection in main
integrated Surge Protection Device switchboards and can be used in
(SPD), designed for stand-alone conjunction with an Eaton
mounting or to plug straight into a Neutral-Earth arrestor for
Quicklag™ loadcentre, connecting distribution boards remote from the
to the chassis busbar for the lowest M.E.N point.
source impedance.
Quickmov™ combines surge
Quickmov™ employs advanced diversion with fail-safe protection to
MOV technology with embedded deliver unsurpassed levels of safety
thermal protection housed in a dual and performance.
barrier flame retardant case to
provide optimum surge protection
performance. With a 60kA surge
suppression rating, Quickmov™ is

Eaton Surge Protection 43

Eaton Corporation is a diversified power management company ranked
among the largest Fortune 500 companies. The electrical group is Eaton’s
largest division & is a global leader in electrical control, power
distribution, power quality, automation, & monitoring products and
services. Eaton’s global electrical brands, including Cutler-Hammer®,
MGE Office Protection Systems™, Powerware®, Holec®, MEM®, Santak
and Moeller, provide customer-driven PowerChain Management®
solutions to serve the power system needs of the industrial, institutional,
government, utility, commercial, residential, IT, mission critical & OEM
markets worldwide.

PowerChain Management solutions help enterprises achieve sustainable

and competitive advantages through proactive management of the
power system as a strategic, integrated asset throughout its life cycle.
With Eaton’s distribution, generation & power quality equipment,
full-scale engineering services & information management systems,
the power system is positioned to deliver powerful results: greater
reliability, operating cost efficiencies, effective use of capital, enhanced
safety & risk mitigation.

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10 Kent Road Mascot,
PowerChain Management
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