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Service Specialists, Inc. vs. IAC

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— It is clear from the prayer of

petitioner in its brief on appeal to the appellate court that it had
[G.R. No. 74553. June 8, 1989.] chosen the remedy of fulfillment when it asked the appellate court to
order private respondents to pay the remaining unpaid sums under
SERVICEWIDE SPECIALISTS, INCORPORATED, Petitioner, v. the promissory note. By having done so, it has deemed waived the
THE HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, third remedy of foreclosure, and it cannot therefore ask at the same
GALICANO SITON AND JUDGE JUSTINIANO DE DUMO, time for a Writ of Replevin as preparatory remedy to foreclosure of
Respondents. mortgage.

Labaguis, Loyola, Angara & Associates for Petitioner. 8. ID.; ID.; DELIVERY OF BILLS OF EXCHANGE OR OTHER
Godofredo de Guzman for Respondents. WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN CASHED; CASE AT BAR. — The checks
issued by the defendants as payment for the installments for
November and December, 1981 and January, 1982 were dishonored
SYLLABUS and were not shown to have been replaced. The delivery of
promissory notes payable to order, or bills of exchange or other
mercantile documents shall produce the effect of payment only
when they have been cashed. (Art. 1249, Civil Code). In the
1. CIVIL LAW; CHATTEL MORTGAGE ACT; POWER OF CHATTEL absence of any showing that the aforestated checks were replaced
MORTGAGOR TO ALIENATE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, NOT and subsequently cashed, We can only infer that the monthly
CURTAILED. — The chattel mortgagor continues to be the owner of installments for November, 1981, December, 1981 and January,
the property, and therefore, has the power to alienate the same; 1982 have not been paid.
however, he is obliged under pain of penal liability, to secure the
written consent of the mortgagee. (Francisco, Vicente, Jr., Revised 9. REMEDIAL LAW; ACTIONS; BURDEN OF PROOF; DEBTOR
Rules of Court in the Philippines, (1972), Volume IV-B Part I, p. 525). OBLIGED TO PROVE EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATION
Thus, the instruments of mortgage are binding, while they subsist, WHERE DEBT IS FULLY ESTABLISHED. — When the existence of
not only upon the parties executing them but also upon those who the debt is fully established by the evidence contained in the record,
later, by purchase or otherwise, acquire the properties referred to the burden of proving that it has been extinguished by payment
therein. devolves upon the debtor who offers such a defense to the claim of
the creditor. (Chua Chionco v. Vargas, 11 Phil. 219)
absence of the written consent of the mortgagee to the sale of the purchase of the car by respondent de Dumo from respondent Siton
mortgaged property in favor of a third person, therefore, affects not does not necessarily imply the extinguishment of the liability of the
the validity of the sale but only the penal liability of the mortgagor latter. Since it was neither established nor shown that Siton was
under the Revised Penal Code and the binding effect of such sale released from responsibility under the promissory note, the same
on the mortgagee under the Deed of Chattel Mortgage. does not constitute novation by substitution of debtors under Article
1293 of the Civil Code.
GREAT WEIGHT. — The conclusions and findings of facts by the PERSON MERELY RESULT TO ADDITION OF DEBTORS;
trial court are entitled to great weight and will not be disturbed on DEBTORS’ OBLIGATION CONSIDERED MERELY JOINT. — The
appeal unless for strong and cogent reasons because the trial court fact that petitioner company accepts payments from a third person
is in a better position to examine real evidence as well as to observe like respondent de Dumo, who has assumed the obligation, will
the demeanor of witnesses while testifying on the case. (Macua v. result merely to the addition of debtors and not novation. Hence, the
Intermediate Appellate Court, No. L-70810, October 26, 1987, 155 creditor may therefore enforce the obligation against both debtors.
SCRA 29) (Straight v. Hashell, 49 Phil. 614; Mata v. Serra, 47 Phil. 464;
McCullough v. Veloso, 46 Phil. 1; Pacific Commercial v. Sotto, 34
4. ID.; ACTIONS; ESTOPPEL; ASSIGNEE ESTOPPED FROM Phil. 237). If there is no agreement as to solidarity, the first and new
QUESTIONING THE SALE OF THE MORTGAGED VEHICLE debtors are considered obligated jointly. (Lopez v. Court of Appeals,
WHERE IT ACCEPTED PAYMENT OF MORTGAGOR’S Et Al., No. L-33157, June 29, 1982, 114 SCRA 671; Dungo v.
OBLIGATION WITH VENDEE’S CHECK. — There is no dispute that Lopena, Et Al., L-18377, December 29, 1962, 6 SCRA 1007).
the Deed of Chattel Mortgage executed between Siton and the
petitioner requires the written consent of the latter as mortgagee in
the sale or transfer of the mortgaged vehicle. We cannot ignore the
findings, however, that before the sale, prompt inquiries were made DECISION
by private respondents with Filinvest Credit Corporation regarding
any possible future sale of the mortgaged property; and that it was
upon the advice of the company’s credit lawyer that such a verbal MEDIALDEA, J.:
notice is sufficient and that it would be convenient if the account
would remain in the name of the mortgagor Siton. Even the personal
checks of de Dumo were accepted by petitioner as payment of some This is a petition for review on certiorari of a decision of the
of the installments under the promissory note (p. 92, Rollo). If it is Intermediate Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals) in AC-G.R. CV
true that petitioner has not acquiesced in the sale, then, it should No. 03876 affirming in toto the decision of the Regional Trial Court of
have inquired as to why de Dumo’s checks were being used to pay Manila in Civil Case No. 82-4364 entitled, "Servicewide Specialists,
Siton’s obligations. Based on the foregoing circumstances, the Inc. v. Galicano Siton and John Doe.
petitioner is bound by its predecessor company’s representations.
This is based on the doctrine of estoppel, through which, "an The antecedent facts in this case as found by the lower court are as
admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person follows:
making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person
relying thereon" (Art. 1431, Civil Code). The private respondent Galicano Siton purchased from Car Traders
Philippines, Inc. a vehicle described as Mitsubishi Celeste two-door
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ORIGIN. — Like the related principles of volenti non with air-conditioning, Engine 2M-62799, Serial No. A73-2652 and
fit injuria (consent to injury), waiver and acquiescence, estoppel paid P25,000.00 as downpayment of the price. The remaining
finds its origin generally in the equitable notion that one may not balance of P68,400.00, includes not only the remaining principal
change his position, and profit from his own wrongdoing when he obligation but also advance interests and premiums for motor
has caused another to rely on his former representations (Sy v. vehicle insurance policies.
Central Bank, No. L-41480, April 30, 1976, 70 SCRA 570).
On August 14, 1979, Siton executed a promissory note in favor of
6. CIVIL LAW; OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS; SALE IN Car Traders Philippines, Inc. expressly stipulating that the face value
INSTALLMENT BASIS; ALTERNATIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE of the note which is P68,400.00, shall "be payable, without need of
THE VENDOR. — Article 1484 of the New Civil Code prescribes notice of demand, in installments of the amounts following and at the
three remedies which a vendor may pursue in a contract of sale of dates hereinafter set forth, to wit: P1,900.00 monthly for 36 months
personal property the price of which is payable in installments, to due and payable on the 14th day of each month starting September
wit: 1) to exact fulfillment of the obligation; 2) cancel the sale; and 3) 14, 1979, thru and inclusive of August 14, 1982" (p. 84, Rollo). There
foreclose the mortgage on the thing sold. These remedies are are additional stipulations in the Promissory Note consisting of,
alternative and the vendor cannot avail of them at the same time. among others:
1. Interest at the rate of 14% per annum to be added on each unpaid payments in the past on insurance policies over subject car;
installment from maturity;
5. Each party shall bear his own expenses and attorney’s fees; and
2. If default is made in the payment of any of the installments or
interest thereon, the total principal sum then remaining unpaid, 6. The claim of one party against the other(s) for damages, and vice-
together with accrued interest thereon shall at once become due versa are hereby denied and dismissed.
and demandable;
There is no pronouncement as to costs.
3. In case of default, and attorney’s services are availed of, there
shall be added a sum equal to 25% of the total sum due thereon to "SO ORDERED." (pp. 95-96, Rollo)
cover attorney’s fees, aside from expenses of collection and legal
costs (p. 84, Rollo). Not satisfied with the decision of the trial court, the petitioner
appealed to the Intermediate Appellate Court.
As further security, Siton executed a Chattel Mortgage over the
subject motor vehicle in favor of Car Traders Philippines, Inc. (pp. On April 25, 1986, the respondent Appellate Court rendered
85-88, Rollo). The Chattel Mortgage Contract provides additional judgment affirming in toto the decision of the trial court. The
stipulations, such as: a) the waiver by the mortgagor of his rights dispositive portion of the judgment states:
under Art. 1252 of the Civil Code to designate the application of his
payments and authorize the mortgagee or its assigns to apply such "WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is in full accord with the
payments to either his promissory note or to any of his existing evidence and the law is hereby therefore affirmed in all its parts.
obligations to the mortgagee or its assigns at the latter’s discretion; Costs against plaintiff-appellant.
and b) concerning the insurance of the subject motor vehicle, the
mortgagor is under obligation to secure the necessary policy in an "SO ORDERED." (p. 42, Rollo).
amount not less than the outstanding balance of the mortgage
obligation and that loss thereof shall be made payable to the Hence, the instant petition was filed, praying for a reversal of the
mortgagee or its assigns as its interest may appear, with the further above-mentioned decision in favor of private respondents, with the
obligation of the mortgagor to deliver the policy to the mortgagee. petitioner assigning the following errors:
The mortgagor further agrees that in default of his effecting or
renewing the insurance and delivering the policy as endorsed to the "2.1 The Honorable Respondent, the Intermediate Appellate Court
mortgagee within five (5) days after the execution of the mortgage or erred and gravely abused its discretion in concluding that there was
the expiry date of the insurance, the mortgagee may, at his option a valid sale of the mortgaged vehicle between Siton and De Dumo;
but without any obligation to do so, effect such insurance or obtain
such renewal for the account of the mortgagor. "2.2 The Honorable Respondent, the Intermediate Appellate Court
erred and gravely abused its discretion in holding that the petitioner
The credit covered by the promissory note and chattel mortgage (plaintiff) and its predecessors-in-interest are bound by the
executed by respondent Galicano Siton was first assigned by Car questionable and invalid unnotarized Deed of Sale between Siton
Traders Philippines, Inc. in favor of Filinvest Credit Corporation. and De Dumo, even as neither petitioner (plaintiff) nor its
Subsequently, Filinvest Credit Corporation likewise reassigned said predecessors-in-interest had knowledge nor had they given their
credit in favor of petitioner Servicewide Specialists, Inc. and written or verbal consent thereto;
respondent Siton was advised of this second assignment.
"2.3 The Honorable Respondent, the Intermediate Appellate Court
Alleging that Siton failed to pay the part of the installment which fell erred and gravely abused its discretion in ruling that the mortgagee
due on November 2, 1981 as well as the subsequent installments (petitioner) has the obligation to make demands to De Dumo for
which fell due on December 2, 1981 and January 2, 1982, payment on the Promissory Note when De Dumo is not privy
respectively, the petitioner filed this action against Galicano Siton thereto;
and "John Doe.
"2.4 The Honorable Respondent, the Intermediate Appellate Court
The relief sought by the plaintiff is a Writ of Replevin over subject erred and acted with grave abuse of discretion in refusing to issue
motor vehicle or, in the alternative, for a sum of money of the Writ of Replevin despite due compliance by petitioner of the
P20,319.42 plus interest thereon at the rate of 14% per annum from requirements of Rule 60, Sections 1 and 2 of REVISED RULES OF
January 11, 1982 until fully paid; and in either case, for defendants COURT;
to pay certain sum of money for attorney’s fees, liquidated damages,
bonding fees and other expenses incurred in the seizure of the "2.5 The Honorable Respondent, the Intermediate Appellate Court
motor vehicle plus costs of suit. acted with grave abuse of discretion in ruling that petitioner (creditor-
mortgagee) is obliged to inform respondent De Dumo (not privy to
After the service of summons, Justiniano de Dumo, identifying the mortgage) to submit the insurance policy over the mortgaged
himself as the "John Doe" in the Complaint, inasmuch as he is in "res" and to demand the payor-third-party (De Dumo) to redeem his
possession of the subject vehicle, filed his Answer with Counterclaim rubber check;" (pp. 4-5, Rollo).
and with Opposition to the prayer for a Writ of Replevin. Said
defendant, alleged the fact that he has bought the motor vehicle In its first assigned error, petitioner alleges that the sale of the
from Galicano Siton on November 24, 1979; that as such successor, mortgaged vehicle between the mortgagor Siton and De Dumo was
he stepped into the rights and obligations of the seller; that he has void, as the sale is prohibited under the provisions of the Deed of
religiously paid the installments as stipulated upon in the promissory Chattel Mortgage, the Chattel Mortgage Act (Act 1508) and the
note. He also manifested that the Answer he has filed in his behalf Revised Penal Code. The Deed of Chattel Mortgage executed by
should likewise serve as a responsive pleading for his co-defendant the petitioner and Siton stipulates:
Galicano Siton.
"The Mortgagor shall not sell, mortgage or in any other way,
On January 12, 1984, the Regional Trial Court rendered a decision, encumber or dispose of the property herein mortgaged without the
the dispositive portion of which states: previous written consent of the Mortgagee" (p. 85, Rollo).

"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows: The rule is settled that the chattel mortgagor continues to be the
owner of the property, and therefore, has the power to alienate the
1. Denying the issuance of a Writ of Replevin in this case; same; however, he is obliged under pain of penal liability, to secure
the written consent of the mortgagee. (Francisco, Vicente, Jr.,
2. Ordering defendants to pay jointly and severally, the plaintiff, the Revised Rules of Court in the Philippines, (1972), Volume IV-B Part
remaining balance on the motor vehicle reckoned as of January 25, I, p. 525). Thus, the instruments of mortgage are binding, while they
1982, without additional interest and charges, and the same to be subsist, not only upon the parties executing them but also upon
paid by installments, per the terms of the Promissory Note, payable those who later, by purchase or otherwise, acquire the properties
on the 14th day of each month starting the month after this Decision referred to therein.
shall have become final, until the full payment of the remaining
obligation; The absence of the written consent of the mortgagee to the sale of
the mortgaged property in favor of a third person, therefore, affects
3. The Chattel Mortgage contract is deemed to cover the obligation not the validity of the sale but only the penal liability of the mortgagor
stated in par. 2, supra, without prejudice to the parties, including under the Revised Penal Code and the binding effect of such sale
defendant de Dumo, to now execute a new promissory note and/or on the mortgagee under the Deed of Chattel Mortgage.
chattel mortgage contract;
Anent its second, third and fifth assigned errors, petitioner submits
4. Ordering defendants to pay, jointly and severally, the sum of that it is not bound by the deed of sale made by Siton in favor of De
another P3,859.90 to the plaintiff by way of refunding the premium Dumo, as neither petitioner nor its predecessor has given their
written or verbal consent thereto pursuant to the Deed of Chattel a vendor may pursue in a contract of sale of personal property the
Mortgage. price of which is payable in installments, to wit: 1) to exact fulfillment
of the obligation; 2) cancel the sale; and 3) foreclose the mortgage
On this matter, the appellate court upheld the findings of the trial on the thing sold. These remedies are alternative and the vendor
court, as follows, to wit: cannot avail of them at the same time.

"The first issue is whether or not the sale and transfer of the motor It is clear from the prayer of petitioner in its brief on appeal to the
vehicle, subject matter of the chattel mortgage, made by Siton in appellate court that it had chosen the remedy of fulfillment when it
favor of Atty. de Dumo is illegal and violative of the Chattel Mortgage asked the appellate court to order private respondents to pay the
Law. The supposition is that if it were illegal, then plaintiff has all the remaining unpaid sums under the promissory note (p. 31, Rollo). By
right to file this action and to foreclose on the chattel mortgage. Both having done so, it has deemed waived the third remedy of
defendants testified that, before the projected sale, they went to foreclosure, and it cannot therefore ask at the same time for a Writ
certain Atty. Villa of Filinvest Credit Corporation advising the latter of of Replevin as preparatory remedy to foreclosure of mortgage. In a
the intended sale and transfer. Defendants were accordingly advised similar case, where the vendor filed an action containing three
that the verbal information given to the corporation would suffice, remedies: to collect the purchase price; to seize the property
and that it would be tedious and impractical to effect a change of purchased by suing for replevin and to foreclose the mortgage
transfer of ownership as that would require a new credit executed thereon, We held that such a scheme is not only irregular
investigation as to the capacity and worthiness of Atty. De Dumo, but is a flagrant circumvention of the prohibition of the law (Luneta
being the new debtor. The further suggestion given by Atty. Villa is Motor Company v. Dimagiba, No. L-17061, December 30, 1961, 3
that the account should be maintained in the name of Galicano SCRA 884).
Siton. Plaintiff claims that it and its predecessor had never been
notified of the sale, much less were they notified in writing as Finally, the petitioner argues that the judgment of the appellate court
required by the contract. On this particular issue, it would really was not in accordance with its own findings and those of the trial
appear that, since the transfer, it was Atty. de Dumo who had been court showing private respondents’ default in the payment of three
paying said account, almost invariably with his personal checks. In monthly installments as a result of the dishonor of three checks
fact, one of the checks that supposedly bounced, marked Exhibit J issued as payments; and that as a consequence thereof, the full
and the relative receipt as Exhibit 16, was Atty. de Dumo’s personal amount of the unpaid balance under the promissory note became
check. Note that plaintiff has been accepting such payments by due and demandable pursuant to the terms of the promissory note.
defendant de Dumo. It would appear, therefore, that there was an
implied acceptance by the plaintiff and its predecessor of the This contention is impressed with merit. The findings of the trial
transfer. Another reasonable conclusion is that, while there was court on this issue, which were affirmed by the appellate court, state,
failure on the part of defendants to comply strictly and literally with as follows:
their contract, there was substantial compliance therewith." (pp. 92-
93, Rollo) "The second point of issue is whether or not defendants were in
arrears when the complaint was filed on January 25, 1982. Plaintiff
We agree with the aforequoted findings and conclusions of the lower claims that there were three payments by checks made by
court which were affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeals. The defendants, which are ineffective (Art. 1249, Civil Code) as said
conclusions and findings of facts by the trial court are entitled to checks bounced for insufficient funding . . . The debtor/obligor is
great weight and will not be disturbed on appeal unless for strong allegedly obliged, as per the Chattel Mortgage Contract, to have the
and cogent reasons because the trial court is in a better position to motor vehicle insured and, failing which, the creditor may insure the
examine real evidence as well as to observe the demeanor of same for the account of the debtor. Such payments, therefore,
witnesses while testifying on the case. (Macua v. Intermediate together with the value of the three checks that had been
Appellate Court, No. L-70810, October 26, 1987, 155 SCRA 29) dishonored, are the reasons for defendants’ delinquency. On
defendant’s part, more particularly Atty. de Dumo’s, they submit that
There is no dispute that the Deed of Chattel Mortgage executed there was no delinquency as, in fact, defendants have receipts to
between Siton and the petitioner requires the written consent of the evidence payment for the months of November 1981 (Exhibit 18
latter as mortgagee in the sale or transfer of the mortgaged vehicle. dated November 3, 1981), December 1981 (Exhibit 17 dated
We cannot ignore the findings, however, that before the sale, prompt December 2, 1981), and January, 1982 (Exhibit 30, dated January 5,
inquiries were made by private respondents with Filinvest Credit 1982).
Corporation regarding any possible future sale of the mortgaged
property; and that it was upon the advice of the company’s credit "On cross-examination, Atty. de Dumo admitted that really one of his
lawyer that such a verbal notice is sufficient and that it would be checks (Exhibit J) was dishonored. There is no evidence one way
convenient if the account would remain in the name of the [or] the other whether said check was replaced subsequently with a
mortgagor Siton. good one. Likewise, there is no clarification in the record as to
whether the two other dishonored checks had been replaced. As to
Even the personal checks of de Dumo were accepted by petitioner the insurance policies, defendants claimed on the witness stand that
as payment of some of the installments under the promissory note they were the ones who had the vehicle insured, for, otherwise,
(p. 92, Rollo). If it is true that petitioner has not acquiesced in the defendant de Dumo could not have registered the motor vehicle for
sale, then, it should have inquired as to why de Dumo’s checks were the years 1980 up to 1982. Defendants further contend that they
being used to pay Siton’s obligations. complied with their undertaking by notifying verbally the creditor of
that fact. There is no denying the fact however, that the insurance
Based on the foregoing circumstances, the petitioner is bound by its policies obtained were not endorsed, much less surrendered, to the
predecessor company’s representations. This is based on the plaintiff; in fact such policies were not shown in court to evidence the
doctrine of estoppel, through which, "an admission or representation proper indorsement of the policies in favor of the creditor." (pp. 93-
is rendered conclusive upon the person making it, and cannot be 94, Rollo). (Emphasis ours)
denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon" (Art.
1431, Civil Code). Like the related principles of volenti non fit injuria It is evident from the foregoing findings that the checks issued by the
(consent to injury), waiver and acquiescence, estoppel finds its defendants as payment for the installments for November and
origin generally in the equitable notion that one may not change his December, 1981 and January, 1982 were dishonored and were not
position, and profit from his own wrongdoing when he has caused shown to have been replaced. The delivery of promissory notes
another to rely on his former representations (Sy v. Central Bank, payable to order, or bills of exchange or other mercantile documents
No. L-41480, April 30, 1976, 70 SCRA 570). shall produce the effect of payment only when they have been
cashed. (Art. 1249, Civil Code). When the existence of the debt is
Further, it is worthy to note that despite the arguments of petitioner fully established by the evidence contained in the record, the burden
that it is not bound by the sale of the vehicle to de Dumo, and that of proving that it has been extinguished by payment devolves upon
the latter is a stranger to the transaction between Filinvest and the debtor who offers such a defense to the claim of the creditor.
Siton, nevertheless, it admitted de Dumo’s obligation as purchaser (Chua Chienco v. Vargas, 11 Phil. 219). In the absence of any
of the property when it named the latter as one of the defendants in showing that the aforestated checks were replaced and
the lower court. Petitioner even manifested in its prayer in the subsequently cashed, We can only infer that the monthly
appellant’s brief and in the petition before Us, that de Dumo be installments for November, 1981, December, 1981 and January,
ordered to pay petitioner, jointly and severally with Siton the unpaid 1982 have not been paid.
balance on the promissory note (pp. 32 and 72, Rollo).
In view of the above, it is not correct for the appellate court to ignore
In the fourth assigned error by petitioner, the latter claims that the the evidence on record showing the default of private respondents in
appellate court gravely erred in upholding the trial court’s refusal to their obligations. The fact that Siton and de Dumo were not advised
issue that Writ of Replevin despite compliance with the requirements or notified of their failure to comply with their obligations under the
of the Rules. This contention is devoid of merit. note and under the Deed of Chattel Mortgage is of no importance.
Article 1169 of the Civil Code provides:
Article 1484 of the New Civil Code prescribes three remedies which
"Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the
time the obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the
fulfillment of their obligation.

"However, the demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in

order that delay may exist:

1. When the obligation or the law expressly so declares;

"x x x"

The promissory note executed by Siton in favor of Car Traders

Philippines, Inc. expressly stipulates that the unpaid balance shall
be payable, without need of notice or demand, in fixed monthly
installments; and that if default be made in the payment of any of the
installments or interest thereon as and when the same becomes due
and payable as specified above, the total principal sum then
remaining unpaid, together with accrued interest thereon, shall at
once become due and payable (p. 84, Rollo). The parties are bound
by this agreement.

In view of the foregoing, We find it correct to hold both the

respondents Galicano Siton and Justiniano de Dumo liable for their
obligations to petitioner herein. In the case at bar, the purchase of
the car by respondent de Dumo from respondent Siton does not
necessarily imply the extinguishment of the liability of the latter.
Since it was neither established nor shown that Siton was released
from responsibility under the promissory note, the same does not
constitute novation by substitution of debtors under Article 1293 of
the Civil Code. Likewise, the fact that petitioner company accepts
payments from a third person like respondent de Dumo, who has
assumed the obligation, will result merely to the addition of debtors
and not novation. Hence, the creditor may therefore enforce the
obligation against both debtors. (Straight v. Hashell, 49 Phil. 614;
Mata v. Serra, 47 Phil. 464; McCullough v. Veloso, 46 Phil. 1; Pacific
Commercial v. Sotto, 34 Phil. 237). If there is no agreement as to
solidarity, the first and new debtors are considered obligated jointly.
(Lopez v. Court of Appeals, Et Al., No. L-33157, June 29, 1982, 114
SCRA 671; Dungo v. Lopena, Et Al., L-18377, December 29, 1962, 6
SCRA 1007).

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is GRANTED and the assailed decision

of the Court of Appeals dated April 25, 1986 is hereby REVERSED
and SET ASIDE, and a new one entered, ordering the private
respondents Galicano Siton and Justiniano de Dumo, jointly to pay
to petitioner Servicewide Specialists, Incorporated, the total sum of
the remaining unpaid balance on the promissory note with interest
thereon at fourteen percent per annum from January 25, 1982 until
fully paid, as well as stipulated attorney’s fees and liquidated
damages; and to reimburse to petitioner the sum of P3,859.90 for
the premium payments on the insurance policies over the subject
vehicle. Costs against private respondents.

SERVICEWIDE SPECIALISTS, INCORPORATED, Petitioner, v. The Supreme Court held that supposing the sale and transfer of the
THE HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, motor vehicle, subject of the chattel mortgage is illegal, then
GALICANO SITON AND JUDGE JUSTINIANO DE DUMO, Servicewide has all the right to file this action and to foreclose on the
Respondents. chattel mortgage.

But both Stion and de Dumo testified that, before the projected sale,
they went to certain Atty. Villa of Filinvest Credit Corporation
FACTS: advising the latter of the intended sale and transfer.

Galicano Siton purchased from Car Traders Philippines, Inc. a Siton and De Dumo were accordingly advised that the verbal
vehicle described as Mitsubishi Celeste and paid P25,000.00 as information given to the corporation would suffice, and that it would
downpayment of the price. be tedious and impractical to effect a change of transfer of
ownership as that would require a new credit investigation as to the
The remaining balance of P68,400.00, includes not only the capacity and worthiness of Atty. De Dumo, being the new debtor.
remaining principal obligation but also advance interests and
premiums for motor vehicle insurance policies. The further suggestion given by Atty. Villa is that the account should
be maintained in the name of Galicano Siton.
On August 14, 1979, Siton executed a promissory note in favor of
Car Traders Philippines, Inc. expressly stipulating that the face value Servicewide claims that it and its predecessor had never been
of the note which is P68,400.00, shall "be payable, without need of notified of the sale, much less were they notified in writing as
notice of demand, and in instalments. required by the contract.

As further security, Siton executed a Chattel Mortgage over the On this particular issue, it would really appear that, since the
subject motor vehicle in favor of Car Traders Philippines, Inc. transfer, it was Atty. de Dumo who had been paying said account,
almost invariably with his personal checks.
The credit covered by the promissory note and chattel mortgage
executed by Galicano Siton was first assigned by Car Traders In fact, one of the checks that supposedly bounced, was Atty. de
Philippines, Inc. in favor of Filinvest Credit Corporation. Dumo’s personal check.

Subsequently, Filinvest Credit Corporation likewise reassigned said Note that Servicewide has been accepting such payments by de
credit in favor of petitioner Servicewide Specialists, Inc. and Siton Dumo. It would appear, therefore, that there was an implied
was advised of this second assignment. acceptance by the Servicewide and its predecessor of the transfer.

Alleging that Siton failed to pay the part of the installment as well as Another reasonable conclusion is that, while there was failure on the
the subsequent instalments, Servicewide Specialists, Inc. filed this part of Siton and de Dumo to comply strictly and literally with their
action against Galicano Siton and "John Doe”. contract, there was substantial compliance therewith."

The relief sought by Servicewide is a Writ of Replevin over subject There is no dispute that the Deed of Chattel Mortgage executed
motor vehicle or, in the alternative, for a sum of money of between Siton and the Servicewide requires the written consent of
P20,319.42 plus interest thereon at the rate of 14% per annum from the latter as mortgagee in the sale or transfer of the mortgaged
January 11, 1982 until fully paid. vehicle.

After the service of summons, Justiniano de Dumo, identifying The Supreme Court cannot ignore the findings, however, that before
himself as the "John Doe" in the Complaint, filed his Answer. the sale, prompt inquiries were made by Siton and de Dumo with
Filinvest Credit Corporation regarding any possible future sale of the
mortgaged property; and that it was upon the advice of the
company’s credit lawyer that such a verbal notice is sufficient and
JUSTINIANO DE DUMO: that it would be convenient if the account would remain in the name
of Siton.
 Alleged that he has bought the motor vehicle from
Galicano Siton; Even the personal checks of de Dumo were accepted by
Servicewide as payment of some of the installments under the
 That as such successor, he stepped into the rights and promissory note.
obligations of the seller;
If it is true that Servicewide has not acquiesced in the sale, then, it
 That he has religiously paid the installments as stipulated should have inquired as to why de Dumo’s checks were being used
upon in the promissory note. to pay Siton’s obligations.

 He also manifested that the Answer he has filed in his The Supreme Court agrees with the findings and conclusions of the
behalf should likewise serve as a responsive pleading for lower court which were affirmed by the Court of Appeals.
his co-defendant Galicano Siton.
Based on the foregoing circumstances, the Servicewide is bound by
its predecessor company’s representations.

SERVICEWIDE SPECIALIST: (Petitioner) This is based on the doctrine of estoppel, through which, "an
admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person
 Alleged that the sale of the mortgaged vehicle between making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person
the Siton and De Dumo was void, as the sale is prohibited relying thereon" (Art. 1431, Civil Code).
under the provisions of the Deed of Chattel Mortgage, the
Like the related principles of volenti non fit injuria (consent to injury),
Chattel Mortgage Act (Act 1508) and the Revised Penal
waiver and acquiescence, estoppel finds its origin generally in the
equitable notion that one may not change his position, and profit
The Deed of Chattel Mortgage executed by the petitioner and Siton from his own wrongdoing when he has caused another to rely on his
stipulates: former representations.

"The Mortgagor shall not sell, mortgage or in any other

way, encumber or dispose of the property herein mortgaged without
the previous written consent of the Mortgagee".




HELD: Yes, action filed by Servicewide is barred by estoppel.

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