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Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur

Subject Code: 1625607C

List of Experiments

Exp. Experiments Name Page No.

1 To study the Ice Plant Testing Rig and calculate its Coefficient of 1-4
Performance (COP).

2 To study basic need of air conditioning, representation of different air 5-8

conditioning processes on psychrometric chart and performance of
refrigeration system.
3 To study the working of household refrigerator along with different 9-12
auxiliary systems associated with household refrigerator and its
wiring diagram.
4 To study the working of compressor used in refrigeration system. 13-18

5 To find COP of water cooler. 19-20

6 To study the various controls used in Refrigeration and Air 21-22

conditioning system.

7 Visit to central A.C. plant in view of ducting system, insulation 23

system and Air distribution system (e.g. frozen food industry/ice-
cream industry/mushroom plants/textile industries).
8 Visit to cold storage 24
To study the Ice Plant Testing Rig and calculate its Coefficient of Performance (COP).
Basic concepts of simple vapor compression cycle. Ice formation process in Ice factory.
Ice is needed in commercials units, Medicines and in food processes etc. This ice is manufactured
in large plant requires a huge space. However present compact unit is useful to study the process
of ice making and to know the behavior of basic parameters of the system. Ice cans be produced
by two methods:
1) Plate Type
2) Can Type
The present equipment uses compression cycle system with Freon 12 as the cooling media. The
unit differs in many aspect than the commercial plants. The equipment consists of control panel,
condensing unit, cooling system, brine solution tank and a main tank etc. The brine tank is
insulated from all sides with a door at the top side to load / unload the cans. The brine is placed in
main tank. The brine tank has a structure at the top side where the cans be hold. An agitator (stirrer)
is used to stir the brine solution. A drain is provided to at the brine tank. This tank is coated from
inside to prevent any action by brine. The compressor is mounted at one side of base with a
condenser and fan. A liquid receiver is adopted in the circuit. The evaporator coil is held at one
side in the brine tank. The panel consist of switches, energy meter, pressure gauges, HP/LP cutout,
and dial thermometer.
Mechanical Heat Pump is a table mounted model which uses water as well as air as a heat source
and sink for both cooling and heating purposes. The experiments can be done as water to water
heat pump i.e. using water condenser and water evaporator and water to air heat pump i.e. using
water condenser and air evaporator. On the unit, compressor is mounted centrally and both the
water and air condensers are mounted on either sides of the compressor. All the components are
mounted on the main unit and the schematic layout of the Mechanical Heat Pump Is sell-
a) Compressor: Kirloskar make, hermetically sealed.
b) Condenser: Air Cooled Condenser size 14” X 14” with cooling fan.

c) Brine Tank: Brine tank is insulated from all side with provision to hold cans, evaporator
coil at one side and arrangement to drain the brine solution. The door is provided at the top
of this tank.
d) Ice Tank: Suitable size made out of galvanized sheet.
e) Stirrer arrangement: A fan is used to stir the brine solution and is connected to the shaft of
an electrical motor of suitable capacity.
f) The panel: Following items are mounted on panel
i. High and Low pressure gauge: These gauges indicate, High and Low pressure
respectively in the circuit.
ii. Thermostat and HP/LP cut: These are the safety devices for the compressor.
iii. Energy meter : To measure the power consumption of the compressor.
iv. Switches for compressor, condenser fan and a starter for stirrer motor.
v. Dial thermometer for measurement of brine temperature.
Empty before starting the refrigeration cycle please check the following:
a) The pressure gauges should indicate equal pressure that indicates HP & LP side are
balanced. Proper earthing is provided to unit.
b) See that the motor shaft along with fan is free in its bearing.
c) This can be confirmed by rotating the shaft manually cans concentration of brine.
d) Put water in the brine tank approximately up to mark.
e) Add 100 Kgs of common salt in tho the tank without splashing the water.
f) Then stir this water by using the stirrer for some time.
g) If the strength is proper then closed door of the tank also confirm that there is no leakage
at the drain of the tank.
This experiment is performed by using water condenser and water evaporator. -
a) Start the water supply to both condenser and evaporator and adjust the flow rate to
predetermine value.
b) See that pressures in both the gauges are equal.
c) Put ‘ON’ the main switch.
d) Check the valve positions as per given diagram.
e) Now, start the compressor cooling fan first and then start the compressor. Within a short
period, clear liquid refrigerant flow will be seen in the rotameter.
f) After sometime the pressure of refrigeration cycle will become stable. Allow the plant to
run for at least half an hour.
g) During testing see that water flow rates are constant and not varying.
h) Allow the plant to attain steady state. Check tor steady state by taking the readings
i) Take all readings as mentioned in the observation table. Complete one set of observations.

j) By varying the water flow rate of condenser, effect of sub- cooling can be studied. Similarly
by varying water flow rate of evaporator, load on the plant can be varied.


1. Condenser pressure = _____________kg/cm2
2. Evaporator pressure = _____________ kg/cm2
3. Temperatures
a) Condenser Inlet Tci = _____________˚C
b) Condenser Outlet Tco = _____________ ˚C
c) Evaporator Inlet Tei = _____________ ˚C
d) Evaporator Outlet Teo = _____________ ˚C
4) Refrigerant flow rate = ______________LPH.
5) Time for 10 revolutions of Compressor energy meter = __________sec.
1) Water Temperature
a) Inlet = ________ ˚C
b) Outlet = ________ ˚C
2) Water flow rate = _________LPH

Fig. (ph diagram) Plot the operating cycle on p-h chart


1) Water Temperature
a) Inlet = ________ ˚C
b) Outlet = ________ ˚C
2) Water flow rate = _________LPH
Heo− Hei
1. Theoretical COP = (Hco = Hei)

Heat absorbed in evaporator from water

2. Actual COP =
Compressor work

3. Heat absorbed in evaporator from water = me × Cp × Te

me = Mass flow rate of water in evaporator Kg / hr
Cp = Specific heat of water 1 Kcal / Kg ˚C
Te = Temp. difference of water in Evaporator

860 × 10× 3600

4. Work done by compressor = watt
Tc x EMC

Tc = Time for 10 revolutions of energy meter disc sec.

Actual COP
5. Relative COP =
TheorEtical COP

6. Carnot COP =

TH = Saturation temperature of condenser pressure in ˚K

TL = Saturation temperature of evaporator pressure in ˚K
With the help of above information we can evaluate the process of Ice Manufacturing and we can
also find out COP of the unit.

To study basic need of air conditioning, representation of different air conditioning processes on
psychrometric chart and performance of refrigeration system.
Basic concepts of refrigeration and various equipments used in refrigeration cycle. Use of
refrigeration in context air conditioning.
Previously the air conditioning for human comfort was considered luxury in most of the countries
but now a days it is a necessity. Therefore air conditioning industry is growing fastly throughout
the world. Due to increase in population and industrialization, the uncomfort may be due to the
inadequate supply of oxygen or unbearable temperature. Full air conditioning does the automatic
control of an atmospheric environment either for comfort of human being or animals or for the
proper performance of some industrial or scientific processes. The purpose of air conditioning is
to supply sufficient volume of clean air containing a specific amount of water vapour and at a
temperature capable of maintaining predetermined atmospheric conditions.
In brief the air conditioning the space signifies.
1. Temperature Control: You can enjoy a perfect constant temperature because of the control of
not only cooling but also heating.
2. Humidity Control: The room can be humidified or dehumidified.
3. Air Filtering, Cleaning and Purification: The room is cleaned by removing dust and dirt from
the air.
4. Air movement and Circulation: Air which is cleaned and controlled in temperature and humidity
is distributed throughout the room. As a result, room air can be maintained evenly.
The equipment consists of a hermetically sealed compressor, air cooled condenser, blower for air
circulation through a duct mounted on a frame, an evaporator is placed in the duct, also there are
heaters of suitable capacity in the duct. The refrigerant used in the system is R22. The mass flow
rate of air through duct can be varied by arrangement provided on the blower unit. The humidity
of air is increased by introducing steam generated in small boiler. The relative humidity of air at
inlet and outlet can be measured by noting dry / wet bulb temperatures. The duct is insulated from
outside to avoid heat loss. The control panel consists of switches, voltmeter, ammeter etc. as well
as energy meter for measuring the power consumption of compressor. The refrigeration circuit and
duct are mounted on a fabricated frame.

a) Compressor: Hermetically sealed type, Kirloskar make CAT – 2425
b) Condenser: Air cooled type, cooling fan driven by motor (1/10 HP) which is 13” x 12” x 3
c) Rotameter: Eureka make, range 6.1-61 LPH, calibrated for R22
d) Thermostatic Expansion valve: Danfos make no
e) Evaporator: Evaporator fitted in the duct size 10” x 10” x 3 row.
f) Blower unit: To force air through the duct 1HP 3 phase motor.
g) Heater fitted in the duct after the evaporator: 2kw
h) Steam generator to generate steam with suitable piping for introducing steam in the duct-
8 litre capacity, with 2 kw heater.
i) Pressure gauges for measurement of pressures.
j) HP & LP cutouts:
k) Energymeter for compressor with EMC ______ R/kwh.
The demonstration of the following processes can be done on the test rig.
1. Cooling process.
2. Heating process.
3. Cooling with dehumidification process.
4. Heating with humidification process.
1. COOLING PROCESS: (Sensible cooling)
It is cooling without subtraction of moisture is termed as sensible cooling. The cooling can be
achieved by parsing the air over cooling coil like evaporating coil of refrigeration cycle.
Heating of air without addition of moisture is termed sensible heating. The heating can be achieved
by passing air over heater in the duct.
The process is represented as below:
In this process cooling along with humidification is carried out it is represented as below.
It is represented as given below.
For starting the test rig.
Put ‘ON” the air condenser fan and run it for 2-3 minutes.
1. Then start blower with suction full open.
2. Now put ‘ON’ the compressor switch, so that refrigeration cycle may produce
refrigeration effect.

3. Run the plant for achieving steady temperature at condenser and Evaporator.
4. Measure the air velocity in the duct by using anemometer.
5. Note down the following observations.
1. Condenser pressure = _____________kg/cm2
2. Evaporator pressure = _____________kg/cm2
a) Temperature of gas at inlet to condenser Tc1 = _____________0C
b) Temperature of gas at outlet to condenser Tco = _____________0C
c) Temperature of gas at inlet to evaporator Tei = _____________0C
d) Temperature of gas at outlet = to evaporator Teo = _____________0C
a) Refrigerant flow rate = ______________LPH.
b) Dry bulb temperature of inlet air DBT1 = __________0C
c) Wet bulb temperature of inlet air WBT1= __________0C
d) Dry bulb temp. after evaporator DBT2 = ___________0C
e) Wet bulb temp. after evaporator WBT2 = ___________0C
5. Time for 10 revolutions of energy meter = __________sec.
6. Air velocity in duct = _________m/sec
7. Voltmeter reading = ________volts
8. Ammeter reading = ____________Amp.
NOTE: Another set of reading can be achieved by changing the air velocity in the duct. This can
be done by adjusting the flapper position of air inlet to blower. And take all the readings.

Fig. Represent all the processes on psychometric chart


Heo− Hei
1. Theoretical COP = (Hco = Hei)

Heat absorbed in evaporator from water

2. Actual COP =
Compressor work

3. Refrigeration effect produced = Max (h1 – h2).

4. Mass of air (ma) = density x volume of air

5. h1 and h2 can be calculated from psychrometric chart

rev x 3600
6. Work done by compressor = watt

Actual COP
7. Relative COP =
Theoretical COP

6. Carnot COP =

TH = Saturation temperature of condenser pressure in ˚K

TL = Saturation temperature of evaporator pressure in ˚K

With the help of lab work we can verify different psychrometric processes and we can study
performance of refrigeration system.

To study the working of household refrigerator along with different auxiliary systems associated
with household refrigerator and its wiring diagram.
Heat Pump, Refrigerator, Vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
The household refrigerator works on vapour compression refrigeration cycle. The refrigerant
vapour is compressed by means of compressor to a pressure at which temperature obtained at the
end of compression will be more then atmosphere so that at this high temperature it will reject heat
to atmosphere and will get condensed. The condensate is then allowed to pass through a capillary
so that the pressure and temperatures and lowered. Capillary device acts as a throttling unit. At
low pressure and temperature refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator where load is kept, it absorbs
the heat and refrigerant get converted into gaseous phase and it is again supplied to compressor
and cycle is repeated.

Fig. Simple Vapour Compression Cycle

The evaporator in the household refrigerant is always fitted in the cabinet of the refrigerator at the
top potion and the concealed type of evaporator used. The condenser is mounted at the back of the
cabinet. The expansion device used in household refrigerator is capillary tube. Capacity of
household refrigerator is expressed in terms of litre. The refrigerators manufactured by various
manufactures are available in capacities ranging from 90 litres to 380 litres. (The capacity of

household refrigerator is expressed in terms of litre; it is defined as the amount of water occupied
in the cabinet. It specifies the space available for keeping various commodities in refrigerator.)

Fig. Schematic diag. of Refrigerating Parts

In the household refrigerator the air circulation inside the cabinet is maintained by natural
convection. The temperature in freezer is around - 5 to -10 ֩C, the temperature is increased at the
bottom most portion where vegetable crisper is kept. Also there is provision for keeping stuff like
eggs, water, etc. fitted in the door of refrigerator. The refrigerator body is insulated with insulating
materials like PUF (Polyainthene foam). Magnetic strips are provided to avoid thermal leakage
through doors.
Freezing and Defrosting done by two ways:
1. Thermostat
2. Defrosting Unit
1. Thermostat:
Thermostat is used to control the temperature in the refrigerator by varying time to idle time ratio.
The bulb of the thermostat is clamped to the evaporator or freezer. The thermostat bulb is charged
with few drops of refrigerant. The temperature at which compressor motor starts, by closing the
thermostat contacts is called cut-in temperature. Cut-out temperature is higher then cut-in
temperature and the difference between the two is called differential. Higher is the differential,

longer is the running time and less is the idle time of refrigerator. By changing range adjustment
and differential, any cut-in and cut-out temperature can be adjusted for maintaining desired
temperature in the refrigerator.

P1 = Thermostatic
Elements Pressure
P2= Evaporator Pressure
P3 = Pressure Equivalent
Of the Superheat Spring

Fig. Thermostatic Expansion Valve

As the temperature of the bulb increases, gas pressure in the bellow assembly increases, and this
closes the compressor motor circuit and refrigerator starts. As the compressor runs, the thermostat
bulb is cooled; gradually reducing the pressure in the bulb and this opens the circuit when desired
temperature is attained. The refrigerator is provided with a control knob. By operating knob desired
temperature can be maintained.
2. Defrosting:
The freezing of moisture on evaporator coil is called as frosting. The frost thickness increases due
to frequent door openings, as the frost thickness increases the heat transfer through the coil
decreases. This increases the running time of refrigerator and hence the power consumption.
Therefore regular defrosting must be done when frost thickness increases above certain limit.
Generally following methods are used for defrosting.
i) Defrosting by stopping unit:
Stop the unit, keep door open and chill tray must be kept in defrost position till defrosting takes
ii) Timer Defrosting:
The most popular defrost system used in household refrigerator is clock timer defrost cycle. The
number of defrost periods varies from one to four in 24 hours depending upon timer used. The

timer contacts initiate either the defrost cycle or cooling cycle. When the timer is in the cooling
cycle, the thermostat control the on-off periods of the compressor. When the timer is in the defrost
cycle. The thermostat cannot turn the compressor ON. In other words, thermostat has no control
on the compressor when the defrost timer is in the defrost position. The defrost cycle terminates
approximately 20 minutes after being turned on. The defrost heater is wired in series with a bimetal
thermostat whose contacts will open at some predetermined temperature, there by disconnecting
the heater. The length and time it takes for the contacts of the bimetal thermostat to open is
determined by the amount of frost on the evaporator.
1. The refrigerator should be placed away from the heat source such as sunrays, heating
appliance, cooking gas, etc.
2. Install the refrigerator away from wall at least by one foot which provides good air
circulation over condenser.
3. Hot fluids should not be kept in refrigerator.
4. Keep door openings at minimum.
5. Strongly flavoured food must be kept wrapped.
6. Vegetables, fruits should be kept in polythene bags before placing into the refrigerator.
7. Clean with soft cloth. No soap, detergent should be used.
1. Remove every stored item including ice trays.
2. Defrost refrigerator.
3. Make refrigerator dry.
4. Disconnect three-pin plug.
5. Leave the door slightly open for movement of fresh air.
1. Clean the Refrigerator.
2. Connect 3-pin plug.
3. Load the refrigerator after temperature has stabilized.
The domestic refrigerators now a day are becoming essential part of life. These refrigerators are
available in different capacities as well as different working models. These are having single door
double door options, frost free refrigerators; quick chill refrigerators are also available. To make
the refrigerators smart now a day the condensers are sealed and refrigerators are mode flat back.
The compressors used in household refrigerator are hermetically sealed reciprocating units. Now
a days noise free rotary hermetically seals compressors are also used. The refrigerant R-12 which
was popularly used in household refrigerators is discarded due to its ODP (ozone depletion
potential). It is replaced by R-134(a).

To study the working of compressor used in refrigeration system.
Different types of compression processes and working of vapour compression refrigeration
The compressor is the heart of vapour compression system. The compressor is used to reclaim the
refrigerant vapour leaving the evaporator. The refrigerant must be compressed to the pressure
corresponding to a saturation temperature higher than the temperature of the naturally available air
or water. The compressor is also used to circulate the refrigerant through the system. The capacity
of compressor determines the capacity of refrigeration system as a whole.
The refrigeration compressor and gas or air compressor differs very much because the refrigerating
compressor is integral part of the cycle and it is coupled to other components.
Classification of refrigeration compressors:
1. Reciprocating compressor.
2. Rotary compressor.
3. Screw Compressor.
4. Centrifugal and scroll compressor.
1. Reciprocating Compressor:
The reciprocating compressors are available in sizes as small as 1/12 hp up to about 150 hp for
large capacity installation.
The reciprocating compressors are of two types.
i) Open type compressor.
ii) Hermetically sealed compressor.
i. Open type of compressor:
A compressor whose crankshaft extends through the compressor housing so that a motor can be
externally coupled to the shaft is called open type compressor. The open type of compressor is
flexible in the sense that the speed of compressor can be varied for obtaining different refrigeration
capacities. It can be operated by any type of prime mover like electric motor, IC engine etc. In the
field the motor can be easily charged in case of a motor burnout. The refrigeration system is not
affected by burnouts. A disadvantage of the open type of compressor is that the shaft seal is most
vulnerable point for leakage of refrigerant.

Fig.1 Open type Reciprocating Compressor

The open type of compressor is flexible in the sense that the speed of compressor can be varied for
obtaining different refrigeration capacities. It can be operated by any type of prime mover like
electric motor, IC engine etc. In the field the motor can be easily charged in case of a motor
burnout. The refrigeration system is not affected by burnouts. A disadvantage of the open type of
compressor is that the shaft seal is most vulnerable point for leakage of refrigerant.
ii. Hermetically sealed compressor:
In hermetic compressor there is no need for shaft seal. The compressor and motor are mounted

Fig. Hermetically Sealed Reciprocating Compressor

on single shaft and whole assembly is fixed in a steel shell, the joint of which are welded. The
losses due to drive package and shaft seal friction are also eliminated i.e. the power required per
ton of refrigeration is less than that of the open type.

For sealed unit a. c. electric supply with particular voltage and frequency for which compressor is
designed is needed to run the compressor. In the event of motor burnout, highly corrosive
hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids are formed. The system therefore gets contaminated. Before
repairing or installing a new compressor assembly, the system has to be thoroughly flushed and
cleaned. In hermetic compressor the compressor assembly is suspended inside a steel shell, the
winding and rotor cannot get natural cooling. The cold refrigerant vapour coming from the
evaporator accomplishes the cooling of the winding and rotor. If there is minute leak in the system
motor cooling will be affected.
Causes of Burn Outs:
1. Voltage fluctuation.
2. Low refrigerant charge.
3. Quality of oil and refrigerant.
4. High discharge pressure.

2. Rotary Compressor:
As the name implies, the displacement and compression of the refrigerant vapour is achieved due
to circular or rotary motion instead of reciprocating motion.
There are two types of rotary compressor.
i) Rotating Blade Type Rotary Compressor
ii) Stationary Single Blade Type Rotary Compressor
i. Rotating Blade Type Rotary Compressor

Fig. Rotating Blade Type Rotary Compressor

The rotor is concealing with the shaft and rotates in a cylinder which is off capture with respect to
the shaft and rotor. Multiple vanes are positioned in slots in the rotor, ride on the cylinder wall

faction vapour entering the cylinder is trapped between successive vanes and gets compressed due
to reduction in volume as the rotor rotates.
ii. Stationary Single Blade Type Rotary Compressor:
The main components of rotary compressor are cylinder, roller mounted eccentrically on motor
shaft and a spring loaded shaft. The roller moves eccentrically on the driver shaft inside a stationary


Fig. Stationary Single Blade Type Rotary Compressor

The vane moves up and down in the slot. This vane is dividing line between the suction and
discharge of compressor. The suction and discharge ports of the compressor are located on either
side of the vane. The suction vapour entering the cylinder gets compressed due to eccentric rotation

of the rotor. It progressively reduces the volume of the annular space between cylinder and the
rotor. The compressed vapour passes out of the discharge port.
iii) Screw Compressor:

Fig. Screw Compressor

Screw compressor is also known as helical rotary compressor. It consists of two meshing multi-
storey helical grooved rotors with vary close tolerance clearance within a housing. Suction and
discharge ports are provided at the either ends of the housing. The rotor whose shaft is connected
to motor is called as male rotor and other as female. When the male rotor rotates, the female rotor
in turn rotates, obviously in opposite direction.
iv) Centrifugal Compressor:

Fig. Centrifugal Compressor

Centrifugal compressors are similar in construction to centrifugal pumps, the incoming fluid enters
the eye of the spinning impeller and is thrown by centrifugal force to the periphery of the impeller.
Thus the blades of the impeller imparts a high velocity to the gas and also build up the pressure.
From the impeller the gas goes either into diffuser blades or into a volute casing, where some of
the kinetic energy is converted into pressure. The centrifugal compressors may be manufactured
with only one wheel if the pressure ratio is low, although the machines are generally multistage.
Centrifugal compressors operate with adiabatic compression efficiency of 70 to 80%.
Protective devices are designed to protect the compressor against abnormal working conditions.
1. High pressure cut out switch.
2. Internal pressure relief value.
3. Low pressure switch
4. Motor winding thermal protector (Thermostat).
5. Time delay relays.
The four types of compressor are studied in this experiment i.e. reciprocating, screw, and rotary,
centrifugal. All these have different qualities, so each type of compressor has its own share of
application where it has advantage over the other.
1. The reciprocating and screw compressors are best suited for use with refrigerants, which
require relatively small displacement and condense relatively at high pressure such as R-
12, R-22, Ammonia, etc.
2. Centrifugal compressor is generally suitable for handling refrigerants that require large
displacement and operate at low condensing pressure. Such as R- 11, R-113 etc. however
R-12 is also employed for large capacity application and low temperature jobs.
3. The rotary compressor is most suitable for pumping refrigerants having moderate or low
condensing pressure such as R-21 and R-114.


AIM: To find COP of water cooler.

APPARATUS USED: Water cooler trainer.
That results in a mixture of liquid and vapour at a lower temperature and pressure as shown at point 4. The
cold liquid-vapour mixture then travels through the evaporator coil or tubes and is completely vaporized by
cooling the warm air (from the space being refrigerated) being blown by a fan across the evaporator coil or
tubes. The resulting refrigerant vapour returns to the compressor inlet at point 1 to complete the
thermodynamic cycle. The above discussion is based on the ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle,
and does not take into account real-world effects like frictional pressure drop in the system, slight
thermodynamic irreversiblity during the compression of the refrigerant vapour, or non-ideal gas behavior
(if any).

P1=suction pressure
P2= Discharge pressure

T1= temperature before entering to compressor
T2=temperature after exit from compressor
T3=temperature after condenser
T4=temperature after expansion valve
MR =rotameter reading (kg/min.)
S. No. P1 P2 T1 T2 T3 T4 MR

The coefficient of performance is defined as the ratio of heat extracted in the evaporator to the
work done on the refrigerant
C.O.P. = Q/W
Using points (P1, T1); (P2, T2); T3 and T4 locate points 1, 2, 3, 4 on the p-h chart for R-22 and
obtain the enthalpy values H1, H2, H3, H4

𝐇𝟏 −𝐇𝟒
𝐇𝟏 −𝐇𝟐

Result: The C.O.P. of the system is……………..

AIM: - To study the various controls used in Refrigeration and Air conditioning system.
APPARATUS USED: - Schematic diagrams of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning controls.

Theory: -
The controls are very essential for satisfactory and economical working of a refrigerant. The
electrical connection diagram of a domestic refrigerator is shown in fig. The refrigerant is
fitted with following controls.
1. Starting Relay: -
The starting relay is used to provide the necessary starting torque required to start the
motor. It also disconnects the starting winding of the motor when the motor speed
increases. When the compressor motor is to be started, the thermostat is in closed position.
When the electric supply is given, an electric current passes through the running winding
of the motor and the starting relay. Due to the flow of electric current through relay coil &
due to electromagnetism, its armature is pulled thereby closing the starting winding
contacts. The current through starting winding provides the starting torque and the motor
starts. As, the motor speed increase, the running winding current decrease. The current in
the starting relay is no longer able to hold the relay and it gets released thereby opening the
starting winding contacts. Thus, the starting winding gets disconnected.
2. Overload protector: -
The basic function is to protect the compressor motor winding from damage due to
excessive current, in the event of overloading or due to some fault in the electric circuit. It
consists of a bimetallic strip. During the normal working of the compressor, the contacts
are closed. Whenever there is any abnormal behavior, the bimetallic strip gets heated and
bands, thereby opening the motor contacts, and de- energizing it. The overload protector is
fitted on the body of the compressor and operates due to the combined action of heat
produced when current passes through the bimetallic strip and a heater element, and heat
transferred from the compressor body. It may be noted that the abnormal behavior of
compressor may be due to low voltage, high voltage, high load, low suction pressure, high
suction & discharge pressure.
3. Thermostat: -
A thermostat is used to control the temperature in the refrigeration. The bulb of the
thermostat is clamped to the evaporator or Freezer. The thermostat bulb is charged with
few drops of refrigerant. The thermostat can be set to maintain different temperature at a
time. When the desired temperature is obtained, the bulb of the thermostat senses it; the
liquid in it compresses and operates the bellows of the thermostat and open compressor

motor contacts. The temperature at which motor stops is called cut-out temperature. When
the temperature increases, the liquid in the bulb expands thereby closing the bellow contact
of the compressor motor. The temperature, at which compressor motor starts, is called cut-
in temperature. A thermostat is very crucial in operation of refrigerator as the running time
of compressor is reduced considerably thereby cutting the operation cost as well as
enhancing the compressor life due to non-continuous working.


Visit to central A.C. plant in view of ducting system, insulation system and Air distribution system
(e.g. frozen food industry/ice- cream industry/mushroom plants/textile industries).
In this particular visit students are expected to visit Air Conditioning unit or Industry where they
can learn thorough things about the plant and processes of the AC. They are also intended to write
a Technical Report on the visit.


Visit to cold storage
In this particular visit students are expected to visit cold storage unit or Industry where they can
learn thorough things about the plant and processes of the cold storage. They are also intended to
write a Technical Report on the visit.


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