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Construction Training Skills Program PDF

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This Student Information Package outlines the framework for the delivery and assessment of training at the
Construction Skills Training Centre (CSTC).

It been developed and endorsed by CSTC staff and management.

The purpose of the Information Package is to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their rights and
responsibilities when undertaking courses delivered by CSTC.

The handbook is made available to all participants enrolled in courses and qualifications delivered under the
Australian Qualification Framework and also to all CSTC staff involved in the administration and delivery of

We hope that you will take the time to read this document so that you can get the most out of you your
learning experience.

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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

OUR HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

OUR PREMISES .................................................................................................................................................... 5

OUR COMMITMENT TO TRAINING IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. ............................................................ 5

OUR COMMITMENT TO QUALITY TRAINING ...................................................................................................... 5

WE ARE FLEXIBLE ................................................................................................................................................ 5

OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU .................................................................................................................................. 6

ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................... 6

STAFF AND CONTRACTORS ................................................................................................................................. 6

OTHER ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

COURSES ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

INFORMATION AND ACCESS ............................................................................................................................... 7

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) .......................................................................................................... 7

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................... 7

MUTUAL RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................................. 8

OTHER ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

EDUCATION STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................................ 8

OVERVIEW OF POLICIES ...................................................................................................................................... 9

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT............................................................................................................................ 9

PHYSICAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................... 9

QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 9

ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

GRIEVANCES AND APPEALS .............................................................................................................................. 10

STUDENT/TRAINEE SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................... 10

REFUND POLICY ................................................................................................................................................ 10

UNITS OF COMPETENCE AND STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT .............................................................................. 11

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ACCESS AND EQUITY POLICY ................................................................................................................................ 11

POLICY ON THE ELIMINATION OF HARRASSMENT ............................................................................................... 11

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ..................................................................................................... 11

PRIVACY POLICY .................................................................................................................................................... 12

PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................................................................... 12

DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................................................................... 13

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The Construction Skills Training Centre has been operating for a number of years. Following the re-modeling of
new premises in 1998, we commenced training in 1999, at the fully equipped centre in Welshpool. The
number of courses that we commenced with in 1992, where to approximately 39 courses today reflects our
steady growth, culminating in an outstanding experience base with an understanding of our clients needs and


We are located on a one hectare property at 107 - 109 Radium Street in Welshpool which is 8 kilometres from
the Perth G.P.O. The main building has been totally refurbished to offer the most up to date accommodation
for students and staff. The work shop boasts two gantry cranes and enough space to allow us to conduct our
training indoors in case of inclement weather. A three story steel structure has been erected with a personnel
and materials hoist, enabling practical training. We have on site a Tower Crane for both commercial
construction and off-shore operation. The CSTC boasts a comprehensive list of machinery to conduct training
in Forklift, Telescopic Forklift, Elevated Work Platform and ample equipment to conduct scaffolding, rigging
and dogging courses simultaneously.

The premises are close to the Welshpool train station and to bus services which run along Welshpool road. In
addition the training centre is adjacent to Leach highway and is in close proximity to Tonkin and Roe highways
and the Graham Farmer Freeway which ends on Orrong Road.

There is ample free parking.


We are active participants in the meetings and decisions of the Construction Industry Fund. This body is
responsible for the formulation of advice to training authorities, the promotion of research and development
and innovation in the training of construction workers as well as the promotion and funding of training for new
entrants to the industry.


The Construction Skills Training Centre has achieved Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) compliance
with the Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia. Our commitment to quality training extends to
offering clients with previous experience the ability to have their skills recognised through offering Recognition
of Prior Learning (RPL) and credit transfer.


We have a training facility second to none however if it is more convenient to you to have training at your site
at a time to suit you, we can arrange it.

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We undertake to operate in accordance with CSTC’s policies and procedures .

We will work within the requirements of the national standards for AQTF and the protocols for issuing
qualifications under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) including mutual recognition of
qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other RTOs under the AQF.

We will provide appropriate security and confidentiality of all records and personal details that may be held in
relation to courses that we have delivered.

We will undertake continuous monitoring and reviewing of business plan strategies that act as the foundation
for our delivery of quality training and assessment.

We will provide the opportunity for Training and Administrative staff to be involved in the review of
achievements and the setting of strategic directions


We will ensure that Training Instructors, Assessors and Administrative Staff are:

• appropriately qualified and experienced

• compliant with the Access and Equity principles and requirements for each course of their duties
• maintaining and updating their skills and technical knowledge through participation in skill and
knowledge development programs

We will ensure that Training Instructors, and Assessors:

• have Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

• have industry experience supported by academic qualifications
• deliver learning and assessment outcomes that are relevant to current industry standards and against
which there is a valid and transparent assessment process.


We will:

• maintain up to date and adequate insurance cover for facilities, workers compensation, public liability
and professional indemnity for our contract trainers
• comply with all provisions of state and federal OH&S legislation and CSTC OH&S policies and
procedures, and make sure that all stakeholders are informed and have access to all relevant
• maintain a safe workplace and learning environment
• provide assistance and learning support to all students on all courses
• provide a flexible approach to the conduct of learning and assessments in order to meet the varying
needs of students
• honor all commitments that are outlined in this code of practice

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The Construction Skills Training Centre, will provide accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to trainees
at the time of enrolment. This will include, but not be limited to:

• Admissions procedures and criteria.

• Copy of the refund policy.

• Total costs/fees to trainees.

• Certification to be issued to the trainee on completion or partial completion of the course.

• Course pre-requisites

• Competencies to be achieved by trainees.

• Assessment procedures.

• Arrangements for the recognition of prior learning.

• Grievance/appeal procedure.

• Facilities and equipment.

• Trainee support services.

This information, detailed in the Construction Skills Training Centre ‘Code of Practice' will be available for
perusal at all times to interested parties.


We will:

• provide accredited course participants the opportunity to apply for RPL and provide suitable
information about the RPL process and how to apply
• immediately advise participants of outcomes of RPL applications and where applicable adjust their
course schedule and units of study
• provide credit transfers for certificates or statements of attainment for units already completed
through the mutual recognition of qualifications issued under the Australian Quality Training
Framework (AQTF)


Participants who have completed or partly completed a course at another institution, who have been working
in the vocational area for a number of year, or who have in some other way gained the appropriate skills, may
wish to apply for recognition of this previous training or experience. Participants may apply for exemptions in
a course, a module, or one or more learning outcomes with a module. The applicant must have evidence that
demonstrates the performance criteria for each learning outcome have been met.

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To apply for recognition of prior learning:

• Gather all documentation and evidence relating to previous work

• Complete an application form

• Submit these to the instructor or principal for assessment

You may be required to attend an interview to support your application, and/or be assessed through theory
and/or practical assignments.


Mutual recognition is critical to the operation of a nationally consistent vocational education and training
system and is the key principle underlying the Australian Quality Training Framework ensuring decisions in
relation to vocational education and training have a national effect.

Under mutual recognition, each state and territory has agreed to recognise the decisions of all other states and
territories in registering training organisations and in accrediting courses. This means a Registered Training
Organisation can operate in all states and territories without a further recognition process.

Nationally endorsed Training Packages and the Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses are
also subject to mutual recognition.

The Construction Skills Training Centre will recognise the AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment
issued by another RTO.


We will:

• provide accredited courses and an appropriate course schedule that will maintain the integrity and
financial viability of the training centre
• provide participants with a degree of flexibility in their selection and timing of accredited courses
• allocate trainers to courses/classes based on qualifications and industry experience
• provide class sizes that will enhance participants learning and assessment outcomes process
• market our accredited training clearly and accurately, reflecting the AQTF guidelines for marketing of
Nationally Recognised Training Programs.


The Construction Skills Training Centre is a non-profit organisation which through its dynamic curriculum,
professional teaching staff and first class training facilities aims to provide its students with the necessary skills
to successfully compete in the changing environment of the building and construction industry.

The Construction Skills Training Centre will adopt policies and management practices which provide the
highest professional standards in the marketing and delivery of vocational education and training services, and
which safeguard the interests and welfare of trainees.

Furthermore the Construction Skills Training Centre will maintain a learning environment that is conducive to
the success of trainees. The Construction Skills Training Centre will utilise the necessary facilities to deliver the

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nominated course(s), and provide appropriate methods and materials to ensure all participants are able
achieve a high standard of learning.

The Construction Skills Training Centre understands the obligations of this policy and procedure document and
supporting regulatory requirements must be followed, and breaches may lead to training provider
registrations being withdrawn.


We will:

• implement AQTF standards in all our policies and procedures. The standards are intended to
safeguard the interests of participants by maintaining a consistent quality in program delivery and
assist in improving the quality and content of our programs to meet the changing needs of our
• maximise access to all individuals and groups of learners to the delivery and assessment of courses
and programs whilst maintaining the integrity of the learning and assessment criteria of the program
as well as operational and financial constraints.


As a part of the CSTC's commitment to be the best we need your help to continually improve our service.

We ask that you inform us of ways that you consider will improve the services offered by the CSTC. Our staff
will respect your opinions and the Manager of the CSTC request that all comments and suggestions be
forwarded to our administration. This will assist us to react to your feedback and be proactive in
implementing future improvements.

We promise to read all comments, to reply where it is considered necessary and to utilise your initiatives to
improve our service.


We undertake to:

• provide resources suitable for the valid delivery and assessment of all courses and to administer these
in an open and flexible manner.

• maintain all relevant training resources in good order.

• provide a safe working and training environment as required under current OH&S legislation in order
to safeguard the welfare and safety of all stakeholders.


We undertake to issue Qualifications and/or Statements of Attainment to all course participants based on their
successful completion of all assessment criteria. Statements of Attainment will only be issued for whole units
of competency achieved, according to the standards set down under AQTF.

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We will:

• conduct all assessments in accordance with the requirements for the recognition of competence in
the relevant Training Package and meet the standards set down under the Australian Quality Training
Framework (AQTF)
• make competency based assessment available to all applicants who meet the requirements of course
• provide appropriate and varied assessment tools to assess course/program competencies
• use appropriate assessment tools to assess specific competencies and allow participants to
• achieve unit/course outcomes required whilst addressing the special needs of individuals where
• provide appropriate assessment tools that will allow all participants, especially those with special
needs, to achieve unit/course outcomes
• Use appropriate assessment tools to assess the specific competencies and to allow participants to
achieve unit/course outcomes required whilst addressing the special needs of individuals where
• To conduct and process assessments and issue certificates promptly so as to meet the needs of our


If you have a grievance with any aspects of their training, you are encouraged to speak immediately with your
instructor or the course manager to resolve the issue.

Construction Skills Training Centre strive to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further
disruption or the need for a formal complaint.

If the participant is not satisfied that the issue has been resolved, he/she may write a letter to the
Manager/principal, setting out in detail the issues of concern. This may lead to occasions where an industry
training representative may be invited to act as an objective party in order to negotiate a satisfactory
resolution. If the matter is still not resolved, participants may take their grievance through legal avenues, the
Equal Opportunity Commission, Consumer Affairs or other bodies as appropriate.


The CSTC maintains a standard of conciliatory and equitable treatment in dealing with student/trainee
concerns. In the event that problem exists with a student and their ability to continue with their training
following consultation with the personnel at CSTC, the CSTC will advise student/trainees of the appropriate
contact where they may seek further assistance.


The Construction Skills Training Centre will safeguard fees paid by trainees. The Construction Skills Training
Centre refund policy is as follows:

• Full refunds will be made to the students if the training provider cancels or discontinues a course.

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• Course booking fee money will only be refunded to student/employer when cancellation of
attendance is 48 hours (2 days notice, not including weekends) to course commencement.

• If the student/employer does not inform the CSTC of cancellation of a previously confirmed position
prior to 48hours a $100.00 cancellation fee will be either deducted from the balance paid or an
invoice will be forwarded.

The refund policy will be available to all students at the time of enrolment.


CSTC provides successful participants with a Statement of Attainment that relates to the gaining of
qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

This Statement of Attainment shows that the participant has completed one or more units of competency
from nationally recognised qualification(s)/courses(s). These units of competency can count towards additional
qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework.


The Construction Skills Training Centre strongly believes in equality of access and opportunity. The
Construction Skills Training Centre values this policy and applies its principles to all operations as a minimum
and in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Act. Students are encouraged and supported in every aspect.
The Construction Skills Training Centre adopts as a policy that bias or discrimination against any individual who
may be engaging with the Construction Skills Training Centre as a student, client or visitor will not be

The Construction Skills Training Centre will undertake all activities with the clear philosophy that
discrimination of any kind, in relation to access and equity opportunities, is disrespectful and to the detriment
of the Construction Skills Training Centre and their associates. The conduct of all activities by the Construction
Skills Training Centre will be in such a manner that any person will feel not only satisfied with performance but
welcomed within the Construction Skills Training Centre as staff, student, client or visitor.

Construction Skills Training Centre strives to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further
disruption or the need for a formal complaint.


The Construction Skills Training Centre will ensure that a clear message of non tolerance of harassment of any
kind will be maintained, in relation to all persons employed, trained and/or visiting the CSTC.

If you feel subject to harassment of any kind you should contact the Manager of Training to discuss your
concerns. This will be dealt with in a sensitive and conciliatory manner.


The Construction Skills Training Centre fully accepts its legal and moral obligation and is committed to ensuring
the health and safety of all persons who may be affected by its operations and activities undertaken at the

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This policy will be achieved by way of the Manager of the CSTC providing the necessary human and financial
resources for all CSTC staff so as they can effectively administer and maintain an acceptable level of OH&S at
the centre.

This in turn will allow for the communication of the workplace safety strategies implemented by the CSTC to all
visitors, clients and students of the training centre allowing the CSTC to meet this objective.


For the purpose of this policy a record means:

a. A document

b. A database (howsoever kept)

c. A photograph or pictorial representation of a person but does not generally include

d. A generally available publication

e. Anything kept in a library, art gallery or museum for the purposes of reference, study or exhibition


The following principles shall apply to the collection of, maintenance, storage and use of personal information
at the CSTC:

1. Personal information shall not be collected for inclusion in a record or in a generally available publication
unless the information is collected for a lawful purpose related to the functions of the CSTC and the
collection is necessary to the function of the CSTC.

2. Where the CSTC collects personal information, the CSTC shall take all such steps to ensure that before the
information is collected or as practicale after the information has been collected that you are made aware

a. The purpose for which the information is being collected - that the information is required to ensure
that Certificates are correctly issued and so that funding bodies are provided with the necessary
information to approve funding to the CSTC.

b. The collection of the information is lawful via the Privacy Act 1988 and the funding grants from the

c. The funding body may be provided with your personal information to approve funding to the CSTC

3. The CSTC shall minimise the collection of personal information so that it is not seen as an invasion of
privacy, however the information that is asked for is requested by the CSTC's funding bodies.

4. Any information provided by you shall be maintained under the CSTC records management system as
described in procedure Q06. Records containing personal information are shredded as part of disposal.
Electronic data is protected through password controlled systems. Access to personal information is
restricted to authorised CSTC personnel.

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5. 5 Personal information retained on you includes the information recorded on the course brochure,
student attendance form, participant feedback forms and examinations. As stated in 4, each of these
records is maintained in accordance with procedure Q06.

6. In the event that you require access to your information please contact the CSTC Administration

7. The CSTC will not alter the personal information that you have provided unless you have provided
authorisation to do so. However, some of the CSTC funding bodies and organisations which contract with
the CSTC to train their accredited training courses, compare the information in their databases to the
information provided by the CSTC. If there are discrepancies in this information you will be contacted

8. The information provided by you at the commencement of each course shall be considered valid for that
course alone. This information shall not be used for future courses. In the event that details change you
are not obliged to keep the CSTC up to date, unless enrolling for another course.

9. The CSTC will not use your personal information for purposes other than which is was collected for.

10. If required under the law your personal information may be passed onto the relevant Government

If you have any concerns or queries with this policy you should discuss these with the Chief Executive Officer.


While every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document,
CSTC accepts no responsibility for inadvertent errors or omissions. The information contained in this document
is subject to change without notice.

Where participants on our courses may require additional information of a legal nature we recommend that
they consult a suitably qualified professional legal practitioner.

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