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Klasifikasi Lycopodiophyta

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Annals of Botany 113: 571– 594, 2014

doi:10.1093/aob/mct299, available online at


Trends and concepts in fern classification

Maarten J. M. Christenhusz1,* and Mark W. Chase1,2
Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond TW9 3DS, UK and 2School of Plant Biology, The University of
Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia
* For correspondence. E-mail

Received: 15 September 2013 Returned for revision: 23 October 2013 Accepted: 28 November 2013 Published electronically: 13 February 2014

† Background and Aims Throughout the history of fern classification, familial and generic concepts have been highly
labile. Many classifications and evolutionary schemes have been proposed during the last two centuries, reflecting

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different interpretations of the available evidence. Knowledge of fern structure and life histories has increased
through time, providing more evidence on which to base ideas of possible relationships, and classification has
changed accordingly. This paper reviews previous classifications of ferns and presents ideas on how to achieve a
more stable consensus.
† Scope An historical overview is provided from the first to the most recent fern classifications, from which conclu-
sions are drawn on past changes and future trends. The problematic concept of family in ferns is discussed, with a
particular focus on how this has changed over time. The history of molecular studies and the most recent findings
are also presented.
† Key Results Fern classification generally shows a trend from highly artificial, based on an interpretation of a few
extrinsic characters, via natural classifications derived from a multitude of intrinsic characters, towards more evolu-
tionary circumscriptions of groups that do not in general align well with the distribution of these previously used char-
acters. It also shows a progression from a few broad family concepts to systems that recognized many more narrowly
and highly controversially circumscribed families; currently, the number of families recognized is stabilizing some-
where between these extremes. Placement of many genera was uncertain until the arrival of molecular phylogenetics,
which has rapidly been improving our understanding of fern relationships. As a collective category, the so-called
‘fern allies’ (e.g. Lycopodiales, Psilotaceae, Equisetaceae) were unsurprisingly found to be polyphyletic, and the
term should be abandoned. Lycopodiaceae, Selaginellaceae and Isoëtaceae form a clade (the lycopods) that is
sister to all other vascular plants, whereas the whisk ferns (Psilotaceae), often included in the lycopods or believed
to be associated with the first vascular plants, are sister to Ophioglossaceae and thus belong to the fern clade. The
horsetails (Equisetaceae) are also members of the fern clade (sometimes inappropriately called ‘monilophytes’),
but, within that clade, their placement is still uncertain. Leptosporangiate ferns are better understood, although
deep relationships within this group are still unresolved. Earlier, almost all leptosporangiate ferns were placed in a
single family (Polypodiaceae or Dennstaedtiaceae), but these families have been redefined to narrower more
natural entities.
† Conclusions Concluding this paper, a classification is presented based on our current understanding of relationships
of fern and lycopod clades. Major changes in our understanding of these families are highlighted, illustrating issues of
classification in relation to convergent evolution and false homologies. Problems with the current classification and
groups that still need study are pointed out. A summary phylogenetic tree is also presented. A new classification in
which Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Polypodiaceae and Schizaeaceae are expanded in comparison with the most
recent classifications is presented, which is a modification of those proposed by Smith et al. (2006, 2008) and
Christenhusz et al. (2011). These classifications are now finding a wider acceptance and use, and even though a
few amendments are made based on recently published results from molecular analyses, we have aimed for a
stable family and generic classification of ferns.

Key words: Bibliography, classification, convergence, cryptogams, Cyatheaceae, fern family concepts, fern allies,
ferns, homology, lycopods, monilophytes, Polypodiaceae, pteridophytes, history of botany.

IN T RO DU C T IO N an overview of our understanding of fern relationships and fern

classification from the early 1970s to the present, addressing the
One can only understand current classifications of a particular influence of molecular phylogenetic studies in redefining genera
group of organisms after a thorough review of past systems. and families. We will highlight some of the major changes in clas-
Classification of ferns has been particularly unstable in the past, sification and identify genera that need further study to come to a
and to understand why this has been so problematic we review better understanding of fern phylogeny. Many of these problemat-
the excellent article by Tryon (1952), in which the history of clas- ic genera were already suggested by Holttum (1973) to need
sification was discussed up until that time. Since that date, many monographic study. We summarize current knowledge of fern
other classifications have been proposed, some of which were dis- relationships in an annotated classification and point out where
cussed by Pichi-Sermolli (1973). We build upon these and provide foci for future studies should be directed.
# The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved.
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572 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

In commemoration of the 250th birthday of Carolus Linnaeus, gametophyte (Fig. 1A), a haploid plant. Typically gametophytes
Pichi-Sermolli (1958) provided an overview of higher classifica- are photosynthetic, but there are mycoheterotrophic gameto-
tion of pteridophyta (understood to mean at that time ferns and phytes in some fern genera and families (Merckx et al.,
‘fern allies’). He stated that classifications until then had 2012). Gametophytes, often called prothalli, produce gametes
reflected four trends; (1) accepting four major lineages usually through mitosis: male gametes, formed in antheridia, swim to
treated as classes: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and the archegonia where female gametes are produced. The
Pteropsida, the last including ferns and seed plants (e.g. mobile, free-swimming, flagellate male cells are the reason for
Jeffrey, 1903; Arnold, 1948); (2) treating ferns and ‘fern allies’ the water dependence of ferns; water is required for their move-
as a group but excluding Psilopsida, treating the latter as ment from one gametophyte to another. Gametophytes can be bi-
related to Bryophyta (Lam, 1948) or as an independent lineage sexual or unisexual, and some can also reproduce vegetatively (a
together with the fossil Psilophytopsida (Rothmaler, 1951); (3) few may have lost the sporophyte stage altogether). From the fer-
maintaining Pteridophyta in their classical sense, including all tilized female gamete, a new sporophyte develops. This life-
vascular cryptogams (e.g. Campbell, 1940; Reimers, 1954); history pattern differs from that in mosses, in which sporophytes
and (4) recognizing the independent divisions Psilophyta, are parasitic on the photosynthetic gametophyte, and from seed
Lycophyta, Sphenophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta plants. In the latter, male and female gametophytes develop

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(Benson, 1957). Pichi-Sermolli effectively dismissed trends 1, inside the pollen and ovule, respectively, with ovules being
2 and 4, concluding that all should be treated in a single division retained on the parental sporophyte until after fertilization, when
in the classical sense, placing them next to Spermatophyta. His at some point it is released as a seed with the new sporophyte
classification scheme is discussed further below, but we high- partly developed inside. Spore and gametophyte morphology
light these four approaches here so they can be compared with and the number of sperm flagellae have been used for classification
the more detailed discussion of trends below. of ferns. Alternation of generations in ferns was first described by
The concept of family has always been fluid in ferns and, up to Lindsay in 1794 (Fig. 2).
now, no clear family concept has been established. Families are
generally defined as one or more genera that share several mor-
Sporophyte structure. A fern sporophyte consists of a stem, which
phological characteristics, and many angiosperm families have
is often called a rhizome, even if it is above ground or forms a
had a long history of recognition based on shared floral and
20 m tall trunk, as in some tree ferns. The rhizome can have
fruit features. However, in ferns, it has never been clear from
various forms of stelar structures and orientation and scales, all
what part of the plant these features should be derived, and this
of which are commonly used characters for identification and
has led to a shifting number of families being recognized and dif-
classification. From the rhizomes, leaves (also called fronds)
fering circumscriptions for many of the more frequently recog-
grow, which in ferns are megaphylls (in contrast to lycopods,
nized families.
which have a similar life cycle but bear microphylls: simple
leaves with single unbranched veins). Leaves emerge as fiddle-
Characters and terminology of ferns heads (Fig. 1C; circinnately coiled), although some groups
have different types of vernation; circinnate vernation is not ex-
Most readers will have a general idea of what a fern is, but a clusive to ferns and also occurs, for example, in the carnivorous
review of their typical characters and life histories will help sundews, Droseraceae, and in the gymnosperm genus Stangeria
focus attention on their key characters (those typically used in T.Moore (Zamiaceae). The petiole, or stipe, is used as a diagnos-
fern classification); this section of course can be skipped by pter- tic character and in particular the number of vascular strands is
idologists. There are several profound differences from flowering important. Leaf blades can be simple or highly divided, and
plants and mosses that define ferns and allow different characters this has in the past been used for classification; however, in
to be used in the classification of this group. We therefore thought most cases, leaf division does not apply above the rank of
it appropriate to include a short introduction to the terminology species. Fertile leaves bear spore-producing sporangia, which
of ferns and highlight the features important in their classifica- are typically organized in groups, called sori. Usually sori are
tion. on the lower side of the leaf, and some groups have specialized
Ferns are vascular plants that produce spores and undergo an structures associated with their sporangia and sori.
alternation of generations (with separate gametophyte and sporo-
phyte generations that exist as free-living plants). Lycopods are
similar to ferns in this regard, but ferns are the sister group of Sporangia. Spores are formed in sporangia. In eusporangiate
the seed plants (gymnosperms plus angiosperms), whereas the ferns, sporangia are formed from a group of cells, which is the
lycopods are sister to all other vascular plants (ferns plus the plesiomorphic state. Eusporangia are found in all other vascular
seed plants). Mosses, hornworts and liverworts (bryophytes) plants, except in the leptosporangiate ferns, where the sporan-
are also spore-producing plants with alternation of generations, gium develops from a single cell into a structure with a stalk,
but their sporophytes are reduced in size and dependent on the wall and spores. Leptosporangiate ferns form a clade that
dominant gametophyte stage. includes the bulk of fern species, but eusporangiate ferns are
composed of several independent groups. In some families,
Alternation of generations. The leafy fern plant we observe in the most notably Marattiales, eusporangia are fused together,
fields, marshes and forests is called a sporophyte (Fig. 1B), a vas- forming a complex synangium. The numbers of cells in the
cular plant that through meiosis produces spores with half the stalk of a leptosporangium and the shape and orientation of the
number of chromosomes found in the mother plant. When a annulus, the structure that splits to release spores, have been
spore lands in a suitable place, it grows into a free-living used as diagnostic characters.
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 573


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F I G . 1. Characters of ferns. (A) Gametophyte [Ptisana attenuata (Labill.) Murdock, Marattiaceae]. (B) Sporophyte [Ptisana sp. nov. (Kamau & Christenhusz 638,
EA, K), Marattiaceae]. (C) Circinnate vernation (Sphaeropteris excelsa (Endl.) R.M.Tryon, Cyatheaceae). (D) Sporocarps [Salvinia natans (L.) All., Salviniaceae].
(E) Discrete sori with indusia [Polystichum falcatum (L.f.) Diels non Fée, Polypodiaceae]. (F) Acrostichoid sori [Acrostichum durvillei (Fée) C.Presl, Pteridaceae].

Sori. Sporangia can be organized in various ways. Sometimes to which sporangia are fixed; a sorus can be covered with a scale-
they cover the entire lower lamina of the blade, especially like structure called the indusium (Fig. 1E). The shape and organ-
towards its apex, which is called an acrostichoid sorus ization of the indusium has been an important character for
(Fig. 1F). In most taxa, sporangia are organized in discrete sori higher classification of leptosporangiate ferns and is still
(Fig. 1E). The typical leptosporangiate sorus consists of a stalk employed today, although usually in combination with other
574 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

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F I G . 2. The first illustration of the germination of spores by Lindsay (1794). 1. Leaf with sori. 2 –5. Sporangium opening, showing annulus and spores. 6 –7. Spores.
8– 11. Developing gametophyte. 15– 17. Developing sporophyte.

characters. It was clear, even before the advent of molecular sys- Salviniaceae; it is clearly an adaptation to their aquatic environ-
tematics, that there is a great deal of convergence in sorus char- ments, where the female gametophyte develops inside the
acters, so on their own they have not reliably revealed a great deal megaspore and is thus protected from the surrounding water.
about relationships. These heterosporous ferns were often placed among ‘fern
allies’, together with the unrelated heterosporous lycopods
Indument. Fern leaves can be glabrous or densely covered in hairs (Selaginellaceae, Isoëtaceae), but heterospory has evolved inde-
or scales. The shape and anatomy of these hairs are often used to pendently in these lineages (and again in seed plants, which are
diagnose species, but this is rarely useful at higher levels of clas- also heterosporous) and is not necessarily associated with aquatic
sification. Scales of the rhizomes have been demonstrated to be habitats in those lineages. Spores in heterosporous ferns are
conservative and phylogenetically informative, especially if formed in special structures called sporocarps (Figs 1D, 4I).
clathrate scales are present (these are translucent like a stained- All other ferns and Lycopodiaceae are homosporous, the plesio-
glass window). morphic condition.
With this explanation of terms, we hope to have clarified the
Spores. Spore characters are useful in classification and phylo-
various characters used in fern classification, which should
genetically informative, and they have also allowed calibration
make a historical overview easier to follow.
of DNA-based phylogenetic trees with the ages of fossil
spores. Most remarkable are perhaps the heterosporous ferns.
Heterospory is a condition in which a single sporophyte produces H ISTOR ICAL OVE RV IEW
a smaller number of large spores, megaspores, that develop into
Difficulties with artificial classification and ‘natural’ systems
female gametophytes and, more typically, numerous micro-
spores that develop into male gametophytes. In ferns, this condi- As with all botanical studies, the nomenclatural history of fern
tion is only found in two groups of aquatics: Marsileaceae and taxonomy starts with Linnaeus (1753, 1754), who first attempted
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 575

to organize ferns based on the shape and position of sori on authors for 30 years, probably as a result of no further insights
leaves; this use of a single character produced an artificial but into other characters that could be used in addition to or in place
easily used classification. Fern diversity and anatomy had been of sori and indusia. They were also, for instance, the basis of a clas-
addressed in earlier studies (e.g. Cesalpino, 1583; Grew, 1682; sification by Desvaux (1827), who, due to a more detailed study of
Malpighi, 1675; Morison, 1699; Van Rheede tot Drakestein, soral characters, increased the number of genera to 79 in five fam-
1678 – 1703; Plumier, 1705; Petiver, 1712), but it is important ilies (Marsilées, Lycopodiées, Osmondées, Marattiées, Filicées),
to note that at the time little was known about the life cycle of improving somewhat on the intrinsic naturalness of Swartz’s clas-
ferns. Linnaeus’s sexual system, based on the number of sification. This informal use of families by Desvaux contrasted
stamens and pistils (the so-called ‘sex organs’ in flowering with all other fern taxonomists, who did not apply the family
plants), functioned well for artificially classifying angiosperms, concept to ferns and preferred to use other categories. An impres-
but it was impossible to place ferns in a system based on numbers sive 1666 species were presented by Desvaux (1827), of which
of male and female parts. Ferns were therefore placed in many species were new, but they were mechanically placed in
Cryptogamae, among mosses, algae, fungi and even some animals genera solely following the classification of Swartz (1801). This
(corals, sponges, etc). In his Cryptogamia filices Linnaeus (1753, system was soon challenged because species too different in
Sp. Pl. 2: 1085–1100) recognized 16 genera and 174 species: other characters, and obviously not closely related, were often

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Equisetum L. (6), Onoclea L. (1), Ophioglossum L. (6), Osmunda placed in the same genus.
L. (17), Acrostichum L. (25), Pteris L. (19), Blechnum L. (2), An essentially new principle of classification was employed
Hemionitis L. (2), Lonchitis L. (3), Asplenium L. (20), by Presl (1836, 1845, 1851), who also added to his system vege-
Polypodium L. (58), Adiantum L. (15), Trichomanes L. (11), tative characters (especially venation, habit, and rhizome and
Marsilea L. (2), Pilularia L. (1) and Isoëtes L. (1). All but the petiole anatomy) in addition to the traditional fertile characters.
last are still classifed as ferns; Isoëtes is a lycopod and does not Spore characters were also discussed and illustrated, but these
have a close relationship to the other genera. Linnaeus’s classifi- were not used to group taxa. In total, Presl recognized 176
cation was artificial, with species of clearly distant relationships genera. Independent of Presl, John Smith (1841, 1843) compiled
placed together. This was the case for Linnaeus’ classifications in a classification, which, although differing in generic delimita-
general, but it served the purpose of organizing the numerous tion, essentially used similar characters to distinguish the 138
newly discovered species until a more ‘natural’ system would genera recognized. Both should be credited for establishing
be available. Species had to be assigned to a genus as a require- modern pteridology in the sense that they eschewed simpler
ment in Linnaeus’s binomial system, which is the reason why so methods of relying only upon soral and indusial characters to
many fern species were often placed seemingly randomly in a define a genus and instead emphasized that key generic charac-
genus. This seems illogical now, but it made sense at a time ters could be drawn from any part of a fern. This was certainly
when ferns were biologically so poorly understood. In many an improvement in terms of putting together species that were
cases, the author may not have known in which genus to place morphologically and anatomically similar (in many cases), but
a new species and thus a guess was made, which was subsequent- it was much more difficult to use; to many of their contemporar-
ly corrected when genera became better known or the generic ies, Presl’s and J. Smith’s shifting emphases on soral characters
concepts changed, a process that still continues. to define one genus, petiole anatomy for another and venation for
Indusium characters (as ‘fructifications’) were traditionally a third made their systems look arbitrary and flew in the face of
employed, and we still use these today (but always in combin- the standard practice of the time.
ation with other characters). James E. Smith (1793) used charac- However these classifications were criticized by Hooker, who
ters of the indusium and recognized 20 genera, paying attention initially accepted many of Presl’s genera (Hooker and Bauer,
in particular to ontogeny and the method of indusial rupture. It 1842), but later changed his opinion and only recognized 63
was the first fern classification presented as a ‘natural system’, genera based on classical characters of the sorus; nonetheless,
albeit that much diversity in opinion existed even then on what he clearly saw the value of these other characters and treated
constituted a natural genus in ferns. many of Presl’s and J. Smith’s genera at subgeneric levels. It
It was Lindsay (1794), a British surgeon stationed in Jamaica, appears that he attempted to provide a consensus between the
who gathered ‘dust’ from several weedy ferns, sowed them in a large artificially delimited but well-established genera of
flower pot on his window sill and observed in detail germination Swartz (1801, 1806) and the newer treatments based on intrinsic
of spores and formation of gametophytes, followed by develop- characters that were considered ‘more natural’, the definition of
ment of sporophytes (Fig. 2). This discovery sparked anatomical which meant different things to different authors and changed
study of ferns, aiding the progress of understanding their struc- over time, particularly once the concept of evolution was pro-
tural biology. Gradually, this improved understanding of the posed. Hooker emphasized that characters of ‘fruiting parts’
anatomy and biology of ferns led to many changes in interpret- were more important than characters of ‘vegetative parts’ for
ation of fern morphology and to what was hoped would be a classifying all plants at the generic level. This worked better
more natural classification for them. with angiosperms, for which the concept of family was long
Swartz (1801) published an early handbook on ferns, in which established; many families had a long history of recognition,
he treated some 670 species in 30 genera. In his slightly later with a consensus of ideas about which genera were to be
Synopsis filicum, Swartz (1806; 38 genera, 720 species) followed included. This sort of consistency of circumscription of the
the characters of sori and indusia as established by J. E. Smith major angiosperm families is without parallel in ferns, and the
(1793) and presented an elaborated version of Smith’s classifica- emphasis on ‘fruiting parts’ for ferns did not result in either a
tion. Despite knowing at the time that Swartz’s genera were arti- consistent or a widely accepted system. Hooker’s authority, as
ficially delimited, this classification was followed by subsequent the director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, led to the
576 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

re-application of the Swartzian system, which lasted for another At the turn of the century, phyletic classifications of ferns were
50 years as the most often used fern classification. also being compiled elsewhere, the first being a treatment by the
Although sporangium and sorus characters remained predom- British botanist Bower (1889), who based his ideas on his elab-
inant as the basic framework for fern classification thanks to orate studies on anatomy, development and morphology. In his
Hooker’s prominence, some interest in applying other characters three-volume work, The ferns, Bower (1923 – 1928) recognized
to classification continued; Fée, who published the elaborate 12 families, and in Polypodiaceae, the first major use of this
series Mémoires sur la famille des fougères (Fée, 1844 – 1873), now ubiquitously applied name, he recognized six evolutionary
which included Genera filicum (6th and 7th Mémoire), empha- lineages. This phyletic classification was, however, problematic,
sized an even wider range of characters for generic delimitation mainly due to an emphasis on the location of sori on the leaf
than Presl and recognized approx. 188 genera. The first Mémoire blade.
dealt entirely with characters of ferns useful for classification and Copeland (1929), who attempted to arrange the East Asian
focused on venation. It also reviewed other characters, seeking genera into a phyletic sequence, was the first to address this
new ones in fertile structures. He applied, for instance, characters problem and suggested that a larger Polypodiaceae would be
of the spores and number of cells in the annulus. The last charac- more natural. The tree-fern lineages were included, not making
ter was not taken up by subsequent pteridologists, but it was re- Polypodiaceae natural in the Bowerian sense, but this wider

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applied nearly a century later in the classification of Copeland concept of Polypodiaceae resulted in the name being variously
(1947). applied ever since.
John Smith, who had become curator of the living fern collec- Christensen’s influential Index filicum (1906) listed 147
tion at Kew, knew his plants intimately, and his Historia filicum genera and followed almost exactly the treatment of Diels,
(Smith, 1875) presented his views on classification and incorpo- except for some name changes to conform with the rules and
rated the genera of Presl and Fée, accounting for 212 genera. an increase in number to account for new genera described
Even though the classification of Fée found followers in the during the six years between these publications. In subsequent
French Empire, his and the classifications of Smith and Presl supplements, the number of genera grew to 213. Christensen
remained in the shadow of the more influential one of Hooker (1938) advanced from a bibliographer to a researcher in his
until the end of the 19th century. own right, taking up the advances in Bowerian ‘phylogeny’, and –
like Bower – he recognized 12 families, but divided his
Polypodiaceae into 15 subfamilies, about which he stated that
these should maybe be treated at the family level. His approx. 247
Evolution enters the scene: a diminished importance of sori and
genera were based on a variety of vegetative (mostly hairs and
sporangia as pre-eminent characters for classification
scales) and soral characters, but several genera were pointed out
The classification of Christ (1897) emphasized the importance to be of uncertain delimitation or status. Even though his classi-
of vegetative characters, and this was adopted and expanded fication was highly regarded and widely followed, Christensen
by Diels (1898– 1900) in his treatment for Die natürlichen himself regarded it as a tentative scheme.
Pflanzenfamilien (German for ‘the natural plant families’). Ching (1940) divided ‘Polypodiaceae’ into 33 families,
Diels presented a phyletic classification, a discipline in its grouped into seven ‘lines of evolution’ corresponding more or
early stages, and he applied the modern usage of family as a less to Copeland’s families (1929), in which the essential unnat-
formal category, previously often referred to at higher taxonomic uralness of ‘Polypodiaceae’ was accepted. Holttum (1947), at
ranks (e.g. suborders and orders). The classification of Diels was that time the dominant personality in fern taxonomy, did not
heavily criticized by most subsequent workers, even though, or agree with certain relationships expressed by Bower, and he pre-
maybe because, it was the first classification to take Darwinian sented a revised classification of Polypodiaceae in which five
evolution into consideration. families were recognized, but he admitted that some are difficult
Christ’s (1897) evaluation of previous systematic works gives to define morphologically.
us an insight into the perception of that work at the time. He
wrote, for instance, about Die Farnkräuter of Schkuhr (1809)
Microscopic characters added to the mix
that the ‘nomenclature is outdated but that it contains many
good images’, and of Fée’s Mémoires (1844– 1873) that ‘it con- Copeland (1947) was one of the first systematists to propose
tains many species that were later not recognised, but that it con- that ‘valid’ taxa should reflect ‘naturalness’ and ‘convenience’,
tains valuable material, in particular the images’. In contrast, he which by this time meant that taxa must correspond to a single
cited Mettenius (1856) as the ‘founding work for a natural sys- evolutionary lineage and be well circumscribed, supported by
tematics’ of ferns, but that classification was only natural in a characteristics and easy to define. He based his Genera filicum
pre-Darwinian sense and the work of Mettenius was largely (1947) on extensive fieldwork in tropical Asia, and altogether
ignored outside the German language sphere. Christ clearly he recognized 305 genera, many of which included just a
attributed the shift from a classification based on the sorus to a single species. He divided Trichomanes but treated Asplenium
classification based on the entire anatomy of the ferns to in the broad sense, which was prescient. On the other hand,
Mettenius, which is only partly true (Presl and Fée had already Holttum (1913) stated that ‘Copeland’s limitation seems to be
applied this concept earlier), but Christ and Mettenius shared a his lack of understanding of Christensen’s discovery of the
nationality, which may explain the preference. Christ accepted great importance of the details of hairs and scales as evidence
99 genera of ferns in 13 families and divided them into of relationships’, which is understandable from a field botanist’s
Leptosporangiatae and Eusporangiatae, possibly the first use of point of view. Microscopic characters are often difficult to
the character of sorus development as a primary character. observe in the field when all you have is a hand lens, especially
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 577

when other characters such as habit are more obvious to distin- He first defined his concept of Pteridophyta as ‘chlorophyllous,
guish groups. Copeland also provided a good overview of the autotrophic land plants with antithetic (heterophasic) change of
concepts of fern classification preceding his magnum opus. He generations, and both generations organically independent’. In
presented a similar number of taxa to Ching (1940), which this way he included the lycopods with ferns in a single lineage.
Christensen stated had much to do with the two having the Reimers provided a developmental scheme in which fern lineages
same generic concept. However, Ching still recognized 28 were set out on a time scale, all essentially originating from
genera more than Copeland, so Christensen’s criticism was not Psilophytales (in which he included the fossils Rhynia R.Kidston
entirely justified. & W.H.Lang and Psilophyton J.W.Dawson) in the early
Holttum (1947) revised the classification of Christensen Devonian (320 million years ago). Modern Psilotales are directly
(1938), which resulted from a detailed study of Malayan ferns. derived from them in his scheme, which was the general idea at
It had been customary to place all leptosporangiate ferns in a the time and one that prevailed until this century. We will not go
broad Polypodiaceae, apart from a few easily recognizable fam- into the classification of his fossil taxa here, although we admit
ilies such as Osmundaceae (considered intermediate between that to come to a good classification of ferns, fossil lineages will
leptosporangiate and eusporangiate ferns), Cyatheaceae (the have to be included. It is, however, not within the remit of this
tree ferns with a helicogyrate annulus), Gleicheniaceae (with a paper to compare fossil classifications with those for extant ferns.

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strange leaf morphology) and Hymenophyllaceae (the filmy Reimers concluded that there were four extant lineages (as
ferns with leaves one cell layer thick and cup-shaped sori). classes) in Pteridophyta: Lycopsida (Lycopodiales, Selaginellales
Christensen (1938) also followed this, but stated that the subfam- and Isoëtales), Psilotopsida (Psilotales), Articulatae (Equisetales)
ilies he treated in Polypodiaceae ‘were perhaps better dealt with and Filices (Ophioglossales, Marattiales, Filicales, Marsileales
as families’, which Holttum (1947) did. He redefined Polypodiaceae, and Salviniales). In Psilotopsida, two extant families were accepted,
including Dipteris Reinw., but excluding Grammitidaceae. He Psilotaceae and Tmesipteridaceae, because the two extant genera
also segregated Thelypteris Schmid. from Christensen’s ‘appear to be relict forms’. What is interesting is that Reimers men-
Dryopteridoideae into Thelypteridaceae, and the remaining tioned that the lack of roots in these genera cannot be seen as proof
subfamilies except Gymnogrammoideae, Vittarioideae and for any relationship with Psilophytopsida (which he placed in a
Onocleoideae were placed by Holttum in a large and diverse different class, in spite of the linearity shown in the scheme).
Dennstaedtiaceae with 11 subfamilies. The other group of tree Articulatae included a great number of fossil taxa, but within
ferns, Dicksoniaceae, were also segregated, even though they this lineage Equisetum was placed in its own order because he
were previously thought to be closely related to Dennstaedtia stated that ‘relationships between this and fossil Calamitales
Bernh. Gymnogrammoideae was renamed Adiantaceae, and are not yet clear’. The largest group, Filices, were divided into
Holttum included Vittarioideae because they are undoubtedly four subclasses, one extinct (Primofilicales) and three with
related. Onocleaceae remained unplaced. Many matters extant members: Eusporangiatae and Leptosporangiatae with
remained unsolved in Holttum’s scheme, and he did not claim Osmundidae as a ‘transition group’. Eusporangiatae included
that all major groupings had been solved. Although it was the obvious non-leptosporangiate orders Ophioglossales and
easier to recognize a broad circumscription of Polypodiaceae Marattiales, the latter divided into five families, of which one
and only segregate a few clearly divergent families, such as is the fossil Asterothecaceae (which includes the giant trees,
Osmundaceae, Cyatheaceae and Hymenophyllaceae, all Psaronius B.Cotta), and which should still be accepted as
authors of the time believed that this was unsatisfactory and separate from extant Marattiaceae (Christenhusz, 2007).
most split Polypodiaceae into several families. Which characters Leptosporangiate ferns were divided into three orders,
should be emphasized and which families should be recognized Filicales, Marsileales and Salviniales, on the basis of hetero-
was far from uniform, and substantial disagreements among spory of the last two orders; Filicales included a dozen families,
authors were the standard. of which the largest, Polypodiaceae, was divided into 14 subfam-
ilies. Reimers, however, stated that Polypodiaceae would un-
doubtedly be polyphyletic in this concept, noting that
Starting from the beginning (again), fossils included
Dennstaedtioideae closely resembled Dicksoniaceae, that the re-
Tryon (1952) concluded his historical overview predicting lationship of Dipteridaceae to Polypodiaceae was unclear and
that ‘the conflict between utility and naturalness will remain an that the origin of the obviously primitive Woodsioideae and
issue’ in future classifications. He suggested that taxa based on Onocleoideae required further study. We now know that if the
evolutionarily circumscribed groups would not necessarily heterosporous ferns and Parkeriaceae are included, this would
have characters that are useful for identification, and indeed for make a monophyletic group (and could in theory be treated as
some modern fern families this is a major issue today. Current a single family), and most subfamilies treated here correspond
examples of continuing contentious issues are the numerous fam- to many of the currently accepted families or subfamilies.
ilies in the tree-fern lineage, segregation of Lonchitis, Saccoloma Differences lie mostly in the placement of single problematic
Kaulf. and Cystodium J.Sm. from Lindsaeaceae (Lehtonen et al., genera, e.g. Nephrolepis in Davallioideae, Pteridium Gled. and
2010), merging of Hymenophyllopsidaceae with Cyathea Sm. Stenochlaena J.Sm. in Pteridoideae, Diacalpe Blume and
(Christenhusz, 2009b), family placement of Nephrolepis Schott Peranema D.Don in Woodsioideae (now part of Dryopteris
(Smith et al., 2006; Hennequin et al., 2010) and difficulties with Adans., see Zhang and Zhang, 2012), Cyclosorus Link,
morphological circumscription of Pteridaceae, to name a few. Lomariopsis Fée and Thelypteris in Dryopteridoideae and
Reimers (1954) produced a thorough overview of Pteridophyta Cheiropleuria C.Presl in Polypodiaceae. In spite of obvious mis-
and included fossil taxa in his classification, setting it apart from placement of some genera, this work actually sets a good
earlier classifications that dealt only with extant or fossil taxa. example for how the fossil record can be used to aid in placement
578 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

of extant taxa, and it has therefore been unfortunate that this clas- 1970s, chromosomes of around 15 % of fern species had been
sification did not find wider acceptance. counted, and Walker (1973) provided a good review of how cyto-
Alston (1956), while preparing an account for the Flora of West logical information could help in unravelling previous problems.
Tropical Africa, came to disagree with the classification of Holttum Manton (1958) demonstrating, for instance, that Pteridaceae of
(1947). He segregated Lindsaeaceae from Dennstaedtiaceae and Copeland (1947) did not form a uniform lineage, with Pteris,
maintained Vittariaceae as separate from Adiantaceae [although this Cheilanthes Sw. and Adiantum having chromosome numbers
had already been done by Reimers (1954) at the subfamilial level]. based on 29 or 30, and the other group (corresponding to
He also segregated Aspleniaceae, Aspidiaceae, Athyriaceae the ‘dennstaedtioid group’) showing a wide range of basic
and Blechnaceae from Holttum’s Dennstaedtiaceae, and he numbers, even within a single genus. Chromosome numbers
described Athyriaceae and Lomariopsidaceae. The movement of continued to play a role in classification for several decades,
genera by various authors between Athyriaceae, Aspidiaceae only to be replaced by molecular phylogenetics in the 1990s, pro-
and Dennstaedtiaceae shows, however, that relationships among viding important insights into relationships of species, genera
these genera were far from understood. and sometimes families. Mehra (1961) finalized the application
Pichi-Sermolli (1958) subdivided Pteridophyta into six classes, of chromosome numbers and described phyletic lineages in
which were mixtures of living and fossil taxa with the two ex- terms of their cytological evolution, but this information was

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ceptions noted: Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, Noeggerathiopsida not included in later fern classifications. Cytological data on
(fossil taxa only), Psilotopsida, Psilophytopsida (fossil taxa ferns are well documented and may in the future provide good
only) and Filicopsida. He used Filicopsida because the name additional insights into fern relationships and evolution.
Pteropsida was then often used in a broader sense to include all
vascular plants. Within Lycopsida, he placed Isoëtaceae amid
The beginning of a new approach to fern classification, before DNA
Lepidodendridae. The two genera in Psilotales were placed in
their own families, and he stated ‘that these show no close affinity In 1961, Wagner wrote an essay discussing the problems
with the other groups of Pteridophyta’ and should be placed ‘near related to fern classification. He correctly concluded that due
the Psilotophytopsida purely as a matter of convenience, since to the problems of assumed homology of morphological traits
their derivation from them is very questionable’, a return to arti- and associated convergent evolution abundant in ferns, classifi-
ficial classification in the absense of evidence of relatedness. cation had been unstable and the concept of a fern family had
Moving on to his Filicopsida, he divided this class into seven become meaningless. A few years later, Wagner (1969)
subclasses, of which Primofilicidae are extinct, and all others addressed the question of how a system of relationships is con-
have living members. For his classes Ophioglossidae and structed. He discussed non-evolutionary classifications and the
Maratiidae, by most earlier authors joined in a single group then-modern phenetic systems of numerical taxonomy.
‘Eusporangiatae’, Pichi-Sermolli agreed that these two lineages Numerical taxonomy in which all information is included, he
differ greatly in morphology, and he dropped the terms believed, could lead to circumscription of evolutionary group-
Eusporangiatae and Leptosporangiatae ‘because the origin of ings, but he stated that he was concerned about parallelisms
the sporangia does not offer us a sharply taxonomical distinc- and convergences and that in the case of ferns he did not have
tion’. In his opinion, these terms ‘should be used as descriptive enough data needed to make an objective classification. He
morphological terms, not as names of taxa’. Osmundidae were also made a significant and relevant statement: ‘In botany it
maintained in a separate subclass because of their ‘antiquity and may be that purely phenetic systems, no matter how detailed,
their paleontological history’. The living heterosporous ferns will not produce results that coincide with evolutionary relation-
are placed in two subclasses: Marsileidae and Salviniidae. ships. This possibility very much needs to be tested’. Wagner
Formerly placed together, the two were not considered to be illustrated the subjectivity of phenetics in assuming homology
related and were treated by Nakai (1949) as classes, but ‘it is of similar forms, when in fact they have evolved independently.
clear that they are related to homosporous Filicidae’. Within As an example, he used evolution of heterospory, which, al-
Filicidae, Pichi-Sermolli agreed that delimitation and classifica- though appearing highly similar, certainly evolved several
tion had been difficult ‘and pteridologists are very far from agree- times. Of course this argument over phenetic and evolutionary
ing about their classification’. The number of families had at that classifications – the latter in which certain characters are
time increased due to splitting of the traditional Polypodiaceae weighted and exhibit a trend from primitive to derived – is still
(e.g. Ching, 1940; Holttum, 1947; Alston, 1956; Pichi-Sermolli, ongoing, and therefore the classification given in this review
1957), and this led to the suggestion they should be organized in below is as much biased and subjective as previous ones, were it
orders, which Pichi-Sermolli (1958) did in a tentative scheme. not that it is based on far more data than were available in the 1960s.
Similarly, Nayar (1970) criticized the classifications proposed
in the 1940s and 1950s because they diverged substantially,
Cytology enters the picture
which he blamed on the differing importance various authors
Prior to 1950, cytological aspects of ferns were practically gave to morphological characters. He proposed a new classifica-
unknown, and what was known was mainly due to the pioneering tion based on the ‘significant additions to our knowledge relating
work of Manton (1950, 1954, 1958; Manton and Sledge, 1954) to several morphological criteria of the pteridophytes’, which he
and Brownlie (1957, 1958); as cytological information became enumerated, but neither justified nor cited sources for this
more widely available, it began to be applied in classifications. ‘knowledge’. In spite of his argument that subjective classifica-
As more chromosome counts accumulated over the next tions are bad practice, his classification was also based on sub-
decades, the position of certain species and wider affinities of jective interpretation of morphological characters. Even
genera, families and higher ranks could be postulated. By the though the genera were better known than before, this again
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 579

resulted in movement of genera into different families and taxonomy of all groups despite large amounts of genetic
changes between family and subfamily names. He did attempt (DNA) data having been collected. Knowing the phylogenetic
to place his families and subfamilies into an evolutionary tree does not, of course, tell us how to delineate families or
scheme, although also here there are some odd placements. genera.
Plagiogyriaceae, for instance, are in his scheme derived from Mickel (1974) criticized the development of phyletic classifi-
Osmundaceae, which is a strange placement for a group that cations over the preceding years, stating that circumscription was
has sporangia bearing remarkable similarities to those of often ‘ill-founded and the relationships were often based on
Cyathea (Hooker and Bauer, 1842). Blechnaceae, to which speculation rather than solid evidence’. Mickel stressed the
Plagiogyria (Kunze) Mett. generally was thought to be related need for proper evaluation of homologous characters, and he dis-
due to superficial similarity, are the only unplaced lineage in cussed some of the major issues of homology, for instance the
Nayar’s scheme in which there had been no attempt to justify pos- different types of scales and development of stelar structures.
tulated relationships. He also pointed out the usefulness of stomata morphology to
Because Pichi-Sermolli (1970b) published a detailed cata- infer phyletic relationships. He then presented a freely drawn
logue of fern family names, Holttum (1971) felt obliged to phylogram, which is backed by a discussion of characters, but,
comment on it and pointed out that ‘in the case of family even though the evidence was sound, the choice of characters

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names we are very far from being able to make a good taxonomic used to develop this phyletic classification was still subjective.
judgement’. Holttum stated that it is difficult to decide which Crabbe et al. (1975) discussed the rearrangement of pterido-
family names would be the correct ones to use because ‘most phytes at the British Museum of Natural History and
family names of ferns have had such different meanings’ and New York Botanical Garden with a large number of pteridolo-
‘that such names are only intelligible if we associate them with gists and provided a new generic sequence for fern herbaria.
the names of particular authors’. Holttum therefore regarded They provided a complete list of genera, which was helpful in
‘all family names of ferns as informal and tentative’, a making sense of the numerous names proposed and used in herb-
comment that may still be relevant today. Against this back- aria. Even though many groupings do not seem natural, it
ground, genetic studies of ferns were proposed, helping us under- reflected knowledge of fern classification at the time. They did
stand processes of speciation and inheritance in ferns (e.g. suggest an alphabetical system as an alternative, which is easy
Klekowski, 1971); this sort of publication did not involve such for filing, but they pointed out the limitation in implementation
genetic studies, but rather hinted at the advantages of using a of generic changes without major reorganization of the entire
fern system rather than an angiosperm system for genetic ana- herbarium in that case. Placement of the heterosporous ferns
lyses (due to their alternation of generations producing haploid was still uncertain, and they were therefore placed at the end of
gametophytes). the sequence. Some genera were placed where we would not
expect them based on their morphology (e.g. Plagiogyria
among eusporangiate ferns). Despite its ambitions, this sequence
The view in 1972: fern classification is still a jungle for the
never found much of a following in herbaria.
user, unless . . .
Development of fern classification and further study of the
In April 1972, a symposium was held in London bringing pter- structures of ferns were summarized in Tryon and Tryon
idologists from around the world together to discuss phylogeny (1982) and Kramer and Green (1990). Kramer and Green
and classification of ferns. In the resulting conference volume, (1990) was the most influential classification until the arrival
Holttum (1973) stated that it would be impossible to come to a of molecular phylogenetics, although it should be stated that at
new classification without additional good monographic that time Polypodiaceae was generally taken in a broad sense, in-
studies. He was of the opinion that ‘phylogenetic understanding cluding most leptosporangiate lineages, and within that it was
will develop as classification improves’, but that classification ‘is preferred to place genera alphabetically, a practice that is still fol-
still in a very imperfect state’. Nevertheless, Holttum proposed a lowed in some books and herbaria. It may make it easy to find a
tentative scheme, showing possible relationships, setting his genus quickly (if you happen to know in which genus a species is
understanding of fern inter-relationships apart from the placed), but it can be difficult and laborious to update the herbar-
schemes of Nayar and Kaur (1971) and Bierhorst (1971). The ium when generic changes take place or to find a species when it
groups that Holttum suggested should be revised taxonomically has previously been placed in more than one genus.
[e.g. Adiantum, Asplenium, Cheilanthes, Ctenitis (C.Ch.) C.Ch.,
Diplazium, Dryopteris and Tectaria Cav.] are often groups that
even today are still in need of taxonomic study, and some still
Molecular systematics (DNA) and fern classification
need an improved generic circumscription.
In the same volume, Pichi-Sermolli (1973) provided an histor- The advent of molecular phylogenetics has rapidly changed
ical review of fern classification, in which he showed how clas- our understanding of fern relationships through phylogenetic
sifications had changed over time and how unstable they had analyses of DNA sequence data. Studies of plastid DNA data
been. He concluded that no real progress in fern classification slowly started emerging in the mid 1990s. Plastid data became
based on morphology could be made without the collaboration mostly used initially in seed plants, and maternal, biparental
of palaeobotanists. He placed his hopes in numerical approaches (Sears, 1980; Corriveau and Coleman, 1988; Harris and
due to their ‘being more objective’, which ‘will placate the fight Ingram, 1991) and paternal (Neale and Sederoff, 1988) inherit-
between splitters and lumpers’. We now know that this was a ance of plastids is known in seed plants, but ferns still had not
forlorn hope and has not turned out to be the case, and arguments been thoroughly studied. Gastony and Yatskievych (1992)
about splitting and lumping are still a major problem in studied a natural hybrid of Pellaea Link with known parentage,
580 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

which demonstrated that plastid DNA is maternally inherited in and Davalliaceae are the closest relative of the Polypodiaceae
this cheilanthoid fern. clade. Tectaria was found to be closer to Oleandraceae rather
In an early phylogenetic study, Hasebe et al. (1993) sequenced than to Dryopteridaceae, with which it was usually associated.
four ferns to infer the relationships of ferns to other land plants. Again, Dennstaedtiaceae were found to be polyphyletic,
Sequencing was still a laborious process, but, due to the develop- but this time with three lineages emerging; Lonchitis and
ment and improvement of in vitro DNA amplification [ polymer- Orthiopteris Copel. fell in a clade separate from Lindsaea
ase chain reaction (PCR)], a much larger number of taxa could be Dryand. Vittariaceae were found deeply embedded in
studied, and rbcL data for ferns quickly accumulated. Hasebe Pteridaceae and strongly supported as sister to Adiantum.
et al. (1994) developed effective primers to sequence rbcL in Tree ferns (including Metaxyaceae, Loxsomataceae and
ferns; their paper focused on leptosporangiate lineages, and it Plagiogyriaceae) were monophyletic and diverged early from the
showed monophyly of heterosporous ferns within the leptospor- rest of the leptosporangiate taxa, just after the divergence of hetero-
angiate clade. They identified all main lineages in ferns and sporous ferns. No clear placement was found for Psilotaceae, but
showed that Dennstaedtiaceae were not monophyletic when lind- in one of their analyses (neighbor joining), Psilotum Sw. and
saeoids were included; they also found Vittariaceae resolved Tmesipteris Bernh. were sister to Ophioglossaceae, a portent of
close to Adiantum. Possible changes in classification were sug- what would be later found.

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gested, but not formally proposed. Wolf et al. (1995a) sequenced Although the techniques were still laborious, data for the
45 species of dennstaedtioid ferns, which produced similar major groups began to accumulate rapidly, and certain problem-
results to the work of Hasebe et al. (1994), but here too no atic fern groups were logically targeted using rbcL sequences,
formal recircumscriptions of groupings were proposed because e.g. cheilanthoid ferns (Gastony and Yatskievych, 1992;
a much wider sampling of taxa was needed to assess monophyly Gastony and Rollo, 1995), dennstaedtioid ferns (Wolf, 1995a)
of such a diverse group of plants. and vittarioid ferns (Crane et al., 1995), helping to better under-
A large pteridophyte symposium was held at the Royal Botanic stand relationships of genera in these groups.
Gardens, Kew, in memory of Holttum in 1995. This resulted in a Despite the molecular revolution in fern phylogenetics, morph-
volume called Pteridology in perspective (Camus et al., 1995) in ology was not forgotten, and Smith (1995) summarized non-
which a wide range of topics in fern research were addressed, in- molecular ideas of fern relationships. He hypothesized that the
cluding several early molecular phylogenetic studies, family, eusporangiate families Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae consti-
genus and species concepts, speciation and systematics. In this tuted isolated lineages and that Osmundaceae, Schizaeaceae, tree
volume, Pahnke et al. (1995) discussed the utility of the internal ferns and a few other small families represent early branches off
transcribed spacer (ITS) in phylogenetics of ferns. Wolf (1995b), the main lineage leading to other leptosporangiates. This was
who earlier discussed the usage of plastid sequences in fern phylo- based on fossil and living plant morphology and became the
genetics (1995a), evaluated the use of a combination of genes in most broadlyaccepted classification. Morphologically most leptos-
molecular phylogenetic studies. Comparisons of morphology porangiate families were recognizable, but inter-relationships
with molecular phylogenetic results for tree ferns (Conant et al., among thesewere still unknown and widely disputed. Fern systema-
1995) and filmy ferns (Dubuisson, 1995) were also provided, in- tics had been diverted from producing phyletic schemes based on
creasing our understanding of these lineages. A discussion of morphological characters, and thus these ideas were never robustly
the use of phylogenetic hypotheses for formal scientific classifica- tested. Smith (1995) posed 16 challenging questions and invited
tions was presented by Hennipman (1995), and he stated that readers to answer as many as possible. Many of these questions
‘modern higher classifications of ferns are a jungle for the user’, related to placement of genera with difficult to interpret morph-
showing the great need to simplify fern classification. ology – Ceratopteris Brongn., Hymenophyllopsis K.I.Goebel,
Hennipman discussed criteria used in the past for family and Monachosorum Kunze, Plagiogyria, Pleurosoriopsis Fomin,
generic classifications but did not provide a clear-cut way on Psilotum, Saccoloma Kaulf. – or to relationships of entire larger
how to define a family in ferns; he emphasized lineages that he groups – Dennstaedtiaceae, Grammitidaceae, Hymeno-phylla-
considered monophyletic and which ones were in his opinion ceae, Lindsaeaceae, Schizaeaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Vittariaceae
clearly paraphyletic. He divided ferns into four orders, and heterosporous ferns. Delimitation of Dryopteridaceae and
Marattiales, Ophioglossales, Psilotales and Filicales, and his other higher leptosporangiate fern families also needed sorting
order Filicales, which corresponds to the leptosporangiate out because at the time their relationships were hotly debated.
ferns, is divided into 14 families (Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Hasebe et al. (1994) had already resolved some of these issues in
Davalliaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Gleiche- their phylogenetic analysis of rbcL, showing Adiantum to be
niaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Lindsaeaceae, Marsileaceae, sister to Vittariaceae, Monachosorum sister to Dennstaedtiaceae,
Osmundaceae, Polypodiaceae, Pteridaceae, Schizaeaceae and Lindsaeaceae sister to all higher leptosporangiates separate from
Thelypteridaceae). The classification of Hennipman formed other dennstaedtioids, Plagiogyria and Metaxya C.Presl in the tree-
the backbone on which more recent classifications have been fern lineage, and the heterosporous ferns forming a lineage in lep-
based because this simplified organization of the ferns was tosporangiate ferns (see also Fig. 3). The base of their tree did not
much more accessible than previous schemes. Of course with have good support, but it was after all a first attempt at using
the molecular analysis of previously unsequenced genera, this DNA sequences to examine broader relationships within ferns;
simplified classification was destabilized and new families many relationships had to be left for resolution in subsequent
were again added. studies.
The number of taxa studied increased when Hasebe et al. Smith’s review (1995) soon led to analysis of combined mo-
(1995) analysed rbcL sequences of 107 species. Their results lecular and morphological data sets. Pryer et al. (1995) presented
showed that Grammitidaceae are embedded in Polypodiaceae, the first cladistic analysis based on morphology combined with
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 581

Pyrrosia Polypodioideae
Davallia Davallioideae
Oleandra Oleandroideae
Tectaria Tectarioideae
Nephrolepis Polypodiaceae
Dracoglossum Lomariopsidoideae
Arachniodes Dryopteridoideae

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Leucostegia Hypodematioideae
Didymochlaena Didymochlaenoideae
Woodwardia Blechnoideae
Diplazium Athyrioideae
Woodsia Woodsioideae
Thelypteris Thelypteridoideae Aspleniaceae
Asplenium Asplenioideae
Diplaziopsis Diplaziopsidoideae
Rhachidosorus Rhachidosoroideae
Gymnocarpium Cystopteridoideae
Pityrogramma Pteridaceae
Dennstaedtia Dennstaedtiaceae
Lindsaea Lindsaeaceae
Lonchitis Lonchitidaceae
Cystodium Cystodiaceae
Saccoloma Saccolomataceae
Cyathea Cyatheaceae
Salvinia Salviniales
Anemia Schizaeaceae
Glechenia Gleicheniales
Trichomanes Hymenophyllaceae
Osmunda Osmundaceae
Marattia Marattiaceae
Ophioglossum Ophioglossaceae
Psilotum Psilotaceae
Equisetum Equisetaceae

F I G . 3. Summary phylogenetic tree showing relationships of a representative selection of fern genera based on molecular (DNA) data, modified from Schuettpelz and
Pryer (2007), Lehtonen (2011), Rothfels et al. (2012) and Schneider et al. (2013).
582 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

rbcL data for the same 50 taxa. They also found Ceratopteris and taxa. It seems that a new colloquial name has been coined for
Vittaria Sm. among pteridoid ferns and Plagiogyria in the tree- no particular reason other than providing a scientific-sounding
fern lineage. Dennstaedtiaceae formed two unresolved lineages, synonym for the word ‘fern’; in fact, it is often used in paren-
but with Lindsaea not grouping with either of these. theses after the word fern, so ‘monilophyte’ is superfluous. It is
Heterosporous ferns and Schizaeaceae formed two independent an alternative to the word ‘pteridophyte’, which traditionally
lineages also at unresolved positions within leptosporangiate included all ferns plus lycopods; thus, an alternative, similar
ferns. sounding word was coined, without taking notice of its etymol-
Plastid 16S ribosomal DNA sequences were then applied to ogy: ‘bead-plant’ being as uninformative as ‘wolf-plant’ or
address the placement of ‘fern allies’. Manhart (1995) found ‘lycophyte’, which should correctly be called clubmoss (in the
Psilotum as sister to Tmesipteris, together forming a well- English vernacular) or lycopod (based on Lycopodium and refer-
supported sister group to Ophioglossaceae. This relationship ring to the vernacular ‘wolf-claw’ of many languages).
seemed odd at first, but it is now supported by morphological Psilotaceae were not included in the study of Kenrick and
characters (Schneider, 2013). When the problematic lycopod Crane (1997), but Pryer et al. (2004) included these to show
Selaginella P.Beauv. was removed from their matrix (which they also belong to the fern clade. Critical taxa were included
perhaps had been causing some sort of spurious attraction of in this data set and additional plastid (rbcL, atpB and rps4) and

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Equisetum to it), Equisetum also fell within the fern lineage but nuclear (18S rDNA) regions were added to those previously
without strong support. Hasebe et al. (1995) further addressed used. As expected, Osmundaceae were sister to the leptospor-
the problems posed by Smith (1995) in an expanded rbcL phylo- angiate ferns. Hymenophyllaceae – which had recently been
genetic analysis, which supported the sister relationship of shown to consist of two monophyletic groups (Pryer et al.,
Psilotaceae and Ophioglossaceae and showed Dennstaedtiaceae, 2001b) – was found to be sister to the gleichenioid ferns, and
Polypodiaceae, Pteridaceae and Dryopteridaceae in their trad- tree ferns and heterosporous ferns were shown to belong to
itional senses to be polyphyletic. ‘core leptosporangiates’.
Placement of Hymenophyllopsis, a peculiar genus from the In a high-profile paper, Schneider et al. (2004) studied the age
tepuis in the Guayana Shield, has always been problematic, of fern diversification and concluded that the higher leptospor-
and it was therefore often placed in its own family, angiates, to which the majority of extant ferns belong, diversified
Hymenophyllopsidaceae. The sorus structure is unique in in the Cretaceous, most probably in response to diversification of
ferns, although superficially similar to filmy ferns. Wolf et al. the angiosperms. The hypothesis is that, because of the increase
(1999) had shown that these are related to the tree fern genus in diversity of angiosperms, numerous new niches appeared in
Cyathea, with which they share scale and spore morphology. which ferns could diversify. Schneider et al. (2004) also intro-
More recent studies have shown that Hymenophyllopsis is em- duced the term ‘eupolypods’, defined as the polypods excluding
bedded in Cyathea (Korall et al., 2006, 2007), and thus it ‘basal’ polypods (e.g. Dennstaedtiaceae and Lindsaeaceae) and
should not even be treated as a genus, let alone as a family or pteridoids (Pteridaceae). The eupolypods were found to be repre-
order. Christenhusz (2009b) and others now treat it as part of sented by two clades (numbered I and II), on which we will elab-
Cyathea. orate below. This showed that many fern lineages are of similar
Lophosoria quadripinnata (J.F.Gmel.) C.Ch., a common age to or younger than many angiosperm families, refuting the
montane species in the Neotropics, was placed in its own family usage of clade age as a useful character for defining a fern family.
by Pichi-Sermolli (1970b), who removed it from the mosly Classification appeared to be more stable after publication of
extinct Protocyatheaceae, where it had been placed by Bower the fern classification by Smith et al. (2006), which summarized
(1923–1928) and Reimers (1954). The relationship of this trunk- molecular findings to that date and provided synapomorphies for
less species to the tree ferns was never disputed, but Wolf et al. the accepted families. Schuettpelz et al. (2006) added plastid
(1999) showed it to be most closely related to Dicksoniaceae. atpA to their earlier fern data set to gain better support at
Placement of Equisetum was evaluated again by Pryer et al. deeper nodes. They continued their work on fern phylogeny
(2001a), who showed with strong support that it belongs to the and performed a global analysis to serve as the basis for addres-
fern lineage. In the process, they refuted the prevailing theory sing large-scale evolutionary questions (Schuettpelz and Pryer,
that horsetails and ferns form a transitional grade between lyco- 2007). They assembled and analysed the most inclusive molecu-
pods and seed plants. As a replacement name for the ferns includ- lar data set to date with three plastid regions (rbcL, atpB and atpA)
ing Equisetaceae, Kenrick and Crane (1997) had proposed the including 400 leptosporangiate fern species. Their findings were
infradivision Moniliformopses, an invalid name under the of great value for the placement of genera that were previously
current nomenclatural code (McNeill et al., 2012). The term unavailable for molecular study and were dependent on the gen-
‘monilophytes’, loosely based on this infradivision, became erous contributions of many fern collectors.
established as a result of the paper of Pryer et al. (2004), in Meanwhile, a number of families were studied in greater
which phylogenetic relationships of ferns were inferred. Why phylogenetic detail, resolving many taxonomic problems (e.g.
this new term not based on a generic name is useful in the Korall et al., 2006, 2007; Nagalingum et al., 2006, 2007;
context of a cladistic study is unclear to us. Nevertheless, it Christenhusz et al., 2008; Hennequin et al., 2008; Rothfels
was quickly picked up by the community and rendered into the et al., 2008). New findings were incorporated in the updated clas-
vernacular as ‘monilophyte’ (e.g. Pryer et al., 2001a, 2004; sification of Smith et al. (2008), although this did not substantially
Schneider et al., 2004; Schneider, 2013). ‘Moniliform’ means differ from his classification published two years earlier.
‘bead-shaped’, but it was never stated to what part of a fern, or Schneider (2007) tested the congruence of molecular and mor-
to which fern, this refers, although it was suggested that this phological data with the idea of incorporating fossil taxa in
might refer to the stele structure of some extinct Devonian phylogenetic studies, which is currently being further developed
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 583

(Corvez et al., 2011). Morphological data have since been com- consensus classification, aiming to define monophyletic families
bined with molecular data in analyses with some important and genera with synapomorphies.
insights (e.g. Schneider, 2007; Lehnert et al., 2009; Lehtonen Some of the notable discrepancies are due to the traditionally
et al., 2010; Sundue, 2010; Sundue et al., 2010). broader generic concepts used by workers in the Neotropics com-
In a new edition of A. Engler’s Syllabus of Plant Families, pared with those in tropical Asia. Now we can combine the data
Fischer (2009) adopted findings of recent molecular analyses on these taxa and come to a consensus classification resulting in
and treated Lycophytina as separate from Euphyllophytina. evolutionarily defined natural genera and families. With the
Within the latter, he accepted super-class ‘Moniliformopses’ of wealth of data currently available (e.g. Eiserhardt et al., 2011;
Kenrick and Crane (1997), comprising all ferns, Equisetaceae Lehtonen, 2011; Lehtonen et al., 2012; Rothfels et al., 2012;
and Psilotaceae. A synopsis was provided on classification of Zhang and Zhang, 2012; Liu et al., 2013; Schneider, 2013;
this group, and it included all fossil taxa, which in many cases Schneider et al., 2013) it is now possible to compare generic con-
were placed in families consisting of exclusively fossil taxa. cepts across continents, applying a global concept of family and
We did not check all fossil families, but we noticed that nomen- genus.
clatural priority of family names was not always taken into
account. For the extant taxa, it simply followed the classification

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of Smith et al. (2006), although here and there with some reser-
vations and occasionally following some subclassifications Concepts of higher classification of ferns and lycopods have
that had already been shown to be incorrect. The acceptance of changed considerably throughout history, and we therefore
subfamily Stenochlaenoideae as separate from Blechnoideae, discuss a few groups with regard to their previous and current de-
for instance, is inappropriate if Woodwardia Sm. is included in limitation.
either of them. Fern allies have previously been loosely defined as vascular
The classifications of Smith (2006, 2008) initiated a discus- spore-bearing plants that are not ferns. They have variously
sion about morphology being incompatible with the molecular included the lycopods (Huperzia Bernh., Lycopodiella Holub,
results, and indeed some groups such as Hypodematiaceae, Lycopodium, Isoëtes and Selaginella), horsetails (Equisetum,
Lomariopsidaceae, Pteridaceae and Woodsiaceae (sensu Fig. 4A), whisk ferns (Psilotum and Tmesipteris, Fig. 4C),
Smith) were difficult to define morphologically. Therefore, an Ophioglossaceae (Fig. 4B), water ferns (Marsileaceae, Fig. 4I,
analysis with morphological data alone was carried out Salviniaceae and Ceratopteris) and sometimes even members
(Schneider et al., 2009), and this recovered the same deep phylo- of Schizaeaceae and Gleicheniaceae. Of course this was never
genetic relationships (recognizing the four major clades in ferns: considered a natural group but just included genera that accord-
Equisetidae, Ophioglossidae, Marattiidae and Polypodiidae) ing to subsequent authors could not be placed among the ferns
found in previous studies of DNA sequence data. It would proper for various reasons. Because of its vague circumscription
appear that molecular data and morphology are compatible, pro- and now evident non-monophyly, the term ‘fern ally’ should be
vided they are treated in similar ways. avoided. In a similar way, the term ‘eusporangiate fern’ is to be
To provide a guide for herbaria to organize their specimens in a avoided because this includes ferns that are not leptosporangiate;
phylogenetic way, a linear classification for all vascular plants it just describes the plesiomorphic state (eusporangia are also
was composed of which here the lycopods and ferns are of con- present in seed plants and lycopods) and the taxa included do
sequence (Christenhusz et al., 2011). This linear sequence was not form a clade.
not intended as a new classification and followed in many ways The water ferns (Salviniales, Fig. 4I) were previously placed
Smith et al. (2006, 2008), but major changes were made in the among ‘fern allies’ because they are heterosporous like
treatment of some ‘eupolypods II’, with the disintegration of Selaginella and Isoëtes. They have, however, been found to be
Smith’s polyphyletic Woodsiaceae and with descriptions of sister to the polypods, so they are deeply embedded in the homo-
Diplaziopsidaceae, Rhachidosoraceae and Hemidictyaceae sporous fern clade. Heterospory in general evolved several times
(Christenhusz and Schneider, 2011; Christenhusz et al., 2011). independently in lycopods, ferns and seed plants, but this evolu-
Also, placement of Equisetaceae as sister to all ferns seems to tion is not necessarily the result of adaptation to an aquatic life
be better than as sister to Marattiidae (as in Smith et al., 2006). form, although it appears as a plausible association for hetero-
The position of Equisetum is poorly supported but always sporous ferns.
among the deeper nodes of the fern clade, and therefore it Even though it is not a new concept (Linnaeus, 1753, already
could end up in various places, depending on the method of included Equisetum in his ‘Cryptogamia filices’), the term ‘mon-
analysis or data set used (Lehtonen, 2011). Placement as sister ilophyte’ was coined (Pryer et al., 2001a) for the fern clade in-
to all other ferns is also in agreement with palaeontological cluding Equisetaceae and Psilotaceae, in contrast to the
studies that show its early appearance in the fossil record ‘lycophytes’, both of which are linguistically erroneous and su-
(Taylor et al., 2009). perfluous terms. This clade has been traditionally called pterido-
The classifications of Smith et al. (2006, 2008) and phytes, but it has been suggested that ‘pteridophyte’ cannot be
Christenhusz et al. (2011) mostly reduced the number of used because in some classifications it has included the lycopods.
genera, resulting in an expansion of several (e.g. Asplenium, However, the origin of the term ‘monilophyte’ is unclear and has
Blechnum, Cyathea and Hymenophyllum Sm.), but also resulted never been published as a formal taxon and, moreover, its ety-
in the acceptance of narrower generic concepts in other groups mology is obscure. ‘Sphenophytes’ (a term commonly used for
(e.g. Hymenophyllaceae, Polypodiaceae and Pteridaceae). extant horsetails and their fossil relatives) share a common an-
These classifications are, however, remarkable in that they cestor with ferns, even though their exact placement within the
combine morphological and molecular data to come to a fern lineage is still uncertain. It is therefore preferable to use
584 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification



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F I G . 4. Sori of major fern lineages. (A) Equisetales, Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. (B) Ophioglossales, Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. (C) Psilotales, Psilotum nudum
(L.) P.Beauv. (D) Marattiales, Marattia cicutifolia Kaulf. (E) Osmundales, Todea barbara T.Moore. (F) Hymenophyllales, Trichomanes cupressoides Desv. (G)
Gleicheniales, Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. (H) Schizaeales, Lygodium volubile Sw. (I) Salviniales, Marsilea drummondii A.Braun. (J) Cyatheales,
Alsophila dealbata (G.Forst.) C.Presl. (K) Polypodiales, Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michx.) T.Moore. (L) Pteris usambarensis Hieron. (M) Eupolypods,
Asplenium caudatum G.Forst. (N) Dryopteris sieboldii (T.Moore) Kunze.

the term ‘fern’, which as noted above has in the past often as independent lineages (‘sphenophytes’, ‘psilotophytes’, ‘mar-
included Equisetaceae and Psilotaceae, although alternatively attiophytes’), although this does not reflect their membership in a
the early branching lineages of the fern clade could be treated clade with the rest of the ferns.
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 585

To illustrate the changing ideas of how ferns should be classi- together and which has been used as the synapomorphy for the
fied, we focus below on a number of groups and genera and de- order Cyatheales. This leads to a discussion of what defines an
scribe the variation in opinions that have existed about how order relative to a family. One character used is the age of diver-
best to handle their taxonomy. gence between the individual lineages, which in the case of
Leptosporangiate ferns are a natural group, forming the crown Cyatheales is Late Jurassic (Schneider et al., 2004), similar to
group of ferns including the vast majority of species. In the past, the age of many angiosperm families. Cyatheales are too highly
most of these have at one time been included in a single family, divided at the family level, and the lineages should still be
Polypodiaceae (or variants such as Filices or Dennstaedtiaceae, revised taxonomically on the basis of synapomorphies and mono-
variously including Osmundaceae, tree ferns and gleichenioid phyly. In the classification below, the established families are
ferns), resulting in great variability in application and circum- treated at the subfamilial level, allowing movement of genera
scription of this family. The concept changed from including between them without altering their family placement. Not all
the majority of the leptosporangiate ferns to the most recent genera in Cyatheaceae sensu lato are tree like; they include trunk-
concept of those having scaly creeping rhizomes with abaxial less Plagiogyria, Metaxya and Loxsoma R.Br. They also include
(rarely marginal), rounded to elliptic, elongate or acrostichoid, Hymenophyllopsis (Lellinger, 1984), a group of small ferns
exindusiate sori. The grammitid ferns were traditionally not from the Guayana Highlands in South America. This genus was

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included, but molecular studies have shown that this group is difficult to place on a morphological basis and was thus placed
deeply embedded and therefore also part of Polypodiaceae, in its own family or even its own order. It is now known that
expanding the description above to include taxa occasionally these are embedded in Cyathea (Korall et al., 2007), and combi-
having green spores and a petiole not always cleanly abscising nations in Cyathea have been made for all eight species
(as is the case with most other polypods; Smith et al., 2008). (Christenhusz, 2009b).
Generic classification of grammitid ferns has been unstable Lonchitis has also been variously treated in the past, the genus
during the last 20 years, and they are currently divided in a previously including many species, but now reduced to two (most
great number of genera, even though they form a subclade of the remaining species were moved to Blotiella Tryon,
within Polypodiaceae. It would be better for general users if Dennstaedtiaceae). Placement of Lonchitis has been contentious
these are treated as a single genus (with approx. 700 species, in recent times. Earlier it was placed in Polypodiaceae subfamily
making it a large genus, the size of Asplenium, but smaller Dennstaedtioideae or Dennstaedtiaceae, but Smith (2006) placed
than Elaphoglossum or Thelypteris) and treat most currently it in Lindsaeaceae. This makes the last difficult to define morpho-
recognized genera at the subgeneric level. Polypodiaceae as a logically; hence, it was placed in its own family Lonchitidaceae
family should probably be expanded again to include all families (Schomburgk, 1848; Christenhusz, 2009a; Lehtonen et al., 2010;
placed in ‘eupolypods I’, avoiding the need to recognize a great Christenhusz et al., 2011), a family placed near Saccolomataceae
number of monogeneric families; this approach is taken in the and Cystodiaceae among the early branching polypods, even
classification presented below. though the deep nodes of the polypods are not well supported in
Placement and number of genera in the filmy fern family most studies (Lehtonen et al., 2012).
Hymenophyllaceae (Fig. 4F) have long been debated. Traditionally Lomaria Willd. has, since its publication, been widely
two genera have been recognized (Hymenophyllum and accepted, so much so that Smith (1875) stated that it is a
Trichomanes) on the basis of differences in soral morphology, natural genus containing a considerable number of species of
but Iwatsuki (1977) pointed out that the morphological distinc- great uniformity of habit. Hooker (in Hooker and Bauer, 1842)
tion is not clear-cut. The morphological diversity in the family agreed with this to a certain extent, but he pointed out that a
has resulted in recognition of a number of additional genera; number of species, including L. spicant (L.) Desv. ‘vacillate
however, several molecular studies (e.g. Pryer et al., 2001b) between Lomaria and Blechnum . . ., but such or similar grada-
have shown that only two lineages are present, more or less corres- tions are common to other genera of ferns, and if made an
ponding to the two traditionally recognized genera. Ebihara et al. excuse for abolishing a long-established one, the number of
(2006) proposed on the basis of his analysis to maintain genera would undergo a great reduction’. Hooker further dis-
Hymenophyllum in a broad sense, but meanwhile accepted eight cussed inclusion of Plagiogyria in Lomaria, and he pointed
genera in the Trichomanes clade, which in our opinion may not out that there is an ‘affinity of those species with Cyatheaceae’
be warranted. As is the case for grammitid ferns, it seems a (to which we now know Plagiogyria is related), especially in
better solution for general users to treat these as subgenera of characters of the ‘capsules’ (the annulus of the sporangium is
Trichomanes, accepting only two genera in Hymenophyllaceae. oblique, e.g. helicogyrate), ‘yet the habit and sori are so entirely
Tree ferns (Fig. 4J) are sister to ‘polypods’ sensu Smith et al. in accordance with Lomaria that’ the genus Plagiogyria is diffi-
(2006) or Polypodiales sensu Christenhusz et al. (2011; see cult to identify. He further discussed differences in the number of
Fig. 3). The tree-fern clade is usually divided into eight small genera accepted in this group according to other authors.
families, with Cyatheaceae being the largest (Korall et al., Mettenius (1857), who excluded Plagiogyria, stated that
2007; Lehtonen, 2011). Tree ferns are all minimally genetically several species depart from the pteridoid character and complete-
divergent, which may be a result of the much longer generation ly merge into Blechnum, such that Blechnum and Lomaria are no
time of these long-lived plants ( palms are a similar example longer separate, whereas Presl (1851) kept them separate and
from the angiosperms; e.g. Asmussen and Chase, 2001). It is divided them into a multitude of genera based on minor
therefore possible to merge all families of Cyatheales in a single characters. Some of these genera are still in use today, but
family, which has generally not been done because there are few recent phylogenetic studies (Lehtonen, 2011) have shown
universally diagnostic characters. The best character is the helico- Salpichlaena J.Sm. and Stenochlaena (which had been separated
gyroid annulus of the sporangium, which links all these taxa from other genera on the basis of their climbing habit) to be
586 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

embedded in Blechnum (specifically related to B. serrulatum which are microscopic, and in the vascular structure of petioles
Rich.), which should also include Brainea J.Sm., Doodia (generally an arch of vascular strands in a U-shape, except in
R.Br., Pteridoblechnum Hennipm. and Sadleria Kaulf. Hypodematiaceae). The second lineage (eupolypods II) includes
Lomaria was based on the Australian L. nuda (Labill.) Willd., Aspleniaceae sensu stricto, Athyriaceae, Blechnaceae, Cysto-
and Blechnum is based on the Neotropical B. occidentale L.; pteridaceae, Diplaziopsidaceae, Hemidictyaceae, Onocleaceae,
the European species that has characters of the two was placed Rhachidosoraceae, Thelypteridaceae and Woodsiaceae (sensu
in Spicanta C.Presl, an intermediate genus created to solve the Christenhusz et al., 2011), which share the character of a laterally
problem of intergrading morphology. The current consensus is attached indusium (except in some Thelypteridaceae) and two
to apply a broad concept of Blechnum, but further studies on vascular bundles in their petioles. Even though synapomorphies
the evolution of Blechnaceae are needed to assess which, if are few and not visible to the naked eye, it is possible to treat these
any, of the segregate genera should be maintained. as two broad families instead of the current 18 (or 20) based on
Acrostichum was a genus applied initially to all ferns with sori their shared characters. Within these two lineages, a plethora
that were acrostichoid (Fig. 1F), i.e. distributed as a solid mass of families has recently been proposed (including the recent
across the back of the frond rather than organized in separate, dis- segregation of Arthropteridaceae from Tectariaceae; Liu et al.,
crete structures. We know today that an acrostichoid fertile 2013), and many genera have changed family (e.g.

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lamina can be formed in a variety of ways, and thus it is not Christenhusz et al., 2013) when new phylogenetic analyses
useful for classification, although it is definitely a distinctive have become available. Such a broad familial circumscription,
structure. Therefore, ontogeny of this sorus type is more import- if accepted, would make the taxonomy of these groups more
ant for the placement of these ferns than its product. Initially stable, allowing further changes at subfamilial levels without
genera such as Blechnum, Ceratopteris, Danaea Sm., several affecting the rank of family, which is the one above the genus
species of Asplenium, Bolbitis Schott, Tectaria, etc. were most frequently used by non-specialists.
included, but it was soon realized that these confluent sori were A summary of published studies showing relationships of major
covered by indusia at least at the younger stages, or, as in the groups of ferns as well as some problematic genera discussed
case of Danaea, they were fused sporangia with pores on the above is given in Fig. 3. This tree is further discussed below.
apex (Christenhusz, 2010). It even included genera as different
from each other as Actiniopteris Link, Anetium Splitg.,
Anogramma Link, Cheiropleuria, Hemionitis, Platycerium
Desv., Polybotrya Willd., Schizaea Sm. and Todea Bernh. It
was Schott (1834) who separated Elaphoglossum Schott from As often observed in taxonomy of many organisms, there has
Acrostichum, which was followed by Moore (1857) who pro- been a trend from an initial artificial classification towards
vided numerous new combinations. This process was completed more natural ones over time, although the definition of the
by Christensen (1906), after which Elaphoglossum was widely latter has changed several times. Artificial classifications are
accepted and Acrostichum (with A. aureum L. as the type useful for identification purposes, which were often the only in-
species) achieved its modern sense and was restricted to a few tention of early authors (such as Linneaus with his sexual system
species of mangrove ferns. of plant classification), and these were not intended to reflect
The name Thelypteris was coined by Schmidel (1763) based phylogenetic relationships between taxa; of course, phylogenet-
on Acrostichum thelypteris L., but the name Thelypteris had ic classification was not a conceptual framework available to tax-
already been published in the same year by Adanson (his name onomists at that time. These artificial and early ‘natural’
is a synonym of Pteris L.), making Schmidel’s name illegitimate. groupings often resulted in species that are superficially similar
This caused confusion, and the name was not accepted by subse- being placed together, which does not take convergent evolution
quent authors. Pichi-Sermolli (1953) discussed this nomenclature, into account; some such cases in ferns required the application of
and Thelypteris of Schmidel was subsequently conserved DNA phylogenetics to demonstrate that they were not reflective
(Holttum, 1968), resulting in the transferral of numerous species, of relationships. On the other hand, natural classifications may
mainly from Aspidium Sw., Dryopteris and Nephrodium Rich., separate species that are highly similar, particularly in terms of
to Thelypteris. It was soon recognized as a natural group and ‘key characters’ that were judged (often subjectively) to be im-
broadly accepted. Thelypteridaceae as a family were published [in- portant, in completely unrelated families, which makes these
cluding related genera such as Cyclosorus, Macrothelypteris families difficult to tell apart despite their distant relationship.
(H.Ito) Ching, Meniscium Schreb., Phegopteris (C.Presl) Fée, Fern classification is particularly full of such problems, and
Oreopteris Holub, etc.] by Pichi-Sermolli (1970a), and molecular now that we can use DNA studies to obtain information about
studies soon showed five subgroups in this family, resulting in five where problematic species and genera should be placed, we
genera being recognized as comprising it, although it may be better often find that we lose the capacity to diagnose many families
to accept only three at the generic level (see classification below). with clear sets of morphological characteristics. As has been
Eupolypods form two subclades often called eupolypods I and observed previously, the more natural a classification becomes,
II. The first includes the families Davalliaceae, Dryopteridaceae, the more difficult it typically is to use, especially for researchers
Hypodematiaceae, Lomariopsidaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, not intimately familiar with the details of fern taxonomy. This is
Oleandraceae, Polypodiaceae and Tectariaceae (sensu Christenhusz of course not unique to ferns, and it can also be observed in recent
et al., 2011). These families are morphologically divergent, and classifications of some angiosperm families such as Asparagaceae,
it is difficult to see them as a single taxonomic entity, especially Liliaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae in monocots and Acanthaceae,
if Dryopteridaceae and Polypodiaceae sensu stricto are com- Gesneriaceae, Lamiaceae and Plantaginaceae among eudicots in
pared; nevertheless, they share characters of soral structure, APG III (2009). There are few characters that can be easily used
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 587

to distinguish these families, and their history has been as compli- [LYCOPODS; 3 families, 5 genera, approx. 1300 species]
cated and controversial as those for most fern families. LYCOPODIIDAE BEK.
A second common trend has been the use of minute characters
to circumscribe narrowly circumscribed genera, and some Lycopodiales DC.
authors have used phylogenetic trees as the basis for placing Lycopodiaceae P.Beauv. 1 (3/approx. 400)
every pair of sister species into separate genera. Following (Huperzia Bernh., Lycopodiella Holub,
such episodes, another trend typically emerges, which expands Lycopodium L.)
generic limits and subsumes such small genera into larger Selaginellales Prantl
ones, often redefining the original generic concept to fit this Selaginellaceae Willk. (1/approx. 750)
greater number of species with more divergent morphology. (Selaginella P.Beauv.)
Even though this waxing and waning of generic limits may even- Isoëtales Prantl
tually produce a consensus taxonomy, it destabilizes nomencla- Isoëtaceae Reichenb. (1/approx. 140)
ture and confuses the users. Ultimately, such instability hinders (Isoëtes L.)
research on ferns by non-taxonomic researchers, thereby retard-
[FERNS; 21 families, approx. 212 genera, approx. 10 535
ing progress on understanding their biology, conservation,

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ecology and population dynamics. Of course, in an ideal
world, complete revisions at a generic level should be a pre-
Equisetales DC.
requisite before familial revisions, but monographic study is
Equisetaceae Michx. (1/20)
time consuming, material for study is not always available,
(Equisetum L.)
species sampling is often incomplete and funding for such re- OPHIOGLOSSIDAE KLINGE
search is scant, resulting in many groups not having been Ophioglossales Link
studied in their entirety. Nevertheless, when type species of Ophioglossaceae Martinov 2 (4/approx. 80)
genera are sequenced and analysed, phylogenetic positions of (Botrychium Sw., Helminthostachys Kaulf.,
genera can be inferred and, even though a genus may be found Mankyua B.Y.Sun, M.H.Kim & C.H.Kim,
to be polyphyletic, the type species and its associated original Ophioglossum L.)
generic concept will remain, merely resulting in the transfer of Psilotales Prantl
species to other genera, but not genera to different families. Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr. (2/12)
Ferns have been notorious in the past for having an unstable (Psilotum Sw., Tmesipteris Bernh.)
higher level classification, but molecular phylogenetic techni- MARATTIIDAE KLINGE
ques have helped to better understand relationships between Marattiales Link
genera, and this has resulted in the three most recent classifications Marattiaceae Kaulf. 3 (6/approx. 130)
(Smith et al., 2006, 2008; Christenhusz et al., 2011) being highly subfamily Danaeoideae J.Williams
similar, especially when compared with most earlier classifications. (Danaea Sm.).
There are still likely to be changes in the treatment of families recog- subfamily Marattioideae C.Presl
nized in future classifications. Numerous small families in the eupo- (Angiopteris Hoffm., Christensenia Maxon,
lypods could be merged with a larger family to which they are sister, Eupodium J.Sm., Marattia Sw.,
such as Davalliaceae with Polypodiaceae, Nephrolepidaceae with Ptisana Murdock)
Lomariopsidaceae, Hypodematiaceae with Dryopteridaceae, and
Hemidictyaceae with Aspleniaceae. We would actually argue that
to stabilize fern familial classification, the two clades informally
called eupolypods I and II should be treated at the family level, 1
The number of genera in Lycopodiaceae is not yet certain, but molecular
Polypodiaceae and Aspleniaceae, respectively, in which the corre- phylogenetic studies (Wikström and Kenrick, 1997) have clearly identified three
sponding families of Christenhusz et al. (2011) would be treated at clades, corresponding to the genera Huperzia, Lycopodiella and Lycopodium. A
the subfamilial level. This may now seem like it would be further treatment of three genera will result in the loss of some well-established names
such as Diphasiastrum Holub as a synonym of Lycopodium and Phylloglossum
destabilizing the fern classification, but it will in the longer term sta- Kunze in Huperzia. Use of these names has resulted in the recognition of a great
bilize matters, especially when taking into account the poor knowl- number of genera in Lycopodiaceae, and as a result some authors have treated the
edge of several currently recognized large families, such as three broader clades as subfamilies (e.g. Øllgaard, 2012). We see no benefit in
Woodsiaceae and Tectariaceae. Within a broader family concept, destabilizing the taxonomy of these genera to accommodate these additional
groups at the generic level, and these should therefore be treated at the subgeneric
the genera may be moved between subfamilies but will remain in level if some form of formal classification of these groups is desired.
the same larger family, which is the only higher taxonomic level fre- 2
Delimitation of genera in Ophioglossaceae is generally accepted, although
quently used by non-taxonomists. many segregate genera have been proposed, subdividing Botrychium and
Ophioglossum. The latter includes epiphytic Cheiroglossa C.Presl and
Current consensus classification of extant Lycopodiophyta Ophioderma (Blume) Endl., which can be maintained as separate, but, since they
(lycopods) and Polypodiophyta (ferns) form a clade with core Ophioglossum, we have included them there.
Marattiaceae can be divided into two subfamilies, although one will be
Numbers in parentheses after families correspond to estimated monogeneric, which calls into question the need for subfamilies, especially when
numbers of genera and species (genera/species). Currently there are only six genera recognized in total. Danaea is nevertheless sufficiently
accepted genera are listed; for a full synonymy of genera see genetically and morphologically distinct from other extant genera in the family
that it could be recognized at the subfamilial level. Archangiopteris Christ &
Christenhusz et al. (2011). Estimated species numbers for Giesenh. is embedded in Angiopteris, and, to prevent Angiopteris from being
some of the larger genera are also provided. Sori of all major synonymized with Marattia, the last has been divided into three genera
lineages are illustrated in Fig. 4. (Murdock, 2008).
588 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

POLYPODIIDAE CRONQUIST, TAKHT. & ZIMMERM. subfamily Loxsomatoideae Christenh.7

Osmundales Link (Loxsoma R.Br., Loxsomopsis Christ)
Osmundaceae Martinov 4 (4/approx. 25) subfamily Culcitoideae Christenh.8
(Leptopteris C.Presl, Osmundastrum C.Presl, (Culcita C.Presl)
Osmunda L., Todea Willd.) subfamily Plagiogyrioideae Christenh.9
Hymenophyllales A.B.Frank [Plagiogyria (Kunze) Mett.]
Hymenophyllaceae Mart. 5 (2/approx. 650) subfamily Cibotioideae Nayer
(Hymenophyllum Sm., Trichomanes L.) (Cibotium Kaulf.)
Gleicheniales Schimp. subfamily Cyatheoideae Endl.10
Gleicheniaceae C.Presl (6/approx. 165) (Alsophila R.Br., Cyathea Sm., Gymnosphaera
[Dicranopteris Bernh., Diplopterygium (Diels) Blume, Sphaeropteris Bernh.)
Nakai, Gleichenella Ching, subfamily Dicksonioideae Link
Gleichenia Sm., Sticherus C.Presl, Stromatopteris [Calochlaena (Maxon) R.A.White & M.D.Turner,
Mett.] Dicksonia L’Hér., Lophosoria C.Presl]
Dipteridaceae Seward & E.Dale (2/9) subfamily Metaxyoideae B.K.Nayar

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(Cheiropleuria C.Presl, Dipteris Reinw.) (Metaxya C.Presl)
Matoniaceae C.Presl (2/4) Polypodiales Link
(Matonia R.Br., Phanerosorus Copel.) Cystodiaceae J.R.Croft (1/1)
Schizaeales Schimp. (Cystodium J.Sm.)
Schizaeaceae Kaulf. (4/approx. 190) Lonchitidaceae C.Presl (1/2)
subfamily Lygodioideae Christenh.6 (Lonchitis L.)
(Lygodium Sw.) Lindsaeaceae C.Presl (6/approx. 220)
subfamily Schizaeoideae Lindl. [Lindsaea Dryander, Nesolindsaea Lehtonen &
(Actinostachys Wallich, Schizaea Sm.) Christenh., Odontosoria Fée,
subfamily Anemioideae C.Presl Osmolindsaea (K.U.Kramer) Lehtonen &
(Anemia Sw.) Christenh., Sphenomeris Maxon,
Salviniales Bartl. Tapeinidium (C.Presl) C.Chr.]
Marsileaceae Mirb. (3/approx. 65) Saccolomataceae Doweld 11 (2/approx. 12)
(Marsilea L., Pilularia L., Regnellidium Lindman) (Orthiopteris Copel., Saccoloma Kaulf.)
Salviniaceae Martinov (2/approx. 20) Dennstaedtiaceae Lotsy (10/approx. 240)
(Azolla Lam., Salvinia Ség.) [Blotiella Tryon, Dennstaedtia Bernh., Histiopteris
Cyatheales A.B.Frank (J.Agardh) J.Sm.,
Cyatheaceae Kaulf. (approx. 14/approx. 700) Hypolepis Bernh., Leptolepia Prantl, Microlepia
subfamily Thyrsopteridoideae B.K.Nayar C.Presl, Monachosorum Kunze,
(Thyrsopteris Kunze) Oenotrichia Copel., Paesia St.-Hil., Pteridium Gled.]

Subfamily Loxsomatoideae (C.Presl) Christenh., stat. nov. is based on full
and direct reference to the Latin description and type of Loxsomataceae in Presl
(1847: 31). The two genera in Loxsomatoideae are similar, and their separation is
mainly based on geographical isolation. They may be better treated as a single
Subfamily Culcitoideae (Pic.Serm.) Christenh., stat. nov. is based on full
and direct reference to the Latin description and type of Culcitaceae in
Phylogenetic analysis of Osmundaceae clearly placed the cinnamon fern as Pichi-Sermolli (1970a: 207).
sister to all other Osmundaceae, which should thus be treated as Osmundastrum Subfamily Plagiogyrioideae (Doweld) Christenh., stat. nov. is based on full
cinnamomeum (L.) C.Presl (Yatabe et al., 1999). Todea and Leptopteris form a and direct reference to the Latin description and type of Plagiogyriidae in Doweld
clade and could be merged as a single genus, although to maintain stability we (2001: XII).
have tentatively accepted Leptopteris here. Even though Cyatheoideae are in need of further study, there appears to be a
The filmy ferns are composed of two subclades, corresponding to the current consensus of four genera (Korall, 2006, 2007; Christenhusz et al., 2011),
traditional genera Hymenophyllum and Trichomanes, which we accept here. The although Gymnosphaera is not yet well defined and, because many combinations
subdivision of Trichomanes into eight genera as done by Ebihara et al. (2006) is are not yet made, it can be argued that the subfamily is best treated as including a
possible, and the genera are stable and backed up by morphological characters. single large genus. Hymenophyllopsis, previously placed in its own family, and
However, we think that non-specialist users may find these genera difficult to Cnemidaria C.Presl are embedded in Cyathea and should be treated as part of that
apply, and these are thus probably better treated at the subgeneric level within genus in any classification of the subfamily.
Trichomanes. We still cannot make an informed decision about whether or not to maintain
Subfamily Lygodioideae Christenh., subfam. nov. is based on full and direct Orthiopteris as separate from Saccoloma. Phylogenetic study and monographic
reference to the Latin diagnosis of Lygodium by Swartz (1801: 106). The genus revision of Saccolomataceae are needed, although the two genera are
Lygodium is the type of this subfamily. undoubtedly closely related.
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 589

Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirschn. (approx. 44/approx. 1150) [Adiantum L. (approx. 200), Ananthacorus

subfamily Cryptogrammoideae S.Linds. Underw. & Maxon, Anetium Splitg.,
(ConiogrammeFée, Cryptogramma R.Br., LlaveaLag.) Anthrophyum Kaulf., Haplopteris C.Presl,
subfamily Ceratopteridoideae R.M.Tryon Hecistopteris J.Sm.,
(Acrostichum L., Ceratopteris Brongn.) Monogramma Comm., Polytaenium Desv.,
subfamily Pteridoideae C.Chr.12 Radiovittaria (Benedict) E.H.Crane,
[Actiniopteris Link, Anogramma Link, Scoliosorus T.Moore, Vittaria Sm.]
Aspleniopsis Mett., Aspleniaceae Newman ¼ eupolypods II14 (approx.
Austrogramme E.Fourn., Cerosora (Baker) Domin, 22/approx. 2780)
Cosentinia Todaro, subfamily Cystopteridoideae Ching & Z.R.Wang
Jamesonia Hook. & Grev., Nephopteris Lell., (Acystopteris Nakai, Cystoathyrium Ching,
Onychium Kaulf., Cystopteris Bernh., Gymnocarpium Newman)
Pityrogramma Link, Pteris L., Pterozonium Fée, subfamily Rhachidosoroideae M.L.Wang &
Syngramma J.Sm., Taenitis Willd.] Y.T.Hsieh
subfamily Cheilanthoideae W.C.Shieh13 (Rachidosorus Ching)

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[Allosorus Bernh., Aspidotis (Nutt.) Copel., subfamily Diplaziopsidoideae Christenh.15
Bommeria E.Fourn., (Diplaziopsis C.Chr., Homalosorus Small)
Calciphilopteris Yesilyurt & H.Schneid., subfamily Asplenioideae Link
Cheilanthes Sw., Doryopteris J.Sm., Hemionitis L., [Asplenium L. (approx. 700), Hemidictyum
Mildella Trevis., Myriopteris Fée, Notholaena R.Br., C.Presl16, Hymenasplenium Hayata]
Pellaea Link, Pentagramma Yatsk., Windham & subfamily Thelypteridoideae C.F.Reed17
E.Wollenw., Pteridella Mett. ex Kuhn] [Macrothelypteris (H.Ito) Ching, Phegopteris
subfamily Vittarioideae Link (C.Presl) Fée,
Thelypteris Schmid. (approx. 1100)]
subfamily Woodsioideae Schmakov
Several issues remain in the variable subfamily Pteridoideae. Anogramma is (Woodsia R.Br.)
polyphyletic with regard to Pityrogramma, Cerosora and Cosentinia (Schneider
et al., 2013). Perhaps these are better treated under a single genus or maybe as two subfamily Athyrioideae B.K.Nayar
genera, merging Cerosora and Anogramma chaerophylla (Desv.) Link with [Athyrium Roth (approx. 200), Cornopteris Nakai,
Pityrogramma and Cosentinia with core Anogramma. The status of Aspleniopsis, Deparia Hook. & Grev.,
Austrogramma and Syngramma has not yet been studied, and some of these may Diplazium Sw. (approx. 350)]
not remain after phylogenetic revision of this group. Pteris may be polyphyletic,
and it is possible that up to three genera should be accepted or some genera may
subfamily Blechnoideae Hook.
have to be merged with it to achieve monophyly. Pteris in the broad sense includes [Blechnum L. (approx. 250), Onoclea L.18,
Afropteris Alston, Anopteris Prantl, Campteria C.Presl, Litobrochia C.Presl, Stenochlaena J.Sm., Woodwardia Sm.]19
Neurocallis Fée and Platyzoma R.Br. (Schuettpelz and Pryer, 2007; Christenhusz
et al., 2011). Eupolypods II are here treated as one large family, Aspleniaceae. If this is
The genera in this subfamily are in great need of recircumscription. Most done, however, few synapomorphies remain, especially with inclusion of
previously recognized genera, such as Cheilanthes, Doryopteris and Pellaea, are Thelypteridaceae, but all members share the two vascular bundles in the petiole
not monophyletic, although about 14 clades can be recognized (Eiserhardt et al., and (except Thelypteridoideae) the laterally attached indusium. This treatment
2011). Bommeria, Calciphilopteris and Pentagramma appear to be would reduce the number of monogeneric families, and one large family that is
monophyletic. Pellaea, Astrolepis D.M.Benham & Windham, Paraceterach difficult to define morphologically is preferable to many smaller families that are
Copel., Paragymnopteris K.H.Shing and Platyloma J.Sm. form a single clade and equally problematic to define morphologically and differ only in relatively trivial
should be united, but which species actually belong here is still debated. It is also characters that are typically difficult to observe.
unclear if Argyrochosma (J.Sm.) Windham should be excluded. Pellaea doniana Subfamily Diplaziopsidoideae (X.C.Zhang & Christenh.) Christenh., stat.
(J.Sm.) Hook., type of the genus Pteridella, does not group with core Pellaea, but nov. is based on full reference to the description and type of Diplaziopsidaceae
falls in a clade that includes Hemionitis and some Doryopteris. Aspidotis needs to X.C.Zhang & Christenh. in Christenhusz et al. (2011), but excluding
be redefined and should most probably include some Cheilanthes spp. and the Hemidictyum.
recently described genus Gaga Pryer, F.W.Li & Windham. Cassebeera Kaulf., Hemidictyaceae are here included in Asplenioideae, which are here treated
Ormopteris J.Sm. and core Doryopteris form a clade (Eiserhardt et al., 2011) and in the broader sense. The two share many characters and form a clade.
could be merged. Aleuritopteris Fée and Sinopteris C.Chr. & Ching form a clade The consensus on this subfamily has been that it includes five genera, but
with Allosorus, the last having priority (Christenhusz, 2012), and all species problems in this group remain (Smith and Cranfill, 2002). Phegopteris and
should be moved to it. Cheilanthes, Doryopteris, Pellaea and Notholaena will Pseudophegopteris form a clade and are here combined under Phegopteris.
have to be redefined in morphological terms. Even though work is still needed on Cyclosorus is sometimes divided into a number of genera, some of which have
this group, on the basis of Eiserhardt et al. (2011) we can conclude that this nomenclatural priority over it (notably Meniscium and Stegnogramma Blume).
subfamily probably consists of the following 14 clades, representing these The genus in the broad sense is monophyletic and includes the type species of
genera: Allosorus (including Aleuritopteris, Leptolepidium K.H.Shing & Thelypteris. It is preferable to treat this as a single large genus under the last, and,
S.K.Wu and Sinopteris), Aspidotis (including Gaga), Bommeria, when the taxonomy of this group is better understood, division into subgenera is a
Calciphilopteris, Cheilanthes sensu stricto, Doryopteris (including Adiantopsis, better option than dividing the genus and moving species around, needing new
Choristosoria, Ormopteris and Trachypteris), Hemionitis, Mildella, Myriopteris combinations and continuing to destabilize the taxonomy of this group.
(the complex surrounding Cheilanthes tomentosa Link and C. allosuroides Mett., The tiny family Onocleaceae used to be divided into four genera, but, with
including Cheilosoria), Notholaena (including Cheiloplecton Fée), Pellaea only five species, this is too complicated. They form a well-supported sister
(including Argyrochosma, Astrolepis, Paraceterach, Paragymnopteris and (Gastony and Ungerer, 1997) to Blechnoideae and should be treated as a single
Platyloma), Pentagramma, Pteridella and an undescribed genus based on genus Onoclea (including Matteuccia Tod., Onocleopsis F.Ballard and
Cheilanthes skinneri (Hook.) T.Moore. Whether it is better to accommodate Pentarhizidium Hayata) in that subfamily with which it shares several characters.
additional species in already redefined genera (as suggested above) or place the Blechnoideae comprise three major clades, one corresponding to Onoclea
entire Cheilanthoideae in the single genus Hemionitis is a subject of debate, but in sensu lato, a second corresponding to Woodwardia, sister to all other species that
either case many new combinations will be needed. can be treated as the single genus Blechnum. However, the subclade sister to the
590 Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification

Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl ¼ eupolypods I20 (Cyclopeltis J.Sm., Dracoglossum Christenh.,
(approx. 76/approx. 4070) Lomariopsis Fée, Nephrolepis Schott)
subfamily Didymochlaenoideae Christenh.21 subfamily Tectarioideae B.K.Nayar25
(Didymochlaena Desv.) [Aenigmopteris Holttum, Arthropteris J.Sm.,
subfamily Hypodematioideae Christenh.22 Hypoderris R.Br.,
(Hypodematium Kunze, Leucostegia C.Presl) Pteridrys C.Chr. & Ching, Tectaria Cav. (approx. 250),
subfamily Dryopteridoideae Link23 Triplophyllum Holttum]
[Adenoderris J.Sm., Arachniodes Blume (approx. subfamily Oleandroideae Crabbe, Jermy & Mickel
110), Arthrobotrya J.Sm., Bolbitis Schott, Coveniella (Oleandra Cav.)
Tindale, Ctenitis (C.Chr.) C.Chr, Cyclodium C.Presl, subfamily Davallioideae Hook.26
Cyrtomidictyum Ching, Dryopolystichum Copel., [Davallia Sm., Davallodes (Copel.) Copel.]
Dryopsis Holttum & P.J. Edwards, Dryopteris subfamily Polypodioideae B.K.Nayar
Adanson (approx. 375), Elaphoglossum Schott tribe Loxogrammeae R.M.Tryon & A.F.Tryon
(approx. 750), Lastreopsis Ching, Lomagramma [Dictymia J.Sm., Loxogramme (Blume) C.Presl]
J.Sm., Maxonia C.Chr., Megalastrum Holttum, tribe Drynarieae Chandra27

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Mickelia R.C.Moran, Labiak & Sundue, Olfersia [Drynaria (Bory) J.Sm., Selliguea Bory (approx.
Raddi, Phanerophlebia C.Presl, Pleocnemia C.Presl, 145)]
Polybotrya Humb. & Bonpl., Polystichopsis (J.Sm.) tribe Platycerieae Christenh., trib. nov. 28
Holttum, Polystichum Roth (approx. 370), (Platycerium Desv., Pyrrosia Mirb.)
Pseudotectaria Tardieu, Rumohra Raddi, Stenolepia tribe Microsoreae V.N.Tu
Alderw., Stigmatopteris C.Chr., Teratophyllum Mett.] [Dendroconche Copel., Goniophlebium (Blume)
subfamily Lomariopsidoideae Crabbe, Jermy & C.Presl, Lecanopteris Reinw.,
Mickel24 Lemmaphyllum C.Presl, Lepidomicrosorium Ching
& K.H.Shing, Lepisorus (J.Sm.) Ching, Leptochilus
rest of Blechnum sensu lato contains the vining taxa Stenochlaena, Salpichlaena Kaulf., Microsorum Link, Neocheiropteris Christ,
J.Sm. and a few non-vining Blechnum species with long-creeping rhizomes, Neolepisorus Ching, Paragramma (Blume) T.Moore,
which may have to be accepted at the generic level pending further studies.
Brainea, Doodia, Pteridoblechnum and Sadleria belong to Blechnum sensu lato Phymatosorus Pic.Serm., Podosorus Holttum,
(Cranfill, 2001; Lehtonen, 2011). Thylacopteris Kunze, Tricholepidium Ching]29
As with eupolypods II, eupolypods I are here also subsumed into the single
family Polypodiaceae sensu lato, reducing issues with placement of certain
genera, especially in Dryopteridaceae and Tectariaceae and the polymorphic
families Lomariopsidaceae and Hypodematiaceae. Despite their morphological
diversity, they share some soral characters and usually have three vascular strands with Lomariopsis on morphological grounds: Lomariopsis dimorphophylla
in their petioles (except Hypodematioideae). This does somewhat destabilize the (Gepp) Christenh., comb. nov. Basionym: Thysanosoria dimorphophylla Gepp,
current consensus classification, however, and many family names familiar to Contr. Phytogeog. Fl. Arfak Mts. 193. 1917. Lomariopsis pteridiformis (Ces.)
users are reduced to the subfamilial level; however, it is a better option than adding Christenh., comb. nov. Basionym: Gymnogramma pteridiformis Ces.,
many more monogeneric families, such as Arthropteridaceae or Rendiconti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli
Didymochlaenaceae, in order to maintain better known names. Such proliferation 16: 30. 1877.
of families makes the sysem difficult to use and remember, and is frustrating for A number of genera previously placed in the Tectaria group by Holttum
students, who continually come across families they were never taught. (1991) appear to belong to either the Ctenitis assembly (Dryopteridoideae) or
Didymochlaena does not form a clade with Hypodematium and Lomariopsidoideae. Further studies should show the relationships within this
Leucostegia, with which it was previously associated. It also shares no subfamily. Psammiosorus C.Chr. belongs to Arthropteris (e.g. Lehtonen, 2011;
morphological characters with any other, which is why it is here placed as the sole Liu et al., 2013).
genus in a separate subfamily, Didymochlaenoideae Christenh., subfam. nov. Some controversy remains about the generic classification of Davallioideae,
Characters: terrestrial ferns with erect, thick scaly rhizomes. The scales long and due to the work of Kato and Tsutsumi (2009), Tsutsumi and Kato (2006) and
narrow, almost hair-like. Leaves bipinnate, long-petiolate. Petioles with several Tsutsumi et al. (2008). Even though clades can be recognized as genera in the
vascular bundles arranged in a half-circle. Pinnae articulated, all more or less Davallia alliance, the type of the genus, D. canariensis (L.) Sm., has only recently
similar in size and shape, somewhat rectangular in outline. Veins free, forked, been included in a study (Liu & Schneider, 2013), supporting the concept of two
with thickened endings before reaching the margin. Sori terminating a vein, genera. Davallia is better treated in its broad sense including Araiostegiella
indusiate, often somewhat sunken in the blade, forming bumps on the upper side. M.Kato & Tsutsumi and Humata Cav. because characters proposed to define
Indusia elongate, centrally attached along a line, opening on either side. these genera do not hold up to closer scrutiny, which does not warrant splitting
Sporangia long-stalked. Spores monolete, ellipsoidal to globose, tuberculate and them from Davallia. Araiostegia Copel. is tentatively included in Davallodes, but
echinate. Type: Didymochlaena Desv. it may warrant recognition.
22 27
Subfamily Hypodematioideae (Ching) Christenh., comb. & stat. nov. is Currently being studied, tribe Drynarieae probably only consist of two
based on full reference to the Latin description and type of Hypodematiaceae in genera (Drynaria and Selliguea), but how these are to be defined is still being
Ching (1975: 96). It includes the genera Hypodematium and Leucostegia. investigated (H. Schneider, pers. comm.).
23 28
Cyrtogonellum Ching and Cyrtomium C.Presl are embedded in Tribe Platycerieae (B.K.Nayar) Christenh., stat. nov., based on the Latin
Polystichum. Dryopsis is perhaps better not united with Dryopteris (as done by description and type of subfamily Platycerioideae in Nayar (1970: 233). They
Zhang, 2012) because Dryopteris may then not be monophyletic. Maxonia, include the genera Platycerium and Pyrrosia.
Olfersia and Polybotrya could also be merged, although these genera are well Tribe Microsoreae need major study to determine generic delimitation,
established and monophyletic. The Ctenitis assembly including Rumohra, especially Microsorum. Colysis C.Presl and Kontumia S.K.Wu & P.K. Lôc
Lastreopsis, Megalastrum and Pseudotectaria needs more study. The two belong to Leptochilus (Kim et al., 2013). Leptochilus heterophylla (S.K.Wu &
subfamilies proposed by Christenhusz et al. (2011) have not been supported in P.K.Lôc) Christenh., comb. nov. Basionym: Kontumia heterophylla S.K.Wu &
more recent analyses and are therefore merged here. P.K.Lôc, Novon 15: 245. 2005. Many small genera are still commonly applied,
Dracoglossum is placed here following recent findings of Christenhusz et al. and larger genera are poorly defined, but with phylogenetic analyses it should be
(2013). Nephrolepis probably also belongs here (as stated by Smith et al., 2006). possible to apply a broader generic concept and redefine these as larger more
The unsampled Thysanosoria Gepp from New Guinea is here tentatively merged natural entities.
Christenhusz & Chase — Trends and concepts in fern classification 591

tribe Polypodieae Hook. & Lindl. ex Duby30 Christenhusz MJM. 2009a. Index pteridophytorum Guadalupensium, or a
[Campyloneurum C.Presl, Grammitis Sw. (approx. revised checklist to the ferns and club mosses of Guadeloupe (French
West Indies). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161: 213– 277.
700), Microgramma C.Presl, Christenhusz MJM. 2009b. New combinations and an overview of Cyathea
Pecluma M.G.Price, Phlebodium (R.Br.) J.Sm., subg. Hymenophyllopsis (Cyatheaceae). Phytotaxa 1: 37–42.
Pleopeltis Humb. & Bonpl., Christenhusz MJM. 2010. Danaea (Marattiaceae) revisited: biodiversity, a clas-
Pleurosoriopsis Fomin, Polypodium L. (approx. sification and ten new species of a Neotropical fern genus. Botanical Journal
of the Linnean Society 163: 360–385.
70), Serpocaulon A.R.Sm., Christenhusz MJM. 2012. Pteridaceae. In: Greuter W, von Raab-Straube E, eds.
Syngramma C.Presl] Euro+Med Notulae, 6. Willdenowia 42: 284–284.
Christenhusz MJM, Schneider H. 2011. Corrections to Phytotaxa 19: Linear
sequence of lycophytes and ferns. Phytotaxa 28: 50–52.
Christenhusz MJM, Tuomisto H, Metzgar JS, Pryer KM. 2008. Evolutionary
ACK N OW L E DG E M E N T S relationships within the Neotropical, eusporangiate fern genus Danaea
(Marattiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 34–48.
We are grateful to Mike Fay for inspiration and for suggesting that Christenhusz MJM, Zhang X-C, Schneider H. 2011. A linear sequence of
we write this review. Samuli Lehtonen and Harald Schneider have extant lycophytes and ferns. Phytotaxa 19: 7– 54.
kindly discussed their ideas and knowledge about relationships of Christenhusz MJM, Jones M, Lehtonen S. 2013. Phylogenetic placement of

Downloaded from at Old Dominion University on November 17, 2014

ferns. We greatly appreciated the constructive comments by the the enigmatic fern genus Dracoglossum. American Fern Journal 103:
two anonymous reviewers, whose thorough reviews improved 131–138.
Christensen C. 1906. Index filicum, sive Enumeratio omnium generum specier-
our manuscript substantially. umque filicum et Hydropteridum ab anno 1753 ad finem anni 1905 descrip-
torium: adjectis synonymis principalibus, area geographica, etc.
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