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D 5289 - 12

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Designation: D5289 − 12

Standard Test Method for

Rubber Property—Vulcanization Using Rotorless Cure
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5289; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope of a rotor (see definitions of cure meter in Terminology D1566

1.1 This test method covers a method for the measurement and Test Method D2084).
of selected vulcanization characteristics of rubber compounds 3.1.2 S’ torque, n—for an oscillating shear rotorless cure
using unsealed and sealed torsion shear cure meters. The two meter, the value measured by a torque transducer at the peak
types of instruments may not give the same results. strain amplitude of the oscillating cycle; represents the elastic
NOTE 1—An alternative method for the measurement of vulcanization
response of the test material.
characteristics is given in Test Method D2084. 3.1.3 The following measurements may be taken from the
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the recorded curve of torque as a function of time (see Fig. 1):
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information minimum S’ torque—measure of the elastic stiffness
only. of the unvulcanized test specimen at the specified vulcanizing
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the temperature, taken at the lowest point in the vulcanization
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the curve.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- maximum, plateau, or highest S’ torque—measure of
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- the elastic stiffness of the vulcanized test specimen at the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. specified vulcanizing temperature, measured within a specified
period of time.
2. Referenced Documents time to a percentage of full cure—measure of cure
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 based on the time to develop some percentage of the difference
D1349 Practice for Rubber—Standard Conditions for Test- in S’ torque from the minimum to the maximum.
ing time to incipient cure (scorch time)—measure of the
D1566 Terminology Relating to Rubber time at which a specified small increase in S’ torque has
D2084 Test Method for Rubber Property—Vulcanization occurred; it indicates the beginning of vulcanization.
Using Oscillating Disk Cure Meter 3.1.4 S” torque, n—for an oscillating shear rotorless cure
D4483 Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method meter, the value measured by a torque transducer at zero strain
Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing amplitude of the oscillating cycle; represents the viscous
Industries response of the test material (see Fig. 2).
3. Terminology 3.1.5 S* torque, n—for an oscillating shear rotorless cure
meter, the maximum value measured by a torque transducer
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
during the oscillating cycle (see Fig. 2).
3.1.1 rotorless cure meter, n—a name for a class of cure
meters that uses one of the two specimen shaping members or 3.1.6 The relationship between S*, S’, and S” for any
dies to sense the torque or stress during strain application. oscillating cycle is:
Rotorless cure meters do not have a third member in the form
S* 5 =~ S ’ ! 2 1 ~ S ” ! 2 (1)

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 on Rubber 3.1.7 phase angle δ, n—for an oscillating shear cure meter,
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.12 on Processability Tests. the angle of shift between the sinusoidal strain and the
Current edition approved May 1, 2012. Published June 2012. Originally sinusoidal S* torque during the oscillating cycle (see Fig. 2).
approved in 1992. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D5289 – 07a. DOI:
10.1520/D5289-12. 3.1.8 Tan δ, n—for an oscillating shear rotorless cure meter,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or the tangent of the phase angle δ.
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Discussion—The relationship between Tan δ, S’, and
the ASTM website. S” is:

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D5289 − 12

FIG. 1 Typical Vulcanization Curves

FIG. 2 Example of Torque Responses for an Oscillation Cycle

S” Tan δ @ML—value of Tan δ when the minimum S’

Tan δ 5 (2)
S’ torque is measured.
3.1.9 The following measurements may be taken from the S” @MH—value of S” torque when the maximum
recorded S” and Tan δ curves as a function of time (see Fig. 1): S’ torque is taken. S” @ML—value of S” torque when the minimum S’ Tan δ @MH—value of Tan δ when the maximum S’
torque is taken. torque is measured.

D5289 − 12
4. Summary of Test Method facturer’s guidelines should be followed to determine if the
4.1 A rubber test piece is contained in a die cavity which dies have been excessively worn and should be replaced.
may be closed or almost closed and maintained at an elevated 6.2.2 Die Gap—The gap between the edges of the dies in the
temperature. The cavity is formed by two dies, one of which is closed position shall be between 0.05 and 0.20 mm (0.002 to
oscillated through a small rotary amplitude. This action pro- 0.008 in.), preferably 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) for unsealed cavities.
duces a sinusoidal alternating torsional strain in the test piece For sealed cavities, no gap should exist at the edges of the dies.
and a sinusoidal shear torque which depends on the stiffness 6.2.3 Die Closing Mechanism—A pneumatic cylinder or
(shear modulus) of the rubber compound. other device shall close the dies and hold them closed during
the test with a force of not less than 8.0 kN (1820 lbf).
4.2 The stiffness of the rubber test piece increases as
vulcanization proceeds. The test is completed when the re- 6.3 Die Oscillating System—The die oscillating system
corded torque rises to either an equilibrium or maximum value, imparts a torsional oscillating movement to one of the dies, in
or when a predetermined time has elapsed (see Fig. 1). A curve the plane of the cavity.
representing the torque at peak strain in one direction of the 6.3.1 The amplitude of the oscillation should be 60.1 to
oscillation cycle is continuously recorded as a function of time. 63.0°, preferably 60.5° of arc for torsional shear cure meters.
6.3.2 The frequency of oscillation should be between 0.5
5. Significance and Use and 2 Hz, preferably 1.7 6 0.1 Hz.
5.1 This test method is used to determine the vulcanization 6.4 Torque Measuring System—A torque measuring system
characteristics of (vulcanizable) rubber compounds. shall measure the resultant torque.
5.2 This test method may be used for quality control in 6.4.1 The torque measuring device shall be rigidly coupled
rubber manufacturing processes, for research and development to one of the dies and any deformation shall be negligibly small
testing of raw-rubber compounded in an evaluation and shall generate a signal which is proportional to the torque.
formulation, and for evaluating various raw materials used in The total error resulting from zero point error, sensitivity error,
preparing (vulcanizable) rubber compounds. linearity, and reproducibility errors shall not exceed 1 % of the
5.3 The test specimen in a rotorless cure meter approaches measuring range selected.
the test temperature in a shorter time and there is a better NOTE 2—The elastic deformation of the oscillating and measuring
temperature distribution in the test specimen due to the system should not be more than 1 % of the oscillating amplitude;
elimination of the unheated rotor found in oscillating disk cure otherwise, the curemeter curves must be corrected.
meters. 6.4.2 The torque recorder device shall be used to record the
5.4 Several manufacturers produce rotorless cure meters signal from the torque measuring device. It shall record the S’
with design differences that may result in different torque torque at maximum oscillation as a function of time.
responses and cure times for each design. Correlations of test 6.4.3 The torque recorder device shall be used to record the
results between cure meters of different designs should be signal from the torque measuring device. It shall record the
established for each compound tested, and for each set of test torque at maximum oscillation continuously as a function of
conditions. time (see Fig. 1) and shall have a response time for full-scale
deflection on the torque scale of 1 s or less. The torque shall be
6. Apparatus recorded with an accuracy of 60.5 % of the range. Torque
6.1 Rotorless cure meters of two types can be used. In each recording devices may include analog chart recorders, printers,
case, an oscillation of small amplitude is applied to one die. plotters, or computers.
6.1.1 Unsealed Torsion Strain Rotorless Cure Meter—This 6.5 Torque calibration equipment is required to measure the
type of cure meter measures the torque produced by an angular angular strain amplitude and to calibrate the torque measuring
strain of constant amplitude in a cavity that is not completely device. Examples of calibration equipment are shown in Fig. 5
closed (see Fig. 3(a)). and Fig. 6. The amplitude of oscillation of the device shall be
6.1.2 Sealed Torsion Strain Rotorless Cure Meter—This checked with no test specimen in it. A displacement transducer
type of cure meter measures the torque produced by an angular shall be used to measure the amplitude and torque measure-
strain of constant amplitude in a cavity that is completely ments shall be checked against standard masses using a device
closed and sealed (see Fig. 4(a)). as shown in Fig. 5. An alternate technique shall use a torque
6.2 Die Cavity—The die cavity is formed by two dies. In the standard.
measuring position, the two dies are fixed a specified distance 6.5.1 For calibrating torsion shear curemeters, either a
apart so that the cavity is almost closed (see Fig. 3(b)), or displacement transducer and wire-mass calibration or a torque
closed and sealed (see Fig. 4(a)). standard shall be used.
6.2.1 The dimensions for typical torsional shear curemeters A displacement transducer for checking angular
include biconical-shaped dies having a diameter of 40 6 2 mm displacement shall be coupled by a knife-edge bearing in
(1.57 6 0.08 in.), and an angle of separation ranging from 7 to contact with a rod fixed to one of the dies (see Fig. 5). The
18°, depending on the manufacturer’s design. In the center of force measuring system shall be checked by loading a wire,
the dies, a separation equal to 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) plus the die attached to the die or block by a pulley, with masses corre-
gap should be maintained (see Fig. 3(b) or Fig. 4(b)). Manu- sponding to the full-scale force being measured. The torque

D5289 − 12

FIG. 3 (a) and (b)—Typical Unsealed Torsion Shear Rotorless Curemeter

shall be calculated in this case from the product of the applied Torque standard calibration checks the torque mea-
force and the radius of the die block where the wire is attached. surement at the selected angular displacement by clamping a

D5289 − 12

FIG. 6 Typical Torque Standard Calibration Device for Torsion

Shear Curemeters

reference steel torsion rod to the oscillating die and the torque
measuring die of the torsion shear cure meter (see Fig. 6). The
FIG. 4 Typical Sealed Torsion Shear Rotorless Curemeter reference values for angular displacement and corresponding
torque have been established by the manufacturer for each
torque standard.
6.6 Temperature Controlling System—The method of tem-
perature control shall maintain the following process param-
eters: heating up time, curing temperature, temperature
distribution, and reference temperature, which are necessary
for reproducible measurement of the vulcanization curve. The
temperature control system shall permit the reference tempera-
ture to be varied between 110°C and 200°C with an accuracy
of 60.3°C or better.
6.6.1 Die shall heat up in 1.5 min or less from closure of the
die cavity.
6.6.2 Once heating up time hs been completed, die tempera-
ture shall not vary by more than 60.3°C for the rest of the test.
6.6.3 The temperature distribution within the test specimen
shall be as uniform as possible. Within the deformation zone,
a tolerance of 61°C of the average test specimen temperature
shall not be exceeded.
6.6.4 The reference temperature is determined by a tempera-
ture sensor used for control. The difference between the
reference temperature and the average test specimen tempera-
ture shall not be more than 2°C.
6.6.5 Temperature measurement accuracy shall be
60.3°C for the reference temperature sensor.
6.7 Reference Test Temperature—The standard reference
FIG. 5 Displacement Transducer and Wire-Mass Calibration test temperature shall be 160°C (320°F). Tests may be carried
Equipment for Torsion Shear Curemeters
out at other temperatures if required. Temperatures should be
selected in accordance with Practice D1349.

D5289 − 12
7. Sampling Torque range selected, in deci Newton metres
7.1 The sample shall be taken from a vulcanizable rubber (dN·m). (The equation for conversion from dN·m to lbf·in. is
compound as required by the mixing method or other sampling 1.13 (dN·m) = 1.00 (lbf·in.)),
instructions. Time scale of the recording device, Curing temperature in degrees Celsius, and
7.2 The sample shall be homogeneous, in sheeted form, at Date of the test.
room temperature, and as free of air as possible.
10.2 Test results reported are normally chosen from the
7.3 The temperature of the sample and its heat history can following parameters (refer to Fig. 1 for guidance):
significantly affect test results. For referee testing and for 10.2.1 ML—Minimum S’ torque, in dN·m (lbf·in.).
testing under controlled circumstances, the sample shall be 10.2.2 Maximum S’ Torque—All in dN·m (lbf·in.).
conditions at 23 6 1°C (73 6 2°F) for at least 1 h before MHF—Maximum S’ torque where curve plateaus.
testing. MHR—Maximum S’ torque of reverting curve.
7.4 In production control testing, samples may be tested MH—Highest S’ torque attained during a specified
without the conditioning period, but care should be taken to period of time when no plateau or maximum torque is
minimize temperature and heat history variations prior to obtained.
testing. 10.2.3 tsx—Scorch time, in minutes (time to an increase of
x units of S’ torque from the ML value). The preferred scorch
8. Test Specimen time for tests at an oscillation amplitude of 60.5° is ts1 (1.0 S’
8.1 The recommended test specimen volume is between 3 torque unit rise).
and 6 cm3, depending on the instrument model being used. NOTE 3—The value of ts1 is different if the units of S’ torque rise are
in lbf·in instead of dN·m.
8.2 The test specimen should be circular, with a diameter
smaller than the test chamber of the instrument to be used. 10.2.4 Cure Time, in minutes. t'x—equal to the time to x % of S’ torque increase
8.3 The test specimen is considered to be of proper size
or t'x = minutes to (ML + x(MH − ML) ⁄100) S’ torque. This
when a small bead of rubber compound is extruded uniformly
test result may also be called TCx.
around the periphery of the dies as they are closed (116 to
160 % of the test cavity volume). For an instrument with a test NOTE 4—This method of determining the cure times is considered the
cavity volume of 3.44 cm3, this is achieved when the test standard method. The most commonly used values of x are 50 and 90. A
specimen volume is between 4.0 and 5.5 cm3 (4.6 to 6.3 g of cure time of t'10 is sometimes used as a measure of scorch time.
rubber compound with a specific gravity of 1.15). Undersized tx—equal to the time to x % of S’ torque increase or
test specimens can cause low cavity pressure and low torque tx = minutes to (x(MH)/100) S’ torque.
readings. Oversized test specimens cool the dies excessively NOTE 5—This is an alternate method for cure time determination.
during the early part of the test period, affecting the vulcani-
zation characteristics. 10.2.5 Cure Rate Index—equal to 100/(cure time − scorch
9. Procedure 10.2.6 PCR (Peak Cure Rate)—Maximum slope of the S’
torque curve as a function of time, in dN·m/min. This value is
9.1 Preparation for Test—Bring the temperature of both usually measured with the aid of computer data recording.
dies to the reference temperature with the cavity closed. Adjust 10.2.7 PCR Time—test time at which the Peak Cure Rate is
the zero of the force or torque measuring device, if necessary. reached, in minutes.
9.2 Loading the Curemeter: 10.2.8 “t10 % Rise” is the time for the torque to rise to
9.2.1 Open the dies, unload the previous sample (if 110 % of the minimum value. This may be used to measure
necessary), place the test piece in the cavity, and close the dies scorch in some cases.
within 20 s. 10.2.9 S” @ML—The value of S” torque when the ML
9.2.2 The test time shall be counted from the instant that the value of S’ torque is taken.
dies are closed. Oscillation of the movable die shall be started 10.2.10 Tan δ @ML—The value of Tan δ when the ML
at zero time or before. value of S’ torque is taken.
10.2.11 S” @MH—The value of S” torque when the MH
10. Report value of S’ torque is measured.
10.1 Report the following information: 10.2.12 Tan δ @MH—The value of Tan δ when the MH
10.1.1 A full description of the sample, its origin and value of S’ torque is measured.
compound details,
10.1.2 Test method and test details, 11. Precision and Bias Reference to this test method, 11.1 This precision and bias section has been prepared in Type and model curemeter used (sealed or unsealed accordance with Practice D4483. Refer to Practice D4483 for
rotorless, manufacturer, die options, if any), terminology and other statistical calculation details. Amplitude of the die oscillation, in degrees, 11.1.1 The precision results in this precision and bias Frequency of oscillation, section give an estimate of the precision of this test method

D5289 − 12
TABLE 1 Precision Program 1A
Sr = within laboratory standard deviation,
r = repeatability (in measurement units),
(r) = repeatability (in percent),
SR = between-laboratory standard deviation,
R = reproducibility (in measurement units), and
(R) = reproducibility (in percent).
Compound, Mean Within Labs Between Labs
Test Parameter Value Sr r (r) SR R (R)
Compound A:
ML (dN·m) 1.35 0.007 0.02 1.4 0.071 0.20 14.8
MH (dN·m) 13.60 0.025 0.07 0.5 0.608 1.72 12.7
ts1 (min) 1.55 0.009 0.02 1.6 0.065 0.18 11.8
t'50 (min) 3.10 0.007 0.03 0.8 0.061 0.17 5.6
t'90 (min) 4.93 0.015 0.04 0.9 0.147 0.42 8.5
Gr. Avg. 0.013 0.036 1.04 0.190 0.538 10.68
Compound B:
ML (dN·m) 1.00 0.008 0.02 2.2 0.048 0.14 13.6
MH (dN·m) 10.17 0.024 0.07 0.7 0.478 1.35 13.3
ts1 (min) 2.22 0.008 0.02 1.0 0.076 0.21 9.6
t'50 (min) 3.55 0.007 0.02 0.6 0.098 0.28 7.8
t'90 (min) 5.74 0.023 0.06 1.1 0.156 0.44 7.7
Gr. Avg. 0.014 0.036 1.12 0.171 0.484 10.40
Compound C:
ML (dN·m) 1.50 0.011 0.03 2.1 0.076 0.22 14.3
MH (dN·m) 12.30 0.045 0.13 1.0 0.571 1.62 13.1
ts1 (min) 1.80 0.011 0.03 1.7 0.063 0.18 9.9
t'50 (min) 3.34 0.009 0.03 0.8 0.098 0.28 8.3
t'90 (min) 5.73 0.018 0.05 0.9 0.156 0.44 7.7
Gr. Avg. 0.019 0.054 1.30 0.193 0.548 10.66
These values are Type I precision values, obtained from fully prepared test specimens (compounds mixed in one laboratory) which were circulated to all participating

with the materials (rubbers, etc.) used in the particular inter- laboratories along with instructions to test duplicate samples of
laboratory test programs (ITPs) as described below. The each compound in one day, and repeat the testing, after
precision parameters should not be used for acceptance or checking calibration, for day 2 one week later. The testing was
rejection testing of any group of materials without documen- conducted using a sealed torsion type rotorless curemeter,3
tation that they are applicable to those particular materials and with typical dies as illustrated in Fig. 4, at 175°C and 60.5°
the specific testing protocols that include this test method. arc. The duplicate test values for each day were averaged to get
11.1.2 The precision has been evaluated in two separate a single value for each day and the analysis was conducted on
interlaboratory test programs: Program 1 in 1989 and Program these day 1–day 2 test results. The precision output for
2 in 2000. Each program is described below and then repeat- Program 1 is listed in Table 1.
ability and reproducibility statements are given that apply to 11.3 Precision Program 2—In this ITP four compounds
both programs. Both ITPs evaluated Type 1 precision, with were used for testing. Compounds A, B, and C were based on
fully prepared test specimens sent to all participants. SBR with a sulfenamide cure system and carbon black rein-
11.1.3 The data generated in Precision Programs I and II forcement with increasing sulfur content for A, B, and C.
were collected from tests run on instruments from a single Compound D was a Fluoroelastomer compound that required
manufacturer. This is due to most participants in both inter- the use of film between the sample and the dies for testing. All
laboratory studies having similar equipment. This test method compounds were carefully mixed and prepared for testing.
is intended to cover use of a wide range of rotorless curemeter Precut specimens were sent to 20 laboratories for compounds
designs, and the fact that the data reported is from a single A, B, and C and 12 laboratories for compound D, along with
manufacturer’s instrument is not to be considered an endorse- instructions to test duplicate samples of each compound in one
ment of that instrument over the use of other manufacturer’s day, and repeat the testing, after checking calibration, for day
instruments. Each manufacturer’s rotorless curemeter design 2 one week later. The testing was conducted using a sealed
has unique characteristics that may cause some shifts in test torsion type rotorless curemeter,3 with typical dies as illus-
results. As noted in the report section of this test method, trated in Fig. 4, at 160°C and 60.5° arc. The duplicate test
reports of test results should include notation of the instrument
used to obtain the results. 3
The MDR-2000 from Alpha Technologies, 3030 Gilchrist Road, Akron, OH
11.2 Precision Program 1—In this ITP three compounds 44305 was used by all participants in both Interlaboratory Test Programs. There are
several other manufacturers of rotorless cure meters, but not enough participants
based on SBR and SBR/NR polymers with sulfenamide cure
using other instruments were available to generate meaningful statistics for this
systems and carbon black reinforcement were carefully mixed precision and bias statement. No endorsement of any instrument is implied in this
and prepared for testing. Precut specimens were sent to 11 study.

D5289 − 12
TABLE 2 Precision Program 2
Sr = within laboratory standard deviation,
r = repeatability (in measurement units),
(r) = repeatability (in percent of mean level),
SR = between-laboratory standard deviation (for total between-laboratory variation in measurement units),
R = reproducibility (in measurement units), and
(R) = reproducibility (in percent of mean level).
Compound, Mean Within Labs Between Labs No.
Test Parameter Value Sr r (r) SR R (R) LabsA,B
Compound A:
ML (dN·m) 2.13 0.025 0.071 3.34 0.076 0.210 10.0 17
MH (dN·m) 14.43 0.176 0.49 3.42 0.548 1.53 10.6 17
ts1 (min) 3.14 0.055 0.15 4.90 0.095 0.270 8.47 16
t'10 (min) 3.26 0.048 0.14 4.14 0.085 0.240 7.29 16
t'50 (min) 5.37 0.091 0.25 4.73 0.204 0.572 10.7 19
t'90 (min) 10.34 0.172 0.48 4.66 0.586 1.64 15.9 19
Gr. Avg. 0.079 0.222 4.11 0.202 0.564 9.39
Compound B:
ML (dN·m) 2.00 0.021 0.059 2.93 0.067 0.19 9.3 18
MH (dN·m) 16.32 0.122 0.341 2.09 0.635 1.78 10.9 17
ts1 (min) 2.78 0.023 0.066 2.37 0.069 0.19 6.9 14
t'10 (min) 3.00 0.027 0.077 2.55 0.086 0.24 8.0 16
t'50 (min) 4.61 0.032 0.091 1.97 0.090 0.25 5.4 16
t'90 (min) 8.10 0.081 0.226 2.79 0.303 0.85 10.5 18
Gr. Avg. 0.045 0.127 2.38 0.189 0.530 8.1
Compound C:
ML (dN·m) 2.23 0.026 0.074 3.30 0.063 0.18 7.9 17
MH (dN·m) 10.68 0.118 0.329 3.08 0.391 1.10 10.3 17
ts1 (min) 6.25 0.126 0.359 5.75 0.228 0.64 10.2 17
t'10 (min) 5.81 0.106 0.297 5.12 0.157 0.44 7.56 18
t'50 (min) 5.37 0.091 0.254 4.73 0.204 0.57 10.7 19
t'90 (min) 10.31 0.156 0.438 4.25 0.583 1.63 15.8 19
Gr. Avg. 0.093 0.263 4.40 0.209 0.586 9.3
Compound D:
ML (dN·m) 2.19 0.0098 0.027 1.25 0.034 0.100 4.4 9
MH (dN·m) 31.52 0.245 0.685 2.17 0.536 1.50 4.8 9
ts1 (min) 2.56 0.027 0.076 2.97 0.107 0.300 11.7 9
t'10 (min) 3.76 0.065 0.183 4.87 0.082 0.230 6.1 10
t'50 (min) 4.98 0.061 0.170 3.42 0.119 0.333 6.7 11
t'90 (min) 7.32 0.117 0.327 4.47 0.322 0.901 12.3 8
Gr. Avg. 0.103 0.288 3.73 0.233 0.65 8.3
The final number of laboratories remaining in the ITP after (Option 1) deletion of outliers. Compounds A, B, and C had a total of 20 labs participating in the ITP.
Compound D had a total of 12 labs participating in the ITP.
ML = minimum torque; MH = maximum torque; ts1 = time to 1 unit torque rise; t’10, t’50, and t’90 = times to 10, 50, and 90 %, respectively, of full cure time.

values for each day were averaged to get a single value for each parameter as tabulated in Table 1 or Table 2. Two single test
day and the analysis was conducted on these day 1–day 2 test results, obtained under normal test method procedures that
results. The precision output for Program 2 is listed in Table 2. differ by more than this tabulated r must be considered as
11.3.1 The analysis of the ITP data for Program 2 was derived from different or non-identical sample populations.
conducted after Practice D4483 was revised (see 2004 pub- 11.4.2 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of this test
lished version). This Practice D4483 revision has improved method has been established as the appropriate value for any
procedures for outlier identification and subsequent deletion. parameter as tabulated in Table 1 or Table 2. Two single test
The 2004 version of Practice D4483 permits identifying the results obtained in two different laboratories, under normal test
core group of laboratories in any ITP that have good control method procedures, that differ by more than the tabulated R
over their testing operations and thus represent the industry must be considered to have come from different or non-
benchmark for high quality testing. Note the last column of identical sample populations.
Table 2 that indicates the number of laboratories used for 11.4.3 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a per-
precision calculation after deletion of outliers. centage of the mean level, (r) and (R), have equivalent
11.4 The precision may be expressed in the format of the application statements as cited above for r and R. For the (r)
following statements that use an appropriate value of r, R, (r), and (R) statements, the difference in the two single test results
or (R), that is, that value obtained from Table 1 or Table 2 for is expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the two
any of the measured properties, to be used in decisions about test results.
results obtained for that property, with the test method. 11.5 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the difference
11.4.1 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of this test between an average test value and the reference (or true) test
method has been established as the appropriate value for any property value. Reference values do not exist for this test

D5289 − 12
method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be deter-
12. Keywords
12.1 compounds; rheometer; rotorless cure meter; vulcani-
zation characteristics

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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