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Modified Strength Hypertrophy Upper Lower SHUL Workout

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The key takeaways are that this program aims to build both size and strength through a 4 day split incorporating both strength and hypertrophy training. It is based on the popular PHUL program but with some modifications.

The main goal of this program is to build muscle through a split routine that incorporates both strength and hypertrophy training.

The main differences between this program (SHUL) and PHUL are the name, some exercise substitutions to put the lifter in a more favorable position, and altering the training day schedule to train legs first.



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F RE E S H I PPI N G O N $ 9 9 + O R D E R S

Modified Strength Hypertrophy Upper

Lower (S.H.U.L) Workout
Build both size and strength in this 4 day split that incorporates
both strength training and hypertrophy training. It's truly the best
of both worlds.

Workout Summary
Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Split

Training Level Intermediate

Program Duration 12 weeks

Days Per Week 4

Time Per Workout 45-90 minutes

Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ

Bar, Machines, Other

Target Gender Male & Female

Recommended Supplements Whey Protein Powder, Beta-Alanine,

Citrulline Malate, Creatine Monohydrate

Author Josh England

Workout PDF Download Workout

Workout Description
They say nothing in the fitness world that actually works is ever truly new and novel.

Most programs are just recycled based on proven principles we know for a fact work.
This program is no different. (Who say’s remakes can’t be as good as the original?)

For years, Muscle & Strength’s PHUL workout has been one of the most downloaded
and used programs on the website.

And for good reason – it works.

It’s based on sound principles that maximize training frequency, exercise selection,
while building strength and hypertrophy simultaneously.

The best of every imaginable outcome one could hope for.

Today, I’m bringing you a modified alternative to PHUL.

Strength Hypertrophy Upper Lower (SHUL) Workout

The first change I’ve made to modify PHUL is the name.

Power, to me, means we’re utilizing lightly loaded explosive movements as well as
strength based lifts, or incorporating plyometric work. That simply isn’t outlined in the
original PHUL program – nor will it be in SHUL.

The focus here is to build strength on strength days. And we’ll do that similarly to the
original program by performing heavy compound lifts for the optimal rep and set

Other than that, the program will be rather similar in design. Two days per week will be
focused on strength training. And two days will be dedicated to hypertrophy (or pump)
training for both segments of the body.

What will be different is the exercise selection. The exercise selection chosen in this
modified version will focus more so on variations that put the lifter in a more favorable

An example of this will be substituting conventional deadlift with trap bar deadlift. The
trap bar deadlift will not only provide a unique challenge for those who typically pull
conventionally, but will put most in a more favorable pulling position.

Lastly, the training day schedule has been altered so that you train legs first (on
Monday). This may need to be altered to fit your individual schedule; however, training
legs first in an Upper/Lower split workout makes more sense for most as you’ll be
freshly recovered and fueled coming off the weekend.

SHUL Workout Schedule

Day 1: Lower Strength
Day 2: Upper Strength
Day 3: Off (or Active Recovery, Mobility Work, and Abs/Glutes)
Day 4: Lower Hypertrophy
Day 5: Upper Hypertrophy
Day 6: Off (or Active Recovery, Mobility Work, and Abs/Glutes)
Day 7: Off (or Active Recovery and Mobility Work)

Day 1: Lower Strength

Exercise Sets Reps

Safety Bar or Front Squat 3-4 3-5

Trap Bar Deadlift 3-4 3-5

Hack Squat Machine 3-5 10-15

Glute Ham Raise 3-4 6-10

Seated Calf Raise 4 6-10

Day 2: Upper Strength

Exercise Sets Reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3-4 3-5

One Arm Dumbbell Row 3-4 3-5 Each

Overhead Press 3 3-5

Pull Up 3-4 6-10

Incline Bench Press 3-4 6-10

Triceps Dips 2-3 6-10

Farmer's Carry 2-4 40-80 Yards

Day 4: Lower Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets Reps

Front Squat or Goblet Squat 3-4 8-12

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 3-4 8-12

Barbell Hip Thrust 3-4 8-12

Leg Extension 3-4 10-15

Romanian Deadlift 3-4 10-15

Standing Machine Calf Raise 3-4 8-12

Day 5: Upper Hypertrophy

Exercise Sets Reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3-4 8-12

Decline Bench Press 3-4 8-12

Lat Pull Down 3-4 8-12

Inverted Row 3-4 8-12

Cable Face Pull 3-4 8-12

Lateral Raise 3-4 8-12

Barbell Curl 3-4 8-12

Incline Skullcrusher 3-4 8-12

Strength Hypertrophy Upper Lower (SHUL) FAQs

Instead of making a notes section for this particular workout, I thought it’d be more
helpful to address some of the more frequently asked questions in general.

While doing so, I’ll keep in mind a lot of the questions we’ve received on the original
PHUL workout over the years.

If your question isn’t addressed, please feel free to ask it in the comments section

1. How Long Should I Rest During Exercises and Sets During SHUL?
Rest can be highly individualized based on goal, but assuming that your goal is to
build strength and/or muscle, I’d recommend the following rest periods.

On strength days, you’ll want to take longer rest periods to completely maximize
recovery before performing your next set. On the bigger lifts (deadlifts, squats, presses,
heavy rows) rest for between 3-5 minutes in between sets.

On accessory lifts (higher rep compound exercises and isolation exercises) during
your strength days you’ll want to take a slightly lower rest period. For these sets, rest for
90-120 seconds between each lift. This same rest period can be used while
transitioning from one exercise to the next.

On hypertrophy days, all rest periods will be significantly shorter. Keep rest between
45-60 seconds on these days. For isolation lifts stick closer to 45 seconds and on
compound lifts rest for the full 60 seconds.

2. Will This Program Really Make Me Big and Strong?

It will provide the training stimulus needed to do so. However, you have to do the work
both inside and outside of the gym.

If you want to get bigger, you have to eat in a calorie surplus. Start off by using a bmr
calaculator to find your calorie needs, then add 250-500 calories to that number and
make that your caloric goal each day.

And if you want to recover and perform to your maximum capacity, you have to sleep.
Not only that, but you have to sleep well. Aim to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each

Lastly, minimize stress. Stress can limit your muscle growth potential. So ensure you
spend some of your days practicing mindfulness and performing activities (whatever
that may be for you) outside of the gym that will help alleviate stress.

3. Can I Perform Cardio and Ab Work with This Program?

Yes, you can and an example of how you’d incorporate that into your program is listed
in the training schedule.

Just make sure none of the activities you perform on off days are too strenuous. More
doesn’t always equate to better results. Your ability to do all of the things listed in the
previous answer will contribute more to your results than added in ab or cardio work
will when performing this program.

4. Can This Workout Be Used By Both Men and Women?

Absolutely. For the most part, training principles are the same for both men and
women. A few differences between the two sexes do pop up from time to time though.

For instance, hormones will be different between the two. Most men won’t need to
worry about their hormones affecting their workouts, while a woman’s monthly cycle
can affect her performance and results on any given week.

The two also likely have different goals. So their accessory work (and/or activities on
their off days) might need to be altered to fit their goals.

For instance, a lot of women I’ve known and worked with prefer a little more glute
training than men (let’s be real, men rarely train their glutes the way they should). This
can be accounted for based on what exercises one chooses to perform during core
work on off days and as accessory work on training days.

5. Can I Make Exercise Substitutions?

Yes, absolutely. As mentioned in the previous answer, a lot of times people have
different goals from one another. They also have different exercise preferences.

Feel free to use this program as a template and sub in and out any exercises you wish.
My only recommendations here are that you sub in variations of the big compound lifts
for those strength based lifts.

Other than that, you know your own goals way better than any generic template I could
come up with. If you feel something needs more work, add it. If you feel you need less
work in a certain area, take it out and add something else in.

6. What Weight Should I Use to Start Out With?

This is a toughy. There’s really no way for me to know and be able to answer this
question. Everyone will have a different starting point.

General recommendations for weight to use on a given exercise is 85-95% of your max
for the particular rep range on strength lifts and 75-85% of your max for hypertrophy.

It’s not easy to find this out though, especially for every lift, so the guideline here is to
pick a weight you know you can perform the prescribed rep range with. If it’s too easy,
move up on the next set. If it’s too heavy, move down the following set.

You should feel as though you have 1 rep left in the tank after each set you perform
during your workouts.

7. How Would You Recommend Progressing with SHUL?

Great question. Well, I’d recommend starting off by performing the lowest rep and set

From there, try to move up in weight by 5lbs each week when able to. As a beginner-
intermediate, you’ll notice your numbers skyrocket for the first couple months.

Once you hit a plateau where you can’t increase weight without sacrificing proper form,
begin to add reps instead of weight. Then, when you get to the max reps prescribed,
add in an additional set.

Once you’ve maxed out on the prescribed sets, drop back down and test to see if you
can begin adding weight to the bar once again.

8. What Should I Do After I’ve Finished This Program?

This will depend on a couple factors. Personally, I believe this program design to be
perfect for most people, especially those looking to build both muscle and strength.

If this is still your goal, you’re enjoying the program and still seeing results, you can
always stick with it for however long you like. Take a week to deload and carry on.

Alternatively, you can use the template listed and switch up the exercise selection every
6-12 weeks to keep things interesting and train other variations of the movement.
Doing so will keep you injury free and building strength long-term.

An example of this would be switching between the program listed and the original
PHUL workout.

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A b o u t T h e Au t h o r

Josh England
Josh England is the Web Content Manager at Muscle & Strength. His goal is to provide M&S's
readers with the most relevant fitness content available.
View all by Josh England »

20 Comments + Post Comment

Posted Wed, 02/06/2019 - 08:27 LIKE 0

Greetings Josh,
Is there an effective way to include weighted chin and pull up sets in this program? My purpose
is to increase my strenght levels but also mass. Currently my PR in weighted pull up is 60kg
plus belts weight. Thank you beforehand!


Posted Wed, 02/06/2019 - 10:14 LIKE 0

Hi Ilari,
Absolutely! Feel free to sub in weighted pull ups for the standard pull up on the first
upper day.
Hope this helps!


Posted Sat, 01/26/2019 - 20:42 LIKE 0

Codey Scott
Hello Josh,
I understand that these exercises target several other muscles indirectly, but will they
strengthen and build the shoulders?

Posted Mon, 01/28/2019 - 09:50 LIKE 0

Hi Codey,
Yes, there are plenty of exercises within this program to both strengthen and build the


Posted Thu, 01/24/2019 - 06:47 LIKE 0

mohammed aladdin
i would like to thank you first for your effort
can you tell me another exercise same too decline bench press and inverted row please
because i don't feel comfort with those exercises
thankyou a lot <3 :)


Posted Fri, 01/25/2019 - 09:40 LIKE 0

Hi Mohammed,
Any press and row variation you are comfortable with will do the trick,


Posted Mon, 01/21/2019 - 17:34 LIKE 0

Carlos Sawatzky
Will this help with my endurance as well?
I want to increase strength, but at the same time keep up with my endurance.
This workout plan looks very good, should I go a head and start it or move onto something
more for endurance.
Any help would be awesome, thanks.

Posted Fri, 01/25/2019 - 09:49 LIKE 0
Hi Carlos,
The hypertrophy rep ranges should help with muscular endurance. If your goal is cardio
endurance, there are probably better programs out there.


Posted Fri, 01/18/2019 - 11:44 LIKE 0

Hi Josh,
I just can’t get comfortable doing incline barbell bench presses. Am I missing out on some
benefit if I do the dumbbell presses on both upper days as opposed to ever using the barbell?


Posted Fri, 01/18/2019 - 14:01 LIKE 0

Hi Ron,
Nothing wrong with sticking to dumbbell variations. Go for it!


Posted Thu, 01/10/2019 - 16:30 LIKE 1

Hi Everyone,
I have some comments and advice for anyone starting this program. Keep in mind I am not a
fitness or weightlifting professional. I am just commenting on my experiences; everyone is
Not for Beginners
As identified in the description, this program is an intermediate to advanced, butt-kicking
program. If you are a beginner, I suggest following other beginner programs.
First Two Weeks
I’m not counting the first two weeks. During that time, I was getting acquainted with the
program, figuring out my weights, learning the flow from one exercise to the other. For
example, the first week I didn’t feel like I worked hard enough. By week three, I was dialed in.
Takes Time
SHUL is a serious, gym-based, workout and it takes time. For me, I am spending about 90
minutes for each day, especially on Lower days. This is mostly due to short cardio warm-up,
warm-up sets, and the sheer volume of sets and reps. For squats, deadlifts, and presses, I
usually do 3 to 4 warm-up sets before I do 4 working sets. This is especially true on Strength
days. For me to do enough weight to max-out with 3 to 5 reps, I have to be warm.
Romanian Dead Lifts
If you are not familiar with this lift, practice this movement with just the bar. I practice every time
I do this exercise. Also, this exercise is on Hypertrophy day with high reps. Drop the weight,
have perfect form, and you will be crying at rep #15. At first, I was not going to go with a lighter
weight. However, I finally realized this is a 10 - 15 rep exercise. I might be doing 65% of my one
rep maximum; keep in mind this exercise comes about 70% through the workout, and I am
getting low on energy.
Barbell Hip Thrust
You will likely be the only one in the gym doing this lift. Don’t worry about any strange looks. If
you do enough weight and squeeze, it is a glute buster!
I substituted Bulgarian Split Squats for the lunges because I hate lunges! I hate Bulgarian Split
Squats as well, but I hate them less than lunges! I also do Chest Supported Rows instead of
One Arm Rows.
For Front Squats, I use a “Super Squat” machine and use a Front Squat position. I just don’t
have the stability to do serious weight with a traditional Barbell Front Squat.
Track Everything
My biggest advice is write down every workout with every set including weight and reps. I use a
journal but you can surely use your phone. You can't improve if you don't track everything.
Good luck everyone!


Posted Wed, 01/09/2019 - 10:29 LIKE 1

Andreas Gigon
Is there enough arms exercises within this program ?


Posted Thu, 01/10/2019 - 16:22 LIKE 1

Hi Andreas,
Yes. The arm muscles are targeted plenty indirectly to make up for any arm isolation


Posted Tue, 01/01/2019 - 20:03 LIKE 0

Hey Josh, Happy New Year! I look forward to attacking this program after I get back from a
family holiday. Previously I was running your Get RIPPED 3 day program and really enjoyed it. It
was a nice change after being burned out from pushing 5/3/1 for quite a while. Helped drop a
couple of kilos, and not gain any fat over Christmas :-) This program ties in nicely with my new
year's resolution to get more sleep. I'll need it...


Posted Wed, 01/02/2019 - 12:02 LIKE 0

Hi Brenton,
Happy to hear you enjoyed the Get Ripped program! Hope you like this one just as


Posted Sun, 12/30/2018 - 03:24 LIKE 0

Im still not able to do pulled ups, what exercise can i substitute for them?


Posted Wed, 01/02/2019 - 12:20 LIKE 0

Hi Ox-Man,
Give this a read:

Posted Thu, 12/20/2018 - 05:31 LIKE 1

Body weight 84 increase abbs and muscularity


Posted Mon, 12/17/2018 - 19:27 LIKE 0

Wow, first comment!
I just started this workout instead of doing a “bro” split. I like that this workout hits muscle
groups twice per week, which research shows is advantageous for most people. I also like the
combination of strength and hypertrophy; I tended to only focus on hypertrophy in the “bro”
I have made a few mods such as using a squat machine for the front squats (I am just too
unstable with barbell front squats) and I switched the one arm DB row and Pull-up positions. I
need more gas in the tank for pull-ups. Other than that, I added a burnout on hypertrophy days.
Oh, the Trap Bar Deadlift, which is new to me, feels much better on my back than traditional
See you in about 10 weeks with results. Thanks!


Posted Tue, 12/18/2018 - 12:25 LIKE 0

Hi Mark!
Thanks for the comment and trying out the program!
Glad you were able to modify this template to make it your own. Yes, I absolutely love the
trap bar deadlift. It's one of my favorite exercises bc you can pull a ton of weight while
maintaining a more favorable position during the lift.
Thanks again and best of luck!

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