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Social work is extremely important in our society, particularly in the federal government. Social workers
operate all through the various levels and branches of government as they try to help individuals and
families deal with various life problems and issues. The federal government where social workers are
needed include in Health and human services (HHS). Social work is present almost everywhere, from
social policy formulation, analysis, advocacy and implementation to enhance the well being of societal
members. To sum it up the government setting is providing social services through appropriate
government departments and agencies.

Private Sector

Social workers in private practice who specialize in supporting children and families often work for
several years in setting that serve these population before starting a private practice. An example of this
is LCSW who work with children and families specialize in certain issues that these populations struggle
with. The private sector or practices have two types: individual private practices and group private
practices. The individual private practices manage all aspects of their business while the group private
practices are established organizations that individuals can join. Group private practices can also be
helpful for LCSWs who would like to meet more professionals in the field and get more of a feel for
private practice work prior to launching their own independent business. Group practices, however,
tend to mean less pay.

Civil Society

A civil society is comprised of groups or organizations working in the interest of the citizens but
operating outside of the governmental and for-profit sectors. Civil society is sometimes referred to as
the civil sector, a term that is used to differentiate it from other sectors that comprise a functioning
society. Example of civil society at work is civic groups, such as the Rotary Club or Kiwanis. In the United
States, these are groups that are made up of people from the community who volunteer their time in
order to raise money for community projects or needs. Some organizations are committed to women or
environmental issues. To sum it up the work of civil society setting is to ensure the delivery to concerned
sectors of universal basic needs that may range from physical needs, intellectual development,
emotional development, social growth and spiritual growth.


School social workers play a critical role in schools and educational settings. Social worker working
within school system provide services to students to enhance their emotional well-being and improve
their academic performances. Example is the social worker will direct parents and children to
community resources, such as food assistance, child care and substance abuse programs. So the school
social workers are called on to help students, families and teachers address problems such as truancy,
social withdrawal, over aggressive behaviors, rebelliousness, and the effects of physical emotional and
economic problems. To summit up the School social workers are instrumental in furthering the mission
of the schools which is to provide a setting for teaching, learning, and for the attainment of competence
and confidence. School social workers are hired by school districts to enhance the district's ability to
meet its academic mission, especially where home, school and community collaboration is the key to
achieving student success.


Community social workers help communities function. Some work directly with individuals, conducting
needs assessments and making referrals to resources in the community. Others assess needs on a larger
scale. They may plan and administer programs. Social workers may be community builders or
community organizers. They may be employed by various nonprofits and grassroots organizations to
raise funds, write grants, drums up support, plan infrastructure. A social work degree is not a
requirement for community organizing, but does provide a direct path into the field. Jane Addams,
Mirzahi notes, could be considered a community organizer.


There are a lot of work and duties globally but some of them are giving a huge help to every individual.
One of those interesting work is about social work. Social work is actually a practice-based profession
and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, the
empowerment and the liberation of the people. Social work is also a hands-on profession that strives to
help people and families that are dealing with their different problems. The exact work that social
workers perform depends on their specific field. Some of it is referring to Child Welfare Social Worker or
Case Workers. They will spend everyday dealing with foster children, bio-parents and juvenile courts.
They are also empowered to remove children from unsafe homes and place them in state custody.
Social Workers are usually motivated either by personal experience. There is something that has
happened in their lives, or by a desire to see that people receive the kind of help that they need in time
of crisis. I think that looking at these issues and trying to analyze what motivates you and what helps you
to develop professionally are critical issues in social work training. As I reflect, social workers could
possibly be mentally and emotionally exhausting. They are often have a heavy case load with limited
time and resources. Therefore, social workers must be compassionate, strong and should be confident
when dealing such hostile clients. They must have problem solving skills and time management skills to
effectively serve their clients. Finally, social workers must know how to properly take good care of
themselves in order to avoid burnout and stress fatigue.

Kirstel ,,,,,
A. Comprehension
Social work is a work done by the social workers to give benefit the community. It helps
those people in need, may it be rich or poor achieve the ideal social living. Teachers,
Red Cross, DSWD are examples of social work. It aims to promote Social development,
Social justice to strengthen a community. Although social workers always stand by and
are always ready to help people in need doesn’t mean that social workers will do all
the work. Social workers do not just give the solution or work to one’s problem, they
help them through assessing the root of the problem and giving them skills, knowledge,
and empowerment they need. In conclusion, Social work is the hope of people in despair
for they do not work for their own good but to provide others the quality of life they

B. Application
Social work can be applied in our school. Three of our groupmates are part of the Red
Cross team where they help those who are injured or such. Guzman, our group assistant
leader, is a member of the Red Cross club in school. By being involve in this kind of
social work, she, as well as the other students who are part of the club learned the
importance of Social work or helping other people. And they can also apply the things
they learned from the work in their everyday life. Our groupmate, Guzman had learned
that helping others is important, the Red Cross team trained her to become a first aider
where it is very important to lessen the pain of an injured person. Indeed, social work
help Guzman to have self-voluntary and be responsible.

C. Analysis

An example of Social work is Health Care Center. One of the concerns of the government
of the Philippines, particularly in the community of Pasig is the health of every individual.
Recently, the new City Mayor- Vico Sotto allotted more than 2.5 billion pesos on repairing
or reconstructing medical facilities in the City. He knew that it would help thousands of
people, especially those who belong in the marginalize sector of the city grant the health
care they need. He also signed a partnership with the Rizal Medical Center, one of Pasig’s
two public hospitals, to train doctors and other medical professionals to provide primary
health care at barangay health center. (Rappler, 2019). By improving the healthcare
facilities, enough and free medicines, trained doctors and nurses could help sick and poor
people get the benefit they need.

D. Synthesis
“Social Work is the Art of Listening and the Science of Hope”

I. Conclusion

Social workers do not just help a single person but a whole community itself. Social workers
are the voice of those who are not heard, they stand for the social justice and protects
human right. Teachers, nurses, and such are example of social workers where people
commonly encounter. It promotes social justice and aims to develop a better society. It is
not just a work and social workers are not just simple workers, they work for the benefit and
betterment of every individual and the whole society. It doesn’t matter what kind of work
a social worker do, one thing will remain the same: to help people achieve their goals.
Indeed, social work is very complicated, it is done with values

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