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2018.04.14 Beyond Enkription - A Brief Synopsis

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Beyond Enkription is the first stand-alone book in a series of six autobiographical espionage
novels called The Burlington Files mainly based on Bill Fairclough's life in 1974. Part of the
core plot is centred on the misspelling of “encryption”.

Beyond Enkription was self-published as an eBook and paperback in 2014. The official date
of publication marked the fiftieth anniversary of the opening chapter in Beyond Enkription
and was “coincidentally” on purpose the same day as Bill Fairclough's father’s birthday. In
August 2015 a hardback version was published by Dolman Scott. All versions of the book are
available worldwide.

Bill Fairclough was named as the author of Beyond Enkription for legal reasons. The
copyright for The Burlington Files is owned by The Burlington Files Limited.

Beyond Enkription was “written for film”: i.e. it was not published to make profits as a book
per se but was written solely with screen adaptation in mind. As an autobiographical journal
it reads like a sophisticated version of The Diary of Anne Frank. It is not a film script but can
be readily adapted into such. That is why Beyond Enkription is referred to as a “Novelog” on
The Burlington Files website. Endorsements and reviews of the book are available via The
Burlington Files website.

The book is not like a normal Le Carré concoction adorned with flowery diction and it's not
about a Fleming flowerpot who saves the world at the end of each book in the series. It’s
about down to earth realistic “warts and all” espionage.

It has not been marketed like a traditional spy novel would be having been “offered” to the
film industry. Accordingly, the book has to date not hit the charts other than in obtuse ways
in China and old Soviet Bloc countries such as the Ukraine and Bulgaria. It is estimated that
in aggregate over 60,000 copies were sold through illegitimate eBook libraries within a year
or so of its publication on Kindle.

History of Beyond Enkription

Bill Fairclough started writing Beyond Enkription in 1975 while in an isolation ward in a UK
hospital suffering from what was eventually diagnosed as cytomegalovirus. However, it was
only in 2009 that work on the project began in earnest. According to Bill Fairclough, the
rationale for putting pen to paper was to create a TV series or films to show the world just
how much it had been duped by those illustrious civil servants, Ian Fleming and David
Cornwell (John le Carré).

In July 2009 Bill Fairclough was approached again to try to make some films loosely based
on his experiences. At the time he was still heavily involved with Faire Sans Dire and acting
as a director for various property and finance companies. Through intermediaries he
contacted two well-known film production companies to assess their appetite for making
films comprising a pot-pourri of unusual concepts and experiences based on his somewhat
unconventional and maverick dual existence.
Despite all their initial enthusiasm, the negotiations with those companies’ executives came
to nothing. Both film production companies advised Bill that he must first present his
material in book and/or film script format. Sadly, his approach to one US corporation
eventually landed on stony ground when MGM, which produced many of the James Bond
films, filed for bankruptcy. MGM has since recovered. The other household name film
production company approached was based in the UK but had a full production agenda for
many years ahead and still has.

Accordingly, The Burlington Files series was born and Beyond Enkription written and
published. Now you can even go on an up-market tour based on just a few months of Bill
Fairclough's life in London in 1974 as depicted in Beyond Enkription and explained in the
news about Beyond Enkription.

Synopsis of Beyond Enkription

Beyond Enkription is a stand-alone novel set in 1974 in the heart of the disco fevered
seventies, the (First) Cold War and the escalating Irish Troubles in the purportedly united
British Isles. It is about a wayward accountant, Edward Burlington aka Bill Fairclough who
unwittingly ends up working as an agent for MI6 by night whilst auditing beans during the

His parents, Roger and Sara Burlington have been involved in espionage since 1939. While
Roger is still a member of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Sara’s address book appears to
be more like a Who's Who of NATO's intelligence services than a housewife’s little black
book. Both Roger and Sara desperately wanted their sons, Hugh and Edward, to follow in
their footsteps but things didn’t go to plan, given Edward’s rebellious nature.

Consequently, Edward unintentionally wrecked their plans for him and unwittingly ends up
working as an MI6 asset. Early in 1974 he is nearly killed not once, but four times. Indirectly
it is all MI6's fault... so far as his parents are concerned. Sara decides someone high up in
MI6 must pay and persuades Roger to exact revenge. Meanwhile Edward is underhandedly
despatched to supposed safety from London to Nassau, Bahamas to continue his career as
an accountant only to face more death-defying scenarios in the Bahamas, Brazil and Haiti
before the year’s end.

However, the CIA has a representative on the Joint Intelligence Committee and is therefore
already aware of Edward’s exploits and capabilities. They turn him into their asset within 48
hours of his landing in Nassau, Bahamas.

Meanwhile Edward’s family are sucked inexorably into the perfidious mess and intrigue
surrounding his double life. Simultaneously, Hugh’s involvement with MI6 becomes
increasingly intriguing as the entangled plots and layered webs of deceit, betrayal and
revenge reverberate from Kinshasa to Islamabad via Washington and Westminster and back
while NATO's espionage apparatus is exposed as being as incompetent as Philby proved it

Cited 01 - The Burlington Files website owned by The Burlington Files Limited.
Cited 02 - The Burlington Files Limited has three wholly owned subsidiary companies.
Cited 03 - endorsements and reviews of Beyond Enkription (as a "kind of" film script).
Cited 04 - the publishers of the hardcover version of Beyond Enkription.
Cited 05 - Amazon UK page covering all three editions and formats of Beyond Enkription.
Cited 06 - locations and publishers where Beyond Enkription may be obtained.
Cited 07 - an article about tours available based on Beyond Enkription.
Cited 08 - an up-market London tour guide's website offering tours.
Cited 09 - Bill Fairclough's independently reviewed WikiSpooks profile.
Cited 10 - Bill Fairclough's biography including references available in the public domain.

Further Reading
For more background material relating to Beyond Enkription please see Bill Fairclough's
biographies and The Burlington Files.


Cited 02 - The Burlington Files website owned by The Burlington Files Limited.
Apr 14, 2018 12:45 PM
Cited 03 - The Burlington Files Limited has three wholly owned subsidiary companies.
Apr 14, 2018 12:46 PM
Cited 04 - endorsements and reviews of Beyond Enkription (as a "kind of" film script).
Apr 14, 2018 12:57 PM
Cited 05 - the publishers of the hardcover version of Beyond Enkription.
Apr 14, 2018 1:10 PM
Cited 06 - Amazon UK page covering all three editions and formats of Beyond Enkription.
Apr 14, 2018 1:11 PM
Cited 07 - locations and publishers where Beyond Enkription may be obtained.
Apr 14, 2018 1:12 PM
Cited 08 - an article about tours available based on Beyond Enkription.
Apr 14, 2018 1:25 PM
Cited 09 - an up-market London tour guide's website offering tours.
Apr 14, 2018 1:27 PM
Cited 10 - Bill Fairclough's independently reviewed WikiSpooks profile.
Apr 14, 2018 4:57 PM
Cited 11 - Bill Fairclough's biography including references available in the public domain.
Apr 14, 2018 4:57 PM

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