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OS Metal Manufacturing MGT L5

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


NTQF Level V

Ministry of Education
Feburary 2017
Within the policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, TVET is given an important
role with regard to technology transformation by using international standards and
international best practices as the basis, and adapting and verifying them in to the
Ethiopian context. The new paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation
at the current and anticipated future demand of the economy and the labour market.

The Ethiopian National TVET Strategy is a road map for the development of the Ethiopian
Occupational Standards (EOS) within the context of the National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF). Ethiopian Occupational Standards are national workplace standards,
which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific
occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

The Occupational Standard Development process has the following objectives:

• to identify and group the tasks performed by skilled workers in particular
• to develop instruments for use as national standards : Assessments and Curricula
for training leading to the certification of skilled workers;
• to facilitate the mobility of Ethiopian skilled workers in industries nation-wide and
international and;
• to supply employers and employees, and their associations, industries, training
institutions and governments with analyses of the tasks performed in particular
The whole Package occupational standard document for the occupation is an integrated
set of nationally endorsed Unit of Competences subdivided in to different levels built one
upon the other to make full occupational profile and used as basis for outcome based
training and competence assessment.
The occupational standard for this Level has basically technical, technological,
Entrepreneurial, Kaizen and generic competences. It is made up of mandatory
components; the unit of competence, the element, performance criteria, required
knowledge, skill, and attitude as well as the resources required for assessment and,
methods and contexts of assessment to collect evidences to prove the competence of the

This occupational Standard is for Metal Manufacturing Management at level V:

• provides a consistent and reliable set of components for training, recognising and
assessing people knowledge, skills and attitudes for the level,
• informs what nationally recognised qualifications are awarded by using unit
competences embodied in the occupational level,
• encourages the development and delivery of flexible training, which suits individual
and industry requirements

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• encourages training and assessment in a work-related environment which leads to
verifiable workplace outcomes.

Each unit of competence identifies a discrete workplace requirement and includes the
knowledge and skills that underpin competence as well as language, literacy and
numeracy; and occupational health and safety requirements.

This document, therefore, details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout
for the Ethiopia Occupational Standard, which comprised of Units of Competence. It is
documented in a standard format that comprises:
• Occupational title and NTQF level
• Unit title
• Unit code
• Unit descriptor
• Elements and Performance criteria
• Variables and Range statement
• Evidence guide

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the occupation with
all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
• description of an occupation
• modification history
• chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level including
the Unit Titles and Unit Codes indicating sequential flow of unit of competences and
training modules
• contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
• Occupational map

Occupational standards and Unit of Competence Titles

There are agreed titling for Occupational standard and unit of competences. Always use
the correct titles, exactly as they appear in the occupational standard, and with the code
placed with the title.

Each unit of competence has a unique thirteen digits (for example, IND MMM5 01 0217)
code assigned when the Occupational Standard is endorsed. The first three characters
signify the sector acronym. e.g., Industry. Four characters in the second group signify the
acronym of the occupational title expressed as a work function and qualification level
written in numerical form shows the unit and the level it belongs. e.g. Metal Manufacturing
Management V. Third group with two numbers signify the numerical order of the specific
unit in the occupational level. Fourth group of four characters signify the month and year of
development e.g. 0217(December 2017).

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Occupational Standards are not static documents because they are amended periodically
to reflect the latest industry practices and are version controlled. It is essential that the
latest version is always used stating the date they are released nationally by the Federal
technical and Vocational Training and Education Agency (FTVETA).
Version Number Conventions
When an Occupational Standard is reviewed it is considered to be a new occupational
standard for the purposes of version control; sometimes the version number is changed
and not, depending on the extent of the change. Code of unit of competences may or may
not change as the occupational standard is reviewed and explanation is given on the
changes made.

The development/revision, release and review date is:

This Occupational standard is Version 3. Those who are responsible to undertake
competence assessment and provide training should check for the version's review,
release and future proposed revision dates to confirm the latest version number before
developing assessment tools and commence training respectively. Users are also advised
to contact the agency for any doubts they have on the documents or may refer to our
The development/revision date is the time the document is prepared and validated by
relevant industry experts and approved by relevant sector leading organization/ authority.
The release date is the time the document has been dispatched nationally by FTA for
implementation. It indicates the effective date to use the document for training and
assessment purposes and termination of use of the previous version for any purposes.

The review date (shown in bottom, right side of the cover page and footer of each page)
indicates when the occupational standard is expected to be reviewed in the light of
changes such as changing technologies and circumstances. The review date is not an
expiry date for the use of the occupational standard unless notified or replaced by FTA.
Endorsed occupational standards and their components remain current until they are
reviewed or replaced.

Users of this occupational standard are advised strictly to read and understand the table
below for the changes made on the occupational standard during revision process.

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Previous Occupational level Name:...............................................................Version.........
Modified Occupational level Name:............................................................. Version.........
Date of Review....February 2017......
Date and Occupational Changes on the units Justification/Remark
Version Level
May 2011, V Endorsed changes No changes made on the
Version 2 • Manage Technical contents except changes on
Processes unit codes due to sequential
• Develop and Document arrangements
Specifications and
• Facilitate Development of
New Product
• Analyze and Perform Control
Requirement Solutions
• Plan and Calculate Required
Mechanical Systems Job
• Develop a proactive
maintenance strategy
• Manage Project Quality
• Facilitate and Capitalize on
Change and Innovation
• Addition of new units
• Maintain the workplace OHS • Newly added
management system
• Manage Safety and • Moved from Level IV to its
Environmental Protection appropriate level
• Undertake value analysis of • Replaced " Manage Value
product or process costs in Chain"
terms of customer • Newly added
requirement s
• Manage installation and
commissioning of equipment
and systems
Merged Units None

Replaced Units Replaced by Unit of

• Develop and Refine Systems Competence:
for Continuous Improvement in Manage Continuous
Operations Improvement Process (Kaizen)
.Removed Units
• Manage Competitive • Removed from the standard
Manufacturing Processes as the competences belong
• Manage Value Chain to the upper level
• Develop Communication
Strategies to Support
• Introduce Competitive
Manufacturing to Small and
Medium Enterprise
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Date and Occupational Changes on the units Justification/Remark
Version Level

• Interpret Product Cost in • Removed from the standard

Terms of Customer as the competence belongs to
Requirements level II

The occupational Map

The following occupational map indicates structure and organization of occupations in a
given sector/sub sector. It also shows titles of occupations, vertical pathways and the
level of qualifications that are possible with this occupational standard. The occupational
Map is followed by "Unit of Competence Chart."


Level V Metal Manufacturing Management

Level IV Machining Mechanics Welding Foundry Works

Supervision Supervision Supervision

Mechanics Foundry
Level III Machining Welding

Level II Foundry
Machining Mechanics Welding Works

Basic Metal Works

Level I

This version unit of competence chart is presented in the table below:

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management
Occupational Code: IND MMM
NTQF Level V

IND MMM5 01 0217 IND MMM5 02 0217 IND MMM5 03 0217

Maintain Workplace Develop Proactive Plan and Calculate
OHS Management Maintenance Strategy Basic Mechanical
System Systems Job

IND MMM5 04 0217 IND MMM5 05 0217 IND MTM5 06 0217

Determine Appropriate Develop and Document Manage Technical
Measuring System for Technical Processes
Specific Process Specifications and

IND MMM5 07 0217 IND MMM5 08 0217 IND MMM5 09 0217

Facilitate the Perform Advanced Analyze and Perform
Development of New Statistical Quality Control Requirements
Product Control Solutions

IND MMM5 10 0217 IND MMM5 11 0217 IND MMM5 12 0217

Manage the Installation Manage Safety and Undertake Value
and Commissioning of Environmental Analysis of Product
Equipment and Protection Costs

IND MMM5 13 0217 IND MMM5 14 0217 IND MMM5 15 0217

Practice Career Manage Project Quality Facilitate and Capitalize
Professionalism on Change and

IND MMM5 16 0217

Manage Continuous
Improvement Process

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Maintain Workplace OHS Management System
Unit Code IND MMM5 01 0217
Unit Descriptor This competency covers the ongoing maintenance of the
Occupational Health Safety Management System (OHSMS)
within the area of managerial responsibility, in order to
ensure that the workplace is, so far as is practicable,
consistently safe and without risks to the health and safety
of employees. It assumes that the OHSMS has been
developed by persons with the relevant specialist knowledge
and skills.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Manage OHS 1.1. Action is taken to ensure that requirements for OHS
information in the record keeping and reporting implemented according to
workplace workplace procedures and legislative requirements.
1.2. Sources of OHS information are accessed and
evaluated for the application in to workplace.
1.3. Data and information are collected and collated to
provide information to managers and stakeholders on
OHS requirements, trends and risk controls.
2. Support 2.1. OHS priorities are determined in consultation with
implementation of appropriate managers and stakeholders.
2.2. OHS training needs are identified for implementation
and maintenance of the OHSMS.
2.3. Action plans are developed by taking account of
priorities and training needs.
2.4. Achievement of action plans is monitored and plans are
updated accordingly.
3. Support OHS 3.1. OHS information and documentation are ensured to be
participative understandable and accessible to all.
3.2. OHS issues that may arise within area of authority are
promptly addressed or referred to appropriate person.
3.3. Information about the outcomes of OHS is provided in
consultation in a manner that is accessible to all.
4. Collect data to 4.1. Expert advisors, internal data and information that
evaluate currency of provides relevant and reliable information on the
OHSMS. performance of the OHSMS are identified in consultation
with stakeholders and, as required.
4.2. Workplace inspections are conducted on a regular
4.3. Workplace OHS implications of any changes are
identified to legislation.
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4.4. Any OHS implications to proposed changes are
identified to the workplace.
4.5. Action is taken to arrange an OHSMS audit.
5. Analyse data and 5.1. Compliance of OHSMS with OHS legislation is
information to identify assessed.
areas for
improvement 5.2. Information collected is analysed to identify areas for
5.3. Stakeholders, key personnel and, as required, OHS
advisors are consulted with.
5.4. Outcomes of analysis are documented and
communicated to key personnel and stakeholders in an
easily understood format.
5.5. Limits of own expertise are recognised and appropriate
advice is sought.
6. Initiate and maintain 6.1. Priorities for OHS are determined in consultation with
improvements. stakeholder.
6.2. An OHS plan is developed with responsibilities and time
frames in consultation with stakeholders.
6.3. Resources required for implementation of plan are
identified and sourced.
6.4. Achievement is monitored against plan.
6.5. Effectiveness of modifications to OHSMS is monitored in
consultation with stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

Variable Range
Procedures All operations are performed in accordance with procedures.
Procedures include all relevant workplace procedures, work
instructions, temporary instructions and relevant industry
and government codes and standards.
Hazards May include, but not limited to:
• Handling chemicals and hazardous materials
• Chemical and or hazardous materials spillage
• Gases and liquids under pressure
• Moving machinery
• Materials handling
• Working at heights, in restricted or confined spaces, or
environments subjected to heat, noise, dusts or vapours
• Fire and explosion.
OHS Information may be external and include:
Sources • OHS legislation, codes of practice, Ethiopian and
International standards, policies and procedures
• Internet sites, journals and newsletters
• Manufacturer manuals

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• Risk assessments, JSAs, workplace inspections
• MSDSs and registers
• Hazard and incident reports.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
Competence • Interact with the workforce to maintain the process that
comprise the OHSMS
• Access and analyse information to identify areas for
• Develop appropriate improvement strategies
• Apply a quality improvement process to implement and
monitor change
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • OHS record keeping and reporting as required under:
• Hazardous substances and dangerous goods legislation
• OHS legislative requirements to report serious incidents
and injuries and keep records of risk assessments
• Creation and management of other record such as:
• Hazard and incident reports, investigation reports
• Completed workplace inspection checklists and reports
• External or internal reports
• Minutes of meetings.
• OHS responsibilities of all levels in the workplace
• The consultation processes, either general/specific to
• Hazard identification and risk assessment
• Implementation of risk control measures by applying the
hierarchy of control
• New and relevant OHS information
• OHS record keeping
• OHS issue resolution legislative requirements for
consultation prior to the implementation of change
• Sources and types if information that provide realistic
information on the performance of the OHSMS
• Techniques for analysing OHS data, including simple
statistical analysis and graphing of trends
• Types of internal and external change that may impact
on OHS
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
• Maintain an OHSMS already defined and established
• Identify types of data and information that will provide
information on the effectiveness of the OHSMS in
minimising risk
• Analyse the data to identify areas for improvement in
elements of the OHSMS, including communication and
consultation, reporting and hazard identification, risk
assessment and risk control,
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Develop strategies for improvement in the OHSMS

Apply the hierarchy of control to recommend actions to

minimise risk
• Writing is required to the level of writing the required
reports and documents.
• Numeracy is required to interpret and manipulate the
necessary data.
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Develop Proactive Maintenance Strategy
Unit Code IND MMM5 02 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the skills and knowledge
required to develop and implement a proactive
maintenance strategy for an organisation. The unit
recognises that there are a number of predictive or
proactive maintenance strategies, such as Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) and Reliability Centred Maintenance

Elements Performance Criteria

1.Determine appropriate
1.1. Key stakeholders are liaised with to determine objectives
analytical techniques of maintenance strategy
1.2. Current maintenance situation is examined to determine
major areas requiring improvement
1.3. Possible strategies, techniques and tools are compared
against organisation needs
1.4. Possible strategies, techniques and tools are selected
1.5. Selected strategies, techniques and tools are confirmed
with key stakeholders
2.Develop reliability 2.1. Preferred maintenance strategy is selected
2.2. Strategy is examined and adapted to organisation
needs and priorities
2.3. Techniques and tools required to implement strategy
are examined and adapted
2.4. Key stakeholders are liaised with to develop an
implementation plan
2.5. Key information and performance indicators required
are identified
3.Implement strategies 3.1. Data collection required is identified
3.2. Hardware and other resources required are identified
3.3. Skill needs required are identified in consultation with key
3.4. All resources/training are ensured to implement strategy
4.Monitor the 4.1. Information/performance indicators are compared with
implementation of desired levels
4.2. Key stakeholders are liaised with regarding strategy issues
4.3. Areas requiring adjustment are identified

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4.4. Required adjustments are made

Variable Range
Competitive systems and May include, but are not limited to:
practices • Lean operations
• Agile operations
• Preventative and predictive maintenance approaches
• Monitoring and data gathering systems, such as
Systems Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
software, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,
Materials Resource Planning (MRP) and proprietary
• Statistical process control systems, including six sigma
and three sigma
• Just in Time (JIT), kanban and other pull-related
operations control systems
• Supply, value, and demand chain monitoring and
• 5S
• Continuous improvement (kaizen)
• Breakthrough improvement (kaizen blitz)
• Cause/effect diagrams
• Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
• TAKT time
• Process mapping
• Problem solving
• Run charts
• Standard procedures
• Current reality tree
Competitive systems and practices should be interpreted
so as to take into account:
• The stage of implementation of competitive systems
and practices
• The size of the enterprise
• The work organisation, culture, regulatory environment
and the industry sector
OEE May include, but are not limited to:
• OEE is the combination of the main factors causing loss
of productive capacity from equipment/plant and is:
• OEE = availability x performance x quality rate where:
availability takes into account losses due to
breakdown, set-up and adjustments
performance takes into account losses due to minor
stoppages, reduced speed and idling
quality rate takes into account losses due to rejects,
reworks and start-up waste
MTBF Is one key measure of the effectiveness of a

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maintenance procedure, and is an indicator as to
whether root causes are being found and resolved. If
MTBF is reducing, then it is an indicator that the
maintenance regime is failing.
There are many possible causes of any problem.
Eliminating some will have no impact, others will
ameliorate the problem. However, elimination of the root
cause will eliminate the problem. There should only be
one root cause for any problem and so the analysis
should continue until this one cause is found. Elimination
of the root cause permanently eliminates the problem.
Depending on the equipment, operations and procedures
of the organisation, alternative statistical records of
maintenance and maintenance-related events may be
substituted for MTBF providing they relate strategies for
improving OEE.
FMEA Is a systematic approach that identifies potential failure
modes in a system, product, or operations/assembly
operation caused by either design or operations/assembly
process deficiencies. It also identifies critical or significant
design or process characteristics that require special
controls to prevent or detect failure modes. FMEA is a tool
used to prevent problems from occurring.
Some industry sectors have highly adapted forms of FMEA
and may practice traditional FMEA in say their routine
maintenance while using another technique, such as
Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) for design and
HAZOP is a form of FMEA which has been practiced by the
process industries for over 30 years and examines the
implications of changes in process conditions to process
Condition monitoring Is used to describe the process of analysing the
implications of condition monitoring data for proactive
maintenance whether it be obtained from Non Destructive
Testing (NDT) reports, visual assessment by experts,
diagnostic reports obtained from SCADA or other
enterprise or equipment software and product or process
quality analyses. It does not require the actual
undertaking of the NDT or condition monitoring
assessment or test. If this is required appropriate units
from other Training Packages will be required.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
Competence • Consider a variety of proactive maintenance strategies
for suitability to an organisation
• Consult operators, maintenance, management and
other stakeholders in decisions on proactive

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maintenance strategies
• Implement selected strategies
• Monitor performance to selected indicators and make
improvements to selected proactive maintenance
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Characteristics and strengths of different types of
strategies, techniques and tools, such as:
Mean Time Between Failure (MBTF)
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Condition monitoring
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
• Holistic costs of different strategies combining cost of
maintenance with costs of lost production, sales, and so
on, as relevant to the organisation
• Business goals sufficient to match the strategy to the
business needs
• Strategic thinking and its application to proactive
• Principles of process equipment and how to improve its
• Resources required and how to obtain them
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Communicating with others using a variety of media and
• Adapting personal communication strategy to different
levels of literacy and numeracy in target individuals and
• Working in a team
• Analysing quantitative and qualitative information to
determine proactive maintenance strategy options
• Solving problems to root cause
• Applying basic arithmetic and statistical techniques
• Planning complex strategies, including consideration of
timelines, resources, benefit/cost, implementation
requirements, and monitoring and adjustment
• Reading and interpreting engineering specifications,
drawings and charts
• Using information system terminals and computers
• Prioritising options, including reasons and
• Recording data
Resources Implication The following resources must be provided:
• Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable material
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• Workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
• Specifications and documentation relating to planned,
currently being implemented, or implemented changes
to work processes and procedures relevant to the
• Documentation and information in relation to production,
waste, overheads and hazard control/management
• Reports from supervisors/managers
• Case studies and scenarios to assess responses to
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Plan and Calculate Basic Mechanical Systems Job
Unit Code IND MMM5 03 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitudes in planning
and calculating basic mechanical system job, and
selecting the components and mechanical features
required in performing simple functions.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Research 1.1. All relevant drawings, specifications, manuals and
equipment function documentation are obtained in accordance with
and operational workplace procedures.
1.2. Appropriate personnel are consulted to determine
1.3. Information collected is interpreted and draft functional
and operational requirements are prepared and verified
with supervisor or design team.
2. Calculate 2.1. All relevant data for the process are collected and
construction and calculated.
processing data
2.2. Data is translated for use in sketch/drawing and
3. Prepare a 3.1. Appropriate basic components, assemblies and
preliminary fasteners are selected to perform the required function.
specifications 3.2. Where required, components and/or materials are
selected from supplier/manufacturer catalogues.
3.3. Appropriate and relevant codes are applied to the
sketch/drawing/specification in accordance with
workplace procedures.
3.4. The preliminary sketch/drawing/specification is approved
in accordance with policy and procedures.
4. Plan the mechanical 4.1. Parts of the mechanical system are identified, according
system to the sketch and the collected data
4.2. The parts are composed to a mechanical system.
4.3. Necessary programming of NC and CNC machines are
4.4. The function will be simulated and evaluated where
possible optimizations will be done

Variable Range
Basic components, May include, but not limited to:
assemblies and fasteners • Shafts
• Seals
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• Bearings
• Fasteners
• Splines
• Cam
• Lifting systems
• Pneumatic circuits
• Hydraulic circuits
• Piping systems

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Researched equipment function and operational
• Calculated construction and processing data
• Prepared a preliminary sketch/drawing/specifications
• Selected appropriate components, assemblies and
fasteners to perform required functions
• Planned mechanical system
• Performed programming of NC and CNC machines
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Relevant codes and standards
• Basic mechanical components:
Fasteners, thread systems
• Drive components:
Electric motors
IC engines
Belts and pulleys
Chains and sprockets
Universal joints
• Lifting systems:
lifting jacks
winch equipment
• Machine tool:
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
• Coordinating with concerned personnel on determining
operational requirements

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• Interpreting and verifying collected data and relevant codes
• Calculating construction and processing data
• Drawing and sketching
• Programming PLC
• Operating NC and CNC machines
Resource Implications The following resources must be provided:
• Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable
• Personal protective equipment
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Determine Appropriate Measuring System for Specific
Unit Title
Unit Code IND MMM5 04 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
managing a number of processes to ensure adequate
resources, programming and maintenance for operations.
This unit includes checking measuring equipment for correct
operation, and validating/calibrating precision measuring
equipment in accordance with predetermined procedures.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Check equipment for 1.1. Appropriate checks are made of components, for wear,
correct operation loose connections or other faults.
1.2. Appropriate checks are made for integrated operations of
2. Validate/Calibrate 2.1. Calibration of precision measuring equipment is
precision measuring assessed based on manufacturers’ specifications and/or
equipment standard operating procedures.
2.2. Equipment is calibrated against appropriate physical
standards using correct calibration devices,
equipment, techniques and using predetermined
2.3. Equipment is re-commissioned in accordance with
standard operating procedures.
3. Monitor and manage on3.1. A range of on-going technical processes/operations and
going technical their related interaction are monitored and analyzed
processes/ operations 3.2. Required measuring equipment and measuring process
are determined to ensure sufficient precision
3.3. On-going technical processes are adequately
4. Develop work programs4.1. Required human resources and physical resources are
and schedules and tax identified for the ongoing process
the costs of precision
4.2. Maintenance and system review activities are scheduled
4.3. Purchasing and renewal requirements are scheduled
4.4. Costs of increasing precision are taxed
4.5. Precision that most fits the economy as well as the quality
is set
5. Monitor the condition of 5.1. Condition of plant and resources are monitored and
plant and resources documented according to the measured data
5.2. Performance problems are diagnosed

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5.3. An energy and resource minimization plan is developed
6. Plan corrective action as6.1. Critical areas are identified for performance improvement
required to improve 6.2. The process/system is altered to ensure that variation is
specific parts of the controlled and faults are rectified.
6.3. Feedback on the effectiveness of the process
improvements is sought from concerned people
6.4. Changes/alterations on the process are documented and
communicated to customers/stakeholders.
7. Monitor environmental 7.1. Regular environmental audits of processes and systems
performance are conducted
7.2. Result of environmental audits is analyzed and
communicated to stakeholders.

Variable Range
Calibration • To standardize the quantities of a measuring instrument
Physical standards • Reference standards of mass length, time, temperature,
pressure, volume, process characteristics etc.
Calibration devices, May include but not limited to the following:
equipment • Micrometer
• Vernier caliper
• Voltmeter
• Oscilloscope
• All types of comparators, jigs and fixtures, templates and
Techniques • In standard operating procedures, manufacturers’
Re-commissioning May include the following:
• Sealing
• Tagging
• Identification or storage
Monitoring May at times include:
• Taking corrective actions to maintain or enhance
• May also require continual monitoring to ensure that
correct operations are performed and that all equipment
is functioning to the required standards
Human resources Refer to people employed through:
• Awards
• Contracts
• Subcontracts
• May include professionals, para-professionals, trade and
Costs Refer to:
• On-going costs within the business and to the management
of cost within a specific engineering project.
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• Cost estimation and control are essential areas of
business management that will require an application of
engineering expertise.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Checked equipment for correct operation
• Validated /calibrated precision measuring equipment
• Monitored and managed on-going technical processes and
selected the fit system for the process
• Developed work programs and schedules and identified
required human resources
• Monitored the condition of plant and resources
• Planned corrective action to improve specific parts of the
• Monitored environmental performance
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • The procedures for measuring process performance
• The impact of variations in process performance on the
achievement of the organization’s objectives
• Issues relating to waste management, recycling and the
• The interaction of the technical process with other related
• The recording and reporting requirements associated with
the technical process
• Procedures for documenting and communicating variations
to the technical process
• The resource requirements of the process in terms of the
process requirements
• Process for review of maintenance procedures and
• Maintenance strategies
• Procedures for reviewing system performance
• Opportunities to improve system performance through
revised maintenance schedules/activities
• Process of preparing and maintaining plant and equipment
procurement schedules
• The life expectancy of existing plant and equipment
• The costs and benefits of repair/maintenance versus
• The procedures for procuring new/replacement plant and
• The authority responsible for approving the procurement of
new/replacement plant and equipment
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Calibrating equipment
• Managing engineering operations
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• Determining an appropriate external standard in accordance
with standard operating procedures
• Using electronic setting equipment
• Preparing and maintaining plant and equipment
procurement schedules
• Preparing and maintaining plant and equipment
procurement schedules
• Developing work programs and schedules for provision of
• Instigating performance improvement related to cost,
process variations, documentation and environmental
• Reviewing process element compatibility
• Determining specifications of the plant, resources and
process output
• Checking process performance against specification
• Monitoring type(s) of plant condition associated with the
• Selecting monitoring methods and recording monitoring
• Preparing analysis of monitoring results
• Preparing proposals on improvements to plant, equipment
and/or maintenance strategies/schedules
• impacts of the process, procedures and The delegated
authority responsible for approving remedial action
• Identifying faults in the process and/or variations outside
specification and the action(s) to be taken to overcome
faults/ variations
• Documenting alterations to the process
• Communicating details of alterations to customers and
• Analyzing the environmental systems with respect to:
Energy usage
Waste management
Water conservation
Materials conservation
Workplace environmental conditions and risks
Reporting environmental requirements and structures
• Measuring equipment specifications, operation, wearing
parts, connections and components
• Checking measuring equipment, tools and equipment and
identifying common fault(s) that may be found in the
measuring equipment
• Analyzing effects of faults on the performance/accuracy
of the measuring equipment
• Observing standards, legislative or regulatory
requirements applicable to the measuring equipment
and/or its calibration

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• Observing standard operating procedures for calibrating
the measuring equipment, tools and equipment
• Observing standard operating procedures for commissioning
the measuring equipment
• Preparing calibration records to be kept/maintained in
accordance with standard operating procedures
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Develop and Document Technical Specifications and
Unit Title
Unit Code IND MMM5 05 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the competence to analyze requirements
and to develop and document technical specifications and
procedures providing concise and unambiguous direction
and guidance for workplace activities.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Identify requirements 1.1. Information required for technical specifications and
procedures is identified and assembled
1.2. Specifications and procedures requirements and
formats are established and confirmed, where
1.3. Requirements for information entry, storage, output
and quality of document production are identified in
accordance with enterprise procedures
1.4. Specifications and procedures document design are
made appropriate for efficient entry of information and
satisfy appearance and presentation requirements for
the purpose of the document
1.5. Range of functions incorporated in the document
design are made to reflect the nominated
2. Prepare specifications 2.1. Technical information is collected for use in the
specification; tested and validated or confirmed before
2.2. Authoritative sources and references are identified and
used in the preparation and presentation of the
2.3. Specifications are written in a format to ensure
requirements can be met
2.4. Specifications are written in a manner that is clear and
understood in the workplace
2.5. Specification documentation is made to satisfy
enterprise and industry standards
3. Prepare technical 3.1. Activities and tasks are identified, analyzed and
procedures documented
3.2. Activities and tasks are sequenced and logically
3.3. Procedures are documented to enterprise and industry
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Variables Range
Specifications Technical criteria for an object, item, system or sub-system
describing the components, materials, construction, circuitry
and associated legal, regulatory or intellectual property issues.
Procedures Contain detailed descriptions of the tasks, activities,
sequences, materials, tooling, rules and safety requirements,
leading or guiding an individual through an authorized work
OHS requirements Include legislation, vehicle industry
• Regulations, safety management systems, hazardous
substances and dangerous goods code and safe operating
• Personal protective equipment is to include as prescribed
under legislation, regulations and enterprise policies and

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Locate, interpret and apply information
• Apply safety requirements throughout the work sequence,
including the use of personal protective clothing and
• Identify and itemize steps and stages in procedures
• Complete a significant operational procedure, incorporating
safety obligations, and covering:
a full analysis of the topic area
a step-by-step operational procedure
supporting documents to the procedure
complete or review and update a specification for a
significant system or sub-system covering:
system/sub-system description
related information sources
legal, regulatory or intellectual property law
• Modify products to cater for variations in workplace cultures
and environment
• Work effectively with others
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Technical writing and presentation techniques
• Enterprise (or equivalent) technical procedure formats,
• content rules, preparation and management techniques
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
• Plan and organize to avoid backtracking, workflow
interruptions or wastage
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• Use mathematical ideas and techniques to incorporate
measurements, calibration and test requirements into
specifications and procedures
• Establish processes which anticipate and allow for risks,
cater for both direct and indirect causes, avoid or minimize
reworking and avoid wastage in the preparation and content
of procedures
• Use the workplace technology related to document
preparation, including calculators and measuring devices,
computing systems and information management systems
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Technical Processes
Unit Code IND MTM5 06 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to manage technical processes in the preparation
of resource, monitoring production stages and measuring
specified process parameters.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Coordinate resource use1.1. Technical process requirements are interpreted in terms
of resources and procedures
1.2. Schedules and technical resources are confirmed with
relevant personnel
1.3. Process and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
requirements are clarified, where necessary
2. Manage the process 2.1. Roles and responsibilities are allocated, as required
2.2. Technical process is monitored and guidance provided,
where required
2.3. Process parameters are monitored to ensure
conformance to requirements
2.4. Safety associated with the process including chemical
handling is monitored
3. Facilitate process 3.1. Methods to solve process problems are identified
problem resolution through facilitation of meetings or discussions
3.2. Knowledge of process improvement and technical
systems are used to assist in the systematic
identification and resolution of process problems
3.3. Preferred option is recommended and documented to
resolve the problem
3.4. Implementation of the recommended problem resolution
option is facilitated
4. Monitor process 4.1. Improvements and variations to process are monitored
improvements and to ensure outcome meets specifications, production
variations schedule and workplace requirements
4.2. Data is collated and analyzed to evaluate the
effectiveness of process improvements or variations

Variable Range
OHS requirements May Include, but not limited to:
• Manual handling techniques
• Standard operating procedures

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• Personal protective equipment
• Safe materials handling
• Taking of rest breaks
• Ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
• Following marked walkways
• Safe storage of equipment
• Housekeeping
• Reporting accidents and incidents
• Other OHS practices relevant to the job and enterprise
Process parameters May Include, but not limited to:
• Speed
• RH%
• Efficiency
• Machine utilization
• Production
• Production capacity of machines
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Chemical values
• Time
• Volume
• Quantities
• Ph (be)
• Concentration and Viscosity

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Coordinated the use of resources
• Allocated tasks and roles to relevant personnel
• Managed technical process
• Solved problems and monitor process improvements
• Monitored process improvements and variations
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Industry and product and technical processes and
equipment and resources
• Technical and specified process parameters
• Characteristics or raw materials and their properties
• Processing, measurement, matches
• Monitoring processes and procedures
• Quality standards and manual handling procedures
• Safety and environmental aspects of relevant processes,
including use of chemicals
• Workplace procedures and reporting and documentation
processes and procedures
• Chemical processes relating to production
• OHS practices, including hazard identification and control
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• Recording and reporting practices
Underpinning skills Demonstrates skills to:
• Interpret requirements
• Determine schedules and resources
• Match personnel to tasks and roles
• Facilitate problem solving associated with process
• Analyze process parameters
• Monitor process requirements
• Communicate effectively within the workplace
• Document, assess and transfer information
• Read, interpret and follow information on work
specifications, standard operating procedures and work
instructions and other reference material
• Maintain accurate records
• Sequence operations
• Meet specifications
• Clarify and check task-related information
• Carry out work according to OHS practices
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including:
• Work areas
• Materials and equipment
• Information on workplace and OHS practices
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Facilitate the Development of New Product
Unit Code IND MMM5 07 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
develop a new/evolutionary product within an existing range of
products and encompass design for manufacture and the
facilitation of its initial production.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Confirm design brief of 1.1. Technical specification, aesthetic requirements,
new product in timelines, cost and other market requirements are
consultation with relevant communicated and agreed upon with customer and
people other key stakeholders.
1.2. Regulatory/industry code/intellectual property
requirements for product are determined.
1.3. Possible tooling/process/equipment needs are
1.4. Design brief, including relevant drawings are
developed to meet needs
1.5. 'Sign off' on total design brief is obtained from all
relevant persons
2. Determine material 2.1. Appropriate materials/combination of materials/
requirements for product components are selected in liaison with key
2.2. Material/component testing and evaluation regime
required to meet product end user requirements,
including regulatory/industry code requirements are
2.3. Testing and evaluation of trial materials/components
are arranged
2.4. Trial process of materials is monitored and material
trial result interpreted
2.5. Final materials/components specifications and details
of value chain are determined
3. Determine process 3.1. Appropriate process is selected to make product in
requirements for product liaison with key stakeholders and based on relevant
3.2. Any special process/equipment requirements for this
product is/are determined
3.3. Other concerns and/or training or other needs are
communicated with production personnel
3.4. The design is adjusted as required to satisfy customer
and production needs
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4. Monitor process needs 4.1. Equipment design and other needs are
for the new product coordinated with procurement personnel
4.2. Hardware specifications are interpreted to ensure
they are appropriate for the job required
4.3. Appropriate draft procedures for the new product are
coordinated with process personnel to ensure its
compliance with the job required.
4.4. Product cost and design are validated to meet objectives
5. Trial new product through5.1. Trialing procedure is designed to deliver required
the process information
5.2. Trialing of the new product is coordinated with relevant
5.3. Product trial process results are interpreted to ensure
product is Health Safety and Environment (HSE
requirements) strictly observed
5.4. Process is tuned to optimize production of new product
6. Determine process 6.1. Appropriate statistical process control charts are plotted
6.2. Confidence limits are determined
6.3. Confidence limits are compared with product specification
7. Coordinate product trials7.1. Product testing and required evaluation regime are
determined to meet end user requirements, including
regulatory/industry code requirements
7.2. Testing and evaluation of trial product/prototype are
7.3. Product trial results are interpreted and product trial
process is guided
7.4. Final product specification is determined in liaison with
key stakeholders
7.5. Required changes are carried out to materials, process
and equipment
8. Implement standard 8.1. Initial production is monitored and, in liaison with
procedures for new appropriate team members, process, conditions and
product materials are adjusted to ensure the product and process
outcomes conform to requirements
8.2. Process specifications are updated to ensure that
optimized operation developed are reflected
8.3. Standard operating procedures are implemented to
ensure conformity for the new product
8.4. Equipment and other hardware records are updated to
ensure that additions/changes are reflected

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8.5. Project records are prepared to ensure that all required
reports have been completed and submitted
8.6. Records are archived according to company procedures

Variable Range
Relevant factors May Include, but not limited to:
• Type of material
• Dimensional precision of product
• Length of run/number of products
• Required aesthetics
• Size and complexity of product
• Available capital funding
• Process equipment available
• Health Safety and Environment (HSE) requirements
Processes and policies May Include, but not limited to:
• This competence unit is for the design of a new product
'from scratch'.
• It assumes an understanding of the operation of all
relevant equipment and processes but does not
necessarily require them to be used personally.
• The competence assumes a working knowledge of all
main processes and materials so that an informed
choice can be made between them.
• All operations are performed in accordance with
standard procedures and policies.
Tools and equipment May Include, but not limited to:
• Understanding of the use of all standard processing
• Relevant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Typical regulatory May Include, but not limited to:
requirements • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
• Environmental regulations
• Structural codes
• Product/industry specific requirements
Typical problems May Include, but not limited to:
• Defining product end user requirements in terms
meaningful to the product design and manufacture
• Matching suitable materials and processes to the
product needs and company expertise and facilities
• Matching (and improving) process capability to product

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate has the
Competence ability to:
• Apply a thorough understanding of materials and
components, their grades and properties and the effects
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of processing to a new situation and use this
understanding to predict likely solutions to the new
product design specification challenge.
• Understand material /component and process
interactions that is to be applied in interpreting data and
to make adjustments to materials/components and
process to achieve the desired outcomes.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • The specifications and uses of the materials, equipment
• Process sufficient to choose an appropriate combination
of materials and process to achieve the end use
function of the product.
• The enterprise's procedures and relevant regulatory
requirements along with the ability to implement them
within appropriate time constraints and work standards.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Observing safe working practices which include
compliance on accepted policies, standard, strategies
legislative and enterprise requirements.
• Recognizing hazards commonly occurring at the
workplace and follow health and safety instructions and
procedures in the workplace.
• Implementing and monitoring defined OHS policies and
procedures for a work group or area, within their scope
of responsibilities.
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Perform Advanced Statistical Quality Control
Unit Code IND MMM5 08 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
working within a quality improvement system, either
individually or in a team situation and taking samples or
applying a statistical process to monitor production.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Work within a quality 1.1. Instructions and procedures are followed and duties are
system performed in accordance with requirements of quality
improvement system.
1.2. Conformance to specifications is ensured.
1.3. Defects are detected and reported according to standard
operating procedures.
1.4. Performance of operation or quality of product or
service is monitored to ensure customer satisfaction.
2. Engage in quality 2.1. Current performance is assessed.
2.2. Established performance measures are identified.
2.3. Specifications and standard operating procedures are
2.4. Defects are detected and reported according to
standard operating procedures.
2.5. Process improvement procedures are participated in
the improvement of internal/external customer/supplier
relationships is participated in.
2.6. Performance of operation or quality of product or
service is monitored to ensure customer satisfaction
3. Take samples 3.1. Difference between population and sample is
understood and various sampling schemes are
applied in accordance with standard operating
3.2. Sample is taken according to the procedure.
4. Apply statistical process4.1. Concept of variation is understood in terms of average and
to monitor production spread.
4.2. Data is used to produce relevant statistical
4.3. Data is interpreted accurately and information is
presented to appropriate authority according to standard
operating procedures.

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Variable Range
Quality improvement It is a system comprising some or all of the following elements:
system • Quality assurance
• Quality control
• Quality inspection
• Quality improvement
• Total quality control
Customer The next person or organization receiving the production or
Sampling schemes • Agreed customer plans
• Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
• Average Outgoing Quality Level (AOQL) plans
Relevant statistical Refers to :
information • Average range and process control data and
• Plotting of charts such as line graphs, run charts, tally
charts, histograms, control charts, random and
assignable causes etc.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Worked within a quality system
• Engaged in quality improvement
• Applied sampling schemes
• Applied statistical process to monitor production
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Quality system terminology and concepts e.g.
quality assurance – planning to meet customers’
quality control – checks and procedures to ensure
customer requirements are met
quality inspection – inspecting and testing products and
total quality control – a company-wide approach that
combines both quality assurance and quality control so
that the customer is always satisfied
• Commonly accepted meaning/s of the terms quality and
quality system
• The reasons for following requirements of the quality
improvement system may include:
Strategies and approaches for working within a quality
Procedures to be followed in undertaking the work
Specifications to which the individual's work is to comply
Reasons for ensuring work conforms to specification
• Benefits of good quality:
Quality products
Reduced costs
Customer confidence, satisfaction and loyalty

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Good reputation
Job satisfaction
Solving problems
Increased competitiveness
Keeping up with technology
• Costs and consequences of poor quality e.g.
Lost customers
Lost time
Low morale
• Procedures for reporting defects
• Examples of common defects
• Quality improvement procedures
• Four steps of the quality cycle: plan, do, check, act
• Reasons for following process improvement procedures
• Examples of ways in which customer/supplier relationships
can be improved
• Benefits of good customer/supplier relationship
• Hazards and control measures associated with applying
quality procedures, including housekeeping
• Safe work practices and procedures
• Numerical operations and statistical calculations/formulae
within the scope of this unit
• Statistical process control procedures, which may include six
sigma etc. And the sampling procedures to be followed
• The types of charts that can be produced to assist monitoring
of products including run charts, tally charts, histograms,
control charts
• Use and application of personal protective equipment
Underpinning skills Demonstrates skills to:
• Interpret requirements
• Statistical computation
• Implement safe work practices and procedures
• Observe and apply quality procedures in housekeeping
• Monitor process requirements
• Communicate effectively within the workplace
• Document, assess and transfer information
• Implement PDCA
• Maintain accurate records
• Meet specifications
• Clarify and check task-related information
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including :
• Work areas
• Charts and instruments
• Materials and tools relevant to the activities
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Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Analyze and Perform Control Requirements Solutions
Unit Code IND MMM5 09 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required
for solution and operation of important requirements by

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine system 1.1. Instructions regarding system requirements are obtained,
requirements understood and clarified as necessary.
1.2. Available drawings are interpreted correctly using standard
2. Analyze control 2.1. Requirements are analyzed based on demand
requirements 2.2. Basic parts of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric control
system are detected.
2.3. Electro-pneumatic/hydraulic control systems are used as
development of traditional ones.
3. Select control system 3.1. Suitable components and alternatives are detected with
components different systems developed.
3.2. Components are selected for hydraulic, pneumatic and
electric circuits
3.3. Functions of the control systems are modified
according to the requirements and safety procedures
4. Solve control 4.1. Hardware programmed logic controller and PLC are used
requirements for solutions
4.2. Solutions are integrated into the working process
5. Verify component 5.1. Circuits are set- up and operated on laboratory benches.
selection 5.2. Operation is analyzed and outcomes are verified against
system requirements.

Variable Range
Hydraulic circuits May include, but not limited to:
• Linear actuators, motors, control valves
Safety procedures May include, but not limited to:
• Selecting a suitable fire resistant fluid for a system,
given its operating conditions;
• Following required precautions when changing a system
from one fluid to another
PLC Refers to Programmable Logic Controller

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
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Determined system requirements

Analyzed control requirements

Selected components for simple hydraulic, pneumatic,

electric and combined circuits
• Solved control requirements by integrating these
solutions into the working system
• Verified component selection
• Used and programmed PLC
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Fluid power:
Definition of the term fluid power
Differences between pneumatic and hydraulic systems
Advantages and disadvantages of fluid power compared
with mechanical and electric power systems
Safety procedures when working with fluid power
Basic properties of fluids
Selection and suitability for different applications
Basic properties and units – mass, volume, density,
specific volume, relative density, force and weight,
pressure (absolute, atmospheric and gauge),
temperature (celsius and kelvin), viscosity, surface
Introduction to temperature and pressure effects on the
basic properties and applications
Precautions to be taken when changing type of fluid in a
• Awareness of different components including:
Pipes (rigid and flexible)
Valves, types and functions
Filters and strainers for liquids
Gauges and instruments – pressure/temperature
gauges, liquid level gauges, thermometers,
thermocouples, manometers, piezometers
Pipe fittings – elbows/bends, enlargement/contractions,
coupler/unions, tees
Tanks and vessels – storage tanks, pressure vessels,
header and surge tanks, weirs/dams/reservoirs
Flow measurement instruments – venturi and orifice
Pumps, motors/turbines
• Linear actuators:
Types, selection and functions
Methods of supporting linear actuators
Introduction to calculations related to linear actuators
• Control valves (hydraulic and pneumatic):
Directional controls and functions
Pressure controls and functions
Flow controls and functions
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Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Observing and analyzing performance of linear actuators
in laboratory circuits
• Checking valves and functions
• Recognizing and drawing standard symbols for control
• Drawing and analysis of typical circuits containing control
• Observing and analyzing performance of valves in basic
• Proper use of fluids
• Proper storing and handling of chemical fluids
• Proper disposal of waste
• Using PLC
• Programming PLC
• Drawing and analysis of circuit diagrams containing basic
• Setting- up and operating circuits on pneumatic and
hydraulic benches in a fluid power laboratory
Resource Implication The following resources must be provided.
• Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable materials
• Simulation boards
• Personal protective equipment
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Manage the Installation and Commissioning of
Unit Title
Equipment and Systems
Unit Code IND MMM5 10 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to manage
the installation and commissioning of equipment and

Elements Performance Criteria

1 Prepare work plan 1.1 Items to be included in work plan and specification
and specification document are identified and confirmed
1.2 Work plan for installation and commissioning of
equipment and systems is drawn up, including
management and reporting procedures
1.3 Specification document is prepared according to
workplace and/or manufacturer procedures
2 Coordinate and 2.1 Contract arrangements for the installation and
monitor contract commissioning of equipment/systems, including all legal,
arrangements insurance and safety requirements, are coordinated in
accordance with workplace and/or legislative procedures
2.2 Contract arrangements are monitored to ensure
compliance with requirements and variations dealt with
according to agreed strategy
3 Manage schedules 3.1 Information is gathered to establish adherence to
and budgets schedule and budget forecasts
3.2 Deviation from performance targets is monitored and
corrective action taken, if and where necessary
3.3 Scheduling and budgeting processes are assessed to
determine whether variations or alternative plans are
4 Administer legal, 4.1 Legal, environmental and OHS requirements related to
environmental and installation and commissioning of equipment/systems are
OHS requirements defined
4.2 Monitoring of the process is assessed to ensure
5 Assess and report 5.1 Completed work is assessed to confirm all specifications
on work completion have been incorporated
5.2 Report on work completed is prepared in accordance
with workplace practices
6 Maintain records 6.1 Records are maintained of installation and
commissioning activities in accordance with workplace

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Variable Range
Equipment and systems May Include, but not limited to:
• Microprocessor or computer control
• Production and facility equipment used within the
Workplace practices May Include, but not limited to:
• Workplace practices relating to managing installation and
commissioning of equipment and systems
• Conditions of service, legislation and industrial
agreements including workplace agreements and awards
and federal legislation
• Standard work practices
• Reporting verbally or in writing
• Oral, written or visual communication
• Being responsible for the maintenance of own work
quality and contributing to the quality improvement of
team or section output, where necessary
• Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality
practices as specified by machine and equipment
manufacturers, regulatory authorities and the
Legislative/ All work must comply with relevant Federal legislative or
regulatory requirements regulatory requirements, organisation insurance
requirements, OHS legislation, manual handling procedures
and relevant health regulations.
Workplace OHS May Include, but not limited to:
practices • Use of personal protective wear and equipment
• Safe materials handling practices
• Taking of rest breaks
• Ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
• Following marked walkways
• Storage of equipment
• Workstation housekeeping
• Cleaning of equipment
• Workers' compensation legislation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
Competence • Develop and prepare work plan and specification
• Organise and monitor contract arrangements
• Assess scheduling and budgeting procedures
• Implement legal, environmental and OHS
• Ensure completed work meets specifications
• Maintain accurate records
Apply underpinning knowledge and skills when:
• Organising work
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Managing activities and personnel

Completing tasks

Identifying improvements

Applying safety precautions relevant to the task

Assessing operational capability of specified equipment

used and work processes
• Shows evidence of application of relevant workplace
practices including:
• Hazard policies and procedures including codes of
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Appropriate installation and commissioning procedures
• OHS considerations and environmental factors
• Contract requirements
• Safety and environmental aspects of relevant enterprise
• Workplace practices and reporting/recording processes
• Relevant regulatory requirements and codes of practice
• Relevant OHS legislation, regulatory requirements and
codes of practice
• Carry out work in accordance with OHS practices
• Hazard identification and control measures associated
with managing installation and commissioning of
equipment and systems
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Monitor contract arrangements, scheduling and budgets
• Manage the application of technical skills by other
• Communicate effectively within the workplace, including
liaising with other departments
• Establish or interpret procedures, where required
• Determine report requirements and present information
in appropriate formats
• Read, interpret and follow information on job instructions,
specifications, standard operating procedures, patterns,
charts, tickets, order forms and other applicable
reference material
• Sequence operations
• Clarify and check task related information
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.
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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level IV
Unit Title Manage Safety and Environmental Protection
Unit Code IND MMM5 11 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to conduct an
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) risk analysis,
including the inspection of workplaces for hazards. The
development and implementation of appropriate responses
to reduce risks are also addressed, including responses
required by government legislation and regulation for
environmental protection in production/manufacturing

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine areas of 1.1. Specific risks for the range of occupations in the
potential risk in the workplace are identified and prioritized.
1.2. Safety is evaluated and hazards and potential risk
areas are identified in accordance with legislative
requirements for OHS and company policies.
1.3. Hazards are identified and prioritized and required
approaches to remediation are documented.
1. Inspect and report on 2.1. Inspection of the workplace is conducted to identify
areas of specific risk specific risks for the range of identified jobs/activities.
2.2. Expert advice and advice from workplace personnel is
sought as appropriate.
2.3. An inspection report is completed in accordance with
best practice and statutory obligations.
3. Advise on 3.1. Recommendations are made from findings of
implementation of inspection report.
control measures at
3.2. Relevant parties are consulted regarding compliance
the workplace
issues relating to statutory requirements.
3.3. Agreed control measures are implemented in
conjunction with relevant workplace personnel.
3.4. Effectiveness of control measures is monitored and
4. Establish and review 4.1. Effective strategies for communicating occupational
communications and health and safety policy and practice are determined in
educational programs consultation with appropriate personnel.
4.2. Communication strategies and educational
programs specific to the industry are established in
accordance with statutory requirements and best
4.3. The effectiveness of the communication and
educational programs is reviewed.
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Variables Range
Specific risks May include, but are not limited to:
• Fall protection and access equipment
• Cranes, hoists and lifting gear
• Pressure equipment
• Welding, cutting and gouging processes in the
manufacturing industry in particular, oxy-acetylene,
commonly used high risk equipment, etc.
• Production equipment/machineries
• Metal / steel construction
• Protruding objects
• Stacking and storing materials
• exposure to Ultra Violet Light (UVL)
• environmental conditions
• electrical works
Legislative requirements Must be adhered to in all planning and implementation
for OHS stages, noting that:
• OHS requirements are to be in accordance with Federal
or regional legislation and regulations and may Include,
but not limited to:
Protective clothing and equipment
Use of tools and equipment
Workplace environment and safety
Handling of materials
Use of firefighting equipment
Use of first aid equipment
Hazard control and hazardous materials and
• Personal protective equipment may include that
prescribed under legislation, regulation and workplace
policies and practices
• Safe operating procedures may include but are not
limited to:
Recognizing and preventing hazards associated with
the use of tools and equipment
Trip hazards
Underground services
Surrounding structure and facilities
Hazardous materials
Other machines
Working in proximity to others
Workplace visitors/the public
Working in confined spaces
• Environmental requirements to cover water quality
management must address waste management, storm-
water protection and clean-up protection

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• Legislative requirements may require the development
and use of site safety plans and safe work methods
An inspection report May include, but are not limited to:
• Prescribed self-assessment tools identified by a relevant
regional authority (relevant legislation must be applied)
• Check lists, hazard sheet
• Company safety procedure forms
Relevant parties May include, but are not limited to:
: • Designers
• Manufacturers and importers
• Suppliers of plant
• Principal contractors
• Employers
• Self-employed persons/subcontractors
• Workers
• Persons in control of workplaces
• Members of workplace safety committees
Workplace personnel May include, but are not limited to:
• Principal contractors
• Employers
• Self-employed persons/subcontractors
• Workers
• Persons in control of workplaces
• Members of workplace safety committees
Communication May include, but are not limited to:
strategies • Verbal communications
• Issued specific instructions and signage
• Written communications including memos and emails
Educational programs May include, but are not limited to:
• General and workplace specific induction training -
noting that occupational health and safety induction
training provided must meet the requirements of the
jurisdiction in which the work is undertaken
• Other forms of specialist and targeted training

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person must be able to demonstrate:
Competence • Ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate
work appropriately
• Ability to interpret financial documents in accordance
with legal requirements
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Current workplace/Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) legislation and advisory standards
• Manufacturing Workplace Advisory Standard
• Manual Handling in the Metal Manufacturing Industry

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• Advisory Standard
• Pollution Advisory Standards
• Noise Advisory Standard
• Application of industry contracts
• Environmental hazards and related regulation
• Other relevant manufacturing codes, standards and
government regulations
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skill of:
• Application of regulatory requirements, including safe
work method statements and plans such as site safety
• Appropriate literacy and numeracy skills
• Communication skills
• Initiative and investigation skills to be able to inspect the
workplace and identify risks and hazards
• Inspection skills
• Interpretation and application skills
• Interviewing skills
• Maintaining of records and documents
• Negotiation/conflict resolution skills
• OHS auditing skills
• Report writing skills
• Research skills
• Self-management skills to be able to monitor and
evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs
• Teamwork skills to ensure effective collaboration with
relevant stakeholders
• Technical skills in production processes relevant to the
• Technological skills to be able to effectively use office
software and equipment
Resource Implications Resource implications for assessment include:
• Current copy of relevant federal/regional OHS
legislation, Act/regulation and advisory standards for
first aid
• Samples of workplace incident data and incident reports
• Other relevant codes, standards, government
• Office equipment, including calculators, photocopiers
and telephone systems
• Computers with appropriate software
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Undertake Value Analysis of Product Costs
Unit Code IND MMM5 12 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge and skills required by an
employee who is required to analyse products and
processes to determine the factors that most impact on
meeting customer requirements. The analysis is in terms of
cost factors and include options for improving cost
efficiency. The unit also includes implementing identified
changes that increase cost efficiency. The unit may be
applied individually or in a team environment.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Analyse customer 1.1. Features/Benefits perceived by customer are determined
benefits and in product
determine waste
1.2. Cost components are analysed and those which deliver
customer features/benefits and those which don't
1.3. Waste cost components are analysed
1.4. Alternative ways of reducing waste costs are determined
1.5. Actions which maximise customer benefits and minimise
costs are selected
2. Analyse production 2.1. Required performance is analysed to meet customer
performance pull
2.2. Actual cycle time and variability of cycle time are
2.3. Cause of waste in throughput is analysed
2.4. Costs are analysed and methods of reducing costs/waste
2.5. Actions required is taken to achieve cost/waste

Variable Range
Waste Is any activity which does not contribute to customer
benefit/features in the product. Within manufacturing,
categories of waste include:
• Excess production and early production
• Delays
• Movement and transport
• Poor process design
• Inventory
• Inefficient performance of a process

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• Making defective items.
Waste for this unit may include activities which do not yield
any benefit to the organisation or any benefit to the
organisations customers.
Performance May be thought of as the rate of output of the plant
compared to the rate required to meet demand.
Pull Is the concept of producing to demand, rather than for stock
or some forecast.
Cycle time Is the normal time to complete an operation on a product.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
Competence • Select a product/range of products to analyse and
determine waste in terms of any cost which does not
contribute directly to an identified customer
benefit/feature and then proceed to determine and
implement methods of reducing this waste.
• Can consistently perform the unit as a whole, as defined
by the elements, performance criteria, skills and
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Customer benefits from products
Attitudes • Performance and cycle times for products made
• Major costs which are controllable (and how to control
• Types of waste (MUDA)
• Methods of reducing waste (MUDA)
• Methods of reducing cycle time
• Desirability of improving performance and methods of
reducing cycle time
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills in:
• Calculation
• Communication
• Problem solving
• Analysis
• Numeracy
• Literacy
• Planning and organising
Resources Implication The following resources must be provided:
• On an appropriate, industrial plant/site
• In a situation allowing the generation of evidence of the
ability to respond to problems
• By using a suitable simulation and/or a range of case
• Through a combination of these techniques.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
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Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Practice Career Professionalism
Unit Code IND MMM5 13 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
promoting career growth and advancement.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Integrate personal 1.1. Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
objectives with improving the qualifications set for the profession
organizational goals
1.2. Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in
the course of managing oneself based on performance
1.3. Commitment to the organization and its goal is
demonstrated in the performance of duties
2. Set and meet work 2.1. Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal,
priorities team and organizational goals and objectives.
2.2. Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to
manage work priorities and commitments
2.3. Practices along economic use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities are followed as per established
3. Maintain professional 3.1. Trainings and career opportunities are identified and
growth and availed of based on job requirements
development 3.2. Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as
proof of career advancement
3.3. Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career
are obtained and renewed

Variables Range
Evaluation May include, but are not limited to:
• Performance Appraisal
• Psychological Profile
• Aptitude Tests
Resources May include, but are not limited to:
• Human
• Financial
• Technology includes:
Trainings and career May include, but are not limited to:
opportunities • Participation in training programs include:
Technical, Supervisory, Managerial
Continuing Education
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• Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and
Recognitions May include, but are not limited to:
• Recommendations
• Citations
• Certificate of appreciations
• Commendations
• Awards and tangible and intangible rewards
Licenses and/or May include, but are not limited to:
certifications • NTQF Certificates (NC)
• Competence Certificates (CC)
• Support Level Licenses such as Professional Licenses

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence • Attained job targets within Key Result Areas (KRAS)
• Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the
course of managing oneself based on performance
• Completed trainings and career opportunities which are
based on the requirements of the industries
• Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications
according to the requirement of the qualification
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes • Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of
Ethics, etc.)
• Company policies, company operations, procedures and
• Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity
• Personal hygiene practices
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
• Appropriate practice of personal hygiene skills
• Intra and Interpersonal skills
• Communication skills
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Project Quality
Unit Code IND MMM5 13 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to manage quality
within projects. It covers determining quality requirements,
implementing quality assurance processes, and using
review and evaluation to make quality improvements in
current and future projects.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine quality 1.1. Quality objectives, standards and levels are
requirements determined, with input from stakeholders and guidance
of a higher project authority, to establish the basis for
quality outcomes and a quality management plan.
1.2. Established quality management methods,
techniques and tools are selected and used to
determine preferred mix of quality, capability, cost and
1.3. Quality criteria are identified, agreed with a higher
project authority and communicated to stakeholders to
ensure clarity of understanding and achievement of
quality and overall project objectives.
1.4. Agreed quality requirements are included in the project
plan and implemented as basis for performance
2. Implement quality 2.1. Results of project activities and product performance are
measured and documented throughout the project life
cycle to determine compliance with agreed quality
2.2. Causes of unsatisfactory results are identified, in
consultation with the client, and appropriate actions are
recommended to a higher project authority to enable
continuous improvement in quality outcomes.
2.3. Inspections of quality processes and quality control
results are conducted to determine compliance of quality
standards to overall quality objectives.
2.4. A quality management system is maintained to enable
effective recording and communication of quality issues
and outcomes to a higher project authority and
3. Implement project
3.1. Processes are reviewed and agreed changes
quality improvements implemented continually throughout the project life cycle
to ensure continuous improvement to quality.
3.2. Project outcomes are reviewed against performance
criteria to determine the effectiveness of quality
management processes and procedures.
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3.3. Lessons learned and recommended improvements are
identified, documented and passed to a higher project
authority for application in future projects.

Variable Range
Quality objectives May include, but not limited to:
• Requirements from the client and other stakeholders
• Requirements from a higher project authority
• Negotiated trade-offs between cost, schedule and
• Those quality aspects which may impact on customer
Quality management May include, but not limited to:
plan • Established processes
• Authorizations and responsibilities for quality control
• Quality assurance and continuous improvement
Quality management May include, but not limited to:
methods, techniques • Brainstorming
and • Benchmarking
tools • Charting processes
• Ranking candidates
• Defining control
• Undertaking benefit/cost analysis
• Processes that limit and/or indicate variation
• Control charts
• Flowcharts
• Histograms
• Pareto charts
• Scatter gram and run charts
Quality control May include, but not limited to:
• Monitoring conformance with specifications
• Recommending ways to eliminate causes of
• Performance of products or processes
• Monitoring of regular inspections by internal or external
Improvements May include, but not limited to:
• Formal practices, such as total quality management or
continuous improvement
• Improvement by less formal processes which enhance
both the product quality and processes of the project, for
example client surveys to determine client satisfaction
with project team performance
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Lists of quality objectives, standards, levels and
measurement criteria
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• Records of inspections, recommended rectification
actions and quality outcomes
• Management of quality management system and quality
management plans
• Application of quality control, quality assurance and
continuous improvement processes
• Records of quality reviews
• Lists of lessons learned and recommended
• How quality requirements and outcomes were
determined for projects
• How quality tools were selected for use in projects
• How team members were managed throughout projects
with respect to quality within the project
• How quality was managed throughout projects
• How problems and issues with respect to quality and
arising during projects were identified and addressed
• How projects were reviewed with respect to quality
• How improvements to quality management of projects
have been acted upon
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • The principles of project quality management and their
Attitudes application
• Acceptance of responsibilities for project quality
• Use of quality management systems and standards
• The place of quality management in the context of the
project life cycle
• Appropriate project quality management methodologies;
and their capabilities, limitations, applicability and
contribution to project outcomes
• Attributes:
Attention to detail
Able to maintain an overview
Communicative and positive leadership
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
• Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural
and ethnic backgrounds, and physical and mental
• Project and quality management
• Planning and organizing
• Communication and negotiation
• Problem-solving
• Leadership and personnel management
• Monitoring and review skills

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Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation
Unit Code IND MMM5 15 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to plan and
manage the introduction and facilitation of change; particular
emphasis is on the development of creative and flexible
approaches, and on managing emerging opportunities and

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Participate in 1.1. Concept, nature importance and objective of change
planning the are understood.
introduction and
facilitation of change 1.2. Steps tools and approaches of changes are planned
and made in consultation with appropriate
1.3. The relationship among innovation, quality, change and
cost is understood.
1.4. Environments that facilitate the expedition of change
are understood.
1.5. Change resistance reducing techniques are
identified and implemented.
2. Manage growth and 2.1. Needs for growth are identified.
transition of 2.2. Growth strategies are identified.
2.3. Selected growth strategies are implemented.
2 Develop creative 3.1. Concepts, types and nature of problem are understood.
and flexible 3.2. Variety of problem solving techniques and approaches
approaches and are identified and analyzed to manage workplace
solutions issues.
3.3. Risks are identified and assessed, and action initiated
to manage these to achieve a recognized benefit or
advantage to the organization.
3.4. Workplace is managed in a way which promotes the
development of innovative approaches and outcomes.
3.5. Creative and responsive approaches to resource
management are used to improve productivity and
services, and/or reduce costs.
3 Manage emerging 3.1. Future challenges and opportunities are identified in
challenges and reference to global business situation
opportunities 3.2. The role of technology and its value additions are
3.3. Technology and innovation based system is introduced
and implemented

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3.4. Individuals and teams are supported to respond
effectively and efficiently to changes in the
organization’s goals, plans and priorities.
3.5. Coaching and mentoring are made to assist individuals
and teams to develop competencies to handle change
efficiently and effectively.
3.6. Opportunities are identified and taken as appropriate to
make adjustments and respond to the changing needs
of customers and the organization.
3.7. Information needs of individuals and teams are
anticipated and facilitated as part of change
implementation and management.
3.8. Recommendations are identified, evaluated and
negotiated for improving the methods to manage
change with appropriate individuals and groups.

Variables Range
Appropriate May include, but not limited to:
stakeholders • Organization directors and other relevant managers
• Teams and individual employees who are both directly
and indirectly involved in the proposed change
• Union/employee representatives or groups
• OHS committees
• Other people with specialist responsibilities
• External stakeholders where appropriate - such as
clients, suppliers, industry associations, regulatory and
licensing agencies
Change resistance May include, but not limited to:
reducing techniques • Education and communication
• Participation and involvement
• Facilitation and support
• Negotiation and agreement
• Manipulation and cooptation
• Explicit and implicit coercion
Needs for growth May include, but not limited to:
• Survival
• Economies of scale
• Expansion of market
• Owners mandate
• Technology
• Government policy and Self sufficiency
Growth Strategies May include, but not limited to:
• Franchising
• Outsourcing
• Sub-contracting and Merging
Risks May include financial and non-financial risks

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Information needs May include, but not limited to:
• New and emerging workplace issues
• Implications for current work roles and practices
including training and development
• Changes relative to workplace legislation, such as OHS,
workplace data such as productivity, inputs/outputs and
future projections
• Planning documents
• Reports
• Market trend data
• Scenario plans and customer/competitor data

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge to:
Competence • Participate in planning the introduction and facilitation of
• Manage growth and transition of business
• Develop creative and flexible approaches and solutions
• Manage emerging challenges and opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Relevant legislation from all levels of government that
Attitudes affects business operation, especially in regard to
occupational health and safety and environmental issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-
• Growth strategies
• The principles and techniques involved in:
Change and innovation management
Development of strategies and procedures to
implement and facilitate change and innovation
• Use of risk management strategies:
Identifying hazards,
Assessing risks and implementing risk control
Problem identification and resolution
Leadership and mentoring techniques
Management of quality customer service delivery
Consultation and communication techniques
Record keeping and management methods
The sources of change and how they impact
Factors which lead/cause resistance to change
Approaches to managing workplace issues
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills on:
• Communication, planning, managing and team works
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS

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Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Metal Manufacturing Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement Process (Kaizen)
Unit Code IND MMM5 16 0217
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance, outcomes, knowledge,
attitude and skills required to sustain and develop an
environment in which continuous improvement, innovation
and learning are promoted, rewarded and managed.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Diagnose the current 1.1. Parameters used for study current situation are
status. obtained.
1.2. Internal and external environment is analyzed.
1.3. Problems related to targeted environment is recognized
and identified.
1.4. Problems regarding to current situation are analyzed.
1.5. Alternatives are generated.
1.6. Best alternatives are selected.
2. Design an effective 2.1. The values, mission and goals of kaizen management
continuous system are clarified.
process (kaizen). 2.2. The kaizen management template and a visual
management logo full of purpose and meaning are
2.3. A clear action strategy (master and detailed plans) is
2.4. The most effective and proven kaizen tools are chosen
and applied.
2.5. A practical way is identified to involve all employees in
Gemba activities (top, middle and bottom).
3. Develop change 3. 1. Kaizen Promotion Team Structure is developed.
3. 2. The Kaizen Training Plan is defined and started.
3. 3. Supervisors’ kaizen capability and habits are
3. 4. Key people are developed in terms of individual
leadership capability.
4. Implement improved 4.1. Sustainability/continuous improvement are
processes. promoted as an essential part of doing business.
4.2. Impacts of change and consequences are addressed
for people, and transition plans implemented.
4.3. Objectives, time frames, measures and communication
plans are ensured in place to manage implementation.
4.4. Contingency plans are implemented in the event of
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4.5. Failure is followed-up by prompt investigation and
analysis of causes.
4.6. Emerging challenges and opportunities are managed
4.7. Continuous improvement systems and processes are
evaluated regularly.
4.8. Improvements are communicated to all relevant groups
and individuals.
4.9. Opportunities are explored for further development of
value stream improvement processes.
5. Establish direction 5.1. A system audit tool is defined and implemented.
and control.
5.2. The kaizen management system is deployed across all
company levels and functions.
5.3. Results are checked and corrections made.
5.4. Standard operating procedures are developed and
5.5. The recruit, training and evaluation systems are
improved and HR practices compensated.

Variables Range
Parameters May include, but not limited to:
• Working condition
• Resources May Include, but not limited to:
Material and Machine
• Kaizen elements
Kaizen management May include, but not limited to:
template • Visual management board for:
Displaying characteristic figures, data and graphics
Depicting and controlling processes
Identifying and marking sources of risks, setting and
Displaying company’s values and goals of kaizen
Kaizen tools May include, but not limited to:
• 5S (a visual workplace management)
• 7 QC tools( Cause and Effect Diagram, Check Sheet ,
Pareto Diagram , Histogram, Scatter Diagram, Control
Chart and Flow Chart )
• Brainstorming
• Basic Industrial Engineering (IE) tools such as time
study, motion study, line balancing, work sampling
• JIT (JUST IN TIME) principles
• MUDA identification and elimination tools
• Kanban
• Poka-yoke and Takt- time

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Gemba activities May include, but not limited to:
• Value-adding activities to satisfy the customer
• Employee autonomous operations (participating in team
to identify nonconformity, propose solutions and
implement them autonomously)
Individual leadership May include, but not limited to:
capability • Personal and interpersonal skills
• Courage
• Honour and integrity
• Energy and drive
• Strategic skills
• Operating and Organizational positioning skills
Sustainability/continuou May include, but not limited to:
s improvement • Improvements made by following PDCA (Plan, Do,
Check and Act) cycle for:
Improvements in one’s own work
Saving in energy, material and other resources
Improvements in the working environment
Improvements in machines and processes
Improvements in jigs and tools
Improvement in office work
Improvements in product quality
Ideas for new products
Customers services and customer relations
System audit tool May include, but not limited to:
• 5S audit
• Patrol system
• Kaizen board
• 5M check lists and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Standard operating May include, but not limited to:
procedure • Administrative standards for:
Managing the business
Personnel Guidelines
Job Descriptions
Guidelines for preparing cost information
• Operation standards for:
Describing the way a job is done.
Help realising Quality, cost, delivery.
Addressing the need to satisfy customers.
Using the process that’s the best.
Producing work in the most cost effective manner.
Assuring total quality for the customer.
HR practices May include, but not limited to:
• Resources May Include, but not limited to:
Recruit and retain high quality people with innovative
skills and a good track, record in innovation
• HR development is used for:

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strategic capability and provide encouragement and
facilities for enhancing innovating skills and
enhancing the intellectual capital of the organization
• Reward will:
Provide financial incentives and rewards and
recognition for successful innovation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge competencies to:
Assessment • Establish policy and cross-functional goals for kaizen
• Deploy and implement goals as directed through policy
deployment and cross-functional management.
• Realize goals through deployment and audits.
• Build systems, procedures, and structures conducive to
• Use kaizen in functional capabilities.
• Introduce Kaizen as a corporate strategy
• Provide support and direction between allocating
• Establish, maintain and upgrade standards.
• Make employees conscious through training programs.
• Assist employees develop skills and tools for problem
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude • Quality management and continuous improvement
• Creativity/innovation theories/concepts
• Competitive systems and practices tools, including:
Mistake proofing
Process mapping
Establishing customer pull
Setting of KPIs/metrics
Kaizen elements/targets.
Identification and elimination of waste/MUDA
Continuous improvement processes including
implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategies
for a whole organization and its value stream
Difference between breakthrough improvement and
continuous improvement
Organizational goals, processes and structure
Approval processes within organization
Methods of determining the impact of a change
Customer perception of value
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control
(DMAIC) to sustain process

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Underpinning Skills Demonstrates Skills to:
• Use leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality
and openness to improvement.
• Analyze training needs and implementing training
• Prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation
• Undertake self-directed problem solving and decision-
making on issues of a broad and/or highly specialized
nature and in highly varied and/or highly specialized
• Communicate at all levels in the organization and to
audiences of different levels of literacy and numeracy
• Analyze current state/situation of the organization.
• Analyze individually and collectively the implementation
of competitive systems and practices tools in the
organization and determining strategies for improved
• Solve highly varied and highly specialized problems
related to competitive systems and practices
implementation and continuous improvement to root
• Negotiate with stakeholders, where required, to obtain
information required for implementation and refinement
of continuous improvements, including management,
unions, employees and members of the community.
• Review relevant metrics, including all those measures
which might be used to determine the performance of the
improvement system, including:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for existing
Quality statistics
Delivery timing and quantity statistics
Process/equipment reliability (‘uptime’)
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
• Interview/Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting.

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business,

industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise
to the development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of GIZ, Techtra
Engineering, Steely RMI P.L.C., Walia Steel Industry, Akaki Metal Products Factory,
Akaki Spare Parts, Holland Car P.L.C., B and C Aluminum P.L.C./Inter Africa
Extrusion, Zukuala Steel Production Factory, Mesfin Industrial Engineering P.L.C.,
Kaliti Metal Production Factory, Metal Corporation, Metals Industry Development
Institute, Ministry of Trade and Industry; and Federal Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) who made the development of this occupational
standard possible.

This occupational standard was developed on February 2017 at Addis Ababa,


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Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard March 2011

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