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General Michael Flynn Seeks To Withdraw His Guilty Plea One Week Before Sentencing

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Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 24





v. Criminal Action No. 17-232-EGS





Sidney Powell Jesse R. Binnall

Molly McCann Lindsay R. McKasson
Sidney Powell, P.C. Harvey & Binnall, PLLC
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., 717 King Street, Suite 300
Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314
Dallas, Texas 75219 Tel: (703) 888-1943
Tel: 214-707-1775 Fax: (703) 888-1930
Admitted Pro Hac Vice Admitted Pro Hac Vice
Admitted Pro Hac Vice

W. William Hodes
The William Hodes Law Firm
3658 Conservation Trail
The Villages, Florida 32162
Tel: (352) 399-0531
Fax: (352) 240-3489
Admitted Pro Hac Vice

Attorneys for Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (USA) (Retired)

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 24


A. Background and Facts Relevant to the Issues Herein……………………………………..1

B. The Government’s December 15, 2019 Extraordinary

Production, the December Report of the Inspector
General, this Court’s Opinion Denying All Brady Requests,
and the Government’s New Sentencing Position and Memo
Warrant This Continuance……………………………………………………………….12

1. The 478-Page IG Report Disclosed Stunning New

Information About the Second Agent Who
Interviewed Mr. Flynn…………………………………………………………...13

2. On December 15, 2019, the Government Finally

Produced 637 Pages of Long-Promised 302s and
Handwritten Notes of Agents…………………………………………………….13

3. This Court’s Ninety-Two Page Decision………………………………………...13

4. The Government Obtained Two Extensions Before

Filing Its Sentencing Memoranda Seeking to Revise
History and Imprison Mr. Flynn…………………………………………….......14

C. The Government’s Sentencing Memo Dramatically

Changed Its Position, Seeks to Withdraw Its Prior
Motion and Recommendation, and Triggers the
Necessity to File this Motion Now to Withdraw the Plea……………………………….15

D. Puckett Requires Mr. Flynn Move to Withdraw His Plea……………………………….17

E. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….20
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Michael T. Flynn (“Mr. Flynn”) hereby moves to withdraw his plea because of the

government’s bad faith, vindictiveness, and breach of the plea agreement. See ECF No. 150. Mr.

Flynn also requests a continuance of the sentencing date set for January 28, 2020, for thirty days

or until February 27, 2020, or such other subsequent day that is convenient to the Court and

counsel, and a corresponding extension of time to file any supplemental sentencing memorandum

(from January 22, 2020, to February 21, 2020). The continuance is requested to allow time for the

government to respond to the most recent aspects of this Motion and for Mr. Flynn to provide the

additional briefing he needs to protect the record and his constitutional rights in light of significant

developments in the last thirty days.

Mr. Flynn’s counsel conferred with the government about the continuance requested herein

beginning the morning of January 10, 2020, and provided a letter yesterday to include as the

Certificate of Conference. The government’s timely response is attached as the Certificate of

Conference. Since that conference, Mr. Flynn has instructed counsel to request withdrawal of his

plea because of the government’s breach of the plea agreement. Accordingly, pursuant to Puckett

v. United States, 556 U.S. 129 (2009),1 Mr. Flynn files this Motion now in the interest of justice.

A. Background and Facts Relevant to the Issues Herein

By way of reminder, the small team of new counsel appeared for Mr. Flynn for the first

time on June 17, 2019.2 ECF No. 90, 91. Mr. Flynn and his defense team (past and current) spent

This Motion to Withdraw addresses the issues and facts relevant to issues triggered by Puckett
analysis. Mr. Flynn has substantial alternative reasons to move to withdraw his plea, and counsel
will brief those for the court as soon as possible.
By August 15, 2019, Mr. Flynn’s new counsel received eighteen hard drives from former
counsel at Covington & Burling LLP (“Covington”), which contained more than 330,000
documents. Present counsel has been working as diligently as possible since first appearing in June
2019. Present counsel provided the Court new and extensive briefings and motions on issues
important to Mr. Flynn’s defense—based primarily on information the government only began

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hundreds of hours trying to cooperate with the government in accordance with Mr. Flynn’s plea

agreement which requires him to provide truthful testimony.

Only after new counsel appeared, did the government for the first time demand an

admission and testimony from Mr. Flynn that he knew and intended when he signed the FARA

registration form that it contained several material false statements.3 Not only was that demanded

testimony a lie, but also, the prosecutors knew it was false, and would induce a breach.

That assertion/question/demand had not been raised nor made by the government in the

previous year and a half—during any of Mr. Flynn’s sixteen or more lengthy sessions with Mr.

Van Grack and the EDVA prosecutors. Prosecutors did not raise it in preparation for his grand

jury testimony the previous summer, nor did they raise it before the grand jury. ECF No. 150-2.

The prosecutors did not raise this issue in his countless hours spent with the Special Counsel’s

Office (“SCO”). And, even more stunning, the prosecutors’ new assertion that Mr. Flynn knew

the statements in the FARA application were “false” when he authorized Covington to file the

form, is squarely refuted by the draft of the plea agreement Covington negotiated with Mr. Van

Grack himself which specifically struck from the “Statement of Offense” the language “as he then

and there knew” with respect to the FARA filing.4

dribbling out over the last year or so—since its first Brady production of March 4, 2018, and the
Inspector General’s Reports. We are a small team working on a shoe-string budget funded by
thousands of hard-working patriots across the country who are making non-tax-deductible
contributions primarily in amounts from $1 to $100 to
Notably, Mr. Flynn hired the nationally known FARA experts at Covington who then billed
hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigate independently and prepare the FARA filing in full
and extensive coordination with David Laufman, Heather Hunt, and multiple members of the DOJ.
Ex. 1 (Red-lined Statement of Offense).


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 5 of 24

Among undersigned counsel’s responses, during a heated exchange with Mr. Van Grack,

defense counsel informed him he was demanding that Mr. Flynn lie. Counsel requested the

government to identify any prior statement of Mr. Flynn’s to that effect.5 The prosecutors merely

told counsel to check the hundreds of pages of Covington’s notes, many of which were raw, the

plea colloquy, and whatever information counsel could find regarding the plea negotiations. Id.

Prior to this unexpected and outrageous demand (by Mr. Van Grack and DOJ NSD

Attorney Evan Turgeon (“Mr. Turgeon”) in particular), the Rafiekian EDVA prosecutors had

stated on the record in open court, and repeatedly told Mr. Flynn and new counsel, that they were

not asserting in any way that Mr. Flynn was a co-conspirator in United States v. Rafiekian.6 AUSA

James Gillis advised in cooperation sessions with new counsel and Mr. Flynn that whatever the

outcome of the Rafiekian trial, it would not adversely affect Mr. Flynn’s sentencing

recommendation.7 Significantly, as counsel reminded the prosecutors, Mr. Flynn’s plea agreement

requires that he tell the truth in any testimony,8 and he was fully prepared and willing to do so.

Ex. 2 (McKasson declaration).
See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-00457,
ECF No. 372 at 11 (“Neither the original nor superseding indictment in this case references Flynn
as a member of the alleged conspiracy or as an agent of the Turkish government; and in response
to the Court’s explicit questioning, the Government stated in open court that Flynn, who it planned
to call as a witness, was not a member of the charged conspiracy and that it would not rely upon
his testimony to establish the foundation for the admission of Alptekin’s hearsay statements under
Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(E)).” See also, Ex. 3 excerpt from United States v. Rafiekian, Case No.
1:18-cr-00457, ECF No. 213, June 13, 2019 Hearing Tr. 65:9-22. (“…we do not contend that
General Flynn was part of that conspiracy.”).
Memorandum Opposing Co-conspirator Designation of Non-Party Witness Michael T. Flynn.
United States v. Rafiekian, 1:18-cr-00457, ECF 270, n.4. (“Mr. Gillis informed undersigned
counsel and Mr. Flynn twice on June 6 alone that Mr. Flynn was not charged in this conspiracy,
and they did not intend to charge him.”).
Ex. 4 (Flynn Plea Agreement).


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He rightly refused to lie for the government, and his new counsel would not allow him to do so,

nor allow the government to bully him into acquiescence.

Remarkably, on June 26, 2019, in a preparation session for Mr. Flynn’s likely testimony in

Rafiekian, Mr. Van Grack, Mr. Turgeon, and EDVA prosecutors insisted that Mr. Flynn had lied

to Covington lawyers about who wrote the opinion piece that appeared in The Hill on election day,

November 8, 2016.9 That was also false, as the defense team explained to the government with

documentation. In fact, new counsel spent days scouring Covington’s notes and other documents

that unequivocally demonstrated that Mr. Flynn told them the truth. Emails, notes, and documents

in the possession of Covington from January 2, 2017, prove that it had the information to make a

correct FARA filing, and that the filing was substantially correct in all material respects.10 If there

were mistakes in the filing, they were the result of Covington’s interviews of multiple people—

including several lawyers; Covington’s consultation with and demands from David Laufman,

Heather Hunt, and multiple people with DOJ in and around the FARA section; and, Covington’s

own judgment calls and choices as it navigated this inscrutable area of the law.

See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457,
ECF No. 372 at 31 (“Finally, the Government points to the op-ed published by Flynn on November
8, 2016 and Rafiekian's statement to Alptekin that ‘a promise made is a promise kept’ as sufficient
evidence that Rafiekian was a Turkish agent. But there is no evidence that the op-ed had been
requested by the Turkish government, either directly or through Alptekin; or that it was Rafiekian,
as opposed to Flynn, who decided to have the op-ed published at that time.”).
Ex. 5 (Kelner Testimony and Defense Exhibits from Rafiekian trial). Moreover, the cover letter
to the FARA filing must be read as part of the filing. Read together, it gives a reasonable and
correct picture of the relationship, and it certainly identifies Turkey as a “principal beneficiary”—
the primary purpose of the filing—the making of which was itself a judgment call. See Ex.6 (March
7, 2017 Covington Cover Letter for FARA Filing). See Ex.7 (Covington email before meeting with
FARA section). Notably, the form itself contemplates amendment upon finding new information.
See ECF No. 150-1. Covington never amended the filing. See Ex. 12 (Smith notes of January 2,
2017 meeting with Kelner, Kristen Verderame, and Mr. Flynn, including M. Flynn Jr.).


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Mr. Flynn was honest with his attorneys and provided all his documentation. He had spent

tens of thousands of dollars to hire the FARA experts at Covington and allowed (and paid) them

to conduct a full investigation. The registration was completed with substantial input from DOJ—

including a very lengthy meeting, many phone calls, and DOJ’s review and feedback on the draft

filing. As Mr. Kelner admitted on the witness stand in Rafiekian, Covington added parts to the

filing and exercised its judgment in what to include or exclude. Id.

Covington’s “virtual transcripts” of Mr. Flynn’s many interviews in his cooperation with

Mr. Van Grack and the EDVA—and even 302s just attached to the government’s sentencing memo

but never produced by the government to Mr. Flynn—prove that Mr. Flynn repeatedly told

Covington before the filing (from their first meeting onward), and the prosecutors knew:

• about Turkey’s knowledge and “involvement in the project,” providing emails and
documents with Alptekin claiming to be communicating with government officials;11

• the focus of the project was to document concerns and any wrongdoing on the part of
Fetullah Gulen who was believed to support radical Islam and cause problems in Turkey
from his base in the United States. Everyone on the brief project knew that—as did

Remarkably, this was not the assertion of the FARA filing. The actual FARA registration said
that “Flynn Intel Group does not know whether or the extent to which the Republic of Turkey was
involved with its retention by INOVO for the three-month project.” ECF No. 150-1 at 44 (emphasis
added). The representation in the FARA registration was true. The prosecutors manufactured the
“false statement” by omitting the key words [“with its retention by INOVO”]. The government’s
omission completely changes the meaning of what was a correct statement in the FARA
registration. To this day, there is no evidence of the extent of the involvement of the Republic of
Turkey in hiring INOVO. Everyone knew they were being told about the “project.” That was
clear from the “green-light” email Covington had from early January. Ex. 5 (Kelner Rafiekian

As Judge Trenga found: “There is no evidence, not even in the hearsay statements from
Alptekin to Rafiekian, that Alptekin, Inovo, or anyone associated with the Turkish government
directed or controlled the work performed by FIG or Sphere personnel.” United States v.
Rafiekian, No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 372 at 29.


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Covington. Documents show the two issues of Gulen and confidence in the business
environment in Turkey to be inextricably intertwined and virtually synonymous;12

• Mr. Rafiekian wrote the first draft of the opinion piece published by The Hill as reflected
in the notes of Covington FARA expert Brian Smith from Covington’s first meeting with
Mr. Flynn—confirmed by the recently filed (never produced) FBI 302 of Smith’s interview
in mid-2018;13

• Mr. Flynn could not testify that any Turkish government official gave him any instructions
or had any control over the project.14 Notably, neither could anyone else.

ECF No. 150-4 and 6; ECF No. 98-3 at Ex. 7 (Entitled Statement of the Problem: How do we
restore confidence in the government of the Republic of Turkey and expose the Fethullah Gulen
cult in the United States”); ECF No. 98-3 at Ex. 8 and 8-A (Covington Feb. 22, 2017 Notes:
Commercial ActivityàCrystalized à Gulen); ECF No. 150-5 at 4; 150-6 at 2.
ECF No. 150-5, FBI 302 of Brian Smith on June 21, 2018, never produced by the government
to Mr. Flynn (yet clear Brady evidence long exonerating Mr. Flynn of one of the prosecution’s
most ridiculous allegations regarding the “initiation” of the only op-ed written and published in
connection with the project). Even the recently filed, never produced FBI 302s prove that the FBI
and prosecutors knew in mid-2018 from Covington lawyer Brian Smith that he: “was aware of
the September 2016 meeting in New York City (NYC) where FLYNN and RAFIEKIAN met with
Turkish government officials.” ECF No.150-5 at 5. “The meeting primarily focused on radical
Islam. Briefly during the meeting, FIG described their business for ALPTEKIN/INOVO.” Id.
“The topic of GULEN was brought up by Turkish officials at the meeting.” Id. The prosecutors’
knowledge of Smith’s true testimony did not stop them from trying to coerce Mr. Flynn into
testifying differently a year later.
Ex. 8 (June 25, 2018 Notes). This virtually verbatim transcript of Mr. Flynn’s interview with
Mr. Van Grack, Mr. Turgeon, and EDVA prosecutors in the presence of the FBI on June 25, 2018,
is especially instructive. This interview was long before the government filed its motion for
downward departure because of Mr. Flynn’s substantial assistance and made its judicial
admissions about his numerous contributions to this Court on December 18, 2017. Mr. Flynn was
represented by Covington at the time; the firm did the transcription (to which the EDVA
prosecutors referred new counsel for its accuracy); and, it preceded new counsel by one year.

Moreover, as Judge Trenga wrote: “On September 19, 2016, in a meeting arranged by
Alptekin, Rafiekian, Flynn, and Brian McCauley met with Alptekin, MC, and then-
Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Berat Albayrak ("BA"), President Erdogan's
son-in-law, in New York City. See Trial Tr. 405:20-24, [Doc. No. 330] (McCauley). The meeting
lasted about twenty-five to thirty minutes, id. at 409:13-14, 440:11-13, and mostly consisted of the
Turkish officials expressing their negative opinions regarding Gulen, see id. at 440:18-441:8.
During that meeting, there was no discussion concerning any work that FIG was doing or of FIG's
relationship with Inovo or the Turkish government, nor was there any request from the Turkish
officials or Alptekin for FIG to do anything. Id. at 440:14-17,442:1-3.”
United States v. Rafiekian, No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 372 at 8.

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• Former FBI official Brian McCauley attended the New York meeting with the Turks. As
McCauley testified in Rafiekian, the Turks gave no one instructions in that meeting, and
Alptekin was not happy with any of FIG’s work. McCauley slapped down most of his
ideas. See Ex. 10.

• Significantly, Flynn also told Covington in their first meeting, that he briefed DIA before
meeting the Turks in New York in September 2016.

In truth, it is Mr. Van Grack’s “Statement of Offense” that is false or wrong—as Mr. Van

Grack knew no later than June 21, 2018, when the FBI interviewed Brian Smith and created a 302

that proves Mr. Smith told the FBI that Flynn told Covington Rafiekian wrote the opinion piece.15

Yet a year later, June 2019, Mr. Van Grack exploded at defense counsel because Mr. Flynn would

not testify under oath that he made a “false statement” that was not false.

The prosecutors concocted the alleged “false statements” by their own misrepresentations,

deceit, and omissions.16 It is beyond ironic and completely outrageous that the prosecutors have

persecuted Mr. Flynn, virtually bankrupted him, and put his entire family through unimaginable

stress for three years. Mr. Flynn had long told the prosecutors that he had learned much with the

Even the FBI 302 of Brian Smith, recently filed, never produced to Mr. Flynn by the
government, shows that Mr. Smith informed the government in 2018: “The topic of GULEN was
brough up by Turkish official at the meeting.” ECF No. 150-5 at 5. FLYNN had informed SMITH
the meetings conducted by RAFIEKIAN on behalf of FIG were considered lobbying efforts.” ECF
No. 150-5 at 7. “RAFIEKIAN worked with an editor, Hank COX, to write the op-ed on GULEN.”
Id. “FLYNN informed SMITH it was his idea to write an op-ed. However, RAFIEKIAN, wrote
the first draft of the op-ed about GULEN.” Id. ECF No. 150-6 at 6. Further, “when asked what
facts were provided to Covington about PC [Project Confidence], which contradict FIG’s FARA
filing, Kelner explained according to Rafiekian, GULEN was the problem and was destroying the
confidence in Turkey. In order to increase confidence in Turkey, GULEN had to be stopped.” ECF
No. 150-6 at 6-7.
Ex. 9 (Charts of Government’s alleged “false statements” juxtaposed with actual FARA filing
and evidence). Prosecutors created the “false statements” by omissions and distortions which
changed the meaning of the actual filing or depended on judgment calls made by Covington.


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benefit of hindsight,17 and that any problems with the FARA filing were not known to him at the

time. On June 25, 2018, while represented by Covington—months before the government filed its

sentencing motion and bragged about Mr. Flynn’s full cooperation and special assistance at his

scheduled sentencing in December 2018—Mr. Flynn specifically told them:

I told this to you the other day, I don’t go over the FARA filing with Bijan
[Rafiekian] at all. I don’t know if that makes any different to you all. But it wasn’t
. . . learn a lot of things in hindsight. Would it have adjusted what I, how I stated,
how I filled out, can’t say that it may have adjusted what I filled out; can’t say it
would or would not have.18
In short, the government has long known—from its “star cooperating witness” in the

Rafiekian case:

• there was no conspiracy with Rafiekian;19

• there was no evidence that Turkish officials directed, controlled, or gave

“instructions” to anyone at FIG for the project;20

Ex. 8 (June 25, 2018 Notes, page 10: “learn a lot of things in hindsight.”).
Ex. 8 (June 25, 2018 Notes, page 10).
See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457,
ECF No. 372 at 34-35 (“the Government claims “the three co-conspirators [Rafiekian, Flynn, and
Alptekin] again gave substantially identical explanations [in the FARA filings] that the jury plainly
deemed false and used as further evidence of a concerted agreement to lie. [Doc. No. 365 at 20].
But that contention ignores the lack of evidence to establish the presumed conspiracy, or any
agreement, among these three individuals concerning the FARA filing, as discussed above. In fact,
until the eve of trial, the Government contended that Flynn was not part of the alleged conspiracy.”
[Footnotes omitted].

Trenga also noted, “The Government’s position with respect to Flynn is particularly
telling… with full knowledge of Flynn’s involvement, the Government told the Court as recently
as June 13, 2019, that Flynn was not a member of the alleged conspiracy, see June 13, 2019 hearing
TR 65:9-22, [Doc. No. 213], only to notify the Court of its change in position on July 3, 2019, see
[Doc. No. 261], not because of Flynn’s known involvement as outlined above, or any other
involvement, but because it no longer planned to call Flynn as a witness pursuant to his cooperation
agreement with the Government, even though Flynn was prepared to testify.”). Id. at n.44.
Judge Trenga heard the government’s best evidence. See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum
Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 372 at 8. That evidence

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• Mr. Flynn was speaking in many cases with the benefit of hindsight; and

•Mr. Flynn could not even say that he would have answered questions any
differently now than he did when Covington filed the FARA registration.21
Still the government was satisfied with Mr. Flynn’s cooperation as of December 2018—so

satisfied that it filed its motion recommending probation because of his substantial assistance, and

Mr. Van Grack was profuse in praising Mr. Flynn in open court. ECF No. 46, 47, and December

18, 2018 Hearing Tr. at 25:20- 27:22.

included testimony from government witnesses: Alptekin was not pleased with the scope or
substance of what was presented to him, which included a presentation by McCauley summarizing
the findings of the investigation into Gulen and a mockup of the Gulenopoly board game conceived
by Sphere. See Trial Tr. 720:2-8, 720:19-721:4, [ECF No. 333] (Courtovich); 526:25-527:8, [ECF
No. 331] (Boston).

Ex. 8 (June 25, 2018 Notes). Further, government witness former FBI Deputy Assistant
Director Brian McCauley also proved there was no “direction or control” even by Alptekin—the
Turkish businessman in Rafiekian. He testified: “Alptekin was angry and dissatisfied with
everything FIG had done, including the report FIG gave him. FIG had not even done what Alptekin
wanted or expected—at any juncture. There was no evidence of any particular act being requested
by any of the Turkish ministers at the only brief “meet and greet” they had in NY late one night.
(This is consistent with Flynn’s grand jury testimony). McCauley further debunked the
government’s fictitious conspiracy when he testified that Flynn told Rafiekian to file with “DOJ.”.
Ex. 10 (McCauley Rafiekian testimony).

It is undisputed that Rafiekian sought legal advice for that very purpose—even from
Covington. When Flynn received the FARA letter from DOJ, he was stunned. Mr. Flynn told the
prosecutors in one of his many cooperation sessions: “I assumed Bob Kelley was briefed by Bijan
on what was going on. Fast forward, I learned that Bijan had called here [Covington] to ask about
FARA filing. I didn’t know about that. He asked a couple of stupid questions that had nothing to
do with FARA, but just political nonsense. I didn’t find out about that until later on. Number one,
that irritated me because he thought about that. He knew what FARA was. I’ve never talked to
him about this. Other [than] sticking the document I got from DOJ in his chest was one of the last
times I spoke to him. I was irritated that he had called up about FARA. For the cost of 10K to file
FARA [to begin with] we’re now sitting here,” and “I’m not sure if we talked about that. You’re
scraping at cobwebs. I told Bijan that I had this conversation going on. I don’t know what depth
I discussed with him…” Again, this conversation was June 15, 2018, --long before new counsel
appeared and before SCO expressed its delight with his substantial assistance. Ex. 11 (June 14,
2018 Covington Interview Notes).


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The only thing that changed in Mr. Flynn’s case was the appearance of new, unconflicted

counsel on Mr. Flynn’s behalf, and Mr. Flynn’s refusal to lie for the prosecution of Rafiekian with

the representation, protection, and advocacy of his new defense team.

Defense counsel recently again advised the government that redlined edits to the “statement

of offense,” negotiated with Mr. Van Grack on November 30, 2017, specifically removed the

language “as he then and there knew” regarding the allegedly “false” FARA statements.22 Not

only did Mr. Van Grack demand false testimony from Mr. Flynn about the alleged “false

statements” in the FARA filing, but Mr. Van Grack also knew it was false because Mr. Flynn had

explained it to him on June 25, 2018,23 in preparation for his testimony to the grand jury for the

Rafiekian indictment for which Mr. Van Grack touted Mr. Flynn’s “substantial assistance.”24

Undersigned counsel walked the prosecutors through notes and documents that proved the

truth of the defense’s statements on June 27, 2019. Instead of reevaluating the situation, Mr. Van

Grack flew into a rage.25 As the defense explained in United States v. Rafiekian, the prosecutors

responded to this information from counsel for Mr. Flynn by doubling-down.26 They scheduled

an interview by the FBI with Mr. Kelner at Covington & Burling, which they later moved to the U.S.

Ex. 1 (Redlined Statement of Offense at page 6, yellow-highlighted language).
Ex. 8 (June 25, 2018 Notes).
A clear “shot across the bow” to Flynn and Covington, the government obtained the Rafiekian
indictment only days before the scheduled sentencing before this Court. It worked—just in time
to leverage it to confirm his plea of guilty in front of Judge Sullivan. Mr. Van Grack used the
possibility of indicting Flynn in the Rafiekian case at the sentencing hearing to raise the specter of
all the threats he had made to secure the plea a year earlier— including the indictment of Mr.
Flynn’s son.
Ex. 2 (McKasson Declaration).
See, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 270.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 13 of 24

Attorney’s office in Alexandria on July 3, 2019. Also, on July 3, 2019, an FBI Agent called the

younger Michael Flynn directly to question him—despite knowing that he was represented by

counsel. The Agent persisted in speaking with him even after he said to call his attorney. See,

United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 270.

The prosecutors told the new defense lawyers that they would question Mr. Kelner in his

July 3, 2019, interview about the Covington notes new counsel had just provided to the

government—showing that Mr. Flynn had been fulsome with his counsel—but Mr. Turgeon did

not do so. Instead, Mr. Turgeon carefully worded his questions to elicit responses from former

counsel that were misleading at best, if not directly contradicted by the notes by Covington's

notetaker and partner Brian Smith. See, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF

No. 270.

Within minutes of concluding the interview of Mr. Kelner, AUSA James Gillis called

defense counsel only to notify us that he would not be calling Mr. Flynn as a witness, and that

counsel would be receiving a gag order that prohibited counsel from disclosing that fact. He did

not even mention that the government had made the remarkable decision to re-cast Mr. Flynn as

a co-conspirator—contrary to many prior representations—and that they would seek a ruling

from this Court finding him to be a co-conspirator by a preponderance of the evidence in the

high-profile Rafiekian proceeding in which he could not defend himself.27 See, United States v.

Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 270.

See, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 270 for the full discussion
of this information. As Judge Trenga wrote: “Then on July 3, 2019, the Government filed a
Notice of Correction to the Record in which it advised the Court that it no longer planned to
call Flynn as a witness in its case in chief. The Government also took the position for the first
time, contrary to its earlier in-court statements, that Flynn was regarded as a co-conspirator and
that it would seek to have his out-of-court statements introduced pursuant to Fed. R. Evid.
801(d)(2)(E).” (Citations Omitted) See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States
v. Rafiekian, Case No. 1:18-cr-457, ECF No. 372 at 11.


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The prosecution has shown abject bad faith in pure retaliation against Mr. Flynn since he

retained new counsel. This can only be because with new, unconflicted counsel, Mr. Flynn refused

to lie for the prosecution. In pure spite, the government retaliated and sought to rescind its judicial

admissions that Mr. Flynn was not a co-conspirator, obtained an ex parte emergency order from

Judge Trenga, including a gag order, and moved up the date of a hearing on the issues without

notice to counsel for Mr. Flynn.28 An agent improperly contacted Michael Flynn Jr., see supra.

The prosecutors placed him on the witness list solely to harass him and to raise the threat and

anxiety of the family at this crucial time. The prosecutors completed the trial without calling him

as a witness.

Justice is not a game, and there should be no room for such gamesmanship in the

Department of Justice.

B. The Government’s December 15, 2019 Extraordinary Production, the December

Report of the Inspector General, this Court’s Opinion Denying All Brady
Requests, and the Government’s New Sentencing Position and Memo Warrant
This Continuance.

There have been extraordinary developments in this case in the last thirty days. In addition,

in the process of preparing for sentencing, we found information we have not seen previously—

despite our team’s most diligent efforts. Due to the multiple issues, filings, productions, and

developments outlined herein, however, the defense must have additional time to zealously

provide their client the quality of representation to which he is entitled.

Only then did Mr. Flynn’s unconflicted new defense counsel file a motion to oppose his
designation as a co-conspirator. United States v. Rafiekian, 1:18-cr-00457, ECF No. 270.


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1. The 478 Page IG Report Disclosed Stunning New Information About the
Second Agent Who Interviewed Mr. Flynn.

On December 9, 2019, the Inspector General (“IG”) for the Department of Justice issued

the 478-page Report on FISA abuses. At the government’s request on November 26, 2019, the

parties agreed, and this Court issued an order, approving a delay for this Court’s decision on Mr.

Flynn’s Motion to Compel because that Report was expected to “examine topics related to several

matters raised by the defendant.”29 It certainly does.

2. On December 15, 2019, the Government Finally Produced 637 Pages of

Long-Promised 302s and Handwritten Notes of Agents.

The government produced an additional 637 pages of discovery to Mr. Flynn

only three weeks ago. Mr. Flynn’s counsel has notified the government of problems with that

production.30 The production, consisting of 302s and notes requested multiple times since Oct. 11,

2019, includes crucial documents such as sixteen 302s consisting of 113 pages, as well as 206

pages of handwritten FBI notes. Mr. Flynn’s counsel is still reviewing and digesting these

documents as the handwritten notes are particularly difficult to read.

3. This Court’s Ninety-Two Page Decision

The next day, on December 16, 2019, this Court issued a 92-page decision in which it

rejected every request in Mr. Flynn’s motion for exculpatory evidence, including requesting the

required production of the inexplicably “missing” original 302 by the fired and infamous former

ECF No. 140 at 2.
In the government's cover letter with its most recent production, it claims that it is producing
documents with the Bates range of 700022699-23460; however, the production was missing the
following Bates ranges: 700022699-22756, 23173-23213, 23247-23258, and 23267-23282. The
production was also not produced in Bates order, making it very confusing to review. For example,
Bates stamp 22953 appears before Bates stamp 22890. Ms. Ballantine promptly responded over
the weekend with an effort to correct this, and the parties expect to resolve any issues.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 16 of 24

FBI Agent Peter Strzok. ECF No. 144. Despite the Court’s grant of the parties’ request for delay

of that Order until the Report issued, the 92-page decision did not address the IG Report, and the

Court did not afford the parties any time to brief the remarkable new information revealed in the

IG Report and the effect of that information on Mr. Flynn’s case. Mr. Flynn needs additional time

to review and present information from that Report that does indeed bear on his case and to protect

his constitutional rights.

4. The Government Obtained Two Extensions Before Filing Its Sentencing

Memoranda Seeking to Revise History and Imprison Mr. Flynn.

Per the Court’s Order, the government was to provide its supplemental sentencing

memorandum on December 30, 2019. Unexpectedly, on December 20, 2019, the government

requested from Mr. Flynn a letter outlining “the facts and circumstances that the defendant believes

should be taken into consideration by the Departure Committee when determining whether the

defendant merits a downward departure motion pursuant to USSG Section 5K1.1, 18 U.S.C.

§ 3553(e), and/or Fed. R. Crim. P. 35(b).” The government gave a deadline of noon, December

24, 2019 (Christmas Eve). Mr. Flynn replied and requested an extension to December 27, 2019.

The government denied the request to the 27th, but it granted the defense an extension to 5 p.m.

on December 26, 2019. This required the defense team to work through Christmas Eve and

Christmas Day, only to receive “out-of-office for the week” replies from government lawyers to

whom we sent the letter.

Mr. Flynn provided his letter to the government by its requested deadline of 5 p.m. on

December 26, 2019. The government notified Mr. Flynn that it was likely unable to meet its

deadline to this Court of December 30, 2019, due to “the holidays” and requested an extension to

January 7, 2020. Mr. Flynn agreed with government’s request despite having just been forced by

the prosecutors to work through Christmas and Hanukkah themselves. Thus, the government


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 17 of 24

sought and obtained an extension from this Court for its “supplemental” sentencing memorandum.

On January 4, 2020, the government moved again to continue the sentencing deadline by 24

hours—again because of holiday schedules. ECF No. 149. The defense also agreed to this

extension. Despite its multiple extension requests, the government still filed past this Court’s noon

deadline. ECF No. 150.

C. The Government’s Sentencing Memo Dramatically Changed Its Position, Seeks to

Withdraw Its Prior Motion and Recommendation, and Triggers the Necessity to
File this Motion Now to Withdraw the Plea.31

In its “supplemental” sentencing memorandum, the government reverses its position on

Mr. Flynn’s sentencing.32 It seeks to “withdraw” its motion filed a year ago pursuant to U.S.S.G.

§ 5K1.1 and to withdraw its recommendation that he receive probation. The prosecution seeks to

rewrite history and send Mr. Flynn to prison. This about-face places the government in breach of

the plea agreement and triggers application of the ramifications of the Supreme Court’s decision

in Puckett, 556 U.S. 129. Puckett requires any competent defense counsel in these circumstances

to move to withdraw Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea for this reason alone. Id. It would constitute

ineffective assistance of counsel to fail to move to withdraw his plea now in light of the

government’s breach and change in sentencing recommendation.

The government’s letter just received yesterday by way of “Certificate of Conference” which
agrees to the Continuance requested, tries “to have its cake and eat it too.” The government
breached the plea agreement when it filed the new sentencing memo. Mr. Flynn now also needs
time to brief many alternate reasons for the withdrawal of his plea.
The government’s “supplemental” memorandum is thirty-two pages in length (its original
memorandum was merely six). ECF No. 150 and 46, respectively. It also contains 136 pages of
exhibits, including 302s of Mr. Flynn’s interview of June 25, 2018 as well as Mr. Flynn’s previous
counsel, Robert Kelner’s (on June 21, 2018 and July 3, 2019) and Brian Smith’s (June 21, 2018)
interviews. Counsel was provided Mr. Flynn’s interviews in the production on December 15, 2019.
Counsel had not previously seen the attorney 302s or the more than 200 pages of handwritten notes
of the agents that must be deciphered. ECF No. 150-1 – 150-6.


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Mr. Flynn has instructed counsel to file this Motion to withdraw his plea now. The defense

must file a Supplemental Motion to Withdraw for alternative additional reasons as soon as

possible. Mr. Flynn will not plead guilty. Furthermore, he will not accede to the government’s

demand that he “disavow” any statements made in his filings since he obtained new, unconflicted

counsel. Michael T. Flynn is innocent. Mr. Flynn has cooperated with the government in good

faith for two years. He gave the prosecution his full cooperation. “He held nothing back.” He

endured massive, unnecessary, and frankly counterproductive demands on his time, his family, his

scarce resources, and his life. The same cannot be said for the prosecution which has operated in

bad faith from the inception of the “investigation” and continues relentlessly through this specious


Because of the government’s special role in the justice system and its extraordinary

bargaining power, a plea agreement is strictly construed against the government. Unless the plea

agreement reserves the government’s right to withdraw a filed Section 5K1.1 motion and specifies

the conduct that would trigger the government’s right to withdraw, the government may not request

withdrawal of the motion. United States v. Padilla, 183 F.3d 136, 141 (2nd Cir. 1999). The Flynn

plea agreement contains no such reservation or specification, and the government is in breach.

The Department of Justice, specifically the Office of United States Attorney for the District

of Columbia, reversed its sentencing position despite the many judicial admissions of the

Notably, the first interview of Mr. Flynn was conducted surreptitiously by the FBI by the
unprecedented and never-to-be repeated maneuver of slipping an agent into a sample presidential
daily briefing to nominee Trump, Mr. Flynn, and a third person on August 17, 2016—two days
after Strzok and Page texted about “the insurance policy discussed in McCabe’s office and one
day after they supposedly “opened” and investigation of Mr. Flynn. Office of the Inspector
General, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s
Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, 340-41, 426 (December 2019, revised).


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prosecutors from DOJ and EDVA, and despite the fact that virtually every premise undergirding

the prosecutors’ original memorandum still holds true. Compare ECF No. 150 to ECF No. 46-47.

Mr. Flynn has spent approximately one hundred hours cooperating with the government

and has provided it thousands of documents, incurring millions of dollars in legal fees and

expenses—requiring him to sell his home in Alexandria—all to cooperate with the government.

As the government noted in its original memorandum, Mr. Flynn’s “early cooperation was

particularly valuable because he was one of the few people with long-term and firsthand insight

regarding events at issue under investigation by the SCO…[which] likely affected the decisions of

related firsthand witness to be forthcoming with the SCO and cooperate.” ECF No. 46-1 at 5.

Nothing reasonable or rational explains the government’s breach.

Furthermore, as the government admitted, Mr. Flynn’s “military and public service are

exemplary. He served in the military for over 33 years, including five years in combat duty, led

the Defense Intelligence Agency, and retired as a 3-star general. The Defendant’s record of military

and public service distinguish him from every other person who has been charged as part [of] the

SCO’s investigation.” ECF No. 46 at 5. This all remains true today.

D. Puckett Requires Mr. Flynn Move to Withdraw His Plea.

The government’s new Supplemental Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing recommends that

this Court impose on Mr. Flynn a period of incarceration, and it specifically seeks to withdraw its

previous motion. ECF No. 150. The government’s position not only breaches the plea agreement,

but it also violates Mr. Flynn’s Due Process rights. It magnifies and further proves the

government’s abject bad faith and vindictiveness.

The terms of that agreement clearly state:

If the government determines that your client has provided such substantial
assistance, this Office shall file a departure motion pursuant to Section 5K1.1 of


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 20 of 24

the Sentencing Guidelines, which would afford your client an opportunity to

persuade the Court that your client should be sentenced to a lesser period of
incarceration and/or fine than indicated by the Sentencing Guidelines.34

Consistent therewith, on December 4, 2018, the government submitted its recommendation

to this Court which concluded that “[g]iven the defendant’s substantial assistance and other

considerations . . . a sentence at the low end of the guideline range—including a sentence that does

not impose a term of incarceration—is appropriate and warranted.” ECF No. 46 at 1. In the

December 18, 2018, sentencing hearing, the government represented to this Court that Mr. Flynn

should receive probation and confirmed his “substantial assistance.” The government based its

decision on Mr. Flynn’s cooperation both with the SCO, which was, according to the government,

“very largely complete, completed at this point,” and the extensive cooperation Mr. Flynn provided

to the EDVA. Mr. Van Grack thoroughly praised Mr. Flynn, telling the Court: “I'd like to highlight

that General Flynn has held nothing back, nothing in his extensive cooperation with the Special

Counsel's Office. He's answered every question that's been asked. I believe they feel that he's

answered them truthfully, and he has. He's complied with every request that's been made, as has

his counsel. Nothing has been held back.”35 The government told the Court that Mr. Flynn

“provided substantial assistance to the attorneys in the Eastern District of Virginia in obtaining

th[e] charging document”36 for its prosecution of Bijan Rafiekian and Ekim Alptekin.

Mr. Flynn was ready, willing, and able to testify consistently with his grand jury testimony.

As late as June 2019, government prosecutors were still assuring current counsel that Mr. Flynn’s

See Exhibit 4 (Plea Agreement) (emphasis added).
Hr’g Tr. 46:8-14, Dec. 18, 2018.
Hr’g Tr. 27:20-22, Dec. 18, 2018.


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cooperation would not be affected by the outcome of the Rafiekian case. The government’s

stunning and vindictive reversal of its earlier representations to this Court are incredible,

vindictive, in bad faith, and breach the plea agreement.

Mr. Van Grack's obsession with attempting (and failing) to bully Mr. Flynn into testifying

consistently with the government's fictional theory of the case in the Rafiekian matter—and admit

guilt to “false statements” the government knows he did not make—is repugnant to the search for

justice which cannot be found without first finding truth. His attempt to punish Mr. Flynn for

standing firm for the truth is unlawful. See Wade v. United States, 504 U.S. 181 (1992) (review for

an “unconstitutional motive”). The government’s tactics in retaliation for Mr. Flynn’s refusal to

“compose” for the prosecution is also a due process violation that can and should be stopped dead

in its tracks by this Court. See United States v. Paramo, 998 F.2d 1212, 1218-20 (3d Cir. 1993)

(reversing a district court that refused to consider a prosecutorial vindictiveness claim when the

prosecution withheld a 5K1.1 because the defendant decided to plead not guilty and proceed to

trial). By attempting to punish Mr. Flynn for pushing back at Mr. Van Grack's attempts to

coerce him into giving false testimony in the Rafiekian case, the prosecutor's retaliatory motive

shows "actual vindictiveness." Id. at 1220.

“Long ago, the Supreme Court instructed that ‘(t)he right to counsel guaranteed by the

Constitution contemplates the services of an attorney devoted solely to the interests of his client,’

an admonition which we ourselves have had occasion to observe. ‘Undivided allegiance and

faithful, devoted service to a client,’ the Court declared, ‘are prized traditions of the American

lawyer. It is this kind of service for which the Sixth Amendment makes provision.’” United States

v. Hurt, 543 F.2d 162 (D.C. Cir. 1976) (citing Von Moltke v. Gillies, 332 U.S. 708, 725

(1948)). Effective assistance of counsel requires counsel for Mr. Flynn to move to withdraw his


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 22 of 24

plea, and Mr. Flynn has instructed counsel to do so now—for the reasons stated herein and for

many alternate reasons we will present in a supplemental filing. Puckett v. United States, 556 U.S.
129 (2009). In Puckett, the majority wrote: “such a breach is undoubtedly a violation of the

defendant’s rights”38 and that if the government’s “obligations are not met” under the plea

agreement, “the defendant is entitled to seek a remedy”—which includes “allowing him to

withdraw his plea.”39 The government is “obligated to uphold its side of the bargain”40 in a plea

agreement, and its failure to do so is grounds for withdrawal of the defendant’s guilty plea. Id.

Here the government breached the contract with its request to withdraw its motion and for

incarceration of Mr. Flynn.

E. Conclusion

Accordingly, Mr. Flynn moves to withdraw his plea of guilty. The government breached

the plea agreement, and future briefing will establish additional reasons. The government has

agreed to a thirty-day continuance. He requests the continuance be granted in the interest of justice

and to allow Mr. Flynn and his counsel to process, respond, and reply to the many ramifications

from the significant developments and new information that has been disclosed in the last thirty


In Puckett, the Supreme Court applied the “plain error” standard and ruled against Puckett
because defense counsel did not move to withdraw his plea in the district court when the
Government defaulted on its plea-agreement obligations and sought additional incarceration—
even though Mr. Puckett had committed an additional crime in the three years between his guilty
plea and his sentencing. Puckett, 556 U.S. at 133.
Id. at 136 (emphasis added).
Id. at 137.
Id. at 138.


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Dated: January 14, 2020

Reviewed, understood, and agreed, Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Michael T. Flynn /s/ Sidney Powell

Sidney Powell
Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) Molly McCann
Sidney Powell, P.C.
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd.,
Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75219
Tel: 214-707-1775
Admitted Pro Hac Vice
Admitted Pro Hac Vice

W. William Hodes /s/ Jesse R. Binnall

The William Hodes Law Firm Jesse R. Binnall
3658 Conservation Trail Lindsay R. McKasson
The Villages, Florida 32162 Harvey & Binnall, PLLC
Tel: (352) 399-0531 717 King Street, Suite 300
Fax: (352) 240-3489 Alexandria, VA 22314
Admitted Pro Hac Vice Tel: (703) 888-1943
Fax: (703) 888-1930
Admitted Pro Hac Vice


The government’s response to the Motion for Continuance is attached in the form of the

letter Ms. Ballantine requested attached. Defense counsel contacted the government shortly before

filing this Motion to Withdraw the Plea. The government had not replied at the time of filing.


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151 Filed 01/14/20 Page 24 of 24


I hereby certify that on January 14, 2020, a true and genuine copy of Mr. Flynn’s Motion

for Leave for Continuance of Sentencing was served via electronic mail by the Court’s CM/ECF

system to all counsel of record, including:

Jessie K. Liu, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia

Brandon L. Van Grack, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney
Jocelyn Ballantine, Assistant U.S. Attorney
555 4th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20530

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Jesse R. Binnall

Jesse R. Binnall, VSB# 79272
717 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: (703) 888-1943
Fax: (703) 888-1930


Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 7




v. Violation: 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (False




Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, the United States of America and the

defendant, MICHAEL T. FLYNN, stipulate and agree that the following facts are true and

accurate. These facts do not constitute all of the facts known to the parties concerning the

charged offense; they are being submitted to demonstrate that sufficient facts exist that the

defendant committed the offense to which he is pleading guilty.

1. The defendant, MICHAEL T. FLYNN, who served as a surrogate and national

security advisor for the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump (“Campaign”), as a senior

member of President-Elect Trump’s Transition Team (“Presidential Transition Team”), and as

the National Security Advisor (“NSA”) to President Trump, made materially false statements

and omissions during an interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) that took

place on January 24, 2017, in Washington, D.C., which is located in the District of Columbia, on

January 24, 2017. At the time of the interview, the FBI had an open investigation into the

Government of Russia’s (”Russia”) efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,

including the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Campaign and Russia,

and whether there was any coordination between the Campaign and Russia’s efforts. The FBI

opened and coordinated the investigation in Washington, D.C.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 7

2. FLYNN’s false statements and omissions impeded and otherwise had a material

impact on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the existence of any links or coordination

between individuals associated with the Campaign and Russia’s efforts to interfere with the 2016

presidential election.

False Statements Regarding FLYNN’s Request to the Russian Ambassador that Russia
Not Escalate the Situation in Response to U.S. Sanctions against Russia

3. On or about January 24, 2017, FLYNN agreed to be interviewed by agents from

the FBI (“January 24 voluntary interview”). During the course of the interview, FLYNN falsely

stated that he did not ask Russia’s Ambassador to the United States (“Russian Ambassador”) to

refrain from escalatinge the situation with the United States in response to sanctions that the

United States had imposed against Russia. FLYNN also falsely stated that he did not remember

a follow-up conversation with the Russian Ambassador wherein in which the Russian

Ambassador stated that Russia had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result

of FLYNN’s request. In truth and in fact, however, FLYNN then and there knew that the

following had occurred:

a. On or about December 28, 2016, then-President Barack Obama signed

Executive Order 13757, which was to take effect the following day. The

executive order announced sanctions against Russia in response to that

government’s actions intended to interfere with the 2016 presidential

election (“U.S. Sanctions”).

b. On or about December 28, 2016, the Russian Ambassador contacted


c. On or about December 29, 2016, FLYNN called a senior official of the

incoming National Security CouncilPresidential Transition Team

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 3 of 7

(“incoming NSCPTT official”), who was with other senior members of the

Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm

Beach, Florida, to seek guidance ondiscuss what, if anything, to

communicate to the Russian Ambassador about the U.S. Sanctions. On

that call, FLYNN and the incoming NSCPTT official discussed the U.S.

Sanctions, including the potential impact of those sanctions on the

incoming administration’s foreign policy goals. The incoming NSCPTT

official and FLYNN also discussed that the members of the Presidential

Transition Team at Mar-a-Lago did not want Russia to escalate the


d. Immediately after his phone call with the incoming NSCPTT official,

FLYNN called the Russian Ambassador and requested that Russia not

escalate the situation and only respond to the U.S. Sanctions in a

reciprocal manner.

e. On or about December 29, 2016,Shortly after his phone call with the

Russian Ambassador, FLYNN spoke with the incoming NSCPTT official

to report on the substance of his call with the Russian Ambassador,

including their discussion of the U.S. Sanctions.

f. On or about December 30, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin

released a statement indicating that Russia would not take retaliatory

measures in response to the U.S. Sanctions at that time.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 4 of 7

g. On or about December 31, 2016, the Russian Ambassador called FLYNN

and to informed him that Russia had chosen not to escalate the

situationretaliate in response to FLYNN’s request.

h. After his phone call with the Russian Ambassador, FLYNN spoke with

senior members of the Presidential Transition Team about Russia’s

decision not to escalate the situation in response to FLYNN’s request.

False Statements Regarding FLYNN’s Request that Foreign Officials Vote Against or
Delay a United Nations Security Council Resolution

4. During the January 24 voluntary interview, FLYNN falsely stated that he

calledmade additional false statements about calls he made to Russia and several other countries

in order to get a sense of where they stood with respect to a vote onregarding a resolution

submitted by Egypt to the United Nations Security Council on December 21, 2016, by Egypt.

Specifically FLYNN also falsely stated that he only asked what the countries’ positions were

with respect toon the vote, and that he did not request that any of the countries take any

particular action with regard toon the resolution. FLYNN also falsely stated that the Russian

Ambassador never described to him Russia’s response to the request FLYNN’s request made

regarding the resolution. In truth and in fact, however, FLYNN then and there knew that the

following had occurred:

a. On or about December 21, 2016, Egypt submitted a resolution to the

United Nations Security Council on the issue of Israeli settlements

(“resolution”). The United Nations Security Council was scheduled to

vote on the resolution the following day.

b. On or about December 22, 2016, a very senior official member from the

Presidential Transition Team directed FLYNN to contact officials from

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 5 of 7

foreign governments, including Russia, to learn where each government

stood on the resolution and to influence those governments’ positions in

the tohopes of delaying the vote or defeating the resolution.

c. On or about December 22, 2016, FLYNN contacted the Russian

Ambassador about the pending vote. FLYNN informed the Russian

Ambassador about the incoming administration’s opposition to the

resolution, and requested that Russia vote against or delay the resolution.

d. On or about December 23, 2016, FLYNN again spoke with the Russian

Ambassador, who informed FLYNN that if it came to a vote Russia would

not prevent the vote from occurringvote against the resolution.

Other False Statements Regarding FLYNN’s Contacts with Foreign Governments

5. On March 7, 2017, FLYNN filed multiple documents with the Department of

Justice pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”) pertaining to a project

performed by him and his company, the Flynn Intel Group, Inc. (“FIG”), for the principal benefit

of the Republic of Turkey (“Turkey project”). The project was initiated by a Turkish national

who owned a Dutch company (“Company A”). In the FARA filings, FLYNN made materially

the following false statements and omissions, including by: (i) falsely stating that (a) FLYNN

FIG did not know whether or the extent to which the Republic of Turkey was involved with

FIG’s retention infor the Turkey project,; (b) (ii) for the purposes of the Turkey project,

Company A was not supervised or directed by a foreign government; (iii) Company A engaged

FIG on the Turkey project in support of Company A’s consulting work for a company in Israel;

(iv) the Turkey project was focused on improving U.S. business organizations’ confidence

regarding doing business in Turkey,; and (c) (v) on his own initiative, FLYNN published an op-

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 6 of 7

ed by FLYNNpertaining to Turkeypublished in The Hill on November 8, 2016, was written at his

own initiative; and by omitting that officials from the Republic of Turkey provided supervision

and direction over the Turkey project. ; and (vi) FIG paid Company A $80,000 as “Consultancy”

fees. In truth and in fact, however, FLYNN then and there knew the following:

a. The Government of Turkey was directly involved in FIG’s retention on the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0.5"

Turkey project;

b. The Government of Turkey supervised and directed the Turkey project;

c. The Turkey project was not in support of Company A’s consulting work for an

Israeli company;

d. The Turkey project was not focused on improving U.S. business organizations’

confidence regarding doing business in Turkey;

e. FLYNN published the November 8, 2016 op-ed in support of the project; and

f.5. The $80,000 FIG paid to Company A was not for consulting fees.


Special Counsel

By: ____________________________
Brandon L. Van Grack
Zainab N. Ahmad
Senior Assistant Special Counsels
The Special Counsel’s Office

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 7 of 7


The preceding statement is a summary, made for the purpose of providing the Court with
a factual basis for my guilty plea to the charge against me. It does not include all of the facts
known to me regarding this offense. I make this statement knowingly and voluntarily and
because I am, in fact, guilty of the crime charged. No threats have been made to me nor am I
under the influence of anything that could impede my ability to understand this Statement of the
Offense fully.

I have read every word of this Statement of the Offense, or have had it read to me.
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, after consulting with my attorneys, I agree
and stipulate to this Statement of the Offense, and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true
and correct.

Date:__________________ ______________________________
Michael T. Flynn


I have read this Statement of the Offense, and have reviewed it with my client fully. I
concur in my client’s desire to adopt and stipulate to this Statement of the Offense as true and

Date: ________________________________
Robert K. Kelner
Attorney for Defendant

Stephen P. Anthony
Attorneys for Defendant

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6/27/19, 9:30 a.m. [notes were hand-written at time of interview and typed on the
same day]

o Jim Gillis
o Neil Hammerstorm
o Evan Turgeon – Nat. Sec.
o John ________ (AUSA)
o Sidney
o Jesse
o Lindsay
o Bill

Sidney: testimony is consistent, he will cooperate…[gave production]

o Walk through production

Evan: what’s the point you are trying to make [re Gulen report/packet]

Neil: Were the atty’s who prepare the FARA filing the ones who were in the
meetings [that are reflected in the notes]?

Sidney: Yes

[Brandon joined the call]

John: confidence/truth project – always about Gulen

o We know that the focus never changed
o Paragraph 5(b) must be what you’re talking about [Stmt of Offense]
o Bijan/Ekim came up these lies, but in reality they were trying to get Gulen
back to Turkey
o Project name change, was a change in name only
o The statement is false

Jesse: Covington had accurate information pre-filing

Sidney: review the FARA in totality, from appellate perspective = where the hell is
your case?
o look at the whole filing
o send prison for 15 years for writing op-ed?

Bill: some ambiguous or false/misleading information

o Did not intentionally make false statements
Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-2 Filed 01/14/20 Page 10 of 11

o He did not knowingly make the statements that he knew were wrong
o Gave the information to his lawyers and figured they would get it right

John: Statement given was that the Turkey project was on business relations
o That’s the story they portrayed
o When in reality, during the General’s telling, he admits that the highest
levels of GoT (Govt of Turkey) were involved
o Telling FARA unit that this about business relations – that is a false

Neil: why not raise it in colloquy?

Brandon: This agreement was extensive

o He was part of the discussions
o This is the language your client agreed to
o Statement of Offense
o He was aware false statement
o General pushed back on some language, but not this language
o Did not willfully – why not say something?
o You are reviving conversations that already occurred
o He did not say anything in front of judge

Sidney: nothing in statement says willfully/knowingly re FARA

Brandon: [very heated]

o Without willfully/knowingly it doesn’t make this an offense
o First time your client or counsel has made any statement like what you are
o No representation that this [what you’re saying is the case] – would have
been factor in mitigation
o Omissions – the facts about officials in Turkey
o Looks like you have reviewed the notes
o Things he told us before
o It’s one thing to say that he did not go line by line through the FARA, it’s
another thing to say he didn’t know
o He provided them misleading/false information
o Want to be clear – you are saying that he did not provide any
false/misleading statements to Covington?

Sidney: You are asking my client to lie

o Everything I have seen is consistent – if you have seen something, show us

Brandon: No one is asking your client to lie

o Be careful about what you say
Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-2 Filed 01/14/20 Page 11 of 11

o Other people are listening on this call [on the line]1

Jim: Let’s go back to having a factual discussion

o What he believes to be true – it is difficult for us to believe that [what you’re
o I know sometimes when drilling down on facts that stories may evolve a bit
o I don’t want him [General] to say anything but the truth
o And I am not changing that one bit
o We need to absorb what you have given us
o I think I know what Brandon was saying – clarify that your position is that
he [General] never gave false information to any lawyers at Covington or to
[Kristen?] whether orally or through documents?

Sidney: we have seen nothing to indicate that

Jim: You should go back to Covington lawyers

o Have you asked them for typed up versions?
o These specific interviews [before FARA filing]
o Are there no typed up interviews with them? [Sidney: I don’t believe so]
o Ask them direct yes or no from them re their notes
o Have you confronted them with this? No
o Ask them for their typed up notes from that time period
o Their typed up notes would be contemporaneous notes
o Our experience à they [Covington] had associate furiously typing away
o You should ask them specifically re the typed up notes and ask them to email
the notes to you
o Contemporaneous, typed up notes from discussions between Covington and
Gen. Flynn

Sidney: I don’t think there are any

Jim: two associates taking notes, Alex and a male

Sidney: we are going to need some time

Brandon: we can talk after [to the AUSA team]

1I also remember Sidney saying in response to this: Put the world on – just put the
world on!
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3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Case 1:18-cr-00457

4 Plaintiff, )
5 v. ) Alexandria, Virginia
) June 13, 2019
6 BIJAN RAFIEKIAN, ) 10:03 a.m.
and )
8 Defendant. )
) Pages 1 - 80

















Rhonda F. Montgomery OCR-USDC/EDVA (703) 299-4599

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2100 Jamieson Avenue
5 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 299-3700
1627 I Street, N.W., Suite 1130
9 Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 464-3300
Robert S. Strauss Building
14 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1564
15 (202) 887-4000



1155 F Street, N.W.
19 Washington, D.C. 20004-1357
(202) 508-6000






Rhonda F. Montgomery OCR-USDC/EDVA (703) 299-4599

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1 presented; is that right?

2 MR. GILLIS: That's correct.

3 THE COURT: We have it in the briefing and in

4 the indictment.

5 MR. GILLIS: Yes, and in the exhibits that we

6 submitted, Your Honor.

7 THE COURT: Right.

8 MR. GILLIS: That --

9 THE COURT: Let me ask you this. It's not in

10 the indictment. Is the government alleging that

11 Mr. Flynn was part of this conspiracy?

12 MR. GILLIS: We are not, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: Right. So you're not presenting

14 any statements by him, any testimony -- there would be

15 no evidence from him as to the existence of the

16 conspiracy?

17 MR. GILLIS: Well, Your Honor -- no, Your

18 Honor, as to that. There will certainly be testimony

19 from General Flynn. And from that testimony, the jury

20 could draw a reasonable inference that there was a

21 conspiracy, but we are not -- we do not contend that

22 General Flynn was a part of that conspiracy.

23 THE COURT: All right.

24 MR. GILLIS: With respect to the Kelley

25 declaration, Your Honor, as far as what Ms. Mitchell

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1 be arguing in a vacuum if --

2 THE COURT: Well, I think it's clear that

3 their position is that it was the inquiry from the DOJ

4 that was a sufficient context for the assertion of the

5 work product privilege. Again, if you would like to

6 file anything supplemental on that other than what

7 you've argued here, you have leave to do that.

8 MR. GILLIS: Yes, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: All right.

10 MR. GILLIS: Thank you.

11 THE COURT: Anything else?

12 (No response.)

13 THE COURT: All right. Thank you.

14 The Court will stand in recess.

15 ----------------------------------
Time: 11:48 a.m.





I certify that the foregoing is a true and
accurate transcription of my stenographic notes.

25 Rhonda F. Montgomery, CCR, RPR

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3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Case 1:18-cr-00457

4 Plaintiff, )
5 v. ) Alexandria, Virginia
) July 16, 2019
6 BIJAN RAFIEKIAN, ) 9:09 a.m.
7 Defendant. ) Day 2
) Pages 78 - 206


















Rhonda F. Montgomery OCR-USDC/EDVA (703) 299-4599

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4 6XUH









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K. Kelner
Covington &5 Burling
Burling LLP
One CityCenter
850 Tenth
Tenth Street NW
Street, NW
Washington, DC20001-4956
Washington, DC 20001-4956
T +12026625503
T +1202 662 5503

VIA E-MAIL March 7,2017

7, 2017

Heather Hunt
Ms. Heather
FARA Registration Unit
U.S. Department of Justice
600 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004

Re: Fl n Intel Group

Flynn Re istration
Grou Registration

Dear Ms. Hunt:

We write on behalf of our clients Flynn Intel Group and its Chairman and CEO, General
("FARA") registration and
Michael T. Flynn, to submit a Foreign Agents Registration Act ("FARA")
supplemental disclosure statement, in connection with Flynn Intel Group's previously disclosed
BV, a corporation organized in the Netherlands.
representation of Inovo BV,

In September 2016, Flynn Intel Group publicly disclosed its representation of Inovo BV BV
in a federal Lobbying Disclosure Act ("LDA") registration that was filed with the Secretary of the
Senate and Clerk of the House. After General Flynn was named in mid-November 2016 to serve
as National Security Advisor in the new administration, Fl)^n
Flynn Intel Group shut down its
operations, did not renew its contract with Inovo BV,
BV, and filed, on December 1,
1, 2016, a final
public disclosure report terminating its lobbyist registration for Inovo BV.

firm that represents a foreign corporate client, which is

As you know, under FARA, a U.S. firm
not a foreign government or political party, may register under the LDA rather than FARA,so
FARA, so
long as the firm engages in lobbying activities for its client. Flynn Intel Group concluded that
because its client was a foreign corporation and the services provided included lobbying
activities, it could file under the LDA.

The Department's regulations provide that filing under the LDAis

LDA is not an option,
however, if a foreign government, even though not the client, nonetheless is the "principal
beneficiary" of the work performed. This is an uncertain standard, not based on the statutory
language, and not defined in the Department's regulations. Nevertheless, because of the subject
matter of Flynn Intel Group's work forfor Inovo BV,
BV, which focused on Mr. Fethullah Gulen, whose
extradition is sought by the Government of Turkey, the engagement could be construed to have
of Turkey. To eliminate any potential doubt, the Flynn Intel
principally benefitted the Republic ofTurkey.
FARA, in lieu of its prior LDA registration.
Group therefore is electing to file a registration under FARA,

Because this is a retroactive registration, compiled after the Fljmn

Flynn Intel Group shut down
its operations in November 2016, the enclosed supplemental disclosure statement is based on
information that is currently available to Flynn Intel Group, to the best of its knowledge, after

DC: 6370276-1
Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-6 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 2

Heather Hunt
Ms. Heather
March 7,2017
7, 2017
Page 2

undertaking reasonable due diligence with the assistance of counsel. If additional material
information relevant to the supplemental statement is identified, Fl5nin
Flynn Intel Group will amend
the statement.
the statement.
Please note that insofar as Fljoin BV ended by its terms
Flynn Intel Group's contract with Inovo BVended
on November 15,2016,
i5, 2ox6, the filing of the supplemental statement today also terminates the FARA
registration, effective as of that date.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert K. Kelner

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-7 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 2
Outline for DO3 Meeting
From: "Kelner, Robert" &rkelner@cov.corn&
To: K Verderame &kverderame@ponderainternational.corn&
Cc: "Smith, Brian" & "/o=covington 5 burling/ou=cb/en=recipients/cn=caLb.cbpowa02.smithbd" &,
"Langton, Alexandra" & "/o=covington 5 burling/ou=exchange administrative group
(fydibohf23spdlt)/en=recipients/cn=54610707d47f404ba9511efe701flf09-lang" &, "Anthony,
Stephen" & "/o=covington 5 burling/ou=cb/en=recipients/cn =cd.cbpowa0l.anthonysp" &
Mon, 20 Feb 2017 23: 1 1:33 -0500



Here is an outline for what propose to cover tomorrow at the meeting, though obviously they may

lead us in other directions:

We wanted to come in, as we have done before potential retroactive filings for other clients, to walk
through the draft filing and solicit any input, so that we could address any issues with the draft. But
in this case, as we discussed with Heather, we also wanted to talk through the arguments for and
against filing a FARA registration, in the circumstances presented here, to get the Unit's input.
We'e addressed in the draft we brought with us the answers to the various questions you had in
your letter. And can walk you through those answers today. Let me do that briefly now.

[Walk through each question and our response]

The client that engaged FIG, Inovo BV, is a Netherlands based corporation. A business consulting
firm. Its CEO, Ekim Alptekin, a US-Dutch citizen, indicated that he was interested in restoring
confidence in the Turkish economy, and he viewed Mr. Gulen and his followers as an obstacle to
that. Although FIG did know that initially Mr. Alptekin was in touch with the Turkish government
about the possibility of engaging FIG, Alptekin ultimately engaged FIG directly through Inovo and
indicated that the Turkish government would not be involved in directing or funding FIG's
FIG agreed to conduct research from public sources on Gulen and to develop a video based on the
research, which could be disseminated through a PR firm that FIG would retain.
After a contract was executed in August 2016, FIG engaged various independent contractors who
conducted the open source research and began preliminary work on the video. FIG later retained a
PR firm, Sphere. Sphere engaged in some federal and state level outreach to public officials,
engagement with the media, and preparation of a monopoly themed graphic about the Gulen
organization, called Gulenopoly. FIG also engaged in some outreach on the Hill regarding Gulen,
including a meeting with Chairman McCall's staff.

Originally, the expectation was that the initial 3-month contract would be extended so that the
research and video could be disseminated. But the contract was allowed to lapse on Nov. 15
without being extended, in light of the expectation that Gen. Flynn would join the administration.
FIG suspended operations in mid-November 2016 and began to shut down. To the best of FIG's
knowledge, FIG's research and the early work on the video was not disseminated by FIG. We do not
know what Inovo may have elected to do with work product that was in its possession. We have
seen, for example, Gulenopoly popping up on social media and in publications such as The Hill. FIG
is not involved in circulating Gulenopoly to the best of our knowledge.

Privileged/Attorney Work Product Flynn File Transfer 00028973

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-7 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 2
As noted, toward the end of the initial contract period, General Flynn himself wrote an op-ed about
Gulen. He was not asked to do this. He viewed this as something he was doing on his own. But the
subject matter overlapped with the work for Inovo, he did seek input from Alptekin, and FIG did ask
Sphere to place the article.
Based on this fact pattern, a credible argument could be made that registenng under LOA, as FIG did, was
sufficient, under the terms of the LOA exemption to FARA regfstration.
At the same time, we recognize that Gulen is a major focus for the Turkish government, and
extradition of Gulen was probably the primary focus of the Turkish government in its dealings with
the United States during the period in which FIG was performing work for Inovo. This raises the
question of whether the Turkish government is the principal beneficiary of the work for Inovo, within
the meaning of the Department's regulation applying the LDA exemption. Arguably the work could
be viewed as principally benefiting the Turkish government.

During the course of performing work for Inovo, Aptekin arranged for General Flynn to meet two
Turkish ministers while they were visiting New York. But we don't view this meeting by itself as
resulting in agency on behalf of the government, and there is no indication that the meeting or any
other contacts involved the Turkish government directing FIG's activities.
After the post-election publicity about FIG's work for Inovo, and after we received your letter, FIG
also received a letter from Mr. Alptekin's counsel at Arent Fox. Arent Fox asserted that Inovo had
retained FIG in connection with Mr. Alptekin's business dealings with an Israeli company that was
involved with the Leviathan oil field.

So FIG had a commercial client with commercial objectives, and no known foreign government
client. This left us somewhat straining to determine whether registration could be required solely
on the basis that the work performed could be construed as principally benefiting the Turkish
government rather than Inovo or business interests generally. We welcome yourinput on

[Then, depending on their response, distribute draft filing for discussion]

If they ask about the reported payments to Inovo, expect to respond as follows:

We did see two payments of 40k each to lnovo. We'e included them in the filing as they appear in
accounting records. Early on, there was a proposed consulting agreement for Aptekin. These
payments, based on available records, appear to tie to that contract. But we have also been told
that while Aptekin did not end up playing a role as a consultant on the project, he did nonetheless
want part of Inovo's funding of the project to be refunded. The details of the arrangement are not
particularly clear, amid the shut down of operations. [Beyond that, will punt for now, if they


Robert Kelner
Covington 8r Burling LLP
One CityCenter, 85o Tenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-4956
T +1 202 662 5503 rkelnerI cov.corn


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Privileged/Attorney Work Product Flynn File Transfer 00028974

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 14

June 25, 2018


DOCID: FIG_EDVA_00005134
Subj: All good to go
Date: July 27

G: One of first documents where project is mentioned.

“I had a detailed discussion with my MF last night.” This email in itself doesn’t say a lot to you?

MF; is that how you’re usually referred to? No idal.

DOCID0000472: July 29: Met with MC? Did you have an understanding of who the MC is?
MF: Yes, eventually. G: Do you recall who? M: Yes, I believe it was the foreign minister.

G: in addition that to how mentioned here, is that how he became to be referred to?

From the beginning were the Turkish officials involved in this way?

M: There was a time early on, that there was some discussion with Bijan about who would pay
for it. Bijan had relayed that wheter GOT or Ekim; and I was like whatever.

G: Apart from who was going to pay for it; some pretty highlevel officials within Turkey were

M: Yes.

And that was tru from the beginning of your involvement?

M: Yes, he talked about Ekim in a way that he was well connected; I understood from Bijan that
there were discussions at the highest level of the government.

G: in context of this project.

M: Yes

G: So not just Ekim’s connections generally, but the project.

M: More or less

G: Why the qualifier

M: I didn’t talk directly with Ekim so.. .

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 14

G: We’re just interested in what you were told by Bijan in this context.

M: That Ekim had connections to senior members of the government, all the way up to Erdogan.

G: And that those connections were involved in this project?

M: Yes, I believed that.

G: Based on what.

M: In the conversations I had with Bijan, I understood it to be initially, as he was describing

Ekim.. know him from Narwuz, Turkish-American biz counsel. This has real potential to be a
longer term project, and the visibiltiy of this project is at the highest levels of Turkish
government. And Ekim had this project. At least initially.

G: Would it be fair to say that from your understanding of conversations with Bijan, did it appear
or was it your understanding that Ekim was acting as the go between from those top-level foreign
officials and this project that you’ll be undertaking.

M: Yes.

G: Is this an example of Ekim acting as a go between between your project and the Turkish

M: Yes.

G: Mentions in the document “thank you for your elegant outline.” If you turn back to the .. .
ones with the bullet point.[can’t find document]

G: Shows his copy…

G: Your copied on this; it says he and you had discused this Truth campaign and these are the
basic bullets. IS that something that you discussed with Bijan.

M: I believe we did.

G: To best of recollection?

M: Yes. It’s a basic assessment process for a proposal.

G: Then August 10; “starts with gentlemen” just finished in Ankara.

Here, this MFA Kavasulu. He was the minister of foreign affairs. It says, I have a green light to
discuss confiddentiality, budget scope.” “is it your understanding that the green light was
coming from these folks (MFA, Economy).

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 3 of 14

M: It is. Not sure I saw this email; I just know that in our conversations and the early phase of
this thing, I think at that time if you had asked me, who doing it on behalf of, I’m not sure if
were doing it on behalf of Gov of Turkey or Ekim, but I’m trusting you to do it the right way.

G: I understand. Your understanding was that whether it was through Ekim or someone, you
understand this involved highest levels of Turkish government, is that right?

M: It is.

G: And green light; does that refresh your memory? Regarding the money

M: I think at this point of time it became clear we’re going to get documents.

G: I understand this: From your conversations with Bijan when he’s telling you we got this
contract; from those conversations did you understand that this contract was whether directly or
through Ekim, was it with the government of Turkey/

M: I would say it was in support of Government of Turkey. Would not necessarily say it was in
direct support of Turkey. It was with there understanding, and involvement.

G: With their involvement?

M: Absoluetly. The way it was described to me what we were going to be doing. That all
transpired in various conversations at the begininng.

G: Was it your undersatnding that the initial approval for this project was coming from the Gov
of Turkey and in fact these high-level officials.

M: Yeah

BVG: If you recall one of the first meetings in the middle of August there was a meeeting with
Jim Court, Sphere, question is whether recall being in August a preliminary meeting.

M: I don’t recall a meeting. I know Bijan had spoekn about different people that he used prior.

BVG: Some of the emails show discussions that it’s only the three of us that know about this
project; do you recall not brining in other people into the fold until you received an approval; the
green light?

M: We had talked about until we were cetain that it was going to happen; 100 percent, keep it

BVG: But do you recall in terms of the decision to start bringin people in the fold, hearing that
GOT had provided some sort of approval.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 4 of 14

M: Not sure what you’re asking. If you’re asking, let’s keep it at us 3 and then once it was
approved .. . .

M: I want to make sure… you’re going through a sequence and with this particular green light
thing, there was a point in time where Bijan said we’re going to approve this, may have been a
phone call, maybe an email.

G: I understand how you have it compartmentalized, but with the emails I show you, you may
not have been copied on them . . . .

M: He started using this Virtru thing too. Not sure if I was ever able to get this open on an
iPhone. For Virtru had to have special permissions.

G: And that Virtru software had been something typically used before this project?

M: Do not remember using it before/

G: Do you recall any convo w/ Bijan about why he started using it?

M: No, just that it was secure means of communicating.

G: In terms of how your understanding of the project evolved, may help me understand who the
conversation with Bijan evolved. Your understanding is that it was approved by GOT?

M: My understanding is that it was apporvedby someone within GOT. Someone about GOT.
My understanding is that Ekim was talking to someone in GOT at fairly seniro levels. I didn’t
relaly care who was going to pay for it; my belief was that it didn’t really matter to me; we got
the contract, good. It’s certainly working on behalf of the government of Turkey. Working in
support of them. That’s how I would describe it. Working directly for them? Can’t say I know
that. Working on their behalf.

ET: In light of that, your understanding was the money was flowing from GOT; either direclty,
or through Ekim’s company?

M: Not sure I gave it any thought. I don’t know whether there was an article, or maybe we’d
talked about it where Ekim confirmed somewhere in some comm that the money did not come
from GOT; after election, or statement he made, not sure where that information came from.
When I heard that I thought, okay, well that makes this… the FARA stuff was happening. I
wwasn’t sure where the money came from other than Ekim. Whehter the gov was paying him.

G: Who is paying is relevant, but doesn’t really matter for our purposes. You’ve already said
was working on behalf of / to support the GOT.

M: That was pretty clear.

G: And to be clear that was clear from emails/ other comms with Bijan?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 5 of 14

M: Yes.

G: Had the Aug 10 email that we were just looking at; that lays out the bullets. That is the one
where Alptekin writes back and says met with MOFA; so he’s receptive. Then on Aug 11,
you’ve got … tracking on the discussions and where this are. [Shows email . . .CONFIDENCE
THROUGH CLARITY CAMPAIGN subj.] Go back to the July email. You’ll see at the one on
July 30 - TRUTH CAMPAIGN, with bullet points. And then there is the intervals where talk
about -- Gov of Turkey is giving the green light if you will. And now have August 11th email
that now is under subject OPERATION CONFIDENCE. You had earlier said that from the
beginning it was the same project. Is that right?

M: Yes.

G: Is this an example of how it stayed the same project?

M: Yes. I’d call this Confidence.

G: Regardless of the name, is the project the same.

M: Yes.

G: And does this email demonstrate that for you?

M: Yes, and side bar; where he talks about having done this before -- this was FIG’s first project.
So Ekim toook the Azerbaijan project he did with Woolsey and applied it here. That’s likely
what he means when he says done this before. I believe that Bijan had actually showed me the
video that Bijan did on that project. So to answer specific question - yes, this is the same thing.
And I believe that Bijan applied template from previous business deal to this. That’s why this
part, we have done this before successfully -- we had not.

G: More details on Azerbaijan?

M: It was via Nawruz connection. Lack of relationship between Az and US, and somehow Bijan
got involvd. May have been when he first got out of gov, but I know he did it with JW.

G: Aug 11 email, couple of things to note: now talking about a Dutch company. This is what
you’re talking about where it wasn’t clear who was paying, whether Ekium and Dutch company.

M: Yes

G: Did having Dutch company change the project in anyway.

M: I don’t think it did.

G: Is that based on convos with Bijan, your impresssion., something else?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 6 of 14

M: I don’t believe it changed anything. I went and looked at Inovo website. I’m not sure that
that jumped out at me. Not sure that made any difference./

G: To be clear; that it made any difference between what the project was and what it was going
to be.

M: Yes, like you said, wouldn’t have mattered if engaged by milk man. Was about restroign
confidence in government turkey in the US.

G: Mostly concerned with what said earlier, about this being on behalf of or for the benefit for
Gov of Turkey. Still fair to say?

M: No change there.

G: That to me is a critical fact. Very important that I not encourage you to say that. That if that’s
the case, based on comms with Bijan, when I’m asking these questions; that’s where I’m headed
with that.

M: To summarize - the conversation about who was going to pay went back and forth. During
this period it was very clear that Ekim was engaging senior offificals of the government;
conversations about Erdogan and MOFA, and Minister of Economy. And that the overall intent
was to restore confidence between gov of Turkey and gov US through Ekims business and
government contracts.

G: And so, as you were saying, your focus was not on the Dutch client?

M: My focus was on the fact that Ekim was the face we were working wht. It was pretty clear
that he wasn’t Dutch. I don’t want to be too fecetious. I’m not from Delaware, but that’s where
our business is. In a way there was a naiveté in the technical business stuff.

ET: When said restoring confidence in gov to gov relationships, is that distinct from busines

M: All one in the same to me.

ET: But all work seemed to be about Gulen, right?

M: As were going through project, it changed to be about Gulen.

ET: It seemed to be about Gulen from the beginning, the project document was all about all

M: Yeah, his name came up; his involvement; causing the rift between gov.

BVG: Can you think of a single doc or product from the project that didn’t deal with Gulen?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 7 of 14

M: Everything I saw seemed to be; I didn’t see the video. All came down to him. Not need to
speak to a biz group and tell them how wonderful things are.

G: Do you recall, you were saying that whether it was from the start, it became more and more
apparent, that Gulen was the focus of this project.

M: He was a component from the beginning; the narrowing down .. . it was a 90 day project, the
narrowing down was focuing on him and assess what could or could not be done.

G: And was this meeting that you had in NY with the Turkish officials, was that in keeping with
this understanding htat started from the beginning that this was on behalf of or for the benefit for

M: Believe that it was; believe Ekim wanted to show had the right connections the right people;
believe he wanted to show that; wanted to get their confirmation about that. That thye were
satisfied that Ekim had the right people and that this was going in the right direction.

G: Where did you get that understanding?

M: The dynamics of the meeting and Bijan caveating the meeting, wanting to get the right people
there, timing, looking at dynamics of the room; seemed to me like Ekim’s relatinoship with the
son-in-law was pretty good. Knew eachother more than knew MOFA. That sort of dynamic
gave me the impression that they were satisfied. That the gov of turkey officials were satisfied;
with what Ekim had presented about us. Just in the back and forth that had talked to me about;
this has visibility at highest levels of government. Bijan - our project has visibility at highest

G: They were satsified?

M: Yes.

G: Was there some kind of convo or discussion about how going to interact with Turkish
officials in context of project?

M: May have been TPs.

[Rob prompts: may have been plan for lunch.]

M: There was a plan; believe Bijan and Brian took a train up that day; may have actually taken
train back. Believe they took a train up that day. Believe there may have been TPs for that
meeting. And then during that day… Woolsey already up there with his wife; didn’t know what
he was doing at the time, but found out after had met with Turks.

G: That meeting, planned lunch beforehand, TPs, all to do with meeting with Turks?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 8 of 14

M: I remember meeting at hotel with Bijan beforehand. Got into hotel, went up to room… bijan,
myself, W there. Talked for 10-15 minutes before Turks showed up.

G: What did you talk about?

M: How going to choreograph meeting?

G: Choreograph vis-à-vis the project. Fair to say?

M: Choreograph was have you spoken to Ekim; working for him; want to make sure the right
things are stated; 5 Ws. Nothing really specific.

G: So I’m clear on it. Ministers weren’t just bystanders to you making presentation to Ekim over
the project. It was so you could make presentation to the ministers?

M: This wasn’t, hey can you stop back. This was we are providing an update on Project
Confidence to these government officials.

G: Your impression was that they were satisfied?

M: I walked away that they were satisfied.

G: Conversation you had were about project Confidence?

M: Yes

G: And Project was same project from the get go.

M: Yes.

ET: Do you remember any feedback that FIG received?

M: Don’t recall that; don’t recall the direction going that way; more a discussion about what
were doing. Nothing were they were giving me feedback. A couple of times where discussed in
Turkish; what Bijan may have provided to Bijan after; I don’t know. Think Bijan left with them.

G: Mentioned beofre that this was FIGs first contract/engagment. So pretthy important.

M: I looked at it as let’s make sure everything is right. Be professional. Could become bigger
project down the road. We had another one that was consemated at roughly the same time; think
it was Sep, Oct. Had to deal wit real estate. . .

G: From emails, appears that this engagemnet was disclosed or other folks brought in, only after
changed to a Dutch company, rather than Project Truth, where more openly discussed with
ministers or Ekim. Does that ring any bells / mean anything?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 9 of 14

M: Doesn’t mean anything. Doesn’t ring any bells. Keeping the group small was about not
wasting anybody’s time if not going anywhere.

G: Ever recall anything about Israeli company?

M: I don’t recall anything like that. I don’t.

G: So if we can turn to your Statement of Facts. Last paragraph - Statement of Facts

G: Going to turn to FARA filing itself and circumstances around that.

ET: Just one more email; from August 8, 2016. Re: Truth. Another example of Governemnt of
Turkey involvement?

M: Yes.

ET: Believe have said aware of two payments of $40k each that made to Inovo.

M: I am aware.

ET: Ever aware of them being referred to as lobbying or PR refunds that were not performed?


ET: TO best of your knowledge, were they refunds?

M: Not sure I paid attention to that.

ET: Anything that makes you think they were refunds?

M: Nothing that I’m aware of that would make them refunds.’

ET: From the earliest days, Ekim was going to get 20 percent.

M: Right, going to give 20 percent for services.

ET: okay… need to strike while iron hot; before the election. You’re the iron right? You said
that last time.

M: The context as a whole and my involvement. My connections to getting something


BVG: Well Bijan wasn’t the iron. Ekim wasn’t the iron.

M: No certainly not.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 10 of 14

ET: Thanks for cooperation; not trying to get any admissions out of you; not getting new false
statements. But need to ask about some of those statements. Believe that previously told us: done
for or behalf of gov of turkey and officials had awareness, feedback and were given updates.
Before FARA filing ever tell Covington attorneys was done for Turkeys benefit or on their

M: Don’t believe I used those words.

ET: Did you ever say that it was for helping the Government of Turkey?

M: Don’t think I ever said it as strongly as I’m saying it now; don’t think I ever used those

ET: Reads false statement para 5: “FIG did not know whether or the extent to which Rep of Turk
involved in project”; is that the basis of the false statement; the stuff we just discussed?

M: Yes.

ET: Anything else that would make this a false statement?

M: I don’t think so.

BVG: To clarify; if there is maybe a question that we didn’t ask, please flag.

M: I told this to you the other day, I don’t go over the FARA filing with Bijan at all. I don’t
know if that makes any different to you all. But it wasn’t .. . learn a lot of things in hindsight.
Would it have adjusted what I, how I stated, how I filled out, can’t say that it may have adjusted
what I filled out; cant say it would or would not have.

ET: Just asking that what I learned from you is the basis for the false statement. So in terms of
op-ed, was written because there wasn’t any delivereables yet under the project.

M: I said there was previous discussions about the op-ed for the project.

ET: But you and Bijan did not previously discuss this specific op-ed and you did not see the draft
of the op-ed a head of time.

M: That’s right.

ET: Here is an email. Is this the first time you saw this?

M: Think maybe I saw it directly from Bijan. Remember receiving the op-ed from Bijan; not
sure if this is the email.

BVG: Do not remember drafting?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 11 of 14

M: No.

BVG: Do not remember doing any specific brainstormin about this op-ed?

M: No.

ET: “Op-ed written in the Hill was his own .. .” Is that basis of statement?

M: Yes.

ET: All work was about Gulen, all meetings about Gulen. No meetings with business
community to help business community. Basis of the statement?

M: Don’t follow your question. [Reads para. 5.b.]

ET: Are the facts that all work was focused on Gulen, was that reason for false statement?

BVG: key word is FOCUS. Was it false to say that FOCUS was on business community?

M: Yes, that’s false. At this point, focus was on Gulen.

ET: Did ever tell Covington attorneys that there were two separate projects involving Turkey?

M: No. Not aware of two separate projects. At that time I was not aware of two separate

G: What we’re getting at is the essential facts are

ET: Like to tell you what questions going to ask.

R: Explain what it’s going to look like.

G: Explains GJ process.

ET: Tell you what questions are:

1. State name and spell

2. How employed
3. What job retire from
4. Also worked in private sector
5. Involved in Flynn intel Group
6. When was FIG created
7. Still in existence
8. When FIG ceased operations
9. Who was FIG Vice Chairman
10. What did Bijan do

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 12 of 14

11. Aware of Project FIG involved with Turkey

12. How did you first became aware
13. What stage was project at when Bijan first approached
14. Who if anyone Bijan told you he’d already spoken to about it
15. Who is Ekim
16. Before project, what relationship if any did Bijan have with Ekim
17. How did they know each other
18. What comms if any are you of Bijan having with Ekim about project
19. How did you know those convos took place
20. During what time period was this
21. How often comms
22. What methods used to communicated Bijan / Ekim
23. During initial convo with Bijan about project what was focal point of project
24. Did that focal point change at any point during the project?
a. Initial focus was business community -
25. Focal point for the work done for the project
26. What work if any done about researching state of biz climate in turkey
27. What meetings done with biz groups
28. What work about investments in Turkey
29. What work done to improve biz climate in Turkey for US/foreign businesses
30. Ever heard country of Israel mentioned
31. Ever heard that country of Israel would benefit from project
32. During project what doing day to day in life?
33. When began traveling with Trump?
34. For how long travel with him?
35. Who was manager of project within FIG?
a. Initially Bijan and then would assign Mike Boston as lead
36. Change to: Who oversaw FIG’s work on the project.

[BVG: What doing WRT your book at this time? M: Multiple engagements regarding book
signing. Also had LLC activities involved in. Combo of activities involved in.]

37. Who at FIG was the most knowledgeable about the project?
a. Bijan had fingerprints all over it; in Comms
38. What foregin govs if any were involved in the project?
39. How was the government of Turkey involved?
40. Who was intended beneficiary of the project?
41. What officials of gov of turkey were involved, to your knowledge
42. Whether Turkish gov officials provided some direction on the project
43. Who at FIG if anyone discussed the involvement of Turkish gov officials with you
a. Bijan
44. Do you recall anyone bragging about high-level officials in the project?
45. G: From the beginning to the end? M: Yes pretty much. G: On weekly telephone calls,
he continued to relay that officials were satisfied. M: Yes. G: That was basically the
purpose of the weekly calls, right? G: That’s what I viewed those weekly calls as; brief

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 13 of 14

Ekim so he could update Turkish officials. He’d give us feedback on those

conversations with government officials. That interaction was clear to me that keeping
not only us informed, but Turkish officials.
46. Questions on funding:
47. Originally what was planned source of funding for project
48. How do you know that
49. Whether that planned source of funding changed
50. what was new source of funding for the project
51. Where was Inovo incorporated / based
52. When the source of funding changed, what else about the project changed?
53. How did the scope of the project changed
54. FIG’s role changed?
55. Timeline changed?
56. Whether before or after heard anything about FIG performing separate projcet w/ gov of
57. Separate project with Ekim? Inovo? About radical Islam?
58. Anything about FIG refunding money for Ekim for PR / lobbying?
59. FIG refunding money to anyone ICW the project?
60. Did you become aware of two payments of 40 k to Inovo
61. Whether those payments were refunds for lobbying / PR or refunds for anything?
62. NYC meetgin - aware of meeting?
63. Related to Turkey project?
64. Who attended that meeting?
65. Who set up the meeting?
66. Do you recall having met Ekim prior to the meeting?
67. Purpose of the meeting - Whether purpose of the meeting was to demonstrate FIG’s
capabillities to Turkish Government officials
a. Introduce leadership team and provide update
68. What potential additional business was discussed at the meeting?
69. Who did most of the talking at the meeting?
70. What focus of convo was?
71. Goal was of the Turkish officials regarding Gulen
72. What deliverables if any as part of project were discussed?
a. ET: At that meeting were Congressional hearings discussed? not aware
b. ET: Op-eds? Not aware
c. M:
73. Conversations about delieverables for the project at FIG?
a. Types of conversations about what we could do. Him driving the video,
Gulenopolgy game, op-eds that we could write. Don’t recall engaging Congress
as a specific thing. May have talked about it in a general sense.
74. Update calls
75. After meeting on 19th any convos with Ekim?
76. How often?
77. Who else from FIG participated?
78. What was subject matter of work FIG provided on projets?
79. Working on other issues other than Gulen on the project?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-8 Filed 01/14/20 Page 14 of 14

80. What did Ekim saying he was doing with information?

81. Which Turkish gov officials was he passing the officials?
a. Engaged with MOFA, previous individuals whom he was talking with; Economy,
mentioned Prime Minister’s awareness
b. ET: Reads Oct 22 - text, walked him through . . . brings up discussing with
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
82. What feedback if any receive during these calls?
83. From whom was the feedback?
84. How did you know that?
85. Other than participating in these calls, what work did he provide on the project?
a. M: Provided advice on assistance on how to negotiate with the Turkish
86. What contacts if any between FIG and professional staffers on the project?
a. At time, not aware had contact with congressional staffers. As I sit here now,
know that Homeland Security senior staffer -- Miley or something like that.
87. Briefly described the circumstances of those contacts
89. What op-eds if any were published as part of the project?
90. Give op-ed; do you recognize, where was it published, when was it published, title,
whose name listed as the author, how did first find out op-ed was in the works
91. Conversations if any had about writing this op-ed before receiving email with draft
92. What Bijan said to you if anything about why he drafted the op-ed.
a. M: Had discussions about writing this op-ed as a product for this project
b. ET: Was it drafted because no other deliverables had been produced on the
Turkey project at that point? Know that had discussed them as a product.
93. Why published when it was published?
a. M: Thought it might have a great impact. Could get it published beforehand
because of the environment. Felt like it was going to be easier to get it published
b. ET: Also true that thought it would have greater impact? M: Yes, would get
wider readership.
c. ET: Is that because of your high-profile during election?
94. G: Ask about initial LDA. Two particular statements, Robert Kelley being the lobbyist
and the other being the purpose of the lobbying being these two senate and house bills.
a. M: Took it at face value.

Contact info:
95. G: 571-289-3625
96. ET: 202-598-5315

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-9 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 4



Actual FARA
Filing 03/07/17

Prosecution “FIG did not know whether or to the extent to which the Republic of Turkey
Statement of was involved in the Turkey project”
Offense 12/01/17

Government “The filings affirmatively stated that FIG did not know whether or the extent
Sentencing to which the Republic of Turkey was involved in the Turkey project.”

FACTS: The government excised the language “with its retention by Inovo for the
three-month project”.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-9 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 4




Actual FARA
Filing 03/07/17

Prosecution “[T]he Turkey project was focused on improving U.S. business organizations’
Statement of confidence regarding doing business in Turkey”
Offense 12/01/17

Government “The filings affirmatively stated that FIG ‘understood the engagement to be
Sentencing focused on improving U.S. business organizations’ confidence regarding doing
Memorandum business in Turkey.”

FACTS: “The government omits “particulary with respect to the stability of Turkey and its
suitability as a venue for investment and commercial activity.”

See ECF No. 150-5 at 4 and 150-6 at 2 (Kelner 302s); ECF No. 98-3 at Ex. 7
(Entitled Statement of the Problem “How do we restore confidence in the
government of the Republic of Turkey and expose the Fethullah Gulen cult in the
United States”); ECF No. 98-3 at Ex. 8 and Ex. 8-A (Covington Feb. 22, 2017
Notes: Commercial Activity à Crystalizedà Gulen).

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-9 Filed 01/14/20 Page 3 of 4




Actual FARA Filing


Prosecution “[A]n op-ed by Flynn published in The Hill on November 8, 2016, was written
Statement of at his own initiative”
Offense 12/01/17

Government “The filings affirmatively stated that the defendant published the op-ed “on his
Sentencing own initiative;” and it was not undertaken at the direction or control of a
Memorandum foreign principal.”

FACTS: “RAFIEKIAN worked with an editor, Hank COX, to write the op-ed on
GULEN.” ECF No. 150-5 at 7.

“FLYNN informed SMITH it was his idea to write an op-ed. However

RAFIEKIAN, wrote the first draft of the op-ed about GULEN.” ECF No. 150-
5 at 7.

ECF No. 98-3 at Ex. 8 and Ex. 8-A (“Push for placement of article was for
campaign reasons. (fighting until the end to show that Trump campaign was
serious on fighting Islamic extremism).”).

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-9 Filed 01/14/20 Page 4 of 4




Actual FARA No statement

Filing 3/07/17

Prosecution Alleges FARA filing is false:

Statement of
Offense 12/01/17 “by omitting that officials from the Republic of Turkey provided supervision and
direction over the Turkey project”

Government The FARA filing DOES NOT contain any statement asserting that the Republic
Sentencing of Turkey provided supervision and direction over the contract/project at issue.

FACTS: See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No.
1:18-CR-00457-AJT, ECF No. 372 at 30, “There is no evidence, not even in the
hearsay statements from Alptekin to Rafiekian, that Alptekin, Inovo, or anyone
associated with the Turkish government directed or controlled the work
performed by FIG or Sphere personnel.”

During that meeting [in New York with the Turkish Officials], there was no
discussion concerning any work that FIG was doing or of FIG's relationship with
Inovo or the Turkish government, nor was there any request from the Turkish
officials or Alptekin for FIG to do anything. See Ex. 10 (McCauley Rafiekian

See Judge Trenga’s Memorandum Opinion, United States v. Rafiekian, Case No.
1:18-CR-00457-AJT, ECF No. 372 at 8, “Alptekin was not pleased with the
scope or substance of what was presented to him, which included a presentation
by McCauley summarizing the findings of the investigation into Gulen and a
mockup of the Gulenopoly board game conceived by Sphere.”

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 17




3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Case 1:18-cr-00457

4 Plaintiff, )
5 v. ) Alexandria, Virginia
) July 17, 2019
6 BIJAN RAFIEKIAN, ) 9:04 a.m.
7 Defendant. ) Day 3 (AM Session)
) Pages 364 - 515


















Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 17

McCauley - Direct

1 have.

2 THE COURT: All right. May the witness be

3 excused?

4 MR. GIBBS: He may be, Judge. Thank you.

5 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Smith, you're

6 excused. Do not discuss your testimony outside of the

7 courtroom with any other witness.

8 THE WITNESS: Thank you, Your Honor.

9 (The witness stands aside.)

10 THE COURT: The government will call its next

11 witness.

12 MR. TURGEON: The United States calls Brian

13 McCauley.

14 THE COURT: Mr. McCauley will come forward.




18 Q Could you please tell us your name.

19 A My name is Brian McCauley.

20 Q What is your current occupation?

21 A I'm currently retired.

22 Q What did you do before you were retired?

23 A I was a deputy assistant director with the FBI.

24 Q When did you work at the FBI?

25 A I worked at the FBI from 1997 until I retired in

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 3 of 17

McCauley - Direct

1 A It was very brief. And Bijan introduced me to

2 Alptekin and said: This is Brian McCauley. He'll be

3 helping out on this project.

4 Q Did you and Alptekin have any conversations at

5 that time?

6 A No, sir.

7 Q After Alptekin left, did you and the defendant

8 have any discussions?

9 A Yes, sir, we did.

10 Q What did you talk about?

11 A A possible trip to New York to meet with some

12 Turkish officials.

13 Q Did the defendant tell you anything about that

14 planned meeting in New York City?

15 A No.

16 Q Did he say with whom you'd be meeting?

17 A Just -- at that point, it was just Turkish

18 officials.

19 Q Did the defendant say who organized the meeting in

20 New York City with the Turkish government officials?

21 A Sure. I believe it was Ekim Alptekin, but I

22 just -- I don't remember seeing it coming out of his

23 mouth and hearing it.

24 Q Did you eventually attend a meeting in New York

25 City with Turkish government officials?

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 4 of 17

McCauley - Direct

1 A Yes, sir, I did.

2 Q Sir, could you please turn to Exhibit -- take a

3 look at Government Exhibit 2B.

4 A Yes.

5 Q Who is sitting on the right side in that

6 photograph?

7 A That would be Ekim Alptekin.

8 Q And who is sitting on the left side in that

9 photograph?

10 A That would be the Turkish foreign minister.

11 MR. TURGEON: Your Honor, at this time, we'd

12 move Government Exhibit 2B into evidence.

13 THE COURT: Any objection?

14 MR. TROUT: No objection.

15 THE COURT: 2B is admitted.

16 MR. TURGEON: Could we publish that to the

17 jury?

18 THE COURT: Yes.

19 MR. TURGEON: Thank you.


21 Q Did the defendant offer you any compensation for

22 attending the New York meeting?

23 A Yes.

24 Q How much did he offer you?

25 A My daily rate of $5,000.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 5 of 17

McCauley - Direct

1 officials?

2 A Yes. He was going to meet with or have lunch with

3 Ekim.

4 Q Do you know if that lunch meeting took place?

5 A No, sir, I don't.

6 Q Around what time of day did you and the defendant

7 arrive in New York City?

8 A Approximately noontime.

9 Q And what time of day was the meeting with the

10 Turkish government officials scheduled for?

11 A It was later that night at approximately

12 10:00 p.m.

13 Q And where in New York City did that meeting take

14 place?

15 A It took place at the Helmsley Hotel.

16 Q I just want to make sure you've said what time of

17 day was that meeting.

18 A It was evening. It was about 10:00 p.m.

19 Q Who was at that meeting?

20 A At that meeting, it was Bijan. It was General

21 Flynn. It was James Woolsey. It was myself, the

22 Turkish -- Ekim, the Turkish foreign minister, the

23 minister of energy from Turkey -- that was Erdogan's

24 son-in-law -- and the translator.

25 Q Now, how do you know that the Turkish minister of

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 6 of 17

McCauley - Direct

1 Q And for the Turkish side, who sat across from

2 those folks?

3 A On the Turkish side, from left to right, across

4 from Bijan, it was Ekim Alptekin. Across from General

5 Flynn, it was the foreign minister, the Turkish foreign

6 minister. Across from Jim Woolsey, it was the minister

7 of energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and across from me was

8 the translator.

9 Q Now, at the meeting, did anyone use the

10 translator?

11 A No, sir.

12 Q After sitting down, how did the meeting begin?

13 A Introductions starting with Bijan, General Flynn,

14 Jim Woolsey, and myself, and then it went down to the

15 Turkish side.

16 Q And after those introductions, how did the meeting

17 begin?

18 A I remember the foreign minister wished General

19 Flynn and Trump good luck in the election and that he

20 hoped that the Turkish government would be working

21 close with the new administration, whoever it is.

22 Q Did the foreign minister say anything else?

23 A Yes. He brought up the subject of Fethullah

24 Gulen.

25 Q And what was his focus at the meeting?

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McCauley - Direct

1 MR. TROUT: Objection, Your Honor. I ask

2 that he ask what he said.

3 THE COURT: Well, instead of asking that

4 characterization, why don't you ask what people

5 actually said.

6 MR. TURGEON: Yes. Thank you, Your Honor.


8 Q What did the foreign minister say at that meeting?

9 A The foreign minister said that he was concerned

10 that they had a terrorist living in the U.S., and they

11 considered Gulen, Fethullah Gulen, the Osama bin Laden

12 of Turkey.

13 Q Now, what language was the foreign minister

14 speaking?

15 A English.

16 Q How would you describe his English language

17 skills?

18 A Fine. I could hear him. I understood him

19 perfectly.

20 Q Did the foreign minister say anything about the

21 attempted coup in Turkey?

22 A Yes, he did. He believed that Gulen was

23 responsible for the attempted coup in Turkey.

24 Q Did he say anything about what the Turkish

25 government wanted done about Gulen?

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McCauley - Direct

1 A He brought up that they would like to have him

2 tried -- charged and tried in Turkey.

3 Q Did you say anything at the meeting?

4 A Yes, I did. Towards the end of the meeting -- the

5 meeting lasted 25 minutes -- I did say that if, in

6 fact, Fethullah Gulen is a terrorist and we found him

7 violating U.S. law, he would be charged and possibly

8 deported, but it would be U.S. law.

9 Q What topics were discussed at that meeting other

10 than Gulen?

11 A Sir, I can't think of any.

12 Q How long did that meeting last?

13 A That meeting lasted approximately 25 to

14 30 minutes.

15 Q And what happened at the end of the meeting?

16 A Exchange of cards, a handshake, and that was about

17 it.

18 Q By cards, do you mean business cards?

19 A Business cards, yes, sir. Sorry.

20 Q Did you leave the meeting with anyone?

21 A I left the meeting with Bijan and General Flynn.

22 Q Where did you go?

23 A We went back to the hotel.

24 Q When you got back to the hotel, did you and the

25 defendant discuss the Gulen project?

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McCauley - Direct

1 Q How did that conversation come about?

2 A Bijan called me on the phone and asked me if I

3 could come into the office.

4 Q And did you go into the office?

5 A Yes, sir, I did.

6 Q And when you got there, what did the defendant

7 say?

8 A The defendant said that we got the contract.

9 Q Did he say anything about how or why FIG got the

10 contract?

11 A No, sir.

12 Q What happened next during that meeting?

13 A As I came into the office, Bijan's office, he was

14 coming out of General Flynn's office. And he said:

15 Brian, we got the contract.

16 He also mentioned that I was to build a team of

17 investigative -- retired agents, investigators to build

18 my team.

19 Q Did the defendant say anything else to you after

20 coming out of General Flynn's office?

21 A He did.

22 Q What did he say?

23 A He said: Brian, the General wants me to file with

24 DOJ.

25 He said: But -- and he used his finger. He

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McCauley - Direct

1 pointed up. He said; but I have a better idea to file

2 with -- it was either commerce or Congress.

3 Q Please describe for the jury how the defendant

4 acted when he said that to you.

5 A He was excited.

6 MR. TROUT: Objection. Your Honor, I'm

7 sorry. Objection, describing how he acted.

8 THE COURT: Overruled. You can describe his

9 reaction.

10 MR. TURGEON: Thank you.


12 Q Can you please describe the defendant's reaction

13 or how the defendant acted when he said that to you?

14 A He was very happy, very pleased, excited that we

15 got this contract.

16 Q Now, what did he say about keeping the project

17 under the radar?

18 MR. TROUT: Objection, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: I'm sorry. There's been no

20 testimony of that.

21 MR. TURGEON: I apologize, Your Honor. I

22 apologize, Your Honor.


24 Q When the defendant came out of General Flynn's

25 office, do you recall him saying anything else?

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McCauley - Direct

1 A Yes. He said: Brian, the General wants me to

2 file with DOJ.

3 He said: But to keep it under the radar, we'll

4 file with -- it was either commerce or Congress.

5 Q Did the defendant say why he wanted to keep the

6 project under the radar?

7 A Not during that conversation.

8 Q Did he ever say anything about that to you?

9 A Yes, he did.

10 Q What did he say?

11 A The purpose of keeping it under the radar was to

12 avoid detection by Tony Podesta and other members of

13 Congress who were favorable to Gulen.

14 Q And when was that conversation?

15 A That was a follow-on conversation. I'm not sure

16 how many days or weeks after.

17 Q Now, what did you say in response to the defendant

18 saying that he was going to file this other way?

19 A When he told me he was not going to follow General

20 Flynn's direction and file with DOJ -- excuse my

21 language, ladies -- I told him: I wouldn't fuck around

22 with that.

23 Q Why did you say that?

24 A Because I know coming from my previous -- my past

25 that when you file -- when you work with foreign

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McCauley - Direct

1 Could we publish that to the jury, please?



4 Q Do you see where General Flynn refers to the FM?

5 A Yes.

6 Q Who is the FM?

7 A Foreign minister.

8 Q How do you know that FM refers to the foreign

9 minister?

10 A Again, going back to my previous job, I would meet

11 with ministers. Prime minister would be PM; FM,

12 foreign minister; and minister of defense, MD.

13 Q And who is RA?

14 A RA is -- it's Robert or Richard Amsterdam. I

15 believe it's Robert Amsterdam.

16 Q How do you know that?

17 A I found out just in discussions with Tom Neer, as

18 well as Bijan.

19 Q So after the New York City meeting, did you ever

20 meet with Alptekin in person again?

21 A Yes, we did.

22 Q What was the purpose of that meeting?

23 A That was to provide him the final -- our 6 weeks,

24 45 days was up. We were going to provide him the final

25 product of what we had come up with at that point.

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McCauley - Direct

1 page to the jury?


3 MR. TURGEON: Thank you.


5 Q How did you present this report to Alptekin?

6 A I summarized the report. I gave him a verbal

7 assessment, and I told him what we had found out is

8 that there's potentially fraud going on with human

9 trafficking, immigration fraud, visa fraud, but also

10 fraud against the United States government in the sum

11 of $500 million a year.

12 Q How did Alptekin react to this written report?

13 A He was not dismissive towards me the way he was

14 with Mike Boston, but he responded: I know this.

15 He said: I'm looking for dirt.

16 Q Did he say anything about how he knew this?

17 A No, sir, I don't remember him saying that.

18 Q Did Alptekin take the report with him when he

19 left?

20 A No, he didn't. He left it on the table.

21 Q Now, did Alptekin say anything in that meeting

22 about what he wanted?

23 A He said he wanted dirt, and then he said: Can't

24 you plant dirt?

25 And I said: No, we cannot.

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McCauley - Cross

1 Q Okay. But there was no request from any Turkish

2 official for Flynn Intel Group to do anything?

3 A No, sir.

4 Q As you've reflected on the meeting, it occurred to

5 you or it seemed to you that this was simply a meeting

6 that Mr. Alptekin had set up in order to be able to

7 demonstrate that he could bring -- to demonstrate to

8 these Turkish officials that he could bring some big

9 shots to the meeting, correct?

10 A I felt that it was Alptekin and Bijan. They were

11 both measuring up, seeing what they could bring to the

12 table. Yes, sir.

13 Q Now, you mentioned in your testimony that there

14 were a couple of occasions where Mr. Alptekin conveyed

15 requests to Flynn Intel Group as part of the work that

16 it was doing for Mr. Alptekin, correct?

17 A Yes, sir.

18 Q On one of those occasions, you said that he wanted

19 surveillance, correct?

20 A Yes, sir.

21 Q This was surveillance of Gulenists in the District

22 of Columbia?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q And he wanted some sort of audio surveillance as

25 well, correct?
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McCauley - Cross

1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q And then you basically told him, You're not doing

3 that?

4 A I believe I told him: You watch too many movies.

5 We don't do that.

6 Q In fact, you never did any surveillance, correct?

7 A No, sir, I did not.

8 Q You also indicated in another conversation he

9 wanted dirt on Gulen?

10 A He mentioned that several times.

11 Q All right. He wanted to be able to show that he

12 was a terrorist, correct?

13 A Yes, sir.

14 Q That's what he wanted you-all to do?

15 A Right. Correct.

16 Q And you told him you don't do that?

17 A We don't do that. FIG doesn't do that. Only the

18 FBI does that.

19 Q All right. And you didn't do that, correct?

20 A Correct, sir.

21 Q And he also met with you on November 2, 2016; is

22 that correct? That was the meeting that you described

23 where he was dismissive of Mike Boston and his work?

24 A Sir, I don't -- I'm not sure if it was November 2.

25 I know the report said November 2, but I do remember it

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McCauley - Cross

1 was the day before the election. So whatever date that

2 was.

3 Q All right. In any event, you're at a meeting

4 before the election where he attended?

5 A Yes, sir.

6 Q At that meeting, he said that he wanted something

7 more. He wanted -- what did he want at that meeting?

8 A I need more than this. I need dirt.

9 Then he said he was kidding. He said: Plant

10 dirt.

11 I said: We don't do that.

12 Q And he said he was kidding?

13 A Yes, he did say he was kidding.

14 Q In fact, you didn't do anything as a result of any

15 request that he made at that meeting, correct?

16 A No, sir, we didn't.

17 Q Do you recall any other request that he made of

18 you that we have not discussed?

19 A No, sir.

20 Q So every request that he made of you in your

21 presence, you basically rejected, correct?

22 A Correct, yes, sir.

23 MR. TROUT: One moment, Your Honor.

24 (Counsel confer.)

25 MR. TROUT: I have no further questions.

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-10 Filed 01/14/20 Page 17 of 17


1 into evidence now.

2 THE COURT: All right.

3 MR. MacDOUGALL: Thank you, Your Honor.

4 THE COURT: Any objections?

5 MR. MacDOUGALL: This is Defense 102.

6 THE COURT: Right.

7 MR. MacDOUGALL: This, this is Ms. Langton's e-mail

8 that had all the attachments with it. We're just moving in 102

9 that talks about -- that we discussed yesterday.

10 THE COURT: All right. Without objection, Defense

11 Exhibit 102 will be admitted.

12 (Defendant's Exhibit No. 102 was received in

13 evidence.)

14 THE COURT: Anything else?

15 MR. GILLIS: No, Your Honor, thank you.

16 THE COURT: All right. We'll convene at 9:00

17 tomorrow morning.

18 MR. GILLIS: Thank you, Your Honor.

19 (Recess from 5:36 p.m., until 9:00 a.m., July 18,

20 2019.)


22 I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript of

23 the record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.


25 /s/
Anneliese J. Thomson

Anneliese J. Thomson OCR-USDC/EDVA (703)299-8595

Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 151-11 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 17

Privileged and Confidential June 15, 2018


To: Flynn File

From: Alexandra Langton

Re: June 14, 2018 Interview Notes

On June 14, 2018, General Michael T. Flynn (“MF”) participated in an interview with the
Special Counsel’s Office (“SCO”) and prosecutors from the Eastern District of Virginia (“EDVA”)
at 850 10th Street, NW, Washington, DC from approximately 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. pursuant to
the cooperation agreement dated November 30, 2017 between MF and the SCO. Robert Kelner
(“RK”), Stephen Anthony (“SA”), and Alexandra Langton (“AL”) represented MF during the
interview. Brandon Van Grack (“BVG”) and Mary Gleason (“MG”) represented the SCO. James
Gillis (“JG”) and Brian Alfredo (“BA”) represented the EDVA. Evan Turgeon (“ET”) represented
the National Security Division of the Department of Justice. This memorandum summarizes the
discussion at that meeting.

I. Osman Burgrahan and Enver Altayli

*Jim Gillis shows MF e-mails sent to Enver and Osman between February and March 2016.*

JG: In the February 21, 2016 e-mail from Burgrahan, he says that “the meeting was great.” Can
you tell me what meeting that was and when it occurred?

MF: I am trying to think about how I got introduced to this guy. I think it was through Dewey
Clarrige and the Oli North crowd. It’s likely an e-mail distro list.

JG: When was that in relation to this e-mail?

MF: It was fairly close. At the time I was doing a lot of media on a range of issues, so I was
introduced to a lot of different people and I would use them as resources to get a sense of
current events. The meetings that I had with this guy . . . there was another guy there, maybe
Enver. One was older and one was younger.

JG: Is this the meeting the e-mail refers to? How many times did you meet?

MF: I think I met with them at least once, maybe a couple of times. We met in our offices in
Alexandria. I did a “white board session” with them about what was going on in the Middle East.
That was really of more interest to me. I don’t think we talked about business stuff.

JG: What was the situation as far as it affected Turkey?

MF: It was everything. kind of what I walked you through yesterday. I was fascinated by the
kinds of things that they provided. The kinds of problems that were going on. A lot of it would
depend on the time period. In early 2016, there had been a lot of things that happened since
summer 2015. I know I did at least one Skype session with them.
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Page 2 of 17

JG: Were you compensated for your time with them?

MF; No. It’s like talking to other people around town that are from other countries. My passion
is to get input from different sources. I found these guys of interest. I was being friendly to a
friend who introduced him. I did get a note back saying thanks for meeting with them-maybe
from Dewey. I found the older gentleman of interest.

JG: Anyone else besides the three of you?

MF: I don’t think so. It was kind of like “war game.” We did a white board session where I drew
a map of the Middle East and talked about how it might evolve.

JG: What was Turkey’s role?

MF: They had a lot of insights, but I was getting their sense of where Turkey was. If there’s a guy
who think he can resurrect the Ottoman Empire, it’s Erdogan.

MG: Were they pro-Erdogan?

MF: Yeah, generally. It was an ongoing discourse of what I felt was relevant information. They
seemed to have good connections.

JG: With whom?

MF: People in the government and people in the know.

JG: Can you be more specific?

MF: Either they had spoken to Erdogan or people who were advisors to him. The other thing on
all of this, there was a period of time when I was doing an enormous amount of media. For me,
doing that kind of activity, you need to stay current and fresh. I looked at these interactions as
part of that.

KG: They came to you?

MF: Yeah, they were introduced to me. I found them interesting.

JG: You mentioned the trip to Turkey, which was a possible trip to Turkey. Any conversations
about who might pay for that trip?

MF: I don’t know if we talked about it. Nothing specific.

JG: What was your expectation?

MF: If I were traveling overseas, it depends on the purpose and the role. I would not have done
it on my own dime.

JG: You mentioned that you had not been to Turkey. Do you recall if you were planning a time to
go to Turkey or if you had no other reason except for this?

MF: I’ve never visited before, so that was probably part of my thinking on this.
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Page 3 of 17

JG : Part of the campaign?

MF: No. I didn’t really join the campaign until Trump had really won the primary.

JG: Do you recall any independent reason why you would’ve gone to Turkey?

MF: I don’t. It would have been out of sheer interest and curiosity.

JG: Before you heard of these guys, were you planning a trip to Turley?

MF: None that I remember.

JG: In the March 30, 2016 e-mail from Burgrahan, he mentions a written report, that Erdogan
wants to meet you, and that it is important to maintain connections. Reading this, can you tell
me anything specific that was discussed at these meetings? Focus on why it was important to
maintain connections with you? What was this report about?

MF: I think, to me, I remember the white board session we had was extensive. I laid out what I
thought was going to happen and how that would play out. They may have relayed some of that
back. I don’t recall him telling me that, but he may have. My views were generally that we, the
US, had to pay greater attention to the immigration problem. The immigration problem was
rearing its ugly head.

JG: Syrian refugees?

MF: Yeah. My views at the time were how we should be working with Turkey because Turkey
was fighting in north Syria. Our interactions with the Turks has always been a little neglected
and then all of a sudden, we need them . We’ve neglected these relationships to our detriment
over time. I don’t remember where he said, here is the summary of the meeting.

JG: What was the situation with Gulen at that point?

MF: I think he’s always been there. Gulen was someone we were dealing with when I was in the

MG: Didn’t Erdogan grow up in Gulen schools?

MF: Oh yeah.

JG: Was the threat of military coup “true” during this time period?

MF: Yeah. it is a constant tensions with the government and the military. There were a fair
number of general officers that were thrown in jail. The Gulenist movements, I believe, fuels
some of that tension inside of Turkey.

JG: Were you on record having said that around this time?

MF: I’m not sure if I was on record. I’d have to look at documents.

JG: So, the thing that I’m serious about, for the president of turkey to come to see you and set up
this meeting is a pretty high level meeting. it seems that it might be more than just General
situation in Turkey. Why did it call for such a high level meeting?
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Page 4 of 17

MF: I don’t know. I think it depends on the relationship those two gentleman had with him.

JG: What kind of relationship did they have?

MF: I understand that they knew him personally.

JG: How did you know that?

MF: What they told me. I saw it as a potential opportunity. I had certainly testified about
Turkey. I had worked with the Turks.

JG: The testimony, tell me about it.

MF: Various congressional testimonies on the nuclear deal.

RK: Meaning you had prominence that may have caught Erdogan’s attention?

MF: Yeah. I don’t recall any formal article or testimony where I said anything formal about
Gulen, although I definitely had my views.

JG: Would you agree that having a meeting with the President of Turkey was a high-level

MF: Yeah, I would. Sometimes those meetings are like that. I met a lot of very senior people
prior to that when I was at DNI or DIA. I’m not enamored by that.

SA: You’re not star struck?

MF: Right.

JG: What I was getting at, from Erdogan’s perspective?

MF: I don’t think he was coming in just to see me.

JG: Given his schedule, I would imagine that it would be important meeting to block out time to
see you?

MF: Yeah, I would say so. I probably would’ve prepped differently if I was going to meet with

JG: Meeting never came about?

MF: Right.

JG: In that context, do you recall any specific topic or area that Erdogan was interested in?

MF: In general, I believe he wanted to know what are the views of people in the United States.

JG: He can get that from underlings?

MF: Not necessarily. I think the views of others are important to senior officials.
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Page 5 of 17

JG: Interested in same white board presentation?

MF: I think my views on what was happening in the Middle East and the direction things were
going were not necessarily the views of the current administration. I was very clear in 2011 and
2012 about what would happen. At the strategic level, those things happened. Our relationship
in the Middle East were rotten.

JG: In a March 30, 2016 e-mail to Burgrahan, you say that you look forward to meeting with
President and his team members.

MF: I’m being polite and maintaining a relationship.

JG: By this time, you were already working with Bijan Kian?

MF: I was. We had formed our FIG Inc.

JG: Do you recall whether you discussed these meetings with Bijan?

MF: I recall that Bijan and I spoke about this interaction. I don’t believe the was ever in the
meeting. I’m pretty certain we spoke about this interaction.

JG: And the possibility of meeting with Erdogan?

MF: I’m not sure if we talked about that. You’re scraping at cobwebs. I told Bijan that I had this
conversation going on. I don’t know what depth I discussed with him. I think I took a photo.

JG: Of the white board?

MF: Yeah.

JG: And you may have sent that to Bijan?

MF: Yeah, maybe.

JG: As far as whether you told him about meeting with Erdogan, you don’t remember one way
or the other?

MF: I don’t remember, but I can’t imagine not telling him.

JG: We understand general interest in Turkey. Was it in your mind also that this could present
significant business opportunity.

MF: I would say yes. The idea of potential business opportunity was always there with things we
were doing. It was more of a very interesting ongoing conversation. There are different reasons
why I would do that. Part of it, was I was trying to be relevant.

JG: The last communication that you have with them before the coup is March 30, 2016.

MF: Yeah, usually they would e-mail me.

JG: Do you remember that communications dropping?

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Page 6 of 17

MF: I think there was a gap. Why, I couldn’t tell you. I mean, if someone wasn’t bothering me, I
was probably ok with that. My tendency is to interact and relationships and respect. I have a
tough time saying no, I don’t have the time. If there was a gap, I couldn’t really define that.

JG: Just for context, and you’re not copies on this e-mail, this is Bijan reaching out to Alptekin
about this contact. Were you aware Bijan made this outreach?

MF: No, I had no idea.

JG: The next one is the July 15, 2016 e-mail, on the day of the coup at 5:37. DO you remember
that one?

MF: I had this relationship with him and it was almost like he was giving me tactical updates.
There were some things on TV. I don’t know whether it was him or someone else of their version
of Congress. It was like he was giving me “sit reps.” I know that I was going on media, so I was
relaying current information.

JG: He gives you response and references “land, air, and navy forces acting together.” It says
Erdogan was accusing Gulensit movement. This seems to be the first time Gulen comes up in
your discussion with Burgrahan. Was there much follow on discussion about Gulen with

MF: No. There was a lot written about what was going on and who was behind it.

JG: A lot of discussion in the media about Gulen’s potential involvement?

MF: Oh yeah, there was quite a bit. I would probably have reached out to friends in the military
to get their sense.

JG; On July 17, 2016, you sent Osman a telephone number. Whose number is that?

MF: That’s an old number of mine.

JG: Just giving that to him to keep in contact?

MF: Yeah.

JG; Here is an “unclassified” Turkish document addressed to Ekim Alptekin on July 26, 2016.
Do you know if Alptekin was a board member of DEIK?

MF: I have no idea. This is the first time I had seen this. My knowledge of Ekim was skin deep.
Bijan always called him a captain, so I don’t know if he was in the military. This DEIK think was
not something I was aware of.

JG: Are you aware of any official connection between the Turkish American Council and
government of Turkey?

MF: I don’t believe that I am, but I would say in a multiple choice test, yes. I would say they have
people who are quasi-government officials or actual government officials on that council.

JG: There is this document from July 30, 2016 that starts “ I just talked with Enver” and you ask
to talk with Burgrahan. Do you recall what this e-mail is about?
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Page 7 of 17

MF: I’d have to look at current events at the time.

JG: It is the very day that Bijan sends Ekim Alptekin, copying you regarding the “Truth”
campaign. That say, you send an e-mail expressing a sense of “urgency” for the project. There’s
this convergence of things that happen at the same time. Do you have any recollection as to why
it happened at the same time?

MF: I don’t remember having any conversations with the Osman guy about business with Ekim.
I was using them to a degree to get information. The world they [Turkey] is small. The circle of
pro-Erdogan people is pretty small. Ekim comes on the stage. if Ekim presents to the Turks
some proposal and Flynn’s name is involved and Erdogan’s involved, he’d be like, yeah, that’s a
guys we know that believes in a good U.S.-Turley relationship.

JG: But it wasn’t a topic of conversation?

MF: It wasn’t. The likelihood of those guys knowing each other is probably yes.

JG: based on discussions you had, you were aware that Osman and Enver were putting your
name in front of Erdogan?

MF: Yeah, I think that’s fair.

JG: Then comes the engagement with Alptekin that you’re on.

MF: Yes.

JG: Did you hear of any effort to obtain from the U.S. the extradition of Gulen before the coup?

MF: I likely had heard about it. He was a person that the Turks were interested in. There was a
falling out. That was clear on open source stuff.

JG: Aware whether there were any charges leveled against Gulen before the coup?

MF: I can’t say that I was. I don’t recall that. I’m just thinking about things I read or was aware

JG: Awareness from open sources?

MF: Yeah, just from reading and seeing things in various sources. I don’t recall having a
conversation with anyone specifically about that.

JG: Do you recall hearing about any meetings that took place between DOJ and Turkish
Ministry of Justice seeking Gulen’s extradition in the first half of 2016?

MF: I don’t recall that at all. As I sit here today, I don’t have a recollection of someone saying
there is going to be a meeting. If someone sent me something, that would be a significant thing
for me to read.

JG: Do you recall in these conversations with Enver and Osman, and potential for business
opportunity that took place before Bijan started talking to you about Alptekin, was there any
discussion of FIG doing something similar to this project confidence?
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Page 8 of 17

MF: Another effort similar to it?

JG: Right?

MF: Not with those guys. I don’t believe I had any conversations with those guys about it.

JG: Focus of effort with Alptekin was the government of turkey overseeing it and Gulen being
the focus. Nothing like that with the other two guys?

MF: No. Back to your question about going over Turkey, I would have been thinking about how
to leverage those relationship into a speaking arrangement or something along those lines. I
would have been thinking about that certainly.


ET: Conversations before FIG filed under the LDA on September 30, 2016?

MF: When Bijan raised this business about filing, y whole thing was “is this the right thing to
do?” and he acknowledged that?

RK: You don’t remember him mentioning an alternative?

MF: No. I never remember hearing about FARA until I got the letter from DOJ.

RK: That you remember?

MF: Right. On LDA, I recall Bijan saying that Bob had reviewed this and that this is the
approach we should take.

ET: Do you mean LDA or approach generally.

MF: I assumed Bob Kelley was briefed by Bijan on what was going on. Fast forward, I learned
that Bijan had called here [Covington] to ask about FARA filing. I didn’t know about that. He
asked a couple of stupid questions that had nothing to do with FARA, but just political
nonsense. I didn’t find out about that until later on. Number one, that irritated me because he
thought about that. He knew what FARA was. I’ve never talked to him about this. Other sticking
the document I got from DOJ in his chest was one of the last times I spoke to him. I was irritated
that he had called up about FARA. For the cost of 10K to file FARA we’re now sitting here.

BVG: The incident where you shoved the letter in his chest, walk us through that.

MF: I went to this Christmas party at my old office, I hadn’t been there in a while. When I get
there, we were having a Christmas party, I pick up a stack of mail. I found this litter from the
DOJ, and I say, “what the fuck is this?” The next day, I went in to the transition headquarters
and I went and made a copy. Bijan was working with the IC transition team. I had the letter in
my hand. I went over to him and I said “here, you need to take a look at this thing” and “what’s
up with that.”

ET: Did he respond?

MF: I basically said, there’s this thing called FARA that they are asking about and this is kind of
a subpoena for things about Ekim.
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Page 9 of 17

SA: What these guys would like is to see if you can remember Bijan’s reaction.

MF: I’m trying to see if I recall if there was a follow up from him.

RK: Focus on immediate interaction. Bijan is a very chatty guy. I’m imagining he would have
said something to reassure you.

MF: It would have been brief. part of it, was “you need to read this.”

RK: Remember shortly thereafter, you went on vacation. Your then counsel, Kristen is dealing
with this while you are away.

MF: I don’t recall if I had another follow on from him. When I gave him that copy of that
document, he knew I was upset about it in a “wtf” kind of thing.

BVG: There were a number of article that occurred in November around the op-ed that raised
the allegation of FARA. Did you read any of that news media or have conversations with Bijan
about it.

MF: I read some of that. We even coordinated on a statement regarding our work with Ekim’s
group. There was an article about Ekim doing the work for an Israeli company.

BVG: Did you interact with Bijan about those stories?

MF: I’m trying to remember if Bijan said “don’t worry about it” or “we’re covered. In that period
of time, I got no indication from Bijan that he was worried about what we had done. I didn’t
have an indication from Bijan before or right after I gave him that letter that he was worried that
we had done something out of school. He would typically let me know about certain things that
were going on. If he was worried about an incorrect filing, he didn’t let me in on it.

JG: Did he ever express to you that he had gotten a legal opinion and that’s why it was ok. Did he
mention a lawyer?

MF: I go back to what I just said. he did not seemed concerned. I’m pretty comfortable because
we had filed this thing about the LDA. That was before I saw the letter about FARA.

BVG: Did you talk to anyone else from FIG during this period of time about FARA vs. LDA?

JG: When did you go on vacation?

MF: Left on Christmas day.

JG: So after you got the letter?

MF: Right.

BVG: At this time, do you speak to other people with FIG about LDA/FARA.

MF: Yes. Brian mentioned to me that he or a group of our team had spoken to Bijan about it.

BVG: Who is they?

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Page 10 of 17

MF: McCauley and whoever was there at that meeting.

BVG: This was during the project?

MF: Yes.

BVG: What was substance of conversation.

MF: That they had talked about it. Brian said that he had a conversation with Bijan.

JG: After the FARA letter and your shoving it in Bijan’s chest, you had a conversation with
Brian McCauley in which he told you he had spoken to Bijan bout FARA. Was he telling you the
conversation occurred before the FARA letter?

MF: Before.

BVG: What was the gist of what McCauley conveyed.

MF: His interaction with Bijan and a couple of others had talked about FARA. It was either Bijan
telling Brian “we don’t have to do it” or that Bijan was relaying that “we’re ok.”

ET: How did you find out about conversation?

MF: I don’t know, I think news stories that were coming out.

BVG: You recall Bijan, Brian, and others had a conversation in the context of this project.

MF: Yes.

BVG: Anyone else?

MF: I don’t think so. With respect to the letter itself, I gave Kristen a copy and Bijan a copy. I
relayed it to Don McGahn that I had gotten this letter to inform the transition team. I spoke to
him on the phone per advice of Kristen at that time. His answer to me was basically, “don’t
worry about it.” Kristen also contacted him.

ET: Who was your lawyer at the time?

MF: Kristen Verderame.

RK: It was actually I who reached out to Kristen.

BVG: In terms of creation of FIG, Alptekin were not the only foreign clients FIG sought to do
business with. In context of setting up FIG and parameters of legal issues, did you or Bijan have
a conversation about lobbying or registration requirements?

MF: No. The naïve side of my business acumen for that kind of stuff was a lesson learned. For
the cost of filing a FARA, we wouldn’t even be talking about this. I probably should have told
Trump about it, but I didn’t. I did tell the transition’s lawyer.

ET: In September 2016, any conversations with anyone else at FIG whether to file under
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Page 11 of 17

MF: No.

ET: Kelley?

MF: He came into the office at one point. I don’t remember any conversations about LDA or
FARA filings.

ET; Tom Spencer.

MF: I maybe have met Tom spencer, but I couldn’t tell you who he is.

ET: Discuss LDA/FARA on weekly calls with Ekim.

MF: I don’t think we did.

ET: Did FIG have outside counsel?

MF: Bob Kelley.

ET: Was he inside or outside counsel?

MF: Bob was not someone who was very expensive. Bob came on as someone who was
inexpensive to give us legal advice.

BVG: When did you first meet him?

MF: Ballparks summer/fall of 2016. He was presented to me by Bijan as someone who wouldn’t
be that expensive.

BVG: Any lawyer look other contracts for you?

MF: Bob Kelley. Other contracts I would always give them to Kristen.

BVG: This [the Inovo project] was the first work that Bob Kelley looked at for FIG Inc.?

MF: As far as I know.

ET: In one Skype chat between Ekim and Bijan, Bijan said that he had “hired a law firm and they
are reviewing for compliance.” What does that refer to?

MF: I should know. It is probably Bob Kelley. That’s a good bullshit line by Bijan.

ET: Before the LDA was filed, did you ever discuss with Ekim anything about how this would be
reported in the US?

MF: I don’t remember discussing anything about that aspect of this business project. As I
understood it, we were a consulting firm representing this company, with involvement of
Turkish government, as we discussed yesterday.

ET: Did you ever talk to Graham Miller about whether Sphere would register under the LDA?

MF: I know they registered. I don’t believe they did, but they registered later.
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Page 12 of 17

ET: Do you know if Bijan did?

MF: I don’t know.

ET: Who was involved in drafting the LDA?

MF: Bijan and Bob Kelley.

ET: Why is that your understanding?

MF: I don’t really know, but I assume.

ET: Did you personally provide anyone information to use in that filing?

MF: No.

ET: Did you see that document before it was filed?

MF: I don’t know whether I did or not. I remember seeing it digitally. Whether that was before
or after, I couldn’t tell you. I probably reviewed it before, but I don’t know for sure.

ET: Communications with Kelley?

MF: No.

ET: Any other attorneys about that document around the time it was filed?

MF: No.

ET: Did you know if anyone reviewed that document with attorneys?

MF: No, just Bijan and Bob Kelley.

ET: Did Bijan tell you he was talking to Kelley?

MF: I recall Bijan telling me about this.

ET: In the context of him reaching out to you for your approval?

MF: I don’t think he was asking for my approval. It was just “we need to do this” and “this is the
right thing to do.”

ET: Did he say that or did you say that?

MF: We interacted on that. He acknowledged to me we were doing this. He said Kelley was
involved. I said “ok.”

JG: You didn’t direct Bijan or Kelley to file it?

MF: No.

JG: Bijan said, “this is what we have to do.”

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Page 13 of 17

MF: Right.

ET: Had you done LDA or FARA filing for other projects?

MF: I wish I had. No.

ET; Anyone raising questions or suggesting corrections to the filing?

MF: No.

ET: Line 12 of LDA references two Senate Bills. Have you ever heard of those?

MF: No.

ET: Did anyone discuss those with you?

MF: No.

ET: Do you know what those are, apart from what you have heard from counsel?

MF: No.

JG: Your lobbying issues had nothing to do with some senate bill, right?

MF: Yeah, that’s all legalese to me.

JG: But your work had nothing to do with a Senate or House bill?

MF: I don’t remember that being part of it. Nothing like that.

JG: What about the statement in the LDA that FIG was not working for a foreign government?
Based on what you’ve told us, would it be fair to say that this is also false?

MF: Yes.

ET: Next document is a periodic lobbying report. Do you know who was involved in drafting that
lobbying report?

MF: I don’t.

ET: Do you remember any discussions with anyone about further reporting under the LDA?

MF: No.

ET: Did you provide any information to be used in the LDA?

MF: No.

ET: Do you know anyone else who did provide information?

MF: No.
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Page 14 of 17

ET: Any conversations with Kelley or Spencer about this?

MF: Nope.

ET: Do you recall hearing from Bijan about communication between Bijan and Kelley?

MF: I don’t know.

JG: Did you know it was being filed?

MF: No.

ET: In line 11 of the LDA filing, it says that no lobbying occurred. You said that Bijan, on behalf
of FIG, had contact with Miles Taylor about the project?

MF: Yes, I believe that he had met with Miles.

ET: And that Bijan had visited Rohrabacher about the project?

MF: Yes.

ET: Do you consider this statement that no lobbying occurred accurate?

MF: I do not.

RK: There is also line 17.

ET: Line 17 is checked, is that accurate?

MF: No. Also, 18 not filled out.

ET: What do you believe is inaccurate about the fact that there is no information in line 18?

MF: I would say Bijan did lobbying.

RK: I would note that the definition of a lobbyist is a legal term of art that General Flynn might
not know.

BVG: Colloquially.

JG: This first filing under the LDA, under “lobbyists” only Bob Kelley is listed. He wasn’t going
to be doing any knowledge, was he?

MF: Not to my knowledge. No expectation that he was going to be “our lobby face.”

III. FARA Filing

ET: This is your electronic filing on this document?

MF: Yes.

ET: You said before you talked to Bijan about gathering information?
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Page 15 of 17

MF: Right.

ET: What did you say?

MF: I didn’t really talk to Bijan about this.

ET: Who drafted the FARA filing.

MF: I reviewed it. I am assuming he did.

ET; But who wrote it?

MF: Covington.

ET; Who provide information?

MF: Me and Bijan.

ET: Anyone else?

MF: No.

ET: Did you provide information directly to lawyer?

MF; Yes.

ET: What about Bijan?

MF: Yes, he provided information directly to the lawyers.

ET: What information did Bijan provide?

MF: I’d be guessing.

ET; Communications with Bijan about filing?

MF: I think zero. I’m trying to think.

ET: Did you ever reach out to Bijan about providing information to lawyers?

MF: I don’t know whether I did or if these guys did on my behalf.

BVG: At the time, Covington represented FIG, in the context of talking to another member of
FIG, did you have any conversations on the minutia on preparing for this FARA filing.

MF: I don’t think I spoke with anybody other than these guys [Covington] and Kristen.

ET: Any contact with Bijan’s lawyers?

MF; No.

ET: Do you know who his lawyers are?

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Page 16 of 17

MF: No.

JG: Bumping into him was the last time you saw him?

MF: Yes.

ET: Do you know if Robert Kelley had any role in providing information for this filing?

MF: I don’t.

ET: With regard to information to Covington lawyers, to whom did you provide information?

MF: The team that you see here [Robert Kelner, Stephen Anthony, Alexandra Langton].

RK: Brian Smith?

MF: Yeah.

ET: In December 2016, do you remember calling Robert Kelley and Bijan and asking that they
reach out to another lawyer at Jones Day?

MF: I don’t remember. The guy I remember that worked there was Don McGhan.

ET: But that was for transition business?

MF: Yes.

ET: In one of your previous interviews, you talked to Bijan about JPCOA. Anything that would
lead you to suspect that Bijan provided Iran deal-related documents to a foreign citizen or
foreign government?

MF: I don’t know anything about that.

ET: Are you aware of Bijan breaking rules regarding safeguarding of information?

MF: I am not.

JG: You’ll recall the convergence of e-mails on July 30, 2016 regarding Turkey. July 30 appears
to be when Enver/Osman communications stop. Was there any reason, for example client
conflict, that prompted you to drop them?

MF: None that I’m aware of.

JG: You mentioned that you used notebooks and 3x5 cards to help you with your memory. Are
those things that we have?

RK: To the extent that we had them, they’ve been produced.

JG: We have your calendars, right?

RK: Yeah.
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Page 17 of 17

ET: Did you have communications with Enver and Osman beyond e-mail conversations?

MF: Skype. Maybe one or two times.

ET: Whose idea was it to use Skype?

MF: I think it was on their end.

JG: You had mentioned that Friday phone calls with Alptekin usually took place using Bijan’s
cell phone.

MF: Usually, yeah.

JG: Did he call him on Skype, WhatsApp, or on his normal cell phone number?

MF: I don’t know.

ET: Voice communication?

MF: Yes.
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Brian Smith Notes – 1/2/2017

No others
Levichs – W. Coast – Levyx – Iranian American Founder
Brainwave – Bloomberg. Dual member corrections
Action – Advise, consult business development

Introduced Levyx to Verizon

Founder Dr. Reza Sadri – grew up in US

Brainwave science – advisor to the company

Indian American. Krishna Sarha.
US Company in Massachusetts
Train for law enforcement
Trainers of law enforcement – FIG
Founder may have reached out to governments
Business development – sales and revenue Formatted: Position: Horizontal: Center, Relative to:
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Inovo – came from vice chair – Bijan

“Aguim” [Ekim] Alptekin – serves on a Turkish-American Business Council
Nalrouse [Nowruz] Commission – Iranian American new years
They call reps Ambassadors

July/August 2016 – Zihl discussions

Consult for Onovo. Post coup.
Create confidence in Turkish businesses to invest in Turkey

Agreement to cont. to Inovo. August 9.

Advisory consult services to Inovo. Create confidence to
Invest in Turkey

Post-convention – August 9-11 in Texas

Busy w/ campaign and Trump
Busy schedule
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Bijan – vice chairman 30% )

Mike owns 35% ) remaining have
Small %

Mike has LLC for book and speaking

Bijan – Iranian American – 80s naturalized

Former member of Ex Im
Served Bush and Obama
Econ Devel of state of Cal.

Nalrouse [Nowruz] Commission, VOA, Iranian-American stuff.

Aguim [Ekim] – is Inovo
Bijan brought business to FIG

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Conversation on what we would do

Came to DC. Friday afternoon phone calls to Aguim [Ekim]
Update on our efforts
2x calls ~ 30 minutes each

Aguim [Ekim] set up meeting in September

Ministers of Turkey in NY for UNGA
Met 2 ministers – Transportation and Foreign
Me, Woolsey, Aguim [Ekim], Bijan
30-45 minutes

RK – Details?
MF – Only in engagement a bit
Laid out for Aguim [Ekim] how we’d do what we do
Heard from them on the challenges they’re facing
~ 2 months after coup.
Research – how are things in Turkey
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RK – Gulan?
MF – They did. Where we are w/ relationship.
RK – Notes?
MF – Don’t know if any. Maybe on Turkish side.

K– Have emails from Mike’s account

Use Virtru

MF2 – FIG accounts shut down in December except MF.

Back uped [backed up] me and Bijan
Have file that’s backup of Bijan.
Can get the file from him.
Can’t access his. Have mine and MF1.
Gmail accounts – Virtru on top of certain emails
He has access to them, we don’t.


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K– Have some emails

K– Weird to sit w/ Turkish ministers?

MF1 – Yes had just came from other meeting on campaign side.
Talked about where we were @ that time.
Were not very far.
KV – Research into Gulan – Tom Near [Neer] > advisor, Brian McCauley > Principal former

Project confidence 75 pp report re Gulan

Plan for disseminating what they found, based on the report

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Bijan says that report was our idea

RK – Specific contract. Laboratory of individuals.

Have retained film and production crew.

MF1 – other emails that show details

Mike Boston

RK – Findings and criminal referrals.

Sphere consulting.

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MF1 – investigation we conducted.

RK – network in US

MF1 – Sphere brought in by Bijan.

To create video, story, Turkey to invest in.
Confidence in the country to invest.

RK – Op Ed and sleeper networks, plus criminal referrals

Changes context

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MF1 – Left the details to Bijan

RK – Bob Kelly – on LDI [LDA]

MFI – Sept/August – Abundance of caution

Bob Kelly – register – don’t know what that is
We’ll be doing work for this make up.
Out of my depth
Kelly didn’t work on underlying work.

RK – Kelly listed not you

MF1 – Yes.

KV – Asked Bob. Dutch company.

Bijan told me it was Dutch company
Bob is atty

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Mike Boston responsible to oversee

Bijan gave pieces to everyone
MF1 – I wasn’t involved in day to day.
Conference calls and meetings
Contract is for 90 days.
Decided not to continue.

RK – Captain Ahenim [Ekim]?

MF1 – Don’t know.

KV – Bijan has answers. Contradicted by emails.

Inovo services company Aguim [Ekim] is consultant.
Bijan said it’s to look smart in meetings.

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KV – Ekim – emails show Turkey

Mike copied on many of the emails.

MF1 – My calendar is jammed packed – few hours only

KV – Alpetkin > Bijan and MF1 – August 4.

Money from ministry

Bob Kelly. Solo practitioner. Counsel outside “to the project”

Government behind it, and Mike copied.

RK – Call from someone in August.

FARA advice – referred to other lawyer.

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MF1 – July 19 Convention.

Did some speeches on LLC

MF2 – This project. Comm w/ Bijan on wire transfers.

To FIG out to Ekim.
Accepted payments from Inovo
Ekim paid

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KV – Contract 3 x 200K
Second was 185
Then another for 185
Bijan said no PR or lobbying so sent their money back.
Hired Ekim as consultant.

MF2 – Never asked or doubted.

KV – Trusted Bijan
FIG shut down Nov 30.

MF2 – He has the back up zip file. His FIG materials.

KV – Notice to preserve w/o alerting for inquiry.

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MF2 – Bijan acknowledged.

KV – Shut down. Don’t delete. End of November.

RK – Where is it?

MF2 – Google business. Archive data. – yes

It sends you an email w/ links

BDS – Google may still have it? Paid up?

MF2 – Yes paid by MF1 still has email.

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RK – Do everything humanly possible.

Stroz [Strzok]?
MF2 – Have access to his email. Send terms, names.
Searched as many as I could.
61 pp emails.

KV – Lots of emails say Mike in charge.

Lied in meeting w/ us.

MF2 – He didn’t bring computer to meeting


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RK – Op Ed

MF1 – Wanted it to go before the election. Shopped and

Hill picked it up
I’ve been very strong on Islam. Taxpayer funded charter schools
Russia trying to drive wedge.
Friend in need is a friend indeed - my title.
Political motivations on my part. Admin losing our ally - NATO
losing to Russia.
Gulen was creating tension

RK – Connection to Inovo?

MF1 – Paying closer attention to it. Job got me thinking

Bush tour in Texas. Ron White
Irving Texas mayor – August – challenges w/ Gulen charter schools.
Book on July 12 –
Wrote several op eds. Formatted: Position: Horizontal: Center, Relative to:
Margin, Vertical: 0", Relative to: Paragraph, Wrap Around

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RK – Whose idea

MF1 – Jointly to do it. I crafted ideas – He had other people edit

RK – First draft

MF1 – He did.
Talked about ways to do project confidence project.

MF2 – Ekim isn’t comfortable.

KV – Given doc to review and edit

MF1 – Ekim says didn’t like article

KV – Hank Cox. Sphere Consulting – had role in edits

Sphere did the shopping of op ed.

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(Have 3pm meeting @ GSA building)

Break to read documents


RK – Client? Control of FIG

KV – 35% MF. 0.5% Dr. Abahi

Outstanding Shares. 1.0% Dark shore
30% BA.

25% Oakley formerly

MF1 – Bijan is aware of letter

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RK – Sphere registered. November.

Documents – Gulen, op research, not commercial.

Sphere do?

KV – clippings, consulting. Positioned for the documentary.

RK – State lobbying?

RK – Counsel?
Chinese wall – PI.

Outreach Targets email

Oct 19 – Met w/ State officials

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MF1 – Show McGahn the letter


Brian McCauley
Mike Boston – only talked to Ekim ~ 2x
Paul Bechart > LAB


MF1 – Spoke w/ Ekim a handful of times

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MF1 – Spoke w/ Ekim a handful of times

MF1 – Notes prepared for updates we gave.

TPs – prepared for calls by Bijan

RK – Physical office. MF2 – Cleared it out

MF2 – Laptops were own issue.

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MF1 – On my own. Not Flynn Intel – paid speaking

Speaking through LLC – RT anniversary.

RK – Anything in US.

MF1 – No.
Briefed and debriefed DIA.
Other TV is all on my own

RK – Speaking in Turkey while contract in place

MF1 – No.

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RV – Culman International > worked w/ FIG Aviation, Special forces transport people
Did LOI.
Head of FIG Aviation. Flew to Georgia to
consider HUB.
DIA – clearance – issues
Meeting with foreign nationals.

MF1 – Anything to consider/concern.

Person: Mike Landrigon @ DIA head of security.
Updated clearance in Spring 2016.

DOD to DOJ for clearance.

All done.

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All done
KV – 30 days afterwards to disclose. OGE.
Transition - 2 other docs. to come

RK – Bijan Documents? Virtru started after August/September

He uses Skype a lot
MF1 – Retroactive

RK – Next steps

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RK – Draft notice to employees/Bijan

BS – Scott Bilbray - Tech people @ FIG – go to Google for FIG Docs

-Grab all the data.

RK – RK call Cliff.

MF1 – MF1 – to Don McGahn

RK – Jan Barron – Call?

KV – KV> Bijan

RK – RK – Fagan [and or ask] FCPA Fagell

RK – Lichtenbaum OFAC/FIG advice

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v. Criminal Action No. 17-232-EGS




Having considered the Motion for Continuance of Sentencing Date and for Extension of

Time to File Defendant’s Sentencing Memorandum, it is hereby ORDERED that:

The Sentencing Date be moved to February 27, 2020, and the time for Defendant to file

Defendant’s Sentencing Memorandum be extended thirty (30) days to be filed on February 21,

2020. The Court will enter a minute order for further deadlines for additional briefing. Mr.

Flynn’s plea of guilty is hereby withdrawn.

Dated: _________________
Emmet G. Sullivan
United States District Judge

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