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The document provides an overview of Professor Paul Zeitz and his work in mathematical problem solving. It discusses his academic and professional background, areas of research, and books/resources he recommends on the topics.

Professor Zeitz is a professor of mathematics at the University of San Francisco. His background includes winning the USA Mathematical Olympiad and being part of the first American team at the International Mathematical Olympiad. His areas of expertise include mathematical problem solving and ergodic theory.

Professor Zeitz recommends books like 'How to Solve It' by Polya and 'The Art and Craft of Problem Solving' which he authored. He also lists other resources like journals, films and websites that provide further material on mathematical topics and problem solving.


“Pure intellectual stimulation that can be popped into Science Subtopic

the [audio or video player] anytime.” & Mathematics Mathematics
—Harvard Magazine

The Art and Craft

Mathematical Problem Solving

“Passionate, erudite, living legend lecturers. Academia’s
best lecturers are being captured on tape.”
—The Los Angeles Times

“A serious force in American education.”

of Mathematical
—The Wall Street Journal
Problem Solving
Course Guidebook

Professor Paul Zeitz

University of San Francisco

Professor Paul Zeitz is a specialist in mathematical

problem solving. A Professor of Mathematics at the
University of San Francisco, he won the USA Mathematical
Olympiad and was a member of the first American team
to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
Since then, he has helped train several American
International Mathematical Olympiad teams, most notably
the 1994 team—the first to achieve a perfect score.


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The Teaching Company.
Paul Zeitz, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
University of San Francisco

aul Zeitz is Professor of Mathematics at the
University of San Francisco. He majored in
History at Harvard University and received
a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of
California, Berkeley, in 1992, specializing in
Ergodic Theory. Between college and graduate school, he taught high school
mathematics in San Francisco and Colorado Springs.

One of Professor Zeitz’s greatest interests is mathematical problem

solving. He won the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) and was
a member of the ¿rst American team to participate in the International
Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in 1974. Since 1985, he has composed and
edited problems for several national math contests, including the USAMO.
He has helped train several American IMO teams, most notably the 1994
“Dream Team,” which was the ¿rst—and heretofore only—team in history
to achieve a perfect score. This work, and his experiences teaching at USF,
led him to write The Art and Craft of Problem Solving (Wiley, 1999;
2nd ed., 2007).

Professor Zeitz has also been active in events for high school students. He
founded the San Francisco Bay Area Math Meet in 1994; cofounded the Bay
Area Mathematical Olympiad in 1999; and currently is the director of the
San Francisco Math Circle, a program that targets middle and high school
students from underrepresented populations.

Professor Zeitz was honored in March 2002 with the Award for Distinguished
College or University Teaching of Mathematics from the Northern California
Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and in January
2003, he received the MAA’s national teaching award, the Deborah and
Franklin Tepper Haimo Award. Ŷ

Table of Contents


Professor Biography ............................................................................i

Course Scope .....................................................................................1


Problems versus Exercises ................................................................4
Strategies and Tactics ......................................................................10
The Problem Solver’s Mind-Set ........................................................16
Searching for Patterns ......................................................................20
Closing the Deal—Proofs and Tools .................................................24
Pictures, Recasting, and Points of View ...........................................30
The Great Simpli¿er—Parity .............................................................35
The Great Uni¿er—Symmetry ..........................................................41
Symmetry Wins Games! ...................................................................45
Contemplate Extreme Values ...........................................................51

Table of Contents

The Culture of Problem Solving........................................................55
Recasting Integers Geometrically.....................................................58
Recasting Integers with Counting and Series...................................63
Things in Categories—The Pigeonhole Tactic..................................67
The Greatest Uni¿er of All—Invariants .............................................71
Squarer Is Better—Optimizing 3s and 2s .........................................76
Using Physical Intuition—and Imagination .......................................80
Geometry and the Transformation Tactic..........................................85
Building from Simple to Complex with Induction ..............................89
Induction on a Grand Scale ..............................................................94
Recasting Numbers as Polynomials—Weird Dice............................98
A Relentless Tactic Solves a Very Hard Problem ...........................103
Genius and Conway’s In¿nite Checkers Problem ..........................108

Table of Contents

How versus Why—The Final Frontier............................................. 113


Solutions ......................................................................................... 117

Timeline ..........................................................................................128
Glossary .........................................................................................131
Biographical Notes .........................................................................137
Bibliography ....................................................................................139

The Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving


his is a course about mathematical problem solving. The phrase
“problem solving” has become quite popular lately, so before we
proceed, it is important that you understand how I de¿ne this term.

I contrast problems with exercises. The latter are mathematical questions that
one knows how to answer immediately: for example, “What is 3 + 8?” or
“What is 3874?” Both of these are simple arithmetic exercises, although the
second one is rather dif¿cult, and the chance of getting the correct answer is
nil. Nevertheless, there is no question about how to proceed.

In contrast, a problem is a question that one does not know, at the outset, how
to approach. This is what makes mathematical problem solving so important,
and not just for mathematicians. Arguably, all pure mathematical research
is just problem solving, at a rather high level. But the problem-solving
mind-set is important for all who take learning seriously, especially lifelong
learners. Much of the current craze in brain strengthening focuses merely on
exercises. These are not without merit—indeed, mental exercise is essential
for everyone—but they miss out on a crucial dimension of intellectual life.
Our brains are not just for doing crosswords or sudoku—they also can and
should help us with intensive contemplation, open-ended experimentation,
long wild goose chases, and moments of hard-earned triumph. That is what
problem solving is all about.

An analogy that I frequently use compares an exerciser to a gym rat and a

problem solver to a mountaineer. The latter’s experience is riskier, messier,
dirtier, less constrained, less certain, but much more fun. For those of you
who prefer more civilized pursuits, consider 2 ways to learn Italian. One
involves toiling over grammar exercises and translations of texts. The other
method is to spend a few months, perhaps after a short bit of preparation,
in a small town in Italy where no one else speaks English. Again, the latter
approach is messier but fundamentally richer.

Becoming a good problem solver requires new skills (mathematical as well
as psychological) and patient effort. My pedagogical philosophy is both
experiential and analytic. In other words, you cannot learn problem solving
without working hard at lots of problems. But I also want you to understand
what you are doing at as high a level as possible. We will break down the
process of solving a problem into investigation, strategy, tactics, and ¿ner-
grained tools, and we will often step back to discuss not just how we solved
a problem but why our methods worked.

Problems, by de¿nition, are hard to solve. Solving problems requires

investigation, and successful investigations need strategies and tactics.
Strategies are broad ideas, often not just mathematical, that facilitate
investigation. Some strategies are psychological, others organizational, and
others simply commonsense ideas that apply to problems in any ¿eld. Tactics
are more narrowly focused, mostly mathematical ideas that help solve many
problems that have been softened by good strategy. Additionally, there are
very specialized techniques, called tricks by some, that I call tools.

This course is devoted to the systematic development of investigation

methods, strategies, and tactics. Besides this “problemsolvingology,” I
will introduce you to mathematical folklore: classic problems as well as
mathematical disciplines that play an important role in the problem-solving
world. For example, no course on problem solving is complete without some
discussion of graph theory, which is an important branch of math on its own
but is also a very accessible laboratory for exploring problem-solving themes.
Many of the lectures will include small amounts of new mathematics that
we will build up and stitch together as the course progresses. The topics are
largely drawn from discrete mathematics (graph theory, integer sequences,
number theory, and combinatorics), because this branch of math does not
require advanced skills such as calculus. That does not mean it is easy, but
we will move slowly and develop new ideas carefully.

A small but important part of the course explores the culture of problem
solving. I will draw on my experience as a competitor, coach, and problem
writer for various regional, national, and international math contests, to make

the little-known world of math Olympiads come to life. And I will discuss

the recent educational reform movement (in which I am a key player) to
bring Eastern European–inspired mathematical circles to the United States.

Problem solving is not a vertically organized discipline; it is not something

that one learns in a linear fashion. Thus the overall organization of this
course has a recursive, spiral nature. The ¿rst few lectures introduce the main
ideas of strategy and tactics, which then are revisited and illuminated by
different examples. We will often return to and re¿ne previously introduced
ideas. Overall, the topics get more complex toward the end of the course,
but the underlying concepts do not really change. An analogy is a theme
and variations musical piece, where the main theme is introduced with a
slow, stately rhythm and later ends in complex avant-garde interpretations.
By the end of the course, you should understand the main theme (the basic
and powerful strategies and tactics of problem solving) quite well because
you had to struggle with the complex interpretations (the advanced folklore
problems that used the basic strategies in novel ways).

Problem solving is not just solving math problems. It is a mental discipline;

successful investigations demand concentration and patient contemplation
that few of us can do, at least at ¿rst. Also, problem solving is an aesthetic
discipline—in other words, an art—where we create and contemplate objects
of elegance and beauty. I hope that you enjoy learning about this wonderful
subject as much as I have! Ŷ

Problems versus Exercises
Lecture 1

There is always a porous boundary between problem and exercise, but

a problem by its very nature requires investigation, sometimes very
intense and sustained investigation. The investigation of a problem
employs strategies and tactics, and that’s what this course is about.

n this introductory lecture, we de¿ne the main entity that we will study
in this course: problems. Problems, by de¿nition, are dif¿cult, and our
investigation of them cannot proceed without organized strategies and
tactics. Indeed, our course focuses on 3 things: investigation, strategies, and
tactics. Problem solving is at the heart of mathematics. It is not just a way of
thinking about math but is an intellectual lifestyle with its own mathematical
folklore and culture. Most of our learning
will be by example. Almost every lecture
will revolve around one or more problems. Much of the current
You, the viewer, will need to use the Pause craze in brain
button and pencil and paper. This lecture strengthening focuses
will include several fun problems not
on exercises. This
requiring any special mathematical skills,
but in later lectures, the problems will be is not without merit,
more complex. but our brains should
Lecture 1: Problems versus Exercises

also work on intensive

Who am I, and what do I do? I have contemplation
been a professor at the University of San
and open-ended
Francisco since 1992. I received my Ph.D.
in Mathematics from the University of experimentation.
California, Berkeley, specializing in Ergodic
Theory, a sort of abstract probability theory.
I ¿rst learned about problem-solving mathematics as a mathlete at Stuyvesant
High School in New York City. I won national awards and participated in
international competitions, some of the most formative experiences of my
life. I currently teach problem-solving mathematics to high school and middle
school teachers, run math clubs, write problems for math competitions, and
train mathletes.

What do I mean by “problems versus exercises”? This course is devoted
to the study of problem-solving investigation and the strategies and tactics
that facilitate it. An exercise is a mathematical question that you know
immediately how to answer. You may not answer it correctly, and it may not
be easy, but there is no doubt about how to proceed. In contrast, a problem is a
mathematical question that you do not know how to answer, at least initially.
Problems require investigation, which employs strategies and tactics.

Why study problem solving? It helps you develop a problem solver’s mind-
set, which involves both heightened mental discipline and an explorer’s
attitude. Much of the current craze in brain strengthening focuses on
exercises. This is not without merit, but our brains should also work on
intensive contemplation and open-ended experimentation. A good problem
solver is intellectually playful and fearless.

The Pill Problem

• This is a recreational problem, in that it requires little or no

formal mathematics to solve.

• For 10 days, you must take exactly 1 A and 1 B pill at noon, or

you will die. The pills are indistinguishable! All goes well until
day 3. On this day, you shake 1 A and 2 B pills into your hand
and do not know which is which. Can you survive? If so, how?

• We will discuss the solution later in this lecture. I urge you

to work on this and future problems on your own, before we
present the solutions. It is important to make good use of your
Pause button in this course!

In this course, you will learn “problemsolvingology” in an analytic way,

by systematically developing strategies and tactics. The goal is not for you
to learn tricks that solve problems but to develop a mind-set that facilitates
persistent, creative investigation of problems. Problem solving is also an
art, with folklore and “morals.” These are classic problems whose content

and solution tell important stories that teach us about problem solving
and show us the beautiful interconnectedness of mathematics. From time
to time, we change our focus from problem solving itself to exploring the
problem-solving culture. We do this not just because it is interesting but
because it is essential.

Learning to become a better problem solver requires a change in attitude.

There are 2 things that you may be unaccustomed to: (1) Timescale.
Most of us are not used to thinking hard for more than a minute or so.
Developing expert skill requires 10,000 hours, which is somewhat more than
a year without breaks. (2) Failure. One needs to cultivate an attitude that
investigation is always worthwhile, even if it does not lead to solution. Ŷ

The Subway Love-Triangle Problem

• Anna lives near a subway station located at the middle of the

line. She has 2 boyfriends, Bert and Curt, who live at either end
of the subway line. The men demand that she choose between
them. She proposes to randomly show up at her station every
day for a month and take the ¿rst train that comes. Whichever
boyfriend she visits the most will be the one she chooses. The
trains come every 20 minutes in each direction, every day, 24
hours per day. Is Anna’s scheme fair? (You can assume that the
Lecture 1: Problems versus Exercises

month has 31 days, so there is no possibility of a tie.)

• Strategy: Get your hands dirty! There is no way to approach

this problem without sitting down and writing a train schedule.

• Consider the following schedule. Anna’s scheme seems fair.

Northbound Southbound
12:00 12:10
12:20 12:30
12:40 12:50

• But look at this schedule!

Northbound Southbound
12:00 12:05
12:20 12:25
12:40 12:45

• The second schedule favors the boyfriend at the northern

terminus, because there is only a 5-minute window every 20
minutes during which the southbound train comes ¿rst. So
the northern boyfriend has a 3-to-1 advantage. Clearly the
schedule can be designed to give one boyfriend an even greater
advantage. So the scheme is not fair; it is less fair than Àipping
a coin.

• Notice how this problem could not be investigated, let alone

solved, without getting your hands dirty. Simple, con¿dent
experimentation is often the key to investigating any problem.

Solution to the Pill Problem

• Wishful thinking suggests trying to get a dosage that is at least

closer to the correct dose. What you have is both unknown and
unbalanced. Adding an additional A pill gives you a balanced
dosage. Here we are using the tactic of imposing symmetry on
our problem; we will see later that this is a very powerful idea.

• Now we have a balanced dose but one too big. Wishful thinking:
Imagine that you are a giant (twice as large as a normal
person). Then you would be done! This immediately suggests
the solution: Cut the double-sized dose in half (or grind up and
divide in half), producing 2 days of correct dosages to get us
back on track.

• What we did was use wishful thinking and symmetry. Why we
did it was to increase our ability to investigate and move our
solution toward a con¿guration with more balance and possibly
more information.

• Wishful thinking, get hands dirty, and symmetry: the core of

the course. We will use these ideas over and over and add new
and powerful ideas.

Suggested Reading

Lehoczky and Rusczyk, The Art of Problem Solving.

Vakil, A Mathematical Mosaic.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, chap. 1.

Questions to Consider

1. You are in the downstairs lobby of a house. There are 3 switches, all in
Lecture 1: Problems versus Exercises

the off position. Upstairs, there is a room with a light bulb that is turned
off. One and only one of the 3 switches controls the bulb. You want to
discover which switch controls the bulb, but you are only allowed to go
upstairs once. How do you do it? (No fancy strings, telescopes, and so
on are allowed. You cannot see the upstairs room from downstairs. The
light bulb is a standard 60-watt bulb.)

2. You are locked in a 50- × 50- × 50-foot room that sits on 100-foot stilts.
There is an open window at the corner of the room, near the Àoor, with
a strong hook cemented into the Àoor by the window. So if you had a
100-foot rope, you could tie one end to the hook and climb down the
rope to freedom. (The stilts are not accessible from the window.) There
are two 50-foot lengths of rope, each cemented into the ceiling, about
1 foot apart, near the center of the ceiling. You are a strong, agile rope
climber, good at tying knots, and you have a sharp knife. You have no
other tools (not even clothes). The rope is strong enough to hold your
weight, but not if it is cut lengthwise. You can survive a fall of no more
than 10 feet. How do you get out alive?

Strategies and Tactics
Lecture 2

So far we’ve seen the difference between problems and exercises, and
we’ve solved several problems using 2 very, very simple commonsense
strategies: wishful thinking and get your hands dirty. What we’ll do
in this lecture is develop a careful de¿nition of strategies and tactics,
which is what we need to proceed with problem-solving investigations,
and we’ll look at an analytic approach to problem solving. … Along the
way, of course, we’ll solve some classic problems using several different
approaches. We’ll do some where we concentrate on strategies and
others where we’re concentrating more on tactics.

he main goal of this lecture is an overview of the analytic approach
to problem solving, carefully de¿ning the notions of strategy and
tactics that were introduced in Lecture 1. All problems require
investigation, and to facilitate investigation, we need many resources.
These are collectively called strategies, and we will mention several but
only focus on a few during this
lecture. Tactics have a narrower
and more mathematical focus and Strategies are ideas, mostly
are used, generally, at a later stage nonmathematical, that
of investigation, often providing the
facilitate investigation of
key to solution. In this lecture, we
will look at 2 classic problems. An almost any problem. Tactics
Lecture 2: Strategies and Tactics

important aspect of this lecture is are more narrowly focused,

the stress on the need to deconstruct mostly mathematical, ideas
solutions of problems, to understand that help one solve many
not just how, but also why, we could
problems that have been
solve them.
“softened” by good strategy.
Let’s ¿rst look at solving standard
story problems. Here is a typical
story problem, the sort that freshmen business math students struggle with.
Such problems are too simple for this course—they are really more like
exercises for us.

Omnicorp Story Problem

• Omnicorp is sending 216 of its employees to a productivity

enhancement conference, which involves an overnight stay at
a hotel. The employees will stay in either 2-person or 4-person
rooms, which cost $100 and $150 each, respectively. The
housing budget for the conference is $9600. How many rooms
of each kind will be reserved?

• I employ the fantasy answer method, which applies the wishful

thinking strategy.

• The method is simple: Just pretend that you have actually

solved the problem, and write down an answer.

• The only catch is that the answer must make sense in terms
of units.

• The student then takes the fantasy answer, which is entirely

concrete, and reads the problem again, trying to ¿gure out
why the answer is not correct. This, hopefully, will lead to
understanding how the problem can be set up algebraically.

• The overarching idea is the utility of wishful thinking as a

means of facilitating investigation.

How does the analytic approach to problem solving work? Use strategies
to begin and facilitate the investigation. Next, deploy tactics to continue
the investigation and hopefully yield a solution. Use tools (a.k.a. tricks)
sparingly, at the narrowest focal level. Strategies are ideas, mostly
nonmathematical, that facilitate investigation of almost any problem. Tactics
are more narrowly focused, mostly mathematical, ideas that help one solve
many problems that have been “softened” by good strategy. Tools have very
narrow applications—and very impressive results when used correctly. Ŷ

The Census Taker Problem
• A classic example, one of my favorites, that uses the get hands
dirty strategy.

• A census taker knocks on a door and asks the woman inside

how many children she has and how old they are.

• “I have 3 daughters, their ages are whole numbers, and the

product of the ages is 36,” says the mother. “That is not enough
information,” responds the census taker. “I would tell you the
sum of their ages, but you would still be stumped,” says the
mom. “I wish you would tell me something more,” begs the
census taker. The mom responds, “Okay, my oldest daughter,
Annie, likes dogs.”

• What are the ages of the 3 daughters?

• The problem consists of what appear to be too few clues. But

just start with the ¿rst clue, and get your hands dirty!

• The ¿rst clue says, “The product of the ages is 36.” There are
only a few possible ways you can multiply 3 whole numbers to
get 36; it makes sense to systematically list them.

• The second clue says that if she told him the sum, he would
Lecture 2: Strategies and Tactics

still be stumped. It makes sense, then, to compute the sums of

the possibilities you have listed.

• Now we see what is going on. Two of the possibilities—9, 2,

2 and 6, 6, 1—have the same sum (13), and these are the only
2 with the same sum. So we know that it must be one of these,
for otherwise we would not have been stumped.

• Finally, we understand the ¿nal clue, which merely indicates

that there is an oldest child. So the answer is 9, 2, 2.

The Frog Problem
• The frog problem is a classic Russian math circle problem.

• Three frogs are situated at 3 of the corners of a square. Every

minute, 1 frog is chosen to leap over another chosen frog, so
that if you drew a line from the starting position to the ending
position of the leaper, the leapee is at the exact midpoint.

• Will a frog ever occupy the vertex of the square that was
originally unoccupied?

• How can we effectively investigate this problem?

• Graph paper allows us to attach numbers to the positions of the

frogs. Once we have numbers, we can employ arithmetical and
algebraic methods. Thus, place the frogs at (0, 0), (0, 1), and
(1, 1). The question now is, can a frog ever reach (1, 0)?

• Thinking about the appropriate venue for investigation is an

essential starting strategy for any problem.

• Another investigative idea: Use colored pencils to keep track

of individual frogs. This adds information, as it allows us to
keep track of 1 frog at a time. Color the (1, 1), (0, 1), and (0, 0)
frogs red, blue, and green, respectively.

• Notice, by experimenting, that the red frog only seems to hit

certain points, forming a larger (2-unit) grid.

• Some of the coordinates that the red frog hits are (1, 1), (1, 3), (1,
í1), (í1, 1), (í1, í1), and (í1, í3). They are all odd numbers!

• Likewise, the blue frog only hits certain points on a 2-unit grid,
including (0, 1), (2, 1), (4, 1), and (0, í1); these are all of the
form (even, odd).

• Likewise, the green frog only hits (even, even) points.

• On the other hand, the missing southeast vertex was (1,

0), which has the form (odd, even). It seems as though it is
impossible, but how can we formulate this in an airtight way?

• It is often very pro¿table to contemplate parity (oddness

and evenness).

• The essential reason for this is that a parity focus reduces a

problem from possibly in¿nitely many states to just 2.

• Parity involves the number 2. Where in this problem do we see

this number? In doubling, because of the symmetry of the way
the frogs leap. When the leaper jumps over the leapee, she adds
twice the horizontal displacement to her original horizontal
coordinate. The same holds for vertical coordinates.

• So when a frog jumps, its coordinates change by

even numbers!

• For example, suppose the red (1, 1) frog jumps over the green
frog at (0, 0). The horizontal and vertical displacements to the
leapee are both í1 (since it is moving left and down), so the ¿nal
change in coordinates will be í2. The horizontal coordinate
Lecture 2: Strategies and Tactics

will be 1 + í2 = í1, and the vertical will also be í1.

• Suppose now that the red frog jumps over the blue frog,
which is (0, 1). The horizontal displacement is +1, and the
vertical displacement to the target is +2. So the new horizontal
coordinate will be í1 (the starting value) + 2 × 1 = +1, and the
new vertical coordinate will be í1 (the starting value) + 2 × 2
= 3. Thus the red frog jumps from (í1, í1) to (1, 3).

• In general, when a frog jumps, we will take its starting
x-coordinate and add twice the horizontal displacement to its
target. Likewise, we take its starting y-coordinate and add twice
the vertical displacement to the target. These displacements
may be positive, negative, or zero.

• In other words, you take the starting coordinates and add

even numbers to them. But when you add an even number to
something, its parity does not change!

• So the (odd, odd) frog—the red frog—is destined to stay at

(odd, odd) coordinates, no matter what.

Suggested Reading

Polya, How to Solve It.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, chap. 2.

Questions to Consider

1. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 in a row and place either a minus or a

plus sign between the numbers. Is it possible to get an answer of zero?

2. A group of jealous professors is locked up in a room. There is nothing

else in the room but pencils and 1 tiny scrap of paper per person. The
professors want to determine their average (mean, not median) salary so
that each can gloat or grieve over his or her personal situation compared
to the others. However, they are secretive people and do not want to
give away salary information to anyone else. Can they determine the
average salary in such a way that no professor can discover any fact
about the salary of anyone but herself? For example, even facts such as
“one professor earns less than $90,000” are not allowed.

The Problem Solver’s Mind-Set
Lecture 3

There are 2 lovely quotes about concentration. If we want to paraphrase

them, the ¿rst one says that concentration is a human virtue, and the
second one says obsession begets concentration. You need to relax;
you need to develop good work habits; and you need to ¿nd, most
importantly, problems that are interesting to you, approachable by
you, and addictive.

n this lecture, we discuss some of the mental tools needed for successful
problem solving. A good problem solver needs concentration,
con¿dence, and creativity—but how can one acquire these, and how can
these attributes be enhanced? We explore some classic puzzlers and begin to
develop some number theory ideas and to investigate a problem about the
famous Fibonacci numbers.

The 3 c’s of mental attitude are concentration, creativity, and con¿dence.

How do we enhance these qualities? Con¿dence is the least important, as it
is derived from the other qualities, and creativity is the most elusive, so it is
best to start by developing your concentration. You need to relax, develop
good work habits, and ¿nd problems that are interesting, approachable, and
Lecture 3: The Problem Solver’s Mind-Set

addictive. As with any art or craft, you must set aside a quiet time and place
for your work and start building your concentration. Start building up a stock
of back-burner problems. Make good use of unstructured time.

Let’s look at con¿dence and creativity by examining some truly creative

mathematics. We will look at 2 tools. Recall that tools are narrowly focused
mathematical ideas that solve certain types of problems. The ¿rst tool,
Gaussian pairing, was made famous by Carl Gauss (1777–1855), who is
universally recognized as one of the greatest mathematicians ever.

When Gauss was only 10, as legend has it, he was faced with the sum
1 + 2 + 3 + … + 100. How was he to compute it, in 1787, when there were
no calculators? He simply paired the terms: (1 + 100) + (2 + 99) + … +
(50 + 51). Thus the sum is 50(101) = 5050.

The second tool is telescoping. We will apply it to a harder sum
involving fractions:

1 1 1 1
1u 2 2 u 3 3 u 4 99 u 100

Do not let such a problem make you panic: Panicking is bad for your
con¿dence and harms investigation. You must look for things that foster
investigation. The wishful thinking strategy works for this reason: Pretending
you have solved a problem—even an easier one—keeps you happy, and that
keeps you thinking about the problem!

• A corollary of wishful thinking is the make it easier strategy. This

strategy is common sense: If the current problem is too hard, make
it easier by reducing its size or eliminating one or more of the
elements that make it hard.

• In our case, that just means we should replace the 99-term

sum with, say, a 1-term or 2-term sum. When we look at these
smaller problems, it is easy to conjecture that the 99-term sum
equals 99/100.

• Telescoping is the way to see why this conjecture is true.

• Write the terms as differences.

1  1/ 2 1/ 1 u 2
1/ 2  1/ 3 3  2 / 2 u 3 1/ 2 u 3
1/ 3  1/ 4 4  3 / 3 u 4 1/ 3 u 4

• Notice that for any k, 1/k í 1/(k + 1) = 1/[k(k + 1)].

• Thus all terms cancel (telescope) except the ¿rst and last, yielding
the answer 1 í 1/100 = 99/100.

How do you get more creative? The 3 c’s are inextricably linked:
Concentration leads to con¿dence, which frees you to explore, which
facilitates investigation and creativity. You need to set up a problem-solving
routine. And think about peripheral vision: Many problems cannot be solved
with direct focus. Many problems need to percolate in your unconscious.
You need to cultivate a good supply of back-burners and get in the habit
of not solving problems. The more you
can cultivate a state of investigation
and purposeful contemplation, the more People are endowed
powerful your mind will get. unequally with con¿dence,
creativity, and power of
We end with a fun open-ended problem
designed to facilitate uninhibited concentration, but all of
investigation. There are no wrong these are trainable skills.
answers. First, a little introduction
to modular arithmetic: We write
a { b mod m , read “a is congruent to b modulo m,” if a í b is divisible by
m. The nice thing about congruence is that it preserves addition, subtraction,
and multiplication. For example, if 17 { 2 (mod 5) and 8 { 3 (mod 5), then
17 × 8 { 2 × 3 (mod 5). You can think of congruence as a sort of myopia
in which we lump the in¿nitude of integers into just a few categories. In the
(mod 5) universe, there are only 5 types of numbers, those congruent to 0, 1,
2, 3, and 4 (mod 5). If we restrict ourselves to the (mod 2) universe, that is
Lecture 3: The Problem Solver’s Mind-Set

the same as only worrying about parity. The Fibonacci numbers are de¿ned
by f1 f 2 1 and f n f n 1  f n  2 for n greater than 2. The ¿rst few terms
are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and 144.

Your assignment: Investigate divisibility patterns of the Fibonacci numbers.

For example, which Fibonacci numbers are even? Odd? Multiples of 3?
Of 5?

• Experiment and conjecture! Don’t worry about why at this point.

• Investigate by making it easier and getting your hands dirty.

• Start with mod 2 (parity). Then the sequence is 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,

0, … . It is evident that every third one is even.

• Trying mod 3, we get 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, … , and we see that
every fourth one is a multiple of 3.

• Do more experiments, until you have some good conjectures. We will

not worry about proofs yet.

• People are endowed unequally with con¿dence, creativity, and power

of concentration, but all of these are trainable skills. It is possible to
practice them and improve them—you just need to see lots of creativity
in action, and you need lots of open-ended opportunity to experiment. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Gardner, Aha!
Honsberger, Ingenuity in Mathematics.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 2.1.

Questions to Consider

1. How do you bring a 1.5-meter sword onto a train if no baggage item

with dimension greater than 1 meter is allowed?

2. One day Martha said, “I have been alive during all or part of 5 decades.”
Rounded to the nearest year, what is the youngest she could have been?

Searching for Patterns
Lecture 4

The moral of the story that we’ve seen is that uninhibited experimentation
is lots of fun and it often leads to many fun conjectures, but mere
pattern hunting is not enough if we do not understand the why behind
what we see.

n this lecture, we step back a bit and examine the power of simple strategies
that allow us to simplify problems, make numerical experiments, and
develop conjectures. We also look at 2 cautionary examples that show
that experimentation and conjecture is not always enough. The core of this
lecture is the beginning of an investigation into
trapezoidal numbers and a search for patterns in
Perhaps the Pascal’s triangle. This lecture is devoted to the
most important search for patterns by getting one’s hands dirty.
mathematical We will look at several examples where this
strategy succeeds, as well as ones where it is
playground of all is clearly not enough.
Pascal’s triangle.
It is helpful to build up a stock of knowledge to
aid our receptiveness to discovery. You must be
at least passively aware of some of the most important subsets of the integers.
It is important to develop an obsession with numbers and sequences.
Lecture 4: Searching for Patterns

• Squares: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 … .

• Cubes: 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000, … .

• Primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, … .

• Powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, … .

• Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… .

• Factorials:

1! = 1,
2! = 1 × 2 = 2,
3! = 1 × 2 × 3 = 6,
4! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 = 24,
5! = 4! × 5 = 120,
6! = 720,
7! = 5040.

• Triangular numbers (called triangular because they can be

rearranged as dots that form triangles):

1 + 2 = 3,
1 + 2 + 3 = 6,
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

Let’s look at a problem involving a slightly more exotic sequence, the

trapezoidal numbers. Find all positive integers that can be written as a sum
of at least 2 consecutive positive integers. We call such numbers trapezoidal
since when we depict them with dots, the pattern is trapezoidal. Examples:

• 6 = 1 + 2 + 3.

• 36 = 11 + 12 + 13.

An investigation of the ¿rst dozen or so trapezoidal numbers yields the

conjecture that the powers of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, …) are not trapezoidal.

Perhaps the most important mathematical playground of all is Pascal’s

triangle. You should add to your passive stock of integer knowledge the ¿rst
10 or so rows. Pascal’s triangle is de¿ned by the funnel property: Each term
is equal to the sum of the 2 above it. For example, 10 = 4 + 6. We label the
rows starting with row 0. We call the kth number in row n “n choose k” and
write it ¨ ¸ . We call these binomial coef¿cients. We use the word “choose”
©k ¹
in binomial coef¿cients because n choose k also has a combinatorial
meaning—the number of ways to choose k things from a set of n objects.

Our goal for now is to ¿nd at least 5 interesting patterns in Pascal’s triangle.
Carefully write out rows 0 to 10, at least. The sums of the elements in each
row are powers of 2. The alternating sums, however, are always 0. The
hockey-stick pattern: For example, 1 + 4 + 10 = 15. Triangular numbers
(1, 3, 6, 10, … ). Fibonacci numbers even appear; it is easier to see this if we
draw Pascal’s triangle this way:

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1.

The sums of each southwest-to-northeast diagonal are Fibonacci numbers

(e.g., 1 + 4 + 3 = 8). The coef¿cients of (1  x) n are the numbers in row n.
For example, (1  x) 4 x 4  4 x3  6 x 2  4 x  1 .

What about divisibility in Pascal’s triangle? At the very least, we should

investigate parity. When we count the number of odd terms in each row, we
see that these numbers are not only even but seem to be powers of 2. But
which power of 2? And what are we observing here? We will investigate
this later.
Lecture 4: Searching for Patterns

There are limits to inductive reasoning. Here are 2 examples of why seeing a
pattern is not suf¿cient if you do not understand why the pattern is there.

• Can a polynomial output nothing but primes? Consider

P( x) x 2  x  41 . P(x) is prime for all positive integers up to
40. But this numerical investigation distracts us from the why of
the problem. P(41) 412  41  41 , which is obviously a multiple
of 41!

• The 5 circles problem: If n points are placed on a circle and all
pairs of points are joined by line segments, into how many regions
is the circle divided? Assume that the points are in general position
(i.e., no 3 lines intersect in a single point). Investigation quickly
yields the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. The obvious conjecture is that the
number of regions is 2n1 , where n is the number of points. But a
careful count of the 6-point circle yields only 31 regions!

The moral of the story is clear: You must understand what you are
looking at. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Gardiner, Discovering Mathematics.

Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics.
Guy, “The Strong Law of Small Numbers.”

Questions to Consider

1. For each positive integer n, ¿nd distinct positive integers x and y such
that 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.

2. Draw triangles with lattice point vertices. Count the number of lattice
points in the interior (I) and boundary (B). Is there a formula relating
these 2 numbers to the area (A)?

Closing the Deal—Proofs and Tools
Lecture 5

Investigation, as I’ve said before, trumps almost everything.

Coupled with strategy and tactics, it’s the paramount way to think
about problems, but it’s not always enough. Sometimes we need
to close the deal with a creative logical argument or with a clever
algebraic trick, such as proof by contradiction, direct proof, or even
algorithmic proof.

his lecture focuses on closing the deal: turning your investigative
ideas into rigorous arguments. We ¿rst develop the ideas of
deductive proof and proof by contradiction. Many problems also
require ¿nely focused ideas known
as tricks, or tools. We brieÀy discuss
some of the most important of these, In¿nite processes such
while strenuously arguing against their as sums and fractions
overuse (a common beginner’s error). are de¿ned by looking
at the ¿nite version and
It is critical to become comfortable
Lecture 5: Closing the Deal—Proofs and Tools

considering what happens

with mathematical logic. Math is
fundamentally different from most other when they converge.
¿elds of inquiry, because things are
usually either right or wrong. Types of
statements include conjectures, lemmas, and theorems. Proofs are arguments
that demonstrate the truth of a theorem. There are direct proofs and indirect
proofs; let’s look at an example of an indirect proof.

Indirect Proof for the Irrationality of 2

• Assume to the contrary that 2 is rational.

• Then 2 a / b , for some integers a and b. Algebraic manipulations

yields 2b 2 a 2 .

• Now count the 2s in the prime factorizations and use the fundamental
theorem of arithmetic.

• The left-hand side has an odd number of 2s, while the right-hand
side has an even number—a contradiction!

Now we can prove the conjecture about trapezoidal numbers from the
last lecture.

• Recall that trapezoidal numbers are sums of at least 2 consecutive

positive integers. Then if a number T is trapezoidal, there exist
positive integers a, n, and l, for the starting value, number of terms,
and ending value, respectively. For example, if T = 18 = 3 + 4 + 5 +
6, then a = 3, n = 4, and l = 6.

• Using the Gaussian pairing trick, we can add up a + (a + 1) + …

+ l and get the important formula T = n(a + l)/2. This makes sense,
since it says that the sum is equal to the average value of the terms,
times the number of terms.

• Thus we have the formula T = n(a + a + n í 1)/2 = n(2a + n í 1)/2.

• We want to show 2 things: that T cannot be a power of 2 and that if

T is anything else, we can ¿nd an a and n that work.

• For the ¿rst goal, since powers of 2 are totally even, it makes
sense to think about parity.

• If n is even, then 2a + (n í 1) is odd. Hence T = (even)(odd)/2.

• If n is odd, then 2a + (n í 1) is even, but again T = (odd)


• So in every case, T must have an odd factor! T cannot be a

power of 2! Notice the importance of the penultimate step
strategy here.

• In the other direction (showing that all non–powers of 2 work), let T
be such a number. Then we have to ¿nd a and n, both positive, with
n > 1, such that T = n(2a + n í 1)/2.

• Remove the fraction, getting 2T = n(2a + n í 1).

• Since a is at least 1, the second factor of this expression is at

least n + 1.

• Thus, for any value of T that has at least one odd factor (besides
1), compute 2T and factor it into a product of an odd and an
even. The smaller factor will be n, and the larger will be 2a +
n í 1, and we will be able to solve for a.

• Example: T = 10. 2T = 20 = 4 × 5. So n = 4, and 2a + 3 = 5,

making a = 1.

The in¿nitude of primes is a classic proof by contradiction.

• Assume, to the contrary, that there are ¿nitely many primes, ending
with the prime number L.
Lecture 5: Closing the Deal—Proofs and Tools

• De¿ne Q to equal the product of all these primes, plus 1. In other

words, Q = (2 × 3 × … × L) + 1.

• Q cannot be prime; it is much bigger than L!

• But Q cannot be divisible by 2, 3, 5, or any other prime number.

• Thus there must be a prime that is not in the list 2, 3, 5, … , L—

a contradiction!

• We conclude that there cannot be a ¿nite number of primes.

Now let’s apply these methods to the Fibonacci divisors problem. First
we need a little tiny lemma. Lemma: If p is prime and ab is congruent to
0 (mod p), then a = 0 or b = 0. This lemma is not true for composites [2 ×

3 is congruent to 0 (mod 6)]. We will use this to prove our conjecture about
Fibonacci divisors. For example, F4 3 , so we conjecture that every fourth
Fibonacci is a multiple of 3. Modulo 3, the ¿rst 4 Fibonacci numbers are 1,
1, 2, and 0. But the ¿fth and sixth Fibonacci numbers are 2 and 2. The rest
of the sequence behaves like the ¿rst terms, only now they are multiplied by
2! So the second 4 terms are equal to the ¿rst 4 terms, but multiplied by 2.
Since 3 is a prime, the only way we will get a zero is when we multiply by
zero. This argument will work for prime divisors only. But we have proven
that if a prime p divides Fn , then p divides F2 n , F3n , and so on.

Now let’s focus on useful tools involving algebraic sums. The mother of all
tools is telescoping. Sometimes we can take a sum and perturb it so that
most of the new terms cancel with the old terms. Here is an example of a
geometric series.

S a  ar  ar 2  ar 3  ar 4
rS ar  ar 2  ar 3  ar 4  ar 5
S  rS a  ar 5
S (1  r ) a  ar 5

In other words, S(1 í r) turned the sum into a telescoping series. We can
extend this to in¿nite geometric series, as long as r is less than 1 in absolute
value. As n grows, the limiting value will be S a / (1  r ) .

The massage tool is less common than telescoping but quite powerful. It
says, feel free to mess around with an expression to make it simpler for your
particular context; do not worry if you have altered its value a little. Let’s
work an example: The harmonic series is the in¿nite sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 +
1/4 + 1/5 + … . Does it converge or diverge? We will prove divergence by
showing that we can make the sum arbitrarily large if we go out far enough.

• Key idea: 1/n • 1/m if m • n.

• Thus, 1/3 + 1/4 • 1/4 + 1/4 (which equals 2/4, which simpli¿es
to 1/2).

• Likewise, 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8 • 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 (which
equals 4/8 and simpli¿es to 1/2).

• Hence if we look at the terms from 1/9 to 1/16, there are 8 terms,
each at least as large as 1/16, so their sum is at least 8/16 = 1/2.

• Likewise, the sum of the 16 terms from 1/17 to 1/32 is at least 1/2.

• Each time, we go out twice as far and extract a sum that is at

least 1/2.

• So we can make the sum as large as we please: It diverges!

We end with an example of a hard in¿nite sum that succumbs to a simple

algebraic substitution. Compute the in¿nite continued fraction

1 .
1 %
Lecture 5: Closing the Deal—Proofs and Tools

In general, in¿nite processes such as sums and fractions are de¿ned by looking
at the ¿nite version and considering what happens when they converge. Get
your hands dirty: Compute successive fractions. We get 1, 2, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5,
and so on. Conjecture: These are quotients of successive Fibonacci numbers.
We compute the limiting value using the creative substitution tool. Let x
equal the whole limiting value. Then x = 1 + 1/x. The quadratic formula
1 5
yields , which is approximately 1.6803. This number is known as the
golden ratio, and it is ubiquitous in mathematics. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Solow, How to Read and Do Proofs.

Velleman, How to Prove It.

Questions to Consider

1. Prove that there is no smallest positive real number.

2. Find the sum 1 × 1! + 2 × 2! + 3 × 3! + … + 100 × 100!.

Pictures, Recasting, and Points of View
Lecture 6

You’ll soon see how powerful it is to stay Àexible, to not commit

to a particular point of view or even to a particular branch of

n this lecture, we explore 3 strategies: draw a picture, change your point
of view, and recast your problem. We begin with proofs without words;
then explore the amazing utility of the simple distance-time graph; and
next move on to harder problems, where the crux idea is the discovery of
the natural point of view. We will look at an example where the problem is
geometric, at least on the surface, but cannot be solved until we turn it into a
logic puzzler.

Let’s begin with an example that makes strong use, as many pictorial
problems do, of symmetry: Prove that if T is a triangular number then 8T + 1
will be a perfect square.
Lecture 6: Pictures, Recasting, and Points of View

• For example, 55 is a triangular number (namely, 1 + 2 + … + 10),

and 8 × 55 + 1 = 441, which is 21 × 21.

• But why is it true? It is not too hard to prove using algebra, but it is
more fun to use pictures.

• The key idea is that 2 identical triangular numbers can be adjoined

to form a rectangle.

• Four such rectangles can be arranged symmetrically to form a

square with a hole.

And we get for free the algebraic identity (2n  1) 2 8Tn .

Let’s switch gears to a pure word problem, one with no obvious picture. Pat
works in the city and lives in the suburbs with Sal. Every afternoon, Pat gets
on a train that arrives at the suburban station at exactly 5 pm. Sal leaves the

house before 5 and drives at a constant speed so as to arrive at the train station
at exactly 5 pm to pick up Pat. The route that Sal drives never changes. One
day, this routine is interrupted, because there is a power failure at work. Pat
gets to leave early and catches a train that arrives at the suburban station at
4 pm. Instead of phoning Sal to ask for an earlier pickup, Pat decides to get
a little exercise and begins walking home along the route that Sal drives,
knowing that eventually Sal will intercept Pat and make a U-turn, and they
will head home together in the car. This is indeed what happens, and Pat
ends up arriving at home 10 minutes earlier than on a normal day. Assuming
that Pat’s walking speed is constant, that the U-turn takes no time, and that
Sal’s driving speed is constant, for how many minutes did Pat walk?

The problem can be solved by drawing a distance-time graph. It is

clear geometrically that this length is 10 minutes. Hence Pat walks for
55 minutes.

Every problem has a natural point of view; you need to ¿nd it. If a problem
is hard, perhaps you need a new point of view. What is the ¿rst time after
noon at which the hour and minute hands meet? This is an amusing and
moderately hard algebra exercise. However, this problem can be solved in
a few seconds in your head if you avoid messy algebra and just consider
the natural point of view. Don’t use a ¿xed frame
of reference. Instead, look at it from the point of
view of the hour hand. At noon, it coincides with The most common
the minute hand. Then, after somewhat more form of recasting
than an hour, the minute hand visits it again!
is between algebra
How long until the next visit? The same amount and geometry.
of time, of course! From the point of view of
the hour hand, nothing has changed from the
situation at noon! Clearly there will be 11 meetings between noon and
midnight, so the time between meetings is exactly 12/11 of an hour. The ¿rst
meeting after noon is at 1:05:27.18.

Here is a somewhat harder problem: A person dives from a bridge into a

river and swims upstream through the water for 1 hour at constant speed.
She then turns around and swims downstream through the water at the same

rate of speed. As the swimmer passes under the bridge, a bystander tells her
that her hat fell into the river as she originally dived. The swimmer continues
downstream at the same rate of speed, catching up with the hat at another
bridge exactly 1 mile downstream from the ¿rst one. What is the speed of the
current in miles per hour?

Look at things from the hat’s point of view. The hat thinks that it is sitting
still in the water. From its point of view, the swimmer abandoned it and then
swam away for an hour at a certain speed (namely, the speed of the swimmer
in still water). Then the swimmer turned around and headed back, going at
exactly the same speed, since the current is always acting equally on both hat
and swimmer. Therefore, the swimmer retrieves the hat exactly 1 hour after
turning around. The whole thing took 2 hours, during which the hat traveled
1 mile downstream. So the speed of the current is 1/2 mile per hour.

Let’s turn to recasting. The most common form of recasting is between

algebra and geometry. Another common recasting is between number theory
and combinatorics. There are other possibilities, as you will see with the
private planets problem.
Lecture 6: Pictures, Recasting, and Points of View

The Private Planets Problem

• Consider n identical spherical planets in space, with n > 2. Call

a point on the surface of a planet private if it cannot be seen
from any other planet. What is the total private area among all
the planets?

• It is easy to experiment with n = 2; the total private area is

equal to the area of a single planet.

• For n = 3, it is a similar situation, because the centers of

the planets lie in a plane.

• But for n > 3, it gets ugly. The planets may no longer lie on a
plane, so we are forced to contemplate spherical geometry.

• But perhaps it is not really a geometry problem! Crux move:
Construct a universal north. Imagine that the planets lie in a
room, and thus the point on each planet that is closest to the
ceiling of the room is that planet’s north pole.

• Now imagine a planet A whose north pole is a

private point.

• For this to be so, there can be no “eyes” on other planets

that are north of the plane tangent to A’s north pole. In
other words, every point on every other planet must lie
south of this tangent plane.

• If the north pole is private, the centers of all other planets

lie south of the equator.

• Thus, the north poles of all other planets will be visible

from planet A or else visible from a planet to the south of
planet A.

• Generalizing, if a point P is a private point on some planet,

then it must be public on all other planets!

• Conversely, if P is public on one planet, it must be private

on at least one other planet.

• Conclusion: If a universal location is private on one planet,

it cannot be private on any other planet, and every universal
location must be private on at least one planet. Putting these
2 together, every universal location is private on exactly
one planet.

• So the total private area is equal to the surface area of

one planet!

How did we solve the planet problem? The universal frame of reference
facilitated investigation of the relationships between private and public on
different planets. We then realized that private/public is not just a geometric
relationship but a binary logical relationship. We recast a hard geometry
problem into a relatively simple logic problem! Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Nelson, Proofs without Words.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 2.4.

Questions to Consider

1. Find a “proof without words” that the sum of the ¿rst n positive odd
integers is equal to n 2 .

2. Sonia walks up an escalator that is going up. When she walks at 1 step
per second, it takes her 20 steps to get to the top. If she walks at 2 steps
per second, it takes her 32 steps to get to the top. She never skips over
Lecture 6: Pictures, Recasting, and Points of View

any steps. How many steps does the escalator have?

The Great Simpli¿er—Parity
Lecture 7

Any time you have a situation of mutuality, where you might have 2
players, in some sense, connected by some relationship, there should be
a nice systematic way of analyzing it. ... There’s a branch of mathematics
designed for handling these situations, called graph theory.

arity is such an important tactical idea that we devote most of this
lecture to it. Parity analysis helps to solve problems because it
allows us to reduce the possibly in¿nite complexity of a situation to
just 2 states. We apply parity to a number of diverse problems involving
information Àow, changing con¿gurations, and maps of countries. We also
introduce a topic that will recur several times in this course: graph theory,
the study of networks.

The Evil Wizard Hat Problem

An evil wizard has imprisoned 64 people. The wizard announces the

following: Tomorrow I will have you stand in a line, and I will put
a hat on each of your heads. The hat will be either white or black.
You will be able to see the hats of everyone in front of you, but you
will not be able to see your hat or the hats of the people behind you.
I will begin by asking the person at the back of the line to guess his
or her hat color. If the guess is correct, that person will be released.
If the guess is wrong, that person will be killed in a painful way.
Then I will ask the next person in line, and so on. When it is your
turn to speak, you are only allowed to say the single word ‘black’
or ‘white,’ and otherwise you are not allowed to communicate with
each other while you are standing in line. Although you will not be
able to see the people behind you, you will know (by hearing) if
they have answered correctly or not.

The prisoners are allowed to chat for a few minutes before their
ordeal begins. What is the largest number of prisoners that can be
guaranteed to survive?

Clearly, it is possible to save half the people, where the sacri¿cial

lambs agree to say the color of the person in front of them. But
we can do much better, using the observation that as we count
something, its parity alternates. This seems trivial, but sometimes
it is enough! For example, suppose you can see 10 hats in front
of you, and you count 7 black and 3 white. Use wishful thinking:
What do you wish you knew? We need some way to communicate
the parity of the number of black hats in front of us to the person
directly in front of us, using the code “black” = odd and “white” =
even, and the ¿rst person to speak (the one at the back of the line)
will use this code for the parity of the number of black hats that he
or she sees.

He may not survive, of course. The next person in line, however, is

guaranteed to live, if he pays attention. He knows that the person
behind him saw an even number of black hats. If he sees an odd
number, then he knows his hat is black. If he sees an even number,
then he knows his hat is white. And everyone else is also safe: By
listening to the people behind them, they can keep track of the
Lecture 7: The Great Simpli¿er—Parity

current parity of the number of black hats.

Here is a completely different application of parity: the classic proof (dating

back to Euclid) that 2 is irrational. We use 3 simple facts.

• If a number is even, it can be written in the form 2m for some

integer m.

• If an even integer is a perfect square, then its square root is

also even.

• If a number is rational, then it can be expressed as a fraction in
simplest form, in which case the numerator and denominator cannot
both be even.

We will do a proof by contradiction. Assume, to the contrary, that 2 is a

rational number. Then we can write it as a fraction a/b in lowest terms; so a
and b are both integers and not both even. If we square this, we get 2.

• So a 2 / b 2 2 , or a 2 2b 2 .

• But 2b 2 is even by fact 1 above, so a 2 is even, so a is even by fact

2. Then we can write a = 2u for some integer u (by fact 1).

• Squaring this, we get a 2 4u 2 , and substituting this back into

a 2 2b 2 , we get 4u 2 2b 2 , or 2u 2 b 2 . But now we deduce that
b 2 is even, so b is even.

• Conclusion: a and b are both even. That is impossible, so 2

cannot be rational.

The next problem, the locker problem, we will not solve completely in
this lecture.

The Locker Problem

• Lockers in a row are numbered 1, 2, 3, … , 1000. At ¿rst, all

the lockers are closed. A person walks by and opens every
other locker, starting with locker 2. Thus lockers 2, 4, 6, … ,
998, 1000 are open. Another person walks by and changes the
state of every third locker, starting with locker 3. Then another
person changes the state of every fourth locker, starting with
locker 4, and so on. This process continues until no more
lockers can be altered. Which lockers will be closed?

• A simple investigation quickly leads to the conjecture that
squares remain closed.

• Look at the penultimate step. What determines if a locker is

open or closed? The parity of the number of times the locker’s
state changed.

• Clearly, locker L will only be changed at step S if S divides L.

• So we have reduced our problem about lockers to the equivalent

number theory question: Can we prove that a number has an
odd number of divisors if and only if it is a perfect square?

The next problem comes from the Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad. A
lock has 16 keys arranged in a 4 × 4 array, and each key is oriented either
horizontally or vertically. In order to open it, all the keys must be vertically
oriented. When a key is switched to another position, all the other keys in the
same row and column automatically switch their positions too. Show that no
matter what the starting positions are, it is always possible to open this lock.
(Only one key at a time can be switched.)

Parity can be used whenever there are just 2 states in a problem, and here
Lecture 7: The Great Simpli¿er—Parity

vertical and horizontal certainly ¿t the bill. We need to be able to change any
key, but the problem is that when we turn a single key, it changes 7 keys,
including itself. We would like to only change one key. However, if a key
is changed twice, it is as if it was never changed (odd + odd is even). We
need to ¿nd a move or sequence of moves that changes lots of keys an even
number of times but changes only one key an odd number of times. There
are not too many things to try, and a number of them work. You can check
that if you pick any speci¿c key and turn all 7 keys in its cross, this will do
the trick.

Here is another problem from a regional Olympiad (Colorado): If 127 people
play in a singles tennis tournament, prove that at the end of the tournament,
the number of people who have played an odd number of games is even.
Note that the tournament can have any
structure; the only restriction is that each
game requires 2 people. Parity analysis helps to
solve problems because
Suppose each person pays a dollar to the it allows us to reduce
tournament each time they play a game.
the possibly in¿nite
Each game played makes the tournament
owner $2 richer. If we add up the amount complexity of a situation
of money each person pays, it will be to just 2 states.
equal to 2 times the number of games
played, and will be even. And it is the
same as adding up the number of games each person plays. So, if there are
127 people, and we add up the number of games each person played, we
are adding 127 numbers and getting an even sum. So the number of people
who played an odd number of games is even. This problem involves mutual
relationships (playing in a game). This is a ubiquitous situation and can be
modeled in many other contexts. This leads to the abstract idea of a graph: an
entity of vertices and edges.

Parity solves problems with ease because it reduces the complexity of a

problem, which increases our information level and allows us to understand
things better. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Fomin and Itenberg, Mathematical Circles, chap. 1.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, secs. 3.4, 4.1.

Questions to Consider

1. A Pythagorean triple a, b, c are integers satisfying a 2  b 2 c 2 . Prove

that at least one of these integers must be even.

2. Given 4 points A, B, C, D in the plane, it is possible to join A to B, B

to C, C to D, and D back to A with 4 straight line segments, creating a
quadrilateral. It is possible to join these line segments in such a way so
that a straight line can be drawn through the interior of all 4 segments. The
trick is to make the polygon intersect itself (imagine ABDC as the vertices
of a square going around clockwise). But can this be done with 5 points?
Lecture 7: The Great Simpli¿er—Parity

The Great Uni¿er—Symmetry
Lecture 8

If an object is unchanged, in other words, invariant, with respect to

some sort of transformation, a geometrical transformation, it’s called
symmetric, and the transformation itself is called a symmetry.

ike parity, the symmetry tactic is so important that we need to spend an
entire lecture on it. Symmetry is one of the most important underlying
principles in mathematics. Symmetrical structures (geometric or
otherwise) are simpler than asymmetric structures and hence easier to
investigate. Thus, searching for symmetry—or if need be, imposing it where
it was not at ¿rst—is a powerful tactic for
investigating problems. In this lecture, we
explore symmetry not just visually but There are hundreds
also algebraically.
of proofs of the
What is symmetry? An object (which may Pythagorean theorem.
or may not be geometric) is symmetrical
if a transformation leaves it invariant. This
can take many forms. Geometric symmetry is the simplest to understand.
Objects can have rotational, reÀectional, and other symmetries. Metaphorical
symmetry is more subtle. Examples of metaphorical symmetry are the pills
problem (once the pills were balanced, the problem was almost solved); the
private planets problem (private/public duality); and the handshake lemma
(handshake is a symmetrical relation). Thus parity is, in a sense, an example
of metaphorical symmetry in action.

What’s so good about symmetry? A problem, by de¿nition, is information-

poor and disordered. Symmetry increases order. Thus, you should
systematically search for symmetry, and if it does not appear to be present,
you should attempt to impose it. The Gaussian pairing trick is an example of
imposing symmetry.

• The sum 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + 100 is not symmetrical.

• But the below is. It has rotational symmetry!

1 + 2 + 3 + … + 100
100 + 99 + 98 + … + 1

Symmetry is related to the search for natural points of view. Often this
point (or line, etc.) is one of symmetry. The classic 4 bugs problem is an
excellent example.

The 4 Bugs Problem

There are 4 bugs, each situated at a vertex of a unit square. Suddenly,

each bug begins to chase its counterclockwise neighbor. If the bugs
travel at 1 unit per minute, how long will it take for the 4 bugs to
crash into one another?

• What is the critical point of view? Clearly, the center point!

Hence, we need to ¿gure out the radial speed r.

• This can be computed using vectors: Each bug moves at a

Lecture 8: The Great Uni¿er—Symmetry

constant speed, always making a 45° angle with the radial

vector. So we can compute the component of speed along this

• The actual value of r is 2 / 2 (which equals 0.707), but the

precise value is not important. Since the radial speed is r units
per minute, and the radial distance is also r units, the time it will
take to reach the center will be r/r, which equals 1 minute!

There are hundreds of proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. Here is a simple
one that uses the imposition of symmetry. First we reformulate a 2  b 2 c 2
into an equality of areas of squares. The sum of the areas of the 2 smaller
squares must be equal to the area of the large square.

• Start with the large square ( c 2 ) and add copies of the original
triangle, symmetrically.

• Thus, c 2 equals the area of 4 of the original triangles plus the area
of the square in the center.

• The length of this square is the equal to (a í b), and the area of one
triangle is ab/2.

• Repacking this algebraically, we get (a  b) 2  4(ab / 2) c 2 , which

is equivalent to a 2  b 2 c 2 .

Symmetry can be applied to number theory. Recall the locker problem in the
last lecture? We did not quite solve it; we need to show that an integer has
an odd number of divisors if and only if it is a perfect square (a square of an
integer). Remember, divisors include 1 and the number itself. For example,
for N = 12, pair each factor with its mate. Since 12 is not a perfect square,
each divisor has a distinct mate, different from itself.

1 × 12

Since 36 is a perfect square, the mate of 6 is itself. So 6 is literally the odd

man out. What we used here is the natural correspondence (metaphorical
symmetry) between the divisor d of a number N and its mate N/d.

1 × 36
2 × 18
3 × 12

These ideas also apply to algebra. Let’s use symmetry to solve the
fourth-degree equation x 4  x3  x 2  x  1 0 . This equation is nearly
“symmetrical”; we can make it more so by dividing by x 2 , getting
x2 + x + 1 + 1/x + 1/x2 = 0. We have imposed an interesting algebraic
symmetry. There is a correspondence between terms of the form x k and
terms of the form 1/ x k .This suggests a natural symmetrical substitution:
y = x + 1/x. Notice that (x + 1/x)2 = x2 + 2 + 1/x2. So our equation now
becomes y 2  2  y  1 0 , a quadratic equation that can be solved by
the quadratic formula. Then we can solve for x, again using the quadratic
formula! Once again, imposing symmetry was the key. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Conway, Burgiel, and Goodman-Strauss, The Symmetry of Things.

Weyl, Symmetry.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 3.1.

Questions to Consider

1. Determine the minimum perimeter of a triangle, one of whose vertices

is (4, 3), the other is on the x-axis, and the third is on the line y = x.
Lecture 8: The Great Uni¿er—Symmetry

2. The set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} has 64 subsets, including the empty set and
the set itself. For how many of these subsets is the sum of the elements
greater than 10?

Symmetry Wins Games!
Lecture 9

In this lecture, we’re going to do something a little different. Rather

than focusing on problem-solving ... strategies and tactics, we’re
going to apply them. Speci¿cally, we will introduce a little bit of
the theory of combinatorial games, which is a nice illustration of
metaphorical symmetry.

his is our ¿rst applied lecture, where we focus more on using
problem-solving ideas than on developing new ones. We study
combinatorial games, which apply literal and metaphorical symmetry.
Our cornerstone is Wythoff’s Nim, which is an absurdly easy game that is
amazingly hard to play well, until you use symmetry and a few other ideas.
It is also one of the many mathematical phenomena in which the Fibonacci
numbers and the related golden ratio play an important role.

All combinatorial games have the same basic structure: Two players, A and
B, alternate taking turns. A goes ¿rst. The game ends when no legal moves
can be made. The last person to make a legal move wins. Our goal: Given a
game, discover the winning strategy.

The Takeaway Game

Start with 17 pennies. A legal move consists of removing 1, 2, 3, or

4 pennies. What is the winning strategy?

• The get your hands dirty and make it simpler strategies compel
us to change the 17 to smaller values, such as 1, 2, 3, and
so on.

• Looking at these simpler games shows us that if you are left with
5, no matter what you do, your opponent will win on the next
move. So if you can present your opponent with 5, you win.

• If you are presented with 6, 7, 8, or 9, then you can always

present your opponent with 5 and thus win.

• Notice that the values 0 and 5 belong together, as do the values

1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, 7, 8, 9: If you move to (i.e., present to your
opponent) 0 or 5, you will win; if you move to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6, 7,
8, 9, you will lose, because your opponent will move to 0 or 5.

• The pattern clearly continues. Let us call the values 0, 5, 10, 15,
… the oases and the other values the desert. If you move to an
oasis value, your opponent must move to a desert value. If your
opponent moves to a desert value, you can always move to an
oasis. Thus, if a player moves to an oasis, he or she can control
the game, always moving to oases and forcing the opponent to
stay in the desert—until the end, when the lucky oasis traveler
moves to the ¿nal oasis value, 0, and wins the game.

Here is a graphical way to analyze the game. We use the penultimate

step strategy to work backward from the very beginning.
Lecture 9: Symmetry Wins Games!

• Start with the value 0. Assume that you have gotten there
(wishful thinking), so you have won. Color this value green.

• Analyze backward: Color red all values that can get to 0 in

one move.

• The next value, 5, has not been colored yet; it is colored green.

• Notice that from this green value, one can only move to
red values, and from there, one can always move to another
green value.

• Continuing, we color red the next values that in one move can
get to green. We continue this recursive process inde¿nitely.

• In the desert/oasis model, the game really switches between 2

metaphorically symmetrical states. The winner is the person
who controls the switching.

The Divide and Conquer Game

Start with 100 pennies. A legal move consists of removing a proper

divisor of the number of pennies left. Thus, on the ¿rst move, A
could remove 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, or 50 pennies, but not 100
pennies. The game ends when there is exactly 1 penny left (since
then there are no legal moves possible).

• One possible game: Start with 100. Player A’s moves are
bolded: 98, 97, 96, 48, 24, 21, 14, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1. Hence B wins.

• What is the winning strategy? Parity is a natural ¿rst choice,

since it is a good binary property; there tend to be symmetries
between odd and even positions.

• Since the winning position is to present your opponent with 1,

we want to see if it is possible to control oddness.

• If we can present our opponent with an odd number, then

since all divisors of an odd number are odd, the opponent
must present us with an even number!

• And if we are given an even number, we can always

turn the tables and present our opponent with an odd, by
subtracting 1!

• So the winning strategy is this: A subtracts an odd from 100
and thereafter keeps presenting odd numbers to B. In general, A
can always win if the starting number is even, and B can always
win if the starting number is odd.

The next game, which I call cat and mouse, also relies on parity and
symmetry. A very polite cat chases an equally polite mouse. They take turns
moving on a grid. Initially, the cat is at the point labeled C; the mouse is at
M. The cat goes ¿rst and can move to any neighboring point connected to it
by a single edge. Thus the cat can go to points 1, 2, or 3, but no others, on its
¿rst turn. The cat wins if it can reach the mouse in 15 or fewer moves. Can
the cat win?

At ¿rst, it seems impossible; the mouse can always be one step away from
the cat. If you look carefully at the grid, you will discover that it contains
only rectangles glued together, with one triangle at the top left. Temporarily
pretend that the triangle is not there (make it easier). Then we can color
the vertices with alternating colors, like a chessboard. Let the cat’s starting
position be blue. Notice that the mouse’s starting color is also blue. So if
we ignore the triangle, the cat moves from blue to red. Then the mouse
moves from blue to red. Then the cat moves from red to blue, and the mouse
follows suit. The cat and mouse are always on same-colored vertices, so it is
impossible for the cat to make a single move
Lecture 9: Symmetry Wins Games!

in which it catches the mouse! But if the cat

moves into the triangle, it is possible for the All combinatorial
cat to gain a tempo and change its color to the games have the same
opposite of the mouse’s. Then the cat has a
basic structure: Two
chance at catching the mouse. And it will—
try it! players, A and B,
alternate taking turns.
The cat and mouse game illustrates the idea
of bipartite graphs. A graph is bipartite if the
vertices can be put into 2 nonoverlapping sets (e.g., boys and girls) in such
a way that every edge joins vertices of opposites (e.g., opposite sexes). If a
graph is bipartite it cannot have any odd cycles (triangles, pentagons, etc.),

for if it did, you would have a chain of dance partners: B G B G B, and then
B is connected to B.

Our ¿nal game is called Wythoff’s Nim, a.k.a. “puppies and kittens.” Start
with a pet shelter with, say, 10 puppies and 7 kittens. A and B alternate turns
adopting animals. On each turn, you must adopt at least one animal, and you
must only adopt one kind of animal, unless you adopt equal numbers of both
kinds. As always, the winner is the one who makes the last legal move—in
this case, the one who clears out the pet shelter. We can use the oasis/desert
analysis method to quickly build up a repertoire of oasis positions that will
make us unbeatable.

• Crux idea: Plot positions as ordered pairs (k, p) and use

graph paper!

• Here is a list of oases (leaving out symmetrical pairs): (1, 2), (3, 5),
(4, 7), (6, 10), (8, 13).

• Here is another way to generate oases.

• Start with (1, 2).

• This eliminates all other ordered pairs with difference of 1 and with
either p or k equal to 1 or 2.

• So we cannot use 1, 2, or any difference of 1.

• Thus the next oasis is (3, 5).

• The next one after that must be (4, 7), and so on. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy, Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays.
Gardner, Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers, chap. 8.

Questions to Consider

1. Modify the takeaway game so that the last penny is “poison,” and the
person who takes this penny away loses.

2. Two players take turns choosing numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive. Once a

number is chosen, the other player cannot choose it. The winner is the
person whose numbers add up exactly to 15. Is there a winning strategy?
Does this game remind you of another game?
Lecture 9: Symmetry Wins Games!

Contemplate Extreme Values
Lecture 10

We’ll look at several interesting examples, and in each case, the problem
is generally rather dif¿cult until we use the extreme principle. When we
use the extreme principle, the problem becomes nearly trivial.

his lecture focuses on an incredibly productive but little known (by
laypeople) tactic that simply advises one to contemplate the extremal
values in a problem. For example, look at the triangle of least area, the
largest variable, or the ¿rst time something occurs. This tactic has the nearly
magical ability to solve hard problems in a line or 2. I have often compared
expert use of the extreme principle to watching a martial artist break a board,
something that looks impossible yet effortless to the uninitiated.

How do you apply the extreme principle? Put your things in order,
contemplate the largest and/or smallest of these things, and be creative about
just what a thing is and how to measure it.

Here is a warm-up example: There are ¿nitely many points in the plane,
colored red or blue. Between any 2 red points, there is a blue point on the line
segment connecting them. Between any 2 blue points, there is a red point on
the line segment connecting them. What
kinds of con¿gurations are possible?
Sometimes the hardest
thing about an extreme Investigation yields the conjecture that
the only con¿gurations are linear, with
principle problem is points alternating colors. But how do
¿guring out which entity we prove this rigorously? Assume to the
should be contemplated. contrary that there is a 2-dimensional
con¿guration. Consider the triangle of
smallest positive area. Two vertices of
this triangle must be the same color, forcing a point to lie between them; this
creates a smaller triangle, which contradicts the minimality of the triangle.
So a 2-dimensional con¿guration is impossible!

Here is a problem from the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad: On a large,
Àat ¿eld, n people (n > 1) are positioned so that for each person, the distances
to each of the other people are different. Each person holds a water pistol and
at a given signal ¿res and hits the person who is closest. When n is odd, show
that there is at least 1 person left dry. Is this always true when n is even?

• When n is even, it is possible to have pairs of mutual antagonists, so

everyone gets wet.

• If n is odd, there must be at least some people whose victims are not
shooting them.

• Consider the person among these who shoots the furthest distance.

• Claim: This person stays dry!

The Handshake Problem

In the handshake problem, we use the extreme principle to solve a

problem that seems to have too little information for a solution.

• I invite 10 couples to a party at my house. I ask everyone

Lecture 10: Contemplate Extreme Values

present, including my wife, how many people they shook hands

with. It turns out that everyone questioned—I did not question
myself, of course—shook hands with a different number of
people. If we assume that no one shook hands with his or her
partner, how many people did my wife shake hands with?

• Make it easier by looking at smaller parties (with 0, 1, or 2

guests), which quickly leads to the conjecture that if there are
n guest couples, the hostess must shake hands with n people.
Thus we claim that the hostess shook hands with 10 people.

• But how do we prove it?

• Crux idea: Focus on the partner of the person who shakes

everyone’s hand (extreme principle). This person has to be the
one who shakes hands with no one.

• Now what? Banish this couple from the party!

• What remains? A party with 1 fewer couple but obeying the

same rules. Hence the 0-shaker must once again be partnered
with the maximal person.

• Continue until only 2 people are left, me and the person who
shook hands with 10 people.

Sometimes the hardest thing about an extreme principle problem is ¿guring

out which entity should be contemplated; this is what makes the following
problem rather dif¿cult. Imagine a ¿xed network of homes (i.e., a graph).
Each home is populated by a family that belongs to one of 2 ethnic groups.
A network is called diverse if for each home, it is never the case that the
majority of the neighbors come from the same ethnic group. Given any ¿xed
network, can it be made diverse?

How do you quantify network diversity? Look at the edges. The crux idea is
to maximize balanced edges! Given any ¿xed network, there are only ¿nitely
many ways to color the vertices. For each coloration, count the number of
balanced edges. Find the coloration with the greatest number of balanced
edges. This will be a diverse network!

How do we know this? Assume, to the contrary, that this network is not
diverse. Then there is a “bad” vertex. Change its color! This produces a
new coloration, with more balanced edges. But this is impossible! We have
created our contradiction. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Andreescu and Savchev, Mathematical Minatures, chap. 25.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 3.2.

Questions to Consider

1. Given an in¿nite chessboard with positive integers in each square,

arranged so that each square’s value is the average of its 4 neighbors to
the north, south, east, and west, prove that all the values must be equal.

2. Suppose you are given a ¿nite set of coins in the plane, all with
different diameters. Show that one of the coins is tangent to at most 5 of
the others.
Lecture 10: Contemplate Extreme Values

The Culture of Problem Solving
Lecture 11

There is a mathematical community. It’s a community of people who

are passionate about math. There’s a parallel culture that celebrates
intellectual intensity. It’s one that started in Eastern Europe, in a certain
sense, but it’s now ¿rmly entrenched in North America. If you’ve stuck
with me this far, then I will declare that you are now of¿cially inducted
into this culture.

e take a brief detour from solving mathematics problems to
look at problem solving as a cultural force. In Eastern Europe,
mathematics has long been respected, even among children, and
math contests play a role not unlike sports in the United States. We look at
the history of the Mathematical Olympiad culture and assess whether this
culture has a chance of taking root in the United States. I will draw upon my
experiences as a member of the ¿rst U.S. team to compete in the International
Mathematical Olympiad; my later career as a coach, problem writer, and
editor for these and other contests; and my current efforts to make the
San Francisco Bay Area become more like Bulgaria—at least with respect
to mathematics.

The culture of math circles, math contests, and math nerds (“nerd” is not a
pejorative) is a world where excellence in math is a social bene¿t and where
math contests are as popular as sports contests are in the United States. This
culture exists, but it is rare, both in space and time. Its roots are primarily
Eastern European. My ¿rst introduction to this culture was as a student at
Stuyvesant High School in New York, one of several specialized schools for
math and science. Unique features of this school included social acceptance
of intellectual achievement and opportunities for independent study with
teachers with doctorates.

Why did this culture Àourish in Eastern Europe? Mathematics and physics
were ways to escape totalitarianism. More intellectuals were drawn to math
and physics than in Western democracies. And the state rewarded scientists
with of¿cial status.

What is a math circle? The word “circle” is a direct translation of the
Russian word kruzhok. Math circles are like math clubs on steroids. They
are highly intensive and feature interaction with college and graduate
students, professors, and world-famous research mathematicians. The
curriculum is based on problem solving, and there is a deliberate effort to
transmit the folklore of problem solving. Most math circles are linked with
math competitions.

Here is a brief and incomplete history of these contests. The ¿rst modern one
was the Hungarian Problems, which began in 1906. The Moscow Olympiads
began in the 1930s. The International
Mathematical Olympiad began in 1959. At
¿rst, its participants were only Iron Curtain The important thing
countries, but gradually it has become more
about this culture
inclusive. The United States ¿rst participated
in 1974, and today nearly 100 nations is that it celebrates
participate. The style of these math contests is intellectual inquiry
unusual. In the United States, many exams are and intensity and
still multiple choice, but the Olympiad style is encourages passion
always essay-proof.
for investigating
How did this culture migrate to the United mathematics.
Lecture 11: The Culture of Problem Solving

States? Oversimplifying things, I will say this

was due to 2 important historical events. The
launch of Sputnik in 1957 impelled the West to emulate Eastern educational
achievement. The decline and fall of communism led to a great immigration
of Eastern European mathematicians.

Let’s look at the “math nerd culture.” There are now quite a few specialized
schools. There are also several summer camps devoted to mathematical
folklore transmission. There are online communities and an international
nerd culture that features T-shirts, frisbees, silly word games, and fetishistic
memorization of numbers such as ʌ. Famous mathematicians visit math
camps and clubs, and such luminaries become worshipped. The important
thing about this culture is that it celebrates intellectual inquiry and intensity
and encourages passion for investigating mathematics. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Bell, Men of Mathematics.

Olson, Count Down.

Recasting Integers Geometrically
Lecture 12

This and the next lecture focus on number theory, the study of the
integers. We’ve seen a little number theory so far in earlier lectures, but
now that we understand basic strategies and tactics, we can go deeper.

his lecture focuses on the chicken nuggets problem, a classic folklore
puzzle that originated in England over a century ago and is now a
mainstay of math clubs around the world. This rich problem can be
analyzed with induction, pictures, symmetry, careful counting principles, and
other approaches. We focus here on a visual approach, recasting the problem
into one of counting lattice points, with symmetry playing a key role.

The fundamental objects that we will be exploring are lattice points: the
points (x, y) on the coordinate plane, where both x and y are integers. By
contemplating lattice points as natural objects, we can convert algebraic
questions involving natural numbers into geometric questions, and
vice versa.
Lecture 12: Recasting Integers Geometrically

The Chicken Nuggets Problem

Bay Area Rapid Foods sells chicken nuggets in boxes of 7 and boxes
of 10. A number n is feasible if it is possible to buy n nuggets. For
example, 7 is the smallest feasible number, and the next ones after
that are 10, 14, 17, 20, 21, and 24. There are 2 natural questions.

• Is there a largest nonfeasible number, and if so, what is it?

• If there is a largest nonfeasible number, then how many

nonfeasible numbers are there?

The values 7 and 10 are probably not critical; we should look at
smaller, simpler values and try to get a general picture. In other
words, given positive integers a and b, if nuggets come in boxes of
size a and size b, what is the largest nonfeasible number, and how
many nonfeasible numbers are there?

• Here is the algebraic formulation: A number n is feasible if there

exist nonnegative integers x and y such that ax + by = n. If these
nonnegative numbers do not exist, we say that n is nonfeasible.

• Example: Let a = 5 and b = 7. Then list the nonfeasible and

feasible numbers.

• Nonfeasible: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 23.

• Feasible: 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28. It is clear that all values starting with 24 are feasible (since
5 in a row are).

• In general, we can assume that a and b are relatively prime.

• Why? Suppose, for example, that a = 15 and b = 21, both

sharing the factor of 3. Then the feasible numbers are those
values of n such that there exist nonnegative integers x and
y with 15x + 21y = n.

• But the left-hand side factors into 3(5x + 7y).

• Thus, n must be a multiple of 3. So let’s write n = 3m. We

now get 3(5x + 7y) = 3m, and we can divide both sides by
3, getting 5x + 7y = m.

• In other words, n is feasible for a = 15, b = 21 if and only if

it is a multiple of 3 and if n/3 is feasible for a = 5 and b = 7.

Can we ¿nd a visual interpretation?

• Of course! Suppose that 19 is feasible. Then there exist

nonnegative integers x and y such that 5x + 7y = 19. (Indeed,
x = 3, y = 2 works). But 5x + 7y = 19 is the equation of a line in
the coordinate plane!

• Visually, this is the same as saying that the line 5x + 7y = 19

contains a lattice point in the ¿rst quadrant.

• In other words, n is feasible if and only if the line 5x + 7y = n

has at least one lattice point in the ¿rst quadrant.

• If a and b are relatively prime, then a line with slope a/b either
has no lattice points on it or hits lattice points in a systematic
way, with each lattice point separated from the next by the
same vector.

• What about nonfeasible numbers? For example, 11 is

nonfeasible. That means that there is no lattice point on the line
Lecture 12: Recasting Integers Geometrically

5x + 7y = 11 in the ¿rst quadrant.

• One solution is (5, í2). All solutions are separated by the vector
(í7, 5). Remember that there are no lattice points on the dotted
line between the 2 lattice points.

• In other words, we can think of the solution lines

5x + 7y = n as parallel lines that come with lattice points,
spaced at equal intervals, and we need to ¿nd the ones that
have lattice points in quadrant 1. Those n’s are feasible, and the
others are nonfeasible.

Breakthrough idea: Let’s change our point of view and count lattice
points, not feasible or nonfeasible numbers!

• The highest nonfeasible number will be the highest “bad”

line stuck with a lattice point in quadrant 2. That will be
the line corresponding to (6, í1). If we plug (6, í1) into the
equation 5x + 7y, we get 23, which we know is the largest
nonfeasible number.

• In general, if a and b are relatively prime, using this exact

same procedure, the lattice point corresponding to the largest
nonfeasible number will be at (b í 1, í1). So if we plug
x = b í 1 and y = í1 into ax + by when we do the algebra,
we get ab í a í b, and that is our formula for the largest
nonfeasible number.

• Is there a relationship between the feasible and nonfeasible

numbers? If you look at that highest nonfeasible line and then
look at the line going through zero, you see a parallelogram
that is perfectly symmetrical, with rotational symmetry. Clearly
the number of feasible lattice points is going to be equal to the
number of nonfeasible lattice points, because the lattice points
that lie on the x and y axes are in quadrant 1 proper. There are
exactly the same number as the ones that lie in quadrant 2.

• Using symmetry, we can conclude that if you look at the

numbers between 0 and ab í a í b, exactly half will be feasible,
and exactly half will be nonfeasible. For example, if you go
from 0 to 23, that is a total of 24 numbers: 12 of them will be
feasible, and 12 of them will not be feasible. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Beck and Robbins, Computing the Continuous Discretely.

Sylvester, “Question 7382.”

Questions to Consider

1. Pick’s theorem (see Lecture 4, problem 2) is true for any polygon

whose vertices are lattice points. Try drawing several polygons to test
this empirically.

2. Suppose you accept on faith that Pick’s theorem is true for triangles.
How can you use this to prove that it is true for all polygons?
Lecture 12: Recasting Integers Geometrically

Recasting Integers with Counting and Series
Lecture 13

Like the last lecture, what we’re presenting here is pretty dif¿cult
mathematics. We’ll prove Fermat’s little theorem, which is one of
the most important theorems of elementary number theory, but
we’re going to prove it in a way that was not found in most number
theory textbooks.

his lecture employs the powerful strategies of recasting and rule
breaking to 2 classical theorems in number theory: Euler’s proof
of the in¿nitude of primes and Fermat’s little theorem. We use the
knowledge of modular arithmetic and in¿nite series that we developed
earlier. We begin by using simple counting ideas to explore number theory,
using the basic principle that if something can be counted, it is an integer.

Let’s go back, for a moment, to the earlier lecture about chicken nuggets. If
you were really, really observant, you may have noticed a gap in our argument.
We associated each lattice point with either a feasible or nonfeasible number.
But we blithely assumed for each number n that the equation ax + by = n
must pass through lattice points. How
do we know if it does? In other words,
We begin by using given relatively prime numbers a and b
simple counting ideas to and an integer n, can we be guaranteed
explore number theory, that there are integers x and y such that
ax + by = n?
using the basic principle
that if something can be We only need to consider n = 1. If we
counted, it is an integer. can ¿nd a solution for that, we can easily
get one for n = 2 and so on. A concrete
example: Show that 5x + 7y = 1 has
integer solutions. We will ¿nd a result that can easily be generalized to any
values of a and b. We count lattice points. For each integer n, the equation
5x + 7y = n determines a line with slope í5/7. As n ranges from 0 to 35, we
get a family of 36 parallel lines. Notice that if a line intersects one of the

lattice points, it will not intersect another. So each lattice point corresponds
to a different line. Thus, we just need to count the lattice points. They are
arranged in a parallelogram, but we can move the bottom points up. By
symmetry, we get a rectangle, and clearly there are 7 × 5 lattice points. Each
of the 35 lines for n = 0 to n = 34 hits a lattice point. So the n = 1 line hits a
lattice point, and we are done.

We can exploit the idea of counting in many other ways. Combinatorics has
its own logic and rules, which are pretty simple, at the start. Let’s look at
Fermat’s little theorem. We begin with an example: Find the remainder when
21000 is divided by 13. We can use modular arithmetic to solve this.

• Start with 21 = 2 (mod 13), and successively multiply by 2.

• Thus, 22 = 4, 23 = 8, and 24 = 16, which equals 3 (mod 13).

• Then 25 6 and 26 12 (mod 13). Now notice that 12 = í1

Lecture 13: Recasting Integers with Counting and Series

(mod 13). So instead of multiplying by 2, we square both sides.

• We get (26 ) 2 (1) 2 1 (mod 13). In other words, 212 = 1

(mod 13).

• This is the crux move, since now we can raise this to any
power we want with ease. Since 1000 = 12(83) + 4, we have
(212 )83 183 1 (mod 13).

• Hence 2996 1 (mod 13), and ¿nally, 21000 3 (mod 13).

The crux was ¿nding the exponent of 2 that equals 1 (mod 13). On the other
hand, if we try a nonprime mod, like (mod 10), we discover that the powers
of some numbers are never equal to 1 (mod 10), and for others we get 1, but
never when we raise to the ninth power. The sensible conjecture to try is that
if p is prime, then a p 1 = 1 (mod p) for any number that is not a multiple of p
itself. This is Fermat’s little theorem. We will prove this, but ¿rst we modify
the statement by multiplying both sides by a: a p a (mod p).

Let’s replace number theory with combinatorics. We will prove Fermat’s
little theorem for the concrete values p = 7 and a = 4 and demonstrate
that 47  4 is a multiple of 7 using simple counting principles. Imagine a
necklace with 7 identical beads. We wish to color them using any of 4 colors.
How many different necklaces are possible? Let’s make it easier. If it were
not a necklace but just a line of beads, then the number of different necklaces
would be 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 47 . That is promising, since it is a
number we are interested in. But since we have a necklace, we can slide
beads around. In fact, there will be 7 different linear sequences of colors that
are all really the same necklace.

Indeed, almost any linear color sequence is 1 of 7 “sisters” that form the same
necklace. In other words, each linear sequence is in a 7-member sorority.
The only exceptions are the 4 monochromatic sequences. These 4 sequences
belong to exclusive sororities: Each sorority has just 1 member. Notice that
we are using the fact that 7 is prime. If we had a 6-bead necklace, then the
pattern black-red-black-red-black-red would only give rise to 2 sisters. We
started with 47 linear color sequences. Of these, just 4 were monochromatic.
The remaining 47  4 sequences can be grouped into 7-member sororities
where each sorority member is actually the same necklace. So the total
number of different necklaces is ( 47  4 )/7 + 4. So 47  4 had to be a
multiple of 7, which was what we wanted to prove!

For our ¿nal example, we will give a second proof of the in¿nitude of primes,
due to Euler, that is notable for its surprise use of in¿nite series. We start
with the harmonic series, which is in¿nite.
1 1
• De¿ne Sk 1  " , and consider the in¿nite product
k k2
S2 S3 S5 S7 " , where the subscripts run through the prime numbers.

1 1 1 1
• The in¿nite product begins with (1    ")(1   2  " )
2 22 3 3
1 1
(1   2 ") … .
5 5

• When we expand this in¿nite product, it will give us each term of
the harmonic series; hence it is in¿nite.

• Each Sk is just an in¿nite (but convergent) geometric series.

• Now, assume to the contrary that there are only ¿nitely many
primes. Then there are only ¿nitely many Sk terms in our product.
That would make the harmonic series ¿nite. But it is in¿nite!
So there must be in¿nitely many Sk terms and hence in¿nitely
many primes! Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Vanden Eynden, Elementary Number Theory.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, chap. 7.

Questions to Consider
Lecture 13: Recasting Integers with Counting and Series

1. Use Fermat’s little theorem to ¿nd the remainder when 32009 is divided
by 19.

2. How many different necklaces can be made using 6 beads, if each bead
is a different color?

Things in Categories—The Pigeonhole Tactic
Lecture 14

What’s the unifying idea behind these pigeonhole problems? The

unifying idea is that we try to strive for commonality, for coincidence,
for uniformity, for equality. These are often things that we want to ¿nd
in a problem.

ike the extreme principle, this tactic seems almost vacuous: If you try
to put n + 1 pigeons into n pigeonholes, at least 1 hole will contain
at least 2 pigeons. Yet the pigeonhole principle allows us to solve an
amazing variety of problems. Among the applications we will explore is a
graph theory subject known as Ramsey theory, which provides a systematic
way of ¿nding patterns in seemingly random structures.

The simplest version of the pigeonhole principle is as follows: If you have

more things (pigeons) than categories (pigeonholes), at least 2 of the things
belong to the same category. For example: Suppose you color the in¿nite
plane in 2 colors, red and blue, in any arbitrary way. Prove that there are 2
points exactly 1 meter apart that are the same color.

• Pigeonhole solution: Consider an equilateral triangle with side

length 1 meter.

• Each of the 3 vertices is colored; there are only 2 possible colors.

• Let the vertices be pigeons, and the colors be holes. Since 3 > 2,
there is a hole with at least 2 pigeons.

Here is another example: People are seated around a circular table at a

restaurant. The food is placed on a lazy Susan in the center of the table. Each
person ordered a different dish, and it turns out that no one has the correct
dish in front of him or her! Show that it is possible to rotate the platform so
that at least 2 people will have the correct dish.

• People are the pigeons, but what are the holes?

• This is the challenging part of using the pigeonhole principle:

carefully formulating a penultimate step that will solve
the problem.

• Suppose there are n people. We can measure distance around the

table where n units is a full circle. Everyone starts out a certain
nonzero clockwise distance from their correct dish. The possible
distances are thus 1, 2, 3, … , n í 1.

• So at least 2 of them are the same distance from their correct dish.

• Move that distance, and we are done!

A third example: Prove that among any group of people, 2 of them have the
same number of friends in the group.
Lecture 14: Things in Categories—The Pigeonhole Tactic

• Crux recasting: graph theory! Prove that in any graph, 2 of the

vertices must have the same degree.

• This problem seems perfect for the pigeonhole principle, with

vertices as pigeons (things) and degree values as holes (categories).
For example, in a 6-vertex graph, there are 6 pigeons. So our
penultimate step would be 5 possible degree values.

• But there are 6 possible values! In a 6-vertex graph, a vertex can

have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 neighbors.

• Wishful thinking and the extreme principle tell us that there must be
a way to get rid of at least 1 degree value.

• Consider degree 0. If a graph has such a vertex, it is isolated from

the others, in which case no vertex can have degree 5.

• Conversely, if a vertex has degree 5, it is connected to all other
vertices, so no vertex can have degree 0.

• Thus the possible degree values are between 0 and 5, inclusive, but
cannot include both 0 and 5. So there are only 5 possible values,
and with 6 vertices, we can conclude that 2 vertices must have the
same degree!

Now we look at the intermediate version of the pigeonhole principle. Suppose

we put p pigeons into h holes. Then at least 1 hole contains at least ª« p / h º»
pigeons, where the brackets mean ceiling (the ceiling of x is the least integer
that is greater than or equal to x). Here is an
example: Suppose you have a drawer with 23
socks, and the socks come in 4 colors. Then The pigeonhole
you must have ǻ 23 / 4 ȼ ǻ5.75ȼ 6 socks
principle allows us
that are the same color.
to solve an amazing
Ramsey theory, named after Frank Ramsey, is variety of problems.
a branch of discrete math that concerns itself
with what kind of order is guaranteed, even in
a random structure. A typical Ramsey theorem says something like, “Given a
large enough structure, we are guaranteed to see a smaller substructure.” For
example, no matter how we 2-color the plane, we are guaranteed 2 points a
meter apart that are the same color.

Here is a classic example: Show that among any 6 people, either 3 of them
are mutual friends, or 3 are mutual strangers. Graph theory recasting: If you
2-color the edges of a complete graph with 6 vertices, then there must be
a monochromatic triangle! Use green and red. We want to see lots of one
color, since that would make it more likely to get a monochrome triangle.
The extreme principle suggests that we search for the vertex that has, say, the
maximum number of red edges emanating from it. The pigeonhole principle
gives us that maximum: Each vertex has 5 edges emanating from it. At least
ǻ5 / 2 ȼ 3 edges are the same color (say, red). Focus on the vertex we started
with plus the 3 others that are joined to it with a red edge. If any of these 3
vertices are joined with a red edge, we are done. But if none of them are red,
we have created a green monochromatic triangle.

Let’s generalize this problem. We just showed that if the edges of a K 6 are
2-colored, then there must be a monochromatic triangle. The Ramsey number
formulation of this is R(3, 3) = 6. The Ramsey number R(a, b) is de¿ned to
be the smallest number N such that if the edges of a K N are colored blue
and red, then there must be a red K a or a blue K b . Ramsey numbers can
use more than 2 colors. For example, R(3, 3, 3) is equal to the smallest N
such that if you 3-color the edges of a K N , you must have a monochromatic
triangle. Ramsey’s theorem states that the numbers R(a, b, c, … ) exist and
are ¿nite. Example: R(3, 3, 3), the only nontrivial Ramsey number known
involving more than 2 colors, is equal to 17. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Soifer, Mathematics as Problem Solving.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 3.3.
Lecture 14: Things in Categories—The Pigeonhole Tactic

Questions to Consider

1. Given a unit square, show that if 5 points are placed anywhere inside or
on this square, then 2 of them must be at most units apart.
2. People have at most 150,000 hairs on their head. How many people must
live in a city in order to guarantee that at least 10 people have exactly
the same number of hairs on their head?

The Greatest Uni¿er of All—Invariants
Lecture 15

The central idea of this course is the analytic approach to problem

solving, looking at things from a higher level. We want, as often as
possible, to have a bird’s-eye view. Invariants are a very, very high-level
way at looking at many, many problems. It’s important to cultivate this
attitude of deconstructing and analyzing problems that are solved and
even unsolved to see the central underlying ideas behind them.

nvariants are central to mathematics, yet most laypeople have never
heard of them. In this lecture, we show how the concept of invariants
contains both symmetry and parity. We tweak it to look at monovariants
and use these to study some interesting games. We also continue our study of
modular arithmetic, which we now see is merely a special case of the grand
unifying principle of invariants.

An invariant is any quantity or quality that stays unchanged. A geometric

example is the power of a point theorem. In any circle, when 2 chords intersect
inside a circle, they obey the equation AE × EB = DE × EC. Likewise, when
chords intersect outside the circle, EA × EB = ED × EC.

These 2 theorems seem like related results about intersecting lines and
circles, but in fact they are actually manifestations of a single fact. For any
¿xed point P and any ¿xed circle, draw any line through P that intersects
the circle in points X and Y. De¿ne the power of P to be the quantity (PX)
(PY). The power of a point theorem says that for any ¿xed circle and any
¿xed point, this quantity is invariant, no matter which line we choose. This
invariant formulation is true no matter where the point is located.

The Hotel Room Paradox

This is a classic brainteaser that exploits our native instinct to look

for invariants. Three women check into a hotel room that advertises
a rate of $117 per night. They each give $40 to the porter, and they
ask him to bring back $3. The porter goes to the desk, where he
learns that the room is actually only $115 per night. He gives $115
to the desk clerk and gives the guests back each $1, deciding not
to tell them about the actual rate. Thus the porter has pocketed $2,
while each guest has spent $39, for a total of 2 + (3 × 39) = $119.
What happened to the other dollar?

• The question is not what happened to the dollar, but how do the
variables relate to one another? What is invariant?

• The money the guests paid is equal to the amount that the
hotel received (“hotel” means the porter and the desk). In other
words, if g, p, and d are respectively equal to what the guests
pay, what the porter pockets, and what the desk receives, then
Lecture 15: The Greatest Uni¿er of All—Invariants

the quantity g í p í d is an invariant, always equal to 0.

• The “paradox” is the fact that g + p = 119, which is close to

120. But this quantity is not invariant, and it can assume many
values. For example, if the actual price of the hotel was $100,
then the porter would give the desk $100, return $3 to the
guests, and keep $17. Then g + p = 119 + 17 = 126, which
seems less paradoxical.

• What confuses people is that they think $120 is invariant.

And it is, as long as you think clearly about it: 120 is not the
invariant amount of dollars “in circulation.” Instead, 120 is the
invariant “net worth” of the guests: the sum of the dollars they
possess, the value of their room, and the amount that the porter
stole. These numbers indeed add up to 120.

Here is another classic puzzler: Bottle A contains a quart of milk, and bottle
B contains a quart of black coffee. Pour a half-pint of coffee from B into A,
mix well, and then pour a half-pint of this mixture back into bottle B. What
is the relationship between the fraction of coffee in A and the fraction of milk
in B? It is possible to do this with algebra, and when we do so, we discover
the surprising fact that the fraction of coffee in A is equal to the fraction
of milk in B. But this can made obvious once we think about invariants.
The coffee and milk both satisfy conservation of mass (really, volume). So if
bottle A has x ounces of coffee “pollution,” then
bottle B is missing x ounces of coffee and thus
A monovariant
has x ounces of milk pollution. Both bottles are
is a quantity that equally polluted.
changes, but only
in one direction. Here is an example using a parity invariant:
Let a1 , a2 , } , an represent an arbitrary
arrangement of the numbers 1, 2, 3, … , n. Prove
that if n is odd, the product (a1  1)(a2  2)" (an  n) is even. First, we give
a solution that uses a pigeonhole argument. An alternative solution uses
invariants. Given any permutation a1 , a2 , } , an , observe that the quantity
(a1  1)  (a2  2)  "  (an  n) is invariant; namely, equal to zero! Thus the
terms in the product we are interested in add up to zero, and there are an
odd number of them. Clearly, they cannot all be odd, since a sum of an odd
number of odd numbers is always odd, and zero is even. So one term must
be even.

Here is an example that uses congruence: At ¿rst, a room is empty. Each

minute, either 1 person enters or 2 people leave. After exactly an hour, could
the room contain 100 people? Get your hands dirty to work out examples.
Is there anything that all the possible outcomes have in common at a ¿xed
time? Yes! Suppose the population is p at some time. A minute later, the
population will be either p + 1 or p í 2. Notice that these numbers differ by
3. This pattern will continue inde¿nitely, so at any ¿xed time, there will be
many different outcomes, but they will all be congruent (mod 3). In other
words, for any ¿xed time, population is invariant modulo 3. One possible
outcome is a population of 60. Thus, all possible outcomes in 60 minutes
are congruent to 60 (mod 3). Since 60 is a multiple of 3, and 100 is not, we
conclude that the population cannot equal 100 after an hour.

A monovariant is a quantity that changes, but only in one direction.
Monovariants are useful for studying evolving systems. Here is a simple
example (due to John Conway), called Belgian wafÀes. Two people take
turns cutting up a wafÀe that is 6 squares × 8 squares. They are allowed to
cut the wafÀe only along a division between the squares, and cuts can be only
straight lines. The last player who can cut the wafÀe wins. Is there a winning
strategy for the ¿rst or second player? This is actually a fake game. There
is no strategy because of this simple monovariant: Each move increases the
number of pieces by 1! You start with 1 piece (the whole wafÀe), so the
game ends in 47 moves no matter what the players do!

The next problem illustrates the power of monovariants to cut through the
complexity of evolving systems. At time t = 0 minutes, a virus is placed into
a colony of 2009 bacteria. Every minute, each virus destroys 1 bacterium,
after which all the bacteria and viruses divide in 2. For example, at t = 1,
there will be 2008 × 2 = 4016 bacteria and 2 viruses. Will the bacteria be
driven to extinction? If so, when will this happen? There are complicated
algebraic formulas that will do the trick, but monovariants are a better way.
Let b and v be the respective populations at a certain time, and let bƍ and
vƍ be the populations 1 minute later. It is easy to see that bƍ = 2(b í v) =
Lecture 15: The Greatest Uni¿er of All—Invariants

2b í 2v and that vƍ = 2v. The trick is to manipulate these quantities to recover

something that is almost constant. If we divide, we get

bc 2b  2v b
1 .
vc 2v v

In other words, the ratio b/v is a monovariant: It decreases by 1 each minute.

At t = 0, the ratio is 2009/1 = 2009. In 2009 minutes, it will decrease to 0,
and the bacteria will be wiped out. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Engel, Problem-Solving Strategies, chap. 1.

Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 3.4.

Questions to Consider

1. A graph that can be drawn so that edges do not cross is called a planar
graph. For example, a typical picture of a K 4 has the 2 diagonal edges
crossing, but it is possible to draw this graph where one diagonal is
“inside” and the other is “outside,” so that K 4 is planar. Given any
planar graph, it is easy to count the number of vertices (v), edges (e),
and regions bounded by edges (r). Discover an invariant involving
these variables.

2. Can you ¿nd distinct integers a, b, and c such that a í b evenly divides
b í c, b í c evenly divides c í a, and c í a evenly divides a í b?

Squarer Is Better—Optimizing 3s and 2s
Lecture 16

In this lecture, we will return to our old friend symmetry to explore

questions of distribution and optimization. Along the way, we will
develop a new proof method called algorithmic proof, where we imagine
a sequence of steps, an algorithm, which [is] guaranteed to solve
our problem.

ur anchor problem is an International Mathematical Olympiad
problem about a maximal product: Determine, with proof, the
largest number that is the product of positive integers whose sum is
1976. Intuition may tell us to try a square: 988 × 988 = 976,144. But we can
do better. For example, 987 × 987 × 2 = 1,948,338. Clearly we need more
investigation! First, let’s consider simpler, more constrained questions.

• Warm-up: A rectangle is made of 12 inches of wire. What should

the dimensions be to maximize the area?
Lecture 16: Squarer Is Better—Optimizing 3s and 2s

• One solution is to appeal to symmetry: Obviously, the rectangle of

largest area is the most symmetrical. So the dimensions are 3 × 3.

• How do we do this rigorously? General question: If x and y have

¿xed sum S, what is the maximum value of the product P = xy, and
what will x and y be when this maximum is attained?

• Conjecture: Maximum is ( S / 2) 2 , when x = y = S/2.

• This can be proven with calculus.

But a better way to prove this squarer-is-better principle is with a picture.

Let S = x + y. In other words, S is the diameter of the semicircle. By similar
triangles, g/x = y/g, so g xy . The maximum value of xy is attained when
x = y = S/2. As the distance between 2 positive numbers decreases, their
product increases, provided that their sum stays constant. Note that this is a
dynamic principle.

A reformulation of this is the 2-dimensional arithmetic-geometric mean
inequality (AM-GM): If x and y are nonnegative, then (x + y)/2 t xy , with
equality attained when x = y. The AM-GM is also true in higher dimensions.
For example, in 3 dimensions, the statement is
(x + y + z)/3 t 3 xyz , which is very hard to
But a better way prove using algebra alone. The 2-dimensional
to prove this AM-GM is not too hard to prove with algebra. It
squarer-is-better is equivalent to ( x  y ) 2 t 0 , which is certainly
always true. But it is hopeless to prove the general
principle is with
n-dimensional AM-GM with algebraic methods.
a picture.
However, we can use the 2-dimensional
squarer-is-better principle to prove AM-GM in
any dimension if we leave algebra behind and instead view the problem in
terms of physics. The original formulation for n variables is as follows:

• Let x1 , x2 , } , xn be positive real numbers.

x1  x2  "  xn n
• Then t x1 x2 " xn , with equality only when the
numbers are equal.

Here is a reformulation: Let the sum S of x1 , x2 , } , xn be ¿xed, and let

the product be P. Then the AM-GM asserts that S / n t n P , with equality
only when the xi are all equal. Raising by the nth power, we get P d ( S / n) n.
We prove this reformulated version by using an algorithmic method with
weights. We make the process of ¿nding an optimal product a physical
process. The breakthrough idea is to make the xi unit weights placed on a
number line. Then their average value corresponds to their balancing point!

Let’s return to the 1976 International Mathematical Olympiad problem. We

have seen how powerful symmetry is. Our instinct that equal values optimize
products has been rigorously proven. But what if we are unable to make the
parts equal?

• There are 2 dif¿culties: We are not told how many numbers are in
the product. And even if we were, we could not guarantee that the
values would be integers if we made them all equal.

• Begin your investigation by replacing 1976 with smaller values.

• Conjecture: Use only 3s and 2s.

• Why? Once again, try an algorithmic method. Assume that we have

a maximal product of integers with a ¿xed sum and that we have
numbers that are not 3s and 2s.

• Conclusion: The only numbers possible in an optimal product are

2s and 3s.

• Next, notice that if you have three 2s, you can replace them
with two 3s.

• So that gives us the optimal breakdown: all 3s, unless you have
Lecture 16: Squarer Is Better—Optimizing 3s and 2s

to have some 2s, but never more than two 2s. For example, 12
breaks into 3 × 3 × 3 × 3, but 13 gives us 3 × 3 × 3 × 2 × 2.

• And 1976 breaks into 3658 u 2 . Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Kazarinoff, Geometric Inequalities.

Niven, Maxima and Minima without Calculus.

Questions to Consider

1. If you have a ¿xed length of wire and you are to make a rectangle of
maximum area, you know that a square is optimal. But what if one side
of your rectangle is already provided? For example, suppose you are
building a rectangular fence, one of whose sides is a river? What will
the optimal dimensions be? (Hint: symmetry.)

2. Use the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality and symmetry to prove

the nice inequality (a + b)(b + c)(c + a) • 8abc, for positive a, b, and c.

Using Physical Intuition—and Imagination
Lecture 17

This lecture, like the earlier one about games, does not attempt to
teach you new problem-solving strategies or tactics. Instead, we will
look at a few problems in depth and use methods that we’ve already
seen. Our goal is to continue to reinforce the all-important ideas of
symmetry, but now we’ll add its “mother,” invariance, now that we’ve
learned something about that. In particular, we will channel our
intuition about the so-called “real world” to use physical invariants to
solve a problem.

his lecture is inspired by a problem that I proposed for the USA
Mathematical Olympiad only to ¿nd out that a variant of it had been
used for years as a job interview question for a hedge fund. This
challenging problem about marbles on a track combines much of what we
have studied: invariants, symmetry, drawing pictures, and getting your hands
Lecture 17: Using Physical Intuition—and Imagination

dirty. Notably, we use physical intuition to get to the heart of the problem.

The Marbles on a Track Problem

Several marbles are placed on a circular track of circumference

1 meter. The width of the track and the radii of the marbles are
negligible. Each marble is randomly given an orientation, clockwise
or counterclockwise. At time zero, each marble begins to travel with
speed 1 meter per minute, where the direction of travel depends
on the orientation. Whenever 2 marbles collide, they bounce back
with no change in speed, obeying the laws of inelastic collision.
What can you say about the possible locations of the marbles after
1 minute with respect to their original positions? There are 3 factors
to consider: the number of marbles, their initial locations, and their
initial orientations.

This is a challenging problem, and we need a good venue for investigation.
The geometry of the circle is irrelevant; only the fact that there is no beginning
or end is important. Hence the following warm-up, Martin Gardner’s classic
airplane problem. Several planes are based on
a small island. The tank of each plane holds
just enough fuel to take it halfway around the We use physical
world. Fuel can be transferred from the tank intuition to get to the
of 1 plane to the tank of another while the heart of the problem.
planes are in Àight. The only source of fuel is
on the island, and we assume that there is no
time lost in refueling either in the air or on the ground. What is the smallest
number of planes that will ensure the Àight of 1 plane around the world on a
great circle, assuming that the planes have the same constant speed and rate
of fuel consumption and that all planes return safely to the base?

• Key idea: Circular motion can be modeled on a distance-time graph;

just remember that the start and end are really the same point.

• We will show that it is possible to Ày around the world with just 3

planes. Call the planes A, B, and C.

• First A, B, and C leave together, Àying for 1 unit (1/8 of the

way around the world).

• Then C transfers 1 unit each to the other 2 planes. This gives

C enough to return to base, while the other 2 now have
full tanks.

• A and B travel for 1 more unit, and then B transfers 1 unit to

A. This leaves A with a full tank and B with enough to return
to base.

• A now has enough fuel to get to within 2 units of the
destination. As soon as B returns to base (when A has
reached the halfway point, with 2 units of fuel left), B
refuels and heads for A’s location (traveling backward
this time).

• When B reaches A, B transfers 1 unit to A, and they both

Ày toward base. Meanwhile, C heads out again, reaching
A and B, transferring 1 unit to each of them, and then all 3
head home.

• Notice how the second half of the story is symmetrical with respect
to the ¿rst.

Here is another warm-up problem, one that uses reÀection: A laser

strikes mirror BC at point C. The beam continues its path, bouncing
off mirrors AB and BC according to the rule angle of incidence equals
angle of reÀection. If AB = BC, determine the number of times the
Lecture 17: Using Physical Intuition—and Imagination

beam will bounce off the 2 line segments (including the ¿rst bounce,
at C).

• Key insight: The broken-line path of the laser will be unbroken if

you reÀect across the mirror.

• If it works once, it can be done again. Relentless reÀection solves

the problem by straightening out the path.

• Instead of the actual laser path, look at the straight line. We merely
need to count the number of times it intersects the boundary of one
of the reÀected mirrors. Answer: 6 bounces. Ŷ

The Marbles on a Track Problem, Solved

It is possible to ¿nd starting positions that change after 1 minute.

In one example, we start with 5 balls, and they end up in different

positions. However, the ending locations are a permutation of
the original locations. For example, the black ball is now at the
starting position of the blue ball, and the blue ball is where the
green ball was. The principle of reÀection and the clever use of a
simple distance-time representation on graph paper help us see that
the problem is not that complex. Suppose we were color-blind. A
diagram of the paths would be the same as before, but we could
not keep track of which marble is which. Pretend that the marbles
are ghosts that can pass through one another. Then, of course, each
marble ends up at exactly the same spot where it began.

This explains why the ¿nal positions of the marbles must coincide
with the original positions, up to a permutation. Which permutations
are possible? Remember that marbles cannot actually pass through
one another, so the order of the marbles cannot change. All that can
happen is a cyclic permutation. How do we predict the permutation?
If we started with 6 balls, there are 6 possible permutations.
However, there are 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2, which equals 64, different
choices of initial orientation for the balls. How do these orientations
inÀuence the ¿nal result?

An invariant saves the day: Collisions only happen between balls

of opposite velocity, and when they collide, the 2 balls swap
velocities (and paths). Thus the sum of the velocities is constant.
This is the same as conservation of angular momentum. In general,
if the net clockwise excess is c, then the net clockwise travel will
be c full rotations of the circle. The only cyclic permutation that
accomplishes this is the one in which each ball moves c balls
clockwise. The key ideas we used were physical intuition, looking
for invariants, and symmetry.

Suggested Reading

Gardner, Martin Gardner’s Sixth Book, chap. 4.

Kendig, Sink or Float?
Tanton, Solve This.

Questions to Consider

1. A monk climbs a mountain. He starts at 8 am and reaches the summit

at noon. He spends the night on the summit. The next morning, he
leaves the summit at 8 am and descends by the same route that he used
the day before, reaching the bottom at noon. Prove that there is a time
between 8 am and noon at which the monk was at exactly the same spot
on the mountain on both days. (Notice that we do not specify anything
about the speed that the monk travels. For example, he could race at
1000 miles per hour for the ¿rst few minutes, then sit still for hours,
then travel backward, etc. Nor does the monk have to travel at the same
Lecture 17: Using Physical Intuition—and Imagination

speeds when going up as going down.)

2. Imagine a laser beam that starts at the southwest corner of a square and
moves northeast with a slope of 7/11. How many times will it bounce
before it returns to its starting point?

Geometry and the Transformation Tactic
Lecture 18

There’s lots of geometry to study. ... What we will look at is

transformational geometry. I’ve chosen it because of its unexpectedness
and its very much higher-order connections to problem-solving ideas
that we’ve already seen, such as symmetry and invariance.

his is the only lecture in the course wholly devoted to geometry. We
look at geometric transformation, a great example of the problem-
solving strategy of reversing one’s point of view. We apply this idea
to a number of problems that initially appear completely intractable but
become almost trivial once we are comfortable with dynamic entities like
rotations, vectors, and reÀections.

We devote this lecture to a tiny fraction of transformational geometry because

of its connections to ideas already familiar to us, in particular, symmetry and
invariants. Before we get into the details of transformational geometry, here
is a problem to think about that we will solve later with the transformational
methods we develop. Suppose a pentagon (not necessarily regular) is drawn
on the plane. The midpoints of each side
are found. Then, suppose the original
Transformational pentagon is erased, leaving only the
geometry was pioneered midpoints. Can the original pentagon
in 1872 by the German be reconstructed?
mathematician Felix Klein
Transformational geometry was
and is an example of the pioneered in 1872 by the German
strategy of reversing mathematician Felix Klein and is an
one’s point of view. example of the strategy of reversing
one’s point of view. Klein suggested that
the proper way to think about geometry
was not to focus on the objects but instead to contemplate the transformations
that act on them. Why are transformations important? Because they are
not just geometric but also algebraic entities. You do not add or subtract
transformations, but you can sort of multiply them by composition.

In our exploration of the algebra of transformations, we restrict our attention
to the plane and look at just 3 types of transformations: reÀections, rotations,
and translations. Let’s look at the composition of reÀections: Let Fh denote
a reÀection across line h. Note that Fh leaves all the points of h invariant.
In general, the ¿xed points of a reÀection are a line. When composing 2
reÀections, there are 3 cases: The lines are the same, parallel, or meet in a
single point.

Let’s look at the composition of 2 rotations. First we need a lemma about

what happens to a line under rotation. Rotated line lemma: Suppose line h is
rotated by a rotation with center A and angle Į. Let hƍ be the image of h. Then
hƍ makes an angle of Į with h. The proof is a similar triangles argument. Now
that you have a feel for rotating lines, here is a fantastic example. Suppose
you are given 3 parallel lines: A1 , A 2 , and A 3 . Is it possible to construct
an equilateral triangle such that each vertex of the triangle lies on one of
each of these lines? Starting with A, what transformation leaves parts of the
triangle invariant?

• One idea: Clockwise rotation by 60° about A.

Lecture 18: Geometry and the Transformation Tactic

• Now consider this rotation, but let line A 3 go along for the ride!

• Its image is A 4 , and where it intersects A 2 is the point B. Now we

can construct the triangle.

By using parts of the ¿gure and the knowledge that the rotation moved one
point of the unknown triangle to another unknown point, we were able to
construct the location of both points! Now we are ready to understand the
composition of 2 rotations. No matter where the centers are, the composition
is just another rotation about this center, where the angle is just the sum
of the 2 angles. But if the angles for 2 rotations add up to 360°, then the
composition of the 2 rotations is a translation. This is an unexpected but
helpful fact that is the tool we need for the pentagon problem. Let’s call it the
reÀection-translation tool.

Now let’s use this tool to solve the pentagon problem that we began our
lecture with.

• Use wishful thinking to pretend you know the pentagon’s vertices:

A, B, C, D, and E. In reality, the only points that we know about are
the midpoints: X, Y, Z, V, and W.

• Crux idea: Rotations of 180° about midpoints. These rotations bring

(unknown) vertices to vertices.

• Compose the 5 rotations by 180° about X, Y, Z, V, and W; this brings

A back to its starting point.

• So do one more rotation of 180°, about X again. That brings A to B.

• It was a composition of 6 rotations, each of 180°, and 6 × 180° =

1080° = 3 × 360°.

• So it is a translation!

• We can perform this 6-rotation composition on any point we like. It

took A to B. However, there is one problem: We do not know where
A is!

• Just pick a random point P. Perform the 6-rotation composition on

P, getting successive points P1 , P2 , } , P6 .

• We know that the vector from P to P6 is the same as the vector

from A to B!

• The line segment joining P1 and P6 has the same length as the
mystery side AB of our pentagon. Draw a line parallel to this
segment that goes through X, and mark off equal segments on either
side of X whose length is half of AB. We have just reconstructed
segment AB!

Why did it work? The higher-level reason for this is that we did not use
the transformations randomly, but instead searched for transformations that
leave parts of our problem invariant. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Liu, Hungarian Problem Book III.

Needham, Visual Complex Analysis, chap. 1.
Yaglom, Geometric Transformations I.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 8.5.

Questions to Consider

1. Let IJK be an arbitrary triangle with equilateral triangles constructed on

each edge. Thus IJL, KJM, and IKN are all equilateral triangles. Prove
that IM, KL, and JN have exactly the same length. (Hint: Perform a
rotation or 2.)
Lecture 18: Geometry and the Transformation Tactic

2. Let Rk denote rotation by 90° counterclockwise about the point (k, 0) in

the plane. The composition of R0, R1, R2, R3, in that order, has a total of
360° of rotation and hence is a translation (possibly the identity). What
translation is it? Can you generalize to n rotations, where each is about
(k, 0), and the angle is 360/n?

Building from Simple to Complex with Induction
Lecture 19

Induction has its own context. Inductive proofs usually involve problems
that involve evolving structures that build upon simpler structures or
problems that have recurrence, for example, the recurrence relation
de¿ning the Fibonacci numbers.

athematical induction is the natural way to prove assertions that are
recursive, that is, where simpler cases evolve into more complex
cases that depend on the earlier cases. Our cornerstone problem is
a folkloric tiling of a punctured chessboard, and we also apply induction to
combinatorial geometry and a probability problem from the Putnam exam.

Mathematical induction is a proof method closely related to algorithmic

proof. It especially works with problems involving evolving structures that
build upon simpler structures. Let’s begin with a folklore problem that we
will eventually solve using mathematical induction: Consider a 22009 u 22009
chessboard with a single 1 × 1 square removed. Show that no matter where
the small square is removed, it is possible to tile this “punctured” chessboard
with L-trominos (2 × 2 squares with one 1 × 1 square removed).

We know that 2009 is a red herring, so we focus on whether it will work for
any chessboard of size 2n u 2n . It certainly works when n = 1 or n = 2. Can
we bootstrap from n = 2 to n = 3 to n = 4 and so on? Mathematical induction
allows us to prove an empirical pattern and show how it extends inde¿nitely.
In general, mathematical induction proof involves a sequence of propositions,
Pn , indexed by natural numbers. We wish to prove that P1 , P2 , } are all
true. To do this, we ¿rst show that P1 (the base case) is true. Then we need
to establish the principle that if each case is true, the next one will be as well:
In other words, for all positive integers n, if Pn is true, then Pn 1 will also be
true. The assumption that Pn is true is called the inductive hypothesis. We do
not know if it is true, but we use its truth to prove that Pn 1 is true.

A simple example: The plane is divided into regions by straight lines.

Show that it is always possible to color the regions with 2 colors so that

adjacent regions are never the same color. Let’s call colorings such as the
above “nice.” De¿ne Pn to be “If the plane is divided into regions by n
straight lines, then it is possible to color nicely.” This is clearly true for n
= 1 (we have proven the base case). But what about, say, n = 10? We need
an algorithm for moving from the nth case to the (n + 1)th case. Keep things
concrete: Suppose I can nicely color any 5-line con¿guration. How can I
use this to nicely color an arbitrary 6-line con¿guration? Here is the formal
solution for the inductive step.

• Suppose Pn is true. Given any (n + 1)-line con¿guration, temporarily

ignore one of the lines.

• Now you have an n-line con¿guration, which you know you can
color nicely.

• Finally, invert the colors on one side of the (n + 1)th line.

Lecture 19: Building from Simple to Complex with Induction

Another problem about lines: Lines in a plane are in general position if no 2

are parallel and no 3 meet in a point. If 10 lines are drawn in general position
in the plane, into how many regions do they divide the plane?

Clearly we want to discover a formula for n lines. If we let Rn denote the

number of regions made by n lines in general position, we conjecture that
Rn = n + Rn 1 . Notice that this is the key to
a rigorous induction proof, because it actually
suggests the way that you go from the (n – 1) Mathematical
case to the nth case (from one case to the next induction is a
case). Suppose we have n í 1 lines in general proof method
position, creating Rn 1 regions.
closely related to
Imagine drawing a new line so that it is not algorithmic proof.
parallel to any of the other lines and does not
intersect them in any of the previous intersection
points. This new line will intersect each of the (n í 1) old lines, producing
a new region each time an intersection is achieved. When the new line
intersects the last of the old lines and exits, one ¿nal new region will be
produced, for a total of n new regions.

Here is a probability example from the 2002 Putnam exam: Shanille O’Keal
shoots free throws on a basketball court. She hits the ¿rst and misses the
second; thereafter, the probability that she hits the next shot is equal to the
proportion of shots she has hit so far. What is the probability she hits exactly
50 of her ¿rst 100 shots?

• After the second toss, the proportion of successes is 1/2, so on toss

3, we have a 1/2 chance of getting another basket.

• For toss 4, it gets more complex. We employ the draw a picture

strategy loosely and create a tree diagram that shows all
the scenarios.

• The outcomes have equal probability! This is somewhat surprising,

but we can attempt to prove it with induction.

• Let P(b, t) denote the probability that we get b baskets in t tosses.

Our conjecture is that P(b, t) = 1/(t í 1) for each of the valid values
of b (between 1 and t í 1).

• We will prove this by induction on t. This time, our base case is

t = 2, and it is trivially true.

• Suppose that P(b, t) = 1/(t í 1) for some value of t greater than

or equal to the base case of 2. We will use this to prove that
P(b, t + 1) = 1/t.

• How do we get b baskets in t + 1 tosses? Either we get a basket on

the t + 1 toss, or we do not.

• Suppose we do not get a basket. Then we accumulated b

baskets in the ¿rst t tosses. By the inductive hypothesis, this
has probability 1/(t í 1). At this point, the probability we will
get a new basket is equal to the current proportion, b/t. So the
probability that we end up with b baskets by missing the last
toss is [1/(t í 1)](1 í b/t) = (t í b)/t(t í 1).

• Now suppose we do get a basket on the ¿nal toss. Then we
accumulated b í 1 baskets in the ¿rst t tosses. By the inductive
hypothesis, this also has probability 1/(t í 1). The probability
we will get a new basket is equal to the current proportion,
(b í 1)/t. So the probability that we end up with b baskets by
missing the last toss is [1/(t í 1)](b í 1)/t = (b í 1)/t(t í 1).

• Adding these 2 probabilities, we get (b í 1)/t(t í 1) + (t í b)/

t(t í 1) = (t í 1)/t(t í 1) = 1/t.

The induction proof is formally correct but not fully illuminating. This is a
feature of some induction proofs. You can verify how to get from t to t + 1,
but you sometimes do not know why it works.

Let’s return to the tromino problem. Here is a way to go from n = 3 to n = 4.

Lecture 19: Building from Simple to Complex with Induction

• The crux idea: symmetry!

• Given an arbitrary 16 × 16 tile board missing 1 tile, without loss of

generality, the hole is in the southwest quandrant.

• Place a tromino in the center so that it takes a single bite out of each
of the other quadrants.

• Now all 4 quadrants have a single hole; by the inductive hypothesis

(for the 8 × 8 minus 1 board), we can tile each of them!

• Clearly this can be generalized; this is our inductive algorithm. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Fomin and Itenberg, Mathematical Circles, chap. 9.

Goodaire and Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory,
sec. 5.1.
Maurer and Ralston, Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, chap. 2.

Questions to Consider

1. Conjecture a formula for the sum of the ¿rst n Fibonacci numbers. Then
prove your formula by induction.

2. Prove that Fn  2n , where Fn denotes the nth Fibonacci number.

Induction on a Grand Scale
Lecture 20

Imagine that you had a lot of time and you wrote out many, many rows
of Pascal’s triangle, like a couple quadrillion rows. Then you took all of
those numbers, and you put them on little pieces of paper, and you put
it in a hat. Then you shook the hat really, really well, and you picked out
a number at random, and you check to see if it’s odd or even. What’s
the probability that that number will be even? That’s the question
we’re going to ask, but since Pascal’s triangle is in¿nite, we have to
think about an in¿nite process.

hat is the probability that a randomly chosen number in Pascal’s
triangle is even? This problem is surprisingly easy to investigate
but requires sophistication to resolve. By this stage, you have a
good grasp of investigative methods, summation, mathematical induction,
and modular arithmetic, so you are ready for this investigation, the ¿rst of
the advanced lectures as we approach the end of the course.

So what is the probability that a randomly chosen member of Pascal’s triangle

is even? This is a meaningless question as posed; Pascal’s triangle is in¿nite!
A reformulation: Let Pn be the probability that a randomly chosen element
from the ¿rst n rows of Pascal’s triangle is even. Does Pn converge to
Lecture 20: Induction on a Grand Scale

something as n approaches in¿nity? We are asking a question about density.

De¿ne the density of a subset S of the natural numbers by computing the
probability that a randomly chosen integer from the ¿rst n integers is in S.
Then we see what happens to Pn as n gets arbitrarily large. If it converges,
then that is S’s density. The density of the even integers is 1/2. The density
of the perfect squares is 0, since among the ¿rst n2 integers, exactly n are
squares, so the relative frequency is 1/n, which gets arbitrarily small.

Recall that we called the elements of Pascal’s triangle binomial coef¿cients

and asserted that the elements of row n Pascal’s triangle were the coef¿cients
of the binomial (1  x) n . For example, (1  x) 4 x 4  4 x3  6 x 2  4 x  1 , and
indeed, the coef¿cients are the numbers in row 4. This is actually quite easy
to prove, now that we know about induction. Let Pn be the statement that the

coef¿cients of (1  x) n are the elements of row n. The base case is obvious,
since row 0 is just 1, and row 1 is 1, 1. We want to prove the inductive
step now, but let’s keep it concrete and informal. We will just show that P5
implies P6 ; our argument will generalize easily.

• Start with the inductive hypothesis: (1 + x)5 = 1x5 + 5x4 + 10x3 +

10x2 + 5x + 1.

• Thus (1  x)6 will be this polynomial, multiplied by (1 + x).

• This is exactly how we get row 6 of Pascal’s triangle:

(1  x)6 1x 6  6 x5  15 x 4  20 x3  15 x 2  6 x  1 .

Now let’s look at the parity of the numbers of Pascal’s triangle. We will work
(mod 2). Look at the ¿rst 9 rows. At ¿rst, there are not many evens at all. But
row 4 and row 8 are all even, except for the ubiquitous 1s that start and end
every row. And notice that rows 3 and 7 are all 1s. We conjecture that row
2n  1 will be all 1s and that row 2n will be all 0s, except for the ¿rst and
last terms. Clearly, the second statement follows from the ¿rst, but how do
we prove the ¿rst statement?

Now look at rows 0–32. We see a fractal structure, with inverted triangles
of 0s. What causes them? The seed of the 0 triangles is the row of all 1s,
since this forces the next row to be all 0s (except the ¿rst and last terms).
The natural way to look at the parity of Pascal’s triangle is by successive
doublings of it. Let Tn be the nth-order triangle that ends with a row of 1s.
T1 is the triangle consisting of rows 0 and 1 (i.e., it contains three 1s), and
T2 is the triangle that is built out of 3 copies of T1, with a 0 in the middle.
In general, Tn is the triangle that ends with row 2n  1 , which is all 1s. This
starts 2 seeds at opposite ends, with 0s in between, which then grow 2 more
copies of Tn, producing a new structure, Tn+1.

Now that we have inductively proven the fractal structure of Pascal’s

triangle, we can try to count the even terms. This turns out to be complicated,
but using the Àip your point of view strategy, we instead look at odd terms.
This is nearly trivial, since T1 has exactly three 1s, and Tn+1 is composed of
3 copies of Tn with 0s in the center. If we de¿ne Un to be the number of 1s

in Tn, we get the simple formula Un = 3n. Our ¿nal step is to compute the
relative fraction of 1s in Tn and then let n get large.

How many elements are in Tn? It is a triangle starting with one element and
ending with 2n elements. So the number of elements in Tn is the 2n triangular
number! This is equal to 1 + 2 + … + 2n = 2n(2n + 1)/2. Thus, the probability
that an element in the ¿rst 2n rows is odd is equal to 2(3n)/2n(2n + 1). Despite
the factor of 2 in the numerator, the 4n in the denominator will eventually
overpower it, so the limit is 0. A more rigorous way to see this is by dividing
numerator and denominator by 4n. As n grows larger, the entire fraction
approaches 0. So the probability that an
element is odd approaches 0. That means that
the probability an element is even approaches By this stage, you
100%, which is truly surprising. In other have a good grasp
words, essentially all binomial coef¿cients of investigative
are even! methods, summation,
We just proved an absolutely amazing fact
about long-term convergence of parity, an induction, and
asymptotic property of Pascal’s triangle. modular arithmetic.
But it would be nice to analyze the parity in
a more exact way. In Lecture 4, we counted
the number of evens and odds in each row, and the number of odd terms
was a power of 2. Which power of 2? What is the appropriate point of view
Lecture 20: Induction on a Grand Scale

for investigating powers of 2? The binary (base-2) system, where we write

numbers as sums of powers of 2. When we make a table of the number of
odd terms in each row and look at the row numbers in binary, the conjecture
is clear: The number of 1s in row n is equal to 2 raised to the number of 1s in
n when n is written in base 2!

But why? Remember that the elements of Pascal’s triangle are the coef¿cients
of (1  x) n . When n = 2, we have (1  x) 2 1  2 x  x 2 , but (mod 2), the
middle term disappears. So (1  x) 2 1  x 2 (mod 2). If we square this again,
we get n(1  x) 4 n (1  x 2 ) 2 1  x 4 (mod 2). In general, we see that for any n,
(1  x) 2 1  x 2 (mod 2). This immediately explains why row 2n has just
two 1s!

But what about an arbitrary row, say, row 11?

• Write 11 in binary: 1011.

• Then look at row 11 of Pascal’s triangle by expanding (1  x)11 .

• We see that (1  x)11 (1  x)8 (1  x) 2 (1  x)1 , using the binary

representation. There were three 1s in the binary representation for
11, and hence there are 3 terms in the product.

• But reducing this modulo 2, we get (1  x)11 (1  x8 )(1  x 2 )(1  x),

a product of 3 binomials. When they are multiplied out, we will
have 8 different nonzero terms.

Here is a slicker way to see it: When (1  x)11 is multiplied out and simpli¿ed
modulo 2, it will be a sum of powers of x n , where the coef¿cients will either
be 0 or 1. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Edwards, Pascal’s Arithmetical Triangle.

Tabachnikov, Kvant Selecta, chap. 1.

Questions to Consider

1. There is a fun pattern in Pascal’s triangle: Row 0 is 1, row 1 is 11, row 2

is 121, row 3 is 1331, and row 4 is 14641. Notice that for each k, row k
is 11 raised to the kth power! Explain why this pattern is true and why it
fails for k greater than 4.

2. Investigate the same question that we did in the lecture, but modulo 3. In
other words, look at the patterns of when elements of Pascal’s triangle
are multiples of 3. It is a little more subtle than before, because now
there are 3 possible values (mod 3): 0, 1, and 2.

Recasting Numbers as Polynomials—Weird Dice
Lecture 21

Our overall strategy in using generating functions is we’ll take a

problem, we’ll turn it into a sequence, we’ll turn that into polynomials,
we’ll manipulate these polynomials in a useful way using algebra, and
that will somehow inform us about the original sequence of numbers
and help us to solve our problem.

his is an advanced lecture that uses algebra more than most, including
in¿nite geometric series. Can we renumber 2 dice with positive whole
numbers that are not the standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in such a way that
the various sums still range from 2 to 12 inclusive, with the same probabilities
as standard dice? Amazingly, the answer is yes. We use generating functions,
which glue most of mathematics to polynomial algebra.
Lecture 21: Recasting Numbers as Polynomials—Weird Dice

Generating functions are a method of using polynomial algebra to recast

many types of problems. Any sequence of numbers a0 , a1 , a2 , }
gives rise to a generating function, the (possibly in¿nite) polynomial
a0  a1 x  a2 x 2  a3 x3 " . The crux idea behind generating functions
is the simple observation that x a xb x a  b . Here is the basic generating
function strategy.

• A problem gives rise to sequences of numbers.

• The sequences are converted into polynomials.

• The polynomials are manipulated in a useful way with algebra,

which may tell us something about our original sequence.

The Dice Problem

Ordinary dice are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. When you roll 2

dice, the probability that you get a sum of 10 will be 3/36, since
there are exactly 3 ways to get a 10 and there are 36 ways of rolling
2 dice. Our question is whether it is possible to renumber 2 dice
with positive integers so that neither is an ordinary die, yet all
possible sums occur with the same probability as they do with a
pair of ordinary dice.

• Suppose such dice exist. We will call them weird dice. If you
roll 2 weird dice (and they may not be 2 identical dice), the
probability of getting a sum of 10 will still be 3/36.

• The denominator of 36 is not important; what matters is the

number of ways to get each sum.

• Let’s label one die a1 , a2 , } , a6 and the other

b1 , b2 , } , b6 .

• We want the 36 possible sums of ai  b j to behave like

ordinary dice.

• Note that a weird die can have multiple faces with the same
label—for example, three 1s, two 2s, and one 5.

• Our problem is simple. All we need to do is look at all

the possible ways to label dice and all the possible sums.
A computer could do that in microseconds, but we are
not computers.

• How do we organize such masses of data? With

generating functions.

Here are some examples of sequences transforming into generating functions
or vice versa.

• 1, 2, 3 ļ 1  2 x  3 x 2 .

• 1, 1, 1, 1, … ļ 1  x  x 2  x3  x 4  " 1/ (1  x) .

• 1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1 ļ (1  x)7 .

Many operations are possible with generating functions, but we will stick
to multiplication. Let’s look at some examples. Compute (2 + x)(1 + 3x) =
2  6 x  x  3 x 2 , using the FOIL method. There are 4 raw terms. What is
the coef¿cient of x 6 in ( x3  2 x 2  x)(3 x 4  2 x3  x) ? We want to look at
the ways we can multiply terms and get the
exponent of 6. The x3 and 2x3 and the 2x 2
and 3x 4 combine to give an answer of 1 × 2 + Generating functions
Lecture 21: Recasting Numbers as Polynomials—Weird Dice

2 × 3, which equals 8.
can shed light on
Generating functions can shed light on combinatorics.
combinatorics. Consider the simplest type of
die (i.e., a coin). Put 0 on one side and 1 on the
other. Then the generating function will be 1 + x. Suppose 7 people are each
Àipping a coin to decide if they will get a prize (0 = no, 1 = yes). The number
of prizes possible ranges from 0 to 7. There are 27 different outcomes. Each
is encoded by the expansion (1 + x)7 = (1 + x)(1 + x)(1 + x)(1 + x)(1 + x)(1 +
x)(1 + x) = 1 + 7x + 21x2 + 35x3 + 35x4 + 21x5 + 7x6 + x7. How many outcomes
had 3 prizes? 35. In other words, there are 35 ways to choose 3 prize winners
out of 7 contestants. Thus 35 ¨ ¸ .
© 3¹
Now we are ready to recast the original dice problem into polynomial
form. The generating function for a single die is D(x) = x  x 2  x3 
x 4  x5  x 6 . The generating function for the sums of 2 ordinary
dice is just D(x)D(x) = ( x  x 2  x3  x 4  x5  x 6 ) 2 . This expands to
x 2  2 x3  3 x 4  4 x5  "  2 x11  x12 . If weird dice exist, we must have A(x)
B(x) = (x  x 2  x3  x 4  x5  x 6 ) 2 . Now we have converted a tricky question
into a relatively simple one: Can we factor ( x  x 2  x3  x 4  x5  x 6 ) 2 in a
different way?

We can do this with algebraic tools. Use the geometric series tool to simplify
x + x2 + … + x6 = x(x6 í 1)/(x í 1). We have to factor (x + x2 + … + x6)2 =
x2(x6 í 1)2/(x í 1)2. We need to get rid of the denominator. The full
factorization thus is x2(1 + x)2(1 í x + x2)2(1 + x + x2)2, and now it is a
matter of rearranging them in a nonsymmetrical way. In other words, if we
write each distinct prime as P(x) = x, Q(x) = (1 + x), R(x) = 1 í x + x2, and
S(x) = 1 + x + x2, then D(x) = PQRS.

We want to break up the product DD = PPQQRRSS into 2 factors that are

not the same. DD = (PQRS)(PQRS) does not work; it gets us back to where
we started. There are so many choices; how do we narrow them down? The
math team lemma saves the day. For each die, the sum of the coef¿cients
must be exactly 6. So let’s look at the sum of the coef¿cients of our
prime factors.

• P(1) = 1.

• Q(1) = 2.

• R(1) = 1.

• S(1) = 3.

• Notice that the product of these numbers is 6, as it must be!

So for each die, we need exactly 1 Q and 1 S, since that is the only way to
get the proper coef¿cient sum. We can do whatever we want with the other
factors, as long as each die also has 1 P. We conclude that our weird dice are
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 and 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.

Even though we did not draw a single picture, there is a strong

correspondence between what we did with generating functions and with
transformational geometry. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Gardner, Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers, chap. 19.

Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics, chap. 7.
Wilf, generatingfunctionology.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 4.3.

Questions to Consider

1. The coef¿cient of x13 when you expand (1  x)17 is, of course, §¨ ·¸ .

© 13 ¹
17 10 7
But you can also write (1  x) as (1  x) (1  x) and expand each of
those factors. What binomial coef¿cient identity do you get?
Lecture 21: Recasting Numbers as Polynomials—Weird Dice

2. Consider the in¿nite series 1  D( x)  > D( x)@  > D( x)@ " , where
2 3

D( x) is the die generating function. When this in¿nite series is

simpli¿ed, it is the generating function for what easily stated sequence?

A Relentless Tactic Solves a Very Hard Problem
Lecture 22

There is no limit to what we can achieve if we harness the in¿nitely

compressible universe of mathematics and couple it with the
irrepressible imagination of a good problem solver.

his advanced lecture is a continuation of the ideas begun in Lecture
14. We use the pigeonhole principle relentlessly to study Gallai’s
theorem, a Ramsey-style assertion. Our investigation takes us into the
realm of the nearly in¿nite, where we contemplate numbers far larger than
the number of atoms in the universe. The strategic principle we highlight is
more earthbound: Don’t give up.

Our focus will be on ¿nding structure within seemingly randomly colored

lattices. Our basic tool is just the pigeonhole principle and the notion of
coloring. If you 2-color the points on a number line, you only need to look
at 3 points, and you are guaranteed that 2 are the same color. If you have a
3 × 3 grid, there are 29 ways to color it. If you were using 10 colors, it would
be 109.

Let’s do a warm-up problem: Color the lattice points of the plane in 2 colors.
Prove that there must be a rectangle (with sides parallel to the axes) each
of whose vertices are the same color. The pigeonhole principle applied to
3 consecutive lattice points in a horizontal line forces there to be at least 2
points of the same color (points are pigeons, colors are holes). We would be
done if we had 2 identical patterns, one on top of the other. But how do we
guarantee this can happen?

Here’s the crux idea: Look at 9 rows of 3 points, and we are guaranteed that 2
of the rows will be identical! After all, there are only 8 different 2-colorings
of 3 points! And since each row contains 2 points of the same color
(at least), we will have a monochrome rectangle. Thus every 3 × 9 grid of
points contains a monochrome rectangle. This is a worst-case scenario, of
course; we could have gotten lucky with just a 2 × 2 grid, but 3 × 9 guarantees

it. This can be easily generalized. If we 5-colored the lattice points of the
plane, there would still be a monochromatic rectangle, but we would need to
look at rows of 6 points (to guarantee that each row contains at least 2 points
of the same color) and then consider 56 + 1 (or 15,626) rows.

An innocent, obvious generalization is can we get a monochrome square?

This is called Gallai’s theorem: If you 2-color the lattice points, you are
guaranteed to ¿nd a monochrome square. We will proceed as we did with the
rectangle and build up our square in stages. First we need a monochrome line,
then a monochrome isosceles right triangle,
and ¿nally a monochrome square. The line is
easy: Just pick any 3 points, and at least 2 of Our investigation
them must be the same color. But how do we takes us into the
get the rest of our right angle? How can we
realm of the nearly
control the distance between the points of the
same color? in¿nite, where we
contemplate numbers
Lecture 22: A Relentless Tactic Solves a Very Hard Problem

We need at most 3 points to get our 2 far larger than the

monochrome points, so our 2 monochrome number of atoms in
points lie in at most a 3 × 1 grid. If we are
to build a right angle with this as a starting the universe.
place, we will need a 3 × 3 grid. With 2
colors and 9 points in the grid, there are 29,
which equals 512, possible 3 × 3 grids. Thus, if we looked at a row of 513
3 × 3 grids, at least 2 of them would be colored in exactly the same way. And
we are guaranteed that each of these grids will have 2 points of the same
color at the top. We could have a monochrome right angle in a 3 × 3 grid,
but we may not. The worst-case scenario is that among our 513 grids, 2 are
the same, but neither have right angles. Wishful thinking says to build a right
angle! We do not have control over the colors in the third 3 × 3 grid, but we
can focus on the point on the lower left. This was a worst-case scenario. We
are guaranteed that in any 1539 × 1539 grid, we must have a monochromatic
right angle. Let R(c) equal the size of the grid that guarantees a monochrome
right angle if we use c colors. So R(2) = 1539. De¿ne S(c) to be the size of a
c-colored grid that guarantees a monochrome square. We wish to prove that
S(2) is ¿nite.

How do we create a monochrome square? Certainly the monochrome right
angle is a start. What if we could make a monochrome right angle out of
monochrome right angles? The worst-case scenario is that the lower right
corner is not red. In this case, we can guarantee a structure where 3 of the
4 vertices are red but the fourth vertex is blue. Then we can again make a
right angle with these structures. Then we are done; no matter what color the
lower right-hand point is, we have created a monochrome square. However,
in order to do this, we needed a right-angle construction with identical right
angles. We can only get monochrome right-angles so far using 2 colors. But
what if we could get right angles using any number of colors? That is what
we need to complete our proof.

• We know that any 2-colored 1539 × 1539 grid is guaranteed to have

a monochrome right angle.

• There are only B = 2(1539×1539) different ways to 2-color this

1539 × 1539 grid. This is a number with 712,996 digits. It is
unimaginably larger than any “real” number.

• There are about 1080 particles in the universe. If every one of those
particles could count at a speed of a billion billion billion billion
billion numbers per second, it would take the universe 10712870
seconds, or 10712863 years, just to count this number.

• Suppose it were possible to get a monochrome right angle if we

color the lattice in B colors. In other words, there is some size
G = R(B) such that any G × G grid that is B-colored is guaranteed to
have a monochrome right angle.

• Assign a different color to each of the B possible ways to 2-color a

1539 × 1539 grid.

Now view the entire 2-colored lattice, but in 1539 × 1539 chunks. You can
think of this as a B-colored lattice. If R(B) is the ¿nite value G, then there is a
grid of G × G chunks that is guaranteed to contain a monochrome right angle
of chunks!

Thus, if we can show that R(B) is ¿nite, we are done. It was already pretty
hard to compute R(2), but we will con¿dently compute R(3), and do it in a
way that can clearly be generalized to higher numbers of colors. Our guiding
principles are to stick to worst-case scenarios and build structures with focal
points. We start by considering a row of 4 points. This guarantees 2 identical
colors somewhere in this row. There are 316 different ways to 3-color this 4 ×
4 grid, so just string 316 + 1 of them together in a row, and we are guaranteed
to see 2 identically colored grids. Let M = 316 + 1.

Next, focus on a grid that would contain the third vertex of our right angle.
Since it is a worst-case scenario, it is possible that this focal point is colored
Lecture 22: A Relentless Tactic Solves a Very Hard Problem

green. Thus, we have shown that in any 4M × 4M grid of 3-colored points,

we may not have a monochrome right angle, but we at least are guaranteed
a structure like the one we built: an almost, hopeful monochrome2 right
angle. How many different 4M × 4M grids can there be? Just 316 M . This
is a very large number, which dwarfs the superbig number B. Let’s add
1 to this number and call the sum G, for gigantic. If we place G of these
4M × 4M grids in a row, we are guaranteed to get 2 that have the same color.
But remember that every 4M × 4M grid is guaranteed to have an almost
monochrome right angle structure. Once again, we focus on the hopeful
lower left corner. Whether it is green, blue, or red, we have a monochrome
right angle. Clearly, it is possible to keep doing this, creating mind-boggling
structures until we manage to guarantee a monochrome right angle for
B colors. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Graham, Rothschild, and Spencer, Ramsey Theory.

Soifer, The Mathematical Coloring Book.

Questions to Consider

Recall that in Lecture 14 we used the pigeonhole principle to prove

that if we color the plane in 2 colors, no matter how we color the plane
we are guaranteed to have 2 points that are the same color and are
exactly 1 meter apart. Here are 2 problems that prove stronger things
with this same hypothesis. Use the worst-case scenario methods from
this lecture.

1. Color the plane in 2 colors. Prove that 1 of these colors contains pairs
of points at every mutual distance. In other words, 1 of the 2 colors,
say, red, has the property that for each distance x, there are 2 red points
exactly x units apart. (Hint: Use proof by contradiction.) What is the
negation of the assertion?

2. Color the plane in 2 colors. Prove that there will always exist an
equilateral triangle with all its vertices of the same color.

Genius and Conway’s In¿nite Checkers Problem
Lecture 23

No course on problem solving is complete without a look at Conway’s

checker problem. It’s a fantastic example of creative, fearless analysis
of a game, and it’s a mainstay of mathematical circles and competitive
problem-solving teams.

n our penultimate lecture, we sketch John Conway’s brilliant solution
to a classic puzzle. Our focus is not just on the mathematics, which is
a wonderful mix of the ubiquitous golden ratio and monovariants, but
we also engage in a discussion of mathematical culture, particularly the
cult of genius that surrounds Conway and other mathematical “rock stars,”
including Paul Erdös and Évariste Galois.
Lecture 23: Genius and Conway’s In¿nite Checkers Problem

The Checkers Problem

Place checkers at every lattice point of the half plane of nonpositive

y coordinates. The only legal moves are horizontal and vertical
jumps. By this, we mean that a checker can leap over a neighbor,
ending 2 units up, down, right, or left of its original position,
provided the destination point is unoccupied. After the jump is
complete, the checker that was jumped over is removed from the
board. Is it possible to make a ¿nite number of legal moves and get
a checker to reach the line y = 5?

• It is easy to get to y = 2, and with work, we can get to y = 3. It

is reasonable to conjecture that we cannot get to y = 5.

• What methods do we have for proving impossibility?

• Come up with a quantity that can be calculated for

each con¿guration.

• This quantity should be a monovariant.

• If the quantity, say, always decreases but needs to increase

in order to get to y = 5, we would be done.

• Conway’s monovariant: Using the coordinate system with all

checkers at y = 0 and below, let the target point be C = (0, 5).
We wish to prove that we can never reach this point.

• De¿ne the number z = (1  5) / 2 .

• For each point in the plane, compute its “taxicab distance” d

to the target point C. For example, the point (2, 1) has distance
2 + 4 = 6.

• Then compute the value zd.

• For each con¿guration of checkers on the plane, add up

the values zd for each point that has a checker. This will
be an in¿nite series. This is the Conway sum for that

• For example, the entire ¿rst row (y = 0) has the Conway sum
z 5  2( z 6  z 7 ") .
• This simpli¿es to z 5  .
1 z
2z 6
• Since z2 + z = 1, we simplify this further to z 5 
z5  2z 4 z3 ( z 2  z)  z 4 z3  z 4 z2 (z  z2 ) z2 .

• Likewise, the Conway sum for the row y = í1 will be z3,
and so on, so the starting Conway sum of our problem is
z2 z2
z 2  z3  z 4  " 1.
1 z z2
• Why is this a monovariant? Consider any con¿guration of
checkers, and look at what happens to the Conway sum when
a jump occurs.

• For example, suppose there are checkers at (4, 1) and (4, 2),
and (4, 3) is unoccupied, so the ¿rst checker can jump over
the second.

• Before the jump, there is a checker at a distance of 8 and

one at a distance of 7.
Lecture 23: Genius and Conway’s In¿nite Checkers Problem

• Afterward, the checker with a distance of 8 is now at

distance 6, and the 7 checker is gone.

• So the Conway sum changes by the net amount of z6 í z7 í z8 =

z6(1 í z í z2) = 0. In other words, if a checker jumps toward the
target point C, the Conway sum does not change!

• Consider a jump away from the target. Suppose a checker is at

distance 10 and jumps over a checker at distance 11 to end up
at distance 12. Then the net change is z12 í z11 í z10 = z10(z2 í z í
1) = z10(1 í z í z í 1) = z10(í2z), which is negative.

• Thus if you jump away from C, the Conway sum decreases.

• There is one other case to check: that where your jump does
not change the distance to C. For example, if you jump from
(í1, 2) to (1, 2).

• In this case, we start with 2 checkers, one at distance d

(the jumper) and one at distance d í 1 (the jumpee). After
the jump, the jumpee is gone, and the jumper is still at
distance d.

• So the net change is zd í (zd + z(dí1)) = íz(dí1), which is

again negative.

• Thus, the Conway sum is a true monovariant, never increasing

from its initial value of 1.

• All that remains is to note that if we ever were to get a checker

to C, the Conway sum would be larger than 1, since z0 = 1
would be supplied by C, and there would still be in¿nitely
many other checkers to add up.

• But our starting value is 1, and the Conway sum is a

monovariant. So we can never reach C!

It takes a certain type of intellect to solve problems at this level. The key
ingredient is a passion to investigate without any worry about consequence.
Conway is one of a triumvirate of such
heroes that also includes Paul Erdös and
The key ingredient is a
Évariste Galois. All 3 are iconoclastic
rebels, belying the myth of the boring nerd, passion to investigate
who supply romantic inspiration for the without any worry
next generation. John Conway has led an about consequence.
unconventional life and made incredible
contributions to math. He is like an eternal
child in his ability to play, break rules, work on whatever pleases him, and
continually ask questions, with a willingness to get his hands dirty. Paul Erdös

led a life of deliberate homelessness and celibacy. He wrote more papers and
collaborated with more people than any mathematician in history. Évariste
Galois died in a duel at age 20. His 60 pages of mathematics are considered
by some to be the most important 60 pages ever written in mathematics. His
greatest achievement, now called Galois theory, is a point of view Àip.

All 3 of these people had passion, commitment, and a willingness to

investigate relentlessly. This is something that we can all strive for, even if
we cannot all possess genius. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy, “The Solitaire Army,” in Winning Ways for
Your Mathematical Plays.
Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology.
Lecture 23: Genius and Conway’s In¿nite Checkers Problem

Hoffman, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers.

Honsberger, Mathematical Gems II, chap. 3.

Questions to Consider

1. The solution to the checkers problem was pretty subtle. Test your
understanding: Why not just assign a large value—say, 100—to the
point C? Then if a checker occupied C, the Conway sum would be at
least equal to 100. But since the Conway sum starts at the value of 1 and
never increases, it can never reach a value this large and hence never
occupy C. What is wrong with this argument?

2. Here is a puzzle about Erdös numbers. (Assume, for simplicity, that

when mathematicians write joint papers there are only 2 collaborators.)
There are 5 mathematicians in a room. Each of them has written a paper
with at least 1 of the others in the room. Exactly 1 of them has written
papers with 3 of the others in the room, and exactly 1 has written papers
with 2 others. One of the 5 mathematicians is Erdös himself. What are
the possible Erdös numbers of these 5 people?

How versus Why—The Final Frontier
Lecture 24

Why complex numbers? Think of them as yet a new playground for

you, like graph theory was, but this is an algebraic, geometric, physics
playground, which has an incredible potential for connecting many
branches of math when properly studied.

n this ¿nal lecture, we look back on what we have learned, talk about
what we should study next, and reÀect on what we do not know. We
begin to ponder the ultimate purpose of an investigation: the quest
for why something is true, not just how. I will share some of my favorite
examples of this elusive intellectual quest.

First, some reminders about how to approach problems tactically, with the
assumption that by now you have internalized key strategies.

• Proof by contradiction should be used when the thing you are trying
to prove is easier to contemplate when negated.

• The extreme principle is useful when your problem has entities that
become simpler at the boundary.

• The pigeonhole principle works well when the penultimate step can
be formulated with 2 things belonging to the same category.

• Use induction when your problem involves recursion.

• The most important thing is to ask what type of problem you are
trying to solve. This is half the battle.

What should you study next? Complex numbers! They are another
playground with incredible potential for connecting many branches of
math. Complex numbers are 4 things simultaneously: numbers, locations
in the plane, vectors, and transformations! Complex numbers allow you to
recast to and from physics, with dynamic interpretations of hitherto static

objects. They also have connections to every branch of math, including
number theory.

The bird’s-eye view of problem solving means the following.

• We favor tactics over tools, and strategies over tactics.

• Yet we also favor investigation over rigor. In other words, we want

to understand why things are true, rather than how.

• “How” arguments are rigorous and have clear details, but the global
picture is murky.

• In contrast, a “why” argument is:

• Not always rigorous.

• Sometimes not even correct!

• Globally clear, even if missing some details.

Lecture 24: How versus Why—The Final Frontier

• Magical yet inevitable.

• Often a surprising yet natural point of view.

Here are some examples from our course and elsewhere.

• The proof that 8 times a triangular number equals a perfect square

(Lecture 6) is a typical “why” argument.

• The bug problem (Lecture 8) can be solved analytically, with

differential equations. This is a “how” argument, in contrast to our
“why” argument.

• “Why” is at the heart of most mathematicians’ Platonic beliefs.

• Problems fall all along the spectrum from completely opaque to
completely understood in the “why” sense.

• The Shanille O’Keal problem from Lecture 19 was a good example

of a “how.”

• An example of something without even a “how,” because all we

had was a false conjecture, was the 5 circles problem of Lecture 4.

What do the “why” arguments have in common? What can we learn

from them?

• Pictures (8T + 1 problem).

• Natural point of view and symmetry (bug problem).

• Physical intuition (arithmetic-geometric mean inequality).

• Using a physical object (Fermat’s little theorem, Shanille O’Keal).

• Dynamic visualization of lines, evolving structures, and using

important combinatorial facts (5 circles).

So what’s next? Keep learning facts, but do not forget the need to build up
Àexibility, visualization, recasting, physical intuition, and the ability to see a
natural point of view. Learn about complex numbers, which incorporate all of
these ideas. Remember that problem solving is not just a textbook subject—
it is a lifestyle, with a culture. The true underpinnings of this culture are
passion and persistence. Ŷ

Suggested Reading

Aigner and Ziegler, Proofs from THE BOOK.

Lansing, Endurance.
Needham, Visual Complex Analysis.
Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, sec. 4.2.
Lecture 24: How versus Why—The Final Frontier


Lecture 1

1. The problem is that there are 3 switches, but a light bulb only has 2
states: on and off. Use wishful thinking: What if you had a light bulb
with 3 states? You do, since a bulb can be on, off and cold, or off and
warm. So turn one switch on, leave one switch off, and turn the third
one on brieÀy and then off. Go upstairs and check to see which state the
bulb is in!

2. Once again, use wishful thinking: If you had a hook in the ceiling, you
would be done, since you could tie the ends together at the bottom,
climb up, hang onto the hook, cut both ropes at the top, slide one end
through, climb down the doubled rope, and then pull it loose from the
hook. Indeed, you can create a hook: Just cut off a small chunk at the top
of one rope and make a loop right near the ceiling!

Lecture 2

1. It is not possible. The numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are odd; the others are
even. Adding or subtracting an even number does not change parity, but
adding or subtracting an odd number does. We start with zero (nothing
written yet) and then proceed to add or subtract 5 odd numbers and 5
even numbers. Parity changes 5 times, so the ¿nal result will always be
odd. But zero is even!

2. The ¿rst professor writes a random number and shows it to the next
professor, who then writes the sum of her salary and the ¿rst number on
her piece of paper. This process of writing the running sum is continued
until the last professor shows her sum to the ¿rst, who then subtracts her
random number and adds her real salary. Now the sum (and hence the
average) is known.

Lecture 3

1. Just use 3 dimensions. A 1 × 1 × 1 box has a long diagonal of 3, which

is greater than 1.5.

2. She could be just a few moments older than 30, if she was born at
11:59 pm on December 31, 1959, and she uttered her words early on
January 1, 1990.

Lecture 4

1. Guided by 1/3 + 1/6 = 1/2, we get x = n(n + 1) and y = n + 1.

2. Indeed, A = B/2 + I í 1. This is called Pick’s theorem.

Lecture 5

1. If there were a smallest number, say m, then m/2 would be even

smaller. Contradiction!

2. Write n(n!) as (n + 1)! í n!; then the sum telescopes to 101! – 1.

Lecture 6

1. Draw the odds as successive Ls of dots. For example, 5 is an L that is 3

dots high and 3 dots wide (with a common dot at the corner).

2. The second trip takes 4 fewer seconds, but 12 more steps are stepped
on. So the escalator is traveling 3 steps per second. Therefore, on the
¿rst trip, her net speed is 4 steps per second, and in 20 seconds she goes
80 steps, the “true” distance.

Lecture 7

1. Assume, to the contrary, that all 3 are odd. Then the sum of the squares
of 2 of them would be the sum of 2 odds, which is even. Yet the square
of the third one is odd. Contradiction!

2. No. Assume, to the contrary, that there is such a line. Move your diagram
so that this line is horizontal. Then, without loss of generality, A lies
above the line. Thus B is below, C is above, D is below, E is above, and
we have a contradiction, since the segment EA should be intersected by
this horizontal line!

Lecture 8

1. Let A = (4, 3), and let B and C be the points on the x-axis and the line
y = x, respectively. If we reÀect the picture across the x-axis, we see that
line segment AB will have the same length as the line segment from
(4, í3) to B. If we reÀect now across the line y = x, we see that AC has
the same length as the line segment from C to (3, 4). So the perimeter of
the triangle is equal to the sum of the lengths of the line segments from
(4, í3) to B, from B to C, and from C to (3, 4). This is clearly minimized
by the straight segment joining (4, í3) to (3, 4). By the Pythagorean
theorem, this minimal length is 12  7 2 , which is 50 .

2. It is certainly possible to do this by hand, but if we observe that 1 +

2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 and notice that 10 is about half of that, we can
use symmetry. Suppose A is subset whose elements are greater than 10.
Then the complement of A (i.e., the leftover elements) has to have a sum
less than or equal to 10 (or else the sum of all elements would be greater
than 21). So there is a metaphorical symmetry between the subsets with
sum greater than 10 and those with sum less than or equal to 10. So
exactly half of the subsets, or 32, have each property.

Lecture 9

1. It is exactly equivalent to ordinary takeaway, but with one fewer starting

number of pennies.

2. Consider the magic square below.

2 7 6
9 5 1
4 3 8

Each row, column, and diagonal adds up to 15. Hence our game is
equivalent to tic-tac-toe, which we all know will be a draw if players
play optimally. But you can win this game if you have the magic square
picture in mind and your opponent does not.

Lecture 10

1. Suppose that they are not all equal. Then there is a value m that is the
least value on the board, and at least somewhere on the board, since the
values are not all equal, this value m must be adjacent to a value M that is
greater than m. But then m is the average of 4 values, including M, which
forces one of the values to be strictly less than m, a contradiction.

2. Just consider the smallest of the coins. It is easy to check (draw a

picture) that no more than 5 coins can be tangent to it (remember, they
all are larger).

Lecture 11

Not applicable.

Lecture 12

1. Not applicable.

2. Let’s show that it is true for a quadrilateral ABCD. Divide it into
triangles ABC and ACD. The area of the quadrilateral will be the sum of
the areas of the triangles. For each triangle, the area is equal to half the
boundary lattice points, plus the interior lattice points, minus 1. When
we apply this to both triangles and add, the boundary count includes
the lattice points on segment AC twice. Suppose AC contains exactly x
lattice points (including A and C). Then half the boundary count for the
2 triangles will be equal to half the boundary count for the quadrilateral,
plus x í 1. (The minus 1 is because A and C are counted twice.) However,
the interior count of the 2 triangles does not include any of the x í 2
lattice points that are on AC (not including A and C). So the interior
counts of the 2 triangles added will be equal to the interior count of the
quadrilateral, minus x í 2. The ¿nal bit of accounting is to note that the
triangle count includes two í1s, and for the rectangle, just one í1, so it
balances out. This can be extended to larger polygons.

Lecture 13

1. By Fermat’s little theorem, 318 = 1 (mod 19). Since 18 × 111 = 1998,

by raising the previous equation to the 111th power, we get 31998 =
1 (mod 19). Notice that 32009 = 31998 × 311 . Hence our answer will be
whatever 311 equals modulo 19. We compute 32 9, 33 27 8 ,
34 24 5, and 35 15 4 . Squaring this last one, we get
310 16 3 , and then ¿nally 311 3 u 3 9 10 (all mod 19).

2. If it was a line instead of a necklace, there would be 6 choices for the

¿rst bead, 5 for the second, and so on, for 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720
choices. But since it is a necklace, we can take any arrangement such as
bcadfe and cyclically permute it, say, to cadfeb. There are 6 members in
each sorority, so we divide by 6, getting 120 as our answer.

Lecture 14

1. Partition the unit square into four 1/2 × 1/2 squares. By pigeonhole,
one of these smaller squares must contain at least 2 points. Since the
diagonal of each small square is 2 / 2 , that is the maximum distance
between the 2 points.

2. There are 150,001 categories (include bald people!). We need to ¿nd the
minimum population p such that the ceiling of p divided by 150,001 is
equal to 10. Thus p = 9 × 150,001 + 1 = 1,350,010.

Lecture 15

1. Getting your hands dirty should yield the formula v í e + r = 1. This is

called Euler’s formula.

2. You cannot. If you could, then the quotients (b í c)/(a í b), (c í a)/
(b í c), and (a í b)/(c í a) would all be integers. However, the product
of these 3 quotients is invariant; it is 1. The only way that 3 integers can
multiply to 1 is if all of them are equal to 1. But that would mean that
2b = a + c, 2c = a + b, and 2a = b + c. In other words, a, b, and c are
each the average of the other 2. Using the extreme principle, let, say,
a be the smallest of the 3 numbers (remember, the numbers are distinct).
Then we have a contradiction. How can a be the average of 2 numbers
that are both larger than a? The other possibility is if one of the quotients
is 1 and the other 2 are í1. But if a quotient equaled í1, for example, the
¿rst quotient, we would get b í c = b – a, which makes c = a, another

Lecture 16

1. ReÀect across the stream. Then when you build your optimal rectangle
with perimeter S, the mirror rectangle also has perimeter S, and
collectively, you are building a rectangle with 4 sides that is to have
maximal area, with a ¿xed perimeter of 2S. You know that this optimal
shape is a square. So the answer to the original question is a half square:
a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio 1:2, with the longer side on
the stream.

2. Just multiply the 3 inequalities (a  b) t 2 ab , (b  c) t 2 bc , and

(c  a ) t 2 ca , and you are done.

Lecture 17

1. Imagine, on the second day, a clone of the ¿rst monk who starts at the
bottom at 8 am and exactly imitates what the ¿rst monk did the day
before. Clearly the 2 monks will meet on the trail, and this time and
place are the solution.

2. Draw a lattice of squares. Start at (0, 0), and begin drawing a line with
slope 7/11. As it goes northeast, it will ¿rst hit another lattice point at
(11, 7). To count bounces, just count the number of times this line hits a
horizontal or vertical lattice line. It will hit x = 1, 2, 3, …, 10 and y = 1,
2, 3, …, 6, for a total of 16 bounces.

Lecture 18

1. Just rotate the diagram 60° clockwise about the center K. Then J moves
to M, and N moves to I. Hence JN = IM. Likewise, a rotation about I will
show that LK = JN.

2. Start with the point (0, 0). The ¿rst rotation leaves it ¿xed; the second
one, about (1, 0), brings it to (1, í1); the third brings it to (3, í1); and
the ¿nal one brings it to (4, 0). So the translation (of any starting point)
will be “move 4 units to the east.” You might conjecture that if you
360 °
have n rotations, about (0, 0), (1, 0), … , (n í 1, 0), each by
counterclockwise, the net result would be a translation by n units to the
right, and this is correct. The easiest way to see it is to imagine a regular
n-gon with side length 1 unit whose “top” side is the line segment joining
(0, í1) and (0, 0). Then the rotations are equivalent to rolling this n-gon
along the x-axis, ending up n units to the right. Try this for n = 3, n = 4,
or n = 5 to see for sure.

Lecture 19

1. It is easy to conjecture that the sum is Fn  2  1 . The base case is clearly

true (1 = F3 í 1). For the inductive step, assume that it is true that the
sum of the ¿rst k Fibonacci numbers is equal to the (k + 2)th Fibonacci
minus 1. Then we want to ¿nd the sum of the ¿rst (k + 1) Fibonaccis.
This sum is F1  F2  "  Fk  Fk 1 , which by the inductive hypothesis
can be written as Fk  2  1  Fk 1 . By the de¿nition of Fibonacci numbers,
this is equal to Fk  3  1 , which is what we wanted.

2. Once again, the base case is obvious, since the ¿rst Fibonacci number
is less than 2. Thereafter, it is simple as well: Since each successive
Fibonacci is equal to the sum of the 2 preceding it, and since the
sequence is an increasing one, each Fibonacci number is strictly less
than twice the one before it.

Lecture 20

1. Just plug in x = 10 into the expression (1  x)k . For example, if k = 4,

we get 114 = 104 + 4·103 + 6·102 + 4·101 + 1. Since we use the base-10
system, that is the number 14,641. The reason it fails for greater values
of k is because some of the coef¿cients of the binomial are greater than
9. For example, if k = 5 we get 115 = 105 + 5·104 + 10·103 + 10·102 +
5·101 + 1. We cannot just read this off as a base-10 number as we did the
last time, because this number has a thousands place digit of 10 and a
hundreds place digit of 10. In base 10, digits cannot be greater than 9.

2. The analysis is similar to what we did in the lecture, but this time,
recursive structures are successive powers of 3, and each new triangle
consists of 6 triangles of the previous kind, with an inverted 0 in
the middle. You can search the Web for “Pascal’s triangle modulo 3”
to ¿nd good illustrations and interactive applets; one example is
at The
reason for the number 6 is that it is equal to 1 + 2 + 3. The limit of the

number of nonzeros (mod 3) goes to 0 as the number of rows increases,

so just as before, almost all elements of Pascal’s triangle are multiples
of 3!

Lecture 21

1. Using the multiplication rule for generating functions, we get

§17 · §10 · § 7 · §10 · § 7 · §10 · § 7 · §10 · § 7 · §10 · § 7 ·
¨ 13 ¸ ¨ 6 ¸ ¨ 7 ¸  ¨ 7 ¸ ¨ 6 ¸  ¨ 8 ¸ ¨ 5 ¸  ¨ 9 ¸ ¨ 4 ¸  ¨10 ¸ ¨ 3 ¸ . This has
© ¹ © ¹© ¹ © ¹© ¹ © ¹© ¹ © ¹© ¹ © ¹© ¹
a good combinatorial interpretation: The left-hand side is the number of
ways to pick 13 children from a pool of 17. The right-hand side counts
the same thing but supposes that the children consist of 10 girls and 7
boys, and it breaks the outcomes into the 5 cases of 6 girls and 7 boys, 7
girls and 6 boys, 8 girls and 5 boys, 9 girls and 4 boys, and 10 girls and
3 boys.

2. The series is 1 + x + 2x2 + 4x3 + 8x4 + 16x5 + 32x6 + 63x7 +

125x8 + …, and the coef¿cient of x n is equal to the number of ways that
any number of dice can add up to n. For example, there are 2 ways to get
2: two 1s or one 2. And there are 16 ways to get 5: 5; 1, 4; 4, 1; 1, 1, 3;
1, 3, 1; 3, 1, 1; 3, 2; 2, 3; 1, 2, 2; 2, 1, 2; 2, 2, 1; 1, 1, 1, 2; 1, 1, 2, 1;
1, 2, 1, 1; 2, 1, 1, 1; or 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. The reason this works is because
for each k, > D( x) @ is the generating function for dice sums when k

dice are rolled. You may enjoy looking up this sequence in The Online
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences; they are called the “hexanacci”
numbers. Can you see why? Because they satisfy the recurrence
formula that each number in the sequence is equal to the sum of the 6
previous numbers!

Lecture 22

1. Use proof by contradiction. Assume, to the contrary, that for neither of

the 2 colors is it true that one can ¿nd 2 points of the same color at
any mutual distance. In other words, there are distances x and y such
that there are no 2 red points x units apart and no 2 blue points y units
apart. Without loss of generality, suppose that x is greater than or equal
to y (i.e., use the extreme principle on 2 numbers). Now, consider a red
point. There must be at least 1 red point, for otherwise the color blue
would not have a forbidden distance y. Draw a circle with radius x and
center at this red point. Every point on this circle must be blue, since no
2 red points are x units apart. But now we have achieved a contradiction:
Since y is less than or equal to x, it is certainly possible to ¿nd 2 (blue)
points on this circle that are y units apart.

2. Start by ¿nding 2 points that are the same color, say, red, at locations
A and B. Now consider the con¿guration below made of equilateral
triangles. Besides the small equilateral triangles, note that there are
larger equilateral triangles, such as CDE and AEH. The existence of
these alternatives is key for a miniature Gallai-style argument: Either C
or D are red; then we would be done. Otherwise, both C and D are blue.
Then if E is blue, we are done again (triangle CDE). But if E is red, then
we will be done if either F or G is red. If not, they are both blue. But now
we have a focal point at H. If it is red, we have a large red equilateral
triangle (AEH). If it is blue, we have the small equilateral triangle HCF.
No matter what, a monochrome equilateral triangle is guaranteed.

Lecture 23

1. If we assign a value greater than 1 to the point C, the Conway sum is

no longer a monovariant, if you look at moves involving C itself. For
example, if a checker 2 units to the left of C jumped over a checker 1
unit to the left of C and then occupied C, then the Conway sum would
actually increase!

2. Model it with a graph: Use vertices for mathematicians and

edges to indicate joint papers. There is only one graph that satis¿es
the conditions.

The Erdös numbers depend on which one is Erdös. If Erdös is person I,

then L, K, and J have Erdös number 1, and M has Erdös number 2. But if
we put Erdös anywhere else, it is possible for someone to have an Erdös
number of 3.

Lecture 24

Not applicable.


1787................................................. Ten-year-old Carl Gauss uses

Gaussian pairing.
1796................................................. Teenaged Carl Gauss solves the
problem of how to construct the regular
heptadecagon (17-gon), something
that had eluded mathematicians since
Euclid’s time.
1832................................................. French algebraist Évariste Galois dies in
Paris from a duel at the age of 20.
1894................................................. The Eotvos contest, the ¿rst
Olympiad-style math competition,
begins in Hungary.
1907................................................. Willem Abraham Wythoff writes about
the game later called Wythoff’s Nim,
actually an older game that probably
originated in China.
1930................................................. Frank Ramsey’s paper “On a Problem
in Formal Logic” is published; Tibor
Gallai’s theorem is proven around the
same time.
1938................................................. Annual Putnam competitions for college
undergraduates begin.
1939................................................. Physicist Richard Feynman is named a
Putnam Fellow.
1952................................................. High school mathematics contests
sponsored by the Mathematical
Association of America begin across

the U.S.

1959................................................. The ¿rst International Mathematical
Olympiad is held in Romania, with
teams from 7 countries.
1961................................................. John Conway analyzes the
checker problem.
1970................................................. John Conway invents the
cellular automaton Game of Life,
popularized by Martin Gardner in
Scienti¿c American.
1972................................................. The ¿rst USA Mathematical Olympiad
is held.
1974................................................. The U.S. participates for the ¿rst time
in the International Mathematical
Olympiad (in East Germany), placing
second after the USSR.
1977................................................. Wythoff’s Nim is popularized by Martin
Gardner in Scienti¿c American.
1981................................................. The International Mathematical
Olympiad is held in the U.S. for the ¿rst
time, with 27 countries participating.
1985................................................. The Colorado Mathematical Olympiad
begins, founded by Soviet émigré
Alexander Soifer. This was the ¿rst
regional Olympiad-style contest in
the U.S.
1994................................................. The U.S. team comes in ¿rst place at
the 35th International Mathematical
Olympiad (held in Hong Kong), with
all 6 team members receiving perfect
scores. This was the ¿rst and only time
a team has received a perfect score at
that competition.

1996................................................. Hungarian-born Paul Erdös, the most
proli¿c mathematician and problem
solver of modern times, dies.
2001................................................. The U.S. hosts the International
Mathematical Olympiad for the second
time, with 83 countries attending.


algorithmic proof: Proof where we imagine a sequence of steps that is

guaranteed to solve our problem.
binomial coef¿cients: The numbers ¨ ¸ , which are equal to (1) the
©k ¹
coef¿cient of x k in (1  x) n , (2) the number of ways of choosing k things
from a set of n things, and (3) the number n(n í 1) … (n – k + 1)/k!.

bipartite graph: A graph whose vertices can be colored red and blue in such
a way that no edge connects vertices of the same color.

congruence: Two integers are said to be congruent (modulo m) if their

difference is multiple of m.

crux move: The crucial step in a problem-solving investigation that solves

the problem. This step can be technical or can be a strategic breakthrough.

degree: A graph theory term; the degree of a vertex is the number of edges
emanating from it.

extreme principle: The problem-solving tactic that says, “contemplate the

extremal values of your problem.”

Fibonacci numbers: The sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, … in which each term

is equal to the sum of the 2 previous. Named after Leonardo Fibonacci
(c. 1170–c.1250), it is one of the most accessible playgrounds of recreational

fundamental theorem of arithmetic: All integers can be factored into

primes, and this factorization is unique (up to order).

generating function: Given a sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , } , its generating function
is the polynomial a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 " . The generating function encodes
information about the entire sequence; algebraic manipulations of generating
functions can thus shed light on questions about the sequence.

Goldbach conjecture: A famous unsolved problem asserting that all even

numbers greater than 2 can be written as a sum of 2 primes.

golden ratio: The number (1  5) / 2 , which crops up in many places in

mathematics, including the Fibonacci numbers.

graph theory: The branch of math that studies abstract networks, also
known as graphs, which are entities of vertices joined by edges. It is easy to
learn and therefore a very accessible laboratory for exploring a number of
problem-solving themes.

handshake lemma: An important graph theory result stating that the sum of
the degree of each of the vertices of a graph is equal to twice the number of
edges in the graph.

harmonic series: The sum of the reciprocals of the positive integers, which
is a divergent series (meaning the sum is in¿nite).

induction: Technically called mathematical induction, this is a powerful

method of proving recursive statements. An inductive proof always has 2
parts: A base case proving the ¿rst stage is followed by the inductive step,
where it is shown that each intermediate stage logically implies the next.

integers: The positive and negative whole numbers, including zero.

International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO): An elite problem-solving

contest, initiated by Eastern Bloc countries in 1959, that now includes nearly
100 nations every year.

invariant: A very high-level tactic for looking at many problems where a
quantity or quality stays unchanged. A monovariant is a quantity that changes
in only one direction; monovariants are very useful for studying evolving
systems and proving that they terminate or that certain states are impossible.

modulus: A mathematical entity that in a congruence divides the difference

of 2 congruent members without leaving a remainder. See also congruence.

monovariant: See invariant.

number theory: The branch of math dealing with integers. Because integers
are familiar to us beginning in grade school, number theory, like graph
theory, is an excellent venue for mathematical investigation for beginners.

Olympiad: A style of math contest that features relatively few questions

(usually fewer than 10) of the essay-proof type.

parity: The property of oddness or evenness for an integer. Parity is a

powerful tactic that reduces a problem from a large, or in¿nite, number of
states to only 2 states.

Pascal’s triangle: Perhaps the greatest of all the elementary mathematical

laboratories for investigation. This is a triangle of numbers where row n
consists of the binomial coef¿cients ¨ ¸ , k 0,1, 2, }, n .
©k ¹
pigeonhole principle: A fundamental problem-solving tactic stating that if
you have more things (pigeons) than categories (pigeonholes), at least 2 of
the things belong to the same category.

prime number: A positive integer that has no positive integer divisors other
than 1 and itself. The ¿rst few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13.

problem: A mathematical question that one does not know, at least
initially, how to approach and that therefore requires investigation, often
using organized strategies and tactics. We contrast this with an exercise: a
question that may be dif¿cult but is immediately approachable with little
or no investigation.

proof by contradiction: A method of proof that starts by assuming that the

conclusion is false and then proceeds to a logical contradiction, concluding
that the conclusion’s falsehood was untenable.

Putnam exam: An Olympiad-style contest for American and Canadian

undergraduates, notorious for having a median score, most years, of 0 or 1
out of 120 possible points.

Pythagorean theorem: The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle
is equal to the square of its hypotenuse. There are hundreds of known proofs
of this theorem, the earliest thousands of years old.

Ramsey theory: A branch of mathematics named in honor of Frank Ramsey

(1903–1930), whose seminal 1930 paper “On a Problem of Formal Logic”
began the subject with a statement and proof of what is now called Ramsey’s
theorem. The theorem essentially asks the question, how large must a
structure be in order that it is guaranteed to contain a speci¿ed substructure?
The pigeonhole principle is the trivial case of Ramsey’s theorem, and Gallai’s
theorem about squares is an example of a Ramsey-like theorem.

recasting: The problem-solving strategy of radically changing the venue of

a problem, for example, from number theory into geometry, or vice versa.
Certain mathematical ideas, such as generating functions, are useful precisely
because of their recasting potential.

recursive de¿nition: A sequence or evolving structure where the later terms

(or more complex structures) depend on the previous, simpler ones. The
Fibonacci numbers are a simple example; the chessboard tromino problem

of Lecture 19 is another.

strategies: Mostly commonsense organizational ideas that help overcome
creative blocks to begin and facilitate a problem-solving investigation.
Strategies in this course include wishful thinking, make it easier, get hands
dirty, chainsaw the giraffe, draw a picture, change your point of view, and
recast your problem.

symmetry: An object (not necessarily geometric) is symmetrical if a

transformation leaves it invariant. A natural point of view is often a point of
symmetry. Symmetry increases order in a problem, so you should seek, and
even impose, symmetry where possible.

tactics: Narrower than strategies, tactics are broad ideas within mathematics
generally used at a later stage of investigation, often providing the key to
a solution. Examples in this course include symmetry, parity, the extreme
principle (contemplate extreme values), the pigeonhole principle, and squarer
is better.

tools: Mathematical ideas of very narrow application that are nonetheless

capable of very impressive results when used correctly. Examples in this
course include Gaussian pairing, telescoping, and massage. Some useful
tools (e.g., creative algebraic substitution) are better understood as a narrow
instance of a broader strategy (e.g., wishful thinking).

tromino: A shape made out of 3 contiguous square units. There are only 2
types of tromino, the L and the I (a straight line of 3 squares). Trominos and
more complex shapes (e.g., the 12 different pentominos, made of 5 squares)
are popular objects of study in recreational mathematics.

United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO): The ¿rst

national Olympiad of the United States, which began in 1972 with funding
from numerous mathematical societies and the Department of Defense. It is
the culminating exam that begins with multiple-choice tests taken by several
hundred thousand high school and middle school students. Since 1974, the
top scorers on this exam have competed for places on the 6-person team to
the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Wythoff’s Nim: One of the many names of a simple combinatorial game
whose solution involves Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio. Nim is an
ancient game in which 2 players typically take turns removing objects from
piles until none are left.

Biographical Notes

Conway, John Horton (b. 1937): A British-born mathematician and professor

at Princeton University who is famous for fundamental contributions to many
branches of mathematics, including recreational math.

Erdös, Paul (1913–1996): The most proli¿c mathematician of modern

times (perhaps ever), Erdös was also known for collaborating with more
mathematicians than any other. He was famous for his deliberately homeless
and celibate life, devoted entirely to mathematics.

Euler, Leonhard (1707–1783): A Swiss mathematician, about as proli¿c as

Erdös for his time, who was the father of graph theory. Euler was known for
unconventional, “rule-breaking” approaches to hard mathematical problems.

Fermat, Pierre de (1601–1665): A French mathematician who was one of

the ¿rst investigators of what is now modern number theory.

Gallai, Tibor (1912–1992): A Hungarian mathematician who was an

important collaborator and lifelong friend of Erdös.

Galois, Évariste (1811–1832): This French mathematician, famous for his

short but productive life, died in a duel. He made seminal and highly original
contributions to the algebra of polynomials, among other things.

Gardner, Martin (b. 1914): Editor of the Mathematical Games column

of Scienti¿c American from 1956 to 1981, Gardner is unquestionably the
greatest modern expositor of mathematics writing in English.

Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855): A German mathematician who

is universally recognized as one of the greatest 2 or 3 mathematicians in
history. He made fundamental advances in all branches of mathematics,
usually generations ahead of his time.

Klein, Felix (1849–1925): A German mathematician and inÀuential
expositor. He proposed the important point of view change that geometry is
best understood by looking at transformations rather than objects.
Biographical Notes


The list of books and resources below is pretty large, even though it just
scratches the surface of the literature out there. If you are just getting started
and really want to become a better problem solver, you must get practice
by working on problems, and it is best for the problems to be fairly gentle
and nontechnical.

The best place to start is by perusing any book by Martin Gardner. The CD
collection of his books is an economical way to go (and its searchable). If
you feel overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of Gardner’s work, there are
4 great single-volume choices. George Polya’s classic How to Solve It is
short and very useful. My book, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, has
a larger collection of problems and a more explicit treatment of strategy
and tactic. The Mathematical Circles (Russian Experience) book lead-
authored by Dmitri Fomen has a wealth of “easy” problems (i.e., intended
for Russian middle school–aged kids) along with good pedagogical ideas.
And perhaps the most enjoyable single-volume book to look at is Ravi
Vakil’s Mathematical Mosaic. It is not comprehensive, but the mathematical
topics are chosen with great taste. Its style may seem a little juvenile—it was
written for a young audience—but the mathematics is actually quite deep.

Aigner, M., and G. Ziegler. Proofs from THE BOOK. Berlin: Springer,
2000. A collection of proofs that satisfy Paul Erdös’s criteria of elegance,
simplicity, and beauty.

Andreescu, Titu, and Svetoslav Savchev. Mathematical Miniatures.

Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2003. The
dichotomy between exercises and problems was ¿rst made clear to me by
Titu Andreescu, who was the head coach of the USA team at the International
Mathematical Olympiad for many years. Titu has written and coauthored
numerous books about problem solving at the highest levels; this is my
personal favorite.

Beck, M., and S. Robbins. Computing the Continuous Discretely. New York:
Springer, 2007. This is an elegant (albeit advanced) book that explores the
relationship between combinatorics and geometry, mostly via counting
lattice points.

Bell, E. T. Men of Mathematics. New York: Touchstone, 1986. First

published in the 1930s, this is a classic history of mathematicians. It may not
be the most accurate, but it is certainly responsible for many mathematicians’
worship of ¿gures such as Carl Gauss and Évariste Galois.

Berlekamp, E. R., J. H. Conway, and R. K. Guy. Winning Ways for Your

Mathematical Plays. Vols. 1–2. London: Academic Press, 1982. A classic
and groundbreaking exposition of the theory of mathematical games.

Conway, John H., Heidi Burgiel, and Chaim Goodman-Strauss. The Symmetry
of Things. Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters, 2008. The latest of Conway’s many
books, this one is bound to be a classic.

Edwards, A. W. F. Pascal’s Arithmetical Triangle: The Story of a Mathematical

Idea. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins, 2002. A carefully researched history
of Pascal’s triangle, perhaps the most accessible mathematical playground
for problem solvers.

Engel, Arthur. Problem-Solving Strategies. New York: Springer, 1998. An

indispensable guide to strategic problem solving at the advanced level.

Fomin, Dmitri Sergey Genkin, and Ilia Itenberg. Mathematical Circles

(Russian Experience). Translated by Mark Saul. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society, 1996. This is an inspiring and eye-opening guide to
what Russian 12-year-olds learn in a math circle.

Gardiner, Anthony. Discovering Mathematics: The Art of Investigation. New

York: Oxford University Press, 1986. A beautifully written elementary guide

for beginners.

Gardner, Martin. Aha! A Two Volume Collection. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 2006. Originally published separately
and now reissued as a single volume, this is a collection of some of the short
puzzles of Martin Gardner. The theme of the aha puzzles is the unexpected,
creative solution.

———. Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Games. Washington, DC:

Mathematical Association of America, 2005. CD-ROM. Gardner, who edited
the Mathematical Games column of Scienti¿c American magazine from
1956 to 1981, is in my opinion the greatest English-language mathematical
expositor of modern times. He has published dozens of books based on his
columns (all now collected on this single CD); any of these books contains
a wealth of recreational problems along with many fun and deep essays,
always written for the intelligent layperson.

———. Martin Gardner’s Sixth Book of Mathematical Diversions from

Scienti¿c American. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.

———. Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers. Rev. ed. Washington, DC:

Mathematical Association of America, 1997. One of my favorites of
Gardner’s many collections, this book contains, among other things, a very
nice discussion of the puppies and kittens game (Wythoff’s Nim).

Goodaire, Edgar, and Michael Parmenter. Discrete Mathematics with Graph

Theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2005. A very readable discrete
math text; an excellent book for beginners to learn about combinatorics and
graph theory.

Graham, Ronald, Donald Knuth, and Oren Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics.

2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994. This is an encyclopedic guide
to many discrete math topics, from a real problem-solver’s perspective. Full
solutions to a wide variety of exercises and problems are at the back of the
book. It is one of the essential books in my library.

Graham, Ronald, Bruce Rothschild, and Joel Spencer. Ramsey Theory. 2nd ed.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1990. A fascinating (albeit quite advanced) discussion
of many Ramsey theory topics, by one of Erdös’s favorite collaborators,
Ronald Graham.

Guy, Richard K. “The Strong Law of Small Numbers.” American

Mathematical Monthly 95 (1988): 697–712. This classic essay, published
in American Mathematical Monthly but accessible to laypeople, is a play
on the law of large numbers, a statement about how long-term empirical
frequencies approach theoretical probabilities. In this essay, the focus is on
surprising sequences that appear to do one thing but in fact do something
entirely unexpected.

Hardy, G. H. A Mathematician’s Apology. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 1992. First published in 1940, this is a poetic memoir about the beauty
of mathematical thinking.

Hoffman, Paul. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers. New York: Hyperion,
1999. A beautifully written book about an unbelievable character, Paul Erdös,
the most proli¿c researcher in the history of mathematics.

Honsberger, Ross. Ingenuity in Mathematics. Washington, DC: Mathematical

Association of America, 1970. This and the next book are just 2 of the many
wonderful works by Honsberger, whose specialty is clear essays that explain
amazingly creative mathematics.

———. Mathematical Gems II. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association

of America, 1976.

Kazarinoff, Nicholas. Geometric Inequalities. Washington, DC: Mathematical

Association of America, 1975. A short and brilliant book that gives beginners
a real intuition about inequalities by using a geometric, visual approach that
minimizes algebra in favor of true insight.

Kendig, Keith. Sink or Float? Thought Problems in Math and Physics.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2008. An elementary
book to help develop your physical intuition in a mathematical context.

Lansing, Alfred. Endurance. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1999. First
published in 1959, this is a riveting account of an epic tale of survival: the
ill-fated Antarctic voyage of Ernest Shackleton. It is relevant to us because
of the important story of mental toughness.

Lehoczky, Sandor, and Richard Rusczyk. The Art of Problem Solving. 7th ed.
Vols 1–2. Alpine, CA: Art of Problem Solving, 2008. An excellent guide for
beginners (as young as middle school), with complete solutions to problems
from a very wide variety of topics.

Liu, Andy, ed. and trans. Hungarian Problem Book III. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 2001. There are several volumes in
English of the famous Hungarian Problems, the earliest modern Olympiad-
style contest. All 3 volumes of this series have excellent commentary about
problem solving in general, but this is the best of them.

Maurer, Stephen B., and Anthony Ralston. Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics.

3rd ed. Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters, 2004. A superb text, especially notable
for its careful treatment of mathematical induction.

Needham, Tristan. Visual Complex Analysis. New York: Oxford University

Press, 1999. An essential book for anyone who truly wants to understand
why things are true. Needham’s uncompromisingly visual approach is unique
and powerful.

Nelson, Roger. Proofs without Words. Washington, DC: Mathematical

Association of America, 1997. One of the ¿rst books to stress the importance
of avoiding algebra whenever possible. Highly recommended.

Niven, Ivan. Maxima and Minima without Calculus. Washington, DC:

Mathematical Association of America, 2005. Like the 2 books above, this is a
highly recommended antidote to using too much higher-powered mathematics
when simpler methods are better and ultimately more illuminating.

Olson, Steve. Count Down: Six Kids Vie for Glory at the World’s Toughest
Math Competition. Boston: Houghton MifÀin Harcourt, 2004. A fascinating
account of the 2001 International Mathematical Olympiad, which was held
in the United States.

Polya, G. How to Solve It. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1957. This is the classic book about problem solving. All later books, mine
included, owe a tremendous debt to Polya’s pioneering work and writing.

Soifer, Alexander. The Mathematical Coloring Book. New York: Spinger,

2009. This book is a mathematical history of Ramsey-style problems
involving coloring, including Gallai’s theorem. It also includes much
fascinating history.

———. Mathematics as Problem Solving. New York: Springer, 2009. A very

short but intense guide to problem solving for beginners, with an excellent
choice of problems.

Solow, Daniel. How to Read and Do Proofs. 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,
2009. One of the standard college texts on this dif¿cult topic.

Sylvester, J. J. “Question 7382.” Mathematical Questions from the

Educational Times 37 (1884): 26. This is the ¿rst recorded mention of
what we refer to as the chicken nuggets problem, written by an eminent
British mathematician.

Tabachnikov, Sergei, ed. Kvant Selecta: Algebra and Analysis, I. Providence,

RI: American Mathematical Society, 1999. This book is part of a series
of translations from the great Russian journal Kvant (Quantum), which
popularized deep mathematics for a young audience.

Tanton, James. Solve This: Math Activities for Students and Clubs.
Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 2001. This is a one-

of-a-kind collection of deep puzzles that have a hands-on quality. Perfect for
truly doing mathematics and developing physical intuition.

Vakil, Ravi. A Mathematical Mosaic. Ontario: Brendan Kelly, 1996. One
of my favorite books for beginners, this is an absolutely joyous excursion
through many topics. Vakil is one of the best contest problem solvers in
history, but only modesty and generosity come across in this remarkable
little book.

Vanden Eynden, Charles. Elementary Number Theory. Long Grove, IL:

Waveland Press, 2001. One of the clearest and simplest guides to this
essential topic.

Velleman, Daniel. How to Prove It. New York: Cambridge University Press,
2006. This excellent book is a standard college-level text.

Weyl, H. Symmetry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. A

classic, ¿rst published in 1952, that attempts, quite successfully, to bridge
the gap between mathematics and aesthetics.

Wilf, Herbert. generatingfunctionology. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic

Press, 1994. A beautiful (advanced) book that is as much about mathematical
thinking as it is about generating functions.

Yaglom, I. M. Geometric Transformations I. New York: Random House,

1962. An elegant introduction to the transformational way of thinking.
Excellent for beginners.

Zeitz, Paul. The Art and Craft of Problem Solving. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley, 2007. My book parallels many of the topics in this course and has a
wide variety of problems of many levels of dif¿culty.

Films and Online Resources:

Art of Problem Solving. This is

perhaps the world’s preeminent online community of math enthusiasts, most
of them young and interested in math contests. It has numerous resources for
learning mathematics.

Csicery, George Paul. Hard Problems. 2008. DVD. A thought-provoking
documentary about the formation of the 2006 U.S. International Mathematical
Olympiad team and its adventures at the competition, which was held in
Slovenia. This ¿lm initially aired on PBS stations around the United States
in 2009.

———. N is a Number. 2007. DVD. A fascinating 1-hour documentary

about the life of Paul Erdös.

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. http://www.research.att.

com/~njas/sequences/Seis.html. This encyclopedia contains more than
100,000 sequences; it is a math nerd’s paradise.


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