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Mechanical Design Interview Questions and Answers

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Mechanical Design Interview Questions and

What are engineering tolerance?

Engineering Tolerances are allowable variation from given dimensions. In other words, it is
the total amount by which a given dimension may vary without affecting product function.

Tolerance (for hole) = Hole (MMC) – Hole (LMC)

Why Tolerance are Required?

The production of closely mating parts, without tolerances is economically unfeasible. This
will increase the rejection rate and manufacturing cost. Therefore, tolerances are used with
part dimensions to facilitate manufacturer and reduce cost.

What is tolerance Stackup Analysis?

Tolerance Stackup analysis is a design tool used to analyse and optimize product assembly. It
calculates the cumulative effects of part tolerances in an assembly.

What are the types of tolerance?

1. Unilateral Tolerance
2. Bilateral Tolerance

What do you understand by fit?

The term fit refers to the permissible clearances between mating parts. The clearance between
mating parts determines the type of Fit.

What are the different types of fits?

1. Clearance Fit
2. Interference Fit
3. Transition Fit

What do you understand by Engineering Drawing?

Engineering drawing is a technical document used to transfer technical information and

define requirements. In other words, it’s a graphical language that communicates ideas and
information from one mind to another.

What is Section, Projection, Isometric & Detailed View?

 Projection View : Projection view represents a 3 dimensional objects in 2 dimensions
while looking from one side.
 Section View: It is used to show the interior construction of a part in engineering
 Isometric View: Isometric projection represents a 3D objects into 2D in an
engineering drawings. In this three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and
the angle between any two axes is 120 degrees.
 Detailed View: It represents the larger view of any section of engineering drawing.

What is the symbol of 1st and 3rd angle projection?

First Angle Projection

3rd Angle Projection

Which projections are preferred for engineering drawings?

Following two types of projections are used :

 First Angle Projection

 Third Angle projection

Why 2nd and 4th angle projections are not used?

Because of the limitations of second and fourth angle projection system. Only First and Third
angle projections are used for making engineering drawings. In this article we will discuss the
limitations of 2nd and 4th angle projection.

To understand why 2nd and 4th angle projection are not used? Firstly we need to understand
the concept behind orthographic projection system.

How Projection System Works?

Lets consider a point in A and B in 1st and 3rd quadrant respectively.

As per rule of projection, to bring drawing views From three dimensional to two
dimensional plane, horizontal plane (HP) is rotated in the clockwise direction.
As shown, Point A in 1st quadrant lies in between observer and projection plane. Therefore
Front view of point A will be in vertical plane (V.P.) and top view will be on horizontal

Similarly Point B in 3rd quadrant can be projected on the horizontal and vertical plane,

Why Second and Forth angle Projection System are not used ?

To understand why 2nd and 4th angle projection system are not used. We will repeat above
experiment in second and fourth quadrant.

Let’s consider rectangular parts X and Y are placed in 2nd and 4th quadrant respectively.

In Second quadrant, vertical plane (VP) lies in between object X and observer. Therefore
front view of object x will lie on vertical plane whereas top view will lie on horizontal plane.
As per rule of projection when horizontal plane is rotated 90 degree in clockwise direction,
top and front view will overlap.
Overlapping projection views create confusion in the drawing. Therefore 2nd angle
projection system is not used.

Similarly when object is placed in 4th quadrant both top and front view will overlap.
Therefore fourth angle projection is also not used.


To sum up, Because of overlapping of front and top views 2nd and 4th angle projections are
not used. First and third angle projection systems are recommended for orthographic

What is least count and how it is calculated?

It is the smallest value measured with the measuring instrument. For example, least count for
a normal scale is 1 mm whereas for vernier scale it is 0.01 mm.

Least Count= Value of one main scale Division – Total Number of Vernier scale division

What is least count for Vernier Scale, Micrometer and normal scale?

 Vernier Caliper Least Count = 0.01 mm (Digital) , 0.02 mm (manual)

 Micrometer Least Count = 0.01 mm
 Normal scale Least Count = 1 mm

What is factor of safety and how it is calculated?

FOS describes the load carrying capacity of a system beyond the expected or actual loads. In
another words, FOS represents : how much stronger the system is compared to intended load.

FOS is calculated considering design load maximum value. Value of FOS is always greater
than one.

What are types of screws?

Screws can be classified based on following parameters:

Based on Screw Head

1. Counter Sunk Screw

2. Raised or oval head screw
3. Pan Head Screw
4. Flat Head Screw
5. Flange Head Screw

Based on Screw Drive Type

1. Sloted
2. Phillip
3. Pozi Drive
4. Torx Head
5. Hex Socket
6. Trangular head
7. Security Head Socket

Based on Screw Thread Type

1. Machine Screw
2. Thread Forming
3. Thread Cutting Screw

What is datum plane?

A datum is theoretical exact plane, axis or point location that GD&T or dimensional
tolerances are referenced to.

What is GD&T (Geometric Dimension & Tolerance) ?

GD&T is a system for defining engineering tolerances. It helps in conveying product

assembly requirements to manufacturer.

Geometric dimension and tolerance ( GD&T ) is a system to define nominal and allowable
variations in part and assembly geometry. They are used along with linear
tolerance. ASME Y14.5-2009 standard has defined GD&T symbols in detail.

Why GD&T is Required?

To ensure manufactured part quality. It is necessary to communicate design and assembly

requirements in drawing. Geometric dimension and tolerance helps in accurately defining
part geometry requirements.

GD&T allows comparatively larger tolerance zone. Therefore part rejection rate and cost also

Types of Geometric Dimension and Tolerance

Five types of GD&T tolerance are used to define a part design intent accurately. This
includes 14 symbols that controls the features and geometry of a part.

1. Form Control
2. Profile Control
3. Orientation Control
4. Location
5. Runout
Form Control

Foam control geometric tolerance controls the form of the feature of a part. Location and
Orientation tolerances can also used to control the foam of a feature.

Datum reference is not used with form control geometric dimension and tolerance. Form
tolerance are further classified in four types.

1. Straightness
2. Flatness
3. Circularity
4. Cylindricity


Straightness is a type of form control geometric dimension control tolerance in. It controls a
condition where all element of a surface or an axis of a feature lies in a straight line.

Straightness Tolerance Representation

 Datum plane is not required to define straightness tolerance.

 LMC and MMC modifiers can be used to define straightness of an axis.
 Straightness tolerance is defined to control the line on a surface or feature or an
axis. Read this article to know about Straightness Tolerance in detail.


Flatness is a type of form control GD&T tolerance. It controls the variations in flat surface,
regardless of any datum feature.

Flatness Tolerance Representation

 Flatness geometric tolerance value is always less than the dimensional tolerance
associated with a part feature.
 LMC and MMC modifiers can be used to define flatness of a surface. Read this article
to know in detail about flatness tolerance..

Circularity / Roundness

Circularity Tolerance Representation

Circularity controls the roundness of a circular feature in two dimensional tolerance zone.

 It’s value is independent of any datum feature.

 Circularity tolerance value is always less than the diameter dimensional tolerance.


Cylindricity Tolerance

Cylindricity tolerance in gd&t controls the roundness of a circular feature in 3-dimensional

tolerance zone.

 It is independent of any datum feature.

 Cylindricity tolerance ensures feature of a part is round and straight enough along its

Profile Control
Profile control tolerance in “Geometric Dimension and control Tolerance” defines a uniform
boundary around a surface. All points of controlled surface must lie within defined

Profile Control Tolerance controls a feature form, size, orientation and

location simultaneously. It is further classified in two types.

Profile Of a Line Control

Profile of a Line Control

Tolerance Representation

“Profile of a Line Control” GD&T tolerance creates a 2-dimensional tolerance zone around
any line of a feature.

 It controls size, orientation, location and form of a feature simultaneously.

 MMC and LMC are not applicable with profile of line control GD&T tolerance.
 It can be used with or without datum plane.

Profile Of a Surface Control

Profile of a Surface Control
Tolerance Representation

Profile of a Surface Control Tolerance creates a uniform 3D boundary tolerance zone along
full length and width of the surface.

 It controls size, orientation, location and form of a feature simultaneously.

 MMC and LMC are not applicable with profile of surface control GD&T tolerance.
 It can be used with or without datum plane.

Orientation Control

Orientation Control GD&T tolerance controls the orientation of the part feature with respect
to another feature or datum. They can be classified in three categories.

1. Parallelism
2. Perpendicularity
3. Angularity


Parallelism is a type of orientation control tolerance in GD&T. It controls the parallelism

between two lines, surfaces or an axis.

Parallelism Tolerance
 Parallelism tolerance does not controls the angle of the referenced feature. But it
creates a tolerance zone where all points of the feature must lie.
 Datum plane is required to control Parallelism Tolerance

Parallelism tolerance is explained in detail in parallelism article.


Perpendicularity tolerance in GD&T is used to control perpendicularity of a surface feature or

an axis with respect to datum plane.

Penpendicularity Tolerance

 When perpendicularity is applied over surface, Tolerance zone will be two parallel
surfaces/planes/lines perpendicular to datum plane.
 Whereas when applied to an axis. Tolerance zone will be a cylinder boundary around
a true axis. Axis of referenced feature must lie in this cylinder boundary.


Angularity tolerance in GD&T controls the orientation of one feature with respect to datum at
specified angle.
Angularity tolerance

 Tolerance zone will be two parallel planes /surfaces in 3D.

 Angularity tolerance can also be used to control the axis of any feature w.r.t datum
 Datum Plane is required to define angularity tolerance.

Location Control

Location control in “Geometric Dimension and Control Tolerance” defines the deviation of a
feature from the actual location. It is further classified in three types.

1. Position Tolerance
2. Concentricity
3. Symmetry

Concentricity and symmetry controls the center distance of feature whereas position tolerance
controls coaxiality of a features.

Position Tolerance
Position tolerance in gd&t controls the variation in the location of a feature from exact true
position. It is the total permissible variation in feature location from its exact true position.
MMC, LMC, projected tolerance, tangent planes can be used along with position tolerance.


Concentricity Tolerance

Concentricity tolerance controls the central axis of a cylinder or sphere with respect to datum
plane/axis. In other words, it controls the median points on high precision cylindrical parts
such as transmission gears.

Read this article for more details on Concentricity tolerance in detail.


Symmetry tolerance creates a 3-dimensional geometric tolerance zone w.r.t. datum. It

controls how much the points between two features may deviate from a specified center plane
or axis. It can only be applied to non circular features.

Symmetry tolerance is similar to concentricity. But it controls rectangular features and

involves two imaginary flat planes.


Runout in “geometric dimension and control” controls the variation in a feature when the part
is rotated 360° around the datum axis. It also measures the wobbling of a part. Runout can be
controlled with two symbols :

1. Circular Runout
2. Total Runout

Circular Runout
Circular Runout Representation

Circular runout creates a 2-Dimensional circular tolerance zone defined by a datum axis.

 It controls the total variation in controlled surface, when the part is rotated around the
datum true axis.
 Runout is used to control features of a rotating part such as drill, gears, shafts, axles
and machine tool parts.

Total Runout
Total Runout Representation

Total runout creates a 3-dimensional cylindrical tolerance zone defined by datum axis.

It controls the total variation in the reference surface, when the part is rotated around the
datum’s true axis.


To sum up, Geometric Dimension and tolerance (GD&T) has the advantage of
communicating part design and assembly intent in engineering drawing. It also helps in
increasing tolerance zone as well. To calculate required tolerance, tolerance stack up
calculator can be used.

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