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Industrial Engineering by S K Mondal.0003

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Inventory Control

S K Mondal Chapter 6
holding a is Rs 0.15 per unit per month. The shortage cost of one units is Rs 20/-
per year determine
(i) Economic production Quantity
(ii) No of shortage permited
(iii) The manufacturing time
(iv) Time between set-up and maximum inventory level.
U = 18000 unit/year;
P = 3000 unit/ month
R = 50 per setup;
Ic = Rs. 0.15 × 12 = Rs. 1.8; and Ip = Rs. 20/-
1.8 + 20 3000 × 12 2 × 50 × 18000
(i) Qo = × × ≈ 1477
20 3000 × 12 − 18000 1.8

Model-IV (Inventory Model with Single Discount)

Conventional Question [ESE-2008]
Name the three costs involved in inventory control. A store procures and sells
certain items. Information about an item is as follows:
Expected annual sales = 8000 units
Ordering cost = Rs. 1,800 per order
Holding cost = 10% of average inventory value
The items can be purchased according to the following schedule:
Lot size Unit price (Rs)
1 - 999 220
1000 - 1499 200
1500 - 1999 190
2000 and above 185
Determine the best order size. [10-Marks]
Solution: Three costs involved in inventory control are:
(i) Ordering Cost ( Co ) : This represents the expenses involved in placing an order with
the outside supplier. This occurs whenever inventory is replenished. It is expressed as
cost in rupee per order.
(ii) Carrying Cost ( Cc ) : This represents the cost of holding and storage of inventory. It is
proportional to the amount of inventory and time over which it is held. It consists of cost
involved in:
• Storage and handling
• Interest on funds tied up in inventory
• Insurance
• Obsolescence and deterioration
• Stock and record keeping

Carrying cost is expressed as cost per unit time. This is also expressed as a % of average
annual investment in inventory.
∴ Cc = CuI
Where Cu = unit cost

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Inventory Control
S K Mondal Chapter 6
(iii) Unit cost ( Cu ) : It refers to the nominal cost of the inventory item per unit. It is the
purchase price of the item. If it is bough from outside. It is bought from outside. It is the
production if the item is produced within the organisation. It is expressed as Rupees per
R = annual sales = 8000 unit
Co = Ordering cost = Rs. 1800/order
Cc = Carrying cost or holding cost = 10% of average inventory value

Lot size unit price (Rs) Type

1 – 999 220 I
1000 – 1499 200 II
1500 – 1999 190 III
2000 and above 185 IV

Case I
Let Q = economic order quantity
2RCo 2 × 8000 × 1800
= = = 1144
Cc 0.1 × 220
Which is more than 999
Hence Q = 999
Ordering cost = × 1800 = Rs.14414.414
Average inventory cost = × 0.1 × 220 = Rs.10989
Total inventory cost = 14414.414 + 10989
= Rs.25403.414
( T.C )I = 25403.414 + 220 × 8000
∴ ( T.C ) I = Rs.1785403.414 and ( EOQ )I = 999
Case II
2 × 8000 × 1800
Q= = 1200
0.1 × 200
Which lies on range
8000 1200
Total inventory cost = × 1800 + × 0.1 × 200 = Rs.24000
1200 2
( T.C )II = 24000 + 200 × 8000 = Rs.1624000
∴ ( T.C )II = Rs.1624000 and ( EOQ )II = 1200

Case III
2 × 8000 × 1800
Q= = 1231
0.1 × 190
Which does not lies within range
∴ ( EOQ ) III = 1500
8000 1500
Total inventory cost = × 1800 + × 0.1 × 190
1500 2
= Rs.23850
( T.C )III = 23850 + 190 × 8000 = Rs.1543850

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∴ ( T.C )III = Rs.1543850 and ( EOQ ) III = 1500

Case IV
2 × 8000 × 1800
Q= = 1248
0.1 × 185
Does not lies within range
∴ ( EOQ ) IV = 2000
8000 2000
Total inventory cost = × 1800 + × 0.1 × 185
2000 2
= Rs. 25700
( T.C )IV = 25700 + 185 × 8000 = Rs.1505700
∴ ( T.C ) IV = Rs.1505700 and ( EOQ ) IV = 2000
Hence best lot size is of 2000

Conventional Question [ESE-2004]

For XYZ Company, the annual requirement of an item is 2400 units. Each item
cost the company Rs 6/-. The supplies offer a discount of 5% if 500 or more
quantity is purchased. The ordering cost is Rs. 32/- per order and the average
inventory cost is 16%. Is it advisable to accept the discount? Comment on the
Order Quantity Unit price
Q < 500 C = Rs. 6
Q ≥ 500 Rs. 6 × (1 – 5/100) = Rs. 5.70/–
R = Rs. 32/–; U = 2400; Ic = 0.16 × 6 = 0.96; Ic = 0.16 × 5.7 = 0.912
2 RU 2 × 32 × 2400 2 × 32 × 2400
Step-I: EOQ ′ = = = 410; E .O.Q. = = 400
I c′ 0.912 0.96
2400 400
Step-II: Toptimum = 2400 × 6 + 32 × + × 0.96 = Rs.14784 / −
400 2
2400 500
Step-II: T500 = 2400 × 5.7 + 32 × + × 0.912 = Rs.14061.6 / −
500 2
So, I advised to XYZ Company to accept the offer. Because it will save Rs. 722.4 per

Conventional Question [GATE-2000]

A Company places order for supply of two items A and B. The order cost for each
of the items is Rs. 300/- per order. The inventory carrying cost is 18% of the unit
price per year per unit. The unit prices of the items are Rs. 40 and Rs. 50
respectively. The annual demand are 10000 and 20000 respectively (a) Find the
EOQ. (b) Supplier is willing to give the 1% discounts if both the item is ordered
from him and if the order quantities for each item is ordered from him and if the
order quantities for each item or 1000 unit or more. Is it profitable to avail the
U = 10000; R = 300 U = 20000; R = 300
C = 40; Ic = 0.18 × 40 = 7.2 C = 50; Ic = 0.18 × 50 = 9

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S K Mondal Chapter 6
2RU 2 × 10000 × 300 2RU 2 × 20000 × 300
EOQ = = = 913 EOQ = = = 1155
Ic 7.2 Ic 9
10000 20000
T = 10000 × 40 + × 300 T = 20000 × 50 + × 300
913 1155
913 1155
+ × 7.2 = 406573 + × 9 = 1010392
2 2
Total cots = Rs. 1,416,965/–

If the discount is accepted then

' '
CA = 0.99C = 39.6 C = 0.99 × 50 = 49.5
ICA = 0.18 × CA' = 7.128 '
ICB = 0.18 × CB' = 8.91
2 × 10000 × 300 2 × 20000 × 300
( EOQ′) A = = 914 ( EOQ′)B = = 1161
7.182 8.91
If discount accepted then QA = 1000 & QB = 1161 per order
TM = U AC ' A + × RA + × I 'CA + U BC B' + × RB + × I 'CB
QA 2 ( EOQ ′) 2
10000 20000 × 300 1161
= 10000 × 39.6 + × 300 + 500 × 7.128 + 2000 × 49.5 + + × 891
1000 1161 2
= 1402904 / −
If discount accepted saving per year = T – TM = 1416,965 – 1402904 = 14,061/–

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7. MRP

Theory at a Glance (For IES, GATE, PSU)

MRP System
An MRP system has three major input components:

• Master Production Schedule (MPS): MPS is designed to meet the market

demand (both the firm orders and forecasted demand) in future in the taken
planning horizon. MPS mainly depicts the detailed delivery schedule of the end
products. However, orders for replacement components can also be included in it to
make it more comprehensive.
• Bill of Materials (BOM): BOM represents the product structure. It encompasses
information about all sub components needed, their quantity, and their sequence of
buildup in the end product. Information about the work centers performing buildup
operations is also included in it.
• Inventory Status File: Inventory status file keeps an up-to-date record of each
item in the inventory. Information such as, item identification number, quantity on
hand, safety stock level, quantity already allocated and the procurement lead time
of each item is recorded in this file.

After getting input from these sources, MRP logic processes the available
information and gives information about the following:

• Planned Orders Receipts: This is the order quantity of an item that is planned to
be ordered so that it is received at the beginning of the period under consideration
to meet the net requirements of that period. This order has not yet been placed and
will be placed in future.
• Planned Order Release: This is the order quantity of an item that is planned to
be ordered and the planned time period for this order that will ensure that the item
is received when needed. Planned order release is determined by offsetting the
planned order receipt by procurement lead time of that item.
• Order Rescheduling: This highlight the need of any expediting, de-expediting, and
cancellation of open orders etc. in case of unexpected situations.

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Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Materials Requirement Planning

GATE-1. In an MRP system, component demand is: [GATE-2006]
(a) Forecasted
(b) Established by the master production schedule
(c) Calculated by the MRP system from the master production schedule
(d) Ignored

GATE-2. For planning the procurement or production of dependent demand

items, the technique most suitable is…………….. (MRP/EOQ)

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Materials Requirement Planning

IES-1. The proper sequence of activities for material requirement planning
is: [IES-2002]
(a) Master production schedule, capacity planning, MRP and order release
(b) Order release, master production schedule, MRP and capacity planning
(c) Master production schedule, order release, capacity planning and MRP
(d) Capacity planning, master production schedule, MRP and order release

IES-2. Match List-I (Files in MRP) with List-II (Inputs required) and select
the correct answer: [IES-2002]
List-I List-II
A. Master production schedule 1. Scheduled receipts
B. Bills of materials 2. Units costs and discounts
C. Inventory records 3. Production capacity
4. Product structure
Codes: A B C A B C
(a) 4 1 3 (b) 3 4 2
(c) 3 4 1 (d) 4 3 1

IES-3. Which one of the following is not a necessary information input to

Material Requirements Planning? [IES-2006]
(a) Inventory on hand (b) Bill of materials
(c) Sequence of operations on a job (d) Master production schedule (MPS)
IES-4. Assertion (A): Master production schedule drives the whole of
production and inventory control system in a manufacturing
organization. [IES-2000]

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S K Mondal Chapter 7
Reason (R): Master production schedule is a list of daily and weekly
work released by PPC to production.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-5. Which of the following input data are needed for MRP? [IES-1998]
1. Master production schedule 2. Inventory position
3. Machine capacity 4. Bill of materials
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4

IES-6. Consider the following: [IES-2009]

1. A master production schedule
2. An inventory status file
3. Bill of material
Which of the above are the inputs to MRP systems?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only

IES-7. Match List-I (Production control function) with List-II

(Explanation) and select the correct answer using the code given
below the lists: [IES-2005]
List I List II
A. Bill of Materials (BOM) 1. A technique for determining the quantity
B. Capacity Resource and timing of dependent demand items
Planning (CRP) 2. A technique for determining personnel
C. Material Requirement and equipment capacities needed to meet
Planning (MRP) the production objective
D. Master Production 3. Specifies what end items are to be
Schedule (MPS) produced and when
4. The part numbers & quantity required
per assembly
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4

IES-8. Which of the following are needed as the input data for materials
requirement planning? [IES-2005]
1. Weekly production schedule 2. Bill of material
3. Supplier lead time 4. Market forecast
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Job Design
IES-9. Assertion (A): In job design, instead of each job consisting of a single
task, a large group of tasks are clustered for a job holder.

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S K Mondal Chapter 7
Reason (R): A single job should encompass not only production
tasks but also the set up, scheduling and control tasks related to the
operation. [IES-1998]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-10. A process of discovering and identifying the pertinent information

relating to the nature of a specific job is called [IES-1999]
(a) Job identification (b) Job description
(c) Job analysis (d) Job classification

Job Standards
IES-11. Assertion (A): Job enrichment increases the job satisfaction of the
employee. [IES-2002]
Reason (R): The jobs of wireman and lineman doing indoor and
outdoor works respectively can be integrated for better results.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-12. Procedure of modifying work content to give more meaning and

enjoyment to the job by involving employees in planning,
organization and control of their work, is termed as [IES-1996]
(a) Job enlargement (b) Job enrichment
(c) Job rotation (d) Job evaluation

Previous 20-Years IAS Questions

Job Standards
IAS-1. A systematic job improvement sequence will consist of: [IAS-1994]
(i) Motion Study (ii) Time Study
(iii) Job Enrichment (iv) Job Enlargement
An optimal sequence would consist of:
(a) i, ii, iii and iv (b) ii, i, iii and iv
(c) iii, i, ii and iv (d) iii, iv, i and ii

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S K Mondal Chapter 7

Answers with Explanation (Objective)

Previous 20-Years GATE Answers

GATE-1. Ans. (c) In a MRP system, component demand is calculated by the MRP system
from the Master Production Schedule.
GATE-2. Ans. MRP

Previous 20-Years IES Answers

IES-1. Ans. (a)
IES-2. Ans. (c)
IES-3. Ans. (c)
IES-4. Ans. (c)
IES-5. Ans. (c)
IES-6. Ans. (a)
IES-7. Ans. (d)
IES-8. Ans. (d)
IES-9. Ans. (b)
IES-10. Ans. (b)
IES-11. Ans. (c)
IES-12. Ans. (b)

Previous 20-Years IAS Answers

IAS-1. Ans. (a)

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S K Mondal Chapter 7

Conventional Questions with Answer

Conventional Question - IES 2010
Question: Distinguish between material requirements planning and manufacturing
resource planning. [2 Marks]

Material Requirement Planning Manufacturing Resource Planning
1. It uses information about end product Manufacturing resource planning evolved from
demands, product structure and component material requirement planning to integrate
requirement. other functions in planning process. These
2. Purchase lead’s time and current inventory functions may include engineering, marketing,
product & purchasing schedule. purchasing, production scheduling business
planning and finance.

Conventional Question - IES 2008

Question: Is Material Requirement planning a material planning system, a production
planning system or both? Explain. [2 Marks]

Answer: Material requirement planning (MRP) is used for material requirement and production
planning. Material requirement planning (MRP) is a computational technique that
converts the master schedule for end products into a detailed schedule for the raw
materials and components used in the end products. The detailed schedule identifies the
quantities of each raw material and component item. It also indicates when each item
must be ordered and delivered so as to meet the master schedule for final products.
MRP is often though of as a method of inventory control. While it is an effective tool for
minimizing unnecessary inventory investment. MRP is also useful in production
scheduling and purchasing of materials.
The concept of MRP is relatively straight forward. What complicates the application of
the technique is the sheer magnitude of the data to be processed. The master schedule
provides the overall production plan for the final products in terms of month-by-month
deliveries. Each of the products may contain hundreds of individual components. These
components are produced from raw materials, some of which are common among the
components. For example, several components may be made out of the same sheet steel.
The components are assembled into simple subassemblies and these subassemblies are
put together into more complex subassemblies and so on until the final products are
assembled. Each step in the manufacturing and assembly sequence takes time. All of
these factors must be incorporated into the MRP calculations. Although each calculation

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is uncomplicated, the magnitude of the data is so large that the application of MRP is
virtually impossible unless carried out on a digital computer.

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8. Work Study and Work
Theory at a Glance (For IES, GATE, PSU)
Definition: Work study may be defined as the analysis of a job for the purpose of finding
the preferred method of doing it and also determining the standard time to perform it by
two areas of study, method study (motion study) and time study (work measurement).

Role of Work Study in Improving Productivity

In order to understand the role of work study, we need to understand the role of method
study and that of time study.
Method study (also sometimes called Work Method Design) is mostly used to improve
existing method of doing work although it is equally well applicable to new jobs. When
applied to existing jobs, method study aims to find better methods of doing the jobs that
are economical and safe, require less human effort, and need shorter make-ready / put-
away time. The better method involves the optimum use of best materials and appropriate
manpower so that work is performed in well, organized manner leading to utilization,
better quality and lower costs.
We can therefore say that through method study we have a systematic way of developing
human resource effectiveness, providing high machine and equipment utilization, and
making economical use of materials.
Time study, on the other hand, provides the standard time, that is the time needed by
worker to complete a job by the specified method. Therefore for any job, the method of
doing it is first improved by method study, the new method is implemented as a standard
practice and for that job to be done by the new method, and standard time is established
by the use of time study. Standard times are essential for any organization, as they are
needed for proper estimation of:
• Manpower, machinery and equipment requirements.
• Daily, weekly or monthly requirement of materials.
• Production cost per unit as an input to selling price determination.
• Labur budgets.
• Worker's efficiency and make incentive wage payments.
By the application of method study and time study in any organization, we can thus
achieve greater output at less cost and of better quality, and hence achieve higher

Motion Study and Motion Economy

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Work Study & Work Measurement
S K Mondal Chapter 8
Motion study is a technique of analyzing the body motions employed in doing a task in
order to eliminate or reduce ineffective movements and facilitates effective movements. By
using motion study and the principles of motion economy the task is redesigned to be more
effective and less time consuming.
The Gilbreths pioneered the study of manual motions and developed basic laws of motion
economy that are still relevant today. They were also responsible for the development of
detailed motion picture studies, termed as Micro Motion Studies, which are extremely
useful for analyzing highly repetitive manual operations. With the improvement in
technology, of course, video camera has replaced the traditional motion picture film
In a broad sense, motion study encompasses micro motion study and both have the same
objective: job simplification so that it is less fatiguing and less time consuming while
motion study involves a simple visual analysis, micro motion study uses more expensive
equipment. The two types of studies may be compared to viewing a task under a
magnifying glass versus viewing the same under a microscope. The added detail revealed
by the microscope may be needed in exceptional cases when even a minute improvement in
motions matters, i.e. on extremely short repetitive tasks.
Taking the cine films @ 16 to 20 frames per second with motion picture camera, developing
the film and analyzing the film for micro motion study had always been considered a costly
affair. To save on the cost of developing the film and the cost of film itself, a technique was
used in which camera took only 5 to 10 frames per minute. This saved on the time of film
analysis too. In applications where infrequent shots of camera could provide almost same
information, the technique proved fruitful and acquired the name Memo Motion Study.
Traditionally, the data from micro motion studies are recorded on a Simultaneous
Motion (simo) Chart while that from motion studies are recorded on a Right Hand -
Left Hand Process Chart.

As result of several motion studies conducted Gilbreths concluded that any work can be
done by using a combination of 17 basic motions, called Therbligs (Gilbreth spelled
backward). These can be classified as effective therbligs and ineffective therbligs. Effective
therbligs take the work progress towards completion. Attempts can be made to shorten
them but they cannot be eliminated. Ineffective therbligs do not advance the progress of
work and therefore attempts should be made to eliminate them by applying the
Principles of Motion Economy.

SIMO Chart
It is a graphic representation of the sequence of the therbligs or group of therbligs
performed by body members of operator. It is drawn on a common time scale. In other
words, it is a two-hand process chart drawn in terms of therbligs and with a time scale. A
video film or a motion picture film is shot of the operation. The film is analyzed frame by
frame. For the left hand, the sequence of therbligs (or group of therbligs) with their time
values are recorded on the column corresponding to the left hand. The symbols are added
against the length of column representing the duration of the group of therbligs. The
procedure is repeated for the right and other body members (if any) involved in carrying
out the operation.
It is generally not possible to time individual therbligs. A certain number of therbligs may
be grouped into an element large enough to be measured.

Uses of SIMO Chart

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From the motion analysis shown about the motions of the two hands (or other body
members) involved in doing an operation, inefficient motion pattern can be identified and
any violation of the principle of motion economy can be easily noticed. The chart, therefore,
helps in improving the method of doing the operation so that balanced two-handed actions
with coordinated foot and eye motions can be achieved and ineffective motion can be either
reduced or eliminated. The result is a smoother, more rhythmic work cycle that keeps both
delays and operator fatigue to the minimum extent.

Cycle Graph and Chrono Cycle Graph

These techniques of analyzing the paths of motion made by an operator were developed by
the Gilbreths. To make a cycle graph, a small electric bulb is attached to the finger, hand,
or any other part of the body whose motion is to be recorded. By using still Photography,
the path of light of bulb (in other words, that of the body member) as it moves through
space for one complete cycle is photographed by keeping the working area relatively less
illuminated. More than one camera may be used in different planes to get more details.
The resulting picture (cycle graph) shows a permanent record of the motion pattern
employed in the form of a closed loop of white continuous line with the working area in the
background. A cycle graph does not indicate the direction or speed of motion.
It can be used for
• Improving the motion pattern and
• Training purposes in that two cycle graphs may be shown with one indicating a
better motion pattern than the other.
The Chrono cycle graph is similar to the cycle graph, but the power supply to the bulb is
interrupted regularly by using an electric circuit. The bulb is thus made to flash. The
procedure for taking photograph remains the same. The resulting picture (Chrono cycle
graph), instead of showing continuous line of motion pattern, shows short dashes of line
spaced in proportion to the speed of the body member photographed. Wide spacing would
represent fast moves while close spacing would represent slow moves. The jumbling of dots
at one point would indicate fumbling or hesitation of the body member. A chrono cycle
graph can thus be used to study the motion pattern as well as to compute velocity,
acceleration and retardation experienced by the body member at different locations.
The world of sports has used this analysis tool, updated to video, for extensively the
purpose of training in the development of from and skill.

Work Measurement (Time study)

Work measurement refer to the estimation of standard time, that is the time allowed for
completing one piece of job using the given method. This is the time taken by an average
experienced worker for the job with provisions for delays beyond the workers control.
Definition: Time study is a technique to estimate the time to be allowed to a qualified and
well-trained worker working at a normal pace to complete a specified task.
There are several techniques used for estimation of standard time in industry. These
include time study, work sampling, standard data, and predetermined time systems.

Standard times for different operations in industry are useful for several applications like
• Estimating material machinery and equipment requirements.

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Work Study & Work Measurement
S K Mondal Chapter 8
• Estimating the production cost per unit as an input to
™ Preparation of budgets
™ Determination of selling price
™ Make or buy decision
• Estimating manpower requirements.
• Estimating delivery schedules and planning the work
• Balancing the work of operators working in a group.
• Estimating performance of workers and use as basis for incentive payment to those
direct and in director labur who show greater productivity.

Time Study Procedure

The procedure for time study can best be described step-wise, which are self explanatory.
Step 1: Define objective of the study. This involves statement of the use of the result,
the precision desired, and the required level of confidence in the estimated time
Step 2: Analyse the operation to determine whether standard method and conditions
exist and whether the operator is properly trained. If need is felt for method
study or further training of operator, the same may be completed before starting
the time study.
Step 3: Select Operator to be studied if there is more than one operator doing the same
Step 4: Record information about the standard method, operation, operator, product,
equipment, quality and conditions.
Step 5: Divide the operation into reasonably small elements.
Step 6: Time the operator for each of the elements. Record the data for a few number of
cycles. Use the data to estimate the total numbers of observations to be taken.
Step 7: Collect and record the data of required number of cycles by timing and rating
the operator.
Step 8: For each element calculate the representative watch time. Multiply it by the
rating factory to get normal time.
Normal time = Observed time * Rating factor
Add the normal time of various elements to obtain the normal time for the
whole operation.
Step 9: Determine allowances for various delays from the company's policy book or by
conducting an independent study.
Step 10: Determine standard time by adding allowances to the normal time of operation.
Standard time = Normal time + allowances

Time Study Equipment

The following equipment is needed for time study work.
• Timing device
• Time study observation sheet
• Time study observation board
• Other equipment

Timing Device
The stop watch and the electronic timer are the most widely used timing devices used for
time study. The two perform the same function with the difference that electronics timer
can measure time to the second or third decimal of a second and can keep a large volume of
time data in memory.

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Work Study & Work Measurement
S K Mondal Chapter 8
Time Study Observation Sheet
It is a printed form with space provided for nothing down the necessary information about
the operation being studied like name of operation, drawing number, name of the operator,
name of time study person, and the date and place of study. Space are provided in the form
for writing detailed description of the process (element-wise), recording stop-watch
readings for each element of the process, performance rating(s) of the operator, and
computation Figure 2 Shows a typical time study observation sheet.

Time Study Board

It is a light -weight board used for holding the observation sheet and stopwatch in position.
It is of size slightly larger than that of observation sheet used. Generally, the watch is
mounted at the center of the top edge or as shown in Figure 3 near the upper right-hand
corner of the board. The board has a clamp to hold the observation sheet. During the time
study, the board is held against the body and the upper left arm by the time study person
in such a way that the watch could be operated by the thumb/index finger of the left hand.
Watch readings are recorded on the observation sheet by the right hand.

Other Equipment
This includes pencil, eraser and device like tachometer for checking the speed, etc.

Normal Performance
There is no universal concept of Normal Performance. However, it is generally defined as
the working rate of an average qualified worker working under capable supervision but not
under any incentive wage payment scheme. This rate of working is characterized by the
fairly steady exertion of reasonable effort, and can be maintained day after day without
undue physical or mental fatigue.
The level of normal performance differs considerably from one company to another. What
company a calls 100 percent performance, company B may call 80 percent, and company C
may call 125 percent and so on. It is important to understand that the level that a
company selects for normal performance is not critical but maintaining that level uniform
among time study person and constant with the passage of time within the company is
extremely important.
There are, of course, some universally accepted benchmark examples of normal
performance, like dealing 52 cards in four piles in 0.5 minute, and walking at 3 miles per
hour (4.83 km/hr). In order to make use of these benchmarks, it is important that a
complete description about these be fully understood, like in the case of card dealing, what
is the distance of each pile with respect to the dealer, technique of grasping, moving and
disposal of the cards.
Some companies make use of video films or motion pictures for establishing what they
consider as normal speed or normal rate of movement of body members. Such films are
made of typical factory jobs with the operator working at the desired normal pace. These
films are reported to be useful in demonstrating the level of performance expected from the
operators and also for training of time study staff.

Performance Rating
During the time study, time study engineer carefully observes the performance of the
operator. This performance seldom conforms to the exact definition of normal or standard.

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Therefore, it becomes necessary to apply some 'adjustment' to the mean observed time to
arrive at the time that the normal operator would have needed to do that job when
working at an average pace. This 'adjustment' is called Performance Rating.
Determination of performance rating is an important step in the work measurement
procedures. It is based entirely on the experience, training, and judgment of the work-
study engineer. It is the step most subjective and therefore is subject to criticism.
It is the procedure in which the time study engineer compares the performance of
operator(s) under observation to the Normal Performance and determines a factor called
Rating Factor.
Observed performance
Rating factor =
Normal performance

System of Rating
There are several systems of rating, the performance of operator on the job. These are
1. Pace Rating
2. Westinghouse System of Rating
3. Objective Rating
4. Synthetic Rating
A brief description of each rating method follows.

Pace Rating
Under this system, performance is evaluated by considering the rate of accomplishment of
the work per unit time. The study person measures the effectiveness of the operator
against the concept of normal performance and then assigns a percentage to indicate the
ratio of the observed performance to normal or standard performance.
In this method, which is also called the speed rating method, the time study person judges
the operators speed of movements, i.e. the rate at which he is applying himself, or in other
words "how fast" the operator the motions involved.

Westinghouse System of Rating

This method considers four factors in evaluating the performance of the operator : Skill,
effort, conditions and Consistency.
Skill may be defined as proficiency at following a given method. It is demonstrated by co
ordination of mind and hands. A person's skill in given operation increases with his
experience on the job, because increased familiarity with work bring speed, smoothness of
motions and freedom from hesitations.
The Westinghouse system lists six classes of skill as poor fair, average, good, excellent in a
Table1. The time study person evaluates the skill displayed by the operator and puts it in
one of the six classes. As equipment % value of each class of skill is provided in the table,
the rating is translated into its equivalent percentage value, which ranges from +15 % (for
super skill) to – 22 % (for poor skill).
In a similar fashion, the ratings for effort, conditions, and consistency are given using
Table2 for each of the factors. By algebraically combining the ratings with respect to each
of the four factors, the final performance-rating factor is estimated.

Objective Rating

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In this system, speed of movements and job difficulty are rated separately and the two
estimates are combined into a single value. Rating of speed or pace is done as described
earlier, and the rating of job difficulty is done by selecting adjustment factors
corresponding to characteristics of operation with respect to (i) amount of body used, (ii)
foot pedals, (iii) bimanual ness, (iv) eye-hand co ordination, (v) handling requirements and
(vi) weight handled or resistance encountered Mundel and Danner have given Table of %
values (adjustment factor) for the effects of various difficulties in the operation performed.
For an operation under study, the numerical value for each of the six factors is assigned,
and the algebraic sum of the numerical values called job difficulty adjustment factor is
The rating factor R can be expressed as

Where: P = Pace rating factor
D = Job difficulty adjustment factor.

Synthetic Rating
This method of rating has two main advantages over other methods that (i) it does not rely
on the judgment of the time study person and (ii) it give consistent results.
The time study is made as usual. Some manually controlled elements of the work cycle are
selected. Using a PMT system (Pre-determined motion time system), the times for these
elements are determined. The times of these elements are the performance factor is
determined for each of the selected elements.
Performance or Rating Factor, R = P / A
Where P = Predetermined motion time of the element,
A = Average actual Observed time of the element.
The overall rating factor is the mean of rating factors determined for the selected
elements, which is applied uniformly to all the manually controlled elements of the work

Example: A work cycle has been divided into 8 elements and time study has
been conducted. The average observed times for the elements are as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.14 0.16 0.30 0.52 0.26 0.45 0.34 0.15

M = Manually Controlled, P = Power Controlled

Total observed time of work cycle = 2.32 min.

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Suppose we select elements number 2, 5 and 8 (These must be manually controlled
elements). By using some PMT system, suppose we determine the times of these elements
Elements No. 2 5 8

PMT System
0.145 0.255 0.140
times (mins)

Rating factor for element 2 = 0.145 / 0.16 = 90.06%

Rating factor for element 5 = 0.255 / 0.26 = 98.08%
Rating factor for element8 = 0.140 / 0.15 = 96.66%

The mean of the rating factors of selected elements = 94.93% or say 95% is the rating
factor that will be used for all the manual elements of the work cycle.
The normal time of the cycle is calculated as given in the following table.

Element No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
actual 0.14 0.16 0.30 0.52 0.26 0.45 0.34 0.15
PMT system
0.145 0.255 0.14
Rating 95 95 100 95 95 95 95 95
Normal Cycle Time = 0.95(0.14 + 0.16 + 0.52 + 0.26 + 0.45 + 0.34 + 0.15) + 1.00(0.30)
= 1.92 + 0.30 = 2.22 minutes

The readings of any time study are taken over a relatively short period of time. The normal
time arrived at, therefore does not include unavoidable delay and other legitimate lost
time, for example, in waiting for materials, tools or equipment; periodic inspection of parts;
interruptions due to legitimate personal need, etc. It is necessary and important that the
time study person applies some adjustment, or allowances to compensate for such losses,
so that fair time standard is established for the given job.
Allowances are generally applied to total cycle time as some percentage of it, but
sometimes these are given separately as some % for machine time and some other % for
manual effort time. However no allowance are given for interruptions which maybe due to
factor which are within the operator's control or which are avoidable.

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S K Mon
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Most companies allow the foollowing alloowances to their

t employ
• Delay Allo owance
• Fatigue Allowance
• Personal Allowance
• Special Alllowance

ay Allowa
This time allow wance is giv ven to an operator foor the num merous interrruptions th hat he
experiences everry day during the ccourse of his h work. TThese interruptions include
interrruptions from the su upervisor, inspector, planners, expediters, fellow workers,
produuction persoonnel and otthers. This allowance also
a covers iinterruption
ns due to m
ularities, diifficulty in maintainin
irregu ng specifica
ations and tolerances, and interfference
delayss where thee operator has to attendd to more th
han one macchine.

gue Allow
This allowance
a c
can be divid
ded into twoo parts: (i) basic
b fatigu
ue allowance and (ii) variable
ue allowance. The basicc fatigue alllowance is given to th he operator to compenssate for
the en
nergy expen nded for carrrying out thhe work and d to alleviatte monotony y. For an op
who is
i doing ligh ht work wh hile seated, under good d working cconditions anda under n
demands on the sensory
s or motor
m system
m, a 4% of normal
n timee is considerred adequatte. This
can bee treated ass a constant allowance.
The magnitude
m of variable e fatigue alllowance given to the operator depends
d up
pon the
severiity of the fa
actor or connditions, wh hich cause extra (more than norma al) fatigue to
t him.
As we
w know, fa atigue is not
n homogeneous, it ranger m strictly physical to purely
psychhological and d includes combination
c ns of the two. on some people it ha as a marked d effect
while on others, it has appa arently littlee or no effecct. Whateveer may be th
he kind of fatigue-
physiccal or menttal, the resu ult is same--it reduces the work output of op perator. Thee major
factorrs that cause more th han just thee basic fatiigue includees sever woorking cond ditions,
especiially with respect
r to noise, illummination, heeat and hu umidity; thee nature off work,
especiially with reespect to poosture, musccular exertioon and tedioousness and d like that.

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It is true that in modern industry, heavy manual work, and thus muscular fatigue is
reducing day by day but mechanization is promoting other fatigue components like
monotony and mental stress. Because fatigue in totality cannot be eliminated, proper
allowance has to be given for adverse working conditions and repetitiveness of the work.

Personal Allowance
This is allowed to compensate for the time spent by worker in meeting the physical needs.
A normal person requires a periodic break in the production routine. The amount of
personal time required by operator varies with the individual more than with the kind of
work, though it is seen that workers need more personal time when the work is heavy and
done under unfavorable conditions.
The amount of this allowance can be determined by making all-day time study or work
sampling. Mostly, a 5 % allowance for personal time (nearly 24 minutes in 8 hours) is
considered appropriate.

Special Allowance
These allowances are given under certain special circumstances. Some of allowances and
the conditions under which they are given are:
Small Lot Allowance: This allowance is given when the actual production period is too
short to allow the worker to come out of the initial learning period. When an operator
completes several small-lot jobs on different setups during the day, an allowance as high
as 15 percent may be given to allow the operator to make normal earnings.
Training Allowance: This allowance is provided when work is done by trainee to allow
him to maker reasonable earnings. It may be a sliding allowance, which progressively
decreases to zero over certain length of time. If the effect of learning on the job is known,
the rate of decrease of the training allowance can be set accordingly.
Rework Allowance: This allowance is provided on certain operation when it is known
that some present of parts made are spoiled due to factors beyond the operator's control.
The time in which these spoiled parts may be reworked is converted into allowance.
Different organizations have decided upon the amount of allowances to be given to
different operators by taking help from the specialists/consultants in the field and through
negotiations between the management and the trade unions. ILO has given its
recommendations about the magnitude of various allowances, Table 4.
Example: In making a time study of a laboratory technician performing an
analysis of processed food in a canning factory, the following times were noted
for a particular operation.
Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
21 21 16 19 20 16 20 19 19 20 40 19
Run 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 18 23 19 15 18 18 19 21 20 20 19

If the technician's performance has been rated at 120 percent, and the company policy for
allowance (personal, fatigue, etc.) stipulates 13 percent,
(i) Determine the normal time

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(ii) Determine the standard time

Watch readings falling 50% above and 25% below the average may be considered as

Answer: Tav =
∑ Cycle time = 481 = 20.04 sec.
No. of cycles 24
⇒ 1.5Tav = 30 sec. ⇒ 0.75Tav = 15 sec.
Discarding the time values which are greater than .75 Tav or less than 1.5 Tav, the
average observed cycle time = = 19.2 sec.
Normal time = 19.2 × = 23.04 sec.
Standard time = Normal time + Allowances = 23.04 × = 26.5 sec.
100 − 13

Predetermined Motion Time System

A predetermined motion time system (PMTS) may be defined as a procedure that analyzes
any manual activity in terms of basic or fundamental motions required to performing it.
Each of these motions is assigned a previously established standard time value in such a
way that the timings for the individual motions can be synthesized to obtain the total time
for the performance of the activity.
The main use of PMTS lies in the estimation of time for the performance of a task before it
is performed. The procedure is particularly useful to some organizations because it does
not require troublesome rating with each study.
Applications of PMTS are for:
(i) Determination of job time standards.
(ii) Comparing the times for alternative proposed methods so as to find the economics of
the proposals prior to production run.
(iii) Estimation of manpower, equipment and space requirements prior to setting up the
facilities and start of production.
(iv) Developing tentative work layouts for assembly line prior to their working.
(v) Checking direct time study results.
A number of PMTS are in use, some of which have been developed by individual
organizations for their own use, while other organizations have publicized for universal
The following are commonly used PMT systems
• Work factor (1938)
• Method Time Measurement (1948)
• Basic Motion Time (1951)
• Dimension Motion Time (1954)
Some important factors which be considered while selecting a PMT system for application
to particular industry are:
1. Cost of Installation. This consists mainly of the cost of getting expert for applying
the system under consideration.

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2. Application Cost. This is determined by the length of time needed to set a time
standard by the system under consideration.
3. Performance Level of the System. The level of performance embodied in the
system under consideration may be different from the normal performance
established in the industry where the system is to be used. However, this problem
can be overcome by 'calibration' which is nothing but multiplying the times given in
the Tables by some constant or by the application of an adjustment allowance.
4. Consistency of Standards. Consistency of standards set by a system on various
jobs is a vital factor to consider. For this, the system can be applied on a trial basis
on a set of operations in the plant and examined for consistency among them.
5. Nature of Operation. Best results are likely to be achieved if the type and nature
of operations in the plant are similar to the nature and type of operations studied
during the development of the system under consideration.

Advantages and limitations of using PMT systems

Compared to other work measurement techniques, all PMT system claim the following
1. There is no need to actually observe the operation running. This means the
estimation of time to perform a job can be made from the drawings even before the
job is actually done. This feature is very useful in production planning, forecasting,
equipment selection etc.
2. The use of PMT eliminates the need of troublesome and controversial performance
rating. For the sole reason of avoiding performance rating, some companies have
been using this technique.
3. The use of PM times forces the analyst to study the method in detail. This
sometimes helps to further improve the method.
4. A bye-product of the use of PM time is a detailed record of the method of operation.
This is advantageous for installation of method, for instructional purposes, and for
detection and verification of any change that might occur in the method in future.
5. The PM times can be usefully employed to establish elemental standard data for
setting time standards on jobs done on various types of machines and equipment.
6. The basic times determined with the use of PMT system are relatively more

There are two main limitations to the use of PMT system for establishing time standards.
These are:
(i) Its application to only manual contents of job and
(ii) The need of trained personnel. Although PMT system eliminates the use of rating,
quite a bit of judgment is still necessarily exercised at different stages.

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Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Motion Study and Motion Economy
GATE-1. The principles of motion economy are mostly used while conducting
(a) A method study on an operation [GATE-2002]
(b) A time study on an operation
(c) A financial appraisal of an operation
(d) A feasibility study of the proposed manufacturing plant.

Work Measurement (Time Study)

GATE-2. The individual human variability in time studies to determine the
production standards is taken care of by: [GATE-1996]
(a) Personal allowances (b) Work allowances
(c) Rating factor (d) None of the above

GATE-3. A welding operation is time-studied during which an operator was

pace-rated as 120%. The operator took, on an average, 8 minutes for
producing the weld-joint. If a total of 10% allowances are allowed
for this operation, the expected standard production rate of the
weld-joint (in units per 8 hour day) is: [GATE-2005]
(a) 45 (b) 50 (c) 55 (d) 60

GATE-4. The standard time of an operation while conducting a time study is:
(a) Mean observed time + Allowances [GATE-2002]
(b) Normal time + Allowances
(c) Mean observed time × Rating factor + Allowances
(d) Normal time × Rating factor + Allowances

GATE-5. Fifty observations of a production operation revealed a mean cycle

time of 10 min. The worker was evaluated to be performing at 90%
efficiency. Assuming the allowances to be 10% of, the normal time,
the standard time (in seconds) for the job is: [GATE-2001]
(a) 0.198 (b) 7.3 (c) 9.0 (d) 9.9

GATE-6. In a time study exercise, the time observed for an activity was 54
seconds. The operator had a performance rating of 120. A personal
time allowance of 10% is given. The standard time for the activity, in
seconds, is: [GATE-2000]
(a) 54 (b) 60.8 (c) 72 (d) 58.32

GATE-7. A stop watch time study on an operator with a performance rating

of 120 yielded a time of 2 minute. If allowances of 10% of the total
available time are to be given, the standard time of the operation is:
(a) 2 minutes (b) 2.4 minutes (c) 2.64 minutes (d) 2.67 minutes
GATE-8. The actual observed time for an operation was 1 minute per piece. If
the performance rating of the operator was 120 and a 5 per cent

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personal time is to be provided, the standard time in minute per
piece is: [GATE-1993]
(a) 1.000 (b) 1.200 (c) 1.250 (d) 1.263

GATE-9. A soldering operation was work-sampled over two days (16 hours)
during which an employee soldered 108 joints. Actual working time
was 90% of the total time and the performance rating was estimated
to be 120 percent. If the contract provides allowance of 20 percent of
the total time available, the standard time for the operation would
be: [GATE-2004]
(a) 8 min. (b) 8.9 min. (c) 10 min. (d) 12 min.

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Motion Study and Motion Economy
IES-1. Work study is mainly aimed at [IES-1995]
(a) Determining the most efficient method of performing a job
(b) Establishing the minimum time of completion of job
(c) Developing the standard method and standard time of a job
(d) Economizing the motions involved on the part of the worker while
performing a job

IES-2. Which of the following hand-motion belongs to 'Therblig' in motion

study') [IES-2001]
1. Unavoidable delay 2. Pre-position
3. Select 4. Reach
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4

IES-3. Match List-I (Charts) with List-II (Details) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-1998]
List-I List-II
A. Multiple activity chart 1. Work factor system
B. SIMO chart 2. Movement of material
C. String diagram 3. Motion analysis
D. MTM 4. Working an idle time of two or more
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 3 4 1 2
IES-4. Assertion (A): SIMO chart reveals the deficiencies in the motion
pattern of the process chart. [IES-1992]
Reason (R): SIMO chart and operator processes chart yield the same
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-5. Match List-I (Study) with List-II (Related factors) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-2004]

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List-I List-II
A. Job enrichment 1. Gilbert’s principles
B. Job evaluation 2. Movement of limbs by work factor
C. Method study 3. Herzberg motivators
D. Time study 4. Jacques time span of discretion
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 1 4 2

IES-6. Repetitive fast speed activities can be effectively analyzed by taking

photograph at [IES-2002]
(a) Low speed and screening at low speed
(b) High speed and screening at high speed
(c) High speed and screening at low speed
(d) Low speed and screening at high speed

Work Measurement (Time Study)

IES-7. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IES-2006]
Standard time is obtained from normal time by adding the policy
allowance and
(a) Personal allowances only (b) Fatigue allowances only
(c) Delay allowances only (d) Personal, fatigue and delay

IES-8. A time standard for a data entry clerk is to be set. A job is rated at
120 percent, it takes 30 seconds to enter each record and the
allowances are 15%. What is the normal time? [IES-2008]
(a) 25 seconds (b) 30 seconds (c) 36 seconds (d) 40 seconds

IES-9. If in a time study, the observed time is 0.75 min, rating factor = 110%
and allowances are 20% of normal time, then what is the standard
time? [IES-2009]
(a) 0.82 min (b) 0.975 min (c) 0·99 min (d) 1·03

IES-10. Determination of standard time in complex job system is best done

through [IES-1996]
(a) Stop watch time study (b) Analysis of micro motions
(c) Group timing techniques (d) Analysis of standard data system

IES-11. Standard time is: [IES-2003]

(a) Normal time + Allowances (b) (Normal time × Rating) + Allowances
⎛ Normal time ⎞
(c) ⎜ ⎟ + Allowances (d) Normal time + (Allowances × Rating)
⎝ Rating ⎠
IES-12. The standard time of an operation has been calculated as 10 min.
The worker was rated at 80%. If the relaxation and other allowances
were 25%, then the observed time would be: [IES-1999]
(a) 12.5 min (b) 10 min (c) 8 min (d) 6.5 min

IES-13. In time study, the rating factor is applied to determine [IES-1995]

(a) Standard time of a job (b) Merit rating of the worker

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(c) Fixation of incentive rate (d) Normal time of a job

IES-14. Match List-I (Charts) with List-II (Operations/Information) using

the codes given below the lists: [IES-2001]
List-I List-II
A. Standard process sheet 1. Operations involving assembly and
inspection without machine
B. Multiple activity chart 2. Operations involving the combination
of men and machines
C. Right and left hand operation 3. Work measurement
D. SIMO chart 4. Basic information for routing
5. Therblig
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 1 2 4 5
(c) 1 3 4 2 (d) 4 2 1 5

IES-15. MTM is a work measurement technique by: [IES-1999]

(a) Stopwatch study (b) Work sampling study
(c) Pre-determined motion time systems (d) Past data comparison

IES-16. Consider the following objectives: [IES-1994]

1. To train the individual regarding motion economy.
2. To assist in research projects in the field of work study.
3. To help in the collection of Motion Time data.
The objectives of Micromotion Study would include
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
IES-17. Which one of the following is NOT a work measurement technique?
(a) Time study (b) Work sampling [IES-2009]
(c) Motion time data (d) Micromotion study

Predetermined Motion Time System

IES-18. Consider the following steps: [IES-1994]
1. Method time measurement 2. Work sampling
3. Work factor system.
PMTS (Predetermined motion time systems) in work study would
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

IES-19. Which one of the following is not a technique under Predetermined

Motion Time System (PMTS)? [IES-2000, 2003, 2006]
(a) Work factor (b) Synthetic data
(c) Stopwatch time study (d) MTM
IES-20. Which one of the following statements is not correct? [IES-2008]
(a) Work sampling is a technique of work measurement
(b) Method study is a technique aimed at evolving improved methods
(c) Synthetic data is not a technique covered under pre-determined motion
time systems
(d) 'Select' is the first step of method study

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Previous 20-Years IAS Questions

Motion Study and Motion Economy

IAS-1. Work study involves [IAS 1994]
(a) Only method study (b) Only work measurement
(c) Method study and work measurement (d) Only motion study

IAS-2. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists: [IAS-1996]
List-I List-II
A. Time study 1. Stop watch
B. Work factor system 2. Clinograph
C. Micromotion study 3. Body member
D. Cycle graph 4. High speed film
5. Small electric bulb
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 5 3 4 2
(c) 1 4 3 5 (d) 1 3 4 5
IAS-3. A Left Hand – Right Hand activity chart is given below: [IAS-1999]
Left hand Symbol Time in Min. Symbol Right Hand
Activity Activity
Lift the 0.1
work piece
0.1 Open the vice
Clamp the 0.2 Clamp the work
work piece piece
1.0 Take the file
Do hand 1.5 Do hand filing
0.1 Take the
Check the 0.4 Check the
dimension dimension
0.1 Open the vice
Remove the 0.1
work piece
The cycle time for the operation is:
(a) 2.3 min. (b) 2.5 min. (c) 2.7 min. (d) 2.2 min.
IAS-4. Motions of limbs are through [IAS-2003]
1. Elbow 2. Finger 3. Hip
4. Shoulder 5. Wrist
What is the correct sequence in descending order of motion in terms
of time of fatigue involved?
(a) 3-4-1-5-2 (b) 2-5-1-4-3 (c) 5-2-3-1-4 (d) 4-3-2-1-5

IAS-5. Match List-I (Type of Chart) with List-II (Definition) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS-2004]
List-I List-II

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A. Outline process chart 1. It is used to record the activities of
one subject in relation to one or more
B. Multiple Activity chart 2. It is a chart in which activities of the
machine or machines are recorded in
relation to that of the operator
C. SIMO chart 3. It records the main activities of the
process through the symbols of
operation and inspection
D. Non-machining chart 4. It is used to record the activities of
the hands of an operator
5. It makes use of Therblig for charting
minute elements of an operation
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 5 1 (b) 5 1 4 2
(c) 3 1 5 2 (d) 5 2 4 1

IAS-6. A SIMO chart should be used with [IAS-2001]

(a) Process charts (b) Flow diagrams
(c) Man-machine operation charts (d) Therbligs

IAS-7. A graphical representation of the coordinated activities (i.e.,

fundamental motions) of an operator's body members, on a common
time scale is known as [IAS-1998]
(a) SIMO chart (b) Man-Machine chart
(c) Two-handed process chart (d) Gantt chart

IAS-8. Consider the following charts: [IAS-1997]

1. Man-machine chart 2. SIMO chart 3. Load chart
Those used in method study would include:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

IAS-9. Consider the following statements: [IAS-2007]

Method study is carried out to achieve
1. The most effective use of plant and equipment.
2. The most effective use of human efforts.
3. Evaluation of human work.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

IAS-10. Consider the following activities: [IAS-2000]

1. Body movement
2. Work capability of individuals
3. Movement of materials
Which of these activities is observed in method study?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 2

IAS-11. Match List-I (Therbligs symbols) with List-II (Motions) and select
the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS-1999]

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Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 4 3 1 2

IAS-12. Therbligs are essential in [IAS-1997]

(a) Flow process chart (b) Motion economy
(c) Method-analysis chart (d) Suggestion system

IAS-13. Simo charts are used for [IAS-1996]

(a) Inspection of parts (b) Operator movements
(c) Work done at one place (d) Simulation of models

IAS-14. In which of the following operations, micro motion study technique

is used? [IAS-2004]
1. Short cycle operations lasting two minutes or less
2. Long cycle operations lasting more than five minutes
3. Medium cycle operations lasting between two and five minutes
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

Work Measurement (Time Study)

IAS-15. In industrial engineering, the standard time is equal to: [IAS-2001]
(a) Normal time + Allowance (b) Observed time + Allowance
(c) Observed time × Rating factor (d) Normal time × Rating factor

IAS-16. Standard time is: [IAS-2002]

(a) Average time + Allowances (b) Average time – Allowances
(c) Normal time – Allowances (d) Normal time + Allowances
IAS-17. Standard times (ST) and labour rates are as in the table. Labour
overheads are 20% of labour cost. [IAS-2002]
Activity ST, min Labour rate Rs/hr.
Cutting 2 550
Inspection 0·5 400
Packaging 0·5 400
If the material cost is Rs. 25/unit, what will be the total cost of
production in Rs/unit?
(a) 25 (b) 55 (c) 45 (d) 35

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IAS-18. For a manual operation to study the total processing standard time
using a chronometer, following observations were made: [IAS-2007]
Processing time : 16 minutes
Rating of the worker : 120%
Personal allowance : 0.6 minutes
Basic fatigue allowance : 1.92 minutes
Unavoidable delay allowance : 1.08 minutes
What is the standard operating time for the operation?
(a) 16 minutes (b) 17.92 minutes
(c) 21.52 minutes (d) None of the above

IAS-19. In a stop-watch time study, the observed time was 0.16 minute; the
performance rating factor was 125on the 100 normal (percentage
scale). What is the standard time in minutes if 10% allowances are
permitted? [IAS-2004]
(a) 0.180 (b) 0.200 (c) 0.220 (d) 0.240

IAS-20. There is 8 hours duty and a job should take 30 minutes to complete
it. But after 8 hours, an operator is able to complete only 14 such
jobs. The operator's performance is: [IAS-1997]
(a) 77.5% (b) 78.5% (c) 87.5% (d) 97.5%

IAS-21. Assertion (A): Split hand type stopwatch is preferred in time study
by stopwatch method. [IAS-1997]
Reason (R): Split hand type stopwatch eliminates possibilities of
delay in nothing the reading.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IAS-22. Match List-I (Techniques of work measurement) with List-II (Usages

in Indian industry) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists: [IAS-2001]
List-I List-II
A. Stop-watch study 1. 5%
B. Standard based study 2. 10%
C. Work sampling 3. 80%
D. Historical data based
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 1 1 2 (b) 2 1 3 1
(c) 3 2 1 2 (d) 2 3 1 1

IAS-23. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists: [IAS-1995]
List-I List-II
A. Statistic 1. Performance Rating
B. MTM 2. Motion Study
C. Stop Watch 3. Work Measurement
D. Man Machine Chart 4. Work Sampling
E. Standard Time

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(a) 4 3 3 2 1 (b) 4 2 3 2 1
(c) 2 3 4 1 2 (d) 3 1 4 2 1

IAS-24. Which one of the following techniques is used for determining

allowances in time study?
(a) Acceptance sampling (b) Linear regression (c) Performance rating (d)
work sampling

IAS-25. Consider the following statements: [IAS-2001]

The principle of motion economy related to the use of human body
is that the two hands should
1. Begin as well as complete their motions at the same time
2. Not be idle at the same time except during rest
3. Be relieved of all work that can be done more advantageously by
a jig, fixture or foot-operated device
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

IAS-26. Consider the following principles: [IAS-1997]

1. Trying to avoid the use of hands for holding.
2. Relieving the hands of work whenever possible.
3. Keeping the work in the normal work area.
4. Avoiding having both hands doing the same thing at the same
Principles of motion economy would include:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 3, and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3

IAS-27. From the point of motion economy it is preferable to move

(a) Both hands in the same direction [IAS-1995]
(b) Right hand first and then left hand
(c) Only one hand at a time
(d) Both hands in opposite directions.

IAS-28. The number of cycles to be timed in a stopwatch time study depends

upon the [IAS-1996]
(a) Discretion of the time study engineer
(b) Time of each cycle and the accuracy of results desired
(c) Time available to the time study engineer
(d) Nature of the operation and as well as the operator

IAS-29. In respect of time study, match List-I (Situations) with List-II

(Allowance) and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IAS-2003]
List-I List-II
A. To allow for personal needs 1. Contingency allowance
B. To meet legitimate delay in work 2. Policy allowance
C. Offered under special circumstances 3. Injury allowance

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to add to the earnings 4. Relaxation allowance
Codes: A B C A B C
(a) 4 1 2 (b) 3 2 4
(c) 4 2 3 (d) 3 1 2

IAS-30. Which one of the following statements regarding time study is

correct? [IAS-2000]
(a) While conducting time study, it is important to get historical records of
preceding times
(b) It is based on a procedure originally proposed by Frederick W. Taylor
(c) It is necessary to multiply the measured time by the reciprocal of
learning curve
(d) One should be careful to collect data under just-in-time conditions

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Answers with Explanation (Objective)

Previous 20-Years GATE Answers

GATE-1. Ans. (a)
GATE-2. Ans. (c)
GATE-3. Ans. (a) Normal time = 1.2 × 8 = 9.6 minute
Standard time = 9.6 + 9.6 × = 10.56 minute/piece
Total time available = 8 × 60 minute
So, production rate = = 45.45 ≈ 45 weld joint
GATE-4. Ans. (c)
GATE-5. Ans. (d)
Performance rating 120
GATE-6. Ans. (c) Normal time = Observed time × = 54 ×
100 100
Standard time = Normal time ×
100 − % allowance
120 100
= 54 × × = 72 sec.
100 (100 − 10)
GATE-7. Ans. (c) Standard time of the operation = Basic time + Allowances
Observed time × Rating factor 2 × 120
Basic time = = = 2.4 minutes
100 100
Allowances = 10% of total available time = 2.4 × = 2.4 minutes
Standard time of the operation = 2.4 + 0.24 = 2.64 minutes.
Observed performance 100 1
GATE-8. Ans. (d) Normal performance = = =
Performance rating 120 1.2
Observed time
Normal time = = 1 × 1.2 = 1.2 minutes
Normal performance
Standard time = Normal time × Allowance = 1.2 × 1.05 = 1.260 minutes
GATE-9. Ans. (d) Actual time = × 16 × 60 = 864 minutes
Normal time = Actual time × = 864 × 1.2 = 1036.8
Standard time = 1036.8(1.2) = 1244.16 minutes
Standard time per joint =  12 minutes

Previous 20-Years IES Answers

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IES-1. Ans. (c)
IES-2. Ans. (c)
IES-3. Ans. (a)
IES-4. Ans. (c) A is true but R is false.
IES-5. Ans. (b)
IES-6. Ans. (c)
IES-7. Ans. (d) Standard time = Normal time + PDA Allowances
IES-8. Ans. (c)
IES-9. Ans. (c) Normal time = Observed Time × Rating Factor = 0.75 ×1.1 = 0.825 min
Standard time = Normal Time × (1 + % age allowance)
= 0.825 × (1 + 0.20) = 0.99 minutes
IES-10. Ans. (d)
IES-11. Ans. (a) Normal time = Actual time × Rating factor
Standard time = Normal time + Allowances
IES-12. Ans. (b) Observed time = (Standard time + Allowances) × Rating of worker
= 10 × (1 + 0.25) × 0.8 = 10
IES-13. Ans. (b) In time study, the rating factor is applied to determine merit rating of
the worker.

IES-14. Ans. (d)

IES-15. Ans. (c) MTM (Methods-time measurement) is based on use of standard time for
work elements that have been predetermined from long periods of
observation and analysis.
IES-16. Ans. (d) Objectives 1 and 3 are true for Micromotion study.
IES-17. Ans. (d)
IES-18. Ans. (d)
IES-19. Ans. (c)
IES-20. Ans. (c)

Previous 20-Years IAS Answers

IAS-1. Ans. (c)

IAS-2. Ans. (d)
IAS-3. Ans. (c) Just add all the times.
IAS-4. Ans. (a)
IAS-5. Ans. (a)
IAS-6. Ans. (d)
IAS-7. Ans. (a)
IAS-8. Ans. (b)
IAS-9. Ans. (d)
IAS-10. Ans. (a)
IAS-11. Ans. (d)
IAS-12. Ans. (b)

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IAS-13. Ans. (b)
IAS-14. Ans. (b)
IAS-15. Ans. (a)
IAS-16. Ans. (d)
IAS-17. Ans. (b) Total production cost = Material cost + Labour cost
⎡ 550 400 400 ⎤
= 25 + ⎢ ×2+ × 0.5 + × 0.5⎥ × 1.2
⎣ 60 60 60 ⎦
= 25 + 30 = 55
IAS-18. Ans. (d) Standard time = Normal time + PDF allowance
= Observed time × Performance rating + PDF allowance
= 16 × 1.2 + (0.6 + 1.92 + 1.08) min = 22.8 min
IAS-19. Ans. (c) Standard time = Observed time × Performance rating
= 0.16 × 1.25 × (1.10) = 0.220 min
Observed performance 14
IAS-20. Ans. (c) Operator’s performance = = × 100% = 87.5%
Normal performance 8×2
IAS-21. Ans. (a)
IAS-22. Ans. (d)
IAS-23. Ans. (a)
IAS-24. Ans. (d)
IAS-25. Ans. (a)
IAS-26. Ans. (b)
IAS-27. Ans. (d)
IAS-28. Ans. (b)
IAS-29. Ans. (a)
IAS-30. Ans. (b)

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Conventional Questions with Answer

Conventional Question - IES 2010
Give the symbols, activity names used in method study for charting of the processes.
[2 Marks]

Ans. Activity name and symbols used in work study for charting of the process.

Activity Name Symbol

Operation Ο
Transportation ⇒
Delay D

Conventional Question - IES 2009

Define the term ‘standard time’ and list the common allowances given in work
standard. [2-Marks]
Solution: Standard time
It is defined as the sum of base time and the allowances i.e,
Standard time = Base or normal time + Allowances

Common allowances
(1) Delays allowances
(2) Fatigue allowances
(3) Interruption allowances
(4) Adverse allowances
(5) Extreme job conditions rework allowances
(6) Personal needs allowances
(7) Rest period allowances
(8) For circumstances peculiar to the operation.

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9. L out P
Layo Plantt

Theorry at a Glanc
ce (For IES, GATE, PSU))

al Layou
Here, machines performing
p similar opeerations are grouped toogether, and
d are not arranged
ding to any particular sequence off operations. The work is brought to
accord t a machin
ne from
a machine on which
w the previous
p opeeration wass carried out; this ma
achine may
y be in
her departm
anoth ment or eveen a buildin
ng. This reesults in loot of back tracking
t orr cross-
ments of th
he work. Such
S a layoout is suita
able for low
w volume production
p (Batch
uction or Job
bbing produ
uction), and where the product
p is n
not standard

nctional La

antages of Functiona
F al Layout:
1. Greater
G fleexibility off productioon. Change in prod
duct design
n can be easily
a ated.
2. Lower
L initia
al investment in machiinery becausse of less du
uplication off equipmentt.
3. Break
B down
n of one ma
achine will not shut-doown the production ass the work of that
m can
n be transfe
erred to anoother machine or workeer.

1. Generally,
G more
m floor space
s is requ
2. More
M handlling costs beecause of ba
g and cross-m
movements of work, resulting
i chaotic material
m mov

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S K Mondal Chapter 9


Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Plant Layout
GATE-1. The manufacturing area of a plat is divided into four quadrants.
Four machines have to be located, one in each quadrant. The total
number of possible layouts is: [GATE-1995]
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 24

GATE-2. The layout with a higher material handling effort is a…….. layout.
(product/process) [GATE-1995]

GATE-3. Vehicle manufacturing assembly line is an example of: [GATE-2010]

(a) Product layout (b) Process layout
(c) Manual layout (d) Fixed layout

Work Flow Diagram

GATE-4. The symbol used for Transport in work study is: [GATE-2003]
(a) ⇒ (b) T (c) (d) ∇

GATE-5. An assembly activity is represented on an Operation Process Chart

by the symbol [GATE-2005]
(a) AA (b) A (c) D (d) O

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Plant Layout
IES-1. Consider the following statements regarding plant location and
plant layout: [IES-2000]
1. Qualitative factor analysis is a method of evaluating a potential-
location without applying quantitative values to the decision
2. The three determinants of the type of layout are type of product,
type of process and the volume of production.
3. An appliance manufacturing plant where products are made on
assembly lines would be classified as job shop type of layout.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2, and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 alone (d) 3 alone

IES-2. Match List-I (Object) with List-II (Tool) and select the correct
answer: [IES-1996]
List-I List-II
A. Improving utilization of supervisory 1. Micromotion study
B. Improving plant layout 2. Work sampling

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C. Improving work place layout 3. Flow process chamber
D. Improving highly repetitive hand 4. Chronocyclegraph
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 3 2 4 1

IES-3. Which of the following charts are used for plant layout design?
1. Operation process chart 2. Man machine chart [IES-1995]
3. Correlation chart 4. Travel chart
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 4 (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 3

IES-4. Which one of the following is correct? [IES-2008]

Production planning and control functions are extremely complex
(a) Job-production shop producing small number of pieces only once
(b) Job-production shop producing small number of pieces intermittently
(c) Batch production shop producing a batch only once
(d) Batch production shop producing a batch at irregular intervals

IES-5. Which one of the following combinations is valid for product layout?
(a) General purpose machine and skilled labour [IES-2001]
(b) General purpose machine and unskilled labour
(c) Special purpose machine and semi-skilled labour
(d) Special purpose machine and skilled labour

IES-6. The type of layout suitable for use of the concept, principles and
approaches of ‘group technology’ is: [IES-1999]
(a) Product layout (b) Job-shop layout
(c) Fixed position layout (d) Cellular layout

IES-7. Match List-I (Type of products) with List-II (Type of layout) and
select the correct answer. [IES-1996]
List-I List-II
A. Ball bearings 1. Process layout
B. Tools and gauges 2. Product layout
C. Large boilers 3. Combination of product and process
D. Motor cycle assembly 4. Fixed position layout
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 1 2 4 3 (d) 3 1 2 4

IES-8. Assertion (A): Product layout is more amenable to automation than

process layout. [IES-1995]
Reason (R): The work to be performed on the product is the
determining factor in the positioning of the manufacturing
equipment in product layout.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false

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(d) A is false but R is true

IES-9. Consider the following situations that would warrant a study of the
layout: [IES-1994]
1. Change in the work force 2. Change in production volume
3. Change in product design 4. Competition in the market
The situation(s) that would lead to a change in the layout would
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 3 alone (d) 2 alone

IES-10. Assertion (A): In centralized inspection, material handling is less.

Reason (R): Less number of gauges and instruments are required as
inspection is carried out in one location. [IES-2008]
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

Fixed Position Layout

IES-11. Which one of the following types of layout is used for the
manufacture of huge aircrafts? [IES-2003]
(a) Product layout (b) Process layout
(c) Fixed position layout (d) Combination layout

IES-12. Air cargo movements fall under: [IES-1993]

(a) Fixed path system (b) Continuous system
(c) Intermittent system (d) Variable path system

IES-13. Consider the following features/characteristics: [IES-1993]

1. Need for greater variety of skills in labour
2. Intermittent flow of materials and parts
3. Preference for flexible layout
The characteristics of job order layout would include
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

Work Flow Diagram

IES-14. A diagram showing the path followed by men and materials while
performing a task is known as [IES-1993]
(a) String Diagram (b) Flow Process Chart
(c) Travel Chart (d) Flow Diagram

IES-15. Match List-I (Activity) with List-II (Symbol) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-1993]
List-I List II
A. A man is doing some productive 1.

B. A load is moving from one place 2.

to another

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C. A hand is not accomplishing 3.
any thing and is waiting

D. A hand is holding an object 4.


Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 4 3 5 (b) 1 3 4 5
(c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 3 4 5 2

Flow Process Chart

IES-16. Flow process chart contains [IES-2001]
(a) Inspection and operation
(b) Inspection, operation and transportation
(c) Inspection, operation, transportation and delay
(d) Inspection, operation, transportation, delay and storage

Computerized Techniques for Plant layout:

IES-17. Which one of the following software packages is used for plant
layout? [IES-1995]

IES-18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists: [IES-1994]
List-I List-II
A. Memory 1. Assembler
B. Software for layout 2. Buffer
C. Compiler 3. GPSS
D. Simulation 4. Hardware
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 3 2 4 5
(c) 4 5 1 3 (d) 2 5 4 3

Previous 20-Years IAS Questions

Plant Layout
IAS-1. Which of the following are the characteristics of job order
production? [IAS-2003]
1. High degree of production control is required
2. Division of labour is effective
3. Detailed schedule is needed for each component

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4. A flexible layout is preferred
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4

IAS-2. Which of the following can be considered to be the advantages of

product layout [IAS-1997]
1. Reduced material handling
2. Greater flexibility
3. Lower capital investment
4. Better utilization of men and machines
Codes: (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 4

IAS-3. Match List-I (Plant layout) with List-II (Characteristic/Use) and

select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I List-II [IAS-2007]
A. Fixed position 1. Avoids back tracking
B. Functional layout 2. Ship building
C. Product layout 3. Machines performing similar
operations are grouped together
D. Process layout 4. Helps in reducing total production
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 1 3 4 2
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 2 3 4 1

IAS-4. Consider the following statements: [IAS-2004]

In designing a plant layout, a "Product Layout" should be preferred
1. The variety of the products is low.
2. The variety of the products is very large
3. The quantity of production is very small in each variety
4. The quantity of production is very large in each variety
5. The in-process inspection is maximum
6. The in-process inspection is minimum
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 3 and 6 (b) 1, 4 and 5 (c) 2, 3 and 5 (d) 1, 4 and 6
IAS-5. Which of the following are true of product type layout? [IAS-1996]
1. No flexibility 2. Reduced material handling
3. Most suitable for low-volume production
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3

IAS-6. Assertion (A): A product layout is preferred when the flexibility in

sequence of operations is required. [IAS-2002]
Reason (R): Product layout reduces inventories as well as labour
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A

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(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IAS-7. A set of requirement for a product-layout in an industry is:

(a) General purpose machine and skilled labour [IAS-2001]
(b) Special purpose machine and skilled labour
(c) General purpose machine and unskilled labour
(d) Special purpose machine and semi-skilled labour

Process Layout
IAS-8. Consider the following limitations: [IAS-2002]
1. Movement of machines and equipments for production centre is
2. Long flow lines lead to expensive handling.
3. Breakdown in one machine leads to stoppage of production.
4. Large work-in-process during production.
5. Higher grade skills are required.
Process layout has which of the above limitations?
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 4 and 5 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 4 and 5

IAS-9. Assertion (A): Process layout is preferred for processing non-

standard products. [IAS-2002]
Reason (R): Process layout has well defined mathematical flow
which facilitates mechanized material handling.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IAS-10. To avoid excessive multiplication of facilities, the layout preferred

is: [IAS-1995]
(a) Product layout (b) Group layout
(c) Static layout (d) Process layout
IAS-11. Consider the following statements: [IAS-1999]
A process layout
1. Has machines of same functions arranged in a place.
2. Is suitable for batch production.
3. Has machines of different functions arranged according to
processing sequence.
4. Is suitable for mass production.
Of these statements:
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 3 and 4 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1 and 4 are correct

IAS-12. The layout suitable for the low demand and high variety product is:
(a) Group layout (b) Process layout [IAS-1999]
(c) Product layout (d) Static layout

Fixed Position Layout

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IAS-13. The layout of ship-building industry should be: [IAS-2003]
(a) Process layout (b) Group layout
(c) Fixed location layout (d) Product layout

IAS-14. Assertion (A): Fixed position layout is used in manufacturing huge

aircrafts, ships, vessels etc. [IAS-1998]
Reason (R): Capital investment is minimum in fixed position layout.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IAS-15. Match List-I (Types of layout) with List-II (Uses) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS-2001]
List-I List-II
A. Product layout 1. Where a large quantity of products is
to be produced
B. Process layout 2. Where a large variety of products is
C. Combined layout 3. Where item is being made in different
types of sizes
D. Fixed position layout 4. Where too heavy or huge item is used
as raw material
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 1 2 4 3 (d) 2 1 3 4

IAS-16. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

(a) Job production …. Process layout [IAS-1999]
(b) Mass production …. Product layout
(c) Job production …. Special purpose machine
(d) Job production …. Production on order
IAS-17. Match List-I (Type of layout of facilities) with List-II (Application)
and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I List-II [IAS-1997]
A. Flow-line layout 1. Flammable, explosive products
B. Process layout 2. Automobiles
C. Fixed position layout 3. Aeroplanes
D. Hybrid layout 4. Jobshop production
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 2 3 1 4

IAS-18. Match List-I (Type of job) with List-II (Appropriate method-study

technique) and select the correct answer using the code given below
the lists: [IAS-1995, 2007]
List-I List-II
A. Complete sequence of operations 1. Flow diagram

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S K Mondal Chapter 9
B. Factory layout: movement of materials 2. Flow process chart
C. Factory layout: movement of workers 3. Multiple activity chart
D. Gang work 4. String diagram
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1

IAS-19. Consider the following: [IAS-2004]

1. Simplified production planning and control systems
2. Reduced material handling
3. Flexibility of equipment and personnel
The advantages of flow-line layout in a manufacturing operation are
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

IAS-20. Match List-I (Equipment) with List-II (Typical situations) and select
the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS-2002]
List-I List II
A. Conveyor 1. Driverless vehicle with varying path
B. Cranes 2. Vertical movement of materials
C. Industrial trucks 3. Varying paths of movement
D. Lifts 4. Movement of intermittent load
5. Fixed route movement
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 5 4 3 2
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 5 3 2 4

Work Flow Diagram

IAS-21. Match List-I (Symbol) with List-II (Name) and select the correct
answer: [IAS-2000]
List-I List-II

1. Delay

2. Transportation

3. Operation

4. Inspection

Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 4 3 1 2

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IAS-22. A cutter breaks while cutting gears and is removed by the operator.
Which of the following represents this activity on the flow process
chart? [IAS-2004]
(a) Delay-D (b) Operation-O
(c) Operation cum transportation- ⇒ ,
(d) inspection-

IAS-23. What is a chart that shows the step-by-step procedure used, and the
interrelationship between anyone or more persons, forms or
products when the procedure involves movement from place to
place, called? [IAS-2007]
(a) Multi activity chart
(b) Simo chart
(d) Flow process chart – man analysis
(d) Process chart – combined analysis

Computerized Techniques for Plant layout:

IAS-24. Consider the following computer packages: [IAS-2001]
Which of these packages can be employed for layout analysis of
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4

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Answers with Explanation (Objective)

Previous 20-Years GATE Answers

GATE-1. Ans. (d) In quadrant I, we can locate any one of
the four machines (i.e.) we can allocate
quadrant I in 4 ways. Thereafter quadrant II
in 3 ways, thereafter quadrant III in 2 ways.
No further choice for quadrant IV.
∴ Total number of possible layouts
= 4 × 3 × 2 = 24
GATE-2. Ans. Process
GATE-3. Ans. (a)
GATE-4. Ans. (a)
GATE-5. Ans. (d)

Previous 20-Years IES Answers

IES-1. Ans. (c)

IES-2. Ans. (c)
IES-3. Ans. (b)
IES-4. Ans. (d) Production, planning and control function are extremely complex in batch
production shop producing a batch at irregular intervals.
IES-5. Ans. (c)
IES-6. Ans. (d)
IES-7. Ans. (a)
IES-8. Ans. (a)
IES-9. Ans. (c)
IES-10. Ans. (b)
IES-11. Ans. (c)
IES-12. Ans. (a) Air cargo movements fall under fixed path system using conveyors.
IES-13. Ans. (a)
IES-14. Ans. (b) A diagram showing the path followed by men and materials while
performing a task is known as flow process chart.
IES-15. Ans. (a)
IES-16. Ans. (d)
IES-17. Ans. (c)
IES-18. Ans. (d)

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S K Mondal Chapter 9
Previous 20-Years IAS Answers
IAS-1. Ans. (b)
IAS-2. Ans. (c)
IAS-3. Ans. (d)
IAS-4. Ans. (d)
IAS-5. Ans. (b)
IAS-6. Ans. (d) A is false. Product layout has lowest flexibility. For flexibility in sequence
of operation use process layout.
IAS-7. Ans. (d)
IAS-8. Ans. (a)
IAS-9. Ans. (c) R is false. Process layout does not have defined mathematical flow. That so
why material handling is costly and lot of back-tracking and cross-
movements of work.
IAS-10. Ans. (d)
IAS-11. Ans. (a)
IAS-12. Ans. (b)
IAS-13. Ans. (b)
IAS-14. Ans. (b)
IAS-15. Ans. (a)
IAS-16. Ans. (c)
IAS-17. Ans. (c)
IAS-18. Ans. (a)
IAS-19. Ans. (b)
IAS-20. Ans. (b)
IAS-21. Ans. (b)
IAS-22. Ans. (b)
IAS-23. Ans. (d)
IAS-24. Ans. (b)

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10. Control Chart

Theory at a Glance (For IES, GATE, PSU)

Control charts are statistical tool, showing whether a process is in control or not. It is a
graphical tool for monitoring the activities of an ongoing process also referred as Shewhart
control charts. Control charts are used for process monitoring and variability reduction.
Before discussing and calculating the limits etc. of control charts, it is necessary to
understand causes of variations present in the system. Variability is an inherent feature of
every process. Production data always have some variability.

Causes of Variations
Two types of causes are present in the production system
• Special causes: Variation due to identifiable factors in the production process.
Examples of special causes include: wrong tool, wrong production method, improper
raw material, operator's skill, wrong die etc. Control of process is achieved through
the elimination of special causes. According to Deming, only 15% of the problems are
due to the special causes. Special causes or also sometimes referred as Assignable
• Common causes: Variation inherent in the process. Improvement of process is
accomplished through the reduction of common causes and improving the system.
According to Deming, 85% of the problems are due to the common causes.
Assignable causes are controlled by the use of statistical process charts.

Steps in constructing a control chart

• Decide what to measure or count
• Collect the sample data
• Plot the samples on a control chart
• Calculate and plot the control limits on the control chart
• Determine if the data is in control
• If non-random variation is present, discard the data (fix the problem) and recalculate
the control limits
• When data are with in the control limits we leave the process assuming there are
only chance causes present

A process is in control IF
• No sample points outside control limits
• Most points near process average or center line
• About equal number of points above and below the center line
• Sample point are distributed randomly

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rol Chartt
S K Mo
ondal Chap
pter 10

Control Chart Representin

R ng Limits, Special Ca
auses, Com
mmon Causses

ypes of Process
Twwo types off process data:
1. Variablle: Continu uous data. Things wee can meassure. Exam mple includees length,
weight, time,
t tempeerature, diam
meter, etc.
2. Attributte: Discretee data. Thiings we cou unt. Examp ples includee number or
o percent
defectivee items in a lot, number of defects per item etcc.

ypes of Control
C Ch
he classification of contrrol charts depend
d upon
n the type off data.
1. Variablle charts: are
a meant foor variable type of data a. X bar and R Chart, X bar and
sigma chhart for the individual units
2. Attribu ute chats: are
a meant for f attributee type of da
ata. p chart, np chart, c chart, u
chart, U chart. For remember [CPU][

X – Cha
art and R – Ch
Coontrol charrts for the variable ty
ype of data a (X bar annd R charts)
In the x bar chart
c the saample meanns are plottted in orderr to control the mean value of a
variable. In R chart, the sample ran
nges are plootted in ord
der to controol the varia
ability of a
entre line, upper
u controol limit, low
wer control llimit for x bar
b and R charts
c are calculated.
he formulae used are ass following:

∑X i
Xi = i =1

X i = meean of the ithh sample; n = samp
ple size; X i = ith datta

Ri = X max ( i ) − X min (ii )

Ri = rang ge of ith sam
Xmax(i) = maximum valuev of the data in ith ssample
Xmin (i) = minimum value
v of the data in ith ssample

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∑R i
R= i =1

R = mean of g samples

∑X i
X= i =1
= CLX (Centre line for X bar chart)
X = mean of mean of g samples
g = number of samples

UCLX = X + 3σ x
σ x = standard deviation of samples

σx =
σl = = estimate of standard deviation of population
d2 = parameter depends on sample size n

3σl 3R
UCLX = X + =X+
n n d2

VCLX = X + A2 R (Upper control limit for X bar chart)

A2 = = Parameter depends on sample size
d2 n
value of A2 can be directly obtained from the standard tables
LCLX = X − A2 R (Lower control limit for X bar chart)

UCLR = R + 3σl R, σl R = d3 σl = d3
⎛ 3d ⎞
UCLR = D4 R where D4 = R ⎜1 + 3 ⎟ (Upper control limit for R chart)
⎝ d2 ⎠
⎛ 3d ⎞
UCLR = D3 R where D3 = R ⎜1 − 3 ⎟ (Lower control limit for R chart)
⎝ d2 ⎠
Example: Mean values and ranges of data from 20 samples (sample size = 4) are
shown in the table below:

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ondal Chap
pter 10

Mean of

Mean of

Mean of

Mean of

Mean of








S. No.

S. No.

S. No.
S No.

S. No.
S. N

1 10 4 5 9 5 9 10 4 13
3 12 4 17 12 4
2 15 4 6 11 6 10 11 6 14
4 12 3 18 15 3
3 12 5 7 11 4 11 12 5 15
5 11 3 19 11 3
4 11 4 8 9 4 12 13 4 16
6 15 4 20 10 4
um of mean of 20 samplles = ∑ X = 232
i =1


verage of meean values of
o 20 samplees = i =1
= 11.6 (Cente
er Line of X bar Chart)

verage of Ra
anges of 20 samples
s = i =1
= 4.15 (Center Lin
ne of R Charrt)
pper Contro
ol Limit of X bar chart = 11.6 + A2 4
4.15 (A2 = 0.729
0 for sam
mple size 4)
= 14.63
ower Contro
Lo ol Limit of X bar chart = 11.6 – A2 4.15
4 (A2 = 0.729 for sam
mple size 4)
= 8.57
pper Contro
Up ol Limit of R chart = D3 4.15 (D3 = 2
2.282 for sample size 4))
= 9.4
47 9.5
ower Contro
Lo ol Limit of R chart = D4 4.15 (D4 = 0 for samplee size 4)

ample data ata S.N 2, 16
6, and 18 arre slightly ab
bove the UC CL. Efforts must be ma ade to find
e special cau
uses and revised limitss are advised to calcula
ate after deleeting these data.

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R Chart
All the data are within the LCL and UCL in R Chart. Hence variability of the process data
is not an issue to worry.

C – Chart and P – Chart

Control charts for Attribute type data (p, c, u charts)
p-charts calculates the percent defective in sample. p-charts are used when observations
can be placed in two categories such as yes or no, good or bad, pass or fail etc.
c-charts counts the number of defects in an item. c-charts are used only when the number
of occurrence per unit of measure can be counted such as number of scratches, cracks etc.
u-chart counts the number of defect per sample. The u chart is used when it is not possible
to have a sample size of a fixed size.
For attribute control charts, the estimate of the variability of the process is a function of
the process average.
Centre line, upper control limit, lower control limit for c, p, and u charts are calculated.
The formulae used are as following:

p-chart formulae
Sum of defectivess peice in all samples
p= = centre line of p chart
Total number of items in all samples
p (1 − p) p (1 − p)
UCL = p + 3 and LCL = p − 3
n n

Where n is the sample size. Sample size in p chart must be ≥ 50

Sometimes LCL in p chart becomes negative, in such cases LCL should be taken as 0

c-chart formulae
Sum of defects in all samples
c= = Centre line of c chart
Total number of samples
UCL = c + 3 c and LCL = c − 3 c

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ondal Chap
pter 10
u--chart formula
f ae

Sum of defeects in all sa

S amples ∑c i
u= = i =1
al number of items in all
a samples
i =1

ci = Nummber of defeccts in ith sam

k = Nummber of samp ples
ni = Sizee of ith samp
u u
UCL = u + 3 and L =u−3
ni ni
xample: p--chart
ata for defe
fective CDss from 20 samples
s (sa
ample size = 100) are shown in the table
No. of Propo
ortion No. of Proportion
Sample S
Defectivee Defec
ctive = Defective
D Defective =
No. No.
CDs = x x/samp
ple size C
CDs =x x/sample
e size
1 4 0.0
04 11 6 0.06
2 3 0.0
03 12 5 0.05
3 3 0.0
03 13 4 0.04
4 5 0.0
05 14 5 0.05
5 6 0.0
06 15 4 0.04
6 5 0.0
05 16 7 0.07
7 2 0.0
02 17 6 0.06
8 3 0.0
03 18 8 0.08
9 5 0.0
05 19 6 0.06
10 6 0.0
06 20 8 0.08

um of defecttives 10
CL = = = 0.051
um of all sam
mples 200
p (1 − p) 0.051(1 − 0.051)
UCL = p + 3 = 0.051 + 3 = 0.066
n 1000
p (1 − p) 0.051(1 − 0.051)
LCL = p − 3 = 0.051 − 3 = 0.036
N 1000

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Control Chart
S K Mon
ndal Chapte
er 10
Samp ple data at S.N
S 16, 18, and 20 aree above the UCL. Efforrts must bee made to fiind the
al causes annd revised limits
l are a
advised to ca alculate after deleting these data.. There
is important obsservation th hat is clearrly visible from the d data points that theree is an
asing trend in the averrage proporrtion defectiives beyond sample number15 also, data
show cyclic patteern. Process appears to be out of coontrol and a
also there iss a strong ev
that data
d are nott from indep
pendent souurce.
mple: c-chart
Data for defectts on TV set from 20
0 samples (sample siize = 10) are shown in the
e below:
mple No.. of Sam
mple No
o. of Sam
mple No
o. of Sam
mple No. of
o. Defe
ects No. Deffects No.
N Deffects N
No. De
1 5 6 4 1
11 6 16 5
2 4 7 5 1
12 5 17 4
3 5 8 6 1
13 4 18 6
4 6 9 8 1
14 7 19 6
5 4 10 7 1
15 6 20 6

Sum of defects
CL =
Number off samples
= = 5.45
UCL = c + 3 c = 5.45
5 + 3 5.4
= 12.45
LCL = c − 3 c = 5.45
5 − 3 5.4
= −1.55 = 0

None of the samp
ple is out of the LCL an
nd UCL. But the chart shows cyclicc trend.

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Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Quality Analysis and Control

GATE-1. Statistical quantity control was developed by: [GATE-1995]
(a) Frederick Taylor (b) Water shewhart
(c) George Dantzig (d) W.E. Deming

GATE-2. Match the following quantity control objective functions with the
appropriate statistical tools: [GATE-1992]
Objective functions Statistical Tools
A. A casting process is to be controlled with P. X-chart
respect to hot tearing tendency
B. A casting process is to be controlled with Q. c-chart
respect to the number of blow holes, of any,
produced per unit casting R. Random sampling
C. A machining process is to be controlled with
respect to the diameter of shaft machined S. p-chart
D. The process variability in a milling operation
is to be controlled with respect to the surface T. Hypothesis testing
finish of components U. R-charts

GATE-3. In a weaving operation, the parameter to be controlled is the

number of defects per 10 square yards of material. Control chart
appropriate for, his task is: [GATE-1998]
(a) P-chart (b) C-chart (c) R-chart (d) X-chart

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Quality Analysis and Control

IES-1. Match List-I (Quality control concepts) with List-II (Quality control
techniques) and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists: [IES-2004]
List-I List-II
A. Tightened and reduced inspection 1. Dodge Romig tables
B. Lot tolerance percent defective 2. Control chart for variables
C. Poisson distribution 3. MIL standards
D. Normal distribution 4. Control chart for number of
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 4 1 3
IES-2. Quality control chart for averages was maintained for a dimension
of the product. After the control was established, it was found that
the standard deviation (σ) of the process was 1.00 mm The

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dimension of the part is 70 ± 2.5 mm. Parts above 72.5 mm can be
reworked but parts below 67.5 mm have to be scrapped. What
should be the setting of the process to ensure production of no scrap
and to minimize the rework? [IES-2004]
(a) 68.5 mm (b) 70 mm (c) 70.5 mm (d) 72.5 mm

IES-3. The graph shows the results of

various quality levels for a
Consider the following statements:
1. Curve A shows the variation of
value of component
2. Curve B shows the variation of
cost of the component
3. Graph is called as fish bone
4. The preferred level of quality is
given by line CC
5. The preferred level of quality is
given by line DD [IES-2002]
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 5 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4

IES-4. Match List-I (Scientist) with List-II (Research work) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-2000]
List-I List-II
A. Schewart 1. Less function in quality
B. Taguchi 2. Queuing model
C. Erlang 3. Zero defects
4. Control charts
Codes: A B C A B C
(a) 3 1 2 (b) 4 3 1
(c) 4 1 2 (d) 3 4 1

IES-5. Assertion (A): In case of Control Chart for fraction rejected (p-
chart), binomial distribution is used. [IES-2008]
Reason (R): In binomial distribution probability of the event varies
with each draw.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-6. Assertion (A): In case of Control Charts for variables, the averages
of sub-groups of readings are plotted instead of plotting individual
readings. [IES-2008]
Reason (R): It has been proved through experiments that averages
will form normal distribution
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

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IES-7. Assertion (A): In case of control charts for variables, the average of
readings of a subgroup of four and more is plotted rather than the
individual readings. [IES-2000, 2003]
Reason (R): Plotting of individual readings needs a lot of time and
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-8. The span of control refers to the [IES-2003]

(a) Total amount of control which can be exercised by the supervisor
(b) Total number of persons which report to any- one supervisor
(c) Delegation of authority by the supervisor to his subordinates
(d) Delegation of responsibility by the supervisor to his subordinates

IES-9. Consider the following statements: [IES-2001]

Control chart of variables provides the
1. Basic variability of the quality characteristic.
2. Consistency of performance.
3. Number of products falling outside the tolerance limits.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

IES-10. Which one of the following steps would lead to interchangeability?

(a) Quality control (b) Process planning [IES-1994]
(c) Operator training (d) Product design

IES-11. Match List-I (Trend/Defect) with List-II (Chart) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-2003]
List-I List II
A. Trend 1. R-Chart
B. Dispersion 2. C-Chart
C. Number of defects 3. X -Chart
D. Number of defectives 4. np-Chart
5. u-Chart
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 5 3 2 4 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 3 4 5 2

IES-12. Assertion (A): In case of control charts for variables, if some points
fall outside the control limits, it is concluded that the process is not
under control. [IES-1999]
Reason (R): It was experimentally proved by Shewhart that
averages of four or more consecutive readings from a universe
(population) or from a process, when plotted, will form a normal
distribution curve.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

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IES-13. Consider the following statements with respect to control charts for
attributes: [IES-2004]
1. The lower control limit is non-negative
2. Normal distribution is the order for this data
3. The lower control limit is not significant
4. These charts give the average quality characteristics
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4

IES-14. If in a process on the shop floor, the specifications are not met, but
the charts for variables show control, then which of the following
actions should be taken? [IES-2009]
(a) Changes the process
(b) Change the method of measurement
(c) Change the worker or provide him training
(d) Change the specifications or upgrade the process

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Answers with Explanation (Objective)

Previous 20-Years GATE Answers

GATE-1. Ans. (b) Dr. Waher Shewhart an American scientist during World War-II.
GATE-2. Ans. A – S, B – Q, C – P, D – U
GATE-3. Ans. (b)

Previous 20-Years IES Answers

IES-1. Ans. (c)
IES-2. Ans. (c) Standard deviation from mean = 0.5 mm
Therefore for no scrap D = 70 + 0.5 = 70.5 mm
IES-3. Ans. (c)
IES-4. Ans. (c)
IES-5. Ans. (c)
IES-6. Ans. (a)
IES-7. Ans. (b)
IES-8. Ans. (d)
IES-9. Ans. (a)
IES-10. Ans. (a) Quality control leads to interchangeability.
IES-11. Ans. (c)
IES-12. Ans. (b)
IES-13. Ans. (c)
IES-14. Ans. (c)

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11. Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.

Theory at a Glance (For IES, GATE, PSU)

Process Capability
Process capability compares the output of an in-control process to the specification limits
by using capability indices.

Capability Indices: A process capability index uses both the process variability and the
process specifications to determine whether the process is ‘capable’.

Capable Process: A capable process is one where almost all the measurements fall inside
the specification limits. This can be represented pictorially by the plot below.

Work Sampling
Curve of normal distribution

To make things easier we speak 95% confidence level than 95.45%.


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Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.
S K Mondal Chapter 11
95% confidence level or 95% of the area under the curve = 1.96

99% confidence level or 99% of the area under the curve = 2.58

99.9% confidence level or 99.9% of the area under the curve = 3.3

Standard error of proportion ( σ p ) =

Where, p = percentage of idle time

q = percentage of working time = (1 – p)

n = number of observation

p(1 − p)
So you may use this equation as ( σ p ) = also.

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Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.
S K Mondal Chapter 11


Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Sampling Plan (Single, Double, Sequential Sampling Plan)
GATE-1. In carrying out a work sampling study in a machine shop, it was
found that a particular lathe was down for 20% of the time. What
would be the 95% confidence interval of this estimate if 100
observations were made? [GATE-2002]
(a) 0.16, 0.24 (b) 0.12, 0.28
(c) 0.08, 0.32 (d) None of these

GATE-2. Preliminary work sampling studies show that machine was idle 25%
of the time based on a sample of 100 observations. The number of
observations needed for a confidence level of 95% and an accuracy
of ± 5% is: [GATE-1996]
(a) 400 (b) 1200 (c) 3600 (d) 4800

Just in Time (JIT)

GATE-3. List-I List-II [GATE-1995]
(Problem areas) (Techniques)
B. Computer assisted layout 2. PERT
C. Scheduling 3. Johnson's rule
D. Simulation 4. Kanbans
5. EOQ rule
6. Monte Carlo

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Process Capability
IES-1. Which one of the following correctly explains process capability?
(a) Maximum capacity of the machine [IES-1998]
(b) Mean value of the measured variable
(c) Lead time of the process
(d) Maximum deviation of the measured variables of the components

IES-2. Process capability of a machine is defined as the capability of the

machine to: [IES-1993]
(a) Produce a definite volume of work per minute
(b) Perform definite number of operations
(c) Produce job at a definite spectrum of speed
(d) Hold a definite spectrum of tolerances and surface finish

Operation Characteristic Curve (OC Curve)

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Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.
S K Mondal Chapter 11
IES-3. Match List-I with List-II and select the connect answer using the
codes given below the lists: [IES-2001]
List-I List-II
A. OC Curve 1. Acceptance sampling
B. AOQL 2. Dodge Roming table
C. Binomial distribution 3. p-charts
D. Normal curve 4. Control charts for variables
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 4 3 2 1

IES-4. The curve representing the level of achievement with reference to

time is known as [IES-2002]
(a) Performance curve (b) Operating characteristic curve
(c) S-curve (d) Learning curve

IES-5. An operating characteristic curve (OC curve) is a plot between

(a) Consumers’ risk and producers' risk [IES-2009]
(b) Probability of acceptance and probability of rejection
(c) Percentage of defective and probability of acceptance
(d) Average outgoing quality and probability of acceptance

Sampling Plan (Single, Double, Sequential Sampling Plan)

IES-6. Assertion (A): Double sampling is preferred over single sampling
when the quality or incoming lots is expected to be either very good
or very bad. [IES-2000]
Reason (R): With double sampling, the amount of inspection
required will be lesser than that in the case of single sampling.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-7. Which one of the following statements is not correct? [IES-2008]

(a) The operating characteristic curve of an acceptance sampling plan shows
the ability of the plan to distinguish between good and bad lots.
(b) No sampling plan can give complete protection against the acceptance of
defective products.
(c) C-chart has straight line limits and U chart has zig-zag limits.
(d) Double sampling results in more inspection than single sampling if the
incoming quality is very bad.

IES-8. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of acceptance

sampling? [IES-2007]
(a) This is widely suitable in mass production
(b) It causes less fatigue to inspectors
(c) This is much economical
(d) It gives definite assurance for the conformation of the specifications for
all the pieces
IES-9. Assertion (A): Sampling plans with acceptance number greater than
zero are generally better than sampling plans with acceptance
number equal to zero. [IES-2006]

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Reason (R): Sampling plans with acceptance number greater than
zero have a larger sample size as compared to similar sampling
plans with acceptance number equal to zero.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-10. Assertion (A): In attribute control of quality by sampling, the sample

size has to be larger than variable control. [IES-2005]
Reason (R): Variables are generally continuous, and attributes have
few discrete levels.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-11. Consider the following statements in respect of double sampling
plan: [IES-2003]
1. Average number of pieces inspected is double that of single
2. Average number of pieces inspected is less than that for single
3. Decision to accept or reject the lot is taken only after the
inspection of both samples
4. Decision to accept or reject the lot is reached sometimes after
one sample and sometimes after two samples
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3

IES-12. Assertion (A): In dodge romig sampling tables, the screening

inspection of rejected lots is also included. [IES-2001]
Reason (R): Dodge romig plans are indexed at an LTPD of 10%
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

IES-13. The product is assembled from parts A and B. The probability of

defective parts A and B are 0.1 and 0.2 respectively. Then the
probability of the assembly of A and B to be non defective is:
(a) 0.7 (b) 0.72 (c) 0.8 (d) 0.85

IES-14. A control chart is established with limits of ± 2 standard errors for

use in monitoring samples of size n = 20. Assume the process to be in
control. What is the likelihood of a sample mean falling outside the
control limits? [IES-2005]
(a) 97.7% (b) 95.5% (c) 4.5% (d) 2.3%

IES-15. In a study to estimate the idle time of a machine, out of 100 random
observations the machine was found idle on 40 observations. The

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Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.
S K Mondal Chapter 11
total random observations required for 95% confidence level and ±
5% accuracy is: [IES-2001]
(a) 384 (b) 600 (c) 2400 (d) 9600

IES-16. The management is interested to know the percentage of idle time

of equipment. The trial study showed that percentage of idle time
would be 20%. The number of random observations necessary for
95% level of confidence and ± 5% accuracy is: [IES-2000]
(a) 6400 (b) 1600 (c) 640 (d) 160

IES-17. If one state occurred four times in hundred observations while

using the work-sampling technique, then the precision of the study
using a 95% confidence level will be: [IES-1997]
(a) 90% (b) 92% (c) 95% (d) 98%

IES-18. For a confidence level of 95% and accuracy ± 5%, the number of
cycles to be timed in a time study is equal to: [IES-2009]
⎡ N ∑ X 2 − ( ∑ X )2 ⎤
⎢k ⎥
⎢⎣ ∑X ⎥⎦
Where, N = Number of observations taken; X = X1, X2, ...., XN are
individual observations. What is the value of K?
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40

Previous 20-Years IAS Questions

Just in Time (JIT)

IAS-1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer: [IAS-2000]
List-I List-II
A. Just-in-time inventory and 1. Intermittent production
procurement techniques
B. Work-in-progress likely to be low 2. Repetitive production
compared to output
C. Scheduling typically most 3. Continuous production
complex processes
D. Flexible manufacturing cell 4. Job production
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 3 2 4 1

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pling, JIT
T, TQM, etc.
S K Mon
ndal Chapte
er 11

nswers wiith Ex
n (Objjectiv

s 20-Y
Years GATE
E-1. Ans. (b
P (1 − P )
GATE d) S × P = K
E-2. Ans. (d
Wh here, K = 2 for 95 5% confidencce level
S = 0.05 (acccuracy)
P = 0.25 (id dle time)
Nu umber of observations needed for 95% confideence level anda ± 5% acccuracy
K 2 ( P ) (1 − P ) (2 2)2 (0.25)(1 − 0.25)
N= = = 4800
S 2P 2 (0.05)2 (0.25)2
E-3. Ans. (a
a) – 4, (B) – 1, (C) – 3, ((D) – 6

us 20-Y
Years IES A
1. Ans. (d)
2. Ans. (d) Process
P cappability of a machine is defined as the capability of the machine
to hold
h a defin
nite spectrum m of toleran
nces and surrface finish..
3. Ans. (a)
4. Ans. (a)
5. Ans. (c) ( OC Curve
C (Opeerating
Chharacteristicc Curve)
∴ OC CUR RVE is a plot
between percentagge of
defective and
a probabbility of
acceptance e.

6. Ans. (d)
7. Ans. (d)
8. Ans. (d)
9. Ans. (d)
10. Ans. (a))
11. Ans. (b))
12. Ans. (b))
13. Ans. (b)) It is a case
e of mutuallly independent events. Probability
y that the pa
art A is
non n-defective = 1 – 0.1 = 0.9
Proobability th
hat Part-B iss non-defecttive, = 1 – 0..2 = 0.8
Heence, probab
bility that b
both Part-A and Part-B
B are non-deefective = 0.9 × 0.8
= 0.72.
14. Ans. (c)
40 × 60
15. Ans. (c) 1.96σ p = 5
IES-1 or, σ p = 2
2.5 = or, n ≈ 3

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Sampling, JIT, TQM, etc.
S K Mondal Chapter 11
20 × 80
IES-16. Ans. (a) 1.96σ p = 5 or,σ p = 2.5 = or, n ≈ 160
p(1 − p) 0.05 × 0.95
IES-17. Ans. (d) Accuracy = for 95% confidence level = ≈ 0.02 = 2%
N 100
∴ Precision = 98%
IES-18. Ans. (d) For 95% confidence level
S = Accuracy = 0.05
K 2
K = = = 40
S 0.05

Previous 20-Years IAS Answers

IAS-1. Ans. (a)

Conventional Questions with Answer

Conventional Question [ESE-2007]
From the data of a pilot study, the percentage of occurrence of an activity is
60%. Find the number of observations for 95% confidence level and an
accuracy of ± 2%. [2 Marks]
Solution: The formulae for determining the number of observations is
p (1 − p)
Sp = K
p (1 − p )
or N = K 2 where
S = the desired relative accuracy
( ±2% = ±0.02)
S p = the desired absolute accuracy
P = percentage accuracy of an activity of interest or a classification being measured.
(60% = 0.6)
N = total number of random observations.
22 × 0.6 (1 − 0.6 )
∴N =
( 0 ± 0.02 × 0.6 )2
4 × 0.6 × 0.4
( ±0.012 )2
=  6667

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12. Graphical Method

Theory at a Glance (For IES, GATE, PSU)

What is LPP (Q-ESE)

Linear programming is a technique which allocates scare available resources under
conditions of certainty in an optimum manner, (i.e. maximum or minimum) to achieve the
company objectives which may be maximum overall profit or minimum overall cost.
Linear programming deals with the optimization (maximization or minimization) of linear
functions subjects to linear constraints.

One L.P.P
Maximize (z) = 3x1 + 4x2 (i)
Subject to 4x1 + 2x2 ≥ 80 (ii)
2x1 + 5x2 ≤ 180 (iii)
x1, x2 ≥ 0 (iv)

1. The variables that enter into the problem are called decision variables. e.g., x1, x2.
2. The expression showing the relationship between the manufacture's goal and the
decision variables is called the objective function. e.g. z = 3x1 + 4x2 (maximize).
3. The inequalities (ii); (iii); (iv) are called constraints being all linear, it is a linear
programming problem (L.P.P).This is an example of a real situation from industry.

Graphical Method
Working Procedure:
Step-1: Formulate the given problem as a linear programming problem.
Step-2: Plot the given constraints as equalities on x1.x2 co-ordinate plane and determine
the convex region formed by them.
[A region or a set of points is said to be convex if the line joining any two of its
points lies completely in the region (or the set)]
Step-3: Determine the vertices of the convex region and find the value of the objective
function and find the value of the objective function at each vertex. The vertex
which gives the optimal value of the objective function gives the desired optimal
solution the problem.

Draw a dotted line through the origin representing the objective function with z = 0. As z is
increased from zero, this line moves to the right remaining parallel to itself. We go on
sliding this line (parallel to itself), till it is farthest away from the origin and passes
through only one vertex on the convex region. This is the vertex where the maximum value
of z is attained.
When it is required to minimize zn value z is increased till the dotted line passes through
the nearest vertex of the convex region.
Example: Maximize z = 3x1 + 4x2

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