BeowulfIn Denmark 507 A
BeowulfIn Denmark 507 A
BeowulfIn Denmark 507 A
, the realm of King Hrothgar (Sir Anthony Hopkins) is threatened by the tormented
demon Grendel (Crispin Glover) that attacks the locals in their celebrations. The Danish King offers a
reward for the death of the creature, attracting to Herot the brave Geat warrior Beowulf (Ray Winstone)
that seeks for glory. After a fierce battle, Beowulf defeats the demon, and after receiving an old relic as
reward, he finds his men slaughtered in the party saloon of the castle. King Hrothgar advises that
Grendel's Mother (Angelina Jolie) was responsible for the bloodshed and Beowulf chases her into the lake
where she lives. The creature takes the form of a seductive woman and seduces Beowulf with a promise of
becoming an invincible and wealthy King if he makes love to her and gives his golden relic to her. Years
later, King Beowulf feels the aftermath of his sin.
The warrior Beowulf (Ray Winstone) must fight and defeat the monster Grendel (Crispin Glover), who is
terrorizing Denmark, and later, Grendel's Mother (Angelina Jolie), who begins killing out of revenge.
The moral of Beowulf is that good conquers evil. In the epic, bravery, honor, and loyalty concur evil. The story
highlights the importance of the values in individuals. Beowulf, the hero of the story, goes to the aid of King
Higlac King of the Geats- brother to Herbald and Hathcyn- uncle to Beowulf.
Edgetho Beowulf's warrior father who married Hrethel's daughter (Higlac's sister).
The term thegn (thane or thayn in Shakespearean English), from Old English þegn, ðegn, "servant, attendant,
retainer", "one who serves",[1] is commonly used to describe either an aristocratic retainer of a king
or nobleman in Anglo-Saxon England, or, as a class term, the majority of the aristocracy below the ranks
of ealdormen and high-reeves.