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Impact of TV Advertisement On Mobile Consumer's Buying Behavior PDF

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Research Proposal

Effect of Television advertisement on mobile phone consumer’s buying

behavior: A case study of Multan region


Muhammad Mohy-Ud-Din
Reg # MBME-023R17-3
MBA (After 16 years Non-Business Edu.)
Dr. Sadiq Hashmi
Department of Business Administration


Chapter # 1

Pakistan is one of the fastest growing countries in the telecommunications market. Its
potential can never be denied. As the major portion of population are young people. There was a
time when the cost of mobile handsets was so high that only the upper and middle class were
able to buy it. But with the passage of time, technology kept on moving towards advancement
and now the mobile phone manufacturers succeeded in producing low cost mobile handsets,
making it possible for the lower class to use this technology.

Advertising is a marketing concept which aims to affect the consumer’s buying behavior.
In olden days, marketers use different symbols and signs to represent products and services and
also to create awareness in consumers mind. Residents of different locations perceive TV
advertisement differently. As ruler residents are influenced more than that of urban residents by
TV advertisement(Hassan, 2015). Urban Teenagers don’t like to buy TV advertised products, if
they don’t need those brands. Television advertisements influence more male teenager’s buying
behavior than female(Bishnoi & Sharma, 2009). It is found that teenagers in India were
influenced by television advertisement and they purchased those products and brands that were
more advertised on television(Sivanesan, 2014).
Consumer behavior is an activity or a process through which people select, purchase,
evaluate and consume the product or service to fulfill their needs or wants. In buying decision
process, consumer gets information about products, analyze the information, select and purchase
the best product of his choice. Consumer buying decision process may be influenced by the
effect of advertising, price and brand image(Ruslim & Tumewu, 2015). Consumer behavior is
influenced by other factors like need attitudes and values, personality characteristics, cultural
background, age, sex, professional status to social influence of different kinds employed by
family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole(Sivanesan, 2014). Consumers are more
conscious about their social status and they prefer branded products. In such situation
advertisement play a positive in consumer buying decision(Malik et al., 2013).

Following hypothesis will be tested in this research.

H10 : There is no relationship between TV advertisement characteristics and consumer buying


H1a : There is a relationship between TV advertisement characteristics and consumer buying


H20 : There is no relationship between TV advertisement content and consumer buying behavior.

H2a : There is a relationship between TV advertisement content and consumer buying behavior.

H30 : There is no relationship between TV advertisement design and consumer buying behavior.

H3a : There is a relationship between TV advertisement design and consumer buying behavior.

Research Objectives:

Objectives of this research are to answer the following questions:

To investigate the effect of TV advertisement characteristics on mobile phone consumer’s

buying behavior.

To study the effect of TV advertisement design on mobile phone consumer’s buying behavior.

To study the effect of TV advertisement contents on mobile phone consumer’s buying behavior.

Research Questions:

Following are the questions to be answered in this study:

1. What factors will influence mobile phone consumer’s buying behavior?

2. What will be the effect of TV advertisement contents on mobile phone consumer’s
buying behavior?
Chapter # 2

Literature Review

Advertisement has a great role in the promotion and awareness of any product/service.
Information provided by advertisement also has a vital role in changing consumer behavior
towards advertisement and their purchasing behavior. Mass media like TV, newspaper, magazine
and online media has ability to shape the viewer taste and trend(Afzal & Khan, 2015). Parents
use TV advertisement in different ways like communicating and educating their children on
consumer matters. That’s why children now have more knowledge, and they are truly the internet
generation and get news and information primarily from television(Bishnoi & Sharma, 2009)

With the rise of social media, marketing has now various options to them for branding
their products / services such as advertising, publishing of brand contents. Due to recent trends in
technological advancements, marketing channels and consumer behaviors have seen a change
which impacted the consumer decision making process when they come buy a product(Reddy,
2016). Organization spend massive amount of their revenue in advertising different media such
as television, radio, magazine etc. Advertising is the non-personal message containing the
information frequently paid for and credible in nature about product, service or ideas by
recognized sponsors through the various media. Which type of media is used, depend upon the
nature of the message and the intended target market(Hameed, Waqas, Aslam, Bilal, & Umair,

Consumer behavior can be defined as all mental and physical activities undertaken by
household and business customers that result in decisions and actions to pay for, purchase and
use products and services. To judge and forecast human behavior patterns, marketers have a need
to know why a consumer decides to buy a product over the other. A consumer can’t do anything
in isolation but he/she is part of a marketing environment that will have both external and
internal influences on consumer’s decision to buy(Peters, 2005).

Brand can play a great role to boost up the economy of any country. A brand is a tool that
can change the buying decision of consumers. Brand attention also effects the buying decision of
consumers. An attractive product has more consumers. Some researchers state that purchase
intention of a particular brand needs assessment of all available brands(Durrani, Godil, Baig, &
Sajid, 2015). Brand image or brand name has a positive relationship with consumer buying
behavior. Consumers are more conscious for branded products to show off themselves because
brands have all the characteristics to fulfill the needs of people. Company’s aim should be such
that to create a brand name which is relevant to the consumer’s expectations(Shehzad, Ahmad,
Iqbal, Nawaz, & Usman, 2014).

Product packaging has become one of the effective sales promotional tools for
organizations. Consumers buying behavior can be simulated by packaging color, quality,
wrapper, specifications of the product written on the packaging and safety of the product.
Packaging can increase sales and market share and reduce promotional costs. It can influence
consumer’s attentiveness towards a particular brand, increase brand image, and also stimulates
consumer’s attitudes towards that product(Raheem, Vishnu, & Ahmed, 2014).
Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction:

The previous chapter was literature that described the related research of the study of
advertisement and consumer buying behavior that are the main focus of the research. This
chapter deals with the appropriate methodology selected for research.

3.2 Type of Research:

The method of my research will be quantitative. The possible strategy selected for data collection
is questionnaire.

3.3 Variables:

The questionnaire focused on variables. There are three variables in my research.

3.3.1 Television Advertisement Contents:

It will be used as independent variable. Contents should be written in simple language,

suggestive and educating the people about the product.

3.3.2 Television advertisement design:

It will be used as an independent variable. Advertisement video should be of short time, first few
second counts most. It should high light the product brand.

3.3.3 Consumer buying behavior:

Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions, and
decisions regarding the consumer's behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or
service. It will be used as a dependent variable. Factors like purchasing power, lifestyle, and
status affect the consumer buying behavior.
3.4 Model formulation:

TV Advertisement


TV Ads. Contents
Consumer Buying
TV Ads. Design

Conceptual framework

The present study will focus on investigating the influence of TV advertisement on mobile phone
consumer’s buying behavior. Secondary data will be collected from published research articles,
books and related websites. Primary data will be collected through using a questionnaire. Five
point likert rating scale is used for rating each statement i.e. 1 for strongly disagreed, 2 for
disagreed, 3 for neutral, 4 for agreed, and 5 for strongly agreed. Descriptive statistics will be
used for analysis of data.
Afzal, S., & Khan, J. R. (2015). Impact of online and conventional advertisement on consumer buying
behaviour of branded garments. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education, 4(1), 125-
Bishnoi, V. K., & Sharma, R. (2009). The Impact of TV Advertising on Buying Behaviour: A Comparative
Study of Urban and Rural Teenagers. JK Journal of Management & Technology, 1(1), 65-76.
Durrani, B. A., Godil, D. I., Baig, M. U., & Sajid, S. (2015). Impact of brand image on buying behaviour
among teenagers. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 11(5).
Hameed, A., Waqas, A., Aslam, M. N., Bilal, M., & Umair, M. (2014). Impact of TV advertisement on
children buying behavior. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(2), 246-261.
Hassan, A. (2015). Effects of TV Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Comparative Study of
Rural-Urban and Male-Female Consumers. International Journal of Innovation and Applied
Studies, 11(3), 608.
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23(1), 117-122.
Peters, G. (2005). Consumer behaviour elements that influence buying decisions.
Raheem, A. R., Vishnu, P., & Ahmed, A. M. (2014). Impact of product packaging on consumer’s buying
behavior. European journal of scientific research, 122(2), 125-134.
Reddy, G. (2016). Digital marketing impact on the consumer decision making process in Nike's customer
retail operations in South Africa. University of Pretoria.
Ruslim, A. C., & Tumewu, F. J. (2015). The Influence of Advertisement, Perceived Price, and Brand Image
on Consumer Buying decision to Asus Mobile Phone. Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi,
Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 3(3).
Shehzad, U., Ahmad, S., Iqbal, K., Nawaz, M., & Usman, S. (2014). Influence of Brand Name on Consumer
Choice & Decision. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 16(6), 72-76.
Sivanesan, R. (2014). Impact of Brand image and advertisement on consumer buying behavior–
Comparative study on rural and urban consumers. International Journal of Research in
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