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Space India 2.

Commerce, Policy, Security and
Governance Perspectives

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

Narayan Prasad (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-81-86818-28-2

Printed by: Mohit Enterprises

© 2017 Observer Research Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from

Foreword vii
K Kasturirangan, former Chairman, ISRO

Introduction xi
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Narayan Prasad

I Space Commerce

1. Space 2.0 India: Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 1

Narayan Prasad

2. Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India:

Current Outlook and Perspectives for the Future 11
Narayan Prasad

3. A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 23

K R Sridhara Murthi

4. Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for

Digital India 37
Neha Satak, Madhukara Putty, Prasad H L Bhat

5. Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 51

Arup Dasgupta

6. Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a

NewSpace Ecosystem in India 71
Narayan Prasad

7. Electronic Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: Today and

Beyond – An Indian Perspective 85
Rohan M Ganapathy, Arun Radhakrishnan and
Yashas Karanam

II Space Policy
8. Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 103
Kumar Abhijeet

9. SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 119

Ashok GV and Riddhi D’ Souza

10. A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 141

Ranjana Kaul

11. Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 151

Malay Adhikari

12. Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign

Policy & Diplomacy 165
Vidya Sagar Reddy

III Space Security

13. India’s Strategic Space Programme: From Apprehensive
Beginner to Ardent Operator 179
Ajey Lele

14. Space Situational Awareness and Its Importance 193

Moriba Jah

15. Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 199

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

IV International Cooperation
16. Cooperation in Space between India and France 215
Jacques Blamont

17. India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 235

Victoria Samson

18. Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 245

Vladimir Korovkin

19. Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 265

Deganit Paikowsky and Daniel Barok

20. An Asian Space Partnership with Japan? 275

Kazuto Suzuki

21. India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 283

Jason Held

V Space Sustainability and Global Governance

22. Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 295

MYS Prasad

23. Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from

Space Mining Operations 311
Daniel A Porras

24. Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space

Treaty 335
Charles Stotler

25. Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance:

India-Japan Collaboration in Outer Space 359
Yasushi Horikawa

26. India and Global Space Governance: Need for A

Pro-active Approach 371
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

About the Authors 383


In the modern history of humankind’s forays into the field of exploration

and uses of outer space, India’s space endeavours have occupied a special
place due to the richness and the quality of their contributions. With few
rivals in sheer mystery, space continues to capture the imagination of our
younger generation, presenting an inexhaustible potential for exploration,
discovery and diverse uses that modern society demands. What has been
established with certainty through the past decades of space endeavours,
of the world in general and of India in particular, is its multidimensional
role and relevance—from international diplomacy for peace to applications
that touch the daily lives of large populations across the world.
As is true with any modern tool, space technology can serve as an
instrument in enhancing human welfare, forewarning against disasters, and
expanding the horizons of human knowledge. It can also be used to
mitigate the devastating consequences of conflicts, wars and deprivation
that threaten human survival.
Space governance has thus become a major concern for the
international community in recent decades, amidst new threats such as the
growth and evolution of terrorism. The number of stakeholders in outer
space has also increased considerably, and a key role is now being played
by private entities in an environment which is becoming congested and
heavily contested in some parts. Today, more nations are actively
participating in space activities by building and operating space systems.
Informed debates on issues relevant to space governance assume high
priority both at national and international levels.
By its fundamental nature, space inspires a global perspective, and
reveals a viewpoint that extends to a universal dimension. Indeed, space
endeavours of diverse nations have global implications. The ancient Indian
thought and traditions reflect such a broader and universal outlook, as
they explored the principles of human development and mysteries of

origins, existence and destiny of the universe by dwelling deeper into human
consciousness. India’s current progress is also extending to the outer world,
addressing the quality of life of a billion-plus population. India stands at a
cusp to establish harmony of inner and outer lives; this may yet prove to
be its major contribution to global development.
A hallmark of India’s space programme has been international
cooperation. Some of the finest expressions of this paradigm can be seen
from the beginnings of the programme, such as the dedication of Thumba
Equatorial Rocket Launching Station to the United Nations and the
assistance to an international community of scientists in the study of upper-
atmospheric phenomena. Transcending ideological barriers, India’s
cooperation has also flowered into different hues, including joint space
missions, data sharing, capacity building in space applications, and policy
coordination. Of great relevance is how this can be evolved in the future
as a vibrant instrument of new advances in space activities, including human
space flight, space commerce, actions against climate change, and
international peace and security.
Over the decades, challenges of space activities have grown manifold.
This is a time when the world is seeing the emergence of NewSpace as a
revolution in space industry, with private industries leading the way in
applying the foundation elements established by space agencies as
commercial value propositions. Disruptive business models are being built
and there are distinct signs of growing potential for the overall size of the
space economy to grow multi-fold. Policy elements relevant to space
commerce and the private sector’s role in the future is extremely relevant
for the growth of India’s space endeavours.
Security applications of space, on one hand, and ensuring secure
environment using space, on the other, are no longer a matter of choice
for spacefaring states like India. Several initiatives at the international level
need to be coordinated and harmonised with India’s national interests, as
the country emerges as an economic power and seeks to strengthen its
relations with other states in an interdependent world. Examining the
various aspects of this dimension is extremely important, both to develop
holistic perspectives and to generate required capacities in India.

The Observer Research Foundation’s (ORF) initiative is commendable

for creating a platform for discourse. As it involves both national and
international experts on these extremely relevant issues, this volume of
well-researched articles provides highly relevant analyses in the context of
future developments in the field of space.
Indeed, such interaction at the international level is not new to the
Indian space programme. From the outset, with Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the
leadership of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has pursued
interaction with the finest minds in science, government, and industry.
Such fruitful interactions have generated valuable contributions not only
for India but also for the global community in terms of a vast array of
societal applications of space technology, cost-effective approaches, and
enriching collaborative endeavours such as Chandrayaan.
This book gives insights by providing a glimpse into the past, while it
connects with the present and delivers perspectives on the future dimensions
of India’s space programme. The chapters cover a broad range–
Commercial & NewSpace, Space Policy, Space Security, International
Cooperation, and Space Sustainability & Global Governance—and they
deliver educated suggestions and opinions to policymakers of the country
to review their strategies on these issues. Understanding expert opinions in
these areas shall bestow the emerging managers of the space programme
with holistic insights. This work is a unique collection of thoughts and
analyses on matters relevant to space policy and governance, a good account
of accomplishments, and thought-provoking puzzles on future possibilities.
The authors are national and international experts in different disciplines,
both veteran and young scholars, and thus will be an invaluable resource
for policymakers, academic researchers, and the public at large. This work
can also be a concrete step for continuing discourse on varied subjects or
issues of importance, which demand an interactive and evolutionary
approach to progress on policy. While there could be some differences in
the positions taken by writers with reference to the views of some
stakeholders in policymaking, the academic yet non-formal nature of the
content in this book will hopefully create enough spaces for reflecting on
a cohesive and harmonious framework of policy and its continued

dynamism in a field where India can make significant contributions to

national and global developments.
K Kasturirangan
Raman Research Institute
3 January 2017

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Narayan Prasad

India’s space programme is more than five decades old and the country
today has come to be acknowledged as an established space power. India
began its space journey in 1963 with the launch of a sounding rocket
(Nike-Apache) supplied by NASA, a sodium vapour payload by France,
with a range clearance provided by a Russian helicopter. From these humble
beginnings, India in the 1980s would then develop its renowned Indian
Remote Sensing (IRS) and Indian National Satellite System (INSAT)
satellites series. The INSAT communication satellites have been operating
in the entire Asia Pacific region, offering services including television
broadcasting, weather forecasting, disaster warning, and search and rescue
missions. The IRS satellites comprise the largest State-operated civilian
constellation in the world and use state-of-the-art cameras for images of
the Earth in multiple resolutions, bands, and swaths. They provide services
nationally and to a large number of customers across the globe. Indeed,
even as interplanetary missions were not part of the original vision and
mandate of the ISRO, they have since matured to become an important
area of focus of the programme. Given that India was faced with multiple
social and developmental challenges, New Delhi, during the development
stages of both satellites and launch vehicle technologies, had maintained
focus on societal applications. However, with the changing dynamics of
regional security, the Indian political and scientific leadership set their mind
on the importance of space technology in the context of development
but also national security.
Even as India has journeyed for close to sixty years in this domain,
there are several requirements that need to be addressed for India to
maximise its gains and the potential of its strong capacity to build satellites
and launch vehicles. We believe there are several strategies, both short-
term and long-term, that may be employed by policymakers to expand
the utilisation of space assets and increasing the overall size of the country’s
space economy.

This book addresses many of these prevalent policy issues and suggests
measures to address them from the varied perspectives of space commerce,
space policy, space security, global governance, and international
cooperation. It contains 26 chapters that deal with the different aspects of
India’s space programme, grouped in five sections, and seek to provide
insights to policymakers in the country.
The first section is on space commerce, and it opens with two chapters
authored by Narayan Prasad outlining first, the need for expansion of
India’s space industry to achieve a global footprint and second, an overview
of India’s space economy and the role of traditional and NewSpace
industry in India. A chapter by Prof. KR Sridhara Murthi follows, arguing
for the need to undertake policy regulations for greater commercialisation
of India’s space programme and tap into the burgeoning emerging space
markets. Neha Satak, Madhukara Putty and Prasad Bhat, in their chapter
explore the possibility of using satellites for digitally connecting more
than a billion people in bridging the digital divide that has both social and
economic implications. Arup Dasgupta then describes in his chapter the
potential benefits of using geospatial data for both government initiatives
and businesses, which have so far been fairly limited. He makes a strong
case for public-private partnerships in order to meet the growing demand,
which has been previously met by the government alone. Narayan Prasad,
in chapter six, argues for the holistic development of India’s space
ecosystem, with the establishment of a space start-up incubator as a
preliminary step which can be expanded to aid NewSpace companies in
contributing to India’s space economy growth story. Chapter seven by
Rohan Ganapathy, Arun Radhakrishnan and Yashas Karanam, on electric
propulsion and launch vehicles, explores the possibilities of adapting electric
propulsion for in-space navigation which would also create the spin-off
benefit of lowering the cost of launches.
Section two, in five chapters, details various aspects of India’s space
policy. Chapter eight by Kumar Abhijeet makes the case for legislative
requirements for elevating the private sector as a major actor in India’s
space story. Ashok GV and Riddhi D’Souza review India’s SATCOM
policy and norms with a view to both increasing private sector participation
and creating a public-private partnership that will enhance India’s space

programme. Ranjana Kaul examines India’s geospatial policy and articulates

the need for the government to fill the gaps in a balanced and nuanced
manner. Chapter eleven, authored by Malay Adhikari, analyses the case of
the legal backbone establishment as the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV) private sector-ISRO partnership matures. He argues that given
PSLV’s track record as a platform, this joint venture could possibly be the
first step towards privatisation. Vidya Sagar Reddy’s chapter on space as
an instrument of foreign policy outlines several historical instances of
India’s international partnerships with the US, Russia and France. Reddy
advocates for India to use space as a tool in furthering its foreign policy
Section three comprises three chapters focusing on the different aspects
of India’s space security needs and requirements, both in the institutional
and policy realm. Ajey Lele in chapter thirteen details India’s space journey,
from an apprehensive beginner to ardent operator, especially in the security
domain. In chapter fourteen, Moriba Jah discusses the significance of
space situational awareness in the context of the growing number of
natural hazards and man-made challenges confronting outer space
environment. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan in chapter fifteen makes the
case for an Indian military space policy. Even as India remains wedded to
the idea of peaceful uses of outer space, developments in the space domain
both within the region and globally have driven India to confront the new
realities and adapt in terms of both policy and institutions.
Section four on international cooperation focuses on India’s major
space partners. In chapter 16, Prof. Jacques Blamont examines India’s
almost six-decade-old space cooperation with France and identifies future
areas of partnership between the two nations. Victoria Samson in chapter
seventeen describes India’s space cooperation with the US dating back to
the early 1960s when NASA supplied India with the first sounding rocket
Nike-Apache. She details the journey that the two civil space organisations
have gone through and highlights major recent initiatives, including the
NISAR satellite. Chapter eighteen, authored by Vladimir Korovkin,
documents the Russian-Indian space cooperation and its future. He suggests
cooperation in the areas of deep space exploration, space tourism, as well
as jointly building infrastructure for operation of small satellites. Deganit

Paikowsky and Daniel Barok in chapter nineteen examine India and Israel’s
collaboration, barely three decades old but strong. In chapter twenty,
Kazuto Suzuki details India-Japan space cooperation, which has so far
been rather limited in scope but carries significant potential to grow, given
the broader convergence in their political and strategic goals. Jason Held
looks at India-Australian space relationship which, like the India-Japan
one, is still at its exploratory stage. He examines the future potential in the
context of the growing India-Australia strategic partnership.
Section five contains five chapters detailing India’s approach to space
sustainability and collective governance of outer space. MYS Prasad
provides an overview of the major Indian efforts at tracking space debris,
including ISRO’s Space Debris Tracking Systems. Daniel Porras in his
chapter examines the relatively new area of space mining operations in
the context of both the US and global legal regimes. The chapter then
goes on to analyse the regulations that could be put in place to fulfil the
goals espoused by the Space Competitiveness Act. Charles Stotler studies
Article VI in the context of space security and sustainability. The chapter
deals with the complexities of new actors in outer space including non-
state players and the implications of these for the sustainability of outer
space. Yasushi Horikawa details the global governance mechanisms such
as the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
in the context of both space sustainability and the larger strategic
cooperation between India and Japan. The last chapter on India and global
governance by Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan articulates the need for India
to take on a more pro-active approach both within the UN COPUOS as
well as in fora such as the Conference on Disarmament (CD), though the
CD has remained stagnant for more than two decades. Given India’s
strong sentiment that the CD is the key body for all multilateral negotiations
on international security issues, New Delhi should take the lead in injecting
political imagination to revive the CD as an effective platform in developing
an effective outer space regime.
We hope this volume adds to the slowly evolving debate on India’s
space policy and ambitions as it highlights some of the key challenges and
opportunities that are facing India in this realm.

Space 2.0 India – Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 1

Space 2.0 India:

Leapfrogging Indian
Space Commerce
Narayan Prasad

Space is expensive, space is unrelenting and space is extremely challenging

to have a system perform efficiently. A sector where engineering and
management of missions are extremely complex due to the unrelenting
environment and a ‘fly right or forget’ evolution of missions. Today, this
conventional wisdom is being challenged with the walls for investments
and the approach to engineering and management of space missions being
redefined to embrace risk and mobilise disruptive and derivative
technologies in a $300-billion industry.

Space 1.0
Space as a high-technology sector kicked off with government-backed
investments with official institutions in the military and civilian realm
developing core competence over decades of engineering. Space as an
industrial complex is one that has grown with this competence being
transferred to or encouraged to develop novel technologies in the industry,
which enables the private sector to then diversify its offerings as well as
expand its market reach. This process of initial capacity-building in the
industry can be deemed as Space 1.0, where the objective is to enable the
trickling down of technology, processes, patents, which have been
developed by taxpayer-funded research and development to an
entrepreneurial foundation which can commercialise and spin-off.
Space 1.0 is a process of handholding the industry to reach a tipping
point where there is a credible, reliable technology delivery capability
2 Space Commerce

established, while the government may further support this capacity-building

by buybacks of products and services for its own missions. Space 1.0 is a
phenomenon that has been going on in India over the past four decades
where the technology competence developed by the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) is being transferred to Small and Medium-Scale
Enterprises (SMEs), with encouragement from ISRO to buy back this
competence converting the SME as a vendor in its missions.
Today, the Indian space programme stands with a strong vendor base
of 500 suppliers for its space transportation, spacecraft development and
ground operations functions. With the increased demand for space-based
services in the country, ISRO is now envisioning greater involvement of the
Indian industry in the production of satellites and launch vehicles. To this
end, the formation of a consortium of industries with ISRO for the
development of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has been initiated,
while ISRO has also invited Indian industry to express interest in systems
Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) of standard ISRO satellites.

Space 1.5
The encouragement that the industry is finding as a move further in the
steps of capacity building can be deemed as Space 1.5. This exercise in
technology/knowledge transfer provides the industry with the complete
know-how in end-to-end development of space and launch systems.
Although the entire technology will be that of ISRO, such a move will
provide a foundation to build core competence in the industry which, at
the same time, can be potentially used to diversify the offering from a user
base perspective or a technology perspective. From a user base perspective
for such systems, the immediate requirements from a medium-term
perspective (five to seven years) may well arrive from defence users who
have tremendously increased their utilisation of space-based capabilities
for security purposes. Moreover, this will provide the Indian industry with
the ability to design and develop advanced new-generation systems, which
in the longer term (10 to 15 years) may well match or feature themselves
as state-of-the-art systems in the world.
The emergence of Space 1.5 models in space transportation as well
as satellite manufacturing in the upstream hardware realisation plans of
Space 2.0 India – Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 3

ISRO is essentially a response to the increased demand for space-based

services in the country both on the government as well as the private
industry side. Recently, 170 projects spanning over 60 central ministries/
departments have been identified in the areas of natural resources
management, energy & infrastructure, disaster & early warning,
communication & navigation, e-governance & geospatial governance,
societal services, and support to flagship programmes for potential
utilisation of space technology-based tools. This largely ties with the
conviction of the government to use space-based technology to create
more transparent, efficient and scalable approaches to delivering services
in government-to-customer (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), and
government-to-government (G2G) interactions.
India has also experienced a stark rise in commercial services such as
Direct-To-Home (DTH) with an annual percentage growth of 25.73
percent during the period from December 2010 to December 2015, which
indicates a strong demand from the commercial space services segment
to which ISRO is acting as a provider. Therefore, the rising demand from
both the government as well as the private sector is gathering tremendous
momentum and has led to the comprehensive roadmap ahead with 71
satellites to be built by 2021 and a target to increase the launch frequency
of rockets to 12-18 annually. Therefore, Space 1.5 is mainly a volume-
driven phenomenon and different industry-government engagement
models may emerge in each vertical of both upstream and downstream
services with the primary goal of achieving this volume within the
It is important to note that this nature of Space 1.5 will drive the use
of much of the existing infrastructure that is already created by the
government for further capacity building in the industry. The nature of
capacity building will be more of a handover of activities to the private
sector under the supervision of the space agency to ensure quality and
reliability, which on one end will add a dimension of transfer of know-
how to the industry, while the industry need not make substantial capital
investments in setting up similar infrastructure for production. Space 1.5
in India is likely to take a more consortium approach of a number of
vendors/SMEs since there is clearly no large space sector players in the
private sector of the country which can take on the risk of such a project.
4 Space Commerce

This void, in some sense, may be also due to the fact that the country only
gained independence in an era where aerospace technology in the
international scene had already modernised against the backdrop of world
Post-independence, the sanctions against the country hindered growth
and maturity of the foundation technology and know-how while the
space sector enjoyed much more international collaboration and therefore
leapfrogging in the development of the foundation technology. From
an industry evolution perspective, the likes of Boeing and Lockheed Martin
in the US could take on the functions of Space 1.5 in a more rigorous
manner with larger functions due to the sheer size of their organisations
with a sound heritage and financials which was built up over decades of
expertise in the aerospace sector even before satellites or rockets were
Therefore, on the space transportation front, India might see an
evolution of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model as a part of Space
1.5 that is quite unique in the international market and does not align with
the likes of other models such as Ariane Space. The important difference
in this PPP model against the ones already in the market is that the PPP
model India is evolving is one that may be completely dedicated to achieving
volumes for meeting local and international demand for reliable launch
vehicles such as Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and, eventually,
Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). The function of
development of new launch vehicles and making them operational will
still lie entirely in the government realm. This is one key difference in the
PPP model that is likely to evolve in India against that of Ariane Space or
United Launch Alliance, where the PPP models have also expanded to
develop new launch systems in addition to achieving volumes and serving
national and international markets under the PPP umbrella.
Similarly, on the spacecraft development front, ISRO is fostering a
capacity-building programme with the industry by engaging a vendor to
be involved in the realisation of two satellites which shall provide the
industry with an end-to-end spacecraft AIT know-how while operating
under the supervision of ISRO Satellite Centre. This again can be ticked
off as a Space 1.5 step for the industry to gain experience in AIT functions
Space 2.0 India – Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 5

which have been the function of the space agency for the past five decades.
This will enable ISRO to use the private sector to meet the burgeoning
demand which dictates about 10-12 satellites be flown every year for at
least the next five years instead of substantially increasing its manpower
base and infrastructure. Therefore, this step of capacity building on the
spacecraft side is an important step of transferring the technology, project
and quality management know-how to the industry for an end-to-end
spacecraft. It is likely that this step will lead to the industry developing the
spacecraft bus based on the type of mission while ISRO shall focus on
the development of new technologies for the spacecraft/mission payload
itself and integrate with the bus delivered by the industry. This is a model
that is quite different from developed spacefaring nations such as the US,
Canada, and EU, where end-to-end contracts are given to a single vendor,
which again has been possible via a more historically evolved government-
industry from the headstart in the 1900s.
Much of the liberalisation of the space activities in major spacefaring
countries has been based on providing encouragement to the private
industry for capturing the rising demand for services on the downstream.
The entry of the private sector has driven the year-on-year growth of the
space sector based on services where today almost two-thirds of the
$300 billion that runs in the space industry is captured by services.
Therefore, active promotion of involvement of the industry in
downstream activities is a crucial step in increasing the overall size of the
space economy. For example, tele-education via satellites for the first time
via the Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) by ISRO is
one of the biggest successes in vetting a use case for satellite-based
communications services. With the technology maturing (on both the
consumer electronics segment as well as the satellite segment) from the
time of SITE, the applications of satellite-based television have not only
served in societal development but have also largely evolved as a
commercial television services platform for service providers to broadcast
news, advertisement, and entertainment. This demand, driven by the active
engagement of the private sector in the downstream, has therefore
provided the impetus for increased demand in terms of transponders.
While DTH is just one example, India has a large potential to evolve
such services via the private sector which can already be witnessed in the
6 Space Commerce

year-on-year growth of services such as DTH in other downstream

activities, given the fact that India operates one of the largest fleets of
Earth Observation satellites capable of both in optical and radar as well
as has its own regional navigation system. Therefore, the premise of Space
2.0 in India is to harmonise the relationship between the public and private
sectors to evolve a space economy that not only drives societal development
effectively but will go beyond to establish commercial service offerings
that are scalable, creating more revenues for the country.

Space 2.0
The only way to break the conventional wisdom which says space is
expensive, space is inaccessible, and space is only for large companies, is
by closing the walls between engineering and business, which forms the
foundation of Space 2.0. It is important to note that this approach to
developing such a narrative is not exclusive to the conventional space agency
developed technologies or missions. Indeed, to a large extent it is based
on technology foundation developed by taxpayer-funded research. While
conventional space agency approach is more inward-looking towards
achieving targets based on national priorities, Space 2.0 is more outward-
looking with an intention to be globally disruptive in terms of offering a
space product or service.
The global NewSpace phenomenon is one that is fledging on this
trend where space entrepreneurs are funded by private capital to achieve
a product or a service that has the potential to disrupt the barrier to access
to space (in upstream) or offer a service at a price that potentially opens
doors to addition of a large base of new consumers (on the downstream).
To understand this phenomenon a bit more, Figure 1 provides an
illustration of what NewSpace companies are attempting to do. Traditional
space agencies have a budget that is driven by a political will which, in
turn, depends on geopolitical scenarios, where any steep rise in budgetary
allocation has to be driven by a national will which has mostly occurred
due to international competition. Therefore, typically space agencies may,
at best, have had linear growth post the Cold-War era. This also applies to
India (Figure 2) where the budget increase has also witnessed a similar
trend for investments in the space sector. Where NewSpace is trying to
Space 2.0 India – Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 7

find value is in engineering their offering that enables a disruptive business

model that will go in one step to what can be achieved in a typical space
agency approach only with many folds of investment/timeline against
that done by these private actors.

Figure 1 - Expected growth of NewSpace vs Traditional Space Agency

Figure 2 – India’s space budget over past three Five-Year Plans

A prominent example in the current trends for such an effort is that

of SpaceX which is now trying to achieve a Reusable Launch Vehicle
(RLV) which the company expects to lower the cost of access to space by
8 Space Commerce

at least 30 percent while still being able to launch over a dozen launches a
year. The approach taken by SpaceX is based on a business model that
intends to disrupt the cost of access to space while achieving it by
developing a disruptive technology that will create a barrier for its
competition to match in the short or medium term of five to seven years.
It is important to note that SpaceX’s efforts are not completely independent
or isolated from that of NASA. NASA provided much of the technology
for engines for the company under a technology transfer programme to
understand the foundation of building rockets. NASA also rescued SpaceX
from going bankrupt by awarding its first launch contract.Where SpaceX
has also possibly benefited in making its design for an RLV is in learning
from the mistakes of the shuttle programme.
The key question is how this approach—where the financial risk is
initially borne by private investments—which benefited from an active
public-private partnership in learning about the foundation technologies
to create a product that would otherwise take many folds more of
investments in both time and money to achieve in a traditional space
exploration approach? The answer lies in the approach to risk management
in decision-making as well as the management matrix itself which are
inherently different for a public institution that is held accountable for
spending tax money against that of a private actor. The approach is
therefore taken to management and realisation of such large-scale projects
seems to change dramatically by NewSpace players where the priority in
getting a product or service going is to get the most value for money,
while a conventional space agency approach would be to prioritise decision-
making on reducing risk.
The very reason that private capital backs NewSpace is that these
investors are ready to play with a risk vs reward quotient against a given
opportunity in a much vigorous fashion that may be impossible to
substantiate for a taxpayer-funded agency. In funding NewSpace
entrepreneurs, private capital is risking returns while a conventional space
agency will have no room for such risks. This is one reason why a
government-backed space agency would rather support a private actor
who is willing to risk. One should also underscore the realities of a possible
bubble in NewSpace in a sector that has already witnessed such a bubble
being burst.
Space 2.0 India – Leapfrogging Indian Space Commerce 9

The understanding of these dynamics of institutional voids and

organisational pressures by space programme managers, bureaucrats,
policymakers, can help shape the creation of a Space 2.0 ecosystem in
India. These typically are unchartered waters in India since the industry or
the start-up ecosystem in the space sector has still not entered into delivering
any large-scale end-to-end space-based service or product. In the formation
of a Space 2.0 ecosystem in India, it is imperative to understand the key
differences in these realms and any policies shall have to augur with the
viewpoint of what is best for the nation.

Space 2.0 India

Space 2.0 in India is a vision to develop an ecosystem that will encourage
and enable SMEs as well as NewSpace entrepreneurs to take the next leap
forward in the country to develop end-to-end products and services that
are globally scalable. It is that stage where enterprises and start-ups in the
country shall be able to leapfrog based on the five decades of experience
and expertise gathered in space with offerings that complement the efforts
of ISRO. It is empowering small businesses to scale their offering of
products and services to integrate into the global space supply chain and
compete internationally in the $300-billion industry.
There are several important developments that need to move ahead
as India builds up to this sort of ecosystem. On the already established
SME landscape in space, India needs to witness the Space 1.5 step of
some of the SMEs or the large business houses in the country making
stronger commitments to investment in the space sector in gaining
sophisticated end-to-end system level knowledge. This will also need
encouragement from ISRO to guide these first movers towards sustainable
growth. There is a strong possibility of this occurrence since there is an
inherent national demand that is driving the need for production of over
a dozen rockets or satellites a year.
From a start-up perspective, there is a need for mechanisms to evolve
to engage with start-up entrepreneurs who would want to build products
and services with a vision to scale it to solve some of the major problems
of the society such as global connectivity, clean energy, decision intelligence,
among others. In order to build a sustainable private capital investment
10 Space Commerce

scenario, transparent and timeline oriented policies must be brought forth

for both upstream and downstream products and services in at least the
well-established areas of communications and broadcasting, remote
sensing, navigation and timing.
Space 2.0 is not just integrating products and services into the global
space supply chain but also enabling opportunities for global collaborations
that may not just be academic or technological, but will go further in
solving the problems of financing and regulatory frameworks, working
with networks investors and space lawyers around the world. Space 2.0
will also see the spill-over of technology products and services from
government being a primary end-customer to a more market force driven
B2B/B2C dynamic, which shall provide space entrepreneurs to scale
offerings in the local markets as demand increases while potentially planning
to expand their footprints to other markets.
An exampleof Space 2.0 effort is that of Astrome Technologies, a
start-up based in Bangalore trying to solve the problem of providing
connectivity to the 70 percent of the country’s population who live in
semi-urban and rural India via satellite-based internet. This has the potential
to enable the country to leapfrog in achieving the vision of Digital India
and can be extended to the regional grouping, SAARC, or other developing
It is important to understand that the foundation and practice of
establishing a fair and transparent space legislation and regulatory system
can provide leeway to achieve a critical mass of linkages between upstream
and downstream activities that can potentially expand the space economy
of the country to many folds to what it is today. This can also serve in
setting precedents for a future that may behold larger initiatives such as
space mining, space tourism, and space solar power.
Developing an ecosystem that will support the rise of Space 2.0 in the
country has the potential to make space the next big technological leap in
the country after information technology and bio-technology. The words
of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the former president of India, may yet
prove omniscient: “The future generations will look at the Earth, the Moon
and the Mars as a single economic and strategic entity.” A Space 2.0 India
revolution awaits.
Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 11

Traditional Space and

NewSpace Industry in India:
Current Outlook and
Perspectives for the Future
Narayan Prasad

The Indian space programme is one of the world’s fastest growing (Figure
1). Backed by investments for over five decades now, India is moving
towards increasing its capacity and capabilities of using space technology
products and services not only for societal applications but also to support
commercial space activities and pursue diplomatic and security objectives.
Thus there is an inherent potential to exploit the technological prowess
developed in the country for homegrown enterprises to expand products
and services for the domestic market as well as participate in the $300-
billion global space industry.

Figure 1 - Evolution of India’s Space Budget1

12 Space Commerce

1. Traditional Space in India

In order to understand the business ecosystem and the aspirations of
Indian space industry for expansion, it is important to acknowledge the
strengths and weaknesses of traditional business models in the space sector.
Today, India has a large Small-Medium-Enterprises (SMEs) base that caters
within the traditional space agency-driven model. The phenomenon of
encouraging the development of India’s private sector in the space domain
began in the 1970s when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
started handholding entrepreneurs in technology transfer initiatives with
the safety net of buybacks to ensure business survivability.2 Fast forward
four decades, today there are new initiatives being taken to encourage the
complete development of end-to-end systems in both launch vehicles3
and satellites4 by the private industry.
Figure 2 provides an overview of a SWOT analysis (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) for the traditional space approach.
What traditional space approach tries to do is to increasingly offload work
that is considered to be routine to the industry as an initiative in capacity
building to achieve volumes that might not be possible without a significant
increase in the infrastructure and manpower within a space agency. This is
no doubt a significant step in helping the Indian industry to further mature
and be able to perform Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) of both
rockets and satellites. However, the current measures are more top-down
in nature, and mostly based on capacity building via development of
industry in upstream.

Figure 2 - SWOT Analysis of Traditional Space in India

Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 13

This step will elevate vendors in the space programme to the next
level, working alongside the space agency to be able to deliver back
complete end-to-end systems. However, this current form of capacity
building where a partnership is envisioned to perform AIT-related aspects
(in both launch vehicles and satellites) is an extremely elementary one since
the know-how transferred in this process is mostly at the system level of
integration and does not entail capacity building to design, develop and
complete end-to-end systems independently.
Although this is definitely a jump up for the industry in acquiring the
know-how on AIT aspects, the roadmap for the traditional vendors to
get to a level of being able to design, develop and manufacture end-to-
end launch vehicles or satellites is not on the horizon until the current
initiatives attain fruition and begin to show signs of sustainability. Therefore,
this track is more a top-down model that enables the industry over long
gestation periods to systematically develop capacity and primarily feeds
on taxpayer funding to execute projects.
This model of industry engagement is not exclusive to India. Most
traditional space business models work on this framework where the
industry is funded largely by the government to deliver end-to-end systems.
However, what is different between advanced spacefaring nations and
India in terms of current models is the level of capacity builtup in the
private industry. As a country, India is one of the most successful nations
to have developed the capacity to deliver payloads to space or to develop
satellites for services or to interplanetary missions. However, there is a
stark gap in the capacity builtup in the private industry where the industry
is mostly involved as tier-based vendors and presently there is no single
industry vendor who has the capacity to deliver end-to-end systems. This
creates bottleneck effects in the possible expansion of industry to the
global supply chain, especially from an export perspective.
However, traditional space approach has a strong edge of having
room for building upon proven and reliable technology and handholding
from the space agency. Policymakers should look to draw a long-term
roadmap in creating an environment of multiple industry players or industry
consortiums having the ability to deliver end-to-end systems so that there
is room for competition in the national ecosystem.
14 Space Commerce

The current outlook for traditional space approach in India is positive

with the initiatives of stepping of industry participation in launch vehicles
and satellites. From a market perspective, the present outlook makes it
certain that traditional space suppliers will be limited to upstream capacity
building and will not be able to participate in completely commercial
frameworks in the downstream.
The traditional space industry ecosystem will definitely benefit from
long-term perspective planning by policymakers. Building a long-term
perspective plan where the industry is enabled to participate in a complete
commercial model where end-to-end systems shall be delivered can help
in not only meeting the growing requirements in volumes nationally but
also in integrating the Indian industry base globally.

2. NewSpace in India
NewSpace is a worldwide phenomenon of entrepreneurs developing
products, and service enterprises focusing on space and are using private
funding in their initial developments. While there is no internationally
accepted technical definition of ‘NewSpace’, principally, the ethos of the
movement has been to challenge the traditional ways of space exploration
that are widely considered as too expensive, time-consuming, and lacking
in room for inventive risk-taking. Companies that fit in the bracket of
NewSpace include the likes of SpaceX, OneWeb, and Planet Labs, which
are primarily funded by private capital to build products and services that
challenge the cost to either access to space itself or access to services
based out of assets in space.
NewSpace has gone on to attract successful global entrepreneurs to
either kick-off ventures of their own or to support start-ups. Examples
of such global entrepreneurs include the likes of Richard Branson kicking
off Virgin Galactic, Jeff Bezos starting up Blue Origin, and Larry Page
backing Planetary Resources.5 One can argue that NewSpace kicked off
where traditional space enterprises were stifling with the cost for creating
more assets in space in areas such as developing cheaper rockets with
greater launch cadence and developing satellite constellations that can enable
greater and faster coverage to now many of them diversifying into space
tourism and mining of space resources.
Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 15

While this phenomenon has largely been orchestrated for the past
decade and a half with leadership from the US, with the revolution in
small satellites and the cost to access to space being reduced substantially,
there are 10,000 NewSpace enterprises expected to kick-off around the
world in the next 10 years.6 Even if this may be an estimate that is ten
times over what is realisable, having some 1,000 NewSpace companies in
the next 10 years can well change the very nature of space exploration and
exploitation. The key question here from a NewSpace perspective that
needs to be asked is this: Will India have, if not a dominant, at least a
relevant global NewSpace footprint or will it be a closed self-serving
NewSpace has inspired several Indian entrepreneurs to form companies
that can inspire a whole new generation of fellow Indians to dream of
businesses based on space products and services. The ecosystem is very
recent with start-ups in a mix of both upstream and downstream offerings
such as Team Indus, Earth2Orbit, Astrome Technologies, Bellatrix
Aerospace, and SatSure. The spread of these companies include dreams
of landing a rover on the Moon,7 developing space-based internet service,8
developing a private launch vehicle,9 and using space data to change the
face of how space-based technology can be used to provide forecast and
insights to important basic sectors such as agriculture.10
Figure 3 provides an overview of a SWOT analysis for NewSpace in
India. The key question is how different these start-ups are from those
500-odd small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) that serve ISRO. The
answer lies in the rather simple fact that these companies are the ones that
plan to build either end-to-end systems or services for the first time in the
country. Their business model is more diversified, with the possibility of
either serving (private businesses or consumers themselves) customers
themselves directly. Another strong distinction from the traditional business
models that exist so far in the country is their vision to focus on the
possibility of exporting their offerings.
It is important to understand that enabling NewSpace in India will
have an effect not only on young start-ups with but it also gives an
opportunity for the already built-up SMEs to expand their business.
NewSpace in this sense is not a phenomenon but more of a framework
16 Space Commerce

that can act as an enabler to expand capacity and capability for the industry
to offer end-to-end products and services.

Figure 3 - SWOT Analysis of NewSpace in India

NewSpace India will look to feed on successes such as the most cost-
effective and the only first-time success mission to Mars as a brand-building
exercise and shall try to translate it into international business for homegrown
industries as a recognition of producing world-class products and services.
Therefore, NewSpace offers the potential for diversification of customer
base for Indian industry in the space sector at the global level.
The government of India has actively floated several key initiatives
such as ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’, in which the space industry has
a key role to play in achieving the goals. With the backbone technology
know-how foundation in place, mainly by the efforts of ISRO and its
vendor base, there is immense scope for NewSpace enterprises to leverage
these cluster-based externalities such as technologies, infrastructure and
manpower to build space-based services.
The investments needed for NewSpace commercial enterprises are
extremely large since the target is to build end-to-end products and services
models. Therefore, one of the major challenges will remain to convince
private capital investors to buy into the business models. This exercise is
also challenging due to the fact that there is no long-term framework
within the national goals for NewSpace in India alongside concrete policy
Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 17

However, there is immense scope for effecting change in the

commercial space landscape and achieving economies of scale in space-
based services if NewSpace is enabled. Parallels can be drawn to the rise
of the IT industry which enabled the creation of an environment that
today is one of the pillars of export activity in the country.

3. Need for a Cluster Mapping & Competitiveness

A comprehensive mapping of the Indian space industry ecosystem (Figure
4) will help managers, policymakers from both India and abroad, to take
advantage of the opportunities available in the country including the talent
pool, inherent growing market requirements within, and the already
established capacity to deliver highly reliable technology products and

3.1. Benefits for Indian Industry

• Successes such as the most cost-effective and the only first-time success
mission to Mars must act as a brand-building exercise and should
translate to international business for homegrown industries as a
recognition of producing world-class products and services.
Therefore, cluster development is an important exercise in the
diversification of customer base for Indian SMEs and greater
integration of Indian vendors into the global supply chain.
• With the backbone technology know-how foundation in place, mainly
by the efforts of the ISRO, there is immense scope for these
technologies to trickle down to domestic industry via focused initiatives
to encourage cluster externalities. These can be in the form of spin-
ins or spinoffs, which can emerge as innovative business models for
products and services for these new offerings for both India’s market
and allied ones.
• Effective cluster mapping and positioning to achieve collaborative
partnerships between Indian and international firms can lead to SMEs
in the country to learn from international partners to work with new
standards (e.g., European Cooperation for Space Standardization).
Such an exercise can spread the capacity within the industry to replicate
18 Space Commerce

the success achieved in the auto-industry within the country.

• One of the critical needs in the current landscape for the SMEs in the
country is the need to access capital to achieve a larger scale in
capabilities and capacity.11 Provided that India has a very niche and
nascent investment ecosystem for a sector such as space, the clustering
exercise can help Indian SMEs to attract attention for possible FDI,
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) or Joint Ventures (JV) with
international partners that will bring mutual benefit.

Figure 4–Need for Cluster Mapping & Competitiveness Study

Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 19

• The government of India has actively floated several key initiatives

such as ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’, in which the space industry
has a key role to play in achieving the goals set out under these missions.
Therefore, a cluster-based network study can help policymakers to
gain key insights to actively align policy decisions to further encourage
the inclusive growth of the Indian industry and academia.

3.2. Perspectives for Global Players to Invest in Indian

Space Industry
• With India recently permitting 100-percent FDI in the space sector,12
there is an opportunity for international firms to gain a market entry
into India by positioning their offerings independently or by integrating
their marker strategies via partnerships (via JVs, M&As or SPVs) with
Indian SMEs to realise end-to-end upstream and downstream systems
• Take advantage of the local market conditions (e.g.,talent pool, low
labour costs, engineering services backbone, and others) to replicate
the cost-competitive IP creation and co-creation in the country that
has been a construct that global firms have already used successfully
in technology sectors such as aerospace and IT.
• The space industry is a niche sector with several global pockets for
vendors for specialised products and services. Knowledge of the
local industry cluster of a market such as India can potentially help
consolidate their supply chain and mitigate some of the inherent
supplier risks and well as solve single-vendor problems for global
• There is a difference in the route to innovation pursued by firms in
developed countries and emerging economies. Innovations in emerging
economies tend to not involve major technological breakthroughs
but take a more novel and innovative combination of existing
knowledge and technologies to solve pressing local problems by using
new processes and business models. This makes a case for international
firms to utilise India as a hub for ‘reverse innovation’ before ‘trickling
up’ to either allied markets in emerging economies or developed
countries themselves.
20 Space Commerce

- For example, General Electric’s ultra low-cost ultrasound and ECG

machines, were led by development teams in India, initially for use in
these countries, but with inputs from local and foreign subsidiaries.13
• Based on the long-term strategy, global firms can typically benefit by
exploiting India as a foundation for improvising growth strategy under
competitive pressures by developing expansion plans as a part of
larger global strategy, increasing speed to market, improving service
levels, business process redesign, adopting an industry practice, testing
differentiation strategy, access to new markets, enhancing system

4. Conclusion and Recommendations

The current outlook for traditional space approach in India is positive
with the initiatives of stepping of industry participation in launch vehicles
and satellites. NewSpace start-ups in India plan to either build end-to-end
systems or services for the first time in the country with diversified business
models bringing the possibility of either serving (private businesses or
consumers themselves) customers themselves directly including possible
export-oriented models.
The current ecosystem can be further fostered by developing
mechanisms of continuous tracking and monitoring to provide a strong
foundation in enabling business from a policy framework perspective. To
this end, there is scope for initiating the ‘State of the Space Industry’,
which can draw a lot of inspiration from similar practices in the international
space industry to provide the outside world an overview of the current
Indian capabilities in ISRO and in the industry. This can help showcase to
foreign companies the relevance of working with their Indian counterparts.
There are several other broad ways of promoting growth that need
to be considered with measures to promote Indian space industry. These
include the following:
• Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) awards for Indian companies
to be given at the Bangalore Space Expo in different categories such
as ‘Best SME’, ‘Best space spin-off ’, ‘Best space start-up’, among
Traditional Space and NewSpace Industry in India 21

• Starting a space directory of companies, capabilities, and others, which

is easily accessible to anyone in the international markets so that it can
promote ease of doing business by increasing networks.
• Promoting Indian industry to participate with ISRO in the largest
space conference in the world – the International Astronautical
Congress (IAC).
Finally, it is important to understand that traditional space and
NewSpace may be different approaches but they both aim to expand the
country’s space economy.

1. Narayan Prasad Nagendra and Prateep Basu, “Space 2.0: Shaping India’s
Leap into the Final Frontier,” Occasional Paper #68, Observer Research
Foundation, August 2015,
2. K.R. Sridhara Murthi and Mukund Kadursrinivas Rao, “India’s Space
Industry Ecosystem: Challenges of Innovations and Incentives,” New
Space 3, (2015): 165–71, doi:10.1089/space.2015.0013.
22 Space Commerce

3. Srinivas Laxman, “Plan to Largely Privatize PSLV Operations by 2020:

Isro Chief,” The Times of India, February 15, 2016, http://
4. Alnoor Peermohamed, “Isro Plans to Launch First Privately Built Satellite
by March,” Business Standard India, September 3, 2016, http://
5. Jesse Riseborough and Thomas Biesheuvel, “Google-Backed Asteroid
Mining Venture Attracts Billionaires,”, August 7, 2012,
6. Caleb Henry, “NextSpace Edition 2016 - Six Investor Expectations for
the NewSpace Sector,” Via Satellite, accessed September 17, 2016, http:/
7. Hari Pulakkat et al., “Here’s How Bengaluru-Based Startup Team Indus
Is Reaching for the Moon,” The Economic Times, accessed September
17, 2016,
8. Madhumathi D. S, “A Dream to Beam Internet from Space,” The Hindu,
September 4, 2016,
9. Bellatrix Aerospace, “Garuda,”
10. SatSure, “About Us,”
11. V. P. Kharbanda, “Facilitating Innovation in Indian Small and Medium
Enterprises – The Role of Clusters,” Current Science 80(3) (2001): 343–
12. Make In India, Government of India, “Make in India - SPACE,” http://
13. Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti, “ Reverse Innovation, Emerging
Markets, and Global Strategy,” Global Strategy Journal 1, (2011): 191–
205, doi:10.1002/gsj.23.
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 23

A Review of India’s
Commercial Space Efforts
K. R. Sridhara Murthi

Commercial Space Activities: A Wider Perspective

Commercial Space efforts the world over have evolved on the foundations
of government expenditures, particularly on military space programmes
that created technological muscle in an industry used for spinning off
commercial products and services. It was the deregulation drive for
telecommunications that created, for the first time, a major opportunity
for a competition-driven commercial space industry. This industry thrived
on an enterprising private sector with the support of government policies.
Integration of space infrastructure into the larger telecommunication
industry, which is globally worth US $5 trillion annually, has enabled the
creation of a large value chain for space telecommunication services.
Comparatively, the size of the entire space economy, including all
government budgets and commercial revenues, is US $330 billion annually.
A revolutionary space-based capability, seen in the more recent past, had
been the phenomenal growth of positioning and navigation services.
Extension of satellite services in positioning and telecommunication to
the mobile environments and the provision of direct consumer services
through satellites are the twin opportunities that offer a great potential for
expanding the markets, especially in emerging economies around the globe.
It is in these markets that infrastructure is yet to fully develop to serve the
underserved populations, and there are opportunities for manifesting
several downstream value-building activities using space technology.
Particularly for India, the consumption propensity of a strong middle-
24 Space Commerce

class population and the preferences of youth-dominated demography

offer unique opportunities for market development.
There are, however, many challenges unique to space technologies.
These include limited access to technologies, huge risks, and excessive
government interventions. It is no secret that today’s dominant space
industrial companies evolved and grew due to the huge military expenditure
during the Cold War era. Industry consolidation over the decades, the
technology-transfer constraints and the dual-use nature of space systems
had led to concentrated markets and islands of capabilities on a global
landscape. The metamorphosis came in the post-Cold War era, with the
privatisation of intergovernmental systems, such as Intelsat and Inmarsat,
and the segmentation of space activities to facilitate orientation towards
free markets for space-based services, on the one hand, and tighter controls
on dual-use technologies, on the other. The growth rate of commercial
space had invariably been influenced and preceded by the policy drives in
major markets, such as the United States. Until now, transformations in
global space commerce had remained more policy driven than market
driven. Therefore, when it comes to the review of India’s commercial
space, the seminal role of policy dimensions cannot be undermined.

India’s Space Industry

The historical backdrop of industrial setting in India and the objectives
for the origins of Indian space endeavours, which were non-military unlike
those of advanced economies, did not facilitate India’s early entry into
commercial space efforts. The priority for the Indian Space Programme,
in its initial decades, was to achieve self-reliance and to develop a robust
national industry to support the government-funded national programme,
which had been conceived and executed by the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO). Further, the existence of well-developed national
space industrial capabilities in key segments of space activities is a strength
to rely upon for sustaining and growing commercial space efforts. ISRO’s
forward-looking and well-thought strategies helped in building India’s
space industry. As a result, India’s space industry is now extensive, though
not fully integrated.
Indeed, the quest for industry partners for ISRO’s space projects began
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 25

as early as when the developments of India’s maiden satellite launch vehicle,

SLV-3, and the first Indian satellite, Aryabhata, were taken up in the early
1970s. Pioneering policies for technology transfer and industry development
introduced in the mid-1970s resulted in multifarious initiatives, such as the
creation of space divisions in industry, production of several components
of space systems, building of specialised test equipment and ground
facilities by the industry, and support for innovative space applications.
The range of manufacturing and service rendering capabilities of the Indian
space industry is illustrated in Fig. 1. The opportunities for space industry
growth as well as policy renewal needs are illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig 1. Indian Space Industry Capabilities

Fig 2. Indian Space Industry: Opportunities and Policy Needs

26 Space Commerce

Leading Commercial Space Activities: ISRO’s

Corporate Front
It was ISRO’s technology-transfer and industry-cooperation programme
that sowed the seeds for India’s commercial space initiatives. During
visioning exercises for the 1990s, the idea for formation of a corporate
front for ISRO was mooted, to assist in the management of the rapidly
expanding ISRO’s industry interface activities for its operational era. The
concept for Antrix Corporation as a marketing arm of ISRO was
concretised from the above idea. Considering the international dimensions
of space activities, including the nature of space industry and commerce,
authorities realised, even during that time, that Indian space industry should
be globally relevant and should not lose sight of international opportunities
and developing competitive strengths.
Antrix was incorporated in September 1992, as a private limited
company, and was wholly owned by the Government of India, with the
objective of promoting and commercially exploiting the space products
developed by ISRO. It was initially intended that Antrix would undertake
technical consultancy services and manage technology transfer activities
of ISRO, to assist the Indian space industry. Since its inception in 1992
and until mid-2011, Antrix was managed by a board chaired by the
Chairman of ISRO and the Secretary of the Department of Space. The
members of the Board included key leaders of ISRO’s centres, responsible
for satellites, launch vehicles and applications, and a few eminent leaders
of the industry in the private sector. The integration at board level with
top-level ISRO management is a key factor that ensured ISRO’s support
to this company and allowed it to rely on ISRO’s infrastructure (both the
facilities and expert technical human resources) in executing customers’
programmes. Due to the capital-intensive nature of space investments,
high risks and the long gestation for returns on investments, it was initially
planned that Antrix would not own expensive facilities or a large
workforce, as found in many other public-sector enterprises, and would
instead leverage the capacity created in Indian industries and in ISRO.
Antrix, thus, aimed to set a new trend by adopting a very lean and efficient
structure in terms of human resources. One of the priorities set by top
leadership of ISRO, soon after Antrix began its operations, was that Antrix
should play an enabling role for the growth of India’s space commerce
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 27

using synergistic interactions with the space industry instead of doing

everything by itself or reinventing the wheel.
Because of the wide diversity in ISRO’s activities and capabilities, the
business portfolio of Antrix, too, was spread into many areas including:
(i) provision of spacecraft systems, subsystems and components; (ii) remote-
sensing services; (iii) satellite communications transponder leasing services;
(iv) launch services; (v) mission-support services; (vi) ground systems; (vii)
spacecraft-testing services; (viii) training and consultancy services.

Global Marketing of IRS data

Taking advantage of the contemporary features in ISRO’s fleet of remote-
sensing satellites, Antrix began to market Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)
Satellite data at very competitive costs. By establishing an alliance with one
of the global leaders for marketing, Antrix began to provide data and
downlinks in the US and other markets around the globe. This cooperation
brought about a synergy of complementary capabilities available from
Antrix and its US collaborator, Earth Observation Satellite (EOSAT)
Company (later known as Space Imaging LLC.), resulting in a visible
market impact. Over time, an international network of 20 ground stations
were promoted in countries, such as the US, Germany, Russia, China,
Australia, UAE, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Myanmar and Algeria,
with the capability to directly access data from IRS satellites. Sustaining
this segment of business had become a challenge over the years, in view
of shrinking capacity due to increased domestic demands and increased
competition. Nevertheless, it still presents an opportunity for the Indian
industry to enter the business of satellite-based remote sensing, provided
initiatives for support are forthcoming from the government. There have
been continuous advances in this field of technology in India by way of
ISRO’s programs, which can provide sustaining inputs for the commercial
industry. Another major opportunity lies in creating an environment for
the growth of the downstream industry, so that value addition by this
segment in India can be maximised. One of the issues is access to high-
quality images from space. Advances in information technology, especially
for real-time processing and for analytics involving large volumes of data,
growth of mobile communications and precise location capabilities have
28 Space Commerce

transformed the very structure of value-adding industry by spawning a

variety of services related to information and governance. Diversification
towards mass markets and service focus are important drivers that the
policy should address.

Commercial Launch Services

Commercial launch services for small and medium satellites with the well-
proven Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is a success that should be
maintained. Notwithstanding the barriers of the launch market
environment, Antrix successfully found international customers for
launching small satellites from a score of countries including Germany,
Korea, Belgium, Argentina, Indonesia, Israel and Italy on India’s PSLV,
both in piggy back and primary payload modes. As of end-November
2016, a total of 79 satellites from international customers were launched
into orbit successfully by PSLV. PSLV has established a record of reliable
flights, regular turnaround and flexibility for accommodating different
types of orbits. Based on domestic and other commercial demands, in
the future, ISRO is planning to launch 12 to 18 PSLVs per year.1 Moreover,
there could also be demand for at least three to four Geosynchronous
Satellite Launch Vehicles (GSLVs) annually, and commercial opportunities
will increase once the GSLV Mark III version is operational. This means
much more than just doubling the present capacity in the industry; the
entire supply chain in space industry can benefit in addition to opportunities
for new entrepreneurships.
It is also pertinent to note that the world’s launch services industry is
not fully governed by market principles. There are concerns regarding
technology safeguards and political considerations for trade in this area.
The phases of development of launch capabilities across the globe are
also uneven and have often given rise to conflicting interests among
established players and new entrants. Such factors and balance of interests
made negotiations for a Commercial Space Launch Agreement between
the US and India difficult. Even recently, there have been reports2 that the
US launch vehicle companies, including those working on a new generation
of vehicles designed for dedicated Small Sat launches, have argued against
easier access to the PSLV. Therefore, viability for a sustainable private
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 29

launch services industry in India is highly uncertain in the foreseeable future.

If at all it is possible, only a public–private partnership model can be
attempted, in which ISRO can farm out certain aspects of the launch
vehicle manufacture and launch services business through long-term
arrangements for risk sharing. Another major challenge that Indian launch
services activities have to confront in the future is the disruptive cost trends
triggered by developments in reusable vehicle technologies by private
initiatives in the US. India’s investment strategies in space launch vehicles
must consider seriously this changing trend in technology trajectory.

Marketing Telecommunication Satellites: Antrix–

Astrium Alliance
Due to its modest launch vehicle capabilities in terms of launch mass,
ISRO focused on development of relatively smaller satellites and has
achieved heritage and proficiency in the same. Based on this niche capability,
Antrix collaborated with EADS Astrium of Europe to jointly manufacture
and supply communications satellites to global markets based on Indian
satellite technology. This alliance has won two satellite contracts from
prestigious European customers. ISRO-designed spacecraft platform,
integrated with payloads from Astrium, were delivered to the customer.
This alliance demonstrated effective industrial teaming of two different
cultures for a common high-technology project. These types of models
are very useful for Antrix, and for the Indian space industry in general, to
enhance their global presence. Depending on the scope of collaboration,
such alliances could also be considered for fulfilling offset obligations.

Satcom Policy and Its Objectives

India’s satellite communications policy (1999) came into effect in the
backdrop of worldwide trends for satellite communication services by
the private sector. The purpose3 of this policy was to build national capability
in satellite communications through a healthy and thriving industry and
through sustained use of India’s space capabilities. Another declared
objective was to encourage and promote privatisation of satellite
communications by attracting private-sector investments in space industry,
as well as foreign investments. This policy also purported to make available
30 Space Commerce

Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) capacity to service providers in

private sector for socially relevant applications. A set of norms, guidelines
and procedures for implementation4 of this policy was approved by the
Government of India in 2000.
In pursuance of this policy and the implementation processes that
were evolved by ISRO/Department of Space in compliance with the
decisions made by INSAT Coordination Committee, Antrix was mandated
to market and manage the contracts for lease of capacity from INSATs
or GSATs to Indian service providers. In case of short supply of capacity
from INSAT, Antrix would lease from a foreign satellite operator to
meet the demands of service providers in India, until capacity from Indian
satellites was available. The service providers in all such cases were allowed
to participate during discussions with foreign vendors (unless the capacity
demanded was too small) while Antrix endeavoured to obtain the best
bargains. Notwithstanding the relatively lower prices of satellite bandwidths
as compared to other regions of the world, this procedure of canalising
was a limitation according to the industry, and the latter demanded to
replace it with an open-skies policy. The government needs to weigh the
interests of a robust service industry, imperatives of autonomy in a critical
infrastructure area, and a sound regulatory system ensuring national security.
However, open-skies policy by itself need not conflict with these diverse
goals. Moreover, putting all types of satellites in a single basket, extending
the security argument and denying market opportunities will be neither
convenient nor profitable to the space industry. Therefore, classifying
satellites based on their capabilities is one viable approach. No one can
deny that security is the prime concern of current times, for both the
government and businesses. In the context of security, it is necessary to
consider satellite as an element (albeit a critical one) in a complex network
of infrastructure. The policy issue is also intertwined with considerations
of international environment, which is characterised by restrictions on
technology flows, quasi-permanent occupation of geostationary slots and
limited nature of orbit-spectrum resources.
The time is now ripe to debate and review the policy statement of
1999, which aimed to promote privatisation of satellite communications
by encouraging private-sector investments in space industry and by
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 31

attracting foreign investments. Having established a large services market

satellite TV and telecommunications, Indian space industry could be
interested in making investments for owning and operating satellite assets.
A serious dialogue is crucial between the industry and the government, on
aspects of risk management, incentives and technological support. Since
such evolution in Indian space industry is also possible through international
collaboration, suitable clarity on regulatory and policy aspects is important.
By way of lessons learnt, a brief mention of Antrix–Devas Agreement
is in order. Under this agreement, the broader aim was to establish
nationwide direct satellite to mobile phone connectivity for multimedia
applications, for the first time in the country, using a small satellite. The
agreement was only for leasing capacity from satellite, which needed to
prove a risky new antenna technology, to a service-providing enterprise.
The service-providing enterprise, too, undertook the risk of developing a
compatible ground segment. It was clearly stated that it was the service
provider’s responsibility to obtain necessary service-related authorisations,
including relevant frequency authorisations, payment of relevant spectrum
fees operating licenses from concerned administrative authorities. Yet, there
were misleading accusations and some inappropriate actions for
cancellation, which brought about unsavoury legal consequences. Although
such risk-sharing agreements between ISRO and industry is not new, in
cases where unforeseen and rapid changes in techno-market conditions
transform the value perceptions, the risk for controversy is higher.
There is a growing emphasis on opening markets for satellite services.
At the same time, the industry segment relating to satellite infrastructure
and launching activities are heavily regulated internationally and are
influenced by the export control policies of different nations, which
supply parts and components for space systems worldwide. While some
of the impediments for accessing markets and production factors need
to be overcome through political dialogue and international cooperation,
a sound business strategy is also very important for overcoming already
existing competition from global industries. Strategy for Indian industries’
foray into space segment ownership and operations, thus, need to be
evolved through policy drivers formulated through the engagement of
32 Space Commerce

Future Market Perspectives

The Continuing trend for deregulated industry in information and
communication services in the context of a growing Indian economy,
whose GDP is projected to attain a level of US $86 trillion by 2050,
presents an unprecedented opportunity for a competition-driven growth
for space-based services. The present-day capability of space systems to
directly service individuals and homes (as in case of PNT or DTH or
broad band delivery applications) enables a paradigm shift of these services
towards mass markets, which has immense further potential to expand
user base and diversify applications. This potential is well positioned by
India’s demographic advantage in the coming few decades, because by
the year 2050, there will be an expected 800 million working-age population.
Further, the trends of economic development will also generate a huge
and consuming middle-income group population. This augurs well for
the expansion of a variety of information and communications services
that can be supported through new generations of space systems, such as
High-throughput satellites and constellations of agile, low-cost, high-
performance remote-sensing spacecraft designed for providing on-
demand services. Several applications including GIS-based decision
support, positioning and location-based services, homeland security, disaster
management, wide-band connectivity to remote rural areas and mobile
multimedia services represent significant untapped potentials. Even for
established services such as direct TV broadcast to home, there had been
demands for satellite capacity that exceeded the supply, over the past several
years. Aforementioned applications will generate continuing demand for
space systems and opportunities for international collaborations.
The trend of private-sector initiatives, in the US and elsewhere, to
reduce launch costs through reusable systems and through other innovations
are going to influence the developments in India as well, where demands
will be up for enhancing launch capacities and lowering the cost of launches.
New public-funded programs are likely in many areas, such as some
segments of human space flights, planetary exploration through orbiters/
landers and rovers, insitu operations on planetary surfaces or asteroids,
resource exploration on the moon and other celestial bodies, and
participation in space tourism. These will generate additional work in the
space industry and opportunities for entrepreneurship. Even with the yet-
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 33

to-develop ecosystem for space entrepreneurship, the progress and

entrepreneurial initiatives of Team Indus, Astrome Technologies, Bellatrix
Aerospace, Dhruva Space, Earth2Orbit, etc., are highly pioneering, and
such initiatives require greater support and encouragement.

Technology Trends
Miniaturisation of space components and systems enabled by increased
use of solid-state power devices, new generation sensor devices, exponential
growth in processing and data storage capabilities, enhancement of weight
efficiency of energy storage and conversion, and process innovations such
as concurrent engineering have greatly influenced reduction of launch and
spacecraft costs. “New Space” era has also brought many disruptive
concepts, such as miniaturised high-performance spacecraft, inflatable
structures, large-scale clustering and constellations, greater autonomy in
spacecraft, smart concepts in power, bandwidth and payload management,
intelligent and robotic structures, and architectural integration in space and
ground networks. While future developments in technology in the longer
range will be directed towards increasing human presence in space, for
creation of habitations, in situ operations and resource exploration, there
will also be demands for technological developments for overcoming the
challenges being brought about by the new trends in space as well as
tackling global crises, such as climate change, terrorism, conflicts and uneven
development. Space systems can be an important component of new
generation systems needed for monitoring our planet’s health and natural
resources on a continuous and long-term basis using networks of sensors
far denser than the current ones. In this field, integration of space
technologies and space-based applications with new tools/technologies,
such as big data analytics and Internet of Things, can be expected.
Advances will also be demanded for making space operations safer and
more secure. This, in turn, will create an imperative of better Space
Situational Awareness through global cooperation and pursuit of new
steps for active debris removal or on-orbit repair missions. For India,
through the next few decades, practical applications of space for better
weather predictions and extreme-weather monitoring, applications in
democratising information and towards empowerment, education and
optimum use of natural resources and enhancing national security are
34 Space Commerce

greater priorities than esoteric pursuits of space endeavours. Convergence

of space technologies with many terrestrial technologies, involving a ‘spin-
in’ process, had begun to reduce the costs, and novel approaches are being
experimented in the building of space systems. While India will continuously
enhance its space transport capabilities, it can be expected that some
intermediate steps will be pursued for cost reduction before large-scale
reusability is attempted. Developments in air breathing engine technologies
and semi-cryogenic stages will be advancements in this direction. Space
rendezvous, docking and on-orbit robotic operations will also need to be
tested. In summary, technology trajectories are complex to predict in view
of interactions among multiple disciplines, which the space activities and
future applications are likely to involve. For India, continued investment by
the government is crucial if the country aspires to play a globally significant
role in diplomacy, socio-economic advances and international security.

Policy Implications
The preceding discussion clearly indicates that India’s commercial space
developments cannot be seen in isolation and must be viewed holistically,
keeping in mind the multidimensional objectives that the National Space
Policy will demand, besides imperatives of emerging international
environment both in terms of the commercial and strategic aspects of
the space domain. Major long-term policy implications for space
commerce, given the potentials of India’s economic developmental
aspirations, can be perceived as follows:
Target-Oriented Policies: Indian space-based service industry should be
targeted to reach a level of US $40–50 billion by 2050. This is not unrealistic
if economic development is sustained to predicted levels. In terms of market
values, this represents an eight-to ten-fold increase over the next three decades.
A robust infrastructure should be enabled by both government expenditure
and private investments or through public–private partnerships.
Industry Architecture: Recognising dimensions of space as a global
activity, policies should enable and incentivise a balance of competitiveness
and sustainability. There will be both hierarchy, e.g. a prime contractor and
associated supply chain, and segment-wise specialisations based on value
chain, e.g. infrastructure and services. A clear-cut policy is needed on
A Review of India’s Commercial Space Efforts 35

collaborations. For security applications, the architecture and roles of space

industry and their interface with government-owned facilities and regulation
should differ.
National Space Ecosystem: India’s space industry should be modelled as
an important part of the larger ecosystem, addressing space assets
manufacturing, private ownership of space assets, national level space services
and global market access.5 Indian space industry needs to orient for a quantum
jump in technological growth and adopt organisational models that will
ensure economic efficiency and enable a vibrant private sector.
International Coordination: The government needs to provide assistance
to the space industry for safe and secure use of their assets in space, for
Space Situation Awareness, and for an appropriate engagement with the
industry to facilitate internationally coordinated resources such as orbit-
spectrum coordination.
Governance and Regulation: The structures for governance for national
space and commercial activities should recognise new stakeholders and,
accordingly, involve them in ensuring proper governance of space activities
as well as the commercial sector. Regulatory system should be renewed to
ensure independence, transparency and adequate coverage.

Concluding Remarks
In pursuit of the government-funded space programme over the past
five decades, ISRO has made some remarkable achievements, including
autonomous access to space and making and operating state-of-the-art
satellites that became the mainstay for television, telecommunication and
the image-applications industry, with a multibillion-dollar domestic market.
Opportunities are opening up to expand commercial space role of the
Indian industry, though the challenges that confront these opportunities
are daunting, and they demand a well-crafted strategy of engagement
between government and industry, with a long-term perspective. The
world has witnessed mainly policy driven forays in commercial space
activities and, more recently, a new breed of entrepreneurship in the western
world, challenging the traditional concepts and approaches. The potentials
for space commerce must be tapped by promoting an overall ecosystem
for space activities, which should serve to advance robust national space
36 Space Commerce

capacities, innovation in technologies and applications in commercial and

non-commercial domains. There is also an urgent need for renewing policy
and regulatory systems for incentivising the growth of India’s space industry.

I am grateful for the selfless, unflinching and dedicated support of my
erstwhile colleagues in ISRO and Antrix, too many to name here, who
made my journey in Antrix Corporation exciting and won the company a
global recognition. I am beholden to the outstanding leaders Prof. Satish
Dhawan, Dr. U. R. Rao and Dr. K. Kasturirangan for the high values that
they inspired in me, which reflected in my healthy relations with
collaborators and customers across the globe. I thank the dynamic
leadership of Dr. Madhavan Nair, who gave a great growth impetus to
commercial space activities; Dr. V. Siddhartha, who was the first chairman
of ISRO’s Technology Transfer Group and played a pioneering role in
seeding professional systems for technology transfers and industry interface;
his successor Mr. P. Sudarsan, who championed the concept for Antrix at
the very beginning; and late Mr. Sampath, who steered the challenging
initial years. Both Mr. P. Sudarsan and Mr. Sampath had been my senior
co-alumni at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Finally, I
thank Mr. N. Rangachary and Mr. Sisir Das, public servants of high order
and rare qualities, who provided valuable guidance to Antrix.

1. “PSLV-C 37 scheduled for launch on Jan 27,” The Hindu, Weekly Edition,
18 December 2016, ISSN 0971-751X.
2. Jeff Foust,”House committee seeks details on Indian launch policy,”
Space News, 6 July 2016,accessed on 29 December 2016, http://
3. Indian Space Research Organisation, accessed on 16 December 2016,
4. Department of Space, accessed on 22December 2016,
5. Mukund Kadursrinivas Rao, K. R. Sridhara Murthi and Baldev Raj,
“Indian Space: Toward a ‘National Ecosystem’ for Future Space
Activities,” New Space, 1 December 2016, 4(4): 228–236.
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 37

Exploring the Potential of

Satellite Connectivity for
Digital India
Neha Satak, Madhukara Putty, Prasad H L Bhat

Very many individuals with myopic vision questioned the relevance of space
activities in a newly independent nation which was finding it difficult to feed its
population. But the vision of the leaders was very clear: if Indians were to
play a meaningful role in the community of nations, they must be second to
none in the application of advanced technologies to their real-life problems.
- A P J Abdul Kalam in his autobiography, Wings of Fire

India is a country at the cusp of a major transformation. Since early 2000,
the Indian internet user base has virtually exploded. It took 20 years to
have the first 100 million users online, but the next 100 million users will
come in less than three years.1 To cater to this meteoric rise in demand, it
is imperative to look beyond the traditional modes of internet delivery,
and as this chapter argues, space-based solutions are necessary.

India: A Country on a Launchpad

Through a series of economic reforms that began in the early 1990s, India
was made open for international players in a move that resulted in a rapid
and sustained expansion of the economy. Between 1991 and 2015, the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) of the country rose from a modest $200 billion
to $2 trillion.2 This impressive growth was chiefly driven by the flourishing
38 Space Commerce

Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology enabled

Services (ITeS), as well as a growing industrial sector. Currently, India’s
export of software and allied services account for about two-thirds of
the $120-130-billion global market.3 Today, India is also home to research
and development centres of many of the major technology companies.
Buoyed by the success of IT and ITeS, Indians are moving out of
their comfort zones and embracing entrepreneurship. As of January 2016,
India had more than 19,000 technology-enabled start-ups, of which about
5,000 were started in 2015 alone.4 E-commerce companies have greatly
increased the choice of products for the consumers and allowed sellers to
reach out to a large number of customers. By bringing in the rural markets
to the mainstream, the e-commerce ecosystem has the potential to integrate
rural and urban economies. A large number of start-ups working on the
Internet of Things (IoT) are trying to hook up sensors and generate a data
deluge. Cashing in on the rising awareness about the electronic payments
are financial technology companies building digital wallets that enable the
seamless flow of money among various stakeholders.
Government’s ‘Digital India’ programme envisions to “transform India
into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy”. The
government intends to achieve this by focusing on three vision areas, namely:
1) Digital Infrastructure as a Core Utility to Every Citizen; 2) Governance
and Services on Demand; and 3) Digital Empowerment of Citizens.5
In a nutshell, both the government and the private sectors are working
together to take India to the next level. However, for India to take off
from the launchpad, internet connectivity is the fuel—connectivity not just
in cities but reaching the end points of the country.

India in Space
India has been an active player in space and has always utilised space for
improving the quality of life of its people. It is one of the few countries
in the world that have the capability to develop indigenous technologies
to carry out space missions.6 In 2014 the country joined an elite club by
successfully launching a Mars Orbiter in its very first attempt and at a
relatively lower cost. After its establishment in 1969, the Indian Space
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 39

Research Organisation (ISRO) has developed significant expertise in

building satellites for various applications including remote sensing,
communication, weather forecasting, and national security. India’s
indigenous launch vehicles, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and
the Geo-Synchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV) have earned a name for
their reliability in the global launch services market. As of September 2016,
PSLV had successfully placed 121 satellites into low earth orbit, of which,
79 are from countries other than India.7 Every year, updates provided by
‘eyes in the space’ have helped save thousands of lives in times of extreme
weather events like a cyclone. Remote sensing data provided by ISRO
satellites are helping researchers across the country to understand the impact
of climate change on the local environment.8 There also have been efforts
to leverage satellite communication technologies for making quality
education and healthcare available to people living in the remotest villages.9
However, satellites can play a much bigger role in India’s ambition to
transform itself into a country empowered by digital technologies.
Sustained efforts of global space organisations to build capability in
space has created the required talent and companies across the globe,
including in India, that are capable of taking private space to its version
2.0. ISRO is encouraging private industry to transform themselves from
manufacturer of parts to becoming full satellite integrators and
manufacturers. There is enough expertise in India and globally to create
multiples of these organisations and serve the needs of the growing satellite
industry. In light of this development, several companies including start-
ups have ambitious plans to build viable and sustainable businesses solving
real problems.

Taking the Internet to the Villages

India faces various hurdles as it aims to transform itself into a technologically
developed nation. With an estimated 462 million internet users online,
India has the second largest internet user base after China. But, with more
than 65 percent of the population without access to internet connectivity,
India’s task is difficult.10 Internet penetration in the US, for example, is at
88.5 percent; Japan is at 91.1 percent, and China, 52.2 percent. However,
what stands out for India is the rate of growth. Between 2015 and 2016,
the number of internet users in India increased by 30.5 percent—a growth
40 Space Commerce

that is unheard of in any other country in the world in the same period.
The high growth rate can largely be attributed to the fact that more than
half of India’s population is below 25 years of age. Further, the growth is
not limited to the number of users; the demand for data, especially over
mobile phones, is also growing at a much faster rate all over the world. By
2020, monthly global mobile data traffic is expected to reach 30.6 exabytes
from 3.7 exabytes in 2015.11

Figure: Internet’s growing demand

The internet user growth so far has been skewed towards urban areas
even though majority of the population resides in rural areas. The main
reason for this disparity is low population density in rural areas which
makes it difficult for traditional internet solutions to recover the cost.
However, there has been a growing demand for internet in urban and
rural areas alike. By 2018, India is expected to have more than 500 million
internet users, and about half of them will come from rural areas.12
Recognising the socio-economic dividends of broadband internet, in
2011, the Indian government rolled out an ambitious project to connect
250,000 village panchayats with optical fibres. The project, initially called
National Optical Fiber Network, and later renamed Bharat-Net 2015, is
expected to facilitate transition to e-commerce, e-Banking, e-Governance,
e-Education, and Tele-medicine. At the time of writing this chapter, the
project had reached 15,624 village panchayats.13
All the major internet service providers in India are also making large
investments into expanding their existing infrastructure to get ready for
the expected growth. Bharti Airtel, for instance, is committed to expanding
its mobile broadband coverage to all Indian towns and 750,000 villages.14
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 41

Reliance Jio, a relatively new player into the country’s telecom market, has
made large investments to create fibre optic-based 4G infrastructure to
provide telecom internet service across India. However, their coverage
capacity is strongly linked to the population density of a region.

Limitations of Optical Fibres

Optical fibre, along with wireless infrastructure mounted on towers, form
the core of ground infrastructure required to provide broadband
connectivity. In fact, there are long cables on the ocean bed connecting
continents and transmitting large volumes of data at very high speeds.
Similar fibres, laid underground, are also used to deliver broadband internet
to homes and businesses in cities and towns. Optical fibres, though reliable,
turn out to be expensive when they are used to connect regions of low
population densities. It costs about $3,000 to lay optical fibre for a length
of one kilometer. Thus, if there are not enough consumers, recovering
capital costs becomes a challenge. Since a significant portion of the Indian
population that is yet to come online lives in semi-urban and rural areas, it
may not be economical to lay optical fibres in some of those regions.
Also, developing ground infrastructure is an incremental process—it is
not possible to provide connectivity to a village unless its surrounding
areas are already connected. Therefore, providing high-bandwidth internet
to such a large, widely distributed population creates a need to look beyond
the ground infrastructure. Space technology may yet have all the answers.

Beaming Internet from Space

Satellite internet provides an economical solution to most of the challenges
faced by ground infrastructure. Optical fibres bring in higher capacity in
a concentrated fashion, while space-based technologies are effective at
distributing capacity over a large area. Calculations show that the cost to
cover one sq km from space varies between $1.5 and $6, which is negligible
as compared to $3,000 to $30,000 required by ground infrastructure to
cover the same area. Moreover, accessing space-based internet is as simple
as getting DTH television services—all a consumer needs is an antenna on
the rooftop, and a set top box inside the house.
Satellite infrastructure also complements the ground internet network.
Areas where ground infrastructure is difficult and cost-intensive to penetrate,
42 Space Commerce

satellite infrastructure can easily cover. Moreover, it also frees ground

infrastructure from the burden of being incremental as telecom towers
with satellite as backbone can now be deployed in new areas without
worrying about surrounding infrastructure. Owing to the minimal
surrounding infrastructure required when telecom towers uses satellite as
backbone, it expedites the return on investment for ground infrastructure.
In countries like India, satellite infrastructure can also reduce congestion
in already overloaded networks, and thus improve the quality of service
provided by mobile networks. They can be integrated into 5G systems,
and help take advanced IoT applications to regions that are beyond the
reach of terrestrial networks. Satellite systems are universal, too—in fact
no other broadband technology promises quality coverage in urban, semi-
urban, remote and mountainous regions. It can also provide internet on
oceans and islands, and even to those in the sky.15
In addition to these, trends on the space technology front imply that
the time is right for making high-bandwidth internet from space a reality.
Because of significant improvements in rocket technology, the launch costs
have come down over the last few decades. For instance, with India’s
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV - 3) the cost of launching
a kilogram of material to space is expected to be just a third of the cost
with the PSLV launcher. This is highly encouraging news for this industry.
For these reasons, even the International Telecommunication Union/
UNESCO Broadband Commission for Broadband Development, makes
the following observation in its report The State of the Broadband 2016.16
“Satellite systems should be given full consideration as solutions for
next-generation broadband network deployments in rural and remote
areas, as well as in diverse environments and deployment scenarios.”
In simple terms, terrestrial technologies are commercially viable in the
densely populated urban areas, while satellite internet provides a better
business case for sparsely populated regions.

A Framework for Beaming Internet from Space

In principle, just a few High Throughput Satellites (HTS) are sufficient to
cover a country as vast as India and provide high-bandwidth, high-speed,
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 43

reliable internet. These high-throughput satellites can be placed in Low

Earth Orbit (LEO), Middle Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geosynchronous
Earth Orbit (GEO) orbit. The lower orbits have substantially lower latency
than the higher orbits but they require a higher number of satellites to
cover the same area. Lower latencies are absolutely necessary for good-
quality internet. Since satellites LEO and MEO are moving constantly
with respect to ground, they take turns to serve specific regions on Earth.
Some ground infrastructure, called ‘ground nodes’, are required to connect
to the servers on Earth.
A constellation of about 150 satellites will be sufficient to cover most
of the developing countries whose internet demand is growing rapidly.
From a business perspective, these countries represent a huge opportunity
which can be tapped by satellite internet as it offers higher penetration
rates. This is the plan for Astrome, a start-up incubated at the Indian Institute
of Science (IISc), Bangalore.17 Astrome’s HTS, which act as ‘floating routers’,
will orbit the earth in LEO at about 1,400 km from the Earth’s surface.
With this in place, it is possible to provide a bandwidth of 50 megabytes
per second to home users, and 400 megabytes per second to business
users, for both downloads and uploads. Since bandwidth depends only
on the satellite, the location of the user does not matter—for a given cost,
consumers in either a big town or a tiny Himalayan hamlet will get the
same bandwidth.

Pervasive Internet: What can it enable?

Access to broadband is a “vital enabler of economic growth, social inclusion
and environmental protection”.18 By improving connectivity, a reliable
broadband coverage has the potential to transform a country. A World
Bank study estimates that a 10-percent increase in broadband connectivity
in a country can increase its GDP by 1.38 percent.19 In the case of India,
research has shown that 100-percent internet connectivity by 2020 can
add an extra $1 trillion to its GDP.20 These economic benefits are accrued
from dramatic changes in the way people connect with each other, the
government, and businesses. With the advent of pervasive internet, as
promised by the proliferation of satellite internet technologies, one can
expect dramatic transformations in the way some of the essential services
are delivered. At the same time, internet also opens up a plethora of
44 Space Commerce

opportunities for start-ups to develop technology-enabled products and

services that cater to various sections of people.
1. Catalysing business: With quality internet, people living even in far
flung areas can also avail banking services through their mobile phones,
and benefit from the financial security that comes with it. In fact, in 2015
alone, mobile internet contributed $3.1 trillion to global GDP, and lifted
millions out of poverty.21 In India, in 2013, the internet economy contributed
$60 billion or 2.7 percent of the country’s GDP, and by 2020, the
contribution is expected to reach four percent.22
Internet is fast becoming a critical resource for Indians. A rural
entrepreneur from Gujarat, for example, has improved his wood block
painting business by promoting his products on a Facebook page. An
enterprising farmer from Sangli, Maharashtra, once rallied 25,000 farmers
on Facebook to stop the crashing of turmeric prices in the local market.
A Bangalore-based mobile phone store has managed to reach out to
customers in far-off states like Assam and Jammu & Kashmir through its
association with e-commerce companies. In urban localities, tens of millions
of users are making transactions on consumer-to-consumer portals. By
2018, around 8 million market-place websites are expected to be using
the internet to connect to customers online, and the internet economy is
expected to create 1.5 to 2 million jobs.23 With 160 million active users
every month, India is the largest market for WhatsApp, and many of
these users get on WhatsApp to sell their goods to customers who they
will otherwise not have access to.24
The Indian government is also making a strong push towards building
a digital economy by encouraging cashless transactions. The direct electronic
transfer of subsidies to the bank accounts of millions and millions of
citizens is just an example for how state-of-the-art technologies can help
reduce corruption and improve governance. Recently, the government
also released the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), a payment system that
facilitates seamless fund transfer between two bank accounts.25 The app
does not require bank account details and sending money is claimed to be
as simple as sending a text message. The government has also released
Aadhar Payment App, an application which enables merchants to receive
payments from customers who do not have a mobile phone, but have the
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 45

Aadhar number. This app uses fingerprints for authentication, and requires
a decent internet connection.26 With satellite internet, this revolutionary app
can be made usable in every nook and corner of the country. Apart from
these apps, the government has also introduced RuPay, a debit card which
comes with lesser transaction costs as compared to other cards in the
The Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem is also cashing in on the
opportunity by coming out with various fund transfer apps, each with its
own flavour.
2. Education: In absolute numbers, Indian higher education system is the
third largest in the world, next only to the US and China. However, only
a few educational institutions of higher learning are equipped with
infrastructure for delivering quality education. The IITs, which are known
globally for their quality training, cater only to less than ten thousand
High-speed broadband internet can take learning materials even to
those who cannot attend these elite institutions. Scores of students and
professionals learn new skills through popular educational websites like
MIT Open Courseware, and online platforms like edX which connect
learners to the best universities in the world. The National Program on
Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a joint initiative of the IITs
and the IISc, is creating hundreds of Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOC) to which students can enrol and get certified in various subjects.28
Free and Open Software in Education (FOSSEE), part of the National
Mission on Education through Information and Communication
Technology (ICT), Ministry of Human Resources and Development, is
enabling students to improve their computational skills by learning new
free and open source tools online.29 The reach of such relevant and
ambitious programmes is hindered by the absence of internet in many of
the smaller towns and villages in the country. Satellite internet can go a
long way in taking these initiatives to the doorstep of every learner in the
3. Healthcare: Like education and finance, healthcare is a basic service
that must be easily available to every citizen of the country. However, a
single statistic puts India’s healthcare system in perspective: only two percent
46 Space Commerce

of the country’s doctors cater to the rural areas, which are home to 68
percent of the total population. Public health centres are understaffed,
and often, are too distant to be visited by many villagers. With the availability
of satellite internet, specialist doctors can remotely monitor patients and
help in early diagnosis of various medical conditions. The availability
of such preventive healthcare facilities can also have a positive effect on
the finances of rural households.
4. Smart Cities: Cities around the globe are becoming hubs of economic
activity. They occupy two percent of the total land area, accommodate
more than half of the world’s population, account for 70 percent of
global GDP, consume 60 percent of global energy consumption, emit 70
percent of greenhouse gases, and produce 70 percent of total waste.30
Obviously, managing cities is becoming a challenge to all governments.
The Indian context gets more complicated because of the wide economic
disparity among the urban middle class and the urban poor. The
government’s Smart Cities Mission aims to leverage state-of-the-art
technology to improve the quality of life in the country’s crowded cities.
The smart cities, among other things, are thought to be brimming with
sensors that constantly monitor water and electricity supply, air pollution
levels at designated areas, and flag concerned officials automatically. These
sensors require internet connectivity to communicate among themselves
and to the central server that transforms raw sensor data into actionable
insights. Though urban areas are covered by optical fibres, satellite internet
can be used as a backup when the primary network breaks down in case
of an emergency.
5. Smart Agriculture: Agriculture, the sector which employs about half
of India’s workforce, provides plenty of opportunities for technological
intervention at various stages. Sensors that can measure moisture content
in the soil can ensure that the crops are grown at the right moisture level,
and can also help save water in large quantities. Video surveillance systems
can help farmers monitor their agricultural lands electronically.
India is second largest in the world in terms of farm output. Yet it
also loses a significant proportion of its produce to waste, due to poor
storage and transportation facilities. Technology solutions can be developed
to centrally monitor storage facilities scattered across the country. Tracking
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 47

of vehicles that transport agricultural produce can also go a long way in

improving the overall logistics of the agriculture sector. A pervasive internet
can enable these interventions in a sector that forms the backbone of the
rural economy.

What Needs to be Done?

The proliferation of broadband has helped improve the quality of life of
people across the globe. Mobile phones, with their astounding penetration
rates, are becoming the most popular mode of accessing the internet. The
need of the hour is to make high-bandwidth, broadband internet universally
available in India. Experience has shown that “value is shifting away from
connectivity towards a portfolio of mobile-enabled services”.31 Thus,
governments and private entities should create applications that are tailored
to the needs of different sections of people. Also, various stakeholders
should come together to increase awareness about the utility of broadband
by conducting awareness campaigns, training programmes, and developing
and hosting content in local languages. This could be a particularly challenging
task in India because of the country’s inherent cultural and linguistic diversity.
A number of start-ups have already risen up to this challenge by creating
visual apps and content in local languages.
Internet connectivity is not a game changer by itself. What it provides
is the basic infrastructure for developing technology solutions that solve
real issues faced by a large number of people. At the same time, it opens
a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop solutions to serious
challenges in critical sectors like financial services, education, healthcare,
and agriculture. Without such specific solutions, the power of the internet
as an enabler of socio-economic change is not fully realised.
Some changes are needed at the policy level, too. ISRO has laid a
strong foundation for the Indian space programme. It is high time that
the government drafted policies to enable the private sector to build on
ISRO’s pioneering work, and build products and services not only for
India but for the entire world. The country’s experience in other sectors,
especially in telecommunications, has only shown that private sector
participation ultimately results in better services to the consumer. In the
case of space, private players may well relieve ISRO of creating routine
48 Space Commerce

infrastructure and let the organisation focus more on challenging space


Robust economic growth over the last few decades, increased investments
into R&D, and proactive policies have helped India to embark on a journey
of technological transformation. As the country prepares itself for the
road ahead, it should first address the wide disparity in the availability of
technology to its citizens. Making high-bandwidth, broadband internet
available to everyone is one of the best ways to make technology more
democratic. However, ground infrastructure may not be the best choice
for some of the rural and remote areas of the country.
This chapter argues that the time is ripe for leveraging satellite internet,
a technology that is unparalleled in its reach and reliability. Pervasive internet,
delivered from space, has the potential to transform the way basic services
like banking, education, and healthcare are delivered to citizens of the
country. Of course, for a country that has a tradition of utilising space
technology for social good and progress, beaming internet from space
could well be the next obvious step.

1. Alpesh Shah, Nimisha Jain, and Shweta Bajpai, “India@Digital.Bharat -
Creating a $200 Billion Internet Economy”, Boston Consulting Group,
January 2015,
2. "GDP (Current US$) - World Bank National Accounts Data, and OECD
National Accounts Data Files,” The World Bank, http://
3. Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Economic Diplomacy
Division,”India in Business - IT & ITeS,”
4. Ministry of Finance, Government of India,”Economic Outlook,
Prospects, and Policy Challenges”,
5. "Vision and Vision Areas,” Digital India Programme, http://
Exploring the Potential of Satellite Connectivity for Digital India 49

6. Narayan Prasad, “Is India Turning a Blind Eye to Space Commerce?,”

NewSpace India, accessed Febr uary 7, 2017, http://
7. Narayan Prasad Nagendra, “Industry Participation in India’s Space
Program: Current Trends and Perspectives for the Future,” Astropolitics
14, (2016): 237–55, doi:10.1080/14777622.2016.1244759.
8. Indian Space Research Organisation, “Climate & Environment,” http:/
9. Indian Space Research Organisation, “Tele-Education,”
10. "Internet Users by Country (2016),”
11. Cisco, “White Paper: Cisco VNI Forecast and Methodology, 2015-2020,”
12. Ibid, [1].
13. Bharat Broadband Network Limited, “Background,” http://
14. Broadband Commission, “The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband
Catalyzing Sustainable Development”, September 2016, http://
15. Ibid, [15].
16. Ibid, [15].
17. Astrome, “Home,”
18. Ibid, [15].
19. Ibid, [14].
20. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Sriram Jayasimha, “Non-Geostationary
Satellite Constellation for Digital India,” ORF,
21. Ibid, [15].
22. Ibid, [1].
23. Ibid, [1].
24. Manish Singh, “WhatsApp Hits 160 Million Active Users in India, Its
Biggest Market,” Mashable,
25. BHIM & SBI Pay UPI Apps, “What Is UPI App or Unified Payment
50 Space Commerce

Interface of SBI, RBI, NPCI & HDFC,”

26. BHIM & SBI Pay UPI Apps, “Aadhaar Payment App: Benefits,
Requirement and Comparison,”
27. National Payments Corporation of India, “National Payments
Corporation of India,”
28. NPTEL, “NPTEL Online Certification,”
29. FOSSEE, “Free and Open Software in Education (FOSSEE),” http://
30. Ibid, [15].
31. Ibid, [15].
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 51

Unlocking the Potential of

Geospatial Data
Arup Dasgupta

For the planned development of a vast country like India, timely and
accurate information on various natural resources is vital. Such information
can be used for the optimum management of these scarce resources. The
spectacular advances in space science and technology in general, and
geospatial techniques like remote sensing, Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS), in particular, have
emerged as reliable and powerful means to this end.
India’s tryst with geospatial technology is not new. India boasts
institutions like the Survey of India, the Geological Survey of India (GSI),
the Forest Survey of India (FSI) and the Departments of Land Records
in different states, which have been around for at least a century. These
organisations have been updating their systems with new technologies,
though not perhaps as efficiently as is desirable.
Some of the points of inflection which mark the induction of new
and disruptive geospatial technologies can be outlined. The Pre-investment
Survey of Forest Resources conducted by the government in collaboration
with ITC in the 1960s was the first time an aircraft was used for remote
sensing. From this followed the establishment in 1966 of the Indian Photo-
interpretation Institute (IPI), now known as the Indian Institute of Remote
Sensing (IRS). The next milestone was in 1969 when the first United Nations
conference on the exploration and peaceful uses of Outer Space
52 Space Commerce

(UNISPACE) was held in Vienna. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai noted in his report
to the conference the importance of remote sensing for developing
countries like India. He said:
“When we came to Vienna, we thought that the areas of most
immediate practical application would be communications,
meteorology and navigation, in that order. But one of the most
striking things to emerge has been appreciation of the great
potentiality of remote sensing devices, capable of providing large-
scale practical benefits. One of the group discussions considered
the cost effectiveness of these techniques, and it was pointed out
that there is a high cost benefit ratio, which, for example, in
cartography, can be as much as 18:1. The time has come to interest
meteorologists, hydrologists, surveyors, agricultural specialists and
other groups in such programmes. The Chairman of the thematic
session summarised the consensus that aircraft could initially be
used because of their comparatively low cost. There is need, to
begin with, to understand problems of interpretation. Remote
sensing cannot replace man on ground, but can direct man’s efforts
on ground to be more efficient.”1

Remote Sensing in India: A Brief History

The Indian foray into remote sensing from space began in 1975 with the
country’s participation in the analysis of data obtained by the Landsat
satellite the same year, and the setting up of the National Remote Sensing
Agency and its Landsat Data Reception Station. The launch of INSAT
1A and 1B in 1982-83 with a Very High Resolution Radiometer onboard
for meteorological applications was the next step. In 1988, India entered
the age of operational land remote sensing from space with the launch of
IRS-1A carrying 70m and 35m-resolution CCD cameras. The IRS
programme went international in 1994 with the signing of an agreement
with EOSAT, the company which operates the Landsat satellites, to market
IRS data globally. Indian users also got access, albeit controlled, to the
metre and sub-metre resolution data from the private satellite operators.
In1999, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Oceansat-
1 as its first satellite to observe marine phenomena in optical and microwave
wavelengths. RISAT carrying a Synthetic Aperture Radar was launched in
2012. With this, ISRO achieved the capability of imaging land and sea
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 53

from wavelengths that extended from the optical to the infrared to

microwave, an achievement not many other countries have managed.

Programme Evolution
The two departments which played key roles in the evolution of geospatial
technologies in India are the Departments of Space (DOS) and the
Department of Science and Technology (DST). The two have always
worked in sync to introduce and promote new technologies. The IRS
programme was conceptualised and launched in 1981. Simultaneously,
the then Chairman of ISRO, Prof. Satish Dhawan coordinated with the
then Secretary of Science and Technology, Prof. M. G. K. Menon, to
launch a programme called the National Natural Resources Management
System (NNRMS) that would prepare Indian scientific departments to
use the data from IRS. NNRMS was established in 1983 by the Planning
Commission and had the participation of all government departments
and ministries. One of its activities was the assessment of the forest cover
of India in 1984. Using Landsat data, the DOS released a figure of 17
percent, a far cry from the 33 percent claimed by the FSI. There was a hue
and cry, and the number was ultimately revised upward after much
discussion, but the 33 percent claim was put to rest. The outcome was
that the FSI began to use remote sensing to periodically assess the forest
cover of India. The NNRMS programme resulted in many new initiatives,
such as the mapping of potential groundwater zones, wastelands,
grasslands, water bodies and coastal zones, to name a few.
All these efforts were in the nature of inventories and soon the question
began to be asked: What next? The question was sought to be answered
with a programme called the Integrated Mission for Sustainable
Development started in 1986, which sought to use remote sensing to plan
for better management of land and water. This programme and another
one on Scientific Source Finding for the Drinking Water Mission in 1985
brought out an important fact – that remote sensing by itself was not
enough. It needed information from many other sources, and planning
activity had to take into account the aspirations and expectations of the
people, who were to be the ultimate beneficiaries of the programmes.
There was, at this juncture, a standoff between the remote sensing purists
who refused to countenance any other data source or data management
54 Space Commerce

system, and the planners who needed tools to evolve decision support
alternatives. This laid the ground for the entry of GIS.
Experimentation with GIS began almost in conjunction with IRS,
and by 1989 GIS had found its way into the DOS, the DST, the Survey
of India, the FSI and other major departments. Two major projects under
the NNRMS, the Natural Resources Data Management System of the
DST and the National Resources Information System of the DOS
spearheaded these efforts. Survey of India set up its Digital Mapping
Centre and Modern Mapping Centre to cater to the upcoming requirement
of digital base maps for GIS. A major exercise to define a Digital Vector
Data Standard was undertaken, as well as a national Spatial Data Exchange
standard for vector and raster data.
Meanwhile, Global Navigation Satellite Systems began to revolutionise
position location and the use of GPS for precise location, survey and
mapping became common. The removal of selective availability gave a
great fillip to these activities. ISRO worked with Airports Authority of
India to establish the GPS Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation (GAGAN),
a space based augmentation system for aircraft navigation using GPS. A
regional navigation system, Navigation with Indian Constellation (NAVIC)
has also been established recently to provide an exclusive positioning and
navigation system for India under its own control.

Expansion and Growth

The growth of these activities also saw a parallel expansion in Indian
industry. Many multinational corporations (MNCs) began to tie up with
Indian firms to market their geospatial products in India. The IT industry,
which expanded in the 1990s, also began to address the geospatial market.
The DOS also actively promoted the growth of geospatial entrepreneurs
and many professionals took voluntary retirement from its ranks to open
geospatial service companies and even manufacturing units for image
analysis systems. Large mapping projects were also outsourced by the
government which encouraged the growth of this service sector. A large
part of this growth was also the result of Defence requirements, and
many companies had special units which catered exclusively to the needs
of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 55

As can be seen from this rather concise history, geospatial activities in

India are almost wholly government driven. The private sector has a role
to play in supporting these activities. However, use of geospatial
technologies by and for private industry is rather limited. There are a few
examples like Hindustan Lever which uses geospatial technologies for Supply
Chain Management, Hindustan Construction Co., which used it to manage
its mega urban project Lavasa, and Reliance Power and Reliance

Current Status
Today, investment in major government projects which use geospatial
technology is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 30 percent.
Programmes like the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and
Reforms Programme (RAPDRP); the National Land Records
Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) and the Jawaharlal Nehru National
Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) together have an investment of nearly
INR 5,000 million. Most of the work related to geospatial and IT is
outsourced to private industry. These numbers do require a leap of faith
because work has been slow, but it is picking up. The interesting fact about
these programmes is the way geospatial technology is being incorporated
into their systems.
If the initial phase consisted of managing geospatial data by way of
mapping and listing inventories, the current phase is one of managing
data geospatially by making geospatial systems an integral part of the IT
infrastructure of the programmes. Thus the GIS component of RAPDRP
is a part of its overall IT strategy to make power distribution efficient and
reduce losses. Similarly, the geospatial component of the NLRMP seeks
ways to use the technology to rapidly map land holdings and update all
the Records of Rights and make these available through an IT infrastructure.
The process of updating land records is well established and the geospatial
and IT components have been woven into this process. The JNNURM is,
however, a different story. While it does recognise the importance of
geospatial technology for mapping and updating maps at regular intervals,
it seems to have restricted the usage to determining taxes and building
permissions alone. Little wonder then, that of the 63 cities initially picked
up for the mission, not one has effectively integrated geospatial systems
56 Space Commerce

into its IT infrastructure. However, this too will change with geospatial
activities picking up.
Other major sectors of significant geospatial activity are Defence and
Homeland Security. The Directorate General of Information Systems of
the Ministry of Defence has a major programme for inducting geospatial
systems into its Command, Control, Communications, Computers,
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) activities. The National
Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) is similarly inducting the latest
technologies into its activities for Homeland Security. Both these sectors
provide huge opportunities for the Indian geospatial industry.

Future Directions
As a promoter of remote sensing and satellite communications, the DOS
has been in constant touch with ministries. At a recent interaction it zeroed
in on about 160 projects across 58 ministries/departments in the areas of
Natural Resources Management, Energy and Infrastructure, Disaster and
Early Warning, Communications and Navigation, e-Governance and Geo-
spatial Governance and Societal Services.
These 160 projects encompass applications across varied domains:
Earth Observation and Geospatial (97 projects), Communications and
Navigation (30), Technology Development (10), Meteorology (6), Asset
mapping and Mobile applications (8) and others (9). Some of these projects
will also render support to flagship programmes of the government such
as the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT),
the Smart Cities project, the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY), the
Clean Ganga project, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMSKY),
the Digital India project, among others.

Space Applications Supporting Flagship

Programmes of the Government

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation

The objectives of AMRUT are as follows: (a) to ensure that every urban
household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 57

connection; (b) to increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery

and well maintained open spaces (e.g. parks); and (c) to reduce pollution
by encouraging a switch to public transport and improving facilities for
non-motorised transport (e.g. walking and cycling).
A large scale geospatial database on a scale of at least 1:4,000 is essential
for a city level master plan, as well as for spatial planning and
implementation of the utilities planned under AMRUT. The programme
covers 500 cities with populations of 100,000 and above, covering all
states and union territories (UTs). AMRUT Cities GIS Database Design
Standards document has been prepared by ISRO and the Ministry of
Urban Development (MoUD) along with state town planning departments.
Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation
(URDPFI) guidelines have also been released.
The work involves preparation of base data (five base layers and 28
urban land use layers) on a scale of 1:4,000 for 500 towns and cities to
enable formulation of a master plan for urban transformation.
The preparation of the AMRUT Cities GIS database is scheduled to
be completed in two years, with 100 cites being completed every six
months. The database will be hosted on the Bhuvan Geo-platform and
provided to the concerned urban local body over the Cloud for the
preparation of the master plan and Infrastructure plans. GIS tools have
been developed on Bhuvan in open source for the preparation of the
master plans.
Already, about 3,500 town planning personnel are being trained in
how to using the Bhuvan GIS tools to prepare the master plan.

Smart Cities
The large-scale GIS database prepared under AMRUT will also be
used for smart cities. Selected smart cites will be taken up on priority basis
to complete the GIS based Master Plan preparation.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All (Urban)

This mission will be implemented from 2015 to 2022 and will provide
central assistance to urban local bodies and other implementing agencies
58 Space Commerce

through states and union territories for in-situ rehabilitation of existing

slum dwellers using land as a resource through private participation. There
will be credit linked subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction
and enhancement. ISRO is working with Ministry of Housing and Urban
Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA) for effective monitoring of the progress
of construction through mobile based geo-tagging of beneficiaries’ houses.

National Mission for Clean Ganga

The key to rejuvenation of the river Ganga is a shift in the approach
towards rivers, and the formulation of a multi-pronged action plan using
cutting edge technologies like space technologies for effective monitoring
and improvement of water quality.
ISRO and the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) have
identified the need for utilising aerospace and other cutting-edge technologies
for effective planning and monitoring of the activities taken up to clean
the river. They have also agreed on a long term partnership utilising
geospatial and crowd-sourcing technologies for water quality monitoring,
development of a mobile application to enable community participation
in monitoring, customising the Bhuvan geo-portal for visualisation, and
developing web-based applications for river water quality monitoring.
The Bhuvan Ganga Portal is an exclusive web portal deployed in
ISRO’s Bhuvan geo-portal with all geospatial layers related to the river
Ganga. It will be used as a tool to support decision making and planning
for the Clean Ganga Mission. Information on total suspended sediments
and turbidity for the 600 km stretch from Kannauj to Kanpur is being
generated on a monthly basis using satellite data. The Bhuvan mobile app
is a user-friendly android based application to enable the public to collect
and report information on various pollution sources that affect the water
quality of the Ganga. This app provides a platform for crowd sourcing
to monitor pollution in the Ganga and thus enables decision makers to
prioritise interventions.

Integrated Watershed Management Project (IWMP)

IWMP will ensure optimal soil and water conservation and assured crop
irrigation through water resources harvesting, which helps to improve
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 59

crops and provide sustainable livelihoods to the people residing in the

watershed area. De-silting of tanks and other watershed activities that
provide employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) programme are also being
evaluated using satellite data. Presently, the IWMP is being carried out by
ISRO in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development, to monitor
and evaluate about 52,000 micro-watersheds in 10 states and 50 identified
districts across the country.

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

A customised application software module on web-GIS, namely AIBP-
Bhuvan, has been developed by ISRO and deployed for on-line monitoring
of AIBP projects by the Ministry of Water Resources and internalised in
the Central Water Commission (CWC) through capacity building. The
CWC carries out online monitoring of 150 projects biannually covering
pre- and post- monsoon seasons. It involves generating an inventory of
existing irrigation infrastructure using high resolution satellite data and
comparing it with the planned irrigation infrastructure to make an
assessment of the critical gaps and additional irrigation potential created.
These are used to reconcile the irrigation potential reported by state
governments and for a critical review of the projects for further funding
by CWC.

Other Major Space Applications

Programme on Horticulture Assessment and Management

Considering the importance of horticulture in food and nutrient security,
and its export potential and economic benefits, a satellite technology based
programme has been launched for the assessment and inventory of
horticultural crops. It is being used to assess site-suitability for introduction
and expansion of plantation and inputs for crop intensification in regions
which are underutilised. The programme, called ‘Coordinated Programme
on Horticulture Assessment and Management using geo-informatics
(CHAMAN)’, will be carried out in different phases. Presently, the pilot
phase includes seven crops – banana, mango, citrus, potato, onion, tomato
and chilli, covering180 districts in 11 states. The programme will also pave
60 Space Commerce

the way for geospatial applications for infrastructure planning to minimise

losses, as fruits and vegetables are perishable in nature.

Space-Based Information Support for Decentralised

The state-wise natural resource database for the entire country on a scale of
1:10,000 is nearing completion. A Bhuvan panchayat portal has been
developed for facilitating mapping of assets (281), planning of activities
(29) and monitoring of schemes (71) at the panchayat level. It helps Panchayati
Raj Institutions (PRIs) to track the progress of work undertaken by citizens
under various schemes. Citizens in general and three tiers of PRIs in particular
–the gram panchayat, the block panchayat and the district panchayat, are the
users of the portal. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj plans to establish Satellite
Communications Group (SATCOM) centres in every block (around 7,000
of them) for capacity building of PRIs and stakeholders.

Applications for Socio-economic Development and Benefits

for the Common People
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs runs a programme identifying existing and
potential water collection spots, which could be developed for fish culture
using labour generated under the MNREGA. This scheme is for 168
tribal dominated districts (covering less than 25 percent of the tribal
population) in 24 states/UTs. The work involves repeated satellite mapping
and creation of a GIS database to identify potential fish breeding ponds.
In order to use these satellite based maps, capacity building of state level
officials has been carried out in Odisha, West Bengal, the North-East,
Gujarat and Jharkhand.

Conservation of Heritage Sites

The conservation of world heritage sites – ancient monuments and
archaeological sites – is of national importance, and also helps in
development and promotion of tourism, one of the major engines of
economic growth. A systematic database of heritage sites, and site
management plans generated using space technology, will help to take
informed decisions on the conservation, preservation and monitoring
activities of heritage sites. Space based technology tools are also being
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 61

planned to map and identify the vulnerability of each monument and

prepare plans to track and mitigate damage caused to them by
environmental or weather changes.
As a pilot project, inventory and site management plans have been
completed for 516 heritage sites in Karnataka and uploaded on Bhuvan
after validation. A proposal for similar inventory and site management
plan for about 3,600 other heritage sites across the country has been cleared
by the Ministry of Culture.
ISRO has developed a mobile application using a GAGAN dongle
to collect the geo-coordinates of heritage sites in order to demarcate the
zones around them – the ‘protected’ area of the monument itself, the
‘prohibited’ area, up to a radius of 100 metres of the monument within
which fresh construction is disallowed and the ‘regulated’ area, up to a
radius of 300 metres, within which any new construction requires a licence
from the Archaeological Survey of India. The database of these coordinates
will be integrated with the application portal of the National Monument
Authority to determine whether a plot on which fresh construction is
requested is within the protected, prohibited, or regulated zones, or totally
outside them.

Automated Warnings at Unmanned Level Crossings Using

SATCOM and Navigation Services
Pilot studies to install automatic warnings at unmanned level crossings
have been carried out using GAGAN, Rail-Navigator tools, Mobile Satellite
Services (MSS) based tracking systems and Bhuvan. The idea is to create
a geospatial database containing the locations (the geographical coordinates)
of unmanned level crossings and have GAGAN enabled devices mounted
on train engines. A train mounted with such a device will know the location
of unmanned level crossings and the train’s hooter will automatically be
activated when the train approaches an unmanned crossing.

Enabling Paperless Tickets for the Mumbai Suburban

Railway through Geo-fencing
Western Railway has launched a mobile application for paperless ticketing
on the Mumbai suburban railway, as a pilot project. ISRO has facilitated
62 Space Commerce

Geo-fencing for the mobile app, using which a prospective commuter

can book his ticket using his mobile, if his location is between 30 metres
and 2 km of the outer tracks of the suburban lines. This service currently
covers 35 stations on the 123 km long Churchgate–Dahanu section.

Geo-spatial Inventory of Post Offices

Web-based and mobile applications have been developed for geo-tagging
of post offices along with the services offered by them. The geospatial
database enables identification of the gap areas and planning for new
post offices/services. Pilot studies on geo-database of post offices for
the Mysore and Nanjangud divisions have been completed. Citizen-centric
applications have been developed to locate the nearest post office with
the desired services and the shortest possible route to the post office using
a pocket Bhuvan. Geospatial database has also been initiated for mapping
postmen’s beats.

Data Connectivity for Rural India

ISRO has fast-tracked the realisation and launch of the GSAT-11
communication satellite. GSAT-11 is an advanced communication satellite
with Ku and Ka Band communication payload, capable of providing up
to 10 Gbps throughput. With such capacity, this satellite is expected to
provide high bandwidth data connectivity for rural India as envisaged
under Digital India. The satellite is targeted for launch in 2017.

Android Applications for Monitoring Rural Development

Space technology support is envisaged towards:
• Geo-tagging and time stamping of stages of development to evaluate
the progress of projects
• Identifying of areas for taking up activities enabling work generation
The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing a number of
programmes such as the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY),
the MNREGA, the Indira Awas Yojna (IAY) and the IWMP, in rural areas
through state governments to reduce poverty, generate employment, build
rural infrastructure, develop habitat and provide basic minimum services.
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 63

Rural employment guarantee projects span a variety of activities ranging

from earthworks to establishment of plantations, which can alter the land
cover status. Activities such as renovation, setting up anganwadis, providing
rural drinking water, creating fisheries, improving food grain production
and sanitation may not register any land cover change, but an android
application has been developed which will be useful in capturing these
activities through good quality geo-tagged photographs of the sites which
can be uploaded to a server through a wireless or wired network.
Bhuvan already has in place an initial version of an application for
monitoring progress of housing activities, using Android technology along
with direct wireless network based upload capacity. The Andhra Pradesh
government’s State Housing Corporation has used the app successfully
for operational monitoring and evaluation of building activity, and on the
basis of its data provided approvals of final fund allocation, in a much
shorter period than the process usually takes.
Monitoring the construction of rural roads is not easy. It has to be
done at specific times across different stages to ensure it will have all
weather connectivity. It requires huge investments, too. Roads selected
may be existing oft-used roads between habitations. The Android
application created for monitoring should have the capacity to record the
stages of road construction at regular intervals, with enough benchmarks,
and cover the entire process of building. Since road construction has stages
corresponding to the preparation of a construction site, with different
materials having to be laid, field recording has to cover all these stages in
all key locations for comprehensive understanding. Construction of culverts
also has stages and these too need to be recorded accordingly.
With the advent of higher resolution satellite data, it may be possible
in the future to identify individual structures as they are built. The app
devised could also have a ‘citizen module’ for people to upload requests
for permission to construct houses, with the pre-construction status of
the land selected clearly captured. The Bhuvan interface has been designed
and developed, for specific use of space technology to facilitate evaluation
and monitoring of key rural development activities like road building and
house building.
64 Space Commerce

Weaknesses and Threats

As with everything in India, geospatial systems and applications offer a
huge opportunity but also face hurdles. The biggest hurdle is that of data
sharing followed by data policies and lack of trained human resources.

Data Sharing
Indians tend to be very data secretive. As a result, the same data is collected
over and over again by different departments, and often by different
teams from the same department. As mentioned earlier, two major projects,
NRDMS and NRIS attempted to create structured geo-databases on the
basis of the Indian administrative structure. From this it was a short step
to creating a Spatial Data Infrastructure which could be shared by different
departments and provide data for academia and industry as well. This
effort, originally called the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure and
later renamed the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), was
launched in 2001 by DOS and DST. After several meetings, the task group
on NSDI submitted its report in 2006. On 02 June 2006, the Cabinet
approved the creation of NSDI and constituted a National Spatial Data
Committee and an executive committee with a secretariat to assist the two
committees. An NSDI geo-portal was established on 22 December 2008.
However, the providing of information about the data held by different
departments to this geo-portal is still incomplete. Meanwhile individual
portals have been set up by different departments and states. NRSC has
its own platform on Bhuvan, while Survey of India and NIC have their
own portals. Portals of the Census of India and GSI are also available. As
a way out of this resistance to data sharing, NSDI promoted state portals,
so that the states could retain control over their data. Other useful efforts
of the NSDI such as the establishment of core metadata standards,
Geography Mark-up Language (GML) schemas and thematic standards
have gone unnoticed.
Notwithstanding the poor progress of NSDI, a new project, the
National GIS (NGIS), was promoted by the erstwhile Planning
Commission to replicate the work of the NSDI and in addition, provide
development support services for states (DSSS) for different departments
of the government. NGIS was to have been implemented by the DST.
Ultimately, the Digital India Programme took over these efforts, saying:
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 65

“Various government services can be offered in a better way by proper

use of GIS technology in e-governance applications. National Geospatial
Information System (NGIS) is being implemented to integrate geo-spatial
data available with a number of organisations such as Survey of India,
National Informatics Centre (NIC), NRSA and Ministry of Earth Sciences
(MoES) to develop a GIS platform for e-Governance applications.
“This GIS platform will be leveraged as a service for the benefit of
various mission mode projects and other e-governance initiatives. NGIS
can also be leveraged for monitoring the physical progress of projects,
disaster management and specialised needs of public safety agencies”.
While this is a good move, no mention was made at all of the new
National Centre of Geo-informatics (NCOG) that had been set up as an
independent business division of Medialab Asia, and its relationship with
other simultaneous efforts. Looking at the stated objectives of NCOG,
the confusion deepens. It positions itself as a ‘one of a kind GIS Platform’
to support ‘sharing and collaboration of GIS data, location based analytics
and DSS for Central and state government departments’. This sounds
suspiciously like the same reasons put forward for setting up NSDI and
NGIS. NCOG also takes on itself everything from geospatial resources,
applications and solutions to human resources development, collaboration
with public and private agencies and R&D.
Clearly, there is enough confusion at the level of the government itself
as to who is doing what in the matter of geospatial applications. This
highlights the problem of moving ahead with geospatially enabled
governance in India. Without any meaningful discussion among themselves,
government departments have moved ahead creating their own versions
of Spatial Data Infrastructure leading to waste of taxpayers’ money in
half-baked initiatives and duplication of data.
The main drawback, as has been pointed out, is the unwillingness to
share data. But confusion could have been avoided by making sharing
mandatory. For example, the R-APDRP and JNNURM will require base
data which could be supplied by the NSDI through the state portals. This
would require a standardisation of the data at the structural level as well as
at the thematic level. NSDI has standardised on GML for the structure
and this schema could be adopted. Thematic standards have been prepared
66 Space Commerce

from time to time by different projects. These need to be vetted and

adopted as national standards to ensure semantic interoperability.

Data Policies
The key feature of geospatial data is geo-referencing. It encompasses maps,
imagery and point information generated by GPS as well as by other
means of data acquisition. The right to generate data is wholly with the
government. Space data is generated and distributed by the DOS alone
and topographic data is the responsibility of Survey of India. Aerial
surveys, including those using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are
regulated by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) the Ministries
of Defence and Home Affairs, and are subject to stringent controls.
Because of the spatially referenced context, such data is considered to be
strategic, and therefore its generation and access is controlled by the state.
This control is by way of established policies.
The Map Policy regulates access to maps created by the Survey of
India. The Open Series of Maps (OSM), available to general users, is
subject to several licences. Maps of coastal and international boundaries
are secret in the OSM series. No height data is included in the OSM series.
Third party value addition to OSM maps becomes the intellectual property
of the Survey of India. A new Map Policy is in the process of being
released which will reduce, but not remove, these restrictions.
Remote sensing is controlled by three policies. Aerial survey and UAV
policies have been mentioned earlier. The DOS has a Space Remote Sensing
Policy that regulates access to data having resolution better than one metre.
Data better than one metre resolution, such as Cartosat 2A and 2B data
and foreign panchromatic data is subject to screening. The group of
government users who are eligible to use such data without further clearance
are spelt out in detail. This was an area of ambiguity in the earlier policy
and created problems for many projects like R-APDRP, which were being
executed by PSUs.
Antrix, which handles access of foreign entities to IRS data, can also
enter into agreements with foreign data suppliers for marketing their data
in India, in addition to NRSC. But NRSC continues to be the sole data
distributor and in practice, is a single point choking off data supply. Private
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 67

users need a government certificate stating that the data is for development
purposes in India only before getting access to sub metre data from all
satellites. For those without such a certificate, the request is referred to a
High Resolution Data Committee for approval.
These policies effectively control and regulate the use of Indian data
by Indian users, but are ineffective in controlling their legal or illegal use by
foreign entities. Indian map data is available off the shelf abroad and even
on the Internet. High resolution data on India from foreign remote sensing
satellites is also available on the Internet on payment, and free on applications
like Google Maps. Stereo imaging data from foreign satellites can be used
in a standard digital photogrammetry workstation to obtain accurate height
information, which can be superimposed on the Open Series maps. GPS
is now available commercially on mobile phones and car navigation
systems, thus enabling 10m or even sharper accuracy in positioning.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Home Affairs has come out with a draft
Geospatial Information Regulation Bill 2016 which is so restrictive that it
could, if adopted, actually hinder the adoption of geospatial technologies
by the government, industry and academia. A new Geospatial Data Policy
2016 has also been announced by the DST which is much more enabling,
but the problem is that a Bill will always override a policy. There is need to
ensure that the proposed geospatial data policy is realistic and addresses
the needs of bonafide Indian users in the government, industry, education
and NGO sectors. It is necessary to revisit the several separate policies and
evolve a unified geodata policy which will satisfy development and civilian
applications, while at the same time taking care of national security concerns.

Capacity Building
There are various institutions in India that offer post-graduate courses in
Geomatics or more specifically, Remote Sensing and GIS. A shared
problem is that students who take these courses do not find suitable
placement. At the same time, industry bemoans that it is not able to get
trained people. To understand, consider the definition of Geographic
Information Science by the University Consortium of GIS:
“Geographic Information Science (G I Science) is the basic research
field that seeks to redefine geographic concepts and their use in the context
68 Space Commerce

of geographic information systems. G I Science also examines the impact

of GIS on individuals and society, and the influences of society on GIS.
G I Science re-examines some of the most fundamental themes in
traditional spatially oriented fields such as geography, cartography, and
geodesy, while incorporating more recent developments in cognitive and
information science. It also overlaps with and draws from more specialised
research fields such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, and
psychology, and contributes to progress in those fields. It supports research
in political science and anthropology, and draws on those fields in studies
of geographic information and society.”
Industry considers geospatial technologies related to IT and recruits
people with IT backgrounds for it. Unfortunately, India’s education system
is such that these graduates know little about geography beyond their
Class X ‘Social Studies’. Institutions are more perceptive and select students
with backgrounds in the kind of subjects mentioned in the definition of
G I Science, but they may not be as well versed in computer applications
What is needed therefore is not separate courses, but G I Science
electives in existing courses in computer science, statistics, mathematics,
geography, physics, life sciences, engineering and management.
Administrators in the government and industry need to go through such
courses as well during their induction training. State academies for
administrative training need to hold refresher courses from time to time
to update their staff capacities. A beginning has been made in introducing
geospatial subjects in school curricula by the Central Board of Secondary
Education. This needs to spread to all other Boards as well so that the
importance of geospatial applications and technology is understood and
it becomes a career option for students entering college.

People as Sensors
The relaxation of restrictions and the creation of a geospatially enabled
population will also help to promote Volunteered Geographic Information
(VGI). For a country of India’s size and diversity, the acquisition of data is
a major task. VGI can provide a cost-effective solution. The
operationalisation of NSDI should include processes to enable VGI and
Unlocking the Potential of Geospatial Data 69

its vetting and ingesting into the relevant databases. The government lays
stress on government-to-citizen interfaces through IT enabled services.
This should include geospatial information to enable citizens to understand
and perhaps even participate in the decisions that impact their lives and
living spaces.

Private-Public Partnership
The government is also keen on Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs).
However, their scope is rarely defined in concrete terms and is usually
reduced to contract services. If geospatial enablement is to take off, industry
involvement has to move beyond supply of hardware and software. For
example, in JNNURM, the problem is that of an urban planning mindset
which is tied to ‘building permissions’ and ‘tax collection’. Very few
metropolitan cities have planning departments and those that do are staffed
at best by eight to 10 planners under an engineer, all of whom are busy
with building permissions, rather than planning, because they are short of
personnel, under-budgeted and lack modern geospatial tools like GIS.
The need is for 80 to 100 planners for a large city and their domains
of expertise should cover the various sectors of planning as well as
economics and architecture. Needless to say, they also need to be able to
handle modern geospatial technology in their planning processes. This
technology goes much beyond a simple GIS and encompasses new data
acquisition systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and modelling.
This is an area where PPP in its truest sense can really take off.
While JNNURM provides the entry of geospatial technologies into
urban management through its stress on the use of GIS for efficient tax
collection and rational building permissions, geospatial professionals with
domain knowledge should use this opportunity as the thin edge of the
wedge to push into city and town planning technologies which recognise
and account for social, cultural and economic factors along with engineering
considerations. JNNURM is the start of the Smart City and a city becomes
smart when it provides a sustainable enabling environment to its population.
Today, geospatial technologies are adopting new technologies and
processes. Cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things, Deep Learning are the
latest tools which are already in use in the business environment. Early
70 Space Commerce

adopters have shown that these can be very useful in the geospatial domain
too. This is another area for PPP.

The Geospatial Trajectory

Overall, the trajectory of India in the geospatial space is highly promising.
However, considerable efforts are needed to realise these promises. So
far, India has been enterprising and has worked around obstacles; after all,
the Indian ethos is one of compromise and improvisation. With new
projects on the horizon and the urgent need for development, geospatial
systems have become a necessity. The government, industry and academia
need to pull together to achieve goals set for the next five years.

1. Vikram Sarabhai, “Summary of the conference and recommendation
for initiatives”, the First UN Conference on Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space at Vienna in 1969
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 71

Developing a Space Start-up

Incubator to Build a
NewSpace Ecosystem in
Narayan Prasad

The development of India’s space industry started in the 1970s with the
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) helping entrepreneurs kick-
off Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) by providing technology
and buy-back opportunities, while encouraging spin-offs.1 Today the
landscape of the Indian industry that serves ISRO includes about 500 of
these SMEs.2
With the increase in demand for space-based services in the country—
it is projected that 70 operational satellites will be needed in the country in
the next few years3 —the ISRO is increasing its engagement with the space
industry for the production of both satellites and launch vehicles. Industry
consortiums are being floated for the production of the Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV)4 and the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
(INRSS) satellites.5 This brings a unique opportunity for the Indian industry
ecosystem to build up, for the first time, systemic capacity to deliver end-
to-end space systems in the country.
This development in the traditional space industry is based on a two-
pronged approach. One, to transition to a state where the industry can
achieve the required volumes of satellites and launch vehicles under ISRO
supervision while allowing ISRO to focus completely on novel technology
development over a longer period; and second, to serve as boon to the
72 Space Commerce

‘Make in India’ initiative. This is a welcome step in further maturing the

capacity of the Indian industry while it has both supervision and customer
in the form of the ISRO.
The effect of such increased trust in Indian industry by ISRO shall
provide it further confidence to invest in infrastructure that can deliver
ISRO’s needs. The satellite AIT industry consortium has already accounted
for commitments worth INR 100-150 crore in investments6 to set up
facilities that can support the operations required. In the current growth
trajectory, Indian industry, under ISRO supervision, will be equipped to
deliver rockets and satellites by 2020.
While these developments are encouraging, India is also now seeing a
growing NewSpace phenomenon. Backed by private investors, Team
Indus, for example, is the first Indian private company to sign a launch
contract with ISRO.7 Bangalore-based space start-up Astrome Technologies,
meanwhile, intends to launch 150 satellites into space by 2020,8 providing
high-speed affordable internet to remote locations in the world. Astrome’s
technology and the use of satellite for internet can provide a significant
boost for the government’s aim to connect 244,729 Gram Panchayats
(GPs) across the country. Currently, the government is pursuing the National
Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) plan of connecting the GPs through
optical fibre cable (OFC). According to recent media reports, OFC in
76,728 GPs and optical fibre in 64,599 GPs have been laid,9 which allows
significant room for satellites to contribute to the Digital India initiative.
Similarly, NewSpace is also having an effect on the downstream
ecosystem. Companies such as SatSure are building analytics engines based
on satellite and complimentary sensor data to help decision-making10 by
governments, insurance and re-insurance companies, banks, pesticide and
seed companies, and commodity trading firms. These are exciting
developments in the space industry of India.

Why encourage NewSpace in India?

In order to understand the possible growth trajectories for traditional and
NewSpace to exploit their full potential in developing a scalable space
economy in the country, it is important to understand the key underlying
differences between the traditional and NewSpace approaches.
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 73

• Customer Landscape – Traditional space industry approach largely

depends on taxpayer-funded requirements within the national demand
framework administered by a space agency. This is a process that several
countries have pursued in upgrading their industry capacity. NewSpace
tries to build up B2B and B2C models which can scale both nationally
and internationally without heavily leaning towards traditional space
industry approaches for the majority of the business to stay afloat.
• Technology Landscape – NewSpace companies try to use novel
approaches such as design using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
components while trying to reduce the cost of the overall system.
Meanwhile, traditional space companies are dictated by legacy space
agency-based approaches. The idea is also to use the approach of
fail-fast and iterate quickly to constantly scale. However, this also
increases the risk of failure.
• Product/Service Development Landscape – Traditional space
industry in India has typically been providing services of manufacturing
according to the final integrator (ISRO) requirements at Tier-2/Tier-
3 levels with the initial technology and know-how itself being mostly
borrowed from ISRO. Therefore, the traditional space industry will
tend to gain more traction by working towards establishing a larger
share in manufacturing and assembly of the systems as required by
the customer (ISRO) as demand surges. This is the case with the
industry-led Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) of satellites and
launch vehicles. NewSpace companies such as Astrome are developing
a completely end-to-end service where the enterprise has complete
control on the design, development, fabrication and market delivery
of the space system which shall provide the service.
• Financing Landscape – The traditional space approaches are based
on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that have serviced the
space agency with requirements growing systematically to upgrade
capacity as the demand grows within the space agency. The scope of
investment for such upgrades are based on performance- and asset-
based guarantees with institutional investments limited to banks.
NewSpace brings a high-risk, high-return scenario where traditional
institutional financing such as banks are not an option that rather attracts
venture capital.
74 Space Commerce

• Growth Landscape – Since traditional space industry approaches

mostly depends on the space agency/national requirements mandated
funds as a primary customer, the ability to scale business limits to
large orders moved to industry. NewSpace, due to its diversified
business model approach with possible scaling to international markets,
brings a high-growth potential. It should be noted that there are a
large number of failures associated with the start-up nature of
NewSpace as well.
• Exit Landscape – Traditional space industry approach has exit
scenarios that are mostly via Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) due to
a spike in increased demand within the space agency/national
requirements with interest from larger corporations to take over such
opportunities. NewSpace brings with it the possibility of Mergers &
Acquisitions (M&As) in consolidation and positive liquidation events
for investors and entrepreneurs. A mature ecosystem is necessary for
such exit scenarios.
From an Indian context, the argument is not Traditional vs NewSpace
for India; rather, it is one about supporting the development of the space
economy of the country by systematically enabling both these approaches
to increase their capacity to deliver systems and services. Both these
approaches have the potential to scale the capacity in the Indian industry
which is yet to achieve maturity in the ability to design, develop, deliver a
complete end-to-end space system or a space-based service.

Creating a NewSpace Ecosystem in India

NewSpace holds the potential for creating a multiplier effect on the space
economy unlike the circulation of tax money that normally happens within
traditional space industry approaches. The country’s policymakers must
support NewSpace to further catalyse the multiplier effect while steps are
being taken in parallel to upgrade the capacity of the traditional space
The creation of a NewSpace ecosystem in India will be key in creating
complementarity with traditional space enterprises. One of the key steps
towards this step is the possible creation of a NewSpace start-up ecosystem
via a dedicated space incubator in the country. Given the current presence
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 75

of the Department of Space (DoS)/ISRO and its centres in the delivery

aspects of both upstream and downstream of the space ecosystem, the
participation of DoS/ISRO will be key to the creation of such an ecosystem
in India. This will help NewSpace start-ups in both the development and
deployment of their products/services on the basis of the requirements
of the country, most of which are currently being serviced by DoS/
For a national space programme, investment in business incubation
activities bears multiple fruits as shown in Figure 1.11 Space agencies such
as the European Space Agency (ESA) have been championing the need
for entrepreneurship by supporting innovation and economic development.
ESA created an annual fund called the ‘Open Sky Technology Fund’ of
€ 100 million for supporting start-ups that make use of ESA’s technology.
The fund is managed by a VC firm called Triangle Ventures. The ESA
Business Incubator Centre (BIC) programme has succeeded in creating
around 50 viable companies and serves as a good model for space agencies
to encourage entrepreneurship.12 India can learn from the success of these
incubation programmes in its efforts to creating a vibrant space industry

Figure 1- Business Incubator Benefits

76 Space Commerce

Vision for a NewSpace Start-up Incubator in India

‘Making Indian NewSpace second to none in the realm of

space applications for the benefit of man & society.’
The foundation of developing a vibrant NewSpace ecosystem in India
lies in developing an internationally reputed space start-up incubator
programme that enables kicking-off a new wave of NewSpace start-ups
in the country, which can scale nationally and internationally with Indian
space technology products/services.

Incubation Structure
Given the nature of the space ecosystem in India, we believe that the
participation of the ISRO/DoS shall be extremely important to the success
of the incubator. ISRO/DoS can be critical in providing the basis for
spin-offs, request for technology while there is room for them to also act
as users/facilitators to other government departments.
Figure 2 gives an overview of the organisational structure of the
space start-up incubator. The Federal-State structure of the country and
the autonomy of organisations (user agencies) leave plenty of room for
the possible participation of States as catalysts in the incubator. While DoS/
ISRO can provide for technology licensing, access to facilities, consultancy
and act as pilot for the selected start-up product/service, States can offer
a broad range of services under the incubator such as the seed money,
volunteering as a first user via a pilot phase deployment of a particular
service, office space/utilities in exchange for incubating within the
jurisdiction of the State.
This will provide a two-pronged support to the start-ups in the
incubator, where the start-ups will get a secured kick-off. In exchange for
the support by ISRO/DoS, Antrix Corporation can hold upto five-percent
equity in the start-ups. Similarly, in exchange for support from States, the
State government via a relevant authority can hold five-percent equity.
This will ensure that the incubation services provided by these stakeholders
can be monetised as the start-up goes from ideation stage towards
deployment of the product/service.
The dynamic of the involvement of the State and DoS can also ensure
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 77

that priority can be given to accelerating the development of start-ups

based on the local cluster/ISRO centre. For example, an incubator based
in Bangalore can essentially benefit out of the presence of local centres of
ISRO such as ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Laboratory for Electro-Optics
Systems (LEOS), and others. This development model shall allow to spring
several incubators around different ISRO centres and will provide a
possible cluster effect in ecosystem as start-ups will take advantage of
local expertise available at the local ISRO centres.
The seed-pilot approach will ensure that the start-ups will not suffocate
due to lack of availability of capital and can still ensure organic growth.
Moreover, this approach ensures that there is a trust-platform built for a
possible super-Angel or Venture Capitalist (VC) to review the start-up
after their ideation phase and participate in their first round of major

Figure 2 - Organisational Structure for Space Start-up Incubator from Seed to

Series A Funding

Incubation Tracks
The incubation tracks for NewSpace in India can be divided into Solicited
and Unsolicited tracks as shown in Figure 3. The Solicited track shall consist
of focussed efforts on acceleration of spin-off of ISRO technologies by
start-ups, push for ‘Make in India’ in space alongside possible request for
technologies from ISRO. The unsolicited tracks shall keep the door open
for entrepreneurs to build independent new products/services based on
local/international market requirements that they foresee.
78 Space Commerce

Figure 3 - Tracks for Seeking Start-up Proposals

Spin-off technologies are the commercial services or products derived

from existing space technologies that are currently being used by ISRO
for its space missions. For instance, the silica aerogel manufactured
indigenously by the scientists of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC),
ISRO originally for the purpose of insulating the surface of its rockets,13
can be exploited commercially through use in clothing and insulation in
extreme cold climates and marketed both domestically and internationally.
A non-commercial use is in providing protective clothing for Indian Army
personnel posted at harshly cold locations such as the Siachen. Being a
research organisation, ISRO is not built for productionisation and therefore
spinning-off a technology into a commercially viable product would be
best accomplished by innovation hubs that are start-ups.
Spin-in technologies are those that can be adopted for use by ISRO in
its space missions and which are developed from existing non-space
technologies. For instance, data analytics platforms are already being built
around satellite image data by companies domestic and international, such
as the Bengaluru-based SatSure and the Dutch Skylab Analytics that cater
to the insurance and agro markets. Components of this big data and
multi-sensor data processing capability can be adopted for use by ISRO
for real-time processing and interpretation of data from its imaging satellites,
given its growing imaging satellite fleet in the near future.14
The ‘Make in India’ initiative should witness great success in the space
sector if start-ups are encouraged to cater to the manufacturing
requirements of ISRO. The adoption of an open source policy by the
government of India in 2015 was a certain step towards propelling the
country from being a ‘purchaser’ to an ‘innovator’ which can be greatly
assisted by the innovation potential of start-ups.
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 79

Specific Technology Requirements by ISRO can be in the form of

technologies or software or processes. Given the latest efforts towards
privatisation of satellite Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT)15 and also
the privatisation of PSLV, there will be a need for innovation in the traditional
approach for a faster turn-around time and higher cost savings. The processes
need to be modified or re-drafted to facilitate an assembly line scenario.

Selection and Screening of Start-ups

The approach from incubation to exit is mapped in Figure 4. The selection
of start-ups shall be done by the efforts of an in-house analyst team a
special that is made of analysts who understand the technical and business
potential while the screening of the start-ups after selection is done by a
review committee that shall interview the founders. The review committee
itself can be comprised of stakeholders from ISRO/DoS, the State
representatives, and an institutional investor.
While the call for taking up spin-offs/request for technology would
depend on the listing provided by the Department of Space, the Make in
India and unsolicited proposal submission shall remain open through the
year for founders. The selection and screening will happen on a quarterly
basis. The final selection will be made on the basis of demonstrated ability
to create space products/services or commercialise a spin-off technology.

Incubation Process of Selected Start-ups

Selected start-ups will shall get 30 months of access to ISRO/DoS facilities,
consultancy and the local government perks of seed money, office and
utilities, among others. The most critical aspect of the selection would be
that either or both ISRO/State agree to act as beta-testers of the product
or service, depending on what they are. ISRO can also coordinate with
other government departments on the question of who can use the
solutions. All selected proposals will have ability to scale nationwide (other
States) and possibly in the international market as well.
A 30-month incubation period should provide enough runway for
the start-ups in the fold to create a product or service to go from its
ideation phase to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), in the process creating
a roadmap for scaling the MVP into a fully blown product or service
80 Space Commerce

with further financing. The limited time should also ensure a commercial
approach to the development of the product or service. Following this
period, the start-up shall be liable to pay for any further use of facilities
and consulting, either by ISRO or the States.
The incubated start-ups will also receive legal support for registration
of the company, equity distribution, the patenting of its technology or
service, awareness on legal dispute resolution mechanisms, and other

National and International Collaborations

In addition to providing the start-up companies access to other government
departments and ministries for testing of technology and service, the start-
up incubator team can further facilitate collaborations with national and
international research bodies. The Defence Research and Development
Organization (DRDO) Labs, the Indian state-owned aerospace and defence
companies Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(HAL) are all excellent potential collaborators that can share their facilities
and even technology know-how with technology start-up incubators.
International Space Agencies such as European Space Agency (ESA), the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA or
Roscosmos) should also be interested in collaborations given the high
innovation potential of India courtesy its younger demographic and large
number of engineering graduates.
Internationally acclaimed universities involved in space research with
an entrepreneurial perspective such as the International Space University
(ISU) based in Toulouse in France—which also happens to be the European
Space industry hub—and the Skolkovo Foundation in Moscow can also
be approached for collaborations. All these not only can involve joint
development of technology or services, but also enable the national or
international collaborator to act as a testbed for the technology or service
developed by the incubatee.
The incubator team would also provide the necessary legal consulting
services and administrative assistance in all collaborations.
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 81

The incubation process would ensure start-ups that do not perform and
cannot sustain to fold the idea, while the start-ups that do create value
continue on to scale. The pilot deployment with ISRO/States shall give
the start-ups a credible footing to stage expansion of the product or
service into the national and international markets.
For example, if a start-up chooses to provide agriculture or crop
analytics and does a pilot at a district level of a State: Based on the success
of the Pilot, the State can scale the service to its entire jurisdiction, in the
process benefiting its local farm community. Based on this success, the
start-up shall be able to approach other States and scale nationwide. An
example from the product side would be to test a particular technology
such as an electric propellant-based thruster via the support of ISRO to
deploy it on its spacecraft. Based on its performance in space, the start-up
can claim heritage and market the product internationally to the larger
space industry. In case of spin-in and special technology request areas
under the solicited track, ISRO will also offer buyback guarantees to the
One of the extremely important phenomenon in the creation of an
ecosystem is the Merger and Acquisition (M&A) landscape. India so far
has not seen a strong M&A landscape in consolidation of industry in the
space sector. Creating a NewSpace ecosystem provides a great opportunity
to complement the development of the traditional space sector by creating
this M&A landscape as start-ups which create value can be acquired or
acquihired. It should be also noted that there is substantial scope for
successful space-based services to grow to a scale towards creating larger
public value via Initial Public Offerings (IPO).

India has created a strong foundation in space technology by investing
into creating a self-sustaining space exploration ecosystem for the last five
decades. There is a need to carry a comprehensive outlook towards the
globalisation of this foundation. While there are several positive
developments in the expansion of the traditional space industry—such as
the newly envisioned, ISRO-supported Joint Ventures with the domestic
82 Space Commerce

industry in producing satellites and launch vehicles—there is significant

opportunity to explore the NewSpace phenomenon in the country.
Going forward, the debate in India should not be Traditional vs NewSpace;
rather, about facilitating the development of the space economy of the
country by systematically enabling both these approaches to increase their
capacity to deliver systems and services. Both these approaches have the
potential to scale the capacity in the Indian industry which is still immature
in the ability to design, develop, deliver a complete end-to-end space system
or a space-based service.
Supporting and nurturing a NewSpace ecosystem in India with the
support of DoS/ISRO is a step towards creating public-money
independent space products and services, which in turn provides a long-
term horizon in the accelerated capture of a larger market share of the
$300-billion global space market.

1. K. R. SridharaMurthi, U. Sankar, and H. N. Madhusudhan,
“Organizational Systems, Commercialization and Cost-Benefit Analysis
of Indian Space Programme,” Current Science 93, (2007), http://
2. “ISRO To Double Missions To 12 Per Year,” NDTV, February 18,
3. “To Boost Satellite Launch, ISRO to Hold Industries Consortium by
2020,” The Indian Express, July 22, 2016,
4. Srikanth B R, “Indian Industry Gets Chance to Build, Fly Rocket,”, April 12, 2016, http://
5. TE Narasimhan & Gireesh Babu, “Isro Will Outsource Satellite Making
to Private Consortium,” Business Standard India, December 8, 2016, http:/
Developing a Space Start-up Incubator to Build a NewSpace Ecosystem in India 83

6. “Alpha Design, ISRO Join Hands,” Deccan Herald, December 13, 2016,
7. “Team Indus Secures Launch Contract with ISRO,” The New Indian
Express, December 3, 2016,
8. Nilesh Christopher, “The Race to Provide Internet from Space to India
& Other Emerging Markets,” ETtech, accessed December 15, 2016,
9. Arihant Pawariya, “National Optical Fibre Network: Modi’s Pet Project
Gains Momentum But Still Has A Long Way To Go,” Swarajya, December
12, 2016,
10. “Farming Facilitation With Imagery In India,” Satnews Publishers, August
19, 2016,
11. Prateep Basu, Rachana Reddy, Umang Rathi, Narayan Prasad, “Business
Incubation for Fostering Innovation in Space Commerce: An Indian
Perspective”, International Astronautical Congress 2015.
12. European Space Agency, “ESA Business Incubation Centres,” http:// y/
13. Pallava Bagla, “ISRO’s New Light-As-Air Gel Can Keep Indian Soldiers
Warm In Siachen Snow”, 21 April 2016,
14. "ISRO Future Missions: More Joint Ventures with NASA, JAXA on the
Cards”, 22 Oct 2015,
15. "Contract signed for the Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) of
two standard satellites”,
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 85

Electric Propulsion &

Launch Vehicles:
An Indian Perspective
Rohan M Ganapathy, Arun Radhakrishnan,
Yashas Karanam

November 21, 1963 marks the first milestone in India’s space odyssey as
the country launched its first rocket from Thumba. This launch represented
India’s future ambitions in outer space. Today India is a full-fledged
spacefaring country, with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
conducting missions to the Moon and Mars.
India’s space programme has grown tremendously since its humble
beginnings during the 1960s. It is now on par with other space leaders
such as the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and China. This growth
has been possible even with a minimum budget of $1.2 billion, while the
US spends almost 33 times more.
Today, outer space is no longer limited to just research and
development but has become an integral part of everyone’s life. The steady
advances by the space industry and new trends in manufacturing have
driven down the costs and enhanced innovation. The space industry is
now on the cusp of rapid expansion both in terms of capabilities and
services, even as experts deem that the industry is nearing saturation after
years of successive growth. The penetration of smartphones and Internet
of Things (IoT)—which leverage data derived from satellite-augmented
services—are two key drivers of this growth.
86 Space Commerce

India is also witnessing the development of its commercial space

industry particularly by NewSpace entrepreneurs. For example, the Indian
start-up, Astrome Technologies, promises to provide internet connectivity
in India using their fleet of 120 high-throughput microsatellites. India’s
first private satellite manufacturing company, Dhruva Space, also plans to
operate constellations of satellites.
This global surge in demand for satellite services requires more satellites
on orbit. However, the existing launch costs are prohibitive for these
businesses to succeed. By adapting new modes of satellite propulsion, the
overall mass of the satellites can be reduced, thus bringing down the cost
of launches.

Electric Propulsion
An electrically powered spacecraft uses electrical energy to change its
velocity. These systems work by electrically expelling propellant (reaction
mass) at high speed. Electric thrusters typically consume less propellant as
they have a higher exhaust speed (operates at a higher specific impulse)
than chemical rockets. The use of electric propulsion has been on the rise
in the last few decades.
In the early 1980s, satellite manufacturers began implementing arc jets
and resistojets, early forms of electric propulsion, for north-south station
Using more efficient electric propulsion allowed satellite manufacturers
to either increase payload mass or extend satellite life while maintaining
the same launch mass. Gradually, newer electric propulsion technologies
such as gridded ion engines and hall thrusters were introduced and electric
propulsion began to carry more of the propulsion load for commercial
In 2010, when an Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite
experienced an anomaly with its main propulsion system, it used onboard
high-power Hall thruster to complete its orbit raising manoeuvres. This
was the first in-flight demonstration of a high-powered (4.5 kW) hall
thruster. This event paved the way for more widespread adaptation of
electric propulsion for orbit raising of satellites.
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 87

The twin Boeing 702SP spacecraft introduced in 2012 uses xenon-ion

thrusters for both station-keeping and orbit raising manoeuvres. Weighing
a combined 4,100 kg (9,000 lb.) and offering between 3-7 kW of power
each, the all-electric 702SPs are half the weight of equivalent chemical-
propulsion satellites. This has prompted other operators to also adopt
electric propulsion. Eutelsat recorded a 20-percent reduction in its capital
expenditure per year due to early adoption of electric propulsion. A global
leading rocket and spacecraft propulsion company, Safran, predicts that
the future of satellite industry will be all-electric.
However, the industry has been generally slow in adopting electric
propulsion due to the relative complexity of designing and developing
the technology. At the same time, satellite companies such as Airbus and
Boeing have stated that the long-term benefits of adopting an all-electric
satellite fleet are significant.

Advances in Electric Propulsion

Research on electric propulsion at academia, industry and government space
agencies is focused on developing low-cost, high-efficiency thrusters. In India,
the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) at the Indian Institute
of Science (IISc) in collaboration with Research Center Imarat (RCI),
Hyderabad has developed nano single firing solid propellant thrusters that
can address the manoeuvrability issues of small class satellites. With support
from ISRO, a private company in India has made significant progress in
electric propulsion through the development of Microwave Electrothermal
Thruster and specialised thrusters for nano-satellites. The company is also
developing other electric propulsion systems in collaboration with the IISc.
Some of the major international private players in the field of electric
propulsion include Safran of France, Alta of Italy and Busek of the US.
NIIMash, Fakel Design Bureau and Keldysh Space Center of Russia are
long-term players in the domain of chemical and electric propulsion. Russia
has pioneered Hall Effect thruster technology while National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) has evolved gridded ion thruster
technology. ISRO is currently working towards the development of
Stationary Plasma Thrusters with support from Fakel Design Bureau and
Keldysh Space Centre to realise all-electric Indian satellites.
88 Space Commerce

This variety of thrusters offering various advantages should be adopted

by the industry also for orbit raising, orbital maintenance and station keeping
of satellites. According to Northern Sky Research forecast, 50 percent of
global orders for electric propulsion systems have originated from Asian
operators. Asia is expected to account for a high market share of full
electric propulsion or hybrid system procurements. This will include
established regional players with multi-satellite fleets as well as emerging
companies, such as Aniara. This is critical for India as the adoption and
maturity of electric propulsion is critical in capturing a hold in this expanding

Electric Propulsion: India’s Perspective

Although research and testing of variants of electric propulsion systems
have been performed for several decades, this technology has not been
widely employed on due to the unavailability of sufficient electrical power
onboard a spacecraft. However, constantly increasing levels of electrical
power on new developed spacecraft allows electric propulsion technologies
to be a serious competitor to chemical propulsion. The use of EP for
different types of missions is already a common practice internationally.
Electric propulsion can be put to use for a variety of Earth-bound
applications such as Earth observation, navigation and communications
satellites in geostationary orbit, as well as small satellite constellations. Future
applications include space tugs, human spaceflight, and inter-planetary space
exploration missions. The missions to Mars will most likely use electric
propulsion with NASA’s Science Mission Directorate working on In-Space
Propulsion Technology. NASA is also developing NASA Evolutionary
Xenon Thruster (NEXT) gridded ion thrusters and Hall Effect Electric
Propulsion (HEP) and Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). All these developments
indicate that electric propulsion will soon become the core of in-space
India must also take steps towards developing advanced electric
propulsion technologies. Research institutions and organisations as well as
private companies need to invest in developing different types of electric
propulsion systems. The European model of promoting research in the
area of electric propulsion could be adopted to encourage research on
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 89

electric propulsion in India. As part of Horizon 2020 Space Work

Programme, the European Commission has funded a programme called
Electric Propulsion Innovation & Competitiveness (EPIC). This
programme is aimed at providing a clear, integrated roadmap and a master
plan for its coordination and implementation to increase the Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) of electric propulsion technologies.
The main activities of this initiative include the collection and
consolidation of requirements for future electric propulsion thrusters from
across the world, survey of available European electric propulsion
technologies and their TRLs, funding of grants and to come up with a
fully detailed master plan to coordinate all the activities for the whole
duration of the project. Such a model could be employed in India to
advance technology development in research and educational institutions,
and private companies.
Today, advances in technology have allowed micro satellite clusters to
replace larger satellites for many commercial applications. Driven by this
innovation, companies such as Google, Facebook and SpaceX are
launching thousands of nano-satellites for internet applications, thus
unveiling large market opportunities in this area. However, operation of
constellations of nano-satellites is not yet efficient as there is no propulsion
technology developed for these small satellites.
The life of a nano-satellite is just about two years owing to the fact
that no propulsion system is currently in place that can maintain the satellite’s
orbit. This factor severely restricts mobility in space, resulting in increased
launches that only add to the costs. Advances taking place in the electric
propulsion technology are aimed towards addressing this limitation and
extending the life of nano-satellites. This will allow manufacturers to set
up nano-satellite constellations that will provide full capability to their
organisations while dramatically reducing the cost of operations and
maintenance of satellite constellations.

Electric Propulsion of Nano-satellites

With advancing technology, smaller satellites are becoming capable of
performing more complex tasks. Nano-satellites are revolutionising the
satellite industry by replacing conventional satellites. According to the Space
90 Space Commerce

Works’ 2014 Projection, it was estimated that between 140 and 143 nano/
micro satellites across all sectors would be launched globally in 2014; 158
nano/microsatellites were actually launched. This represented an increase
of nearly 72 percent compared to 2013.
The major forces driving this market are price reduction, increasing
demand, investments from the Silicon Valley, better mission launches and
continual decrease in average satellite mass. The significance of Nano and
Microsatellites has increased due to increase in number of application
areas such as academic training, scientific research, earth observation, remote
sensing, among others. The increase in use of these satellites across a range
of commercial applications in all regions of the world has been noted as
one of the major factors behind the continuing increase in Nano and
Microsatellite market size.
In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for a complete
digitisation of the services within the country, starting from banking to
governance and medicine. Such an extent of digitisation requires an
infrastructure to build up from the grassroots level and fulfil the inclusive
promise of a digital India. The only way to cater to such massive task is to
meet the demand for bringing Internet connectivity to the masses, and this
is a difficult task considering the exorbitant prices for laying cables.
This is where the application of space comes into the picture, and
where the use of satellites shines. To begin with, the connectivity by using
satellites is around $3-6 compared to the $3000 for a given area by laying
cables and cellular towers. The task of digitisation is unenviable in a country
like India where there are only 375 million internet users in a population
of 1.2 billion. The dream of digitisation then will only become a reality
when the nation is completely connected. This calls for a huge demand in
setting up the satellite infrastructure that can cater to the billion-plus users.
This opens up a huge market potential for the use of Nano-size
thrusters in enabling Nano-satellites to reach full functionality in terms of
deployment. This is crucial in formation flying or constellations as Nano-
satellites require an on board propulsion system to maintain formation,
this is one of the reasons why current research in Electric Propulsion is
critical as it is the only technology which can be adopted for Nano-satellite
propulsion with the main reason being the incumbent small size of the
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 91

satellite curtails the addition of extra mass in the form of propellant. In

most cases, Nano-satellite constellations are deployed in the higher earth
orbit of 650 km to negate the effect of atmospheric drag. While it has
greater orbital life than the nano-satellites deployed in Low Earth Orbit,
the mobility of satellite flying is extremely limited.
With companies like Astrome, SpaceX and OneWeb all planning to
deploy constellations for Nano-satellites, it is critical that the technology
readiness level of Nano-satellite thrusters reaches full maturity in time for
the deployment of such constellations else the constellations would fail.
In India, a Private R&D company is currently developing ultra-low
power Nano-Satellite thrusters that can be used for multiple-firing
operations, pushing the technology envelope on the execution of precise
constellations and orbital insertions for nano and small satellites.
A revolution in bridging the gap between today and tomorrow requires
a lot of satellites, and there is a huge deficit in meeting launch requirements
of these satellites.
ISRO’s proven reliability with the PSLV, coupled with its low cost
advantage has lured international clients into its forte. Considering India’s
requirements, India presently has about 34 satellites dedicated towards its
own use. Despite this, India still leases foreign transponders which are
secured at an astronomically high amount of money. This has called for a
demand of 70-74 satellites in the near future.
This has led to ISRO working round the clock in providing launch
capabilities towards the demand of fulfilling launch orders. As a result, the
wait times for the launch vehicle and the satellite development is often very
high. The other inhibiting factor in accommodating more clients is the inability
of the industry to churn out more PSLVs to meet the global demands on
time. This has led to ISRO taking up the initiative to completely privatise the
operations and construction of the PSLV by the year 2020. This is a bold
step in the right direction towards recognising the importance of opening
up the space programme to the global platform and meeting the increasing
demands posed by the global launch vehicle market.
What can be applied here is ISRO being a scientific organisation, can
follow the western model of the launch space where government-owned
92 Space Commerce

space agencies engage in R&D while launch services are contracted to

private companies with minimal supervision. This model can be seen in
the US launch segment where NASA has distributed all the launch contracts
towards private players such as ULA and SpaceX while being completely
involved in R&D work. A similar model is adopted in the European
space segment where most of the launch contracts are taken up by
Arianespace. This distributed model of administration acts a catalyst in
bringing about greater innovation within the industry.
The PSLV then, is an example of a Public-Private corporation with
vendors that include Godrej & Boyce, L&T, Centum Electronics, Data
Patterns, HAL, among others, supplying 80 percent of the components
which are strictly scrutinised by ISRO. At the present rate of one satellite
launch per month, ISRO still faces a huge backlog in the net satellites
launched. Though ISRO plans to increase the capability to 1.5 – 2 satellites
a month, this is still a far cry from what needs to be achieved to position
itself as one of the major launch service providers in the world.

Table: Comparison of Launch Costs

Launch Country Mass Mass Mass Estimated

vehicle to LEO to SSO to GTO Price
(in tons) (in tons) (in tons) (million USD)
Atlas V US 8.1 - 18.8 6.5 - 15 3.4 – 8.9 110-230
Delta IV US 9.4 – 28.7 6.7 – 23.5 3 – 14.2 164-400
Falcon 9 US 13.1 - 4.9 61.2
Falcon Heavy US 54 - 22.2 90
Antares US 3.5 – 7 2.1 – 3.4 - 80-85
Ariane 5 ESA 20 - 10 165-220
Long March China 25 - 14 -
GSLV` India 5 - 2.5 36
GSLV LVM III India 8 - 4 60
Proton Russia 22.8 - 6.3 65
Soyuz 2 Russia 8.2 4.9 3.25 50
H - II Japan 10-16.5 3.6 – 4.4 4–6 90-112.5
PSLV India 3.8 1.8 1.4 15
Electron US - 0.15 - 4.9
Vega Italy 1.5 1.4 - 42
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 93

For India to remain competitive, there should be an array of launch

vehicles which cater to the respective weight segments of different classes
of satellites. However, today India has only the PSLV (1.75 tons to SSO)
and the GSLV Mark-III (4 tons to GTO). This necessitates the development
of a launch vehicle for the small and heavy classes of satellites. This void is
best filled by emerging private space companies that seek to emulate the
western model of privatisation of launch services.
This list is dominated by heavy launch vehicles such as Ariane 5, Delta
IV, Falcon 9 and Long March 5, with smaller ones still in development.
ISRO’s PSLV and GSLV find themselves to be an attractive proposition as
their price undercuts the rest of the competition by a huge margin. It is clear
that India needs to develop heavy launch vehicles to cater to the needs of
the entire market. In the above depiction, a lacuna can be seen in the micro/
small satellite launch segment as there are only few launch vehicles that are
dedicated towards the purpose of launching small satellites in large numbers.
There are a few emerging players in this regard, such as Rocket Lab, Inter
Orbital Systems, Vega which at present is developing the electron rocket for
launching small satellites at an affordable cost. India needs to utilise this
lacuna in the small segment to tap into the future growth as the trends clearly
show that the number of small satellites is on a rise.
Consider a scenario involving a satellite constellation service provider
planning to launch its own constellation of 30 microsatellites over two years.
The best way to execute this as per the plans of the satellite operator would
be to launch the satellites in a series of batches. Deployment of this
constellation by the use of a heavy launch vehicle is not always the best
option as it would lead to indefinite wait times in securing and launching the
satellite flock, often delaying the time the entire constellation would be fully
operational. One major advantage of using a small satellite launch vehicle is
that it is cheaper to secure the launch contract as the entire rocket can be
bought specifically for per say a given satellite company allowing for faster
deployment of the entire constellation. This is often not the case in using
larger launch vehicle as the costs usually runs north of a few hundred million
dollars and raising that large amount of investment only for launch capability
is often a risky venture in the case of an uneventful launch.
Just as the growing trend towards smaller satellites highlights the
necessity towards the need for a dedicated small satellite launcher, many
94 Space Commerce

countries are contemplating the process of converting their existing ballistic

missile arsenal into satellite launch vehicles to cope with the present demand.
This sounds like a genuinely good idea but it is not without issues. The
technical drawbacks of this involve re-engineering the missile so that the
upper stages can be converted for placing a satellite into precision orbit.
This conversion often escalates the launch costs to an even higher level
than what is presently offered by the launch services. The second aspect is
often linked to technology itself—ask an owner of an old car and they
would highlight the difficulty in procuring compatible spare parts. Similarly,
the advancement of technology would pose a great risk in procuring
supplies in maintaining a fleet of missile converted rockets. The advantages
of present technology and manufacturing methods such as additive 3D
printing and CNC machines make the development of a new launcher a
cheaper and a more viable option than the proposition of converting old
missiles. The drawbacks are not limited to technology alone but the socio-
economic aspects of churning out a fleet of missiles at a time when tensions
are running high: the technology can be military in application, forcing
hostilities between countries. This is what happened in the moments after
China conducted the Anti-Sat test opening speculations on the dangers of
Missile-converted launchers.

Cost Comparison of foreign rockets

Source: AIAA 2013 Report

The competitiveness of the PSLV has forced the international

consortium specifically the US to impose restrictions on the PSLV. As
India is yet to sign the CSLA (Commercial space Launch Agreement), this
agreement raises the launch costs of the PSLV, thus making the pricing in
line with the commercial launch market. According to think-tanks, India
may never sign the CSLA as the country already enjoys a ready list of
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 95

orders from other countries. This is also augmented by the fact that the
recent missions of the PSLV also included a US-based satellite from a
company called SkyBox Imaging.

The Emergence of a Space Ecosystem in India

Experts within the space industry have often asked the question on whether
a company like SpaceX will be seen in India. This question is relevant
more today than ever before in the context of a paradigm shift in the way
India’s space programme is transitioning towards the public-private model.
A private company must then emerge in the launch segment by indigenously
developing its own launch vehicle, with ISRO as the mentor. It is also to
be noted that a new private entity in India cannot shoulder the entire
responsibility of independently developing a new launch platform from
scratch. This is mainly attributed to the substantially long time of
development, huge funding requirements, and riding the risk for the first
time. After the bold decision towards privatisation of the PSLV, ISRO
must take the next leap forward by handholding private entities which are
looking towards developing an indigenous launch vehicle on its own. This
would create a ripple effect within the space industry where it would
result in spin-offs arising from the various technologies that are
incorporated in a given launch vehicle.
Though India has garnered a good name in the space industry in
recent days, it is noteworthy that only three percent of the total number
of launches that took place between 2004-2013 happened from Indian
soil and only three percent of the total satellites were manufactured in
India. This is a clear indication that there is still a long way to go for India
to become a prominent player in the space industry. The US, Russia, Europe
and China dominate the list by making significant contributions in satellite
manufacturing and launch services. This was possible only because these
countries nurtured a space ecosystem that could sustain itself and promote
a major contribution to the space industry from private companies. A
similar approach is recommended for developing a good space ecosystem
in India.
India has a small space ecosystem supplying to ISRO. When more
and more launch service providers, satellite manufacturers and satellite
96 Space Commerce

service providers emerge from the private sector, catering to customers

across the globe, a strong self-sustaining ecosystem will emerge. This will
affect India in many ways. A good ecosystem will attract many foreign
companies to set up units in India and local companies to expand their
businesses into the space sector. Emerging companies in launch segment
and satellite manufacturing and services segment will create additional
employment in their respective industries. Indirectly, more employment
will be created in sub-system manufacturers, part suppliers, system
developers, consulting services providers, marketing agencies, and in many
other levels. As the number of satellites manufactured and launched from
India increases, it will promote construction and launch activities, tourism
(frequent visits from clients), and development of allied technologies in
the country (such as development of 3D printing technology, carbon
composites technology). Creation of highly skilled employment and
knowledge and technology spill-overs will elevate the standards of all
sectors of Indian industry. The net result of all these benefits is that ‘Make
in India’ initiative will flourish. India will slowly emerge as a hub for research
and technology development.
A good example of how a launch service provider can affect the
space ecosystem and economy of a country can be seen from the impact
the Rocket Lab is creating in New Zealand. Analogous to how ISRO
brought about a space ecosystem in India, Rocket Lab is indirectly pushing
towards the development of a new space ecosystem in New Zealand. A
study on the economic impact of Rocket Lab in New Zealand estimates
that Rocket Labs alone can add a value of up to US$1.5 billion directly
and indirectly over the next 20 years.

The call for a clear definition of space policy

For the private companies to boldly venture into the launch segment,
there must a clear definition of a framework, policy and regulations in this
domain. The government along with ISRO has recognised the importance
of this and is now coming up with a clear roadmap for private companies
geared towards the launch segment in India. This call for policy greatly
encourages growth in the space sector considering that the number of
foreign companies which are coming towards India due to the
government’s policy of 100 percent FDI in Space. A clear-cut policy in
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 97

Indian Space would lay down the roadmap for the better governance of
Space and would ensure transparency in tailoring for the various vendors
within the space industry. Thus, a space policy would act as a catalyst in
providing functions that allow India to shoulder with other spacefaring
countries such as the US, UK and China. Such an initiative would not only
drive confidence within the industry but would bring it up to an entirely
new level. A similar debate on the necessity of a space driven policy by the
US space industry has prompted the US parliament to pass the SPACE
(Spurring Private Aerospace Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship) Act
of 2015 to promote greater private participation in developing the
commercial space industry and spurring spin-offs that address the needs
and requirements of the industry by allowing for a better private investment
into such ventures.
A case in point is a company whose inception has captured the attention
of enthusiasts and aspiring geeks around the world—the Space Exploration
Technologies or SpaceX. SpaceX is one of the main launch vendors in the
global market and these days their ambitious plans to colonise Mars in the
coming few years is making headlines the world over. How SpaceX came
to be during a time when NASA was the only undisputed king of the US
launch segment shows just how much the times have changed. SpaceX
started in the summer of 2002 and after long years of development, three
consecutive failures of their Falcon launcher nearly left the company in
shambles, but the ecosystem of trust and support built around had managed
the company to rise out of this time and the success of the fourth and
final rocket turned the tides in their favour. This led to the acceptance by
NASA to award them with launch contracts for the progress ships towards
the ISS, and the rest is history.
SpaceX today is at the forefront of the competition by proving success
with their reusable launch vehicles. ‘Reusability’ is now the catchphrase of
the space industry as the major players try to perfect their own models in
this sphere. India has taken up Reusability seriously and the recent tests by
ISRO on its own Reusable Launch Vehicle reinforces this intent.
Just as how the success of SpaceX turned out to be the success model
that space programmes around the world seek to emulate, none of this
would not have been possible if the initial investors of the company did
not see the launch failures as setbacks but rather bitter medicine that was
98 Space Commerce

administered so that unforeseen problems are ironed out to set off an

enterprise which has a long-term vision towards the future. Such a story
would never come up in India until investors learn to let go of the age-old
mantra on investments seeking short-term returns but rather focus on the
long-term commitments where the returns are guaranteed in the long run.
The story of SpaceX is however only one side of the coin; flip the
coin and the dark side to this picture comes into play. The fall of Firefly is
a lesson to all budding launch service providers about how the challenges
are not only in the realm of technology but are also spread to the political
and financial spheres. New companies must carefully asses such landscapes
and carefully lay their roadmap.
The world famous management Guru Peter Drucker wrote in his
famous book, ‘The Effective Executive’:
“There is no inherent reason why medicines should taste horrible — but
effective ones usually do. Similarly, there is no inherent reason why decisions
should be distasteful — but most effective ones are.”
It is not just enough that new space companies are built. There is a
need for an ecosystem where the companies compete and this would lead
to a transformative effect where India is not just the country where jobs
are outsourced to but a hub from where advanced technology is sourced
the world all over. Such an ecosystem in India can be maintained only if
there is a definite institutional framework and policy that encourages and
stimulates innovation and research on a broader scale.

1. Electric Propulsion: Commercial_Space_Transportation_Forecasts_2015
2. SpaceWorks_Nano_Microsatellite_Market_Assessment_January_2014
3. 2016 FAA Annual Compendium.
4. Electric Propulsion Robert G. Jahn, Edgar Y. Choueiri. Princeton
Tech n o l o g y / E P I C _ E l e c t r i c _ P r o p u l s i o n _ I n n ova t i o n _ a n d _
Electric Propulsion & Launch Vehicles: An Indian Perspective 99

7. Status of propulsion technology development under the NASA in-space

propulsion technology program
8. Economic Impact Analysis of the Development of a Rocket Industry
in New Zealand (June 2016), Sapere Research Group
9. Futron 2014 Space Competitiveness Index
10. SpaceWorks Nano/Microsatellite Market Assessment January 2014
11. SpaceWorks Small Satellite Market Observations 2015
12. Commercial Space Transportation Forecasts 2015
13. 2013 Global Launch Vehicle Assessment
14. Satellite Industry Association State of the Satellite Industry Report
September 2014
15. Best Launch Service Survey and Analysis, Futron Group
16. Nano-satellite Launch Vehicles: A Global Perspective and Business Case
Analysis, AIAA
17. Electric Propulsion – ESA (

Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 103

Privatisation of Space in
India and the Need for A Law
Kumar Abhijeet

In the era of commercial use of outer space, private enterprise participation
has been significantly increasing. This escalation is largely because of global
cuts in governmental space budgets and the possibility of
implementingrelatively cheaper space activities through private sector
involvement. Growing interest of private entities in space has generated
much discourse about the need for laws. Does participation of private
entities demand that laws be passed to cover their activities? Generally, any
law is needed to address the interest of stakeholders underlying the subject
of legislation. A space activity,although territorial in origin, actually operates
or is intended to operate in the global commons. Thus for any space
activity, the international community is the first and foremost stakeholder.
The second stakeholder is the State itself, which undertakes a particular
space activity because unlike in other branches of international law, for
space, States bear liability for private actors as well. And the third is the
private enterprise, if indeed a state intends to include them in its space
In India, the private sector has shown remarkable interest in space
activities. Media reports (Business Standard, 13 June, 2016) suggest that by
2020, India’s first private rocket will be set for launch. Yet another media
report (The Indian Express, 4 December, 2016) suggests Team Indus aspires
to tie up with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to plant the
Indian flag on the Moon in 2018. There is no doubt that India has had a
104 Space Policy

robust history in space, and its future holds plenty of promise, too. For
the last five decades space activities in India has been purely governmental
in nature and thus there has been no need for a unique law. Increasing
private sector participation today necessitates immediate attention on the
need for a law. This paper explains the need for a law in the light of
private sector participation, addressing the concerns of all the three
stakeholders in space.

Requirements of the International Community

States were the sole participants during the initial days of space
exploration. Soon, it was anticipated that private entities might also
participate in the future. The Negotiation and drafting history (1962) on
the Outer Space Treaty reveals that the then Soviet Union was in favour
of giving monopoly to governments for all space activities. The United
States, on the other hand, was already then making plans for privately
operated telecommunications.1A compromise was reached, which is
manifested in the wordings of Article VI of the OST:2
“States bear international responsibility for national activities in outer
space…, whether such activities are carried on by the governmental agencies
or non-governmental body corporate by the State concerned. The activities
of non-governmental bodies corporate shall require authorization and
continuing supervision by the State concerned.”3
Thus Article VI of the OST imposes international responsibility upon
States not only for the governmental activities in outer space but even for
non- governmental activities in outer space. It considers both of their
space activities alike, referring to them as ‘national activity’. States bear
international responsibility to ensure that their national activity are carried
out in accordance with the provisions of the OST. For any activity in
outer space undertaken by a private enterprise—for example, operation
and control of a satellite or any other space objects, launching of space
objects, among others—the concerned State bears international
responsibility. Since the responsibility also includes that of ensuring
compliance with the OST, it is important to know what are the
provisions imposed by the OST on both freedoms and limitations of
space activity.
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 105

i. Freedom in Outer Space

Article 1 of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) grants three kinds of freedoms
in outer space, namely: (i) freedom of exploration and use of outer space
including the Moon and other celestial bodies;4 (ii) freedom of access to
all areas of celestial bodies;5and (iii) freedom of scientific investigation in
outer space including the moon and other celestial bodies.6
Hobe (2009) has commented that ‘freedom’ here connotes that any
entity is free to explore or find out possible use of outer space without
any permission from any other state.7 A state is free to take any space
activity(s) including economic activities and even profit from these activities.8
This freedom is not restricted to the government but also available to
non-governmental entities and individuals via Article VI9 of the OST.
The freedom in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial
bodies, is not absolute. There are limitations set by Article 1 and some
express limitations outside Article 1 of the OST. Paragraph 1 of Article 1
provides that the freedom shall be exercised for the “benefit and interests
of all countries” and continues later that it shall be the “province of
mankind”. It reminds the States that outer space is not under the jurisdiction
of specific States and therefore an activity carried out in outer space and
on celestial bodies may not be undertaken for the sole advantage of States.10
The freedom is to be exercised in a non-discriminatory manner, on the
basis of equality.
The limitations stated outside Article 1, meanwhile, include the non-
appropriation principle,11the applicability of international law and the UN
Charter,12 limited military use,13 international responsibility for national
activities,14 and avoidance of harmful contamination in outer space.15These
are discussed in turn in the following sections.

ii. Non-appropriation principle

The freedom of exploration and use of outer space is subject to the non-
appropriation principle. “The exploration and use of outer space…is not
subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of
use or occupation, or by any other means.”16 The ‘non-appropriation’
principle is the fundamental rule regulating the exploration and use of
outer space that aims to protect outer space from the possibility of conflict
106 Space Policy

driven by territorial or colonisation-driven ambition.17 It prohibits sovereign

or territorial claims in outer space. No amount of the use or occupation
of outer space will ever suffice to justify a claim of ownership rights over
the whole or any part of outer space, including the Moon and other
celestial bodies.18

iii. Space Exploration in accordance with international law

Article III of the OST widens the ambit of legal prescription to space
activities and makes international law, including the Charter of the United
Nations, applicable to them. Judge Lachs has expressed that “the obligation
to confirm with the Charter of the United Nations implies not only the
application of provisions of international law as defined by it but also all
those that have grown as a result of the further development of the United
Nations and subjected to a new and more up-to-date interpretation.”19
Thus, new principles set out by the treaties become applicable to space
activities with the development of international law.20 In addition to the
OST, India has signed and ratified the Rescue Agreement, the Liability
Convention, and the Registration Convention. Therefore, all national space
activities must be in accordance with the four space treaties, the international
law in general, and the UN Charter in particular.

iv. Peaceful Use of Outer Space

Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty strives to limit the use of space for
peaceful purposes. It prohibits placing of nuclear weapons or weapons
of mass destruction in the orbit of Earth.21 The establishment of military
bases, installations and fortifications is forbidding, as are the testing of any
type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial
bodies. The Moon and other celestial bodies are to be used exclusively
for peaceful purposes.

v. Liability for damage caused by space objects

It is the responsibility of States to ensure that their national activities are
carried out in conformity with the OST.22 A failure to diligently discharge
this responsibility will make the State liable for damages caused by the
space object. The ‘launching state’ bears international liability to compensate
for damage caused by its space object.23
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 107

vi. Avoidance of harmful contamination

Article IX of the OST may be considered the basis for environmental
protection of outer space and its preservation for peaceful use. Activities
in outer space are considered highly hazardous, possessing the risk of
harm to both terrestrial and outer space environment. States must “conduct
exploration of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies,
in such a way so as to avoid their harmful contamination and also adverse
changes in the environment of the Earth resulting from the introduction
of extraterrestrial matter and, where necessary, [to] adopt appropriate
measures for this purpose.” With respect to private entities participation
in space activities, States must ensure that their activities do not create
debris or if in remote possibility debris is created, they must have adequate
debris remediation measures in place.
Article 51 of the Constitution of India mandates to foster respect for
international law and treaty obligations. At present, space activities in India
are regulated through a few policy documents and rules that are grossly
inadequate to regulate entry of private players in space in light of the
country’s international obligations.24 Thus, effective means of implementing
international obligations must be in the priority agenda for India’s space
legislation. It must be ensured that private entities do take responsibility
for compliance with international treaties, the failure of which may cause
liability for India.

Domestic Requirements

i. Authorisation of space activities

The international obligations laid down by the Outer Space Treaty do not
bind private enterprises.25 Indeed, private entities reap the benefits of space,
whereas all obligations vest with the States. In this respect,the OST itself
provides for a framework determining how to bind private entities.26
“The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space…shall require
authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to
the Treaty.”27Analysts have commented that since sentence 2 of the OST
exclusively deals with the activities of non-governmental entities, therefore
Article VI sentence 2 is the starting point for discussions on the privatisation
of space activities.28
108 Space Policy

However, Article VI prescribes neither the contents of authorisation

nor the manner of authorisation. It is left rather to the discretion of the
State to decide the contents of authorisation. It is clear from sentence 1 of
the OST that compliance is an inherent requirement for authorisation.
Second, since space activities are inherently dangerous,the safety and security
of a nation is of paramount importance. Other issues like environmental
safeguards29 and financial and technological capacities of the private entity
are important factors for authorisation. Liability for damages caused by
space objects30 and registration of space objects31 are other important
international obligations set forth by the OST.

ii. Continuing Supervision

It is important that conditions of authorisation—i.e., compliance with
international obligations, safety and security—are complied with not only
at the time of seeking authorisation but throughout the operation of that
space activity. It is for this reason that Article VI of the OST, in addition to
authorisation of non-governmental activities,also demands continuing
supervision. Existing national space legislations of various countries suggest
that States fulfill this obligation by imposing a duty upon private actors to
furnish the concerned government agency with periodic information. Any
change in the initial conditions of the authorisation issued to the entity
must be communicated to the authorising body. States reserve the right
of search, seizure, inspection of documents and facilities related to the
space activities of these private actors. Failure to comply with any of the
authorisation conditions may invite sanctions from the State in the form
of suspension, termination, or cancellation of authorisation,as well as
possible monetary fines and imprisonment.

iii. Liability for damage caused by space objects

A launching State is internationally liable for damages caused by its space
object.32 A State that launches or procures the launching or from whose
territory or facility an object is launched qualifies as a launching State.33 The
rationale for imposing liability on the launching state for damage inflicted
on other State parties is the interest of the international community in
securing a reliable state liability regime to respond to these ultra-hazardous
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 109

The combined effect of Article VI and Article VII of the OST is that
States are both internationally responsible and liable for damages towards
other State parties and their nationals for their national space activities.35
This obligation extends to assuming liability for private operations for
which a State is responsible under Article VI.36 The Liability Convention37
elaborates further the rules and procedures for damages caused by space
objects. It prescribes a two-fold liability regime: A launching State is
absolutely liable for damages caused by space object on earth or in air
space,38 whereas for damages caused in outer space, liability is on-fault
based.39 In view of the immense risk posed by the ultra-hazardous space
technology, a victim-oriented approach has been taken prescribing non-
fault based, absolute or objective liability.40 In case of two or more States
jointly launching a space object, their liability is joint and several.41
Thus, ‘public liability for private activities’42 is a strong incentive for
States to legislate. “If States are internationally responsible for private space
activities, they have a vital interest in regulating such activities and in making
sure that norms of international space law are respected by private space
actors – as far as possible”.43 It must not be misconstrued that by merely
enacting a legislation, States can escape liability for damage caused by private
entities.44 Rather, liability always vests with the launching State – “once a
launching State, forever a launching.”45 However, by way of legislation a
State can prescribe a mechanism for recourse.46 It can reserve its right to
seek indemnification should a State be required to pay on behalf of its
private entities. Should the State seek absolute indemnification or put a
cap, this will depend upon the space policy of a State towards private
entities. State practices suggest that many States47 put a limit on the liability
of private players beyond which the State itself bears the liability. It serves
as an incentive for private players,though to avail this benefit it is expected
that private entities exercise due diligence. Further, since damages are
oriented to the future, “unlimited in quantum and territory”,48 it is in the
interest of States as well as private enterprise that mandatory third-party
insurance is undertaken.49

iv. Registration of Space Objects

Jurisdiction and control of space objects is determined by the registration
of space objects.50 The Cologne Commentary on Space Law has
110 Space Policy

commented that ‘jurisdiction’ means the legislation and enforcement of

laws and rules in relation to persons and objects and ‘control’ means the
exclusive right and the actual possibility to supervise the activities of a
space object, and if applicable the space object”.51 “Ownership of objects
launched into outer space, including, objects landed or constructed on a
celestial body, and of their component parts is not affected by their presence
in outer space or on a celestial body or by their return to the Earth.”52
The implied requirement of maintaining a national register of space
objects provided for in Article VIII of the OST has been expressly stated
in the Registration Convention. A launching state must maintain a national
registry of objects launched into outer space and must inform the UN
Secretary General of the establishment of such registry.53 Further, it must
furnish the UN Secretary General, as soon as practicable, the information
in a prescribed manner concerning the space object carried on the national
Thus, despite a space activity being undertaken by a private entity, the
respective launching State has yet another obligation to register its space
objects. This is in the interest of State. If the private entity is found violating
its authorisation conditions, a State need not do anything extra to take
over jurisdiction and control.55 By virtue of the registration of space objects,
States already exercise jurisdiction and control of all space objects launched
under their registry. It might appear that the private entities are in a
disadvantageous position but it is rather a win-win situation for both of
them. A State will overtake control of a space object only for non-
compliance of authorisation conditions, which means a private entity must
throughout the operation of its authorised activity strictly adhere to these
conditions. To avoid arbitrary State action it is important that legislation
prescribes authorisation conditions in clear, unambiguous terms, ensuring
transparency and predictability in establishing ‘rule of law’. The registration
of space objects shall also serve as an enabling tool in ensuring ‘continuing
In the era of commercialisation, it is likely that there may be on orbit
sale-purchase/ transfer of space objects. An inter-State sale-purchase/
transfer of space object might be problematic, as it is clear that UN treaties
do not allow the transfer of a launching State’s obligations. It is essential
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 111

that national space legislation prescribes conditions of sale-purchase/

transfer and, in case of inter-State sale-transfer, an Inter-State agreement
shall be needed wherein the transferee State agrees to take all responsibility
for such space object and in case of any liability arising from the sale/
transfer, the transferee State agrees to indemnify the transferor State.56
Article VI of the OST, widely seen as the basis of national space
legislation, only demands authorisation of space activities that could be
achieved by any other means, not necessarily through legislation. But as
discussed earlier, the obligations flowing from international treaties are
highly complicated that it is desirable for States to enact their national
space legislations. In view of the ongoing privatisation of space activities,
the international space law in particular on many counts requires domestic
implementation by means of national laws.57 Realising the importance of
national space legislation, India is working on its draft legislation.58 As
reported in the Deccan Herald,59the inter-ministerial body is currently
reviewing the draft legislation. Once the review is complete, the draft
legislation will be placed in the public domain.60

Concerns of Non-governmental Entities

Space activities are increasingly becoming diversified and more profit-
oriented, relying mainly on contributions from the industrial sector.61 Since
non-governmental entities are the direct beneficiaries of this legislation,
they are prominent stakeholders in national space legislation. National space
legislation must address their needs and requirements as well.62 A potential
investor will expect the rules to be transparent and reliable, which shall in
turn enable them to weigh the risks and resilience factors before entering
into this business that not only entails huge risks but is also costly.63 ‘State
Practice’ suggests that this has been generally achieved through implementing
rules and decrees. In addition to National Space Legislation, implementing
rules and decrees will be required to fill the gaps between theoretical law
and practical necessity. This sets up the immediate future task for the nations,
which are in the process of drafting their respective national space
Legislation should also prescribe an inherent mechanism for their
growth and self-reliance. A study of national space legislations of
112 Space Policy

spacefaring nations could show the path in this regard. Some legislations
prescribe limited liability of private enterprise towards third-party damages,
whereas others provide for reduced administrative fee/waiver of insurance
conditions for certain activities, which could serve as a model for drafters.
The United States and Australia are considered to have the most developed
legal systems for space activities. Until 1984, before the US Commercial
Launch Act put a cap on the liability, private enterprisesdid not get
motivation to engage in space activities because they had to bear unlimited
absolute liability for damages.64 They argued that unlimited absolute liability
would either cause them to perish or would dissuade them from starting
up their business unless an appropriate ceiling was put.65 On the lines of
US, subsequently the 1998 Australian Space Activities Act limited the liability
of Australian national private enterprise. The Explanatory Memorandum66
to the Australia’s Space Activities Bill stated, “imposition on launch operators
of unlimited liability is neither commercially tenable nor desirable from a
competitive standpoint.” Besides limited liability space regulations in
Australia may prescribe for different administrative fee for approved
scientific or educational organisations.67
A similar approach has been experienced with national space legislation
in Europe, including in France, one of the world’s most important spacefaring
nations. A special feature of the French Law on Space Operations is the
possibility of a state guarantee, often considered to be as public subsidy.68
The State owns the responsibility for damages exceeding the insurance
amounts.69 Where the operator provides some other form of financial
guarantee, insurance can be avoided.70 Further, while the French government
has reserved the right to make claims for indemnification by the operator in
cases where it has paid international liability, the “Government will not make
a claim for indemnification if the damage was caused by a space object
used as a part of an operation authorized according to the Act and resulting
from acts targeting governmental interest”.71A similar approach has been
witnessed in the Austrian national space legislation wherein if a space activity
serves science, education and research the insurance amount may be lowered
to the extent of complete waiver depending upon the risk involved and the
financial capacity of the operator.72 Even the South African Space Affairs
Act has a residual clause where the liability of licensee for damage may be
limited or excluded.73
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 113

Initially, private enterprises in the United Kingdom used to self-bear

unlimited liability but beginning in 1 October 2015,74 the UK has also put a
limit on their liability. The latest in the trend comes from Japan. As reported
in the Yomiuri Shimbun,75 Japan has passed outer space-related bills designed
to support space activity by business enterprises and other entities. Through
the outer space activities law, “the government authorizes and stands surety
for rocket launches by the private sector.” The government will share
responsibility for compensating damage on behalf of private enterprise.76
This indicates that the march of national space legislation across the world is
towards shared public-private liability. A limited liability is expected to “prove
effective in making it easier for private enterprises to take up the challenge
of outer space development, which involves enormous risks.”77
Issues of technology transfer; financing and protection of intellectual
property rights are of paramount importance for space commerce.78 The
US Space Code could be a good study in this aspect. “The role of law is
not merely to regulate rights and obligations of subjects, it also provides
norms and institutional mechanism to promote the policy goals of the
community.”79 Thus, intended legislation should serve as an enabling factor
and not as an impediment for the growth of private enterprise. India is also
aspiring to develop its commercial launch industry.80 Undoubtedly, the
experience of launching countries shows that if a viable space industry is to
emerge in India, significant governmental support will be needed not only
during the initial phase,81 but also in latter phases, so long they undertake
space activities.

Articles VI, VII and VIII of the OST establish the primary basis for national
space legislation. At present, there exists a wide gap between the international
requirements and the domestic legal instruments to implement these
obligations. Having successfully demonstrated five decades of space
capabilities, India now needs to formalise and define the institutional legal
mechanism for its space activities. Being a party to existing international
space treaties, India has realised that for promoting private sector
participation it is essential to have space legislation. It is expected that
India’s national space legislation will take care of international obligations
as well domestic requirements, and at the same time, serve as an enabler
114 Space Policy

of space commerce facilitating private enterprise. State practices suggest

that space legislation provides inbuilt mechanism for necessary governmental
support for the growth of the private sector.
Since private space activities are significantly going to increase, national
space legislation is just a beginning step. Depending on the particular kind
of activity—say, commercial launch, remote sensing, satellite
communications, satellite navigation, geo-spatial data usage and others—
further theme-based, specific laws will be needed. This shows that there is
ample scope for developing a robust legal regime for commercial space
activities in India, as has been shown by the United States. Private enterprise
is going to give second impetus to space activities in India and, accordingly,
laws must develop. National space legislation is the immediate need of
the hour if India is to aspire for the 2018 public-private partnership mission
to the Moon, and its first privately built rocket launch in 2020.

1. 1 Gerhard, Michael . 2009. “Article VI.”In Cologne Commentary on Space
Law, Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard Schmidt-Tedd and
Kai-Uwe Schrogl , 105. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
2. Id..
3. UN Doc. A/6352 (16 June 1966) and UN Doc. A/AC.105/C.2/L.13
(11 July 1966) with reference to UN Doc. A/6352.
4. Paragraph 1 Article 1 OST.
5. Paragraph 2 Article 1 OST.
6. Paragraph 3 Article 1 OST.
7. Hobe, Stephan. 2009. “Article I.”In Cologne Commentary on Space Law,
Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard Schmidt-Tedd and Kai-Uwe
Schrogl , 34. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
8. Id at p.35.
9. Article VI OST – “States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international
responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the Moon
and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by
governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring
that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions
set forth in the present Treaty. The activities of non governmental entities
in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall require
authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party
to the Treaty.”
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 115

10. Supra n.7 at 37.

11. Article II OST.
12. Article III OST.
13. Article IV OST.
14. Article VI OST.
15. Article IX OST.
16. Article II OST.
17. Freeland, Steven and Jakhu Ram. 2009. “Article II.”In Cologne Commentary
on Space Law, Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard Schmidt-Tedd
and Kai-Uwe Schrogl , 48. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
18. Id. at p.53.
19. Lachs,Manfred. 1972.The Law of Outer Space – An Experience in
Contemporary Law-Making.Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
20. Id.
21. Article IV OST.
22. Article VI OST.
23. Article VII OST.
24. Abhijeet, Kumar. 2016. “Development of National Space Law for
India.”In Astropolitics 14:2-3, p. 185-202.
25. Meredith, P. L. and Robinson,G.S. 1992.Space Law: A Case Study for the
Practitioner: Implementing a Telecommunications Satellite Business Concept 58,
67. Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff.
26. Dunkvon der,Frans G. 2000. “Launching from ‘Down Under’ the New
Australian Space Activities Act of 1998"In Proceedings of the Forty-Third
Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 132. AIAA.
27. Sentence 2 of the Article VI of the OST.
28. Supra n.1 at 117.
29. Article IX OST.
30. Article VII OST.
31. Article VIII OST.
32. Article VII OST.
33. Id.
34. Kerrest, Armel. 2005. “Liability for Damage caused by Space
Activities.”In Space Law: Current Problems and Perspectives for Future Regulation,
edited by Marietta Benkö and Kai-Uwe Schrogl, 91-111. Eleven
International Publishing. Also see Kerrest, Armel. 2002.”Sharing the Risk
of Space Activities: Three Questions, Three Solutions.”In Project 2001 –
Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, edited by Karl-
116 Space Policy

Heinz Böckstiegel, 136. Cologne: Carl Heyman Verlag.; Kerrest Armel

and Smith, Lesley Jane. 2009. “Article VII.”In Cologne Commentary on
Space Law, Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard Schmidt-Tedd
and Kai-Uwe Schrogl,126-145. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
35. Kerrest Armel and Smith, Lesley Jane. 2009. “Article VII.”In Cologne
Commentary on Space Law, Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard
Schmidt-Tedd and Kai-Uwe Schrogl, 128. Cologne: Carl Heymanns
36. Ibid.
37. The 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage caused by
Space Objects (Liability Convention).
38. Article II Liability Convention.
39. Article III Liability Convention.
40. Lachs,Manfred. 2010.The Law of Outer Space – An Experience in
Contemporary Law-Making, edited by Stephan Hobe and Tanja J. Masson,
115. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
41. Article V Liability Convention.
42. Dunk von der, Frans G. 2011. “The Origins of Authorization: Article
VI of the Outer Space Treaty and International Space Law” In National
Space Legislation in Europe: Issues of Authorization of Private Space Activities
in the Light of European Cooperation, edited by Frans G. von der Dunk, 3-
28. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
43. Marboe, Irmgard; Aoki, Setsuko and Brisibe, Tare. 2015. “2013
Resolution Recommendations on National Legislation Relevant to the
Peaceful Exploration and Use of Outer Space.”In Cologne Commentary
on Space Law, Volume 3, edited by Stephan Hobe, Bernard Schmidt-Tedd
and Kai-Uwe Schrogl, 496. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
44. Marboe, Irmgard. 2011.”National Space Legislation”In Outer Space in
Society, Politics and Law,edited by Christian Brunner and Alexander Soucek,
443. Wien: Springer-Verlag.
45. Hertzfeld, Henry and Dunkvon derFrans G. Bringing Space Law into
the Commercial World: Property Rights Without Sovereignty, Chicago
Journal of International Law (5) 2005, p. 89-90; also see, Dunkvon
der,Frans G. 2009. “The International Law of Outer Space and
Consequences at the National Level for India: Towards an Indian National
Space Law?”In Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy.; Dunkvon
der, Frans G. “The Origins of Authorisation: Article VI of the Outer
Space Treaty and International Space Law.”In National Space Legislation
in Europe edited by Frans G. von der Dunk. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff .
46. Supra n.xxxii.
47. USA, France, Australia, Austria and others.
Privatisation of Space in India and the Need for A Law 117

48. Supra n. xxxii at 130.

49. Gerhard,Michael. 2005. “National space Legislation – Perspectives for
Regulating Private Space Activities.” In Space Law: Current Problems and
Perspectives for Future Regulation, edited by Marietta Benkö and Kai-Uwe
Schrogl, 84. Eleven International Publishing.
50. Article VIII OST - “A State party to the Treaty on whose registry an
object launched into outer space is carried shall retain jurisdiction and
control over such objects and any personnel thereof.”
51. SeeSchmidt-Tedd, Bernard and Mick, Jakhu. 2009. “Article VII.”In
Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Volume 1, edited by Stephan Hobe,
Bernard Schmidt-Tedd and Kai-Uwe Schrogl , 146-168 at 157. Cologne:
Carl Heymanns Verlag.
52. Article VIII OST.
53. Article II Registration Convention.
54. Article IV of the Registration Convention requires each state of registry
to furnish the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the following
information concerning each space object carried on its registry: (a)
name of launching state or states; (b) an appropriate designator of the
space object or its registration number; (c) date and territory or location
of launch; (d) basic orbital parameters, including: (i) nodal period; (ii)
inclination; (iii) apogee; (iv) perigee; and (e) general function of the space
55. Abhijeet, Kumar. 2015. “I Too Have a Road to Outer Space But Do I
Need a Law? The Necessity for National Space Legislation”In Indian
Journal of Air and Space Law July-December, 137-161,157.
56. Gerhard,Michel. 2002. “Transfer of Operation and Control With Respect
to Space Objects –Problems of Responsibility and Liability.” In4 German
Journal of Air and Space Law, 571-581; Chatzipanagiotis,Michel.
2007.”Registration Space Object and Transfer of Ownership in Orbit”,
2 German Journal of Air and Space Law, 229-238.
57. Supra n.xxiv at 133.
58. 2014. “India Working on Space Law to Control Pvt Firms”In Deccan
Herald, 12 November.
59. Ray, Kalyan. 2016. “First Indian Space Law Being Vetted By Military.”In
Deccan Herald, 29 February.
60. Ibid.
61. Impallomeni, Elizabeth Back. 2004.”Article VI of the Outer Space
Treaty.”In Proceedings of the United Nations/ Republic of Korea Workshop on
Space Law(ST/SPACE/22). 76.
62. Gerhard, Michael and Schrogl,Kai-Uwe. 2002.”Report of the Project
2001 Working Group on National Space Legislation”In Project 2001 –
118 Space Policy

Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, edited by

Karl – Heinz Böckstiegel, 541. Cologne: Carl Heyman Verlag.
63. Balakista Reddy statement to the Economic Times reporter; See Malavika
Murali, Startups in Indian space sector need a legal and regulatory
framework in The Economic Times, December 16, 2014.
64. Lyall, Francisand Larsen, Paul B. 2009. Space Law A Treatise. Asghate
Publication; Reynolds, G. H. and Merges,R. P. 1998 “Towards an
Industrial Policy for Outer Space: Problems and Prospects of the
commercial Launch Industry”Jurimetrics 7-42.
65. Ibid.
66. Available at (accessed on 30th November
67. S.59(6A) Australian Space Activities Act, 1998.
68. Marboe, Irmgard. 2015. “National Space Law.”In Handbook of Space
Law edited by Frans von der Dunk with Fabio Tronchetti, 157-160.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
69. Part IV (Liability Towards Third Parties) of the 2008 French Space
Operations Act.
70. Article 6, French Space Operations Act 2008; Supra n. 61.
71. Article 14, French Space Operations Act, 2008.
72. Article 4(4), Austrian Outer Space Act, 2011.
73. S.14, South African Space Affairs Act, 1993.
74. The Deregulation Act of 2015. Also refer Revised Guidance For
Applicants Outer Space Act 1986.
75. The Yomiuri Shimbun (The Japan News) 28 November 2016.
76. Ibid.
77. Ibid.
78. Reddy,Balakista V.2015. “Commercialisation of Space Activity: Need
for a Law.”In Deccan Herald, April 15.
79. Mani,V. S. 2009.”Space Policy and Law in India.” In Journal of Space
Law, Vol.35, No.2.
80. Krishnan, Raghu and Peermohamed, Alnoor. 2016. “India’s first private
rocket set for launch in 2020.”In Business Standard, June 13.
81. Freeland,Steven.2004. “When Laws are Not Enough – The Stalled
Development of An Australian Space Launch Industry” in 80 University
of Western Sydney Law Review8 (1).
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 119

SATCOM Policy: Bridging the

Present and the Future
Ashok G.V. and Riddhi D’Souza

The world is breaking free of the shackles to its imagination and is looking
towards space, not just as means to satisfy its existential curiosity, but to
achieve resource security and bridge people and nations. With the United
States government announcing its support to private enterprises mining
space objects1 and the government of Luxembourg setting up a fund to
enable such activities,2 space is no longer the exclusive forte of governments
alone. These instances reveal an increasing synergy and cooperation between
governments and the private sector. Thus, space, which was once the forte
of governments, now represents an opportunity as well as a responsibility
for the private sector. A partnership between these stakeholders is inevitable
and perhaps even desirable to drive innovation and overcome challenges
associated with leveraging and exploring space.
India, being sixth3 in the list of the world’s spacefaring nations, is not
far behind. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has
demonstrated its capacity for deep-space activity through its Mars mission.
Moreover, the recent achievements of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV) and Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV) have established
that the Indian space programme is not cheap, but in fact, cost competitive
and effective. ISRO is already thinking of models to engage with the
private sector for the operation of the PSLV.4 Seen in conjunction with
the initiative to engage the private sector for satellite integration activities,5
there is no doubt that ISRO is driven by a forward-thinking vision designed
120 Space Policy

to encourage and support the private sector’s aspirations to be part of

India’s space story. While the development of a private space sector in
India represents one part of the reason to actively engage the private
sector, there is a more fundamental need to address grassroots demand
for communication and broadcasting services.
As of 31 June 2016, India recorded close to 159.76 million broadband
subscribers6 and over a billion mobile phone subscribers.7 The demand
for pay-TV alone is projected to hit US$18 billion.8 Consequently, the
Indian market represents huge opportunities for satellite-based
communication services. However, less than 50 percent of commercial
satellite capacity in India is served today by Indian satellites, with the majority
being provided by foreign satellite operators such as SES, Intelsat and
AsiaSat that sub-lease capacity to ISRO.9 In fact, there are now seven
foreign satellite operators, including one high-throughput satellite operator
(Thaicom), that provide bandwidth commercially, the vast majority
indirectly through ISRO.10 This situation is the result of a disparity between
the lack of capacity available from ISRO and the strong growth in demand
in recent years, driven by DTH TV broadcasting.11 It is thus anticipated
that the revenue potential for foreign suppliers of communication satellites
should remain in the hundreds of millions of dollars over the next 10
years, despite continuous improvement of domestic capabilities at ISRO.12
Furthermore, initiatives like the Digital India programme, slated to be
worth US$20 billion13 along with the proposed Goods and Services Tax
Network, which is an online platform for management and compliance
of India’s proposed singular indirect tax regime, is likely to lead to a huge
surge in the market for internet connectivity. Under the circumstances, one
can reasonably assume that India will be the most sought after destination
for both domestic and foreign satellite service providers. Presently, India
has inherent advantages over other countries due to the availability of
skilled workforce, a stable and business-friendly government, positive
investor climate, and low cost of operations14 besides representing an
enormous market opportunity.
Indian companies like Ananth Technologies Limited15 and Astrome16
are already developing satellite systems to meet this demand and they are
driven by both vision and capability that is on par with the best in the
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 121

world. Especially with upcoming space start-ups, what makes the Indian
private sector exceptional is also their commitment to national interests
and their respect and appreciation for the Indian space programme. If
this potent combination of talent and vision among the private space
enterprises in India is integrated with the government-authored space
programme, India can consolidate its position as one of the most powerful
spacefaring nations in the world and indigenise its SATCOM and
Broadcasting infrastructure. However, to give flight to the aspirations of
the private space sector in India, a critical area of need is to put in place an
enabling space policy.
The present Indian space policy is summarised by the following:
- Framework for Satellite Communication in India (‘SATCOM Policy’);
- The Norms, Guidelines and Procedures for implementation of the
Policy framework for satellite communications in India (‘SATCOM
- Remote Sensing Data Policy, 2011 (‘RSDP’);
- Technology Transfer Policy (‘TTP’)
To India’s credit, the sum total of the above policies not only
acknowledgesthe existence of a private space sector in India, but numerous
provisions are made to enable a private space economy by creating a
framework for authorising and launch of satellites, for leveraging the data
generated by remote sensing satellites and also for commercially exploiting
technologies developed by the Indian space programme. With a Foreign
Direct Investment Regime allowing for 100-percent FDI in the
establishment and operation of satellites,17 one would assume that India
would have attracted a significant portion of the global investments in the
space sector. Yet, with all its technical prowess and skilled labour, India’s
private sector has not matured beyond a vibrant vendor ecosystem for
the nation’s space programme.
This chapter examines the role of the SATCOM Policy and Norms
in addressing this predicament and offers a solution-based narrative that is
forward-thinking in vision and collaborative in approach. After all, if the
policy and the norms are suitably reviewed and addressed, it not only can
significantly encourage the private space sector in India but also become
122 Space Policy

the foundation for a strong government-private sector partnership that

will help India achieve its aspirations in space.
The private sector’s engagement with the Indian government are
broadly classified into two categories: 1) Where the government is the
customer for technologies and services developed by private space
enterprises; and 2) Where the government is the enabler for private space
enterprises to do business and become commercially viable. Parallel to
this classification, this chapter recognises that India’s space policy must
also achieve the difficult balancing act of:
a) Ensuring compliance of international obligations;
b) Preservation of national security and the legacy of the Indian space
c) Promoting national interests; and
d) Enabling the aspirations of the private space sector in India.

Understanding SATCOM Policy and Norms

India’s SATCOM policy (‘Policy’) and SATCOM norms (‘Norms’), covers
that area of policy where the government is mostly the facilitator or the
enabler of commercial space activities. The SATCOM Policy, read with
the Norms, addresses three principal subjects:
1. Allocation and utilisation of INSAT Capacity
2. Establishment and Operation of Indian Satellite Systems
3. Use of Foreign Satellites for SATCOM Services

INSAT Capacity
The Policy authorises capacity on the INSAT satellite systems to be leased
to non-government (Indian and foreign) parties as well as for Indian parties
to provide services including TV through Indian Satellites. At the outset,
quota allotted for the Department of Telecommunications, Doordarshan
and All India Radio for the use of INSAT Capacity is untouched. Clause
2.5.2, read with Clause 2.6.2 of the Norms specifies that a certain
percentage of INSAT capacity will be earmarked for lawfully authorised
non-governmental users to provide telecommunication services including
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 123

broadcasting or any other service so authorised by the Department of

The provisions of Clause 2.6 vest discretion in the Department of
Space to oversee and manage the commercial activities of Department
of Space/INSAT or any corporate structure meant for operating INSAT
System. Where the demand exceeds the capacity, the DOS/INSAT is
required to evolve transparent procedures for allocating the capacity which
could either be in the form of auction, good faith negotiations, first-
come first-served, or any other equitable mechanism. The Norms also
envisages an INSAT Coordination Committee to formulate suitable policies
for the use of the INSAT System.

Establishment and Operation of Indian Satellite Systems

For the purpose of authorising launches and operation of satellite systems,
the Norms contemplates a Committee for Authorising the Establishment
and Operation of Indian Satellite Systems (‘CAISS’) that will review
applications seeking Authorisation from the Department of Space to own
and operate an India Registered Satellite System (including the Spacecraft
Control Centre) as well as for setting up a Space Station.
The CAISS draws its composition from the following departments
and ministries of the Government of India:
- Department of Space
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Industry
- Wireless Advisor to the Government of India
As per Section 3.6.1., only an Indian Registered Company may be
allowed to establish and operate an Indian Satellite System. However,
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of up to 100 percent through the
approval route is allowed in the Applicant Company.
Besides the insistence on Indian Applicants, the Applicant must be
able to demonstrate, technical and financial credentials to undertake the
124 Space Policy

construction, launch and operation of the proposed satellite systems within

the time scales contained in its business plan.18 Furthermore, the ground
unit, i.e., the Satellite Control Centre (SCC), must be situated in India.19
The SCC may also be situated at any other place specifically authorised by
the CAISS, provided, however that the same is shifted to a place within
India within two years of the grant of licence.20
As per Section 3.6.7., the Authorisation Contemplated under the
SATCOM Policy and Norms, is primarily for Satellite Communication
Services and specifically, of the following variety:
a. For new Orbit Spectrum
b. In the unplanned bands
c. In the planned bands (in accordance with ITU established Plans)
d. For the allotted orbital slots (in accordance with ITU established plans)
e. At Frequency bands and orbital slots for which India has set up
coordination processes already, in anticipation of requirements.
Therefore, once the application for authorisation to operate a satellite
system is submitted, the next leg of responsibility is on the Administration,
the Wireless Planning and Co-Ordination Wing of the Ministry of
Communications, to secure the orbital spectrum from the ITU, upon
compliance of ITU regulations.21 While the Norms do contemplate
competition for the same orbital spectrum between different applicants,22
they do not prescribe an elaborate mechanism or policy framework for
resolving such conflicts. In addition, for activities specified in (a) and (b)
above, government-owned systems are given first priority.23

Use of Foreign Satellites for SATCOM Services

The Norms adopt a cautious approach towards the use of foreign satellites
for operations in India. Unlike Indian registered satellite systems, use of
foreign satellites in India requires permission of the Indian government
and the same is afforded only in special cases. In fact, further reading of
the policy suggests that such permissions are afforded to:24
- International inter-governmental systems that are owned and operated
by Indian parties but registered in other countries prior to the Indian
state formulating rules for such registration or
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 125

- Where Indian parties have participated in the foreign satellite system

through equity or some other contribution.
- Where such permission is necessary to honour reciprocal arrangement
with the country/countries of registration or ownership of such
foreign satellite systems.
Furthermore, preferential treatment is earmarked for Indian satellite
systems over foreign satellite systems.

Reviewing the Effectiveness of the Policy and the

The Policy and the Norms define the role of the government as an enabler
or facilitator of commercial space activities. While the portions covering
INSAT Capacity management and satellite operations, deals with
downstream space activities, the authorisation of launch of the satellite deals
with upstream space activities. Policies of this nature governing space activities
have to achieve the difficult task of ensuring compliance of international
obligations, ensuring encouragement for commercial space sector and
ensuring national interests. With this in mind, we now map the areas of the
policy and norms, where there is scope for reforms and improvements.

Compliance with International Obligations

India is a signatory to the Outer Space Treaty and is thus responsible for
all space activities arising out of its territory or its mandate. In addition,
space activities are also governed by a number of other international treaties
that, inter alia, prohibit the use of weapons in space, require steps towards
mitigation of space debris, impose obligations to pay compensation for
any damages arising from a nation’s space assets and finally mandate fair
treatment of astronauts landing back on earth, regardless of the region
where they land. This then leads to the question of India’s responsibility
for compliance with these international obligations.
The essential characteristics of responsibility hinge upon certain basic
factors: first, the existence of an international legal obligation in force;
secondly, that there has occurred an act or omission which violates that
obligation and which is imputable to the state responsible , and finally, that
loss or damage has resulted from the unlawful act or omission.25 In the
126 Space Policy

Spanish Zone of Morocco claims, it was held that responsibility is the necessary
corollary of a right. All rights of an international character involve
international responsibility. Responsibility results in the duty to make
reparation if the obligation in question is not met.26 In view of this, it is
now necessary to see what is the international obligation India has assumed
so far as space activities are concerned and then assess the question of
India’s state responsibility under International Law.
So far as the activities of private space enterprises are concerned, the
Outer Space Treaty does mention that the state party can authorise space
activities by non-state actors.27 Such authorisation is provided either by
virtue of law enacted specifically for the said purpose or by virtue of a
contract between the Government of the State Party and the private
enterprise. India has leaned in favour of the latter category of authorization,
i.e., by virtue of contract. Though, it arguably provides a great degree of
discretion and flexibility to India to monitor and regulate space activities,
an ad-hoc contracted based authorisation leaves much to desire for, so far
as compliance with international obligations is concerned.
To begin with, the Convention on International Liability for Damage
caused by Space Objects imposes fault-based liability for damage arising
out of space objects, if the occurrence of such damage is outside of the
surface of the Earth.28 For damage caused to persons or property on
Earth, the liability imposed is absolute in nature.29 The liability for both
kinds of damages is imposed on the state party. Article 5 of the
International Law Commission Draft Articles on Responsibility of States
for Internationally Wrongful Acts (‘ILC Articles’), in reaction to the
proliferation of government agencies and parastatal entities, notes that the
conduct of a person or of an entity not an organ of the state but which is
empowered by the law of that state to exercise elements of governmental
authority shall be considered an act of the state under international law,
provided the person or entity is acting in that capacity in the particular
instance. This provision is intended inter alia to cover the situation of
privatised corporations which retain certain public or regulatory functions.30
Further, Article 8 of the ILC Articles provides that the conduct of a
person or group of persons shall be considered as an act of state under
international law if the person or group of persons is in fact acting on the
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 127

instructions of, or under the direction or control of, that state in carrying
out the conduct.31 Thus, whether or not the breach occurs in the hands of
the Indian government or a private agency authorised by the Indian
government, international law remains insistent on appropriate remedies.
Thus, depending upon the nature of breach of international obligation,
the consequences could be cessation, reparation or compensation. While
India can quantify the liability arising out of these headings, the loss of
reputation on account of such a breach would be immeasurable.
International treaty obligations do not automatically become part of
Indian law. Article 51 (c) of the Constitution of India stipulates that India
shall endeavour to foster respect for international law and treaty obligations
in the dealings of organised peoples with one another. However, this is
part of the Directive Principles of State Policy and thus not binding on
the state as perArticle 37.32 Therefore, India remains particularly vulnerable
in respect of its obligations under International law for space activities
because, on one hand, it is responsible for breach of such obligations but
it has no domestic law which it can use to enforce compliance of
international obligations on non-state actors. That the policy and the norms
do not specify specific consequences if a private space enterprise breaches
India’s international obligations, only aggravates the problem.
To ensure private space enterprises are legally bound to honour India’s
international obligations towards space activities, the solution remains a
legal regime that can either specify civil punitive consequences or criminal
punitive consequences. Civil Punitive consequences such as damages and
compensation can be achieved through contracts or by way of law. But as
far as penal consequences are concerned, such as penalties, fines or
imprisonment, Indian law in consonance with international human rights
jurisprudence, permits penal consequences only by way of explicitly defined
offences under statues. What is not explicitly defined as an offence or a
crime, cannot by implication or interpretation become a crime under Indian
law.33 India thus cannot meaningfully safeguard its obligations under
international law unless it undertakes legislative exercises to render them
enforceable under Indian law.Reviewing the SATCOM Policy and norms,
in view of this discussion, is thus critical for India’s own interest.
India must also remain mindful of obligations under its Bilateral
Investment Treaties (BIT). The provisions of such agreements are
128 Space Policy

remarkably uniform and constitute valuable state practice.34 India itself

has signed BITs with many countries, India is under an obligation to treat
members of the contracting state in a fair and equitable manner and must
refrain from any action that is arbitrary or discriminatory in nature.Yet, in
the recent past, India’s actions, though well within its sovereign domain
have attracted punitive civil consequences under International Law. The
decision of Antrix to cancel the agreement for licensing of spectrum to
Devas (initially slated to be based on non-compliance of transparent
procedures and later slated to be on account of rationing of S band
spectrum), has led to two international arbitrations,35 one of which
culminated in an award requiring India to pay damages to the tune of
US$ 672 million.36 The cancellation of licences in the 2G spectrum case
by the Supreme Court of India, has also provoked arbitration proceedings
by Khaitan Holdings against the state.37
Considering that an ad hoc, contract-based approach to resources
have revealed a pattern of arbitral proceedings against India, there is a
need to review the SATCOM Policy and norms so thatthe engagement
with the private sector is planned and implemented in a manner consistent
with International Investment Law, specifically, with India’s treaty obligations.
While ensuring the review of SATCOM Policy and norms, as set forth
above, is necessary to safeguard India’s own interests under International
law, the other reason why this review is necessary is also to inspire confidence
in the private sector. From the point of view of a private sector enterprise,
not being able to assess India’s position on key facets of international law
creates an atmosphere of uncertainty which can adversely affect business
strategy and planning.
Lastly, as the US38 and Luxembourg39 continue to push the boundaries
of space economy by encouraging asteroid mining through appropriate
legislations, India must take care not to get left behind. India through the
ISRO has always been a responsible spacefaring nation and its history of
a value-based space programme also places upon it, the obligation to
assume thought leadership on emerging areas in space policy, such as
asteroid mining. However, for India to assume its rightful place as a leader
among spacefaring nations, it is time that it projected its confidence through
a space policy that conveys its position on international obligations clearly
and explicitly.
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 129

Separating Regulator from Operator

As much as there is a need and a case for enabling a private space economy
in India, the paramount considerations must remain national interest and
therefore national security, retaining a central role for the Indian Space
Research Organisation and mitigating the risk of international liability arising
out of space activities. Therefore, the Indian government must retain the
function and power of regulating space activities. However, the agency
of the government which will retain this function and power is where
there is scope for reforms and change.
As it stands now, the Department of Space, the ISRO and Antrix
Corporation represent the administrative, executive and commercial wing
of India’s space programme. These three agencies share a symbiotic
relationship and therefore India’s space regulator, despite a history of
integrity and transparency, has nevertheless failed to win the confidence of
the private sector. It is perhaps for this reason that despite the 100-percent
FDI in the SATCOM sector, the investments flowing into the country for
the SATCOM field is only a fraction of its full potential. In principle,
there are two ways of addressing this problem:
1. Creating an independent body similar to the approach of the
Commercial Space Launch Act, 1984 which vested regulatory functions
and powers to the US Department of Transport.
2. Reducing the role of ISRO in operations by transferring the same to
the private sector and retaining only research and development
functions with ISRO.
ISRO has already indicated interest to privatise the PSLV program
and is increasingly looking to the private sector for satellite integration
activities.40 This indicates thought leadership of the ISRO and a certain
drive within the governance circles to align India’s space program with
international best practices. To lend further support to this drive and
initiative, it would be useful for the Indian government to review the
powers of space regulations in independent bodies.

Capacity Management: Aligning capacity with

Market needs
The recent CAG report disclosed the potential for better commercial
exploitation of India’s space assets.41 In other words, satellite capacity,
130 Space Policy

spectrum and frequency related functions represent tremendous potential

for commercialisation and India is yet to leverage the commercial potential
of its space assets. Furthermore, as India looks to the Goods and Services
Tax Network to take its entire indirect tax compliance program online,
the rapid percolation of internet to the last mile is now directly linked to
India’s national interests. This can be better served with High Throughput
Satellites rather than through the time consuming and difficult exercise of
creating the fibre optic network. Yet, the CAG report referred to above,
discloses the need to integrate the understanding of the need on the ground
with the capacity and infrastructure available in the sky.
One way of addressing this need is to enhance the role of the
Department of Telecom (DOT) together with the Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India (TRAI). Under The Government of India (Allocation
of Business Rules) of 1961, DOT has, inter alia, the following functions:
1. Policy, Licensing and Coordination matters relating to telegraphs,
telephones, wireless, data, facsimile and telematic services and other
like forms of communications.
2. International cooperation in matters connected with
telecommunications including matters relating to all international bodies
dealing with telecommunications such as International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), its Radio Regulation Board (RRB),
Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R), Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T), Development Sector (ITU-D),
International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (INTELSAT),
International Mobile Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), Asia Pacific
Telecommunication (APT).”
Furthermore, the following objectives identified in the Final Strategic
Plan42 of the DoT reveals its vision and expertise in the area of
Communications and broadcasting, namely:
• Optimum utilisation of scarce spectrum resource.
• Ensure security in telecom networks and adopt effective measures to
deal with cyber threats.
• Grant of telecom licences in an objective and transparent manner
• Promotion of robust competitive market for telecommunications
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 131

• Convergence of technologies, services and harmonisation of

regulatory framework.
• Convergence of IT, Broadcasting & Telecommunications.
• Refarming of radio frequency spectrum including increased availability
for telecommunications services.
• Rapid expansion of Telecom infrastructure for Voice, Data & Video
with special emphasis on rural and remote areas.

DoT and TRAI have done an admirable job of ensuring India’s edge
in the telecommunication and broadcasting sector. Their sensitivity to India’s
needs on the ground and impeccable understanding of emerging trends
in telecommunication industry is unparalleled as was seen in the context
of the debate around net neutrality.43 Therefore, the DOT and TRAI not
only have the mandate under the Allocation of Business rules, but also the
expertise to manage spectrum, capacity and frequency and also to handle
all issues surrounding the same.
Thus, it would be useful for the SATCOM Policy and Norms to be
amended so as to ensure that spectrum, satellite capacity and frequency
licensing are handled by the DOT and TRAI, with ISRO remaining in an
advisory capacity in order to bridge India’s resources with needs on the
ground.This will ensure that India’s national interests are managed by the
government and address any fears ofnational interests being overwhelmed
by commercial interests. In addition, bridging the understanding of market
needs and realities with the planning for space missions will optimise the
returns on India’s investments into space activities.
It is also relevant to review the procedure specified for allocation of
INSAT Capacity where the demand exceeds availability. While the Norms
mandate that a transparent procedure must be evolved to address excess
demand and insufficient supply, in view of the judgement of the Hon’ble
Apex Court in the famous 2G spectrum matter,44 the procedure to be
adopted for resolving such competition must also comply with the
requirements of reasonableness under Article 14 of the Constitution of
India. Furthermore, one must be skeptical of resorting to the procedure
of “First Come First Serve”, as means to address competition for capacity
in view of the said judgement. Consequently, the existing Policy and Norms
132 Space Policy

must now suitably embrace these changes since 2000 to achieve legal
compliance and alignment with market realities.

Authorisation for launch and operation of Satellite

Lastly, coming to the subject of launch of satellites into space, the
SATCOM Policy and Norms no doubt creates a Committee for the
Authorisation and Establishment of Indian Satellite Systems (CAISS) which
will clear applications to build and launch Indian satellite systems. However,
some concerns and implications arise in view of the SATCOM Norms
and the same are briefly discussed below.
a. The process of applying for and securing licences to own, launch
and operate a Satellite System registered in India is time consuming as
no deadlines are prescribed for clearances of such applications.
b. In the absence of explicit deadlines for the review and approval of
such applications, the Industry must plan for delays in securing
necessary approvals and factor that into their business plans.
c. The Department of Space, the parent organisation of ISRO and
close affiliate of Antrix Corporation, is not only the regulator, but
also a satellite service providerand therefore a competitor in the market
for Space-based services.
d. The Norms do not address the question of access to facilities for
launch of space objects. In other words, mere securing of the licence
to own and operate an Indian Satellite System, does not by itself
mean access to the facilities of ISRO for undertaking the actual launch.
e. The Applicant is not only bound by the SATCOM norms, but it
must also secure licences for the specific services, it proposes to offer
through its Satellite System. For example, telecommunication services
must also comply with the Telegraph Act and secure licenses for
operations. For broadcasters, specific licenses are required under the
Broadcasting Act. 45 Therefore, notwithstanding an effort to
consolidate interested regulators into one single committee, i.e., the
CAISS- single window clearances46 for the Applicant’s overall business
plan and objective in Satellite Communication services does not exist
in practice.
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 133

f. Section 3.7.4 which addresses the monitoring of the activities of the

Applicant, post-grant of license, gives extraordinary powers of
inspection and expropriation in respect of the Satellite System and
Satellite Control Centres. Not only is the Applicant required to file
progress reports in respect of the Satellite System for which license
was secured, but it must address and satisfy the Department of Space
on key issues such as national security.
g. The CAISS has been vested with tremendous discretion in reviewing
applications seeking licenses for operating and managing Satellite
Systems. But the SATCOM Policy and the Norms fail to explicitly
prescribe a framework for the exercise of this discretion.

Furthermore, by prohibiting the services of foreign satellite systems

in India, the only option left for satellite service providers is to launch out
of India by registering the system as an Indian satellite system. But
considering the fact that the application for building and launching satellite
systems is fraught with uncertainties on timelines and costs, private
investments in Indian satellite systems has been negligible to say the least.
That, a key stakeholder in the CAISS is the Department of Space which
also oversees ISRO, there is justifiable apprehension of conflict of interest
among the private sector enterprises who wish to attempt the application
process for launching satellite systems.
In addition, the Norms and the Policy are silent on key issues
surrounding confidentiality of technology disclosures made to the CAISS
by Applicants, liability inter se between pay load owners and launch service
providers in cases of accidents or failure to place payload in the necessary
Therefore, key changes are required to inspire confidence in the industry,
1. CAISS as a body must remain completely independent of the DoS.
2. Laying down the clear framework for how “technical, financial and
legal” considerations is understood by CAISS while determining
whether or not an application for establishment and launch of satellite
system is allowed.
3. Introduction of deadlines for clearing specific phases of the
134 Space Policy

application process. No doubt the Indian government cannot speak

for the timelines involved in securing orbital slots from the ITU, but
it is reasonable to expect deadlines for decisions that involve the
authority of the Indian government exclusively.
4. Introduction of the application fee structure into the policy to enable
better planning for prospective applicants.
5. Introduction of provisions to clarify on issues surrounding insurance,
liability and confidentiality of disclosures made by applicants to the
government while seeking clearances.

Operation of Foreign Satellites in India

At the outset, according preferential treatment to Indian Satellite Systems
over Foreign Satellite Systems is a noble initiative which aligns with the
spirit of the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Startup India’ programmes. Yet, history
is testament to the fact that dependence on foreign satellite systems in
certain instances is inevitable. In this connection, there is a certain mismatch
between the Norms which recognises the need to allow inter-governmental
satellite systems to operate in India subject to authorisations, and the policies
of the DoT and TRAI. To illustrate this, reference is invited to the case
study concerning INMARSAT.
Tata Communications Limited (TCL) was offering INMARSAT
services to ships under the International Long Distance License secured
by it. However, INMARSAT provides its satellite services through a
constellation of 4 (Four) satellites located in Geo Stationary Earth Orbits
vide its I-3 satellites, which were retired with effect from September2014.
This was substituted by their next-generation satellite services provided
vide their IsatPhone Pro.47 In view of the changes in technology, TCL
unsuccessfully attempted an application for a GMPCS license to provide
INMARSAT based services.48 Due to TCL being unable to satisfy the
Department of Telecom (DOT) about interception and control
technologies, its application was rejected.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was then tasked with the
responsibility of setting up a gateway for providing critical communication
services which INMARSAT platform allowed. BSNL entered into a
Memorandum of Understanding with INMARSAT to set up the same.
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 135

But INMARSAT maintained that its services do not qualify as GMPCS

services elsewhere in the world and it would thus be unable to support
BSNL’s application for a GMPCS licence. INMARSAT’s stand was well
founded not only because of its unique service description but also because
the GMPCS license conditions required a gateway to be set up in India
which involves prohibitive costs. Upon this issue being placed before the
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), TRAI viaits report dated
12 May 2014 recommended that a separate licence category be evolved
for grant of clearance to BSNL to provide INMARSAT based services.
However, the time taken for the resolution of this issue left much to
desire for. During this time, critical INMARSAT services necessary for
India government use were left vulnerable.
This case study raises several key points, namely:
1. As far as operation of satellites, use of capacity and licensing of
spectrum and frequency is concerned, TRAI and DOT have
demonstrated their expertise and experience very well and thus, roles
must be carved out for them in amending the SATCOM Policy and
Norms to address latest trends in technology and the industry.
2. SATCOM Policy and Norms, asfar as downstream activities are
concerned, must constantly evolve with specific policies and practices
of the DoT and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
3. It would be useful for the government to draw up a list of essential
services which are available only on foreign satellite systems without
Indian equivalents, to ensure that permission for such foreign satellite
systems will be governed by less red tape and bureaucracy.

India, despite its impressive history, is yet to truly reach the full potential
of its space programme. Here onEarth, better internet connectivity in
remote areas can be achieved through a forward-thinking approach to
high throughput satellites which can then aid the cause of successful and
widespread compliance of the proposed Goods and Services Tax and its
online compliance system, the Goods and Services Tax network. India
can support the aviation sector by adopting a liberal approach to in-flight
entertainment and connectivity. Away from Earth, as the world looks to
136 Space Policy

space objects to achieve resource security, India should not stay far behind
and quickly move to establish its position in deep-space activities, and go
beyond just research.
However, what is needed to complement the vision of ISRO and the
Department of Space, is a clear and explicit legislative exercise governing
space activities. This will have to either amend existing policies discussed
above or substitute them altogether with legislations. However, the emphasis
throughout this exercise must be to ensure a collaborative atmosphere
between the private sector and the government, as opposed to provoking
competition or confrontation. If all stakeholders can be sensitive to the
many competing interests India must address and balance, the country can
effectively assume its position as a world leader in space activities.

1. Loren Grush, “Moon Express becomes first private company to get US
approval for lunar mission,” The Verge, August 3, 2016, http://
2. David Z Morris, “Luxembourg to Invest $227 Million in Asteroid
Mining,” Fortune, June 5, 2016,
3. “India Ranks Among top 10 Nations with Space Programmes: Dr
Radharkrishnan,” Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, IDSA Press
Release, November 11, 2014,
4. “ISRO examining business model for industries in satellite, rocket
production,” Business Standard, April 4, 2014,
5. “ISRO Throws Satellite Making Open To Private Sector,” NDTV, June
24, 2016,
6. Telephone Regulatory Authority of India, “Highlights of Telephone
Subscription Data as on 31st of May, 2016,” Press Release No. 74/
7. Saritha Rai, “India Just Crossed 1 Billion Mobile Subscribers Milestone
And The Excitement’s Just Beginning,” Forbes, January 6, 2016, http://
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 137
8. Harveen Ahluwalia, “India’s pay-TV market to touch $18 billion by 2025:
report,” LiveMint, July 15, 2016,
9. Deepu Krishnan, “Commentary | Challenges and Opportunities in the
Indian Satcom Market,” Space News, February 17, 2014, http://
10. Ibid
11. Ibid
12. Ibid
13. Blaine Curcio,”Putting The Brakes On India’s Satcom Growth,” Northern
Sky Research, January 22, 2015,
14. Narayan Prasad, “Space 2.0 Shaping India’s Leap into the Final Frontier”,
ORF Occasional Paper 68, August 2015,
15. See “Satellite Ser vices”, Ananth Technologies Ltd., https://
16. Dipti Nair, “This space entrepreneur from a small town in Rajasthan is
taking on the Elon Musks of the world,” Your Story, August 11, 2016,
17. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce
and Industry, Government of India, “Consolidated FDI Policy, (Effective
from June 07, 2016),
18. Department of Space, Section 3.6.2 of the SATCOM Norms, http://
19. Department of Space, Section 3.6.4 of the SATCOM Norms, http://
20. Department of Space, Section 3.6.5 of the SATCOM Norms, http://
21. Department of Space, Section SATCOM Norms, http://
22. Department of Space, Sections 3.6.8 and 3.6.11 SATCOM Norms,
138 Space Policy

23. Department of Space, Section 3.6.8 SATCOM Norms, http://
24. Department of Space, Article 4(a) SATCOM Norms, http://
25. Malcom N. Shaw,, International Law, Sixth Edition, Page 781
26. United Nations, “Reports of International Arbitral Awards,” RIAA, p.
615 (1923)
27. Article VI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States
in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and
Other Celestial Bodies (Outer Space Treaty, OST), http://
w w w. u n o o s a . o r g / o o s a / e n / o u r w o r k / s p a c e l aw / t r e a t i e s /
28. Article III of the Convention on International Liability for Damage
Caused by Space Objects,
29. Article II, supra
30. Malcom N. Shaw,, International Law, Sixth Edition, Page 787
31. Malcom N. Shaw,, International Law, Sixth Edition, Page 789
32. For example though India became signatory to the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child in the year 1994, it implemented
the obligation to address the problem of child sexual abuse only in the
year 2012 following the enactment of the Protection of Children from
Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
33. For instance, in Sakshi v. Union of India, (2004) 5 SCC 518, the Hon’ble
Supreme Court refused to hold that Section 375, whose plain language,
which penalised only non consensual peno vaginal intercourse, also
includes other forms of non consensual intercourse.
34. Bernard Kishoiyian, “The Utility of Bilateral Investment Treaties in the
Formulation of Customary International Law,” 14(2) The Northwestern
Journal of International Law and Business,pp. 327-375.
35. Harisankar K Sathyapalan, “The dark matter in Antrix-Devas deal,” The
Hindu, July 28, 2016,
36. ibid
37. "Khaitan Holdings files international arbitration against Indian govt,”
Moneylife, October 1, 2013,
38. Sagi Kfir, “Is Asteroid Mining Legal?,” Deep Space Industries, http://
SATCOM Policy: Bridging the Present and the Future 139

39. "Luxembourg takes first steps to ‘asteroid mining’ law,” June 3, 2016,,
40. Srinivas Laxmani, “Plan to largely privatize PSLV operations by 2020:
Isro chief,” Times of India, February 15, 2016, http://
41. M Matheswaran, “Hot on Mars, but short everywhere else,” The Hindu
Business Line, May 19, 2015,
42. Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and
IT, Government of India, “Strategic Plan 2011-15,” http://
w w w. d o t . g ov. i n / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / F i n a l _ S t ra te g i c _ P l a n -
43. "TRAI supports Net Neutrality, effectively bans Free Basics: All that
happened in this debate,” Indian Express, February 9, 2016, http://
44. Dr. Subramaniam Swamy v. Union of India & Ors., W.P. 10/2011, http:/
45. Department of Space, Section 3.4.3 SATCOM Norms, http://
46. Department of Space, Section 3.5 SATCOM Norms, http://
47. Paragraph 1.12, “Recommendations on Provisioning of INMARSAT/
Satellite Phone Services”, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, 12th
of May, 201
48. Paragraph 1.24 and 1.25, “Recommendations on Provisioning of
INMARSAT/Satellite Phone Services” , Telecom Regulatory Authority
of India, 12th of May, 2014
A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 141


A Review of India’s
Geospatial Policy
Ranjana Kaul

It is accepted that digital connectivity, i.e., to electronically connect all

segments of India’s billion-plus population, including the disproportionately
high numbers of the vulnerable and marginalised, is paramount for all
future developments in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Digital
India’ programme, announced in July 2015, sets out the roadmap to achieve
ambitious national goals aimed at inclusive socio-economic development,
which includes providing citizens ease of online access to government
services through extensive deployment geospatial technologies. The
National Geospatial Policy 2016, issued by the Department of Electronics
and Information Technology (DEITY), represents an adjunct mechanism
for achieving the goals set forth by Digital India. It is in this context that
the National Geospatial Policy (NGP 2016) is relevant because it recognises
that Geospatial Data, Products, Services and Solutions (GDPSS) are
multidisciplinary in nature and are important in the context of national
development. The NGP 2016 does not propose the use of open access,
high-quality geospatial data and information available in India, although it
is being widely usedby the private sector and government departments
for more than a decade now. Be that as it may, NGP 2016 mandates the
use of government-owned geospatial data and information and sets out
terms under which users may access such data and informationas may be
necessary for facilitating development of the required geospatial technology
applications for Digital India. In this context, it is important to note that
although it has issued NGP 2016 and exercises oversight of the Digital
India project, DEITY is not a national repository for government-owned
142 Space Policy

geospatial data and information. In fact, the role of DEITY is limited to

ensuring that India is electronically /digitally connected- i.e., to provide
internet highways to enable geospatial data tools to function efficiently
and achieve Digital India’s objectives. Thus, despite the fact that NGP
2016 has listed various data access procedures, it is clear that the success
of Digital India will depend on whetherthe two national repositories of
geospatial data and information—the Survey of India (under the Ministry
of Defence) and the National Remote Sensing Agency (underthe
Department of Space)—provide other government departments the ease
of access to government-owned geospatial data and information. In turn,
this will aid in the timely implementation of Digital India, which is underthe
purview of DEITY. Thus, the merits of the NGP 2016 wish list and
geospatial data access mechanisms notwithstanding, unless a single statutory
national mechanism to govern the distribution of geospatial data is
established, there is the possibility that NGP 2016 and Digital India may
not meet with success. Thereby hangs the tale.
It is self-evident that pan-India connectivity is a prerequisite to
successfully achieve the ‘Nine Pillars of Digital India’: (i) Broadband
Highways; (ii) Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity; (iii) Public Internet
Access Programme; (iv) e-Governance – Reforming Government through
Technology; (v) eKranti - Electronic delivery of services; (vi) Information
for All; (vii) Electronics Manufacturing; (viii) Digital or IT for Jobs; and
(ix) Early Harvest Programmes. Towards this end, the government proposes
to improve online infrastructure to increase Internet connectivity, thus
facilitating the country to be digitally connected and empowered. Arguably
and without exception, the type of government services to be provided
electronically will necessarily be referenced relative to the geographic
location specific to the user. Indisputably, therefore, geospatial data and
information—which are available in both analogue and digital formats—
is the cardinal content input for developing geospatial technology platforms
for Digital India. As such, the ease of access to government-owned
geospatial data and information in a timely manner cannot be emphasised
enough. Furthermore, because Digital India is also under DEITY, it is
reasonable to assume that NGP 2016 will drive the programme designed
to provide citizens the ease of last-mile facility, as it were, to enable access
to government services electronically through extensive deployment of
A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 143

geospatial technologies. However, this proposition cannot be accepted at

face value.
It is well-known that several government agencies, perhaps even
including those already executing the Nine Pillars of Digital India, find it
easier to use the freely available open-source geospatial products relevant
for India from websites like Google and Yahoo, which have been available
via the Internet in the unregulated private sector. Therefore, if NGP 2016
is to be actuated, it is suggested that without comprehensive cross-institution
coordination rooted in an appropriate statutory mechanisms to ensure
ease of timely access to government owned geospatial data and
information, by user government departments/agencies, it is not possible
to realistically assess the merits and demerits of NGP 2016.
There are three government entities that serve as repository and
suppliers of geospatial data and information in India:
(1). The Survey of India (SOI), established by the colonial power in
1761, is under the Ministry of Defence. It caters mainly to the Ministry.
(1A) The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (‘NATMO’)
an offshoot of SOI, is also linked to DEITY which is tasked to convert
the vast quantum of data sets of survey maps into digital format and to
depict national framework data in the form of thematic maps and atlases
to aid in the country’s development and planning initiatives, including
physiography, hydrology, climate, administrative, political, social, agricultural,
industrial, cultural and economic, as well as to record spatial-temporal
changes that occur. Moreover, the Indian Space Research Organization
(ISRO) is also tasked to provide technical assistance to NATMO for
converting its data sets to digital mode maps; to build required
infrastructure; and to build capacity for remote sensing GI and digital
image processing in the country. Inevitably, the transition of existing digital
mode has been slow. The SOI and NATMO are the only sources in India
for the supply of maps, whether digital or analogue. The geographical
information held by SOI and NATMO is distributed to users in terms of
the licence regime prescribed in the National Map Policy of 2005.
(2). ISRO, on its part, hasalso developed indigenous satellite earth
observation (‘EO’) /remote sensing capability. It aims to provide critical
spatial information necessary for framing policies for achieving national
144 Space Policy

socio-development goals. Currently, India has eleven operational remote

sensing satellites in orbit – RESOURCESAT-1 and 2; CARTOSAT-1, 2,
2A, 2B; RISAT-1 and 2; OCEANSAT-2; Megha-Tropiques; and SARAL.
ISRO focuses on the following areas which are critical for the country’s
socio-economic development:
(i) Natural Resources Inventory & Databases (NRC, CRD, NRDB)
(ii) Food security (FASAL, Cropping System, PFZ, Fish stock)
(iii) Water Security (snow and glaciers, ground water exploration and
recharge, surface water inventory, water quality, water harvesting)
(iv) Natural and human-induced disasters (early warning, pre-cursors,
hazard zonation, vulnerability assessment, preparedness monitoring
and damage assessment) – Support DSC for DMS, NDEM
(v) Infrastructure Development, Urban & Rural planning
(vi) Weather forecasting
(vii) Ocean State Forecasting (Open oceans and coastal)
(viii) Protection of ecosystem & biodiversity (coastal, marine, terrestrial,
forest, wildlife)
(ix) Services to society: through synergy of EO, communication and
navigation (e.g., VRC)
(x) Climate Variability and Change (GBP, biogeochemical cycle aerosol
transport, energy and water balance)
(xi) Earth Science (lithology, geomorphology, mineral (oil exploration,
tectonics, terrain & subsidence); and
(xii) Planetary geology.

All the National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), under the

Department of Space (DOS), is the repository of all the GIS gathered by
ISRO. NRSA is the supplier of satellite images data acquired by Indian
remote sensing satellites in the country and internationally. The NRSA
operates ‘Bhuvan’, the online geo-portal which provides satellite imagery
under terms of the Remote Sensing Distribution Policy 2011 which
laysdown access eligibility and licensing regimes.
(3). In a third vertical, the erstwhile Planning Commission (now Niti
Aayog) established the National Natural Resources Management System
A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 145

(NNRMS) in 1983. The Department of Space (DOS) is the nodal agency.

The NNRMS is an integrated resource management system aimed at
optimising the utilisation of the country’s natural resources by proper and
systematic inventory of resource availability using remote sensing data, in
conjunction with conventional techniques.
Thus, taken together, the SOI/NATMO; ISRO/NRSA and
NNRMS/DOS hold a vast quantum of geospatial data and information
acquired from public funds. The licensing mechanism for access to this
information—as prescribed by the National Map Policy 2005; Remote
Sensing Data Distribution Policy 2011 (including its earlier 2005 version);
and the NGP 2016—are unambiguously weighed in favour of government
users. The policies are restrictive fornon-government users who are required
to comply with cumbersome access eligibility requirements and procedures.
This, despite the fact that each of the said policies declares that its aim is
“to create a knowledge based society”. In this context, it would be instructive to
examine the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy 2012 (NDSAP
2012), which finds mention under sub-heading, Existing Related Policies, in
clause 3 of NGP 2016.
The NDSAP 2012 is an unusual document which contains an objective
statement by Government entirely devoid of frills and semantic
embellishments. The Preamble of the NDSAP 2012 states, inter alia, that
data and information collected with the deployment of public funds should be made
more readily available to all, for enabling rational debate, better decision making and
use in meeting civil society needs. And, that (the) “principles on which data sharing and
accessibility need to be based include: Openness, Flexibility, Transparency, Legal
Conformity, Protection of Intellectual Property, Formal Responsibility, Professionalism,
Standards, Interoperability, Quality, Security, Efficiency, Accountability, Sustainability
and Privacy.”
Clause 3 of the said Policy, in particular, is key to understanding whether
or to what extent the access licence regime prescribed in NGP 2016,
indeed in all other data distribution policies, can become a reality. The
clause states, inter alia, that “The current regime of data management does not
enable open sharing of Government owned data with other arms of the government nor
does it expect proactive disclosure of sharable data available with data owners.” Not
unexpectedly, since its announcement, the National Data Sharing and
146 Space Policy

Accessibility Policy 2012,has stagnated. Unless the government seizes the

singular challenge, so truthfully articulated in the NDSAP 2012, by its horns,
NGP 2016—including Digital India, Smart City, Urban Transportation
and other such programmes—will likely fail.
The current geospatial data and information distribution policies are
premised on the principle of presumption of ‘access denial’—a stark reminder
that the reason for the failure of NDSAP 2012 was the determination of
government departments not to disturb the status quo articulated in clause
3 earlier referred to. The access denial approach is thus a singular
impediment to the optimum use of the country’s valuable national data
resources for the purpose of the public good. As an example, while NGP
(and other data distribution policies) recognise geospatial data as
thepreliminary resource for urban planning, disaster management among
other critical national functions, the experience of the monsoon debacle
across cities in India,in the recent years, seems to suggest otherwise. It is
not known whether the seasonal urban catastrophe is because government
departments are not under statutory obligation to share and to use
government-owned geospatial information, or whether because
government has not yet addressed the urgent need to build inherent
competence and capacity for the appropriate use of the national data
Almost all advanced nations have geospatial data distribution policies
premised on the principle of presumption of open access. As stated earlier,
SOI and NRSA each have a different licensing prescription qualified by
the fact that both are restrictive across the board qua civilian users and are
weighed in favour of government users. It is thus important to properly
appreciate the import of clause 3 of NDSAP 2012, particularly because
NGP 2016 does not address current roadblocks experienced by
government departments, with respect to difficulties in timely and easy
access to government-owned geospatial data held by the two national
data repositories.
It may be recalled, that following the Gulf War of 1990, space
technology applications, including satellite navigation (GPS), remote sensing
satellite imagery and the Internet, until then restricted for military use—
were made available by the US for civil/commercial use. Consequently,
A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 147

foreign commercial satellite services providers began connecting online

worldwide and providing commercial satellite product services. In 1996
the then government-owned Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL)
introduced the Internet in India. By 2005 -2008, Indian citizens were
accessing the freely available range of commercial satellite images, i.e.,
geospatial products and services. Since then, Google and other similar
service providers have been catering to the massive unserved, unregulated
Indian market place. Today, the global commercial satellite service industry
is estimated to be worth in excess of $330 billion. Therefore, “access denial”
to private users, i.e., Indian citizens and companies, under onerous access
procedures is a self-imposed roadblock by the government of India, which
prevents the acceleration of new technology applications by indigenous
innovations and start-up enterprises to assist in the timely achievement of
national economic development goals.
Twenty-five years after the US opened use of military satellite
technologies for commercial purposes, the impact of commercially
available, high-resolution geospatial data combined with satellite navigation
and communications technologies, is having a profound impact on national
and global security concerns that are mutating in so many lethal forms.
This is, undeniably, a matter of legitimate concern nationally and globally.
The fact that citizens have had access via the Internet to unregulated
commercially available foreign geospatial products has raised legitimate
concerns about its impact on India’s national security. Of course, it begs
the question as to why the government made has no attempt to regulate
this emerging sector. Still, it cannot be anyone’s case that that denying, or
severely restricting, citizens from accessing geospatial products held in
government repositories is a solution for security concerns arising out of
easily available geographic information about India. That information is
and has been freely available. The recent draft Geospatial Regulation Bill
2016 issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs aims to prohibit and penalise
unauthorised access, use, and distribution of geospatial information by
private entities, individual and juridical, by visiting draconian penal
consequences upon the offenders. While the regulation of unauthorised
access and unauthorised use of national GI is necessary, the 2016 draft Bill
presented a classic example of ‘shooting the messenger’. Following sharp
public outcry, the draft bill was withdrawn.
148 Space Policy

Admittedly, free and easily available geospatial products and services

have been available in India for over a decade, made possible because foreign
commercial satellite image data service providers were able conduct their
business without restriction. As stated earlier, these products and services
are commonly used by government departments, since admittedly
government departments inter se do not share or resist sharing information.
While, ordinarily, this ought not to be the case, the positive outcome of the
situation has been to serve the excellent purpose of creating awareness among
government functionaries which have created tools for governing such
domains like land record management. Two outstanding examples are
Gujarat and the National Informatics Centre (NIC) which has created unique
tools by using open-access satellite imagery available on Google Earth. As
described earlier, an eco-system of start-up has seeded in India, typically
using open-access satellite images to create location-based services, now
increasingly used in transportation among other business verticals. This
chapter argues that geospatial data and information vested in the government
must be made available to the public at large on the principle of presumption
of open access, albeit within a carefully drafted statutory framework, necessarily
supported by technical and institutional mechanisms capable of meeting
challenges to national safety and security, including those caused by the
unauthorised acquisition, distribution, publication and use of geospatial
products. It cannot be overlooked that the country’s technology-savvy private
entrepreneurs have already successfully opened up commercial opportunities
for themselves by converging geospatial information and positioning
products freely available on online search engines. They have developed
special applications to create products that address several location-specific
management and governance challenges unique to India.
In this context, it is noteworthy that the NGP 2016 recognises the
multidisciplinary nature of Geospatial Data, Products, Services and
Solutions and its importance for national development. However, even
though the Policy sets out an excellent set of propositions, it is not nearly
good enough. Civil society and industry may take heart, but it will get no
further. NGP 2016 reads like a vision statement, and framing a national
geospatial policy remains a challenging and unfinished task.
At this point, it is important to ask a basic question. Do policies,
issued occasionally by government agency or department, have statutory
A Review of India’s Geospatial Policy 149

authority? Can such a policy stand scrutiny in a court of law as to its

enforceability? The short answer is ‘No’. A government policy, at best,
articulates purpose or a wish list for the future development of a specific
sector. It does not have statutory authority, in the same way as a law enacted
by Parliament. Unfortunately, though, policies such as the data distribution
policies such as they are discussed here, subsist because they offer the only
gateway through which private citizens and entities can access the required
GI information. Compliance without demur was the only way, and until
recently, challenge was not an option. Relevant to the topic under discussion,
the National Map Policy and the Spatial Data Distribution Policy 2011 are
examples which prohibit or restrict citizens to access to GIS products,
collected at considerable cost to public funds, are impeding the
commercialisation of such information. In fact, the Remote Sensing Data
Distribution Policy of 2011 is currently under challenge before the High
Court of Delhi.
In the 1990s, the ‘sunshine’ private airlines were regulated by
government in terms of the Draft Aviation Policy 1991. It is no secret that
government’s policy not to allow a level playing field to the private airlines
and government airlines resulted in huge market distortions to the serious
detriment of the emerging sector. Moreover, the aviation sector has for
long carried the burden of staggering financial losses. Finally, twenty-five
years later, India got a national aviation policy in 2016. Perhaps, there is a
lesson here to learn.
It would also do well to recognise that no matter the language used in
a policy document- e.g., use of the word ‘promulgation’in NGP 2016—
policies are not rooted in legal authority and will not stand legal scrutiny.
As such, it is reasonable to assume that NGP 2016 has limited capacity to
drive to fruition the sorely needed pro-active and seamless access to and
distribution of geospatial data and information acquired by spending public
funds, at least, inter se repositories and user government departments to
achieve Digital India. This chapter suggests that providing legal basis to
the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy 2012 may lead the way.
In any event, there is no taking away from the dual-use nature of
geospatial data and information. The control of access to and sharing of
topographical and geospatial data by government repositories is a
150 Space Policy

complicated matter, nationally and globally. Therefore, when considering

a data distribution policy premised on presumption of open access to
national geospatial data and information, such a policy must be issued to
benefit commercial and civil users only after national security imperatives
are already secured. It is nobody’s case that countries that implement GI
data distribution policies based on the open access principle, do so without
securingtheir national interests.
What civil society and industry looks forward to is a multidisciplinary
response for the government of India. The self-evident and admitted
duplication of institutional, regulatory, human resource inputs at the cost
to the public exchequer and the taxpayer is detrimental for national
development and national security, imposing avoidable high costs in time
and opportunity. India urgently needs a single national spatial data
infrastructure, backed by a carefully thought, dynamic National GI policy
that will enable the consolidation of the gains in the past several decades
and further specific national objectives. It is the government’s obligation
to find balanced and nuanced solutions, including technological, to assure
national security and national interest to deal with the challenge of
acquisition, access, use and distribution of geospatial data and information
that is detrimental to India and its citizens. The matter of national security,
evidence-based national development planning and implementation,
enabling private sector to prise open commercial opportunities through
right of access on the basis of best practices regulations—and can no
longer remain moribund. In fact, national socio-economic development
is the paramount building block for assuring that India’s supreme national
interest can no longer be allowed to stumble upon bureaucratic silos and
reluctant mindsets.
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 151


Formation of PSLV Joint

Venture: Legal Issues
Malay Adhikari

India today is well-known for its self-reliant space technology. Of the
many ongoing advancements in India’s space exploration and use, satellite
launching is the most important one. The Indian Space Research
Organisation’s (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has emerged
as its work-horse, which has earned repute both within the domestic and
international context. At the same time, the frequency of PSLV launchings
attracts many domestic private commercial actors – who have been
developing the sub-systemsfor PSLV – who are engaged with ISRO either
directly or indirectly. Space may thus be called a ‘sunrise industry’ in India.
It is worthwhile to analyse whether there could be a possibility of joint
ventures in the near future with these private actors—which may mean
privatisation of PSLV, as the concept of ‘joint venture’ connotes the first
step towards privatisation.
The first point to consider is the legal infrastructure for this joint venture;
unless there is legal tie-up between ISRO and these private actors, the
feasibility of such commercial venture is meaningless. There are various
legal issues that could be solved at the primary stage before proceeding
further for its implementation. This chapter examines some of the legal
issues along with existing opportunities in the legal domain in India.
152 Space Policy

Private Actors in PSLV

The best example of a private actor working with ISRO is Godrej &
Boyce,which has manufactured the VIKAS engine in PSLV.1 There may
be many more significant contributions from private actors to develop
PSLV in future. The private participation raise various questions, foremost
among them is whether there is a possibility of engaging in joint ventures
in launchings, especially PSLV joint ventures (hereinafter referred to as
JV). Does it mean a JV of ISRO with domestic private companies or
some international conglomerate? Or does it indicate a green signal for
some international consortium or alliance where ISRO is one of the
partners? Could it be viewed as first step towards privatisation of PSLV?
Does it sound like PSLV without ISRO and could it be possible now?
Will ISRO or the government of India provide the necessary permission
for its feasibility?
While some of these questions may appear to be hypothetical, they in
fact touch upon future reality, considering that the role of ISRO would
become more regulatory in nature in the coming decades. The ISRO will
likely serve only as a regulatory authority for launchings from India, and
not perform thelaunch itself. The following discussion is an attempt to
find answers to these queries in the context of existing legislation.

Interpretation of ‘Joint Venture’ or ‘Privatisation’

A brief explanation of “JV” or ‘privatisation concerned with space
activities’, in general, is needed as a first step in understanding JV of PSLV.
At the beginning of the space era, it was the state that played the role of
both actor and regulator in space activities. This has changed, and today
the role of statesis diminished.2 Increasingly, private actors like national
and multinational firms having advanced technology have been taking
initiatives to launch into space their privately built instruments. Their purpose
would be to gather economic benefits from the potential yields of outer
space, and this phenomenon is referred to as the commercialisationof
space.2 The other explanation of this development is that free enterprise
does not exist in the long run where there is no possibility of profit.3
These private actors are mainly incorporated as companies. National
companies are subject to the laws of the country of their registration.
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 153

Their structure can be complicated.4 For example, the state becomes the
major shareholder—like in the case of French private launching company,
Ariane space, where the country’s national space agency, CNES, holds the
majority of shares (34.68 percent).5 Though there is a recent proposal to
sell all the shares of the French government to Airbus Safran Launchers, it
has not been implemented. In such companies, government control exists
by default. It is pertinent to note that the government does not even have
to retain equity in an enterprise to have control over it—especially in a
sector as strategic as space.6
The complexity is increased by interpreting the concept of
‘privatisation’, a phenomenon that began in the 1980s. Its simplest
interpretation is the transfer of ownership from public to private sectors.
But its critical interpretation adds the layer of liberalisation. Therefore, the
process of privatisation may or may not be involved with liberalisation.
One example is that private monopoly could exist in a country when the
ownership of a public entity was transferred to a private entity. In the case
of telecommunications, a part of the space industry, there are different
types of privatisation. One type is private sectors’ participation without
privatisation or liberalisation, as in the case of the People’s Republic of
China and of Saudi Arabia. There is also another type –liberalisation
without privatisation, such as in Finland with regard to Telecom Finland.7
In this context, space activities having commercial interest are not
distinctly separate from those having public interest. It is not easy to
differentiate clearly between the functions of the private and public (state)
sectors. Some enterprises perform dual roles like performing public service
but also having commercial operations. The private enterprises in
commercial space activities may depend on the public (state) sectors in
areas like hiring of launchers, or leasing of communication channels. In
the reverse, the public sector may depend on the private sector for the
supply of technology and equipment according to a commercial contract
between them.8
Therefore, private actors in space may co-exist with state actors, who
also serve as regulatory agencies. Of course, this inter-dependence varies
from one country to another, determined by state policy.
154 Space Policy

Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty (1967) contains the legal provision
about this co-existence or inter-dependency. The relevant portion of the
Article says:
“states are internationally responsible for national activities in outer
space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, whether
such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-
governmental agencies .... The activities of the non-governmental
entities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies,
shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the
appropriate State Party to the Treaty ....”
This is the only provision in the existing state-centric space law that
finds some place or justification for actors in space not to be from
The text of Article VI is concerned not about a principle of ‘free
private enterprise’, but about the indirect recognition of a state’s right to
permit space activity as an exception by non-governmental legal entities.
There are two conditions attached with this exception: (i) the state bears
international responsibility for their activity; and (ii) the state authorises and
constantly supervises this activity which ensures that it conforms to the
provisions of the Space Treaty.10 But the forms of authorisation and
supervision are not specified. No condition is prescribed for this
authorisation, although the state indirectly supervises the activity.

Examples of JV in Launching Outside India

The legal interpretation of JV follows the examples of some foreign
private companies that have already entered into JVs. There are two
categories: (i) state with private companies; and (ii) private companies with
other companies in the same country or a different one.

(i) State with private companies

The launching company, Arianespace, first began their joint venture in
1980.9 In 2003 the same company joined with the Boeing Launch Services
and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) to create the Launch Services
Alliance. The purpose was to provide customers with flexible, reliable
and on-time delivery to orbit.10 This alliance is one of the best examples
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 155

of a conglomeration. Another example is the Russian company,

International Launch Services11 (ILS). Khrunichev, the Russian government
company, became the majority shareholder of ILS.12
The European-Russian Organization, Strasem,13 meanwhile, is unique
because of the mixture of a corporation and the national space agency to
increase the volume of business. These are Astrium, Arianespace, the Russian
Federal Space Agency, and the Samara Space Center (TsSKB-Progress).
Starsem was established to commercialise the Soyuz launch vehicle
internationally.14 Therefore, such JV encourages private actors through
the infrastructure developed by the state.

(ii) Private companies with other companies in same or

different countries
The second type has been basically formed with the expectation of intensive
commercialisation of the launching industry. Sometimes the technology
can be too costly that small private actors could not sustain themselves on
their own and decide to enter into joint ventures with bigger companies.
The following are a few examples.
The Russian company, Eurockot Launch Services,15 was attached later
with the EADS to get assistance and support. The two parent companies
behind the venture were Khrunichev Space Center and EADS.16 The
presumption is that the EADS would like to survive the fierce competition
by having the support of Eurockot.
The service of Sea Launch AG,17 meanwhile, which was incorporated
in Switzerland, has four major subcontractors: Energia Logistics United
States, Energia Logistics Russian Federation, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space
Corporation, and Boeing Commercial Space Company.18 The low-profile
Sea Launch AG hired the services of the comparatively high-profile space
companies. It could be said that interdependence is the corporate mantra
that has allowed low-profile actors to survive.
In India today, there are still no space activities among private actors
as extensive as those in European countries and the US. The private actors
have worked under different circumstances in India’s space sector. They
are mainly dependent on ISRO as consumer of their products. The few
existing domestic companies associated with PSLV are Walchandnagar
156 Space Policy

Industries Ltd.19 Godrej & Boyce,20 among others that include small and
medium-size enterprises that may not be well-known domestically, much
less inthe international space market. However, proactive JVs like the above
examples from foreign countries are yet to start in India, as the country
still lacks the necessary legal infrastructure to work out such joint ventures.

Legal Issues In Joint Ventures

The JV of PSLV may be argued in the context of certain legal issues like
liability, IPR, or technology transfer, financing including insurance, safety,
and dispute settlement. There may be other issues besides these primary
legal issues. These issues are to be solved legally when any JV related with
launching is planned in any country, as space is considered as global
commons. It may, however, be the case that some issues are regarded as
more sensitive in one country compared to another, depending on these
countries’ overall technological advancement. Thus, it is difficult to predict
in which sequence these issues will emerge when PSLV-JV is considered,
and not only because the PSLV-JV will take time to obtain final approval.
The issues are then likely to become more or less significant than what
they appear right now. What is certain, though, is that the primary issue is
that of liability.

(1) Liability:
Liability has always been an issue in this arena since the state-centric era of
space launches. An effort is made first to analyse how liability is reflected
within the texts of space law. Article VII of the Outer Space Treaty21
makes provisions for liability, imposing it only on states. A separate
international liability regime for space activities was eventually enacted
with the Convention on International Liability for Damages Caused by
Space Objects (1972, or the Liability Convention). This Convention also
mentions liability for damages caused by space objects launched by a
state.22 It was unthinkable at the time these two instruments were established
that eventually, private actors would pursue the same space activities and
therefore liability was attached to states alone. The states were also made
responsible and liable for the activities pursued by any non-governmental
entities. The space treaties are silent about the direct liability of private
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 157

This principle of ‘liability’ within the provisions of space law has

become increasingly outdated over the recent decades, as the number of
private actors in space increased. Such actors, though engaged with
different space activities, encounter similarly crucial areas of liability. One
of these is launch activities, where private entities heavily engage and derive
profits. Under the existing liability regime, the launching company is not
held liable in the event of damage during or after launch; rather, it is
the launching state, as defined in Article I of the Liability Convention and
whether or not it had knowledge or involvement in such launch.23 Yet it
has become neither feasible nor justified to make the states solely responsible
in the context of increasing number of private entities engaged in space
activities.24 The Liability Convention has not considered the individual
liability of private bodies. In case, for example, a space object has been
transferred whether by sale, lease or secured financing to private operators
in countries that are not launching states, then the question arises as to how
liability will be imposed on the private satellite operators. It is unfair to
hold the original state liable in such cases.25

(2) Technology Transfer:

This issue is dealt with under existing Intellectual Property Rights regime.
When there is a consideration for joint venture, it is obvious that the parties
of such business effort have to exchange technologies. The World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has observed that:
“…..due to financial and technical resources which are required to
realize space projects, collaboration with the private sector is not
alien to many of the state-owned space agencies today. Licensing
contracts are concluded between governmental space agencies,
between governmental agencies and private companies and between
private companies. Such private financing has to be motivated by
the expectation that the R & D investment could be recovered in
the future. Thus, the acquisition and protection of intellectual
property rights would have a positive effect on the participation
of the private sector in the development of outer space activities
and on further development of space technology in general.”26
This observation of WIPO is a general one related to space technology
and its R & D. It is equally true when the launch is to be performed jointly
by different actors both from public and private sectors.
158 Space Policy

(3) Insurance:
The insurance for any launch is another legal issue that comes under financing.
The major economic hurdle arises from financing all private space activities
that require high-value investment with high risk. Space insurance is a difficult
task for any organisation, including the government. The principal difficulty
of a financer or an insurer is the security on its investment. In case of any
space disaster, how will the resources invested be returned?
To addressthis question, the International Institute for the Unification
of Private Law (UNIDROIT) has adopted a Protocol known as the
Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters
Specific to Space Asset. The matter was discussed during the final
proceeding of the Convention, according to Article XXXIV of the
Protocol. It shall not affect states’ rights and duties under the existing
space laws and the legal instruments of the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU). Whether the final Space Protocol fully respects this public
law supersession clause may be the subject of subsequent scrutiny. The
objective is to lower the cost of space asset financing by way of facilitation.
But major commercial satellite operators are unconvinced of the need for
the new legal instrument. Advocates, however, believe that the space
protocol will be a valuable tool for small satellite operators and start-up
companies. It will also make the industry more competitive.27
This Protocol, however, is not in force because it has not obtained the
required number of signatories.28

(4) Safety:
The safety related with space activities is going to be a more crucial area in this
era of space activity dominated by private actors. The safety question involves
the launch site processing, ground safety, launch safety, and many more.29
Disasters like those of Columbia and Challenger happened under the regime
of non-commercial space exploration. Today under the era of commer-
cialisation followed by privatisation, safety becomes a paramount criteria.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) took up the
issue in their symposium in March 2015, jointly organised with the UN
Office of Outer Space (UNOOSA).30
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 159

The problem is compounded by the involvement of spaceport, aircraft

and balloon-launched spacecraft. Some have abort-and-escape systems,
whereas others do not. Overall, the safety features of these various launch
systems are totally diverse. There are dozens of spaceports being developed
around the world under the jurisdiction of different national laws. The
safety standards and regulations that govern spaceports and launch and
re-entry operations vary widely. There are government-licensed spaceports
and there are others that are not.31
Indeed, a uniform safety standard under different technical systems within
different jurisdictions is difficult to maintain. There are no common safety
standards and procedures for space operations, and none is equally protected
from the risks attached with a launch.32In spite of efforts from the
UNCOPUOS and the ICAO to regulate private space ventures, the issue of
safety remains problematic. In 2004, the International Association for the
Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) was established as a non-profit
organisation, and in 2010 it was granted observer status at UNCOPUOS.33

(5) Dispute Settlements:

The probable JV in launch activities could cause disputes of the nature
that India had already experienced in the telecommunication sector with
the Antrix-Devas deal. This is because the same problems remain, and are
applicable in the space as well, whether state-centric or private. To begin
with, disputes in general tend to be an ‘expected’ outcome of
commercialisation. But why it is necessary to think about the mechanism
for settlement of disputes specifically in the present context of space launch
activities? Space activities are becoming increasingly more complex but
not always expensive compared to their spin-off benefits. These activities
also involve more actors eager to turn in profits from their ventures. The
technological impact is on the larger section of society. Further, space is
interdisciplinary and related with physics, economics, trade, diplomacy,
information technology, and engineering. It thus requires a specific dispute
settlement system.34
Under the existing provisions of space law, the OST35 provides some
relevant provisions on cooperation, mutual assistance and
consultations;there are no rules on actual dispute settlement.36 The Liability
160 Space Policy

Convention, meanwhile—which refers to the Claims Commission37any

issue of damage caused by a space object—has no binding effect. There
is no provision for settlement of disputes in any other space law treaties.38
While the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) has optional rules for
arbitration of disputes relating to outer space activities,39 it is not mandatory
to approach them for any kind of disputes related with outer space ventures
including launch activities.

Existing Regulations in India for Advancing JV

In India, there are no direct policies on launch activities in the manner of
the Remote Sensing Data Policy of 2011, for example, or the SATCOM
Policy of 2000. The ISRO has its own well-defined Technology Transfer
Policy,40 but the technology transfer has occurred in other applications and
not for PSLV.41 The JV with a domestic private actor may not be as
serious a concern like its foreign counterparts, but a successful JV would
likely result in higher revenuesand more business opportunities. The ISRO
will then have to cross national boundaries.
The ISRO has an Industry Participation Policy, a Commercialisation
Policy, and International Co-operation Policy.42 Not all policies, however,
are available in the public domain and it is difficult to determine whether
PSLV-JV may be supported by these policies.
The existing legislations that may be useful for the joint venture are
insurance laws, IPR laws, safety laws, and dispute settlement laws. There is
a proposed ‘Space Act’ in the 12th Five-Year-Plan,43 which may be a
comprehensive one. It is not known though when it will be enacted.
Insurance laws include the Insurance Act 1938 and Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority Act 1999. IPR provisions are found in the
Copyright Act 1957, Patents Act 1970 (Amendment 1999), and Trade
Marks Act, 1999; safety is covered in the Explosives Act, 1884, Explosive
Substances Act, 1908, Inflammable Substances Act, 1952 and Dangerous
Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983. Meanwhile, the dispute settlement
provisions are found in the Indian Penal Code, 1860; Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973; Economic Offences (Inapplicability of Limitation) Act,
1974; Consumer Protection Act, 1986; Arbitration & Conciliation Act,
1996 and Competition Act, 2002.
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 161

Besides these policies and legislations, there is institutional procedure

to regulate Joint Ventures. It could be an existing institution like the Society
of Indian Aerospace Technologies & Industries (SIATI)44 or a separate
one that will be established for private launch actors. The discussions and
debates within such institution will gradually regulate the PSLV JV.
Therefore, the process of institutionalisation is itself part of the regulatory

The consecutive and successive performances of PSLV launch activities
increase demand all over the world. The same demand is the force that
pushes for a PSLV joint venture. Whether or not the Indian government
is ready, the launch market is. India has certain policies from the ISRO but
when the share in terms of investment is more than that of ISRO in such
JV, the existing policy will not be effective. It implies that no suitable
policy exists for any type of PSLV JV. The legislations are general ones. If
the PSLV will be more demanding all over the world and there is a
possibility for ventures in India like Arianespace, the government may
then think of a ‘PSLV Act’.
It is time to chalk out a National Launching Policy prioritising PSLV.
The legal outlook of this Policy should be international, within legal
jurisdiction in India. Second, there is a dire need to institutionalise PSLV
JV, which should directly reach to the government of India instead of the

1. M. Ramesh (2014), “Godrej Aerospace to make semi-cryogenic engines”,
vikas-engines-for-isros-rockets/article6705014.ece (Accessed on 26
November, 2016)
2. Reijnen, G.C.M. (1981). Utilization of Outer Space and International
Law. Amsterdam: Elsevier. p. 107.
3. Dula, Art (1985), “Private Sector Activities in Outer Space”, The
International Lawyer, 19(1), p. 187 .
4. Fawcett, J.E.S. (1984). Outer Space New Challenges to Law and Policy.
Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 37.
162 Space Policy

5. Carminati, Giugi (2014). French National Space Legislation: a Brief

“Parcours” of a Long History. Houston Journal of International Law,
36(1). pp. 5-6.
6. Peter B. de Selding (2015), “French Divestment Will Put Arianespace in
Airbus Safran’s Hands “,
put-arianespace-in-airbus-safrans-hands/ (Accessed on 27 November,
7. Latipulhayat, Atip (2006), Privatisation of Telecommunications in the
Developing World: a Lesson Learned orBurden Imposed, In Corinne
M. Contant Jorgenson (Ed.) Proceedings of the 48th Colloquium of
the Law of Outer Space, Washington: American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics. pp. 425-426.
8. See n. 5. p. 38.
9. Arianespace.
(Accessed on 15 July, 2016).
10. Ibid.
11. International Launch Services. on
15 July, 2016).
12. International Launch Services.
legacy; See also; Also
success-intelsat-23-provide-enhanced-capacity-americas-euro. (Accessed
on 16 July, 2016).
13. Starsem. (Accessed on 15 July, 2016).
14. on 15 July,
15. Eurockot Launch Services. on 15
July, 2016).
16. Eurockot launch Services.
profile/ (Accessed on 16 July, 2016).
17. Sea Launch AG. (Accessed on 15 July, 2016).
Roles__Responsibilities.aspx (Accessed on 15 July, 2016).
v2.pdf (Accessed on 25 July, 2016).
20. on 25
July, 2016).
21. See Article VII of the OST, 1967.
22. See Article II of the Liability Convention, 1972.
Formation of PSLV Joint Venture: Legal Issues 163

23. Lee, Ricky J. (2000). Reconciling International Space Law with the
Commercial Realities of the Twenty-first Century. Singapore Journal of
International and Comparative Law, 4 (1). p. 229.
24. Zhao, Yun (2009). Space Commercialization and the Development of
Space Law from a Chinese Legal Perspective, New York: Nova Science
Publishers. 46.
25. Larsen, Paul B. (2002). Future Protocol on Security Interests in Space
Assets. Journal of Air Law & Commerce, 67(2). pp. 1091-1092.
26. Issue paper prepared by International Bureau of WIPO, April 2004.
pdf/ip_space.pdf (Accessed on 17 August, 2016).
27. Brief Report of the Final Space Protocol by Paul B. Larsen. http:// (Accessed on 25 July, 2016).
28. on 25 July, 2016).
29. Jakhu, R.S. et al., (2011). The Need for an Integrated Regulatory Regime
for Aviation and Space ICAO for Space?, New York: Springer. pp. 71-
(Accessed on 30 July, 2016)
31. Pelton, Joseph N. (2010). The International Challenges of Regulation
of Commercial Space Flight, In Joseph N. Pelton and Ram S. Jakhu
(Eds.), Space Safety Regulations and Standards, Oxford: Elsevier. pp.
32. See n. 31. p. xii.
33. International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. http:// (Accessed on 3 August, 2016)
34. Goh, G.M. (2007). Dispute Settlement in International Space Law: A
Multi-Door Courthouse for Outer Space. Leiden: M.N. Publishers. p. 3.
35. Article III and IX of OST.
36. Bockstiegel, K.H. (1985). Proposed Draft Convention on the Settlement
of Space Law Disputes, Journal of Space Law, 12 (2). p. 136.
37. Article XIV of the Liability Convention.
38. Diederiks-Verschoor, I.E. H. (1998). The Settlements of Disputes in
Space: New Developments. Journal of Space Law, Vol. 26 (1). p. 42.
for-Arbitration-...(Accessed on 02 August, 2016)
40. on 02 August,
164 Space Policy

transferred(Accessed on 02 August, 2016)
42. H.N. Madhusudan, Doing Business with ISRO Opportunities/
Procedures, on
29 November 2016)
43. 12th Plan Working Group of the Department of SpaceWG-14:
Report.Para 5.3.10
wg_dos2905-report.pdf (Accessed on 29 November 2016)
44. Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies & Industries. https:// on 29 November 2016). The
objectives of SIATI have mentioned so many opportunities to develop
industrial platform concerned with aerospace.
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 165


Exploring Space as an
Instrument in India’s
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
Vidya Sagar Reddy

A country’s foreign policy comprises decisions, strategies and procedures
guided by the directive principles of the Constitution and past experiences,
wielded to maximise national interests. The size, geographic location, history,
future aspirations, human and natural resources characterise these national
interests from within, while global dynamics casts its external influence.
Developments in science and technology both shape and help secure national
interests. Some of the niche areas that underpin the global political and
economic order include shipbuilding, communications, nuclear and rocket
sciences, nanotechnology, robotics and artificial intelligence.
The newly independent India laid emphasis on developing science
and technology for the country’s socio-economic development. This is
the vision that continues to drive development of space technology in
India. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was created to
undertake projects including communications, weather forecasting, and
navigation, in the service of the country’s development needs. Self-reliance
in space technology empowered India to choose its own path of political
and economic organisationas well as elevate its standing in the international
community. This progress is not without fluctuations, as the country’s
changing foreign policy attitude since Independence influenced the advances
in the space programme, and vice-versa.
166 Space Policy

Idealism as Working Principle

India had devised the policy of ‘Non-Alignment’ to guide its foreign relations
following Independence. This policy enabled the country to stay neutral
amidst competition among the superpowers and create a favourable
environment for its economic growth. This policy also allowed India to
maintain cordial relations with the rest of the world, including the two centres
of power. Cooperation with the two power blocs was critical for increasing
food production, mechanisation of various industries and improving the
standards of education and producing skilled workforce – measures that
were required for revitalising India’s economy.
This progress would not have been possible if India neglected indigenous
scientific and technological innovation. Therefore, India set up various
academic and research institutions like the Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research in 1942, the Atomic Energy Commission in 1948, first Indian
Institute of Technology in 1951, ISRO in 1969, among others. The father
of India’s space programme, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, declared that India should
be the foremost among nations in using space technology for society’s
However, India was lacking basic infrastructure and training to develop
indigenous scientific products that would solve the country’s pressing
problems. Necessity thus drove cooperation and foreign assistance. India
had to carefully negotiate with the advanced countries and convince them to
invest in the country’s scientific disciplines without the need to surrender its
As a result, India’s successes in outer space during the early history of
the programme were dependent on the assistance of advanced countries.
India received sounding rockets from the United States, had its scientists like
Abdul Kalam and his peers trained at American research centres and
conducted experiments on satellite communications (Satellite Instructional
Television Experiment). The Soviet Union launched India’s first artificial
satellite Aryabhatta and later its experimental remote sensing satellites. India’s
first geostationary communications satellite, the Ariane Passenger Payload
Experiment, was launched using the French Ariane 1 launch vehicle in 1981.
The skill with which India practiced the art of fulfilling its national interests
was primarily evident with the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 167

where the US, the Soviet Union and France made contributions. Later, India
dedicated this station to the United Nations in good faith of the organisation’s
contributions towards keeping outer space free from conflict.

Adopting Realism
The fast-changing geopolitical situation in southern Asia during the 1960s
questioned India’s adherence to idealism as the foundation of its foreign
policy. China’s attack across the Himalayan border in 1962 challenged India’s
tryst with peaceful principles in international relations. The US military
assistance to Pakistan during the 1971 war and its diplomatic recognition of
nuclear China permanently altered India’s foreign policy calculus.
This embrace of ‘realism’ also came to challenge India’s idealistic
perception of high-end technologies, leading to the test of a peaceful nuclear
device in 1974. Outer space also became a strategic tool in this scenario.
Therefore, India responded positively to the Soviet Union’s proposal to
launch an Indian to the Mir space station as part of the Intercosmos
programme. This programme was designed to launch astronauts from non-
Soviet countries to bolster the Soviet Union’s technological status as well as
strengthen its diplomatic connections. Thus, Rakesh Sharma became India’s
first astronaut in 1984.
The 1980s and 1990s saw India’s space research and launch activities
being subjected to international scrutiny and sanctions. The Missile Technology
Control Regime (MTCR) was established on the suspicion that ISRO’s launch
vehicle technology was diverted for building India’s missile programme.
The MTCR became a tool to upset India’s deal with Russia for transferring
cryogenic engine technology that would have made India self-reliant in
launching geostationary satellites. Sanctions were imposed on India’s space
entities, ignoring the fact that cryogenic engines offer no strategic value,
especially in the development of ballistic missiles. These sanctions turned out
to be a blessing as India decided to invest in its scientific potential with
renewed emphasis and develop the required technologies indigenously.

Initiating the Era of Technological Self-Reliance

On 20 September 1993, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) primarily
designed for remote sensing requirements made its debut. It had a
168 Space Policy

tremendous flying record successfully launching India’s navigation, weather,

remote sensing and communications (GSAT-12) satellites. The PSLV also
launched India’s mission to the Moon – Chandrayaan-1, and mission to
Mars – the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). In addition, it launched 74
foreign satellites as of 2016 for about 20 countries including Germany,
France, the US, Singapore, Indonesia, and Israel.2 The international launches
between January 2013 and December 2015, totalling 28 satellites, earned
India $86 million in revenue.3
The PSLV is truly a strategic asset for India, helping the country gain
self-reliance in critical technologies and retain strategic autonomy in
international affairs. By possessing the capability to reach outer space
independently, India need not trade its political or economic interests for
an assurance on satellite launch service.
In addition to the launch services, India was also able to market its
space services to the outside world, including entering into agreements with
US-based companies. In 1995, the US-based space imaging company
EOSAT entered into a 10-year agreement with ISRO to market India’s
own remote sensing products across the globe.4 Another deal amounting to
$10 million was signed with International Telecommunications Satellite
Organization (INTELSAT) in January 1995 that allowed the company to
lease 11 transponders onboard India’s INSAT-2E for a period of 10 years.5
In the backdrop of India’s economic liberalisation, the space launch and
applications services developed by ISRO enabled the country to establish
business connections with the global space industry.
And despite the impact of MTCR sanctions, Indian and American space
research institutions became partners in bilateral and international initiatives.
India helped extend the coverage of an international satellite system for
search and rescue services initiated in part by the US to the Indian Ocean by
launching Satellite Aided Search and Rescue payload on INSAT-2 series
starting in 1992. India also joined the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination
Committee established by the advanced spacefaring countries like the US
and Soviet Union.
The signing of memoranda of understanding in 1997 had reinitiated
bilateral space cooperation between India and the US.6 This allowed exchange
of data between India’s INSAT system and Geostationary Operational
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 169

Environmental Satellites of the US for weather modelling and forecasting

techniques on monsoons and cyclones and facilitated data transmission from
India’s remote sensing satellite IRS-P3 to National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). Such partnerships helped build a ‘lifeline’ between
the two scientific communities, enabling better people-to-people contacts.
This lifeline is one of the stimulants for restoring and strengthening the
political relationship between India and the US in the future.

Elevating India’s International Prestige

Space technology clearly emerged as a central element of India’s foreign
policy with the US when it was identified as one of the “trinity” areas of
cooperation for improving the overall bilateral relations with the US. In
2004, India and the US sought to amend their stagnant relationship to respond
effectively to emerging geopolitical dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region. The
Next Steps in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) was devised, requiring both
countries to undertake a series of reciprocal steps in the trinity areas. By the
end of that year, ISRO headquarters was removed from the US Department
of Commerce ‘Entity List’ followed by removal of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre and Satish Dhawan Space Centres.
This set the stage for greater cooperation between ISRO and NASA.
The India-US Joint Working Group on Civil Space Cooperation was
established for identifying space projects relevant to both countries. One of
the concrete results was the US decision to send two scientific instruments
onboard India’s Chandrayaan-1. Its data resulted in the discovery of water-
ice on the moon, a significant breakthrough in planetary science and
astrobiology. NASA supported India’s MOM by providing deep space
communication and navigation support through its Deep Space Network
including confirming the successful orbital insertion of the spacecraft at
The success of this mission garnered international prestige for India.
Not only was India the first country to reach Mars in a first attempt, but
was also the first Asian country to do so. Although China has made
significant developments in lunar and human space exploration, it continues
to make references to India’s Mars mission and even suggesting a
proportionate response.8 This signalled a tilt in the Asian space power
170 Space Policy

balance in India’s favour. After all, space missions, especially space firsts,
represent a country’s technological innovation, economic strength and
financial planning, as well as future aspirations.
Once a recipient of space technology from developed countries, India
has now become a more advanced space power. India demonstrated the
robustness of its space programme by organising joint projects, launching
satellites and even providing disaster assistance for a number of countries.
ISRO’s Oceansat-2 satellite helped monitor Hurricane Sandy, the second-
costliest hurricane in US history, helping authorities to implement timely
disaster mitigation and rescue strategies and in the process, saving lives
and mitigating financial destruction.9 The joint mission, NASA-ISRO
Synthetic Aperture Radar—expected to be launched by India in 2021—is
in fact a highly recommended mission by the 2007 US Decadal Survey on
space missions. India’s involvement is helping NASA to finally realise this
mission which has thus far been delayed due to budget constraints.10
India and France have jointly built Megha-Tropiques and SARAL
satellites.11 These two satellites, along with the French SPOT-6 satellite,
were launched by the PSLV. The PSLV also launched Israel’s remote sensing
satellite TecSAR in 2008. This launch boosted the political and strategic
relations with Israel, which is now a major source of equipment
safeguarding India’s security.
The joint projects with established space powers signal India’s ascension
in the global space order where it can claim a status at par with the advanced
spacefaring nations. As with MOM, these space missions demonstrated
India’s technological leapfrogging and invariably advanced India’s position
in the global political order. By assuring India’s political administration
with independent ability to launch satellites, ISRO has strengthened the
country’s diplomatic position with major powers. Thus, space technology
has emerged a niche area in India’s foreign relations which can be further
leveraged for securing national interests.

Enabling India’s Responsibility: Distribution of

Global Public Goods
As India charts its path towards becoming a leading power in the world,
it cannot afford to ignore the international responsibilities arising from
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 171

this aspiration. The distribution of global public goods for the benefit of
developing and underdeveloped countries, especially in the immediate
neighbourhood, is one such responsibility. Space services have emerged
as the new global public goods highlighted by the US decision to allow
the world freely access its Global Positioning System. Civilians, businesses,
government and legal institutions, scientific establishments and even multiple
foreign militaries have become accustomed to using this system in their
daily activities.
A prosperous and peaceful neighbourhood is a prerequisite for India’s
economic growth, national security and its ascension in the global political
order. However, this neighbourhood consists of some of the least advanced
countries facing acute infrastructure deficit that cripples the ambitions of
millions. This situation could be altered by establishing both physical and
data connectivity in the region, which will in turn fuel India’s own economic
growth given the geography of the subcontinent. Therefore, the immediate
neighbourhood is now accorded a top priority in India’s foreign policy.
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
received major boost becoming a common communication node for
countries in the region. A wide range of projects for regional connectivity
have been proposed and India has initiated steps to augment these projects
using its space infrastructure. During his visit to ISRO’s spaceport, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi proposed that India build a communications
satellite, Satellite for SAARC, that can be used by all SAARC members.
Accordingly, the ISRO designed a satellite hosting 12transponders expected
to optimise direct-to-home broadcasting, tele-medicine, tele-education,
disaster management, and a host of communications services in the region.12
The costs associated with building and launching of the satellite will be
borne by India while respective countries contribute for their ground stations.
In addition, the indigenously developed Indian Regional Navigation
Satellite System (IRNSS) will now be shared with the SAARC nations,
augmenting regional terrestrial and marine navigation, disaster management,
vehicle tracking, and other activities.
True to the spirit of a leading power, as India continues to explore
the benefits of fusing space technology with various departmental works
like railways, shipping, management of natural resources, financial
172 Space Policy

management, urban planning, forestry and others, these technologies and

experiences are also being shared with the neighbouring countries for mutual
development. These services are now being extended for the benefit of
extended neighbourhood as India proceeds to develop a ground station
in Vietnam.13 This ground station will have the ability to downlink data
directly from India’s remote sensing satellites, helping the South East Asian
countries in their own development efforts.

Safeguarding the Global Commons

The competition between the US and the Soviet Union to dominate outer
space triggered fears of terrestrial wars extending into this domain. The
apparently civilian space launches starting with Sputnik were also perceived
as tests of advancing delivery mechanisms for nuclear warheads. Therefore,
India along with 18 other countries formed an ad hoc Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at the United Nations in 1958, which took
on a permanent status the following year.
India was also an active participant in the discussions and negotiations
for the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that banned testing and placement of
weapons of mass destruction in outer space. However, the treaty failed to
appreciate the growing reality of conventional weapons that can be placed
in space or used against space assets. The US and the Soviet Union continued
to test their ASAT weapons during the Cold War while China demonstrated
its ASAT weapon in 2007.
India limited its response to China’s ASAT test by signaling restraint
despite possession of all the required building blocks for developing and
testing such a weapon.14 India strictly adheres to the peaceful uses of outer
space, showcased through its space programme and by its active
participation in building international legal regimes. The latest advances in
ASAT technology question the validity of the Cold War-era Outer Space
Treaty in preventing an arms race in outer space. As a leading power,
India carries the responsibility to safeguard the global commons through
which it intends to distribute space services to itsimmediate and extended
neighbourhoods. Therefore, India should proactively build partnerships
at the United Nations for ensuring the sustainability of outer space.
On the bilateral level, India and the US have decided to include a
dialogue on space security. The joint statement issued during the 2013 US-
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 173

India Strategic Dialogue called for efforts to ensure the long-term

sustainability of outer space and discussing space situational awareness as
part of the ‘Space Security Dialogue’.15 While India contributes to UN’s
work on non-proliferation and disarmament, it is apparent that the country
should also invest in its own capabilities for protecting the global commons.
Space situational awareness that is critical for safeguarding India’s assets—
as well as investigating unwarranted behaviour in outer space—fits into
this thinking.

Bold Decision-Making
Still, there are few areas in India’s space vision which could be leveraged
for strengthening the country’s foreign relations and fulfilling national
interests. The latest developments in India’s neighbourhood show that these
countries are drawn towards financial aid and infrastructure investments.
China had categorically emphasised geoeconomics as the central tool in its
foreign policy calculus, gaining political influence in Asia-Pacific in return
for financing projects. Realising this trend, India’s Foreign Secretary remarked
that realism applies more to economics than security.16
Therefore, if India were to successfully respond to major power
advances in its neighbourhood, it has to balance military buildup with building
basic infrastructure in the border countries. The Satellite for SAARC project
is offering such an opportunity for India. India should take a proactive
posture and assist those SAARC countries not possessing the requisite financial
or technological capacity to build their individual ground stations. Although
building and launching the satellite itself incurs huge expenditure, it should
nevertheless also finance, at least in part, the ground stations.
During the negotiations for this project, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
pondered whether they require using this satellite since their needs are
being fulfilled by other satellites. It is also interesting to note that ISRO has
no formal partnership or cooperative agreements with any of the SAARC
countries.17 These points highlight the dearth of attention being paid to the
neighbourhood, their development needs and India’s own national interests.
The Satellite for SAARC could also help fill this gap as ISRO could establish
agreements with the SAARC countries, starting with construction of the
ground stations and the deployment of training personnel.
174 Space Policy

The South Asian, South East Asian, African and Latin American
countries (collectively referred to as the Global South) are increasingly
looking towards space technology to augment their economic
development. Their communications and remote sensing requirements
are fast accruing and India needs to leverage its foreign relations to secure
opportunities from these emerging markets. The current ISRO
administration is pacing to expand India’s launch capabilities to cater to
both small satellite and heavier satellite industries. In addition to showcasing
the space capabilities to major powers, India should also communicate
the dependability of its space launch and services sectors to these emerging
markets. Empowering commercial and NewSpace actors who can better
market India’s space sector abroad is an absolute requirement in this regard.

Indeed, space technology now forms a central element of India’s foreign
policy. India’s space cooperation today spans major spacefaring countries
and other technologically advanced countries. Self-reliance in space
technology has helped India to maintain its strategic autonomy in foreign
policy decision-making. Space technology has also emerged as a diplomatic
asset for India as its economic and security interests span South Asia and
beyond. India’s willingness to distribute space services to the countries in
South Asia, Africa and South East Asia is a hallmark of its status as a
leading power. It should also strive to better market its space launch and
satellite manufacturing services to the Global South.
India has exercised strategic restraint despite provocations to showcase
destructive technologies because of its responsibility to safeguard the global
commons. Although India practices self-help owing to the anarchic nature
of the international system, it nonetheless supports institutions for ensuring
peaceful uses of outer space. It is clear that India’s economic development,
security and international image are critically dependent on the advances
being made in its space programme.

1. “Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai (1963-1971).” Indian Space Research
Organisation. Accessed September 2, 2016.
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 175

2. “International Customer Satellites Launched.” Antrix. Accessed

September 3, 2016.
3. “Satellites of other Countries Launched by ISRO.” Press Information
Bureau. Government of India. Accessed September 3, 2016. http://
4. Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu. Enhancing Indo-US Strategic Cooperation. Oxford:
Routledge, 2005. p. 66
5. “INSAT-2E Transpoders handed over to INTELSAT.” Indian Space
Research Organisation. April 27, 1999. Accessed September 3, 2016.
6. “India Sign Memoranda of Understanding for Space Cooperation with
USA.” Embassy of India, Washington D.C., USA. December 16, 1997.
Accessed September 4, 2016.
7. “Two for Two at Mars via Canberra.” Canberra Deep Space
Communication Complex. Accessed September 4, 2016. http://
w w w. c d s c c. n a s a . g o v / Pag e s / A r ch i v e / M V N _ M O M _ M O I /
8. Jones, Andrew . “Top space engineer on China’s mission to Mars, the
Moon and deep space exploration.” GB Times. April 4, 2016. Accessed
September 4, 2016.
9. Laxman, Srinivas. “India’s Oceansat-2 Satellite Helps NASA Track
Hurricane Sandy.” Asian Scientist. November 5, 2012. Accessed
September 5, 2016.
10. Werner, Debra. “Joint Mission with India Studied as NASA Seeks Earth
Science Savings.” Space News. December 31, 2013. Accessed September
5, 2016.
11. “India-France Relations.” Ministry of External Affairs, India. Accessed
September 5, 2016.
12. Srivastava, Vanita. “India to launch Saarc satellite to boost crop
productivity.” Hindustan Times. June 23, 2015. Accessed September 7,
176 Space Policy

13. Miglani, Sanjeev, and Greg Torode. “India to build satellite tracking station
in Vietnam that offers eye on China.” Reuters. January 25, 2016. Accessed
September 8, 2016.
14. Unnithan, Sandeep. “India has all the building blocks for an anti-satellite
capability.” India Today. April 27, 2012. Accessed September 10, 2016.
15. “Joint Statement: Fourth U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue.” U.S. Department
of State. June 24, 2013. Accessed September 10, 2016. https://2009-
16. Jaishankar S. “India, the United States and China.” International Institute
for Strategic Studies. July 20, 2015. Accessed September 10, 2016. https:/
17. "International Cooperation.” Indian Space Research Organisation.
Accessed September 10, 2016.
Exploring Space as an Instrument in India’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 177


India’s Strategic Space Programme 179


India’s Strategic Space

From Apprehensive Beginner
to Ardent Operator
Ajay Lele

More than 40 years have passed since India sent its first satellite into space.
In all the years since then, the focus of India’s space programme has
remained civilian. However, due to increasing threat perceptions, and given
the fact that modern space technologies offer a variety of strategic benefits
as well, India has also been making investments in defence technologies.
This paper examines the various facets of India’s space programme related
to defence.
The Indian advent into space began in the early 1960s. The first Indian
satellite, Aryabhata, was launched in 1975 using the erstwhile Soviet Union’s
space launch vehicle, Kosmos-3M. After five years, in 1980, India acquired
the status of a spacefaring nation when it successfully launched its Rohini
satellite using an Indian-made launch vehicle, SLV-3. Subsequently, India
made rapid progress in the space arena and launched various
meteorological, communications, earth observation and navigational
satellites in different orbits. India has developed reliable space launch vehicle
systems and its activities in space have expanded to the deep space region
with successful missions to the Moon and Mars. To support such prog-
rammes, India has put in place the necessary ground infrastructure as well.
The evolution of India’s space programme has been need-based. India
being a developing country was not able to make substantial financial
180 Space Security

investments to develop its space programme. This led the Indian scientific
community to innovate to develop vital space assets. Also, owing to India’s
nuclear policies, it faced international sanctions during the mid-1970s, and
again at the turn of the last century. It led to India’s technological apartheid,
which could be said to have lasted for more than three decades. Naturally,
indigenisation of technology was the only option for India. The key focus
of India’s space technology development from the beginning has been
technology development for socioeconomic benefits.
Over time, and with further developments in technology, India’s space
programme has also matured. Astonishing technological developments
are taking place in the space arena. This has led nation-states to search for
additional utilities for such technologies and design new need-specific
products or applications. The 1991 Gulf War demonstrated the strategic
utility of space technologies to the entire world. Since then, various nation-
states have been making investments to use space technologies for military
purposes. Basically, militaries are using these technologies for the purposes
of intelligence gathering, communications and navigation. It is important
to note that use of space technologies for such purposes is not in violation
of any global legal regime or norms.
India is also making investments towards using its space capabilities
to assist its strategic requirements. There is no specific document like a
white paper, doctrine or policy paper providing the rationale behind India’s
defence-specific investments in space. However, the history of India’s space
programme does indicate that India’s investments are need-based and are
based on cost-benefit analyses. To appreciate India’s expectations and
investments from space technologies for strategic purposes, it is necessary
to recognise India’s overall threat perception. For defence agencies, space
technologies are mostly support technologies. They provide them with
real-time intelligence and secure communications and location identification
with pinpoint accuracy. Modern-day weaponry also gets assistance from
assets in space for target identification and weapon firing.
At present, all modern weaponry and weapon delivery platforms are
designed for compatibility with space-based systems. Thus, it is also worth
understanding the organisation of India’s overall security architecture.
The details of various existing military systems/hardware and manpower
India’s Strategic Space Programme 181

employed also provide a necessary backdrop for understanding the rationale

behind India’s military space investments.

India’s Security Challenges

The notion of security is always contextual, situational and dynamic. There
are different approaches to defining and interpreting national security.
Broadly, national security includes military, non-military, external and internal
threats. Terrorism and environmental threats normally fall in the category
of non-military threats. However, the threat and impact of terrorism in
some cases is so huge that militaries are constantly engaged to defeat this
threat. Security threats faced by India are both internal and external in
nature. Also, 21st-century threats are multidimensional in nature, and nation-
states are today experiencing chaos and threats from asymmetric warfare.
Some threats do arise from issues related to environmental disasters; others,
from conflicts in other parts of the world. India’s security establishment is
also expected to handle threats to Indian owned/governed critical
infrastructure in other parts of the world. Pranab Mukherjee,1 India’s
President, has said that the country’s security challenges go well beyond its
conventional borders and conventional threats in the international arena.
The challenges include “a sizeable diaspora to protect in unstable regions
in the world, energy security issues and protection of maritime sea lanes”.
The President also emphasised that the country has often had to turn to its
armed forces during times of internal crisis, both man-made and natural.
Moreover, environmental degradation is giving rise to problems of
deforestation and desertification. Lack of drinking water is posing
challenges to various inter- and intra-state water-sharing agreements.
At times, the heterogeneous nature of Indian society poses direct or
indirect security challenges. Post-independence in 1947, India has fought
fours wars with its neighbours, Pakistan and China, owing mainly to border
issues which still remain unresolved. Particularly, the South Asian region
(India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Maldives)
features a highly complex security environment. Some of the most dreaded
global terrorist organisations operate from this part of the world. Also,
states like Pakistan are covert supporters of cross-border terrorism. Apart
from state-centric threats and heinous terror threats, the region also faces
dangers from cross-border movements of the population; ethno-political,
182 Space Security

socio-economic, and communal-religious politics; money-laundering

operations; and drugs and arms smuggling.2 The typical topography, terrain
and climatic conditions of the Indian peninsula—with deserts in the western
part and Himalayan glaciers in the north–make the country more prone to
natural disasters. In addition the threats arising from climate-change,
epidemics, lack of water, food and energy security, also persist.
The presence of nuclear weapons in the region (Pakistan, India, China
are nuclear weapon states) and the dismal non-proliferation record of
some powers is a major cause of concern. The danger of nuclear terrorism,
too, looms large over the region. Also, there are concerns regarding growing
nuclear stockpiles. Pakistan, for example, is known to be developing useable
nuclear weapons (or tactical nuclear weapons).
To address such a wide spectrum of security challenges, from nuclear
weapons to environmental disasters, and from terrorism to the diaspora’s
security, India needs to maintain a major military force. The next section
provides details of India’s overall security establishment.

Indian Defence Architecture3

India has three basic defence arms: the Navy, Army and Air Force. It may
be noted that at times the Indian Air Force is mentioned as an aerospace
force as well, as the country has no separate space arm of defence. Apart
from these, there are other security related establishments – the paramilitary
auxiliary structures such as the Coast Guard, Assam Rifles and the Special
Frontier Force. In March 2011, the Ministry of Home Affairs grouped
the following five forces – formerly part of the paramilitary structure –
as the Central Armed Police Forces:
• Central Reserve Police Force
• Border Security Force
• Indo-Tibetan Border Police
• Central Industrial Security Force
• Sahastra Seema Bal
All these organisations have specific roles and require various real time
intelligence inputs. They also have various modern weapon systems in
their inventory.
India’s Strategic Space Programme 183

Currently India is the third largest military force in the world.The Indian
security establishment has proved its capability time and again over the course
of the last six decades through major military and peace-keeping operations.
The Indian armed forces’ dependence on technology has increased manifold
in the post-Cold War era. The Revolution in Military Affairs concept, accepted
by military strategists the world over, has led to the induction of modern
state-of-the-art weapons and weapons delivery platforms.

The Indian Army

The Indian army today is a lethal operational strike force, prepared to
defend the country’s boundaries at any cost. Constantly shifting geostrategic
paradigms require the Army to be ever prepared for possible war scenarios.
The danger posed by a collusive China-Pakistan threat in a nuclear age, is
an all too real concern. The Army has addressed this concern in its military
modernisation, doctrines and tactical warfare operations.
• Consisting of 1,300,000 active personnel, 2,100,000 reserve personnel
and 1,300,000 paramilitary personnel, the Indian Army is currently
the third largest army in the world.
• An adaptive operational force, the army is constantly reviewing its
operational preparedness and organisational capability to confront
and counter intrinsic as well as extrinsic threats to national sovereignty.
• Current military doctrine is based on effectively maximising the
potential of a dual strategy based on strategically collating holding
formations and strike formations,the first as a strategy of containment
and the latter as a neutralisation mechanism.
• The army is administratively divided into seven tactical commands
consisting of three to five corps.
o The corps fall under two categories, the Strike or Offensive Corps,
and the Holding or Mountain Corps
• Based on its operational role, the Army is also divided into three core
elements namely :
o combat elements
o combat support elements
o operational logistic elements
184 Space Security

• In terms of operational logistics, currently, the army possesses:

o 6,464 tanks,
o 6,704 armoured fighting vehicles,
o 290 self propelled guns,
o 7,414 towed artilleries, and
o 292 multiple launch rocket systems.
• The Army has several modernisation plans in the pipeline as well,
such as:
o Upgrading the indigenous Arjun tank and inducting Arjun Mark–
IIs with
- better night fighting capabilities,
- a 120mm main gun,
- advanced air defence gun,
- automatic target tracking (ATT),
- improved accuracy, and
- superior laser warning control systems.
o The Indian Army also aims to procure third generation portable
‘fire and forget’ anti tank missiles, namely, the Spike Anti Tank
Guided Missile Systems which have a range of 4,000 meters.
The army aims to import these along with 8,356 missiles and
321 launchers from Israel.
o In order to upgrade its operational capabilities, the army has
instituted an “infantry modernisation programme” called the
“Futuristic Infantry Soldier as a System” – (F-INSAS).
- The aim is to equip Infantry soldiers with modular weapon
systems that are multi-functional in nature.
o Finally, a battlefield management systemis also being developed
to integrate the various combat units into a digital network linking
together all the various components.

Indian Navy
India being a peninsular region and primarily a maritime nation, the Indian
Navy has the incredibly important task of defending the mainland as well
as safeguarding its shipping routes and sea lines of communication in a
India’s Strategic Space Programme 185

possible state of war. Considering that more than 90 percent of Indian

trade takes place over the high seas, the Navy is constantly adapting and
reformulating its operational stance and capabilities to deal with emergent
threats and safeguard its geostrategic position. Given the increasing
interdependence of maritime environment and economic growth, the
Indian Navy is well aware of its role as a maritime leader in the Indian
Ocean region.
• Currently the fifth largest Navy in the world, the Indian Navy consists
of 58,350 active personnel, including 7,000 personnel of the Indian
Naval Air Arm, and 2,000 Marine Commandos (MARCOS).
• The Navy also has 55,000 reserve personnel.
• It has an operational fleet of 296 vessels comprising:
o two aircraft carriers
o one amphibious transport
o nine landing ship tanks
o 14 frigates
o 10 destroyers
o one nuclear-powered submarine
o 14 diesel-powered attack submarines
o 25 Corvettes
o seven minesweeping vessels
o 47 Patrol vessels
o four fleet tankers and various other auxiliaries
o 135 coastal defence craft
• Important missile systems the Navy possesses include:
o Dhanush – for surface targets.
o BraMos cruise missile – A super-sonic cruise missile that can be
launched from submarines, ships, aircrafts, or land. With a speed
of Mach 2.5-2.8, this is currently the world’s fastest missile with a
range of 290 km.
o Sagarika missile/K-15: This is aballistic missile that can be launched
using nuclear capable submarines. It has a range of 700 km and
is being tested for integration with the INS Arihant. The primary
186 Space Security

aim of this missile is to provide India with retaliatory nuclear

strike capability.
o K 4 Missile –Another nuclear capable ballistic missiles it was
successfully test launched in 2014, from an underwater platform.
It possesses a range of approximately 2,000 km.
o Nirbhaya Missile: Still in the stages of development, this missile
will be India’s first all-weather low cost long range cruise missile.
The subsonic missile has a 1,000km range with 0.7 Mach speed.

Indian Air Force

Air power is seen as one of the defining factors of global power projection,
and given India’s geo-strategic vulnerabilities the Air Force plays an
immensely important role in protecting the sovereignty of Indian airspace.
The IAF has been modernising its inventory for the long haul. Keeping
the larger picture in mind, it has focused on the “Make in India” objective
to provide an impetus to indigenous development and participation of
the private sector in defence manufacturing.
• The Air Force consists of 127,000 serving personnel.
• It is logistically divided into seven commands, out of which five are
operational and two are functional.
• The purpose of the operational command is to conduct military
operations within its area of responsibility, while the functional
command’s purpose is to maintain combat readiness.
• In terms of technical strength, the Air Force consists of 2,086 aircraft
with a vast array of fighter aircraft, transport aircraft, helicopters and
trainer aircraft such as:
o 679 fighters/inceptors
o 809 fixed wing attack aircraft
o 857 transport aircraft
o 318 trainer aircraft
o 646 helicopters and
o 19 attack helicopters
• The missile systems in place consist of:
o Akash missile system: A medium surface-to-air missile with 27
India’s Strategic Space Programme 187

km range and a ceiling of 15km. It can carry a 60 kg warhead

and has a speed of up to Mach 2.5
o Astra missile: A beyond-visual-range missile, it was developed
by the Defence Research and Development Organisation
(DRDO) and designed to intercept targets beyond visual range.
o Prithvi II: A short range ballistic missile with a range of 350 km.
It has a 350 – 750 kg payload of nuclear, high explosive (HE)sub
munitions and chemical warheads.
• The Air Force also has several force multipliers such as Early Warning
and Control Systems, Unmanned Ariel Vehicles or Drones, Garud
Commando Force, among others.
The above facts clearly indicate that India has put in place comprehensive
defence architecture. India’s military inventory is a mix of old and new
systems. India is also one of the biggest importers of military platforms
and weaponry. India’s defence modernisation has gathered much steam in
the last few years. It is but obvious that India’s dependence on space
technologies for strategic purposes is going to increase manifold in coming
years. It may not be possible to identify the exact utility of assets in space for
various military platforms and other systems mentioned above. However,
it is important to appreciate that given the nature of threats which India is
currently facing/expects to encounter in future and the need for military
preparedness, ‘systems in space’ will emerge as a major constituent both for
tactical and strategic requirements and for policy planning.

Military Space Investments

The forefathers of the Indian space programme had argued that India
would use space technologies for the benefit of mankind, to eradicate
poverty and offer social justice. Indeed, India has been using these
technologies mainly for meteorology, remote sensing and communications.
Weather information is essential for the main constituent of the Indian
economy, agriculture. Remote sensing is essential for the management of
land-water-forest resources. Satellite communication has wide utility, from
education to linking to villages to tele-medicine.
Since the 1980s India has been using space technologies for
socioeconomic development. Investments in space technologies have played
188 Space Security

a silent role in India’s overall development. The Indian economy has

witnessed a major revolution post 1990, with India adopting an economic
liberalisation path. However, particularly during last few decades, India is
also witnessing a greater sense of uncertainty in its strategic environment.
This has led Indian policy makers to look at space technologies as an
instrument to assist their overall security architecture.
Initially, India depended on dual-use capability of satellite technologies
for strategic purposes. There seemed to be some reluctance in accepting
that India has interests in using space technologies for strategic purposes.
Probably, such hesitancy was the result of India being under the technology
sanctions regime. However, post the Indo-US nuclear deal (2005), it
became evident that India was no longer considered a pariah by the global
community with regard to technology transfer. In 2011, the US removed
all sanctions imposed on Indian space following the Indian nuclear tests.
From a strategic perspective, India is using satellite technology for
reconnaissance, communicationsand navigation purposes. The Indian
Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites are a series of Earth observation satellites
built, launched, and maintained by ISRO since the 1980s. Indian capabilities
in this field match the best in the world, and India has one of the largest
fleet of such satellites globally. Around the year 2000, in some of its official
statements, India started mentioning that it was keen to exploit the dual-
use capabilities of space technologies. In 2001, the Technology
Experimental Satellite (TES) was launched by ISRO, described by its then
Chairman as a satellite meant for “civilian use consistent with state’s security
concerns.” Subsequently, mainly for topographic mapping data, India invested
in developing the Cartosat (Cartographic satellite) series. These satellites are
useful for urban and rural development. They are also known to have
significant military utility. Cartosat-1 and Cartosat-2 were high resolution
satellites, with 2.5 meter and one meter resolution, respectively, launched in
2005 and 2007. In August 2005, the Indian Defence Minister informed
Parliament that India was assembling a military surveillance and reconnaissance
system which would be operational by 2007. Within three years of the
launch of the second satellite, two more satellites in this series were launched.
In April 2008 came Cartosat-2A (resolution of 0.8 meter) while Cartosat-
2B was delivered into orbit in July 2010. After a gap of six years, Cartosat-
2C satellite was launched in 2016,with a resolution of a few centimetres.
India’s Strategic Space Programme 189

ISRO has made much progress in sensor technology over the years. An
important feature of Cartosat-2C was the use of adaptive optics and acousto
optical devices. This satellite has micro electro-mechanical systems and
adoptive optics that offer better visibility of objects on the ground. Here,
the optical system adapts to compensate for optical effects introduced by
the medium between the object and its image, while acousto optical devices
enable interaction between sound waves and light waves.
According to ISRO, the images sent by the Cartosat series of satellites
are useful in various cartographic applications, urban and rural applications,
coastal land use and regulation, utility management like road network
monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps, precision study,
change detection to bring out geographical and man-made features, and
various other land information system and geographical information system
applications4. The nature of these civilian applications indirectly reveals
that many useful and real-time inputs can be gathered on strategic areas of
interest, as and when required over a tactical battlefield area. These satellites
together offer the Indian security establishment 24 x 7 capability to monitor
various sensitive areas.
Various Indian observation satellites have optical and spectral sensors.
Such sensors do not perform correctly when the sky is overcast (cloud
cover). In order to overcome the limitations in surveillance owing to lack
of night-time and bad weather observational capabilities, ISRO has
developed a RISAT (Radar Imaging Satellite) series of reconnaissance
satellites. These are the first all-weather earth observation satellites which
use Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology. The first satellite in this
series was launched in response to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack of2008,
and was imported from Israel. This was called RISAT-2 and was launched
in April 2009. Subsequently, a made-in-ISRO RISAT (called RISAT-1,
though it was launched well after RISAT-2) went into orbit in 2012. Both
these satellites have day and night viewing capacity and are not blinded by
cloud cover/bad weather. They have the capacity for continuous
surveillance. RISAT-1 with a resolution of one meter carries a C-band
SAR payload, operating in a multi-polarisation and multi-resolution mode
to provide images with coarse, fine and high spatial resolutions.
Apart from remote sensing satellites, India has also launched a few
meteorological satellites. These provide useful real-time information.
190 Space Security

Meteorological inputs are extremely important for the planning of various

land based, air and ship/submarine based operations both during peacetime
and wartime. India’s military meteorologists depend greatly on various inputs
received from the satellites. Similarly, the Indian armed forces attempt to
gather defence specific information from the data collected by various civilian
satellites. It is but obvious that identifying military specific information at
times becomes a tedious task. Also, some military specific benefits could be
derived from civilian communications satellites.
On 30 August 2013, India’s GSAT-7 communications satellite was
successfully launched by the European space consortium Arianespace from
Kourou spaceport in French Guiana. GSAT-7 can be called as India’s first
strategic satellite. GSAT-7 has been designed and developed by ISRO with
a seven years life span and provides UHF, S-band, C-band and Ku-band
relay capacity. This is a dedicated system for the use of the Indian Navy —
the first customised satellite made available for the Indian armed forces. Its
Ku-band capacity provides high-density data transmission facility, both for
voice and video. The satellite has been provided with additional power to
communicate with smaller and mobile (not necessarily land-based) terminals.
This dedicated satellite provides the Indian Navy a 3,500-4,000-km
footprint over the Indian Ocean region and enables real-time networking
of all its operational assets in water (and on land). It also helps the Navy to
operate in a network-centric atmosphere. The Indian peninsula is an extremely
tricky region for operations because of its geographic location. One of the
deadliest terrorist operations on Indian soil, the 2008 Mumbai attack, was
launched using the Arabian Sea route. GSAT-7 is useful for gathering
communications and electronic intelligence in respect to moving platforms
in the sea, particularly through its UHF facility. GSAT-7 also helps the Navy
monitor activities over both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal regions.
Broadly, India’s strategic area of interest extends from the Persian Gulf to
the Malacca Strait, and now a significant portion of this region is covered by
this satellite5.
The second strategic satellite for India called GSAT-6 was launched by
ISRO in August 2015. GSAT-6 is a 2,117 kg satellite mainly developed for
the armed forces. Indian soldiers operate in diverse terrain and topographic
conditions, from the peninsular region to deserts to snow-clad mountains.
India’s Strategic Space Programme 191

Owing to topographical challenges, soldiers on many occasions encounter

breaks in communications. GSAT-6 provides quality and secure
communication. Induction of this satellite also frees the soldier from
carrying bulky communications equipment since very small handheld devices
can be used.6
In the arena of satellite navigation India has made very quick progress.
ISRO has developed an Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)
to provide itself and neighbouring countries with a Position Navigation
and Timing (PNT) service. All seven satellites of this system, also known
as Navigation with Indian Constellation (NAVIC), have already been
launched and the system is expected to shortly become operational. In the
future, ISRO may increase the number of satellites to 11 to increase the
expanse of this system. The present independent seven-satellite constellation,
built and operated by ISRO, has three satellites in geosynchronous orbit
(GSO) and four in non-GSO (inclined 29 degrees with the equatorial
plane). The IRNSS will provide absolute position accuracy of
approximately 20 metres throughout India, and within a 1500-2,000 km
region around it. This system will provide two types of services: one for
civilian use, and the other, as a restricted encrypted service, for specific
users7, especially defence. This system will discontinue the armed forces’
dependence on GPS/GLONASS.

Currently, defence-specific space requirements are handled by the Integrated
Space Cell. This is a small unit under the Integrated Defence Headquarters
(IDS), a tri-service organisation. There has been a demand for a separate
space command but the government is yet to take a decision on this.
There is a clear-cut mismatch between the expanse of India’s strategic
establishments and the space assets put in place to cater to their needs. It is
possible that the Indian armed forces themselves are also not fully aware
of how much assistance they can get from systems in space operated by
their own agencies. There is a need for education, training and joint planning.
India is carrying out joint military exercises with many friendly foreign
countries. There is a need to engage with the states which are successfully
using space assets for strategic reasons. There is a need to collaborate with
the space commands of these states.
192 Space Security

ISRO has an unambiguous mandate for developing and researching

space technologies for civilian purposes. There is a need to establish a
separate agency which could plan, design, develop and manufacture space
systems exclusively required for strategic purposes. ISRO’s assistance could
be taken for launching such systems. On the whole, India appears to have
made a good beginning towards using space systems for strategic purposes,
but it has a long way to go if it wants to fully exploit the capabilities of
space technologies in this regard.

1. Speaking at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) at Chennai after
reviewing the passing out parade of the summer (2016)
2. India’s Security Concerns: National, Regional And Global, Author(s):
Baljit Singh Source: The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 65, No.
3 (July-Sept., 2004), pp. 345-364
3. For construction of this section the main sources referred are Annual
Report 2015-16, Ministry of Defence, Government of India and
Technology Perspective and Capability Roadmap, (TPCR), April 2013,
Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence and various
websites like
detail.asp?country_id=india, accessed on September 18, 2016. The
number if military platforms mentioned is as per the sources. There
could be some differences amongst various sources. The purpose behind
giving the numbers is for getting a broad idea about the military inventory.
4. AjeyLele, “PSLV-C34 rockets India into an exclusive club”, http://
club/20160623.htm, June 23, 2016
5. Ajey Lele, “GSAT-7: India’s Strategic Satellite”, September 9, 2013,http:/
/, accessed on
September 15, 2016
6. AjeyLele, “GSAT-6: India’s Second Military Satellite Launched”, August
31, 2015,
MilitarySatelliteLaunched_alele_310815, accessed on August 12, 2016
7., accessed on
August 28, 2016 and Ajey Lele, “Autonomy in Satellite Navigation Systems:
The Indian Programme”, Indian Foreign Affairs Journal Vol. 9, No. 3, July–
September 2014, 240-254.
Space Situational Awareness and Its Importance 193


Space Situational Awareness

and Its Importance
Moriba Jah

The space domain can be defined as all conditions, areas, activities and
things terrestrially relating to space, adjacent to, within, or bordering outer
space, including all space-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo,
and space capable craft that can operate to, in, through and from space.
Space situational awareness (SSA), meanwhile, is defined as the effective
understanding of anything associated with the space domain that could
impact the security, safety, economy or environment of space systems or
activities. This definition acknowledges the supportive activities and threats
related to land, maritime, air and cyber regimes relevant to space operations.
It requires the combination of space situational awareness foundations of
detecting, tracking and environmental monitoring, along with space
intelligence foundations of characterising normal behaviour and sensitivity,
to detecting change to know when something has or is predicted to occur.
A purpose of SSA is to provide decisionmaking processes with a timely
and actionable body of evidence of behaviour(s) [predicted, imminent,
and/or forensic] attributable to specific space domain threats and hazards.
To date, SSA lacks credible scientific and technological rigour to
effectively quantify, assess, and predict space domain threats and hazards.
SSA’s current state-of-practice suffers from myriad privations: no standard
definition exists for elements in the space domain; no standard method
exists for calibrating sensors and information sources “tracking” those
elements; and there are only limited, inconsistent descriptions of what
space objects and events are. Moreover, the space community lacks a
194 Space Security

rigorous understanding of the space environment itself—let alone a holistic,

cohesive cause-effect paradigm for understanding and predicting the space
environment’s effects and impacts on space objects and events. Further,
individual sensors are tasked to collect data instead of tasking a sensor
network to collect information in order to answer a specific question.
Finally, scientific discovery and operational innovation have been inhibited
by the lack of a common framework that employs state-of-the-art in
data science and analytics across myriad data sources.
The superstructure of near-Earth space—a political, financial,
operational, and engineering sphere—has grown out of military
considerations originally set in a two-sided cold war; today it is driven by
both modern nationalistic defence and intelligence interests, and increasingly
commercial interests as well. The primary purpose of the space catalogue
maintained by the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) with the
help of Air Force Space Command, for example, is to maintain a sufficient
level of knowledge regarding the objects in Earth orbit to support US
national security space needs and, to that end, know where to place and
point the sensors next. In fact, most things in space today are not US-
owned, and not even military—yet the imperative to operate freely in
space has driven USSTRATCOM to become a de facto (if not always
welcome) international space traffic monitor.
There is an opportunity to begin looking at the combined set of
science, policy, and technology needs from SSA, space protection, space
traffic management, and the long-term sustainability and security of the
space environment. These space activities have mission-related
interdependencies (such as orbital safety of operations) and common
underlying space object behavioural injunctions (e.g., space weather, or
policies governing graveyard orbits). But the foundational problem, to
accurately understand and predict how objects behave in space, is emerging
as another classic ‘wicked problem’ (in the company of climate change,
pandemic influenza, and international drug trafficking)—and the
responsibility for tackling all the challenges attendant to this problem is
both factious and overwhelming. In fact, the space environment should
be treated as a finite resource (a ‘commons’) that is in real jeopardy of
being rendered useless if we as a humanity do not understand how it is
becoming polluted and how to mitigate and remediate this conclusion.
Space Situational Awareness and Its Importance 195

Unfortunately, there is no existing organisation today chartered with

comprehensively quantifying and assessing which countries are following
which guidelines for space debris mitigation, and assessing the utility of
these guidelines (i.e., are they doing what they are intended to do?). There is
no organisation either that is generating or aggregating the scientific
knowledge required to better inform space law, policy, or how space
insurance companies underwrite insurance policies for things in space. Nor
is there an organisation or consortium working on establishing a holistic
educational, training, and workforce development programme for the global
community to address these challenges.
The need to address these concerns has never been greater. On-orbit
collisions, natural or intentional, are a global concern that threatens the long-
term sustainability of space activities and environment, and worsens the
impact of the space debris population growth in critical mission-dependent
orbital regimes. It accounts for an increase in the trackable1 useless space
object population of about one percent annually (with isolated events
contributing spikes upwards of 20-percent population growth) and
jeopardises the livelihoods of tens of millions of people who depend on
critical space capabilities and services.
Traditionally, efforts to develop and maintain awareness of all trackable
space objects have relied upon the USSTRATCOM’s Space Surveillance
Network (SSN). But these sensors are often prohibitively expensive for
even the richest of nations, and the space domain is too vast for traditional
space surveillance, ground- or space-based, to be truly effective by itself.
Protecting important space assets, especially those that provide critical services
and capabilities such as communication, weather, bank routing, position,
navigation, and timing, requires a new approach encompassing 21st-century
technology and a fundamental understanding of the processes governing
the behaviour of objects in space.
Until now, the global approach to space operations has been largely
reactive, following the latest commercial exigency or governmental demand
signal of the day. By contrast, the fundamental work required should lead to
new ways to understand, measure and predict behaviour in space. In turn,
that work will underpin the development of best practices in space traffic
management, and inform efforts to improve mission assurance and mitigate
the effects of space debris hazards.
196 Space Security

In 1833, William Foster Lloyd wrote an essay where he described

what he called the “Tragedy of the Commons” and posited that a shared-
resource system where individual users acting independently according to
their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users
by depleting that resource through their collective action. This is our current
course regarding the Earth space environment in that it is a common
resource to humanity and it is becoming increasingly congested and polluted
over time. As the cost to access space becomes lower, more entities are
attempting to exploit space for a variety of purposes, some of which are
very lucrative. This is analogous to the ‘Gold Rush’ of the American Western
Frontier, where the prospect of making quick money drew many entities
that operated without regard to the environment or to the benefit of the
community. As the cost to space becomes cheaper, the actual risk of
operating in space increases, especially when those who are populating the
space environment with satellites are doing so “acting independently
according to their own self-interest.”
India is one of the countries pushing for an increased launch rate per
year. This will no doubt attract a lot of business but at what cost to the
community as a whole? As India is increasingly becoming one of the
world’s leading spacefaring nations, it can also lead the rest of the world
in setting the example of what it means to be a good steward of the
space environment. Moreover, by investing in space traffic management
(STM) and space situational awareness sciences and technologies, India
can make a significant and critical contribution to this growing problem.
The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) is
an international governmental forum for the worldwide coordination of
activities related to the issues of man-made and natural debris in space.
India is a participating member via ISRO. Interestingly, neither SSA nor
STM are formally addressed in the IADC except that both of these are
required if the international community wants to truly address space debris
mitigation, remediation, and population assessment and prediction. India
could be a thought leader and motivate the IADC community to get
more deeply involved in SSA and STM as it relates to its mission.
India would greatly benefit by not repeating what others have done.
If one had to design a useful SSA and STM framework, this would
Space Situational Awareness and Its Importance 197

doubtfully look like the current US systems and capabilities because these
were designed primarily for missile defence and evolved over time to
deal with a growing space problem. There is no reason why SSA and
STM should be addressed in mutually exclusive sectors such as defence
and civil being separate. Each sector has needs but the problems are
foundational and common to all sectors. The proper solution should be
hybrid and consist of contributions by all sectors acting harmoniously
and strategically.
India should design a long-term roadmap which brings all of the
sectors together: defence, civil, commercial, and academic, and determine
the proper strategic investments required in order to significantly contribute
to orbital safety, long-term sustainability of space activities, and space
debris mitigation/remediation. Current guidelines and policies (e.g., UN,
IADC, and others.) are based upon incomplete science (physical, social,
cultural, geopolitical, and legal). India can lead the way in ushering an updated
and more rigorously informed set of guidelines and policies with
quantifiable mechanisms to measure their utility and progress toward
meeting their intent.
Everything in the current resident space object (RSO) population is
modeled as a sphere of uniform material. This is state-of-practice. The
world’s leading government space debris offices do not track RSOs and
rely upon other entities to provide them with orbital knowledge. NASA’s
models are based upon sensor detections but fail to properly account for
realistic astrodynamics. ESA’s models are based upon astrodynamics but
fail to do be rectified via applied estimation theory (i.e., the models are
not updated via an orbit determination process but rather by comparison
to the statistical distribution of sensor detections available). There is no
agreed upon taxonomy for manmade RSOs and no standard for
calibrating sensor data. In fact, sensor data are not openly exchanged within
the community, severely limiting the science regarding the RSO population’s
sources, sinks, and evolution. Many SSA studies in RSO catalog
development and maintenance make two foundational flawed
assumptions: (1) if an RSO is in a sensor field of view, it is detected 100
percent of the time; and (2) all sensor detections can be reconciled as
originating from unique objects. These are some of the hardest technical
challenges in SSA. Another flawed assumption is that the position and
198 Space Security

velocity of any given RSO is completely independent of the position and

velocity of any other RSO. This obviates the fact that some RSOs are in
constellations and formations and thus a set of RSOs are controlled as a
whole. It also obviates the fact that similar classes of RSOs in the same
orbital regime are exposed to a common set of space environment/
weather inputs and thus their behaviour resulting from this interaction is
indeed correlated.
When wildlife biologists wish to understand any given specie, they tag
individuals of that population and then track them over time and space
and record their individual behaviour, community behaviour, and interaction
with their environment; from this analysis they are able to draw scientific
conclusions that are, by definition, measureable, testable, and repeatable.
No one is performing this sort of study on the manmade RSO population
as a whole. India could become a leader in comprehensive and rigorous
SSA and STM sciences and technologies by avoiding these unjustified
simplifying assumptions and embracing the hard problems and the
complexity inherent in them. India could collaborate with all interested
global parties in developing an easily accessible International Space Traffic
Monitoring Service (like the model) to the benefit of the entire
planet, one that is based upon rigour, transparency, among other virtues.
In short, there are many problems plaguing the space community.
India is uniquely positioned to lead the way toward real and meaningful
solutions to these problems if it organises itself in a way that begins with
the problem and avoids the pitfalls of other nations in their evolution of
SSA and STM activities. India has a responsibility to the world in progressing
its own space commerce and activities responsibly.

1. There are many more space objects that are detected than tracked and
this is a major source of the space traffic problem. We can only speak to
the behavior and knowledge of the trackable set of space objects.
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 199


Need for an Indian Military

Space Policy
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

Over the last few decades, India has become an established space power.
Even though its space programme started largely with a focus on the use
of space technology for social and economic advancement of its people,
new compulsions in recent years are pushing India towards defence and
military uses of space. Nevertheless, it must be argued that India’s space
visionaries did recognise the utility of space technology for national security
and the importance of technology demonstration for India to earn its
rightful place in the global politics of space. The technological leapfrogging
and spinoffs that are achieved through advancing space technologies for
earth observation, weather forecasting and communications, also remain
significant. A case in point is the utility of remote sensing satellites for
military applications. But the importance of space in the national security
domain was not given prominence until the mid-2000s. In fact, India had
actively championed the cause of non-weaponisation and peaceful uses
of space in its rhetoric both within India and at global fora. For a variety
of reasons, however, this may be beginning to change, and not a moment
too soon. The regional and global landscape in the area of outer space is
changing rapidly and India’s indecisiveness could have far-reaching impact
in terms of both New Delhi’s critical technological and security capabilities
and its standing in international governance of outer space.

India’s Approach to Space: The Early Decades

India is yet to have an open space policy but its approaches can be gleaned
from policy statements within the Parliament as well as in multilateral bodies
200 Space Security

such as the United Nations (UN). For the first several decades since the
1960s, India maintained that outer space was a domain that must be
promoted as a realm of peace and cooperation. For instance, in one of
his earlier statements at the UN in 1964, India’s representative Krishna
Rao said that “outer space was a new field and there were no vested
interests to prevent the international community from embarking upon a
regime of co-operation than conflict. The problems of outer space were
fortunately not those of modifying an existing regime but of fashioning a
new pattern of international behaviour.”1 Then Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi too made a similar pitch at the UN in 1968.2 India’s vehement
criticism of the US and Soviet space competition, including their anti-
satellite tests, was a reflection of this policy sentiment. Another instance is
India’s strident opposition to the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or
Star Wars programmes of the 1980s. In fact, India’s then foreign minister
PV Narasimha Rao made a scathing attack on such efforts when he said,
“Extension of [the] arms build-up to outer space would mean a permanent
goodbye to disarmament and peace and [would] plunge mankind into a
perpetual nightmare.”3
While India remained concerned about the use of outer space assets
for developing offensive capabilities, New Delhi was also beginning to
appreciate the use of space assets for passive military applications such as
reconnaissance, surveillance and military communications. This was a result
of an acknowledgement of the reality that technology plays a role in
active conflicts. Even as this recognition came around, there were questions
around the definition of concepts like ‘space militarisation’ and
‘weaponisation of space’. These concerns pushed India to seek a ban on
space weapons in all available multilateral platforms such as the UN and
the Conference on Disarmament (CD).4 India’s pro-activism at that time
also led then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to sponsor in January 1985 “a
declaration of six nonaligned countries opposing an arms race in outer
space and nuclear testing”.5 The Indian debate, seeking a total ban on all
global commons, was also being increasingly pursued from a morality
and sovereignty angle, which did not find too many takers except for the
non-aligned community. Policy perspectives along these lines continued
well into the 1990s even after the end of the Cold War. It is only by the
early 2000s that India began to reorient itself recognising a range of new
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 201

threats and challenges and thereby acknowledging the utility of a more

determined space security capability. The next sections discuss the changing
nature of warfare and military space needs globally as well as India’s own
requirements for meeting its national security missions.

Changing Nature of Warfare and Military

The launch of the first communications satellite in the early 1960s can be
characterised as the start of the military use of outer space, but it gained
greater traction in the last couple of decades. Militaries around the world
use satellites for a wide variety of functions including communications,
navigation and warning systems, reconnaissance, and surveillance. The initial
application of space for military were to aid, enable and enhance the land
forces to operate in a more efficient environment. The emergence of the
revolution in military affairs (RMA) concept brought in a fresh perspective
into the utilisation of outer space. RMA became popular after the first
Gulf War in 1990 where use of integrated technology had changed the
way the war was fought. The Gulf War was one of the first occasions
where satellites played a critical role in a ground and air campaign and the
space utilisation completely altered the dynamics of the war, to the point
of it being called the ‘first space war’.6 The features of the RMA—including
precision strike and dominant manoeuvre—could not be undertaken
efficiently without the aid of satellites. The growing importance of space
in today’s warfare is becoming more clear in the context of the changing
nature of warfare: space capabilities are today being integrated into
traditional warfare, as seen during the two US operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Other countries such as China have studied these operations
to carefully align their own capabilities and strategies accordingly. India
can no longer afford to remain distant from these developments. Therefore,
while every space power will pledge that space is truly a global common,
the increasingly military space programmes and the trend towards
weaponisation by a handful of advanced space powers should drive India
to secure its security interests in outer space.
Thus, most spacefaring countries operate an entire fleet of dual-use
satellites that have applications for both civilian and military functions.
The military utilities have been largely for the purposes of navigation,
202 Space Security

imagery and reconnaissance, early warning and surveillance. Navigation is

one of the most widely used military applications of space assets. The
military has put greater use of satellites for mapping, location of targets,
and guiding weapons systems. Prominent navigation systems include Global
Positioning System (US), GLONASS (Russia), Beidou (China), and Galileo
(ESA). Reconnaissance and imagery, early warning and ocean surveillance
are other critical functions of military space assets. Satellites have been put
to large-scale use for imagery for the purposes of identifying targets, as
well as indications of underground nuclear explosions. Some of the
satellites in this category include the Space-based Radar (US), Fanhui Shi
Weixing (China), and RISAT (India). Space assets have been of immense
use in the area of early warning. Infrared satellite sensors can detect rocket
and missile launches by sensing hot plumes of missile exhaust. Examples
of such satellites include SBIRS (US) and Oko (Russia). Ocean Surveillance,
meanwhile, was initially developed in the Cold War context for triangulating
the geolocation of enemy fleets. The US’ White Cloud Naval Ocean
Surveillance System and Russia’s EORSAT are foremost examples, though
in recent years, more such applications are being developed by other
countries, particularly in Asia with its contested waters.
While this is not an exhaustive list of the military utilities, these are some
of the prominent uses of space assets in the area of security. As countries
increase their reliance on space assets, so also is the growth of vulnerabilities,
with the very same systems coming under attack from potential adversaries.
This has given way to states pursuing counter-space capabilities as a way of
protecting one’s own assets in space and also as an access denial measure
against adversaries. Access denial can work to a state’s advantage in a conflict
especially if the adversary is heavily reliant on satellites for precision strikes,
target location and communication, such as the US.
The trend towards space weaponisation is also accelerating. While
countries have generally used the rhetoric of non-weaponisation of space,
several advanced space powers are moving towards testing new anti-space
and access denial technologies. China’s growing capabilities in this regard
should be particularly concerning to India. The annual report on Chinese
military power produced by the US Department of Defense has repeatedly
highlighted these trends. Since its anti-satellite (ASAT) test in January 2007,
China has gone on to develop capabilities that are seen as limiting or preventing
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 203

an adversary from using space assets in times of conflict.7 These capabilities

include jammers as well as directed-energy weapons. Although Beijing has
categorically denied conducting any ASAT tests since 2007, there have been
repeated tests shielded as missile defence tests. Its ASAT tests in 2013 and
2014 raised particular suspicion on the nature of such tests. A suspicious test
was reported on 13 May 2013 when an object was sent up on a ballistic
trajectory that reached close to an altitude of 30,000 km although no object
was placed into the orbit. It was also said that it was “inconsistent ‘with
traditional space launch vehicles, ballistic missiles or sounding rocket launches
used for scientific research’” indicating that it might have been an ASAT
weapon. Similarly, its test on 23 July 2014 was identified by the Pentagon as
“a follow-up of the 2007 destruction of an in-orbit defunct weather
satellite.”8 Similarly, the purpose of China’s Roaming Dragon satellite
launched on a Long March 7 rocket on 25 June 2016 is not clear, though it
is officially described by Beijing as being space debris collection – to remove
old spacecraft and other debris and get them safely back to the Earth’s
surface.9 Space debris indeed is a major issue confronting all states irrespective
of the source, and China has conveniently used this as an excuse by suggesting
that its mission is to clean up debris in space. However, suspicion abound
because the design, manoeuvrability and the extendable robotic arm of this
satellite suggest that Roaming Dragon could also be a weapon, with the
potential to move in close or even dismantle satellites of adversary countries.
In fact, a report quoting a researcher with the National Astronomical
Observatories in Beijing anonymously suggested that the mission may not
be for entirely peaceful purposes.10 The US, too, has been developing certain
systems which give it greater control and force projection in space. The
American Experimental Satellite series is a case in point. The US’ counter-
space systems like the Counter Communications System (CCS) are also
examples of satellites that can potentially interrupt an opponent’s
communication systems. Potential use of space-based missile defence
interceptors are also seen as weaponising outer space.11 Exploring the use
of YAL-1A airborne laser by the US Air Force for targeting satellites is
another illustration of this growing trend.12
Even as these are perceived as application of military force in a more
direct manner in space, it is difficult to determine which of these
technologies is a space weapon until it is used. These are not entirely new
204 Space Security

problems – there have been such concerns for instance in the 1980s in the
context of US-Soviet space competition. An additional problem is that
there are no rules of the road or legal measures to regulate activities in this

India’s Military Space: Utilities, Institutions and

India has been part of this growing trend of greater utilisation of space
for military and security purposes. Although New Delhi did not have a
dedicated military satellite until August 2013, the country was already utilising
the four dual-use satellites for meeting its security requirements. Following
China’s ASAT test in 2007, there has been a growing recognition of the
need to commit more dedicated resources and efforts for securing its
interests in this domain. This should translate into India paying greater
attention to its technological developments in addition to developing its
policy and institutional architecture.
Given the new security trends, there has been a greater sense of purpose
in the Indian military’s use of space assets in recent years. India’s remote
sensing satellites, for example, have been of enormous use in the area of
mapping although the earlier ones such as IRS-1C and IRS-1D had limited
application in the area of defence and security. More advanced ones
include the RISAT-1 and RISAT-2 were developed in the last decade.
The RISAT series have a particular advantage given the kind of on-board
sensors, because it carries an SAR (synthetic aperture radar) payload
operating in C-band. India’s earlier satellites were dependent on optical
or infrared imaging as against the new ones that rely on SAR technology
which provides all-weather and day-and-night visibility. The RISAT
satellites are thus capable of penetrating through thick cloud cover,
thunderstorms and fog. This is of huge strategic importance to India as
SAR technologies provide for better reconnaissance, surveillance and
location targeting for guidance and navigation.13 Thus, the RISAT series
are considered a “force multiplier” in the defence context. The RISAT
series have been put to great use for security-related functions: border
surveillance, detection of insurgent infiltration, and facilitation of counter-
terrorist operations. India’s requirement for such missions grew significantly
after the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November 2008. Therefore, even
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 205

though India was developing RISAT-1 indigenously, the security

compulsions following the terrorist attacks pushed India to partner with
the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for expediting the development and
launch of RISAT-2.
Navigation-related functions have also become critical in India’s military
space utilities. Both GAGAN and IRNSS are important developments in
this regard. GAGAN is GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation system
in which the ISRO is working with the Airport Authority of India (AAI)
for meeting civil aviation requirements.14 Meanwhile, the Indian Regional
Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) or NAVIC (NAVigation with Indian
Constellation), with a constellation of seven satellites and a ground-support
unit, is a smaller version of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) that
can provide real-time positioning and timing services with a precision
better than 20 metres (in the primary service area) over India and a region
of 1,500 kilometres around India. India launched its first navigational
satellite, the IRNSS-1A, aboard the PSLV-C22 from the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre on 1 July 2013 and completed the placement of all the
seven satellites for the IRNSS with the launch of IRNSS-1G on the PSLV-
C33 on 28 April 2016. Three of the seven satellites are positioned in the
Geostationary orbit (GEO), four satellites in Geosynchronous orbit (GSO),
and two satellites on the ground are on stand-by in addition to ground
stations. The ground support unit that includes control of navigation
parameters, satellite control, satellite ranging, and monitoring, and they are
located in 15 locations across the country. Even though India has never
been denied access to data from other GPS-providers, it felt the need to
develop the navigation system in order to avoid being exposed to the
possibility of it being denied in the future, especially during a crisis or a
war. The IRNSS relays information for two types of users: Standard
Positioning Service (SPS) for general use, and Restricted Service (RS) meant
for special authorised users—military and other government agencies.
Early warning and military communications are also emerging as big
focus areas in India’s military space applications. Media reports indicate
that India plans to use its constellation of geostationary satellites as the first
line of defence as part of its missile defence shield. Scientists in the Indian
defence research and development establishment claim that the G-Sats
“will be able to capture the slightest of movements or even heat signatures.”15
206 Space Security

For military communications, the launch of GSAT-7 or /INSAT-4F in

August 201316 and GSAT-6 or INSAT-4E in August 2015 remain
important achievements. The GSAT-7 for the Indian Navy, with a
surveillance cover of around 1,000 nautical miles, stretching from the
eastern coast of Africa to the Malacca Strait, is likely to have a critical
impact on India’s maritime security and intelligencegathering capabilities.
Its relevance is also significant in the context of Maritime Domain Awareness
(MDA). But these requirements will increase parallel to India’s security
interests, especially in the emerging Asian strategic context including the
Indian Ocean region.
In terms of the institutional architecture, India has been slow despite
noteworthy developments over the last decade. In one of the more
concrete actions, on 10 June 2010, India’s Defence Minister AK Antony
declared the establishment of an Integrated Space Cell under the Integrated
Defence Services headquarters of the Ministry of Defence. The integrated
cell is jointly driven by the three services of the Indian Armed Forces, the
Department of Space, and the ISRO. This institution was necessitated by
the need to bring about greater coordination and coherence in its purpose
and functions as it pertained to military space needs. In addition, this
body is also responsible for articulating India’s near-term space policy.
Clarifying India’s new orientation in India’s approach to space, India’s
Defence Minister AK Antony, in 2011, stated in the Rajya Sabha that the
“satellite requirement of the armed forces are being met from the existing
facilities. Steps have also been taken for [the] provision of dedicated
satellite facilities for the armed forces”.17 While India has taken some
small steps in terms of its institutional innovation with the formulation of
the Integrated Space Cell, there has been a lackadaisical approach in
enumerating further its role and meeting its growing needs. There are also
problems in terms of resource allocation including the small budget with
which it has been operating. Unless these are attended to and there is
aggressive follow-up, India’s “space architecture of offensive and defence
system” will remain only in paper.18
Meanwhile, the Indian Navy has been prompt in conceiving certain
institutional reorder – even before the launch of the first dedicated military
satellite for the Indian Navy, it had established a new office called the
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Communications Space and Network
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 207

Centric Operations; ACNSCSNCO), which was responsible for

administering military space capabilities for the Navy. This was in
recognition of the shift taking place from a “Platform Centric Navy” to
a “Network Enabled Navy.”19 Other departments such as the Ministry
of Home Affairs also plan to have a committed satellite for the ministry
including ground-based infrastructure with advanced sensors and fences.
Taking note of the increasing security challenges in India’s neighbourhood
and the country’s porous borders, the Ministry of Home Affairs has
envisioned a Border Space Command to monitor borders with China,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar. Accordingly, a $2-billion
budget for this has been sanctioned.20
Another institution that has been in the making is India’s aerospace
command. The requirement for an aerospace command was first
articulated in 1998 by then Chief of Air Staff, Marshal SK Sareen. In
2003 it was reiterated by Air Chief Marshal S Krishnaswamy who said,
“Any country on the fringe of space technology like India has to work
towards such a command as advanced countries are already moving
towards laser weapon platforms in space and killer satellites.”21 After the
Chinese ASAT test in 2007, then Air Chief Marshal Marshal SP Tyagi said,
“As the reach of the Indian Air Force is expanding it has become extremely
important that we exploit space and for it you need space assets. We are
an aerospace power having trans-oceanic reach. We have started training a
core group of people for the ‘aerospace command’.”22 While the
establishment of the Integrated Space Cell is an important building block
to a fully operational aerospace command, it has been a decade since then
and there is little to show on the ground.
The need for greater coordination and sense of purpose is missing in
India’s military space approach as it lacks both a policy articulation and an
appropriate institutional mechanism. An aerospace command would
become a single window agency that would be able to better coordinate
and cope with the growing requirements of space from a security
perspective. Also having a single agency will mean a more coherent sense
of promoting India’s national interests.
Lastly, India has to attend to its policy architecture if it has to be able
to defend its interests in the military space domain. India is yet to issue a
208 Space Security

comprehensive space policy document. While it has put in place certain

sector-specific regulations and guidelines, even those are lagging in many
ways, which are addressed in other chapters in this volume. These guidelines
simply state the terms of engagement for foreign and domestic players
and other related issues, but fall short of providing a policy perspective
even in these narrow domains. Moreover, a broad national space policy
should be able to integrate the different functions and utilities that belong
to these narrow domains if India has to be able to strengthen its gains for
the long-term.
More importantly, the changing regional and global security dynamics,
including in the space domain, are critical imperatives for India to ponder
and address with appropriate counter-measures. The outer space domain
has changed with growing demands and challenges, reinforcing the difficulty
of the question of space sustainability and uninterrupted access to space.
All of these suggest that the need for an overarching space policy has
become far more pressing than ever. India’s immediate neighbourhood
itself has changed dramatically, and inaction could cost it dearly in the
strategic space domain.
While India has begun to appreciate the importanceof outer space in
the military domain and has taken a few steps in that direction, both in terms
of the technology and the institutions, it has done so in a piecemeal style
rather than as part of a larger strategy. The benefits of an open, declared,
overarching space policy far outweigh the disadvantages. Also given the
growing demands of space-based applications, which are competing in
many ways between the military and the civilian requirements, the national
political leadership should declare the space policy and not an individual
agency such as the ISRO. An ISRO-declared space policy will be restricting,
focusing only on the civilian aspects of India’s space policy and on the other
hand, a policy document emanating from the Ministry of Defence or the
military would focus on the security domain alone; both scenarios are
problematic. India’s space policy should ideally come from the Prime
Minister’s Office, as is done in the case of other advanced space powers
such as the US where the White House releases the space policy document.
While there is a requirement for an open declared space policy, the
need for a military space policy cannot be ignored. India might not want
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 209

to go down this path given its long-term approach of utilising space only
for peaceful purposes but if the country fails to respond to the changed
circumstances, it will stand to lose. Therefore, India must take steps to
declare a military space policy, or at least its key aspects. One good place
to start may be by issuing a white paper on space. India must then commit
and strengthen the resources available in the military space domain. For
instance, in order to meet growing demands, the number of dedicated
military satellites need to go up from the current one or two. After launching
the first dedicated military satellite for the Indian Navy in 2013, the Indian
Army and Air Force have been waiting for close to four years for their
own dedicated satellites. This scenario needs to change. The reason for
the delay is possibly because ISRO has had difficulty meeting these demands
– the number of launches that the ISRO is able to undertake has set
certain restrictions but also there are limitations on India’s launch
infrastructure that need to be addressed. A second related point that the
government must address relates to creating a more favourable ecosystem
for India’s talented private sector to play a more judicious role in meeting
India’s multiple requirements. This requires a change of mindset because
for long, private sector has been seen as the “other” that needs to be kept
at an arm’s length. Instead the government must introduce tough yet
reasonable regulations for both the public and private players and create a
more level-playing field, instead of favouring public-sector enterprises
just because they are state-funded. The US would not be a big player with
an edge in the high-technology domain if not for the private sector that
has had a critical role in keeping the US as the number one power in outer
Further, of critical requirement is for India to have a longer-term
perspective of its goals. This has been problematic on India because
New Delhi is yet to issue a long-term strategy document. This would
bring about greater clarity and better resource allocation although the
scientific and technical community associated with the Indian space
programme could vouch that the space programme has never been short
on resources. However, in reality, ISRO’s tiny budget has been spread too
thin to meet all the growing requirements. There have been repeated
articulations that ISRO’s budget will be increased, but even the 2016
allocation did not see any improvement. A lot of work lies ahead.
210 Space Security

1. UN Doc. A.AC.105/C.2?SR.29-37, p. 78, cited in Nandasiri Jasentuliyana,
International Space Law and the United Nations (Kluwer Law International,
The Hague: 1999), p. 131,
ved=0ahUKEwiZ9azDv_jRAhWHtY8KHV8wCIEQ6 AEIJDAE#v=
2. C Jayaraj, Secretary General, Indian Society of International Law, “India’s
Space Policy and Institutions,” Proceedings, United Nations/Republic of Korea
Workshop on Space Law, United Nations Treaties on Outer Space: Actions at the
National Level, United Nations, New York, 2004, available at http://
3. “Rao Warns of Arms Race in Outer Space,” Strategic Digest, Vol. 14,
No. 3 (March 1984), p. 232, cited in Ashley J Tellis, “The Evolution of
US-Indian Ties: Missile Defense in an Emerging Strategic Relationship,”
International Security, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2006, p. 114.
4. C Raja Mohan, “Rising India: Partner in Sharing the Global Commons?,”
The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2010, available at
5. Cited in VojtechMastny, “The Soviet Union’s Partnership with India,”
Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, Summer 2010, p.77.
6. Cited in Matthew Mowthorpe, The Militarization and Weaponization of
Space, (Lexington Books, 2004), pp. 165-66 and Larry Greenemeier,
“GPS and the World’s First “Space War”,” Scientific American, February 8,
7. According to a study by the Secure World Foundation, China had
conducted ASAT tests in 2005 and 2006 testing the SC-19 missile. See
Brian Weeden, Through a Glass, Darkly: Chinese, American, and Russian
Anti-satellite Testing in Space, March 17, 2014,
8. "China fast builds ‘counter-space’ capabilities to counter US satellites,
Pentagon warns,” Russia Today, May 9, 2015,
9. David Axe, “Is China’s Mysterious New Satellite Really a Junk
Collector—or a Weapon?,” The Daily Beast, July 05, 2016, http://
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 211

10. David Axe, “Is China’s Mysterious New Satellite Really a Junk
Collector—or a Weapon?,” The Daily Beast, July 05, 2016, http://
11. “The Missile Defense Space Test Bed,” Union of Concerned Scientists,
May 2008, available at
12. Dwayne Day, “Blunt arrows: The Limited Utility of ASATs,” The Space
Review, June 06, 2005, available at
13. David Vaughan et al, “Capturing the Essential Factors in Reconnaissance
and Surveillance Force Sizing and Mix,” Documented Briefing,
(Washington D.C.: RAND Corporation, 1998); see also Michael V
Nowakowski, “Autonomous Precision Weapon Delivery using Synthetic
Array Radar,” United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent No.
5260709, November 09, 1993,
14. For details, see ISRO, “Satellite Navigation Programme,” http://
15. Manoj K Das, “India to Use Geo-Stationery Satellites for Missile
Defence”, The Times of India, May 19, 2013, available at http://
a r t i c l e s. t i m e s o f i n d i a . i n d i a t i m e s. c o m / 2 0 1 3 - 0 5 - 1 9 / i n d i a /
16. Madhumati DS, “Navy’s First Satellite GSAT-7 Now in Space,” The
Hindu, August 30, 2013, available at
17. “Integrated Space Cell for Acquiring Space Capabilities”, Outlook India,
December 14, 2011.
18. Sudha Ramachandran, “India Goes to War in Space,” Asia Times Online,
June 18, 2008, available at
19. Rajat Pandit, “Navy Creates New Post to Harness Space-Based
Capabilities,” Times of India, June 03, 2013, available at http://
a r t i c l e s. t i m e s o f i n d i a . i n d i a t i m e s. c o m / 2 0 1 2 - 0 6 - 0 3 / i n d i a /
20. Vivek Raghuvanshi, “India’s $2B Border Solution: Satellites, Gear and
Sensors”, Defense News, October 24, 2012, available at http://
212 Space Security

21. “Aerospace command under way: IAF,” Times of India, October 7, 2003,
22. “India To Set Up Aerospace Defence Command,” Space News, January
28, 2007,
Need for an Indian Military Space Policy 213


Cooperation in Space Between India and France 215


Cooperation in Space
Between India and France
Jacques Blamont

For France, space was never going to be a solo effort. From the outset, in
1959, the Space Research Committee that was the forerunner of CNES
(Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) focused its attention on two avenues
to be explored: the interdisciplinary nature of space research and the
possibility of finding international partners, materialised in 1961 by the
signature of a first agreement with the US National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). This agreement provided for a satellite project
and training of French personnel in the United States. In 1962, then President
Charles de Gaulle’s government created the CNES and gave it the task of
shaping the nation’s space policy. One ‘space giant’ followed the other,
and in 1966 CNES signed a cooperation agreement with the Soviet Union.
Also, France has extended its partnership to other major space players,
namely, India, Japan and China.

I. Space Exploration: A brief history

In the 1960s there was no objective reason for India to develop a space
programme; it was a luxury it could not afford to indulge in. But one
man, Vikram Sarabhai, had a vision: “Space technology is most essential for the
all-round economic development of India.” He proposed to consider space
applications as a major contribution to the country’s self-reliant fulfillment
of solutions to its pressing problems. Among these applications included
telecommunications (which was directly relevant to addressing issues like
low literacy rates), and meteorology (that had an impact on agricultural
216 International Cooperation

It was a miracle that this man with a vision had enough charisma and
clout to push for the embodiment of his dream into a real national
programme, considering thathe had nothing to start with. At the COSPAR
(Committee on Space Research) 1962 Assembly in Washington, this author,
as scientific and technical director of the then newborn CNES, had the
opportunity to meet Vikram. Highly impressed by Vikram’s ideas, this
author decided to help him in spite of the weakness of the French assets
at the time.
As France and India’s situations were similar, India had just to follow
the path taken by France five years earlier: to learn the trade by launching
sounding rockets. Under the Indian National Commission for Space
Research set up by Vikram, the launch site TERLS was built at Thumba
near Trivandrum, with the help of NASA, the Soviet Union, and CNES.
Since nobody in India could build a payload, the CNES suggested as a
first step in the learning process, to start by scientific studies of the high-
atmosphere dynamics with the creation of sodium clouds by rockets, an
experiment which needed no on-board electronics equipment. On 20
November 1963, an American provided Nike-Apache carried with success
a sodium ejector payload fabricated in CNES laboratory, and it was
immediately followed by three similar sodium clouds launched at Thumba
by French Centaures, a two-stage solid propellant rocket also provided
by CNES. That was the birth of the Indian space programme.

Technology transfer in propulsion

Solid propellants
The Indo-French collaboration was formalised through a memorandum
of understanding signed in May 1964 between CNES and India’s
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). CNES gave a variety of
equipmentto TERLS including a COTAL radar. Sarabhai decided to
manufacture Centaure rockets in India under license. CNES helped in
concluding agreements with the French aerospace industry and provided
specialised training to a number of Indian engineers and scientists every
year. The propellant plant was commissioned in Thumba by the end of
1968, and the first indigenous Centaure launched on February 1969, with
an Indian payload onboard. Concurrently, the propellants were indigenised
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 217

and used for the development of the all-Indian Rohini rockets: the two-
stage RH560, very similar to the French Dragon (a more powerful brother
of Centaure), reached a 350-km altitude with a 150-kg payload on 27
January 1973.
The indigenisation of imported Centaure technology was a major
milestone for India, establishing the future growth of rocketry in the country,
even though plastolite propellants, not suitable for a launch vehicle, were
replaced by other chemicals developed by ISRO scientists: PBAN was
used for the launch of SLV-2 on 18 July1980 which launched India to the
status of a spacefaring nation.
SLV-2 was powered by solid propulsion in all its four stages: liquid
propulsion was left by ISRO on the slow burner.

Liquid propellants
For India, the major breakthrough in liquid propulsion systems came in
1974 when ISRO signed an agreement with the SEP (SociétéEuropéenne
de Propulsion) located in Vernon (France). At that time, France was
developing the Viking liquid engine for its Ariane launch vehicle programme.
Without any exchange of funds, this agreement provided for technology
transfer from SEP to ISRO for theViking liquid engine. In return, ISRO
would extend the services of 100 man-years of ISRO engineers and
scientists to SEP for their Ariane launch vehicle development.
To acquire the Viking engine technology, ISRO engineers worked in all
areas of development activities of the Ariane programme. They participated
in design reviews, progress reviews and even had interaction with European
industries. They received all detailed design drawings and documents, and
participated in inspection and quality assurance of systems, subsystems and
components. They were also part of assembly and integration, checkout
and testing operations in SEP facilities. They had discussions with SEP
specialists and received clarifications to understand the technology fully. Some
40 engineers, working under a five-year contract, participated in the
technology acquisition program at Vernon and Brétigny in France.
The ISRO Chairman created in 1980 a Liquid Propulsion Project
(LPP) which organised three teams under the leadership of three SEP-
218 International Cooperation

trained experts—the first team developed the system, the second was
tasked to realise all hardware in India in association with Indian industries,
and the third team was to establish all development facilities at Mahendragiri.
Indian industries and academic institutions were associated in the
development effort. The Viking engine, renamed Vikas, today powers the
second stage of PSLV and GSLV launchers. The first Vikas engine was
realised with the active contributions from MTAR Technologies, Hyderabad,
Godrej and other industries. It was successfully tested in SEP facilities in
1985, demonstrating the triumph of the acquisition of the technology.
TheVikas agreement between ISRO and SEP is the seedling which
has grown today as a big tree called Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre
(LPSC) with branches in Bangalore (Karnataka), Mahendragiri (Tamil Nadu),
and Valiamala (Kerala). The ISRO-SEP agreement and the consequent
acquisition of technology for Vikas engine had a great impact on the very
configuration of the PSLV launches and therefore played a crucial role in
making PSLV the workhorse of ISRO.

From assistance to commerce: Communications

The essential feature of the cooperation between India and France has
been to gradually mature from assistance to cooperative action and then
to commercial contracts.
In 1968-70, Vikram worked hard with CNES, under the leadership
of this author, to provide a space link to his pet Education program. He
had obtained a letter from then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, proposing
to the French government a joint mission similar to the German-French
Symphonie: a geostationary relay for cultural and educational TV emissions.
The proposal was, unfortunately, not accepted, and Symphonie (launched
in 1974) was later made available to Indian research and enabled numerous
ground experiments conducted by ISRO and the P and T Department of
the Ministry of Communications, spurredby exchanges of scientists for
trainings, discussions and workshops. Vikram had had better luck with
NASA, which provided access to its ATS-6 (Applied Technology Satellite)
for the requested relay; this became the SITE project in 1975-76. However,
the Symphonie multiple experiments, along with SITE, “laid the foundation
on which the applications of INSAT series of satellites have grown in India”1. They
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 219

appear therefore as one of the major cooperative successes of the India-

France space cooperation since they laid the foundations for using satellite-based
communications in India (ibid).
After a long period of cooperation between agencies without the
exchange of funds, the space relations between France and India adopted
commercial ventures between industrial partners as a new mode of action.
This pattern was exactly followed for communication satellites.
Following a proposal by CNES, APPLE, Indian’s first geostationary
experimental communication satellite was placed in orbit free of cost by
the third Ariane on 19 June 1981. Dedicated to the nation on 13 August
1981 by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, it was used by ISRO and
Telecommunication Research Centre of P and T over a period of 27
months for many experiments including tracking Indian Railways wagons
or telemedicine, and was the test bed for learning for many Indian engineers.
Following the choice of Ford for the development of the INSAT satellite,
ISRO used US launchers for its satcoms. Then after INSAT 1-A and 1-B,
ISRO turned to Arianespace.
Arianespace launched 11 out of the 22 Insat ISRO communication
satellites, from Insat 1-C on 21.07.1988 to Insat 3-D on 25.07.2013. All
launches were successful. Also,six out of 16 GSAT have been placed in
orbit by Ariane, the last of them on 10/11/ 2015.
But India had become a full-size space power by then. In September
2008, an agreement was signed between the French firm Astrium (now a
part of Airbus DS) and Antrix, ISRO’s commercial arm, covering the
launch of the French 712 kg imaging satellites Spot 6 and 7, together with
the construction of a communication payload for the ISRO satellite Hylas-
1 operated by Avanti Communications of London. Hylas-1 was launched
by Ariane-5 on 26/11/ 2010. PSLV placed Spot 6 on a nominal
heliosynchronous 694 km circular orbit on 9 September 2012 and Spot 7
on 30 June 2014 on a similar orbit.

Cooperation on scientific missions

Megha-Tropiques, a joint ISRO-CNES mission, is dedicated to the
documentation of the water and energy cycles in the convective oceano-
220 International Cooperation

atmospheric systems of the tropics, by acquiring frequent measurements

of the parameters associated with radiative fluxes, water vapour and
ISRO provided the PSLV launch on 12 October 2011, the platform
and the major part of the MADRAS instrument. CNES provided the
Saphir and ScaRab instruments.
MADRAS is a microwave imaging radiometer giving data on rains,
water vapour and clouds; Saphir is a microwave sounding radiometer
providing vertical profiles of humidity; ScaRab is a wideband radiometer
for measuring radiations fluxes; ROSA, provided by Italy, obtains
temperature and humidity profiles by GPS occultation. The Megha-
Tropiques data contribute to the cooperative ensemble GPM (Global
Precipitation Measurements) coordinated by NASA, as the first spacecraft
of its eight satellites constellation.
The important feature of the mission is the combination of its
instruments with a 20 degree circular orbit (altitude 865 km), enabling up
to five observations per day at the same location.
Saphir and ScaRab function nominally with performances well within
specifications. MADRAS has failed on 26 January 2013, and experienced
during its 16 months of operation electrical difficulties delaying its validation;
efforts are directed towards making a final version widely available.
The Saphir data, distributed in real time via Eumetsat’s EUMET Cast
system are being fed to prediction models since April 2015. The
consequence is an improvement up to 10 percent of the root mean square
error in the relative humidity between 200 and 300 hPa. A product called
TAPEER, combining Saphir data with contributions of other satellites
has been developed to estimate cumulative precipitation at a resolution of
1° and 1day. This product shows a strong potential for accelerating
progress in models, especially in Africa.
The loss of MADRAS is mitigated with Saphir being used as a
surrogate. As of April 2016, some 90 papers have been published, 70 of
them written by French scientists, with more than 1,400 citations. Preliminary
results show that the low inclination orbit brings in useful information for
rainfall estimation and convective events monitoring, even under an already
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 221

dense observing system. The operational use of Saphir is in its infancy and
it results from Megha-Tropiques that this type of measurement will have
a positive impact on numerical weather forecasts.
SARAL-Altika, a joint ISRO-CNES mission is dedicatedto altimetry.
Previous altimetry missions such as Topex-Poseidon and Jason conducted
by CNES in cooperation with NASA,Eumetsatand NOAA, all operated
in Ku-band (13.6 GHz) coupled with S or C band. SARAL uses Ka-band
(35 GHz) for enhanced performances in terms of vertical resolution,
time decorrelation of echoes, spatial resolution (8 km footprint) and range
noise. The satellite has also enabled a better observation of ice, rain, coastal
zones, lakes, rivers and wave heights.
ISRO provided the platform and the PSLV launch on 25 Feb 2013
to a heliosynchronous circular (800 km) orbit. CNES provided an integrated
payload module including the instruments and an Argos-3 mission payload,
and a part of the ground system. The payload includes an AltikaKa band
altimeter and an embedded dual-frequency radiometer (23.8 GHz/37
GHz); the radio-positioning DORIS system for precise orbit determination
using dedicated ground station; a laser reflector array to calibrate the orbit
determination system; an Argos-3 instrument as part of the Argos system.
In orbit the behaviour of SARAL has been flawless. The quality of
data has been generally better than Jason-2’s products and demonstrated
new capacities (coastal, inland, ice). It has filled the gap between Envisat
and Sentinel-3 and played a key role in the ocean-surface topography
virtual constellation, which requires a minimal configuration of four
satellites simultaneously in orbit (Jason 3 and Sentinel 3A were not yet
launched, Cryosat not optimised for ocean observation and HY2 suffering
from data outage). A large scientific community of users has been
assembled, as was reported in a special issue of the journal, Marine Geology.
SARAL-Altika has been a pertinent precursor for the future NASA-
CNES altimeter mission SWAT.

Research in atmospheric physics using balloons

There is a history of successful research in tropospheric physics pursued
in India by the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, with the support
of CNES.
222 International Cooperation

Participation in the international program of monsoon studies (MONEX)

organised in 1979-80 within the scope of GARP (Global Atmospheric
Research Program).
- PreMonex: launch of 45 super-pressurised 2.50-m-diameter
balloons from Seychelles (1975), floating inside the boundary
layer (around 900 hPa) for days to weeks. The experiment was a
success: the flights were able to characterise different phases in
the monsoon flux due to the interaction between the lower layers
jet and intense convective cells originating off the eastern shore
of Somalia.
- Balsamine: launch of 60 similar balloons from Seychelles and 30
from Madagascar (Diego Suarez) in 1979. Good surface wind
data were obtained and associated with the other MONEX
measurements retrieved from ships, airplanes, drop sonde
satellites. They proved useful for the evaluation of the equilibrium
between the advection, forcing and wind friction terms in the
boundary layer and the parameterisation of small scales in the
numerical models of weather and climate prediction.

Participation in INDOEX (1999)

The purpose of the INDOEX international programme was to study the
transport and evolution of aerosols and trace constituents issued from
the Indian subcontinent, and their interaction with clouds and radiations.
The contribution of the balloon flotilla proposed by LMD was to observe
directly the wind field in the lower layers above the Arabian Sea and the
transport of polluted air masses coming from the subcontinent.
Seventeen balloons were launched from Goa in January and February
1999. The flights discovered that the transport of pollutants isdominated by
the anticyclonic circulation off the western coast of India due to orographic
subsidence behind the Ghats and to the diurnal cycle of sea breezes.

The future
The recent success of the two joint ISRO-CNES missions, Megha-
Tropiques and SARAL, leads to the idea that the 50-year-old Indian-French
cooperation in space should now be expanded.
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 223

The “Programme between CNES and ISRO for Reinforced Cooperation in

Space Activity” was inked in Paris on 10 April 2015. Then on 25 January
2016 in New Delhi, in the presence of French President François Hollande
and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, CNES President Jean-Yves Le Gall
and ISRO Chairman A.S. Kiran Kumar signed three implementing
agreements providing the future framework for closer ties between the
two nations in space. What are the ingredients of this augmented

Scientific research

Climatology and meteorology

The Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium (APRS) was held from 4 to
7 April 2016 in New Delhi. For its 10th edition, this event brought together
heads of space agencies from around the world focused on the use of
satellite-based remote sensing in managing disasters and monitoring climate
change—two particularly hot issues in the wake of the December 2015
COP 21 climate conference in Paris. The Declaration of New Delhi was
adopted, stressing the will of all Space Agencies to play a major role in
climatology research, and specially maintain continuous global monitoring
of climatology parameters: space data provide half the data used to
understand climate. Jean-Yves Le Gall explained that France has made
climate research a national priority, citing the missions it is pursuing in this
field with Europe and its partners, like MERLIN with Germany and
CFOSat with China.
As a consequence, the above mentioned bilateral agreements
stipulate that CNES and ISRO will jointly develop an infrared climate-
monitoring satellite designed to map heat exchanges on the Earth’s
surface and support new applications in agriculture, forest monitoring,
soil and groundwater pollution monitoring, and volcanology. This
mission will be devoted to remote sensing of Earth in the thermal
infrared (TIR) and a visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, at a
high spatial scale (resolution of a few tens of meters) coupled with a
high temporal scale (revisit of one to three days) with two main
objectives: ecosystem stress and water use monitoring; coastal zone
monitoring and management. On the other hand, the signed agreements
224 International Cooperation

foresee that in 2018, the ISRO Oceansat 3-Argos mission will fly France’s
latest-generation Argos 4 environmental data collection and location
instrument. Sometime in the future, such ventures may lead to a world
space system of surveillance of the compliance of countries to agreements
on carbon emissions.
The 2016 ISRO-CNES agreements also contain the creation of a
joint space science group tasked with studying France’s participation in
future Indian interplanetary missions. This paper argues for this joint group
to focus on atmospheric, oceanic sciences and climatology. If (as has
been seen) the ISRO-CNES balloons and satellites have provided good
scientific results, these operations have happened on a sporadic, haphazard
road map, without any strategic view. Balloons studies of monsoon or
pollution were interrupted when LMD scientists obtained their D.Sc. The
Megha-Tropiques program was virtually abandoned after many years of
hopeless discussions between engineers of Toulouse and Bangalore, when
during the experts’ flight to Trivandrum for the 40th anniversary of the
first Indian rocket experiment, this author managed to convince the
Chairman of ISRO, Madhavan Naïr, to save the project and make it
happen; it has since succeeded. The programmatic management of the
cooperation has not been up to par with the excellence of the
instrumentation and to the potential of Saphir and Altika.
The method used in the Soviet-France Space cooperation programme
should be used in the ISRO-CNES joint ventures: a programme
committee should be established, tasked with the elaboration of research
projects in climatology -atmospheric science - oceanography to be
submitted on a regular basis to the two agencies. The projects would
involve whenever needed satellites, balloons, general equipment (lidars,
radars, sounders ships, aeroclippers, buoys, among others).
The purpose would be to support a wide scope use of many techniques
in a strategic approach providing extensity and continuity in the acquisition
of data. This policy could mean reflights of proven instruments such as
Saphir and Altika.

Planetary exploration
Beyond its space community, India is rightly proud of its successful missions
to the Moon and to Mars. On the other hand, CNES has participated in a
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 225

large number of planetary ventures as provider of high-quality scientific or

technical hardware, from the SovietVenera missions to the American
Clementine to the Moon or Curiosity to Mars, and ESA’s ExoMars.
The “new step forward in cooperation” announced by the political
leaders should be symbolised by a flagship venture prepared and proposed
by the joint science group.
The choice of the target is therefore not yet known but this paper
recommends a French participation in the Venus mission inscribed in
ISRO’s plan for the early 2020s.
As having worked many years in Venus space research, including the
successful balloons of the Soviet mission Vega (1985), this author believes
that the complex physicochemistry of Venus cannot be understood without
in-situ long duration measurements and that balloons can provide vehicles
adapted to the Venus atmosphere, already qualified for such a mission,
relatively easy to use, and cheap. They are well-suited to the solution of
the riddles of the Venus atmosphere: the super rotation and the sulfur
cycle. A first-class French scientific community would have the capacity,
working with its Indian colleagues (for instance) of the NARL, to obtain
a breakthrough in the most mysterious phenomena offered by planetary
atmosphere. This type of mission, which would become a part of a long
duration program with launches every two or four years, appears as a
natural complement to the program of terrestrial atmosphere research
proposed in the precedent section.

The following section involves unchartered waters, and the views expressed
are this author’s own.
Today all conflicts have become information wars. Space being the
essential global asset for collecting, transmitting and disseminating
information plays ipso facto a vital role not only in the formulation and
implementation of great power strategies, but also in the daily management
of theater operations. The acceptance of this reality and the consequent
need to restructure their entire national security complex figure obviously
among the most important tasks ahead of every state. Most important
226 International Cooperation

will be the acquisition of space-based C4ISR capacities which,

complemented by ground-based components, will be critical for preserving
peace through deterrence and for waging war. India and France are nations
faced with this fast evolution.
In India, the Ministry of Defence has created inside the Integrated
Defence Staff a think tank devoted to Space Defence called Integrated
Defence Cell, and invested in space hardware servicing the military: 2013
launch of GSAT-7, devoted to Navy communication; 2015 launch of
GSAT-6 for Army communication. In November 2015, the Prime
Minister’s Office has openly mentioned working on the concept of an
eventual Space Defence Agency whose action would have to be consistent
with the current international posture of the “peaceful uses of outer space”.
Following this line, it could be useful to colour its strategy with international
cooperation, even if this mixture appears at first glance as a paradox.
Space tends to be international by nature and the International Chart on
Space and Major Catastrophes initiated as an initiative of CNES and
ESA in 1999 is an example of cooperation for providing sensitive data in
some circumstances. The organisation, Sentinel Asia proposed by Japan
for the Asia pacific zone, or the Emergency Services of ESA’s Copernicus
program, offer similar products.
As CNES helped India in the 1960s towards the creation of a civilian
Space capacity, it could also help into the development of a Defence
space capacity. France has deployed itself a number of Space Defence
assets with the telecommunication Syracuse; the imagers Helios-Spot and
Pleiades; the radar Cosmo-Skymed;the ELINT Cerise, Clementine, Elisa,
Essaims; localisation through its partnership with ESA in the Galileo
program. A strong space industry and operational experience obtained in
the recent conflicts are assets that could form the basis of cooperation.
It is suggested that discussions would be started at a high political
level in order to explore the ways and means of such a delicate venture.
Even if it is too early to specify what type of programs would be chosen
in this cooperation, some trails can be mentioned, corresponding to basic
needs for the Indian Defence space program.
1 - SIGINT. After learning the trade of the space monitoring of
electromagnetic signals for Defence purpose in successive missions, the
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 227

French Ministry of Defence intends to deploy the CERES ELINT system

in 2020 for detection, positioning and characterisation of transmitters radar
and of telecommunication. It will comprise three satellites in formation.
Thales Alenia Space will provide the platforms and Airbus DS the payload.
2 – Sea surveillance. Pirating and migrations have made sea surveillance
a priority for the Indian Department of Defence. Space offers, with a
combination of radar, radar detection and monitoring of the Automatic
Identification System (AIS), strong tools against illegitimate vessels, since
they fill in the open-ocean gap, capturing signals that base ships already
emit but, more important, extending the surveillance to smaller ships.
Governments in Europe are becoming more aware of this potential,
as migrant issues become more pressing. The next generation of
Copernicus Sentinel satellites for the European Union will carry AIS
Up to now, Canada retrieves AIS data and sells them to government
SSTL has recently signed with the UK Space Agency for an advanced
AIS receiver carried by a VESTA nanosat precursor of a constellation.
France has deployed a maritime surveillance system over the Caribbean
area called Trimaran, which buys its AIS data from Canada and its radar
data from various providers.Trimaran enables maritime zone commanders
to access a portal for surveillance services using optical and radar imaging
and AIS data to enhance the effectiveness of their national maritime
missions. France has the second largest economic exclusion zone in the
world behind the United States. No such system exists on the Mediterranean
where it would be useful. Italy, which obtains radar data from Cosmo
Skymed, is thinking about some development. A joint India-France venture,
which could use an extension of Trimaran and space hardware from
both countries, could pave the way for the establishment of an international

Small satellites
Small satellites are now understood to complement the operational
capabilities of larger space systems byproviding real-time coverage and
support. As an example, Cartosat-2 (700 kg) and Cartosat-2A form the
228 International Cooperation

backbone of high-resolution imaging for the Indian armed forces, but

they have a revisit time of four days. The RISAT 1 and 2 provide a
complementary all-weather, day-and-night capability, and SKYSAT-2
(125 kg) quick response on target monitoring.
Small satellites started in India with the academic ANUSAT more
than a decade ago. However, the expansion of this technology and its
accessibility to a large number of customers lack a programmatic approach.
ISRO launched in 2008 the 100-kg Indian Mini Satellite (IMS): the IMS
has led to only one replication with Youth Satellite.
Everywhere, military applications of nano/micro satellite platforms
are now expanding including technical demonstration, responsive remote
sensing AIS, ELINT, and telecommunications. In India, the Integrated
Space Cell of the Ministry of Defence has identified such needs in its
roadmap. However, both military and civilian lack a sustained plan
concerning small satellites. In contrast, CNES has developed the Myriade
platform, successfully used in 16 missions including the military Essaim
program for ELINT. Further, in 2015, an agreement was signed between
the American company Oneweb and Airbus DS, creating the 50-50 joint
venture OneWeb Satellite in order to conceive and fabricate for 2018 the
900 satellites of a constellation dedicated to the diffusion of high bit rate
Internet communications. The first ten spacecrafts will be developed in
Toulouse and the others in Florida. The company will also produce
satellites, platforms or any equipment commercialised by Airbus DS for
any customers. Such a scheme could be applied between Indian and French
industries or agencies.
There is a need in India for a dedicated effort on small spacecrafts with
proper timescale, financing and goals, which could contain a large co-
operative branch with France. Already, in March 2016, Thales Alenia Space
and Airbus DS have jointly presented to the Indian Ministry of Defence an
offer for the joint development of a constellation of reconnaissance and
intelligence satellites (SAR radar imagery, ELINT, SIGINT) with technology
transfer from France to India via indigenous companies.

A new vision: the taming of the Crowd

Today the landscape of technology in the world is dominated by the
creativity of Silicon Valley enterprises whose main trades are
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 229

communication, networking and advertisement. Their enormous

investments and their innovative management techniques have given birth
to what is called NewSpace, characterised by a collection of private initiatives
in propulsion, space systems and missions. Non-state players have emerged
and will emerge from nowhere, accelerating the proliferation of space
technologies across borders. A major question is the ability of established
space powers, agencies and industry to embrace and absorb NewSpace.
They will have to accept the diversification of activities and consider
fundamental changes: the newcomers do things differently with short
schedules, lean manufacturing and horizontal management, and they
In the Internet exist many networks of hyperactive young enthusiasts
of technology and space, known as hackers, makers, members of fab
labs which complement and feed the start-ups of NewSpace.
Miniaturisation and the possibility to accomplish big missions, even planetary,
with nanosats and 3 D technology (additive mechanical fabrication) fit
very well with the ambitions of many makers and hackers. The success of
San Francisco’s Planet Labs in orbiting many cubesats is an encouragement
for the Crowd (or the private sector).
India is today the third partner of the global ecosystem of start-ups
with 42,000 of them in 2015. Most of them exist only on paper, struggling
for financial support from benefactors such as Tata, Mohandas Pai, and
Rajan Anandan. Their birth and growth are helped by accelerators and
incubators like the Global Superangels Forum (GSF).
India has already supported several NewSpace firms, such as Planet
Lab, Terra Bella (previously Sky Box Imaging), and Spire, by orbiting
their satellites. Fifteen international organisations have also helped several
small business initiatives. CNES has created for this purpose a nanosat club
regrouping several university groups.
At the Toulouse Space Show on 28 June 2016, CNES signed an
agreement with the Bangalore-based firm, AxiomsResearch Labs, in order
to contribute to the Team Indus mission, a private initiative that is set to land
a module and a rover on the Moon in 2017, competing for the Google
Lunar X Prize. CNES will supply a latest generation CMOS microcamera
developed by the French firm 3D Plus. This partnership plays into CNES’s
230 International Cooperation

strategy of developing closer ties with the new generations of players

from the NewSpace sphere in which India is a prime mover.
CNES studies the concrete steps to create a virtual Space Federation,
which would use the Net to organise real projects with the participation
of groups scattered all over the world at various levels of involvement.
Some kind of directorate, basically controlled by space agencies, would
circulate proposals of space programmes issued from the Crowd: organise
filtering and assessment of ideas, choose some of them and assemble
partners into a project structure. This structure would connect
knowledgeable specialists from agencies, universities, research groups and
industry with the interested clubs, fablabs or equivalents for concrete
realisation. Crowdfunding would be used for some part of the financing.
The participative Federation would rest on autonomy, diversity, horizontality
and open source. It would replace Brownian chaos by order, that is, on
one side enlist enthusiasm and competence and, on the other, impose the
doctrine of quality and risk management which has made the success of
space. The participation of the agencies implied on projects would
guarantee the technical soundnessof the products and provide access to
orbit, usually as piggybacks.
As an example, constellations could be launched by various
contributors, each of them following its own rules and schedules inside a
wide scheme fixed by a directorate. What about making the Moon Robotic
Village a product of the Crowd?
ISRO could be a main partner in this CNES initiative, which is in line
with major trends: miniaturisation of hardware, extension of networks
towards total global connection, advent of a world culture based on
numerical (digital) technology—all tendencies very much present on the
Indian scene. A joint Indian-French federation would trigger a global
motion towards its incorporation of the Crowd into the future space
missions of the 21th century.

There is no doubt that international cooperation is difficult. To move
beyond ministerial declarations of intent there must exist not only a deep
conviction shared by the top echelons of an agency supposed to engage
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 231

in a cooperation programme, but also a permanent structure containing

some committees and staff, devoted to make things happen. All these
ingredients have been wanting in the course of Indian-French cooperation
in space, kept at a relatively low level by lack of motivation and general
sluggishness. CNES in 1970 was unable to convince its authorities to accept
the Indira Gandhi proposal of a joint satellite education programme. ISRO,
even after the free ride offered for Apple, disregarded its links with its
French teachers in propulsion technology for the launch of Insat 1-A, B
and D, to come back in 1988 to the faultless performer Ariane for its
communication satellites. Negotiation for Megha-Tropiques drained for
years and the project was saved in extremis by ISRO Chairman.
India has greatly benefited from its cooperation with France. Today
India needs again to find a solid partner: if its space programme is currently
gathering momentum with a roadmap ahead comprising 71 satellites to
be built by 2021, and a target to increase the launch frequency to 12-18
annually during this period, the closed structure of ISRO has deprived its
private industry of the maturity achieved by its American and European
peers. India has been unable to make its space community to go global,
and especially its industry. Its programmatic objectives will be met with
great difficulties without an opening towards the world, and this paper
suggests that this revolution would be helped by international cooperation,
for instance with France, provided that it is built with efficient tools.
First, an overall Program Committee, as in the Soviet-French space
cooperation, should be set up and activated, with a yearly meeting of the
whole community concerned. Industry should be represented and heard.
The committee would be animated by the heads of ISRO and CNES,
and would be helped by ad hoc sub-committees, one for each of the main
disciplines entering in the cooperation (Climatology, Planetary, Defence,
and others). Experience has shown that such a structure can be kept light.
Modern technology enables committees to meet in visio-conferences; but
what is needed is will and commitment.
Such an organisation remains distant at the moment: the committee
on planetary exploration created by the heads of government in January
2016 has yet to meet as of September 2016, but meanwhile, ISRO has
proceeded with the preparation of its next mission to Mars MOM-2 and
232 International Cooperation

issued a call for proposals without informing CNES. During this period,
fruitless meetings have been held on Venus missions, and only industry has
shown interest in a follow-on to Altika.
A second tool would be the participation of ISRO in the ‘Federation
of the Crowd’ that CNES is considering to create. In this area, everything
has to be invented, and it is expected that a large part of the innovation
will surge in a bottom-up manner. Here is an example: Narayan Prasad
and colleagues have proposed to start, fund and run a space specialised
Business Incubation Centre (BIC) involving ISRO, startups, governmental
departments, industry and venture capital firms in a public-private mode.
The idea follows ESA’s BIC program which has created more than 50
viable firms. Aspace-BIC would build on ISRO’s success to create markets
and to render easier access to global activities. Such a BIC (and others)
seem an obvious partner for the Federation and a joint India-France BIC
would become a main enabler of change by cooperation.
Below is a summary of the domains where CNES-ISRO cooperative
space projects could be implemented:
- Climatology, oceanography and meteorology: good bases already
exist in this area but they should be upgraded into a structured
programme replacing the collection of successive unrelated items
that it has been. A programme committee should be appointed
with scientists from both nations involved in order to define a
long-term vision based on joint research projects, joint scientific
teams, and joint missions. The concerned community should be
comforted by symposia, student exchanges (both pre- and post-
doctorate) and a complementary research programme on Big
Data management. One of the objectives of the cooperation
may be to set up an international network of carbon use
- Joint missions to telluric planets. Complementary roles are here
offered with CNES providing instruments or equipment to
ISRO missions. Clearly, a long road has to be travelled before
anything concrete is decided in this matter, though a joint Venus
Balloon programme is not farfetched.
- Security. This is a domain where nothing has yet been done, even
Cooperation in Space Between India and France 233

if links exist in the Defence industry of the two countries. A

potential is latent here and is awaiting an initiative. The two nations
could work together towards the establishment of a space
surveillance of the high seas, which is of great necessity for both.
Would there be a possibility for restarting cooperation in the domain
of propulsion? Europe has a priority, the development of Ariane-6 for
the maintenance of the Ariane family at the top of the world’s commercial
launcher fleet. This leaves no place for any other venture up to 2020. But
the post-Ariane-6 time period has to be explored. What about an airplane
for space access? India and France aircraft industries are already cooperating
on large programmes.
Meanwhile the voice of the Crowd may be heard as it did in the US,
creating Space X, Orbital, and others. There is a need for cheap launchers
adapted to small spacecraft. Let the Crowd speak. Is there hope on the
possibility for an India-France space team to exert an influence on
mankind’s space activities in this century, including Moon occupancy, Mars
colonisation, interstellar missions? One of the reasons for ISRO’s success
(in the words of ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan), is that it has given
national priority over everything else. This legitimate position will not change,
as the ‘Make in India’ doctrine is implemented. The above mentioned
suggestions have been made considering the dominating trends. Compared
to these immense ventures they are modest, but the international community
will be fortunate enough even if a few of them ever materialise.

This paper has greatly benefited from various papers by Narayan Prasad
and from the two books: U.R. Rao’s India’s Rise as a Space Power (Cambridge
University Press India, 2014), and P.V. Manoranjan Rao’s From Fishing Hamlet
to Red Planet, ISRO Editions (Harper Collins, 2015).

1. M.Y.S.Prasad, in From Fishing Hamlet to Red Planet, ed. P.V.Manorangan
Rao, ISRO Publications, Harpers Collins, 2015.
India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 235


India-US: New Dynamism

in Old Partnership
Victoria Samson

India and the United States have over 50 years of experience in cooperating
on space efforts, going as far back as when India launched a US-built
sounding rocket from a launch site in southern India in 1963. This
relationship has been beneficial, both in terms of enhancing scientific and
technical achievements and also in bolstering the relationship between the
two democracies. The cooperative efforts have largely focused on civil
space projects, however, so there is room for increasing the cross-cutting
alliances between the two countries by expanding joint efforts to include
those that affect security and stability. Furthermore, the two countries can
work together in multilateral fora to encourage the development of norms
of responsible behaviour that will help make the space environment stable
and predictable. To allow for cooperation on security space issues, issues
that could potentially warp the US-India relationship must be dealt with,
like using Indian launchers to put US satellites in orbit. While these are
complicated issues, they are not impossible to work through, given sufficient
leadership and support from both sides.
Much of the cooperation between India and the United States in
space has been, reasonably so, via the two countries’ respective space
agencies: India’s Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the United
States’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The first
meeting of the US-India Civil Space Joint Working Group was held in
June 2005, allowing for discussions that would identify future possibilities
for collaboration and sharing information about what each side is currently
236 International Cooperation

focusing on. India’s Chandrayaan-1, launched in 2008, carried (among

other objects) scientific instruments built by NASA; this mission helped
detect water on the Moon. In September 2014, India and the United
States had spacecraft arrive in Mars orbit within two days of each other,
leading to the creation of the Mars Working Group. Most recently, the
two countries created a Heliophysics Working Group in order to consolidate
efforts researching the Sun. Also being worked on is a Memorandum of
Understanding to allow for sharing Earth observation data. Work continues
on the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission (NISAR), a joint effort intended to
build a satellite that will be able to observe Earth day and night through
cloud cover in order to get a comprehensive mapping picture of land
surface changes, including their causes and consequences; it is intended to
be launched by 2021.1 A Memorandum of Understanding to allow for
sharing Earth observation data was signed in July 2016 between ISRO
and the United States Geographical Survey (USGS) and formally approved
by the Indian government; this will allow for the exchange of data from
the United States’ LANDSAT-8 satellite and India’s RESOURCESAT-2
satellite.2 There have also been some rumblings about India participating
in the International Space Station, and, given that both the United States
and the European Space Agency have agreed to extend their funding of it
through 2024, there might be some openings for new contributors to it.
(Although that will be right around the time the Chinese space station will
be coming on-orbit, so it will be interesting to see how the two space
stations interact and reach out to external participants.)
The two countries have also been looking to enhance their relationship
when it comes to defense issues. A joint statement released in June 2016
noted that “the U.S.-India defense relationship can be an anchor of stability,
and given the increasingly strengthened cooperation in defense, the United
States hereby recognizes India as a Major Defense Partner.”3 This
announcement also acknowledged that India and the United States had
“reached an understanding under which India would receive license-free
access to a wide range of dual-use technologies in conjunction with steps
that India has committed to take to advance its export control objectives.”4
But even this statement kept the space cooperation to the civil side, identifying
“earth observation, Mars exploration, space education and manned space
flight”5 as areas for future cooperative efforts.
India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 237

One new area for cooperation in space is satellite navigation. The

United States has the Global Positioning System (GPS), which has been
hugely important in expanding the use of space assets for benefits here on
Earth. India has developed its own regional satellite navigation system
which could be used together with the US’ GPS system (and other satellite
navigation systems, like Russia’s GLONASS, Europe’s Galileo, and even
China’s Beidou) to expand the satellite navigation network so that positioning
data can become even more accurate. India’s system, Navigation with an
Indian Constellations (NavIC, formerly known as Indian Regional
Navigation Satellite System or IRNSS), intends to use the seven satellites
which have all been launched to create highly accurate positioning data
over the Indian subcontinent; as of September 2016, the system has not
been declared operational yet.6 When it is, it intends to offer two types of
service: a less accurate one for civilian users, and a more accurate one for
the military. NavIC receivers are supposed to be able to receive data from
the GPS and GLONASS networks as well. It would be interesting if
GPS users would be able to access NavIC data when in its coverage area;
of course, it does raise the question about compatibility and interoperability,
particularly when it comes to transmissions. Cooperation would be difficult
if one system accidentally broadcasts too near the other, creating large
amounts of background noise and thus interfering with users’ ability to
access the data. This requires getting out ahead of the issue and working
out agreements now, before it becomes an issue. India has also been
working on its GPS Aided Geo-Augmented Navigation (GAGAN)
system, which is intended to help aircraft with improved navigation over
the Indian subcontinent and surrounding areas by using satellites to augment
data from GPS satellites and increase the accuracy of the aircraft’s
positioning data.
Another area where the United States is actively looking for international
partners is in sharing weather data. In August 2016, the US Air Force sent
its long-term weather satellite data strategy to Congress, where it had a
strong focus on using international partners in order to fill gaps.7 One
such partner specifically mentioned was India, with the idea that data could
be taken from Indian satellites Insat and Oceansat. Winston Beauchamp,
deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for space, commented that this
would be a good option for cooperation, as “We have a very robust
238 International Cooperation

capability internationally and weather data is one of the less sensitive missions
when it comes to sharing.”8
Both countries have strong incentives to want to improve domain
awareness, so it should be a likely candidate for efforts to cooperate in
space. The first is space situational awareness (SSA). The US-India Joint
Statement of September 2014 highlighted SSA (and collision avoidance in
outer space) as an issue of potential interest. Frank Rose, Assistant
Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance at the
US State Department, told a conference in New Delhi in January 2015
that “As we deepen our strategic relationship, we share an interest in
addressing the emerging security challenges of the 21st century. Ensuring
the long-term sustainability and security of the outer space environment is
one of those challenges, and one that the United States and India are
uniquely situated to address together.”9 He went on to highlight SSA sharing
as one of several “areas of concrete collaboration.”10 The United States
has signed SSA sharing agreements with 11 countries which are intended
to expedite sharing data about objects on orbit in order to reduce the
chances of catastrophic collisions on orbit; the most recent agreement
was signed with the United Arab Emirates in April 2016. India has not
signed an agreement with the United States yet on this issue, but its owner-
operator data could prove highly useful in increasing the reliability and
accuracy of the US space objects catalogue, which in turn could help
protect Indian assets on orbit.
Another area that could be ripe for cooperation is using space for
maritime domain awareness (MDA). Cooperating on MDA in general
has long been part of US policy: National Security Presidential Directive
(NSPD)-41/Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-13, released
in December 2004, calls for “Enhancing international relationships and
promoting the integration of U.S. allies and international and private sector
partners into an improved global maritime security framework to advance
common security interests in the Maritime Domain.”11Indian Minister of
Defense Manohar Parikkar and US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter
released a statement in April 2016 that discussed, among other things,
“new opportunities to deepen cooperation in maritime security and
Maritime Domain Awareness.”12Space for MDA is a natural outgrowth
of this mission, particularly given the explosion in number of Earth
India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 239

observation satellites in recent years. With long shorelines necessitating

aggressive vigilance and space assets in place to provide information about
possible threats to those shorelines and/or national assets in the maritime
domain, space-based MDA should be of interest to both India and the
United States. The first bilateral Maritime Security Dialogue was held in
New Delhi in May 2016, but it did not include a space element to its
MDA issues, instead choosing to focus primarily on challenges affecting
the stability of the Asia-Pacific maritime domain. Perhaps future iterations
of this dialogue can include a space track.
Cooperation in space does not have to limit itself to strictly bilateral
discussions. Multilateral fora are possible venues for the United States and
India to work together on space issues, particularly on solidifying agreement
on norms of responsible space behaviour. The most prominent venue
for this is the United Nations’ Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space (COPUOS). It meets three times a year in Vienna, Austria, to discuss
technical, legal, and general issues affecting the peaceful use of space. VK
Dadhwal, formerly of ISRO and currently director of the Indian Institute
of Space Science and Technology, started his two-year tour as the chair
of the COPUOS’ Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in February
2016.13 In addition, COPUOS has had a working group dedicated to
creating voluntary guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space
since 2010. India nominated members to the four expert groups that
were charged with discussing and writing these guidelines.
India was in attendance at the June 2016 plenary of COPUOS and
gave: a general statement on ASTROSAT, India’s space-based astronomical
observatory; a statement on the report of the 53rd session of the STSC; a
statement (about the NavIC satellite navigation system) under the space
and sustainable development agenda item; a statement under the agenda
item of spin-off benefits of space technology; a statement under the
agenda item of space and water; a statement under the agenda item of
space and climate change; and a statement under the agenda item use of
space technology in the United Nations system.14 However, India did not
give a statement about the long-term sustainability guidelines, which is a
missed opportunity to demonstrate that these guidelines created in a
multilateral forum dedicated to the peaceful use of space were fully
supported by the government of India. This is particularly important,
240 International Cooperation

given that India is a leader amongst developing countries and there are
some concerns about whether the guidelines will help or hurt them. There
were a dozen guidelines that were approved at the plenary session of
COPUOS in June 2016; more are still under discussion and will be brought
to the STSC in February 2017.15 Perhaps there, under the leadership of an
Indian chair, India will use the opportunity to demonstrate its support of
the long-term sustainability guidelines.
In looking for places where the two countries can cooperate on space
issues, it is important to also be aware of issue areas that could delay or
even prevent this from happening. One such topic is the use of Indian
launch vehicles for launching US commercial satellites, specifically using
India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) for launching American
smallsats. India made news in June 2016 when it used its PSLV to launch
20 satellites at the same time in the same orbit; these satellites came from
five countries, and 13 of the satellites were American.16 With that launch,
the PSLV had put 113 satellites in orbit since its first launch in 1993, over
half of which (74) belonged to other countries.17 This was the second
time the PSLV had launched commercial US satellites; the first was in
September 2015, when the PSLV launched four satellites from Spire
Global.18 U.S.-based PlanetIQ has a launch booked with the PSLV program
later in 2016.19 What then is the problem? With the nascent commercial
smallsat Earth Observation market continually expanding, one would think
that having access to a relatively cheap ($33 million/launch) launch vehicle
that can place smaller satellites at their selected orbit at will, instead of
having to wait to be a secondary payload for a larger satellite that may end
up having its launch repeatedly delayed, would be good for US industry.20
It is – but that is only part of the story. To clarify: it is great for US
smallsats; but for companies working on developing US small launch
vehicles, the concern is that they will not be able to compete with India’s
PSLV and thus they will lose out on market shares and even fail to develop
as a successful and autonomous industry themselves.
This problem goes back over a decade when India and the United
States came to an agreement in 2006 about the wording of the Technical
Safeguards Agreement (TSA), which was signed in 2009.21 This TSA was
intended to cover launches of US government- or academia-owned
India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 241

satellites, or foreign satellites with US components, and would allow for

monitoring of the technology to ensure it was not illegally proliferated. (It
was not until June 2016 that India joined the Missile Technology Control
Regime and signed onto the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC) against
Ballistic Missile Proliferation.22) At the same time were negotiations on the
Commercial Space Launch Agreement (CSLA), which was supposed to
cover Indian launch vehicles putting US commercial satellites on-orbit, as
well as the Next Steps in Strategic Partnership (NSSP), which ended up in
the historic 2005 nuclear deal between India and the United States.23 There
were concerns by Indian representatives during negotiations over the NSSP
that satellite launches would be introduced into the discussions by their US
counterparts, which Indian negotiators worried would extend the
discussions out even longer. Complicating matters further was that CSLAs
the United States had signed with other countries did not include satellite
services; according to S. Jaishankar, then of India’s Ministry of External
Affairs, “As a market economy, India is entitled to an unencumbered CSLA
with the US.”24
This dispute continues today. Despite official US policy preventing
US commercial satellites from being launched via the PSLV, several
companies have gotten waivers in order to do so. In January 2016, the
US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Commercial Space
Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC) argued that “many
dedicated small satellite launch vehicles are currently being developed with
private investment. Most of these new launch vehicles are scheduled to be
operational in 2016 and 2017.”25 It went on to assert, “India’s state-owned
and controlled launch providers to compete with U.S. companies runs
counter to many national policies and undermines the work that has been
done by government and industry to ensure the health of the U.S. space
launch industrial bases.”26 In a February 2016 decision, the FAA claimed
that because the Indian government supports its launch industry so closely,
Indian launch services could “distort the conditions of competition.”27
The U.S. Trade Representative is currently reviewing this PSLV ban in light
of the FAA decision. Meanwhile, India announced in February 2016 that
it had plans to privatise PSLV operations by 2020 with the hopes of also
increasing its number of annual launches.28 It is not clear what effect this
planned privatisation would have on US policy in the interim.
242 International Cooperation

While this is a significant challenge to work through, it does not mean

that India-US cooperation in space is doomed to failure. There are many
other ways in which the two countries can collaborate on space efforts
and build on a relationship that has already been in existence for many
decades. By expanding it to include efforts to shore up stability and security
(both on orbit and using space for stability on Earth), India and the United
States can expect to see the benefits from cooperation far outpace the
costs of doing so. This in turn can work towards the long-term sustainable
use of space, which will positively affect all space users globally.

1. “India, US to jointly develop resource mapping satellite for launch
in 2021: The satellite will be useful for variety of applications like natural
resources mapping and monitoring, assessing soil moisture, etc,” Indian
Express, July 22, 2016,
2. Vishwa Mohani, “Cabinet approves MoU between ISRO and US agency
for exchange of critical data,” Times of India, Dec. 14, 2016, http://
3. “Joint Statement: The United States and India: Enduring Global Partners
in the 21st Century,” June 7, 2016,
4. Joint Statement, June 7, 2016, ibid
5. Joint Statement, June 7, 2016, ibid
6. Sandya Ramesh, “NAVIC, India’s Very Own GPS-lite,” The Wire, Jan.
22, 2016, with an update on April 28, 2016,
7. Mike Gruss, “U.S. Air Force’s long-term weather strategy relies heavily
on allies,” Space News, Aug. 29, 2016,
8. Mike Gruss, Aug. 29, 2016, ibid
9. Frank A. Rose, Remarks, “U.S.-India Space Security Cooperation: A
Partnership for the 21st Century,” March 5, 2015,
10. Frank A. Rose, March 5, 2015, ibid
India-US: New Dynamism in Old Partnership 243

11. National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD)-41/Homeland Security

Presidential Directive (HSPD)-13, Dec. 21, 2004, p.3,
12. Franz-Stefan Gady, “India and United States Agree to Deepen Military
Ties, Technology Collaboration: New Delhi and Washington pledged to
collaborate more closely on defense in a recently issued joint statement,”
The Diplomat, April 13, 2016,
13. United Nations: Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, 59th Session (8-17 June 2016), United Nations, New York,
14. United Nations: Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, 59th Session (8-17 June 2016), ibid
15. United Nations: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 59th
Session (8-17 June 2016), “Draft Report: Annex. Guidelines for the
long-term sustainability of outer space activities: first set,” A/AC.105/
L.306/Add.6, 15 June 2016
16. Peter de Selding, “India’s PSLV launches Cartosat-2C and 19 small
satellites, including 13 commercial U.S. spacecraft,” Space News, June 22,
17. Srinivasa Prasad, “Isro’s 20-satellite PSLV launch: Why US and Europe
will watch India’s space programme closely,” First Post, June 23, 2016,
18. Peter de Selding, “India says PSLV launches generated $101 million in
commercial launch fees 2013-2015,” Space News, March 30, 2016, http:/
19. “India likely to launch 68 foreign satellites in one mission next year,”
Xinhua News Agency, Sept. 1, 2016,
20. Cody Knipfer, “Of India and ICBMs: two current concerns for American
small-satellite launch,”, April 25, 2016, http://
21. Vasudevan Mukunth, “Why Haven’t ISRO and the US Signed Their
Commercial Space Launch Agreement Yet?” The Wire, May 23, 2016,
22. Nilova Roy Chaudhury, “India joins MTCR: Space, Missile cooperation
with Russia easier,” Russia & India Report, June 9, 2016, http://
244 International Cooperation
23. Mukunth, May 23, 2016, ibid
24. Mukunth, May 23, 2016, ibid
25. Peter de Selding, “U.S. launch companies lobby to maintain ban on use
of Indian rockets,” Space News, March 29, 2016,
26. De Selding, March 29, 2016, ibid
27. De Selding, March 29, 2016, ibid
28. Srinivas Laxman, “Plan to largely privatize PSLV operations by 2020:
Isro chief,” Times of India, Feb. 15, 2016, http://
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 245


Evolution of India-Russia
Vladimir Korovkin

In 1984 if you met a teenager in a Russian city who was singing the Hindi
song, Goronki nakalonki, duniya haidiwalonki – you were not necessarily
encountering a linguistics genius. Rather, that teenager would be one of
the millions of fans of the Disco Dancer Bollywood movie, the blockbuster
of that year in the USSR. In April of the same year another phrase in
Hindi made it to the big news in Moscow media: “Saare jahan se achcha.” In
these words the first Indian astronaut, Rakesh Sharma, replied to the
question of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who asked him how
India looked like from outer space. On 2 April 1984, he became the
138th person to fly to space, making India the 14th nation in the world to
have achieved such a feat. Interestingly, the country was also 14th to launch
a national space satellite, in 1975. In both cases, it was the launcher rocket
from the USSR that powered the mission.

At that time, over 30 years ago, space exploration was quite different
from what it is today. Manned orbital flights had their heyday with record-
breaking missions over hundreds of days (culminating in 1995 with 438
days spent by Valery Polyakov on board the Mir station). In 1986 the
SPOT satellites set new standards in high-resolution imaging of the Earth’s
surface. This set a new trend for themore active participation of private
corporations and academic institutions in the area of earth observation--.
The communication satellites were becoming a global alternative to
telephones, providing mobile services to maritime customers since the
establishment of INMARSAT by the United Nations in 1979. The scientific
246 International Cooperation

exploration for Far Space was advancing, with Soviet and American stations
frequenting Venus and Mars, and Voyagers already on their course to
Jupiter and Saturn. Space was mostly a governmental matter, yet the club
of space nations was becoming increasingly inclusive. Dozens of nations
already had their first satellite launched mostly by the Soviet or American
vehicles. The Soviet program Interkosmos put a total of 15 astronauts from
13 nations to the space orbit since 1978. The US followed the course in
1985, picking up the tempo, as the Space Shuttles allowed for a bigger
crew on a shorter mission.
In the 1980s India was making quick strides to turning into a fully self-
reliant space nation, putting the first satellite in orbit with its national launcher
in 1980, starting to build the Asia’s biggest domestic communications
system INSAT in 1983, and launching the original design of augmented
SLV in 1987. It was in those years that the country firmly demonstrated its
resolve to be among the leaders in space exploration. The development
of Russian space programmes, on the other hand, had quite more dramatic
twists due to the political and economic turbulence of the early 1990s.
Three spacefaring nations – Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine – emerged in
the place of the USSR, with certain unavoidable setbacks in the goals and
capabilities. Still Russia managed to hold a prime position among the space
exploring nations, with one of the most universal launcher fleets, new
launch sites and an effective pragmatic general strategy in space.
Today, some 30 years since the Rakesh Sharma flight, the world is on
the verge of completely new space era. Private space is the growing
phenomenon. The satellite DIY kits are available through Internet. Micro-
, nano- and even pico- satellites will soon work in constellations of hundreds.
Hi-resolution real-time imaging of most of the Earth’s surface will be
available for plenty of practical purposes. The private launches and private
launch pads are already here. Space tourism will soon turn into a real
industry. These developments may sometimes overshadow the “big space”
in media headlines, yet the progress here never stopped. Lunar and Martian
manned flights are plans, not dreams. Increasingly complex missions target
distant planets like Jupiter and beyond, with the new focus on exploring
their numerous moons. The number of space nations is constantly growing,
at the same time the international cooperative projects become ever more
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 247

ambitious in goals and multi-lateral in participants. Both Russia and India

are on the frontlines of these processes, setting new strategic horizons,
developing their space capabilities, and entering new partnerships.

Early history
The Russian-Indian cooperation in space started at the early stages of the
development of India’s space project. Though the first rocket launched
from Indian territory on 21 November 1963 was designed by NASA
(Nike Apache),1 the Soviet Union soon joined the program of launches
from TERLS (Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station). The facility
allowed to launch only relatively light suborbital rockets like the Soviet M-
100. This was the most used sounding rocket model in the world, produced
since 1957 until the 1990s with the astounding number of almost 6,500
total launches.2 The rocket lifted the payload of 15 kg of meteorological
equipment some 90 km above the surface, then the nosecone part was
descending under a parachute for about 50 minutes collecting information
and transmitting it to the ground station. Tracking by radar the trajectory
of descend below the altitude of 50 km allowed to map the high-altitude
winds. Thus the M-100 (and the other sounding rockets) were filling an
important gap in meteorological observations going higher than aerostatic
devices, but lower than orbital space satellites.

A Soviet stamp celebrating the space cooperation with India picturing the M-100
248 International Cooperation

The length of history and the intensity of M-100 launches – which

peaked at 484 a year in 1979 – permitted observing long-term climate
trends like a steady drop in temperature of 0.3 to 1.0 deg C per year at an
altitude of 80 km.The program of observations implied diversified
geography which included a few pads on the territory of the USSR,
launches from specially equipped scientific ships, and extensive international
cooperation. France, Greece and later Japan were participating, yet it was
India who became the leading foreign partner.
Since the first launch from Thumba in 1970, the total of almost one
thousand followed – accounting for about 15 percent of all launches, by
far the biggest number for a pad outside the Soviet Union (with a peak
of 77 launches a year in 1980). In 1976 the M-100B variant of the rocket
appeared which was calibrated for compatibility with Western equipment
allowing for integration of observational data into international databases.
Most of the launches of this model were performed from Thumba pad.1
The data collected through the TERLS launches of M-100 was an
essential contribution to the major international effort in studies of
monsoons, the MONEX (Monsoon Experiment), part of a larger GARP
(Global Atmospheric Research Project) study.2 Understanding of the
processes that drive monsoons was and is of paramount importance to
Indian agriculture and thus to overall economic and social development.
MONEX was a breakthrough in getting this understanding. It resulted in
important insights brought to light through an impressive mass of
international publications and scientific conferences, with significant
contribution from Soviet meteorologists.

Political context
Understanding the development of international, particularly Soviet-Indian
space cooperation in 1970s and 1980s, requires reconstructing the political
context of this period. The Cold War between the ‘Western’ bloc led by
the US and the ‘East’ headed by the USSR was largely shaping events
across the globe. The 1970s saw marked decrease in the level of hostility
on both sides, the so called ‘détente’. With the end of Vietnam War, and
the signing of important international treaties including the Helsinki accord
and SALT, there emerged a trace of cooperation between the USSR and
the US. Its manifestation in space was the Apollo-Soyuz docking in 1975.
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 249

At the same time, there was an important crank in the socialist bloc
with China-Soviet relations at their low. In 1969 there were border clashes
that claimed lives on both sides. Though the border violence was not
repeated, the two biggest socialist countries were in bitter controversy
over a number of international issues, including the reign of the Khmer
Rouge regime in Cambodia. The end of the decade was marked by Chinese
invasion into Vietnam, a close ally of the USSR, in response to Vietnamese
involvement in the overthrow of Pol Pot. Since mid-1970s the US made
efforts to improve relations with China, and these moves were seen by
the USSR as a source of strategic threat.
The global political situation was significantly disrupted by the Soviet
intervention in Afghanistan in late 1979, which initially had a limited goal
of stabilising the country against the dangerously growing sectarian split in
the ruling Party. The move triggered a chain of reactions that brought in
prolonged violence in the country itself, re-aligned politically the whole
region, and ended the period of detente. In particular, Pakistan became
the core source of support to anti-Soviet insurgents, the monarchies of
the Gulf led by Saudi Arabia were heavily involved in funding of these
operations and even the revolutionary Iran (which initially saw the USSR
as the lesser of the evils compared to the US) threw in active assistance to
Against this background, India was seen by the USSR as the key
strategic partner in the region. While in the 1950s the blossoming Sino-
Soviet relations were, to the USSR leaders, overshadowing the role of
India in the continent, by the end of the 1960s there was clear understanding
in Moscow that partnership with Delhi is the key area of not just regional,
but of global policy. India’s leading role in the Non-Aligned movement
was appreciated and supported. The economic policies of the Indira
Gandhi government were also seen as increasingly socialist, which paved
the way for the level of Soviet cooperation usually maintained only with
the countries of the COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic
Assistance). The USSR was firmly supporting India on the international
issues with Pakistan and China, and in its internal policies as well. The
tragic death of Indira Gandhi in 1984 was mourned deeply across the
Soviet Union, and her funeral was broadcast on national TV, the only such
case for a foreign leader at the time.
250 International Cooperation

Soviet international space programmes

Since the first flight of Sputnik in November 1957, space development
was recognised by the Soviet leadership as a matter of political influence,
as much as a scientific and technological endeavour. The USSR was slower
than its American or European competitors in development of commercial
use of space in most of the areas, including telecommunications. The one
important exception was TV broadcasting, where the Soviet Union was
the first country to build the national television system based on satellites
in the late 1960s. The Soviet Ekran satellite, launched in 1976, was the first
in the world to allow the direct-to-home broadcast3 (though it was actually
working through public relay stations). Yet the country’s core focus in
space were high-profile endeavours, including prolonged manned flights
onboard the orbital stations (Salyut, Almaz, Mir), and numerous automatic
missions to the Moon, Venus and Mars. Rivalry with the US was part of
the paradigm, as each of the nations was aiming to collect the most badges
of being the “first to achieve” as they could.
Both the USSR and the US saw international cooperation in space as
an important instrument of cementing the political alliances and projecting
their ‘soft power’. Starting from 1962, the US was commissioning its
launch facilities to its allies to put their national satellites in orbit. In this way
the UK and Canada became space nations in 1962, Italy in 1964, France in
1965, Australia in 1967 and West Germany in 1969. The US-based
commercial international program Intelsat started in 1964 and a year later,
Early Bird, the world’s first commercial communications satellite was in
operation. Though the launch was made by the American Thor rocket
from an American pad, the satellite itself was classed as “international”,
the precedent in space exploration.
The Soviet response were the programs Interkosmos, inaugurated in
1970, and Intersputnik, a consortium of nine COMECON countries
founded in Moscow in 1971 to develop satellite communications. Under
Interkosmos, mostly Soviet satellites were launched, yet with international
participation in design and ground reception. In 1973 Interkosmos-9 also
called Copernicus-500, a joint production of the USSR and Poland went
to orbit, however it was not officially recognised as Polish national satellite.
Only in 1977 did the program result in the launch of a foreign device, the
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 251

French Signe 3. The last Interkosmos mission went to orbit in 1994, while
Intersputnik managed to survive the political turbulence of the 1990s and
expand the membership to 28 nations.4
At the same time, the USSR began to promote the idea of fully national
satellites among its strategic political partners, offering support in design,
production, launch and operations, including the ground facilities for
reception of the information. India was the first country to participate in
the program, with a successful launch in 1975 (followed by COMECON
member, Czechoslovakia, three years later).

First Indian satellites

On 19 April 1975, India joined the club of satellite-owning nations.
The first national satellite was named Aryabhata after the classic
mathematician and astronomer of the 5th century AD. The project was
initiated in 1972 by a contract between the Soviet Academy of Science
and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Under the contract
Russia was to consult on the design and construction of the satellite, support
essential systems, and perform the launch. Indian scientists and engineers
were responsible for the production of the satellite. Most of the scientific
equipment on board was of original Indian design and production. The
deal was non-commercial, as both sides carried all the expenses of the
fulfillment of their contractual obligations.
The project was kicked-off by a joint Soviet-Indian seminar in August
1972 in Ahmedabad which also set a broader set of goals for India’s
space program, including the resolution to develop a national launcher by
the end of the decade. The scientific programme for the first satellite was
somewhat limited with focus on registration of radiation flows in Earth
ionosphere. Actually pioneering the original design and technology of the
satellite was the key objective.
The satellite was non-hermetical, weighed 358 kg and had solar batteries
capable of producing 46 Watt of electric power. The batteries were not
stretched out like in many iconic satellite designs of that time, but were
covering the whole surface of the device. For this reason its shape was not
round, but rather a polyhedron with 26 edges. This gave Aryabhata series
(two more satellites in the Soviet-Indian programme used essentially the
252 International Cooperation

same approach to the form) a unique look, pictured in many memorabilia

items in both countries.
According to some sources the signal of the satellite was lost in five
days, presumably due to a malfunction of power circuit.5 The device
stayed in orbit until 10 February 1992. It was a milestone for India’s space
programme, the live-test of many important technologies. They were
further developed in the two Bhaskara satellites launched in 1979 and
1981. While looking similar to the pioneering device, the two “younger
brothers” were radically different in their research goals and equipment.
The focus of their mission was exploration of land resources, thus they
were packed with imaging equipment: a two channel visible-range television
camera with frame capture of underlying surface. The two missions were
successful in achieving their goals. Yet Bhaskara II was the seventh, not the
third Indian satellite. Three devices of Rohini series were launched in
between 1979 and 1981 with the national carrier SLV-3 while one more
was put in orbit in cooperation with France rather than the USSR.
For India, it was the dawn of the era of self-sufficiency in space
exploration. At the same time, India was pursuing a pragmatic approach
to the objectives of space program, always seeking to bring the immediate
benefits to the country’s economic and social challenges. The vision was
famously worded byVikram Sarabhai as follows: “There are some who
question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us,
there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing
with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon
or the planets or manned space-flight. But we are convinced that if we are
to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we
must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to
the real problems of man and society.”
To fulfill the mission India was to follow the best international
benchmarks of commercial applications of satellite technologies, and the
USSR was by the 1980s not the leader in this field. Consequently, the
building of INSAT program and further developments in Indian satellite
constellation were performed without direct Soviet contribution. Still, the
experience gained during the Aryabhata-Bhaskara project was instrumental
in the quick success of national space endeavour. And the heyday of Indo-
Soviet space cooperation still lay ahead.
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 253

The cover of the book by prominent journalist Vladimir Gubarev

dedicated to Aryabhata launch.8

Two Soviet stamps dedicated to space cooperation with India, featuring the
drawings of the Aryabhata-series satellites (the specific version is not mentioned).
254 International Cooperation

Space cooperation with India was seen as being of paramount importance to

Soviet international image. In the 1976 series of stamps dedicated to space
cooperation India, France and the US were each represented by a separate stamp,
while other projects were grouped into the Interkosmos program.

Manned flight
The manned orbital flights were always at the core of the Soviet space
programmes and in many aspects the capabilities of the USSR in this field
were second to none in the world. By the 1980s the country had mastered
the launch of crews of three astronauts to permanently operational orbital
stations, which were built to support very lengthy stay in space. Importantly,
the USSR never had a launch accident with a manned flight, and this safety
record allowed the start of an ambitious program of bringing nationals
of strategic allies to space. Thus in the mid-1970s it was decided to give
new impetus to the Interkosmos programme with a series of joint missions
of Soviet and foreign astronauts (or ‘cosmonauts’ in Russian). On 2 March
1978 Vladimir Remek from Czechoslovakia became the first non-Russian
or non-American person in space. This was followed by nine missions
with COMECON member nationals, from Poland to Cuba to Vietnam.
Then, in 1982 a Frenchman, Jean-Loup Chretien became the first
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 255

representative of a non-socialist country to board a Soviet launcher. The

next flight of the programme was reserved for an Indian astronaut.1
In 1982 the programme to launch the first Indian cosmonaut was
officially announced and over 240 pilots of the Indian Air Force applied
for the unique opportunity to become part of the nation’s history of
space exploration. Two were selected, Rakesh Sharma and Ravish
Malhotra, aged 33 and 39, respectively, and both having test pilot
qualification. The training program implied two years of extensive technical
learning and physical drills performed mostly on the premises of the
Zvezdny Gorodok (Star Town) nearby Moscow, Russia. Accommodation
to the unfamiliar climate and cuisine were part of the challenge (though
the Soviet party reportedly made efforts to teach the cooks of the training
center to make decent curry).
On 2 April 1984 Rakesh Sharma boarded the Soyuz T-11 rocket
together with the Soviet mission commander, Yuri Malyshev and flight
engineer, Gennady Strekalov. After the successful launch the ship docked
the Salut 7 orbital station on April 3. Rakesh spent seven days, 21 hours
and 40 minutes aboard the station, conducting scientific and technical studies,
which included 43 experimental sessions with focus in the fields of bio-
medicine and remote sensing.2 The crew held a joint television news
conference with officials in Moscow and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. It
was then that he quoted a poem by Iqbal, in reply to the Prime Minister’s
question. Saare Jahan Se Achcha – was his description of India when looked
at from outer space. India became the 14th nation in the world to have its
own astronaut.
Hardly anyone who was related to this landmark achievement would
expect that it would not be followed by Soviet-Indian cooperative projects
in space of comparable size. Actually, in 1988 and 1991, Indian imaging
satellites were launched by Vostok rocket – the devices were too heavy to
be carried by national launchers yet. However, India was becoming
increasingly self-reliant in its satellite programme and quickly upgraded its
launchers to perform effectively for the goals of building national
communications and meteorological constellation. At the same time, the
USSR ran into substantial economic difficulties which triggered a series
of internal events that ultimately led to the dissolution of the country. A
256 International Cooperation

new space nation, the Russian Federation, largely inherited the space
capabilities and competences of the Soviet Union.

Official badge dedicated to the flight of Rakesh Sharma.

The book on Rakesh Sharma flight (‘USSR-India: The way to stars’) was widely
popular in the USSR.3
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 257

Indian-Russian space cooperation in 1990s- 2010s

Though Russia inherited most of the Soviet space industry, it had to
follow a radically different approach to national and international space
missions in 1990s. The deteriorating economy of the country demanded
that high-profile projects were put aside and the new priorities were set
by the opportunities to bring in commercial revenue. On the other hand,
the end of the Cold War lifted many of the limitations on cooperation
with the Western countries, resulting in a reshuffle of focus towards the
joint programs with NASA or the European Space Agency. The Western
counterparts were, in turn, curious to get a peek into the operation of the
space industry, which was their major rival for decades. As was mentioned
earlier, the last Interkosmos mission went to orbit in 1994, marking the
end of a bright era of essentially non-commercial multilateral space
endeavours. A year later the launch of an Indian satellite IRS-1C by a
Russian Molniya rocket was performed (from Baikonur pad which is
leased by Russia from Kazakhstan), the only cooperative launch by the
two countries to date. By that time India has developed the PSLV (Polar
Satellite Launch Vehicle) launcher capable of delivering the observation
satellites to orbit, another major step in achieving self-sufficiency in space.
The remaining important gap in Indian national capabilities in satellites
was the launch to geostationary orbits. For this purpose the French vehicles
Ariane were used, launched from Kourou in French Guiana, a highly
effective location due to its proximity to the equator. Though the Indian
site of Shriharikota was almost as effective in terms of geography,4 India
lacked the powerful vehicles capable of putting enough of the payload
on a geosynchronised orbit. The development of such vehicle was seen as
a national priority. This implied obtaining a technology for cryogenic engines
for the upper part of the rocket.
Russia was seen as a preferred partner in the project, as it had the
technology, and was ready to license it and supply immediately a few
assembled engines. The negotiations started in late 1980s, back in the
Soviet era and in 1992, the contract was signed with Russia on supply of
engines and technology for national production.5 However, post-Cold
War politics interfered. The US claimed that the technology transfer would
be in violation of international ballistic non-proliferation agreements and
258 International Cooperation

could trigger the missile arms race with Pakistan. The claim was hardly
substantiated, as cryogenic engines require a long period of pre-launch
preparations (up to a month) and for this reason are ineffective for any
military purpose. American companies were bidding for the contract and
many observers regarded the US action as a move to clear the competitive
scene. Still, the Russian diplomacy of the times lacked the skills of
moderating this type of situation and was over-idealistic with regard to
the new level of partnership with the US.
As a result, the new contract was negotiated in 1994 with no
technology transfer yet a bigger lot of seven engines supplied ready-made
from Russia. They were used in Indian GSLV Mk. I launcher. The first of
the series was launched on 18 April 2001 (missing by just one day the 26th
anniversary of Aryabhata going to orbit) and was a partial success, as the
payload was delivered to the lower orbit than planned. ISRO declared
the launch a success and claimed that the failure was with the satellite
GSAT-1. Two fully successful missions followed in 2003 and 2004,
delivering GSAT-2 and GSAT-3 (each with the weight of almost two
tonnes) to designated orbits. Six of the seven engines supplied by Russia
were used, and India successfully tested its own cryogenic technology in
GSLV Mk. II launchers (in January 2014, the second attempt was made,
after a failure in 2010).
In the beginning of 2000s the Russian economy began to grow quickly,
due to successful internal restructuring and high international prices for
export commodities like oil and metals. This allowed the country to re-
approach its space exploration programmes, bringing some investment
into the industry which was on the verge of survival for almost a decade.
The new strategy in space was seeking to leverage the scientific and
technological advances inherited from the USSR and combine them with
a more pragmatic set of goals. Satellite navigation, telecommunications
and surface observation were among the priorities. However, the manned
orbital missions continued as part of international cooperative efforts
within the project of International Space Station. More so, since the
retirement of all Space Shuttles by the US in 2011, Russia became the only
country capable of delivering crews to the Station and bringing them
back to Earth.
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 259

India was not participating in the ISS perhaps with the view of
developing an authentic manned mission. The country was seeking to
cooperate with Russia on two other important projects. One was
GLONASS, Russia’s effort to build its own version of global positioning
system, independent of GPS. The other one was India’s second lunar
mission, Chandrayaan-2. The cooperation agreements on the projects were
signed in 2004 (with revision in 20076) and 2007, respectively.
Under the GLONASS cooperation project, India was to launch several
satellites by GSLV vehicles and to get preferential access to data. The
Russian participation in Chandrayaan-2 was in providing the landing
module based on the latest technologies developed for the Fobos-Grunt
mission. Unfortunately, both projects did not come to life. Russia has
launched all the GLONASS satellites with its own launchers from the
Plesetsk pad. The reason for not cooperating with India as per agreement
of 2004 was never announced. However, there was an agreement in 2011
to grant the Indian military a preferential access to positioning data.7
As for the Chandrayaan-2 mission, the Russian party did not provide
the landing module in time, rescheduling the delivery first for 2013 and
later for 2016. Some experts cited the failure of Fobos-Grunt mission in
2011 to be part of the reason,8 though the mission failed due to an
unsuccessful launch and never managed to test the landing device. ISRO
announced in 2015 that it will develop the whole set of equipment for the
mission on its own, with rescheduling of launch to 2018.
Thus the space cooperation between the two countries for the past
20 years has been a mere shadow of their joint projects in the 1970s and
1980s.9 In fact, the countries even began to compete in the international
space market as India included commercial payloads on board its launcher
vehicles since 2000. Still, the development of global space market now
brings a completely new class of opportunities for the joint projects of
the two countries.

New era in space

In the heyday of cooperation in space between India and Russia/
USSR, the space exploration was almost exclusively the domain of
governments. Though some commercial consortia were owning satellites
260 International Cooperation

as early as in the mid-1960s and some fully private satellites appeared in

the 1980s (even the Wal-Mart chain of stores in the US used to own one
for the sake of coordinating IT between its numerous locations), the cost
of the endeavour was high and there were numerous restrictions imposed
by governments which strictly controlled the launch facilities.
The situation started to change in the 1990s with some launch pads
going first semi-private (like the Sea Launch project owned until recently
by a consortium of Boeing and Russian and Ukrainian state-owned
companies) and then eventually, fully private: Mojave (US, 2004), MARS
(US, 2004), Corn Ranch (US, 2006) and Spaceport America (US,
construction started in 2006). A growing number of private companies
like Virgin or Space X are now developing the launchers of various classes
and for various purposes.
Some of the private projects focus on the idea of space tourism.
Only sub-orbital flights (“space jumps”) are capable of becoming a
relatively mass attraction, as going to orbit implies acceleration that require
special physical training of about two years. Such flights will require special
types of launchers which will combine absolute safety with a certain level
of comfort. Definitely in the near future the idea of just being in outer
space will be motivating enough in itself. Yet with further development,
the international community can expect the emergence of “space tourism
professionals” who would seek to diversify the experience by being
launched from various geographies or times of the year. Some enthusiasts
of private space have begun to dream of manned flights to the Moon or
even Mars, yet these ideas still sound more like science fiction. There is an
area though which is already booming all across the globe—the small
private satellites.
The so-called small satellites – ranging from mini (less than 500 kg in
mass), micro (less than 100 kg), nano (less than 10 kg), to pico and even
femto (less than 1 kg and 0.1 kg, respectively) - are believed to be growing
exponentially in numbers put to orbit in the coming years. The advances
in photo equipment, data storage and data transmission technologies allow
the satellites of these sizes to be effectively used for a number of tasks on
Low Earth Orbits, first of all – surface observation, for commercial or
academic purposes. The advancement of CubeSat format empowers a
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 261

broad number of private actors to build and operate their own satellite.
The experts expect hundreds of launches of small satellites in the coming
years (up to 500 by 2020)10 with market size exceeding USD 7 billion a
The effective operations of small satellites require re-shuffle of the
existing procedures and approaches in launches and ground infrastructure.
The very nature of the devices calls for high cost effectiveness in delivery
to orbit and in sessions of data exchanges with the ground. The total cost
of ownership of a small satellite should fall in the range of tens of
thousands or even thousands of dollars – lower by two to three orders
than most of the present-day cases. This needs new launch techniques
with clusters of dozens of devices on board one vehicle. A global network
of ground reception stations and marketplaces for data exchanges should
emerge, leading ultimately to real-time coverage of most of the Earth’s
The expansion of the space market through private satellites and space
tourism creates completely new opportunities for established players with
strong technology like Russia and India. While the ‘traditional’ segment of
heavy launches was growing rather slowly, at four-five percent a year,11
the new commercial segments of small satellites are expected to
demonstrate double-digit growth till 2020 and beyond. Both India and
Russia are advancing in the private space market. ISRO has formed a
commercial subsidiary called Antrix Corporation in 1992, it had a successful
launch of a cluster of five mini-satellites in 2014.12 Russia, for its part,
used effectively converted ICBMs for this type of launches.13 Russia also
has private ground network for signal reception operated by the Scanex
company.14 India and Russia have naturally complementing geographies,
commanding low and high latitudes, respectively. This gives an opportunity
to create a comprehensive offer on the space market which would include
both launch and operations services.
Deeper space scientific exploration remains a promising area, despite
the unsuccessful experience with Chandrayaan-2. Russia and India can
complement each other in designing and fulfilling joint missions to the
Moon, to Mars and beyond. Multi-lateral settings are also an interesting
option for this type of projects which require significant funding and take
262 International Cooperation

a long time to implement. Russia’s participation in the ExoMars endeavour

can give an example of such approach.
The cooperation of Russia and India in space has a glorious history
which spans almost half a century. The joint efforts of the two countries
have not only advanced their national space capabilities but also contributed
to the global pool of scientific and technological knowledge. The excellent
level of political cooperation that was renewed during the Goa Summit
in October 2016 opens the broad way to a still brighter joint future in

2. Encyclopedia Astronautica
3. Encyclopedia Astronautica
4. "Monsoon experiment to be included in Garp” – In: EOS, Transacions
of American Geophysical Union, 1977 (
doi/10.1029/EO058i010p00954/abstract); Murakami T.: Scientific
objectives of the Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) – In: Geo Journal,
March 1979, vol. 3, issue 2, p. p. 117 – 136 (
article/10.1007/BF00257701 )
8. On-line Russian version available at
9. The US reacted to the success of Interkosmos in 1985 starting its own
extensive program of international cooperation in manned flights. As
the Space Shuttles allowed for larger crews, bigger foreign teams were
theoretically possible, though the option was exercised only once, when
2 citizens of the West Germany and one Dutchman took all non-pilot
seats on board the Challenger, making it the most populous space launch
ever (8 people instead of regular 7). Incidentally, this was the last safe
Challenger mission, next flight resulted in tragedy when a booster exploded
during the launch destroying the shuttle and killing all aboard.
10. PankajaSrinvasan: The down to Earth Rakesh Sharma – Indian Times.
Evolution of India-Russia Partnership 263

11. Available on-line at

12. With 13 deg. North against 5 deg. North for Kourou.
Challenges for Europe,
Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 265


Cooperating with Israel:

Strategic Convergence
Deganit Paikowsky and Daniel Barok

The question of why countries cooperate with each other has varied
answers. For the most part, cooperation between countries can be
explained by a combination of reasons and motivations. Nations
cooperate in technological projects like space programmes for several
reasons, among them the desire and need to maximise benefits while
minimising resource utilisation. Cooperation enables all the players to
improve coordination, reinforce their relationships and increase their
commitment to one other. Such commitments serve other goals as well,
like national security and/or the economy. Technological cooperation
often constitutes a tool used to build trust, thereby bridging differences
and difficulties in other areas, and founding strong relationships between
nations. In addition, international ooperation is meant to deal with
problems and challenges shared by all the involved parties, principally
regional or global problems that affect every nation, and which can only
be solved through widespread cooperation. This chapter will address
the potential motivations for cooperation between India and Israel in
the field of space.

In 2017, Israel celebrates 69 years of independence, and India, 70.

Two relatively young nations, whose peoples have ancient histories and
cultures. During their years of independence, India and Israel experienced
challenges that led each nation individually to recognise that they had
accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience in a broad range of
fields, and could contribute a great deal to each other. During the Cold
266 International Cooperation

War, India was among the leaders of the non-aligned nations, and the
relationship between the two nations developed quite slowly. Momentum
only developed after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Communist
bloc and in the 25 years since then, the relationship between the two countries
has only strengthened. Cooperation between India and Israel expanded
and deepened in a wide range of areas, and a tremendous potential exists
for continued development and expansion of this cooperation.
India and Israel have both been involved in space for several decades.
India’s first independent launch took place in July 1980; Israel’s, in 1988.
Both of the launches, which brought India and Israel into the “space
club”, took place in the ecosystem of space activities during the Cold
War. During that era, only the Great Powers proved their ability to
independently develop satellites and launch them into space. Commercial
space activities were almost non-existent, and the distribution of know-
how and space technology was strictly limited and monitored. In this
ecosystem, both India and Israel were very different in the ‘look’ of nations
active in space. Israel was and is a small nation with few resources; India,
although a large country, was also poor and was considered to be
underdeveloped in many fields. Nonetheless, they both played in the field
of the political and economic giants. Why did nations like India and Israel,
each independently, choose to act in the field of space? The answer, in
both cases, is that the decision to invest in a space programme was made
precisely because of the special conditions in which each nation found itself,
and not despite those conditions. Thus, to a great extent, it can be argued
that the State of Israel chose to create a space programme because of the
security challenges and strategic difficulties it faced in the region, especially
in light of its small size. India, as the leader of the non-aligned nations,
chose to invest in space because of demographic, economic, technological
and scientific challenges, all deriving from its poverty and lack of
development, due to its geographic size and the dimensions and distribution
of its population.
For each one of them, developing space capabilities provided solutions
and a bridge over disparities and problems that they had identified. In
Israel, the challenge was primarily in security. The peace treaty that Israel
signed with Egypt entailed Israel’s relinquishing the Sinai Peninsula, which
created a security challenge: how to monitor and enforce the peace treaty
Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 267

without violating Egypt’s territorial sovereignty. The space programme,

therefore, was created to help produce high-quality intelligence, so as to
provide early-warning and deterrence capability, by expanding Israel’s
strategic depth. Thus, Israel’s supremacy in know-how and technology
reinforced its qualitative advantage in the region. India’s space programme
was meant to rapidly link distant areas and populations of the country,
and improve the quality of life through know-how and technology, among
other things. The point of departure for this chapter is that both countries,
India and Israel, are active in space because of these challenges rather than
despite the unique challenges that they face. This chapter argues that despite
the many differences between the two nations, this shared circumstance is
the theoretical foundation of the cooperation between them in the field
of space.
For many years, in both India and Israel, development of the space
programme focused on three principal pillars: Developing capabilities in
Earth obser vation and remote-sensing; developing satellite
communications; and developing launch capabilities that would support
these platforms. The ambition of both countries was to achieve all of
these goals by self-reliance, even if only partially. Leaders of both nations
attributed utmost importance to the achievement of self-reliance because
they viewed it as having strategic value in and of itselfto fulfill broad
national needs.
In India, the primary incentive was developing the nation and
improving the lives of its citizens. Therefore, the space programme focused
on developing capabilities for civilian space applications although in recent
years, its security activities in space have also grown and strengthened.
Today, India’s space programme serves its broad strategic interests, the
goal of which is to situate India as a significant player in world politics.
For this reason, India’s space programme covers a range of ambitious
civilian and scientific missions, including space exploration, as well as security
In light of the mandate given to the Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) to significantly expand its space activities and their scope in the
coming years, and the need to meet the schedules of not a few ambitious
projects, India changed its policies. It went from developing independent
268 International Cooperation

capabilities to enabling the adoption of technologies and products that

were developed abroad. This was primarily done to shorten the time
needed to develop large systems and meet the required schedules.
For many years, the principal incentive for Israel to invest in space
derived from national security considerations. Change occurred a number
of years ago, and the decision was made to develop and expand the
national involvement in space to the civilian field, and to reinforce the
local space industry. One of the ways to do this was international
The change in direction that each of the two nations experienced,
provides a better basis for cooperation between them in the field of
space. The relationship between them is likely to improve, to the benefit
of both countries, due to the reasons that both nations have in common,
as well as those that are unique to each.

Cooperation in Maintaining Space as a Secure and

Sustainable Environment
In recent years, the number of nations that have satellites has steadily
increased, as has the number of states around the world that rely on
satellite services for civilian, commercial and military activities. The
dependency of nations and of the global economy on satellite systems
increases their vulnerability to accidental or deliberate harm. Therefore, a
mutual goal exists amongst nations that utilise satellites (whether they have
the ability to produce, launch and operate them, or if they depend on the
services of other states). That mutual aim is to secure the safety and
sustainability of these satellites in the space environment, for the benefit
of all. In fact, this is a worldwide objective, and not merely that ofthe
great powers. This challenge requires cooperation; a nation by itself, even
one of the world’s great powers, cannot deal with the substantive,
technological and/or economic problems by itself. The concern is that, in
the absence of appropriate solutions, the space environment will become
unusable for everyone.
To this issue must be added the fact that some of the actions that can
be taken to secure regular space activities—like monitoring and tracking
the movement of objects through space in order to provide early-warnings
Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 269

of collisions, active debris removal, and others—can be used in a

diametrically opposite way to what is intended, i.e., can cause damage to
satellites. Thus, the principal problem that the international community has
to address at this moment is to find ways to create confidence building
measures and cooperate with one another.
Most of the treaties and conventions concerning space that are in
effect today were drawn up during the Cold War, and some of them are
no longer applicable to the incredible technological development that has
taken place since then. These treaties certainly cannot keep pace with the
increasing activities in space, whether private or governmental. For example,
the UN Outer Space Treaty of 1967 stipulates that space will be used for
peaceful purposes, but does not explicitly state that attacking or damaging
satellites is prohibited. Space systems have tremendous value and significance
for the continued normal and regular existence of the world’s economy,
but are also a means for many states to achieve political and military power.
Thus, the discussion of what is allowed and prohibited in space has turned
into a wrestling match between the Powers. The US, Russia, China and
Europe agree that security operations in space are extremely important
objectives, but disagree on the methods of achieving them. Each has
different needs, ambitions and goals. At this stage, the suspicions of each
player challenge the ability to solve the problem. The obstacles to
cooperation are really the lack of trust between the participants, the need
to coordinate amongst a very large group of nations, lack of transparency,
and the absence of effective enforcement mechanisms. Many of the players
are concerned that their freedom of action in spacewill be curtailed; that
they will be unable to protect their properties in space from irresponsible
players; and that their independence and identities will be lost under a
global regime.
Both India and Israel perceive space as a strategic arena that has
importance for the world’s economy and security, but also as a strategically
important one for their regions, South Asia and the Middle East, respectively.
Therefore, each one attributes a great deal of importance to maintaining
security and sustainability in the changing space environment. Given this
and the fact that both India and Israel are considered responsible
international actors in general, and in the field of space specifically,
cooperation between them has a role in the global process, the aim of
270 International Cooperation

which is to build confidence building measures to earn trust. Such measures

may be the establishment of norms for responsible operation in space,
which would ensure that the space environment will be accessible and
useable by everyone.

Cooperation in Scientific and Research Missions

World politics accepts that national space programmes are an indicator
for a country’s eminent strategic capabilities, and a way to project power
without the need to resort to violence or aggression. As a result, many
countries are active in space. In addition, the tremendous strides taken by
private enterprises in space, particularly in launching of satellites into near
orbits around Earth, enable many countries to become players and
penetrate the field of space. This trend has eroded the prestige and
exclusivity that had been enjoyed by nations that were active in space for
many years. These traditional spacefaring nations act to differentiate
themselves from the emerging spacefaring nations, as well as the private
sector players. In light of the fact that the dream of space exploration and
its value still holds sway and attracts a great deal of support, spacefaring
nations turn their attention further away from Low Earth Orbits, into
deeper space. The space agencies of the US, Russia, China, Japan, Europe
and India have announced their intentions of reaching the Moon, Mars
and even further into deeper space with both unmanned and human
spaceflights. In recent years, the world has witnessed not a few such missions
that have registered significant achievements. In this field, India achieved
significant success when the spacecraft it launched toward Mars at the end
of 2013 entered into orbit around the planet in September 2014. This
impressive achievement proved that even with a modest budget, such an
accomplishment can be attained. In December 2014, India chalked up
another achievement, when it successfully launched an unmanned capsule
and returned it to Earth, an important stage in its planned human space
Israel, for its part, has had a successful space programme for many
years, primarily based on the country’s investments in defence. Israel’s space
programme is highly pragmatic, and does not seek to take an active and
independent part in the scientific and technologic race to space. Nevertheless,
in recent years, the Israel Space Agency began to implement new space
Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 271

programmes, which emphasise civilian activities. Their aims are to promote

research and development in academic and industrial research institutions,
nurture international cooperation, and inspire a new generation to see its
future in science and technology. Cooperation with India in scientific or
exploratory missions will enable India to lead projects of this type as a
primary player; at the same time, Israel can take part in existing programmes
utilising its complementary capabilities. Thus, cooperation between India
and Israel in this field will fulfill the needs and ambitions of both nations,
and show the world that even with modest budgets, objectives in space
activities can be achieved.

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts:

Cooperation to Lighten Economic Burden
In line with the argument made above, India’s and Israel’s ability to advance
in the sustainable and competitive fields of space technology and space
industry require State support. Such support is primarily required to
promote research and development via national, multi-year programmes,
due to the substantial financial resources required. Even large, wealthy
countries prefer that their missions stay within the budgets allocated, and
have reduced space budgets. International cooperation is a tool that lightens
the economic burden for each participating nation, and they can each
achieve more with less. India and Israel, separately, have worked and proven
that impressive achievements are attainable even with modest budgets.
Cooperation between them in the field of space will further reinforce this
concept and enable each one of them to achieve the maximum possible
with their investments and abilities, demonstrating that the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts.

Government Activity in the NewSpace Ecosystem

In recent years, dramatic changes in space activities took place by countries
throughout the world. These changes are manifest, among other ways, by
the huge involvement of the private sector in space activities. These changes
have been termed the “NewSpace”. In this ecosystem, space is perceived
not only as a strategic arena, but as a resource and business tool, to be
used to create profit and foster economic development. Thus, new
companies, as well as large, wealthy, venerable companies, are interested
272 International Cooperation

in operating in space and developing new space technologies and services

based on these new technologies, at relatively low costs, so as to enable
much greater access to space. Many of these are private, commercial
initiatives. Nevertheless, the State has a significant role to play in promoting
these initiatives, from supporting generic R&D, through establishing new
infrastructure, to developing regulatory mechanisms that will promote
and enable these activities.
India and Israel, two nations for which investment in science and
technology for many years was key to development, advancement and
national security, made sure to develop high-tech environments for the
betterment of their societies and economies. They both should continue
to be active in this sphere, advancing national activities in space, which will
continue to serve as the technological and scientific engines for their
countries. Each one has increasing interest in the services that are based on
space systems. Thus, cooperation between them in these fields as well, is
likely to enable each one of them to develop more rapidly in the new
space ecosystem.

Cooperation Towards Security and Stability in

India and Israel’s Regions
In recent years, the strategic environment of both India and Israel has
changed. Geo-political changes, the development of new technologies
and with them new capabilities, accessibility of weapons of mass destruction
to entities that had previously been denied them, all endanger regional and
global stability. In addition, every arena is more exposed to the threat of
terrorism in its many forms and manifestations. The need to defend its
sovereignty and citizens, and maintain regional stability, creates overlapping
interests and raises the importance of the relationship between the two
nations, which are moderate and democratic entities in each region. Among
other things, the relationship can be enhanced through coordinating on
defence and strengthening the links between them. In this context, the
field of space can assist in strengthening the national security of both
India and Israel, by improving early-warning capabilities of both states,
and monitoring existing and developing threats. Cooperation and
coordination can serve as a force multiplier of each country, and in certain
cases even serve as deterrents.
Cooperating with Israel: Strategic Convergence 273

This chapter addresses the possible motivations for cooperation between
India and Israel in the field of space. Strengthening the ties between the
two nations in space endeavours requires deepening of each country’s
understanding and acquaintance of the other’s needs, goals, aspirations
and capabilities. Thus, as a first stage, the two countries can identify the
important areas and subjects within the overall rubric of space, in which
cooperation would be most effective and beneficial to both nations. As
set forth in this chapter, a broad spectrum of possibilities exists. Included
are scientific research in deeper space, scientific research about Earth and
its environment, technological development, components, sub-systems and
even joint space missions, development of civilian and security applications
based on their space capabilities such as communications, navigation,
meteorology, warnings and monitoring natural disasters, defence, long-
distance medical services, and others.
Beyond these and other practical ideas, cooperation in the field of
education is possible, starting with pre-school children and ranging through
advanced academic degrees, including exchange programmes for students
and academics. In light of the developing NewSpace economy, the
possibility exists of creating joint business ventures and establishing a joint
infrastructure in both countries. Alongside advancing economic, scientific
and technological endeavours, it is important to coordinate activities in
international forums and in the international organisations that have an
impact on the space agenda, e.g., UN institutions. Perhaps deeper
coordination in international forums should be examined concerning issues
on which the two countries’ interests are similar. Such coordinated positions
and efforts would not only provide tangible benefits to both countries,
but would contribute to the development of confidence building measures
at the international level.
An Asian Space Partnership with Japan? 275


An Asian Space Partnership

with Japan?
Kazuto Suzuki

For many years, there was a huge gap between the philosophy of space
development between India and Japan. Under the direction of Dr. Vikram
Sarabhai, Indian space programmes were conducted under the principle
of “space activities for developing nation”, focused on “the application
of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society”. On
the other hand, Japan, from the beginning of its space programme, pursued
the strategy of “catching up” with advanced spacefaring nations. Although
India and Japan began their space programmes at nearly the same time –
the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was
established in 1962 and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in
1969, while the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) launched
the first sounding rocket in 1960 and the National Space Development
Agency (NASDA) was created in 1969 – the paths that India and Japan
took were quite different. Japan, as a relatively small island country with
densely populated cities, developed its social infrastructure even before
the second World War (though they were severely damaged during the
war), while India struggled to improve its social infrastructure for sub-
continental scale for economic development. These geographical and
historical differences provided different reasons for India and Japan to
engage with space programmes. Also, during these periods, India took
the strategy to develop its autonomous technical capability in the context
of the Non-Aligned Movement, whereas Japan received technical support
and assistance from its ally, the United States. While India struggled to
develop its economic capabilities after its independence and conflicts with
276 International Cooperation

its neighbouring countries, Japan enjoyed relative peace and unprecedented

economic growth. Such economic and political differences also created
the unique contexts for both countries to develop their own space

Japanese space policy thinking

India and Japan have not crossed their paths for cooperation. For Japan,
the major objective of its space programme was to develop cutting-edge
technology regardless of its application to society. Initially, Japanese space
development was led by developing telecommunications, broadcasting
and meteorological satellites as well as launcher to deliver them to Earth
orbit with technological assistance from the United States. However, the
situation gradually changedas Japanese engineers began to question the
seemingly permanent second-class status relative to US technology. Many
in the Japanese industry believed that the country’s technology has become
mature enough, and most of them were frustrated by the low level of
disclosure of technical information coming from the US companies. For
the Japanese engineers, the next step for Japan’s industrial objective was
clearly to produce satellites and launchers with a 100-percent domestic
It is interesting to note that the logical step for the Japanese industry
and for NASDA was neither ‘commercialisation’ nor ‘industrialisation
(independent R&D from NASDA and pursue corporate strategy)’ of
space, but the improvement of domestic technology and technological
autonomy. Even when Japanese technology became more mature, the
industry still considered that space activities were only a ‘jacket for entering
a major industrialised countries’ club’. It has never considered seriously
taking risks of ‘industrialisation’ and ‘commercialisation’ of space, and
instead continued space R&D for their sheer prestige.
Indeed, Japanese space policy achieved some of its objectives—pacifist
policy, alliance with the US, and most importantly, ‘catch-up’ with
technology—by the end of the 1980s. H-II launcher and ISS were the
important cornerstones for the industry and NASDA, and representing
that they had achieved the objective to “join the club”. By the end of
1980s, many had started to consider Japan’s next goals. People in NASDA
An Asian Space Partnership with Japan? 277

and in the industry were not completely satisfied by the technological

achievement. There were still a lot of technologies that they could learn
from the US. Meanwhile, industry people began to consider the possible
challenge of the commercialisation of space. Also, this was the time when
Japanese economy was booming. There was a serious trade friction with
the US and Japanese space industry considered that if automobile and
semi-conductors were able to penetrate the American market, it would
be possible in space too, since automobile and semi-conductors were also
based on the technologies that came from the US.
By that time, the Japanese government has had to deal with the US
pressure in two fronts. One was the direct intervention to the key products
(automobile and super computers), and the other was the intervention in
government’s procurement procedures. The US government was not
only claiming that Japanese were exporting too much, but they also accused
the Japanese market to be very closed with US products not being able to
penetrate because of what it called “non-transparent” business culture
and public procurement procedures. In the end, Japan and the US made
an agreement to open the public procurement procedure on application
satellites. Obviously, this agreement was in favour of the US industry to
penetrate Japanese market for application satellites. The consequence of
the 1990 Accord made a significant change to the Japanese space policy.
The decision to open up the procurement process for application satellite
meant that NASDA would only be able to contract with Japanese industry
for R&D satellite. However, the accord was welcomed by NASDA and
industry because it would promote for more “technological autonomy”.
Because many Japanese satellite manufactures were electronic companies,
they found the 1990 Accord acceptable, because it saved their business in
super computers and semi-conductors. The priority for these companies
was mostly on avoiding US retaliatory tariff for their products, and not
on the application satellite procurement which mattered little for their
As a consequence of the 1990 Accord, the Japanese space
community—namely, the government, STA, NASDA and industry—
focused on the new projects which were more technologically-oriented.
Industry, of course, aimed to get some contract for application satellite,
but it was in vain if the American competitors were applying for the same
278 International Cooperation

programme. The industry did not challenge the government for such a
decision, and they did not find a way to improve their competitiveness.
Instead, they set their expectations too low and were satisfied to get contracts
for numerous technology-oriented engineering satellites.
The way in which Japan pursued its space objective was quite different
from India’s policy norm. The application programmes, on which India
has focused, were not the major concern for Japan. In fact, Japan was
not allowed to invest public funding into application programmes. Thus,
the cooperation with India was not on the radar screen for Japanese
international strategy. The situation, however, is changing.

Changes in Japanese space policy

There are several major issues which have changed Japanese space policy
after the end of the Cold War. First, the changes in the security environment
have made it difficult for Japan to continue its pacifist policy. For Japan,
the alliance with the US was the core of its pacifist principle for not
possessing any offensive military forces. However, the threat of
Communism has dramatically reduced by that time, and the reasons for
stationing US troops in Japan also became ambiguous. Japan is expectedto
contribute more for the actions of the United States concerning security
matters. Furthermore, the imminent threat of North Korea became visible
with the number of nuclear and missile tests that it had conducted. There
was a strong demand to do something to prevent North Korea from
launching missiles with nuclear warhead towards Japan and protect the
However, the development of the Missile Defence (MD) programme
and the Cabinet decision in 2003 to take part in it raised another difficult
question. On one hand, because of pacifism being deeply embedded in
Japanese society, Japan should not be able to develop, launch and operate
their own early warning or tracking satellites to gather crucial information
about missile launch. This means that without its own early warning satellite,
Japan is dependent for early warning data on the United States. Thus,
many people in Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), particularly those who
are interested in defence issues, strongly demanded to reconsider the
“exclusively peaceful purpose” clause of the Diet resolution in 1969 which
An Asian Space Partnership with Japan? 279

prevented Japan from owning, operating and using military purpose

This effort of LDP, together with its coalition partner, Komeito, and
the opposition party, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), resulted in the
establishment of the Basic Space Law in 2008. This changed the entire
landscape of Japanese space policy. There are three major points of this
First, it changed the authority of space policymaking—from the
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEXT) to the Cabinet
Office—to facilitate better coordination and lend heavier political weight
to space policy. In order to do so, the law set up a new Minister for Space
and Space Development Headquarters, equivalent with Ministerial Cabinet.
This was designed to be a departure from the technology-oriented catch
up strategy to more policy- and user-oriented strategy. It is also notable
that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs created an office responsible for space
diplomacy and the Ministry of Defensedesignated its staff at the Defense
Policy Bureau for space affairs.
Second, the law changed the interpretation of the concept of
“exclusively peaceful purpose”. The Basic Law states that one of the
objectives of Japanese space activities is “to promote the security of our
homeland and international peace and security”. During the Diet debate,
it was strongly emphasised that this change of interpretation does not aim
for aggressive use of space, i.e., enhancing Japanese military capability for
invasion or using military forces to solve international disputes. Instead,
this Basic Law confirms the principle of the Article 9 of the Constitution.
The space assets will be used for crisis management and disaster monitoring
in the Asian region or for peacekeeping missions in distant territories.
Third, the Basic Law underlined the importance of ‘industrialisation’
of the space industry. Since 1990 when the Accord with the United States
for satellite procurement entered into force, the Japanese satellite industry
lost its opportunity to improve international competitiveness through
government programmes. A long history of concentrating on R&D and
technological development had made Japanese industry entirely reliant on
government R&D funding, which was decreasing due to the fiscal
constraints. The Basic Law defines ‘industrialisation’ as strengthening
280 International Cooperation

industrial capability and autonomous business foundation from public

budget. Given the emergence and growth of commercial ventures such as
SpaceX, the Basic Law aims to strengthen the private sector’s role in
improving its competitiveness to meet the newchallenges in the commercial
market. Following the establishment of the Basic Space Law, the government
submitted two new bills to facilitate the entry of private entities into space

Implications for India-Japan Cooperation

The change in space policy has increased the potential for cooperation
between India and Japan. First, the shift of focus from R&D-oriented
policy to strategic use of space has created a situation where the Japanese
government would take international strategic issues into account. The
emergence of China as a regional power implies the necessity for India and
Japan to cooperate more in strategic domain. From Japanese perspective,
the cooperation and quasi-alliance with India is extremely important for
balancing the power of China which is pushing towards the East and South
China Sea and expanding its sphere of influence towards Central and West
Asian regions through its grand ‘One Belt One Road’ programme.
Second, the shift in the policy focus from R&D to industrialisation
and security would bring Japanese space policy closer to the philosophy
of India’s own. In order to industrialise Japanese space activities, it is
required to encourage the utilisation of space technology for various socio-
economic purposes. If R&D satellite remains only as research and
engineering test satellite, then it would be very difficult to turn the new
technology into industrialised goods. Rather, it needs to be tested and
utilised in orbit to make sure that these new technologies are reliable and
affordable. For demonstrating the reliabilities of the new technologies, it
has to be used by both public and private actors. The easier way is to be
used by the public sector for socio-economic purposes. Therefore, since
the establishment of the Basic Space Law, Japan has launched Quasi-Zenith
Satellite Systems, Advanced Land Observation Satellites (ALOS), and has
also increased the number of Information Gathering Satellites for
intelligence purposes. Such encouragement of the utilisation of satellite
technologies would open up new opportunities for India and Japan to
cooperate on application programmes.
An Asian Space Partnership with Japan? 281

One of the possible areas for cooperation is disaster monitoring and

management. There is a strong demand in Japan to improve disaster
monitoring to prevent damages from typhoons and other natural hazards
and information for disaster management as in the case of the Eastern
Japan Great Earthquake in 2011. India has developed various capabilities
for Earth observation for land use and cartography. These capabilities
not only in hardware but also software of using satellite images for socio-
economic purposes can be of great help for Japan to improve its own
capabilities for disaster management. Moreover, Japan can provide sensors
and other hardware that have been developed through various R&D satellite
programmes, particularly for monitoring weather and humidity in the air.
One of the big problems in India is the monitoring of water movement
and aerosol for agriculture and environmental purposes. Japan has
developed sensors to suit these cases.
Third, the shift inJapan’s interpretation of the concept of “peaceful use
of space” enables further cooperation between India and Japan to work
closer on security issues. It is particularly important for Japan to cooperate
with India for monitoring the Indian Ocean region. After all, 80 percent of
Japanese energy supply comes from the Middle East, and most of the
tankers sail through the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. These are areas
where China is increasing its military presence through land reclamation and
its ‘String of Pearls’ strategy. From Japanese perspective, the main concern
for the safety of maritime issues in the Indian Ocean is absolutely crucial and
it is evident that cooperation with India in this matter is extremely important.
In doing so, space-based monitoring of sea lanesmay be the ideal way of
strengthening cooperation which, in turn, would increase the capability for
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA).
Finally, the best chance for India and Japan to cooperate can be found
in the area of science, particularly planetary sciences. Japan has a long
history with planetary sciences and, recently, achieved success in Hayabusa,
a sample return from an asteroid. However, Japan has also struggled to
find a way to conduct research on other planets in the solar system. The
devastating failure of Nozomi (Planet-B) for Mars exploration was a shock
for Japanese scientists. On the other hand, India has emerged as a new
force in planetary sciences. The success of Chandrayaan-1 and Mangalyaan
for Moon and Mars exploration marked a historicsuccess in planetary
282 International Cooperation

sciences. Mangalyaan, in particular, marked the first Asian probe to fly in

the Mars orbit and conduct scientific research on the Red planet. When
Chandrayaan-1’s mission to the Moon was launched, Japan’s own Moon
probe, Kaguya, was also conducting its research. It would have been a
huge advantage if these two missions were designed to collaborate and
complement each other. It would increase the scientific output for both
sides for advancing research on the Moon. The mission that Mangalyaan
conducts would be similar to what Nozomi would have done if it was in
Mars orbit. There are a lot of similar scientific objectives that India and
Japan can share. Cooperation in the planetary sciences would certainly
prove fruitful if the two countries tightly coordinate their missions.

India and Japan began their space activities for different purposes and
objectives. India aimed to develop its space capabilities for their socio-
economic benefits, while Japan pursued its strategy to catch up with the
advanced spacefaring nations. However, after the end of the Cold War
and changing strategic circumstances, India and Japan began to share
important strategic objectives in space. Changes in Japanese space
policymaking through the Basic Space Law brought Japanese space policy
thinking closer to that of India. India, which has achieved a certain level
of civilian space capabilities, is moving on to more ambitious space
programmes such as deep space exploration. In the new era of space
policy, India and Japan share a common ground for closer cooperation.
However, the emergence of space ventures such as SpaceX and the
promotion of commercialisation of space in the United States may add
new dynamics in the space activities of both countries. India is already
active in the launch market for small satellites with its successful PSLV
launcher, while Japan aims to develop a new industrial strategy for
encouraging private entities to invest and participate in space activities.
For both India and Japan, commercialisation is a new domain for space
activities where neither have yet to come up with a concrete strategy to
confront new challenges. Apart from potential areas of cooperation –
strategic, utilisation, Earth observation and science – cooperative approach
for commercialisation can provide further opportunities for India and
Japan to strengthen their ties.
India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 283


India and Australia:

Emerging Possibilities
Jason Held

India and Australia share many similar conditions showing traditional

markets being disrupted by NewSpace. This chapter looks at the barriers
and opportunities for both nations and discusses how NewSpace can
collaborate in a way that ensures the best path to markets.

The Australian Scene

Australia has many strategic reasons to be invested in space technology. It
is the 6th largest nation in the world, and with only 23 million people, it is
the 12th largest economy. With its close association with the United States
(US) and having forged regional agreements with New Zealand, the United
Kingdom, Malaysia and Singapore, Australia shares a large part ofthe
responsibility to preserve the Earth’s resources and population.
This convergence of economy, landmass and regional agreements
makes space a vital domain for Australia. Indeed, Australian national defence
has critical requirements for satellite imagery, satellite communications
(SATCOM), and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation. The country
is also a location of value to its strategic partners, many of whom rely on
its large, relatively low signal-to-noise environment for regional intelligence
and as a relay for space control stations. The US’ Apollo11 moon landing
in 1969 is a well-cited example of Australian support to strategic partners,
where Australian stations acted as the prime reception for telemetry and
TV signals from the lunar surface.
284 International Cooperation

Australia relies on its bilateral agreements with strategic partners to

meet national needs. Many of these agreements are data-sharing
arrangements such as satellite communications and imagery support
agreements with the US. The Australian leadership has made an active
decision to forego the large infrastructure expenditure needed to build a
domestic space programme. For example, Australia’s own national space
policy specifies that rocket launch is not a priority.
Australia has an estimated $3–$5 billion investment in the space
economy. There is no formal civil space programme (the government
instead formed a Space Policy Unit in 2010), nor substantial collaboration
between national agencies using space data. So far, Australian has declined
several invitations to join the European Space Agency (ESA) to avoid any
political fallout (whether real or perceived) with the US.
What Australia has, to be sure, is a robust academic community
producing quality research on space exploration and use. The Australian
research fields related to space physics, robotics, hypersonics and, especially,
astronomy are considered world-class. Other associated fields, such as
astrobiology and planetary science, are also internationally lauded. Several
high-profile projects, such as the Square Kilometre Array and Advanced
Instrumentation Technology Centre, have attained global visibility. The
Australian Centre for Field Robotics is the largest funded robotics lab in
the world. Several areas, for example the Arkaroola Desert, are listed
internationally as Martian Analogues, and researchers from across the globe
frequently visit them for scientific investigations.
Research funding comes from established academic grant sources,
and many Australian space projects have successfully competed for funding
against traditional Australian industries such as mining, banking and
agriculture. Adelaide was chosen to host the International Astronautical
Congress in 2017, in part due to this reputation.
There is no doubt that while Australia lacks a space programme, it
has strong potential for commercial space-related activities. Major US
prime contractors have an Australian presence, competing directly either
for defence contracts or for acquisition opportunities with Australian
researchers. Australia’s relationship with the US was further strengthened
recently, with the signing of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 285

(ITAR) agreement in 2013. The government now provides tax incentives

for companies that import space equipment purchased from overseas.

Birth of the Australian NewSpace Market

For a NewSpace company, the characteristics of Australia’s space
technology can be daunting—the country’s needs are met through either
large prime contractors, bilateral agreements or academic relationship;
there is no government acquisition programme, nor incentive for established
players to include upstarts. At a glance, Australia seems to have stagnated
in the current scenario, and the lost potential to their economy can be
measured in the dollars raised by citizens who have left the country.
According to anecdotal reports, Australians leading new companies under
PlanetLabs (US), Deep Space Industries (US and EU) and RocketLabs
(New Zealand) have raised nearly $500 million in investments, put together.
This is money that Australia possibly forfeits due to its current policies.
Yet at the same time, the Australian NewSpace sector is experiencing
rapid growth, with over a dozen new companies born in 2015 alone. By
mid-2016, roughly one-third of these companies had raised investments
ranging from seed funding to Series A. The question that arises is this:
What has changed to enable such resilience in a hazardous market?
The resounding answer is CubeSats, a special category of small satellites
and semi-standardisation with enough technical maturity and flight heritage
to appeal to highly conservative Australians. Previously, most Australian
national infrastructure and bilateral agreements considered large satellites,
which normally cost between USD $250 million and $2.5 billion. With
small satellite successes in PlanetLabs and TerraBella (a Google subsidiary),
many local entrepreneurs are realising a potential market. For an entrepreneur
in Australia, the decision to invest in the space sector is also more affordable.
CubeSat businesses are starting from between USD $150,000 and
$250,000, well within the range of a Kickstarter or a small business loan
and less than half the cost of gaining a food franchise distributorship.
Space business also appeals greatly to entrepreneurs in a country with such
strong academic output, producing a large number of PhDs per capita,
and a difficult job market. While startups can be risky, and claims of a 90-
percent failure rate are common,1 this new and coming field holds a better
286 International Cooperation

promise for PhD engineers than the hopes of becoming tenured

professors, which has a 95-percent failure rate.

Fig.: Doctoral degrees Granted per Capita, G20 Countries,

2010 or Most recent Year

The businesses that entrepreneurs start reflect both the advantages

and disadvantages of Australia’s market and conservative culture. Many
companies tend to be data- and web-focused, which has traditionally
been the trend in Australia; such companies are fairly low risk. They also
aim to leverage the large data need that results from low population and
a large landmass. Many founders are former (or part-time) academics
and are thus familiar with a range of grant proposals that require tie-ins to
terrestrial markets. Business mentors often push their startups to establish
a relationship with downstream markets. Startups aligning with national
goals in Cleantech, agriculture and mining find it easier to gain support.
In parallel with new businesses, new markets are also emerging, such
as space applications to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics). STEM markets have a strong demand for space but few
outlets. STEM is often seen as a “Segway” business, a way to grow market
share and experience with a larger and motivated customer base without
the challenge of competing with prime contractors. Customer channels
are convenient, because they are closer to mass markets and have quicker
funding pace than B2B. Balloon flight providers, ride share, and Space
Camp ventures are examples of noteworthy startups. As the companies
grow in size, they become increasingly interested in partnering with Australia’s
India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 287

strong universities, often forming lasting relationships with well-funded

prime contractors in the process.
Investors have also started reacting to slumps in traditional markets
and are actively seeking new opportunities. The mining boom, for example,
ended in 2013, with a sharp drop in Chinese purchasing. Enterprises that
successfully exited this boom are available for new markets and are open
to high technology. The success of NewSpace in other nations is of key
interest to investors, who now realise both the income generated in this
field and the increase in the number of successful space exits. PlanetLabs,
TerraBella and RocketLabs are specific examples of successful exits
discussed by investors in Australia. A strong media story is helping to fuel
the discussion with investors, many of whom realise they are missing
opportunities to build business at home. Thus, Australians are showing
early signs of following investment patterns, a trend previously seen in the
US, where successful entrepreneurs from the dot-com era transitioned to
become investors in space.

Graph: Mining Fixed Capital Investments, $ Billion, 2010/11 Prices

As these fledgling companies gain branding and media attention, the

Australian government is responding with support, even if nominally. Prime
Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced space as an objective in the nation’s
innovation policy in 2016 and the Space Policy Unit is tasked with reviewing
288 International Cooperation

the original anti-rocket policy. Acquisition methodologies are now under

discussion. These announcements of public support, highly repeated in
the mass media, also motivate investors to consider space markets more

Marks of a CubeSat Disruption

The real potential of CubeSats is to produce space data at costs low
enough to be useful for the general population. This democratisation of
space both benefits and disrupts traditional industries. Agriculture, cleantech
and mining normally pay high values for space products. A company that
needs satellite imagery, for example, has to pay US or European suppliers
$100,000 per photo and are forced to purchase large terrain sizes. This
price point dissuades all but the largest companies, thus limiting purchasing
patterns. Satellite communications are available from traditional SATCOM
companies at a rate of $9/minute, reasonable enough for a single user
who requires only short-term data support but still costly for the volume
being used currently within the Internet of Things (IoT).
With CubeSats, the cost of creating data has been reduced in orders
of magnitude. However, the price being offered and the selected
distribution channels have not expanded beyond serving the government
and large corporate customers. Cost inflexibility is likely a sign that the
disruption is still in its early stages, and many opportunities still remain for
NewSpace companies seeking to provide data to mass markets.
There are other signs that indicate that the disruption is still in its early
stages but accelerating rapidly. As more companies experiment with
democratised space data, they can measure its value and compete
accordingly. Companies are now starting to contest over space data. A
well-publicised example is the bitter legal battle over GPS-tracking
technology between the Australian startup Precision Tracking, a small
business innovator, and Domino’s Pizza, a global pizza delivery service.
Precision Tracking alleged that Domino’s Pizza stole their technology after
Precision Tracking installed their equipment and vehicle tracking services
in 50 stores in a commercial trial. Domino’s announced the technology
after much fanfare, citing a nearly 30-percent increase in profits due to
operational savings. An identical lawsuit is in progress between Domino’s
India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 289

and GPS company Prostar in the US. It is not clear who is likely to win
either case. However, two things can be gleaned from these examples:
1. Space domain is increasingly and substantially adding value to
traditional business.
2. The value of this domain is measurable and high enough to pursue in
It is important to note that Precision Tracking and Prostar are data
distributors, not data producers, and the fact that entities are competing
relentlessly illustrates how valuable space data has become to companies
such as Domino’s. Navigation data is still produced for free by
governments, so this is an imperfect, albeit measurable, lesson on its
increasing effects to downstream industries.
As NewSpace companies start to build assets and new distribution
methods, there will likely be a similar emergence of experimentation-

Comparing Indian and Australian NewSpace

There are many similarities between the NewSpace communities in India
and Australia. Both countries have a small but growing space entrepreneurial
community, seeking to make an entry into a highly embedded establishment.
Cost reductions provided by CubeSats open opportunities outside this
establishment. Many grant opportunities favour academic markets over
commercial ones, although there are a few joint mechanisms encouraging
collaboration. For both nations, disruption is available, but not required,
for NewSpace companies to survive, as some of the opportunities from
CubeSats open data for new markets not traditionally considered part of
the space domain.
However, the similarities end there. India has far deeper flight heritage
in space than in Australia, and a greater population base. There is also a far
richer industrial base for space. This means disruption may have a greater
effect in India than it does in Australia. On the other hand, a richer industrial
base also means investors and government members are more familiar
with opportunities and may be more open to new ventures. While the
establishment may seek to limit disruption, India’s relatively low launch
290 International Cooperation

costs are a great opportunity for experimentation. New ventures in India

have greatly reduced overheads to get to a “Minimal Viable Product”
(MVP) compared to Australia, which has one of the most expensive rents
in the world.
While India, too, allows imports, compared to Australia, they do so
with far greater protection of their own supply channels. For example,
there is a 20-percent tax on all software imports, which encourages local
manufacture of flight software in the same way the tax was originally
intended to encourage local development of IT. Avionics and other
hardware do not gain the same protections, giving US and European
suppliers better inroads to the Indian market. However, cultural differences
can add barriers between Indian and US companies, hampering sales in
either direction. Many secondary US suppliers are hesitant to do business
in India due to ITAR, even though India signed the ITAR agreement in
2009.2 An indigenous space capability, which is strong, matched with cultural
and financial barriers should encourage India to strengthen its domestic
space economy.
It is far more viable for an Indian NewSpace company to take a
traditional route as secondary supplier to a prime contractor, than it is for
Australians. This can be a great advantage for a new Indian venture to
follow techniques used by many US startups who gain relationships,
experience, branding and cashflow as subcontractors before (or in parallel
to) developing their own Intellectual Property.

Australian and Indian Collaborative Opportunities

India’s large population provides unique challenges that benefit from the
same space-based solutions that are of interest to Australia. Once again, at
a glance, there are a lot of overlaps in terms of the products needed; both
nations need satellite imagery for agriculture, mining and defence. Space-
derived data for emerging markets, especially for IoT, will also be of
interest and act as a catalyst for growth when used in conjunction with
space imagery. How data is used upon arrival at the consumer end, however,
is different, not considering large corporate and government uses.
The idea of the democratisation of space has two directions: “Using
the Road” and “Building the Road.”A NewSpace company interested in
India and Australia: Emerging Possibilities 291

“Building the Road” manufactures infrastructure, including satellites,

hardware, payloads, rockets and control software. Companies that produce
and release data products are more concerned with the country of
manufacture than the country that purchases the data product. Constellations
designed to cover India can potentially sell products to Australian consumers
(and vice versa). Infrastructure can also be shared under agreements, as
both countries occupy geographic locations of strategic benefit to space
operations. Commercial ground stations can share operational data under
simple commercial agreements without intervention from governments.
Democratisation in this sense, i.e., “Building the road,” is about setting a
price for the products, independent of government cost models, where
price is flexible depending on the cost of the satellite constellation.
NewSpace companies interested in “Using the Road” are distribution
channels finding new and creative ways to bring space data to downstream
consumers. In many ways, this is a more difficult sales problem in the
sense that each product may have a wide range of use cases. For example,
imagery for agricultural estimates are also used in banking land valuation.
Companies doing fleet vehicle logistics can also provide navigation data
for mining. While there is some evidence of market saturation for satellite
navigation providers in Australia, the imagery and IoT markets are only
getting started. Democratisation of data is a key opportunity for NewSpace
companies looking for great potential in India, which is on pace to become
the world’s second largest internet user and a $15 billion IoT market by
2020.3 Most of India’s population is closely linked to agriculture, so there
is a natural potential for IoT and data pipelines to be used as a point of
leverage for improving the life of individual families.
Companies formed to service downstream markets are best formed
locally, and are usually unconcerned with the satellite’s country of origin,
and are only interested in the effective cost. The barriers to entry for an
Australian to set up a downstream services company in India are cultural
more than regulatory. Reaching out to individual consumers, setting up
sales systems and staff, and mass marketing need people with high familiarity
with communities. Therefore, it is more likely for downstream “Using the
Road” companies to stay within their originating nation, even if the satellite
constellations themselves are produced elsewhere.
292 International Cooperation

This provides many viable strategies for NewSpace collaboration

between Australia and India, where space data is produced by small and
medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in both countries and sold locally at prices
that allow democratisation. Local consumers benefit greatly from space-
derived data and at qualities that can approach or, in some cases, extend
services for data that, previously, was only available to governments. Both
countries gain additional suppliers for space hardware in the process, with
channels to large and dedicated customer blocks. It is not yet clear how
many companies can be produced this way, because it is still early in the
disruption cycle and there are many new use cases for democratised space
data that have yet to be discovered. What is clear, however, is that there is
great potential for income generation, and collaboration between
commercial suppliers and data distributors can be catalytic in a $360-
billion growth industry.

1. Neil Patel, “90% Of Startups Fail: Here’s What You Need To Know
About The 10%,” Forbes, 16 January 2015,
know-about-the-10/# 4d75d2b455e1.
2. Doug Messeir, “U.S., India Find Way Around ITAR Export Laws With
Bilateral Space Launch Agreement,” Parabolic Arc, 13 July 2010, http://
3. Stephen Di Franco, “What will it take to achieve IoT in India,” The Times
of India, 28 March 2016,

Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 295


Space Debris Tracking: An

Indian Perspective
M. Y. S. Prasad

The number of catalogued space objects, as of the end of September
2016, is around 17,800, which includes both functional satellites and debris.
The total debris is roughly around 13,600.1 Around 1,500 of these objects
are in the Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO), and most of the remaining
are in the Low Earth Orbits (LEO). The term ‘catalogued’ implies that
these space objects are tracked, their orbits are determined, orbital elements
are continuously updated, and they are correlated to the original launch
and/or on-orbit break ups. These catalogues are maintained by the United
States and Russia, both of whom have all the technical capabilities for this
task. They provide the orbital elements data to the other countries free of
cost, in the general interest of reducing the space debris problem and to
implement the necessary mitigation measures.
The present global capability of tracking space debris is for objects
bigger than 1m in GEO, and bigger than 10 cm in LEO. This limitation
arises from the sizing and capability of ground tracking systems. The objects
in LEO are generally tracked by radars, and those in GEO are tracked by
optical telescopes. In the case of radars, a pulsed signal is transmitted
towards the object, and the reply pulse received is used to find the range,
and direction of the object. The amplitude, phase angle and the variations
of the reflected (reply) signal are used to infer the object’s size and other
characteristics. Both mechanically steered and the phased array radars are
used by different countries for space debris tracking. The received signal
296 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

amplitude is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the slant range

in the case of radars. As a result, radars with capability to track in the
GEO region (with slant range of the order of 40,000 km) are not possible
to build. The optical telescopes, which have a received signal strength
inversely proportional to the square of the slant range, are used to track
objects in GEO region.

The Space Debris Tracking Networks / Systems

The US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) maintains and operates
the Space Surveillance Network (SSN), the systems of which are located
in different regions of the world. The SSN of the US is the largest network
in the world today with 29 radars and optical telescopes deployed. The
Orbital Debris Program Office of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) closely interacts with USSTRATCOM in the
maintenance of the debris catalogue. Figure 1 shows the locations of
SSN debris tracking systems distributed all over the world.2

Figure 1: Space Surveillance Network, US

Russia also maintains and operates a network of 20 optical and radar

sensors, distributed over different sites for monitoring the space debris.
They share the data with NASA, and with the European Space Agency
(ESA). Figure 2 below shows the tracking network of Russia for monitoring
space debris.3
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 297

Figure 2: Tracking Network of Russia for Space Debris monitoring

The monitoring and categorisation of objects in GEO is regularly

carried out by ESA, which draws on the data of the US’ SSN and Russia’s
network in addition to its own tracking data.
International Scientific Observation Facilities Network (ISON) is a
network of optical (Astronomical) telescopes coordinated by Keldysh
Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
for tracking and monitoring space debris. The network locations are
shown in Figure 3.4 The ESA uses the data from this network, along with
its main data source from SSN, in the categorisation of GEO objects.

Figure 3: International Scientific Observation Facilities Network (ISON)

Europe has a few high capability radars and optical telescopes, which
are used for tracking and monitoring space debris. A few simultaneous
tracking campaigns are carried out to track objects in LEO, and to compare
298 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

with debris prediction models. Germany’s FGAN Radar, France’s GRAVES

(Grand Réseau Adapté à la Veille Spatiale) Radar, and Flying Dales phased array
radar of the United Kingdom are Europe’s most important tracking systems.
FGAN Tracking and Imaging Radar (TIRA) operates in L and Ku bands
and has the capability to track two-cm objects at a range of 1,000 km. Its
Ku band radar is used to image the objects after processing the tracking
Japan has a few optical telescopes of different apertures from 0.35m
to 1m, which are used for tracking space debris. Japan Space Forum (JSF)
deploys a 0.5m telescope and a phased array radar for LEO debris tracking,
and 1-m telescope for GEO debris tracking.
China has a network of at least nine optical telescopes and observatories,
four tracking ships, and one phased array radar, which it deploys for tracking
and monitoring space debris. China’s capability to track non-cooperative
targets is not certain due to lack of technical details on their tracking systems,
especially radars.
The SSN, it should be noted, has no other comparable system / network
exclusively meant for tracking and monitoring space debris, and also in
providing globally the Two-Line Elements (TLEs) of the catalogued space

Space Debris Tracking by Radars

For space debris tracking, there is generally a priori information available,
such as NASA’s TLEs and the approximate size of the object in terms of
Radar Cross Section (RCS). The radar beam is pointed to a predetermined
direction and the object is tracked after detection, and observation vectors
are collected. The main components observed include, time, azimuth and
elevation angles, range, range rate, amplitude, and the phase data of the
reply pulse. This tracking data can be used to refine the orbit for further
use. This mode of observation is called ‘target directed’, and is used when
the object to be tracked is known and its orbital data needs to be improved
for more accurate information.
Another method of tracking space debris by radars is the ‘Beam Park
method’. In this method, the radar antenna beam is maintained in a fixed
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 299

direction, and the small size debris flux passing through the beam are
counted and characterised. As the beam is in a fixed direction with respect
to Earth, the latter’s rotation scans 360 degrees in inertial space.
Radars with mechanically steered antennae, and phased array radars
are employed in tracking space debris. The phased array radars with beam
steering technology have additional advantage of tracking multiple objects
near simultaneously by time sharing. However, it is to be noted that so far
radars are used for tracking debris only in LEO.
Usually, the same radar is used for transmission and reception of the
pulses in time-shared mode. Sometimes, one radar is used as a transmission
system, and another radar, either co-located or far away, is used as the
receive system. Radars configured in this manner are called “Bi-static
Radar”. Bi-static radars have increased sensitivity, which can be used to
detect weaker signals.
In an excellent survey article on radars used for tracking space debris,
a few radars are verified technically for their potential to track small debris.5
Table 1 gives the details of those radars along with their important features.
These are by far the best radars deployed for tracking and monitoring
space debris in different frequency bands.

Table 1: Radar Parameters (In Debris Collection Modes)

Radar Parameters FPS-85 Haystack HAX TIRA Don-2N
(Trans/REC) (L/Ku)

Peak Power (KW) 32000 250 50 2000/13 25000

Frequency (GHz) 0.442 10 16.7 103/16.7 4
Beamwidth (deg) 1.3/0.7 0.058 0.10 0.5/0.039 0.27
Antenna Gain (dB) 13/48 64 67 51/73 57
Available LFM BW (GHz) 0.001 1 2 0.06/0.8 0.0033
Pulse Width (msec) 0.25 1.64 1.64 1/0.26 0.0625
Single Pulse SNR on 64 59.2 40.6 51.2/27 45
0 dBsm @ 1000 km

The AN/FPS-85, and Russian Don-2N are phased array radars. AN/
FPS-85 is the key sensor in the SSN and contributes significantly for tracking
and maintaining the space debris catalogue. It has 5,928 transmitting
300 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

antennas, and 19,500 receiving antennas. It covers 120 degrees in Azimuth

and 100 degrees in Elevation. The combined peak power, from all
transmitting elements, is 32MW, and it can track 200 objects simultaneously.
Don-2N radar, essentially an anti-ballistic missile defence system’s tracking
radar, is used by Russia for tracking space debris. The radar is a passive
phased array system, and is housed in a truncated pyramid-shaped building,
with each side covered with a 18m dia antenna array. It has a 360-degree
coverage, and is the most powerful radar with respect to detection of small
size debris, partly due to its operating frequency of S-band.
Two other phased array radars, not covered in the above table and
used for space debris tracking, are Cobra Dane AN/FPS-108 radar (of
SSN – USA), and the Japanese KSGC radar. The Cobra Dane radar is an
active phased array radar with 29m size, 15,360 radiating elements, 15.4
MW peak power, and operates in L-band. The KSGC radar is relatively
small with 2.8x2.8m size active phased array antenna with 1,400 elements,
70 KW peak power, and operates in S-band.
The other powerful radars, used for tracking space debris, are Haystack
and Haystack Auxiliary (HAX) radars of USA, and FGAN (TIRA) radar
of Germany. Haystack radar operates in X-band with a mechanically steered
antenna of 36.6 m dia size. The HAX radar operates in Ku-band with a
12.2 m dia antenna. The FGAN radar operates in L-band with a mechanically
steered 34m dia parabolic dish antenna. It also operates in Ku-band, which
allows for imaging of the tracked object (with post processing).
The above radars can track space debris of 10cm dia to a range of
1,000 Km, but many have the capability to track below that size also
down to a few centimetres in size, with the exception of the KSGC radar.

Radar Cross Section (RCS)

The RCS of the tracked objects plays an important role in non-cooperative
tracking (or skin mode tracking). The reflected signal strength, and
consequently the received signal strength at the radar from the tracked
target, is directly proportional to the RCS. In turn, the RCS depends on
the physical size, reflectivity of its surface, and directivity of the radar
reflection caused by the target’s geometric shape. The detection thresholds,
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 301

and accuracies of radars’ tracking data depend on Signal-to-Noise ratio,

and, thus, on the tracked target’s RCS.6
The variations in the received signal strength, after other causes are
compensated or accounted for, show the variations of the target’s RCS
with respect to time due to its relative motion and resulting change of the
aspect angle of tracking. This is vital information in determining many details
of the tracked target. In fact, repeated observations and the signal variations
can even help in imaging the tracked target/ debris.
The Linear FM of the RF pulses also helps, when the modulation on
the reply pulses is demodulated/analysed, in determining the variations in
the instantaneous RCS data.
Although RCS is described above in simple engineering terms, it is a
complex concept and many models have been developed to translate the
received signal strength into the target’s RCS. There are again models to
translate the derived RCS into the physical size of the target/object. NASA’s
Size Estimation Model (SEM) is the one popularly used in characterising the
space debris objects from the RCS, which is derived from the tracking data.
Certain fundamental relationships between the radar’s frequency, the
physical dimensions of the debris objects, and RCS are essential in the
design and sizing of the radars for space debris tracking. Figure 4 highlights
the important fundamental relationships modelled for computing RCS.

Figure 4: RCS of a sphere in different regions

If the combination range, radar’s frequency, and the size of the object
result in optical region, then the RCS is independent of the frequency, and
302 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

depends on the area offered by the target to the signal. Generally, such
simplified assumptions can be used in the sizing and design of the space
debris tracking radar.
The RCS data of the catalogued objects are available in the “Database
and Information System Characterising Objects in Space (DISCOS)”.
However, the DISCOS database has used the measurements in the UHF
frequency range, and the RCS over time can change due to the slow tumbling
of the debris in orbit. Such uncertainties are to be taken into account while
using the RCS data in interpreting the tracking data of other radars. The RCS
data obtained from Beam Parking Experiments (BPE) may contain incorrect
compensation of the angular offsets, and also due to short dwell times.

Accuracies and Calibration

The orbits of the debris objects are determined from the tracking data.
The accuracy of the orbital elements naturally depends on the tracking
data’s accuracy. Range accuracy of 10m (one sigma), and angle accuracy
of 0.1 degree (one sigma) are achievable with about 15 dB Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (SNR). However, achieving that level of SNR for debris
objects of smaller size requires tracking over a longer arc, and/or multi-
station tracking, integration of multiple pulses, and employing Linear FM.
The orbital position accuracy improves by one order if two station tracking
is employed, which may not be possible without a big network of sensors.
The Doppler frequency determination from range rate tracking improves
the accuracy of the estimated orbital inclination.
The radars are calibrated for their detection and tracking capabilities
by using simulated targets. Usually, the calibrations are carried out using
reflecting spheres as these offer the same cross-section irrespective of the
aspect angle, removing one big uncertainty. NASA deployed in 1999 from
its Space Shuttle in the LEO metallic spheres of 5cm, 10cm, and 15cm
dia to calibrate debris tracking radar systems. Such calibrations are essential
when new radars are brought into regular operations.

Optical Tracking
The visible light as reflected by the object is received by the optical telescopes
and the brightness of the reply depends on the size of the object, and the
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 303

slant range. The optical brightness number, or Apparent Magnitude, as

per the measurement practices, decreases with the brightness. This means
that an object with Apparent Magnitude of 20 is less bright as compared
to an object with Apparent Magnitude of 12. The Apparent Magnitude
of the Sun is -27, that of the Moon is -13, and star Vega is referenced as
magnitude 0.7 The brightness number of objects of 1m size in GEO is
roughly 19 to 20. Usually an optical telescope of 1m dia aperture can
track objects of 1m size in GEO.
The monitoring of space debris with optical telescopes are carried out
in two modes. In the Earth-fixed mode, the GEO objects appear as bright
spots, and stars in the field of view appear as arcs, which are in fact a small
segment of the elliptical orbits. In the Star-tracking mode, stars appear fixed
and the debris appear as elongated arcs proportional to exposure time. In
both the modes, appropriate software is used to eliminate the stars by using
the multiple frames of observation, and the angle tracking data is obtained
for debris objects, which are used for computation of orbits.
NASA conducts optical surveys of GEO with a 0.32 m Schmidt
telescope equipped with a CCD detector. This sets the lower limit of the
SSN’s catalogue of GEO objects to 1 square meter. ESA carries out extensive
survey of GEO regularly, and uses its space debris telescope located in the
Canary Islands.8 It is a classical astronomical telescope with 1m primary
mirror and an English mount. For monitoring debris, they use modified
Richey-Cretien focus equipped with CCD Cameras (a mosaic of four 2Kx2K
pixel CCDs). ESA’s observations have a limit of about 15 cm in GEO.9

Data Processing and Information Generation

Space debris tracking is only one of the many steps in the more complex
process of creating debris information. It involves:
(i) Determination of orbits of the debris using range, range-rate, and
angle data; and orbit determination models.
(ii) Estimation of RCS values of the debris by using return signal data,
and also using repeated observation data,
(iii) Estimation of the debris objects’ sizes from RCS data using
appropriate models.
304 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

(iv) Refining the orbits (TLEs) of the catalogue using the freshly
determined orbit.
(v) Carrying out a close approach analysis for the operational satellites
of interest
(vi) Executing Collision Avoidance Manoeuvers for the satellites for which
the close approach of debris is critical.
The above process involves the development/use of many Models,
and refining them over time. The debris related work is a form of art,
which has to be acquired and refined with repeated work and experience.

ISRO’s Space Debris Tracking Systems

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is an active participant in
many international space debris fora. For instance, ISRO is a member of
the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, which
coordinates the development of expertise in the subject of space debris
with many member space agencies. ISRO actively participated and
contributed to the evolution and development of Space Debris Mitigation
Guidelines in the UN. It also carries out debris related analysis for its
launch and satellite operations. ISRO uses the TLEs of the catalogue of
USA/NASA for all its debris related work.
ISRO till recently had no space debris tracking systems, except for use
of some astronomical telescopes for occasional GEO observation. ISRO,
a few years back, initiated, under the leadership and guidance of this author,
systems meant for tracking space debris.10 The systems that were established
are one large phased-array-antenna-based tracking radar, and two 1m
telescopes. The radar is installed in ISRO’s SDSC–SHAR Centre, and the
telescopes are being installed at Mount Abu and in Ponmudi, which will
be controlled and operated by ISRO’s MCF Unit. The following
paragraphs give a few important details of those systems.

Multi Object Tracking Radar (MOTR) of ISRO

ISRO’s multi object tracking radar is designed to track 50cm X50cm debris
at a slant range of 1000Km, and 30cm x 30cm debris at a slant range of
800Km. This will result in approximately object RCS of 0.1 metre square.
With this capability, most of the debris, which cause damage to operational
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 305

satellites can easily be tracked, and their close approaches can be predicted.
The debris of size lower than 30cm x 30cm may be tracked and
characterised by tracking over a number of days and passes.
The primary mode of usage of MOTR is:
• Select the space objects passing very near to ISRO’s operational
• Obtain the latest TLEs for those debris objects.
• Track the selected debris, and obtain tracking data over a few
• Use the tracking information to refine the debris’ orbit.
• Estimate close approach of the debris objects to the satellites.
Other modes of usage are:
• Search for any debris very near to the operational satellites - using
time dependent tracking vectors of the satellites and searching
around that position.
• Detect and track any debris unpredicted from the catalogues.
• Use the tracking information for close approach analysis.
Based on the requirements of multi object tracking, the final
specifications are detailed below.

Parameter Specifications
Frequency of operation: L Band (1.3 – 1.4 GHz)
RF bandwidth: 100 MHz approx
Maximum tracking range : 1000 km for 0.25 metre square
objects @ 10 dB S/N & 800 km
for 0.1 m2 objects
Size of Antenna: Rectangular planar array 6mx12m
Radiating elements: Micro strip patch (4608 elements)
Gain: 40 dB
Object tracking method: Mono pulse Scan and track:
Beam steering Beamwidth: Az: 1.1 deg& El: 2.1 deg
Scan angle: Az: ± 60 deg& El: ± 45 deg
Transmitter type: Solid state Peak power830 KW,
with 4608 T/R modules each with
200 W peak power
306 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

Pulse width: 10 μs to 2000 μs

PRF: 50 Hz to 10 kHz (duty ratio of
Pulse compression: Linear FM, ratio of 8000
Mono pulse receiver sensitivity : -132 dBm for tracking and -142
dBm for detection
Antenna positioning range: Az, 0 to 360 deg& El, 0 to 90 deg
Cooling system: Liquid cooling
The major sub-systems of MOTR include, the antenna having 4608
radiating patch elements, T/R modules, feeder network, digital receiver,
data processing system, cooling system for T/R modules and antenna pointing
system. The schematic diagram of the MOTR is shown in Figure 5.11

Figure 5: Schematic of sub-systems of MOTR of ISRO

The following pictures show the installation process and other views.

Fig.6: The phased array antenna of MOTR on the positioner, with cooling pipes
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 307

Figure 7: Back-up structure on the antenna mount with Elevation screw-jacks


Figure 8: MOTR Building, with 18m Radome visible.

At present, the MOTR is operational and trial debris tracking is in

progress. This radar will play an important role in the future in enabling
ISRO to enter the space debris tracking field.
308 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

Optical Telescope Systems of ISRO

ISRO is installing two 1m optical telescopes for monitoring and tracking
space debris at Mount Abu, and at Ponmudi. The primary mirrors are of
1m size, and optics are of the Ritchey Cheritien type.
The telescopes are equipped with 4Kx4K CCD detectors. As explained
earlier, telescopes of this size can track 1m size debris objects in GEO.
The telescopes are also equipped with high accuracy laser ranging systems.
ISRO can take a more active role in space debris tracking in the future
with MOTR and optical telescope systems, possibly along with mutually
beneficial international collaborations.

The author sincerely acknowledges all the authors of the original
research that has been cited in this paper, which are available in the public
domain. The material in the references is highly valuable and reflects the
efforts and experience of those authors in taking forward the field of
space debris. The support of Mr. C. Ravindranath, former chief of Library
and Documentation Services of SDSC – SHAR, in providing a lot of
technical articles to the author is sincerely acknowledged. The efforts of a
large number of engineers resulted in the realisation of MOTR in SDSC
– SHAR. The author acknowledges the support of all of them, and their
ready willingness to develop expertise in the tracking of space debris. The
author also acknowledges the information provided by Mr. J.A. Kamalakar,
former Director of LEOS Unit of ISRO on the status of optical tracking
systems. Finally, the author acknowledges the opportunity provided by
the editors of this book to translate years of work and experience into
this chapter.

1. Orbital Debris Quarterly News, NASA, Vol 20, Issue 4, October2016.
2. Space Surveillance Network, Lt Col Glen Shepherd, HQ AFSPC / A3CD
/Shared SSA Briefing.PPT. Accessed from Web.
3. Brian Weeden, “Space Surviellance and Stuational Awareness,”
Presentation, Secure World Foundation,
Space Debris Tracking: An Indian Perspective 309

4. A Survey of Radars Capable of providing small debris measurements

for orbital prediction, Dr. David W Walsh, Accessed from Web.
5. Radar Cross Section, Accessed from Web.
6. Apparent Magnitude, Article from Wikipedia, Accessed from Web.
7. Classification of Geosynchronous Objects, Tim Flohrer and S. Frey,
Issue 18, 3rd June 2016, ESOC – ESA.
8. Optical Observation of Space Debris in the Geostationary Ring, T.
Schildknecht et al, ESA SP 473 , 2001.
9. Requirements of Indian Space Research Organisation for a Multi Object
Tracking Radar, M.Y.S.Prasad et al, International Astronautical Congress
2010 Prague.
10. Papers and presentations on MOTR by SDSC – SHAR in various
Conferences and Workshops.

1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Orbital Debris Quarterly
News 20 (4), (Washington, DC: NASA, 2016)
2. Space Surveillance Network, Lt Col Glen Shepherd, HQ AFSPC / A3CD
/Shared SSA Briefing.PPT
3. Brian Weeden, “Space Surviellance and Stuational Awareness,”
Presentation, Secure World Foundation,
4. Ibid.
5. David W. Walsh, “A Survey of Radars Capable of Providing Small Debris
Measurements for Orbital Prediction,”Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M
University, 2013
6. Radar Cross Section, Accessed from Web.
7. Apparent Magnitude, Article from Wikipedia, Accessed from Web.
8. Tim Flohrer and S. Frey, “Classification of Geosynchronous
Objects,”European Space Operations Centre, European Space Agency, Issue
18, June 3, 2016
9. T. Schildknecht et al.,”Optical observation of space debris in the
geostationary ring,” Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Space
Debris, ESA-SP 473 (1), 2001
10. M.Y.S. Prasad et. al., “Requirements of Indian Space Research
Organisation for a Multi Object Tracking Radar,” International Astronautical
Congress, 2010
310 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

11. Papers and presentations on MOTR by SDSC – SHAR in various

Conferences and Workshops
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 311


Investment Protections for
and from Space Mining
Daniel A Porras

Imagine this scenario: In the cold vacuum of space, nearly 250,000,000
miles from Earth, a private-company probe sits on an asteroid. It has
deployed a high-tech drill into the asteroid, digging deep into the alien
surface. This giant rock has only ever been studied from a distance, and
no human has even come close to it. The probe is digging into the ground
and collecting valuable minerals, simultaneously sending priceless scientific
data back to researchers on Earth. Meanwhile, in a commercial control
centre in California, a technician is studying the readouts from the probe.
Everything looks the same as it has in the last few weeks of the mining
operation. Most importantly, the probe is functioning just as it was designed.
The billions of dollars and countless man-hours invested in this state-of-
the-art piece of equipment is paying off. The results are everything that
the engineers, technicians and, in particular, private investors could have
hoped for.
Suddenly, the technician notices something different in the readouts.
Something new. He looks and checks a different reading. This can’t be
right. He calls a colleague to take a look and confirm his suspicions. She is
also puzzled. “We should call the people upstairs,” she says, “This could
312 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

be the most important discovery in the history of humanity!” Soon, all of

the decision-makers of the company are called into a room. The technicians
present their findings: they found frozen bacteria buried deep beneath the
surface of the asteroid. They are ready to break the news to the whole
world. Suddenly, one of the directors raises his hand and says, “Wait,
what about our investment?” While noone in the room wants to say
anything, everyone is thinking the same thing. When dealing in the amounts
of money needed for a space mining venture, even the most idealistic
explorer would have to stop and think.
While this scene may sound like the beginning of a science-fiction
novel, recent technological developments in outer space exploration have
moved humanity one step closer towards making space mining a reality.
These advances have been so significant that in December 2016, the United
States Congress passed the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness
Act (or the Space Competitiveness Act), a bill that authorises private citizens
to recover “space resources” and “asteroid resources”.1 The drafters of
the bill considered the off-chance that a mining operation might discover
bacteria to be sufficient that they included language in the text that would
prevent citizens from being able to lay claim to any ‘biotic’ material,
including something as ‘simple’ as bacteria. Such a provision might seem
far-fetched, but space mining could prove to be an incredibly profitable
venture and, if so, private companies might someday be racing off to dig
in places that no one has ever been. Moreover, they will be conducting
operations at depths where current sensors cannot get sufficient data
regarding living organisms. In other words, the space companies of
tomorrow will be reaching into places that no one has ever been able to
see before. And that could be for better or worse.
Biotic material in outer space is not the only discovery that could
potentially reshape our understanding of the universe as we know it. What
if a private company were to discover a new elemental compound? Or
an artefact from an old probe? Does it belong to them? To their
government? To the world? What about the company—what are its duties,
and rights, if any? The Space Competitiveness Act raises many questions
for such a short piece of legislation, particularly because the probabilities
and stakes are so high, it makes risk assessment difficult.
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 313

This chapter analyses three hypothetical scenarios that could provide

models for measuring competing interests in space mining under the US
Space Competitiveness Act:
• The discovery of bacteria;
• The discovery of a new compound; and
• The discovery of an artefact.
It will draw parallels with existing laws for investment protection and
the preservation of scientific and cultural discoveries in order to get a
better picture of the legal framework being proposed by the Space
Competitiveness Act.
While these hypothetical scenarios may never play out, providing legal
certainty and transparency in these matters will give assurance and confidence
to two very important groups regarding the laws for space mining. The
first group is the investors in space mining companies who will have to
consider these hypothetical scenarios as possibilities, however unlikely they
may be. Outer space activities are already fraught with risks, so any
foreseeability is useful. The second group is the rest of the world, whose
own space capabilities have not yet reached the level of space mining. In
particular, a significant number of States have raised concerns about the
legality of space mining at the recent session of the United Nations Legal
Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
(or the LSC).2 Understandably, they will not want to forego their own
interests in space, which includes access to major scientific discoveries. By
shedding light on the framework of rules implied by the Space
Competitiveness Act, it is hoped that both of these groups will be able to
approach the US proposed space mining regime with greater confidence.
This chapter does not aim to determine whether the Act is lawful under
international law, but rather seeks to explore the legal framework proposed
by the US Congress and how it might be reinforced to achieve its goals.

The Space Competitiveness Act – Title IV

At its most basic, the Space Competitiveness Act is legislation intended to
spur and protect investment in the US outer space sector. This is a common
practice whereby States offer legal stability and predictability for investments
314 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

in the hopes of attracting larger sums and longer commitments to the

national economy. 3 This objective is evident from the full title of the Act:
To facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing commercial space industry by
encouraging private sector investment and creating more stable and predictable regulatory
conditions, and for other purposes. 4 Title I is called “Spurring Private Aerospace
Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” and tasks the Secretary of
Transportation with amending existing liability regulations in order to further
promote commercial launch services, a nascent industry that is still coming
into its own.5 And while Titles II and III deal with generally internal,
administrative issues (namely, the way reports are issued regarding
commercial remote sensing activities and renaming the “Office of Space
Commerce”) it is Title IV that holds the most polemic provisions.
Title IV, entitled “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization”, contains
three short sections and a disclaimer. First, it defines an “asteroid resource”
as a “space resource” found within a single asteroid.6 A “space resource”
is defined as “an abiotic resource in situ in outer space” and explicitly
includes both minerals and water.7 In short, Title IV of the Space
Competitiveness Act covers all minerals and water that are found in space,
either on the Moon or any other celestial body, that do not qualify as being
“biotic” or alive.
What about these “resources”? Title IV goes on to state that:
“A United States citizen engaged in commercial recovery of an asteroid
resource or a space resource under this chapter shall be entitled to any asteroid
resource or space resource obtained, including to possess, own, transport, use,
and sell the asteroid resource or space resource obtained in accordance with
applicable law, including the international obligations of the United States.”8
This provision can be broken down into three distinct parts:
• recognition of the legitimacy of US citizens to engage in commercial
recovery of asteroid and space resources;
• specific rights to “obtained” resources; and
• limitations under applicable law, including US international obligations.
There has never been any legislation like this for outer space activities
and many are still wondering what these assertions might mean.
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 315

On the first point, it is assumed that US companies like Planetary

Resources and Deep Space Industries will even be able to go to bodies in
space, like the Moon or an asteroid, and physically remove materials like
minerals or water. This also assumes that such an activity will be seen as
being consistent with the Outer Space Treaty. On the second point, there
has been concern that the rights to minerals in space could be secured
merely by detecting a celestial body and claiming it.9 However, the words
of Representative Brian Babin (R-TX), Chairman of the Space
Subcommittee of the US House Committee on Science and one of the
sponsors of the Space Competitiveness Act, provided some clarity:
“The term ‘obtain’ was ultimately chosen because it carried no
presumption about the technical means with which the resource
was to be recovered. However, it was never our intent that
‘obtainment’ would allow a company to remotely sense a resource
and assert a right of possession. Only through physical recovery
does this right manifest.”10
This explanation confirms that the rights to possess, own, transport,
use or sell a space resource can only be incurred by physical acquisition
and control, whether by robot or human form.
The third point has two sub-categories, namely, applicable law and
US international obligations. To understand what might be the scope of
the “applicable law”, one should look not only to existing domestic
regulations for space activities and international treaties, but also
environmental, commercial and intellectual property laws. This analysis
will be important not only to determine what restrictions on activities will
be put in place, but also to be aware of what fundamental legal protections
already exist for commercial space miners. In this regard, it should also be
noted that, as a matter of policy, the final provision of the Space
Competitiveness Act directs the President of the US to:
• facilitate commercial recovery of space resources;
• discourage government barriers to the development of economically
viable, safe, and stable industries for commercial recovery of space
resources; and
• promote the right of United States citizens to engage in commercial
exploration for and commercial recovery of space resources free
from harmful interference.11
316 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

This paragraph authorises the US President to use the full force of his
office to facilitate space mining. As a matter of policy, enforcing the rights
of space miners will be a fundamental aspect for inviting investment.
Furthermore, the President is directed to submit a report to Congress
within 180 days that specifies what authorities will be needed to carry out
space mining in accordance with international US obligations (the deadline
for this report was 25 May 2016; no report was issued).12 This particular
provision will play a significant role in ensuring that the proposed US
regime is accepted by the international community.
Where does this leave our intrepid space mining investors? Going
back to our lonely asteroid probe and the team back on Earth, what are
their obligations and duties as envisaged by the Space Competitiveness
Act if they were to make a major scientific discovery like bacteria?

Obligations beyond the Outer Space Treaties

While the Outer Space Treaty did establish the fundamental principles of
liability in space (discussed in the full text), there were still numerous
provisions that were full of ambiguity. To create additional certainty in
space, the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by
Space Objects (or the Liability Convention) was adopted in 1972.13 The Liability
Convention establishes two types of liability on the “launching State”:
fault-based liability for damage caused to other space objects14 and absolute
liability for damage caused on the surface of the Earth or to aircraft in
In the context of space mining, under the Liability Convention,
companies will only be liable for damage to other space objects if they
are at fault. This could become an issue in situations where competing
mining operations are located closely. However, it is the notion of absolute
liability for damage caused on the surface of the Earth that is most relevant
to our examples, particularly in the case of bacteria. If there were to be
any type of contamination on Earth by an American enterprise, the US
government would be absolutely liable. Given that it is not clear just how
widespread a contamination of this nature could be, the US government
will likely lean on the side of caution and institute rigorous non-
contamination requirements once mining operations start launching for
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 317

places like Mars where bacteria might exist. For guidance on how to prevent
such a catastrophe, the US will most likely look to existing regulations
under the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and NASA’s Office
of Planetary Protection.

In 1958, there was an international meeting in London of COSPAR,
intended to promote scientific investigations in outer space as well as the
free exchange of data and information.16 This international organisation is
comprised of thousands of the world’s leading scientists as well as
representatives from 40 national institutions.17 Its reports and findings are
not legally binding, but they are often incorporated into domestic and
international legislation and policies, including the NASA Planetary Protection
COSPAR has worked significantly on the question of biological
contamination through space activities and, in accordance with Article IX
of the Outer Space Treaty, adopted its own policy on planetary
protection.19 This policy is intended to provide guidelines – which, as
mentioned, are not in and of themselves legally binding – that act as a
rubric for compliance with the Outer Space Treaty.20 It does so by offering
five distinct categories of missions for potential contact with extra-terrestrial
bacteria, each with increasingly stringent protections.21 These range from
missions to bodies with no interest “in the process of chemical evolution
or the origin of life” (which requires no protections) to missions that
involve landing on, and returning from celestial bodies that might contain
life.22 Protections for the higher categories include documentation and
implementing procedures, including:
• Having a microbial reduction plan
• Providing an organics inventory
• Sterilization or containment of contacting hardware
• Continual monitoring of project activities23
This presents an interesting range of obligations on space miners,
though not unexpected. Different missions to different classes of celestial
bodies will necessarily have their own requirements. For example, a mission
to an asteroid, which has no atmosphere and has a small chance of
318 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

sustaining life, will have much lower contamination protection requirements

than a mission to Mars. For our space miners, this means that they will
likely have fewer expectations about being prepared to deal with a major
discovery like bacteria if they are mining an asteroid than if they are mining
on Mars. In fact, they may not have a requirement to be able to detect
microbial life on an asteroid at all, nor a duty to report any findings.
Interestingly, the language in the last requirement, “continual monitoring”,
is distinct from the language in Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty,
which calls for “continuing supervision” of a space activity. Since all activities
must have supervision, we can infer that monitoring involves more in-
depth involvement by a supervisory authority.
It is also important to note that the COSPAR policy requires continual
government monitoring. However, this is only for a restricted Category V
return mission, one in which the possibilities of contact with extraterrestrial
microbes would be at its highest. It is not clear, though, what the extent of
monitoring means. For the purposes of our space miners, a mission to an
asteroid would be classified as a Category I, which requires no planetary
protection requirements and no obligation for the US Government to
monitor. Were it to be a mission to Mars, then it is likely that the US
Government, perhaps through NASA, would have to have an officer on
hand at all times to monitor mining operations.

NASA Planetary Protections

The NASA Planetary Protection Policy, which is also not legally binding,
gives effect to the COSPAR guidelines for domestic US civil space
exploration.24 However, the policy applies only to NASA, and not to
commercial space actors. The question of regulation for commercial space
mining must still be answered by the US President under the Space
Competitiveness Act. That being said, the NASA Policy offers a blueprint
of what could be applied to space mining activities, particularly since it is
recognised as meeting international COSPAR standards.
The Office of Planetary Protection is a branch of NASA tasked with
the following mandate:
• “to preserve our ability to study other worlds as they exist in their
natural states;
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 319

• to avoid contamination that would obscure our ability to find life

elsewhere — if it exists; and
• to ensure that we take prudent precautions to protect Earth’s
biosphere in case it does.”25

This Office covers both outward-bound contamination (microbes

from Earth contaminating other celestial bodies) and in-bound
contamination (microbes from space contaminating the Earth). The NASA
protections have five different mission categories, as enumerated by the
COSPAR guidelines, but NASA has gone on to list which celestial bodies
fall into the separate categories. For example, return missions to Mars,
Europa or Enceladus are Category V restricted Earth return missions.26
However, missions to “undifferentiated, metamorphosed asteroids” are
a Category I and require very little by way of protecting against
In the case of our space miners, as mentioned above, what they are
likely to experience in the future is a set of regulations that imposes strict
contamination requirements for missions to celestial bodies such as Mars.
However, our intrepid space miners on the asteroid are likely not to have
been required to do much by way of contamination protection other
than file a mission plan. And since space missions tend to discard all
unnecessary hardware, it is highly unlikely that this particular asteroid mining
probe would even have the capabilities to detect biotic material in space.
Regulations for space contamination will likely not become a material
issue until companies begin launching missions to Mars, where it might
conceivably make more sense to search for biotic material at all.

Convention Concerning the Protection of the World

Cultural and Natural Heritage
Another treaty that could offer some guidance on space mining by way
of parallel is the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World
Cultural and Natural Heritage (or Cultural Convention). Adopted by the
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation in 1972, the Cultural
Convention aims to preserve both cultural and natural heritage for future
generations.27 The United States is one of 191 States Parties to the
320 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

Convention, making it widely accepted among the international

This treaty could not, technically, apply in outer space because under
its provisions, each State Party is responsible for the cultural and natural
heritage “on its territory”, and Article II of the Outer Space Treaty prohibits
States from having territorial claims.29 However, it does contain certain
definitions that might be transplanted to outer space. For example, under
Article 2, “natural heritage” is defined as:
“-natural features consisting of physical and biological formations
or groups of such formations, which are of outstanding universal
value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view;
-geological and physiographical formations and precisely
delineated areas which constitute the habitat of threatened species
of animals and plants of outstanding universal value from the
point of view of science or conservation;
-natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas of outstanding
universal value from the point of view of science, conservation
or natural beauty.”
Under Article 3, each State Party is responsible for designating its
own areas that fall under this definition. Furthermore, under Article 5,
States Parties are responsible for introducing protections and measures
capable of counteracting dangers to heritage sites.
What is interesting about the Cultural Convention is that it shows that
the US is not unfamiliar with the application of international terms to
discoveries of significant cultural or scientific value. In fact, the US has 19
designated cultural and natural heritage sites, including the Statue of Liberty
and Mammoth Cave.30 Among the criteria used to designate sites as having
cultural value are places that exhibit “significant on-going ecological and
biological processes” or are “important and significant natural habitats
for in-situ conservation of biological diversity”.31 In the context of space
mining, this indicates that the US at least recognises that there are certain
conditions that might arise where natural or cultural heritage must be
preserved. Extra-terrestrial bacteria would likely fall into the category of
“on-going biological process”, and a celestial body could be categorised
as a natural habitat for in situ biodiversity.
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 321

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ensures that all branches
of the US government give due regard for all federal actions that
significantly affect the environment and “biosphere”.32 It requires that
environmental impact assessments be made whenever the Government
undertakes projects such as building airports, military bases, highways,
and others.33 In particular, NEPA instructs the Federal Government to use
“all practicable means … to improve and coordinate Federal plans,
functions, programs and resources to the end that the Nation may …
preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national
heritage, and maintain, wherever possible, an environment which supports
diversity and variety of individual choice.”34
NEPA also applies to NASA activities, including extra-planetary
missions such as Mars 2020, through specific procedures found in the
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958.35 It also applies to commercial
launch actors whose activities are licensed or approved by the Federal
Aviation Administration, including “where the FAA has sufficient control
and responsibility to condition the license or project approval of a non-
Federal entity.”36 For example, commercial launch actors, such as Blue
Origins and SpaceX, must provide environmental impact assessments of
their launch facilities and activities.37 Similarly, NEPA will also apply to
space mining operations, particularly if NASA is involved in any way, if
the FAA must issue a launch licence, or if there is any possibility of
contamination of the Earth’s biosphere.38 This means that whatever
regulations emerge will also have to consider how to “preserve important
historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage”. In the
hypothetical scenario described to open this chapter, the discovery of
either bacteria, a compound or an artefact, would be the only samples
available to humankind and, by extension, the nation. It would most likely
qualify as an important historic aspect of national heritage.
This will be a critical consideration for regulators as they consider the
wide array of possibilities that might be uncovered in the whole enterprise
of space mining. Likewise, they will not wish to let these infinite
permutations hinder humankind’s exploration and exploitation of space
resources. The trick, then, will be striking the right balance to promote
322 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

investment in space mining without risking inactivity. Fortunately,

commercial space miners are not totally unarmed in the legal arena.

Pre-existing rights
One of the benefits of the law is that it is a sword that cuts both ways:
where there are obligations, there are also rights. The Space Competitiveness
Act is no different. In seeking to give rise to a new stage in the space
economy, it must also provide certain legal assurances that will invite
investment. These rights will come from both national and international
sources. Interestingly, most of the rights and protections afforded to space
miners will come from domestic legislation. While other countries will
also be looking to be hubs for emerging space activities like mining, investors
may find that the US is still the most attractive “launching State” by virtue
of its domestic laws.
Returning to the hypothetical scenario, the question is what would
happen if a space mining company were to notify the US government
that they had positively identified biotic material on a celestial body. It
would not be beyond the imagination that the government would exercise
its powers to preserve and protect the specimens for further discovery. It
is also not beyond the imagination to think that the government would,
understandably, wish to exercise control over the mining operation. What
then are the space miners’ rights?

National expropriation guidelines

It is a long-established custom that a government has the right to appropriate
private property to “promote the general welfare of the people”, a power
known as ‘eminent domain’.39 Under the 5th Amendment of the US
Constitution, the Federal Government may exercise the eminent domain
but only where there is just compensation to the owner. This power is
further hemmed in by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment,
which prohibits the government from taking private property without
due process of law. While the US has a long history of honouring and
protecting property rights, it also has a long history of expropriation,
whether it be through the aligning of property sales, regulatory adjustments
or even revolutions.40 In truth, the purpose of the US regime is to avoid a
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 323

situation where a private citizen may have to bear a public burden that
should be borne by all.41 This right of the government extends not only to
real but also to private property.42
Eminent domain, or a taking, comes as either direct or indirect
condemnation.43 The former occurs when the government admits that it
has made a taking while the latter is when the government has made a
taking but denies that it is invoking eminent domain.44 Inverse
Condemnation can come in three forms: physical, regulatory or as an
exaction.45 As the first and last categories deal with real property, they are
not applicable to space miners. However, a “regulatory” taking occurs
when the value or usefulness of private property is essentially eliminated
because of a government regulation, even without physical occupation.46
In particular, this can occur when the regulation interferes with legitimate
investor expectations.47 For space miners, this means that should they
discover something of significant importance, and should the government
deem it necessary to suspend all activities in order to study the discovery,
they could argue that the US government has committed either a direct
condemnation or an indirect condemnation by way of taking and must,
by law, compensate the space miners.
But what would be the compensation? That will likely depend upon
the level of interference. For example, if a space mining probe were to
discover an artefact from the Apollo lander on the Moon, the US
government might require that the space mining probe retrieve the artefact,
but for “just compensation” for the retrieval and transport of the object
(which can be quantified). However, should a probe find bacteria on an
asteroid (and be capable of detecting it), it is not beyond the realm of
reason that the government might require the space mining activities to
cease altogether for fear of harming any specimens. What then would be
“just compensation”?
The Supreme Court has said that the purpose of the 5th Amendment
is to make the offended party whole, usually by paying fair-market value
or “what a willing buyer would pay in cash to a willing seller at the time”.48
Importantly, there are certain exceptions that the government does not
have to pay for, including incidentals (relocation costs, cost of
replacements), subjective losses (sentimental value) or future gains (or rather,
324 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

the Government does not owe the offended owner any future profits
once paid for).49 Importantly, there are some federal and state statutes in
the US that do offer, in some circumstances, compensation for incidentals,
but these are the exception, not the rule.50 Further, anticipated profits are
not included in the calculation of “just compensation”, only the value of
property or a contract at the time of the taking. 51
Where does this leave our space miners? Assuming the most protective
(and costly) measures are taken in our hypothetical, all space mining activities
are suspended by federal regulation in order to preserve any bacteria
discovered on the asteroid. The US Government would, therefore, have
to pay fair-market value for the equipment, though not for any anticipatory
profits that might have come from the mining operation. What about
incidentals? Will there be any compensation for the amount of time it will
take to rebuild and re-launch another probe?
It should be recalled at this point that, if nothing else, existing Outer
Space Law does support eminent domain in at least one case, and it applies
to our artefact hypothetical. If a space mining company were to alert the
US government that it had discovered, say, a Chinese probe, the US
government would be under an obligation to alert China. China could
then request that the space mining company either return or hold the object
until the launching authorities could retrieve the object. If the Chinese
were to request that the probe be returned, the costs would be borne by
the Chinese Government. The space mining company would, therefore,
be made whole.

Intellectual Property
While international intellectual property law has not yet developed, the US
has built some protections into its legislation to encourage commercial
activities in space: the Patents in Space Act of 1990. Typically, intellectual
property and patent law is subject to territorial rules; this does not change
just because the object is in space.52 The Patents in Space Act states that
any invention “made, used or sold” in space that was under US jurisdiction
remains under US jurisdiction unless specified by an international agreement
to which the US is a party.53 This means that anything that would be
governed by US patent law on Earth would still be subject thereto even if
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 325

it has physically left the territory. And any US citizens who invented anything
in space would be entitled to the full protections and remedies embodied
in the US Code on Patents, including injunctions and damages.54
It is here that one can see interesting applications of legal concepts.
Under 35 USC §101, both living and inanimate “things” can be patented,
provided that they are not the product of nature but of human-made
invention.55 Even without the application of the Space Competitiveness
Act, under US law, a party would not be able to put a patent on a newly
discovered strand of bacteria or a mineral compound “created wholly by
nature unassisted by man”.56 The exclusion of “biotic” material from the
Space Competitiveness Act is, in fact, superfluous. However, what is capable
of being patented is any invention or development that takes place in
space. For example, if a space mining company were to discover a new
mineral on an asteroid, they could not patent the mineral itself; however,
if they were able to significantly change the physical properties of that
mineral and create a wholly new material, both the process and the product
could be protected under US patent law. While the space mining company
might be obliged to share data with the rest of the world regarding the
discovery of any naturally occurring phenomenon in space, its obligations
would be limited by existing domestic patent protections.

Having surveyed both the Space Competitiveness Act and the major
applicable legal frameworks, we can now better describe the parameters
within which space mining activities will likely take place and what regulations
will apply in the event that there is a major scientific discovery. What kinds
of regulations could be put in place to ensure the goals espoused by the
Space Competitiveness Act are reached?

Discovery of bacteria
The level of responsibilities and obligations on space miners in relation to
the discovery of space bacteria will most likely depend entirely on the
destination of the mining mission. In order to make sure that space miners
are not over-burdened by technical requirements, it is highly probable that
the US Government will adopt policies similar to those contained in the
326 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

NASA Planetary Protection Policy, not least of all because they comply
with COSPAR recommendations and international law. This way, space
mining missions bound for Category I destinations - namely those that are
highly unlikely to have any type of biotic material on them, like asteroids -
will not be burdened with the costs of contamination prevention. In this
context, it is unlikely that space miners will be required to carry out any
type of detection sensitive to the presence of bacteria. Should our space
miners be on an asteroid, they would be under no obligation to even be
testing for bacteria. However, if the mission were bound for Mars or
another Category V body, it is highly likely that space miners would be
required to include equipment capable of detecting life. If the mining
regulations are in line with the current Planetary Protection Policies, these
missions would also have to be continually supervised.
In this context, given that the space miners represent unique
opportunities for the gathering of scientific data, it would be useful for a
partnership to be developed between commercial space miners and NASA.
For those missions bound for Category V bodies, the government could
require the presence of a planetary protection officer, a requirement not
inconsistent with current planetary exploration policies. This officer could
also be in charge of collecting data to be transmitted to federal authorities.
These authorities would then be responsible for determining what data
will be forwarded to the international community, in compliance with
international law. This information will, however, be limited by national
interests such as export controls or national security concerns. This is not
inconsistent with how exploration is carried out today.
If the space miners were to alert the government about the discovery
of bacteria, then it is likely that the government would seek to preserve
and observe the specimens to the best of their abilities. If this entails any
interference with space mining activities, the company would be able to
press the government for just compensation. However, it is unclear what
this compensation would entail. Would it cover the cost of the space asset
itself ? Would the government rent the asset to conduct its own studies?
Would it cover any incidentals such as the time it would take to launch a
replacement mission? For the time being, this will not be of too much
concern to companies like Planetary Resources and Moon Express, their
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 327

missions largely take them to Category I bodies. However, should they

opt to send probes to Mars, then it will be necessary to have these questions
answered by Congress.

Discovery of a mineral compound

Under the Space Competitiveness Act, a US citizen can claim any space
resource, including a new mineral compound. With guidance from
instruments such as the Cultural Convention, such a discovery could be
classified as being a part of the natural heritage of the US and, consequently,
as being of universal value to the international community. However, the
requirement to preserve such heritage, and the obligation to share
information about such a discovery, is binding only on the federal
government. The US government would have to enact regulations that
require space miners to provide samples or data about their activities which
the government could in turn transmit to the international community.
The US government would also have to provide guidance on what
the space miners would have to do in the event of such a discovery because,
under the Space Competitiveness Act, the space miners could claim the
compound. Furthermore, without clear guidance, the space miners could
conduct experiments on the compound in space and file for intellectual
property rights over any new materials that might result from this work.
The US Government would then be barred from transmitting sensitive
information protected by intellectual property laws to the international
community, as well as data prohibited by export controls or national security

Discovery of an artefact
As mentioned above, ownership does not change just because an object
has been launched into space. Likewise, there is no concept of
abandonment, and so it does not matter how long an object has been in
space, it still belongs to the party that left it behind. If a space mining
operation were to discover an artefact, it would not be able to claim it,
but it also would not be under any obligation, under current laws, to
report their findings to any authority. Nor would they want to since, if
they alerted the launching authority of the object, they could be obliged to
328 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

return the object should they be asked. Even if the launching authority
bears these costs, it could still prove to be of significant inconvenience to
a space mining company, potentially even putting them at a competitive
In order to pass on the protections that were intended to be found in
the Rescue Agreement to both US space mining companies and space
actors from other States, the US should include in its licensing requirements
regular reporting of space objects found in space. In this way, the US
Government can both inform the relevant launching authority that its object
has been found and it can ensure that any requests stemming from the
launching authority are “practicable” for the space mining company. This
policy would be in line with the aims of the Space Competitiveness Act
by removing the possibility of harmful interference by way of enforcement
of rights under the Rescue Agreement.

What happens then to the hypothetical asteroid probe, far away from
Earth? Under current legislation, the investors of the probe are under no
legal obligations to announce their discovery to anyone beyond the licensing
authorities, which have also not yet been established. Since the asteroid is a
Category I body, the US government will likely require very little data or
information beyond basic technical details of their operation, but nothing
currently requires that biological readings even be taken. However, once
they have established that bacteria has been found, the space miners will
likely be bound by domestic law to disclose this information to the US
government. If they do not, they could be found liable for contravening
far-reaching regulations such as NEPA. Once notified, should the
government go on to interfere with the space mining operation, the investors
will, at the very least, receive some type of compensation, though the
extent of this is still unclear. The same would be the case if they found a
new mineral compound or an artefact.
Looking over this result, one can see that mining activities will not, in
fact, be so different from activities here on Earth. The US laws that exist
are already largely capable of balancing the needs of investors with the
rights of humankind in celestial bodies. However, in order to ensure that
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 329

space miners know their limits and are able to plan accordingly, the US
government should quickly seek to establish the following. First, the US
government needs to authorise a regulatory body for the supervision of
space mining operations. Second, the US government needs to incorporate
contamination policies like those of COSPAR or the Planetary Protection
Policy into its licensing framework, making sure to include NEPA
requirements so that space mining companies can address all environmental
issues in a single request. Third, the US government should include a
notification requirement for findings of scientific value, including a provision
that ensures space miners will only have to return space objects when it is
“practicable”. And finally, within those policies, the US government should
provide some guidance on those situations that might call for government
interference in an operation, particularly where specimens of scientific
value might be discovered. By doing so, the government will afford space
mining companies a chance to prepare themselves for the risk of uncovering
monumental scientific evidence, whether it be through technical or financial
planning. Providing this legally certainty will play a critical role in meeting
the principal aims of the Space Competitiveness Act: namely to “facilitate
a pro-growth environment for the developing commercial space industry
by encouraging private sector investment and creating more stable and
predictable regulatory conditions.”
Yet perhaps the most important benefit that might result from adopting
these recommendations might not have anything to do with outer space
but, rather, with relations here on Earth. The Space Competitiveness Act
has caused a tremendous stir around the world, partly because it signals an
unsettling new era in human existence. Much like our ancestors, humans
are gradually leaving familiar shores and heading off towards the unknown.
This prospect makes many people uncomfortable, particularly those that
cannot yet make such a journey. The US should seek to make commercial
space mining activities as transparent as possible in order to further its case
at the international level.

1. Title IV of An Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing
commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating
more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262,
330 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce,

Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
2. United Nations 55th Session of the Legal Subcommittee of the
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 4 – 15 April 2016,
Vienna, Austria, available at:
3. Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista, “International Investment Law: Text,
Cases and Materials,” Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013, pp. 2-3.
4. An Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing commercial space
industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating more stable and
predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262, House
Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce, Science,
and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
5. § 102(a), Title I ofAn Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing
commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating
more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262,
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
6. § 51301(1) ofAn Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing
commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating
more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262,
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
7. § 51301(2)(a) and (b) ofAn Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the
developing commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and
creating more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes,
H.R.2262, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate
Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress
8. §51303, An Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing commercial
space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating more stable and
predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262, House
Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce, Science,
and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
9. Thompson, Clive, “Space Mining Could Set Off a Star War”, Wired, 14
January 2016., and International Law” SPace mplemented; rather,
implementation would have to be established through specialised did
not elabo
10. Congressman Brian Babin (R –TX), Chairman of House Committee
on Science, Space and Technology, remarks to the 10 Annual Eilene
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 331

Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law, Washington, DC,

9 December 2015.
11. §51302(a), An Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing
commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating
more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262,
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
12. §51302(b), An Act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing
commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating
more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes, H.R.2262,
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee/Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee, 114th Congress (2015-2016).
13. Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space
Objects, available at:
14. Article III of the Liability Convention.
15. Article II of the Liability Convention.
16 . Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), “about”, available at: https:/
17. Address of Gerhard Haerendel, COSPAR President, Role and Activities
of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Third United Nations
Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 19 -
30 July 1999.
18. Lyall, Francis and Paul Larsen, “Space Law: A Treatise”, Ashgate
Publishing, 2012, p. 286.
19. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Planetary Protection Policy,
prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection,
adopted on 20 October 2002, amended 24 March 2005. Available at:
20. Preamble, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Planetary
Protection Policy, prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary
Protection, adopted on 20 October 2002, amended 24 March 2005.
Available at:
21. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Planetary Protection Policy,
prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection,
adopted on 20 October 2002, amended 24 March 2005. Available at:
332 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

22. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Planetary Protection Policy,

prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection,
adopted on 20 October 2002, amended 24 March 2005. Available at:
23. Table 1, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Planetary Protection
Policy, prepared by the COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection,
adopted on 20 October 2002, amended 24 March 2005. Available at:
24. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Office of Planetary
25. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Office of Planetary
26. Office of Planetary Protections, Mission Categories, available at: http:/
27. UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural
and Natural Heritage, available at:
28. States Parties and Ratification Status of the Cultural Convention, available
29. Article 4 of the Cultural Convention, stating that:
“Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring
the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission
to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage referred to
in Articles 1 and 2 and situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that
30. Final report on the results of the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting
exercise for North America and Progress report for the Europe and
North America region, UNESCO, WHC-14/38.COM/10A (16 May
2014), p. 7, available at:
31. Final report on the results of the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting
exercise for North America and Progress report for the Europe and
North America region, UNESCO, WHC-14/38.COM/10A (16 May
2014), p. 9, available at:
32. 42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq. (1969), Sec. 2.
33. Summary of the National Environmental Policy Act, US Environmental
Protection Agency, available at:
Astro-propriation: Investment Protections for and from Space Mining Operations 333

34. 42 U.S.C. §4321, Sec.101 (4).

35. 14 Code of Federal Regulations - SUBPART 1216.3 Procedures for
Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). See also
Draft Environmental Impact Statementfor the Mars 2020 Mission,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (June 2014), available
36. FAA Order 1050.1E, Change 1, Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures, 20 March 2006.
37. Final Environmental Assessment for the Blue Origin West Texas
Commercial Launch Site, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation
Administration, Commercial Space Transportation, August 2006, available
media/20060829_Blue_Origin_EA_Signed.pdf. Draft Environmental
Assessment for the Space Exploration Technologies Vertical Landing of
the Falcon Vehicle and Construction at Launch Complex 13 at Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station Florida, Space Exploration Technologies
Corporation El Segundo, California and 45th Space Wing Patrick Air
Force Base, Florida, October 2014, available at: http://
38. 14 Code of Federal Regulations - SUBPART 14 Code of Federal
Regulations - SUBPART 1216.306(e) Actions Normally Requiring an
Environmental Impact Assessment.
39. Penn. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v Heiss, 141 Ill. 35, 31, N.E. 138 (1892).
40. Rose, Carol, “Property and Expropriation: Themes and Variations in
American Law”, 2000 Utah L. Rev. 1 2000, pp. 5-6. Nadakavukaren
Schefer, Krista, “International Investment Law: Text, Cases and
Materials,” Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013, pp. 168-169.
41. Armstrong v. United States, 364 U.S. 40, 49 (1960).
42. City of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders (1982) 32 C3d 60, confirming that,
2Our Legislature has unambiguously decreed that “A city may acquire
by eminent domain any property necessary to carry out any of its powers
or functions.”
43. Whealdon, Joseph, “A Primer in Eminent Domain and Takings Law
under the U.S. Constitution”, American Bar Association 101 Practice
Series, available at:
44. Whealdon, Joseph, “A Primer in Eminent Domain and Takings Law
under the U.S. Constitution”, American Bar Association 101 Practice
334 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

45. Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 548 (2005).
46. Hotel and Motel Ass’n of Oakland v. City of Oakland, 344 F.3d 959, 965
(9th Cir. 2003).
47. Cinega Gardens v. United States, 331 F.3d 1319, 1346 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
48. Wyman, Katrina Miriam, “The Measure of Just Compensation”, UC
Davis Law Review, Vol.41, Npo.1, p. 252, citing: United States v. 564.54
Acres of Land, 441 U.S. 506, 511 (1979) and United States v. Chandler-
Dunbar Water Power Co., 229 U.S. 53, 81 (1913).
49. Wyman, Katrina Miriam, “The Measure of Just Compensation”, UC
Davis Law Review, Vol.41, Npo.1, p. 255.
50. Wyman, Katrina Miriam, “The Measure of Just Compensation”, UC
Davis Law Review, Vol.41, Npo.1, p. 255
51. De Laval Steam Turbine Co. v. United States 284 U.S. 61, p.70 (1931).
52. Lyall, Francis and Paul Larsen, “Space Law: A Treatise”, Ashgate
Publishing, 2012, p 124.
53. 35 USC §105 – Inventions in Outer Space.
54. 35 USC Part III – Patents and Protection of Patent Rights
55. Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303, 206 USPQ 193 (1980), noting
that, “Congress thus recognized that the relevant distinction was not
between living and inanimate things, but between products of nature,
whether living or not, and human made inventions.”
56. Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303, 206 USPQ 193 (1980).
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 335


Sustainability, Security and

Article VI of the Outer
Space Treaty
Charles Stotler

In the 20th century, the exploration and use of outer space were largely the
provenance of a few governments and government-funded agencies.
Today, these activities are carried out by an increasing number of emerging
spacefaring nations and non-governmental actors.
The increase in actors in outer space has accompanied advancements
in science and technology, such as the development of small satellites,
mega constellations, on-orbit servicing, and new commercial launch services
that are easing access to space and broadening the scope of space
applications. The diversification and growth of new actors and new activities
in outer space – particularly commercial actors – raises new concerns
over the sustainability of outer space activities.1
Companies in the US are pushing the envelope in space applications.
For instance, SpaceX announced plans to launch a constellation of more
than 4,000 satellites into orbit.2 Planetary Resources and Deep Space
Industries are actively pursuing new applications, specifically the exploitation
of outer space resources.3
Although the US currently is the epicenter of commercial space
activities, the forces of globalisation are changing this landscape.
Notwithstanding efforts of US launch companies to enforce a ban on the
use of Indian launch services,4 the Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) has been regularly launching payloads of US commercial satellite
336 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

companies. In 2017, India announced plans to deploy 103 satellites, mostly

commercial, on a single launch, thereby breaking Russia’s 2014 record for
the most satellites deployed in a single launch (39 satellites).5
In addition, an indigenous commercial space industry is developing in
India. In 2016, India announced that Antrix, the commercial arm of
ISRO, will handle the manufacture and operations of its Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV).6 New Delhi corporation Team Indus is a finalist
in the Google Lunar X Prize.7 Thus, India is also pushing the envelope in
new commercial activities and space applications.
In tandem with these developments are ever blurring distinctions
between defence and national security uses of space, on the one hand, and
commercial uses on the other. Policies for the purchase of commercial
space applications by defence and national security agencies, the hosting
of military payloads on commercial satellite buses, the use of commercial
technologies for space situational awareness, amongst other dual-use
capabilities, have brought defence and national security communities closer
to non-governmental actors carrying on activities in outer space. In many
ways, sustainability and security are now inextricably linked.
Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty recognises the responsibility of
States for non-governmental activities carried on in outer space and creates
the obligations of authorisation and continuing supervision of such
activities. Thus, Article VI sits at the heart of sustainability and security
concerns raised by increasing non-governmental – particularly commercial
– exploration, use and exploitation of outer space.
India has not implemented laws or regulations for commercial space
activities.8 As ISRO continues to launch commercial payloads and Indian
commercial companies forge new paths in the exploration and use of
outer space, India must consider enacting policies, laws and regulations to
meet its obligations under Article VI.

The progressive development of Article VI

In the inaugural edition of the Annals of Air and Space Law, Eilene Galloway
described the process for making new space treaties. She wrote:
“The formula that has been followed is that of recognizing the
1967 Treaty on Outer Space as the major source of guiding
principles, and when there is a consensus that any one or more of
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 337

those principles do not seem to cover fully a given situation, then

a new treaty may be drawn up in more detailed provisions.”9
She notes that subsequent space treaties resulted from this process.
The Rescue and Return Agreement is a progressive development of Article
V of the Outer Space Treaty;10 the Liability Convention, Article VII;11 the
Registration Convention, Article VIII;12 and the Moon Agreement, inter
alia, Articles I, II and IV.13
All of these agreements were negotiated under the auspices of the
UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) during
what can be considered as the first phase in the progressive development
of international space law. This phase was characterised by a rapid
development in the body of treaties on outer space activities and culminated
with the conclusion of negotiations over the 1979 Moon Agreement.
Notably, there has been little progressive development of Article VI
through subsequent treaties.14 Rather, the progressive development of
Article VI has occurred mainly in two ways: the development of ‘soft-
laws’ at the international level, and the implementation of international
obligations at the domestic level. With regard to the former, COPUOS
played an active role in the negotiation of many non-binding international
instruments. These include UN General Assembly Resolutions,15 as well
as principles and guidelines.16 This period can be thought of as a second
phase of COPUOS, beginning approximately in 1980.
A third phase in the progressive development of space law appears
to be emerging due to threats to sustainability and their overlaps with
international security. To understand the significance of this transition, this
article will consider the evolution of COPUOS.

Sustainability and security efforts in COPUOS

The Outer Space Treaty, particularly Article IV, addresses arms control.17
The 1979 Moon Agreement strengthened these arms control provisions.18
Both of these agreements were negotiated under the auspices of the
Indeed, the mandate of COPUOS, which includes the study of legal
problems that may arise out of the exploration and use of outer space, is
338 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

broad enough to address arms control in outer space.19 That COPUOS

would engage in such considerations, however, has been the subject of
dispute. The establishment of fora dedicated to disarmament issues appears
to have precipitated this dispute.
In 1978, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring
that, “In order to prevent an arms race in outer space, further measures
should be taken and appropriate international negotiations held in
accordance with the spirit of the [Outer Space Treaty].”20 In the same
resolution, the General Assembly reestablished the Disarmament
Commission with a mandate, inter alia, to “consider the elements of a
comprehensive programme for disarmament to be submitted as
recommendations to the General Assembly and, through it, to the
negotiating body, the Committee on Disarmament.”21
The Committee on Disarmament was established the following year
in 1979 and was the predecessor to the Conference on Disarmament
(CD).22 The dispute over whether or not COPUOS is the appropriate
forum for the negotiation of disarmament and arms control agreements
for outer space likely began around the same time. The 35th session of
COPUOS in 1980 appears to be the first time that an annual report of the
Committee recorded disparate views exchanged by member States on
the propriety of disarmament issues being addressed therein, with some
delegations expressing the view that other bodies within the UN are more
appropriate for such negotiations.23
The second UNISPACE in 1982 did not expressly recognise a role
for COPUOS in preventing an arms race and hostilities in outer space.24
It did, however, describe the prevention of these as “an essential condition
for the promotion and continuation of international co-operation in the
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.”25 In the same
year, the Committee on Disarmament adopted a new agenda item on the
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS).26
In 1984, COPUOS had on its agenda an item entitled, “Questions
relating to the militarization of outer space.”27 That agenda item lasted
only one year. In 1985, a new standing item on “Ways and means for
maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes” was established.28 This
item has since remained on the agenda of COPUOS.29
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 339

Notwithstanding this long-standing agenda item, the notions took root

that COPUOS deals exclusively with peaceful uses and the CD deals with
issues of arms control and disarmament.30 These notions were challenged
by a 2013 report of a Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on
Transparency and Confidence Building Measures (TCBMs).31

The Report of the GGE on TCBMs

Concerns over sustainability and security manifested in calls in the UN
General Assembly for TCBMs in outer space activities.32 Pursuant to UN
General Assembly Resolutions, the UN Secretary General twice convened
GGEs on TCBMs in outer space activities.33
The 1993 GGE Report focused on the military uses of space and the
dual-use nature of space assets.34 The sustainability of outer space activities
was not directly addressed. However, soft laws providing for the
progressive development of Article VI, some of which directly affect the
conduct of non-governmental actors in outer space, were identified as
confidence-building measures.35 This begs the question of whether
COPUOS ever was not involved in security concerns.
This question was answered in 2013 when the most recent GGE
issued a report making recommendations and reviewing current efforts
to address sustainability and security through TCBMs.36 The report tied an
increase of actors in outer space to threats to international peace and
security.37 Moreover, the report recognised substantive discussions not
only in the CD, but also in COPUOS, the International Telecommunications
Union, and the World Meteorological Organization, as reflective of a
transition in the political climate regarding outer space sustainability and
The Report of the GGE went further, expressly invoking the Article
VI obligations of authorisation and continuing supervision.39 It stated:
“With regard to maintaining international peace and security, it is
clear that it is in the shared interest of all nations to act responsibly
and in accordance with international law when carrying out outer
space activities, in order to help to prevent mishaps, misperceptions
and miscalculations.”40
340 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

Thus, the increase of actors in outer space, including private commercial

actors, raises issues of sustainability, which in turn, have been recognised
as matters of international security by the GGE Report.
The effect has been a bolstering of COPUOS involvement in security
issues. Specifically, the UN General Assembly agreed that COPUOS
“should continue to consider the broader perspective of space security
and associated matters that would be instrumental in ensuring the safe and
responsible conduct of space activities….”41 Moreover, in a series of
resolutions, the General Assembly called upon all relevant entities within
the UN system to coordinate on matters related to the recommendations
of the GGE Report on TCBMs.42 One of those recommendations called
for coordination to be established between the Office of Outer Space
Affairs (OOSA) and the Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA) on
matters related to TCBMs.43
Pursuant to this mandate, OOSA organised, in cooperation with ODA,
a 2016 UN Workshop on Space Law.44 The Workshop recognised that,
“In order to avoid duplication of effort in the field of space security
considerations, [OOSA] and [ODA] should continue coordinating efforts
to promote the implementation of transparency and confidence-building
measures in outer space activities.”45
Thus, the third phase of COPUOS can be characterised as addressing
not only sustainability but also security. Given the history of resistance to
COPUOS addressing security issues, particularly arms control and
disarmament, this is a somewhat radical development. The focus on
sustainability, with its incumbent security aspects, has hampered the work
of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in the development of
Guidelines on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
(LTS Guidelines). At the same time, it also re-energised the work of the
Legal Subcommittee (LSC).

New efforts at the progressive development of Article VI in

In 2015, items on legal aspects of space traffic management and on the
application of international law to small satellite activities were added to
the agenda of the LSC.46 Delegates to the LSC offered views on these
items for the first time in 2016.47 In addition, an item on potential legal
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 341

models for activities in exploration, exploitation and utilisation of space

resources was added to the LSC’s agenda in 2016.48
Also in 2016, COPUOS adopted a first set of Guidelines on the
Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities.49 The formulation
of the LTS Guidelines began in 2009, prior to the formation of the most
recent GGE and the issuance of its report in 2013.50 Development of
the LTS Guidelines became contentious following the issuance of the
GGE Report, with member States of the Working Group on LTS unable
to agree upon some of the Guidelines.51 An eleventh-hour compromise
was reached at the end of the 2016 session of COPUOS to tentatively
adopt a first set of LTS Guidelines and to extend the mandate of the
Working Group on LTS by an additional two years to consider remaining
guidelines upon which consensus could not be reached.
Guidelines 1 to 4 pertain to policies and national regulatory
frameworks for space activities.52 Notably, they invoke Article VI, stating
that “States bear international responsibility for national activities in outer
space and for the authorization and continuing supervision of such activities,
which are to be carried out in conformity with applicable international
law.”53 They recall other binding and non-binding instruments that affect
the conduct of non-governmental actors in outer space.
Thus, upon acceptance by member States via UN General Assembly
resolution, the LTS Guidelines will serve the progressive development of
Article VI in the two ways identified in the introduction to this chapter.
First, they will be a non-binding arrangement that further informs States
as to their international responsibility for national activities. Second, they
will further guide States in the implementation of authorisation and
continuing supervision obligations.

Revisiting Article VI
Because Article VI is a key provision of the Outer Space Treaty for ensuring
the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, and efforts at
sustainability are now overlapping with efforts to bring about international
security in outer space activities, it is an auspicious time to reexamine Article
VI vis-à-vis provisions affecting non-governmental actors carrying on
activities in outer space.
342 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

International Responsibility under Article VI

International responsibility for national activities in outer space is recognised
by the opening clause of Article VI, which provides that, “State Parties to
the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer
space….” This part of the first sentence of Article VI does little more than
reiterate what was already recognised by Article III, namely, that international
law applies to the activities of States carried on in outer space.
Specifically, the first clause of the first sentence of Article VI recognises
that the rules of State responsibility, as articulated in the draft Articles on
Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARS), apply to
national activities in outer space.54 These secondary rules are “the general
conditions under international law for the State to be considered responsible
for wrongful actions or omissions, and the legal consequences which flow
therefrom.”55 The ARS codified secondary rules that become relevant
upon the breach of a primary rule.56
Given Article III, the international laws, which underpin State
responsibility, would apply to national activities carried out in outer space
with or without Article VI. What then is the gravamen of the first sentence
of Article VI?
In order for responsibility to attach to a State, there must be a breach
of an international obligation that is attributable or imputable to that State.57
“[T]he general rule is that the only conduct attributed to the State
at the international level is that of its organs of government, or
of others who have acted under the direction, instigation or control
of those organs, i.e., as agents of the State. As a corollary, the
conduct of private persons is not as such attributable to the State.”58
The second clause of the first sentence of Article VI, however, renders
State Parties responsible for national activities in outer space, “whether
such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-
governmental entities….” This is an exception to the general rule on
attribution, in that the conduct of private entities is attributable to the State
under Article VI.59 Thus, the gravamen of the first sentence of Article VI
is that activities of non-governmental entities are attributable to States
Parties to the Outer Space Treaty.60
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 343

From the perspective of interpretation, Article VI presents a case of

the lex specialis principle: “[I]f a matter is being regulated by a general standard
as well as a more specific rule, then the latter should take precedence over
the former.”61 The more specific rule in Article VI is an exception to the
general rule of international responsibility regarding attribution.
Where a general international law is derogated by way of an exception,
“…whatever is being ‘set aside’ will continue to have an effect on the
interpretation and application of the exception.”62 The general rule remains
in the background, influencing the interpretation of the special rule. Thus,
even to the extent that Article VI presents a derogation of the general rules
regarding attribution, it must be understood through the lens of the secondary
rules of international responsibility.
The conditions under which conduct can be attributed to a State are
determined by international law, rather than domestic law. 63 They are limited
to a few specific situations identified in the jurisprudence of international
tribunals as described in Articles 5 to 11 of the draft ASR.64 Article VI
effectively adds a new condition under which conduct can be attributed to
a State.
According to Shaw, “The doctrine [of State responsibility] depends
on the link that exists between the state and the person or persons actually
committing the unlawful act or omission.”65 Article VI recognises a link
between the State and national activities carried on by non-governmental
entities. Thus, the additional condition under which conduct can be
attributed to a State occurs where national activities are carried on by non-
governmental entities in outer space.66
The impact of this exception from customary provisions regarding
responsibility is profound. Article VI raises the spectre of a breach of
international obligations by non-governmental actors, which may lead to
reparations. These obligations include the authorisation and continuing
supervision of non-governmental actors.

Authorisation and continuing supervision under Article VI

In addition to expanding the traditional scope of international responsibility
to include the activities of non-governmental actors, Article VI creates the
obligations of authorisation and continuing supervision of such activities. These
344 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

are primary obligations, the breach of which could give rise to international
responsibility under the secondary rules described above.67
Authorisation is fairly straightforward – the obligation has been
implemented through domestic legal regimes that typically require a licence
or permit prior to the conduct of space activities by a non-governmental
entity.68 Various interpretations have been put forth as to which State is the
‘appropriate State Party’ to authorise an activity.69 Nevertheless, the obligation
has been successfully implemented by many States.
The concept of ‘continuing supervision’ is less straightforward.70 It
raises questions of duration. For instance, how long must an activity be
supervised? It also raises questions of the extent of supervision – how
closely must activities be supervised? What would the obligation mean, for
instance, where a change in circumstances causes a national activity to deviate
significantly from the activity authorised?
A statement delivered on behalf of the US Department of State at the
11 Galloway Symposium described the US interpretation of the phrase

‘continuing supervision’.71 This was the first official statement on the Outer
Space Treaty by a US State Department Legal Advisor in more than 30
In the statement, the Legal Adviser mused, “What does it mean for a
State to supervise non-governmental activities in outer space? What space
activities must States supervise?” His response was somewhat circular:
“The meaning of the term “continuing supervision” in the second
sentence of Article VI can be found in the first sentence, which
creates the obligation to ensure conformity of all national activities,
whether governmental or non-governmental, with the Treaty. The
supervision required for any given activity will depend on the
provisions of the Treaty it implicates. “Continuing supervision”
means a legal link between government and operator sufficient
to ensure the activity is carried out in conformity with the Treaty.”73
It was further explained that under this interpretation, the US employs a
fact-specific, two-part enquiry that examines, first, which provisions of the
Outer Space Treaty are potentially implicated by the proposed activity, and
second, whether the applicable governmental oversight arrangements are
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 345

sufficient to ensure conformity with those provisions.

By way of example, two payload review requests were contrasted: one
submitted in 2014 for a lunar habitat that would serve a wide range of
functions over a 20-year lifespan; another submitted in 2016 for a lunar
lander mission with limited scope and short duration, approximately two
weeks.74 Both missions, according to the US statement, raised issues with
Article IX obligations to avoid harmful contamination and requirements to
adopt measures for this purpose.
The 2014 application for a lunar habitat was denied. On the contrary, a
launch licence was issued for the 2016 application.75 The US explained this
discrepancy as follows: Given the limited duration of the second mission
and that company’s commitment to adopt COSPAR’s planetary protection
guidelines,76 the US State Department determined that a sufficient legal link
existed to enforce compliance with Article IX, and that the issuance of a
licence in this case would not contravene US obligations under the Outer
Space Treaty.
The US interpretation of ‘continuing supervision’ and the two-part
enquiry appear to be somewhat groundbreaking in State practice and opino
juris relative to Article VI. In essence, the US is interpreting the phrase
‘continuing supervision’ to mean whatever act the US must take to fulfill its
treaty obligations under Article VI. This definition is adequately broad to
capture all US obligations arising under the Outer Space Treaty. Moreover,
by focusing on particular provisions of the Outer Space Treaty that are
brought to issue by the specific facts of each mission, it can be argued that
the two-part enquiry is in keeping with methods for determining when a
breach of a treaty obligation occurs.77
It can also be argued, however, that the first prong of the US two part
test is too narrow. It seeks to know “which provisions of the Outer Space
Treaty are potentially implicated by the proposed activity.” Given Article
III, the whole of international law – including customary international law,
the Charter of the United Nations and other treaty obligations – will have
to be examined to determine whether the US is in compliance with the
Outer Space Treaty.
If the US narrowly interprets its obligations arising under Article VI as
346 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

requiring an examination only of provisions of the Outer Space Treaty that

create specific obligations (as opposed to the more general principles
identified in other articles), it runs the risk of neglecting other obligations
that might arise out of international law. India should pay attention to these
considerations as it considers the implementation of continuous supervision

Article VI obligations of authorisation and continuing supervision require
the implementation of international laws on the exploration and use of
outer space. Authorisation and supervision entail the development of
domestic laws, regulations and policies on outer space activities carried on
by non-governmental entities.
Thus, Article VI serves as a lynchpin between international obligations
and domestic laws, regulations and policies for the use and exploration of
outer space. It tethers private, commercial actors to the international laws
that govern the exploration and use of outer space.78 As India continues to
privatise commercial launch services and as new commercial actors in India
continue to develop space applications, India must enact laws and regulations
to meet its Article VI obligations.
State responsibility for non-governmental activities incentivises the
progressive development of international law pertaining to outer space
activities. This includes the creation of non-binding instruments.
It should go without saying that non-binding international instruments
have profound effects on non-governmental, particularly commercial, space
actors. One need look only to export controls for an illustration of this
Non-binding instruments guide government agencies in the
interpretation of international obligations and the proper adherence to
international norms. Government agencies, in turn, affect the conduct of
private actors by promulgating regulations, by supervising private actors,
and by setting the terms of contracts for the purchase of goods and
services from private actors. ISRO, as an agent of the Indian government,
must consider non-binding legal norms as it privatises launch services and
as it contracts with commercial providers of space applications.
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 347

Moreover, non-binding instruments have led to consensus on language

that later was converted into binding legal agreements.80 Thus, non-binding
international instruments set trends that shape future law-making at the
international level.
Thinking of non-binding instruments merely as ‘soft law’ diminishes
their importance at both national and international levels. These instruments
are negotiated and approved via consensus by agents from ministerial or
executive departments of governments – often the same entities that make
and approve policies at the domestic level. They are space policies created
at the international level that indirectly affect the private, commercial uses
of outer space.
As described at the beginning of this chapter, Eilene Galloway
identified the process for making new space treaties: when there is a
consensus that general principles embodied in the Outer Space Treaty no
longer fully cover a given situation, then a new treaty may be drawn up
elaborating those principles. Galloway also described the raison d’être for
this process:
“The texts of [the Rescue and Return Agreement, Liability
Convention and Registration Convention] stem from provisions
in the 1967 Treaty on Outer Space, elaborated to take care of
more clearly perceived legal problems which might arise from
the use and exploration of outer space.”81
The LTS Guidelines and new agenda items on the LSC seek to elaborate
more clearly the perceived problems that arise out of the increase in new
actors and new activities in outer space. They do this because of concerns
over sustainability, which has been identified as an issue of international
The statement by the US Department of State likewise addresses
concerns over the increase in new actors and new activities in outer space
and further elaborates the obligation of ‘continuous supervision’.
Interestingly, that statement also referenced an article by Myers McDougal
and Leon Lipson published in 1958 in the American Journal of International
Law. 82 Therein, McDougal and Lipson advocate a wait-and-see approach
based on advancing technologies.
As legal problems with the exploration, use and exploitation of outer
348 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

space become more clear, States should consider drafting a binding legal
instrument that further elaborates the Article VI obligations of authorisation
and continuing supervision. This proposition is in keeping with the theories
of McDougal and Lipson, who also favored “a series of agreements,
gradually arrived at, on particular subjects” and noted that some of these
agreements may arise from “consensus achieved by the gradual accretion
of custom from repeated instances of mutual toleration.”83
Should non-binding international instruments and state practice lead
to consensus that Article VI does not cover fully non-governmental activities
in outer space, the time will be ripe for a new treaty. Regardless of whether
or not States come to this conclusion, India should formulate laws and
policies implementing its Article VI obligations.

1. As of 2013, more than 1000 operational satellites in orbit around the
Earth were owned or operated by more than 60 States, government
consortiums, universities, and private corporations. (See, “Group of
Governmental Experts on Transparency and Confidence-Building
Measures in Outer Space Activities,” Note by the UN Secretary General,
UNGA 68th Sess, UN Doc A/68/189* (29 July 2013)). As of mid-
2016, that number exceeded 1400 operational satellites. (See, “USC
Satellite Database” Union of Concerned Scientists (30 June 2016) online:
database#.WFmdylcxXzI). These numbers do not include space debris,
of which there are approximately 17,729 objects being tracked. (See,
Orbital Debris Quarterly News, NASA (July 2016) at 8, online: https:/
Estimates of objects in orbit that are too small to be tracked range
wildly but are on the order of 500,000 objects.
2. Avery Thompson, “SpaceX Wants to Launch Over 4,000 Satellites Into
Orbit” Popular Mechanics (17 November 2016) online: http://
3. See, respectively: Planetary Resources, online: http://; and Deep Space Industries,
4. Peter B. de Selding, “U.S. launch companies lobby to maintain ban on
use of Indian rockets” Space News (29 March 2016) online: http://
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 349
5. “Indian to launch 103 satellites in record single mission” (4
January 2017) online:
6. Jeff Foust, “India to hand over PSLV operations to private sector”
Space News (15 February 2016) online:
7. Caleb Henry, “CNES supplying cameras to Indian X Prize team, talks
reusability with ISRO” Space News (10 January 2017) online: http://
8. Paul Stephen Dempsey, “National Laws Governing Commercial Space
Activities: Legislation, Regulation, & Enforcement” (2016) 36(1) Nw J
Int’l L & Bus 1, 17 (fn. 74), 28, 42, 43.
9. Eilene Galloway, “Applicability of Space Treaties to the Uses of Outer
Space” (1976) 1 Annals of Air and Space Law 205, 207.
10. Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched in
Outer Space (opened for signature on 22 April 1968) 672 UNTS 119
11. Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects,
(opened for signature on 29 March 1972) 961 UNTS 187
12. Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (opened for
signature on 14 January 1975) 1023 UNTS 15; See also, International co-
operation in the peaceful uses of outer space, UNGA Resolution 1721 (XVI)
(20 December 1961).
13. Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies (opened for signature on 11 July 1984) 1363 UNTS 3
14. Some scholars identify the Liability and Registration Conventions as
developing Article VI. (See, e.g.: Ronald L. Spencer, Jr., “International
Space Law: A Basis for National Regulation” in Ram Jakhu (ed.), National
Regulation of Space Activities (London: Springer, 2010) 1, 12-21; Accord, I.
Marboe & F. Hafner, “Brief Overview over National Authorization
Mechanisms in Implementation of UN International Space Treaties” in
Frans G. von der Dunk (ed.) National Space Legislation in Europe (Leiden:
Martinus Nijhoff, 2011) 29, 31 at fn 9.) The preamble to the Registration
Convention expressly recalls that States shall bear international
responsibility for national activities in outer space. The Liability
Convention does not. For reasons described in Part 3.1, infra, on the
meaning of international responsibility under Article VI, it is posited
that the Liability Convention does not serve to develop Article VI.
350 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

15. See, e.g.: Application of the concept of the ‘Launching State’, UNGA Resolution
59/115, UN Doc A/Res/59/115 (10 December 2004); Recommendations
on enhancing the practice of States and international intergovernmental organizations
in registering space objects, UNGA Resolution 62/101, UN Doc A/Res/
62/101 (17 December 2007); Recommendations on national legislation relevant
to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, UNGA Resolution 68/74,
UN Doc A/Res/68/74 (11 December 2013).
16. See, e.g.: Principles Governing the Use by States of Artificial Earth Satellites for
International Direct Television Broadcasting, UNGA Resolution 37/92 (10
December 1982); Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from
Outer Space, UNGA Resolution 41/65 (3 December 1986); Principles
Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space, UNGA Resolution
47/68 (14 December 1992); “UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines
of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space” UN Office of
Outer Space Affairs (2010) online:
publications/st_space_49E.pdf (Adopted by the UN General Assembly
in 2007. See, International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, UN
General Assembly Resolution 62/217*, UN Doc A/Res/62/217* (22
December 2007)).
17. Statement by Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg Before the Committee
on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, on the Outer Space Treaty at 148 (U.
Mississippi, National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law,
Hearings.pdf (Stating at page 22: “This would be – article IV is the key
provision of the treaty…. This is the arms control provision of the
18. Moon Agreement, supra, note 13 at Article 3(2) (prohibiting “any threat
or use of force or any other hostile act or threat of hostile act on the
Moon”); See also, Peter Jankowitsch, “The background and history of
space law” in Frans von der Dunk and Fabio Tronchetti, eds. Handbook
of Space Law (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2015) 1,
19. International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space, UNGA Resolution
1472 (XIV) (12 December 1959).
20. Resolution Adopted on the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the
Tenth Special Session, General Assembly – Tenth Special Session, UNGA
Doc A/S-10/2 (30 June 1978) at para. 80
21. Id. at para. 118 (Stating, also, that the Disarmament Commission is the
successor to a committee of the same name established under the U.N.
Security Council by General Assembly Resolution A/Res/502(VI) of
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 351

22. Jankowitsch, supra, note 18 at 18.
23. Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UN General
Assembly, Official Records of the 35th Sess., Supplement No. 20, UNGA
Doc A/35/20 (1980) at para. 57.
24. The United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space (UNISPACE) are a series of conferences of the heads
of States, arranged by COPUOS pursuant to its mandate to continue
with the scientific cooperative program established as the International
Geophysical Year. (See, UNGA Resolution 1472 (XIV), supra, note 19).
All UNISPACE have been held in Vienna: the first in 1968 (Report of the
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UN General Assembly
Resolution A/7285 (1968)); the second UNISPACE82 fourteen years
later (Report of the Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UN General Assembly Doc. A.CONF.101/
10 (1982)); and UNISPACEIII in 1999 (Report of the Third United Nations
Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UN General
Assembly Doc. A/CONF.184/6 (1999)).
25. UNISPACE82 Report, supra, note 24 at para 14.
26. In 1981, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution requesting the
CD to take up the issue of PAROS (See, UNGA Doc. A/Res/A/36/
97C (1981)). The following year, PAROS was inserted as an item on the
agenda of the CD. (See: Fabio Tronchetti, “Developing a European-
Chinese/Russian Approach to the Issue of Non Weaponization of Outer
Space: A Feasible Goal?” 53 Proc. Int. Inst. Space L. 191, 195).
27. Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UNGA, Official
Records of the 39th Sess., Supplement No. 20, UNGA Doc A/39/20
28. Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UNGA, Official
Records of the 40th Sess., Supplement No. 20, UNGA Doc A/40/20
29. Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, UNGA, Official
Records of the 71th Sess., Supplement No. 20, UNGA Doc A/71/20
30. See, e.g.: Jankowitsch, supra, note 18 at 18-19 (Stating, “[The Committee],
while inhibited by its mandate from taking up matters of arms control
in outer space and putting them on the agenda, thus became one of the
main fora for the expression of international movements of concern
on developments threatening the uses of outer space for peaceful
352 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

31. 2013 GGE Report, supra, note 1.

32. Prevention of arms race in outer space, UN General Assembly Resolution 45/
55A (4 December 1990); Transparency and confidence-building measures in
outer space activities, UN General Assembly Resolution 61/75, UN Doc
A/Res/61/75 (6 December 2006); Transparency and confidence-building
measures in outer space activities, UN General Assembly Resolution 62/43,
UN Doc A/Res/62/43 (5 December 2007).
33. Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space, UN General Assembly
Resolution 45/55B (4 December 1990); Transparency and confidence-building
measures in outer space activities, UN General Assembly Resolution 65/68,
UN Doc A/Res/65/68 (8 December 2010).
34. “Study on the application of confidence-building measures in outer space”
Report by the Secretary-General, UN Doc A/48/305 (15 October 1993).
35. Id. at paras. 78-80 (Discussing elements of the Direct Broadcasting,
Remote Sensing and Nuclear Power Sources Principles as possessing
aspects of confidence-building measures).
36. These efforts included the development of draft Guidelines on the Long-
Terms Sustainability of Outer Space Activities by a Working Group of
the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of COPOUS, and a draft
International Code of Conduct (ICOC) for Outer Space Activities by
the European Union. (See, 2013 GGE Report, supra, note 1 at paras. 13,
16). Following several rounds of State consultations and several drafts
of an ICOC, the EU convened multilateral ‘negotiations’ on an ICOC
in July 2015. The meeting was hosted by the EU and the Office for
Disarmament Affairs – the secretariat to the CD. Although the meeting
was held at the UN headquarters in New York, it was not held under the
auspices of the UN and therefore was not classified as a UN meeting.
From the outset, States disagreed about the appropriate forum for the
negotiation of an ICOC for outer space activities. Most States favoured
either COPUOS or the CD, but some also recommended the First and
Fourth Committees of the UN General Assembly. Most States expressed
the view that an ICOC should address not only military but also civil
and commercial uses of outer space. (“European Union convened
Multilateral Negotiations on an International Code of Conduct for Outer
Space Activities” Chairs’ Summary, UN PaperSmart (27-31 July 2015)
outerspace/documents/ Because efforts at creating an ICOC have
stalled, they will not be examined in this chapter. For a discussion of
some substantive aspects of the EU’s proposed ICOC, see Fabio
Tronchetti, “Legal aspects of the military uses of outer space” in Frans
von der Dunk and Fabio Tronchetti, eds. Handbook of Space Law
(Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2015) 331, 379-381.
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 353

37. 2013 GGE Report, supra, note1 at para. 6 (Stating, “The result of the
increase in space actors and space users is that the space environment,
especially key Earth orbits, has become increasingly utilized over the
past few decades. As a consequence, the outer space environment is
becoming increasingly congested, contested and competitive. In the
context of international peace and security, there is growing concern
that threats to vital space capabilities may increase during the next decade
as a result of both natural and man-made hazards and the possible
development of disruptive and destructive counterspace capabilities.”)
38. Id. at para. 7.
39. Id. at para. 8 (Stating, “…States are ultimately responsible for the
authorization and continuing supervision of all space activities under
their jurisdiction.)
40. Id. at para. 9.
41. International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, UNGA Resolution
70/82, UN Doc A/Res/70/82 (9 December 2015) at para. 13.
42. Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities, UNGA
Resolution 70/82, UN Doc A/Res/70/53 (7 December 2015);
Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities, UNGA
Resolution 69/38, UN Doc A/Res/69/38 (2 December 2014);
Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities, UNGA
Resolution 68/50, UN Doc A/Res/68/50 (5 December 2013).
43. 2013 GGE Report, supra, note 1 at para. 66; OOSA and ODA serve as
the secretariats to COPUOS and CD, respectively.
44. “Contribution of space law and policy to space governance and space
security in the twenty-first century” Report on the United Nations Workshop
on Space Law UNGA Doc A/AC.105/1131.
45. Id. at para. 50(d).
46. Report of the Legal Subcommittee on its fifty-fourth session, UN Doc A/AC.105/
1090 (30 April 2015).
47. 2016 COPUOS Report, supra, note 29.
48. Report of the Legal Subcommittee on its fifty-fifth session, UN Doc A/AC.105/
1113 (27 April 2016).
49. 2016 COPUOS Report, supra, note 29 at Annex, 55.
50. For an overview of the formulation of the Long-tern Sustainability
Guidelines and the set up of the Working Group, see: Christopher
Johnson, “The UN COPUOS Guidelines on the Long-Term Sustainability
of Outer Space Activities” Secure World Foundation (December 2014)
354 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

51. 2013 GGE Report, supra, note 1 at para. 13 (Stating, “These guidelines
will have characteristics similar to those of transparency and confidence-
building measures; some of them could be considered as potential
transparency and confidence-building measures, while others could
provide the technical basis for the implementation of certain transparency
and confidence-building measures proposed by this Group of
Governmental Experts.”)
52. 2016 COPUOS Report, supra, note 1 at Annex, 56.
53. Id. at 58.
54. “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts” UNGA
Resolution 65/63, UN Doc A/Res/56/83 (2001) (The UN International
Law Commission (ILC) finalized the text of the draft ARS in 2001. The
UN General Assembly took note of the draft ARS and commended
them to the attention of Governments during its Fifty-sixth session.)
55. The rules are described as ‘secondary’ in order to differentiate them
from primary rules. For instance, Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty
creates an obligation not to place in orbit around the Earth nuclear
weapons or other kinds of weapons of mass destruction. A breach of
Article IV would be an internationally wrongful act that gives rise to new
international legal relations that are additional to those which existed
before the breach. (See, Commentaries to the draft Articles on Responsibility
of States for internationally wrongful acts, UNGA ILC, 53rd Sess, A/56/10/
chp.IV.E.2/Sup.No.10 (2001) at 65).
56. Compensation owed under Article VII of the Outer Space Treaty and
the Liability Convention should be differentiated from the duty to pay
compensation that might arise arises out of Article VI and the secondary
rules of State responsibility. (See, generally, Frans von der Dunk, “Liability
Versus Responsibility in Space Law: Misconception or Misconstruction?”
(1991) 34 Proc Colloq L of Outer Space 363.) The former is a primary
obligation to provide compensation for the consequences of acts, which
are not unlawful. (See, James Crawford & Ian Brownlie, Brownlie’s Principles
of Public International Law, 8th Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2012), stating at 561: “[T]he sole example unanimously accepted as
creating a liability framework for an act that is completely lawful under
international law is contained in the 1972 Liability Convention on
International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects.”)) The
latter is a type of reparation sometimes owed as a consequence of an
unlawful act, such as the breach of an international obligation. (Crawford
& Brownlie at 567).
57. ARS, supra, note 54 at Article 2.
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 355

58. ARS Commentaries, supra, note 55 at 80-81.

59. Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law (7th Ed.) (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2014) 572 (Stating, “The state is not responsible under
international law for all acts performed by its nationals. Since the state is
responsible only for acts of its servants that are imputable or attributable
to it, it become necessary to examine the concept of attribution. * * *
Attribution is the legal fiction that which assimilates the actions or
omissions of state officials to the state itself and which renders the state
liable for damage resulting to the property or person of an alien.”
60. Manfred Lachs, The Law of Outer Space: An Experience in Contemporary
Law-Making (Leiden: Martinus Nijthoff, 1972) at 122 (Stating, “The
acceptance of this principle removes all doubts concerning
61. Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising From the Diversification
and Expansion of International Law, UNGA ILC, 58th Sess, A/CN.4/
L.682 (2006) [hereinafter, “ILC Fragmentation Report”] at 34-35.
62. Id. at 56.
63. ARS Commentaries, supra, note 55 at 82-83.
64. See, ARS Commentaries, supra, note 55 at 92-122.
65. Shaw, supra, note 59 at 81 (Stating, “The attribution of conduct to the
State as a subject of international law is based on criteria determined by
international law and not on the mere recognition of factual causality.”)
66. Scholars have sought to clarify the meaning of the term ‘national activities.’
(See, e.g.: Bin Cheng, “Article VI of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
Revisited: ‘International Responsibility’, ‘National Activities’, and ‘the
appropriate State’” (1998) 26(1) J Space Law 7, 20-25; Francis Lyall and
Paul Larsen, Space Law: A Treatise (Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing,
Ltd., 2009) 57-58 (equating the term ‘national activities’ with ‘national
entities’)). A general consensus appears to have crystalized around the
notion that the term ‘national activities’ should be interpreted to mean
those activities carried on from the territory of a State and those carried
on by a State’s nationals. (See, Michael Gerhard, “Article VI” in Stephan
Hobe, et al. (eds.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Vol. 1 (Cologne:
Wolters Kluwer Deutschland, 2009) 103, 113).
67. Cheng, supra, note 66 at 14 (Stating, “[F]ailure to subject non-
governmental national space activities to authorization and continuing
supervision would constitute an independent and separate cause of
68. For more on the implementation of Article VI, including examples of
domestic legislation, see: Jakhu, supra, note 14; Dempsey, supra, note 8;
356 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

Imgard Marboe, “National Space Law” in Frans von der Dunk and
Fabio Tronchetti, eds. Handbook of Space Law (Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2015) 127.
69. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, “The Term ‘Appropriate State’ in International
Space Law” (1994) 37 Proc Colloq L Outer Space 77 (Illustrating several
interpretations of the term ‘appropriate state’, most of which support a
definition that includes more than one State as appropriate under the
terms of Article VI).
70. On state supervision generally, see, Ronald L. Spencer, Jr., “State
Supervision of Space Activity” (2009) 63 Air Force L R 75.
71. Brian J. Egan, “The Next Fifty Years of the Outer Space Treaty”
Statement of US Department of State delivered at the 11th Annual
Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law (7 December
2016), online:
[hereinafter, “Statement of the US State Department”]. Since the
inauguration of Donald J. Trump on 20 January 2017, this statement
has been removed from the US Department of State’s website. It can
still be found using the internet archive, Wayback Machine, online: https:/
72. Marcia Smith, “State Department Legal Advisor: The Outer Space Treaty
– 50 Years On” Space Policy Online (14 December 2016) online: http:/
73. Statement of the U.S. Department of State, supra, note 71.
74. A payload review is prerequisite for the issuance of a launch license by
the FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation. Payload reviews
are required by U.S. statute (51 USC § 50904). Under U.S. Federal
Regulations (14 CFR § 415.23), interagency consultations between the
FAA, Departments of Defense and State and other Federal agencies,
such as NASA, are required before a launch license will be issued. Under
14 CFR § 415.23, the Department of State must determine whether a
license application presents any issues affecting foreign policy or
international obligations.
75. On 20 July 2016, the FAA issued a favorable payload determination for
the Moon Express MX-1E mission. See: “Fact Sheet – Moon Express
Payload Review Determination” FAA Office of Commercial Space
Transportation (Press Release, 3 August 2016) online: https://
76. The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), part of the International
Council of Science, has formulated a Planetary Protection Policy that is
implemented through national space agency policies and procedures,
Sustainability, Security and Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty 357

such as the NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 8020.7G: Biological

Contamination Control for Outbound and Inbound Planetary Spacecraft
and NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 8020.12D: Planetary
Protection Provisions for Robotic Extraterrestrial Missions. See: NASA,
Office of Planetary Protection, online: https://planetary The U.S. has not otherwise implemented
planetary protection principles through statute or regulation. Thus, U.S.
companies are not bound by planetary protection policies. However,
Title VI of the 2015 US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness
Act (CSLCA), states: “The term ‘space resource’ means an abiotic
resource in situ in outer space.” (51 USC § 51301(2)(A)). That space
resources can only be ‘abiotic’ implies that a determination as to whether
biotic materials are present must be carried out prior to harvesting such
resources. This definition may require the inclusion of planetary
protection principles in future statutes and regulations implementing the
77. In addressing what constitutes the breach of an obligation that gives rise
to international responsibility, Crawford and Brownlie caution that, “Legal
issues, particularly in disputes between states, have an individuality which
resists a facile application of general rules. Much depends on…the
content of the relevant substantive rules or treaty provisions.” Crawford
& Brownlie, supra, note 56 at 559.
78. Gerhard, supra, note 66 at 105 (Explaining that Article VI resulted as a
compromise between the United States and Soviet Union on non-
governmental activities in outer space. The former envisioned private
actors in outer space; the latter, that all activities in outer space would be
carried out solely and exclusively by States.)
79. For descriptions of the International Code of Conduct against Ballistic
Missile Proliferation (Hague Code of Conduct or HCOC), the Missile
Technology Control Regime and Wassenaar Arrangement, see: Fabio
Tronchetti, “Legal aspects of the military uses of outer space” in Frans
von der Dunk and Fabio Tronchetti, eds. Handbook of Space Law
(Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2015) 331 at 346-347
& 360-366.
80. See, e.g.: Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the
Exploration and Use of Outer Space, UN General Assembly Res. 1962
(XVIII) (13 December 1963); Stephan Hobe, “Historical Background”
in Stephan Hobe, et al. (eds.), Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Vol. 1
(Cologne: Wolters Kluwer Deutschland, 2009) 12-13.
81. Galloway, supra, note 9 at 207.
82. Myers S. McDougal and Leon S. Lipson, “Perspectives for a Law of
Outer Space” (1958) 52 Am J Int’l L 407.
83. Id. at 429-430.
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 359


Space Security,
Sustainability, and Global
Governance: India-Japan
Collaboration in Outer Space
Yasushi Horikawa

Since the world’s first satellite was launched in 1957, many countries
have been involved in the development and utilisation of outer space.
Space science and technology and their applications, such as satellite
communications, Earth observation systems and satellite navigation
technologies, provide indispensable tools for achieving viable long-term
solutions for sustainable development. Active space development and
its application can contribute effectively to promoting global
development, improving people’s lives, conserving natural resources,
and enhancing preparedness for natural disasters and mitigating their
impacts. Further, efforts are being made to address threats to space
security, since the protection of the space environment is crucial to those
applications. This paper addresses these issues in the context of India
and Japan’s partnership.

Sustainable Development
The benefits of space activities are of a global nature. There is no doubt
that satellites provide significant and unique benefits to Earth’s inhabitants.
Space capabilities are utilised for the sake of the whole world, to develop
repeatable measurements, revisit capability, long-time series of data, and
360 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

nurture strong disaster preparedness. The benefits derived from these

capabilities cannot be dismissed.
A tremendous increase in human activities in the last century has caused
rapid reduction of fossil fuels, land productivity, and global forest coverage,
and at the same time, a significant increase in freshwater consumption.
Global warming has resulted in rising sea levels, glacial melt and icecap
shrinkage, in turn, leading to changes in weather patterns. This has become
a significant problem. Disasters continuously hit many parts of the world,
repeatedly demonstrating the vulnerability of humans against the forces
of nature and how important it is to build capacities to mitigate the
devastating effects of disasters. Loss of life and property could be reduced
if better information were available through improved risk assessment,
early warning, and monitoring of disasters. In this regard, the integrated
and coordinated use of space technologies and their applications can play
a crucial role in supporting disaster management by providing accurate
and timely information and communication support.
The imperative is to create a holistic approach to the various problems
and make sound, long-term decisions for humanity. Sustainable
development policies must be established based on accurate information
about the Earth in order to gauge societal impacts. A timely and coordinated
integration of the space-based technology applications of remote sensing,
satellite telecommunication and global navigation satellite systems to multi-
source geospatial datasets will provide some of key factors to resolve
these difficulties. In addition, environmental change and effectiveness
applied by various mitigation measures can be evaluated by those
The post-2015 global development agenda was adopted in September
2015 with the establishment of new Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) at the United Nations General Assembly. These major goals argue
for stronger space governance and supporting structures at all levels,
including improved spatial data infrastructure. Accurate information will
enable informed decisionmaking at all levels of society. Without space
applications, it will be difficult to resolve these issues in a timely manner.
Therefore, it might be useful to devise cooperation schemes that will foster
the integration of such space-based services and products into the
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 361

implementation of regional and national plans to achieve the sustainable

development goals.
In this regard, there is a need to strengthen international collaboration
and support for data sharing and access to geospatial information, which
is expected to be useful to address climate change associated with global
warming, carbon cycle, water cycle, as well as human health, food security
relating to agriculture and fisheries, and natural disasters. More specifically,
new projects to be carried out through regional cooperation efforts can
advance the promotion of data utilisation and relevant scientific research.
There are high expectations for India-Japan cooperation, in the context
of either regional or bilateral cooperation—where both countries can bring
their respective expertise and capabilities toward tackling common issues
in the region and the world.

Space Governance
Various satellites are operated to serve for science and technology
development and their applications, manned and unmanned space
exploration, and security and military use. The limited nature of space
resources will require some governance strategies to promote equitable
access for all, while ensuring the efficient and effective use of space.
The UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
(UNCOPUOS) is the highest international forum for political, scientific,
technical and legal debates connected with space. It is the exclusive platform
in the area of peaceful uses of outer space, for negotiations, elaboration
and promotion of important international treaties, agreements, UN
resolutions and guidelines for all member states. For more than half a
century now, UNCOPUOS has worked to resolve complex issues that
have influenced space activities of many states around the world while
simultaneously maintaining the principle of consensus in its decisionmaking
process. UNCOPUOS has also been at the center of humankind’s efforts
to peacefully explore and utilise the outer space environment with the
objective of bringing the benefits of space science and technology and
their applications to contribute to the social development of all countries.
In this connection, UNCOPUOS has been instrumental in the development
of five UN treaties on outer space, with the Outer Space Treaty establishing
362 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

the fundamental principles of international space law, and ten sets of legal
principles and declarations on outer space activities.
There have been active discussions for several years in addressing the
increasing involvement of private actors in the exploration and use of
outer space. Ongoing are discussions on national legislation relevant to the
peaceful exploration and use outer space. It will continue to be important
to reflect and review the implementation of international obligations and
the way in which States can best act and cooperate for the safe, peaceful
and sustainable use of outer space, particularly in view of the increased
private sector involvement.
During this author’s term as UNCOPUOS chair, three key main ideas
were proposed related to space research and utilisation in response to the
50th Anniversary of the UNCOPUOS in 2011: a) to promote the role of
UNCOPUOS and its Subcommittees as a unique platform at the global
level for international cooperation in space research and long-term space
utilisation; b) to promote greater dialogue between UNCOPUOS and
regional and inter-regional cooperation mechanisms in space activities for
the benefit of global development; and c) to strengthen the relevance of
space science and technology and their applications in meeting the outcomes
of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development.
These should be pursued for a governance of space activities for future
generations. In recent years, the number of space actors—including
developing countries, private sectors and even universities—has been rapidly
increasing. It is noteworthy that some space actors are not in compliance
with the provisions of UN treaties as well as their registration and liability
obligations. States should authorise and supervise their activities. Specifically,
looking at the recent trend in space activities, small satellites for educational
purposes that are rather cost-effective and easy to manufacture should not
be encouraged unless they comply with the guidelines on space debris
prevention. Further, a significant number of pico-satellites and chip-type
satellites in planning should be carefully examined in light of the question
related to the sustainability of outer space activities.
There is no doubt that dynamism of commercialisation and privatisation
of outer space is becoming more prevalent across the world. Space activities
are getting increasingly closer to people’s daily lives and vitalising national
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 363

economies. However, the international community must be more cautious

since outer space activities—because of orbiting in space—are entirely
different from those that are terrestrial. There should be a regulatory
framework or controlled measures for outer space activities for collision
avoidance. Technical and legal investigations must be launched in this regard.

UNISPACE+50 in 2018
The first UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space or UNISPACE-I was held in Vienna in August 1968. This Conference
served as an important platform for the exchange of information and
consultation in the field of practical application of space technology, and
as an impetus for considering the establishment of fellowship and technical
assistance in support of national efforts to develop space activities, taking
into account the needs of developing countries. The second such conference
(UNISPACE-II) was held in Vienna in August 1982. This conference
discussed the use of space science and technology and their applications
for economic and social benefits as well as the development of international
cooperative programs. Several other important issues were discussed, such
as the allocation of the geostationary orbit, direct broadcasting by satellites,
and remote sensing. The third conference (UNISPACE-III), held in Vienna
in July 1999, expanded the notion of ‘international cooperation’ by looking
into how space can help humankind in tackling global problems, from
protecting the Earth’s environment and managing its resources to using
space applications for human security, development and welfare.
The year 2018 will mark the 50th year since UNISPACE-I, providing
an excellent opportunity to review all the contributions of the three
UNISPACE conferences to global space governance. It is also a timely
opportunity to consider the current status and chart the future role of the
UNCOPUOS at this present time when space actors, both governmental
and non-governmental, are increasingly getting involved in ventures to
explore space and carry out space activities. The planned anniversary event
is being called UNISPACE+50.
The interrelationship between major spacefaring nations and emerging
space nations as well as the dialogue between them relating to increased
international cooperation and capacity-building efforts for the benefit of
364 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

developing countries, have laid the groundwork for success over the years.
The space agenda is evolving and becoming more complex, in particular,
due to the broader concept of space security and the expanding commercial
space sector. The development of international mechanisms such as
guidelines, codes and other confidence-building measures are reflective
of this new environment.
The SDGs have set targets for stronger space governance and
supporting structures at all levels, including improved spatial data
infrastructure. The outcomes or recommendations of the third UN World
Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Sendai, Japan, in March
2015 and the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change conducted in 2016 will be
incorporated in the discussion at UNISPACE +50 as well. The 2016
UNCOPUOS meeting decided that the following thematic priorities be
considered toward UNISPACE + 50.
1. Global partnership in space exploration and innovation
2. Legal regime of outer space and global space governance: current
and future perspectives
3. Enhanced information exchange on space objects and events
4. International framework for space weather services
5. Strengthened space cooperation for global health
6. International cooperation towards low-emission and resilient
7. Capacity-building for the 21stcentury
These themes should be seriously examined for effective use of outer
space for future generations. Individual states, and non-governmental
organisations such as the academia and private sectors are also expected
to be involved in this activity.

Sustainability of Outer Space Activities

Current threats in the domain of outer space activities include orbital debris,
radio frequency interference, and near-Earth objects or the collision with
asteroids. Some of these threats are induced by humans. The factors which
might aggravate the threats include spontaneous increase of space debris,
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 365

technical difficulty of active space debris removal, lack of transparency

and confidence building measures, different utilisation priorities and funding
levels of space actors, and Anti-Satellite weapon or A-SAT testing. There
has been a rapid rise in the number of space actors including new emerging
countries and nongovernmental entities such as private sectors or universities.
This increase cannot be avoided because the right to access to space,
consistent with international law, is guaranteed to everyone. This principle
exacerbates the threat to the sustainability of outer space activities.
The international community must study space security because the
safe and sustainable environment of outer space is mandatory for those
outer space activities that contribute to the sustainable development of
human societies. It is obvious that by its very nature, the space environment
is different from that of the ground and in airspace. The position of a
space vehicle, for example, cannot be easily changed as its movement or
orbital behaviour is strictly constrained to the orbit onto which it has been
launched. Given the already congested space environment owing to the
presence of many satellites, the space environment condition has
deteriorated further because of the large number of space debris. Space
utilisation for all space actors could soon become unnecessarily constrained
unless the operations of all space vehicles and other space objects are well
managed. Except for some specific missions that require the most advanced
technologies or specific scientific research, small satellites and even larger
Earth observations and communications satellites are not too difficult to
manufacture as demonstrated by the development of spacecraft by
governmental and non-governmental entities with varying levels of financial
and technological resources. The operation of small and nanosatellites
gives rise to matters that could be further explored and discussed, such as
responsibility and liability under the legal regime on outer space.
The application of the concept of the launching State in national
regulatory frameworks, registrations and notification measures and the
continuing development of national regulatory frameworks as well as
guidance to space actors should be understood. To implement a set of
practical and prudent measures to enhance the long-term sustainability of
space activities, a dedicated Working Group was established in 2010 within
UNCOPUOS to address sustainable space utilisation supporting sustainable
development on Earth, space debris, space weather, space operations,
366 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

tools to support collaborative space situational awareness, regulatory regimes,

and guidance for actors in the space arena. The establishment of this Working
Group was a significant step with the objective of identifying and examining
a wide range of issues and concerns related to the long-term sustainability
of space activities. It was also tasked to prepare a consolidated set of practices
and operating procedures and guidelines.
After six years of extensive efforts in coordinating and negotiating with
participating states, the UNCOPUOS adopted 12 best practice guidelines
in 2016, by consensus as required for UNCOPUOS decisionmaking. These
best practice guidelines cover the following four fields: a) policy and regulatory
framework for space activities; b) safety of space operations; c) international
cooperation, capacity building and awareness; and d) scientific and technical
research and development. This is a historic achievement from the viewpoint
of reaching an international consensus at UNCOPUOS in spite of current
circumstances – a growing number of participating States with different
views and opinions does not easily allow UNCOPUOS to come to a
consensus. The additional efforts will be continued towards UNISPACE+50
to achieve a set of consolidated guidelines which incorporate those not
adopted in the 2016 meeting, and eventually draft a UN resolution.
In addition to the discussion on the UNCOPUOS Long Term
Sustainability Working Group which is making efforts to establish voluntary-
based Best Practice Guidelines, the International Code of Conduct (ICoC)
for Outer Space Activities initiated by the European Union is also set to
establish best practice guidelines through a voluntary but politically-binding
instrument. The UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE), whose
members were selected by the UN Secretary General, issued a report in
2014. The discussions are all political, and a consensus seems hard to achieve.
In this deliberation, all states are called upon to understand the criticality of
safe, stable, secure and sustainable outer space activities, setting aside old
political arguments. Bilateral and regional coordination and cooperation
should be encouraged to foster mutual understanding.

International Cooperation
It is widely recognised that international cooperation, an indispensable
principle from the very beginning of the space age, has garnered tremendous
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 367

success in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. In
its early stage, international cooperation was unilateral, facilitating the transfer
of expertise and technology from advanced spacefaring nations to emerging
space actors. Over time, bilateral or multilateral cooperation has been
promoted for mutual benefits and roles/missions sharing between or among
the involved organisations or states, as successfully envisioned in the
construction and operation of the International Space Station (ISS) Program.
Space utilisation activities should be conducted focusing on resolving
the issues of humankind through international cooperation. International
cooperation which pursues compatibility and inter-operability can also
provide transparency to users. For example, in the field of application
satellite, the continued utilisation of satellites for the improvement of
people’s daily lives is essential, in addition to technological advancement.
These goals can be achieved through international cooperation.
Today, with an increasing number of space actors, the international
community is provided with a worthy occasion to consider each other’s
future activities and roles. What is becoming increasingly important is to
reassess the significance of international cooperation and its future perspectives
based on the past and present situations of space research and utilisation for
peaceful purposes. Further, recent cooperation calls for transparency and
confidence building measures and demands to share viable information to
achieve safe, stable, secured and sustainable space activities. Concrete steps
should be taken to open the door for a new era of international cooperation
and international harmonisation. Of course, conventional international
cooperation as well as capacity building for developing countries must be
continued to achieve significant benefits from space for the future. East-
West or North-South cooperation and bilateral or multilateral cooperation
must also be pursued. Ultimately, UN-level cooperation to secure space
traffic management is also necessary to sustain future peaceful use of outer
space, since outer space is a limited resource. In order to establish such a
mechanism, bilateral and regional cooperation through regional platforms
and forums like ASEAN and APRSAF should be exploited.

India-Japan Partnership
India and Japan have enjoyed a long history of cooperation in various
arenas, from cultural exchanges to economic and science endeavours.
368 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

However, few significant collaborative projects have been realised so far

in the area of outer space.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA) have been working together in the field of
Earth observation for socio-economic benefits. A successful cooperation
example that should be noted is cooperation for disaster prevention
through the Sentinel Asia project under the framework of the Asia-Pacific
Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF).
As of 2015, Japan has 189 registered space objects (satellites) while
India has 66. Japan’s space activities have a longer history than India’s and
yet, recent progress in India’s space activities is remarkable, highlighted by
the success of its Mars orbiter mission in 2015. Both India and Japan are
pursuing similar space programmes such as launch vehicle development,
Earth observation, communication and broadcasting, and navigation,
similar to those of other advance spacefaring nations like US, Russia,
European countries, and China.
Because of several setbacks in launch vehicle and satellite programmes
during the early 2000’s and a long-lasting deflation in its domestic economy,
Japanese space programmes suffered stagnation. Further, natural disasters
including the Great East Japan Earthquake followed by Tsunami in 2011,
the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016, and multiple floods in recent years
had slowed the Japanese economy. Japanese policymakers have been
hesitant to invest in space programmes given tight national budgets.
Even as that may be the case, Japan is undertaking numerous satellite
development programmes for Earth observation and navigation to
contribute to a better society. In particular, Japan is currently focusing on
the following three fields: disaster risk management by utilising land
observation satellites such as ALOS and its successor ALOS-2 as well as
their follow-on satellites; water cycle and climate change through observation
by Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) and Global Change
Observation Mission (GCOM-W); and global warming monitoring by
Greenhouse gas Observation Satellite (GOSAT) series. In addition, Japan
is developing high accuracy global positioning, navigation, and timing system
named as Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS).
Space Security, Sustainability, and Global Governance 369

India has application satellite programmes similar to Japan’s. The Indian

Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) including RISAT, CARTOSAT,
RESOURCESAT and Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
(IRNSS) called GAGAN are proceeding well.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart,
Shinzo Abe, held several discussions on various occasions such as mutual
visits, ASEAN conferences, and COP-21 and discussed economic,
scientific, technological, cultural, and security cooperation. These summit
meetings have fostered intimate relations between the two countries. Both
have significant potential to create future prosperity of the world and
contribute to the realisation of sustainable development for humankind.
Space programmes of both countries will be integral for such a future.
At the India-Japan Summit meeting convened in New Delhi in
December 2015, the two nations jointly released the “India and Japan
Vision 2025 Special Strategic and Global Partnership – Working Together
for Peace and Prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region and the World” and
acknowledged, in a Fact Sheet, the ongoing civil activities in space between
JAXA and ISRO expecting enhanced cooperation in the areas such as
Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Space Science and Planetary
In 2017, Japan is scheduled to host the 2nd International Space
Exploration Forum (ISEF-2) to coordinate future cooperation of in space
exploration. This forum will provide not only the collaboration scheme
on space exploration but also new framework of space activities among
spacefaring nations. A strong leadership between India and Japan is highly
desirable. As mentioned in UNISPACE+50, India and Japan have broad
capacity to lead these themes and are expected to set up initiatives together.

Three aspects are key in the area of space for national prosperity and
sustainable development for all humankind. First, space technology
applications must be for users; second, space activities should vitalise
industries; and third, space activities must be undertaken in a manner
conducive for future generations’ use as well. In order to promote these
activities, it will be necessary to consider the following factors: making
370 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

space activities an integral part of society at large, enhancing international

cooperation at the regional and global levels, strengthening capacity for
technology development, developing human resources, and securing
Japan will further strive to enhance space development activities under
the newly formed framework of the space strategy, focusing on technical
innovation and international cooperation and providing effective solutions
to society as a whole. The practical benefits of space technology applications
today virtually touch every facet of human endeavour—extending over
communication, navigation, meteorology, education, health, agriculture,
resource management, environmental protection, and disaster management.
To adapt to emerging and future challenges, the global community, in
close coordination with each other, need to find effective solutions to
current and emerging global problems.
As described in the aforementioned India and Japan Vision 2025
Special Strategic and Global Partnership, both nations have significant
potential to lead and achieve future prosperity including through space
activities. By gathering their expertise and wisdom, it is expected to raise
the collaboration in space to a new level, thus contributing further to regional
efforts in tackling global challenges including climate change and sustainable
development. India-Japan collaboration will be crucial for the future.
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 371


India and Global Space

Governance: Need for A
Pro-active Approach
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan

A domain that for a long time remained the monopoly of two or three
big powers, outer space is today a crowded, congested and contested
territory, with more than sixty players including non-state actors. The very
nature of space programmes is also undergoing important changes. After
decades of competition between the US and USSR, outer space has come
to be dominated by peaceful and civilian uses. This, though, is beginning
to change especially in Asia—and such shift is driven by a combination of
factors including the growing space-based applications for social,
developmental and security-driven utilities, as well as the changing global
balance of power dynamics.
The next section deals with certain contextualising factors that have a
bearing on the evolving global governance mechanisms.

Growth Trends
Outer space domain has undergone big shifts in the last decade. To begin
with, the number of stakeholders has increased; the nature of activities
has also changed drastically. Both these developments would indicate the
crowding of outer space, making the question of its long-term sustainability
even more challenging. Growing dependence on outer space, combined
372 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

with potentially destabilising trends, call for renewed debates on space

Contrary to popular perception, outer space is a limited commodity
and it is the responsibility of every state to ensure that their activities are
peaceful and do not harm the outer space environment. Secure and
uninterrupted access to outer space had already been challenged by the
spiraling competition witnessed in the earlier decades. Unless corrective
steps are taken to address the growing number of challenges—including
space debris, spectrum allocation, and radiofrequency interference—access
to space in the future, especially for the emerging actors, will only prove
to be more precarious. Even a marginal increase in activities by emerging
space players compounds the problem. However, this process cannot be
stemmed if one understands the demand and supply dynamics in this
domain. On the supply side, growing prosperity and higher economic
growth rates would allow for greater resources available for space
programmes. On the demand side, there are multiple competitive pressures
that come into play as states contemplate on their space programmes.
Do more states mean a spurt of regional space agencies? While
regional space cooperation may gain traction in the Latin American and
African context, Asia presents a different picture. Common socio-
economic problems and limited resources have acted as push factors for
regional cooperation. Such has been the story of regional mechanisms
such as the African Union, and they have been a relative success. Asia’s
trajectory, on the other hand, has been different– the existence of two
major cooperation organisations in the region is reflective of its divisive
politics. Neither the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)
under the leadership of Japan, nor the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation
Organization (APSCO) driven by China, provides a mechanism for these
countries to interact with each other or coordinate their activities. The
fundamental tenets of regional cooperation escape these organisations.
A third related question is whether increasing space activities and actors
translates to greater private sector participation, which was previously a
western phenomenon but is likely to happen in Asia. In India, too, the
private sector has yet to play a big, independent role. But the growing
presence of a mix of traditional, small- and medium-size enterprises along
with NewSpace actors can challenge this phenomenon in the coming years.
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 373

The leadership of ISRO is beginning to acknowledge the role of private

players in India’s space story.
Irrespective of the logic, the growing number of space programmes
will be accompanied by serious consequences. While the issue of spectrum
allocation has not become serious yet, if the current trend continues, radio-
frequency interference-like challenges will mount. As things are, states are
already confronted with the overcrowding of satellites and debris, and its
resultant access issues. There are also concerns that as space technologies
spread, it will be more difficult to discern legitimate against illegitimate
activities. States can gain access to space technologies for civil space
cooperation but it is difficult to monitor to see if these are being diverted
for military space programmes or to develop ballistic missile programmes.
There are also fears of states deliberately attempting to damage or destroy
satellites, and these could play out particularly during the eruption of
conflicts. Lastly, the threat of inadvertent incidents and accidents cannot
be ruled out in a crowded space.

The Need for Regulation

With growing dependence on outer space assets for a variety of applications,
space exploitation has become inevitable. The growing trends in the form
of more actors, new types of activities, access issues, point to the need for
regulation of outer space activities. The spread of space technologies is a
reality as many countries—particularly in the developing world in Africa,
Asia and Latin America—are only now beginning to appreciate the utility
of space for meeting their economic and developmental requirements. Even
as this will likely spur both regional and international cooperation on outer
space, the need for certain broad ‘rules of the road’ in outer space cooperation
cannot be emphasised enough. Inter-state cooperation is always perceived
as being beneficial to all sides but cooperation without proper multilateral
rules can also pose dangers. The spread of technologies associated with
outer space such as rocket launchers can potentially be converted into military
space programmes, or worse, to developing long-range ballistic missile
programmes. These scenarios call for regulation of cooperation in outer
space. However, the emergence of new space actors and the shifting global
balance of power dynamics have had a determining say in how outer space
is governed globally.
374 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

What kind of mechanisms would work? Given the dual-use nature

of space technology and its relevance in the context of civilian application,
technology denial must be avoided, and thus, mechanisms akin to the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) are difficult to pursue in the outer
space domain. Instead, the more applicable instruments may be the
Chemical Weapons Convention or the Biological Weapons Convention.
Outer space may be compared to the chemicals which have large-scale
civilian application, due to which technology will spread. Therefore,
mechanisms in this regard should consider regulations in terms of the use
of technology rather than seek to control the spread of technology.
Mechanisms could evolve to monitor how and if states are diverting civil
space technology for military space programmes or for ballistic missile
programmes although one must be mindful of the challenges of
monitoring in this regard. Nevertheless, efforts must be made to frame
rules for operations and activities rather than the control of technology.
Further, space traffic management is also becoming a serious issue.
Space traffic management is defined as “the set of technical and regulatory
provisions for promoting safe access into outer space, operations in outer
space and return from outer space to Earth free from physical or radio-
frequency interference.”1 With new types of space activities, new actors
and technological innovations, safe and secure access to outer space is
facing enormous challenges.
Given the increase in the activities, states and multilateral organisations
are beginning to pay attention. Both the International Academy of
Astronautics (IAA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have been
engaged in this exercise. Is the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) an appropriate model for a governing body to deal with the issue?
The next section details the current instruments in the area of global
governance of outer space and gives an analysis of whether these serve
the growing requirements in this domain.

Why Are Existing Mechanisms Insufficient?

In rhetoric, all the spacefaring powers endorse the need to keep outer
space safe, secure and sustainable; in the real world, however, the gaps are
yawning. There are rapidly advancing military space programmes, including
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 375

anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities which are inherently destabilising, and

increasing space debris as well as a proliferation of small satellites including
mini, micro and nano satellites which lead to congestion in outer space.
Each of these needs to be addressed in a priority manner if there is to be
uninterrupted and secure access to outer space for the future generations.
There is a body of treaties and regulations in place that regulate activities
in outer space. These include the Treaty on Principles Governing the
Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including
the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967), Agreement on the Rescue
of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects
Launched into Outer Space (1967), Convention on International Liability
for Damage Caused by Space Objects (1972), Convention on Registration
of Objects Launched into Outer Space (1974), and Agreement Governing
the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1979).
These conventions have proven to be insufficient for a variety of reasons.
While there are many challenges facing the outer space domain, the most
significant is the state of the outer space regime. The lack of consensus
among major spacefaring powers in identifying challenges to ideating
possible solutions has become the biggest stumbling block in developing
an effective outer space regime.
The Outer Space Treaty (OST) is the oldest and most comprehensive
mechanism regulating outer space activities. While it prohibits states from
placing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in outer space, it leaves out
a bigger challenge of conventional weapons in outer space. Another
concern is that the OST was formulated in the 1960s and thus far removed
from today’s realities and challenges. Similarly, the Prevention of Arms
Race in Outer Space (PAROS) is an important proposal for tackling the
challenge of arms race in outer space. Despite the fact that there has been
a resolution on PAROS passed in the UN General Assembly as far back
as in 1981, a meaningful session on the treaty has yet to be held by the
Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva. This also reflects the larger
problem faced within some of the UN institutions dealing with security
and arms control. CD has been locked in a stalemate for more than two
decades, with parties failing to arrive at a consensus even on the agenda.
Transparency and Confidence Building Measures (TCBMs) have gained
traction in the last couple of decades owing to the state of the regime.
376 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

However, the lack of consensus among major powers has contributed to

the slow development of space norms, and their disagreement on both
current challenges and the way forward has made the formulation of legal
regimes extremely challenging. Meanwhile, TCBMs suffice as intermediary
measures between acknowledging the need for a mechanism and framing
legal measures.2 They are typically voluntary, non-legal measures that would
enable better understanding, potentially reducing wariness, competition and
rivalry. They also provide a solid base for establishing greater confidence
between nations and help in mitigating inter-state political difficulties, which
may be the biggest hurdles in developing an effective regime. TCBMs can
also contribute to greater interactions and dialogue processes among states
that could gradually lead to openness, transparency and information-sharing.
Outer space TCBMs have begun to be acknowledged as critical
components of the entire process for the sheer magnitude of challenges
that potentially put access to outer space at risk.
Some of the prominent TCBMs in the recent years include the Group
of Governmental Experts (GGE) and the International Code of Conduct
(ICoC). These have their own share of advantages and disadvantages but
considering the challenges, there is a need for all spacefaring powers to
join hands in devising certain common standards of responsible behaviour
that would avoid the pitfalls of arms race and additional debris-generation
activities. GGE is a multilateral initiative under the United Nations and the
effort is to develop consensus among the fifteen member countries. They
have succeeded in doing so as some level of consensus within the GGE
has been achieved. While this is positive, the GGE has come under criticism
for its limited representation. The five permanent members of the UN
Security Council are permanent members of the GGE, and the remaining
10 are selected on other criteria including geographical representation.
India was not part of the last GGE on outer space because it was
established at the same time as the GGE on cyberspace. As a non-UNSC
member, India had to choose between the two; it chose to join the GGE
on cyber space. Critics also point to GGE’s recommendations not being
binding and rather merely recommendatory. These recommendations,
though, can gain some traction and possibly be carried forward if they
are introduced as resolutions in the UN General Assembly, sponsored by
the member countries.
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 377

The ICoC, meanwhile, has been another important step taken in the
recent years to address and regulate activities in outer space. Initiated by
the European Union, ICoC has run into trouble not so much for the
provisions it contained but for the lack of an inclusive process, with the
Code being prepared without prior consultation with all the spacefaring
powers. The EU had expected to have it endorsed globally by all the
major spacefaring powers before the end of 2012, but when it was
introduced outside the European community, it was received with
skepticism. To give the EU credit, it recognised the mistake and began to
take corrective measures, holding regional meetings to understand the
different perspectives and suggestions and how the Code could be taken
forward. These regional outreach meetings and the three Open Ended
Consultations – in Kiev in May 2013, Bangkok in November 2013, and in
Luxembourg in May 2014 – were productive to a degree but the Ukraine
crisis that erupted in 2013 damaged the consensus-building towards ICoC.
The Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer
Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects
(PPWT) is a draft treaty first proposed by Russia and China in 2008 and
re-introduced with a new draft in June 2014, a couple of weeks after the
EU ended its third Open-Ended Consultations in June 2014. This treaty
seeks to bring about a ban on the weaponisation of outer space. The
draft though is yet to gather the support of a majority of states owing to
several factors including the fact that it was not verifiable.3
The 2014 text of the treaty was introduced with a new explanatory
note that said, “We consider a legally binding ban on the placement of
weapons in outer space as one of the most important instruments of
strengthening global stability and equal and indivisible security for all.”
The draft treaty and the explanation are important objectives that must be
pursued, but the treaty suffers from several loopholes that are not addressed
in an appropriate fashion even in the 2014 text. One of the biggest gaps
in the draft is the absence of any reference to ASAT weapons as well as
the soft-kill weapons such as lasers that can be used to disable a satellite
temporarily or on a permanent basis. These break-out weapons and
technologies are particularly potent in the event of hostilities. One can be
reasonably certain that no state is going to actually place weapons in outer
space but the bigger challenge is the ASAT-like weapons that will be shot
378 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

from the ground to damage and destroy another country’s assets in outer
space. Given the state of play in both the technological and geopolitical
realms within Asia, this is particularly significant. Also, the over-emphasis
on arms race in the PPWT is seen as problematic. Lastly, the PPWT
makes no mention of space debris, which is already a huge live problem.
Ecuador, for instance, lost its one and only satellite to space debris.
There have also been challenges with some of the existing institutions
such as the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU). The performance of the CD, the “single
multilateral disarmament negotiating forum for the international community”,
in the last two decades has been questionable. It has met for years without
making any progress, not even arriving at an agreement on a Programme
of Work. The last successfully negotiated instrument was the Chemical
Weapons Convention in 1992. Even though the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty was negotiated in 1996, and was adopted by the UN General Assembly,
it is yet to enter into force. Even as a Programme of Work was agreed
upon in 2009, the CD could not implement it.4 Problems within the CD
are only a reflection of the larger political difficulties that exist today among
major powers. Efforts are being made to reinject political will and revitalise
the CD. In one of its firsts, an Informal Civil Society Forum on the
Conference on Disarmament was held in March 2015, with an objective of
“generate[ing] ideas and inject[ing] different perspectives into the discussions
on the agenda items of the Conference through informal interaction among
States and civil society representatives.”5
The ITU, for its part, have met with its own problems. For one, ITU
failed to foresee the huge quantum of LEO activities (Low Earth Orbit)
which calls for the institution of a separate mechanism altogether, perhaps
via ITU that will manage the spectrum usage in an effective manner.

India and Global Governance

India has remained an active player in the global governance of outer
space. India supported multilateral institutions including the UN Office
of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) and the UN Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). Given the significant benefits to the
social and economic development agenda, international collaboration was
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 379

pursued right from the beginning with countries like the United States,
France and Russia.6 Pursuing this agenda of peaceful cooperation, UN
OOSA organised three global Conferences on the Exploration and
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space – the UNISPACE conferences of 1968,
1982 and 1999 – bringing together both states and multilateral organisations.
The conferences, held in Vienna, provided a unique opportunity to further
economic, social and scientific benefits of space research to all mankind.
India utilised these platforms both for gaining know-how and expertise
from other advanced space players and for sharing its own knowledge
and skill-sets to other countries especially in the developing world. For
example, in furthering the objectives of UNISPACE-2 conference, India
initiated a training programme to share space technology applications to
technical personnel from other developing countries.7
Marking the 50th anniversary of the first UNISPACE conference held
in 1968, OOSA is organising UNISPACE+50 in 2018.8 Despite the
growing requirements on India’s space programme, New Delhi has not
been particularly active in either UNISPACE or COPUOS. However,
UNISPACE+50 offers India a unique opportunity to share its expertise
to advance international cooperation and promote its foreign policy
Though outer space was not immune to the Cold War competition
between the US and the USSR, there was a clear acknowledgement even
between them of the common challenges to space sustainability. This
gave way to cooperation in the development of certain regimes, one of
the first of which was the Outer Space Treaty (1967). The two countries
had an inherent interest in controlling the spread of space technology and
thus they managed to come together in writing certain rules of the road.
But such treaty-making efforts have become more difficult in the last
couple of decades.
From a security and arms control perspective, India has for long
articulated the need for legally binding, verifiable measures governing outer
space. Traditionally, at the CD, India had championed this cause while
partnering with the Group of 21 countries (the non-aligned group of
countries) articulating the need for a treaty-like mechanism banning the
placement of weapons in outer space. Also, India has not been comfortable
380 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

with political instruments that are merely political commitments and do

not have binding effect on states. Questions such as punitive measures if
states break their political commitments have remained a puzzle for India.
Further, there is no certainty that a code or other TCBMs will bring about
responsible behaviour on the part of states, though not being part of
them or violating the commitments after signing on to them makes them
more like a pariah state.
For close to a decade now, India’s approach has become more
pragmatic as it moved away from the moralistic and sovereignty-driven
arguments it had adopted for the first several decades. As a corollary,
India’s own approach to TCBMs has evolved over the past few years.
From an earlier paradigm that viewed TCBMs as good supplementary
measures to legal regimes, New Delhi has begun to approach TCBMs
with a more pragmatic sense to acknowledge that one might need to start
with the least controversial and minimally acceptable set of measures such
as Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and International Code of
Conduct for Outer Space Activities (ICoC). More importantly, these
measures could provide the basis for greater understanding among states,
which is a prerequisite to tackling political differences. Once the political
issues are addressed and there is a greater sense of confidence among the
states, one could make progress towards developing more binding
agreements. Thus, while one may see some Indian insistence on legal
measures, there is a greater sense of pragmatism to understand and
acknowledge that it has to possibly start from a normative exercise and
gradually move to legally binding measures.
As India’s rise picks up pace, its approach to collective governance of
global commons has also begun to change. India has shed its past
apprehensions for a more pro-active approach wherein it looks to play the
role of an active party shaping the debate along with other major spacefaring
powers. India began to undertake this gradual shift in the face of more
direct threats in the form of growing missiles and anti-satellite weapons in
its own neighbourhood. The logic is quite clear – India has made significant
investments in the outer space domain and thus, there is a material stake in
the kind of rules that are being written. Also, India’s desire to be part of the
global governance mechanism as a solution provider and norm-shaper has
driven India in this direction. The national security-driven approach, as against
India and Global Space Governance: Need for A Pro-active Approach 381

the moralistic drive, is far more sustainable both within the country as well
as in the global governance circles.
And after several decades of lack of substantial activity on the global
governance front, there is a sudden rush to institute new norms and
regulations governing outer space activities. India’s interests are also driven
by the fact that it is one of the earliest space powers. Taking on the role
of a norm-shaper has become an important character of this new
approach. India also understands and appreciates the geopolitical value
of its efforts in this normative exercise. Given the current state of play in
the outer space domain, India should make efforts to develop all measures
– treaties, TCBMs, norms of responsible behaviour, and code of conduct.
Efforts must also be made to strengthen the existing instruments such as
the OST, the UN-COPUOS, Conference on Disarmament and the GGE.
Nevertheless, the major global space powers, including India, will have to
recognise and address the political difficulties that have contributed to the
crisis in decision-making in the global governance of outer space.

1. "The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Cosmic Study onSpace
Traffic Management,” UNCOPUOS, Vienna, June 2006, http://
2. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, “Role of TCBMs for A Sustainable Outer
Space,” UNIDIR African Regional Seminar, “The Role of Norms of
Behaviour for African Outer Space Activities”, Addis Ababa, March 7-
8, 2013,
3. Michael Listner and Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, “The 2014 PPWT: A
New Draft but with the Same and Different Problems,” The Space Review,
August 11, 2014,
4. “The Conference on Disarmament: Injecting Political Will,” UN Chronicle,
Vol. XLVII No. 4 2010 January 2011,
5. UN Office of Disarmament Affairs, “Informal Civil Society Forum on
the Conference on Disarmament,”
382 Space Sustainability and Global Governance

6. K Kasturirangan, “Statement of Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Chairman, Indian

Space Research Organisation, Head of Indian Delegation to UNISPACE
III, AT UNISPACE III, 19-30 July 1999,”
7. K Kasturirangan, “Statement of Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Chairman, Indian
Space Research Organisation, Head of Indian Delegation to UNISPACE
III, AT UNISPACE III, 19-30 July 1999,”
8. UNISPACE+50 is being organised with three key objectives of identifying
major contributions of the three UNISPACE conferences held so far,
determining the future course for institutions such as COPUOS and its
associated bodies like OOSA at a time when outer space domain has
become so complex with increasing number of actors including non-
state players and diverse set of space activities that are not entirely
peaceful in nature, and lastly to beef up the efforts in developing an
effective outer space regime. For details, see United Nations Office of
Outer Space Affairs, “Fifty years of the first United Nations Conference
on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1968 - 2018):

Ajey Lele is a Senior Fellow with the Institute for Defence Studies and
Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. He started his professional career
with the Indian Air Force and opted for premature retirement to join the
field of academics. He holds a rank of Group Captain.
Arun Radhakrishnan is a Space Missions Engineer at Bellatrix Aerospace.
He is an amateur astronomer with deep ties with the astronomy
community in India. He hosts Sidewalk astronomy events for the public
and curates Science sessions for poor communities. He is a recipient of
the National Bal-shree award instituted by the Indian President for Creativity
in Scientific Innovation. A recipient of the NCERT scholarship, he writes
science content for astronomy magazines and forums during his spare
Arup Dasgupta is the Managing Editor of Geospatial World. During his
35-year stint at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Dasgupta
spearheaded several prestigious projects of national importance and
pioneered the introduction of geomatics in ISRO in 1985. He is also
Distinguished Professor, Academy of Geoinformatics, Bhaskaracharya
Institute of Space Applications and Geoinformatics (BISAG) and
Independent Director, Scanpoint Technologies Ltd.
Ashok G.V. is an advocate, specialising in commercial dispute resolution,
based in Bengaluru, India. He advises clients in the aerospace, technology,
electronics and e-commerce sectors on indirect tax, contract, privacy,
Intellectual Property and labour regulations.
Charles Stotler serves as the 2015-2017 Co-chair of the American Society
of International Law’s Space Law Interest Group, and as an Associate
with Aviation Advocacy, a boutique legal consultancy that provides
regulatory and market advice to aerospace industry stakeholders. He holds
an LL.M. in air and space law from McGill University.
Daniel Barok is Adviser for International Collaborations at Israel Space
384 Space India 2.0

Daniel A. Porras is currently an Associate for LMI Advisors (Washington,

DC) where he advises clients on a wide range of international legal issues
related to space activities, particularly in the fields of telecommunications
and experimental equipment.

Deganit Paikowsky holds a PhD in political science from Tel Aviv

University. Her research examines the interconnections between technology,
policy and international relations with a unique focus on space policy and
security. In her dissertation, she explored the role of nation-state clubs in
world politics using the case study of the space club.

Jacques Emile Blamont is a French astrophysicist and the founder and

scientific and technical director of the National Centre for Space Studies
(Centre National D’études Spatiales). He is known as one of the pioneers
of the French space programme. In 1972 he became Chief Scientist and
Adviser to the Director General of CNES. Jacques was a member of the
Science Steering Groups on the NASA missions Voyager, Pioneer-Venus,
and of the USSR mission Vega to Venus and Halley’s comet; and a prime
investigator on the Soviet Union’s Phobos mission. Blamont is a member
of The Planetary Society’s Advisory Council. Among the various
international recognition and awards he has received, the most recent was
India’s fourth highest Indian civilian award, the Padma Shri, in 2015.

Jason Held is the founder and CEO of Saber Astronautics. Dr. Held
was a US Army Major and Army Space Support Team leader for
USSTRATCOM (formerly Space Command) and deployed internationally
in support of military space missions. He was a lead instructor at the
Interservice Space Fundamentals Course and a guest engineer at Army
Space and Missile Command Battle Lab. He conducted flight software
engineering for the Wide Field Camera 3 of the Hubble Space Telescope
and testing for the International Space Station. He also conducted verification
and validation testing for an invasive class II medical device currently in
market. He also co-founded the Delta-V Spacehub Startup Accelerator.

K Kasturirangan steered the Indian Space programme as Chairman of

the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Under his leadership, the
programme witnessed major milestones including the successful launch
and operationalisation of the country’s prestigious launch vehicles, the Polar
About the Authors 385

Satellite Launch Vehicle and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle,

the development and launching of some of the world’s best civilian remote
sensing satellites, IRS-1C and 1D, new generation INSAT communication
satellites, besides ocean observation satellites IRS-P3/P4.

Kazuto Suzuki is Professor at the Public Policy School, Hokkaido

University, Japan. He received his PhD from the University of Sussex,
England. He has contributed to the drafting of the Basic Space Law of
Japan, and serves as a member of the sub-committees of industrial policy
and space security at the National Space Policy Commission.

K. R. Sridhara Murthi is currently serving as Director of International

Institute for Aerospace Engineering and Management under Jain University
and an Adjunct Faculty at the National Institute of Advanced Studies,
Bengaluru. He is also the Vice President of the International Institute of
Space Law.

Kumar Abhijeet is an Assistant Professor at the National Law School of

India University, Bengaluru. He is also a Research Scholar at the Institute
of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne, Germany. He has written
for various academic journals of national and international repute. Kumar
is a member of the International Institute of Space Law and the
International Law Association.

Madhukara Putty has a Master’s degree in physics from the University

of Mysore, India and another one in computational fluid dynamics from
the University of Nottingham, UK. He writes science articles on climate
change, energy, and technology, and his articles have appeared in
publications like Nature India and SciDevNet.

Malay Adhikari is Assistant Professor at the School of Law, SRM

University, Chennai. He obtained his PhD from the Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi; M. Phil. (Space Law) from NALSAR University
of Law, Hyderabad; and M.Sc. (Physics) from Visva-Bharati, Shantiniketan,
West Bengal. He recently released a book titled, ‘Legal Regulation of Private
Actors in Outer Space: India’ Role’.

Moriba Jah is the Director of the University of Arizona Space Object

Behavioral Sciences Initiative. He has extensive experience in space
386 Space India 2.0

navigation, working for NASA Mars missions, and has led research
programmes in space object behavior assessment and prediction for the
Air Force Research Laboratory (US) since 2007. He directed the Air Force’s
Advanced Sciences and Technology Research Institute for Astronautics,
or ASTRIA, on Maui, Hawaii, for eight years, and for the last two years
has headed the space situational awareness programme at Kirtland Air
Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

MYS Prasad is former Director, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, SHAR,


Narayan Prasad is the co-founder of Dhruva Space, a NewSpace

company based in Bengaluru, India. Established in 2012, Dhruva Space
started out with a vision to lead the privatisation of the spacecraft industry
in India. He is an Erasmus Mundus SpaceMaster graduate with a Master
in Space Technology, Sweden and a Master in Space Techniques and
Instrumentation, France. He also has a Master in Space & Telecom Laws
from the Centre for Air & Space Law of NALSAR Law University,
Hyderabad. He has previous experiences with the Indian Institute of
Astrophysics, DLR Institute of Space Systems, Germany. He is a doctoral
candidate at Lehrstuhl Supply Chain Management, Friedrich-Alexander-
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, driving research based on
business management and economics and applying them to the global
commercial space industry.

Neha Satak is the Co-founder and CEO of Astrome Technologies Pvt.

Ltd. She is an entrepreneur and a researcher. She holds a PhD from Texas
A&M University and a Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Science
in Aerospace Engineering.

Prasad HL Bhat is Co-founder, Chairman & CTO of Astrome. He is a

serial entrepreneur and a researcher. He completed his Master’s degree
and PhD in Computer Science and Automation Engineering at the Indian
Institute of Science. During the last year of his PhD, he started his company,
Streamoid Technologies, leading the development of core IP in visual
search domain. Streamoid is incorporated in the US, India, and Spain.

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan is Senior Fellow and Head of the Nuclear

and Space Policy Initiative at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF),
About the Authors 387

New Delhi. Dr. Rajagopalan convenes the ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual
Space Policy Dialogue. She joined ORF after a five-year stint at the National
Security Council Secretariat (2003-2007), where she was Assistant Director.
Prior to joining the NSCS, she was Research Officer at the Institute of
Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. She was also a Visiting Professor
at the Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing
University, Taichung, Taiwan in 2012.

Riddhi D’Souza recently graduated from the National University of

Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, with an honors degree in international
law. She works with Amnesty International, India as a junior policy
researcher and campaigner on the Criminal Justice Project.

Rohan M Ganapathy, an aeronautical engineer by profession, is the

Director & CEO of Bellatrix Aerospace Pvt Ltd. He is the principal
investigator for the development of Microwave Electric Propulsion
System and his areas of specialisation include Spacecraft Propulsion, Rocket
Engineering, Electric Propulsion (Electrothermal) and Orbital Mechanics.
At Bellatrix Aerospace, he is responsible for the technology development
of propulsion systems and is currently collaborating with the Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) towards the realisation of electric propulsion
systems for future Space Missions. He lives in Bengaluru and has a taste in
classical music.

Vladimir Korovkin holds degrees in systems engineering and international

business, and has over 20 years of experience in the international and
Russian private companies in marketing, internet, retail banking and IT-

Victoria Samson is the Washington Office Director for Secure World

Foundation (SWF) and has nearly 20 years of experience in military space
and security issues. Before joining SWF, Ms. Samson served as a Senior
Analyst for the Center for Defense Information (CDI), where she leveraged
her expertise in missile defense, nuclear reductions, and space security issues
to conduct in-depth analysis and media commentary.

Vidya Sagar Reddy is a Research Assistant with ORF’s Nuclear and Space
Policy Initiative. He obtained his M.A. in Geopolitics and International
388 Space India 2.0

Relations from Manipal University and a Master’s degree in Space Systems

Engineering from the University of Michigan.

Yashas Karanam is Director and COO of Bellatrix Aerospace Pvt Ltd.

He is an electrical engineer and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Business
Law. His key interests are in market analysis, project management,
international relations, and space policy.

Yasushi Horikawa is a technical counselor of Japan Aerospace

Exploration Agency (JAXA). He provides advice on international relations
and application satellite development and utilisation programmes of JAXA.
He was also the Chair of the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Use
of Outer Space for the period 2012- 2013.

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