Electrician gr-2 PDF
Electrician gr-2 PDF
Electrician gr-2 PDF
2. Basic Electrical Engineering : Basic Atomic structure - Electron theory -Electric current - Potential
Difference - Resistance - Law of resistance - Ohm's Law -Classification of Electrical materials -
Conductors - Insutators and semi conductors - Insulating materials used in electrical equipment - types,
grades and size of insulated wires and cables - use of Standard wire gauge . Selection of cables for
electrical engineering applications. Introduction to different types of solders and fluxes. Use of soldering
iron and Crimping tools.
3. Electrical Wiring: Electrical signs Letters and symbols approved as per IE rules - specification of
common electrical accessories used in electrical engineering lab and workshop- Its specifications.
Electrical accessories used in wiring - specifications - simple house wiring, stair case wiring. Hospital
wiring, Go Down wiring - Wiring of control panels - Main Board wiring - Electrical circuits and sub
circuits. Use of fuse - Different types of Fuses and Cut out -Kit Kat fuse - HRC Fuses - Neutral Links -
Circuit breakers used in wiring of Installations - Miniature circuit breakers - Earthing - Earth resistance -
types of earthing used in electrical installations - specification and standards of earthing - use of earth
4. Sources of Electrical Energy: Brief description of different sources of electrical energy- Alternators
and DC generators (brief descriptions only)- Different types of Generators in AC and DC generation of
electricity. Transformers - Types - Basic principle of operation. Electrolysis : Faraday's Law of
Electrolysis - Practical Application of electrolysis- Lead Acid Cell -maintenance of Lead Acid Cells.
6. Electrical Instruments: Electrical instruments for AC and DC measurement. Moving coil and Moving
iron Instruments - Basic working principle of Ammeter, Volt meter, Wattmeter, energy meter, clip -on
Type meter- use of megger insulation tester.
2. FACTS ABOUT KERALA- Geographical Facts - Physical Features - Climate - Soils - Rivers -
Famous Sites - Etc.
Important Events/Movements/Leaders
Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, Chattampi Swami, SreeNarayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya,
Ayya Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan. Mannathu
Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr.Palpu, Kumaranasan, Vakkom Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias
Chavara, Etc.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above,
questions from other topics prescribed for the educational
qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There
is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the
question paper.