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The Model Millionaire

About the Author- Oscar Wilde

• Oscar Wilde (1856 – 1900) was a gifted and versatile Irish dramatist,
poet, essayist, novelist and short story writer of the Victorian era.
• He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and Magdalen College,
Oxford. While at Oxford he came under the influence of Walter
Pater and soon gained a reputation as one of the founders of the
aesthetic cult which gave the doctrine of art for art’s sake.
• He was a brilliant conversationalist and one of the wittiest men of
his time.
• His well-known works are – The Happy Prince and other Tales, A
Woman of No Importance, The Importance of being Earnest, Ballad
of Reading Gaol and An Ideal Husband. His novel The Picture of
Dorian Gray has been filmed.
About the Story
• The writer conveys bitter realities of
human life through this story. First,
unless one is wealthy, there is no use
of being handsome. Romance is
meant for the rich, not for the poor.
The poor should be practical in their
way of life. Secondly, it would be an
ideal situation if one is both rich and
humble as majority of the rich are
proud and inhuman.
• These two great truths of the modern
life apply on the two main characters
in this story- Hughie Erskine, a
handsome young boy with crisp
brown hair and grey eyes but with no
profession. He is in love with Laura
Merton. Baron Hausberg, a millionaire
model who is also a model or ideal
Baron Hausberg
• The millionaire model: Baron • The model millionaire: The
Hausberg is a rich eccentric man. miserable beggar turns out to be a
He delights in getting himself millionaire. Alan Trevor remarks,
“millionaire models are rare
painted as a beggar. As a beggar
enough but, by Jove, model
he becomes an amazing model. millionaires are rarer still”. This
He is a wizened old man, with a remark is true as rich men are
face like wrinkled parchment, usually men of the world and very
and a most piteous expression. snobbish. They do not care about
• He is wearing thick patched art and do not think about the
boots and is carrying a battered poor. Baron Hausberg is an ideal
hat for alms. He is a rare model millionaire as he is a patron of
arts. Baron proves himself to be a
but Hughie feels pity for the
model millionaire by rewarding
miserable beggar. He is a the young man’s ‘extravagant
millionaire model and the artist generosity’ with a handsome gift
Alan Trevor calls him a living of 10,000 pounds to enable
Velasquez, an etching Rembrandt Hughie to marry Laura.
and a rare discovery.
A fairy tale ending
• The rich man’s kindness brings the
two lovers-Hughie Erskine and Laura
Merton together. The union that
would have been impossible without
Baron Hausberg’s help. He decides to
reward Hughie for his generosity. He
sends a sealed envelope containing a
cheque worth ten thousand pounds
to Hughie. It is the exact amount he
needs to fulfill the condition laid
down by Laura’s father. He writes on
the envelope- “A wedding present to
Hughie and Laura, from an old
beggar”. He attends the wedding and
also delivers a speech on his wedding.
The wedding present is earned by
Hughie because of his generosity.

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