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FBW Manual

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भारत सरकार

Government of India
रे ल मंत्रा

रे ल� के फ्लैश बट वेिल्डंगहेतु �नयमावल

Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails

संशो�धत)जनवर� (2012
(Revised January 2012)

ु ंधान, अ�भकल् एवं मानक संगठन, लखनऊ -11
Research, Design and Standards Organisation, Lucknow-11


1 Scope 2
2 Selection of Rail to be welded 2
3 Suitability of rails for welding 3
4 Preparation of rails to be welded 5
5 Procedure of welding of rails 6
6 Record of welds 13
7 Post-weld straightening 13
8 Finishing 13
9 Marking of joints 14
10 Testing of weld 15
11 Handling of high strength rails (90 UTS, HH & 110UTS) 19
12 Check list for flash butt welding plants 19
13 Welding team for mobile flash butt welding plant 20
14 Upkeep and maintenance of mobile flash butt welding 21


Annexure Description Page

No. No.
I Post weld controlled cooling treatment for 110UTS Alloy steel 22
II Post weld Air quenching treatment for Flash butt welding of 60 23
Kg Head hardened rails
III Record of welds 24
IV Finishing tolerances for welds 25
V Precautions to avoid defects in Flash butt welded rail joints 27
VI A Dimensional check of welded joints (After finishing) 29
VI B Ultrasonic testing of welded joints 30
VI C Hardness test of welded joints 31
VI D Transverse testing of welded joints 32
VI E Macro examination of welded joints 33
VII Handling instructions for 90UTS and Head Hardened rails 34
VIII Check list for Flash butt welding plants 38
IX List of minimum Equipments & machines required for Flash 41
butt welding plants


Figure No. Description Page

Figure 3.2 Sorting of rails to be welded 42
Figure 3.4(a) Tolerance on the end bends in the vertical plane 43
Figure 3.4(b) Tolerance on the end bends in the horizontal plane 43
Figure 3.4(c)
Figure 3.4(d) Deviation of the rail end from the square 44
Figure 4.2(a) Head width checking gauge for 60Kg (UIC) rails 45
Figure 4.2(b) Head width checking gauge for 52Kg rails 46
Figure 4.2(c) Head width checking gauge for 90R rails 47
Figure 5.4(a) Details of A.C. pipe arrangement for controlled cooling 48
Figure 5.4(b) Air quenching gadget for enhanced cooling of HH rail joints 49
Figure 8(a) Tolerance for vertical misalignment of welded joint with new 50
Figure 8(b) Tolerance for lateral misalignment of welded joint with new 50
Figure 8(c) Tolerance for finishing on sides of head of welded joint with 51
new rails
Figure 8(d) Tolerance for finishing top table surface of welded joint with 51
new rails
Figure 8(e) Tolerance for vertical misalignment of high welded joint with 52
old rails
Figure 8(f) Tolerance for vertical misalignment of low welded joint with 52
old rails
Figure 8(g) Tolerance for lateral misalignment of welded joint with old 52
Figure 8(h) Tolerance for finishing on sides of head of welded joint with 53
old rails
Figure 8(i) Tolerance for finishing top table surface of welded joint with 53
old rails (High joint)
Figure 8(j) Tolerance for finishing top table surface of welded joint with 53
old rails (Low joint)
Figure 9 Location of marking of weld 54
Drg. Arrangement for stacking of free rails and welded panels 55


S.No. Correction Date of Subject Para No(s) Remarks

Slip No. Issue affected



On Indian Railways, Alumino Thermic (A.T.) Welding, Flash

Butt (Electric Resistance) Welding and Gas Pressure Welding
processes are presently in use for welding of rail joints.

Flash Butt Welding is being done on Zonal Railways

departmentally, using Stationary Flash Butt Welding Plants of
different makes. Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants, capable of in
situ Flash Butt Welding of rail joints, are also in operation on
some of the Zonal Railways.

The Code of Practice for Flash Butt Welding of Rails

(tentative) was issued in January,1972. Revision of this Code
was made in 1996 to cover procedures for Flash Butt Welding of
heavier and higher strength rails, used on Indian Railways and to
incorporate the latest practices. This Code of Practice was
renamed as “Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails”. Further
revision is being made to cover procedures for flash butt welding
with mobile plant and latest international specifications to
improve quality of flash butt welds.

The Flash Butt Welding Plants have to be maintained in

good health to produce good quality welds in accordance with this
manual and to have least number of thermit welds and maximum
number of flash butt welds on Indian Railways.



1.1 The manual gives details of the types and suitability of rails to
be welded by stationary Flash Butt Welding Plant, Mobile Flash
Butt Welding Plant, pre-welding inspection, preparation of rail
ends before welding, the general procedure of execution of
welding and finishing of welded joints. It also defines geometrical
tolerances for the finished joints and acceptance tests to ensure
quality control. It also defines process for procedure approval of welding
plants, procedure approval for other rail sections and grades and additional
transverse tests required to be performed on rectification of a welding
machine malfunction, machine overhaul or work other than normal
maintenance and change to another approved procedure.

1.2 Weld parameters for different rail sections/chemistry have

been prescribed by manufacturers and are unique to the
particular welding plants. These shall be approved by RDSO in
accordance with para 5.6 of this manual. Should any change in
these parameters be considered necessary, the same shall be got
approved by RDSO.

1.3 All welding shall be carried out on a flash butt welding plant
using automatic, programmed welding sequence.


2.1 SECTION OF RAILS: Capacity of the individual plant will

determine the heaviest section and type of rail that can be
welded. New as well as released but serviceable rails of same
type (section and metallurgy) shall only be welded together.
Welding of rails of different sections metallurgy shall not be
attempted. It is preferable that rails rolled by the same
manufacturers are welded together. Minimum length of old but
serviceable rails for welding shall be 6 metres.

2.2 WELDING OF OLD RAILS: While welding old rails, it shall

be ensured that only serviceable rails are welded. Old rails to be
welded shall preferably be match marked before releasing from
track to achieve maximum uniformity of profiles in weld zone.

2.3 FISHBOLT HOLES: Welded panels (10/20 rails) for laying

long welded rails shall, as far as possible, be without fishbolt
holes. If drilling of fishbolt hole is necessitated for the purpose

of handling during end unloading; only the second fishbolt hole
(one away from the rail end) need be drilled. In case, welding of
new rails with fishbolt holes cannot be avoided, it shall be
ensured that the outer edge of the hole nearest to the rail end is
at least 40mm away from the end to be welded to avoid the heat
affected zone of the weld extending up to the edge of the hole.
All fishbolt holes shall be chamfered before welding.

2.3.1 Ends of old rails with fishbolt holes/bond wire holes

shall be cropped by a minimum length of 450mm before welding.


old but serviceable rails shall be free from internal defects. In
the case of new rails, the ultrasonic testing is required to be done
at the rail manufacturer’s premises. Old but serviceable rails
shall invariably be tested ultrasonically before they are taken to
Flash Butt Welding Plants.



3.1.1 Defective rails: Rails having cracks or other defects

such as heavy corrosion pits or which are worn by more than
2mm depth at rail seat shall not be welded.

3.1.2 Permissible vertical wear of rails to be welded: The

vertical wear in old rails to be welded (measured as per para 302
(b) (iii) of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual) shall be within
the limits specified below:-

Rail Section Standard height of Minimum height of

the new rail worn rail
60kg 172.00 mm 164 mm
52 kg 156.00 mm 150 mm
90 R 142.88 mm 139 mm
75 R 128.59 mm 126 mm
60 R 114.30 mm 112 mm

3.1.3 Permissible lateral wear of rails to be welded: Old

rails to be welded shall preferably show similar pattern of side
wear and the minimum width of rail head shall be as specified

Rail Section Standard width of Minimum width of
the head of new rail the head of old rail
60kg 72.00 mm 66 mm
52 kg 67.00 mm 61 mm
90 R 66.68 mm 61 mm
75 R 61.91 mm 56 mm
60 R 57.15 mm 51 mm

3.1.4 Rails with cyclic wear shall not be welded.


The individual rail ends for new rails may have a maximum
difference in height of 1.2mm at the welded joints. Rails
manufactured by SAIL with dispensations (having letter ‘D’
in the rolling mark), may have a maximum difference in
height of 1.5mm. This is illustrated in Fig.3.2. The
difference in height shall be transposed to the foot of the


3.3.1 The difference in the width of rail heads of two rails to be

welded shall not exceed 1.0mm for new and 2.0mm for old
rails. New rails manufactured by SAIL with dispensations
(having letter ‘D’ in the rolling mark) may have a maximum
difference of 1.5mm in the width of rail heads. For new
rails, it is preferable to restrict the difference in width of
rail heads to 0.5mm by adopting procedure laid-down in
para 4.2.

3.3.2 Any difference in the widths of rail heads at the welded

ends, in case of both new and old rails, as a result of rolling
tolerances in case of new rail and wear in case of old rails,
the rail ends shall be aligned in accordance with 3.3.3 and
3.3.4 below.

3.3.3 In case of welding in depot, where it is not possible to

determine the gauge face side exactly when laid in track,
during setting up of rails, any difference in the width of rail
heads at welded ends shall be transposed to one side of the head
keeping the other side perfectly aligned. The aligned side of such
welded panels shall be distinctly marked with green paint on the web
at both ends of the panel. To facilitate pairing of panels, aligning on
operator side as well as non-operator side may be resorted to.

Resulting step on non gauge face side after welding shall be
ground out to slope not steeper than 1:500.

3.3.4 In case of in-situ welding and in case where it is possible to

exactly determine gauge face when laid in track, the rail
ends shall be perfectly aligned to gauge face. Any step as a
result of unequal head width due to rolling tolerances shall
be ground out to slope not steeper than 1:500.

3.4 RAIL END GEOMETRY: Rail ends to be welded shall meet

following geometrical standards: -

(a) End-bends in the vertical plane not greater than 0.7mm on a

1.5metre straight edge [Fig. 3.4 (a)]. Sagging ends not
(b) End-bends in the horizontal plane not greater than + 0.7mm
on a 1.5 metre straight edge [Figs. 3.4 (b) and (c) ].
(c) Deviation of the end from the square not greater than
+0.6mm [Fig. 3.4 (d)].

3.5 A thorough inspection shall be carried out at the plants with

a view to avoid welding of rails with visible surface defects
such as rolling/guide marks, wheel burns etc.

3.5.1 Rail should also be inspected to ensure that there is no

chisel mark or dent of any type on bottom flange of the rail
as this constitutes the tension zone.

3.6 The rails rejected due to non-compliance of the requirements

of paras 3.1 to 3.5 shall not be welded. Such rails shall be
marked and stacked separately for other uses.


4.1 PRE-STRAIGHTENING OF RAILS: Rails not meeting the

geometrical standards stipulated in clause 3.4 are to be rectified
before welding using a pre-straightening machine so as to
conform to the standards.

4.2 In order to minimise the difference in head width of rail

ends to be welded, actual head width of rails shall be checked
using template shown in Fig. 4.2 (a), (b) & (c). The deviations
shall be marked on the rail head so that rails with same or
minimum relative deviations are selected for welding.

4.3 END-CLEANING: Before welding, end faces of the rails
to be welded and electrode contact locations shall be thoroughly
cleaned of loose scales, rust, paint etc. by brushing and shot
blasting/grinding to bare metal finish for good electrical contact
to avoid arcing at the contact points on the rail and to eliminate
the possibility of rail failure near joint due to Copper penetration
and formation of brittle martensite structure. Cleaning of rail
bottom shall be ensured by placing a mirror and watching the
cleaned surface. The electrode contact locations should be
marked with chalk on each rail end to be welded to serve as
guidance for cleaning. Oil and grease, if present, shall be removed
by Carbon Tetrachloride or Benzene. If any internal defect such
as piping is noticed during end cleaning, the rail shall not be
5.1 ELECTRICAL CONTACT: The electrical contacts, i.e.
Copper/Melloroy electrode in the welding machine must be
cleaned by compressed air pistol to ensure freedom from loose
oxides and other foreign matter so that no arcing takes place at
the contact points on the rail and to eliminate the possibility of
rail failure near joint due to Copper penetration and formation of
brittle martensite structure. The electrodes must be replaced and
machined whenever surface depressions exceeding 1mm in depth
are formed due to wear. For this purpose, adequate spare
electrodes should be kept in the plant.


5.2.1The running surfaces of rails at interface shall be aligned

carefully to avoid any ‘step’ defect generally keeping gauge face
corner as reference line except as provided in 3.3.2, 3.3.3 an d

5.2.2For the reason of asymmetry, rails should preferably be welded with

brand marks on same side.

5.3 WELDING SEQUENCE: The Stationary Flash-butt

Welding Plants adopt following welding sequence :-

- Aligning (along with de-twisting, if possible).

- Initial burn off.
- Preheating.
- Flashing.
- Forging (upsetting).
- Stripping.

The mobile flash butt welders, however, give continuous
flashing instead of initial burn off, preheating and flashing cycles

Air pressure and voltage/current recommended by the

manufacturer must be ensured throughout the welding cycle.

5.3.1 Initial burn-off: Relevant to the specifications of rail

and welding machine, controls shall be adjusted so that at the
end of this phase weld interface has good overall contact.

5.3.2 Preheating: The rail ends are brought into contact

to allow a low voltage high amperage current flow which preheats
the rail ends. Lower voltages are preferred to minimise crater
damage on the rail ends. The movable rail is alternatively moved
backward and forward producing a series of electrical contacts
with the fixed rail end. The objective is to heat the rail faces
uniformly by flashes upto the red hot stage. The rail ends are
brought in and out of contact for certain duration a number of
times depending on the specifications of the welding plant, the
section and the metallurgy of the rail. This pre-heating cycle is
executed in a fully controlled automatic mode once the
parameters are selected.

5.3.3 Flashing: Flashing consists of moving the rail in

continuous manner initially at a fixed speed but during the last
few seconds, at an accelerated rate. The flashing speed is so
arranged that the rail ends burn-off without short circuiting or
giving rise to an open circuit condition.

5.3.4 Forging (upsetting) : Immediately following flashing,

the pattern movement is accelerated so that the rail ends are
butted together to a stage of fusion under a heavy butting force
whose magnitude depends on the make of the welding plant. The
welding current automatically gets cut off during the later part of
the forging operation. The joint should be left undisturbed in
clamped position for ten seconds after the welding cycle. The recommended butting pressure for different types

of rails is indicated below:-

- 72 UTS rails – 5kg/mm 2 on cross sectional area.

- 90 UTS rails & Head Hardened rails – 6 kg/mm 2 on
cross sectional areas.
- 110 UTS rails – 7 kg/mm on cross sectional area.

The heaviest rail section which can be welded on plant
should be decided on this basis.

Welding of higher UTS and higher section rails on low

butting load plant by increasing the number of pre-heats causes
very pronounced heat affected zone (HAZ) and is detrimental to
the service life of the joints.

5.3.5 Stripping

(i) Automatic stripper : A stripper, which may be integral

with the welding plant or installed either just adjacent to welding
machine or at 13/26 m distance from it, shall strip the hot upset
metal all round the rail section in such a way that minimum
grinding is required to achieve final finished profile at weld.

(ii) Manual removal of upset metal: Wherever automatic

stripper is not installed, manual chipping using pneumatic chisel
may be adopted. Recommended width of flat chisel is 50mm for
removal of upset metal from junction of head & web and web &
foot of the rail, half round chisel should be used. Care should
be taken to ensure that chipping does not create any notches or
under cutting. However, hot upset metal all round the rail shall
be stripped.

(iii) Maximum thickness of trimmed upset shall be in

accordance with item (v) of Annexure IV Part A for welds of new
rails and item (v) of Annexure IV Part B for welds of old rails.


do not require any special post weld heat treatment. However,
alloy steel rails of 110 UTS and head hardened rails need post
weld heat treatment to ensure variation in hardness within
acceptable limits in heat affected zone. Typical post weld heat
treatments for 110 UTS alloy steel rails and head hardened rail
are given in Annexure I & II respectively.


Welding parameters will depend on section and metallurgy of

rail to be welded. These are normally specified by th e
manufacturer of the welding plant. Before adoption, the welding
parameters shall be got approved from RDSO by following
procedure approval in accordance with para 5.6.

5.5.1 Changing weld parameters arbitrarily like changing platte n
travel, increasing duration and/or number of preheat cycles so as
to increase interface temperature to achieve fusion with lower
butting pressure (wherever butting capacity of the plant is low) or
to retain heat in weld for easy upset metal removal when
stripping is done away from welding machine, shall strictly be

5.6 Procedure for Standardization of Welding Parameters

5.6.1 Procedure approval shall be carried out by RDSO for each individual
machine (no type approval) by testing weld samples produced in accordance
with procedure enumerated below.

5.6.2 Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) of each individual welding plant

shall be submitted to RDSO through concerned Railway administration who
shall scrutinize and approve by ensuring compliance of this manual.

5.6.3 Sample Preparation:

The samples shall be prepared from rail pieces having ends

conforming to tolerances mentioned in 3.4 above. Before welding, end faces
to be welded and electrode contact area shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose
scale, rust, paint etc. by brushing and shot blasting or grinding to bright
metal and brand mark removed by grinding to give consistent and good
electrical contact at interface. The rails shall not be damaged by cleaning
operation or through poor electrical contact. The rails shall be positioned in
the welding machine such that the welding interface is central to the contact
electrodes as assessed by visual or mechanical means.

Ten weld samples (two welds for each parameter) shall be prepared in
presence of RDSO representative.

5.6.4 Approval Tests: Visual Inspection:

All welds and rails shall be inspected visually for welding, trimming,
clamping or profile finish imperfections, such as tears, cavities, cracks,
damage and thermal damage, in particular, in the electrical contact areas.

9 Weld trimming and upset examination:

There shall be no sign of tearing, chisel mark or cavity in weld metal due to
trimming and upset shall not be raised more than 3mm and there shall be
no depression in accordance with item (v) of Annexure IV-A & B as
applicable. Step across the weld:

All the welds shall be measured in as welded condition to determine step

across the weld. No step shall be permitted except as provided in 3.3.3 and
3.3.4 above. Dimensional check:

Finished weld samples shall be checked for weld geometry and shall conform
to tolerance laid down in Para 8 and Annexure-IV of this manual. Ultrasonic test:

All weld samples shall be subjected to ultrasonic testing for detecting

presence of internal defects in the weld in accordance with Para 10.1.3. Hardness Testing:

Brinnel hardness test shall be conducted on the test weld

samples before conducting transverse load test. The hardness
value in HAZ shall not vary from the hardness of the parent rail
by more than + 20 HB. The location of hardness test shall be as





50mm 7mm 7mm 50mm

Location of Hardness test shown as small circles

10 Transverse Testing:

Five welds (1 weld from each parameter) in as welded condition having met
the requirement of to shall be subjected to transverse test in
accordance with procedure laid down in with following additional

Each transverse test shall be continued until fracture occurs or be

terminated when force limit of the press is reached, provided that the bend
test values have reached the values given in

For the later case, the weld shall be notched to ensure that fracture occurs
in welding zone and the test weld shall be fractured. If the fracture occurs
about the weld line, the fracture surfaces shall be inspected. The details of
any weld imperfection shall be recorded. Lack of bond shall not be
permitted. Flat spots shall not be considered to be lack of bond.

If fracture occurs remote from weld, the fracture surfaces shall be checked
for the presence of die burn, which if detected shall cause the process to fail

If fracture occurs within rail for reasons other than die burn then another
test weld specimen shall be substituted for testing.

Five tested welds shall meet the requirement of given rail profile and grade
specified in table 1. Macro examination:

Five (1 weld from each parameter) welds in finished condition shall be

sectioned for macro examination. For macro examination a longitudinal
vertical section shall be taken centrally down the vertical axis of full rail and
extend 50mm each side of fusion line. Similar section shall be taken from
both sides of the foot, 10mm in board of the foot tip. The sections shall be
polished to a suitable finish using a minimum 220 grit paper. One full depth
rail sample and associated rail foot samples from each of the two welds shall
be etched to show the weld boundary lines.
The etching agent shall be 5-10% Nitric Acid. Etching at room temperature
shall be done for sufficient time, 20 minutes maximum, in order to show
boundary lines clearly when examined. These welds shall conform to
following requirements.

a) The visible heat affected zone shall be of a nominally symmetrical

shape about weld line and fall within the width of 40mm maximum and
20mm minimum. The permissible deviation between the maximum and
minimum dimension of visible affected zone on any weld shall not exceed

5 mm. This requirement shall apply equally to vertical axis cut through
full rail depth and those taken from each rail foot.

b) There shall be no evidence of lack of bond, inclusion, cracks or

shrinkage. Imperfections that cannot be positively identified by macro
examination shall be inspected by micro examination.

c) In case that flat spots are found, they shall be checked by micro
examination at 100 X magnification. If any cracks are found, the process
is rejected. Confirmatory Tests:

The joints showing minimum, uniform & parallel Heat Affected Zone (with
5mm difference between widest and narrowest points) along with satisfactory
mechanical test results will be considered satisfactory. By using welding
parameters of above satisfactory joints, again 6 joints shall be made. Out of
these, 3 joints shall be subjected for Transverse Testing and remaining 3
joints for Macro Examination after having met the requirements of to All 6 joints shall pass the requirements. Micro examination:

Following completion of macro examination, a micro examination shall be

carried out of one of the three welds taken for macro examination having
maximum HAZ during confirmatory joint making. The micro sample (15mm
high) and 25mm wide (it includes 2mm on one side of fusion line and 23 mm
on other side of fusion line) shall be drawn from the foot 3mm above rail foot
bottom surface. The microstructure shall be free from martensite and bainite
and grain size shall not be coarser than ASTM-4 at 100X magnification.

5.6.5 Approval of other rail profiles or grades. Following the initial approval with particular rail profile and grade,
other rail profiles and other rail grades as contained in IRS T-12 shall be
undertaken for approval as and when required. Approval tests:

For approval of each rail profile and grade, samples shall be tested in
accordance with 5.6.4 above.

5.7 Field approval of welding procedure –

For mobile flash butt welding plant having obtained procedure approval in
accordance with para 5.6 above, approval for field welding shall be granted
after execution of 30 welds on track (carried out in two shifts), if they satisfy
the weld acceptance criteria defined in,,,
above (visual, dimension, ultrasonic, transverse testing). This shall be
carried out in presence of Engineer in-charge and the approval shall be
granted by Chief Track Engineer/ Chief Engineer (construction).

6. RECORD OF WELDS: Record of all the joints shall be

maintained in a register as per proforma as Annexure III. The
register shall be signed daily by the welder at the end of the shift
and shall be verified and countersigned by the supervisor in-
charge. For those welding plants which are equipped with
Automatic weld recorder, the chart of the weld recorder shall be
analysed every day with respect to voltage, current, upsetting
force and platten travel for each weld. Any parameter not
conforming with the standard parameter should be set right.
The chart shall also be preserved in addition to the register to
facilitate investigations in case of defective joint and joints failing
in service.

7. POST WELD STRAIGHTENING: A post straightening

machine shall be installed at suitable distance from the welding
machine for straightening the joint if required to achieve required
geometrical tolerances in vertical/lateral alignment.

7.1 WATER COOLING: It is desirable to do post weld

straightening after the weld has cooled down to ambient
temperature. Water spray cooling shall be done at such suitable
distance from the welding plant where the temperature of the
weld is not more than 350 degree Celsius which normally is
achieved in 7-8 rail length.


8.1 The top, side and bottom surfaces of the rail head shall be
ground smooth so that the weld surface is absolutely flush with
the parent rail surfaces. Particular care is necessary to ensure
that finish grinding does not burn or notch the rail surfaces.
After grinding, the top table and the sides of the rail head shall
comply with the geometrical standards given in Annexure IV.
Grinding shall be done preferably using a profile grinding trolley,
in the absence of which manual grinding can be done using a cup

grinder. Depending upon whether it is done mechanically or
manually, grinding may be done in stages.

8.2 Areas to be ground smooth:

Upper sides, under surfaces and edges of rail foot shall be
ground smooth. The edges of foot should be rounded and bottom
of rail foot ground smooth without any minus tolerances to avoid
damage to elastic rail pads and eliminate stress riser.

8.3 In case of in-situ welding with mobile flash butt welding

plant, profile grinding can be done in stages i.e. initial grinding
and final grinding. Final grinding can be performed in track with
rails fastened in position over a minimum length of three sleepers
on either side of weld. Profile finishing of rail head shall be
carried out and contained in shortest possible length but not
greater than 400 mm on either side of weld. Profile finishing
should not cause any thermal or mechanical damage to rail.

9. MARKING OF JOINTS: Every joint shall have distinctive

mark indicating the weld number, month and year of welding and
the code of the plant as shown below. The marking should be
embossed on the gauge and non gauge face sides of the head of
the rail and diagonally opposite to each other across the joint at
300 mm away from the centre line of weld by punching after
finishing of the weld without causing any damage to rail, in
letters/digits of 6mm height, located as indicated in figure 9.0.

(A) For Stationary Plant:-


The first four digits indicate the weld number starting from 0001
for first weld of every month, the next two digits month of welding
followed by last two digits of the year of welding. The end letters
shall be code of the Welding Plant. For example, 32810891 MGS
indicates that the particular weld is 3281 s t weld of August1991 of
Mughalsarai Flash Butt Welding Plant.

(B) For Mobile Plant:-


The first four digits indicate the weld number starting from 0001
for first weld of every month, the next two digits month of welding
followed by next two digits of the year of welding. The letters OO
denotes the code for owner of the plant, PP denotes the code for

the plant of that particular owner and EE stands for the code of
agency executed the welding work.

10. TESTING OF WELD: It shall be the responsibility of the

Plant in-charge and the quality control supervisors to device
adequate stage inspections before final acceptance tests are
conducted. Causes for failure either of weld or in heat affected
zone at any stage in production shall be investigated and
corrective action taken before regular welding is continued.
Some common causes for failure and the precautions to be taken
are listed in Annexure-V for guidance. Acceptance test
comprises of all the weld being checked by visual inspection,
dimensional tolerances and ultrasonic test. Sample welds
should be subjected to transverse bending test and detailed
metallurgical tests in a laboratory as a quality assuranc e
measure. Results of all the tests shall be maintained in register
by the plant in-charge assisted by quality control supervisor.
Details and method of conducting the tests are as follows:-


10.1.1 Visual inspection: After finish grinding, all welds shall be

visually inspected for possible cracks, lack of fusion and other
surface defects like notching, damage in heat affected zone etc.
Welds with visible defects shall be rejected.

10.1.2 Dimensional check: All welds shall be inspected usin g

standard 1m and 10cm straight edges and feeler gauges, as
shown in figure 8 (a) to 8 (j) for compliance of geometrical
standards as given in Annexure-IV. Welds not meeting these
standards, if rectifiable by grinding, can be re-ground, failing
which they shall be rejected. Results shall be maintained as per
proforma given in Annexure-VI ‘A’.

10.1.3 Ultrasonic Test (USFD): All welds shall be subjected to

ultrasonic testing for detecting presence of internal defects in the
weld. This test can be done by installing an on-line USFD
equipment or as an interim measure manually with portable
USFD machine. Entire cross section of the rail i.e. head, web
and foot shall be tested by trained personnel as per the procedure
laid down for Ultrasonic testing of Flash butt welds in ‘Manual for
Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds’ and its correction slips, issued
by RDSO, Lucknow to detect internal flaws. Welds having defects
shall be rejected. Results shall be maintained as per proforma
given in Annexure-VI ‘B’ . Defective joint shall be distinctly
marked and panels with defective joints shall be separately

stacked. The defective joint shall be cut and removed before the
panel is dispatched from the Flash Butt Welding Plant. Another
panel of matching length should be welded and the short panels
(minimum 3 rail lengths) dispatched in pairs.

10.2 TEST ON SAMPLE JOINT: Sample test joints shall be made

on pieces of rails of similar section and conforming to the same
specifications as the rails being welded. The length of each piece
shall not be less than 750mm. Following tests shall be carried
out on sample test joint. Frequency of test is indicated in table 1.
These test shall also be carried out whenever there is a change in
type of rail being welded. In case a sample joint does not comply
with the requirements of the test, two more sample joints will be
made and tested. If both the sample joints meet the
requirements of the tests, welding may continue. In case of
failure of any of the retest joints, RDSO should be consulted for
investigation and fixing revised welding parameters.

10.2.1 Hardness Test: Brinnel hardness test shall be conducted

on the test weld sample before conducting transverse load test.
The hardness value in HAZ shall not vary from the hardness of
the parent rail by more than +20 HB. Results shall be
maintained as per proforma given in Annexure – VI ‘C’. Location
of hardness test shall be as under:





50mm 7mm 7mm 50mm

Location of Hardness test shown as small circles

10.2.2 Transverse Test: The finished test weld samples, not less
than 1.5 metre long with the weld at the centre shall be subjected
to transverse load test in a transverse testing machine in the
following manner:- The test joint shall be supported on cylindrical or semi-

cylindrical supports having a diameter of 30 to 50mm and
distance of one metre between them. In case of 60kg 110
UTS/head hardened rail joints the test span shall be 1.25 metre.
The mandrel diameter shall be between 30 to 50mm. The mandrel
axis should be perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the rail
section and it should be positioned at the centre of the weld.
The weld shall be in the centre of the span and loaded in such a
manner that the foot of the rail is in tension. The load shall be
uniformly and gradually increased. The rate of application of the
load should not exceed 2.5 tons/sec. The test joints shall
withstand the minimum load and shall show minimum deflection
as given in Table 1 without showing any signs of cracking or
failure. The minimum deflection values are corresponding to
stipulated minimum breaking loads. Results shall be maintained
as per proforma given in Annexure-VI ‘D’. (ACS-1)

Table 1

S Rail Section Span Min. Min. Frequency of testing
N breaking deflection
load at centre Stationary Mobile
(tonnes) (mm) FBW Plant FBW
1 60 kg (UIC), 1.25 115 30 1 in 500 1 in
Grade- m 100*
2 60 kg (UIC), 1.25 110 12 -do- 1 in
Grade- m 100*
3 60 kg (UIC) 1m 150 20 1 in 1000 1 in
90 UTS 100*
4 52 kg 90 UTS 1m 115 20 -do- 1 in
5 60 kg UIC 1m 135 30 -do- 1 in
MM (72 UTS) 100*
6 52 kg MM 1m 100 30 -do- 1 in
(72 UTS) 100*
7 90R MM 1m 80 30 -do- 1 in
(72 UTS) 100*
8 75R MM 1m 70 30 -do- 1 in
(72 UTS) 100*
9 60 R MM 1m 60 25 -do- 1 in
(72UTS) 100*

* Sample joints for first 1,000 joints welded by mobile flash butt
welding plant will be tested at frequency of 1 in 100 joints and
subsequently at a frequency of 1 in 500 joints. Additional Requirement for Bend Tests

In addition to above requirement for bend test, the following

occurrences will require a mandatory bend test:

(a) Immediately following rectification of a welding machine

(b) Immediately following machine overhaul or work other than
normal maintenance;
(c) Any change to another approved welding procedure, if the
procedure has not been used in previous 4 weeks.

10.2.3 Macro examination: One test joint for every 5000 joints
welded in case of stationary Flash Butt welding Plant and one tes t
joint for every 1,000 joints welded in case of Mobile Flash Butt
Welding Plant shall be subjected to macro examination as per
Cl and micro examination as per Cl 100mm
length of rail with weld at centre shall be cut and the sample
shall be sectioned in vertical longitudinal direction through the
weld. One of the sections shall be etched with 5-10% Nitric acid
and for confirming any defect found in Macro Examination, Magna
flux test should also be carried out. Extent of heat affected zone
shall be measured for head, foot and web of the rail. The visible
heat affected zone shall be of a normally symmetrical shape about
the weld line and fall within the width of 40 mm maximum and 20
mm minimum. The permissible deviation between the maximum
and minimum dimension on any weld shall not exceed 5 mm in
general. However the limit shall be guided by the value
standardized during the procedure for standardization of welding
parameters. This requirement shall apply equally to the vertical
axis cut through the rail depth and each rail foot tip.

There shall be no evidence of lack of bond, inclusion, cracks or shrinkage.

Imperfections that cannot be positively identified by macro examination shall
be inspected by micro examination.

In case that flat spots are found, they shall be checked by micro examination
at 100 X magnification. If any cracks are found, the process is rejected.

Results shall be maintained as per proforma at Annexure – VI ‘E’.


110 UTS)

11.1 The 90 UTS head hardened and 110 UTS rails are
comparatively brittle having less fracture toughness as compared
to 72 UTS (MM) rails. Therefore, such rails require special car e
in handling. Provisional guidelines for handling and
maintenance of such rails are given in Annexure-VII. Flash Butt
Welding Plants shall create adequate handling facilities to follow
these guidelines.


A check list containing items to be checked daily and weekly is

placed at Annexure-VIII. This check list should be followed
meticulously as a quality assurance measure.

In order to ensure proper quality of Flash Butt Welds, a list of
minimum equipment and machines to be provided in each Flash
Butt Welding Plant is placed at Annexure-IX.

13. Welding Team for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant

13.1 Welding team may consist of one supervisor and two

welders. The educational qualification of supervisor should be
min. Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering or BSc and
that of welder should be minimum class X or equivalent, passed.
Welders and supervisor already working in Mobile FBW Plant may
continue if Chief Track Engineer/Chief Engineer (construction) is
satisfied about the quality of welds by these operators. Zonal
Railways shall also ensure periodical training of welders and
Supervisors of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants.

13.2 Test for competency certificate of welder of Mobile Flash

Butt Welding Plant will be conducted by Zonal Railways as per
this Manual and after satisfactory result; the competency
certificate will be issued by Zonal Railways. For guidance of Zonal
Railways, test scheme as well as syllabus for written test and
interview is given as under:

13.2.1 Part-I (Written Test and Interview) Written Test

(i) Welding parameters and its influence on quality of

welding and heat affected zone.
(ii) Suitability of rail for welding.
(iii) Preparation of rails to be welded including pre-
straightening of rails.
(iv) Procedure of welding of rails.
(v) Record of welds.
(vi) Post weld straightening of joints.
(vii) Finishing of joints.
(viii) Marking of joints.
(ix) Testing of welds.
(x) Precautions to avoid defects in Flash Butt Welding rail
joints. Interview

A personal interview of these candidates shall be taken

by competent authority as per syllabus. The candidate must be
conversant with details of Flash Butt Welding of rails and the

machine, welding defects, their causes and remedies. The
candidate found suitable in interview shall be allowed for further

13.2..2 Part-II (Practical Test)

Six number of test welds shall be made by welder in

presence of competent authority. The length of rail piece shall be
minimum 0.75 meters of 90 UTS rails. Any rail section/sections
may be used free from any external and internal defects.
Examination of welded rail joints shall be done as per clause
10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 of this Manual.

14. Upkeep and Maintenance of Mobile Flash Butt Welding


Quality and quantity of output of Mobile Flash butt Welding Plant

depends on health of machine, therefore their proper upkeep and
maintenance is utmost importance. Periodical maintenance of
Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants shall be done as per procedure
and frequency laid down by OEM (Original equipment
Manufacturer) with genuine spare part either supplied by OEM or
procured from sources recommended by OEM.

14.1 Periodical Inspection of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant

Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant shall be inspected by OEM or his

authorized representative at an interval of two years or execution
of 20,000 joints whichever is earlier to conduct technical audit of
its health. Maintenance shall be carryout in accordance with his
14.2 Availability of Sufficient Stock of Genuine Spares

Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant shall have sufficient stock of

genuine spare parts and consumables to ensure its minimum
down time.

(Para 5.4)



The rails being 60 Kg. Cr-Mn alloy steel rails are required to be
subjected to controlled post weld cooling treatment, as detailed below, so as
to avoid formation of undesirable micro-structure and cracks in weld and

(i) Asbestos cement pipe of internal dia. 250mm – 300mm, wall thickness
15 to 25mm and length not less than 1 metre shall be installed after the
flash butt welding machine along the welding line. Necessary arrangement
to roll the rail through this pipe shall be made so that the pipe walls are not
damaged due to movement of rails. Two holes of 30mm dia. (to suit the
burner head of kerosene blow lamp) on the horizontal diameter are to be
made as shown in Fig.5.4(a), in such a way that the holes are staggered by
25-30 mm with respect to the mid length of the pipe. Two nos. kerosene
blow lamps of about 1.5 litres capacity are fixed through these holes in such
a way that flames from the burners strike at the centre of the web on each
side. The air pressure in the burners is to be adjusted in such a way that
blue flame is always available from these. Asbestos cloth/asbestos lined
mild steel gadget are to be always kept ready to cover both the ends of the
pipe, to the extent possible so that cool air draught is not allowed to enter
inside the pipe. The blow lamp burners are kept in ‘ON’ position at least 10
minutes before the flash butt welded joint enters the pipe to ensure warming
up of the pipe and the enclosed air pocket to retard the rate of cooling.

(ii) After stripping, the welded joint should be quickly moved forward and
brought exactly at the mid length of the A.C. pipe. This operation is to be
completed within 120 seconds of butting. At this time, the temperature of
the weld is generally above 850 degree C. Depending upon the travel speed
of the rail panel, the mid length of the pipe may be located at about 13m (rail
length) from the welding head to facilitate setting up of the next rail joint to
be welded during the period the rail joint already welded is being slowly
cooled. The flash butt welded joint shall be kept inside the A.C. pipe for not
less than 10 minutes till the weld temperature drops to about 400-450
degree C. Two standby kerosene blow lamp burners in perfect working
condition shall be kept ready to be utilised in case of necessity.

(Para 5.4)



During welding of head hardened rails using the normal welding

procedure, the average hardness of the HAZ of the rail becomes
considerably less than the parent rail hardness. This lower
hardness is due to transformation of rail steel occurring at a
cooling rate much lower than that achieved during the original
head hardening operation. Such a hardness difference can lead
to differential plastic deformation during the wheel-rail contact
which may cause localised cupping on the running surface at the

Head hardened rails, therefore, must be subjected to controlled

cooling treatment (slack quench) to improve the sagging heat
affected zone hardness.

A fabricated air quenching gadget as shown in Figure 5.4(b) shall

be used for enhanced cooling of the rail joints made with head
hardened rails. The length of this gadget is approx. 250mm and
width 190mm. There are series of drilled holes of 3mm diamete r
in the gadget and their position is shown in figure. The gap
maintained between the inner faces of the gadget is approx.
120mm which will enable gap of approx. 25mm between the
railhead side surfaces and the gadget. This will result in efficient
application of air quenching jet. Within one minute of welding,
air quenching should be carried out while the rail surface
temperature is in the region 900-950 0 C. The air pressure should
be approximately 2kg/cm 2 and duration of application should be
about 1 minute.

(Para 6)



1. Date of welding
2. Shift (day/night)
3. Joint No.
4. Length of rail
5. Section of rail
6. Welding current (primary, amps)
7. Primary voltage (volts)
8. Clamping pressure Kg/cm 2
9. Butting pressure Kg/cm 2
10. No. of pre-heats
11. Pre-heating time On……………..Off………….
12. Burn off time (sec.)
13. Flashing time (sec.)
14. Post welding heat treatment if any
15. Whether automatic weld record chart available
16. Remarks (Any change of voltage during welding etc.)
17. Signature of welder
18. Signature of Foreman

(Para 8)


A. Welds with new rails

(i) Vertical misalignment : +0.3mm at the centre of a 1 m

- 0.0 mm straight edge.

(ii) Lateral misalignment : +0.3mm at the centre of a 1 m

straight edge.

(iii) Head finishing (in width): Side of rail head should be finished
to :-
+ 0.25 mm on gauge side at the centre
of 10 cm straight edge.

(iv) Finishing of top table surface: + 0.2mm at the centre of 10cm

- 0.0mm straight edge

(v) Web zone (under side of head, + 3.0 mm of the parent contour
web, top of base, both fillet - 0.0 mm
each side):

(vi) Upper sides, under surfaces and edges of rail foot shall be
ground smooth. The edges of foot should be rounded and
bottom of rail foot ground smooth without any minus
tolerances to ensure proper seating on sleepers, unhindered
movement of welded panels on end unloading rakes, avoid damage
to elastic rail pads and eliminate stress riser.

NOTE: Tolerances for BSP rail rolled as per Explanatory Note to IRST-
12/2009 shall be as under:-

(a) Vertical misalignment- + 0.4 mm at the centre of 1m

– 0.0 mm straight edge.

(b) Lateral misalignment - +0.4mm -do-

B. Welds with old rails

(i) Vertical misalignment: + 0.5mm at the centre of a 1m

straight edge.

(ii) Lateral misalignment: + 0.5 mm at the centre of a 1m

straight edge.

(iii) Head finishing (on sides): + 0.3 mm on the gauge side at

the centre of a 10 cm
straight edge.

(iv) Head finishing (on top + 0.2 mm on the gauge side

table surface) : at the centre of a 10cm
straight edge.

(v) Web zone (under side of + 3.0 mm of parent

head, web, top of base – 0.0 mm contour
and both fillets on each

(vi) Upper sides, under surfaces and edges of rail foot shall be
ground smooth. The edges of foot should be rounded and
bottom of rail foot ground smooth without any minus
tolerances to ensure proper seating on sleepers, unhindered
movement of welded panels on end unloading rakes, avoid damage
to elastic rail pads and eliminate stress riser.
(vii) The above tolerances are finished tolerances of welds
inclusive of tolerances of rail.

(Para 10)



Following precautions shall be taken to avoid various defects in

the welded joints:-

1. Oxide inclusion : The rail end faces and the adjoining

surface of the rail profile to a width of about 25mm all round
shall be cleaned properly by portable grinders or brushing
machine or shot blasting to remove loose scale, rust, scabs, dust,
paint etc. Oil and grease, if present shall be removed by Carbon
Tetrachloride or Benzene.

2. Lack of fusion – Preheating cycle and time, flashing and

butting stroke as standardised shall be strictly maintained during
welding to avoid this defect.

3. Poor joints due to defect in rails – Rail ends having cracks

and other visible rolling defects should be cropped before welding.

4. Notches and chisel marks adjacent to the weld joints.

During stripping by chiseling and finishing by grinding, care
should be taken that notches, dents or chisel marks are not
formed on the rail surface as such flaws may act as stress raisers
in service leading to premature failure.

5. Copper penetration/arching on rail foot bottom surface.

During flash butt welding, the two copper blocks (electrodes)
below the rails get worn out and grooved/dented due to rail
movement. Besides this, after the flashing/burning off
operations, lot of loose oxides of metal are deposited on the
copper blocks. Due to the above reasons, current flow between
the rail foot surfaces and the copper block is not continuous
resulting in arcing and formation of local melting/denting and
even copper penetration at the rail foot surface. Such affected
area results in premature fracture. Therefore, after each
operation loose oxide/metal shall be cleaned by brushing the
copper block surfaces and the copper blocks shall be periodically
reconditioned or replaced with new ones.

6. Use of treated water for cooling system – The pipes/tubes for
circulation of water for cooling purpose are, generally, of small
diameter. Due to presence of impurities in water, scaling on the
inner side of the pipe takes place resulting in less circulation of
cooling water and consequent problems. Therefore, suitably
treated water should be used for cooling system. The welding
plant should not be operated if the cooling system is non-

7. End squareness of rail end faces must be ensured. Better weld

strength with minimum value and nearly parallel shape of HAZ
can be achieved using perfect matching of rail ends.

8. Secondary output of current should be sufficient enough to

achieve complete fusion of butting faces of rails.

9. Butting stroke should be sufficient for complete coalescence

(Not less than 12 mm).

10. Throughout uniform and smooth auto trimming of the

squeezed out metal and complete grinding using profile grinder
around the butt joint is essential.

11. Minimum and nearly parallel Heat affected Zone of the joint
should be achieved by setting the weld parameters.

12. Facilities for auto recording of weld parameters includin g

final butting pressure shall be available.

13. When welding is carried out in-situ, minimum 20 minutes

time after trimming is required to pass train through the weld
with proper packing and support below the joint.

(Para 10.1.2)



1. Date, month and year

2. Joint No.
3. Rail section
4. 1m straight edge Top/ LH/ RH
5. 10 cm straight edge Top /LH/ RH
6. Remarks
7. Signature
8. Summary – (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints checked (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints rejected (Rail section-wise)

(Para 10.1.3)


Date/Month/year/Name of Operator Welding Machine USFD

1. Joint No.
2. Rail section & chemistry
3. Day Night shift
4. Result of testing
5. If defective, details of flaw Defective zone Flaw peak pattern
Head/Web/Foot Probe Trace
6. Remarks
7. Signature

Summary (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints tested (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints found defective (Rail section-wise)

(Para 10.2.1)


1. Date, month and year

2. Joint No.
3. Rail section & UTS
4. Hardness (BHN)
Parent rail
Heat affected zone

5. Remarks
6. Operator’s Signature

Summary (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints tested (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints found defective (Rail section-wise)

(Para 10.2.2)


1. Date, month and year

2. Joint no.
3. Rail section & UTS
4. Machine on which welded
5. Load applied (tonne)
6. Deflection (mm)
7. Span (m)
8. Broken or not
9. Remarks
10. Signature
11. Summary – (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section & UTS-wise)

No. of joints tested (Rail section & UTS-wise)

No. of joints failed (Rail section & UTS-wise)

(Para 10.2.3)


1. Date, month and year

2. Joint No.
3. Rail section
4. Machine on which welded
5. Extent of head affected zone (mm)


6. Result of visual examination

7. Remarks
8. Signature

(Para 11)



1. Protection of straightness: Barely visible straightness

variations for example, a deflection of 0.75 mm over 1.5 metres
span, renders a rail unacceptable and required careful handling
and stacking. Therefore,


- Heavy static loading

- Sudden impact

- Localised point or line contact loading in stacking.

- Excessive end drop and flange overlaps while


- Criss-cross stacking of rails of alternative layers as at

right angles as far as possible.


- Keep rails horizontal and straight while lifting/moving

- Stack rails of same length on firm level base of well-

drained platform, preferably of concrete, as per drg.

- Stack subsequent layers on uniformly placed spacers

in vertical alignment with base supports.

- Keep rail ends in vertical alignment.

- Place rail of shorter length in upper layers.

2. Protection of rail surface: Surface notches of even less

than 0.75 mm in depth are liable to cause rail fracture in service.


- Impact abrasion of rails against separators in wagons.

- Round link chain slings for securing the rails.


- Use conventional slings for lifting rails made of flat

link chains.
- Lifting of rails preferably with Magnet lifting device

3. Prevention of metallurgical damage: These rails are

thermally very sensitive and are likely to develop metallurgical
defects, if exposed to localised heating, which produces very
hard, brittle and cracked metallurgical structures which may lead
to sudden failures. Therefore,


- Heating, flame cutting, on or adjacent to rails.

- Contact with electric arcs and molten metal splashes,
i.e. from loose cables or adjacent welding operations.


- Flame cutting when found essential, after preheating

minimum of 10cm of rail length on either side of the
cut to about 250-350 degree C by uniform movement of
heating torch.

4. Protection from contact with injurious substances: These

rails can be withstand normal degree of rusting but localised
corrosion pitting may cause subsequent rail fractures. Therefore,


- Contact with injurious substances which produce high

corrosion of steel, i.e. acids, alkalis, salts, etc.


- Stack rails on well drained platform preferably of

concrete as per drg. No.RDSO/T-6219.

5. Slinging principles: The single point slinging increases risk

of excessive bending and surface damage to the rails. Th e
overhang beyond the outer lifting point should not be greater
than one-half the distance between lifting points. Therefore,


- Single point slinging.


- Use two point slinging for rail length up to 13m.

- Recommended locations of lifting points for various rail

lengths are tabulated below:

Rail length No. of lifting Distance Max. rail end

metres points between overhang (m)
lifting points
12-13 2 6-6.5 3-3.25
26 4 6.5 3.25
39 6 6.5 3.25
130 20 6.5 3.25
260 40 6.5 3.25

- Use of lifting beams fitted with slings is desirable.

6. Safety of Personnel


- Standing under suspended loads.


- Use protective gloves and clothing to minimise the risk

of skin abrasion.

- Wear distinctive coloured helmet and clothing for easy

identification by crane and machinery drivers to avoid

(Para 12)


Yes No Not
1.1.1 Rails of same section and UTS are
stacked together
1.1.2 Spacers are provided between successive
layers of rails.
1.1.3 Rail are stacked in head up position
1.1.4 Numbers of layers in each stack is not
exceeding 15.
1.2.1 Rails ends have been checked for –
(a) Straightness
(b) Squareness
(c) Width of head and height
1.2.2 Fish bolt holes/any other drilled are
1.2.3 Rail ends are cleaned of rust, scales,
paint etc.
1.2.4 Top of rail head and bottom of rail foot
are clear at electrode position.
1.2.5 Grease/oil at rail ends, if present has
been removed with carbon tetrachloride/
1.3.1 Alignment of rail ends is proper and
checked with 1m straight edge.
1.3.2 Electrodes surfaces are clean (cleaning
after every welding operation)
1.3.3 Stipulated oil and air pressure is
available in the welding machine.
1.3.4 Record of each weld is kept in prescribed
1.4.1 Stripping/trimming of entire weld cross
section has been done.
1.4.2 Notches/undercuts are avoided while
stripping with pneumatic chisel

1.4.3 Post weld controlled cooling is done for
Cr-Mn/head hardened rails.
1.4.4 Joint has been checked for –
(a) Straightness on
(i) 10 cm st. edge
(ii) 1 m st. edge
(b) Dimensional tolerances

1.4.5 Joint is numbered

1.5.1 Joint is ultrasonically tested using
normal, D.C. 70 0 and 45 o probes.
1.5.2 Ultrasonically defective joint is
prominently marked
1.5.3 Joint is dimensionally correct (checking
with 10 cm & 1 m straight edge) .
1.5.4 Records of each test are maintained in
prescribed proforma.
1.6.1 Panels of same rail section and UTS are
stacked together
1.6.2 Spacers are provided between successive
layers of panels
1.6.3 Panels are stacked in head up position
1.6.4 Number of layers of panels is not
exceeding 15.
1.6.5 Rails are placed on rollers without
1.6.6 Loading of welded panels in EUR is being
done in pairs of equal length

Signature of Shop Supdt./Supervisor


2.1 Electrodes have been machined before
formation of 1mm deep groove.
2.2 Standard welding parameters are
correctly set for the type and section of
rails being welded.
2.3 Panels with defective joints are
separately stacked.
2.4 Movement of hoists in lateral and
vertical direction is well synchronized.
2.5 Work spot is clean and tidy.

2.6 While unloading, the rails are held at
two points 6-6.5m apart and overhang of
ends does not exceed 3-3.5m.
2.7 Rails/panels are stacked on leveled and
well drained platform and they have no
contact with soil.
2.8 Transverse testing & macro
examinations of test welds is done at
prescribed frequency and records are
2.9 Transverse testing machine is calibrated.
2.10 Workmen are provided with required
protective clothing.

Signature of XEN/Dy.CE

(Para 12)
1. Transverse Load Testing Machine of 200t capacity.
2. Hardness testing machine.
3. USFD testing machine (preferably on line tester).
4. Equipment for Macro and Magna flux examination.
1. Pre-straightening machine.
2. Portable grinders.
3. Shot blasting machines.
4. Mechanical rolling system for feeding of single rails for welding.
5. Abrasive rail cutting machines.
1. Weld stripping machine.
2. Profile grinders.
3. Post straightening machine.
4. Equipments and fixture for post weld controlled cooling.
5. Equipments and fixture for post weld air quenching.
6. Automatic weld recorders.
7. Arrangements for availability of treated water for cooling system.
1. Electric Hoists/Gantries in adequate numbers for unloading of
single rail from wagons.
2. Electric Hoists/Gantries in adequate numbers with centralised
control panel capable of loading/handling of rails up to 20 rail
3. Motorized conveyor line for feeding and welding of rails.
4. Arrangement of stacking of single rails and 20 rail welded panels
with capability of mechanical handling (capacity to handle to
match with plant production).
5. Generating Diesel sets of adequate capacity for standing
6. Independent water supply and water cooling system.
7. Provision of chilling plant for cooling of oil to maintain hydraulic
pressure specially for summers.
8. Adequate number of End Unloading Rakes.
9. Adequate line capacity for receiving rails and for dispatch of
welded rail panels.
10. Other minor tools and plants required for day to day repair and


10mm m
6mm 300m

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Addendum & Corrigendum Slip No.1 of 2012
Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails (Revised Jan 2012)

1. Clause Existing clause shall be replaced with following:

“The test joint shall be supported on cylindrical or semi-cylindrical
supports having a diameter of 30 to 50mm and distance of one metre
between them. In case of 60kg 110 UTS/head hardened rail joints
the test span shall be 1.25 metre. The mandrel diameter shall be
between 30 to 50mm. The mandrel axis should be perpendicular to
the horizontal axis of the rail section and it should be positioned at
the centre of the weld. The weld shall be in the centre of the span
and loaded in such a manner that the foot of the rail is in tension.
The load shall be uniformly and gradually increased. The rate of
application of the load should not exceed 2.5 tons/sec. The test
joints shall withstand the minimum load and shall show minimum
deflection as given in Table 1 without showing any signs of crackin g
or failure. Results shall be maintained as per proforma given in
Annexure-VI ‘D’.”
2. A new para shall be added as under:
“The test weld shall withstand minimum transverse breaking load as
indicated in column 4 at table 1. The deflection at center at the
actual transverse breaking load shall not be less than that specified
in column 5 of table 1.”
3. Heading of column 5 of table 1 shall be replaced with following:
“Minimum deflection in mm at the center at the actual transverse
breaking load.”

Addendum & Corrigendum Slip No. 2
Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails (Revised Jan 2012)

1. Clause 5.6.2 (ACS-2) : Existing clause shall be replaced with following:

5.6.2 Approval of QAP:

The Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) of each individual Flash Butt
Welding Plant shall be got approved by RDSO.

(a) For stationary welding Plant, the Quality Assurance Programme (QAP)
shall be submitted to RDSO through concerned railway administration,
who shall scrutinize and approve by ensuring compliance to this manual.
(b) For Mobile Flash Butte welding Plants, the procedure given in Annexure-
X of this Manual shall be followed.

The Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) shall contain the information given
in Annexure-XI.

2. New Annexure VI-F, Annexure-X and Annexure-XI shall be added.

(Para 5.6.2)
Procedure to be follow ed for approval of Quality Assurance
Program (Q AP) for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants

1.0 The mobile flash butt welding plants used on railways are mostly
outsourced. In order to expedite the approval of QAP and
minimize the time gap between award of contract and start of
work, the following procedure shall be followed.

2.0 Submission of General Quality Assurance Programme:

2.1 The general QAP, in triplicate, containing the information as per
Annexure-XI of Manual shall be submitted to RDSO by agency/
Plant owner separately for each Mobile Flash Butt welding
Plant proposed to be deployed. Availability of Railways’ order
will not be required at this stage.
2.2 The complete QAP (excluding details of welding team,
details of contract agreement and standardized welding
parameters) so submitted by firm will be scrutinized and
approved by RDSO after ensuring compliance of relevant
provisions of this manual.
2.3 One approved copy of General Quality Assurance
Programme will be returned to agency, which has
approached for approval.

3.0 Approval of Welding Team:

3.1 Once the contract is awarded, the firm will approach
concerned Zonal railway for approval of welding team as per
Para 13 of Manual.
3.2 The competency certificate to welding operators and
supervisors will be issued by Chief Track Engineer of Zonal
Railway after conducting necessary test as per Manual and
other instructions on subject.
4.0 Submission of Final Quality Assurance Programme:
4.1 After agency has got the welding team approved by
concerned Zonal Railway, the firm will undertake internal
test to provisionally fix the welding parameters for rails of
different sections/ metallurgy as required to be welded as
per contract.
4.2 After completing above exercise, the agency will submit the
final Quality Assurance Programme (Duly updating the

earlier approved General QAP with details of welding team
approved by Zonal Railway with competency certificates,
proposed welding parameters as decided by firm during
internal test and details of contract agreement) in
quadruplicate to RDSO through concerned Railway
Administration for standardization of welding parameters
and then approval of final QAP.

5.0 Standardization of Welding Parameters:

5.1 After final QAP submitted is found satisfactory durin g
scrutiny, the standardization of welding parameter for
concerned Rail section/ UTS as requested by agency/ zonal
railway will be undertaken by RDSO as per Para 5.6 of
5.2 The standardized welding parameters will be advised to
agency/ zonal Railway.

6.0 Approval of Final Quality Assurance Programme (Q AP):

6.1 After standardization of welding parameters, the
standardized welding Parameters will be included in final
QAP submitted.
6.2 The copy of final QAP approved by RDSO duly containing
the standardized welding parameters shall be issued to the
concerned railway and firm for undertaking the Flash Butt
welding work as per provisions of this Manual.
6.3 The adherence to provisions of Manual and QAP will be
ensured by concerned Zonal Railway.

7.0 The Final Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) of a particular

Mobile Flash Butt welding Plant need not be re-approved by
RDSO unless there is major change in Quality Control setup or
new type of rail to be welded or there is a revision/amendment to
FBW Manual to provisions related to quality assessment of FB
welds/procedure of welding/ methodology of standardization of
welding parameters. In case of change of operator, Zonal
Railways shall take action for approval of welding team and
revised QAP incorporating the revised details shall be approved
by Chief Track Engineers of Zonal Railways. The final decision
whether there is major change in Quality Control setup or not will
rest with Chief Track Engineers of Zonal Railway, where plant is
being deployed.

(Para 5.6.2)
Information to be provided in Quality Assurance Programme for Mobile
Flash Butt Welding Plants
1. Cover page of the QAP
This shall indicate the Name and relevant details of Agency; Details of Mobile
Flash Butt Welding machine (Make, Model & Serial no.etc.); Details of
Contract along with agreement no. & name of Zonal Railway awarded the
2. Index.
3. Brief description about the firm/ company and General information about the
addresses and contact numbers of office and work stations, branches and
sister concerns and the details of ISO certification, if firm is already a ISO
certified company having Operation and maintenance of Mobile Flash Butt
Welding Plant in scope. If firm is not already ISO certified, ISO certification
including Operation and maintenance of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant in
scope shall be ensured before submission of Final QAP.
4. If firm is ISO certified,
1. Quality policy of the company as per ISO certification.
2. Certificate to this effect that the approved QAP is a controlled document
and a quality record of ISO quality control system of the vendor.
5. Organization chart emphasizing quality control set-up.
6. Qualification and experience of key personnel and officials deployed for
operation and in quality control cell including supervisor and welders of the
Details of competency certificate of the welders issued by Zonal Railway as
per clause 13.2 of Manual shall be specifically indicated.
7. Brief description on the Mobile Flash Butt Welding Machine and other
machinery & plant deployed. (Serial no., model no., make, date of
manufacturing, AMC details and brief working procedure of the machine).
(MFBW machine must have facility for display and storage of all the welding
parameters in re-producible electronic forms at the time of F.B. welding of rail
joints. A certificate in this regard along with brief on the facility for display/
storage capacity of the machine must be specifically mentioned in the QAP).
8. Recommended Welding parameters for various rail sections and rail
metallurgies as per operating manual of FBW machine specified by
9. Process flow chart for complete process (from receipt of rail to dispatch of
welded panels).
10. Procedure for Standardization of welding parameters as per clause 5.6 of
manual. (The parameters finally approved by RDSO shall be included in final

11. Procedure of field approval of welding procedure as per clause 5.7 of Manual.

12. Quality Assurance System covering the following:

(a) Scope
(b) List of standards, codes and reference documents.
(c) Inspection & Testing process of incoming rails as per clause 2 to 4 of
(d) Detailed description of procedure of regular welding of rails.
(i) Welding Process and In process check:
- Inspection of Copper/ Melloroy electrodes for electrical contact.
- Rail alignment.
- Welding sequence including stripping for mobile flash butt
welding plants.
(ii) Weld Record for each joint duly indicating actual weld parameters
vis-à-vis parameters standardized by RDSO.
(iii) Post weld heat treatment for 110 UTS & HH rails, if applicable.
(iv) Post weld straightening.
(v) Finishing of joints to achieve geometrical standards given in
Annexure IV of Manual.
(vi) Marking of joints for Mobile FBW plants. (Marking code shall be
assigned by RDSO at the time of approval of final QAP).

The formats duly indicating the frequency of in process check shall

be part of QAP.

(e) Product Control:

(i) Tests for every flash butt welded joint.
- Visual inspection.
- Dimensional check.
- Ultrasonic test.
(ii) Additional Tests on sample flash butt welded joint.
- Hardness test.
- Transverse Load test.
- Macro examination.
- Micro examination.
Formats as per Manual for each of the above mentioned tests shall
form part of QAP.

(f) System Control as per clause 11 to 14 of Manual as under:

(i) Handling of high strength rails (90UTS HH and 110UTS), if

(ii) Periodical maintenance of mobile flash butt welding machine as per
procedure and frequency laid down by OEM (Original Equipment
(iii) Periodical inspection of mobile flash butt welding machine by OEM
or his authorized representative at an interval of two years or
execution of 20,000 joints whichever is earlier to conduct technical
audit of its health, as per clause 14.1 of Manual.
(iv) Availability of sufficient stock of genuine spares.

(g) List of various gauges/ templates e.g. feeler gauge, straight edge etc. along
with their calibration status and plan.

13. Quality Assurance System- Inspection & Testing covering the following:-


Standard format no. for


(reprocessed/ scrapped)
Reference documents
li bl

maintaining results


specified value



S. No.

14. List of tools & plants and testing equipments available with MFBW machine for
execution of rail welding alongwith calibration status and plan.
15. List of Registers maintained and their standard formats with unique number.

Following registers/records are mandatory:

1. Record of Weld Register (Proforma as per Annexure –III of Manual),
2.Dimensional Check Register (Proforma as per Annexure –VIA of
3. USFD Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VIB of Manual),
4. Hardness Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VIC of Manual),
5. Transverse Load Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VID of
6. Macro Examination Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VIE of Manual),
7. Micro Examination Register (Proforma as per Annexure – “VI F” of Manual).
8. Daily Progress Register (Proforma as per Annexure –‘A’ attached),
9. Joint Rejection Register (Proforma as per Annexure –‘B’ attached),
10. Customer Complaint Register (Proforma as per Annexure – ‘C’ attached).

16. Welding parameters to be approved by RDSO:- A blank format as prescribed
in operating manual of FBW machine shall be part of final QAP for entering the
welding parameters to be standardized by RDSO.

17. The QAP covering all the information must be given in the form of single
document indicating name of the firm , effective from, document no., revision
number and page no. ‘x’ of ‘y’ on each page. Each page shall be signed by
(with name and designation) ‘Prepared by’, ‘Checked by’ (QC in-charge) and
‘Approved by’ by competent authority. In case of General QAP, details of
welding team, details of contract agreement and standardized welding
parameters need not to be included.

Annexure-VI F
Micro Examination of Welded Joints
9. Date, month and year
10. Joint No.
11. Rail section
12. Date of Testing
13. Remarks on Microstructure at 100X magnification with grain size
14. Signature
15. Summary – (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints checked (Rail section-wise)
No. of joints rejected (Rail section-wise)

Annexure-‘ A’
(of Annexure -XI)

Dail y Progress
Total No. of joints

Joint No.

found defective

welded on date
Rail Section

with reason
From To





Summary – (at the end of the month)

No. of joints welded during the month (Rail section-wise)

No. of joints checked (Rail section-wise)
No. of joints rejected (Rail section-wise)

(of Annexure -XI)

Joint Rejection
1. Date, month and year
2. Joint No.
3. Date of Testing of joint
4. Cause of Rejection
5. Date of Re-welding
6. Re-weld joint No.
7. Remarks
8. Signature

(of Annexure -XI)

Customer Complaint

work executing
Designation of
the Customer

Action Taken
Signature of

Signature of
by the work

Name &


Sl. No.


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