Ipcr 2020
Ipcr 2020
Ipcr 2020
I, Grace Ann Porciuncula, of the Nursing Service Division, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated
measures for the period January 1 to June 30, 2020 .
Name of Employee: Grace Ann Porciuncula, RN, MAN Date: December 16, 2019
Core Functions
Strategic Functions
Success indicator Remarks/Justification
Output Actual Accomplishment Q E T A s of Unmet Targets
(Target + Measure)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Support Functions 10% 0.00
Grace Ann Porciuncula RN, MAN Amor B. Calayan, RN, RM, PhD, MHA Ramoncito C. Magnaye, MD, FPCS, MHA
Nurse I Nurse VII Medical Center Chief II
Employee Supervisor Next Higher Supervisor
Legend: 1- Quality 2 -Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average * In the event that there is no strategic output, the percentage distribution is as follows: Core Output - 80% and Support Output - 20%
DOH - SPMS Form 4 Document Code
I, Grace Ann Porciuncula, of the Nursing Service Division, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated
measures for the period January 1 to June 30, 2020 .
Name of Employee: Grace Ann Porciuncula, RN, MAN Date: December 16, 2019
Core Functions
Managements of records thru monitoring 100% checking of in-patient charts' for accuracy,
of in-patients' charts concreteness and completeness daily
Management of resources thru requisition 100% preparing of requisition and issuance form
of medication from Pharmacy for ECART submitted to pharmacy section for ECART medicine
use requests when need arises
Strategic Functions
Grace Ann Porciuncula RN, MAN Amor B. Calayan, RN, RM, PhD, MHA Ramoncito C. Magnaye, MD, FPCS, MHA
Nurse II Nurse VII Medical Center Chief II
Employee Supervisor Next Higher Supervisor
Legend: 1- Quality 2 -Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average * In the event that there is no strategic output, the percentage distribution is as follows: Core Output - 80% and Support Output - 20%
DOH - SPMS Form 4 Document Code
I, Edward Mendoza, of the Nursing Service Division, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for
the period January 1 to June 30, 2020 .
Core Functions
Monitoring of Vital Signs and Intake and 100% monitoring of vital signs and intake and output
Output accurately
Management of resources thru counting 100% checking for completeness and functionality of
and checking of supplies, articles and equipments and articles and inventory of supplies
equipment every shift
Management of resources thru requisition 100% requesting of supplies stocked in the ward thru
of supplies from CSR E-request per HOMIS
Support Functions
Success indicator Remarks/Justification
Output Actual Accomplishment Q E T A s of Unmet Targets
(Target + Measure)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
100% soliciting of Client Satisfaction Survey forms
Soliciting of Client Satisfaction Survey from discharged patients daily for quality
Strategic Functions
Edward Mendoza Amor B. Calayan, RN, RM, PhD, MHA Ramoncito C. Magnaye, MD, FPCS, MHA
Nursing Attendant II Nurse VII Medical Center Chief II
Employee Supervisor Next Higher Supervisor
Legend: 1- Quality 2 -Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average * In the event that there is no strategic output, the percentage distribution is as follows: Core Output - 80% and Support Output - 20%
DOH - SPMS Form 4 Document Code
I, Charlene Castillo, of the Nursing Service Division, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for
the period January 1 to June 30, 2020 .
Name of Employee: Charlene Castillo, RN, MAN Date: December 16, 2019
Core Functions
Support Functions
Success indicator Remarks/Justification
Output Actual Accomplishment Q E T A s of Unmet Targets
(Target + Measure)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
100% soliciting of Client Satisfaction Survey forms
Soliciting of Client Satisfaction Survey from discharged patients daily for quality
Attendance to Learning Development 100% attending to at least 1 Learning Development
Intervention Intervention within 6 months
Strategic Functions
Charlene Castillo RN, MAN Amor B. Calayan, RN, RM, PhD, MHA Ramoncito C. Magnaye, MD, FPCS, MHA
Nurse I Nurse VII Medical Center Chief II
Employee Supervisor Next Higher Supervisor
Success indicator Remarks/Justification
Output Actual Accomplishment Q E T A s of Unmet Targets
(Target + Measure)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Legend: 1- Quality 2 -Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average * In the event that there is no strategic output, the percentage distribution is as follows: Core Output - 80% and Support Output - 20%