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The document discusses identity crisis among senior high school students and some of its potential causes and determinants according to various theories.

The study uses a survey methodology to collect information from selected senior high school students through a questionnaire.

Primary data is collected through a questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents.



Submitted to:
Ms. Joan Mae Legaspi

Submitted by:
Margie Sarigumba
Sarah Mae Dusaban
Mary Joy Ponla
Mico Ronquillo
Jared Pecolados

December 2019


Crisis of identity or assuring role existence has been a challenging issue.

Classical Indian Philosophy had relied that all problems of the world must be

removed if every human being could realize own spirit or self and its relevant

energies. Self is the source of human mental or psychological energies. Self-

Identity Crisis has some determinants i.e. inappropriate social relationship or

absence of the social influence on man. It is a fundamental and responsible

factor which Erik Erickson had believed. Anyone needs to survive in own pace in

the ever changing world; positive self-identity enhances the level of confidence

among adolescents. Active participation in the social activities and becoming the

owner of self-image is the basic need. Abraham Maslow identified identity need

as ‘Social Needs’ or ‘Needs of Belongingness’. Impact of society can develop the

intended eligibility among the school going students of adolescence stage.

According to psychosocial theory, it has recommended that the development of

human psychology is positively related with the society and its influence.

The term ‘Identity Crisis’ was first used by Erik Erickson and can be found

basically between childhood and adolescence development stages. Different

social influences are the responsible factors to generate such type of crisis in the

human being. In present study, researcher has intended to determine the nature

and level of identity crisis among the students. A fundamental barrier for reaching

the qualitative education is the lacking of positive traits and excessive

belongingness of negative traits; identity crisis basically holds different types of

negative traits among the human being.

In Erickson’s theory (1968), if an adult’s identity is formed throughout time

and based on experiences resulted from appropriate social interactions, and

he/she could know himself/herself and could separate himself/herself from the

others, his/her mental balance is guaranteed, but if an ambiguity of role happens

instead of self-awareness and forming positive identity, his/her mental balance

breaks down and the result is identity crisis. Therefore, the adult’s growth and

evolution depends on finding a solution for this crisis (Markstrom et al., 2003).

Identity crisis means an uncertainty and ambiguity in the person’s definition of

self and his/her being, and it prevents him/her to have an integrated character

and answer to questions such as “who am I” and “what do I want” (Sharafi,

2011). According to Erickson, crisis identity happens in the fifth stage of growth,

i.e. adolescence period. However, the meaning of crisis in his theory also

includes both negative and positive effects; because he considers “crisis” as

inseparable part of the identity. As a normative event of life, he defines the

identity crisis as: one stage of change, a certain moment when growing must

progress in a way that leads to integrity of resources of growth and

improvement”. In Erikson’s discussion of identity, two processes of “searching”

and “commitment” make the person’s identity. “Crisis” starts when a person

cannot achieve integration and form commitment after the stage of searching and

distinguishing (MacBrayer et al., 2012). What mentioned generally means identity

formation is a successful solution of what is called identity crisis, which is

manifested in Erikson’s mental-social theory. In Erickson’s theory success or

failure of solving every crisis influences on the success of failure of solving next

crisis (this principle is called epigenetic) (Erickson, 1980; Valioras and Basma,


According to what has mentioned about above theories, the solution of

identity crisis happens in adolescence and youth periods. In addition, Daneshvar

(1996) has shown that many factors including education, family, society, and

economic have a positive relationship with the identity crisis. It means that

whenever these factors are negative more, identity crisis increases. Moreover,

generally, girls suffer from identity crisis than boys do. It is natural when the

adolescence period and the person suffers from confusion and disorientation in

adulthood. Therefore, it can be said that age is one of the effective factors

Therefore, in this study, it is assumed that the identity crisis is different in

different ages and the identity crisis in different in student of different levels.
Purpose of the Study

 The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the impact of identity

crisis on the senior high school students at Holy Child College of Davao.

Research Questions

1. Does everyone happen to experience identity crisis?

2. How does identity crisis influence the senior high school students’ social


3. Does identity crisis impact a student’s performance in class?

Theoretical Framework

The study anchored on the Theories of Identity Crisis. These theories

reflect the views of students in a situation in which a person is uncertain about

his/her identity.

Psychological Theory of Identity Status

Development Theory

 based on the entire  primarily focusing

lifespan including on adolescent
adulthood development

Psychological Theory of Development has 8 stages which focus on the

resolution of different crisis to become successful, complete person. In his 5 th

stage, which is according to him, an adolescent’s main task is developing a

sense of self. Most adolescents try on many different selves to see which ones

fit; they explore various roles and ideas, set goals, and attempt to discover their

“adult” selves. Teenagers who struggle to adopt a positive role will likely struggle

to “find” themselves as adults.

Identity Status Theory posited the degree to which one has explored and

committed to an identity in a variety of life domains from vocation, religion,

relational choices, gender roles, and so on. Marcia’s theory of identity

achievement argues that two distinct parts from an adolescent’s identity: crisis (i.

e. a time when one’s values and choices are being reevaluated) and

commitment. The end outcome of a crisis leads to a certain role or value.


The study stands significant in many aspects. Identity Crisis as described

by researchers means ‘rediscovering of oneself’ or ‘establishing one’s self image’

during adolescents. However, it has been postulated that this process can be

difficult leading to a crisis. There could be numerous factors responsible for a

turmoil situation in the unceasing years. These could be either physical and or

psychological factors. In addition, personality, social, moral, religious, economic,

cultural, value system, familial, peer group, school, teachers, etc, could be other

factors. However, these factors are important as it contributes during this period.

The present study focuses on the impact of personality dimensions. Whether

they affect favorably or unfavorably and how adolescents deal with it.

Nowadays, children are considered as the constructive and creative generation

of tomorrow. It is therefore necessary to study their growing years and how they

have adjusted to their situations, if they have any problems in establishing their

identities, if any or are they able to adapt to the modification to adulthood


Definition of Terms


The study considers identity as the individual’s sense of one self. It can be

explained as the image one wishes he / she should be known with or known for.
It can be seen as the process of role clarification. Formation of identity would

also mean developing and showcasing unique characteristics.


In the present study, crisis is understood as an acute problem. A state marked by

confusion and conflict or a situation that needs to be resolved. The word has a

negative connotation and indicates trouble.

Identity Crisis

In the present study identity crisis is referred with respect to adolescent phase of

life. Children in the age group of 12 to 17 years are in the stage of growing on

various parameters. As they grow physically, they are also growing

psychologically. Inputs on to knowledge, learning, perceptions, experience,

interactions, and other cognitive processes are also increasing. They try to relate

themselves to things, people, places, events, etc around them. In the process,

there arises a need within them to answer the question – “Who am I?”. There

seems to be a need to establish their identity. However, considering the changes

occurring in this phase, there is a possibility that this process of establishing

identity may not be very smooth for some. It is likely to be interfered with different

problems. Certain turmoil may happen within the child with respect to various

factors. The researcher refers to such turmoil or problem among adolescents as

‘Identity Crisis’.

Research Design

The survey methodology is utilized to collect information from selected

senior high school students of Holy Child College of Davao during free time. An

arrangement of survey was composed by the group of researchers to gather data

and information. In the perspective of Kumekpor “social survey may be said to be

an objective, qualitative approach to the study of the social processes within a

well-defined area at a given time through one or more institutions by means of a

questionnaire and the data thus obtained related statistically”.

Research Participants

Researcher has selected the senior high school students who are studying

at Holy Child College of Davao.


The researchers constructed printed questions to understand the Identity

Crisis among Senior High School Students. The questionnaire is composed of

two parts. Part I will describe the profile of the respondent and Part II contains

the questions regarding the topic.

Data Collection

According to this study, the primary data is used. The primary data for this

research will be collected through a questioner; the questionnaire was collected

from 100 respondents. In addition, this collected data lead this research study to

exploration of the identity crisis among the senior high school students. At the

same time, literature reviews of this research are gathered from published

research articles.

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