Motive Not Proved Etc..
Motive Not Proved Etc..
Motive Not Proved Etc..
Cr.A. No.03-D/2019.
Faiz Muhammad
The State & another.
came there and made three fire shots upon his mother
commission of offence.
instant appeal.
for the parties and have gone through the record with their
valuable assistance.
shotgun entered into his house, made three fire shots upon
his mother Mst. Karmu, who got hit and died on the spot;
human conduct that all the three did not make any effort to
save the life of their mother and left her at the mercy of
story, the accused made three fire shots with a single barrel
loading the shotgun for the second and third time, all the
Asia Bibi Vs. The State and others (PLD 2019 S.C. 64),
same were not sent to the FSL. The referred shotgun, as per
the date of recovery and under the law, why those were not
sent to the FSL in time, rather same were kept till alleged
failing which such evidence was not free from doubt and
the spot, nor any pellet marks were noticed on or around the
and Mst. Asia Bibi Vs. State (2019 PLD S.C. 64).
not the defence. The above view has been reiterated in the
State and another (2010 SCMR 997) and Amin Ali and
Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.M. Attique Shah
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sahibzada Asadullah