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Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

AlWaleed Ahmed Bahar

Under the supervision of

Dr. Hamid A. ALI

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University of Khartoum

July 2008

To my dear father and my beloved mother ..

To my brother and sisters ..

To my grandmother and aunt ..

To my friend Mos’ab Ibn Ouf soul, may his soul rest in peace .


Firstly and finally, all praise and gratefulness is due to Allah for his
uncountable blessings , he would never be thanked enough

I would like to thank my Supervisor Dr. Hamid A. Ali for his advice and
guidance through the whole project

I am deeply grateful to my partner Samawal for his friendship at first place,

and then his partnership

I would like to give my gratitude to everyone helped or even offered his help
during the work
(specially Mozaffar Omar)

My very sincere thanks to my whole 03 batch mates for the wonderful five


Fireflies exhibit a fascinating phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization that occurs in

nature. At dawn, they gather on trees and synchronize progressively without relying on a
central entity. A recently presented algorithm called Reachback Firefly Algorithm was
inspired from the phenomenon and based on a mathematical model that describes how
fireflies spontaneously synchronize. This algorithm was produced as a new approach to
achieve synchronicity in multi-hop ad-hoc wireless sensor networks and compared to
other existing time synchronization protocols.
This approach is simulated with a MATLAB-based modified probabilistic wireless sensor
network simulator for different network topologies and parameters choices.


‫ﺗﻘﺪم اﻟﻴﺮاﻋﺎت اﻟﻤﻀﻴﺔ )‪ (fireflies‬واﺣﺪة ﻣﻦ أروع اﻟﻈﻮاهﺮ اﻟﻄﺒﻴﻌﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﻤﺜﻠﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺰاﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﻠﻘﺎﺋﻲ‪ .‬ﻋﻨﺪ‬
‫اﻟﻔﺠﺮ‪ ،‬ﺗﺘﺠﻤﻊ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺤﺸﺮات ﻋﻠﻰ اﻷﺷﺠﺎر و ﺗﺒﺎﺷﺮ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺰاﻣﻦ ﺗﺪرﻳﺠﻴﺎ دون اﻻﺳﺘﻨﺎد إﻟﻰ وﺣﺪة ﻣﺮآﺰﻳﺔ‪.‬‬
‫هﺬﻩ اﻟﻈﺎهﺮة ﻇﻠﺖ ﻣﺤﻞ اهﺘﻤﺎم اﻟﻌﻠﻤﺎء ﻟﻔﺘﺮة ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ أﺟﻞ ﺗﻔﺴﻴﺮ ﺣﺪوﺛﻬﺎ و ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻠﻬﺎ رﻳﺎﺿﻴﺎ‪.‬‬
‫ﻗﺪﻣﺖ ﻣﺆﺧﺮا ﺧﻮارزﻣﻴﺔ ﻣﺴﺘﻠﻬﻤﺔ ﻣﻦ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻈﺎهﺮة ﺗﻌﺮف ﺑـ ‪ Reachback Firefly Algorithm‬ﺗﻘﻮم ﻋﻠﻰ‬
‫اﻟﻨﻤﻮذج اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻲ اﻟﻤﻔﺴﺮ ﻟﺘﻠﻚ اﻟﻈﺎهﺮة‪ .‬اﺳﺘﺨﺪﻣﺖ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺨﻮارزﻣﻴﺔ آﻄﺮﻳﻘﺔ ﺟﺪﻳﺪة ﻟﺘﺤﻘﻴﻖ ﻣﻔﻬﻮم اﻟﺘﺰاﻣﻨﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ‬
‫ﺷﺒﻜﺎت اﻟﻤﺠﺴﺎت اﻟﻼ ﺳﻠﻜﻴﺔ و ﻣﻦ ﺛﻢ ﺗﻤﺖ ﻣﻘﺎرﻧﺘﻬﺎ ﻣﻊ ﺧﻮارزﻣﻴﺎت و ﺑﺮوﺗﻮآﻮﻻت اﻟﺘﺰاﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣﺔ‪.‬‬
‫ﻟﺪراﺳﺔ إﻣﻜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ اﻟﺨﻮارزﻣﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﻘﺘﺮﺣﺔ ‪ ،‬ﺗﻤﺖ ﻣﺤﺎآﺎﺗﻬﺎ ﺑﺎﺳﺨﺪام ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻣﺤﺎآﻲ ﻟﺒﻴﺌﺔ ﺷﺒﻜﺎت اﻟﻤﺠﺴﺎت‬
‫اﻟﻼﺳﻠﻜﻴﺔ ﻣﺒﺮﻣﺞ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام ال ‪ MATLAB‬ﻳﺘﻴﺢ ﺧﻴﺎرات ﻣﺘﻌﺪدة ﻟﻠﺒﺎراﻣﻴﺘﺮات و اﻟﺒﻨﻴﺎت‪.‬‬
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Objectives 2
1.2 Thesis Layout 2
Chapter 2: Ad-hoc Wireless Network 3
2.1 Ad hoc computer network 3
2.2 Wireless Ad-hoc networks 3
2.2.1 Applications 4
2.3 Wireless sensor network 4
2.3.1 Applications 5
2.3.2 Characteristics 5
2.4 Energy Awareness 6
Chapter 3: Synchronization in WSN 7
3.1 Synchronization in Networks 7
3.1.1 Synchronization Definition 7
3.1.2 Synchronization in Telecommunications 7
3.1.3 Synchronization in Networks 7
3.1.4 Synchronicity and Synchronization 8
3.2 Synchronization in WSN 8
3.2.1 Approaches to Time Synchronization 8
3.2.1 Approaches to Time Synchronization 9
3.2.3 Comparing the Algorithms 10
3.3 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer 10
Chapter 4: Fireflies Synchronization 11
4.1 Phenomena of self-organization 11
4.2 Mathematical Model (MaS Model) 12
4.3 Pulse-Coupled Oscillators 14
Chapter 5: The Reachback Firefly Algorithm (RFA) 15
5.1 From Theory to Practice 15
5.2 Reachback Firefly Algorithm 16
5.3 The Algorithm Explanation 17
5.3.1 Preemptive Message Staggering 19
5.3.2 Simplified Firing Function 19
Chapter 6: Simulation 20
6.1 Prowler: Probabilistic Wireless Network Simulator 20
6.2 Network topology and parameters 21
6.2.1 Network topology 21
6.2.2 Simulation Parameters 22
6.3 Firefly Algorithm Implementation 24
6.3.2 Parameters Setting 24
6.3.3 Simulation Results 25
6.4 Performance Optimization 26
6.4.1 Broadcasting Performance 27
6.4.2 Connection Links Formation 28
6.5 Analysis and Comments 29
6.5.1 Results Analysis 30
6.5.2 Simulator limitations 31
6.5.3 MATLAB Limitations 31
Chapter 7: Conclusion 32
7.1 Conclusion 32
7.2 Future Work 32
References 33
List of Figures

Fig2.1 : ad-hoc wireless network 3

Fig 4.1: Time evolution of the phase function 13
Fig 5.1 RFA mechanism 17
Fig 6.1: PROWLER interface 21
Fig 6.2: grid network topology (5 x 5) and parameters 22
Fig 6.3: MAC layer communication scheme 23
Fig 6.3 : Flood algorithm simulation 25
Fig 6.4 : Firefly algorithm simulation 26
Fig 6.5: Error Surface of the broadcasting 28
Fig 6.6: results of second experiment 29

List of Tables

Table 6.1 : Parameters Values 24 24

Table 6.2 : Simulation results 26 26
Table 6.3 : Results for Analysis 30 30

WSN Wireless Sensor Network

MAC Medium Access Control
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
RBS Reference Broadcast Synchronization
TSPN Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks
FTSP Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol
PCO Pulse Coupled Oscillators
CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access
MaS Mirollo and Strogatz
RFA Reachback Firefly Algorithm
Prowler Probabilistic Wireless Network Simulator
Chapter 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Since technology improvements in the last decade have made smaller and more
inexpensive sensor nodes possible, sensor networks have become a big research field. In
the beginning such a network was composed of small numbers of sensor nodes whereas
these nodes were wired to a central processing unit. Nowadays sensor networks are
mostly built-on wireless technology with a big number of sensing nodes with local
processing. Hence, that progress enabled the use of sensor networks in a variety of
applications. For example, the monitoring of a phenomenon could be a difficult challenge
if the exact location where to place a sensing element is not known. Alternatively,
distributed sensing allows a closer placement to the phenomenon and therefore a better
Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR).
However, in most cases the environment where such sensing nodes are in use is harsh and
usually does not provide an infrastructure. Such a malicious environment challenges
some design constraints like robustness, low power consumption, physical size, network
discovery, lifetime and many others that vary from sensor to sensor. Thus, the sensors
must rely on local, finite, and relatively small energy sources.
In order to be economically feasible, the devices generally must have a lifetime on the
order of months to years. The major sources of energy waste are packet collisions,
overhearing, control packet overhead, and idle listening whereas in many MAC-protocols
such as IEEE 802.11 more than 50% are spent on idle listening. Several approaches have
been proposed to improve energy efficiency focusing mostly on clustering mechanisms,
routing algorithms, energy dissipation schemes, sleeping schedules, and so on.
Still a maximized network lifetime requires the use of a well-structured design
methodology and must consider the tradeoffs between energy consumption, system
performance, and operational fidelity.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation and Objectives

Typical energy efficient implementations keep the nodes largely inactive for most of the
time and become active only for a short time if something is detected. This results in a
periodic sleep/listen approach which reduces the idle listening and is called sleep
scheduling. A simple solution for this concept is based on coordination which means that
an ensemble of nodes must agree on the same schedule and therefore will sleep and listen
at the same time. However, clock synchronization in sensor networks, especially in multi-
hop wireless ad-hoc networks, is an important necessity to share a common view of the
local clock time. Without precise clock synchronization, the mobile devices do not wake
up at the same time and thus the power management operation will not work well.
In this project , the biologically-inspired Firefly algorithm is used for synchronicity to
achieve coordinated sleeping. Hence our approach is based on distributed synchronous
clocking and is a type of internal synchronization. In contrast to centralized clock
synchronization schemes, the distributed synchronization approach has the inherent
advantage for complete scalability and graceful degradation. This approach is appropriate
for ad-hoc sensor networks where the topology is not known or might change.

1.2 Thesis Layout

This thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter 2: Introduces the ad-hoc wireless sensor network and energy
Chapter 3: Defines synchronization concept in WSNs and preview the existing
protocols used to achieve time synchronization.
Chapter 4: Presents the firefly synchronization phenomenon and it's related
mathematical model.
Chapter 5: Explains the firefly-based RFA algorithm.
Chapter 6: The simulation of the firefly algorithm using prowler simulator and
results analysis.
Chapter 7: Produces the conclusion and recommendations for future work.

Chapter 2 Ad-hoc Wireless Network

2 Ad-hoc Wireless Network

2.1 Ad hoc computer network

Ad hoc is a network connection method which is most often associated with wireless
devices. The connection is established for the duration of one session and requires no
base station. Instead, devices discover others within range to form a network for those
computers. Devices may search for target nodes that are out of range by flooding the
network with broadcasts that are forwarded by each node. Connections are possible
over multiple nodes (multi-hop ad hoc network). Routing protocols then provide
stable connections even if nodes are moving around.

2.2 Wireless Ad-hoc networks

A wireless ad hoc network is a decentralized wireless network. The network is ad hoc
because each node is willing to forward data for other nodes, and so the determination
of which nodes forward data is made dynamically based on the network connectivity.
This is in contrast to wired networks in which routers perform the task of routing. It is
also in contrast to managed wireless networks, in which a special node known as an
access point manages communication among other nodes.

Figur 2.1 : ad-hoc wireless network

Chapter 2 Ad-hoc Wireless Network

2.2.1 Applications

The decentralized nature of wireless ad hoc networks makes them suitable for a
variety of applications where central nodes can't be relied on, and may improve the
scalability of wireless ad hoc networks compared to wireless managed networks,
though theoretical and practical limits to the overall capacity of such networks have
been identified. Minimal configuration and quick deployment make ad hoc networks
suitable for emergency situations like natural disasters or military conflicts. The
presence of a dynamic and adaptive routing protocol will enable ad hoc networks to
be formed quickly.
Wireless ad hoc networks can be further classified by their application:
• mobile ad hoc networks
• wireless mesh networks
• wireless sensor networks
The last type is concerned in this project.

2.3 Wireless sensor network

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially

distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or
pollutants, at different locations. The development of wireless sensor networks was
originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance.
However, wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian application areas,
including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home
automation, and traffic control. In addition to one or more sensors, each node in a
sensor network is typically equipped with a radio transceiver or other wireless
communications device, a small microcontroller, and an energy source, usually a
battery. The envisaged size of a single sensor node can vary from shoebox-sized
nodes down to devices the size of grain of dust, although functioning 'motes' of
genuine microscopic dimensions have yet to be created. The cost of sensor nodes is
similarly variable, ranging from hundreds of dollars to a few cents, depending on the
size of the sensor network and the complexity required of individual sensor nodes.
Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on

Chapter 2 Ad-hoc Wireless Network

resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth. A sensor

network normally constitutes a wireless ad-hoc network, meaning that each sensor
supports a multi-hop routing algorithm (several nodes may forward data packets to the
base station).

2.3.1 Applications
The applications for WSNs are many and varied, but typically involve some kind of
monitoring, tracking, and controlling. Specific applications for WSNs include habitat
monitoring, object tracking, nuclear reactor control, fire detection, and traffic
monitoring. In a typical application, a WSN is scattered in a region where it is meant
to collect data through its sensor nodes.

2.3.2 Characteristics

Unique characteristics of a WSN include:

• Limited power they can harvest or store

• Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions
• Ability to cope with node failures
• Mobility of nodes
• Dynamic network topology
• Communication failures
• Heterogeneity of nodes
• Large scale of deployment
• Unattended operation

Sensor nodes can be imagined as small computers, extremely basic in terms of their
interfaces and their components. They usually consist of a processing unit with
limited computational power and limited memory, sensors (including specific
conditioning circuitry), a communication device (usually radio transceivers or
alternatively optical), and a power source usually in the form of a battery.

Chapter 2 Ad-hoc Wireless Network

2.4 Energy Awareness

Energy is the scarcest resource of WSN nodes, and it determines the lifetime of the
networks. WSNs are meant to be deployed in large numbers in various environments,
including remote and hostile regions, with ad-hoc communications as key. Sometimes
often more than 50 percent of energy is used for idle listening. Data transmission is
also a large energy consuming operation. For this reason, algorithmic research in
WSN mostly focuses on the study and design of energy aware algorithms for idle
listening and data transmission from the sensor nodes to the base stations. Data
transmission is usually multi-hop (from node to node, towards the base stations), due
to the polynomial growth in the energy-cost of radio transmission with respect to the
transmission distance. In order to reduce power consumption caused by idle listening,
it is necessary to turn off the transceiver module as much as possible. To achieve that
purpose, this project produces a mechanism based on biologically inspired
synchronization approach.

Chapter 3 Synchronization in WSN

3 Synchronization in WSN

3.1 Synchronization in Networks

3.1.1 Synchronization Definition

Synchronization (or Sync) is a problem in timekeeping which requires the
coordination of events to operate a system in unison. The familiar conductor of an
orchestra serves to keep the orchestra in time. Systems operating with all their parts in
synchrony are said to be synchronous or in sync. Some systems may be only
approximately synchronized, or plesiochronous. For some applications relative offsets
between events need to be determined, for others only the order of the event is
3.1.2 Synchronization in Telecommunications
Many services running on modern digital telecommunications networks require
accurate synchronization for correct operation. For example, if switches do not
operate with the same rate clocks then slips will cause degrading performance.
Telecommunications networks rely on the use of highly accurate Primary Reference
Clocks which are distributed network wide using Synchronization Links and
Synchronization Supply Units.
3.1.3 Synchronization in Networks
Network synchronization is a generic concept that depicts a way of distributing
common time and frequency references to all the nodes of a network, to align their
respective time and frequency scales. The role of network synchronization, especially
in the context of frequency accuracy, has grown in importance since the late 1970s,
when digital transmission and switching were introduced. Today it strongly influences
the quality of most operator services.
To prevent loss of information when digital signals are being transported over a link,
the receiving end must either operate at the same average frequency as the
transmitting end (digital exchanges) or with spare bandwidth capacity (transport
network equipment). This applies to every network node involved in transport
between the transmitter and receiver. The task of keeping entities operating at the
same average frequency (and within proper quality boundaries) is referred to as

Chapter 3 Synchronization in WSN

network synchronization. If synchronization is poor- that is, if the network nodes do

not operate at the same average frequency- impairments, such as slips and bit errors,
will occur.

3.1.4 Synchronicity and Synchronization

Synchronicity is a powerful primitive for sensor networks. We define synchronicity
as the ability to organize simultaneous collective action across a sensor network.
Synchronicity is not the same as time synchronization: the latter implies that nodes
share a common notion of time that can be mapped back onto a real-world clock,
while the former only requires that nodes agree on a firing period and phase. The two
primitives are complementary: nodes with access to a common time base can schedule
collective action in the future, and conversely, nodes that can arrange collective action
can establish a meaningful network-wide time base.
However, the two primitives are also independently useful. For example, nodes within
a sensor network may want to compare the times at which they detected some event.
This task requires a notion of global time; however it does not require real-time
coordination of actions. Similarly, synchronicity by itself can be extremely useful as
sensor network coordination primitive. A commonly used mechanism for limiting
energy use is to carefully schedule node duty cycles so that all nodes in a network (or
a portion of the network) will wake up at the same time, sample their sensors, and
relay data along a routing path to the base station. Coordinated communication
scheduling has been used both at the MAC level and in multi-hop routing protocols to
save energy.

3.2 Synchronization in WSN

Wireless sensor network applications, similarly to other distributed systems, often
require a scalable time synchronization service enabling data consistency and

3.2.1 Approaches to Time Synchronization

Time synchronization algorithms providing a mechanism to synchronize the local
clocks of the nodes in the network have been extensively studied in the past. Two of
the most prominent examples of existing time synchronization protocols developed

Chapter 3 Synchronization in WSN

for the wireless sensor network domain are the Reference Broadcast Synchronization
(RBS) algorithm and the Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN) .
In the RBS, a reference message is broadcasted. The receivers record their local time
when receiving the reference broadcast and exchange the recorded times with each
other. The main advantage of RBS is that it eliminates transmitter-side non-
determinism. The disadvantage of the approach is that additional message exchange
is necessary to communicate the local time-stamps between the nodes. To our best
knowledge the algorithm has not been extended to large multi-hop networks. The
TPSN algorithm first creates a spanning tree of the network and then performs
pairwise synchronization along the edges. Each node gets synchronized by
exchanging two synchronization messages with its reference node one level higher in
the hierarchy. The TPSN achieves two times better performance than RBS by time-
stamping the radio messages in the MAC layer of the radio stack and by relying on a
two-way message exchange. The shortcoming of TPSN is that it does not estimate the
clock drift of nodes, which limits its accuracy, and does not handle dynamic topology
To overcome the inadequacies of the previous protocols, a very well designed
protocol know as Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol is produced and so soon
became highly employed to achieve synchronization.

3.2.2 Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol (FTSP)

The goal of the FTSP is to achieve a network wide synchronization of the local clocks
of the participating nodes. Each node is assumed to have a local clock exhibiting the
typical timing errors of crystals and can communicate over an unreliable but error
corrected wireless link to its neighbors. The FTSP synchronizes the time of a sender
to possibly multiple receivers utilizing a single radio message time-stamped at both
the sender and the receiver sides. MAC layer time-stamping can eliminate many of
the errors. However, accurate time-synchronization at discrete points in time is a
partial solution only. Compensation for the clock drift of the nodes is inevitable to
achieve high precision in-between synchronization points and to keep the
communication overhead low. Linear regression is used in FTSP to compensate for
clock drift. Typical WSN operate in areas larger than the broadcast range of a single
node; therefore, the FTSP provides multi-hop synchronization. The root of the

Chapter 3 Synchronization in WSN

network - a single, dynamically (re)elected node - maintains the global time and all
other nodes synchronize their clocks to that of the root. The nodes form an ad-hoc
structure to transfer the global time from the root to all the nodes. This is robust
against node and link failures and dynamic topology changes.

3.2.3 Comparing the Algorithms

Direct comparison of these protocols in terms of synchronization error is difficult, due
to the differences in hardware and evaluation methodology. FTSP reports a per-hop
synchronization error of about 1 μsec, although the maximum pairwise error is over
65 μsec in their testbed. The mean single-hop synchronization error reported for
TPSN is 16.9 μsec, compared to 29.1 μsec for RBS. The dynamics of these protocols
in terms of robustness to topology changes and node population have not been widely

3.3 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer

The Media Access Control (MAC) data communication protocol sub-layer, also
known as the Medium Access Control, is a sublayer of the data link layer specified in
the seven-layer OSI model (layer 2). It provides addressing and channel access
control mechanisms that make it possible for several terminals or network nodes to
communicate within a multipoint network, typically a local area network (LAN) or
metropolitan area network (MAN). The MAC sub-layer acts as an interface between
the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer and the network's physical layer. The MAC
layer emulates a full-duplex logical communication channel in a multipoint network.
This channel may provide unicast, multicast or broadcast communication service.The
task of energy reduction is assumed to be assigned to this layer. Some MAC protocols
have already incorporated such a concept (e.g. S-MAC, T-MAC, etc.).

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Chapter 4 FireFlies Synchronization

4 Fireflies Synchronization

In certain parts of South-East Asia alongside riverbanks, male fireflies gather on trees
at dawn, and start emitting flashes regularly. Over time synchronization emerges from
a random situation, which makes it seem as though the whole tree is flashing in
perfect synchrony. This phenomenon forms an amazing spectacle, and has intrigued
scientists for several hundred years. Over the years, two fundamental questions have
been studied: Why do fireflies synchronize? And how do they synchronize? The first
question led to many discussions among biologists.
In all species of fireflies, emissions of light serves as a means of communication that
helps female fireflies distinguish males of its own species: the response of male
fireflies to emissions from females is different in each species. However it is not
clear why in certain species of fireflies, males synchronize Several hypothesis exist:
Either it could accentuate the males rhythm or serve as a noise-reduction mechanism
that helps them identify females. This phenomenon could also enable small groups of
males to attract more females, and act as a cooperative scheme.

4.1 Phenomena of self-organization

Early hypotheses had difficulties explaining the firefly synchronization phenomenon.
For example, Laurent in 1917 dismissed what he saw and attributed the phenomenon

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Chapter 4 FireFlies Synchronization

to the blinking of his eyelids. Others argued that synchrony was provoked by a single
stimulus received by all fireflies on the tree. However the presence of a leading firefly
or a single external factor is easily dismissed by the fact that not all fireflies can see
each other and fireflies gather on trees and progressively synchronize. The lack of a
proper explanation until the 1960s is mostly due to a lack of experimental data.
Among early hypotheses, Richmond stated in 1930 what came very close to the actual
process: “Suppose that in each insect there is equipment that functions thus: when the
normal time to flash is nearly attained, incident light on the insect hastens the
occurrence of the event. In other words, if one of the insects is almost ready to flash
and sees other insects flash, then it flashes sooner than otherwise. On the foregoing
hypothesis, it follows that there may be a tendency for the insects to fall in step and
flash synchronously.” This statement identifies that synchronization among fireflies is
a self-organized process, and fireflies influence each other: they emit flashes
periodically, and in return are receptive to the flashes of other males.
The internal clock of a firefly, which dictates when a flash is emitted, is modeled as
an oscillator, and the phase of this oscillator is modified upon reception of an external
flash. In general this type of oscillator is termed relaxation oscillators, which are not
represented by a typical sinusoidal form but rather by a series of pulses.
Different models inspired by such a biological synchronization were proposed in the
last decades. The most important one are the phase-advance respectively the phase-
delay model from Buck, the Pulse-coupled Biological Oscillators (PCO) model from
Mirollo and Strogatz (also called MaS model), and the RFA model. Other models are
similar, but make different assumptions on the coupling strength and the propagation
delay in wireless communication.

4.2 Mathematical Model (MaS Model)

In the Mirollo and Strogatz (MaS) model, a node acts as an oscillator with a fixed
time period T. Each node has an internal time or phase t, which starts at zero and
increments at a constant rate until t = T. At this point the node “fires” (in the case of
firefly, flashes) and resets t = 0. Nodes may start at different times, therefore their
internal time (phase) t is not synchronized.

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Chapter 4 FireFlies Synchronization

In the absence of any input from neighbors, a node B simply fires whenever t = T. If
B observes a neighbor firing, then B reacts by adjusting its phase forward, thus
shortening its own time to fire (Figure 4.1(a,b)). The amount of adjustment is
determined by the function f(t), which is called the firing function, and the parameter,
which is a small constant < 1. Suppose node B observes a neighbor fire at t = t'. In
response, node B instantaneously jumps to a new internal time t = t'' , where
t'' = f −1 ( f (t') + ε) (4.1)
However if t'' > T, then t = T and the node immediately fires and resets t = 0. In a
biological sense, f (t) can be thought of as the charge of a capacitor within the neuron
or firefly, which receives a boost of ε whenever a firing event is observed.
Algorithmically, the effect is that a node instantaneously increments its phase by
Δ (t') = (t'' − t') , when it observes a firing event at t = t'.

Figure 4.1: Time evolution of the phase function

The seminal result by Mirollo and Strogatz is that if the function f is smooth,
monotonically increasing, and concave down, then a set of n nodes will always
converge to the same phase (i.e. achieve synchronicity), for any n and any initial
starting times . The simple requirements on f ensure that a node reacts more strongly
to events that occur later in its time period. One of the limitations of their proof was
that it only held for the case where all n nodes could observe each others firing
(all-to-all topology).

- 13 -
Chapter 4 FireFlies Synchronization

4.3 Pulse-Coupled Oscillators

Fireflies can simply be abstracted as oscillators that emit pulses of light periodically.
This type of oscillators is referred to as "Pulse Coupled Oscillators", and is also used
to study biological systems such as neurons and earthquakes. Mirollo and Strogatz
analyzed spontaneous synchronization phenomena and also derived a theoretical
framework based on pulse-coupled oscillators for the convergence of synchrony.
When coupled to others, an oscillator is receptive to the pulses of its neighbors.
Coupling between nodes is considered instantaneous, and when a node j (1 ≤ j ≤ N)
fires at t = τj , i.e. Φ j (τj) = Φth, all nodes adjust their phase as follows:
1. Φ j (τj) = 0
2. Φi (τj) = Φi (τj) + ΔΦ (Φi (τj)) for i ≠ j
By appropriate selection of ΔΦ, a system of N identical oscillators forming a fully-
meshed network is able to synchronize their firing instants within a few periods .The
phase increment ΔΦ is determined by the Phase Response Curve (PRC). For their
mathematical demonstration, Mirollo and Strogatz derive that synchronization is
obtained whenever the firing map xi(t) = f (Φi (t)) is concave up and the return map
Φi (t) + ΔΦ (Φi (t)) = g(xi(t) + ε ) , where ε is the amplitude increment, is its inverse.
The resulting operation Φi (t) + ΔΦ (Φi (t)) = g (f (Φi (t))) yields the PRC, and is a
piecewise linear function:
Φi (τj) + ΔΦ (Φi (τj)) = min (α . Φi (τj) + β , 1)
with : α = exp(b · ε)

β = exp(b· ε)−1

where b is the dissipation factor. Both factors α and β determine the coupling between
oscillators and are identical for all. The threshold Φth is normalized to 1.
Interestingly the synchronization scheme relies on the instant of arrival of a pulse, and
receivers adjusting their phases when detecting this pulse. Interference in the typical
way is not observed, and two pulses emitted simultaneously can superimpose
constructively. This helps a faraway receiver to detect the superimposed pulses, and to
synchronize with the rest of the network.

- 14 -
Chapter 5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm

5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm (RFA)

5.1 From Theory to Practice

The M&S model has several salient features. The node algorithm and the communication
are very simple. A node only needs to observe firing events from neighbors, there is no
strength associated with the event or even a need to know which neighbor reported the
event. Individual nodes have no state other than their internal time. Synchronicity
provably emerges without any explicit leaders and irrespective of the starting state.
Because of these reasons, the model is particularly attractive as an algorithm for sensor
networks. However, the theoretical results make several assumptions which are
problematic for wireless sensor networks. These include:
1. When a node fires, its neighbors instantaneously observe that event.
2. Nodes can instantaneously react by firing.
3. Nodes can compute f and f −1 perfectly using continuous mathematics and can compute
4. All nodes have the same time period T.
5. Nodes observe all events from their neighbors (no loss).
In a wireless setting, a firing event can be implemented as a node sending a broadcast
message to its neighbors indicating that it fired. However, as mentioned before, nodes
experience an unpredictable delay prior to transmission, based on channel contention.
Thus, when a node A sends out a firing event message at time t, its neighbor B will not
receive the message until time t + δ where the delay δ is not known in advance. This
violates assumptions 1 and 2. Node B does not know when the actual firing event
occurred and node B can not react instantaneously to node A’s behavior. In addition, the
best case for the theoretical model - i.e. all nodes fire simultaneously - constitutes a worst
case scenario for channel contention because it creates the potential for many collisions,
resulting in large message delays. The other assumptions also pose potential problems,
though not quite as problematic as message delays. Computation accuracy is limited due
to the absence of efficient floating point arithmetic. Sensor nodes exhibit slightly
different oscillator frequencies. Links between nodes exhibit varying quality and thus

- 15 -
Chapter 5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm

varying levels of message loss. At the same time, real biological systems are known to
have such variations. Therefore not all of the theoretical assumptions may be important in

5.2 Reachback Firefly Algorithm

The RFA was introduced in 3rd international conference on Embedded Networked
Sensor Systems, November 2005, and is based on the MaS model, but with the difference
that it is more appropriate for the implementation in wireless networks. Some
assumptions resulting from the theoretical MaS model are listed below and make it
difficult for a practical application.
1. The oscillators have identical dynamics (e.g. same period).
2. Nodes can instantaneously fire.
3. Every firing event must be observed immediately (no loss).
4. All computations are performed perfectly and instantaneously.
The most problematic one is the third assumption, because in reality the firing is
implemented as a broadcast message which usually has an unpredictable delay mainly
caused by the channel contention prior to the transmission. The other assumptions are not
so problematic. For example, the nodes are based on oscillators which generally have a
small but measurable drift. Next, the limits in floating point arithmetic result in inexact
computations and finally the loss of messages in wireless networks due to influence
problems or the varying link quality can not be avoided. For this reason, the RFA model
controls the unpredictable message delay via MAC-layer time-stamping, so that the
receiver has knowledge about the MAC delay and consequently is able to determine the
correct firing time. In addition, the RFA model is based on an explicitly added random
transmission delay between 0 and constant D at the application level, called message
staggering delay. The message staggering delay should avoid message collisions, in the
case if many synchronized nodes want to send simultaneously. In contrast to the MaS
model, the RFA model does not immediately react on an observed firing event. Instead it
stores the corrected timestamp of all received firing events in a queue. Then, if the phase

- 16 -
Chapter 5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm

of a node reaches the end, it computes the new start phase based on the content of the
queue. The computation is the same as in the MaS model. As a result, a node seems to
react instantaneously, but to the data from the last period. The algorithm for calculating
the starting phase is showed below.

5.3 The Algorithm Explanation

In order to make it easier to understand the algorithm working scheme, an the following
example illustrates how does it work through figure 5.1 .

Fig 5.1 RFA mechanism

Example: We first show how the M&S model works, i.e. when messages are received
instantaneously and the node reacts instantaneously. We then illustrate the reachback

- 17 -
Chapter 5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm

response using the same example. Let the time period T = 100 time units. Let node B
start at internal time t = 0 and increment t every unit time. Suppose firing events arrive at
absolute times 30, 40 and 70.Let Δ(t) be some jump function; here we simply pick jump
values for illustration purposes. In the M&S model, the node reacts as each event arrives,
by causing an instantaneous jump in its internal time. Δ(t) represents the instantaneous
jump at internal time t. When node B observes a firing at time t = 30, it computes an
instantaneous jump of Δ(30) = 5, and sets t = 30 + Δ(30) =35. Ten more time units from
this point on it observes another event. While this event occurred 40 units of time since
the beginning of the cycle, the node perceives it as having happened at internal time t
=45. The node again computes an instantaneous jump in internal time t = 45+ Δ(45) = 55.
After 30 more time units the node B observes another firing event. At this point t = 85
and the node computes an instantaneous jump to t = 85 + Δ(85) = 95. After 5 more time
units, t = 100 and node B fires. It is also possible for the computed t to be larger than 100
(e.g. if Δ(85) = 20 then t = 85 + 20 = 105), in which case the node sets t = 100,
immediately fires, and resets t = 0. The overall effect is that node B advances its phase
(or shortens its time to fire) by 25 time units. It then continues to fire with the default
time period of T = 100. Now we use the same example to illustrate the reachback
response. As before, let node B start with t = 0 and increment t every time unit. When
node B receives a message, it uses the time-stamping information to determine when that
message would have been received had there been no delay. It then places this
information in a queue and continues. When t = 100, node B fires, resets t = 0, and then
looks at the queue. In this example, the queue contains three events at times 30, 40 and
70. Using the same method described for M&S, the node computes how much it would
have advanced its phase. Since all of the information already exists, it can compute the
result in one shot. As in the previous case, the result is that the phase is advanced by 25
time units. Node B applies this effect by instantaneously jumping from t = 0 to t = 25. It
then proceeds as before, firing by default at t = 100 if no events are received. The
difference between the reachback scheme and the original M&S method is that the first
firing event occurs at different absolute times (100 vs 75). This influences neighboring
nodes’ behavior and one must prove that the new scheme will still converge.

- 18 -
Chapter 5 The Reachback Firefly Algorithm

5.3.1 Preemptive Message Staggering

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) schemes attempt to avoid channel collisions by
causing nodes to backoff for random intervals prior to message transmission. The range
of this random interval is increased exponentially following each failed transmission
attempt, up to a maximum range. If a small number of nodes are transmitting at any point
in time, then this approach induces low message delays. However, if many nodes are
transmitting simultaneously, delays may become very large. CSMA works very well with
bursty traffic and non-uniform transmission times. However, for the M&S algorithm, the
communication pattern is very predictable and represents the worst case for CSMA when
many nodes are firing simultaneously. In order to avoid repeated collisions and control
the extent of message delay, we explicitly add a random transmission delay to node firing
messages at the application level. We choose the delay uniformly random between 0 and
a constant D. In addition, after a node fires, it waits for a grace period W (where W > D
and W << T) before processing the queue so that delayed messages from synchronized
nodes are received.
5.3.2 Simplified Firing Function
In order to make the firing response fast to compute, we chose a simple firing function
f(t) = ln(t). Using equation (4.1) along with f −1(x) = ex, we can compute the jump in
response to a firing event, which is Δ(t') = f −1 ( f (t') + ε) − t' = (eε − 1)t'. To first order
eε = 1 + ε (Taylor expansion), leaving us with a simple way to calculate the jump.
Δ(t') = εt' (5.1)

- 19 -
Chapter 6 Simulation

6 Simulation
In order to simulate our algorithm, a MATLAB based wireless sensor network
simulator called PROWLER is used.

6.1 Prowler: Probabilistic Wireless Network Simulator

The probabilistic wireless network simulator (Prowler) is an event-driven simulator

that can be set to operate in either deterministic mode (to produce replicable results
while testing the application) or in probabilistic mode that simulates the
nondeterministic nature of the communication channel and the low-level
communication protocol of the motes. It can incorporate arbitrary number of motes,
on arbitrary (possibly dynamic) topology, and it was designed so that it can easily be
embedded into optimization algorithms. The simulator runs under MATLAB, thus it
provides a fast and easy way to prototype applications, and has nice visualization
capabilities. The graphical user interface of Prowler is shown in the figure (6.1). The
network simulator models the important aspects of all levels of the communication
channel and the application. The nondeterministic nature of the radio propagation is
characterized by a probabilistic radio channel model. A simplified, but accurate model
is used to describe the operation of the MAC layer. The applications interact with the
MAC layer through a set of events and actions.

‐ 20 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation


Radio Channel

Display Features

Events Monitor

Fig 6.1: PROWLER interface

What do the colors mean?
- Small red dots indicate motes with pending transmission.
- Big red dots indicate transmitting motes.
- Small green dots indicate receiving motes.
- Green LED is toggled when a message is received successfully.
- Yellow LED is toggled when a collided message is received.

6.2 Network topology and parameters

6.2.1 Network topology

The network topology chosen for this experiment is a mesh topology, also known as
peer-to-peer topology, improves reliability and scalability by multipath routing and
therefore can be ad-hoc, self-organizing, and self-healing. Moreover, messages can
also be routed through multiple hops which make this topology appropriate for
wireless sensor networks. Other applications that benefit from this may be industrial
control and monitoring, or asset and inventory tracking.

‐ 21 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

This topology is represented by a grid of nodes in two dimensions (Fig 6.2). One of
the motes initiates the transmission, and all the receiving motes retransmit the first
received message with a probability of p (probabilistic flood). The transmission signal
strength s can be set within a range. (The values p and s are the same on each mote.)
The goal is to compare the performance of the FTSP protocol to our firefly
synchronization method.

Fig 6.2: grid network topology (5 x 5) and parameters

6.2.2 Simulation Parameters

The implementation of the naturally inspired synchronization algorithm has several

important parameters which determine the behavior of the fireflies. The most
important ones are described below. Figure 6.2 shows part of these parameters.

Probability of retransmitting P: takes value between 0.1 and 1 and determine the
probability of retransmitting the packet by any receiving node.
Signal Strength S: The ideal received signal strength is P_rec_id=P_transmit*f(x)
f(x) is the ideal propagation function. The ideal propagation function
defines the signal strength vs. the distance between the transmitter and

‐ 22 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

receiver, where x is the distance.

f(x) = 1 / (1 + x^2)
Starting Mote : The starting node can be selected. It's better to choose one of the four
corner nodes to be the starting node.( node no.1 is at the bottom left corner)
X_Number, Y_Number: are used to change the topology .
Distance x : the distance between a node and it's neighbor node.

Radio transmission parameters:

Fading Effect: The fading is modeled by adding noise components to the received
signal strength.The received signal strength is
where alpha and beta are random variables with normal distributions
N(0,s_alpha) and N(0, s_beta), respectively.
Transmission Error (P_error) : models all other sources/effects that may lead to an
unsuccessful transmission.
Reception Limit :The signal from node k is successfully received if
reveived_powr_k > reception_limit , during the time of the reception.
MAC-layer model: The MAC-layer model uses 5 parameters:
min_waiting_time , var_waiting_time , in_backoff_time
var_backoff_time, and packet_length .
The waiting time between channel request and channel idle check is between
min_waiting_time and min_waiting_time+var_waiting_time.
Similarly, the backoff time after an unsuccessfull idle check is between
min_backoff_time and min_backoff_time+var_backoff_time. The length of a
single transmission is packet_length.

Fig 6.3: MAC layer communication scheme

All the MAC-layer parameters are measured in bit-times, where one bit-time is the
length of one transmitted bit in the radio channel ,one bit-time equals to 1/40000 sec.

‐ 23 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

6.3 Firefly Algorithm Implementation

In order to achieve the objective of comparing between several synchronization
algorithms, the RFA algorithm is implemented into MATLAB code and then included
in the Prowler simulator.
6.3.2 Parameters Setting
Before running the simulator, the general parameters values must be predetermined
and unified for both experiments of synchronization algorithms. Table 6.1 contains
the assigned values of parameters .

Table 6.1 : Parameters Values

Parameter Value

P 0.5

S 1

starting node 1

x_number 10

y_number 10

distance 1

s_alph 0.45

s_beta 0.02

p_error 0.05

reception limit 0.1

min_waiting_time 200

rand_waiting_time 128

min_backoff_time 100

var_backoff_time 30

packet_length 960

‐ 24 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

6.3.3 Simulation Results

Firstly, the Flood algorithm simulation was run with previous parameters as shown in
figure 6.3. After that, the Firefly algorithm simulated with the same parameters
(figure 6.4). The results from the two experiments are denoted in table 6.2.

Fig 6.3 : Flood algorithm simulation

‐ 25 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

Fig 6.4 : Firefly algorithm simulation

Table 6.2 : Simulation results

Parameter Firefly FTSP
time to sync. 8.3 sec 8.1 sec
sent messages 44 48
received messages 311 421
received collided messages 291 254
sending nodes 44 48
receiving nodes 97 100

6.4 Performance Optimization

The presented algorithm is supposed to be used for optimizing the performance of the
sensors network. To achieve that goal, the next two experiments were deployed.

‐ 26 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

6.4.1 Broadcasting Performance

This experiment is a broadcast in a network of 100 nodes (10 x10 grid). One of the
nodes initiates the transmission, and all the receiving nodes retransmit the first
received message with a probability of p. The transmission signal strength s can be set
within a range. (The values p and s are the same on each mote.).

The goal is to maximize the overall performance of the network by finding the
optimal p and s parameters. The performance metric is composed from the number of
receiving nodes in the network (the more nodes receive the better) and the consumed
power (the less power is used the better):

E2= λ1 (100 – Nrec) 2 + λ2 Ntr S (6.1)

where the first term is the error when not all the motes receive the message, while
the second is the estimation of the total consumed power, and :

E2 : error surface (cost function).

Nrec : number of receiving nodes.

Ntr : number of sending nodes.

S : signal power.
λ1, λ2: scaling factors.

The exhaustive search method was used to find the minimum of the error surface.
The surface was evaluated in 10x12 points in the regions of P = [0.1, 1], S = [0.1, 3];
in each point 10 experiments were run. The generated error surface is shown in figure
(6.5). The best performance was found when P = 0.3 and S = 1.0.

Some of the other points at the bottom of the canyon-shaped surface would give
almost equally good results, while outside that region the performance drastically

‐ 27 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

Fig. 6.5: Error Surface of the broadcasting

6.4.2 Connection Links Formation

The goal is to find the optimal value of P in order to achieve optimal performance.
The performance metric is composed of the necessary time to connect the nodes, and
the consumed total power. The nodes are considered to be connected if more than
90% of them are connected. The time to connect the nodes (T) and the total number of
sent messages (M) are combined to a performance metric:

E1= T + M λ (6.2)

Where the scaling factor λ = 1/200.

The cost function E1 was calculated with 50 motes placed in a 5 x 10 grid. Twelve
experiments were made for different values of P in the range, P = [0.01, 0.9]. The
results are shown in Figure (6.6). Where the upper curve shows the mean run time (T),
the second plot is the mean total message number (M) and the third one is for the error
surface (E1).

‐ 28 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

The results showed that the optimum value was P = 0.1. With this setting the
algorithm connects the nodes in approximately four seconds by sending 350 messages
on average.

Fig 6.6: results of second experiment

6.5 Analysis and Comments

After running the simulation for so many times ( more than 200 times), a full view is
now available to discuss the output results , simulator and Matlab limitation.

‐ 29 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

6.5.1 Results Analysis

Before analyzing the results, one more calculation should be done to proceed with the
whole view. This was done using equation (6.1) with to calculate both terms of the
formula (arbitrary variables λ1=1/100, λ2=1/10) . Table 6.3 contains the final outcome.

Table 6.3: Results for Analysis

Performance Metrics Firefly FTSP
Receiving Error 0.09 0
Power Consumption 4.4 4.8

• From the table above, it's easy to figure out that the firefly protocol is less than
FTSP protocol in accuracy and better in power consumption. These
conclusions are matching the inferences of other related works (mentioned in
• Compared to algorithms such as RBS, TPSN and FTSP, the firefly-inspired
algorithm represents a radically different approach. All of the nodes behave in
a simple and identical manner. There are no special nodes, such as the root in
TPSN or reference node in RBS that needs to be elected. A node does not
maintain any per-neighbor or per- link state; in fact it is completely agnostic to
the identity of its neighbors. The algorithm remains the same even if the
topology is multi-hop.

• Although the gotten results are not very accurate, it still give a strong base for
comparison objective and provided the necessary graphs which used to
determine optimum values of some parameters. Those values could be used in
case of identical circumstances.

‐ 30 ‐  
Chapter 6 Simulation

6.5.2 Simulator limitations

This simulator has several limitations. It does not model radio delay correctly, and
nor does it take into account clock skew that occurs from variations in clock crystals
in individual wireless sensors.
Another important point is that choosing to simulate along with animation will lead to
longer sync time, sometimes nearly double time needed. The previous experiments
were tested with no animation option.
Despite these limitations, the simulator is useful for exploring the partial parameters
space of the algorithm and produce results in a simple manner.

6.5.3 MATLAB Limitations

The MATLAB is not considered to be specialized in networking or
telecommunications scope, but still modeling, simulation and algorithms development
part of its typical uses. So, when it comes to the level of programming the sensors of
the wireless network, MATLAB language is not a choice up to now. The most well-
known simulation and programming environment for WSNs is TinyOS, as described
further in future work section.

‐ 31 ‐  
Chapter 7 Conclusion

7 Conclusion

7.1 Conclusion

In this thesis an alternative synchronization approach based on the natural behavior of

fireflies was introduced. The results show that the synchronization approach rules are
particularly simple and well suited for a deployment in ad hoc networks.
Nevertheless, it is not yet clear whether such an algorithm will be competitive to
algorithms such as TPSN and FTSP, in terms of accuracy and overhead, and much
work remains to be done.
Due to the fact that in reality many sensor networks eventually form unidirectional
communication paths, this algorithm is not really applicable for sensor networks
which have to support high dependability and availability. Otherwise if such a
network is only used to gather data where it is not dramatic if some messages are lost
(e.g., meteorological station for temperature measurement), then the use of such a
synchronization scheme could be a choice.

7.2 Future Work

It's strongly recommended for future work to simulate the presented algorithm using a
more powerful simulator called TOSSIM .
TinyOS is a free and open source component-based operating system and platform
targeting WSNs. It is an embedded operating system written in the nesC programming
language as a set of cooperating tasks and processes. TOSSIM is the TinyOS
simulator. This simulator provides a large number of parameters which is highly
important to study synchronization algorithms and protocols. It might face the
researcher some difficulties in installing the system because it's setup process passes
through many steps which may be hard on the normal pc users. The simulator is
available on the system official website: .

It's so expected that the firefly algorithm will be integrated with FTSP or TPSN to
produce efficient, scalable and a comprehensive solution to the problem of time
synchronization in sensor networks.

- 32 -


• A. Tyrrell, G. Auer, C. Bettstetter : "Firefly Synchronization in Ad Hoc

Networks" , 3rd MiNEMA Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, February 7, 2006.

• Geoffrey WernerAllen, Geetika Tewari, Ankit Patel, Matt Welsh, Radhika

Nagpal, "FireflyInspired Sensor Network Synchronicity with Realistic Radio

• Robert Leidenfrost, "Establishing Wireless Time-Triggered Communication

using a Firefly Clock Synchronization Approach".

• Gyula Simon, Péter Völgyesi, Miklós Maróti, Ákos Lédeczi, "Simulation-

based optimization of communication protocols for large-scale wireless
sensor networks", IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 8-15,

• Miklós Maróti, Branislav Kusy, Gyula Simon, Ákos Lédeczi, "The Flooding
Time Synchronization Protocol".



- 33 -
Appendix A Matlab Code


function application(S)
S; persistent app_data
S; global ID t
S; [t, event, ID, data]=get_event(S);
S; [topology, mote_IDs]=prowler('GetTopologyInfo');
S; ix=find(mote_IDs==ID);
S; if ~strcmp(event, 'Init_Application')
S; try memory=app_data{ix}; catch memory=[]; end,
S; end

SENDER_ID=sim_params('get_app', 'Start_Mote');
if isempty(SENDER_ID), SENDER_ID=1; end
switch event
case 'Init_Application'

memory=struct('signal_strength', signal_strength, 'parent', -inf, 'hops', inf);

case 'Packet_Sent'

- 35 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

case 'Packet_Received'
p=sim_params('get_app', 'P');
if isempty(p); p=.3; end

if memory.parent<0;;
if rand<p
Send_Packet(radiostream(struct('time', t, 'ID', ID, 'hops', memory.hops),
PrintMessage([num2str(memory.parent) '/' num2str(memory.hops)])
DrawLine('Arrow', memory.parent,ID, 'color', [0 0 0])
if memory.hops<3
LED('red on')
elseif memory.hops<6
LED('green on')
LED('yellow on')

case 'Collided_Packet_Received'
% this is for debug purposes only

case 'Clock_Tick'
Send_Packet(radiostream(struct('time', t, 'ID', ID, 'hops', 0),

case 'GuiInfoRequest'

- 36 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

if ~isempty(memory)
disp(sprintf('Memory Dump of mote ID# %d:\n',ID)); disp(memory)
disp(sprintf('No memory dump available for node %d.\n',ID));

case 'Application_Stopped'
% this event is called when simulation is stopped/suspended

case 'Application_Finished'
% this event is called when simulation is finished

error(['Bad event name for application: ' event])

S; app_data{ix}=memory;

function b=Send_Packet(data);
global ID t
b=feval(radio, 'Send_Packet', ID, data, t);

function b=Set_Clock(alarm_time);
global ID
prowler('InsertEvents2Q', make_event(alarm_time, 'Clock_Tick', ID));

function PrintMessage(msg)
global ID

- 37 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

prowler('TextMessage', ID, msg)

function LED(msg)
global ID
prowler('LED', ID, msg)

function DrawLine(command, varargin)

switch lower(command)
case 'line'
prowler('DrawLine', varargin{:})
case 'arrow'
prowler('DrawArrow', varargin{:})
case 'delete'
prowler('DrawDelete', varargin{:})
error('Bad command for DrawLine.')

function param=params;

param(1).name='P'; param(1).default=0.5;
param(2).name='Start_Mote'; param(2).default=1;
param(3).name='X_Number'; param(3).default=10;
param(4).name='Y_Number'; param(4).default=10;
param(5).name='Distance'; param(5).default=1;

function [topology,mote_IDs]=topology(varargin);

Nx =sim_params('get_app', 'X_Number'); if isempty(Nx), Nx=10; end
Ny =sim_params('get_app', 'Y_Number'); if isempty(Ny), Ny=10; end
dist=sim_params('get_app', 'Distance'); if isempty(dist), dist=1; end

- 38 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

for i=X
for j=Y
t=[t; i,j];

function x=animation
persistent anim_data
if isempty(anim_data)
small=5; medium=20; large=50;

% Event_name Animated Color/{on/off/toggle} Size

{'Init_Application', 1, [0 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Packet_Sent', 0, [1 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Packet_Received', 0, [1 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Collided_Packet_Received', 0, [1 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Clock_Tick', 0, [0 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Channel_Request', 0, [0 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Channel_Idle_Check', 1, [1 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Packet_Receive_Start', 0, [0 1 0 ], small}, ...
{'Packet_Receive_End', 0, [0 0 0 ], small}, ...
{'Packet_Transmit_Start', 1, [1 0 0 ], medium}, ...
{'Packet_Transmit_End', 1, [0 1 0 ], small}};

for i=1:length(anim_def)
if i==1
anim_data=struct('event', a{1}, 'animated', a{2}, 'color', a{3}, 'size', a{4});

- 39 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

anim_data(i)=struct('event', a{1}, 'animated', a{2}, 'color', a{3}, 'size', a{4});

function varargout=simstats

global global_event_Q

[topology, mote_IDs, void]=prowler('GetTopologyInfo');


for i=1:N
'Sent_Messages', 0, ...
'Received_Messages', 0, ...
'Received_Collided_Messages', 0, ...
'Send_Times', [], ...
'Receive_Times', [], ...
'Collide_Times', []);


for i=1:L

switch e
case 'Packet_Transmit_Start'

- 40 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

node_stat(ix).Send_Times=[node_stat(ix).Send_Times, t];

case 'Packet_Received'
node_stat(ix).Receive_Times=[node_stat(ix).Receive_Times, t];
case 'Collided_Packet_Received'

node_stat(ix).Collide_Times=[node_stat(ix).Collide_Times, t];
% not handled; can be extended

'Sent_Messages', 0, ...
'Received_Messages', 0, ...
'Received_Collided_Messages', 0, ...
'First_Send_Time', inf, ...
'First_Receive_Time', inf, ...
'Last_Sent_Time', -inf, ...
'Last_Receive_Time', -inf, ...
'Sending_Nodes', 0, ...
'Receiving_Nodes', 0);

for i=1:N
sys_stat.Sent_Messages = ...
sys_stat.Sent_Messages + node_stat(i).Sent_Messages;
sys_stat.Received_Messages = ...
sys_stat.Received_Messages + node_stat(i).Received_Messages;
sys_stat.Received_Collided_Messages = ...

- 41 -
Appendix A Matlab Code

sys_stat.Received_Collided_Messages +

sys_stat.First_Send_Time = ...
min([sys_stat.First_Send_Time, node_stat(i).Send_Times]);
sys_stat.First_Receive_Time = ...
min([sys_stat.First_Receive_Time, node_stat(i).Receive_Times]);

sys_stat.Last_Sent_Time = ...
max([sys_stat.Last_Sent_Time, node_stat(i).Send_Times]);
sys_stat.Last_Receive_Time = ...
max([sys_stat.Last_Receive_Time, node_stat(i).Receive_Times]);

sys_stat.Sending_Nodes = ...
sys_stat.Sending_Nodes + (node_stat(i).Sent_Messages > 0);
sys_stat.Receiving_Nodes = ...
sys_stat.Receiving_Nodes + (node_stat(i).Received_Messages > 0);

if nargout==0
varargout={sys_stat, node_stat};

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