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FEMA - P-58-5 - Seismic Performance Buildings

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Seismic Performance

Assessment of Buildings
Volume 5 – Expected Seismic Performance of
Code-Conforming Buildings

FEMA P-58-5 / December 2018

FEMA P-58-5 / December 2018

Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings

Volume 5 – Expected Seismic Performance of
Code-Conforming Buildings
Prepared by
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065

Prepared for
Michael Mahoney, Project Officer
Robert D. Hanson, Technical Monitor
Washington, D.C.


Christopher Rojahn Laura Samant (Team Leader)
Jon A. Heintz (Project Executive) David Mar
Ayse Hortacsu (Project Manager) Lori Peek
Maryann T. Phipps
Ronald O. Hamburger (Project Technical Director) L. Thomas Tobin
John Gillengerten
John D. Hooper John Gillengerten (Team Leader)
Stephen A. Mahin David R. Bonneville
Jack P. Moehle Dominic Campi
Khalid Mosalam Vesna Terzic
Laura Samant
John D. Hooper (Team Leader)
William T. Holmes (Chair) Peter Morris
Lucy Arendt
Deborah Beck
Christopher Deneff
H. John Price
Jonathan C. Siu
Jeffrey R. Soulages
Eric Von Berg
Williston Warren (ATC Board Contact)
Sandra L. Grabowski Robert Bachman
Taline Mitten Jack Baker
Stacia Sydoriak Dustin Cook
Jennifer Tobin-Gurley Scott Hagie
Angie Harris
Curt Haselton
Wyatt Henderson
Shreyash Chokshi
Monica Huang
Travis Chrupalo
Gilberto Mosqueda
Erica Hays
Farzad Naeim
Nirmal Kumawat
Barbara Rodriguez
Abe Lynn
Kathrina Simonen
Daniel Saldana
Siavash Sorooshian
Vinit M. Shah
Katie Wade
Udit S. Tambe
Farzin Zareian
Duy Vu To
Peny Villanueva

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Applied Technology Council (ATC), the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS), or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Additionally, neither ATC, DHS, FEMA, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty,
expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process included in this publication.
Users of information from this publication assume all liability arising from such use.

Cover photograph – Buildings comprising the San Francisco skyline, circa 2018 (courtesy of Magnusson
Klemencic Associates/ Steve Proehl).

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is committed to

reducing the ever-increasing cost that disasters inflict on our country.
Preventing losses before they happen, by building to withstand anticipated
forces, is one of the key components of mitigation, and is the only truly
effective way of reducing the impact of disasters on our country. One of the
most promising tools that can be used to reduce damage from an earthquake,
or other similar disasters, is Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD).

PBSD is a concept that permits the design and construction of buildings with
a realistic and reliable understanding of the risk to life, occupancy, and
economic loss that may occur as a result of future earthquakes. PBSD is
based on an assessment of a building’s design to determine the probability of
experiencing different types of losses, considering the range of potential
earthquakes that may affect the structure. This allows a building owner or
regulator to select the desired performance goal for their building.

Current building codes are prescriptive in nature and are principally intended
to provide a life-safety level of protection when a design-level event, such as
an earthquake, occurs. While building codes are intended to produce
structures that meet a life-safety performance level for a specified level of
ground shaking, they do not provide designers with a means to determine if
other performance levels would be achieved. During a design level
earthquake, a code-designed building could achieve the goal of preventing
loss of life or life-threatening injury to building occupants, but could still
sustain extensive structural and nonstructural damage and be out of service
for an extended period of time. In some cases, the damage may be too costly
to repair, leaving demolition as the only option.

Phase 1 of this project, completed in 2012, resulted in the publication of

FEMA P-58, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 1 –
Methodology, Volume 2 – Implementation Guide, and a series of supporting
electronic materials and background technical information. For practical
implementation of the methodology, this included the development of an
electronic tool, referred to as the Performance Assessment Calculation Tool,
or PACT, to help capture building inventory data, input a given earthquake
shaking probability or intensity, apply specific fragilities and consequences

FEMA P-58-5 Foreword iii

to each building component, and present the results of a large number of
runs, or realizations, in a logical format.

The FEMA P-58 methodology utilizes performance measures that can be

understood by decision makers. These performance measures relate the
amount of damage to the building and the consequences of that damage
including: potential casualties; loss of use or occupancy; and repair and
reconstruction costs.

Phase 2 of this project utilized the FEMA P-58 seismic performance

assessment methodology to develop performance-based seismic design
guidelines and stakeholder guidelines. This five-year effort included the
development of the following products:
• Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 4 – Methodology
for Assessing Environmental Impacts, which describes a recommended
methodology for incorporating assessment of environmental impacts,
along with other consequences, that are associated with the repair of
damage caused by earthquake shaking.
• Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 5 – Expected
Seismic Performance of Code-Conforming Buildings, which applies the
FEMA P-58 seismic performance assessment methodology to a series of
building archetypes representative of structures conforming to the
seismic provisions of the current building code to quantify the expected
seismic performance of code-conforming buildings, identify factors that
contribute to seismic performance, and provide the technical basis for
simplified performance-based design guidance.
• Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings, which is
a design guideline that provides guidance to design professionals on the
implementation of performance based seismic design of buildings using
the FEMA P-58 methodology, including: the performance-based seismic
design process; selection of appropriate performance objectives;
selection of seismic force-resisting systems; determining appropriate
stiffness and strength; and final verification of design adequacy.
• Building the Performance You Need: A Guide to State-of-the-Art Tools
for Seismic Design and Assessment, which presents information that
project managers and decision-makers need to know to use a
performance-based approach for seismic design and assessment.

FEMA wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all who were involved in this
project and in the development of the FEMA P-58 Phase 2 methodology. It
is not possible to acknowledge the entire development team here. However,

iv Foreword FEMA P-58-5

special thanks are extended to: Ronald Hamburger, Project Technical
Director; John Gillengerten, Performance Products Team Leader; John
Hooper, Products Update Team Leader; Laura Samant, Stakeholder Products
Team Leader; William Holmes, Steering Committee Chair; and Jon Heinz
and Ayse Hortacsu, ATC Project Managers. The hard work and dedication
of these individuals, and all who were involved in this project, have
immeasurably helped our nation move towards making performance-based
seismic design a reality, and towards reducing losses suffered by the citizens
of our country in future earthquakes.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA P-58-5 Foreword v


In 2001, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was awarded the first in a
series of contracts with the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) to develop Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design
Guidelines for New and Existing Buildings. These would become known as
the ATC-58 series of projects. The overall program was separated into two
major phases of work: Phase 1 – Developing a Methodology for Assessing
the Seismic Performance of Buildings; and Phase 2 – Developing
Performance-Based Seismic Design Procedures and Guidelines.

Development of the Phase 1 assessment methodology was completed in 2012

with the publication of the series of volumes collectively referred to as
FEMA P-58, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Methodology
and Implementation:
• FEMA P-58-1, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 1 – Methodology (FEMA, 2012a)
• FEMA P-58-2, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 2 – Implementation Guide (FEMA, 2012b)
• FEMA P-58-3, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 3 – Supporting Electronic Materials and Background
Documentation (FEMA, 2012c)

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, performance is measured in terms of the

probability of incurring casualties, repair and replacement costs, repair time,
and unsafe placarding. Since its initial development, the methodology has
been expanded to include the probability of generating environmental
impacts, including additional embodied energy and carbon.

Upon completion of Phase 1, work began on Phase 2. The purpose of the

five-year Phase 2 work effort was to utilize the FEMA P-58 methodology in
developing guidelines and recommendations for specifying seismic
performance objectives in terms of FEMA P-58 performance metrics, and for
selecting appropriate structural and nonstructural systems, configurations,
and characteristics necessary to achieve the desired performance in varying
regions of seismicity. As part of this work, the FEMA P-58 methodology
was exercised in assessing the performance of code-conforming buildings.

FEMA P-58-5 Preface vii

Technical improvements and updates to the methodology were developed, as
necessary, to take advantage of the latest research and to bring results into
better alignment with expectations based on performance of buildings
observed in past earthquakes. Phase 2 also included the development of
products for communicating seismic performance to stakeholders, and
assisting decision-makers in choosing between seismic design criteria and
making seismic design decisions.

This report, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 5 –

Expected Seismic Performance of Code-Conforming Buildings, is one in a
series of additional volumes developed under Phase 2 intended to expand and
complete FEMA P-58 series of products. It describes work to quantify the
performance capability of typical buildings designed to current building code
requirements, the resulting performance of code-conforming buildings in
terms of FEMA P-58 probabilistic performance metrics, and a framework for
future recommended performance objectives based on findings from this

The FEMA P-58 series of products is the result of the collaborative effort of
more than 200 individuals, across all phases of work, that were involved in
the development of the underlying methodology and subsequent products and
reports. ATC is particularly indebted to the Phase 2 leadership of Ron
Hamburger (Project Technical Director), John Gillengerten (Performance
Products Team Leader), John Hooper (Products Update Team Leader), Laura
Samant (Stakeholder Products Team Leader), and the members of the Project
Management Committee, including Bill Holmes (Steering Committee Chair),
Steve Mahin, Jack Moehle, Khalid Mosalam, and Steve Winkel.

ATC would also like to thank the members of the Project Steering
Committee, the Performance Products Team, the Products Update Team, the
Stakeholder Products Team, and the many consultants who assisted these
teams as part of the Phase 2 work effort. The names of individuals who
served on these groups, along with their affiliations, are provided in the list
of Project Participants at the end of this report.

ATC also gratefully acknowledges Michael Mahoney (FEMA Project

Officer) and Robert Hanson (FEMA Technical Monitor) for their input and
guidance in the conduct of this work, and Carrie Perna for ATC report
production services.

Ayse Hortacsu Jon A. Heintz

ATC Director of Projects ATC Executive Director

viii Preface FEMA P-58-5


This report, one in the collection of reports comprising the FEMA P-58,
Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Methodology and
Implementation, is dedicated to the memory of Stephen A. Mahin, longtime
faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley.

Steve brought a creative approach and limitless enthusiasm to research in

structural earthquake engineering. With broad expertise in the behavior and
design of structural steel, reinforced concrete, and timber construction, he
also had a particular interest in numerical modeling and computer simulation.

Steve was Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center

(PEER) from 2009 to 2015. It was during his tenure as Director, and with his Stephen A. Mahin
passion for performance-based analysis and design, that he became involved
in the ATC-58 Project. Steve was a contributor to the development of the
PEER framework for performance-based earthquake engineering, on which
the FEMA P-58 methodology is based, and he dedicated much of his
research to testing the limits of the methodology, and to finding new and
creative ways to utilize it in seismic performance assessment and design

Following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Steve, along with Ron

Hamburger and James Malley, led the FEMA-funded SAC Steel Project, a
collaborative effort among the Structural Engineers Association of California
(SEAOC), the Applied Technology Council (ATC), and the Consortium of
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE), investigating
earthquake damage discovered in steel moment frame buildings. This work
resulted in a series of FEMA publications on innovative solutions for
evaluating and repairing existing steel moment frame connections, and
procedures for reliably designing new connections, and was just one of
Steve’s many significant contributions to the structural engineering

Steve contributed to innovation and idea sharing on a global scale. He never

hesitated to share his time and insight with students, fellow researchers,
practitioners, and public officials. Countless individuals and organizations
have benefitted from his support, guidance, and wisdom. His creative spirit
and generosity will not be forgotten.

FEMA P-58-5 Dedication ix

Table of Contents

Foreword....................................................................................................... iii

Preface.......................................................................................................... vii

Dedication ..................................................................................................... ix

List of Figures............................................................................................ xvii

List of Tables .............................................................................................. xix

1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Background .............................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Evolution of Seismic Performance Expectations for Code-
Conforming Buildings .............................................................. 1-3
1.4 FEMA P-58 Assessment of Code-Conforming Buildings ....... 1-7
1.5 Organization and Content ......................................................... 1-7

2. Assessment Approach ...................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Overview .................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Factors Affecting Seismic Performance ................................... 2-2
2.3 Building Archetypes ................................................................. 2-4
2.3.1 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems ................................ 2-4
2.3.2 Building Configurations .............................................. 2-5
2.3.3 Occupancies and Risk Categories ............................... 2-7
2.3.4 Seismic Hazard Levels ................................................ 2-8
2.3.5 Design Space ............................................................. 2-10
2.3.6 Representative Designs ............................................. 2-14
2.3.7 Summary of Building Archetypes ............................. 2-16
2.4 Simplified Structural Design and Analysis ............................ 2-17
2.5 Building Performance Models................................................ 2-18
2.5.1 Selection of Structural and Nonstructural
Fragilities................................................................... 2-18
2.6 Limitations ............................................................................. 2-18

3. Structural Properties ....................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Simplified Design and Analysis Approach .............................. 3-1
3.2 Archetype Selection and Identification .................................... 3-1
3.3 Estimation of Dynamic Properties............................................ 3-3
3.3.1 Mode Shape ................................................................. 3-3
3.3.2 Fundamental Period..................................................... 3-4
3.3.3 Effective Fundamental Period ..................................... 3-7
3.4 Code Minimum Base Shear Strength ....................................... 3-7
3.5 Yield Strength........................................................................... 3-9

FEMA P-58-5 Table of Contents xi

3.6 Yield Drift Ratios ..................................................................... 3-9
3.6.1 Steel Special Moment Resisting Frames ................... 3-10
3.6.2 Reinforced Concrete Special Moment-Resisting
Frames ....................................................................... 3-10
3.6.3 Steel Buckling Restrained Braced Frames................. 3-11
3.6.4 Steel Special Concentrically-Braced Frames ............. 3-11
3.6.5 Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls ................. 3-12
3.7 Collapse Fragility.................................................................... 3-12
3.7.1 Casualty Assumptions ............................................... 3-13
3.8 Summary of Representative Archetypical Properties ............. 3-14
3.9 Estimation of Structural Demands .......................................... 3-16
3.9.1 Pseudo-Lateral Force ................................................. 3-17
3.9.2 Floor Displacements and Corrected Story Drift
Ratios ......................................................................... 3-19
3.9.3 Peak Floor Accelerations ........................................... 3-20
3.9.4 Peak Floor Velocities................................................. 3-20
3.9.5 Residual Drift ............................................................ 3-21
3.10 Summary of Structural Demands ............................................ 3-22

4. Building Performance Models ......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Project Information ................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Building Information ................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Population Model...................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Structural Fragilities ................................................................. 4-4
4.5 Nonstructural Fragilities ........................................................... 4-6
4.5.1 Calculation of Nonstructural Fragility Median
Capacities..................................................................... 4-6
4.5.2 Displacement-Controlled Components ........................ 4-7
4.5.3 Acceleration-Controlled Components ....................... 4-10
4.5.4 Velocity-Controlled Components .............................. 4-12
4.5.5 Medical Component Fragilities ................................. 4-13
4.5.6 Interior Flooding Fragilities ....................................... 4-13
4.6 Performance Groups and Representative Nonstructural
Fragilities ................................................................................ 4-14
4.6.1 Office Occupancies.................................................... 4-14
4.6.2 Healthcare Occupancies............................................. 4-14

5. System-Specific Performance of Buildings..................................... 5-1

5.1 Performance Metrics ................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Design Space and Representative Designs ............................... 5-3
5.3 Performance Assessment Results by System............................ 5-3
5.3.1 Steel Special Moment-Resisting Frames ..................... 5-3
5.3.2 Reinforced Concrete Special Moment-Resisting
Frames ......................................................................... 5-7
5.3.3 Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames ................ 5-11
5.3.4 Steel Special Concentrically-Braced Frames ............. 5-15
5.3.5 Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls ................. 5-18
5.4 Performance Assessment Results by Metric ........................... 5-22
5.4.1 Repair Cost ................................................................ 5-22
5.4.2 Repair Time ............................................................... 5-25
5.4.3 Casualty Rate ............................................................. 5-29
5.4.4 Probability of Unsafe Placard .................................... 5-31
5.4.5 Repairability .............................................................. 5-31

xii Table of Contents FEMA P-58-5

5.5 Performance Assessment Results by Hazard Level ............... 5-37
5.5.1 Repair Cost by Hazard Level .................................... 5-38
5.5.2 Casualty Rate by Hazard Level ................................. 5-41
5.5.3 Probability of Unsafe Placard by Hazard Level ........ 5-44
5.6 Performance Assessment Results by Building Height ........... 5-47
5.6.1 Repair Cost by Height, Office Occupancies.............. 5-48
5.6.2 Repair Cost by Height, Healthcare Occupancies ...... 5-51

6. Summary, Recommendations, and Generalized Performance

of Buildings ....................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Summary of Approach and Limitations ................................... 6-1
6.2 Summary Observations on Performance .................................. 6-3
6.2.1 Observations on System-Specific Performance .......... 6-3
6.2.2 Structural and Nonstructural Contributions to
Performance ................................................................ 6-5
6.3 Generalized Performance Expectations for Code-Conforming
Buildings .................................................................................. 6-7
6.4 Considerations for Establishing Seismic Performance
Objectives ................................................................................. 6-9
6.4.1 Determine Acceptable Performance ............................ 6-9
6.4.2 Determine Appropriate Performance Targets ............. 6-9
6.4.3 Consider Necessary Levels of Confidence .................. 6-9
6.4.4 Consider the Relative Performance of Systems ........ 6-10
6.4.5 Define Functional Performance................................. 6-10
6.5 Recommendations for Improving the Seismic Performance
of Buildings ............................................................................ 6-10

Appendix A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes ...... A-1

A.1 Variation in Structural Properties by Hazard Level ................ A-4

Appendix B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups

and Fragilities ...................................................................................B-1
B.1 Office Occupancies ..................................................................B-1
B.2 Healthcare Occupancies ...........................................................B-4
B.2.1 Medical Equipment .....................................................B-7
B.2.2 Medical Equipment Fragility and Consequence
Data ...........................................................................B-10

Appendix C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual .................... C-1

C.1 Introduction ..............................................................................C-1
C.2 Usage Notes..............................................................................C-1
C.3 User Interface Tab ....................................................................C-2
C.4 Detailed Plots Tab ....................................................................C-5

References .................................................................................................. D-1

Project Participants ...................................................................................E-1

FEMA P-58-5 Table of Contents xiii

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 Typical plan for steel and reinforced concrete special
moment-resisting frame (SMRF) archetypes ..................... 2-6

Figure 2-2 Typical plan for steel buckling-restrained braced frame

(BRBF) and special concentrically braced frame (SCBF)
archetypes .......................................................................... 2-6

Figure 2-3 Typical plan for special reinforced concrete shear wall
(SRCSW) archetypes ......................................................... 2-7

Figure 2-4 Design response spectra for sites corresponding to Low

SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F hazard levels ................... 2-10

Figure 2-5 Typical design space showing 13 points used to

characterize different strength and stiffness
combinations for each archetype ..................................... 2-12

Figure 2-6 Plot of representative design points for each seismic

force-resisting system in a generic design space ............. 2-15

Figure 2-7 Comparison of design space limits and representative

design points for mid-rise, Risk Category II, Steel
SMRF and BRBF archetypes........................................... 2-15

Figure 3-1 Definition of floor levels, story numbers, and floor

heights used in the simplified analysis procedure ........... 3-17

Figure 4-1 Design space for mid-rise, Steel SCBF, Risk Category
II archetype, showing drift levels for displacement-
controlled nonstructural component fragilities .................. 4-7

Figure 4-2 Sample department block diagram for mid-rise

healthcare archetypes ....................................................... 4-15

Figure 5-1 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story

drift ratio combinations, Steel SMRF, Risk Category II
and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE ........................... 5-6

Figure 5-2 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral

strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel
SMRF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies,
67% MCE .......................................................................... 5-7

FEMA P-58-5 List of Figures xv

Figure 5-3 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story
drift ratio combinations, RC SMRF, Risk Category II
and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE ......................... 5-10

Figure 5-4 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral

strength/design story drift ratio combinations, RC
SMRF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies,
67% MCE ......................................................................... 5-10

Figure 5-5 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story

drift ratio combinations, Steel BRBF, Risk Category II
and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE ............................ 5-13

Figure 5-6 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral

strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel
BRBF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies,
67% MCE ......................................................................... 5-14

Figure 5-7 Repairability for 13 lateral strength/design story drift

ratio combinations, Steel BRBF, Risk Category II and
IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE................................... 5-14

Figure 5-8 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story

drift ratio combinations, Steel SCBF, Risk Category II
and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE .......................... 5-17

Figure 5-9 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral

strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel
SCBF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies,
67% MCE ......................................................................... 5-18

Figure 5-10 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story

drift ratio combinations, Special RCSW, Risk Category
II and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE ...................... 5-20

Figure 5-11 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral

strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Special
RCSW, Risk Category II, office occupancies, 67%
MCE and 100% MCE ...................................................... 5-21

Figure 5-12 Comparison of median repair costs for each system,

separated by Risk Category and occupancy, average of
representative designs ...................................................... 5-24

Figure 5-13 Comparison of median repair times for each system,

separated by Risk Category and occupancy, average of
representative designs ...................................................... 5-27

Figure 5-14 Comparison of median casualty rates for each system,

separated by Risk Category and occupancy, average of
representative designs ...................................................... 5-31

xvi List of Figures FEMA P-58-5

Figure 5-15 Comparison of median probabilities of incurring an
unsafe placard for each system, separated by Risk
Category and occupancy, average of representative
designs ............................................................................. 5-33

Figure 5-16 Comparison of median repairability for each system,

separated by Risk Category and occupancy, average of
representative designs ...................................................... 5-37

Figure 5-17 Comparison of median repair costs, separated by hazard

level and Risk Category, average of representative
designs ............................................................................. 5-40

Figure 5-18 Comparison of median casualty rates separated by hazard

level and Risk Category, average of representative
designs ............................................................................. 5-43

Figure 5-19 Comparison of median probabilities of incurring an

unsafe placard, separated by hazard level and Risk
Category, average of representative designs ................... 5-46

Figure 5-20 Comparison of median repair costs for office

occupancies, separated by building height and Risk
Category, average of representative designs ................... 5-50

Figure 5-21 Comparison of median repair costs for healthcare

occupancies, separated by building height and Risk
Category, average of representative designs ................... 5-53

Figure 6-1 Comparison of relative contributions to median repair

costs for mid-rise, Risk Category II and IV, RC SMRF
and Steel SCBF, healthcare occupancies ........................... 6-6

Figure C-1 PET User Interface tab.......................................................C-3

Figure C-2 Stiffness and strength input interface and design space
graphic on the User Interface tab .......................................C-4

Figure C-3 Graph showing mean repair cost as a percentage of

replacement cost on the User Interface tab ........................C-4

Figure C-4 Detailed plot of mean repair cost versus intensity.............C-5

FEMA P-58-5 List of Figures xvii

List of Tables

Table 2-1 Factors Affecting Seismic Performance and Degree of

Control in Seismic Design ................................................. 2-3

Table 2-2 Seismic Design Considerations Varied in Archetype

Parameter Studies .............................................................. 2-4

Table 2-3 Short-Period Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters

Associated with each Seismic Hazard Level ..................... 2-9

Table 2-4 1-Second Period Spectral Response Acceleration

Parameters Associated with each Seismic Hazard
Level .................................................................................. 2-9

Table 2-5 Design Space Limits for Lateral Strength and Stiffness,
Risk Category II Archetypes............................................ 2-13

Table 2-6 Design Space Limits for Lateral Strength and Stiffness,
Risk Category IV Archetypes .......................................... 2-13

Table 2-7 Lateral Strength and Drift Ratios for Representative

Designs, Risk Category II Archetypes ............................. 2-16

Table 2-8 Lateral Strength and Drift Ratios for Representative

Designs, Risk Category IV Archetypes ........................... 2-16

Table 2-9 Summary of Archetypes by Occupancy, System, Risk

Category, and Building Height ........................................ 2-17

Table 3-1 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems and Seismic Design

Coefficients ........................................................................ 3-2

Table 3-2 Design Parameters at Each Seismic Hazard Level ............ 3-2

Table 3-3 Upper-Bound Design Strengths ......................................... 3-2

Table 3-4 Upper-and Lower-Bound Design Drift Ratios ................... 3-3

Table 3-5 Structural Stiffness Parameters Used to Estimate First

Mode Shape ....................................................................... 3-4

Table 3-6 Period Modification Factor, MF, by System ..................... 3-7

Table 3-7 Range of Structural Properties for Representative

Design Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes, SDC D ............. 3-14

FEMA P-58-5 List of Tables xix

Table 3-8 Range of Structural Properties for Representative
Design Points, RC SMRF Archetypes, SDC D ................ 3-14

Table 3-9 Range of Structural Properties for Representative

Design Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes, SDC D.............. 3-15

Table 3-10 Range of Structural Properties for Representative

Design Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes, SDC D .............. 3-15

Table 3-11 Range of Structural Properties for Representative

Design Points, Special RCSW Archetypes, SDC D......... 3-15

Table 3-12 Intensity Levels Used to Calculate Demands and

Assess Performance, as a Percentage of MCE ................. 3-16

Table 3-13 Range of Median Structural Demands for

Representative Design Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes,
SDC D, Design Earthquake Level.................................... 3-22

Table 3-14 Range of Median Structural Demands for

Representative Design Points, RC SMRF Archetypes,
SDC D, Design Earthquake Level.................................... 3-22

Table 3-15 Range of Median Structural Demands for

Representative Design Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes,
SDC D, Design Earthquake Level.................................... 3-23

Table 3-16 Range of Median Structural Demands for

Representative Design Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes,
SDC D, Design Earthquake Level.................................... 3-23

Table 3-17 Range of Median Structural Demands for

Representative Design Points, Special RCSW
Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level ............... 3-23

Table 4-1 Replacement Cost and Replacement Time by

Occupancy and Risk Category ........................................... 4-2

Table 4-2 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Special

Moment Resisting Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II ....... 4-5

Table 4-3 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Reinforced

Concrete Special Moment-Resisting Frames, SDC D,
Risk Category II ................................................................. 4-5

Table 4-4 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Buckling-

Restrained Braced Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II ....... 4-5

Table 4-5 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Special

Concentrically Braced Frames, SDC D, Risk
Category II ......................................................................... 4-6

xx List of Tables FEMA P-58-5

Table 4-6 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Special
Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls, SDC D, Risk
Category II ......................................................................... 4-6

Table 4-7 Selected Glazed Curtain Wall Fragilities and Associated

Drift Demands.................................................................... 4-9

Table 4-8 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled

Components in Low SDC D, Risk Category II
Archetypes ....................................................................... 4-11

Table 4-9 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled

Components in SDC D, Risk Category II Archetypes ..... 4-11

Table 4-10 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled

Components in SDC E/F, Risk Category II
Archetypes ....................................................................... 4-12

Table 5-1 Points in the Design Space Contributing to the

Performance of Representative Designs for each
System................................................................................ 5-3

Table 5-2 Average Performance of Steel Special Moment-

Resisting Frame Systems – Median Results ...................... 5-4

Table 5-3 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Special

Moment-Resisting Frame Systems .................................... 5-5

Table 5-4 Average Performance of Reinforced Concrete Special

Moment-Resisting Frame Systems – Median Results ....... 5-8

Table 5-5 Components Contributing to Losses, Reinforced

Concrete Special Moment-Resisting Frame Systems ........ 5-9

Table 5-6 Average Performance of Steel Buckling-Restrained

Braced Frame Systems – Median Results ........................ 5-11

Table 5-7 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Buckling-

Restrained Braced Frame Systems................................... 5-12

Table 5-8 Average Performance of Steel Special Concentrically-

Braced Frame Systems – Median Results ........................ 5-15

Table 5-9 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Special

Concentrically-Braced Frame Systems ............................ 5-16

Table 5-10 Average Performance of Special Reinforced Concrete

Shear Wall Systems – Median Results ............................ 5-19

Table 5-11 Components Contributing to Losses, Special

Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Systems ....................... 5-20

FEMA P-58-5 List of Tables xxi

Table 5-12 Average Repair Costs for Representative Designs –
Median Results ................................................................. 5-23

Table 5-13 Average Repair Times for Representative Designs –

Median Results ................................................................. 5-26

Table 5-14 Average Casualty Rates for Representative Designs –

Median Results ................................................................. 5-30

Table 5-15 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard

for Representative Designs – Median Results.................. 5-32

Table 5-16 Average Repairability for Representative Designs –

Median Results ................................................................. 5-36

Table 5-17 Average Repair Costs by Hazard Level, Representative

Designs, Risk Category II – Median Results ................... 5-38

Table 5-18 Average Repair Costs by Hazard Level, Representative

Designs, Risk Category IV – Median Results .................. 5-39

Table 5-19 Average Casualty Rates by Hazard Level,

Representative Designs, Risk Category II – Median
Results .............................................................................. 5-42

Table 5-20 Average Casualty Rates by Hazard Level,

Representative Designs, Risk Category IV – Median
Results .............................................................................. 5-42

Table 5-21 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard

by Hazard Level, Representative Designs, Risk
Category II – Median Results........................................... 5-45

Table 5-22 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard

by Hazard Level, Representative Designs, Risk
Category IV – Median Results ......................................... 5-45

Table 5-23 Average Repair Costs by Building Height,

Representative Designs, Risk Category II, Office
Occupancies – Median Results ........................................ 5-48

Table 5-24 Average Repair Costs by Building Height,

Representative Designs, Risk Category IV, Office
Occupancies – Median Results ........................................ 5-49

Table 5-25 Average Repair Costs by Building Height,

Representative Designs, Risk Category II, Healthcare
Occupancies – Median Results ........................................ 5-52

Table 5-26 Average Repair Costs by Building Height,

Representative Designs, Risk Category IV, Healthcare
Occupancies – Median Results ........................................ 5-52

xxii List of Tables FEMA P-58-5

Table 6-1 Generalized Performance Expectations for Code-
Conforming Buildings ....................................................... 6-8

Table A-1 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes, Low SDC D .................. A-1

Table A-2 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes, SDC E/F ....................... A-1

Table A-3 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, RC SMRF Archetypes, Low SDC D .................... A-2

Table A-4 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, RC SMRF Archetypes, SDC E/F .......................... A-2

Table A-5 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes, Low SDC D .................. A-2

Table A-6 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes, SDC E/F........................ A-3

Table A-7 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes, Low SDC D................... A-3

Table A-8 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes, SDC E/F ........................ A-3

Table A-9 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Special RCSW Archetypes, Low SDC D ............. A-4

Table A-10 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design

Points, Special RCSW Archetypes, SDC E/F ................... A-4

Table B-1 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,

Direction 1, Mid-Rise Office Occupancies, Risk
Category II .........................................................................B-1

Table B-2 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,

Direction 2, Mid-Rise Office Occupancies, Risk
Category II .........................................................................B-2

Table B-3 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,

Non-Directional, Mid-Rise Office Occupancies, Risk
Category II .........................................................................B-2

Table B-4 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Rooftop

Mechanical Components, Mid-Rise Office Occupancies,
Risk Category II .................................................................B-3

Table B-5 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,

Direction 1, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk
Category II .........................................................................B-4

FEMA P-58-5 List of Tables xxiii

Table B-6 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,
Direction 2, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk
Category II ........................................................................ B-5

Table B-7 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor,

Non-Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies,
Risk Category I ................................................................. B-5

Table B-8 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Rooftop

Mechanical Components, Mid-Rise Healthcare
Occupancies, Risk Category II .......................................... B-7

Table B-9 Medical Equipment Fragilities, First Floor, Non-

Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk
Category II ........................................................................ B-8

Table B-10 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Second Floor, Non-

Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk
Category II ........................................................................ B-9

Table B-11 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Third Floor (Fourth

Floor Similar), Non-Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare
Occupancies, Risk Category II ........................................ B-10

Table B-12 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Fifth Floor, Non-

Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk
Category II ...................................................................... B-10

Table B-13 Medical Equipment Fragility Data .................................. B-11

Table B-14 Medical Equipment Consequence Data .......................... B-11

xxiv List of Tables FEMA P-58-5

Chapter 1

This report is the fifth in a series of volumes comprising the FEMA P-58,
Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Methodology and
Implementation (FEMA, 2012; 2018). This volume describes the work
performed to quantify the seismic performance capability of typical buildings
designed to current building code requirements, the resulting performance of
code-conforming buildings in terms of FEMA P-58 probabilistic
performance metrics, and a framework for future recommended performance
objectives based on findings from this work.

1.1 Background

In 2012, the Applied Technology Council (ATC), under contract with the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), completed the
development of next-generation seismic performance assessment procedures.
Collectively referred to as FEMA P-58, Seismic Performance Assessment of
Buildings, Methodology and Implementation, the fundamental products in
this series included:
• FEMA P-58-1, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 1 – Methodology (FEMA, 2012a)
• FEMA P-58-2, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 2 – Implementation Guide (FEMA, 2012b)
• FEMA P-58-3, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 3 – Supporting Electronic Materials and Background
Documentation (FEMA, 2012c)

FEMA P-58 provides a general methodology and recommended procedures

to assess the probable seismic performance of individual buildings based on
their unique site, structural, nonstructural, and occupancy characteristics.
Performance is measured in terms of the probability of incurring casualties,
repair and replacement costs, repair time, and unsafe placarding. Since its
initial development, the methodology has been expanded to include the
probability of generating environmental impacts, including embodied energy
and carbon. The methodology and procedures are applicable to new or
existing buildings, and can be used to: (1) assess the probable performance of
a given building; (2) design new buildings to be capable of providing desired

FEMA P-58-5 1: Introduction 1-1

performance; or (3) design seismic upgrades for existing buildings to
improve their performance.

This work was the result of a series of FEMA-funded efforts to develop next-
generation performance-based seismic design guidelines for new and existing
buildings, which were initiated in 2001, and would become known as the
ATC-58 series of projects. The overall program of development was based
on the FEMA 349, Action Plan for Performance-Based Seismic Design
(FEMA, 2000), developed by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
(EERI), and subsequently modified and published as FEMA 445, Next-
Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines, Program Plan
for New and Existing Buildings (FEMA, 2006). This program outlined two
major phases of work: Phase 1 – Developing a Methodology for Assessing
the Seismic Performance of Buildings; and Phase 2 – Developing
Performance-Based Seismic Design Procedures and Guidelines.

Work on Phase 1 was completed in 2012 with the publication of the initial
FEMA P-58 series of volumes. Work on Phase 2 was initiated in the same

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the Phase 2 work was to utilize the FEMA P-58 assessment
methodology developed under Phase 1 to establish recommendations for
specifying seismic performance objectives in terms of FEMA P-58
performance metrics, and to develop guidelines for effectively designing
buildings to achieve the desired performance using FEMA P-58 procedures.
This included guidance and recommendations to:
• assist decision-makers in selecting appropriate performance objectives
for buildings of different occupancies;
• assist structural engineers in identifying appropriate structural and
nonstructural design strategies to achieve specific performance
objectives; and
• assist structural engineers in efficiently developing preliminary designs
with minimal iteration during the design process.

As part of Phase 2, the FEMA P-58 methodology was exercised in assessing

the performance of code-conforming buildings. Technical improvements and
updates to the methodology were also developed, as necessary, to take
advantage of the latest research and to bring assessment results into better
alignment with expectations based on performance observed in past
earthquakes. Phase 2 also included the development of products for

1-2 1: Introduction FEMA P-58-5

communicating seismic performance to stakeholders, and assisting decision-
makers in choosing between seismic design criteria and making seismic
design decisions.

Work conducted under Phase 2 has updated and expanded the FEMA P-58,
Seismic Performance of Buildings, Methodology and Implementation series
of volumes to include the following:
• FEMA P-58-1, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 1 – Methodology, Second Edition (FEMA, 2018a)
• FEMA P-58-2, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 2 – Implementation Guide, Second Edition (FEMA, 2018b)
• FEMA P-58-3, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 3 – Supporting Electronic Materials and Background
Documentation, Third Edition (FEMA, 2018c)
• FEMA P-58-4, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 4 – Methodology for Assessing Environmental Impacts
(FEMA, 2018d)
• FEMA P-58-5, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 5 – Expected Seismic Performance of Code-Conforming
Buildings (FEMA, 2018e)
• FEMA P-58-6, Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of
Buildings (FEMA, 2018f)
• FEMA P-58-7, Building the Performance You Need, A Guide to State-of-
the-Art Tools for Seismic Design and Assessment (FEMA, 2018g)

This report (Volume 5) describes the application of the FEMA P-58

assessment methodology to a group of archetypical buildings representative
of structures conforming to the seismic design requirements of the current
building code. The purpose of this work was to quantify the expected
seismic performance of code-conforming buildings in terms of FEMA P-58
performance metrics, identify factors that contribute to seismic performance,
and provide a technical basis for the development of simplified performance-
based design guidance.

1.3 Evolution of Seismic Performance Expectations for

Code-Conforming Buildings

It is commonly understood that building codes provide minimum

requirements for protection of public safety and welfare. The stated
performance expectations of seismic design requirements in building codes,

FEMA P-58-5 1: Introduction 1-3

however, have been continually evolving with changes in modern building
codes and standards, particularly over the past decade.

Early seismic design requirements began as prescriptive rules for avoiding

catastrophic failures and life-threatening damage that was observed in past
earthquakes. Rules were created to reduce or eliminate known or perceived
vulnerabilities, which were tested, and updated, if necessary, based on
observations of building performance in subsequent earthquakes. More
recent design requirements include prescriptive criteria for selecting,
proportioning, and detailing structural and nonstructural components.
Although many of these criteria were developed with the intent of providing
some level of seismic performance, the intended performance has been
described, for the most part, in general, qualitative terms. The actual ability
of code-compliant designs to provide the intended level of performance is not

The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) Recommended

Lateral Force Requirements (SEAOC, 1973) is often cited as an early
statement of the performance expectations associated with seismic design
provisions. The SEAOC “Blue Book,” as it was called, confirmed public
safety as the primary intent of the building code, and further stated that
seismic design requirements were expected to result in structures that:
(1) resist minor earthquakes without damage; (2) resist moderate earthquakes
without structural damage but some damage to nonstructural components;
(3) resist major earthquakes with substantial structural and nonstructural
damage; and (4) resist the most severe earthquakes without structural
collapse (FEMA, 2015b).

Beyond safety objectives, the SEAOC Blue Book acknowledged that some
seismic design requirements were also intended to minimize property
damage and preserve functionality in cases such as essential, or otherwise
important structures. In the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction
Program (NEHRP) Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic
Regulations for New Buildings (FEMA, 1988), the stated performance intent
of the Provisions was to “minimize hazard to life for all buildings,” “increase
the expected performance of higher occupancy structures,” and “improve the
capability of essential facilities to function during and after an earthquake.”
This remained the basic underlying philosophy of the Provisions until the
2009 Edition (FEMA, 2009a), when the performance statement was revised
to also include consideration of minimizing structural and nonstructural
repair costs “where practical to do so.”

1-4 1: Introduction FEMA P-58-5

To improve expected performance and increase the chances that higher
occupancy and essential facilities will remain functional, seismic design
requirements have long included higher structural design forces, lower
permissible structural drifts, and additional bracing, anchorage, and testing
requirements for nonstructural components. Such measures are expected to
reduce potential damage, minimize associated repair costs, and preserve
function, but the actual ability to achieve stated performance expectations has
not been quantitatively validated (Mieler and Mitrani-Reiser, 2018).

A quantitative definition of the collapse safety objective was provided in

FEMA P-695, Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors
(FEMA, 2009b), taken as a 10% conditional probability of collapse given
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) shaking. This probabilistic
definition of collapse safety was used by the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) to develop the risk-targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCER) adopted as the basis of seismic hazard in ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum
Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE, 2010).

In the commentary to ASCE/SEI 7-10, structural reliability concepts were

introduced to quantitatively define the performance expectations of the
standard. Acceptable reliabilities (in terms of annual probabilities of failure)
were quantified for typical load conditions, and extended to earthquake
loading using the FEMA P-695 probabilistic definition of collapse safety.
For earthquake load conditions, anticipated reliability was anchored to the
collapse performance of normal occupancy structures based on the 10%
conditional probability of collapse given MCER shaking intensity, and
anticipated reliabilities for higher occupancy or essential structures were
adjusted considering increased reliabilities presumed to occur when
structures were designed using an importance factor.

In ASCE/SEI 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for

Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE, 2017a), structural reliability
concepts introduced in the commentary to ASCE/SEI 7-10 were incorporated
into the provisions of the standard to define performance expectations.
Performance-based procedures were revised to require explicit consideration
of structural reliability, and performance-based design of structures subjected
to earthquakes must meet reliability targets that are now specified in the
standard. As was the case in ASCE/SEI 7-10, reliability targets for
earthquake load conditions were anchored to a 10% conditional probability
of collapse given MCER shaking intensity for normal occupancy structures.
Current reliability targets in terms of conditional probabilities of collapse for
higher occupancy structures and essential facilities are 5% and 2.5%,
respectively, when subjected to MCER shaking intensity. Structures designed

FEMA P-58-5 1: Introduction 1-5

to the prescriptive requirements of the standard (i.e., not using the
performance-based procedure) are deemed to comply with these reliability
targets without explicit confirmation.

ASCE/SEI 7-16 provisions also require that structural and nonstructural

components meet defined serviceability and functionality requirements,
although specific reliability targets are not provided. The commentary to
ASCE/SEI 7-16 provides the following performance expectations for typical
nonstructural components: (1) minimal damage, not likely to affect
functionality in minor earthquake ground motions; (2) some damage that
may affect functionality in moderate earthquake ground motions; and (3)
major damage, but significant falling hazards are avoided, with likely loss of
functionality in design earthquake ground motions. Use of a component
importance factor is intended to provide higher levels of confidence that
critical components will remain in place, sustain limited damage, and
function after an earthquake, but this is recognized as having an indirect
influence on the survivability of a component. The commentary to
ASCE/SEI 7-16 also notes that serviceability needs are often subjective,
preservation of function is broadly defined, and that structural fragilities for
ensuring function are not well-established. For these reasons, the
commentary acknowledges that the criteria for performance-based design for
functionality are not absolute.

In the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and

Other Structures, Volume II: Part 3 Resource Papers (FEMA, 2015b), a
framework is proposed for extending the risk-targeted safety objective to
develop quantitative functional and economic targets for design of structural
and nonstructural components. The FEMA P-58 methodology is cited as a
possible basis for estimating the resulting structural and nonstructural
performance targets. Although a framework for future performance-based
design criteria is proposed, the details are not complete, and the resource
paper identifies many needs before implementation can be considered. These
include: (1) probabilistic assessment of the performance that is provided by
current seismic design requirements; (2) agreement on the definition of a
functional level earthquake (FLE); (3) assessment of the level of
functionality that is provided by current seismic design requirements; and
(4) correlation and calibration of performance targets with stakeholder
expectations and actual performance that is (or can be) achieved in

In summary, seismic design requirements have been trending towards more

explicit statements of expected performance and development of more
specific performance-based design criteria. Although the stated intent of

1-6 1: Introduction FEMA P-58-5

seismic design requirements has included concepts of performance,
functionality, and repair costs for some time, the actual ability of these
requirements to achieve the stated performance intent, or to differentiate
performance between normal occupancy and essential facilities, has not been

1.4 FEMA P-58 Assessment of Code-Conforming Buildings

To date, alignment between current building code requirements and stated

performance expectations is not known, and code-based performance
objectives have not expressed in terms of FEMA P-58 performance
measures. As a result, understanding the expected structural and
nonstructural performance of code-conforming buildings in terms of FEMA
P-58 performance metrics was considered an essential benchmark for
informing recommendations on performance objectives and the development
of guidelines for performance-based seismic design.

Damage to nonstructural components often accounts for the majority of

losses in an earthquake. Modern code-conforming buildings subjected to
moderately strong earthquake shaking are not expected to collapse, but
nonstructural components can sustain costly and potentially disruptive
damage. Evaluation of nonstructural performance in the past has relied
heavily on post-earthquake observations, which are almost always
qualitative, and difficult to interpret because the seismic design and quality
of installation of nonstructural components are often not known with any
certainty. FEMA P-58 loss estimates are generated using fragility data that
reflects code-conforming design and detailing of nonstructural components.
As such, the methodology can be used to obtain insight on the expected
performance of code-conforming nonstructural components, which has not
yet been obtained from post-earthquake observations alone.

A key task under Phase 2 was the assessment of code-conforming buildings

using the FEMA P-58 methodology. Code-conforming buildings were taken
as buildings complying with the requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-10 including
Supplement 1, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
(ASCE, 2013). This work utilized the FEMA P-58 methodology and related
products to evaluate the expected seismic performance over a range of
buildings and systems meeting the structural and nonstructural design
requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-10.

1.5 Organization and Content

This volume presents the results of seismic performance assessments of

code-conforming buildings using the FEMA P-58 methodology and

FEMA P-58-5 1: Introduction 1-7

expresses probable performance in terms of FEMA P-58 performance

Chapter 2 outlines the approach, discusses factors affecting seismic

performance, and introduces the concept of the design space, which defines
the likely combinations of lateral stiffness and strength for buildings of a
given seismic force-resisting system, combination of occupancy and
importance, and height.

Chapter 3 describes how the structural properties and structural demand

quantities for each building archetype were derived.

Chapter 4 describes the structural and nonstructural fragility functions used

in the performance assessments.

Chapter 5 presents performance assessment results for each system in terms

of FEMA P-58 performance metrics, including repair costs, repair time,
casualties, and unsafe placarding, and summarizes results by system type,
occupancy, Risk Category, hazard level, and building height.

Chapter 6 provides an overall summary of results, generalizes system-

specific results to quantify the overall expected performance of code-
conforming buildings, and presents a framework for future recommended
performance objectives defined in terms of FEMA P-58 performance

Appendix A describes the variation in structural properties with hazard level,

and summarizes key structural properties for representative archetypical
buildings designed at different hazard levels.

Appendix B summarizes types, quantities, and performance groupings of

nonstructural components and medical equipment fragilities used in this

Appendix C describes the use of the Performance Estimation Tool (PET),

which serves a repository of all assessment results and provides an interface
for viewing the results for a given system and set of design assumptions.

References and a list of project participants are provided at the end of this

1-8 1: Introduction FEMA P-58-5

Chapter 2
Assessment Approach

Performance of code-conforming buildings is not uniquely defined. Building

codes establish minimum criteria that must be followed, but structural
engineers have latitude in applying design requirements, and can make
design decisions that significantly influence the performance of buildings in
an earthquake.

Seismic force-resisting systems are selected from a variety of options.

Although all buildings must meet certain minimum strength and stiffness
requirements, structural engineers can choose to provide a structure that is
stronger or stiffer than minimum requirements, or they can choose to design
a structure that just meets code minimums. In some cases, practical
constraints on combinations of lateral strength and stiffness for different
systems can result in structures that exceed minimum requirements in one
way or another.

In the case of nonstructural systems, structural engineers can exert explicit

control over the design, and select enhanced seismic criteria to improve
expected performance. Alternatively, structural engineers can follow typical
practices of delegating the design and installation of nonstructural systems to
vendors or sub-contractors as part of the construction process, which can
vary in terms of its effectiveness for protecting nonstructural systems in an

2.1 Overview

To quantify the performance capability of code-conforming buildings, the

FEMA P-58 methodology was used to assess a wide range of buildings and
systems meeting ASCE/SEI 7-10 structural and nonstructural seismic design
requirements. The following structural systems were considered: steel
special moment-resisting frames (Steel SMRF), reinforced concrete special
moment-resisting frames (RC SMRF), steel buckling-restrained braced
frames (BRBF), steel special concentrically-braced frames (SCBF), and
special reinforced concrete shear walls (SRCSW).

Assessments were performed using the Performance Assessment Calculation

Tool (PACT) version 3.03. Concurrent with this work, the FEMA P-58
methodology was undergoing technical update and improvement, and this

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-1

version of PACT included updated fragilities and revised consequence
functions reflecting the latest available information.

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, performance assessment requires basic

information on the building configuration, structural and nonstructural
systems, site characterization, earthquake hazards at the site, and building
response given exposure to different intensities of earthquake shaking. To
assess a wide range of code-conforming parameters, it was necessary to
develop the required information for a large number of archetypical
buildings, using simplified design and analysis procedures, and design values
that were parametrically varied for different systems, heights, hazard levels,
occupancies, and combinations of lateral strength and stiffness. The overall
design and assessment approach included the following steps:
• Identification of design factors that affect seismic performance
• Determination of strength and stiffness combinations that bound a code-
conforming design space
• Simplified design and determination of structural and nonstructural
properties for a wide range of archetypes
• Estimation of building response
• Assembly of building performance models
• Assessment and summary of performance results

In this study, performance is measured in terms of repair cost, repair time,

and probability of incurring an unsafe placard, as direct outputs of PACT. In
addition, assessment data were exported and post-processed to derive
additional metrics of interest, including casualty rates and repairability.
These metrics are described in Chapter 5, along with the assessment results.
Although the FEMA P-58 methodology is currently capable of assessing
environmental impacts, this capability was not available at the time
assessments were initiated, so environmental losses were not considered in
the assessment of code-conforming buildings.

2.2 Factors Affecting Seismic Performance

Building design requires consideration of many factors that can significantly

impact seismic performance. Factors known to affect seismic performance
• Selection of the seismic force-resisting system, including type, material,
and level of ductile seismic detailing (i.e., special, intermediate, or

2-2 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

• Design strength and lateral stiffness of the structure
• Structural configuration, including size, story height, bay spacing,
distribution of structural elements, redundancy, and the presence of
• Robustness of structural member design and connection detailing
• Site characterization and site seismic hazard level
• Building occupancy, and its relation to Risk Category and Seismic
Design Category
• Nonstructural design criteria and quality of installation
• Cost of construction, and construction budget

The structural engineer has significant control over some design

considerations, and limited control over others. Table 2-1 categorizes the list
of factors affecting seismic performance based on the estimated degree of
control that a structural engineer might have over the design consideration.

Table 2-1 Factors Affecting Seismic Performance and Degree of Control in

Seismic Design
Degree of
Control Design Consideration
Seismic force-resisting system selection; design strength and
High lateral stiffness; robustness of structural member design and
connection detailing
Structural configuration, including story height, bay spacing,
distribution of structural elements, redundancy, and presence of
irregularities; nonstructural design criteria and quality of
installation of nonstructural components
Building size, including floor plate and number of stories;
Low occupancy; Risk Category; Seismic Design Category; cost of
construction and construction budget
Site characterization and site seismic hazard (given a selected

Some aspects, such as Risk Category and Seismic Design Category are
dictated by the building code, and other aspects, such as site characterization
and seismic hazard level, are completely outside the control of the structural
engineer. Each building project, however, is unique and in some cases the
structural engineer may have more or less influence over a particular design

Table 2-2 shows design considerations that were parametrically varied in the
archetype designs. Design considerations that were anticipated to have a
high impact on performance were primary factors considered in this study,

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-3

regardless of the degree of control that a structural engineer might have over
the consideration. Other considerations, such as story height, bay spacing,
floor plate area, redundancy, presence of irregularities, and site class were
held constant to facilitate comparisons between archetypes with different
seismic design criteria.

Table 2-2 Seismic Design Considerations Varied in Archetype Parameter

Degree of Varied in
Control Design Consideration Parameter Study
Seismic force-resisting system ■
Design strength ■
Design stiffness (drift ratio) ■
Robustness of member design
Story height
Bay spacing
Moderate Redundancy
Presence of irregularities
Nonstructural design criteria ■
Floor plate area
Number of stories ■
Occupancy ■
Risk Category ■
Seismic Design Category ■
Cost of construction; budget
Site characterization (site class)
Site seismic hazard ■

2.3 Building Archetypes

To quantify the influence of seismic design considerations on performance,

archetypical representations of buildings with a variety of code-conforming
characteristics are needed. Archetype designs were developed for different
seismic force-resisting systems, building configurations, occupancies,
seismic hazard levels, and lateral strength and stiffness combinations.

2.3.1 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems

The seismic force-resisting systems considered in this study were selected to

be representative of systems that would be used in commercial design
applications, across a range of low-, mid-, and high-rise structures, in regions
of high seismicity. Table 12.2-1 in ASCE/SEI 7-10 lists 85 seismic force-

2-4 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

resisting systems. Of these, 68 systems can be used in regions of moderately
high seismicity, and 48 systems can be used in regions of high seismicity.
Height limits and other restrictions are placed on some systems, so
preference was given to systems with a permissible height limit of at least
160 feet in Seismic Design Category (SDC) D to allow application across all
building heights considered in the study. Bearing wall, dual, and composite
systems were judged comparable in performance to building frame systems
of a similar type, and were, therefore, not explicitly considered in this study.

As a result, the following five building frame and moment-resisting frame

systems were selected as representative of a range of code-conforming
• Steel special moment-resisting frames (Steel SMRF)
• Reinforced concrete special moment-resisting frames (RC SMRF)
• Steel buckling-restrained braced frames (Steel BRBF)
• Steel special concentrically-braced frames (Steel SCBF)
• Special reinforced concrete shear walls (Special RCSW)

2.3.2 Building Configurations

Building configuration includes building size and geometry considerations,

such as floor plate area, bay spacing, story height, and number of stories.
Building configuration also includes structural considerations, such as the
distribution of seismic force-resisting elements, regularity (or the presence of
irregularities), redundancy, torsion, diaphragm rigidity, and foundation

In all cases, the structural configuration is a regular, redundant system, with

well-distributed seismic force-resisting elements, and without the presence of
plan or vertical irregularities. Diaphragms were assumed to be rigid, and
torsion and foundation flexibility were ignored. The floor plans for each
structural system are shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-3.

The geometric configuration of all archetypes is a rectangular floor plate with

consistent bay spacing and identical overall dimensions of 100 feet wide by 140
feet long. Story heights are a constant 13 feet, but the number of stories varied
from low-rise (2-story and 3-story), to mid-rise (5-story), and high-rise (12-story)
archetypes. Office occupancies were configured to include all three height
variants. Healthcare occupancies utilized only low- and mid-rise variants.

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-5

Figure 2-1 Typical plan for steel and reinforced concrete special moment-
resisting frame (SMRF) archetypes.

Figure 2-2 Typical plan for steel buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF)
and special concentrically braced frame (SCBF) archetypes.

2-6 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

Figure 2-3 Typical plan for special reinforced concrete shear wall (SRCSW)

2.3.3 Occupancies and Risk Categories

Building occupancy determines the type and quantity of contents, and the
number of people that will be present (and when), within a building.
Building occupancy, along with risk and importance, influences the seismic
design force level. Risk Categories are a categorization of buildings based
on use (or occupancy) and the risk associated with unacceptable
performance. Risk Categories are used to reduce permissible story drifts,
trigger increased construction quality assurance requirements, and assign
importance factors that increase seismic design loading. Buildings and other
structures that represent a low risk to human life are assigned Risk
Category I; standard occupancy structures are assigned Risk Category II;
hazardous or otherwise important facilities are assigned Risk Category III;
and essential facilities are assigned Risk Category IV.

Two types of occupancies were considered in this study: office and

healthcare. Office and healthcare occupancies were each designed as
standard occupancy (Risk Category II) and essential (Risk Category IV)
structures, as follows:

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-7

• Office archetypes in Risk Category II representing standard commercial
office buildings.
• Office archetypes in Risk Category IV representing an emergency
operations center or other essential facility, with contents and occupancy
similar to an office environment.
• Healthcare archetypes in Risk Category II representing medical buildings
that perform outpatient diagnostic imaging and outpatient surgical
services, in which patients stay less than 24 hours.
• Healthcare archetypes in Risk Category IV representing general acute-
care hospital buildings that provide in-patient surgical, imaging, and
laboratory services, in which patients stay more than 24 hours.

Office and healthcare occupancies differ in terms of the number of people

and times when people are assumed to be present in the building. Default
FEMA P-58 population models for office and healthcare occupancies were
used. Office occupancies assume people are present during business hours,
with limited occupancy during off hours and weekends. Healthcare
occupancies assume essentially continuous (24-hour) occupancy, seven days
per week.

Office and healthcare occupancies also differ in the types and quantities of
nonstructural components and systems assumed to be present in the building.
In addition to architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components
in office archetypes, healthcare archetypes are populated with representative
fixed and mobile medical equipment typically found in acute care hospitals.

Risk Category II structures were designed with a seismic importance factor

of 1.0, and Risk Category IV structures were designed with a seismic
importance factor of 1.5. Risk Category II office archetypes include all three
height configurations (low-, mid-, and high-rise), while Risk Category IV
office, and all healthcare archetypes, were limited to low- and mid-rise
configurations only. For a given combination of Risk Category, hazard level,
and height configuration, the structural properties of office and healthcare
archetypes are identical.

2.3.4 Seismic Hazard Levels

Seismic Design Category (SDC) is a classification assigned to a structure

based on its Risk Category and the severity of the design earthquake ground
motions at the site. Design ground motion intensity is determined by the site
location and the characteristics of the underlying soil.

2-8 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

Archetypes have been located in three seismic settings, all considered to be
regions of high seismicity. Locations were selected with mapped spectral
response acceleration parameters resulting in design values corresponding to
three seismic hazard levels: Low SDC D (just above the SDC C/D
boundary), SDC D, and SDC E/F (near active faults). Default Site Class D
was assumed for all sites.

Table 2-3 summarizes short-period mapped spectral response acceleration

parameters, site coefficients, maximum considered earthquake parameters,
and design parameters associated with each seismic hazard level. Table 2-4
summarizes the same information at 1-second period for each hazard level.
Design response spectra corresponding to these parameters are shown in
Figure 2-4.

Table 2-3 Short-Period Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters

Associated with each Seismic Hazard Level
Maximum Considered Earthquake(1) Earthquake
Site Seismic
Hazard Level SS Fa (2) SMS SDS
SDC E/F (3)
2.0g 1.0 2.0g 1.33g
SDC D 1.5g 1.0 1.5g 1.0g
Low SDC D 0.55g 1.36 0.75g 0.50g
Notes: (1)
Risk-targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER).
Liner interpolation is used for intermediate values of SS.
Seismic Design Category is SDC E for Risk Category II archetypes and SDC F
for Risk Category IV archetypes.

Table 2-4 1-Second Period Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters

Associated with each Seismic Hazard Level
Maximum Considered Earthquake(1) Earthquake
Site Seismic
Hazard Level S1 Fv (2) SM1 SD1
SDC E/F (3) 0.75g 1.5 1.1g 0.75g
SDC D 0.60g 1.5 0.90g 0.60g
Low SDC D 0.29g 1.82 0.53g 0.35g
Notes: (1)
Risk-targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER).
Liner interpolation is used for intermediate values of S1.
Seismic Design Category is SDC E for Risk Category II archetypes and SDC F
for Risk Category IV archetypes.

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-9

Figure 2-4 Design response spectra for sites corresponding to Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F
hazard levels.

2.3.5 Design Space

All structures must conform to the minimum strength, stiffness, and seismic
detailing requirements of the building code. In theory, all buildings could be
designed to just meet the minimum base shear strength and maximum
allowable drift limits specified for the selected system, configuration, height,
and Risk Category. In practice, however, most structures exceed code
minimums in one way or another, and for a variety of reasons.

Practical constraints on the combinations of lateral strength and stiffness for

different seismic force-resisting systems can result in buildings that are
stronger or stiffer than required. For example, steel special moment-resisting
frames are typically governed by story drift limits, but the actual strength of
frames with the required stiffness often significantly exceeds the code design
base shear. Conversely, steel braced frame systems are typically governed
by strength requirements, but braced frames are often stiffer than the
minimum stiffness required, and actual drifts are far less than code allowable
drift limits.

Practical constraints on building configuration can result in the presence of

more structure than would otherwise be required. For example, in the case of
shear wall buildings, the need for a complete building envelope can result in
additional concrete, masonry, or light-frame shear walls that provide more

2-10 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

lateral strength and stiffness than would be needed based on seismic design
considerations alone.

Structural engineers can also make a conscious decision to provide a

structure that is stronger or stiffer than required. This can be the result of
individual design bias, office design standards, or conventional design
practices. It can also be the result of practical constraints dictated by the
building configuration, foundation requirements, or other controlling design
or construction considerations (e.g., cost, schedule, or ease of construction).

For these reasons, the concept of a code-conforming design space was

developed to bound the range of possible archetype designs. The design
space is intended to represent a reasonable range of lateral strengths and
stiffnesses that would be expected in typical modern buildings designed in
accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-10 seismic design requirements. Seismic
requirements, however, only specify the minimum strength and maximum
allowable drift boundaries of the design space. Assumptions for upper-
bound strength and lower-bound drift limits were needed to complete the
design space.

Because designs that exceed code minimums are not controlled by code
requirements, the possible range of designs is theoretically infinite. To
determine a set of reasonable bounds on strength and stiffness, a workshop
was convened to gain insight from practicing structural engineers on typical
characteristics associated with code-conforming seismic force-resisting
systems. In this workshop, engineers from multiple design firms, in diverse
areas of seismic design practice, were asked to provide guidance on the
probable range of strength and stiffness, relative to code-specified
minimums, that code-conforming buildings might have, given other factors.

Findings from this workshop are presented in ATC-58-5, Proceedings of

FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Design Guidelines and Tools to Implement
Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design (ATC, 2014), and the
resulting recommendations were used to establish the design space for each
system in this study. The following guiding principles were taken from
workshop discussions:
• Drift-controlled systems (e.g., moment-resisting frames) are designed to
drift limits that are less than or equal to code limits, but actual strengths
will be significantly higher than the minimum design base shear.
• Strength-controlled systems (e.g., shear walls and braced frames) are
much stiffer than required, and cannot practically reach maximum
allowable drift limits.

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-11

• Although it can be higher in certain special cases, a reasonable upper-
bound lateral strength for typical structures is approximately two to three
times the design base shear.

A typical design space is shown in Figure 2-5, which illustrates typical upper
and lower bound assumptions for strength and stiffness. Lateral stiffness, in
terms of story drift ratio, is presented on the horizontal axis, and lateral
strength, as a multiple of the minimum design base shear strength, is
presented on the vertical axis. Thirteen points are used to characterize
archetypes with different strength and stiffness combinations throughout the
design space.

Figure 2-5 Typical design space showing 13 points used to characterize

different strength and stiffness combinations for each archetype.

The four corners of the design space represent the limits of the combinations
of lateral strength and stiffness considered in the study. Point 1 represents a
structure with a low design story drift ratio and the minimum permitted
lateral strength. Point 2 represents the theoretical code-minimum design,
which is a structure having the maximum practical design story drift ratio
and the code-minimum lateral strength. Point 3 represents the stiffest,
strongest structure considered in the study. Point 4 represents a flexible
structure having the maximum practical design story drift ratio and a high
level of lateral strength. Different systems have different upper and lower
bound assumptions for strength and stiffness. Limits for the design space of
each system are summarized in Table 2-5 and Table 2-6.

2-12 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

Table 2-5 Design Space Limits for Lateral Strength and Stiffness, Risk
Category II Archetypes
Strength Code
(Multiple of Maximum
Code Minimum Maximum Allowable
Seismic Force-Resisting Design Drift Ratio Drift Ratio Drift Ratio
System Base Shear) (%) (%) (%)
Low-Rise Archetypes
Steel SMRF 3.0 1% 2.5% 2.5%
RC SMRF 2.0 1% 2.5% 2.5%
Steel BRBF 2.0 0.5% 1.5% 2.5%
Steel SCBF 2.0 0.25% 1.25% 2.5%
Special RCSW 3.0 0.25% 1% 2.5%
Mid-Rise / High-Rise Archetypes(1)
Steel SMRF 3.0 1% 2% 2%
RC SMRF 2.0 1% 2% 2%
Steel BRBF 2.0 0.5% 1.5% / 2% 2%
Steel SCBF 2.0 0.25% / 0.5% 1.25% / 2% 2%
Special RCSW 3.0 0.25% / 0.5% 1% / 2% 2%
Notes: (1)
Where two values are shown, mid-rise and high-rise variants have different limits.

Table 2-6 Design Space Limits for Lateral Strength and Stiffness, Risk
Category IV Archetypes
Strength Code
(Multiple of Maximum
Code Minimum Maximum Allowable
Seismic Force-Resisting Design Drift Ratio Drift Ratio Drift Ratio
System Base Shear) (%) (%) (%)
Low-Rise Archetypes
Steel SMRF 3.0 1% 1.5% 1.5%
RC SMRF 2.0 1% 1.5% 1.5%
Steel BRBF 2.0 0.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Steel SCBF 2.0 0.25% 1% 1.5%
Special RCSW 3.0 0.25% 1% 1.5%
Mid-Rise Archetypes (1)

Steel SMRF 3.0 0.5% 1% 1%

RC SMRF 2.0 0.5% 1% 1%
Steel BRBF 2.0 0.5% 1% 1%
Steel SCBF 2.0 0.25% 1% 1%
Special RCSW 3.0 0.25% 1% 1%
Notes: (1)
Risk Category IV archetypes do not have high-rise variants.

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-13

The resulting design space for each system varies based on Risk Category,
building height, and bounding assumptions for strength and stiffness that can
differ from code limits, especially in the case of allowable drift ratios.
Design space limits, where they differ from the code, have been determined
based on workshop input and engineering judgment. For example, moment-
resisting frame archetypes use code maximum allowable drift ratios as an
upper limit, while stiffer braced frame and shear wall archetypes have an
assumed upper limit that is much smaller than code allowable drift ratios.
Maximum strengths for each system have been taken as two or three times
the code design base shear. Other points distributed along the perimeter and
interior of the design space are used to measure how performance is affected
by variations in lateral strength and stiffness.

2.3.6 Representative Designs

The parametric variation of strength and stiffness within the design space
includes combinations of lateral strength and stiffness that might not be
realistic for some systems. However, all points within the boundaries of the
design space are considered necessary to characterize the performance of the
range of parameters considered to be code-conforming for each system.

To quantify performance for a subset of the design space that is considered

most representative of typical design practice, the concept of a representative
design was developed. Representative designs are combinations of lateral
strength and lateral stiffness that are judged to be most typical for each
seismic force-resisting system, including consideration of whether the system
is typically strength-controlled or drift-controlled.

The combination of strength and stiffness judged to be most representative of

each system is not necessarily one of the 13 points in the design space. It is
generally taken as an average of three or four points closest to the region of
the design space considered to be most typical for design of the system in
engineering practice. For comparison, representative design points for each
system are plotted within a generic design space in Figure 2-6.

The generic design space in Figure 2-6, however, is not representative of any
one design space. It is intended to illustrate the relative differences between
representative designs across all systems. The actual dimensions of the
design space and the properties associated with representative designs are
calculated uniquely for each system and summarized in Tables 2-7 and 2-8.
A comparison between actual design space limits and representative design
points for mid-rise, Risk Category II, steel special moment-resisting frame
and buckling-restrained braced frame systems is shown in Figure 2-7.

2-14 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

Figure 2-6 Plot of representative design points for each seismic force-resisting
system in a generic design space.

Figure 2-7 Comparison of design space limits and representative design

points for mid-rise, Risk Category II, Steel SMRF and BRBF

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-15

Table 2-7 Lateral Strength and Drift Ratios for Representative Designs,
Risk Category II Archetypes
Seismic Force-Resisting Strength (Multiple of Code Drift Ratio
System Minimum Design Base Shear) (%)
Low-Rise Archetypes
Steel SMRF 2.0 2.25%
RC SMRF 1.5 2.25%
Steel BRBF 1.5 1.17%
Steel SCBF 1.125 0.75%
Special RCSW 2.0 0.44%
Mid-Rise / High-Rise Archetypes
Steel SMRF 2.0 1.8%
RC SMRF 1.5 1.8%
Steel BRBF 1.5 1.17% / 1.5%
Steel SCBF 1.125 0.75% / 1.25%
Special RCSW 2.0 0.44% / 1.0%

Table 2-8 Lateral Strength and Drift Ratios for Representative Designs,
Risk Category IV Archetypes
Seismic Force-Resisting Strength (Multiple of Code Drift Ratio
System Minimum Design Base Shear) (%)
Low-Rise Archetypes
Steel SMRF 2.0 1.4%
RC SMRF 1.5 1.4%
Steel BRBF 1.5 1.17%
Steel SCBF 1.125 0.63%
Special RCSW 2.0 0.44%
Mid-Rise Archetypes(1)
Steel SMRF 2.0 0.9%
RC SMRF 1.5 0.9%
Steel BRBF 1.5 0.83%
Steel SCBF 1.125 0.63%
Special RCSW 2.0 0.44%
Notes: (1)
Risk Category IV archetypes do not have high-rise variants.

2.3.7 Summary of Building Archetypes

Archetypes are defined by lateral system type, height, lateral strength, lateral
stiffness, occupancy, and design ground motion. Archetypes were designed
for five different seismic force-resisting systems, two Risk Categories, and
three levels of seismic hazard. Table 2-9 summarizes the combinations of

2-16 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

occupancies, seismic force-resisting systems, Risk Categories, and building
heights included in the archetype parametric studies.

For each combination of occupancy, Risk Category, and building height,

archetypes were created at each of three levels of seismic hazard, for each of
the 13 combinations of lateral strength and stiffness representing the design
space. Each system is, therefore, represented by a combination of 195 office
and 156 healthcare archetypes (351 total archetypes per system), for a total of
1,755 archetypes across all five seismic force-resisting systems.

Table 2-9 Summary of Archetypes by Occupancy, System, Risk Category, and

Building Height
Seismic Force- Risk
Occupancy Resisting System Category 2-Story 3-Story 5-Story 12-Story

Steel SMRF II ■ ■ ■
(195 archetypes) IV ■ ■

RC SMRF II ■ ■ ■
(195 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Office Steel BRBF II ■ ■ ■

(975 archetypes) (195 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Steel SCBF II ■ ■ ■
(195 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Special RCSW II ■ ■ ■
(195 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Steel SMRF II ■ ■
(156 archetypes) IV ■ ■

(156 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Healthcare Steel BRBF II ■ ■

(780 archetypes) (156 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Steel SCBF II ■ ■
(156 archetypes) IV ■ ■

Special RCSW II ■ ■
(156 archetypes) IV ■ ■

2.4 Simplified Structural Design and Analysis

Because of the large number of archetypes considered, a simplified design

and analysis approach was used to determine structural properties associated
with each archetype, and to estimate structural response quantities (drifts,
accelerations, and velocities) for performance assessment.

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-17

Structural properties were determined for each point in the design space by
equating code-based strength and period calculations to the strength and drift
limits associated with the design point under consideration. Structural
demands were calculated using the simplified analysis procedure in FEMA
P-58, Volume 1. The determination of structural properties (strength,
stiffness, period) and demand quantities (drift, acceleration, and velocity) is
described in Chapter 3.

2.5 Building Performance Models

For each archetype, a PACT building performance model was created that
includes project information, building information, population data,
component structural and nonstructural fragilities, performance groups,
collapse fragilities, structural analysis results (drift, acceleration, and
velocity), residual drift information, and hazard curves. Assembly of the
building performance models is described in Chapter 4.

For a given a seismic force-resisting system, hazard level, building height,

Risk Category, and point on the design space, the structural portion of the
PACT performance models for office and healthcare occupancies are
identical. Nonstructural performance models vary with occupancy, and
include more variation based on design story drift and location of
nonstructural components over the height of the structure. Nonstructural
models were assembled separately and subsequently combined with the
appropriate structural portion of the model for performance assessment of
each archetype.

2.5.1 Selection of Structural and Nonstructural Fragilities

For each seismic force-resisting system, structural fragilities were selected

from the PACT fragility database that best characterize typical structural
components found in each system. Typical nonstructural fragilities were
selected based on information from the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool
in FEMA P-58, Volume 3. Custom fragilities for medical equipment were
developed for the purposes of this study. Selection of structural and
nonstructural fragilities is described in Chapter 4.

2.6 Limitations

The FEMA P-58 methodology employs analysis techniques that characterize

building performance metrics in a probabilistic manner, recognizing the
many uncertainties that can affect building performance. Results for each
metric are provided in the form of a probability distribution, and performance
metrics at any confidence level can be reported. In this study, median results

2-18 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

are presented. Median values provide the expected performance in the
middle of the distribution, with half of the possible values higher, and half of
the possible values lower than the reported value. In some circumstances a
higher confidence level may be appropriate, such as the 90th percentile value,
which would provide a higher confidence that the reported performance
metric will not be exceeded.

Properties of the structural seismic force-resisting systems and nonstructural

component seismic bracing and anchorage were proportioned to comply with
the seismic provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-10. Structural members and
connections are assumed to comply with the requirements in ANSI/AISC
360, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 2010b), ANSI/AISC
341-10, Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 2010a), and
ACI 318-11, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary (ACI, 2011). The performance evaluations presented herein
apply only to buildings that fully comply with all structural and nonstructural
seismic design requirements in ASCE/SEI 7-10 and applicable material
design standards.

The possibility of building collapse was included in the performance

assessments in an approximate manner. A fundamental assumption in this
study is that life safety performance, as measured by an acceptably low
probability of collapse, is achieved by designing and constructing buildings
in accordance with the requirements in ASCE/SEI 7-10. Collapse fragilities
were developed using a modified version of the judgment-based procedure in
FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Section 6.4, which is based on a 10 percent
probability of collapse for standard occupancy structures, given the
occurrence of maximum considered earthquake shaking. A lower (i.e., 5
percent) collapse probability was assumed for the structures represented by
the design space in this study, based on the rationale provided in Chapter 3.

Foundation elements were not included in the performance models. For

some seismic force-resisting systems, foundations may be vulnerable to
damage that has not been considered in this study.

Quantities of nonstructural components and systems were developed using

the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool in FEMA P-58, Volume 3.
Components deemed rugged (i.e., not subject to significant damage for
credible levels of seismic demand) in FEMA P-58, Volume 1, were excluded
from the performance models. Building contents, such as furniture and
electronic equipment (not designated as medical equipment) were also
excluded from the performance models because they are not permanently

FEMA P-58-5 2: Assessment Approach 2-19

attached to the structure, and are, therefore, exempt from the seismic
provisions of the building code.

Healthcare occupancy performance models include judgement-based

fragilities for fixed and mobile medical components developed specifically
for this study, as described in Chapter 4. Median capacities for medical
components were determined based on the seismic design forces required by
ASCE/SEI 7-10 and the procedures for calculation-based fragilities in FEMA
P-58, Volume 1. Repair costs and repair times are rough order-of-
magnitude, judgement-based estimates that consider component cost and
perceived complexity. Repair costs consider only the cost of the component,
and do not include any ancillary work required to access or reinstall the
damaged component. Mobile components (i.e., components commonly
installed on rollers for easy transport) are velocity-controlled. Median
capacities were based on assumptions of how far a component can move
before it impacts another component and becomes damaged.

Performance estimates for healthcare occupancies are intended for study of

the potential influence of design decisions, especially Risk Category, on
performance. Because of the diverse nature of healthcare facilities, and the
approximate nature of the assumed medical component fragilities, the
resulting performance estimates should be considered as lower-bound, and
used for comparative purposes only.

2-20 2: Assessment Approach FEMA P-58-5

Chapter 3
Structural Properties

Because of the large number of archetypes considered in this study, a

simplified design and analysis approach was used to determine structural
properties associated with each archetype, and to estimate structural response
quantities (drifts, accelerations, and velocities) for performance assessment.
This information is necessary for sizing structural components, and selecting
structural and nonstructural fragilities assigned in the building performance

3.1 Simplified Design and Analysis Approach

The simplified design approach equates code-based strength and period

equations to strength and drift limits that are associated with each point in the
design space. The analysis approach utilizes the simplified analysis
procedure in FEMA P-58, Volume 1 to calculate pseudo lateral forces and
estimate drift, acceleration, and velocity response quantities.

The structural properties of each archetype were assumed to be identical in

each orthogonal direction. All archetypes were assumed to be regular and
redundant, with mass uniformly distributed over the height, and without the
presence of plan or vertical irregularities. Diaphragms were assumed to be
rigid, and torsion and foundation flexibility were ignored. Determination of
structural properties and estimation of response quantities for each archetype
at each point in the design space included the following steps:
• Archetype selection and identification
• Estimation of dynamic properties
• Calculation of code-minimum strength
• Estimation of yield strength and yield drift
• Determination of collapse fragility
• Estimation of structural demands

3.2 Archetype Selection and Identification

Archetypes are identified by seismic force-resisting system, occupancy, risk

category, hazard level, and building height. For each combination of the

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-1

above parameters, archetypes were designed for the lateral strength and
stiffness represented by each of the 13 points comprising the design space.

Systems were selected from those identified in Table 3-1, along with the
response modification coefficient, R, the system overstrength factor, Ω0, and
deflection amplification factor, Cd, from ASCE/SEI 7-10, Table 12.2-1.

Table 3-1 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems and Seismic Design

Response System Deflection
Seismic Force-Resisting Modification Overstrength Amplification
System Coefficient, R Factor, Ω0 Factor, Cd
Steel SMRF 8 3 5.5

RC SMRF 8 3 5.5

Steel BRBF 8 2.5 5

Steel SCBF 6 2 5

Special RCSW 6 2.5 5

The site seismic hazard level was selected from Table 3-2, which summarizes
the short-period, SDS, and 1-second period, SD1, design values at each level.

Table 3-2 Design Parameters at Each Seismic Hazard Level

Site Seismic Hazard Level SDS SD1
SDC E/F (1) 1.33g 0.75g
SDC D 1.00g 0.6g
Low SDC D 0.50g 0.35g
Notes: (1)
Seismic Design Category is SDC E for Risk Category II archetypes and SDC F
for Risk Category IV archetypes.

Upper-bound values of strength for each system were determined based on

input from ATC-58-5 workshop proceedings (ATC, 2014) and judgment.
Multiples of minimum design strength used to determine the upper bound
strength for the design space of each system are summarized in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Upper-Bound Design Strengths

Multiple of ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum
Seismic Force-Resisting System Design Base Shear Strength
Steel SMRF 3.0


Steel BRBF 2.0

Steel SCBF 2.0

Special RCSW 3.0

3-2 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

Lateral stiffness was determined based on story drift. For drift-controlled
systems, upper-bound values for story drift were taken as the maximum
allowable value from ASCE/SEI 7-10, Table 12.12-1. For upper-bound drift
ratios in strength-controlled systems, and for lower-bound drift ratios in all
systems, drift ratio limits were based on input from the ATC-58-5 workshop
proceedings (ATC, 2014) and judgment. Values assumed for upper- and
lower-bound drift ratios for different systems, risk categories, and building
heights are summarized in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Upper-and Lower-Bound Design Drift Ratios

2- and 3- Story 5-Story 12-Story
Lower- Upper- Lower- Upper- Lower- Upper-
Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound
Seismic Force- Risk Drift Drift Drift Drift Drift Drift
Resisting System Category Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio
II 0.01 0.025 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
Steel SMRF
IV 0.01 0.015 0.005 0.01
II 0.01 0.025 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
IV 0.01 0.015 0.005 0.01
II 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.02
Steel BRBF
IV 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.01
II 0.0025 0.0125 0.0025 0.0125 0.005 0.02
Steel SCBF
IV 0.0025 0.01 0.0025 0.01
II 0.0025 0.01 0.0025 0.01 0.005 0.02
Special RCSW
IV 0.0025 0.01 0.0025 0.01

3.3 Estimation of Dynamic Properties

Dynamic properties for each archetype were determined based on the design
story drift at the point of interest in the design space, using an approximate
procedure for estimating mode shape and Rayleigh’s method for estimating

3.3.1 Mode Shape

First mode shapes, ϕj1, for each archetype were estimated using an
approximate method presented in Miranda and Taghavi (2005). In this
procedure, buildings are modeled as an equivalent continuum structure
consisting of a flexural cantilever beam and shear cantilever beam pin-
connected by axially rigid links. Estimated mode shapes are functions of the
total height of the building and structural stiffness parameters α and δ, which
control the response of the structure. Value of α represent variations in the
behavior of the structure from a pure flexural response (α = 0), to a pure

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-3

shear response (α = 30). Value of δ represent variations in lateral stiffness
over the height of the structure from uniform stiffness (δ = 1.0), to a 50
percent reduction in lateral stiffness between the base and the top of the
structure (δ = 0.5).

Values of structural stiffness parameters used to estimate first mode shapes

for each archetype are different for different combinations of building height
and seismic force-resisting system. Selected values of α and δ are
summarized in Table 3-5 by system and building height. Assumed values
were determined by calibrating estimated first mode shapes to mode shapes
obtained in two-dimensional structural analyses conducted on a series of
typical building models for selected systems. The resulting values indicate
that responses were assumed to be flexurally dominated, low-rise archetypes
were assumed to have a uniform stiffness over height, and mid- and high-rise
archetypes were assumed to have a 50% reduction in stiffness over height.

Table 3-5 Structural Stiffness Parameters Used to Estimate First Mode

Seismic Force-Resisting Stiffness 2-story,
System Parameter 3-story 5-story 12-story
α 4 6 6
Steel SMRF
δ 1.0 0.5 0.5
α 4 6 6
δ 1.0 0.5 0.5
α 4 6 3
Steel BRBF
δ 1.0 0.5 0.5
α 4 4 2
Steel SCBF
δ 1.0 0.5 0.5
α 1 2 2
Special RCSW
δ 1.0 0.5 0.5

3.3.2 Fundamental Period

Given the seismic force-resisting system, building height, and hazard level,
the bare-frame fundamental period, T1,BF, was calculated such that the
maximum story drift is equal to the design drift at the point of interest in the
design space. Story drift profiles were developed using code lateral forces
and the target drift ratio, and the bare-frame fundamental period
corresponding to the design drift was determined using Rayleigh’s method in
an iterative procedure.

To obtain lateral deflections, δx, the first mode shape was computed using
Miranda and Taghavi (2005). The amplitudes of the fundamental mode

3-4 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

shape, ϕ1(x), were scaled so that the story drift at the floor with the highest
drift demand equals the design story drift. The deflection used to compute
story drift, δx, at level x, was determined using ASCE/SEI 7-10 Equation
Cd δ xe
δx =

where Cd is the deflection amplification factor in ASCE/SEI 7-10, δxe is the

elastic deflection at level x due to strength-level design earthquake forces, Fx,
distributed along the building height, and Ie is the importance factor. The
largest value of δx should equate to the design story drift ratio at the point of
interest in the design space.

Because the magnitude of the forces, fx, used in the Rayleigh method are a
function of period, an initial estimate of period is needed. For the first
iteration, the code upper limit on period, Tmax, was used:
Tmax = CuTa

where Ta is the approximate fundamental period per ASCE/SEI 7-10,

Equation 12.8-7, and Cu is the coefficient for the upper limit on calculated
period per ASCE/SEI 7-10, Table 12.8-1. Based on this period, the forces, fx,
were calculated. The lateral force, fx, that corresponds to lateral deflection,
δx, at level x, is:
Cd Fx
fx =

where the equivalent seismic force, Fx, at each level is determined by

ASCE/SEI 7-10, Equation 12.8-11 and Equation 12.8-12:
Fx = CvxV
wx hxk
Cvx = n

∑w h
i =1
i i

where V is the seismic base shear, wi and wx are the portions of the total
effective seismic weight of the structure (W) located or assigned to level i or
x, and hi and hx is the height (in feet) from the base to level i or x. Because
the mass distribution of the building is assumed to be uniform, wx = wi =
W/N, where N is the number of stories. Coefficient, k, is a number that
defines the shape of the equivalent lateral force pattern, and depends on the
period of the structure. For structures with a period of 0.5 s or less, k = 1; for
structures with a period of 2.5 s or more, k = 2; and for structures with a

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-5

period between 0.5 s and 2.5 s, k is determined by linear interpolation
between 1 and 2.

The seismic design base shear V was calculated using ASCE/SEI 7-10,
Equation 12.8-1:
V = CsW

where Cs is the seismic response coefficient calculated per ASCE/SEI 7-10,

Equation 12.8-2:
CS =
R Ie

The value of Cs need not exceed the limits given by ASCE/SEI 7-10,
Equation 12.8-3 and Equation 12.8-4:
S D1
CS = for T ≤ TL
T ( R Ie )

CS = for T > TL
T ( R Ie )

If S1 is greater than or equal to 0.6g, then Cs shall not be less than the limit
given by ASCE/SEI 7-10, Equation 12.8-6:
CS = 0.5
R Ie

ASCE/SEI 7-10, Section states that ASCE/SEI 7-10, Equation

12.8-5 need not be considered when computing drift.

Forces, fx, were then used to calculate a new estimate of period, Tcomputed. The
fundamental circular frequency and the corresponding period using
Rayleigh’s method are:
g ∑δ x f x
ωcomputed = n
x =1

x =1
x wx

Tcomputed =

where g is the gravitational constant, wx is the portion of the total effective

seismic weight of the structure (W) located or assigned to level x, δx is the
lateral deflection at level x, and fx is the corresponding lateral force at level x.

3-6 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

The values of initial estimated period, T, and the period estimated using
Rayleigh’s method, Tcomputed, were compared in an iterative procedure. If
|T – Tcomputed| ≤ 0.05, then the values converged, and the fundamental bare
frame period, T1,BF, was taken as Tcomputed. If not, then Tcomputed was used as
the new initial period, and process was repeated until the values converged.

3.3.3 Effective Fundamental Period

The seismic force-resisting system in most new buildings is proportioned

using an analytical model that neglects the contributions of gravity framing
and nonstructural components on the dynamic response of the structure.
When assessing seismic performance, neglecting the contributions of the
gravity framing and nonstructural components to stiffness will result in an
over-prediction of drift demands.

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, analytical models of buildings should

include all elements that contribute to lateral strength or stiffness. In this
study, the fundamental bare frame period, T1,BF, was modified to reflect the
period stiffening effects associated with the presence of gravity framing and
nonstructural components that contribute to lateral stiffness.

The effective fundamental period, T1,EFF, is given by:

T1,EFF = (MF)T1,BF

where values of the modification factor, MF, for different systems are
summarized in Table 3-6. Period modification factors, MF, are based on
comparisons between computed and measured fundamental periods in
instrumented buildings described in Harris, et al., 2016 (FEMA P-58/BD-
3.7.17 Report).

Table 3-6 Period Modification Factor, MF, by System

Seismic Force-Resisting System Period Modification Factor, MF

Steel SMRF 0.55

RC SMRF 0.85

Steel BRBF 0.85

Steel SCBF 0.85

Special RCSW 0.9

3.4 Code Minimum Base Shear Strength

The code minimum base shear strength, Vb, was computed based on
ASCE/SEI 7-10, Equation 12.8-1:
Vb = CsW

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-7

CS =
R Ie

and Ie is the importance factor, R is the response modification coefficient,

and W is the effective seismic weight. The value of Cs need not exceed:
S a (T1 )
R Ie

ASCE/SEI 7-10 places an upper limit on the building period used to calculate
the design base shear strength. The upper limit period, Tmax, is:
Tmax = CuTa

where Ta is the approximate fundamental period per ASCE/SEI 7-10,

Equation 12.8-7 and Cu is the coefficient for upper limit on calculated period.
The period used to determine the design base shear strength, T1, was taken as
the lesser of the effective fundamental period, T1,EFF, and Tmax.

The first mode spectral acceleration, Sa(T1), was determined based on the
provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-10, Section 11.4.5, using one of the following
 T 
S a (T1 ) S DS  0.4 + 0.6 1 
= for T1 < T0
 T0 

S a (T1 ) = S DS for T0 < T1 < Ts

S D1
S a (T1 ) = for Ts < T1 < TL

where Sa(T1) is the 5 percent damped spectral acceleration at the lesser of the
effective fundamental period, T1,EFF, and Tmax; SDS is the design spectral
response acceleration parameter in the short period range; SD1 is the design
spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1.0 sec; and:
S D1
T0 = 0.2

S D1
TS =
TL = Long-period transition period

None of the archetypes had periods greater than the long-period transition
period, TL. Because a cap is placed on the fundamental period of a building
for strength checks, the design base shear for lateral strength can be larger

3-8 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

than the base shear used to check for compliance with story drift limits. The
code minimum base shear strength identifies the strength of archetypes along
the horizontal line at the bottom of the design space corresponding to a
multiple of 1.0. The base shear strength of archetypes at other locations in
the design space are a multiple of the code minimum base shear strength.

3.5 Yield Strength

The yield strength, Vy, of a structure can be estimated using plastic analysis
concepts, nonlinear analysis in accordance with ASCE/SEI 41-13, Seismic
Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE, 2017c), or a
combination of the response modification coefficient, R, and the systems
overstrength factor, Ω0, specified in ASCE/SEI 7-10. In this study, the yield
strength was taken as 1.5 times the code minimum base shear strength of the

The base shear strength of an archetype is a function of the point of interest

in the design space, which is a multiple of the code minimum base shear
strength, Vb. In this study, the multiple of code minimum base shear at each
point in the design space is a form of overstrength, termed the design space
overstrength factor, OF, and the yield strength is therefore:
Vy = 1.5(OF )Vb

Upper-bound values for the design space overstrength factor, OF, expressed
as a multiple of the code minimum base shear strength, are provided in Table
3-3. For the purpose of determining yield strength, values of OF for
intermediate points in the design space are determined by linear

3.6 Yield Drift Ratios

Yield drift ratios for each system were based on parametric and sensitivity
studies using approximate methods of analysis, as follows:
• An approximate method of analysis (e.g., portal method for frames) was
selected to derive formulas for yield drift in different structural systems.
• Parameters that significantly influence yield drift (e.g., yield strain, ratio
of bay span to story height, ratio of column depth to girder depth, ratio of
yield stress in columns to yield stress in beams, and aspect ratio of walls)
were identified.
• Ranges of probable yield drift were determined by parametric variation
of parameters identified as significant.

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-9

• Sensitivity studies were conducted on the range of probable yield drift to
investigate potential effects on median and 90th percentile losses.
• Yield drift ratios for each system were selected based on the results from
sensitivity studies.

3.6.1 Steel Special Moment Resisting Frames

An estimate of the yield drift of steel SMRF archetypes was derived using
the portal method of analysis:
εy h L
=∆y α + 
3  d c db 

where εy is the yield strain of the steel, h is the story height, L is the bay span,
db is the beam depth, dc is the column depth, and 𝛼𝛼 is the ratio of the stress in
the column to the yield stress in the beam.

To select the yield drift ratio, the yield stress of the steel was varied from 50
ksi to 55 ksi, the bay span to story height ratio (L/h) was varied from 1 to 2,
the column depth to beam depth ratio (dc/db) was varied from 0.5 to 0.75, and
the ratio of the stress in the column to the yield stress in the beam was varied
from 0.7 to 0.8, resulting in a yield drift estimate in the range from 0.8
percent to 1.3 percent. Sensitivity studies showed negligible change in losses
with changes in the assumed yield drift ratio. As a result, a yield drift ratio
of 1 percent was used for steel SMRF archetypes across the entire design

3.6.2 Reinforced Concrete Special Moment-Resisting Frames

An estimate of the yield drift of RC SMRF archetypes was derived using the
portal method of analysis:
εy  h L 
=∆y α + 
6  d c − kd c db − kdb 

where εy is the yield strain of the steel, h is the story height, L is the bay span,
db is the beam depth, dc is the column depth, α is the ratio of the stress of the
column steel to the yield stress in the beam steel, kdc is the depth of the
neutral axis of the column, and kdb is the depth of the neutral axis of the
beam at yield. The depth of the neutral axis at yield was calculated as:

kd d
= ( ( nρ )
+ 2n ρ − n ρ )
where n is the modular ratio n = (Es/Ec) and ρ is the ratio of longitudinal
reinforcement in the element.

3-10 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

To select the yield drift ratio, the bay span to story height ratio (L/h) was
varied from 1 to 2, the column depth to beam depth ratio (dc/db) was varied
from 0.67 to 1.0, the ratio of the stress in the column to the yield stress in the
beam was varied from 0.7 to 0.8, the ratio of reinforcement in the column
was varied from 1 percent to 2 percent, and the ratio of the reinforcement in
the steel was varied from 0.8 percent to 1.2 percent, resulting in yield drift
estimates in the range from 0.45 percent to 0.65 percent. Sensitivity studies
showed negligible change in losses with changes in the assumed yield drift
ratio. As a result, a yield drift ratio of 0.55 percent was used for RC SMRF
archetypes across the entire design space.

3.6.3 Steel Buckling Restrained Braced Frames

An estimate of the yield drift of steel BRBF archetypes with multistory X-

bracing was derived considering a subassembly of a frame including one
story level and assuming that the first yield occurs in the brace:
 L2 / 2 + h 2 
∆y = ε y  
 hL 

where εy is the yield strain of the steel, h is the story height, and L is the bay

To select the yield drift ratio, the yield stress of the steel was varied from 38
ksi to 46 ksi, and the bay span to story height ratio (L/h) was varied from
1.15 to 2.4 to account for possible brace angles between 40 degrees and 60
degrees. The resulting yield drift estimates varied from 0.26 percent to 0.37
percent. A yield drift ratio of 0.30 percent was used for all steel BRBF
archetypes across the entire design space.

3.6.4 Steel Special Concentrically-Braced Frames

An estimate of the yield drift of steel SCBF archetypes with multistory X-

bracing was derived considering a subassembly of a frame including one
story level and assuming that the first yield occurs in the brace:
 L2 / 2 + h 2 
∆y = ε y  
 hL 

where εy is the yield strain of the steel, h is the story height, and L is the bay

To select the yield drift ratio, the yield stress of the steel was varied from 50
ksi to 55 ksi and bay span to story height ratio (L/h) was varied from 1.15 to
2.4 to account for possible brace angles between 40 degrees and 60 degrees.

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-11

The resulting yield drift estimates varied from 0.34 percent to 0.4 percent.
Sensitivity studies showed negligible change in losses with changes in the
assumed yield drift ratio. As a result, a yield drift ratio of 0.35 percent was
selected for steel SCBF archetypes across the entire design space.

3.6.5 Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

An estimate of the yield drift of reinforced concrete shear wall archetypes

with squat walls (i.e., aspect ratios in the range of 1.5 to 2) was based on
experimental data from Tran (2012). An estimate of the yield drift of special
RCSW archetypes with slender walls (i.e., aspect ratios greater than 2) was
calculated assuming linearly increasing distribution of lateral load and
uniform distribution of mass. An estimate of the roof displacement at yield,
δy, is:
δy =
( φ y hw2 )

where the curvature at yield, ϕy, is approximated as εy/0.8lw, and hw is the

height of the wall, lw is the length of the wall, and εy is the yield strain in the
steel bars. With a roof displacement of δy, the corresponding displacement at
the ith floor level, δi, was approximated as:
δi = δyϕ1,i

where ϕ1,i is the value of the fundamental mode shape of the building
(normalized to 1 at the roof level) at the ith floor level. Story drifts were
calculated from the floor displacements at each story, and the maximum
story drift was taken as the yield drift of the archetype. As a result, a yield
drift ratio of 0.5 percent was selected for all 2-story RCSW archetypes, 0.26
percent was selected for all 5-story RCSW archetypes, and 0.63 percent was
selected for all 12-story RCSW archetypes, across the entire design space.

3.7 Collapse Fragility

The possibility of building collapse was considered through the development

of collapse fragilities. In this study, collapse fragilities were developed using
a modified version of the judgment-based procedure in FEMA P-58, Volume
1, Section 6.4. The judgement-based collapse fragility is based on the
assumption that buildings conforming to the minimum seismic design
requirements of Risk Category II structures in ASCE/SEI 7-10 will have a
collapse probability of about 10 percent, given the occurrence of maximum
considered earthquake shaking at the site.

It has been shown that a 10 percent probability of collapse overpredicts

collapse rates observed in past earthquakes, and exceeds collapse rates

3-12 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

generally expected to occur in future earthquakes. It has also been shown
that buildings exceeding minimum seismic design strength requirements
generally exhibit lower collapse probabilities. Because the code minimum
design strength represents one boundary of the design space, and the rest of
the design space exceeds the code minimum strength, a lower (i.e., 5 percent)
collapse probability was judged to be appropriate for the structures
represented by the design space used in this study.

Median collapse capacities were inferred from the code minimum base shear
strength for each archetype. Using the code minimum base shear strength,
the effective value of the design spectral acceleration at the fundamental
period, SaD, at which the structure satisfies all applicable seismic design
criteria of ASCE/SEI 7-10, was determined using FEMA P-58, Volume 1,
Equation 6-2:
S aD = R

where V is the code-minimum base shear strength, W is the seismic weight,

and R is the response modification coefficient for the structure, as defined in
ASCE/SEI 7-10. The inferred median collapse capacity, Sˆa (T1 ) , at the
fundamental period, T1, was determined using a modified version of FEMA
P-58, Volume 1, Equation 6-3:
Sˆa (T1 ) = 2(OF )S aD

where OF is the design space overstrength factor, which is based on the

system and the point of interest in the design space. For the purpose of
calculating collapse fragility, the design space overstrength factor, OF, at all
points in the design space was taken as upper bound multiple of the code
minimum base shear strength (from Table 3-3), and was never taken less than
2.0 at any point in the design space.

Because archetypes have identical structural properties in each orthogonal

direction, the average fundamental period, T1 , is equal to T1, and
Sˆa (T1 ) = S a (T1 ) for all archetypes.

3.7.1 Casualty Assumptions

For all collapse fragilities, a single partial collapse mode was considered,
assuming 30 percent of the floor area collapses. Within the collapsed area,
30 percent of the building population was assumed to be fatalities, and 70
percent was assumed to sustain serious injuries. As regular, well-configured
structures, a dispersion, β, of 0.6 was assumed across all archetypes.

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-13

3.8 Summary of Representative Archetypical Properties

Structural properties at each point in the design space are unique and are
different for each of the 1,755 combinations of system, risk category, hazard
level, building height, and design space point. Because representative
designs are combinations of lateral strength and stiffness judged to be most
typical for each seismic force-resisting system, properties of representative
designs are reported to provide a sense of the structural properties for each
system, and the variation between systems.

Representative designs are not necessarily one of the 13 points in the design
space, and are generally taken as the average of three or four points. Tables
3-7 to 3-11 summarize the range of key structural parameters calculated at
representative design points for SDC D archetypes in each system.

Table 3-7 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 1.25 - 1.45 1.06 - 1.23 0.73 0.021 - 0.025 1.0 0.10 3.7 - 6.1
IV 0.83 - 0.90 0.70 - 0.76 0.73 0.014 - 0.015 1.0 0.15 - 0.16 5.8 - 9.6
II 1.52 - 1.72 1.29 - 1.46 1.11 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.07 2.4 - 4.1
IV 0.79 - 0.90 0.67 - 0.77 1.11 0.009 - 0.01 1.0 0.15 - 0.17 6.0 - 10.0
II 2.46 - 2.63 2.09 - 2.24 2.23 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.03 - 0.04 1.3 - 2.2
IV - - - - - - -

Table 3-8 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, RC SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 1.25 - 1.45 0.69 - 0.80 0.61 0.021 - 0.025 0.55 0.12 4.0 - 5.2
IV 0.83 - 0.90 0.45 - 0.49 0.61 0.014 - 0.015 0.55 0.19 6.0 - 7.9
II 1.52 - 1.72 0.83 - 0.94 0.96 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.09 - 0.09 2.9 - 3.8
IV 0.79 - 0.90 0.44 - 0.50 0.96 0.009 - 0.01 0.55 0.19 6.0 - 7.9
II 2.46 - 2.63 1.35 - 1.45 2.11 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.05 - 0.06 1.8 - 2.3
IV - - - - - - -

3-14 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

Table 3-9 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.62 - 0.77 0.53 - 0.65 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.13 4.0 - 5.3
IV 0.62 - 0.77 0.53 - 0.65 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.19 6.0 - 7.9
II 0.98 -1.21 0.84 - 1.03 0.96 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.08 - 0.09 2.5 - 3.3
IV 0.75 - 0.87 0.64 - 0.74 0.96 0.008 - 0.009 0.3 0.15 - 0.18 4.9 - 6.4
II 2.15 - 2.43 1.83 - 2.07 1.85 0.013 - 0.016 0.3 0.04 1.3 - 1.7
IV - - - - - - -

Table 3-10 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.37 - 0.53 0.32 - 0.45 0.32 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.17 4.0
IV 0.35 - 0.48 0.30 - 0.41 0.32 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.25 6.0
II 0.47 - 0.73 0.40 - 0.62 0.64 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.16 - 0.17 3.9 - 4.0
IV 0.44 - 0.60 0.38 - 0.51 0.64 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.25 6.0
II 1.21 - 2.05 1.03 - 1.75 1.24 0.009 - 0.016 0.35 0.08 -0.10 1.94 - 2.34
IV - - - - - - -

Table 3-11 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Special RCSW Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.21 - 0.33 0.19 - 0.30 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.20 4.5 - 7.5
IV 0.21 - 0.33 0.19 - 0.30 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.30 6.8 - 11.3
II 0.29 - 0.47 0.26 - 0.42 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.20 4.5 - 7.5
IV 0.29 - 0.47 0.26 - 0.42 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.30 6.8 - 11.3
II 1.02 - 1.41 0.92 - 1.27 1.24 0.009 - 0.013 0.63 0.10 - 0.13 2.9 - 4.9
IV - - - - - - -

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-15

Properties for representative low SDC D and SDC E/F archetypes are
provided in Appendix A. As noted in Appendix A, archetypes at all three
hazard levels conform to design and detailing requirements for Seismic
Design Category D buildings, but designs vary between hazard levels.

In the simplified design approach, design story drift ratios are determined by
the point of interest in the design space, and the resulting stiffness, and base
shear are back-calculated using code-based strength and period equations.
Although design story drift ratios are the same at each hazard level, the
designs vary between hazard levels due to differences in design spectra and
the resulting spectral response acceleration parameters SDS and SD1. Because
the required design forces change with hazard, the resulting periods (i.e.,
stiffnesses) must change accordingly to match the specified drift ratios at
different force levels. As a result, properties for Low SDC D archetypes are
weaker and more flexible than SDC D archetypes, and properties for SDC
E/F archetypes are stronger and stiffer than all other archetypes.

3.9 Estimation of Structural Demands

The simplified analysis procedure in FEMA P-58, Volume 1 was used to

calculate pseudo lateral forces and median estimates of drift, acceleration,
and velocity demands for each archetype. Structural information needed to
implement the simplified analysis procedure includes the effective
fundamental period, first mode shape, total seismic weight, first mode
effective weight, and expected yield strength of the archetype.

To assess performance at different levels of earthquake shaking, structural

demands were calculated at five levels of shaking intensity, expressed as a
percentage of MCE ground shaking intensity. Intensity levels used to assess
performance are summarized in Table 3-12. Intensity 3 is intended to
represent the ASCE/SEI 7-10 Design Earthquake level, and intensity 5 is the
MCE level.

Table 3-12 Intensity Levels Used to Calculate Demands and Assess

Performance, as a Percentage of MCE
Intensity Level 1 2 3 4 5

IntMCE 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%

Median estimates of story drift ratio, ∆i* , floor acceleration, ai* , and floor
velocity, vi* , were computed using the simplified analysis procedure as
• The pseudo lateral force, V, was calculated and distributed over the
height of the archetype.

3-16 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

• Floor displacements and uncorrected story drifts were computed. Story
drifts were divided by story height to obtain story drift ratios.
• Story drift ratios were corrected to account for inelastic behavior and
higher mode effects using simplified analysis correction factors for drift
from FEMA P-58, Volume 1.
• Peak floor acceleration was estimated at each floor from peak ground
acceleration using simplified analysis correction factors for acceleration
from FEMA P-58, Volume 1.
• Peak floor velocity was estimated at each floor from peak ground
velocity using simplified analysis correction factors for velocity from
FEMA P-58, Volume 1.

In this study, the simplified analysis procedure was expanded to include

improved drift, acceleration, and velocity correction factors for special
concentrically braced frame and buckling-restrained braced frame systems
developed in Saldana and Terzic, 2018 (FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.21 Report).
The floor level, story level, and floor height designation numbering system
used in the simplified analysis procedure calculations is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Definition of floor levels, story numbers, and floor heights
used in the simplified analysis procedure (FEMA P-58,
Volume 1).

3.9.1 Pseudo-Lateral Force

The simplified analysis procedure of FEMA P-58, Volume 1 uses a pseudo

lateral force, V, to compute story drift ratios, velocities, and accelerations.
Pseudo lateral force computations are similar to those found in ASCE/SEI
41-17, and are different from those obtained using ASCE/SEI 7-10

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-17

equivalent lateral force procedures. The pseudo lateral force was computed
using FEMA P-58, Volume1, Equation 5-3:
V = C1C2 S a (T1 )W1

where C1 is an adjustment factor for inelastic displacements; C2 is an

adjustment factor for cyclic degradation; Sa(T1) is the 5 percent damped
spectral acceleration at the effective fundamental period of the building (as
modified for period stiffening effects) at the intensity level of interest; and
W1 is the first modal effective weight, taken as not less than 80 percent of the
total weight, W.

The adjustment factors C1 and C2 were computed in accordance with FEMA

P-58, Volume 1:
S −1
C1 = 1 + for T1 ≤ 0.2 sec
S −1
C1 = 1 + for 0.2 < T1 ≤ 1 sec
C1 = 1 for T1 > 1 sec

where a is a function of the soil site class (for site class D, a = 60), and S is
the strength ratio given by FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-6:
S a (T1 )W

where Vy1 is yield strength of the building in first mode response estimated in
Section 3.5, and W is the total seismic weight. If the value of the strength
ratio, S, is less or equal to 1.0, then C1 is taken as 1.0.

When the value of S is less or equal to 1.0, C2 is also taken as 1.0. When S is
greater than 1.0, C2 is computed as:

( S − 1)

C2 = 1 + for T1 ≤ 0.2 sec


( S − 1)

C2 = 1+ for 0.2 < T1 ≤ 1 sec

C2 = 1 for T1 > 0.7 sec

The first mode effective weight, W1, was calculated from FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Equation 5-4:

3-18 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

 N +1 
 ∑ w jφ j1 
W1 =  N +1 
j =2

∑ w jφ j12
j =2

where wj is the lumped weight at floor level j, and N is the number of floors
in the building above the base.

3.9.2 Floor Displacements and Corrected Story Drift Ratios

The displacement profile of the building at level j that corresponds to the

lateral force V was taken as:
Dj = C1C2Γ1ϕj1(Sa(T1)/ω2)g

where ϕj1, is the jth ordinate of the first mode shape (determined using the
simplified structural analysis procedures in Section 3.3), Г1 is the modal
participation factor, 𝜔𝜔 is the first circular frequency of vibration, and g is the
gravitational constant.

For uniform weight over the building height, the modal participation factor,
Г1, is:
N +1

W1 W1 j =2
∑φ j1

1 =
N +1
Lh1 W N +1

∑ N
=j 2=j 2
φ j1 ∑ φ j12

Because W1 may not be taken as less than 80 percent of the effective seismic
weight, the modal participation factor Г1 cannot be less than:
0.8W 0.8N
1,min = N +1
j =2

The uncorrected story drift ratio Δi at story i is:

Δi = (Dj+1 – Dj)/hi

where Dj and Dj+1 are lateral displacements of the floor levels immediately
above and below the story and hi is the story height of story i.

Story drift ratios were corrected to account for inelastic behavior and higher
mode effects. Estimates of median story drift ratio, ∆*i , for each story i, were
calculated using FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-10:
=∆*i H ∆i ( S , T1 , hi , H ) × ∆ i

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-19

where H ∆i ( S ,T1 ,hi ,H ) is the drift correction factor for story i computed
from FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-11:
2 3
hi +1 h  h 
ln ( H ∆i ) =a0 + a1T1 + a2 S + a3 + a4  i +1  + a5  i +1 
H  H   H 
for S ≥ 1 , i =
1  to N

The values of the coefficients a0 through a5 were obtained from FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Table 3-7 and Table 3-8, and Saldana and Terzic, 2018 (FEMA
P-58/BD-3.7.21 Report); S is the strength ratio; T1 is the effective
fundamental period including period stiffening effects; and H is the total
building height above the base, as defined in Figure 3-1. If the response is
elastic, HΔi = 1.

3.9.3 Peak Floor Accelerations

At the base of the building, peak floor acceleration is equal to the peak
ground acceleration. At other floor levels, i, the estimated median peak floor
acceleration, ai* , relative to a fixed point in space, was derived from the peak
ground acceleration using FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-12:
=ai* Hai ( S , T , hi , H ) × PGA

where PGA is the peak ground acceleration; and Hai ( S , T , hi , H ) is the

acceleration correction factor for floor i computed from FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Equation 5-13:
2 3
hi h  h 
ln ( H ai ) =a0 + a1T1 + a2 S + a3 + a4  i  + a5  i 
H H H
 for  S ≥ 1 ,=
i 2 to N + 1

The values of the coefficients a0 through a5 were obtained from FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Table 3-7 and Table 3-8, and Saldana and Terzic, 2018 (FEMA
P-58/BD-3.7.21 Report). If the response is elastic, S was taken as 1.0.

3.9.4 Peak Floor Velocities

At the base of the building, peak floor velocity is equal to the peak ground
velocity, PGV, estimated by dividing the spectral velocity at a period of one
second, Sv(1.0 s), by a factor of 1.65 (Newmark and Hall, 1982; Huang and
Whittaker, 2012).

Spectral velocity at a period of 1 second can be derived from spectral

acceleration at a period of one second using FEMA P-58, Volume 1,
Equation 5-14:

3-20 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

S a (1.0 s )
Sv (1.0 s ) = g

where Sa(1.0 s) is the spectral acceleration at 1 second period. Peak ground

velocity can then be approximated using FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation
Sv (1.0 s )

At other floor levels, i, the estimated median peak floor velocity, vi* , relative
to a fixed point in space, was computed from the peak ground velocity and
reference floor velocity, vsi, using FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-16:
=vi* Hvi ( S , T , hi , H ) × vsi

where Hvi ( S , T , hi , H ) is computed from FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation

2 3
h h  h 
ln ( H vi ) =a0 + a1T1 + a2 S + a3 i + a4  i  + a5  i 
H H h
 for  S ≥ 1,=
 i 2 to N + 1

The values of the coefficients a0 through a5 were obtained from FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Table 3-7 and Table 3-8, and Saldana and Terzic, 2018 (FEMA
P-58/BD-3.7.21 Report). The reference floor velocity, vsi, was determined
from FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 5-18:

T1 Vy1 δ 
vsi PGV + 0.3
= ( Γ 1) i 
2π W1 / g  δr 

where δi is the uncorrected displacement of floor i; δr is the uncorrected roof

displacement with respect to the base, and all other terms are as previously

3.9.5 Residual Drift

Residual drift is an uncertain quantity that is difficult to predict analytically,

because values are highly sensitive to component modeling assumptions and
ground motion characteristics. The residual drift ratio, Δr, was estimated for
each archetype using the default residual drift model in FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Equation 5-25, in which residual drift is predicted as a function of
the peak transient drift and yield drift:

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-21

∆r = 0 for ∆ ≤ ∆y
∆r 0.3 ( ∆ − ∆y )
= for ∆y < ∆ < 4∆y
r ( ∆ − 3∆ )
y for ∆ ≥ 4∆y

where Δ is the median story drift ratio calculated by simplified analysis

(Section 3.9.2), and Δy is the median story drift ratio calculated at yield
(Section 3.6).

3.10 Summary of Structural Demands

Structural demands vary at each level in each of the 1,755 archetypes, and
are different for each of the five intensity levels between 20% and 100%
MCE. Because it is not possible to present the entire set of demand vectors
for each archetype, values for representative designs are reported to provide a
sense of the structural demands for each system, and the variation between
systems. Tables 3-13 to 3-17 summarize the range of median drifts,
accelerations, and velocities for representative design points for each system.

Table 3-13 Range of Median Structural Demands for Representative Design Points,
Steel SMRF Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level
Story Drift Residual Drift Peak Floor Peak Floor
Risk Ratio, Ratio, Acceleration, Velocity,
Height Category % % g in/sec
II 1.49 - 2.68 0.15 - 0.50 0.47 - 0.52 22.3 - 34.1
IV 1.03 - 1.73 0.01 - 0.22 0.52 - 0.57 22.8 - 35.4
II 1.09 - 1.85 0.03 - 0.26 0.42 - 0.48 21.5 - 32.7
IV 0.60 - 1.03 0.00 - 0.01 0.52 - 0.58 22.5 - 36.7
II 0.36 - 1.34 0.00 - 0.11 0.30 - 0.41 21.0 - 33.0
IV - - - -

Table 3-14 Range of Median Structural Demands for Representative Design Points,
RC SMRF Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level
Story Drift Residual Drift Peak Floor Peak Floor
Risk Ratio, Ratio, Acceleration, Velocity,
Height Category % % g in/sec
II 1.04 - 1.83 0.15 - 0.38 0.46 - 0.52 22.7 - 30.9
IV 0.54 - 1.00 0.00 - 0.14 0.53 - 0.58 22.7 - 30.7
II 0.75 - 1.26 0.06 - 0.21 0.43 - 0.49 22.8 - 30.7
IV 0.31 - 0.60 0.00 - 0.01 0.53 - 0.59 22.7 - 31.2
II 0.23 - 0.84 0.00 - 0.09 0.35 - 0.56 22.7 - 32.4
IV - - - -

3-22 3: Structural Properties FEMA P-58-5

Table 3-15 Range of Median Structural Demands for Representative Design Points,
Steel BRBF Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level
Story Drift Residual Drift Peak Floor Peak Floor
Risk Ratio, Ratio, Acceleration, Velocity,
Height Category % % g in/sec
II 1.22 - 1.88 0.32 - 0.98 0.69 - 0.88 35.8 - 63.9
IV 1.20 - 1.91 0.27 - 1.01 0.73 - 0.93 40.6 - 74.4
II 0.67 - 1.48 0.11 - 0.58 0.61 - 0.81 28.3 - 66.9
IV 0.53 - 1.10 0.07 - 0.24 0.69 - 0.90 30.7 - 76.6
II 0.39 - 1.49 0.03 - 0.59 0.52 - 0.70 33.8 - 91.9
IV - - - -

Table 3-16 Range of Median Structural Demands for Representative Design Points,
Steel SCBF Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level
Story Drift Residual Drift Peak Floor Peak Floor
Risk Ratio, Ratio, Acceleration, Velocity,
Height Category % % g in/sec
II 0.51 - 1.13 0.05 - 0.23 0.99 - 1.48 19.1 - 21.4
IV 0.39 - 0.88 0.01 - 0.16 1.06 - 1.56 21.7 - 24.0
II 0.25 - 0.88 0.00 - 0.16 0.84 - 1.42 20.7 - 24.9
IV 0.21 - 0.62 0.00 - 0.08 0.93 - 1.50 23.3 - 27.8
II 0.17 - 1.43 0.00 - 0.38 0.60 - 0.93 35.0 - 125.5
IV - - - -

Table 3-17 Range of Median Structural Demands for Representative Design Points,
Special RCSW Archetypes, SDC D, Design Earthquake Level
Story Drift Residual Drift Peak Floor Peak Floor
Risk Ratio, Ratio, Acceleration, Velocity,
Height Category % % g in/sec
II 0.11 - 0.35 0.00 - 0.00 0.63 - 0.91 21.2 - 26.8
IV 0.09 - 0.23 0.00 - 0.00 0.37 - 0.93 21.1 - 30.0
II 0.08 - 0.35 0.00 - 0.03 0.59 - 0.90 21.5 - 31.8
IV 0.07 - 0.34 0.00 - 0.02 0.63 - 0.92 21.3 - 38.5
II 0.11 - 0.72 0.00 - 0.03 0.42 - 0.99 22.7 - 46.0
IV - - - -

Demands are shown for the SDC D hazard level, at the design earthquake
intensity level, and represent the maximum and minimum values over the
height of multi-story archetypes. Drift, acceleration, and velocity demands at
other hazard levels, and at different intensity levels, are necessarily different,
and not shown here.

FEMA P-58-5 3: Structural Properties 3-23

Chapter 4
Building Performance

PACT building performance models consist of project information, building

information, population data, component structural and nonstructural
fragilities, performance groups, collapse fragilities, structural analysis results
(drift, acceleration, and velocity), and residual drift information. This
chapter describes how PACT building performance models were populated
in this study.

The fragilities provided in the FEMA P-58 fragility database, as updated in

the current phase of work, were used for structural, architectural, mechanical,
electrical, and plumbing components in each model. Modifications to FEMA
P-58 default fragilities, where they occur, are described in this chapter. For
healthcare facilities, custom judgement-based fragilities were developed for
selected medical components commonly found in acute care hospital

4.1 Project Information

Data in the project information section includes the project ID and building
description, regional and date cost multipliers, and the solver random seed
value. Each archetype was assigned the same regional and date cost
multipliers, and the same solver random seed value.

PACT default values for the regional cost and date multipliers were not
adjusted. The results of the performance evaluation are, therefore, based on
repair cost consequence functions for the Northern California region, dated
2011. Because reported repair costs are expressed as a percentage of
replacement cost, the assessment results are generally applicable to any

The solver random seed value is a whole number used to initiate all
sequences of random number generation utilized in the performance
assessment. Setting the value of the random seed to zero will cause PACT to
randomly seed each generation sequence. If a different solver random seed
number is used for multiple runs of a performance model, the results of each
performance assessment will be different, even if there are no changes to the

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-1

input. In this study, a fixed value of 5 was used for all performance
assessments so that results of subsequent performance assessment runs would
be identical, provided there were no changes to the input.

4.2 Building Information

The building information section includes the number of stories, replacement

costs for the core and shell and entire structure, the maximum number of
repair workers per square foot, and typical values for floor area and story
height. For each floor, the story height and floor area can be adjusted, as
well as factors that adjust repair consequences for floor height, floor
occupancy, and the presence of hazardous materials. The area per floor was
set equal to 14,000 square feet for all archetypes. Story heights were set at
13 feet for all floors. Basements were not included in the performance

The replacement cost used for each occupancy and Risk Category is shown
in Table 4-1. The replacement time for all archetypes was set equal to 720

Table 4-1 Replacement Cost and Replacement Time by Occupancy and

Risk Category
Replacement Cost
Risk Core and Shell Total Time
Occupancy Category (per sq. ft.) (per sq. ft.) (days)
II $100 $250 720
IV $125 $300 720
II $100 $500 720
IV $150 $700 720

The total loss threshold is the ratio of repair cost to replacement cost that
triggers the decision on whether a building is a total loss. When the total loss
threshold is set to a value less than 1.0, PACT will report that a building is a
total loss in any realization that the loss threshold is exceeded, and damage
data for individual components will not be available. In this study, the total
loss threshold was set equal to 1.0 to avoid truncation of performance data
obtained from the assessments. In practice, building owners may elect to
replace rather than repair a damaged building when repair costs are more
than about 50 percent of the replacement value of the building (i.e., a total
loss threshold of 0.5).

Repair time is strongly influenced by the estimated number of workers

performing repairs at a given time. The FEMA P-58 methodology uses a

4-2 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

“maximum workers per square foot” parameter, which was set equal to the
default value of 0.001 workers per square foot, corresponding to one worker
per 1,000 square feet of floor area.

Height factors are applied to each floor and reflect increased repair costs
associated with repair of damage in the upper levels of taller structures.
These factors were set in accordance with suggested values in FEMA P-58,
Volume 2, Table 2-1.

A hazardous materials factor can be used to indicate the presence of

hazardous materials in the building. In this study, hazardous materials were
not assumed to be present in significant quantities, so a default value of 1.0
was used, meaning there is no increase in repair cost due to hazardous

An occupancy factor was applied to reflect the added cost of performing

repairs around ongoing building operations and equipment, and the need to
provide extra protection around construction activities in an occupied
building. PACT does not currently distinguish between occupied and
unoccupied repair conditions. In this study, the occupancy factor in PACT
was set to a default value of 1.0 (unoccupied), and then assessment results
were post-processed to determine if the occupancy factor should be adjusted.
For each shaking intensity, the results of every realization were interrogated.
If an "Unsafe Placard" consequence was triggered in the realization, then the
building was assumed to be evacuated due to the Unsafe Placard, and
“unoccupied” factors from FEMA P-58, Volume 2, Table 2-2 were used.
Otherwise, “occupied” factors were used in the accumulation of repair

4.3 Population Model

The equivalent continuous occupancy (ECO) population model was used for
all archetypes, and the same population models were assigned to all floors of
a given archetype. The ECO population is a time-weighted average
population theoretically occupying a building on a continual basis. It
represents the number of persons present, on average, throughout the year,
considering all times of day and days of the week, and is expressed as the
number of occupants per 1,000 square feet. Values for equivalent continuous
occupancy for office and healthcare occupancies were calculated based on
information provided in Seligson, 2008 (FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.8 Report). The
default equivalent continuous occupancy (ECO) for office occupancies is
0.944 persons per 1000 sq. ft., and for healthcare occupancies is 3.238
persons per 1000 sq. ft.

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-3

The use of ECO, rather than a more detailed time-dependent occupancy
model, was selected to provide a reasonable estimate of mean casualties, but
will not accurately capture dispersion in casualties.

4.4 Structural Fragilities

The determination of structural properties (strength, stiffness, period) and

demand quantities (drift, acceleration, and velocity) is described in Chapter
3. Structural fragilities used in the building performance models were
selected from the updated and revised PACT fragility database (FEMA,
2018c), which includes many options for each type of structural system. The
quantity and type of structural components vary by seismic design category,
building height, and risk category.

Each fragility group is identified by a unique classification number based on

recommendations contained in NISTIR 6389, UNIFORMAT II Elemental
Classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating and Cost Analysis
(NIST, 1999). Structural steel and reinforced concrete fragilities were
selected from the PACT fragility database that best characterize the types of
structural components typically found in each seismic force-resisting system,
considering options compliant with strength and detailing requirements in
ANSI/AISC 360, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 2010b),
ANSI/AISC 341-10, Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
(AISC, 2010a), and ACI 318-11, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary (ACI, 2011). Within each system, an effort was
made to utilize the same fragility group for all archetypes.

Structural fragility quantities were determined for each seismic design

category (SDC), building height, risk category, and seismic force-resisting
system, based on design story forces and structural fragility capacity
assumptions. Structural systems for each archetype were designed based on
extrapolation from analytical studies on preliminary designs. These studies
were used to establish strength and stiffness properties for determining the
number of bays of lateral bracing, or length of shear wall, needed. Situations
where design drift, rather than lateral strength, governed the size of the
structural elements were also considered.

Where possible, the quantity of each structural component is the same for all
building performance models in a single design space. If needed, component
sizes were varied within the same family of fragilities to keep the structural
layout the same.

Sample structural fragilities used in representative, mid-rise, SDC D, Risk

Category II archetypes are shown in Tables 4-2 through 4-6. Quantities of

4-4 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

structural components are also provided in the tables, by direction
(Direction 1/Direction 2). Fragilities for Risk Category IV archetypes, and
for all archetypes in other Seismic Design Categories (Low SDC D and SDC
E/F), are from the same fragility groups, but may differ in the exact fragility
selected. Fragility ID numbers and descriptions are taken from the PACT
fragility database.

Table 4-2 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Special Moment

Resisting Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II
Floors ID Description Quantity(1)
All Floors B1031.001 Bolted shear tab gravity connections 36/38
Floor 1 B1031.011b Steel Column Base Plates, 8/8
Column 150 plf < W < 300 plf
Floors B1035.001 Post-Northridge RBS connection with welded 4/4
1, 2, 3, web, beam one side of column only, beam
4, 5 depth < W27
Floors B1035.011 Post-Northridge RBS connection with welded 4/4
1, 2, 3, web, beams both sides of column, beam
4, 5 depth < W27
Notes: (1)
Quantities are given as Direction 1/Direction 2.

Table 4-3 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Reinforced Concrete

Special Moment-Resisting Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II
Floors ID Description Quantity(1)
All Floors B1049.032 Post-tensioned concrete flat slabs-columns 14/14
with shear reinforcing 0.4<Vg/Vo<.0.6
Floors B1041.002a ACI 318 SMF, Conc Col & Bm = 24" × 36", 4/4
1, 2, 3, Beam one side
4, 5
Floors B1041.002b ACI 318 SMF, Conc Col & Bm = 24" × 36", 4/4
1, 2, 3, Beam both sides
4, 5
Notes: (1)
Quantities are given as Direction 1/Direction 2.

Table 4-4 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Buckling-

Restrained Braced Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II
Floors ID Description Quantity(1)
All Floors B1031.001 Bolted shear tab gravity connections 40/42
Floor 1 B1031.011b Steel Column Base Plates, 8/8
Column 150 plf < W < 300 plf
Floors B1033.101b Steel Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB), 4/4
1, 2, 3, 4 Chevron brace, Weight of brace > 41 plf and
< 99 plf
Floor 5 B1033.101a Steel Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB), 4/4
Chevron brace, Weight of brace > 41 plf and
< 99 plf
Notes: (1)
Quantities are given as Direction 1/Direction 2.

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-5

Table 4-5 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Steel Special
Concentrically Braced Frames, SDC D, Risk Category II
Floors ID Description Quantity(1)
All Floors B1031.001 Bolted shear tab gravity connections 36/38
Floor 1 B1031.011b Steel Column Base Plates, 8/8
Column 150 plf < W < 300 plf
Floors B1033.003b Special Concentric Braced Frame w/ WF 4/4
1, 2, 3, 4 braces, balanced design criteria, X brace,
brace 41 plf < W < 99 plf
Floor 5 B1033.001a Special Concentric Braced Frame w/ WF 4/4
braces, balanced design criteria, Chevron
brace, brace < 40 plf
Notes: (1)
Quantities are given as Direction 1/Direction 2.

Table 4-6 Sample Structural Fragilities, Mid-Rise, Special Reinforced

Concrete Shear Walls, SDC D, Risk Category II
Floors ID Description Quantity(1)
All B1049.032 Post-tensioned concrete flat slabs-columns 18/18
Floors with shear reinforcing 0.4<Vg/Vo<.0.6
Floor 1 B1044.102a Slender Concrete Wall, 18" thick, 12' high, 20' 8/8
Notes: (1)
Quantities are given as Direction 1/Direction 2.

4.5 Nonstructural Fragilities

General types and typical quantities of nonstructural components in each

archetype were based on information from the Normative Quantity
Estimation Tool in FEMA P-58, Volume 3. For a given building height and
occupancy, nonstructural normative quantities are uniform across all
archetypes, regardless of the seismic force-resisting system.

Nonstructural fragilities used in the building performance models were

selected from the updated and revised PACT fragility database (FEMA,
2018c), which includes many options for each type of nonstructural
component and system. Resulting nonstructural fragilities for office and
healthcare occupancies are summarized in Appendix B.

4.5.1 Calculation of Nonstructural Fragility Median Capacities

Median capacities for nonstructural components provided in the PACT

fragility database are based on testing, expert opinion, or must be determined
by the user. Where necessary, median capacities were calculated using the
code-based limit state procedures in FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Section 3.8.4,
and the seismic design provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-10. Seismic design criteria
for nonstructural components depend on many factors, including seismic
hazard level, risk category, design story drift, and the location over the height

4-6 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

the structure. As a result, nonstructural components and systems required
multiple fragilities with different lateral capacities to account for different
combinations of factors. Calculation of median capacities for displacement-,
acceleration-, and velocity-controlled nonstructural components and systems
is described in the sections that follow.

4.5.2 Displacement-Controlled Components

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, the demand parameter for displacement-

controlled components is story drift. Drift capacities for displacement-
controlled components varied based on the seismic force-resisting system
and the point of interest within the design space.

Figure 4-1 shows the design space for a typical mid-rise, steel special
concentric braced frame, Risk Category II archetype. For this archetype,
displacement-controlled component fragilities were proportioned to
accommodate five different design story drift levels: the maximum design
story drift ratio, 0.0125, at points 2, 4, and 13; 0.01 at points 6 and 8; 0.0075
at points 9, 10, and 11; 0.005 at points 5 and 7; and the minimum design
story drift ratio, 0.0025, at points 1, 3, and 12. Displacement-controlled
component fragilities in other archetypes were similarly determined.

Figure 4-1 Design space for mid-rise, Steel SCBF, Risk Category II archetype,
showing drift levels for displacement-controlled nonstructural
component fragilities.

In ASCE/SEI 7-10, displacement demands on nonstructural components are

expressed as relative seismic displacements, rather than story drift ratios.

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-7

The design relative displacement, DpI, was determined using ASCE/SEI 7-10,
Equation 13.3-5:
DpI = DpIe

where Dp is the relative seismic displacement that components must be

designed to accommodate, and Ie is the importance factor assigned to the
structure. The relative seismic displacement demand on a component is the
difference in lateral deflections between different points of attachment to the
structure. For application to the FEMA P-58 methodology, relative
displacement demands were converted to story drifts.

Displacement-controlled nonstructural components include partition walls,

curtain wall systems, and exit stairways. Median displacement capacities for
partition walls have been established by testing, and are provided in the
PACT fragility database. Capacities for curtain wall systems and exit stairs
must be determined by calculation for input into the building performance

Exterior Curtain Walls. The PACT fragility database provides several

different fragilities for curtain wall systems. Median capacities in the
database have been determined based on racking tests. Fragilities were
selected by equating the median capacity associated with glass fallout to the
required relative displacement in ASCE/SEI 7-10, Equation 13.5-1:
Δfallout ≥ 1.25IeDp

For curtain wall systems that span from floor to floor, Dp is equal to the drift
limit at the point of interest in the design space, Δlimit, and:
Δfallout ≥ 1.25IeΔlimit

A total of 23 different curtain wall drift demands were identified across all
archetype variants. For each point in the design space a curtain wall fragility
was selected from the PACT fragility database such that the median capacity
associated with Δfallout exceeds the drift demand, 1.25IeΔlimit. Selected curtain
wall fragilities, and the associated drift demands, are shown in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7 includes nine curtain wall fragilities that meet or exceed drift
demand requirements. Fragility B2022.032 is a dry-glazed system without
any clearance between the glass and the frame. This fragility represents a
curtain wall that is suitable for installation in buildings with low story drift
demands, and was used where drift demands are less than 0.011. Fragilities
for higher drift demands include an allowance for clearance between the
glass and the frame. To maintain reasonably close correlation (i.e., to avoid
significant over-conservatism) between the design drift demand and the drift

4-8 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

Table 4-7 Selected Glazed Curtain Wall Fragilities and Associated Drift Demands
Fragility Drift
Capacity Demand
Fragility ID Description Δfallout 1.25IeΔlimit
B2022.032 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: 0.0108 0.004
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0 in. (0 mm); aspect ratio = 0.005
6:5 sealant = dry 0.006
B2022.034a Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: 0.013 0.012
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
monolithic; Modified median capacities: DS1=0.011, DS2= 0.013
B2022.034 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: 0.0164 0.015
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.25 in. (6 mm); aspect ratio 0.016
= 6:5 sealant = dry
B2022.035 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: 0.0212 0.017
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio 0.018
= 2:1 sealant = dry 0.019
B2022.082 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Symmetric insulating glass 0.0221 0.022
units (dual-pane, equal-thickness IGU), Lamination: Not
laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1 in. (25 mm) AN IGU
[1/4 in. (6 mm) inner and outer panes]; glass-frame clearance =
0.25 in. (6 mm); aspect ratio = 6:5 sealant = dry
B2022.002 Curtain Walls – Generic Midrise Stick-Built Curtain wall, Config: 0.024 0.024
Insulating Glass Units (dual pane), Lamination: Unknown, Glass
Type: Unknown, Details: Aspect ratio = 6:5, Other details
B2022.036 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: 0.0257 0.025
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio
= 1:2 sealant = dry
B2022.072 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Symmetric insulating glass 0.0299 0.026
units (dual-pane, equal-thickness IGU), Lamination: Laminated,
Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) inner AN / 1/4 in. (6 0.027
mm) outer AN LAM (0.060 PVB) IGU; glass-frame clearance = 0.029
0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio = 6:5 sealant = dry
B2022.011 Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Asymmetric insulating glass 0.0339 0.032
units (dual-pane, unequal-thickness IGU), Lamination: Laminated,
Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) inner AN / 1/2 in.
(13 mm) outer AN LAM (0.030 PVB) IGU; glass-frame clearance =
0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio = 6:5 sealant = dry

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-9

capacity, an additional user-defined fragility, B2022.034a, was created for
intermediate values of Δfallout and drift demand.

Egress Stairs. In ASCE/SEI 7-10, egress stairs are a designated seismic

system, with importance factor Ip = 1.5. FEMA P-58, Volume 2, Section
2.5.5 provides a procedure for estimating the displacement capacity of stairs
with seismic joints, which is taken as the design story drift plus the median
story drift capacity of a similar stair system without seismic joints. The
median capacity for each damage state is, therefore:
θi = Δlimit + θiN

where θi is the median capacity for damage state i, and θiN is the median
capacity for damage state i for an identical stair without a seismic joint. The
dispersion β was taken as 0.50 for all damage states.

4.5.3 Acceleration-Controlled Components

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, the demand parameter for acceleration-

controlled components is peak floor acceleration. In ASCE/SEI 7-10, when a
nonstructural component is deemed flexible, dynamic interaction between the
component and the structure is expected, and design forces are amplified by
ap = 2.5 to account for higher seismic demands.

Use of ap =2.5 for a component capacity calculation in a FEMA P-58

assessment, however, would make the component anchorage appear more
robust than is actually the case. Although a flexible component should be
designed for a force that is 2.5 times larger than a rigid component, it is also
expected to experience acceleration demands that are 2.5 times larger than
what a rigid component would experience. Because peak floor acceleration
demands calculated using the FEMA P-58 Simplified Analysis Procedure do
not capture dynamic amplification associated with flexible components, the
amplification factor, ap, for capacity calculations was set equal to 1.0,
regardless of the tabulated values in ASCE/SEI 7-10. This approach is in
general agreement with the recommendations in FEMA P-58, Volume 2,
Chapter 7.

The code-based limit state procedures of FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Section 3.8
were used to calculate the median capacity of acceleration controlled
nonstructural components. The median capacity is given by FEMA P-58,
Volume 1, Equation 3-2:
θbrittle = Cq e(2.81β )φ Rn

4-10 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

where Cq is a factor based on sensitivity to construction quality, β is the
dispersion based on uncertainty in the ability of design equations to predict
actual failure demand, and ϕRn is the design resistance. For Cq = 0.5 and β =
0.5, the median capacity is:
θ = 2.04ϕRn

The design resistance, ϕRn, is taken as the ratio of Fp/Wp, where Wp is the
component operating weight, and Fp is the horizontal design force calculated
using ASCE/SEI 7-10 Section 13.3.1, considering upper and lower limits on
the component design force in ASCE/SEI 7-10 Equations 13.3-2 and 13.3-3.

Tables 4-8 through 4-10 provide values of Fp/Wp based on the short-period
acceleration parameter, SDS, component response modification factor Rp, and
the height of the component in the structure expressed in terms of x/h, where
x is the height of the point of attachment of the component, and h is the
height of the structure. Values in the tables identified with an asterisk
indicate cases in which the ASCE/SEI 7-10 lower limit (Equation 13.3-3)

Table 4-8 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled Components in Low SDC D, Risk
Category II Archetypes
Rp 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1.5 0.15* 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.35 0.37 0.40
2 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30
2.5 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24
3.5 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15 0.16 0.17
4.5 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15*
6 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15* 0.15*

Table 4-9 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled Components in SDC D, Risk Category II
Rp 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1.5 0.30* 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.48 0.53 0.49 0.64 0.69 0.75 0.80
2 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.60
2.5 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.32 0.35 0.38 0.42 0.45 0.48
3.5 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30 0.32 0.34
4.5 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30*
6 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30* 0.30*

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-11

Table 4-10 Ratio of Fp/Wp for Acceleration-Controlled Components in SDC E/F, Risk Category
II Archetypes
Rp 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1.5 0.40* 0.43 0.5 0.57 0.64 0.71 0.78 0.85 0.92 0.99 1.06
2 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.43 0.48 0.53 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.74 0.80
2.5 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.64
3.5 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40 0.43 0.46
4.5 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40*
6 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40* 0.40*

Values in the tables are for Risk Category II archetypes (Ie or Ip, equal to
1.0). Values for Risk Category IV archetypes are directly proportional to the
change in importance factor.

4.5.4 Velocity-Controlled Components

In the FEMA P-58 methodology, the demand parameter for velocity-

controlled components is peak floor velocity. Peak floor velocity demands
were calculated using the FEMA P-58 Simplified Analysis Procedure as
described in Chapter 3. In this study, velocity-controlled nonstructural
components include unanchored medical equipment commonly installed on
rollers for easy transport.

Depending on the height-to-width ratio of unanchored equipment, the

intensity of the floor velocity, and the nature of the floor surface, components
are expected to remain in place, topple, or slide during an earthquake.
Fragilities and consequences for velocity-controlled components were
calculated based on the procedure for unanchored components in FEMA
P-58, Volume 1, using the following judgmentally-determined, mutually
exclusive damage states:
• Damage State 1:
o Demand: floor velocity that causes the component to slide 6 inches.
o Consequences: minor impact, but component remains functional.
• Damage State 2:
o Demand: floor velocity that causes the component to slide 12 inches.
o Consequences: significant impact, component non-functional and
damaged beyond repair.

4-12 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

From FEMA P-58, Volume 1, Equation 3-15, the median peak floor velocity
at which a component will slide a distance, δ, is:
2 µ D gδ
 VˆPT =

where µD is the dynamic coefficient of friction between the component and

its supporting surface, g is the acceleration of gravity, and δ is the critical
sliding displacement. Static and dynamic coefficients of friction were taken
from FEMA P-58, Volume 2, Chapter 7.

4.5.5 Medical Component Fragilities

Building performance models for healthcare occupancies include fragilities

for fixed and mobile medical equipment. Fixed (i.e., anchored) components
are acceleration-controlled, and median capacities were determined as
described in Section 4.5.3. The component importance factor, Ip, for fixed
medical components was set to 1.5 for acute-care hospital archetypes and to
1.0 for outpatient medical building archetypes. Mobile components are
velocity-controlled, and median capacities were determined as described in
Section 4.5.4. All mobile medical equipment was assumed to have casters or
wheels with the locks engaged, resting on floors with a “slick” surface (e.g.,
poly/tetra/fluoro/ethylene-to-steel surface).

Damage State 1 was assumed to have an 80 percent probability of

occurrence, and the component was assumed to be damaged but repairable at
a cost of 10 percent of the replacement cost. Damage State 2 was assumed to
have a 20 percent probability of occurrence, and the component was assumed
to be damaged beyond repair.

Assumed repair and replacement costs were based on list price data for
typical medical equipment available at the time of this study. Replacement
costs consider only the cost of the component, and do not include ancillary
work required to access or reinstall the damaged component. Assumed
repair times ranged from 7 to 180 days, depending on the damage state and
the cost and complexity of the component. Repair/replacement costs and
repair times for medical component fragilities used in this study are
judgement-based estimates, and should be considered to be lower bound
values. Medical equipment fragilities and consequence data used in this
study are provided in Appendix B.

4.5.6 Interior Flooding Fragilities

Building performance models include consideration of the effects of interior

flooding. If interior flooding occurs on a floor, it was assumed to impact the

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-13

entire floor plate, but was not assumed to spread between floors. Flooding
fragilities incorporated into the performance models represent office or
healthcare facilities located in a dry climate. Interior flooding in a dry
climate has a lower likelihood for developing mold subsequent to the
flooding event.

Median capacities and dispersions for interior flooding fragilities were

controlled by the performance of small diameter threaded steel piping, which
is the weakest piping system selected from the PACT fragility database.

4.6 Performance Groups and Representative

Nonstructural Fragilities

Performance groups are groups of fragilities that are subjected to the same
demands (e.g., story drift, floor acceleration, or velocity), in a particular
direction, at a particular floor level. Nonstructural component fragilities in
office and healthcare occupancies were based on information from the
Normative Quantity Estimation Tool in FEMA P-58, Volume 3, and
additional assumptions described below.

The types and quantities of nonstructural components are the same for Risk
Category II and Risk Category IV archetypes of the same occupancy. The
specific fragilities, however, vary based on risk category, seismic hazard
level, and location of the component in the structure.

4.6.1 Office Occupancies

Nonstructural fragilities used in commercial offices and emergency

operations centers were based on an assumption of 100 percent office
occupancy on every floor level, with mechanical equipment located on the
roof. The types and quantities of nonstructural component fragilities in
representative Risk Category II, mid-rise, office archetypes are provided in
Appendix B. Nonstructural fragilities in Risk Category IV emergency
operations center archetypes were assumed to be similar, but were selected
based on Risk Category IV seismic criteria.

4.6.2 Healthcare Occupancies

Nonstructural fragilities used in healthcare occupancies were based on

assumptions for general acute-care hospitals providing surgical, imaging, and
laboratory services to patients staying longer than 24 hours, and outpatient
medical facilities providing diagnostic imaging and outpatient surgeries to
patients staying less than 24 hours. The Normative Quantity Estimation Tool
was used for typical nonstructural components such as partitions, ceilings,
mechanical equipment, and mechanical distribution systems. A medical

4-14 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

equipment inventory from a typical acute care hospital formed the basis for
medical components assumed in this study.

Department block diagrams, such as the diagram shown in Figure 4-2, were
developed for low- and mid-rise healthcare archetypes to determine the
location of medical equipment within the building. Although most
healthcare facilities providing a full array of medical services will have a
larger floor plate than the 14,000 square foot floor area assumed for the
archetypes in this study, the floor area for office and healthcare occupancies
was held constant to allow comparisons between occupancies. Typical
proportions of building area devoted to patient beds, surgical services, and
support services, as depicted in the block diagrams, were maintained in low-
and mid-rise healthcare archetypes.

Figure 4-2 Sample department block diagram for mid-rise healthcare


The types and quantities of nonstructural component fragilities in

representative Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes are provided in
Appendix B. In general, the types and quantities of nonstructural
components and medical equipment would differ between non-acute care
outpatient medical buildings and general acute care hospital buildings,
especially for equipment associated with surgical services. However, to
investigate the influence of seismic design criteria on performance,
nonstructural component fragilities for Risk Category II archetypes (non-
acute care outpatient medical buildings) and Risk Category IV archetypes
(general acute care hospitals) were assumed to be identical, except for
seismic design criteria.

A significant percentage of medical equipment is mobile and not subject to

code requirements for seismic bracing and anchorage. Because such
components are critical to the operation of a medical facility, and represent a
sizable investment, they were included in building performance models for

FEMA P-58-5 4: Building Performance Models 4-15

healthcare occupancies. Fragility and consequences functions for medical
equipment were developed as described in Section 4.5.5. The types and
quantities of medical equipment fragilities used in representative mid-rise,
Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes are provided in Appendix B.

4-16 4: Building Performance Models FEMA P-58-5

Chapter 5
System-Specific Performance
of Buildings

This chapter presents system-specific results of FEMA P-58 seismic

performance assessments on 1,755 archetypes across five structural systems
representative of buildings conforming to the seismic design requirements of
ASCE/SEI 7-10 and applicable material design standards. Assessment
results are organized to provide information on expected performance given
different seismic-force resisting systems, design story drift ratios, lateral
strengths, risk categories, hazard levels, building heights, and occupancy

The resulting data are voluminous. An interactive tool was developed as a

repository of all assessment results and can be used as an interface for
viewing results for a specific system and a given set of design assumptions.
The Performance Estimation Tool (PET) is described in Appendix C and is
provided in electronic format in FEMA P-58, Volume 3.

Sample results are presented to illustrate significant findings. To draw

generalized conclusions between systems and design requirements, results
have been sorted by key parameters, and data have been presented as an
average of a spectrum of archetypes representing the entire range, or a
selected portion, of the design space.

5.1 Performance Metrics

FEMA P-58 performance metrics include repair costs, repair time, casualties,
and probability of incurring an unsafe placard as direct outputs of the
Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT). In addition, data from
PACT realizations were exported and post-processed to derive additional
metrics identified as casualty rates and repairability.

Concurrent with this work, the FEMA P-58 methodology was expanded to
assess the probability of generating environmental impacts, including
embodied energy and carbon. Because environmental metrics were not
available at the time these performance assessments were initiated,
environmental losses were not considered in assessing the expected
performance of code-conforming buildings.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-1

System-specific performance of buildings is reported in terms of five metrics,
defined as follows:
• Repair Cost. Repair cost is the cost to restore damaged components to
their pre-earthquake condition, expressed as a percentage of the
replacement value of the building. Repair costs represent only one
aspect of potential financial loss due to earthquake damage. Other costs
include loss of income due to business interruption during repair work,
the cost to identify, plan, and permit repairs, and the cost of financing
• Repair Time. Repair time is the number of days required to restore
damaged components to their pre-earthquake condition. Repair time is
only a portion of the time needed to return a building to its pre-
earthquake condition. Additional time is required to identify, plan, and
permit the work, arrange financing, and hire and mobilize contractors.
• Casualty Rate. Casualties include loss of life or serious injury requiring
hospitalization. Casualty rate is the probability of any one occupant in a
building becoming a casualty as a result of an earthquake.
• Probability of Unsafe Placard. Probability of Unsafe Placard is the
probability that a building will be posted unsafe to occupy following an
earthquake, based on the occurrence of structural or nonstructural
damage that is considered significant enough to trigger an unsafe
• Repairability. Repairability is the probability that a building will be
considered possible to repair following an earthquake. A repairable
condition is one in which the building does not collapse, the permanent
residual drift is less than 1%, and losses are less than of 50% of the
building replacement cost.

The FEMA P58 methodology quantifies building performance metrics in

probabilistic terms, recognizing uncertainties that can affect building
performance. Results for each metric are provided in the form of a
probability distribution, and performance metrics at any confidence level can
be reported. Median values provide expected performance in the middle of
the distribution (i.e., at a 50% confidence level), meaning half of the possible
results are lower and half are higher than the reported value. Similarly, 90th
percentile values are such that 90% of the possible results are lower and 10%
are higher than the reported value, providing a high confidence that the
reported value will not be exceeded. In this study, median results are

5-2 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

5.2 Design Space and Representative Designs

The design space is intended to represent a reasonable range of lateral

strengths and stiffnesses that would be expected in typical modern buildings
designed in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-10. In general, assessment results
are reported as the average over all archetypes comprising the design space.

The parametric variation of strength and stiffness within the design space
could include some combinations of lateral strength and stiffness that are not
realistic for some systems. Representative designs are combinations of
lateral strength and lateral stiffness that are judged to be most typical for each
seismic force-resisting system. Where specifically noted, results for seismic
force-resisting systems are reported for buildings with the properties of
representative designs. Performance results for representative designs are
obtained by averaging the results for archetypes at three or four points in the
design space. Points contributing to the performance of representative
designs for each seismic force-resisting system are identified in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Points in the Design Space Contributing to the Performance of

Representative Designs for each System
Points in the Design Space Contributing
to Performance of Representative Designs
Seismic Force-Resisting
System Low-Rise and Mid-Rise High-Rise
Steel SMRF 6, 8, 13 6, 8, 13
RC SMRF 6, 8, 13 6, 8, 13
Steel BRBF 6, 8, 9 6, 8, 9
Steel SCBF 5, 6, 10 5, 6, 10
Special RCSW 5, 7, 9, 12 5, 7, 9

5.3 Performance Assessment Results by System

Archetypes in each system include variants by occupancy type (office and

healthcare), Risk Category (RC II and RC IV), seismic hazard level
(Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F), building height (low-, mid-, and high-
rise), and lateral strength and stiffness combinations within the design space.
Systems were assessed at five intensity levels: 20% MCE, 40% MCE, 67%
MCE (Design), 80% MCE, and 100% MCE. Performance assessment results
reported by system have been averaged across all archetypes in the design
space and are summarized in the sections that follow.

5.3.1 Steel Special Moment-Resisting Frames

Median results for steel special moment-resisting frame (SMRF) systems,

averaged across all Steel SMRF archetype strength and stiffness
combinations, heights, and hazard levels, are summarized in Table 5-2.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-3

Overall, losses in Steel SMRF systems increase, and reparability decreases,
as the intensity of shaking increases from 20% MCE to 100% MCE.
Between Risk Categories, losses in Steel SMRF systems are lower, and
repairability of Steel SMRF systems is higher, for Risk Category IV
archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes, in both office and
healthcare occupancies. Within a given Risk Category, losses in Steel SMRF
archetypes for healthcare occupancies are higher than office occupancies
because of the presence of high-value medical equipment and increased
(24-hour) occupancy associated with healthcare occupancies.

Table 5-2 Average Performance of Steel Special Moment-Resisting Frame

Systems – Median Results

Performance at Each Intensity Level

Performance Measure 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 0% 1% 5% 10% 15%
Repair Time 0 days 4 days 14 days 22 days 41 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.3% 0.6% 1.0%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 8% 16% 27%
Repairability 100% 100% 97% 93% 86%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 0% 3% 13% 23% 49%
Repair Time 1 days 12 days 35 days 51 days 82 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.1%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 1% 10% 21% 35%
Repairability 100% 99% 92% 85% 75%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 0% 1% 3% 5% 8%
Repair Time 0 days 2 days 11 days 17 days 23 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.7%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 5% 13%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 98% 94%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 0% 1% 3% 6% 9%
Repair Time 0 days 3 days 15 days 22 days 30 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.7%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 5% 13%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 98% 94%

Components contributing to losses in Steel SMRF, Risk Category II and IV,

office and healthcare archetypes are shown in Table 5-3. Components
identified in the table are the most significant contributors accounting for the
majority of losses, and are listed in descending order of importance.

5-4 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

The majority of losses in Steel SMRF archetypes are associated with drift-
controlled components. Residual drift is a major contributor to losses in
Steel SMRF archetypes at shaking intensities of 67% MCE and higher.
Components with less significant contributions to loss (and not listed in
Table 5-3) include partitions and acceleration-sensitive components such as
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment, and elevators.

Table 5-3 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Special Moment-

Resisting Frame Systems
Occupancy and Intensity
Risk Category Level Components Contributing to Losses
Exterior Window System, Residual Drift, Steel
Risk Category II – Moment Connections
Office Residual Drift, Exterior Window Systems, Steel
100% MCE
Moment Connections
Design Interior Flooding, Exterior Window System
Risk Category IV –
Office Exterior Window Systems, Interior Flooding, Steel
100% MCE
Moment Connections
Medical Equipment, Residual Drift, Exterior
Risk Category II – Window System
Healthcare Residual Drift, Medical Equipment, Exterior
100% MCE
Window System, Steel Moment Connections
Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, Exterior
Risk Category IV – Window System
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Exterior Window System,
100% MCE
Interior Flooding

Risk Category IV structures are designed for higher lateral forces and lower
story drift ratios than Risk Category II structures. At lower shaking
intensities, the reduction in median losses for Risk Category IV Steel SMRF
archetypes is attributed mainly to higher design forces used for the design of
nonstructural components, and enhanced detailing for ceilings and pipe, duct,
and electrical distribution systems. At higher shaking intensities (greater
than 67% MCE), Steel SMRF archetypes benefit from more stringent design
story drift criteria, with substantially reduced structural damage and
unrepairable residual drift.

More stringent design requirements in Risk Category IV reduce, but do not

eliminate, damage to nonstructural components in Steel SMRF archetypes.
Interior flooding still contributes significantly to losses in Risk Category IV
Steel SMRF archetypes because demands increase, but the capacity of the
piping system responsible for interior flooding is not influenced by Risk
Category. Damage to medical equipment in Risk Category IV Steel SMRF
archetypes is reduced, except in the case of mobile equipment because
sliding capacity is not influenced by Risk Category.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-5

The influence of lateral strength and design story drift ratio on median repair
costs for Steel SMRF archetypes can be seen in Figure 5-1, which
superimposes median losses on the design space for Risk Category II and IV
office archetypes, subjected to 100% MCE shaking intensity, averaged over
all building heights and hazards levels. In the figure, average median repair
costs for Steel SMRF archetypes decrease somewhat as the design story drift
ratio decreases across the design space. Reductions are more significant
under more stringent Risk Category IV drift requirements because Steel
SMRF archetypes designed for lower story drift ratios are less likely to
trigger unrepairable residual drift at higher shaking intensities. Variations in
lateral strength showed little influence on average median repair costs in
Steel SMRF archetypes in either Risk Category.

Figure 5-1 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel SMRF, Risk
Category II and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE.

Figure 5-2 shows the probability of triggering an unsafe placard on the

design space for Steel SMRF, Risk Category II and IV office archetypes,
subjected to design earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity, averaged over
all building heights and hazards levels. In the figure, the probability of
triggering an unsafe placard is more strongly influenced by lateral strength
and design story drift ratio, and overall probabilities of triggering an unsafe
placard are more strongly influenced by Risk Category.

Overall, Risk Category IV archetypes showed improved performance over

Risk Category II archetypes across all performance metrics, although the
level of improvement varied. In the case of median repair times, trends
similar to median repair costs were observed. In the case of casualty rate and
repairability metrics, variations in lateral strength and design story drift ratio
across the design space had much less influence on the performance of Risk
Category II or Risk Category IV archetypes in Steel SMRF systems.

5-6 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Figure 5-2 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio
combinations, Steel SMRF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

5.3.2 Reinforced Concrete Special Moment-Resisting Frames

Median results for reinforced concrete special moment-resisting frame

(RC SMRF) systems, averaged across all RC SMRF archetype strength and
stiffness combinations, heights, and hazard levels, are summarized in Table
5-4. Trends in the results for RC SMRF systems are similar to those reported
for Steel SMRF systems.

As observed in Steel SMRF systems, losses in RC SMRF systems increase,

and repairability decreases, as the intensity of shaking increases from 20%
MCE to 100% MCE. Between Risk Categories, losses in RC SMRF systems
are lower, and repairability of RC SMRF systems is higher, for Risk
Category IV archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes, in both
office and healthcare occupancies. Within a given Risk Category, losses in
RC SMRF archetypes for healthcare occupancies are higher than office
occupancies because of the presence of high-value medical equipment and
increased (24-hour) occupancy associated with healthcare occupancies.

Components contributing most significantly to losses in RC SMRF, Risk

Category II and IV, office and healthcare archetypes are listed in Table 5-5.
Components identified in the table are the most significant contributors
accounting for the majority of losses, and are listed in descending order of

Residual drift and damage to concrete connections are major contributors to

losses at shaking intensities of 67% MCE and higher in RC SMRF
archetypes, although the relative importance varies with sensitivity to drift or
acceleration, and was observed to be different among low-rise, mid-rise, and
high-rise RC SMRF archetypes. For example, residual drift was the main

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-7

Table 5-4 Average Performance of Reinforced Concrete Special Moment-
Resisting Frame Systems – Median Results
Performance at Each Intensity Level
Performance Measure 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 0% 2% 6% 14% 28%
Repair Time 2 days 8 days 20 days 54 days 132
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.4% 0.7% 1.2%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 2% 6% 14% 37%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 91% 80%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 0% 3% 12% 22% 38
Repair Time 1 days 11 days 30 days 46 days 70 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.2% 0.5% 0.9%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 1% 10% 21% 37%
Repairability 100% 99% 92% 83% 75%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 0% 0% 2% 4% 7%
Repair Time 0 days 2 days 11 days 17 days 23 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.5%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 3% 9%
Repairability 100% 100% 100% 99% 97%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 0% 1% 5% 8% 12%
Repair Time 0 days 7 days 24 days 35 days 47 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0% 0.1% 0.4%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 5% 12%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 98% 95%

contributor to losses in low-rise archetypes, while damage to concrete beams

and flat slab/column connections were the main contributors to losses in mid-
rise and high-rise archetypes. This is because low-rise RC SMRF archetypes
have larger design story drift ratios than mid- and high-rise archetypes, and
RC SMRF archetypes designed for higher story drift ratios are more likely to
trigger unrepairable residual drift at higher shaking intensities. Other
components with less significant contributions to loss (and not listed in Table
5-5) included partitions and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment.

More stringent Risk Category IV design requirements reduce structural

losses in RC SMRF archetypes in shaking intensities greater than 67% MCE,
with substantially reduced structural damage and unrepairable residual drift.

5-8 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Table 5-5 Components Contributing to Losses, Reinforced Concrete
Special Moment-Resisting Frame Systems
Occupancy and Intensity
Risk Category Level Components Contributing to Losses
Concrete Beams and Flat Slab/Columns, Residual
Drift, Exterior Window System, Interior Flooding
Risk Category II –
Office Residual Drift, Concrete Beams and Flat
100% MCE Slab/Columns, Exterior Window System, Interior
Interior Flooding, Concrete Beams and Flat
Risk Category IV Slab/Columns, MEP Systems
– Office Concrete Beams and Flat Slab/Columns, Interior
100% MCE
Flooding, Exterior Window System, Residual Drift
Medical Equipment, Concrete Beams and Flat
Design Slab/Columns, Residual Drift, Exterior Window
Risk Category II – System, Interior Flooding
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Residual Drift, Concrete
100% MCE Beams and Flat Slab/Columns, Exterior Window
System, Interior Flooding
Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, Concrete
Risk Category IV Beams and Flat Slab/Columns
– Healthcare Medical Equipment, Concrete Beams and Flat
100% MCE
Slab/Columns, Interior Flooding, Residual Drift

Risk Category IV design requirements reduce, but do not eliminate, damage

to nonstructural components in RC SMRF archetypes. Interior flooding still
contributes significantly to losses in Risk Category IV archetypes because
demands increase but the capacity of the piping system responsible for
interior flooding is not influenced by Risk Category. Damage to medical
equipment in Risk Category IV RC SMRF archetypes is reduced, except in
the case of mobile equipment because sliding capacity is not influenced by
Risk Category.

The influence of lateral strength and design story drift ratio on median repair
costs for RC SMRF archetypes can be observed in Figure 5-3, which shows
median repair costs on the design space for RC SMRF, Risk Category II,
office archetypes, subjected to 100% MCE shaking intensity, averaged over
all building heights and hazards levels. In the figure, average median repair
costs for RC SMRF archetypes are significantly influenced by both lateral
strength and design story drift ratio, and archetypes with higher lateral
strengths and smaller design story drift ratios have lower average median
repair costs. Reductions are more significant in Risk Category IV, which
clearly shows the effect of more stringent drift requirements.

Observed trends are less pronounced at design earthquake (67% MCE)

shaking intensities than at MCE shaking intensities. Similar trends are

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-9

observed for average median repair times across the design space for Risk
Category II and Risk Category IV RC SMRF archetypes.

Figure 5-3 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, RC SMRF, Risk
Category II and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE.

Figure 5-4 shows the probability of triggering an unsafe placard, averaged

over all building heights and hazards levels, on the design space for RC
SMRF, Risk Category II and IV, office archetypes, subjected to design
earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity.

Figure 5-4 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio
combinations, RC SMRF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

In the figure, average probabilities of triggering an unsafe placard are

influenced by lateral strength and design story drift ratio, and archetypes with
higher lateral strengths and smaller design story drift ratios are less likely to
trigger an unsafe placard. Overall probabilities of triggering an unsafe
placard are strongly influenced by Risk Category.

5-10 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

5.3.3 Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames

Median results for steel buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) systems,

averaged across Steel BRBF archetype strength and stiffness combinations,
heights, and hazard levels, are summarized in Table 5-6.

As observed in other systems, losses in Steel BRBF systems increase, and

repairability decreases, as the intensity of shaking increases. The trend in
BRBF systems, however, is more pronounced, with comparatively higher
losses due to increased sensitivity to drift demands exceeding design drifts,
and more frequent occurrence of unrepairable residual drift at higher shaking

Table 5-6 Average Performance of Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame

Systems – Median Results
Performance at Each Intensity Level
Performance Measure 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 0% 4% 22% 41% 56%
Repair Time 0 days 16 days 121 253 367
d d d
Casualty Rate 0% 0.2% 1.1% 1.8% 2.7%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 5% 26% 40% 52%
Repairability 100% 96% 78% 66% 54%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 1% 9% 37% 55% 69%
Repair Time 3 days 25 days 149 286 407
d d d
Casualty Rate 0% 0.2% 1.0% 1.8% 2.7%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 5% 27% 41% 54%
Repairability 99% 92% 71% 58% 46%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 0% 2% 16% 27% 39%
Repair Time 0 days 7 days 92 days 160 244
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.6% d
1.2% d
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 2% 16% 27% 41%
Repairability 100% 98% 85% 75% 63%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 0% 2% 19% 29% 41%
Repair Time 0 days 9 days 106 167 251
d d d
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.6% 1.2% 2.1%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 2% 16% 27% 41%
Repairability 100% 98% 85% 75% 63%

Median losses for Steel BRBF systems shown in Table 5-6 reflect a design
space that includes code minimum required lateral strengths and, for high-

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-11

rise archetypes, code maximum permissible drift limits (see Tables 2-5 and
2-6). In the case of low-rise and mid-rise archetypes, engineering practice is
expected to result in designs that are stiffer that required, and design drifts
were conservatively taken to be less than code maximum drift limits. Even
with this level of conservatism, it is likely that the assumed design drift limits
for archetypes in this study exceed typical design drifts for Steel BRBF
systems used in engineering practice. Losses for Steel BRBF systems would
be lower if actual design strengths are more than the minimum required
strength, and design drifts are further reduced below permissible drift limits.

Between Risk Categories, losses in Steel BRBF systems are lower, and
repairability of Steel BRBF systems is higher, for Risk Category IV
archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes, in both office and
healthcare occupancies. Within a given Risk Category, losses in Steel BRBF
archetypes for healthcare occupancies are somewhat higher than office
occupancies because of the presence of additional, high-value equipment and
increased (24-hour) occupancy associated with healthcare occupancies.

Components contributing most significantly to losses in Steel BRBF, Risk

Category II and IV, office and healthcare archetypes are listed in Table 5-7,
in decreasing order of importance. Residual drift is a major contributor to
losses at shaking intensities of 67% MCE and higher in Steel BRBF
archetypes. Other less significant contributors to loss (not listed in Table
5-7) include mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment, partitions, and

Table 5-7 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Buckling-Restrained

Braced Frame Systems
Occupancy and Intensity
Risk Category Level Components Contributing to Losses
Residual Drift, Exterior Window System, Steel
Risk Category II – Braces, Interior Flooding, Partitions
Office Residual Drift, Steel Braces, Exterior Window
100% MCE
System, Interior Flooding, Partitions
Residual Drift, Interior Flooding, Exterior Window
Risk Category IV – System, Steel Braces
Office Residual Drift, Interior Flooding, Steel Braces,
100% MCE
Exterior Window System, MEP Components
Residual Drift, Medical Equipment, Exterior
Risk Category II – Window System, Steel Braces, Interior Flooding
Healthcare Residual Drift, Medical Equipment, Exterior
100% MCE
Window System, Steel Braces, Interior Flooding
Residual Drift, Medical Equipment, Exterior
Risk Category IV – Window System, Interior Flooding, Steel Braces
Healthcare Residual Drift, Medical Equipment, Steel Braces,
100% MCE
Interior Flooding, Exterior Window System

5-12 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

The performance of Steel BRBF archetypes is very sensitive to design story
drift ratio. Steel BRBF archetypes designed for code maximum story drift
ratios are more likely to trigger unrepairable residual drift at higher shaking
intensities. Conversely, Steel BRBF systems designed for lower story drift
ratios show significant improvement in performance.

Higher design forces and lower story drift ratios associated with Risk
Category IV design requirements, as well as higher design forces and
enhanced detailing requirements for nonstructural components, have the
effect of reducing structural damage, unrepairable residual drift, and potential
for nonstructural damage in Steel BRBF archetypes.

The effect of changes in design story drift ratio can be seen in Figure 5-5,
which shows median repair costs on the design space for Steel BRBF, Risk
Category II and IV, office archetypes, subjected to design earthquake (67%
MCE) shaking intensity, averaged over all building heights and hazards
levels. In the figure, average median repair costs for Steel BRBF archetypes
are strongly influenced by design story drift ratio, and archetypes with
smaller design story drift ratios have significantly lower average median
repair costs. Reductions due to Risk Category IV criteria are less significant
in comparison with other systems because assumed design story drifts for
certain Steel BRBF archetypes have already been conservatively reduced,
and taken as less than code maxima across the design space.

Figure 5-5 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel BRBF, Risk
Category II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

Figure 5-6 shows the probability of triggering an unsafe placard on the

design space for Steel BRBF, Risk Category II and IV, office archetypes,
subjected to design earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity, averaged over
all building heights and hazards levels. Trends for the average probability of

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-13

triggering an unsafe placard in Steel BRBF archetypes are the same as
observed for median repair costs.

Figure 5-6 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio
combinations, Steel BRBF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

Figure 5-7 shows repairability on the design space for Steel BRBF, Risk
Category II, office archetypes, subjected to design earthquake (67% MCE)
shaking intensity, averaged over all building heights and hazards levels.
Note that, in contrast with other performance metrics, repairability is a
positive metric and higher values indicate better performance.

Figure 5-7 Repairability for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel BRBF, Risk Category
II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

In the figure, trends observed in average repairability for Steel BRBF

archetypes show similar dependence on design story drift ratio and less
dependence on design strength and Risk Category. Bars approaching 100%

5-14 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

average repairability show that high-performing Steel BRBF systems occur
within the design space at drift ratios less than code maximum drift limits.

In the case of other performance metrics, average median repair times

showed the same dependency on lateral strength and design story drift ratio
as observed for repair costs. Casualty risk in Steel BRBF archetypes,
however, was not significantly influenced by lateral strength or design story
drift ratio.

5.3.4 Steel Special Concentrically-Braced Frames

Median results for Steel special concentrically-braced frame (SCBF)

systems, averaged across all Steel SCBF archetype strength and stiffness
combinations, heights, and hazard levels, are summarized in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8 Average Performance of Steel Special Concentrically-Braced

Frame Systems – Median Results
Performance at Each Intensity Level
Performance Measure 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 2% 9% 16% 24% 39%
Repair Time 9 days 27 days 41 days 77 days 188
Casualty Rate 0% 0.4% 2.0% 3.1% 4.2%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 5% 29% 54% 65% 74%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 97% 93%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 4% 16% 28% 35% 46%
Repair Time 13 days 44 days 69 days 83 days 165
Casualty Rate 0% 0.5% 2.3% 3.4% 4.6%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 4% 26% 51% 63% 73%
Repairability 98% 93% 84% 77% 67%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 1% 6% 12% 15% 18%
Repair Time 3 days 20 days 34 days 41 days 48 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0.3% 1.7% 2.8% 4.1%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 1% 15% 40% 52% 63%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 98% 93%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 1% 7% 14% 17% 21%
Repair Time 4 days 23 days 41 days 50 days 58 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0.3% 1.8% 3.0% 4.3%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 1% 14% 39% 52% 64%
Repairability 100% 99% 98% 97% 91%

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-15

As observed in other systems, losses in Steel SCBF systems increase, and
repairability decreases, as the intensity of shaking increases. Because
buckling of braces initiates at relatively low drift levels, median losses in
SCBF systems are driven by damage to braces, which is common at 40%
MCE and stronger shaking intensities. Steel SCBF archetypes also
experience higher floor accelerations in comparison with other more flexible
systems, which results in increased occurrence of damage to acceleration-
controlled nonstructural components.

Between Risk Categories, losses in Steel SCBF systems are lower, and
repairability of Steel SCBF systems is higher, for Risk Category IV
archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes, in both office and
healthcare occupancies. Within a given Risk Category, losses in Steel SCBF
archetypes for healthcare occupancies are somewhat higher than office
occupancies because of the presence of additional, high-value equipment and
increased (24-hour) occupancy associated with healthcare occupancies.

Components contributing most significantly to losses in Steel SCBF, Risk

Category II and IV, office and healthcare archetypes are listed in Table 5-9,
in decreasing order of importance.

Table 5-9 Components Contributing to Losses, Steel Special

Concentrically-Braced Frame Systems
Occupancy and Intensity
Risk Category Level Components Contributing to Losses
Steel Braces, Interior Flooding, Ceilings, Residual
Risk Category II – Drift
Office Steel Braces, Residual Drift, Interior Flooding,
100% MCE
Ceilings, Exterior Window System
Steel Braces, Interior Flooding, MEP Systems,
Risk Category IV – Ceilings, Exterior Window System
Office Steel Braces, Interior Flooding, Ceilings, Exterior
100% MCE
Window System, MEP Systems
Medical Equipment, Steel Braces, Interior Flooding,
Exterior Window Systems, Ceilings
Risk Category II –
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Steel Braces, Residual Drift,
100% MCE Interior Flooding, Exterior Window System,
Medical Equipment, Steel Braces, Interior Flooding,
Risk Category IV – Exterior Window Systems, Ceilings
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Steel Braces, Interior Flooding,
100% MCE
Residual Drift, Exterior Window System, Ceilings

Brace damage is a major contributor to losses in Steel SCBF systems for both
Risk Category II and Risk Category IV archetypes. Other significant
contributors to loss include residual drift, interior flooding, exterior window

5-16 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

systems, and damage to acceleration-controlled components, such as ceiling
systems and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment. Other less
significant contributors to loss (not listed in Table 5-9) include partitions and

Figure 5-8 shows median repair costs on the design space for Steel SCBF,
Risk Category II and IV, office archetypes, subjected to 100% MCE shaking
intensity, averaged over all building heights and hazards levels. In the figure,
average median repair costs for Steel SCBF archetypes decrease significantly
as the design story drift ratio decreases across the design space, while
variations in lateral strength had comparatively little influence. Reductions
occur across the entire design space under more stringent Risk Category IV
design requirements, showing little variation with strength and stiffness. A
similar trend is observed for average median repair times across the design
space for Steel SCBF archetypes.

Figure 5-8 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Steel SCBF,
Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE.

Although Risk Category IV criteria include higher design forces and lower
design story drift ratios, engineering practice is expected to result in designs
that are significantly stiffer that required, and design story drifts have been
conservatively taken as less than code maximum drift limits in both Risk
Category II and Risk Category IV Steel SCBF archetypes (see Tables 2-5
and 2-6). As a result, Steel SCBF archetypes benefit less from more
restrictive Risk Category IV drift criteria than other systems. Risk Category
IV design requirements reduce, but do not eliminate, damage to nonstructural
components in Steel SCBF systems. Interior flooding still contributes
significantly to losses in Risk Category IV. Also, higher strength and
stiffness in Steel SCBF, Risk Category IV archetypes results in higher floor

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-17

accelerations, which reduces some of the benefit that higher bracing and
anchorage forces on nonstructural components can have on reducing losses.

Figure 5-9 shows the probability of triggering an unsafe placard on the

design space for Steel SCBF, Risk Category II and IV, office archetypes,
subjected to design earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity, averaged over
all building heights and hazards levels. In the figure, average probabilities of
triggering an unsafe placard are strongly influenced by design story drift
ratio, and somewhat influenced by lateral strength. Archetypes with higher
lateral strengths and smaller design story drift ratios are less likely to trigger
an unsafe placard.

Figure 5-9 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio
combinations, Steel SCBF, Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 67% MCE.

For reasons noted above, overall probabilities of triggering an unsafe placard

are not that strongly influenced by Risk Category. In general, Risk Category
IV Steel SCBF archetypes showed only marginal improvement in
performance over Risk Category II Steel SCBF archetypes across all
performance metrics.

5.3.5 Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

Median results for special reinforced concrete shear wall (Special RCSW)
systems, averaged across all Special RCSW archetype strength and stiffness
combinations, heights, and hazard levels, are summarized in Table 5-10.

As observed in other systems, losses in Special RCSW systems increase, and

repairability decreases, as the intensity of shaking increases. Between Risk
Categories, losses in Special RCSW systems are lower, and repairability of
Special RCSW systems is higher, for Risk Category IV buildings relative to
Risk Category II buildings, in both office and healthcare occupancies.
Within a given Risk Category, losses in Special RCSW archetypes for

5-18 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

healthcare occupancies are higher than office occupancies because of the
presence of additional, high-value equipment and increased (24-hour)
occupancy associated with healthcare occupancies.

Table 5-10 Average Performance of Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall

Systems – Median Results

Performance at Each Intensity Level

Performance Measure 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 0% 1% 4% 6% 9%
Repair Time 0 days 7 days 18 days 24 days 31 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.4% 0.9% 1.6%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 1% 8% 15% 27%
Repairability 100% 100% 100% 99% 97%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 0% 6% 17% 23% 28%
Repair Time 2 days 19 days 41 days 52 days 64 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.4% 0.8% 1.5%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 4% 9% 20%
Repairability 99% 95% 88% 82% 76%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 0% 1% 4% 6% 7%
Repair Time 0 days 5 days 15 days 19 days 23 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.2% 0.5% 1.1%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 4% 11%
Repairability 100% 100% 100% 100% 99%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 0% 1% 5% 7% 10%
Repair Time 0 days 6 days 20 days 56 days 31 days
Casualty Rate 0% 0% 0.2% 0.5% 1.1%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 0% 0% 1% 4% 11%
Repairability 100% 100% 99% 99% 98%

Components contributing most significantly to losses in Special RCSW, Risk

Category II and IV, office and healthcare archetypes are listed in Table 5-11,
in decreasing order of importance. Median losses in Special RCSW systems
are driven by damage to concrete elements and acceleration-sensitive
components including interior flooding, ceilings, mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing systems, and medical equipment. Other less significant
contributors to loss (not listed in Table 5-11) include concrete structural
elements in low-rise archetypes, and concrete shear walls and flat
slab/column components in high-rise archetypes.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-19

Table 5-11 Components Contributing to Losses, Special Reinforced
Concrete Shear Wall Systems
Occupancy and Intensity
Risk Category Level Components Contributing to Losses

Design Interior Flooding, MEP Systems, Ceilings

Risk Category II –
100% MCE Interior Flooding, Ceilings, MEP Systems

Design Interior Flooding, Ceilings, MEP Systems

Risk Category IV –
100% MCE Interior Flooding, Ceilings, MEP Systems

Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, MEP

Risk Category II – Systems
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, MEP
100% MCE
Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, MEP
Risk Category IV – Systems
Healthcare Medical Equipment, Interior Flooding, MEP
100% MCE

Figure 5-10 shows median repair costs on the design space for Special
RCSW, Risk Category II and IV, office archetypes, subjected to 100% MCE
shaking intensity, averaged over all building heights and hazards levels. In
the figure, average median repair costs for Special RCSW archetypes are
relatively low and change very little across the design space, indicating that
variations in lateral strength and design story drift ratio had limited influence
on repair costs.

Figure 5-10 Median repair costs for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio combinations, Special RCSW,
Risk Category II and IV, office occupancies, 100% MCE.

Reductions in average median repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes

showed only marginal improvement over Risk Category II archetypes.
Although Risk Category IV criteria include higher design forces and lower

5-20 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

design story drift ratios, engineering practice is expected to result in designs
that are significantly stiffer that required, and design story drifts for Special
RCSW archetypes have been conservatively taken as less than code
maximum drift limits in both Risk Category II and Risk Category IV
archetypes (see Tables 2-5 and 2-6). As a result, Special RCSW archetypes
benefit less from more restrictive Risk Category IV drift criteria than other

Risk Category IV design requirements reduce, but do not eliminate, damage

to nonstructural components in Special RCSW archetypes. Interior flooding
still contributes significantly to losses in Risk Category IV archetypes. Also,
higher strength and stiffness in Risk Category IV Special RCSW systems
results in higher floor accelerations, which reduces some of the benefit that
higher bracing and anchorage forces on nonstructural components can have
on reducing losses. Similar trends were observed for other performance
metrics, including median repair times, casualty rates, and repairability.

Figure 5-11 shows the probability of triggering an unsafe placard on the

design space for Special RCSW, Risk Category II, office archetypes,
subjected to design earthquake (67% MCE) and 100% MCE shaking
intensity, averaged over all building heights and hazards levels.

Figure 5-11 Probability of incurring an unsafe placard for 13 lateral strength/design story drift ratio
combinations, Special RCSW, Risk Category II, office occupancies, 67% MCE and 100% MCE.

In the figure, average probabilities of triggering an unsafe placard are

significantly influenced by lateral strength and design story drift ratio.
Archetypes designed for code-minimum lateral strength are substantially
more likely to trigger an unsafe placard, unless they are also designed for
lower story drift ratios. In comparing design earthquake versus MCE
shaking intensities, the trend is more pronounced at 100% MCE shaking.
The probability of triggering an unsafe placard rises significantly, even at

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-21

low design story drift ratios, as the intensity changes from 67% MCE to
100% MCE. This is attributed to damage to concrete shear walls and flat
slab-column connections in MCE shaking intensities.

5.4 Performance Assessment Results by Metric

Archetypes in each system were evaluated for each of five performance

metrics: repair costs, repair time, casualty rate, probability of unsafe placard,
and repairability. Performance assessment results are reported for each
metric, separated by Risk Category and occupancy, based on representative
designs in each system.

5.4.1 Repair Cost

Repair cost is the cost to restore damaged components to their pre-earthquake

condition, expressed as a percentage of the replacement value of the building.
Repair costs do not include other costs such as loss of income due to business
interruption, the cost to identify, plan, and permit repairs, or the cost of
financing repairs.

Repair costs are accumulated in each realization based on the damage

sustained by each component, provided collapse has not occurred and the
building has not been deemed a total loss due to residual story drift. If, in a
given realization, the building collapses or the maximum residual drift ratio
renders the building unrepairable, then the total replacement cost is assigned
to the realization.

Average median repair costs for each system are summarized in Table 5-12.
Values in the table are based on representative design points for each system,
averaged across all hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F) and
building heights (low-, mid-, and high-rise). Overall, average median repair
costs increase with shaking intensity, although the magnitude of the values,
and the magnitude of the increase, differs between systems.

Average median repair costs are higher, and the rate of increase with
intensity is more significant in systems identified in Section 5.3 to be more
sensitive to residual drift. These include Steel BRBF and Steel SCBF
systems that showed sensitivity to increases in drift demand, along with
limited capacity for overstrength beyond the design strength. Although
losses in drift-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SMRF and RC SMRF systems)
also include contributions from residual drift, average median repair costs are
lower due to indirect contributions to overstrength caused by proportioning
structural members for increased stiffness. Stiff, strength-controlled systems
(e.g., Special RCSW systems) exhibited lower average median repair costs

5-22 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

overall, and less sensitivity to increases in shaking intensity, but higher
proportions of nonstructural damage (e.g., interior flooding) due to higher
floor accelerations.

Table 5-12 Average Repair Costs for Representative Designs – Median


Seismic Force-Resisting Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)

System 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Steel SMRF 0% 1% 6% 10% 17%
RC SMRF 0% 1% 6% 12% 30%
Steel BRBF 0% 3% 19% 50% 80%
Steel SCBF 2% 9% 17% 21% 35%
Special RCSW 0% 1% 4% 6% 8%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Steel SMRF 0% 3% 13% 22% 33%
RC SMRF 0% 3% 14% 24% 49%
Steel BRBF 1% 9% 34% 62% 86%
Steel SCBF 3% 17% 28% 34% 46%
Special RCSW 0% 7% 17% 23% 29%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 3% 5% 8%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 3% 5% 7%
Steel BRBF 0% 2% 9% 40% 56%
Steel SCBF 1% 6% 12% 15% 17%
Special RCSW 0% 1% 4% 5% 7%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Steel SMRF 0% 1% 5% 8% 12%
RC SMRF 0% 1% 5% 8% 12%
Steel BRBF 0% 4% 22% 45% 59%
Steel SCBF 1% 8% 16% 20% 23%
Special RCSW 0% 2% 8% 12% 16%

A comparison of median repair costs for each system, separated by Risk

Category and occupancy, is shown in Figure 5-12. In general, trends in
relative losses between systems, and the change in losses with shaking
intensity, are consistent across changes in occupancy and Risk Category.

Within a given Risk Category, repair costs for healthcare occupancies are
somewhat higher than office occupancies. This is attributed to the presence
of high-value medical equipment and increased (24-hour) occupancy
associated with healthcare occupancies.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-23

Between Risk Categories, repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are
significantly lower than Risk Category II archetypes over all shaking
intensities, although the magnitude of the difference varies between systems.
This is attributed to the relative effects of designing Risk Category IV
structures for higher lateral forces and lower story drift ratios than Risk
Category II structures.

Figure 5-12 Comparison of median repair costs for each system, separated by Risk Category and
occupancy, average of representative designs.

The following system-specific observations on average median repair costs

are made:
• Steel SMRF systems – Exterior window systems and partitions are
significant contributors to losses in Risk Category II archetypes; Risk
Category IV archetypes benefit from reduced design story drift ratios.

5-24 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

• RC SMRF systems – Exterior window systems and partitions are
significant contributors to losses in Risk Category II archetypes; Risk
Category IV archetypes benefit from reduced design story drift ratios;
damage to concrete beams and flat slab/column connections are
significant contributors to losses at higher shaking intensities.
• Steel BRBF systems –Risk Category IV archetypes benefit from reduced
design story drift ratios, although at design earthquake (67% MCE) and
higher shaking intensities, the potential for residual drift significantly
increases losses.
• Steel SCBF systems – Brace damage, which initiates at low shaking
intensities, is a significant contributor to losses in both Risk Category II
and Risk Category IV archetypes.
• Special RCSW systems – Interior flooding is a significant contributor to
losses in stronger, stiffer archetypes; damage to concrete beams and flat
slab/column connections is a significant contributor to losses at higher
shaking intensities.

5.4.2 Repair Time

Repair time is the number of days required to restore damaged components

to their pre-earthquake condition. Repair time does not include additional
time required to identify, plan, and permit the work, arrange financing, or
hire and mobilize contractors.

To estimate repair time, each damage state includes a time-related

consequence function that indicates the number of labor hours associated
with specified repair actions. In the FEMA P-58 methodology, calculation of
repair time can consider serial (i.e., sequential) or parallel repair strategies.
Neither strategy is expected to represent the actual schedule of repairs, but
the two extremes are intended to represent an upper and lower bound. In this
study, parallel repair strategies have been assumed, which considers repair
work occurring on all floors simultaneously, and represents a possible lower-
bound repair time. Repair time is also influenced by the estimated number of
workers performing repairs at a given time. In the FEMA P-58
methodology, this is controlled by the “maximum workers per square foot”
parameter, which was set to the recommended default value. If in a
realization a building is deemed a total loss due to collapse or irreparable
residual drift, the repair time is set to 720 days, representing building

Median repair times for each system are summarized in Table 5-13. Values
in the table are based on representative design points for each system,

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-25

averaged across all hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F) and
building heights (low-, mid-, and high-rise).

Table 5-13 Average Repair Times for Representative Designs – Median


Seismic Force-Resisting Repair Time (Days)

System 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Steel SMRF 0 4 15 23 56
RC SMRF 0 6 21 34 165
Steel BRBF 0 11 81 305 546
Steel SCBF 10 23 41 48 142
Special RCSW 0 7 17 22 28
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Steel SMRF 1 11 34 52 103
RC SMRF 1 14 41 65 257
Steel BRBF 3 25 60 329 580
Steel SCBF 13 44 70 83 129
Special RCSW 2 20 41 52 63
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Steel SMRF 0 3 11 18 23
RC SMRF 0 3 12 19 25
Steel BRBF 0 8 25 259 376
Steel SCBF 2 21 33 41 47
Special RCSW 0 5 15 18 22
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Steel SMRF 0 6 24 35 47
RC SMRF 0 7 25 36 49
Steel BRBF 1 18 84 278 395
Steel SCBF 6 34 59 72 82
Special RCSW 0 12 31 41 52

Overall, average median repair times in Table 5-13 increase with shaking
intensity, although the magnitude of the values, and the magnitude of the
increase, differs between systems. Because repair times are proportional to
repair costs, the relative trends in median repair times between systems are
similar to trends reported for repair costs in Section 5.4.1.

A comparison of median repair times for each system, separated by risk

category and occupancy, is shown in Figure 5-13. In general, trends in
relative losses between systems, and the change in losses with shaking
intensity, are consistent across changes in occupancy and Risk Category.

5-26 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Figure 5-13 Comparison of median repair times for each system, separated by Risk Category and
occupancy, average of representative designs.

Within a given Risk Category, repair costs for healthcare occupancies are
somewhat higher than office occupancies. This is attributed to the presence
of high-value medical equipment and increased (24-hour) occupancy
associated with healthcare occupancies. Although the time to repair
individual medical components was assumed to be relatively short, the large
number of components present in healthcare occupancies impacted overall
repair times.

Between Risk Categories, repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are
lower than Risk Category II archetypes over all shaking intensities, although
the magnitude of the difference varies between systems. This is attributed to
the relative effects of designing Risk Category IV structures for higher lateral
forces and lower story drift ratios than Risk Category II structures.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-27

The following system-specific observations on average median repair times
are made:
• Steel SMRF systems –Risk Category IV archetypes benefit from reduced
design story drift ratios on the structural system and higher design forces
on nonstructural components.
• RC SMRF systems –Risk Category IV archetypes benefit from reduced
design story drift ratios on the structural system and higher design forces
on nonstructural components.
• Steel BRBF systems – Repair times are comparable to other systems up
to the design earthquake (67% MCE), but at higher shaking intensities,
an increased potential for residual drift significantly increases repair
times relative to other systems.
• Steel SCBF systems – Brace damage, which initiates at low shaking
intensities, interior flooding, and equipment damage are significant
contributors to repair times in both Risk Category II and Risk Category
IV archetypes.
• Special RCSW systems – Repair times are generally less than other
systems across all intensities, occupancies, and Risk Categories.

The FEMA P-58 methodology identifies damage to components with long

lead times, which generally includes complex items, such as elevator
systems, and major mechanical equipment, such as chillers, cooling towers,
and air handlers. The time to procure long lead time items, however, is not
included in repair time estimates, because lead times are highly variable, and
are case-specific. In addition to the time it might take to repair or replace a
component, it could take additional weeks to months to acquire components
for long lead time items. The following trends in the results for long lead
time items were observed:
• For Risk Category II archetypes, long lead time flags triggered for
mechanical/electrical/plumbing equipment in approximately 20% of
realizations for Steel SMRF and RC SMRF systems, and approximately
50% of realizations for Steel BRBF, Steel SCBF, and Special RCSW
systems, at the design earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity.
• For Risk Category IV archetypes, long lead time flags triggered for
mechanical/electrical/plumbing equipment in less than 10% of
realizations for Steel SMRF and RC SMRF systems, and less than 20%
of realizations for Steel BRBF, Steel SCBF, and Special RCSW systems,
at the design earthquake (67% MCE) shaking intensity.

5-28 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

• Long lead time flags triggered for elevators in approximately 80% of
realizations at the design earthquake (67% MCE) intensity, regardless of
Risk Category.

In general, stiffer systems triggered acceleration-controlled long lead time

items more frequently than flexible systems due to higher floor accelerations,
and Risk Category IV design requirements reduced the potential for long lead
time triggers relative to Risk Category II design requirements.

5.4.3 Casualty Rate

Casualty rate is the probability of any one occupant in a building being

fatally or seriously injured as a result of an earthquake. The FEMA P-58
methodology reports the number of casualties as a direct output of the
Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT). The casualty rate is the
number of casualties divided by the number of occupants in a building,
summed over all realizations. At high shaking intensities, structural collapse
contributes to casualties, but injuries caused by falling hazards from
nonstructural components can be significant over a range of intensities.

The frequency of collapse is controlled by collapse fragilities, which are

based on an inferred collapse capacity derived from the base shear strength,
and a defined probability of collapse given the occurrence of a specified
shaking intensity. As described in Section 3.7, the collapse fragility is based
on an assumed 5 percent probability of collapse given maximum considered
earthquake shaking. A value lower than the ASCE/SEI 7-10 stated collapse
safety objective was chosen because a 10 percent probability of collapse
overpredicts collapse rates observed in past earthquakes, and archetypes
across most of the design space exceeded code minimum strength
requirements. As a result, casualty rates reported in this study are lower than
would be expected if every building were designed to just meet ASCE/SEI
7-10 minimum base shear requirements.

Median casualty rates by system are summarized in Table 5-14. Results are
based on representative design points for each system, averaged across all
hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F) and building heights
(low-, mid-, and high-rise).

A comparison of median casualty rates for each system, separated by risk

category and occupancy, is shown in Figure 5-14. Overall, median casualty
rates vary significantly between systems. In general, trends in relative
casualty rates between systems, and the change in casualty rates with shaking
intensity, are consistent across changes in occupancy and Risk Category.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-29

Within a given Risk Category, casualty rates for healthcare occupancies and
office occupancies are nearly the same. Between Risk Categories, casualty
rates for Risk Category IV archetypes are only slightly lower than Risk
Category II archetypes over all shaking intensities. Although Risk Category
IV structures benefit from more stringent design requirements relative to
Risk Category II structures, higher lateral strengths and stiffnesses result in
higher floor accelerations, which reduce the relative benefit associated with
changes in nonstructural design criteria.

Table 5-14 Average Casualty Rates for Representative Designs – Median


Seismic Force-Resisting Casualty Rate

System 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 0.2% 0.5% 0.9%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 0.1% 0.4% 0.8%
Steel BRBF 0% 0.2% 1.1% 1.8% 2.7%
Steel SCBF 0% 0.4% 2.0% 3.0% 4.1%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0.4% 0.9% 1.6%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 0.3% 0.6% 1.0%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.8%
Steel BRBF 0% 0.2% 1.1% 1.9% 2.7%
Steel SCBF 0% 0.5% 2.2% 3.4% 4.5%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0.4% 0.8% 1.5%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.6%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 0% 0.1% 0.4%
Steel BRBF 0% 0.1% 0.6% 1.1% 2.1%
Steel SCBF 0% 0.3% 1.6% 2.7% 4.0%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0.3% 0.6% 1.1%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.6%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 0% 0.1% 0.4%
Steel BRBF 0% 0.1% 0.5% 1.0% 1.8%
Steel SCBF 0% 0.3% 1.5% 2.5% 3.6%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0.2% 0.5% 1.0%

The following system-specific observations on casualty rates are made:

• Strength-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SCBF, Steel BRBF, and Special
RCSW systems) have comparatively higher casualty rates due to higher
floor accelerations.

5-30 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

• Drift-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SMRF and RC SMRF systems) have
comparatively lower casualty rates.
• Suspended ceiling systems, exterior window systems, and suspended
mechanical systems are the most significant contributors to casualties
caused by nonstructural components.

Figure 5-14 Comparison of median casualty rates for each system, separated by Risk Category and
occupancy, average of representative designs.

5.4.4 Probability of Unsafe Placard

Probability of Unsafe Placard is the probability that a building will be posted

unsafe to occupy following an earthquake, based on the occurrence of
structural or nonstructural damage that is considered significant enough to
trigger an unsafe posting.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-31

Median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard by system are
summarized in Table 5-15. Results are based on representative design points
for each system, averaged across all hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and
SDC E/F) and building heights (low-, mid-, and high-rise).

Table 5-15 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard for

Representative Designs – Median Results

Seismic Force-Resisting Probability of Unsafe Placard

System 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 8% 17% 29%
RC SMRF 0% 1% 10% 21% 34%
Steel BRBF 0% 5% 33% 51% 64%
Steel SCBF 4% 30% 59% 71% 79%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 2% 6% 14%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Steel SMRF 0% 1% 11% 23% 37%
RC SMRF 0% 1% 15% 29% 46%
Steel BRBF 0% 5% 32% 51% 64%
Steel SCBF 2% 26% 56% 69% 79%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0% 2% 8%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 1% 5% 14%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 1% 4% 11%
Steel BRBF 0% 2% 20% 34% 50%
Steel SCBF 1% 15% 42% 57% 68%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0% 0% 2%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Steel SMRF 0% 0% 1% 5% 14%
RC SMRF 0% 0% 1% 4% 12%
Steel BRBF 0% 2% 20% 34% 50%
Steel SCBF 1% 15% 42% 56% 69%
Special RCSW 0% 0% 0% 0% 2%

An unsafe placard (i.e., red tag) is one possible result of a post-earthquake

inspection procedure in which a building is deemed to have sustained
damage to the point that entry, use, or occupancy poses an immediate risk to
safety, and that use may be restricted or prohibited until repairs have been
made. Post-earthquake safety inspections are typically rapid visual
evaluations, based on limited information, with significant reliance on
judgment in determining a final posting. Inspectors have varying degrees of
knowledge or experience, may have limited access to the building interior,
and may not be able to see damage to structural elements due to the presence

5-32 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

of architectural finishes. In contrast, FEMA P-58 assessments identify and
report every instance of damage triggering an unsafe placard. As a result, the
probability of an unsafe placard, as reported by the FEMA P-58
methodology, can be viewed as an upper bound relative to post-earthquake
inspection results observed in past earthquakes.

A comparison of median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard for each

system, separated by risk category and occupancy, is shown in Figure 5-15.
Results are based on the average of representative design points, across all
hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F) and building heights
(low-, mid-, and high-rise).

Figure 5-15 Comparison of median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard for each system, separated
by Risk Category and occupancy, average of representative designs.

The most severe damage states in nearly all structural fragility groups are
associated with a potential loss of stability of the structure, triggering an

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-33

unsafe placard. Although nonstructural damage can be an indicator of
potential structural damage, most nonstructural fragility groups are not
associated with an unsafe placard. Exceptions include exit stairs and exterior
curtain wall window systems. Medical equipment fragilities used in this
study do not include triggers for unsafe placards.

Overall, median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard vary

significantly between systems. In general, trends in relative losses between
systems, and the change in losses with shaking intensity, are consistent
across changes in occupancy and Risk Category.

Because medical equipment fragilities used in this study do not include

triggers for unsafe placards, the presence of medical equipment in healthcare
occupancies does not result in an increased potential for red tags, and the
probability of incurring an unsafe placard for office and healthcare
archetypes within the same Risk Category are nearly identical. Differences
that can be observed between Risk Category II office and healthcare
archetypes in Figure 5-15 are due to differences in the archetype design
space (low-, mid-, and high-rise archetypes for office occupancies, versus
only low- and mid-rise archetypes for healthcare occupancies).

Between risk categories, the probability of incurring an unsafe placard for

Risk Category IV archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes is
significantly lower for certain systems, and only somewhat lower for other
systems. Steel SMRF, RC SMRF, and Special RCSW systems have a
significantly lower probability of incurring an unsafe placard for Risk
Category IV archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes. Steel SCBF
and Steel BRBF systems, however, have a comparatively smaller change in
the probability of incurring an unsafe placard because engineering practice is
expected to result in designs that are significantly stiffer that required, and
design story drifts have already been conservatively taken as less than code
maximum drift limits (see Tables 2-5 and 2-6). As a result, these archetypes
benefit less from more restrictive Risk Category IV drift criteria than other

The following system-specific observations are made:

• Steel SMRF systems – Residual drift is a significant trigger for unsafe
placards; unsafe placards are also triggered by damage to structural
components at higher shaking intensities.
• RC SMRF systems – Residual drift is a significant trigger for unsafe
placards; unsafe placards are also triggered by damage to structural
components at higher shaking intensities.

5-34 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

• Steel BRBF systems – Residual drift is the primary trigger for unsafe
• Steel SCBF systems – Brace damage, which initiates at low shaking
intensities, is a significant trigger for unsafe placards and primary
contributor to losses in both Risk Category II and Risk Category IV
archetypes at all shaking intensities.
• Special RCSW systems – Damage to concrete shear walls is the primary
trigger for unsafe placards, but probabilities of incurring an unsafe
placard are comparatively low overall.

5.4.5 Repairability

Repairability is the probability that a building will be considered possible to

repair following an earthquake. A repairable condition is one in which the
building does not collapse, the permanent residual drift is less than 1%, and
losses are less than of 50% of the building replacement cost.

Reparability is a measure of probability that the building will sustain damage

that renders a building irreparable. This occurs when the total cost of
repairing all damaged components and systems exceeds a threshold value,
when the residual story drift ratio exceeds a level that is considered
practicable to repair, or when collapse occurs. FEMA uses a threshold value
of 50% when contemplating whether a damaged structure should be replaced
or repaired and the 50% value is used in this study. If a structure is deemed
unrepairable the repair time is set to a replacement time of 720 days.

Repairability is a positive metric, and higher values indicate better

performance. A reparability of 100% indicates that in nearly every
realization, the building was repairable. A reparability of 25% means the
building was repairable in only one-quarter of the realizations, and in the
other three-quarters of the realizations the building was deemed a total loss.

Median repairability by system is summarized in Table 5-16. Results are

based on representative design points for each system, averaged across all
hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F) and building heights
(low-, mid-, and high-rise).

A comparison of median repairability for each system, separated by risk

category and occupancy, is shown in Figure 5-16. Overall, median
repairability varies somewhat between systems, and is generally high for
most systems. Trends in relative repairability between systems, and the
change in repairability with shaking intensity, are consistent across changes
in occupancy and Risk Category.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-35

Table 5-16 Average Repairability for Representative Designs – Median

Seismic Force-Resisting Repairability

System 20% 40% Design 80% MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Steel SMRF 100% 100% 95% 89% 80%
RC SMRF 100% 100% 96% 90% 77%
Steel BRBF 100% 96% 70% 52% 39%
Steel SCBF 100% 100% 97% 91% 79%
Special RCSW 100% 100% 100% 99% 99%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Steel SMRF 100% 99% 89% 80% 68%
RC SMRF 99% 96% 91% 86% 82%
Steel BRBF 99% 93% 67% 49% 36%
Steel SCBF 98% 93% 85% 78% 68%
Special RCSW 99% 96% 91% 86% 82%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Steel SMRF 100% 100% 99% 97% 91%
RC SMRF 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Steel BRBF 100% 96% 70% 52% 39%
Steel SCBF 100% 100% 97% 91% 79%
Special RCSW 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Steel SMRF 100% 100% 99% 96% 91%
RC SMRF 100% 99% 98% 96% 94%
Steel BRBF 100% 97% 79% 65% 50%
Steel SCBF 100% 98% 96% 94% 90%
Special RCSW 100% 99% 98% 96% 94%

Within a given Risk Category, repairability for healthcare occupancies is

somewhat lower than office occupancies. This is attributed to the presence
of high-value medical equipment associated with healthcare occupancies.
Between Risk Categories, repairability for Risk Category IV archetypes is
higher than Risk Category II archetypes, especially at higher shaking
intensities. The following observations are made:
• In Risk Category II office archetypes, repairability is driven almost
entirely by residual drift and collapse.
• In Risk Category IV office archetypes, repairability is driven by residual
• In Risk Category II and IV healthcare archetypes, damage to high-value
medical equipment can drive repair costs over the 50% threshold

5-36 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

triggering loss of repairability. Risk Category IV design criteria
improves repairability for healthcare occupancies, due to higher design
forces for medical equipment.

Figure 5-16 Comparison of median repairability for each system, separated by Risk Category and
occupancy, average of representative designs.

5.5 Performance Assessment Results by Hazard Level

Archetypes in each system were designed and evaluated in three different

hazard settings: Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F. Performance
assessment results are reported for repair cost, casualty rate, and probability
of unsafe placard for representative designs in each system, separated by
hazard level and Risk Category, and summarized in the sections that follow.
Because trends for repair time and repairability metrics are similar to trends
observed for repair costs, repair time and repairability metrics have not been
reported by hazard level.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-37

5.5.1 Repair Cost by Hazard Level

Median repair costs at different hazard levels are summarized for Risk
Category II archetypes in Table 5-17 and Risk Category IV archetypes in
Table 5-18. Results are based on representative design points for each
system, averaged across all building heights (low-, mid-, and high-rise), and
occupancies (office and healthcare). Comparative plots are shown in Figure

Overall, median repair costs vary significantly between systems. With the
exception of Steel BRBF archetypes (discussed in more detail below), repair
costs increase as the hazard level increases. The increase in design force
with hazard level is not sufficient to maintain the same level of performance
in higher hazard settings. Drift sensitive systems in Low SDC D remain
susceptible to residual drift demands at design earthquake (67% MCE) and
higher shaking intensities, even when ground accelerations are lower.
General trends in relative losses between systems, and the change in losses
with shaking intensity, are consistent across all hazard levels and risk

Much of the change between hazard levels is attributed to nonstructural

components and systems that are installed in accordance with prescriptive

Table 5-17 Average Repair Costs by Hazard Level, Representative Designs,

Risk Category II – Median Results
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Hazard 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0% 1% 6% 12% 17%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0% 2% 10% 17% 23%
SDC E 0% 4% 13% 21% 36%
Low SCD D 0% 1% 7% 13% 19%
RC SMRF SDC D 0% 3% 11% 19% 45%
SDC E 0% 4% 14% 25% 56%
Low SCD D 0% 5% 29% 70% 89%
Steel BRBF SDC D 1% 6% 24% 47% 73%
SDC E 1% 8% 27% 54% 88%
Low SCD D 2% 9% 16% 21% 29%
Steel SCBF SDC D 3% 13% 23% 29% 41%
SDC E 4% 17% 28% 33% 52%
Low SCD D 0% 2% 7% 10% 12%
Special RCSW SDC D 0% 4% 11% 16% 20%
SDC E 0% 6% 15% 20% 24%

5-38 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Table 5-18 Average Repair Costs by Hazard Level, Representative Designs,
Risk Category IV – Median Results
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Hazard 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 2% 3% 6%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0% 1% 4% 7% 10%
SDC F 0% 2% 7% 11% 15%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 2% 4% 7%
RC SMRF SDC D 0% 1% 4% 6% 10%
SDC F 0% 2% 7% 9% 13%
Low SCD D 0% 2% 17% 41% 55%
Steel BRBF SDC D 0% 3% 13% 42% 58%
SDC F 0% 6% 16% 46% 60%
Low SCD D 0% 4% 9% 12% 15%
Steel SCBF SDC D 1% 7% 15% 19% 22%
SDC F 2% 11% 19% 23% 26%
Low SCD D 0% 1% 2% 4% 7%
Special RCSW SDC D 0% 1% 6% 9% 13%
SDC F 0% 4% 10% 13% 17%

standards (e.g., suspended ceiling systems), or are exempt from seismic

design requirements (e.g., small diameter threaded-steel piping).

Losses to acceleration-controlled components are sensitive to changes in

acceleration demand. For example, in Risk Category II archetypes,
suspended lay-in acoustical tile ceiling systems of a given area are assigned
to a single fragility that is applicable from Low SDC D (0.5g short-period
spectral acceleration) to SDC E (1.33g short-period spectral acceleration). In
lower hazard settings, demands are lower, and ceilings are less likely to be
damaged. Conversely, in higher hazard settings, demands are higher, and
ceilings are more likely to be damaged.

Small diameter threaded-steel piping is typically exempt from seismic

bracing requirements, so the median capacity of piping system fragilities are
the same across all hazard levels. As a result, losses due to interior flooding,
which are controlled by small diameter threaded-steel piping, are
significantly more likely to occur as the seismic hazard level increases.

Average repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are lower than Risk
Category II archetypes across all hazard levels, and the relative performance
of representative Risk Category IV archetypes followed patterns similar to
those of Risk Category II archetypes.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-39

Figure 5-17 Comparison of median repair costs, separated by hazard level and Risk Category, average of
representative designs.

5-40 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

In most systems, repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are reduced by
about 50% relative to Risk Category II archetypes, at design earthquake
(67% MCE) and higher shaking intensities. Significant reductions in repair
costs in higher Risk Categories are observed across all systems at all hazard

Steel BRBF systems exhibit a non-typical trend in the magnitude of losses at

different hazard levels. In most systems, repair costs increase as the hazard
level increases. In Steel BRBF systems, however, median repair costs are
higher in Low SDC D, lower in SDC D, and then higher again in SDC E/F.
This trend is observed in both Risk Category II and Risk Category IV
archetypes. It is attributed to the sensitivity of Steel BRBF performance to
residual drift, and changes in potential residual drift demands caused by
differences in design strength and stiffness at each hazard level.

Design story drift limits are the same in Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F,
but the resulting design strengths and stiffnesses change with changes in
force level. As a result, Steel BRBF archetypes in Low SDC D have longer
effective periods and lower yield strengths compared to archetypes in SDC D
and SDC E/F. Steel BRBF archetypes in Low SDC D are more likely to
experience higher drift demands, and increased likelihood of residual drift,
causing higher repair costs, even in the lower hazard setting. In SDC D, the
higher relative strength and stiffness reduce potential repair costs, even as the
hazard increases. In SDC E/F, the change in strength and stiffness is not
enough to overcome the increase in hazard level, so losses increase at the
higher hazard level.

5.5.2 Casualty Rate by Hazard Level

Median casualty rates at different hazard levels are summarized for Risk
Category II archetypes in Table 5-19 and Risk Category IV archetypes in
Table 5-20. Results are based on representative design points for each
system, averaged across all building heights (low-, mid-, and high-rise), and
occupancies (office and healthcare). Comparative plots are shown in Figure

Overall, median casualty rates vary significantly between systems, and

increase as the hazard level increases. The increase in design force with
hazard level is not sufficient to maintain the same level of performance in
higher hazard settings. General trends in relative losses between systems,
and the change in losses with shaking intensity, are consistent across all
hazard levels and risk categories. Much of the change between hazard levels
is attributed to nonstructural components and systems. Ceilings systems and

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-41

Table 5-19 Average Casualty Rates by Hazard Level, Representative
Designs, Risk Category II – Median Results
Seismic Casualty Rate
Resisting Hazard 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.5%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.9%
SDC E 0.0% 0.1% 0.5% 1.0% 1.7%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2%
RC SMRF SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.8%
SDC E 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.8% 1.6%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.2% 0.6% 0.7% 0.9%
Steel BRBF SDC D 0.0% 0.2% 0.9% 1.7% 2.7%
SDC E 0.0% 0.4% 1.9% 3.2% 4.5%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.6% 1.1%
Steel SCBF SDC D 0.0% 0.3% 2.0% 3.4% 4.8%
SDC E 0.1% 1.1% 4.1% 5.8% 7.1%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
Special RCSW SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.4%
SDC E 0.0% 0.1% 1.0% 1.9% 3.3%

Table 5-20 Average Casualty Rates by Hazard Level, Representative

Designs, Risk Category IV – Median Results
Seismic Casualty Rate
Resisting Hazard 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.5%
SDC F 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.5% 1.2%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1%
RC SMRF SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3%
SDC F 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.9%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.3% 0.5%
Steel BRBF SDC D 0.0% 0.1% 0.4% 0.9% 1.8%
SDC F 0.0% 0.2% 1.1% 2.1% 3.6%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.6%
Steel SCBF SDC D 0.0% 0.2% 1.3% 2.5% 4.2%
SDC F 0.0% 0.7% 3.4% 5.2% 6.8%
Low SCD D 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Special RCSW SDC D 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.9%
SDC F 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 1.3% 2.4%

5-42 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Figure 5-18 Comparison of median casualty rates separated by hazard level and Risk Category, average of
representative designs.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-43

exterior window systems are identified as significant contributors to
casualties caused by nonstructural components.

The relative performance of Risk Category IV archetypes follow patterns

similar to those of Risk Category II archetypes, but median casualty rates for
Risk Category IV archetypes are only slightly lower than Risk Category II
archetypes across all hazard levels. Although Risk Category IV structures
benefit from more stringent design requirements relative to Risk Category II
structures, higher lateral strengths and stiffnesses result in higher floor
accelerations, which reduce the relative benefit associated with changes in
nonstructural design criteria. Also, because suspended lay-in acoustical tile
ceiling systems are a significant contributor to casualties, and improvement
in the lateral capacity of Risk Category IV ceiling systems relative to Risk
Category II ceiling systems is modest, improvement in casualty rates for Risk
Category IV structures is limited.

For a given system at a given point in the design space, design story drift
ratios are the same in all hazard settings. As a result, casualties due to
exterior window systems do not vary significantly between hazard levels.

Strength-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SCBF, Steel BRBF, and Special

RCSW systems) have comparatively higher casualty rates due to higher floor
accelerations. Because of damage to acceleration-controlled components
such as ceiling systems, strength-controlled systems benefit less from Risk
Category IV design requirements.

Drift-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SMRF and RC SMRF systems) have

comparatively lower casualty rates. Because of reduced damage to drift-
controlled components such as exterior window systems, drift-controlled
systems benefit comparatively more from Risk Category IV design

5.5.3 Probability of Unsafe Placard by Hazard Level

Median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard at different hazard levels

are summarized for Risk Category II archetypes in Table 5-21 and Risk
Category IV archetypes in Table 5-22. Results are based on representative
design points for each system, averaged across all building heights (low-,
mid-, and high-rise), and occupancies (office and healthcare). Comparative
plots are shown in Figure 5-19.

Overall, median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard vary

significantly between systems. With the exception of Risk Category II Steel
BRBF archetypes (discussed below), the probability of incurring an unsafe

5-44 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Table 5-21 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard by Hazard
Level, Representative Designs, Risk Category II – Median Results
Seismic Probability of Unsafe Placard
Resisting Hazard 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 7% 17% 29%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0% 1% 10% 20% 33%
SDC E 0% 1% 12% 24% 38%
Low SCD D 0% 1% 8% 18% 30%
RC SMRF SDC D 0% 2% 14% 26% 42%
SDC E 0% 2% 17% 32% 49%
Low SCD D 0% 7% 40% 57% 69%
Steel BRBF SDC D 0% 5% 28% 47% 60%
SDC E 0% 4% 30% 50% 64%
Low SCD D 3% 27% 54% 66% 73%
Steel SCBF SDC D 4% 30% 59% 72% 82%
SDC E 4% 29% 59% 74% 83%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 1% 4% 9%
Special RCSW SDC D 0% 0% 2% 4% 12%
SDC E 0% 0% 2% 5% 13%

Table 5-22 Average Probabilities of Incurring an Unsafe Placard by Hazard

Level, Representative Designs, Risk Category IV – Median
Seismic Probability of Unsafe Placard
Resisting Hazard 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 1% 4% 10%
Steel SMRF SDC D 0% 0% 2% 6% 15%
SDC F 0% 0% 2% 7% 18%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 2% 5% 13%
RC SMRF SDC D 0% 0% 1% 4% 12%
SDC F 0% 0% 1% 3% 11%
Low SCD D 0% 2% 23% 36% 49%
Steel BRBF SDC D 0% 2% 20% 34% 50%
SDC F 0% 2% 19% 34% 51%
Low SCD D 1% 17% 42% 55% 66%
Steel SCBF SDC D 1% 15% 42% 57% 69%
SDC F 1% 14% 43% 60% 72%
Low SCD D 0% 0% 0% 0% 2%
Special RCSW SDC D 0% 0% 0% 1% 2%
SDC F 0% 0% 0% 0% 3%

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-45

Figure 5-19 Comparison of median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard, separated by hazard level
and Risk Category, average of representative designs.

5-46 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

placard increases as the hazard level increases. Although changes between
hazard levels are relatively small, the increase in design force with hazard
level is not sufficient to maintain the same level of performance in higher
hazard settings. General trends in relative losses between systems, and the
change in losses with shaking intensity, are consistent across all hazard levels
and risk categories.

Average probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard for Risk Category IV

archetypes are lower than Risk Category II archetypes across all hazard
levels, and the relative performance of representative Risk Category IV
archetypes follow patterns similar to those of Risk Category II archetypes.
Brace damage in Steel SCBF systems, which initiates at low shaking
intensities, is a significant trigger for unsafe placards and a primary
contributor to losses in both Risk Category II and Risk Category IV
archetypes across all hazard levels.

As observed in the case of repair costs, Steel BRBF systems exhibit a non-
typical trend in the probability of incurring an unsafe placard with changes in
hazard level. Median probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard are higher
in Low SDC D, lower in SDC D, and then higher again in SDC E/F. This
trend is observed in Risk Category II archetypes, but not in Risk Category IV
archetypes, and is attributed to changes in the likelihood of residual drift due
to differences in design strength and stiffness, as described in Section 5.5.1.
As a result, Steel BRBF archetypes in Low SDC D are more likely to
experience higher drift demands and increased likelihood of residual drift
relative to SDC D archetypes, even in the lower hazard setting. In SDC E/F,
the change in strength and stiffness is not enough to overcome the increase in
hazard level, so probabilities of incurring an unsafe placard increase at the
higher hazard level.

5.6 Performance Assessment Results by Building Height

In each system, archetypes were designed and evaluated for three different
height variants: low-rise (2-story and 3-story), mid-rise (5-story), and high-
rise (12-story). The break between low-rise and mid-rise archetypes was
selected to align with requirements in ASCE/SEI 7-10 Table 12.12-1, which
permit larger story drifts for structures that are four stories or less in height.
To represent high-rise buildings, 12-story archetypes were selected to be
within the upper limit of 15 stories for buildings analyzed using the
simplified analysis procedure in FEMA P-58, Volume 1.

Not all height variants were designed and evaluated in all Risk Categories or
occupancies. To match typical construction practices, Risk Category IV

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-47

office occupancies considered only low-rise and mid-rise archetypes.
Similarly, healthcare occupancies considered only low-rise and mid-rise
archetypes in both Risk Categories II and IV.

Performance assessment results in terms of repair costs are reported by

building height and summarized below for representative designs in office
and healthcare occupancies. Trends for other performance metrics are
similar to trends observed for repair costs and are not explicitly reported by
building height.

5.6.1 Repair Cost by Height, Office Occupancies

Median repair costs for low-, mid-, and high-rise office occupancies are
summarized for Risk Category II archetypes in Table 5-23 and Risk Category
IV archetypes in Table 5-24. Results are based on representative design
points for each system, averaged across all hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC
D, and SDC E/F). Comparative plots are shown in Figure 5-20.

Overall, median repair costs vary significantly by building height and Risk
Category. Trends observed among the variations in height and Risk
Category are attributed most significantly to changes in design story drift

Table 5-23 Average Repair Costs by Building Height, Representative

Designs, Risk Category II, Office Occupancies – Median Results
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Building 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low-Rise 0% 1% 7% 14% 29%
Steel SMRF Mid-Rise 0% 1% 7% 13% 17%
High-Rise 0% 1% 3% 5% 6%
Low-Rise 0% 2% 11% 20% 66%
RC SMRF Mid-Rise 0% 1% 5% 12% 19%
High-Rise 0% 0% 2% 4% 6%
Low-Rise 0% 5% 18% 74% 100%
Steel BRBF Mid-Rise 0% 2% 10% 27% 65%
High-Rise 0% 3% 29% 50% 75%
Low-Rise 1% 9% 18% 22% 31%
Steel SCBF Mid-Rise 1% 8% 16% 20% 24%
High-Rise 4% 10% 16% 21% 49%
Low-Rise 0% 1% 5% 7% 10%
Special RCSW Mid-Rise 0% 1% 4% 6% 8%
High-Rise 0% 1% 3% 5% 7%

5-48 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Table 5-24 Average Repair Costs by Building Height, Representative
Designs, Risk Category IV, Office Occupancies – Median Results
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Building 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low-Rise 0% 0% 3% 6% 9%
Steel SMRF
Mid-Rise 0% 0% 2% 4% 6%
Low-Rise 0% 0% 3% 5% 9%
Mid-Rise 0% 0% 2% 4% 5%
Low-Rise 0% 3% 12% 72% 100%
Steel BRBF
Mid-Rise 0% 2% 5% 8% 11%
Low-Rise 0% 6% 12% 15% 18%
Steel SCBF
Mid-Rise 1% 6% 12% 14% 16%
Low-Rise 0% 1% 4% 6% 8%
Special RCSW
Mid-Rise 0% 1% 3% 5% 7%

In general, low-rise, Risk Category II, office archetypes exhibited the highest
repair costs across all systems. This is attributed to larger design story drift
ratios permitted for low-rise structures in ASCE/SEI 7-10, resulting in a
greater likelihood of residual drift in stronger shaking intensities, especially
in drift-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SMRF and RC SMRF) and drift-
sensitive systems (e.g., Steel BRBF). Low-rise strength-controlled systems
(e.g., Steel SCBF and Special RCSW) experienced higher floor accelerations
and increased losses due to interior flooding, even in lower shaking

Mid-rise, Risk Category II, office archetypes benefit from lower design story
drift ratios relative to low-rise archetypes, which reduces the potential for
residual drift in drift-controlled and drift-sensitive systems, and reduces
nonstructural damage to partitions and exterior window systems. Mid-rise
archetypes also have longer effective periods relative to low-rise archetypes,
which reduces floor accelerations and reduces damage to acceleration-
controlled mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment and ceiling

High-rise, Risk Category II, office archetypes are designed for code-
maximum allowable drift ratios, which are smaller than design drift ratios for
low-rise buildings, but larger than design drift ratios assumed for most mid-
rise archetypes. As a result, repair costs for drift-sensitive high-rise
archetypes (e.g., Steel BRBF and Steel SCBF) are lower than repair costs for
low-rise archetypes, but higher than repair costs for mid-rise archetypes.
High rise moment frame and shear wall archetypes exhibit the lowest repair
costs across all building heights.

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-49

Figure 5-20 Comparison of median repair costs for office occupancies, separated by building height and
Risk Category, average of representative designs.

5-50 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Risk Category IV structures are designed for higher lateral forces and lower
story drift ratios than Risk Category II structures. In drift-controlled systems,
this reduces the potential for residual drift and reduces the overall magnitude
of repair costs. In some strength-controlled systems, increases in design base
shear result in a corresponding increase in stiffness, and have a similar effect.
In general, median repair costs for Risk Category IV office archetypes are
reduced relative to Risk Category II archetypes, although reductions are most
significant at design earthquake (67% MCE) and higher shaking intensities.

In Steel BRBF systems, it is possible to increase design strength without

increasing stiffness. Because Steel BRBF archetypes are designed for story
drift ratios that are already less than code maximum allowable drift ratios,
low-rise Steel BRBF archetypes benefit less from more stringent Risk
Category IV drift limits, and repair costs in low-rise, Risk Category IV, Steel
BRBF archetypes are essentially unchanged from low-rise, Risk Category II

Design story drift ratios for mid-rise Steel BRBF archetypes are smaller than
low-rise archetypes, and change with Risk Category. In the case of mid-rise
Steel BRBF archetypes, repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are
substantially reduced relative to Risk Category II archetypes.

Median repair costs for Special RCSW archetypes are low relative to other
systems across all building heights and Risk Categories.

5.6.2 Repair Cost by Height, Healthcare Occupancies

Median repair costs for low-rise and mid-rise healthcare occupancies are
summarized for Risk Category II archetypes in Table 5-25 and Risk Category
IV archetypes in Table 5-26. Results are based on representative design
points for each system, averaged across all hazard levels (Low SDC D, SDC
D, and SDC E/F). Comparative plots are shown in Figure 5-21.

Overall, median repair costs vary significantly by building height and Risk
Category. As observed for office occupancies, trends among the variations
in height and Risk Category for healthcare occupancies are attributed most
significantly to changes in design story drift ratio.

In general, low-rise, Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes exhibit the

highest repair costs, attributed to larger design story drift ratios permitted for
low-rise structures in ASCE/SEI 7-10, resulting in a greater likelihood of
residual drift. Mid-rise, Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes benefit from
lower design story drift ratios relative to low-rise archetypes, which reduce
the potential for residual drift in drift-controlled and drift-sensitive systems,

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-51

and reduce the potential for nonstructural damage to partitions and exterior
window systems.

Table 5-25 Average Repair Costs by Building Height, Representative

Designs, Risk Category II, Healthcare Occupancies – Median
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Building 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low-Rise 0% 3% 15% 25% 42%
Steel SMRF
Mid-Rise 0% 2% 11% 18% 24%
Low-Rise 0% 5% 18% 30% 72%
Mid-Rise 0% 2% 10% 19% 27%
Low-Rise 1% 12% 50% 85% 100%
Steel BRBF
Mid-Rise 0% 6% 18% 39% 73%
Low-Rise 5% 20% 33% 40% 60%
Steel SCBF
Mid-Rise 2% 13% 22% 27% 31%
Low-Rise 0% 9% 23% 30% 36%
Special RCSW
Mid-Rise 0% 4% 12% 16% 21%

Table 5-26 Average Repair Costs by Building Height, Representative

Designs, Risk Category IV, Healthcare Occupancies – Median
Seismic Repair Cost (% of Replacement Value)
Resisting Building 20% 40% 67% 80% 100%
Low-Rise 0% 1% 5% 9% 14%
Steel SMRF
Mid-Rise 0% 1% 4% 7% 10%
Low-Rise 0% 1% 5% 9% 15%
Mid-Rise 0% 1% 4% 6% 10%
Low-Rise 0% 5% 35% 77% 100%
Steel BRBF
Mid-Rise 0% 3% 8% 12% 17%
Low-Rise 1% 10% 19% 23% 27%
Steel SCBF
Mid-Rise 1% 6% 13% 16% 19%
Low-Rise 0% 3% 10% 14% 20%
Special RCSW
Mid-Rise 0% 1% 6% 9% 12%

In general, median repair costs for Risk Category IV healthcare archetypes

are significantly lower than Risk Category II archetypes, which is attributed
to the higher design forces and lower design story drift ratios associated with
more stringent Risk Category IV design criteria. In the case of low-rise Steel
BRBF systems, however, this trend is far less pronounced. Because low-rise
Steel BRBF archetypes are designed for story drift ratios that are already less

5-52 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

than code maximum allowable drift ratios, low-rise Steel BRBF archetypes
benefit less from more stringent Risk Category IV drift limits, and repair
costs in low-rise, Risk Category IV, Steel BRBF archetypes change very
little from low-rise, Risk Category II archetypes.

Design story drift ratios for mid-rise Steel BRBF archetypes are smaller than
low-rise archetypes, and change with Risk Category. In the case of mid-rise
Steel BRBF archetypes, repair costs for Risk Category IV archetypes are
substantially reduced relative to Risk Category II archetypes.

Figure 5-21 Comparison of median repair costs for healthcare occupancies, separated by building
height and Risk Category, average of representative designs.

The relative contribution of medical equipment to total repair costs is

important in healthcare occupancies. Medical equipment is grouped in three
categories: (1) mobile components, such as anesthesia units, ultrasound units,
surgical tables, and patient beds; (2) imaging systems, such as CT scanners,

FEMA P-58-5 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings 5-53

MRI machines, and X-ray systems; and (3) other fixed medical equipment,
such as operating lights, sterilizers, and laminar flow hoods.

Like other nonstructural components, medical equipment in mid-rise, Risk

Category II, healthcare archetypes benefit from longer effective periods and
lower floor accelerations relative to low-rise archetypes. For example, at
design earthquake shaking (67% MCE), damage to medical equipment in
low-rise, Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes contributes approximately
55% to total median repair costs, on average, across all systems. In mid-rise,
Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes, the contribution of damage to
medical equipment reduces to approximately 45% of total median repair
costs, on average, across all systems.

In absolute terms, medical equipment contributions to median repair costs are

substantially lower in Risk Category IV healthcare archetypes compared to
Risk Category II healthcare archetypes, but structural repair costs are also
lower. At design earthquake shaking (67% MCE), damage to medical
equipment in low-rise, Risk Category IV, healthcare archetypes contributes
approximately 65% to total median repair costs, on average, across all
systems. In mid-rise, Risk Category IV, healthcare archetypes, the
contribution of damage to medical equipment reduces to approximately 37%
of total median repair costs, on average, across all systems.

5-54 5: System-Specific Performance of Buildings FEMA P-58-5

Chapter 6
Summary, Recommendations,
and Generalized Performance of

This report describes the application of the FEMA P-58 assessment

methodology to a group of archetypical buildings representative of structures
conforming to the seismic design requirements of the current building code.
It is intended to quantify the expected seismic performance of code-
conforming buildings in terms of FEMA P-58 performance metrics, identify
factors that contribute to seismic performance, and provide a technical basis
for the development of performance objectives and performance-based
design guidance using the FEMA P-58 methodology.

This chapter provides a summary of the work, extracts general observations

on system performance, presents a framework for generalized performance
expectations for code-conforming buildings, and provides recommendations
for establishing seismic performance objectives and improving the seismic
performance of buildings based on findings from this study.

6.1 Summary of Approach and Limitations

Performance of code-conforming buildings is not uniquely defined. Building

codes establish minimum criteria that must be followed, but structural
engineers have latitude in applying design requirements, and can make
design decisions that significantly influence the performance of buildings in

To quantify the performance capability of code-conforming buildings, the

FEMA P-58 methodology was used to assess a wide range of buildings and
systems meeting ASCE/SEI 7-10 structural and nonstructural seismic design
requirements in regions of high seismicity. The following structural systems
were considered: steel special moment-resisting frames (Steel SMRF),
reinforced concrete special moment-resisting frames (RC SMRF), steel
buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBF), steel special concentrically-
braced frames (SCBF), and special reinforced concrete shear walls (Special

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-1

Generalized Performance of Buildings
Archetypical representations of buildings with a variety of code-conforming
characteristics were used. Archetypes were defined by lateral system type,
height, lateral strength, lateral stiffness, occupancy, and design ground
motion. A total of 1,755 archetypes were designed for five different seismic
force-resisting systems, two Risk Categories (RC II and RC IV), three levels
of seismic hazard (Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F), three height variants
(low-, mid-, and high-rise), and two occupancies (office and healthcare).

The concept of a code-conforming design space was developed to bound the

range of possible archetype designs. The design space is intended to
represent a reasonable range of lateral strengths and stiffnesses that would be
expected in typical modern buildings designed in accordance with ASCE/SEI
7-10. Seismic requirements, however, only specify the minimum strength
and maximum allowable drift boundaries of the design space. Assumptions
for upper-bound strength and lower-bound drift limits were used to complete
the design space.

Because of the large number of archetypes considered, a simplified design

and analysis approach was used to determine structural properties associated
with each archetype, and to estimate structural response quantities (drifts,
accelerations, and velocities) for performance assessment. Structural
demands were calculated using the simplified analysis procedure in FEMA
P-58, Volume 1. Quantities of nonstructural components and systems were
developed using the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool in FEMA P-58,
Volume 3.

Assessments were performed using the Performance Assessment Calculation

Tool (PACT) version 3.03. All performance assessment results can be
viewed in the Performance Estimation Tool (PET), provided in FEMA P-58,
Volume 3. Results and conclusions are subject to the following limitations:
• Performance is characterized in a probabilistic manner, with explicit
recognition of the uncertainties involved in assessing building
performance. Results are based on probability distributions and are
inherently uncertain.
• Performance metrics are reported at the median confidence level.
Median values provide the expected performance in the middle of the
distribution, with half of the possible values higher, and half of the
possible values lower than the reported value.
• Assessment results are applicable to buildings that fully comply with all
structural and nonstructural seismic design requirements in ASCE/SEI
7-10, and all strength and detailing requirements in referenced material

6-2 6: Summary, Recommendations, and FEMA P-58-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
design standards. Available information is limited to the systems
studied, which does not include wood light-frame construction.
• Life safety performance, as measured by an acceptably low probability
of collapse, is achieved by designing and constructing buildings in
accordance with the requirements in ASCE/SEI 7-10.
• Foundation elements, components deemed rugged, and building contents
(such as furniture and electronic equipment not designated as medical
equipment) were excluded from building performance models, and could
be subject to damage that has not been considered in this study.
• Healthcare occupancy performance models include judgement-based
fragilities for medical equipment developed specifically for this study.
The resulting performance estimates for healthcare occupancies should
be considered lower-bound, and used for comparative purposes only

6.2 Summary Observations on Performance

FEMA P-58 assessment of code-conforming buildings shows that

performance varies significantly across the range of code-complying
systems, and that structural and nonstructural design decisions can have a
measurable impact on the resulting performance. Although traditional code
performance expectations focus on safety, current design requirements are
shown to provide some measure of protection of property.

Factors affecting performance in terms of FEMA P-58 performance metrics

• seismic force-resisting system selection;
• design strength and lateral stiffness;
• robustness of structural member design and connection detailing;
• nonstructural design criteria and quality of installation;
• occupancy and Risk Category; and
• seismic hazard level and Seismic Design Category.

6.2.1 Observations on System-Specific Performance

System-specific results of FEMA P-58 performance assessments are reported

in Chapter 5. Results are presented by system, occupancy, performance
metric, hazard level, and building height. The following general
observations are made:
• Overall, losses increase, and reparability decreases, as the intensity of
shaking increases from 20% MCE to 100% MCE.

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-3

Generalized Performance of Buildings
• Losses are lower, and repairability is higher, for Risk Category IV
archetypes relative to Risk Category II archetypes, in both office and
healthcare occupancies.
• Within a given Risk Category, losses for healthcare occupancies are
higher than office occupancies because of the presence of high-value
medical equipment and increased (24-hour) occupancy associated with
healthcare occupancies.
• Residual drift is a major contributor to losses at shaking intensities of
67% MCE and higher.
• Risk Category IV archetypes benefit from more stringent design story
drift criteria, with substantially reduced structural damage and potential
for residual drift.
• More stringent design requirements in Risk Category IV reduce, but do
not eliminate, damage to nonstructural components. Interior flooding
still contributes significantly to losses in Risk Category IV archetypes
because demands increase, but the capacity of the piping system
responsible for interior flooding is not influenced by Risk Category.
• Prescriptive requirements for suspended lay-in acoustical tile ceiling
systems are the same in Low SDC D, SDC D, and SDC E/F. In higher
hazard settings, ceilings are more likely to be damaged because demands
increase, but the capacity is not influenced by hazard level.
• Overall, losses increase as the hazard level increases from Low SDC D,
to SDC D, and SDC E/F. The increase in design force with hazard level
is not sufficient to maintain the same level of performance in higher
hazard settings.
• In general, low-rise archetypes exhibit the highest losses (as compared to
mid-rise and high-rise archetypes) across all systems. This is attributed
to larger design story drift ratios permitted for low-rise structures in
ASCE/SEI 7-10, resulting in a greater likelihood of residual drift in
stronger shaking intensities, especially in drift-controlled systems (e.g.,
Steel SMRF and RC SMRF) and drift-sensitive systems (e.g., Steel
• Low-rise strength-controlled systems (e.g., Steel SCBF and Special
RCSW) experience higher floor accelerations and increases in losses due
to interior flooding, even in lower shaking intensities.
• Although system-specific performance is shown to be highly variable, all
seismic force-resisting systems can be designed to meet required (or

6-4 6: Summary, Recommendations, and FEMA P-58-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
desired) performance objectives through the judicious selection of design
story drift ratio and minimum lateral strength.

6.2.2 Structural and Nonstructural Contributions to Performance

Components contributing most significantly to losses in each system are

discussed and tabulated in Chapter 5. The relative contribution of each
structural and nonstructural component to total loss is a function of the
acceleration- or drift-controlled response of the structural system and the
sensitivity of the component to acceleration-, velocity-, or drift-controlled
Figure 6-1 illustrates the approximate relative contributions between
structural, nonstructural, and medical components, for one building height
(mid-rise), and the change in relative contributions between a typical drift-
controlled system (RC SMRF), a typical strength-controlled system (Steel
SCBF), and Risk Category II and Risk Category IV design criteria. The
figure also shows the change in relative contributions as the intensity of
shaking increases. Although the figure is based on information from a
specific example, the overall trends in losses are general. In Figure 6-1, the
following general observations can be made:
• Losses in acceleration-controlled nonstructural components (e.g., fixed
medical equipment, imaging systems, ceilings, and piping contributing to
flooding) are proportionally lower in flexible, drift-controlled structural
systems, such as moment frames.
• Losses in drift-controlled components (e.g., partitions and exterior
window systems) and velocity-controlled components (e.g., mobile
medical equipment) are proportionally lower in stiff, strength-controlled
systems, such as concentrically braced frames.
• Losses in Risk Category IV buildings are proportionally lower than Risk
Category II buildings overall, due to increases in design lateral forces,
decreases in design story drift ratios, and enhanced detailing
requirements associated with more stringent Risk Category IV design
• Reductions in design story drift ratio associated with Risk Category IV
design criteria can significantly reduce losses in drift-controlled
nonstructural components.
• Increases in strength and stiffness associated with Risk Category IV
design criteria can increase losses in acceleration-controlled
nonstructural components.

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
Figure 6-1 Comparison of relative contributions to
median repair costs for mid-rise, Risk Category
II and IV, RC SMRF and Steel SCBF, healthcare

6-6 6: Summary, Recommendations, and FEMA P-58-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
• At lower shaking intensities, structural losses contribute proportionately
less, and nonstructural losses contribute proportionally more, to total
losses. As the intensity of shaking increases, the relative contribution
due to structural losses increases.

6.3 Generalized Performance Expectations for Code-

Conforming Buildings

Although the assessed performance of code-conforming buildings shows that

performance varies significantly across the range of code-complying
systems, the code does not specify different performance objectives for
different systems. For this reason, the results of FEMA P-58 performance
assessments, across all systems, were generalized into a single overarching
statement of the performance expectation for all code-conforming systems.

Generalized performance expectations were developed based on a

combination of: (1) performance assessment results averaged across the
design space for each system; (2) experience in post-earthquake damage
investigations and subsequent repairs; and (3) engineering judgement. The
resulting generalized performance expectations for code-conforming
buildings are provided in Table 6-1.

Generalized performance has been evaluated for two earthquake levels: the
design level earthquake and the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE).
The design and MCE earthquake levels are based on ASCE/SEI 7-10 ground
motion values, with design earthquake shaking taken as two-thirds of MCE
shaking. Table 6-1 provides the expected performance for Risk Category II
and Risk Category IV, office and healthcare occupancies, using FEMA P-58
performance metrics, taken as median values of the following measures:
• Repair Cost. The cost to restore damaged components to their pre-
earthquake condition, expressed as a percentage of the replacement value
of the building. Repair costs represent only a single aspect of the
potential financial loss due to earthquake damage. Other costs include
loss of income due to business interruption during repair work, the cost
to identify, plan, and permit the repairs, and the cost of financing the
• Repair Time. The number of days required to restore damaged
components to their pre-earthquake condition, which is only a portion of
the time to return a building to its pre-earthquake conditions. Additional
time is required to identify, plan, and permit the work, arrange financing,
and hire and mobilize the contractors.

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-7

Generalized Performance of Buildings
Table 6-1 Generalized Performance Expectations for Code-
Conforming Buildings
Performance Expectation
Performance Measure Design EQ MCE
Risk Category II – Office
Repair Cost 10% 30%
Repair Time 45 days 150 days
Casualty Rate 1.0% 2.0%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 20% 40%
Repairability 95% 80%
Risk Category II – Healthcare (Medical Office Building or Laboratory)
Repair Cost 20% 40%
Repair Time 60 days 180 days
Casualty Rate 1.0% 2.0%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 20% 40%
Repairability 85% 65%
Risk Category IV – Office (Emergency Operations Center)
Repair Cost 5% 15%
Repair Time 30 days 75 days
Casualty Rate 0.5% 1.5%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 10% 25%
Repairability 98% 90%
Risk Category IV – Healthcare (Hospital)
Repair Cost 10% 20%
Repair Time 45 days 100 days
Casualty Rate 0.5% 1.5%
Probability of Unsafe Placard 10% 25%
Repairability 95% 85%

• Casualty Rate. Casualties include loss of life or serious injury requiring

hospitalization. Casualty rate is the probability of any one occupant in a
building becoming a casualty as a result of an earthquake.
• Probability of Unsafe Placard. The probability that a building will be
posted unsafe to occupy following an earthquake, based on the
occurrence of structural or nonstructural damage that is considered
significant enough to trigger an unsafe posting.
• Repairability. The probability that a building will be considered
possible to repair following an earthquake. A repairable condition is one
in which the building does not collapse, the permanent residual drift is
less than 1%, and losses are less than of 50% of the building replacement

6-8 6: Summary, Recommendations, and FEMA P-58-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
6.4 Considerations for Establishing Seismic Performance

Building codes have historically provided minimum requirements for

protection of public safety and welfare. The stated performance expectations
for seismic design requirements, however, have been continually evolving
over recent code cycles, trending towards more explicit statements of
expected performance and development of more specific performance-based
design criteria. Although the stated intent of seismic design requirements has
included concepts of performance, functionality, and repair costs for some
time, these statements are largely qualitative or aspirational, lacking specific
quantitative methods for measuring the intended performance.

FEMA P-58 performance metrics provide a quantitative definition of

performance that extends beyond the basic safety intent of the building code,
and the FEMA P-58 methodology provides a quantitative procedure for
measuring performance expectations. The following sections provide
recommendations that should be considered in establishing future seismic
performance objectives based on FEMA P-58 performance metrics.

6.4.1 Determine Acceptable Performance

Performance assessment results presented herein provide a measure of what

current code requirements provide in terms of repair cost, repair time,
casualty rates, unsafe placarding, and repairability. Further study, and
interaction with additional stakeholders, including the public, is necessary to
determine if the measured performance matches societal expectations, and
would be considered acceptable.

6.4.2 Determine Appropriate Performance Targets

Code-based performance objectives could be aspirational (i.e., targeting an

ideal level of performance) or practical (i.e., targeting the performance that is
currently being achieved). If the performance that is being achieved does not
match expectations, or is not considered acceptable, then higher performance
objectives may need to be considered.

6.4.3 Consider Necessary Levels of Confidence

Generalized performance expectations for code-conforming buildings have

been developed based on median results. Median results are 50th percentile
values, providing 50% confidence that performance targets will not be
exceeded. In some circumstances, such as in establishing code-based
performance objectives, higher confidence levels (e.g., 90th percentile values)
may be appropriate, providing a higher level of confidence that performance

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-9

Generalized Performance of Buildings
targets will not be exceeded. Further study on the cost associated with higher
design criteria and the benefits of improved seismic performance are needed
to evaluate the necessary level of confidence.

6.4.4 Consider the Relative Performance of Systems

It is implicitly expected that seismic design requirements result in consistent

performance across all systems. This is generally true in terms of collapse
safety, but relative performance of systems in terms of FEMA P-58
performance metrics is highly variable. Consideration should be given as to
whether the least common denominator will be used to establish performance
targets, or if design requirements for lower-performing systems will be tuned
to match the performance of higher-performing systems. Establishing
system equivalency will be a politically charged debate between different
material interests.

6.4.5 Define Functional Performance

Codes and standards have long targeted improved performance for higher
occupancy and essential buildings. Recent update cycles have included
aspirational structural and nonstructural reliability criteria attempting to
define what is needed to achieve higher performance. With the ongoing
attention on resilience concepts, and continual evolution of codes to include
more explicit performance-based design concepts, the development of
functional performance criteria is needed.

FEMA P-58 performance metrics, at an appropriate hazard level, could be

used to quantitatively define functional performance. A frequent earthquake,
which is intended to capture an earthquake that may reasonably be expected
to occur once in the life a building, could be considered for measuring
functional performance. One possible definition for such an earthquake is
ground shaking having a 50% probability of exceedance in 50 years.
However, with the current risk-based formulation for seismic hazard, the
intensity for such an earthquake would vary significantly by location, as
would the resulting performance. Further study is needed to define
reasonable criteria at an appropriate hazard level.

6.5 Recommendations for Improving the Seismic

Performance of Buildings

Based on the results of FEMA P-58 performance assessments performed in

this study, certain design requirements were shown to have a significant
impact on performance. The following adjustments to seismic design

6-10 6: Summary, Recommendations, and FEMA P-58-5

Generalized Performance of Buildings
requirements could be considered to improve the resulting seismic
performance of code-conforming buildings:
• Larger design story drift ratios are permitted for buildings less than four
stories in height. Buildings designed to higher drift limits are prone to
increased structural damage and a higher likelihood of residual drift.
Low-rise buildings in this study exhibited disproportionately larger
losses than mid-rise and high-rise buildings. Permissible drift limits for
low-rise buildings should be reconsidered.
• Interior flooding due to pipe failure is a significant source of losses and
extended repair times frequently observed in past earthquakes. Buildings
in this study also exhibited significant losses attributed to interior
flooding. Although it may not be practical to seismically brace every
small-bore piping system in a building, requiring the use of higher
ductility piping in systems that will remain unbraced could substantially
reduce losses to due to interior flooding.
• Suspended lay-in acoustical tile ceiling systems are a significant source
of losses and casualty risk. Prescriptive seismic installation requirements
for these systems are identical across SDC D, SDC E, and SDC F.
Installation requirements for ceiling systems should be further developed
to provide better protection in regions of very high seismicity.
• Proper construction of structural components, and proper installation of
seismic bracing and anchorage of nonstructural components, are key to
achieving the performance intended by seismic design requirements.
Buildings constructed without adequate enforcement or construction
quality assurance are likely to experience poor seismic performance.
Continued efforts are needed to ensure that seismic codes and standards
are properly applied and enforced in all regions of high seismic risk.

FEMA P-58-5 6: Summary, Recommendations, and 6-11

Generalized Performance of Buildings
Appendix A
Structural Properties of
Representative Archetypes

Structural properties of representative SDC D archetypes are summarized in

Chapter 3, Section 3.8. Tables A-1 through A-10 in this appendix summarize
key structural properties for representative low SDC D and SDC E/F
archetypes in each system.

Table A-1 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 2.06 - 2.39 1.75 - 2.03 0.73 0.021 - 0.025 1.0 0.06 2.1 - 3.6
IV 1.37 - 1.49 1.17 - 1.27 0.73 0.014 - 0.015 1.0 0.09 3.2 - 5.4
II 2.49 - 2.84 2.11 - 2.41 1.11 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.04 1.4 - 2.4
IV 1.32 - 1.49 1.12 - 1.27 1.11 0.009 - 0.01 1.0 0.06 2.1 - 3.6
II 5.15 - 5.92 4.41 - 5.04 2.23 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.02 0.8 - 1.2
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-2 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 1.01 - 1.18 0.86 - 1.00 0.73 0.021 - 0.025 1.0 0.13 4.6 - 7.7
IV 0.67 - 0.73 0.57 - 0.62 0.73 0.014 - 0.015 1.0 0.23 - 0.25 8.9 - 14.9
II 1.23 - 1.40 1.05 - 1.19 1.11 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.08 - 0.09 3.2 - 5.4
IV 0.64 - 0.73 0.55 - 0.62 1.11 0.009 - 0.01 1.0 0.23 - 0.25 9.0 - 15.0
II 2.21 - 2.36 1.88 - 2.01 2.23 0.018 - 0.02 1.0 0.05 - 0.05 1.8 - 3.0
IV - - - - - - -

FEMA P-58-5 A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes A-1

Table A-3 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, RC SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 2.06 - 2.39 1.13 - 1.31 0.61 0.021 - 0.025 0.55 0.06 2.0 - 2.6
IV 1.37 - 1.49 0.76 - 0.82 0.61 0.014 - 0.015 0.55 0.09 3.0 - 3.9
II 2.49 - 2.84 1.37 - 1.56 0.96 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.05 1.5 - 1.9
IV 1.32 - 1.49 0.72 - 0.82 0.96 0.009 - 0.01 0.55 0.08 - 0.09 2.9 - 3.8
II 5.18 - 5.92 2.85 - 3.26 2.11 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.02 0.7 - 0.9
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-4 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, RC SMRF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 1.01 - 1.18 0.56 - 0.65 0.61 0.021 - 0.025 0.55 0.15 - 0.17 5.3 - 7.0
IV 0.67 - 0.73 0.37 - 0.40 0.61 0.014 - 0.015 0.55 0.25 8.0 - 10.5
II 1.23 - 1.40 0.68 - 0.77 0.96 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.12 - 0.14 4.4 - 5.8
IV 0.64 - 0.73 0.35 - 0.40 0.96 0.009 - 0.01 0.55 0.25 8.0 - 10.5
II 2.21 - 2.36 1.22 - 1.30 2.11 0.018 - 0.02 0.55 0.07 - 0.08 2.5 - 3.2
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-5 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 1.04 - 1.29 0.89 - 1.10 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.06 2.0 - 2.6
IV 1.04 - 1.29 0.89 - 1.10 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.09 3.0 - 3.9
II 1.63 - 2.00 1.38 - 1.70 0.96 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.05 1.6 - 1.9
IV 1.25 - 1.44 1.06 - 1.22 0.96 0.008 - 0.009 0.3 0.07 2.2 - 2.9
II 3.89 - 5.05 3.30 - 4.29 1.85 0.013 - 0.016 0.3 0.02 0.8 - 1.0
IV - - - - - - -

A-2 A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes FEMA P-58-5

Table A-6 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel BRBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.53 - 0.62 0.45 - 0.53 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.17 5.3 - 7.0
IV 0.53 - 0.62 0.45 - 0.53 0.48 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.25 8.0 - 10.5
II 0.80 - 0.98 0.68 - 0.84 0.96 0.01 - 0.0125 0.3 0.11 - 0.14 3.6 - 5.0
IV 0.61 - 0.70 0.52 - 0.60 0.96 0.008 - 0.009 0.3 0.24 - 0.25 7.5 - 9.0
II 1.88 - 2.19 1.60 - 1.88 1.85 0.013 - 0.016 0.3 0.05 - 0.06 1.6 - 2.1
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-7 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.53 - 0.79 0.45 - 0.67 0.32 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.08 2.0
IV 0.50 - 0.67 0.42 - 0.57 0.32 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.13 3.0
II 0.66 - 1.21 0.56 - 1.03 0.64 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.08 2.0
IV 0.62 - 1.00 0.53 - 0.85 0.64 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.13 3.0
II 1.96 - 3.52 1.66 - 2.99 1.24 0.009 - 0.016 0.35 0.05 1.1
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-8 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Steel SCBF Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.32 - 0.46 0.28 - 0.39 0.32 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.22 5.3
IV 0.30 - 0.41 0.26 - 0.35 0.32 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.33 8.0
II 0.41 - 0.59 0.35 - 0.50 0.64 0.005 - 0.01 0.35 0.22 5.3
IV 0.38 - 0.52 0.33 - 0.44 0.64 0.004 - 0.008 0.35 0.33 8.0
II 0.98 - 1.72 0.84 - 1.47 1.24 0.009 - 0.016 0.35 0.10 - 0.15 2.4 - 3.6
IV - - - - - - -

FEMA P-58-5 A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes A-3

Table A-9 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Special RCSW Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.30 - 0.47 0.27 - 0.42 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.10 2.3 - 3.8
IV 0.30 - 0.47 0.27 - 0.42 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.15 3.4 - 5.6
II 0.42 - 0.65 0.37 - 0.59 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.10 2.3 - 3.8
IV 0.42 - 0.65 0.37 - 0.59 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.15 3.4 - 5.6
II 1.66 - 2.29 1.50 - 2.06 1.24 0.009 - 0.013 0.63 0.06 1.3 - 2.1
IV - - - - - - -

Table A-10 Range of Structural Properties for Representative Design Points, Special RCSW Archetypes,
Periods Drift Ratios Strengths
Bare- Upper Yield Minimum Inferred
Frame Effective Limit Drift Base Shear Collapse
Risk Period, Period, Period, Design Story Ratio Coefficient, Capacity,
Height Category T1,BF T1,EFF Tmax Drift Ratio (%) Cs g
II 0.18 - 0.29 0.16 - 0.26 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.27 6.0 - 10.0
IV 0.18 - 0.29 0.16 - 0.26 0.32 0.003 - 0.006 0.5 0.40 9.0 - 15.0
II 0.25 - 0.40 0.23 - 0.36 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.27 6.0 - 10.0
IV 0.25 - 0.40 0.26 - 0.36 0.64 0.003 - 0.006 0.26 0.40 9.0 - 15
II 0.83 - 1.15 0.75 - 1.04 1.24 0.009 - 0.013 0.63 0.14 - 0.20 4.3 - 7.5
IV - - - - - - -

A.1 Variation in Structural Properties by Hazard Level

At all three hazard levels, archetypes conform to design and detailing

requirements for Seismic Design Category D buildings. Between hazard
levels, designs vary based on changes in the minimum required base shear
due to differences in design spectra and the resulting spectral response
acceleration parameters SDS and SD1.

Based on the simplified design process described in Chapter 3, design story

drift ratios are determined by the point of interest in the design space, and the
resulting stiffness, period, and base shear are back-calculated using code-
based strength and period equations. As a result, design story drift ratios are
the same at each hazard level, but the required design forces change with

A-4 A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes FEMA P-58-5

hazard, and the resulting periods (i.e., stiffnesses) must change accordingly
to match the specified drift ratios at different force levels.

At the low SDC D hazard level, spectral response acceleration parameters are
lower, than SDC D parameters. The resulting base shear strengths of
representative low SDC D archetypes are lower, the effective stiffnesses are
lower, and the resulting periods are longer relative to values for SDC D

Similarly, at the SDC E/F hazard level, spectral response acceleration

parameters are higher, the required base shear strengths are higher, the
effective stiffnesses are higher, and the resulting periods are shorter relative
to values for SDC D archetypes. Relative differences between hazard levels
can be observed for each system by comparing values in the tables above
with values provided in Chapter 3, Section 3.8.

FEMA P-58-5 A: Structural Properties of Representative Archetypes A-5

Appendix B
Representative Nonstructural
Performance Groups and

This appendix summarizes the types, quantities, and performance groupings

of nonstructural component and medical equipment fragilities used in this
study. The types and quantities of nonstructural components assumed to be
present in office and healthcare occupancies were based on information from
the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool in FEMA P-58, Volume 3,
supplemented with additional information described in Chapter 4 and below.

B.1 Office Occupancies

Office occupancies include offices and emergency operations centers

assumed to have 100 percent office occupancy on every floor level, plus
mechanical equipment on the roof. Performance groups and nonstructural
component fragilities for typical floors of representative Risk Category II,
mid-rise, office archetypes are provided in Tables B-1 through B-3.
Performance groups and fragilities for typical rooftop mechanical equipment
are provided in Table B-4. Fragility ID numbers and descriptions are taken
from the PACT fragility database.

Table B-1 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Direction 1, Mid-Rise Office
Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity

Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: Not

laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
B2022.035a Curtain 86.67
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio
= 2:1 sealant = dry, 1 unit = 30 SF
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Partial Height,
C1011.001b 6.53
Partitions Fixed Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Full Height, Fixed
C1011.001c 1.63
Partitions Below, Slip Track Above with returns, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Prefabricated steel with steel treads and landings with seismic joints
C2011.001i Stairs that accommodate drift. Design Drift = DpI = Dp × (Ie), 1 unit = 1
one individual stair per floor.
Wall Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum + Wallpaper, Partial Height, Fixed
C3011.001b 0.53
Finishes Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-1

and Fragilities
Table B-2 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Direction 2, Mid-Rise Office
Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination: Not
laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm) AN
B2022.035a Curtain 121.33
monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm); aspect ratio
= 2:1 sealant = dry, 1 unit = 30 SF
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Partial Height, Fixed
C1011.001b 4.67
Partitions Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Full Height, Fixed
C1011.001c 1.17
Partitions Below, Slip Track Above with returns, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Prefabricated steel with steel treads and landings with seismic joints
C2011.001i Stairs that accommodate drift. Design Drift = DpI = Dp × (Ie), 1 unit = 1
one individual stair per floor.
Wall Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum + Wallpaper, Partial Height, Fixed
C3011.001b 0.53
Finishes Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet

Table B-3 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Non-Directional, Mid-Rise

Office Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Floor Generic Floor Covering – Flooding of floor caused by failure of pipe
C3021.001q 14,000
Finishes – Office – Dry, 1 unit = 1 square foot
C3027.002 Raised Access Floor, seismically rated, 1 unit = 100 square feet. 10
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip=1.0), Area (A): A < 250, vertical
C3032.003a 12.6
Ceilings and lateral support, 1 unit = 250 square feet
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip =1.0), Area (A): 250 < A < 1000,
C3032.003b 5.25
Ceilings vertical and lateral support, 1 unit = 600 square feet
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip =1.0), Area (A): 1000 < A < 2500,
C3032.003c 3.5
Ceilings vertical and lateral support, 1 unit = 1800 square feet
C3034.002 Lighting Independent Pendant Lighting – seismically rated, single unit 21
Traction Elevator – Applies to most California Installations 1976 or
D1014.011 later, most western states installations 1982 or later and most other 2
and Lifts (1)
U.S installations 1998 or later, single unit.
Cold or Hot Potable Water Piping (dia > 2.5 inches), SDC D,E,F,
D2021.023a Water 0.21
PIPING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Cold or Hot Potable Water Piping (dia > 2.5 inches), SDC D,E,F,
D2021.023b Water 0.21
BRACING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel - (2.5
Hot Water
D2022.013a inches in diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING FRAGILITY, 1.18
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel - (2.5
Hot Water
D2022.013b inches in diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 1.18
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet

B-2 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Table B-3 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Non-Directional, Mid-Rise
Office Occupancies, Risk Category II (continued)
ID Group Description Quantity
Heating hot Water Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel - (greater
Hot Water
D2022.023a than 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING FRAGILITY, 0.42
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel - (greater
Hot Water
D2022.023b than 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 0.42
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Waste Sanitary Waste Piping - Cast Iron w/flexible couplings, SDC D,E,F,
D2031.013b 0.8
Piping BRACING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
HVAC Galvanized Sheet Metal Ducting less than 6 sq. ft in cross
D3041.011c HVAC 1.05
sectional area, SDC D, E, or F, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
HVAC Galvanized Sheet Metal Ducting – 6 sq. ft cross sectional
D3041.012c HVAC 0.28
area or greater, SDC D, E, or F, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Fire Sprinkler Water Piping - Horizontal Mains and Branches - Old
D4011.023a Style Victaulic - Thin Wall Steel - Poorly designed bracing, SDC D, 2.8
E, or F , PIPING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Fire Sprinkler Drop Standard Threaded Steel – Dropping into braced
D4011.053a lay-in tile SOFT ceiling – 6 ft. long drop maximum, SDC D, E, or F, 1.26
1 unit = 100 drops
Low Risk Cat II-Low Voltage Switchgear – Capacity: 100 to <350 Amp –
D5012.023q Tension Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated with 2
Service seismic snubbers/restraints - Anchorage fragility only, unit = “each”
Notes: (1)
Elevator and lift fragilities occur on the first floor only.

Table B-4 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Rooftop Mechanical Components, Mid-Rise

Office Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Risk Cat II - x/h = 1.0 – Chiller – Capacity: 100 to <350 Ton –
HVAC Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated with
D3031.013o 2
Equip. seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator and
equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II - x/h = 1 – Cooling Tower – Capacity: 100 to <350 Ton -
HVAC Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated with
D3031.023o 2
Equip. seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator and
equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II x/h = 1.0 – Air Handling Unit - Capacity: 5000 to
HVAC <10000 CFM – Equipment that is either hard anchored or is
D3052.013n 6
Equip. vibration isolated with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined
anchorage/isolator and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II x/h = 1.0 – Motor Control Center – Capacity: all –
Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated with
D5012.013f Tension 3
seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator and
equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II – Low Voltage Switchgear – Capacity: 100 to <350 Amp
- Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated with
D5012.023u Tension 2
seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator and
equipment fragility, unit = “each”

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-3

and Fragilities
Nonstructural components in Risk Category IV office archetypes (emergency
operations centers) are the same, but specific fragilities were selected based
on Risk Category IV seismic design criteria.

The quantity of components in a performance group was determined by the

total number of components in a given direction, at a given floor level,
divided by the fragility unit of measure. Some adjustments were made to the
quantities obtained from the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool. Raised
access floors were limited to 1000 square feet of floor area. Suspended
ceiling systems were divided into 3 groups; 50 percent of the ceiling area was
devoted to ceiling systems with areas from 1,000 to 2,500 square feet in area,
25 percent to ceiling systems between 250 and 1,000 square feet in area, and
the remainder to systems 250 square feet or less in area. The number of
pendant light fixtures was reduced, and most light fixtures in office
occupancies were assumed to be recessed lights integrated into the ceiling

B.2 Healthcare Occupancies

Healthcare occupancies include general acute-care hospitals providing

surgical, imaging, and laboratory services to patients staying longer than 24
hours, and outpatient medical facilities providing diagnostic imaging and
outpatient surgeries to patients staying less than 24 hours. Performance
groups and nonstructural component fragilities included for typical floors of
representative mid-rise, Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes are provided
in Tables B-5 through B-7. Performance groups and fragilities for rooftop
mechanical equipment are provided in Table B-8.

Table B-5 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Direction 1, Mid-Rise

Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination:
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm)
B2022.035 Curtain 86.67
AN monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm);
aspect ratio = 2:1 sealant = dry, 1 unit = 30 SF
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Partial Height,
C1011.001b 4.29
Partitions Fixed Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Full Height,
C1011.001c Fixed Below, Slip Track Above with returns, 1 unit = 100 lineal 4.29
Prefabricated steel with steel treads and landings with seismic
C2011.001i Stairs joints that accommodate drift. Design Drift = DpI = Dp × (Ie), 1
1 unit = one individual stair per floor
Wall Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum + Wallpaper, Partial Height,
C3011.001b 0.89
Finishes Fixed Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet

B-4 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Table B-6 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Direction 2, Mid-Rise
Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Midrise stick-built curtain wall, Config: Monolithic, Lamination:
Not laminated, Glass Type: Annealed, Details: 1/4 in. (6 mm)
B2022.035 Curtain 121.33
AN monolithic; glass-frame clearance = 0.43 in. (11 mm);
aspect ratio = 2:1 sealant = dry, 1 unit = 30 SF
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Partial Height,
C1011.001b Partitions 3.06
Fixed Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet
Fixed Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Full Height,
C1011.001c Partitions Fixed Below, Slip Track Above with returns, 1 unit = 100 lineal 3.06
Prefabricated steel with steel treads and landings with seismic
C2011.001i Stairs joints that accommodate drift. Design Drift = DpI = Dp × (Ie), 1
1 unit = one individual stair per floor
Wall Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum + Wallpaper, Partial Height, Fixed
C3011.001b 0.89
Finishes Below, Lateral Braced Above, 1 unit = 100 lineal feet

Table B-7 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Non-Directional, Mid-Rise

Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Floor Generic Floor Covering – Flooding of floor caused by failure of
C3021.001r 14,000
Finishes pipe – Hospital – Dry, 1 unit = 1 square foot
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip=1.0), Area (A): A < 250,
C3032.003a 26.8
Ceilings vertical and lateral support, 1 unit = 250 square feet
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip =1.0), Area (A): 250 < A <
C3032.003b 5.6
Ceilings 1000, vertical and lateral support, 1 unit = 600 square feet
Suspended Suspended Ceiling, SDC D,E (Ip =1.0), Area (A): 1000 < A <
C3032.003c 0.62
Ceilings 2500, vertical and lateral support, 1 unit = 1800 square feet
C3034.002 Lighting Independent Pendant Lighting – seismically rated, single units 21
Traction Elevator – Applies to most California Installations 1976
D1014.011 or later, most western states installations 1982 or later and most 2
and Lifts
other U.S installations 1998 or later, single units.
Cold or Hot Potable Water Piping (dia > 2.5 inches), SDC
D2021.023a Water 0.56
D,E,F, PIPING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Cold or Hot Potable Water Piping (dia > 2.5 inches), SDC
D2021.023b Water 0.56
D,E,F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel -
Hot Water
D2022.013a (2.5 inches in diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING 3.08
FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel –
Hot Water
D2022.013b (2.5 inches in diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING 3.08
FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-5

and Fragilities
Table B-7 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Typical Floor, Non-Directional, Mid-Rise
Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II (continued)
ID Group Description Quantity
Heating hot Water Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel –
Hot Water
D2022.023a (greater than 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING 1.12
FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Heating hot Water Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel –
Hot Water
D2022.023b (greater than 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING 1.12
FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Waste Sanitary Waste Piping – Cast Iron w/flexible couplings, SDC
D2031.013b 2.10
Piping D,E,F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Steam Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel – (2.5 inches in
D2061.013a diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 0.28
1000 lineal feet
Steam Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel – (2.5 inches in
D2061.013b diameter or less), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 1 unit 0.28
= 1000 lineal feet
Steam Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel – (greater than
D2061.023a 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, PIPING FRAGILITY, 0.42
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Steam Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel – (greater than
D2061.023b 2.5 inches in diameter), SDC D, E, or F, BRACING FRAGILITY, 0.42
1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
HVAC Galvanized Sheet Metal Ducting less than 6 sq. ft in
D3041.011c HVAC 1.05
cross sectional area, SDC D, E, or F, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
HVAC Galvanized Sheet Metal Ducting – 6 sq. ft cross sectional
D3041.012c HVAC 0.49
area or greater, SDC D, E, or F, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Fire Sprinkler Water Piping – Horizontal Mains and Branches –
D4011.023a Old Style Victaulic – Thin Wall Steel – Poorly designed bracing, 3.08
SDC D, E, or F , PIPING FRAGILITY, 1 unit = 1000 lineal feet
Fire Sprinkler Drop Standard Threaded Steel – Dropping into
D4011.053a braced lay-in tile SOFT ceiling – 6 ft. long drop maximum, 1.68
SDC D, E, or F, 1 unit = 100 drops
Low Risk Cat II – Low Voltage Switchgear – Capacity: 100 to <350
Tension Amp – Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration
D5012.023q 6
Service isolated with seismic snubbers/restraints – Anchorage fragility
only, unit = “each”

B-6 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Table B-8 Representative Nonstructural Fragilities, Rooftop Mechanical Components, Mid-
Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II
ID Group Description Quantity
Risk Cat II - x/h = 1.0 – Chiller – Capacity: 100 to <350 Ton -
HVAC Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated
D3031.013o 2
Equip. with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator
and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II - x/h = 1 – Cooling Tower – Capacity: 100 to <350
HVAC Ton - Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration
D3031.023o 2
Equip. isolated with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined
anchorage/isolator and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Compressor – Capacity: Small non-medical air supply –
Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated
D3032.013n with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator 2
and equipment fragility, Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 1.00,
unit = “each”
Risk Cat II x/h = 1.0 – Air Handling Unit – Capacity: 5000 to
HVAC <10000 CFM – Equipment that is either hard anchored or is
D3052.013n 8
Equip. vibration isolated with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined
anchorage/isolator and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II x/h = 1.0 – Motor Control Center – Capacity: all –
Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated
D5012.013f Tension 4
with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator
and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II – Low Voltage Switchgear – Capacity: 100 to <350
Amp – Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration
D5012.023u Tension 6
isolated with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined
anchorage/isolator and equipment fragility, unit = “each”
Risk Cat II – Diesel generator – Capacity: 100 to <350 kVA –
Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated
D5092.031m Light and 2
with seismic snubbers/restraints – Combined anchorage/isolator
and equipment fragility, unit = “each”

Nonstructural and medical component fragilities for Risk Category II

archetypes (non-acute care outpatient medical buildings) and Risk Category
IV archetypes (general acute care hospitals) were assumed to be identical
except for seismic design criteria. In general, however, the types and
quantities of nonstructural components and medical equipment would differ
between outpatient medical buildings and general acute care hospital
buildings, especially for equipment associated with surgical services.

B.2.1 Medical Equipment

Building performance models for healthcare occupancies include fragilities

for fixed and mobile medical equipment. Performance groups, quantities,
and types of medical equipment fragilities included on each floor of
representative mid-rise, Risk Category II, healthcare archetypes are provided
in Tables B-9 through B-12. Medical equipment in Risk Category IV

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-7

and Fragilities
healthcare archetypes (acute care hospitals) was assumed to be the same, but
fragilities were designed for Risk Category IV seismic criteria.

Table B-9 Medical Equipment Fragilities, First Floor, Non-Directional, Mid-

Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II

ID Description Quantity

E1028.021a Endoscope System 3

Light System – Risk Category II, SDC D,

E1028.022b 36
x/h = 0 – 0.0833
E1028.023a Ultrasound Unit 2
Freezer – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.203b 1
x/h = 0 – 0.1667
Breathing Circuit Dryer – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.212b 1
x/h = 0
Ice Dispenser – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.311d 1
x/h = 0 – 0.4
Under Counter Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.321d 1
x/h = 0 – 0.4
Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.331c 1
x/h = 0 – 0.2
Med Station – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.341d 1
x/h = 0 – 0.4
Imaging System (CT) – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.401b 1
x/h = 0

E1028.403b CT C-Arm – Risk Category II, SDC D x/h = 0 1

E1028.411b MRI System – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0 1

Laser Imaging – Risk Category II, SDC D,

E1028.421b 1
x/h = 0 – 0.0833
X-Ray System – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.431b 1
x/h = 0 – 0.0833
Shelving System – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.501c 10
x/h = 0 – 0.1667

B-8 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Table B-10 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Second Floor, Non-Directional,
Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II

ID Description Quantity
E1028.001a Anesthesia Machine 4
E1028.002a Balloon Pump 2
E1028.003a Catheter Cabinet 1
E1028.004a Blood Recovery System 1
E1028.005a Hypothermia System 2
E1028.006a Surgical Table 4
E1028.011a Patient Bed 6
Equipment Boom – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.101d 4
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Warming Cabinet – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.102d 4
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Anesthesia Boom – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.103d 4
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25

E1028.104a Ice Slusher 1

Dual Surgical Light – Risk Category II, SDC D,

E1028.105d 4
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Cath Lab System – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.106d 1
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Sterilizer – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.107d 2
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Washer/Disinfector – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.108d 1
x/h = 0.2 – 0.25
Ultrasonic Cleaner – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.202d 1
x/h = 0.1667 – 0.2
Decontamination Washer – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.205d 1
x/h = 0.1667 – 0.2

E1028.301c Headwall – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0 – 0.5 6

Ice Dispenser – Risk Category II, SDC D,

E1028.311d 1
x/h = 0 – 0.4
Under Counter Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.321d 2
x/h = 0 – 0.4
Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.331c 1
x/h = 0 – 0.2

E1028.341d Medstation – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0 – 0.4 1

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-9

and Fragilities
Table B-11 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Third Floor (Fourth Floor
Similar), Non-Directional, Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies,
Risk Category II

ID Description Quantity
E1028.011a Patient Bed 12
E1028.301c Headwall – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0-0.5 12
E1028.311f Ice Dispenser – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0.6 1
Under Counter Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.321f 2
x/h = 0.6
E1028.341f Medstation – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0.6 1

Table B-12 Medical Equipment Fragilities, Fifth Floor, Non-Directional,

Mid-Rise Healthcare Occupancies, Risk Category II

ID Description Quantity
E1028.031a Cryostat 1
Bio Safety Hood – Risk Category II, SDC D
E1028.201d 2
x/h = 0.8
Laminar Flow Hood – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.204d 1
x/h =0.8
Chemistry Analyzer – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.221d 1
x/h = 0.8
E1028.331d Refrigerator – Risk Category II, SDC D, x/h = 0.8 2
Shelving System – Risk Category II, SDC D,
E1028.501d 5
x/h = 0.8

B.2.2 Medical Equipment Fragility and Consequence Data

Medical equipment fragility and consequence data are not available in the
default PACT fragility database. Fragility and consequence data for fixed
and mobile medical equipment used in this study are summarized in Table
B-13 and Table B-14.

Fixed (i.e., anchored) components are acceleration-controlled, and median

capacities are user-defined, determined as described in Section 4.5.3. The
component importance factor, Ip, for fixed medical components was set to 1.5
for acute-care hospital archetypes and 1.0 for outpatient medical archetypes.
Mobile components are velocity-controlled, and median capacities were
determined as described in Section 4.5.4. All mobile units were assumed to
have locked steel casters on floors with a “slick” surface (e.g.,
poly/tetra/fluoro/ethylene-to-steel surface). All medical components are
assumed to have identical response characteristic in each orthogonal
direction, and were classified as non-directional in the performance models.

B-10 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Each medical component was assigned two mutually exclusive damage
states. In all cases, damage State 1 (DS1) has an 80 percent probability of
occurrence, and the component is assumed to be damaged but repairable at a
cost of 10 percent of the replacement cost. Damage State 2 (DS2) has a 20
percent probability of occurrence, and the component is assumed to be
damaged beyond repair. The dispersion, β, for all medical components was
set to 0.5.

Repair and replacement costs were based on available or estimated list price
data for typical medical equipment. Repair costs were taken as 10% of
replacement cost. Replacement costs consider only the cost of the
component, and do not include ancillary work required to access or reinstall
the damaged component. Repair times range from 7 to 180 days, depending
on the damage state and the cost and complexity of the component.
Replacement costs and repair times for medical components are judgement-
based estimates, and should be taken as lower bound values.

Table B-13 Medical Equipment Fragility Data

Demand Damage Damage Dispersion
ID Unit Attach. Parameter Descrip. Probability Descrip. Probability β
Various Various Mobile Velocity Damaged, 0.8 Damaged, 0.2 0.5
Repairable Irreparable
Various Various Fixed Acceleration Damaged, 0.8 Damaged, 0.2 0.5
Repairable Irreparable

Table B-14 Medical Equipment Consequence Data

Repair Repair Repair Repair
Replace. Repair Cost Time Repair Cost Time
ID Unit Attach. Cost Descrip. (%) (days) Descrip. (%) (days)
E1028.001 Anesthesia Mobile $78,344 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.002 Ballon Pump Mobile $70,448 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.003 Catheter Mobile $5,432 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.004 Blood Mobile $52,640 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.005 Hypothermia Mobile $45,786 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.006 Surgical Table Mobile $57,254 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.011 Patient Bed Mobile $53,592 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-11

and Fragilities
Table B-14 Medical Equipment Consequence Data (continued)
Repair Repair Repair Repair
Replace. Repair Cost Time Repair Cost Time
ID Unit Attach. Cost Descrip. (%) (days) Descrip. (%) (days)
E1028.021 Endoscope Mobile $35,280 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.022 Light System Fixed $12,962 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.023 Ultrasound Unit Mobile $174,720 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.031 Cryostat Mobile $27,944 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.101 Equipment Fixed $33,992 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.102 Warming Fixed $18,122 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
(full height)
E1028.103 Anesthesia Fixed $23,912 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.104 Ice Slusher Mobile $72,744 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.105 Dual Surgical Fixed $38,080 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.106 Cath Lab System Fixed $3,348,800 Repair 10% 30 Replace 100% 180
E1028.107 Sterilizer Fixed $179,380 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.108 Washer/ Fixed $ 134,064 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.201 Bio Safety Hood Fixed $19,936 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
(4 ft.)
E1028.202 Ultrasonic Fixed $3,640 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
Cleaner (table
top, 5.75 gal.)
E1028.203 Freezer Fixed $7,616 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
(23.3 cu. ft.)
E1028.204 Laminar Flow Fixed $8,652 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
Hood (6 ft.)
E1028.205 Decontamin. Fixed $28,000 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.212 Breathing Fixed $10,248 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
Circuit Dryer
(single cabinet)
E1028.221 Chemistry Fixed $436,181 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.301 Headwall Fixed $5,264 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.311 Ice Dispenser Fixed $8,400 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.321 Under Counter Fixed $2,464 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.331 Refrigerator Fixed $8,208 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
(49 cu. ft.)

B-12 B: Performance Groups and Representative FEMA P-58-5

Nonstructural Fragilities
Table B-14 Medical Equipment Consequence Data (continued)
Repair Repair Repair Repair
Replace. Repair Cost Time Repair Cost Time
ID Unit Attach. Cost Descrip. (%) (days) Descrip. (%) (days)
E1028.341 Medstation Fixed $62,227 Repair 10% 14 Replace 100% 60
E1028.401 Imaging System Fixed $1,164,800 Repair 10% 30 Replace 100% 180
(16 slice CT)
E1028.403 CT C-Arm Fixed $252,000 Repair 10% 30 Replace 100% 180
E1028.411 Mri System Fixed $2,475,200 Repair 10% 30 Replace 100% 180
E1028.421 Laser Imaging Fixed $ 78,400 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
E1028.431 X-Ray System Fixed $655,200 Repair 10% 30 Replace 100% 180
E1028.501 Shelving System Fixed $1,316 Repair 10% 7 Replace 100% 30
(single 5 ft. unit)

FEMA P-58-5 B: Representative Nonstructural Performance Groups B-13

and Fragilities
Appendix C
Performance Estimation Tool
User Manual

Results of system-specific FEMA P-58 performance assessments are

summarized in Chapter 5. Data are available for each performance metric,
by system, occupancy, Risk Category, building height, hazard level, and
intensity level. The Performance Estimation Tool (PET) was initially created
as a vehicle for viewing assessment data and analyzing trends in results. It
serves as a permanent repository of assessment data and can also be used as a
tool for preliminary performance-based design. It is provided in FEMA
P-58, Volume 3, Supporting Electronic Materials and Background

This appendix provides instructions for using the Performance Estimation

Tool to access and view available performance assessment results.
Instructions for using the tool as a design aid are provided in FEMA P-58,
Volume 6, Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings.

C.1 Introduction

The Performance Estimation Tool requires, as input, the selection of seismic

force-resisting system, occupancy type, Risk Category, building height, and
seismic hazard from the available options. It also requires selection of design
story drift and design strength in terms of a multiple of minimum base shear.
Based on the selected parameters, the tool will return graphs and detailed
plots of performance assessment results contained within the database.

C.2 Usage Notes

The Performance Estimation Tool was created in Microsoft Office 2013 as a

macro enabled Excel file (.xlsm). The tool uses Excel macros, and macros
must be enabled for the tool to run. It contains several worksheets, accessed
as tabs, and labeled as follows:
• Instructions. The Instructions tab summarizes important information
about the use of the tool.
• User Interface. The User Interface tab is used for selecting input
parameters and obtaining the results.

FEMA P-58-5 C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual C-1

• Detailed Plots. The Detailed Plots tab presents additional, more detailed
information in graphical format for each loss metric shown on the User
Interface tab.
In each tab, users access all options through gray-shaded buttons, drop-down
menus, and sliders located on the bottom and right side of the design space.
Information should not be typed into any of the cells, especially the selection
cells identified with heavy black borders.

C.3 User Interface Tab

Figure C-1 shows the PET User Interface tab. The left side of the tab is the
user input interface. The user may select any combination of seismic force-
resisting system, occupancy type, Risk Category, building height, and
seismic hazard from the available options. Risk Category II office
occupancies will allow selection of low-, mid-, and high-rise buildings, but
healthcare occupancies and Risk Category IV office occupancies are limited
to low- and mid-rise selections. The available gradient in seismic hazard
level (i.e., Low SDC D, SDC D and SDC E/F) is representative of the
Seismic Design Category D-E transition. The figure shows the tool with the
following selections: special steel moment-resisting frame (“Steel SMRF”),
“office” occupancy, Risk Category “II”, “mid-rise” building height, and
“SDC D” hazard level.

Figure C-2 shows the stiffness and strength input interface, including the
design space graphic, which shows the boundaries of the design space for the
selected seismic force-resisting system. Each point within the design space
is characterized by a design story drift ratio and design strength expressed as
a multiple of minimum base shear. The green dot indicates the location of
the representative design within the design space. The red dot reflects the
current selection of stiffness and strength within the design space. The red
dot can be moved using the sliders located along the bottom and right side of
the design space, or through selections from dropdown menus associated
with the buttons for multiple of minimum base shear and design story drift.
In the figure, input fields indicate the selection of a design story drift ratio of
0.015 and base shear ratio of 2.5.

Once data have been entered, the User Interface tab provides graphs showing
estimates of building performance in terms of median, mean, and 90th
percentile repair costs and repair times; probability of collapse; probability of
reparability; and probability of unrepairable permanent drifts for different
intensities of ground motion expressed as a percentage of the MCE shaking
intensity at the building site. A change in any of the input parameters
automatically updates all of the graphs.

C-2 C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual FEMA P-58-5

Figure C-1 PET User Interface tab.

FEMA P-58-5 C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual C-3

Figure C-2 Stiffness and strength input interface and design space graphic
on the User Interface tab.

Figure C-3 provides an example of one graph showing mean repair cost
expressed as percentage of replacement cost. In all graphs, a blue shaded
area indicates the range of performance (ROP) for all buildings within the
design space. A green line indicates the performance of the representative
design (RD) for the selected system, and a red line indicates the performance
of the current search (CS) parameters including the selected values of story
drift ratio and base shear multiple. Performance values for current search
(CS) parameters are also tabulated below the graph at each intensity level.

Figure C-3 Graph showing mean repair cost as a percentage of

replacement cost on the User Interface tab.

C-4 C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual FEMA P-58-5

C.4 Detailed Plots Tab

The Detailed Plots tab provides all data for the parameters currently selected
in the User Interface tab in larger scale and with additional detail. The tab
displays one detailed plot at a time for the selected performance metric.
Results for different performance metrics can be accessed through gray-
shaded buttons on the left side of the tab. Figure C-4 provides a detailed plot
of mean repair cost versus intensity, which is a more detailed version of the
information shown in Figure C-3. Similar to Figure C-3, the red line shows
the performance of the current search parameters, and the green line shows
the performance of a representative building design for the selected system.
The two blue lines indicate an upper and lower bound characterizing the
range of performance considering all buildings within the design space. The
performance of the current search, representative design, and bounds for the
performance range are also tabulated below the plot.

Figure C-4 Detailed plot of mean repair cost versus intensity.

FEMA P-58-5 C: Performance Estimation Tool User Manual C-5


ACI, 2011, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and

Commentary, ACI 318-11, American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, Michigan.

AISC, 2010a, Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC

341-10, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Illinois.

AISC, 2010b, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC

360-10, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Illinois.

ASCE, 2010, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-10, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

ASCE, 2013, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-10 including Supplement No. 1, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

ASCE, 2017a, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings
and Other Structures, Provisions, ASCE/SEI 7-16, American Society of
Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

ASCE, 2017b, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings
and Other Structures, Commentary, ASCE/SEI 7-16, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

ASCE, 2017c, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings,

ASCE/SEI 41-17, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston,

ATC, 2014, Proceedings of FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Design

Guidelines and Tools to Implement Next-Generation Performance-Based
Seismic Design, ATC-58-5 Report, Applied Technology Council,
Redwood City, California.

FEMA, 1988, Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic

Regulations for New Buildings, Part 1: Provisions, FEMA 95, prepared
by the Building Seismic Safety Council of the National Institute of
Building Sciences, for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.

FEMA P-58-5 References D-1

FEMA, 2000, Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design, FEMA
349, prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2006, Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design

Guidelines, Program Plan for New and Existing Buildings, FEMA 445,
prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2009a, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings

and Other Structures, FEMA P-750, prepared by the Building Seismic
Safety Council of the National Institute of Building Sciences for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2009b, Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors,

FEMA P-695, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2012a, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 1 –

Methodology, FEMA P-58-1, prepared by the Applied Technology
Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington,

FEMA, 2012b, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 2 –

Implementation Guide, FEMA P-58-2, prepared by the Applied
Technology Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2012c, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 3 –

Supporting Electronic Materials and Background Documentation,
FEMA P-58-3, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2015a, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings

and Other Structures, Volume I: Part 1 Provisions, Part 2 Commentary,
FEMA P-1050-1, prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council of the
National Institute of Building Sciences for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2015b, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings

and Other Structures, Volume II: Part 3 Resource Papers, FEMA
P-1050-2, prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council of the
National Institute of Building Sciences for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

D-2 References FEMA P-58-5

FEMA, 2018a, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 1 –
Methodology, Second Edition, FEMA P-58-1, prepared by the Applied
Technology Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018b, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 2 –

Implementation Guide, Second Edition, FEMA P-58-2, prepared by the
Applied Technology Council for the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018c, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 3 –

Supporting Electronic Materials and Background Documentation, Third
Edition, FEMA P-58-3, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for
the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018d, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 4 –

Methodology for Assessing Environmental Impacts, FEMA P-58-4,
prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018e, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 5 –

Expected Seismic Performance of Code-Conforming Buildings, FEMA
P-58-5, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018f, Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of

Buildings, FEMA P-58-6, prepared by the Applied Technology Council
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

FEMA, 2018g, Building the Performance You Need, A Guide to State-of-the-

Art Tools for Seismic Design and Assessment, FEMA P-58-7, prepared
by the Applied Technology Council for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, D.C.

Harris, A., Naeim, F., and Zareian, F., 2016, Development of Fundamental
Period Adjustment Factors for Buildings in Low-To-Moderate Seismic
Excitation, FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.17 Report, Applied Technology Council,
Redwood City, California.

Huang, Y.-N., and Whittaker, A.S., 2012, Calculation of Peak Ground

Velocity from 1-Second Spectral Velocity, FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.5 Report,
Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California.

FEMA P-58-5 References D-3

Mieler, M.W., and Mitrani-Reiser, J., 2018, “Review of the State of the Art
in Assessing Earthquake-Induced Loss of Functionality in Buildings,”
Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Vol. 144, No. 3.

Miranda, E., and Taghavi, S., 2005, “Approximate Floor Acceleration

Demands in Multistory Buildings. I: Formulation,” Journal of Structural
Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 131, No. 2,
pp. 203-211.

Newmark, N.M., and Hall, W.J., 1982, Earthquake Spectra and Design,
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California.

NIST, 1999, UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building

Specifications, Cost Estimating and Cost Analysis, NISTIR 6389 Report,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland.

NIST, 2017, Seismic Analysis, Design, and Installation of Nonstructural

Components and Systems – Background and Recommendations for
Future Work, GCR 17-917-44, prepared by the Applied Technology
Council for the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Saldana, D., and Terzic, V., 2018, Simplified Analysis Response Models for
SCBF and BRBF Compliant with FEMA P-58 Simplified Procedures,
FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.21 Report, Applied Technology Council, Redwood
City, California.

SEAOC, 1973, Recommended Lateral Force Requirements, Structural

Engineers Association of California, Sacramento, California.

Seligson, H.A., 2008, Casualty Consequence Function and Building

Population Model Development, FEMA P-58/BD-3.7.8 Report, Applied
Technology Council, Redwood City, California.

Tran, T.A., 2012, Experimental and Analytical Studies of Moderate Aspect

Ratio Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls, Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of California, Los Angeles, California.

D-4 References FEMA P-58-5

Project Participants

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Mike Mahoney (Project Officer) Robert D. Hanson (Technical Monitor)
Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency
400 C Street, SW 5885 Dunabbey Loop
Washington, D.C. 20472 Dublin, Ohio 43017

Applied Technology Council

Christopher Rojahn Ayse Hortacsu (Project Manager)
Applied Technology Council Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065 Redwood City, California 94065

Jon A. Heintz (Project Executive)

Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065

Project Management Committee

Ronald O. Hamburger (Project Technical Director) Jack P. Moehle
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. University of California, Berkeley
100 Pine Street, Suite 1600 3444 Echo Springs Road
San Francisco, California 94111 Lafayette, California 94549

John Gillengerten Khalid Mosalam

1055 Rivermeade Dr. University of California, Berkeley
Hebron, Kentucky 41048 Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials
Civil and Environmental Engineering
William T. Holmes 723 Davis Hall
Rutherford + Chekene Berkeley, California 94720
375 Beale Street, Suite 310
San Francisco, California 94105 Laura Samant
2547 Diamond Street
John D. Hooper San Francisco, California 94131
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 Steven R. Winkel
Seattle, Washington 98101 The Preview Group, Inc.
2765 Price Street
Stephen A. Mahin (deceased) Berkeley, California 94705
University of California, Berkeley
777 Davis Hall
Berkeley, California 94720

FEMA P-58-5 Project Participants E-1

Steering Committee
William T. Holmes (Chair) Jonathan C. Siu
Rutherford + Chekene City of Seattle, Dept. of Planning and
375 Beale Street, Suite 310 Development
San Francisco, California 94105 P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, Washington 98124
Lucy Arendt
St. Norbert College Jeffrey Soulages
100 Grant Street, Cofrin Hall, 310 Intel Corporation
De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 2501 NW 229th Street, MS: RA1-220
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Deborah Beck
Beck Creative Strategies LLC Eric von Berg
531 Main Street, Suite 313 Newmark Realty Capital, Inc.
New York, New York 10044 595 Market Street, Suite 2550
San Francisco, California 94105
Christopher Deneff
FM Global Williston Warren (ATC Board Contact)
270 Central Avenue SESOL Inc.
Johnston, Rhode Island 02919 1918 Santiago Drive, Suite A
Newport Beach, California 92660
H. John Price
9839 Caminito Rogelio
San Diego, California 92131

Stakeholder Products Team

Laura Samant (Team Leader) Maryann T. Phipps (ATC Board Contact)
2547 Diamond Street Estructure
San Francisco, California 94131 1144 65th Street
Oakland, California 94608
David Mar
Mar Structural Design Sharyl Rabinovici
2629 Seventh Street, Suite C 1702 Le Roy Avenue
Berkeley, California 94710 Berkeley, California 94709

Lori Peek L. Thomas Tobin

University of Colorado Tobin & Associates
Natural Hazards Center 444 Miller Avenue
Institute of Behavioral Sciences Building Mill Valley, California 94941
1440 15th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302

Performance Products Team

John Gillengerten (Team Leader) David R. Bonneville
1055 Rivermeade Drive Degenkolb Engineers
Hebron, Kentucky 41048 375 Beale St., Suite 500
San Francisco, California 94105

E-2 Project Participants FEMA P-58-5

Dominic Campi Vesna Terzic
Rutherford + Chekene California State University, Long Beach
375 Beale Street, Suite 310 Department of Civil Engineering & Construction
San Francisco, California 94105 Engineering Management
Long Beach, California 90815

Products Update Team

John D. Hooper (Team Leader) Peter Morris
Magnusson Klemencic Associates AECOM
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 2020 L Street
Seattle, Washington 98101 Sacramento, California 95811

Russell Larsen
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, Washington 98101

Stakeholder Products Consultants

Sandra L. Grabowski Stacia Sydoriak
Adler Enterprises LLC 2049 Bronson St
4600 Miller Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
Jennifer Tobin-Gurley
Taline Mitten University of Colorado
Mar Structural Design Natural Hazards Center
2629 Seventh Street Suite C Institute of Behavioral Sciences Building
Berkeley, California 94710 1440 15th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302

Performance Products Consultants

Shreyash Chokshi Abe Lynn
California State University, Long Beach Degenkolb Engineers
1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129 375 Beale St., Suite 500
Long Beach, California 90840 San Francisco, California 94105

Travis Chrupalo Daniel Saldana

Degenkolb Engineers California State University, Long Beach
375 Beale St., Suite 500 1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129
San Francisco, California 94105 Long Beach, California 90840

Erica Hays Vinit M. Shah

Degenkolb Engineers California State University, Long Beach
375 Beale St., Suite 500 1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129
San Francisco, California 94105 Long Beach, California 90840

Nirmal Kumawat Udit S. Tambe

California State University, Long Beach California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129 1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129
Long Beach, California 90840 Long Beach, California 90840

FEMA P-58-5 Project Participants E-3

Duy Vu To Peny Villanueva
15662 Jefferson Street California State University, Long Beach
Midway City, California 92655 1250 Bellflower Blvd, VEC-129
Long Beach, California 90840

Products Update Consultants

Robert Bachman Gilberto Mosqueda
R.E. Bachman Consulting Structural Engineers University of California, San Diego
25152 La Estrada Dr. Department of Structural Engineering
Laguna Niguel, California 92677 9500 Gilman Drive, Suite 8085
La Jolla, California 92093
Jack Baker
Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC Farzad Naeim
728 Cherry Street, Suite C Farzad Naeim, Inc.
Chico, California 95928 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 900
Irvine, California 92618
Dustin Cook
Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC Barbara Rodriguez
728 Cherry Street, Suite C Carbon Leadership Forum
Chico, California 95928 Center for Integrated Design
1501 East Madison St. Suite 200
Scott Hagie Seattle, Washington 98122
John A. Martin and Associates, Inc.
950 S. Grand Ave. 4th Floor Kathrina Simonen
Los Angeles, California 90015 Carbon Leadership Forum
Center for Integrated Design
Angie Harris 1501 East Madison St. Suite 200
19413 Broadacres Ave. Seattle, Washington 98122
Carson, California 90746
Siavash Soroushian
Curt Haselton K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC Department of Civil and Environmental
728 Cherry Street, Suite C Engineering,
Chico, California 95928 Tehran, Iran

Wyatt Henderson Katie Wade

Magnusson Klemencic Associates Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 728 Cherry Street, Suite C
Seattle, Washington 98101 Chico, California 95928

Monica Huang Farzin Zareian

Carbon Leadership Forum University of California, Irvine
Center for Integrated Design Department of Civil and Environmental
1501 East Madison St. Suite 200 Engineering
Seattle, Washington 98122 Irvine, California 92697

E-4 Project Participants FEMA P-58-5

FEMA P-58-5
Catalog No. 1894-8

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