The Voice
The Voice
The Voice
Science Fiction Roleplaying Game, a world not unlike our own – at least on the surface. Underneath
lies a shadowy world of mystery, magic and strangeness – a complex web of conspiracies covered up
by the organisations and individuals who know the truth. The heroes in the world of DARK·MATTER
are looking to find that truth, often as agents of the Hoffmann Institute and other secret organisations.
By Stephen Kenson
Illustrated by Alan Rabinowitz
directs; you’ll learn the game mechanics as sections of town in the dead of night. It would-
they're needed. Important game information is n't be the first lead that turned out to be a dead
set apart from the main adventure text in side- end—and probably not the last, either. Then
bars. your cell-phone rings, breaking the silence.
"Hunter,” you answer.
The Alternity game uses the following
"Hello, Diana,” comes the quiet voice from
dice: d20, d12, d8, d6, and d4. The d20 is the
the other end of the phone. It's your informant.
“control die.” You always roll the control die
You call him the Voice. You don't know his
when you need to make a roll. The other dice
real name or anything else about him, except
are “situation dice”, which are added to or sub-
that his information has been accurate so far.
tracted from the control die depending on the
He knows things about secret U.S. government
situation's difficulty. First read “The Game
projects, things nobody should know, but
Mechanics” in the sidebar; other game me-
which match information in the Institute's most
chanics are explained as the adventure unfolds,
secret files. All efforts to track him down have
starting with “The Call.”
failed, but that's not surprising. If anyone knew
the things that the Voice was telling the Insti-
THE GAME MECHANICS tute, the Voice would have been killed by now.
"All right,” you tell the Voice. “I'm here.
Using the dice described above, the basic Now what?"
Alternity game rule is fairly simple. Roll "I'm glad you came, Diana,” the Voice says,
a number equal to or less than your target his calm tone reflecting some genuine appre-
score to succeed at an action. Target scores ciation. “I'm glad you decided to trust me."
include your ability scores, skill scores, and "Don't push it,” you reply. “Get to the
action check scores. If you roll higher than the point."
target score, your hero fails. You always want "Of course,” the Voice says. “I want to
to roll as low as possible — the lower the roll, show you something important."
the more likely the hero succeeds. "What's that?” you ask.
The scores on the hero sheet are divided "I can't tell you over an open line,” Voice
into three categories by slash marks. These says. “You have to trust me."
represent the target scores for three possible Easier said than done... Still, the Voice has
results, respectively: Ordinary, Good, and been right so far, and the knowledge he has is
Amazing. Rolling the appropriate score or tantalizing. “All right,” you say.
lower is an Ordinary success, one-half the "Good. Just follow my directions. Did you
score or lower is a Good success, and one- receive the package I sent you?"
quarter of the score or lower is an Amazing Your hand drops down to rest on the small
success. Any roll greater than the target score cardboard box on the passenger seat. It arrived
is a Failure (or, in the case of an action check, this morning from a post-office box registered
a Marginal success). under a false name.
Example: Diana Hunter has an action "Good. Put on the headset from the box,
check score of 13. A 14 or greater is a Mar- then hang up your phone."
ginal success. A roll of 13-7 is an Ordinary The box contains a small, sophisticated
Results of Damage: For each point of damage inflicted, mark off one point of durability from a
character (stun, wound, or mortal, depending on the type of damage). If all of a character's stuns or
wounds are marked off, the character falls unconscious. If all of a character's mortal points are
marked off, the character dies.
Recovery: Stun damage is temporary, and any stun damage a character has disappears at the end
of a scene. (Each of the numbered sections is one scene.) Wound damage remains until healed by
rest and medical attention. Mortal damage requires the use of Medical Science-surgery and medi-
cal attention to recover.
Armor: Some characters wear armor. After a successful attack, roll to see if the armor protects.
For example, Diana's armor offers d6-2 points of protection against high impact (HI) weapons like
guns. Any result of 0 or less means no protection. Any positive result is subtracted from the
amount of damage inflicted.
result counts as 2 successes, and an Amazing two attacks, then see “The Guard Attacks” and
5 result counts as 3 successes.
• If you achieve 2 failure results before achiev-
continue with the following rounds until the
guard is defeated (go to 6), or Diana is de-
ing 5 successes, go to 8. feated (go to 7).
• If you achieve 5 successes before accumulat-
ing 2 failure results, go to 12. -4-
You draw your own gun and level it at the
-3- -6-
You manage to get the drop on the guard
Your shot catches the guard and spins him
before he can draw his weapon, grabbing your
to the side. He crumples to the floor in a heap,
own 9mm pistol and taking aim. You can fire
his gun dropping from his hand. You holster
two shots before he realizes what's happening.
your pistol and keep heading for the door of
Make a Skill Check: Diana acts before the
the warehouse. You only hope that you haven't
guard and can use both of her actions before
already raised the alarm.
he can react. First, read “Diana Attacks” in the
• Go to 1.
adjacent sidebar. If the guard survives the first
-7- hope you're the better shot as you both level
Burning pain stabs through you, and the
your weapons at each other and fire.
Make a Skill Check: See the “Fighting the
world seems to tilt out from under you as you Guards” sidebar to resolve combat. Diana and
spin and drop toward the ground. As you start the guard act at the same time, in the Ordinary
to black out, you hear the Voice speaking to phase. Then Diana acts again in the Marginal
you over the headset. “Diana? Diana, what's phase. Continue the combat until the guard is
happening? I need your help. You don't know
-9- Guard #1
When the guard comes charging around the Stun 8
comer, you're ready for him. You fire twice at Wound 8
him before he even has a chance to react. If
Mortal 4
you can take him down quickly, this mission
might still succeed.
Make a Skill Check: See the “Fighting the
Guards” sidebar to resolve combat. Diana acts GUARD ATTACKS
twice before the guard, then the guard returns
fire in the Ordinary phase, if he is still alive If the guard is still able, he can make an at-
and able to act. Continue the combat until the tack against Diana. The guard has a skill score
guard is defeated (go to 12) or Diana is de- of 11 and rolls a d20 and “d0” because of
feated (go to 7). Diana's resistance modifier. If the guard man-
ages to hit, Diana's armor offers some protec-
- 10 - tion. (See “Combat and Damage.") The guard
The guard is expecting trouble, but he does- has a 9mm pistol that does the same damage as
n't know who he's dealing with here. You only Diana's: d4+1 w/d4+2w/d4m.
7 FIGHTING THE GUARDS the combat until the guard is defeated (go to
12) or Diana is defeated (go to 7).
pistol skill of 11 and roll a d20 and a d0 be- with pale fluorescent lights. You close the
cause of Diana's resistance modifier. Their pis- door carefully behind you and look around. No
tols inflict the same damage as Diana's, They one is in sight.
each have a durability of 8 stuns, 8 wounds, "Okay” you whisper into your throat-mike.
and 4 mortals. “I'm inside. Now what?"
"There's a way to close down the security
systems from in here,” the Voice says in your
ear. “I'll guide you. Go down the hall, take a
Guard #2 right, and go to the first door on the right.
That's the security station. There should be two
Stun 8 guards on duty there."
Wound 8 Following the Voice's directions, you move
Mortal 4
quickly and quietly down the hall pressing flat
against the wall to avoid being seen. You gen-
tly grasp the knob and twist, then fling open
Guard #3 the door and level your pistol into the room.
Stun 8 The two guards inside react with surprise.
Make a Surprise Check: When it is possi-
Wound 8
ble for one side to get the drop on the other, a
Mortal 4 surprise check is required. Make an Aware-
ness-intuition check for the guards (their target
score is 8).
Guard #4 • If the guards fail the surprise check, go to 13.
Stun 8 • If the guards make the surprise check, go to
Wound 8 14.
Mortal 4
- 13 -
You've caught the guards by surprise. Be-
defeated (go to 12) or Diana is defeated (go to fore they can even blink, you have a chance to
7). fire off a shot.
If an opponent fails a surprise check, a spe-
- 11 - cial phase called the Surprise phase is added to
the beginning of the combat round. Diana can
The sudden appearance of the guard throws
take one action in this phase, then the normal
you off-balance, and you turn toward him just
round begins. See the “Fighting the Guards”
as the guard raises his gun at you and fires.
sidebar, then go to 14.
You just hope that he's a lousy shot.
Make a Skill Check: See the “Fighting the
Guards” sidebar to resolve combat. The guard - 14 -
acts first in the Ordinary phase. Then Diana Two guards, one of you—not very even
acts in the Marginal phase. She gets only one odds. But then, you're hardly going to let them
of her usual two actions this round. Continue go and get more guards to even things out!
Make an Action Check: The security - 18 -
guards act in the Ordinary phase and have one
action each. Make an action check for Diana After taking down the guards, you check 8
using a d20. out the security console in the room. You
• If you achieve a Good or Amazing success, should be able to shut down the security sys-
go to 15. tems from here, enough to give you access to
• If you achieve an Ordinary success, go to 16. the rest of the facility.
• If you achieve a Marginal success, go to 17. “The guards are neutralized,” you say into
• If you refuse to help, go to 32. Make a Skill Check: See the “Fighting the
Doppelganger” sidebar to resolve combat.
Diana and her duplicate act at the same time,
- 27 - in the Good and Ordinary phases. Continue the
"All right. I'll do it,” you say. combat until one character wins.
"Thank you,” a chorus of Voices replies in • If the duplicate is defeated, go to 33.
your mind. Suddenly you know how to shut • If Diana is defeated, go to 7.
down the equipment in the room. You start
moving toward the control panel when you - 30 -
hear a noise from the doorway.
"Hold it right there, Diana,” a familiar You make a move, but your duplicate has
voice says. “Don't do anything foolish.” You the drop on you. She shoots once before you
spin to see a figure standing in front of the can bring your own weapon to bear. You hope
door, holding a 9mm pistol leveled in your di- she's not as good a shot as you are.
rection. A cruel smile crosses her face as you Make a Skill Check: See the “Fighting the
face off against… yourself. Doppelganger” sidebar to resolve combat.
Make an Action Check: Diana's duplicate Diana's duplicate acts first, in the Good phase,
acts in the Good and Ordinary phases. Roll a then again in the Ordinary phase with Diana.
d20 for Diana's action check. Continue the combat until one character wins.
• If you achieve an Amazing success, go to 28. • If the duplicate is defeated, go to 33.
• If you achieve a Good success, go to 29. • If Diana is defeated, go to 7.
• If you achieve an Ordinary Success, go to 30.
• If you achieve a Marginal Success, go to 31.
What happens next? Pick up a copy of the DARK·MATTER campaign setting and search for the
Stephen Kenson is a freelance writer and a fan of conspiracy theories and high weird-ness. He's
fairly sure that he’s really who he thinks he is, although he occasionally has doubts.