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Ignou Pub Ad
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
. describe the concept of Supervision;
identify the Scope of Supervision;
describe the definitions of Supervision;
discuss various theories of Supervision;
identify the need and styles of Supervision; and
explain effective Supervision and quality of Supervision at various levels of
, Administration, Education arid Community Health.
In Course 1 you have already studied about Administration Organization and
Management and in this block we will be discussing the term "Supervision" in detail.
In this unit we will learn about the concepts, scope, theories, styles, needs, qualities
and principles of effective supervision.
By aow you all will realise that "Supervision" is one of the most important management
hnction in an organization whether it is hospital administration, educational
administration or community health administration, there is always provision for
supervision. It is the supervision which operates in an organizational structure.
She is not only the leader of a team directly cohcerned with meeting needs of the
patient but$ also involved with other supportive department for meeting the
requirement of the patients.
In this section you will learn about concept and scope of supervision. Every day in
hospital you are supervising someone or someone supervising you. But learning
supervision will heip you to get desirable ends.
The word meaning of "Supervision" is overseeing. Supervision is the name given to
the activities that contribute to the achievement of the Objectives of a plan prepared
by the Administrator. The Supervision was earlier conceived as inspecting and fault
finding with subordinates. Now the modem concept of Supervision is to guide, and
help the subordinates in their work by training, demonstration, checking and individual
counselling and guidance. The organisatiori of a hospital is complex and to ensure
functioning of entire staff, the Nursing Supervisor needs to conceptualize the needs of
the patient, which nyy vary from situation to situation, but the main need of patient
will depend upon following points:
Accurate assessment of the patient condition.
Initiation of appropriate and effective action in accordance with assessment.
Provision of maximum degree of happiness and comfort within the limitations
imposed by his condition.
Finally the utmost importance is that patient returns to community with
improvemeqt I in health.
It includes inspecting the work performed by subordinate in a given set-up and quality
of work is directly related to the degree of supervision.
[n. this sub-section you will learn definition of supervision and objectives of
Definition of Supervision
The term Supervision is derived from two words that is "Super" means above or
over and "Vision" means seeing. Therefore, the word Supervision means
overseeing. Supervision is an act of superior person to over see the work of the
personnel working under him or her.
a Supervision or Overseeing also means Investigating, Directing, Guiding, Helping
and Advising the subordinates in their work set up for the purpose of achieving
essential and specific objectives. Result being we call supervision as an art of
Overseeing, directing with Authority, Watching the work performance and
behaviour of the work performers.
Directing the Nursing care is the part of supervisory process. Direct observation is
indispensable to supervision.
a "That which is not inspected, is not done", is an old but wise saying. Inspection,
Overseeing and supervision arise in response to needs inherent in the functioning
of an organisation.
Supervision is more than inspection and investigation. It is more than
superintendence as an administrative task. It has an educative aspect too.
a It has an consultative role, as the .nurses turn to their supervisor for advice and
a Supervision is concerned with Training and Discipline of work force, which is
monitored by (a) Continuous observation (b) Monitoring (c) Evaluation
(d) Guidance to ensure that the tasks are performed effectively, consciously and
Supervision is a process through which workers are helped, guided by a
designated Staff Member to learn as per their needs to ensure:
- The best use of knowledge
- The best use .of skills for Improving the abilities so that they perform
the job effectively with a considerable amount of satisfaction to
themselves and the agency were they are working.
Supervision is a two fold process. It is
" a) Guiding Process
b) Supervising the work of sub-ordinates.
Objectives of Supervision
Supervisor usually holds the middle position in the hierarchy, between the director of
nursing, associates and assistants. The Supervisor is responsible for two or more units,
Floor or Department, depending on the size of the institution and degree of
specialization. Sufficient clinical importance is needed to evaluate, teach and direct the
activities of sub-ordinates.
Expert Supervision
This is an emerging stylegf supervision. The basis for this style of Supervision is
Supervisors knowledge and ability. It is an established fact that most of the workers
like to work under a democratic supervisor. But this does not indicate that democratic
style of supervision is always the best. In fact no single supervisory style is
universally effective. The effectiveness of the style depends on job and personal
factors which includes following:
Complexity of job
Difficulty of the job
Nature of job and its effect on patient
Suprr\i$ion, Guidance and Urgency and consistency of the task
Need for creativity and Innovation for providing best care to the patients
Personal factors include : Supervisors knowledge skill, expertise and experience
Attitude of accepting responsibility willingly and making sound decision
A supervisor can create right attitudes amongst her Staff by ensuring and creating
sense of co-operation among all the Nursing Staff working in a unit. Right type of
direction' is to be provided io motivate the staff to work, develop an encouraging and
right attitude for making her supervision qualitatively effective.
Tbe functions and principles involved in supervision are many fold. These functions
are administrative, leading, helping and evaluating.
In this unit we have covered various definitions of supervision and its application in
day to day routine.
'Effective supervision and qualities of good supervisor are mentioned in detail in this
Emotional, Maturity and Stability
Knowledge of Human Relations
Personal Motivation
Teaching ability