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1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concept and Scope of Supervision
1.3 Definitions arid Objectives of Supervision
1.4 Need of Supervision
1.4.1 Styles of Supervision
1.5 Effective Supervision and Qualities of Good Supervisor
1.5.1 Skill, Knowledge and Attitudes Required for Effective and
Quality Supervision
1.5.2 Qualities of Supervisor
1.6 Principle of Supervision
1.7 Let Us Sum Up
1.8 Key Words
1.9 Answers to Check Your Progress

After going through this unit, you should be able to:
. describe the concept of Supervision;
identify the Scope of Supervision;
describe the definitions of Supervision;
discuss various theories of Supervision;
identify the need and styles of Supervision; and
explain effective Supervision and quality of Supervision at various levels of
, Administration, Education arid Community Health.

In Course 1 you have already studied about Administration Organization and
Management and in this block we will be discussing the term "Supervision" in detail.
In this unit we will learn about the concepts, scope, theories, styles, needs, qualities
and principles of effective supervision.

Supervision is an essential and an important aspect of administration in every field and

is vital function of administration. The whole function of the administration or the
Management is known as Supervision.

By aow you all will realise that "Supervision" is one of the most important management
hnction in an organization whether it is hospital administration, educational
administration or community health administration, there is always provision for
supervision. It is the supervision which operates in an organizational structure.

The task of Nursing Supervisor is quite challenging, because of rapid advances in

medicine, surgery and other allied specialities. Her task is continuously influenced by
i constant change.
S ~ ~ p e r v i s i o nG, u i d a n c e a n d Rehabr litation. Nursing Supervision is the key figure in meeting the needs of these
C'oel~relling patieill

She is not only the leader of a team directly cohcerned with meeting needs of the
patient but$ also involved with other supportive department for meeting the
requirement of the patients.

In this section you will learn about concept and scope of supervision. Every day in
hospital you are supervising someone or someone supervising you. But learning
supervision will heip you to get desirable ends.

The word meaning of "Supervision" is overseeing. Supervision is the name given to
the activities that contribute to the achievement of the Objectives of a plan prepared
by the Administrator. The Supervision was earlier conceived as inspecting and fault
finding with subordinates. Now the modem concept of Supervision is to guide, and
help the subordinates in their work by training, demonstration, checking and individual
counselling and guidance. The organisatiori of a hospital is complex and to ensure
functioning of entire staff, the Nursing Supervisor needs to conceptualize the needs of
the patient, which nyy vary from situation to situation, but the main need of patient
will depend upon following points:
Accurate assessment of the patient condition.
Initiation of appropriate and effective action in accordance with assessment.
Provision of maximum degree of happiness and comfort within the limitations
imposed by his condition.
Finally the utmost importance is that patient returns to community with
improvemeqt I in health.

Changing concepts of supervision.

These days there is democracy in supervision educators think of supervision .
either as guidance, working together for common goals.
Desirable ends are mutually decided by watching results for which supervisor in

It includes inspecting the work performed by subordinate in a given set-up and quality
of work is directly related to the degree of supervision.

Scope of the Supervision .

Scope of the Supervision is that it is an on going process through motivation,
performance appraisal, staff development through inservice education programs and
staff development programs. c

The scope of supervision will depend on the following that:

Nursing Supervisor is a good leader and influences the ward team to provide bkst
services to the patient.
Under the guidance of good leader (Nursing Supervisor) the team gets the
opportunity to utilise their full potentials by using their special skills and
aptitudes for prov~dingbest, accurate and expert services to the patient.
Members of the team under a good leader, exhibit interest in their work and wish i.
to improve it further.
A good leader of the team assess their abilities and aptitudes and provides them
opportunity to develop their strengths and over come their weaknesses. i
A goid Nursing Supervisor provides and creates favourable conditions with
necessary e q ~ p m e n in
t working order and readily available.
Finally the scope of supervision with extend to the extent that staff and the team
themselves will appreciate their own valuable contribution towards achikving the
3 ,.
Concept. Scope, Need.
1.3 DEFINITIONS AND QBJECTIVES OF S t y l e s and Principles of

[n. this sub-section you will learn definition of supervision and objectives of

Definition of Supervision
The term Supervision is derived from two words that is "Super" means above or
over and "Vision" means seeing. Therefore, the word Supervision means
overseeing. Supervision is an act of superior person to over see the work of the
personnel working under him or her.
a Supervision or Overseeing also means Investigating, Directing, Guiding, Helping
and Advising the subordinates in their work set up for the purpose of achieving
essential and specific objectives. Result being we call supervision as an art of
Overseeing, directing with Authority, Watching the work performance and
behaviour of the work performers.
Directing the Nursing care is the part of supervisory process. Direct observation is
indispensable to supervision.
a "That which is not inspected, is not done", is an old but wise saying. Inspection,
Overseeing and supervision arise in response to needs inherent in the functioning
of an organisation.
Supervision is more than inspection and investigation. It is more than
superintendence as an administrative task. It has an educative aspect too.
a It has an consultative role, as the .nurses turn to their supervisor for advice and
a Supervision is concerned with Training and Discipline of work force, which is
monitored by (a) Continuous observation (b) Monitoring (c) Evaluation
(d) Guidance to ensure that the tasks are performed effectively, consciously and
Supervision is a process through which workers are helped, guided by a
designated Staff Member to learn as per their needs to ensure:
- The best use of knowledge
- The best use .of skills for Improving the abilities so that they perform
the job effectively with a considerable amount of satisfaction to
themselves and the agency were they are working.
Supervision is a two fold process. It is
" a) Guiding Process
b) Supervising the work of sub-ordinates.

Therefore, we can define Supervision as:.

a Two way Dynamic and Social Process
Supervision is exercised for fulfillment of specific objectives of an
a Supervision for ensuring quality of performance.
a Constant Support and assistance to the workers for performing the best.

Therefore, the term "Supervision" is continuous process amalgamated with motivation,

performance appraisal, Staff development and leadership. The Supervisor is accountable
to the management and the client for the job performance of the Staff working under
her in a Department/UnitA$-ard or any othsr set up.
Supervisor is to help the worker for improved work performance, develop and
reinforce knowledge and skills as per individual capacity and learning needs.
Supervisor has to ensure that worker develops right attitude towards the work.
Supervisor has to be role model to ensure that work is performed in best possible
way to achieve best results towards organizational objectives.
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Supervision, Guidance and one or more persons to accomplish a particular purpose. This relationship between
Counselling the Supervisor is a key factor in establishing and maintaining acceptable standard
of Nursing Care.

Objectives of Supervision
Supervisor usually holds the middle position in the hierarchy, between the director of
nursing, associates and assistants. The Supervisor is responsible for two or more units,
Floor or Department, depending on the size of the institution and degree of
specialization. Sufficient clinical importance is needed to evaluate, teach and direct the
activities of sub-ordinates.

The Chief ~ b j e i t i v eof Supervision

The Chief Objective of Supervision is that there is close inter-relationship between
good Nursing Care, good ward management and good Nursing Education, therefore, a
Supervisor of Hospital or Community Health Nurse Supervisor will have specific
objectives for her Supervision and these objectives will be as mentioned.
Provide high quality and optimum Nursing Care round the clock or 24 hours for
ensuring Preventive, Promotive, Curative and Rehabilitative care to the clientele in
the Hospital or in community.
Ensuring the .best work performance of-the Sub-ordinates to whom she is
suplervising by:
- Encouragement in Team work.
- To bridge the gap between the workers personal goals and the
organizational goal, promotion of motivation to achieve personal and
organizatianal goal.
- Up keepment of Morale of the Nursing Staff.
- Achievement of Organizational goals.


In this sub unit you will learn need of supervision. As you are doing supervision but
after studying the subsection you will be very good supervisor. Quality of work is
directly related to ah; degree of supervision. High degree of supervision improves the
quality of work, where as poor supervision leads to poor work performance-Good
Supervision is facilitative, because knowledgeable Supervisor inspects work progress
and can avoid inadequate performance before serious consequences develop.
Therefore, the need of supervision at all levels in our profession is mandatory and
compulsory so that Inspection, evaluation and improved work performance can be

As we know that direction is a part of supervision, therefore, need of supervision is

required in Day-todDay relationship between a worker and the supervisor and the
supervision covers the following in a systematic way such as:
In training
In direction
In motivation
In co-ordination
In maintenance of discipline
In minor adjustments of plans
To meet day to day challenges. Concept,' Scope, Need,
Styles and Principles of
Need of the appropriate supervision demands day to day contact for follow up Supervision
and follow through by maintaining contact with the past and present over a
period of time to ensure that job gets finished. The more complex the organisatlon
and its objectives, the need of appropriate supervision is more in demand.
Need of the supervision is also required to establish and maintain an acceptable
standard of Nursing care.
Need of the supervision by a supervisor depends on her love of who work
in her unit and the desire of the supervisor to assist each worker to develop her
ability to contribute his best effort to the Nursing care of patient.
Need of the supervision also demand Co-ordination of the ward work by
requesting assistance of her personnel in the solution of problems through group
Need of supervision ensures feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in their
service to the patient.

1.4.1 Styles of Supervision

The Nursing Supervisor exercises her authority in different styles, but the combination
of styles of supervision needs to be kept in mind what exercising Supervisory

Task Centered Supervision

This style of Supervision has great concern on work performance with low concern for

Country Club or Democratic Type of Supervision

In this style of Supervision, there is high concern for people and low concern for
performance. But subormnates with this type of supervision tend to develop
- confidence in their work performance. They believe in independence and cooperation in
work situation.

Improvised or Laissez Faire L-style

In this style supervisor has the minimum concern both for work performance and the
Staff concerned. In this style Supervision is loose and permissive and abstain from
leading their staff. This fosters freedom for everyone and want every one to feel good.
This style results in low work performance and ultimate employees frustration.

~ureaucraticor Rules Centered Supervision

In this style Supervisor's behaviour is characterised by a high degree of reliance on
rules, regulations and procedures to which both supervisor and his sub-ordinates,
subscribe, resulting reduced series of routine action of administration. This style of
supervision foster's workers apathy.

Benevolent or Manipulative Supervisor

This style of Supervisor is very protective of her sub-ordinates, guiding them for each
and every task, thus providing constant direction. This style of Supervision is loved
by Sub-ordinates. They tend to develop the subordinates as dependent followers.

Expert Supervision
This is an emerging stylegf supervision. The basis for this style of Supervision is
Supervisors knowledge and ability. It is an established fact that most of the workers
like to work under a democratic supervisor. But this does not indicate that democratic
style of supervision is always the best. In fact no single supervisory style is
universally effective. The effectiveness of the style depends on job and personal
factors which includes following:
Complexity of job
Difficulty of the job
Nature of job and its effect on patient
Suprr\i$ion, Guidance and Urgency and consistency of the task
Need for creativity and Innovation for providing best care to the patients
Personal factors include : Supervisors knowledge skill, expertise and experience
Attitude of accepting responsibility willingly and making sound decision


By now you have attained the knowledge of the concepts, scope, definition,
objectives, need and styles of Supervision, now in this section we will discuss as to
what qualities a supervisor most possess to provide effective supervision. For
exercising effective supervision, a supervisor must possess the following qualities:
Energy: A supervisor should have both mental and physical energy to work for
sufficiently long hours without feeling tired.
Emotional Maturity and Stablity: A Supervisor should have self confidence. She
r~ccdsto control her anger think clearly, and take mature decisions on rational
Knowledge of Huntan Relations: A Supervisor needs to have understanding of
human behaviours.
Objectivity: A supervisors's approach to any problem should be objective and
should not be based on any pressure, fear, bias, prejudice or preconceived ideas.
Empathy: A supervisor should be able to look at the matters objectively.
Personal Motivation: This involves the creation of enthusiasm within the leader
himselWherself to get job done.
Communication: Excellent effective and tactful communication is key to effective
and successful supervision.
Teaching Ability: Ability to demonstrate expertise in skills and techniques to
accomplish a particular task with confidence.
Integrity: A Supervisor should be morally sound with social and conceptual skills
and possess moral courage, flexibility and ability to establish proper priorities.

1.5.1 Skill, knowledge and Attitudes Required for Effective and

Quality Supervision
'I'o ensure effective and quality supervision, a Supervisor is expected to develop certain
confident and expert skills, acquire specific knowledge and conceive an attitude which
tlelps in developing leadership behaviours in supervision. Supervisor holds the middle
position in the heirarchy between the Head of the Nursing Services, associates and
aibistants. She needs to have:

Professional and Interpersonal Skills

A Supervisor will be effective only when she has developed interpersonal skills by
knowing and understanding the staff through the process of constant observation,
guidance and skillful communication. An understanding of individual differences in
carrying out the assigned tasks. Individual differences need to be honoured, and this
helps in developing interpersonal skills. Without possessing professional skills of
higher order, one cannot he an effective supervisor.
Professional and Technical Knowledge Concept, Scope, Need,
Styles and Principles of
A Supervisor should have sufficient technical and professional knowledge so that she Supervision
can develop or train the Staff working under her contikuously by reinforcing the
knowledge by providing competent and up to date professio6al and technical
knowledge of latest development and trends. Job responsibilities based on the sound
knowledge, skill and attitude need to be made known to all staff working under her
control. Therefore a supervisor, needs to be professiotlally and technically
knowledgeable with right attitude to ensure quality supervision.

A supervisor can create right attitudes amongst her Staff by ensuring and creating
sense of co-operation among all the Nursing Staff working in a unit. Right type of
direction' is to be provided io motivate the staff to work, develop an encouraging and
right attitude for making her supervision qualitatively effective.

1.5.2 Qualities of Supervisor

A supervisor 'must possess following mherited qualities to exercise her supervisory
knowledge, skills and attitude in most efficient and effective way. ,

a) Personal Qualities - Good personality

- y i d health
- 'Intelligence
- Loyality to the organisation.
b) Thoroughness - A Supervisor must be thorough with her task in minute
Sense of Justice - She should be considerate and truthful to the workers to
whom she is supervising.
Qualities of courage, confidence and decision making tact will be an asset for
a supervisor.
She should be devoted dedicated and sincere with the organisational goals.
Emotional maturity and adjustment abili-ty while dealing with changing and
challenging situation.
She needs to have integrity, honesty, ability to coordinate and cooperate with
other allied agencies in an effective way.
She should exhibit her motivation towards the job to motivate her team
working under her control.
She should be a confident teacher with relevant and appropriate attitudes,
professional knowledge and skills.
She should be Good counsellor and guide, a vigilant and keen observer for
providing appropriate patient care. .
She should be thorough with professional, technical knowledge and possess
interpersonal skills.


1) Supervision of Staff Nurse differs from that of student nurses. Supervision of a
student is aimed at her growth in knowledge and improvement in giving nursing
care to the patient. Whereas in case of staff nurse, it is directed at the goal of
rendering high quality of nursing care: Because she has to improve upon her
developed desired skills, attitudes and abilities.
2) Supervision makes the ward a good learning place and helps to improve the
administration of the ward and teaching.
3) Supervision has to be well planned. The plan is based on the needs of the
individual objectives, method of supervision and criteria of evaluating the success.
4) Good supervision improves the ability of all the staff members. They improve their
capacity in thinking and adjusting to the various situations.
.,ul~urvision, Guidance and
5) Supervision helps the students and staff to formulate objectives. The individual
C'oul~selling will try her best to attain each objective.
9 Good supesvisidn helps the nurse to make a pattern for analysis and to analyse
continuously her success in reaching her objectives.
7) Good supervision cares for the personality of the individual nurse. Mistakes are dealt
with carefully and kindly to guide her on way to the expected goals.
8) Good supervision places less emphasis on mistakes then on the activities which
are to ble performed. Shortcomings and errors are analyzed tactfully.
9) Good supervision stimulates the nurses ambition to grow in effectiveness.


Supervision is an essential and important aspect of administration. It is supervision
with wlhich a supervisor can guide her subordinate staff to perform her given tasks in
an efficient manner.

In the process of supervision the organizational objectives are achieved to the

satisfaction of employer and employees.

Siapervision is no more a fault finding of subordinates. It involves many activities of

insterpersonal and professional skills, technical and professional knowledge and
leadership behaviour which is highly essential for effective supervision.

Tbe functions and principles involved in supervision are many fold. These functions
are administrative, leading, helping and evaluating.

In this unit we have covered various definitions of supervision and its application in
day to day routine.

The Theories of supervision teach us to utilise fusion of theories to provide effective

s upervision.

'Effective supervision and qualities of good supervisor are mentioned in detail in this


Accomplish Perform, complete, succeed in doing.
Accountable Responsible, required to account for one's conduct,
Acquire : Gain by and for oneself obtain.
Come in to possession of.
Adjustment : Alignment, Regulating, Correction.
APPLDP~~~~~ : Suitable or proper, formal belonging or particular.
Aptitudes : Natural propensity or talent, ability or fitness esp. to
acquire a particular skill.
Assess : Estimate the size or quality of.
Assessment : Evalqation, Estimate. Appraisal
Authority : The power or right to enforce obedience Concept, Scope, Need,
Styles and Principles of
A person or a body having authority esp. administration. Supervision'
Challenges : A demanding or difficult task
Competent : Adequately qualified or capable
Comparison : The act or an instance of comparing
Confidence : Firm trust (have confidence h his ability)
A feeling of reliance or certainty
A sense of self-reliance: boldness.
Conscious : Awake and aware of one's surroundings and identity
Aware, knowing (Conscious of his inferiority)
Consult : Seek information or advice from (a person, a book,
watch etc).
Courage : The ability to disregard fear, bravery
Creativity : Inventiveness, composition, workmanship
Consequences : The result or effect of an action or condition
Importance, Social distinction (person of consequences)
Coordination : Formulation, Organisation, Plan
Define : Give the exact meaning of (a word etc).
I !
Describe on explain the scope of (define one's position)

Make clear, esp. in outline (well defined image)

i, / . Democratic : Favouring social equality
I Discipline : Control, Rules, Instructions
-9 Emotional : Expressing or based on emotion
Evaluation : Assessment, Appraise, Estimate
: Expressly stated, leaving nothing merely implied:
stated in details.
Guidance : Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem,
difficulty etc.
The process of guiding or being guided
Implicit : Implied though not plainly expressed
I Intelligence : The intellect; the understanding
Interpersonal : (of relations) Occurring between persons esp. reciprocally
Investigation : A formal examination or study
Logical : Reasonably to be believed or done.
Management : The process or an instance of managing or being
Maturity : Maturus timely, early.
Monitoring : Advising, Counselling, Directing
Motivation : Supply a motive to; be the motive .of Cause (a person) to
act in a particular way.
Objectives : External to the mind; actually existing: real.
Process : A cdurse of action or proceeding
Profitability : Yielding profit, lucrative, Beneficial, useful
Projection : The act or an instance of projecting; the process of
being Projected.
Purpose : An object to be attained; a thing intended.
, The intention to act.
Resolution, Determination.
Quality : The degree of excellence of a thing
I Quantity : The property of things that is-measurable
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and Skills Expertness, practiced, ability, facility in an action;
dexterity or tact
Standard An object or quality or measure serving as a basis or
example or principle to which others conform or should
conform or by which the accuracy or quality to others is
judged. The degree of excellence etc. required for a
particular Purpose
Style A kind of sort esp. in regard to appearance and form (an
elegant style of house). A manner of writing or speaking
or performing.
Technical : The correct way of designating a person or thing of or
involving or concerned with the mechanical arts and
applied sciences.
Theory : A supposition or system of ideas explaining something
esp. one based on general principles independent of the
particular things to be explained.
Thoroughness : In the sense of through.
Traditional : Obtained by tradition.


Check Your Progress 1
1) Two way dynamic and social process.
Supervision is exercised for fulfillment of specific objectives of an
- organisation.
Supervision for ensuring quality of performance.
Constant support and assistance to the workers for performing the best.
Check Your Progress 2
I) Task Centered
Country club or democratic type
Bureaucratic or rules.centered
Benevolent or manipulative
Improvised or Laissez Faire L-Style
Expert Supervision.

Check Your Progress 3

Emotional, Maturity and Stability
Knowledge of Human Relations
Personal Motivation
Teaching ability

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