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Is 15778 Product Manual

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PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019


ACCORDING TO IS 15778: 2007
This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices &
licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification under
Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for
various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of
obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.

1. Product : IS 15778 : 2007

No. of Amendments : 2

2. Sampling Guidelines:
a) Raw material : Resin and/or resin compound – Clause 6.1 to 6.3
b) Grouping guidelines : Please refer ANNEX – A
CPVC pipe - 1 m x 12 nos
CPVC resin (if used) – 1 kg
CPVC compound – 5 kg
c) Sample Size : CPVC pipe – 30 cm x 12 nos
CPVC elbows of angle 90° - 5 nos
CPVC double sockets (couplers) of same for clause
outside dia as the pipe section – 8 nos with 6.3.2
100 gm solvent for jointing.

3. List of Test Equipment : Please refer ANNEX – B

Scheme of Inspection
4. : Please refer ANNEX – C
and Testing

5. Possible tests in a day : Please refer ANNEX – D

6. Scope of the Licence : Please refer ANNEX – E


Manak Bhawan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002
PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019


Grouping Guidelines

1. CPVC pipes for potable hot and cold water distribution supplies as per IS 15778 : 2007 are
classified as follows:

Pressure Class SDR Size (DN)

1 11 15 -50
2 13.5 15- 50
3 17 65 -150

2. Considering the above, grouping guidelines as given below shall be followed for GoL/CSoL:

a) CPVC Pipe of highest size from each Pressure Class/SDR Designation shall be tested for
all requirements (except Thermal Stability by Hydrostatic Pressure Testing - clause 10.2)
to cover all sizes of pipes of the particular Pressure Class/SDR tested.

b) CPVC Pipe of any Pressure Class/SDR Designation, preferably the highest size, shall
also be tested for Thermal Stability by Hydrostatic Pressure Testing while processing the
case for GoL/CSoL.

3. The Firm shall declare the varieties of Pipes they intend to cover in the Licence. The Scope
of Licence may be restricted based on the Manufacturing and Testing capabilities of the

4. During the operation of the Licence, BO shall ensure that all the varieties covered in the
Licence are tested in rotation, to the extent possible.

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019


List of Test Equipment

Major test equipment required to test as per the Indian Standard

S. No. Tests used in with Clause Test Equipment

1 Chlorine content of CPVC resin - Drying Oven
( Clause 6.2.1) - Digital Balance
- Equipment for Volhard Titration or
Potentiometric Titration
2 Chlorine content of CPVC
- Combustion Bomb for combustion in
compound ( Clause 6.3.1)
- Nickel crucible bomb technique
- Safety oven
- Round or Flat bottom Flask with platinum wire
and stopper
- Filter Paper free from halogen and ash
- Beaker 250 ml
- Silver nitrate
- Nitric acid
- Sodium peroxide
- Starch
- Sucrose or ethylene glycol

3 Verification of the Malfunction - Pressure pump

Temperature , Tmal (Clause 6.3.2) - Pressure gauge
- Heating device
- Thermometer
- Stop watch
4 Density (Clause 6.3.3) - Hot press
- Balance
- Pan straddle
- Pycnometer
- Liquid bath with immersion liquid
- Density balance
5 Dimensions of pipes (Clause 7) - Dial Gauge Method or
- Micrometer
- Ultrasonic gauge
- Vernier Calipers or outside caliper
- Pi Tape or flexible tape
- Tape
PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019
6 Pipe ends (Clause 8) - Angle protractor
7 Opacity (Clause 9.2) - Opacity Test Apparatus
- Standard sample of opacity 0.2 %
or Apparatus for Test Method-2
- Source of light (halogen lamp 1000 W),
- Photo-electric cell (with filter correction to
match eye response),
- Adjustable power arc or Incandescent lamp
- Diaphragm and optical lens
- Digital current meter.
- Standard sample of opacity 0.2 %
8 Effect on water (Clause 9.3) - Distilled water
- Air conditioner
- pH meter
- Testing reagent and equipment for
determination of cadmium, mercury, lead, tin
and other toxic substances.
9 Reversion test (Clause 9.4) - Thermostatically Control oil bath/ Hot air oven
- - Mono-polyethylene glycol, glycerol or
- mineral oil free from aromatic hydrocarbons
- Vernier Calipers
- Stop watch

10 Vicat Softening temperature - Oil heating Bath equipped with means to raise
(Clause 9.5) the temperature at uniform rate of 50 ± 5° C/hr.
with suitable stirrer.
- Rod with loading plate, load and indenting
- Micrometer dial gauge
- Thermometer or temperature measuring

11 Density (Clause 9.6) - Balance

- Thermometer
- Demineralized water
- Beaker
- Corrosion resistant wire
12 Hydrostatic characteristics - Hydrostatic pressure testing apparatus with
(Clause 10.1) pressuring unit and multiple outlets
- Water bath (Hot and cold temperature
arrangement) with temperature control
13 Thermal stability by hydrostatic
- Thermometer
pressure testing (Clause 10.2) - End plugs/caps

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019
14 Resistance to external blows at - Falling Weight testing machine from height
0°C (Clause 10.3) 2000 mm
- - Striker of weight 0.25, 0.50 & 1.00 kg
- - Digital watch
- - Liquid bath or freezer for conditioning of
- samples

15 Flattening test (Clause 10.4) - Compression testing machine

- Loading plates
- Deformation/Deflection indicator
- Vernier calliper
- Internal diameter gauge/bore gauge

16 Tensile Strength (Clause 10.5) - Tensile Testing machine

- Dumb bell die along with Hydraulic jack
- Micrometer Ball ended
- Air Conditioner

The above list is indicative only and may not be treated as exhaustive.

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019

Scheme of Inspection and Testing

1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped

(as per the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given
in the specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the

1.1 The manufacturer shall prepare a calibration plan for the test equipment.

2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out
to establish conformity.

3. LABELLING AND MARKING – As per the requirements of IS 15778: 2007

4. CONTROL UNIT – All CPVC pipes of one size and Pressure class/SDR designation
manufactured as a continuous extrusion run from one extrusion compound up to a maximum
of forty eight hours duration shall constitute a control unit.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of
control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory
which is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with
paragraph 2 above.

5.1 All the production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered by the licence
should be marked with Standard Mark.

6. REJECTIONS – Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to

ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016.

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019


(1) (2) (3)

Test Details Test equipment Levels of Control
Cl. Requirement Test Methods requirement No. of Frequency Remarks
Clause Reference R: required (or) Sample
S: Sub-contracting
6.2.1 Chloride Content 6.2.1 Annex B S One Each No further testing is required if
IS 15778 consignment consignment received is with the test
certificate. (See Note -1)
6.3 Compound Properties 6.3 IS 15778 S One Once in three months for same source and composition
IS 15225 of compound received or whenever there is change in
the composition of the compound or change of source
of resin used in compound when compounding is done
6.3.1 Chloride content 6.3.1 Annex B S One Each consignment of CPVC compound received or if
IS 15778 CPVC compound is manufactured inhouse, then for
each lot of compound manufactured or whenever there
is change in source of CPVC compound/CPVC resin
6.3.2 Verification of the 6.3.2 Annex C S One Once in three months or whenever there is change in
Malfunction IS 15778 composition of compound or source of CPVC resin or
Temperature, Tmal compound.
6.3.3 Density 6.3.3 IS 13360 S One Each consignment of CPVC compound received or if CPVC
(Part3/ Sec1) compound is manufactured inhouse, then for each lot of
compound manufactured or whenever there is change in
source of CPVC compound/ CPVC resin.

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019

7 Dimensions
a) Diameter 7.1 IS 15778 R 10 Each Control See Note -2
IS 12235 unit
b) Diameter at any 7.1.1
(Part 1)
c) Wall thickness
7.1.2 IS 15778
d) Effective length
8 Pipe Ends 8 IS 15778 R 10 Each Control See Note -2

9.1 Visual Appearance 9.1 IS 15778 - Each - -

9.2 Opacity 9.2 IS 15778 S Two Once in a Test shall be carried out whenever
IS 12235 (Thinnest three months composition of compounding material or
(Part 3) Wall source of compound or resin or method of
sections) manufacturing is changed. In an operative
9.3 Effect on water 9.3 IS 15778 S Three Once in six year, production from all the machines
10.3 IS 4985 months may be covered to the extent possible.

9.4 Reversion test 9.4 IS 15778 R Three Each Control See Note -2
IS 12235 Unit
(Part 5/
Sec 1 & Sec 2)
9.5 Vicat Softening 9.5 IS 15778 S Two Once in three –
temperature IS 12235 months
(Part 2)

9.6 Density 9.6 IS 15778 R Two Each Control –

IS 12235 unit
(Part 14)

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019


10.1 Hydrostatic Characteristics

a) Acceptance Test 10.1 IS 15778 R One Each Control –
(20 C for 1 h) Table 3 IS 12235 unit
[Sl No. (i)] (Part 8/Sec 1)
b) Type Test 10.1 IS 15778 S One Once in three One size for each class of pipe shall be
(95 0 C for 165 h and Table 3 IS 12235 months tested at least once in an operative year.
95 0 C for 1000 h) [Sl No (ii) (Part 8/Sec 1)
& (iii)]
10.2 Thermal stability by 10.1 IS 15778 S One Once in three This test shall be carried out whenever
hydrostatic pressure Table 3 IS 12235 years there is change in composition in raw
testing [Sl No. (iv)] (Part 8/Sec 1) material/source of raw material or
(95 0 C for 8760 h) introduction of any additional size of pipe.
10.3 Resistance to external 10.3 IS 15778 R One Each Control –
blow at 0 0 C IS 4985 unit
10.4 Flattening Test 10.4 IS 15778 R One Each Control –
IS 12235 unit
(Part 19)
10.5 Tensile Strength 10.5 IS 15778 R One Each Control –
IS 12235 unit
(Part 13)
Note - 1: Pipe manufacturer shall obtain a test certificate for each batch of raw material along with consignment indicating conformity to requirements as
per clause 6.1, clause 6.2 and clause 6.3 of IS 15778: 2007. In case a test certificate is not received, a sample shall be tested for its conformity as
specified in Table 1.
Note -2: In case of failure, twice the number of samples shall be tested for that requirement from the same control unit. In case of any further failure, the
entire control unit shall be rejected.
Note-3: Sub-contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empanelled by the Bureau.

Note-4: Levels of control given in column 3 are only recommendatory in nature. The manufacturer may define the control unit/batch/lot and submit his
own levels of control in column 3 with proper justification for approval by BO Head.

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019

Possible tests in a day:

a) Dimensions of pipes (Clause 7)

b) Pipe ends (Clause 8)
c) Visual appearance (Clause 9.1)
d) Opacity (Clause 9.2)
e) Reversion test (Clause 9.4)
f) Vicat softening temperature (Clause 9.5)
g) Density (Clause 9.6)
h) Hydrostatic characteristics (Acceptance test) {Clause 10.1, Table 3[Sl No.(i)]}
i) Resistance to external blows at 0 °C (Clause 10.3)
j) Flattening test (Clause 10.4)
k) Tensile strength (Clause 10.5)

PM/ IS 15778/ 1/ February 2019

Scope of the Licence :

“Licence is granted to use Standard Mark as per IS 15778 : 2007 with the following scope:


Name of the product

Pressure class Class1 / Class 2/ Class 3

SDR Classification SDR 11 /SDR 13.5 / SDR 17

Nominal Size


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