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LNG Risk Assessment and Management PDF

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Some of the key topics discussed include the differences between actual risks and risk perceptions, requirements and processes for risk assessment and management, implications of business interruptions at ports, and future considerations regarding port security.

Public concerns over terrorism is a major factor in LNG terminal siting. Additionally, the LNG industry lacks a standardized security vulnerability assessment methodology to consistently analyze and explain security risks.

A Waterway Suitability Assessment considers navigation safety, port security issues, and identifies safety and security concerns along a proposed LNG tanker transit route. Specific segments like traffic schemes, vessel traffic, and population densities are evaluated.

LNG and Petrochemical Security

Risk Assessment and Management

American Association of Port Authorities

Port Security Seminar
Seattle, WA
July 20, 2006

David A. Moore, PE, CSP

AcuTech Consulting Group
2001 North Beauregard Street
Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22311
David A. Moore, PE, CSP
AcuTech Consulting Group
2001 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311

David Moore is the President and CEO of the AcuTech Consulting Group, a security and safety
consulting firm based in Alexandria, Virginia. Mr. Moore was the lead author of the AIChE CCPS®
“Guidelines for Managing and Analyzing the Security Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Sites”, the
security guidelines for the American Petroleum Institute (API, the developer of the API )/National
Petrochemical and Refiners Association (NPRA) Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology,
and the developer of the Tier 4 SVA guidelines for the Responsible Care® Security Code for the
American Chemistry Council (ACC).

He is a frequent speaker on security, process safety management, human factors, and inherent
safety for the petroleum and chemical industry. His firm is actively involved in chemical process
security and safety consulting and training. He has provided risk consulting services and training to
industrial facilities worldwide, including oil refineries, chemical plants, pipelines, and
manufacturing plants. Mr. Moore has taught process safety and security courses for over 15 years to
many of the world’s largest corporations. He is an instructor on process safety and security for

Mr. Moore was formerly a Senior Engineer with Mobil Corporation; and a Fire Protection Engineer
with the National Fire Protection Association. He has been consulting in the industry since 1987.

Mr. Moore is a Registered Professional Engineer. He serves on the AIChE Center for Chemical
Process Safety Technical Steering Committee, the CCPS Plant Security Committee, the Canadian
Chemical Producer’s Association PSM Committee, and the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center
at Texas A&M University. He has an MBA, (NYU-1987), and a B.Sc., Fire Protection Engineering
(University of Md.-1979).
At Issue: The Challenge
of Making Risk Decisions
for Port Security

„ Actual risks v. risk perception

„ Requirements and processes for risk
assessment and management
„ Port business interruption and business
continuity planning
„ Implications and future considerations
LNG Siting - National Issues

„ Public concerns of terrorism is a major factor in

LNG import terminal siting
„ LNG industry does not have a standard security
vulnerability assessment methodology to help
analyze and explain these risks consistently.
LNG Buildout Challenges

„ Build-out of LNG infrastructure in a post 9/11

security environment is challenging
„ Conflict between new security concerns and
commerce as usual that has to be rationalized
„ Despite excellent safety record, terrorism is
predominant issue

„ Perceived by the public to be:

– attractive terrorist targets and
– vulnerable to attack
„ Usual focus is on potential consequences only
whereas risk is the issue
„ Possibly could lead to commercial paralysis
„ Must be put into perspective and dealt with
appropriately through risk management
Overstatement of Consequences
LNG and Petrochemical
Port Security Issues
„ All transportation systems are seen as vulnerable
and credible targets
„ In particular, hazardous materials are emphasized
due to potential consequences
„ Concerns – collateralization of HAZMAT to injure
third parties, cause port infrastructure damage,
create port closures, cause environmental damage
Chemical Facility
Security Regulations
„ Senate unanimously accepted a chemical
facility security amendment to the 2007
DHS appropriations bill
„ Gives DHS authority to issue “interim final
regulations that establish homeland security
requirements, including minimum standards
and required submission of facility security
plans to the Secretary, for chemical facilities
that the Secretary determines present the
greatest security risk and that are not
currently regulated under Federal law for
homeland security purposes”
Sandia/DOE Study* Conclusion

„ Risks can be responsibly managed through

a combination of approaches:
– Improve risk prevention measures
– Earlier ship interdiction
– Boardings and searches
– Positive vessel control during transit
– Port traffic control measures
– Safety and security zones and surveillance;
– Emergency response planning
* Sandia National Laboratories, December 2004
Mission Ahead –
Risk Management
„ Post 9/11 challenge is to sort out
misunderstandings from real risks and to manage
security going forward
„ LNG must be secure commensurate with the risk
„ Lifecycle risk management is required
Multitude of
Homeland Security Risks
Similar Challenges

„ LNG is not the only transportation or hazardous

materials security issue being challenged today
– Air
– Rail transportation
– Chemical plants
– Nuclear
Example of a New Risk - A380

„ Largest airliner ever

– 555-840 passengers (30%
increase over B747)
– Wing span - 261’ 10”
– Length - 239’ 6”
– Height - 79’ 1”

„ Acceptable risk?
„ Potential use as a
Acceptable Risk - How Secure is
Secure Enough?
„ Today industry is facing issues of acceptable
risk without a clear threat or limit.
„ Facilities cannot prevent or protect against all
known or suspected threats,
„ There are reasonable measures and
approaches that can be taken for certain
threats, but...
„ Beyond that upper limit, facilities need to
seek out assistance and coordinate efforts
with law enforcement agencies for adversary
Pool on Water
A major release of LNG most
likely ignite on site

„ An ignitable vapor cloud within the Port has a

high probability of ignition
„ A major breach of the LNG storage would
likely include an ignition source at the site.
Flammable Vapor Cloud Ignition
Vapor cloud

Flame does
not spread
to the entire
LNG Terminal Flow Diagram
Vapor Return
LNG Ship


lines NGL Extraction
2nd Stage
Sendout Vaporizer
LNG Pumps
1st Stage To
Sendout Pipeline
Pumps C2 Fuel Hot Water
Refinery Damage
Israeli-Lebanese Conflict 2006

„ Port of Haifa targeted including Refining and

Petrochemical complex
„ Military-style provisions for business
continuity not common in US
„ Port inbound closure required
LNG SVA Requirements

Ship 33 CFR Part 104 and ISPS

Transportation by Ship in Waterway Suitability
U.S. Waters Assessments - NVIC 05-05
Transportation by Truck DOT HM-232

Transportation by Pipeline DOT Security Guidance and

future regs under
Terminal 33 CFR Part 105

„ US needs to develop a common security

vulnerability assessment framework for decision-
„ Multiple SVA methods (>100) for different sectors
„ Lack of common risk terminology
„ Lack of guidance on threat assumption
„ Lack of consensus on risk evaluation criteria
„ Lack of a calibrated list of critical assets to apply
method to on a high priority basis
„ Most critical assets in the US are privately owned
RAMCAP Concept Development

„ Purpose:
– Develop a common risk-based method for
comparing security risk across sectors of US
infrastructures and key resources
– Determine vulnerabilities
– Determine need for national security upgrades
and specific infrastructure upgrades
– Allocate resources based on risk
– To provide an efficient means to report
essential risk information to the U. S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
RAMCAP Modules Completed

Commercial Nuclear power Chemical Manufacturing

Petroleum Refineries
Nuclear Spent Fuel

LNG storage
SVA Methodologies


Guidelines for
Analyzing and
Managing the
Of Fixed
API SVA Methodology

Step 1: Assets

Step 2: Threat

Step 3:

Step 4: Risk

Step 5:
Security Strategies to Manage Risk

Four Basic Strategies

ƒ Deter
ƒ Detect
ƒ Delay
ƒ Respond

Sandia Photo
Layers of Security
Value Chain Risks

● Analyze Risks along the value chain

● Compare risks to other industrial risks

Gas Liquefaction LNG Storage LNG Tanker LNG Storage Vaporizers To Pipeline
Field Facility Tank Tank System

Producing Region Consuming Region

Source: CMS Energy
U.S. Coast Guard

Role in Liquefied Natural

Gas and the Waterway
Suitability Assessment
Existing Mitigation Measures

„ Area Maritime Security Plan/Committee

– MARSEC Level security plan
– Port Dive Operations Group
– Minimal Response Actions for Security Incidents
„ Facility Security Plan
„ Vessels Security Plan (MTSA/ISPS)
„ Vessel Security Zones
„ Harbor Safety Plan – Navigation Safety
„ Vessel Traffic Service
„ Regulated Navigation Area
Waterway Suitability Assessment
(NVIC 05-05)
Scope of WSA:
„ Address transportation of LNG from LNG tanker’s
entrance into U.S. territorial waters, through its
transit to/from LNG terminal (receiving) facility, and
include operations at vessel/facility interface.
„ Address navigational safety issues and port security
„ Identify relevant safety and security issues from
broad viewpoint of impact to entire port,
„ Provide a detailed review of specific points of
concern along LNG tanker’s proposed transit route.
WSA Process

„ Cooperating
Agency with FERC
for EIS process
„ Letter of Intent
„ Waterway
„ Letter of
Navigation and Inspection Circular

„ Cover Page
„ Enclosure 1: Timeline
„ Enclosure 2: Guidelines
„ Enclosure 3: Risk Matrix for LNG (SSI)
„ Enclosure 4: WSA Checklist
„ Enclosure 5-6: Public Meeting Notice
„ Enclosure 7-8: LOR and Record of Decision
„ Enclosure 9: Report to FERC (non-SSI)
„ Enclosure 10: Report to FERC (SSI)
„ Enclosure 11: Sandia Lab Zones of Concern
WSA -Segments

Section 1: Section 2: High Section 3: High Section 4: Section 5:

Traffic Vessel Traffic Population Positioning to Offloading at
Separation Density Terminal Terminal


Illustration of
Zones of Concern
(Intentional Release)
(NVIC 05-05, Enclosure 11)
(Not to Scale)

„ Expectations for security greatly changed

post 9/11 and there are significant
challenges ahead for HAZMAT
„ New risk paradigm requires continual
analysis of vulnerabilities and risk
„ Overall strategy for security is a function of
business and risk objectives balanced
against consequences, vulnerabilities, and
Thank You

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