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Biosensors For Early Detection of Fungi Spoilage and Toxigenic and Mycotoxins in Food PDF

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Biosensors for early detection of fungi spoilage and

toxigenic and mycotoxins in food
Idjane Santana Oliveira1, Alberto Galdino da Silva Junior2,
Cesar Augusto Souza de Andrade2 and
Maria Danielly Lima Oliveira2

Biosensors represent technology that can be applied to several the production of chemicals and antibiotics. In addition,
sectors of the food industry from the storage of grains and raw beneficial activities of fungi in food and beverage, espe-
materials, food production/processing, security and cially in fermentation, increasing the nutritional and
protection, packaging of food. Diverse biosensors have commercial value [2–4]. In contrast, some studies esti-
emerged in the last decade as an alternative for analyzing mate that over 400 fungi species present pathogenicity to
microorganisms and toxins in food due to the capability for fast humans with well-defined action mechanisms, which
analysis, reproducibility, stability, and accuracy. A wide variety fungal infections are basically divided into two groups:
of transducers can be explored for mycotoxin and spoilage, endemic (caused by ‘true pathogenic’ fungi species) and
fungi detection, where optical (surface plasmon resonance – opportunistic (affecting immunocompromised patients)
SPR and fluorescence), piezoelectric (quartz crystal pathogens [5,6].
microbalance – QCM), and electrochemical (impedimetric,
potentiometric and amperometric) spectroscopies stand out as Toxins (from the Greek toxikon) are poisonous substances
main biosensing method. Biological materials (e.g. peptides, produced by several microorganisms, plant and animal
enzymes, antibodies, cells, nucleic acids) and bioinspired tools species, mainly found in the form of peptides or proteins
such as aptamers, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and leading to severe disease after interacting with enzymes
recombinant antibodies present a high focus as sensing and cellular receptors. Mycotoxins are presented as small
elements on biosensor studies Herein, we present an overview secondary metabolites produced by some fungi species
of the recent progress of the development of new biosensors (MW 700), becoming one of the main causes in food
for early detection of fungi (spoilage and toxigenic) and poisoning, reaching both human and animal’s health after
mycotoxins in food. the ingestion of contaminated products [7]. Mycotoxins
are extremely resistive in nature, affecting a variety of
Addresses crops before and after harvest. Mycotoxins can be found
Centro Acadêmico de Vitória, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
in beverages such as beer and wine after the use of
55.608-680, Vitória de Santo Antão, PE, Brazil
Departamento de Bioquı́mica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, contaminated materials such as the juice of selected
50.670-901, Recife, PE, Brazil fruits, grapes, and cereals in drink production. In addition,
due to the initial contamination of livestock animals feed,
Corresponding author: Santana Oliveira, Idjane these hazardous toxins can also reach humans in contam-
inated milk, eggs and meat [8,9].

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79 Three main fungal genera stand out in mycotoxin pro-
This review comes from a themed issue on Food mycology duction in foodstuff: Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium
[10]. Some mycotoxins and their fungal species are listed
Edited by Marina Copetti
in Table 1. Considering the economic impact and poten-
tial risk to human health, a distinct group of mycotoxins
are highlighted, which include aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZEN), fumonisins, ergopeptine
alkaloids and trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol
2214-7993/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(DON), T-2 and HT-2 toxins [11]. However, other haz-
ardous mycotoxins should be included as a threat due to
their unusual frequency in food and feed contamination.
In this sense, the list expands with patulin (PAT),
cyclopiazonic acid, citrinin, gliotoxin, sterigmatocystin,
Introduction penitrems, and others [12–14].
The scientific literature estimates the existence of about
1 million different fungal species [1]. Its well-known Adverse effects take place in the host cells after exposure
applicability in human and animal life places the fungal to mycotoxins, leading to oxidative stress, DNA damage,
kingdom to be constantly exploited industrially through and cell death. According to the type of mycotoxin,

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 65


Summary of the main mycotoxins and corresponding producing species

Mycotoxin Fungal species

Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 Aspergillus section Flavi
Ochratoxin A Aspergillus section Circumdati Aspergillus section Nigri Penicillium verrucossum
Zearalenone Fusarium graminearum F. culmorum F. cerealis
Deoxynivalenol (type B trichothecenes) Fusarium graminearum Fusarium culmorum
Fumonisin Fusarium section Liseola Aspergillus section Nigri
Ergot alkaloids Claviceps genus Acremonium coenophialum
T-2 toxin (type A trichothecenes) Fusarium sprotrichioides F. poae F. acuminatum
HT-2 toxin (type A trichothecenes) Fusarium sprotrichioides F. poae F. langsethiae
Citrinin Aspergillus niger Penicillium citrinum P. verrucosum
Cyclopiazonic acid Aspergillus flavus Penicillium commune P. camamberti
Gliotoxin Aspergillus fumigatus
Patulin Penicillium expansum P. griseofulvum P. carneum
Roquefortine Penicillium roqueforti
Diacetoxyscirpenol (type A trichothecenes) Fusarium sporotrichiodes
Penitrems Penicillium crustosum
Sterigmatocystin Aspergillus versicolor A. flavus

similar or specific pathways (triggering of the ribotoxic of mycotoxins in quality food control has increased
stress response and protein synthesis inhibition caused by significantly.
T-2 toxin and OTA, respectively) to reach cellular tox-
icity can be observed [15]. According to the mycotoxin Rapid screening assays arise as a simple and effective
structure, the biological response ranges from headache, choice among qualitative tests for monitoring mycotoxins
diarrhea, and vomiting, to more severe cases with a in crops, food, and feed. The main advantages of these
mutagenic, nephrotoxic, carcinogenic and immunosup- tests also rely on the simplicity for analyte detection,
pressive character, resulting in the host death [16,17]. sample preparation, and low cost of analysis [27]. Despite
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) their good specificity, the lack in reproducibility, sensi-
classified mycotoxins based on their carcinogenicity. The tivity, and reliability are usual limitations, since often the
IARC classifies mycotoxins in three main groups, as false-positive results are still reported and correlated to
follows: aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2) were cross-reactions between antibody and fungal metabolites.
classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), followed by Results with a low recurrence (i.e. <5%) are acceptable.
AFM1, OTA, fumonisin B1/B2, fusarin C, and sterigma- However, even using well-established screening proce-
tocystin as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) and dures, samples are usually submitted to traditional tests
finally citrinin, cyclochlorotine, DON, fusarenone X, before acceptance or rejection of a batch [28].
nivalenol, PAT, T-2 toxin, and ZEN as not classifiable
as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3) [12,18,19]. Rapid diagnostic methods for mycotoxin detection are
mainly based in immunochemical assays, whose dipstick,
World Health Organization (WHO), EU Scientific Com- flow-through membranes and lateral-flow (LFD) devices
mittee for Food (SCF) and others developed specific stand out as prime examples. With application mainly
regulations and recommendations in order to determine exploited outside the laboratory environment, dipstick
the maximum levels of mycotoxins in foodstuff [20]. (working similarly to ELISA) and flow-through immu-
Table 2 shows the maximum levels of aflatoxins, OTA, noassays present qualitative and semi-quantitative results
PAT, DEN, ZEN, fumonisins, T-2 and HT-2 in food and close to the cutoff level, thus presenting a low commercial
feed in mg/kg [21–24]. performance [28,29]. LFD is a fast immunochromato-
graphic test that works in a competitive method, using
The early detection, identification, and quantification of a labeled antibody as a signal reagent [30]. Innovative
mycotoxins have become essential to avoid the economic labels have been developed aiming a signal amplification
losses, which involves agricultural commodities, product in LFD by means of the application of nanoparticles such
recalls, adverse publicity for the feed and food industry, as quantum dots (QT) [31], gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
death of animals in livestock and acute and chronic effects [32], magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4) [33], carbon nano-
on human health, resulting in high-cost treatments. particles (CNPs) [34], among others.
Mycotoxins are usually found at trace levels, such as parts
per billion (ppb) and nanograms, which makes detection Sensitive and accurate analytical methods are required
difficult [25,26]. In this sense, different quantification since the levels of mycotoxins found in food, crops and
techniques have been developed, and in fact, the demand their byproducts are extremely low (usually ppb concen-
for fast and economical techniques for the determination trations) (Figure 1). Performance parameters of these Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

66 Food mycology


The maximum permitted levels of mycotoxins in foodstuff (Commission Regulation No 1881/2006 and Commission Recommendation

Mycotoxins Maximum levels mg Kg 1

B1 Sum of B1, B2, G1, and G2 M1
» Groundnuts and other oilseeds to be subjected to sorting, or other physical 8.0 15.0 x
treatment, before human consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs
(except groundnuts and other oilseeds for crushing for oil production;
» Almonds, pistachios and apricot kernels to be subjected to sorting, or other 12.0 15.0 x
physical treatment, before human consumption or use as an ingredient in
» Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, to be subjected to sorting, or other physical 8.0 15.0 x
treatment, before human consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Tree nuts, other than the tree nuts to be subjected to sorting, or other physical 5.0 10.0 x
treatment, before human consumption or use as na ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Groundnuts (peanuts) and other oilseeds and processed products thereof, 2.0 4.0 x
intended for direct human consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs,
except crude vegetable oilsand refined vegetable oils;
» Almonds, pistachios, and apricot kernels intended for direct human 8.0 10.0 x
consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, intended for direct human consumption or use as an 5.0 10.0 x
ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Dried fruit to be subjected to sorting, or other physical treatment, before human 5.0 10.0 x
consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Dried fruit and processed products thereof, intended for direct human 2.0 4.0 x
consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;
» All cereals and all products derived from cereals, including processed cereal 2.0 4.0 x
» Maize to be subjected to sorting or other physical treatment before human 5.0 10.0 x
consumption or use as an ingredient in foodstuffs;
» Raw milk, heat-treated milk, and milk for the manufacture of milk-based x x 0.050
» Spices (dried fruits thereof, whole or ground, including chilies, chili powder, 5.0 10.0 x
cayenne and paprika, white and black pepper, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric);
» Infant formulae and follow-on formulae, including infant milk and follow-on milk; x x 0.025
» Dietary foods for special medical purposes intended specifically for infants 0.10 x 0.025
Ochratoxin A
» Unprocessed cereals; 5.0
» Products derived from unprocessed cereals, including processed cereal 3.0
products and cereals intended for direct human consumption;
» Dried vine fruit (currants, raisins and sultanas); 10.0
» Roasted coffee beans and ground roasted coffee, excluding soluble coffee; 5.0
» Soluble coffee (instant coffee); 10.0
» Wine (including sparkling wine,aromatized wine and wine-product cocktails, 2.0
excluding liqueur wine) grape juice and nectar for direct human consumption;
» Processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children; 0.50
» Dietary foods for special medical purposes intended specifically for infant 0.50
» Fruit juices, concentrated fruit juices as reconstituted and fruit nectar; 50
» Spirit drinks, cider, and other fermented drinks derived from apples or 50
containing apple juice;
» Solid apple products, including apple compote, apple pure intended for direct 25
» Apple juice and solid apple products for infants and young children; 10.0
» Baby foods other than processed cereal-based foods for infants and young 10.0
» Unprocessed cereals other than durum wheat, oats, and maize; 1250.0
» Unprocessed durum wheat and oats; 1750.0
» Unprocessed maize, with the exception of unprocessed maize intended to be 1750.0
processed by wet milling;
» Cereals intended for direct human consumption, cereal flour, bran and germ as 750
end product marketed for direct human consumption;
» Pasta (dry); 750

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Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 67

Table?2 (Continued )
Mycotoxins Maximum levels mg Kg 1
B1 Sum of B1, B2, G1, and G2 M1
» Bread (including small bakery wares), pastries, biscuits, cereal snacks, and 500
breakfast cereals;
» Processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children; 200
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size > 500?microns; 750
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size  500?microns 1,250
» Unprocessed cereals other than maize; 100
» Unprocessed maize with the exception of unprocessed maize intended to be 200
processed by wet milling;
» Cereals intended for direct human consumption, cereal flour, bran, and germ; 75
» Refined maize oil; 400
» Bread, pastries, biscuits, cereal snacks and breakfast cereals, excluding 50
maize-snacks and maize-based breakfast cereals
» Maize intended for direct human consumption, maize-based snacks, and 100
maize-based breakfast cereals;
» Processed cereal-based foods (excluding processed maize-based foods) and 20
baby foods for infants and young children;
» Processed maize-based foods for infants and young children; 20
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size > 500?microns; 200
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size  500?microns 300

Mycotoxins Maximum levels mg Kg 1

Sum of B1 and B2
» Unprocessed maize, with the exception of unprocessed maize intended to be processed by wet milling; 4000.0
» Maize intended for direct human consumption, maize-based foods for direct human consumption; 1000.0
» Maize-based breakfast cereals and maize-based snacks; 800
» Processed maize-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children; 200
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size >500 microns; 1400.0
» Milling fractions of maize with particle size 500 microns 2000.0

Toxin T-1 and toxin HT-2

» Unprocessed cereals
- barley (including malting barley) and maize: 200
- oats (with husk): 1000
- wheat, rye, and other cereals: 100
» Cereal grains for direct human consumption
- oats: 200
- maize: 100
- other cereals: 50
» Cereal products for human consumption
- oat bran and flaked oats: 200
- cereal bran (except oat and milling bran / maize milling products): 100
- other cereal milling products: 50
- breakfast cereals including formed cereal flakes: 75
- bread (including small bakery wares), pastries, biscuits, cereal snacks, pasta: 250
- cereal-based foods for infants and young children: 15
» Cereal products for feed and compound feed
- oat milling products (husks): 200
- other cereals products: 500
- compound feed: 250

methods rely on the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of detector (FID), electron capture detector (ECD) or Four-
quantification (LOQ) to estimate the level of the ier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); high-perfor-
detected analyte [35]. Currently, one of the most explored mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to ultra-
techniques involve the use of separation/chromatographic violet (UV), fluorescence (FLD) and MS detectors,
methods such as thin layer chromatography (TLC), cap- among others [36,37]. Briefly, the majority of chromatog-
illary electrophoresis (CE), gas chromatography (GC) raphy methods work separating mycotoxins within a
linked to mass spectrometry (MS), flame ionization carrier such as liquid or gas (mobile phase) through a Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

68 Food mycology

Figure 1

Spoilage Moulds

Analytical techniques for evaluation of

Microbiological, spectroscopic ( HIS, NIRS),
imunological (ELISA), genomic (PCR – constitutive gene,
LAMP), proteomic (MALDI TOF MS), sensor (E-nose),
and biosensor (O2, antibody)
contaminated food

Toxigenic Fungi
Microbiological, spectroscopic, immunological (ELISA),
genomic (PCR) – specific gene, LAMP), proteomic
(MALDI TOF MS), and biosensor (DNA, antibody,
aptamer, and others)

Chromatography (HPLC), spectroscopy (NMRS),
imunological (ELISA), and biosensor ( antibody,
aptamer, and others)

Current Opinion in Food Science

Analytical techniques for microorganism detection in food.

column (stationary phase) containing adsorbents that will Immunochemical tests are known due to simplicity,
separate the mycotoxin from sample components to be multiple sample reading and low cost. Chromatographic
identified by specific detectors [35]. In addition, another approaches present sensitivity, accuracy and multi-target
widely used method to mycotoxin detection relies on detection. Molecular techniques present a well-known
immunoassays such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent sensitivity. However, these techniques require a time-
analysis (ELISA) which basically explores the signal consuming sample pretreatment consisting of specific
developed by chromogenic substrates after the formation steps (sampling, homogenization, extraction and clean-
of an antigen-antibody complex, leading to a measurable up step to obliterate matrix components), expensive
signal [38]. Competitive assays are generally employed in equipment/reagents, and skilled personnel for operation
ELISA tests due to the size of mycotoxins (lower than [44]. In addition, these methods are not able to detect
1 kDa) as compared to sandwich immunoassay where fungi without pre-treatment and for early monitoring of
multiple antibodies bind to a single toxin [39]. Non- plant diseases in the field [29,45].
destructive methods, such as hyperspectral imaging
(HSI) and near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS), are used Biosensors are an effective tool to amplify the possibility
to evaluate the fungi contamination in food. However, of fungi and mycotoxins identification. Biosensors repre-
these techniques require a considerable amount of spec- sent technology that can be applied to several sectors of
tral pretreatment to establish complex models [40,41]. the food industry from the storage of grains and raw
Molecular approaches such as PCR-based methods are materials, food production/processing, security and pro-
also explored, aiming the identification of mycotoxigenic tection, packaging of food (Figure 2) [46]. They are
fungi species in agricultural commodities and food pro- extremely sensitive and simple to operate, promoting
ducts [42]. Moreover, specific probes can be tested to fast and reproducible analysis, followed by the advantage
determine regulatory genes in metabolic mycotoxin path- of low-cost tools, miniaturization, and development of
ways and their toxigenic potential, once weather and portable devices. Moreover, the world biosensors market
environmental factors in different geographical areas has considerably grown, which was worth about US$
influence directly in mycotoxin production [17,43]. 7.3 billion in 2013 with an estimative to worth US$

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 69

Figure 2

- Food and feed industry

- Agriculture
- Supermarkets


- Contaminated Foods

- Biosensors

Sensor layer Signal processor Monitoring system

Current Opinion in Food Science

Scheme of the production/processing, contamination, and identification of the microorganisms in food.

33 billion in 2027, highlighting its applicability in point- knowledge on early detection of spoilage, toxigenic fungi
of-care testing and quantification of mycotoxins in and mycotoxins in foods using biosensor technology.
agriculture and foodstuffs [47,48].
Biosensing strategies for the detection of
Basically, a biosensor comprises a biological sensing ele- mycotoxins in feed and food
ment that will interact specifically to the analyte, a The development of new biodevices is extremely
transducer able to convert the binding event in a measur- required for spoilage fungi detection with fast, sensitive,
able signal and an output system [49]. A wide variety of and non-destructible characteristics to monitor early dete-
transducers can be explored for mycotoxin and spoilage, rioration fungi in the industry. In this sense, this section
fungi detection, where optical (surface plasmon reso- and Table 3 summarizes recent trends for the detection
nance – SPR and fluorescence), piezoelectric (quartz and quantification of mycotoxin.
crystal microbalance – QCM), and electrochemical (impe-
dimetric, potentiometric and amperometric) spectrosco- Electrochemical biosensors for mycotoxins
pies stand out as main biosensing methods [50,51]. Impedimetric sensors
Biological materials (e.g. peptides, enzymes, antibodies, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tech-
cells, nucleic acids) and bioinspired tools such as nique arises as a useful tool for mycotoxins identification
aptamers, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and and monitoring the changes that occur in the interface
recombinant antibodies present a high focus as sensing originated between an electrode surface modified by a
elements on biosensor studies [52,53]. nanostructured platform in contact with a redox probe
(e.g. Fe(CN)63 /4 , Ru(NH3)63+) [58]. A three-electrode
Moreover, biosensors usually seek the application of system is conventionally used to electroanalytical appli-
nanomaterials as signal amplification probes to improve cations, as follow: 1) working electrode (WE), substrate of
the sensitivity of the biosensor. Previous studies biosensor platform assembly where reactions and electron
highlighted the use of a wide range of metal nanoparti- transfer occur; 2) reference electrode (RE), usually
cles, QDs (quantum dots), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and Ag/AgCl, which promotes a stable and reproducible
nanofibers due to their unique physicochemical proper- potential; and, 3) counter electrode (CE), providing the
ties, high surface-volume ratio and biocompatibility electric current through the electrochemical solution to
[54,55]. These features have become useful in biosensor WE [59,60].
development, assisting the functionalization of sensor
platforms for the most diverse biological targets, such EIS present as main parameter the charge transfer resis-
as mycotoxins present in foodstuff and beverages tance (RCT) values, whose variation is closely related to
[51,56,57]. The present review summarizes the current the biding event (e.g. mycotoxin immobilization and Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

70 Food mycology

Table 3

Examples of biosensors developed for detection and quantification of mycotoxins

Mycotoxin Recognition element Transducer/technique Matrix LOD Reference

AFB1 Aptamer Flurorescence (FRET) Maize and wheat 0.0004 mg mL 1
AFB1 Antibody Impedimetric (CV/EIS) Corn flour 0.79 pg g 1 [62]
AFB1 Organic framework Piezoelectric (QCM) Peanut, pistachio, 2.8 pg mL 1 [95]
composite rice, and wheat
AFB1 Antibody Impedimetric (EIS) Corn 0.05 ng mL 1 [63]
AFB1 Antibody Piezoelectric (QCM) x 1.625 ng mL 1 [98]
AFB1 Antibody Piezoelectric (QCM) Peanut 0.83 ng kg 1 [133]
AFB1 Antibody Potentiometric (DPV) Corn powder 3.5 pg mL 1 [71]
AFB1 AFB2 Aptamer Optical (SPR) Vinegar 0.19 ng mL 1 [86]
Citrinin Antibody Flurorescence (FRET) Human serum 0.1 pM [92]
Cyclopiazonic acid Antibody Optical (SPR) Maize and cheese 0.29 ng mL 1 [134]
DON ZEN T-2 toxin Antibody Optical (SPR) Wheat 15 mg kg 1 24 mg kg 1
12 mg kg 1
Fumonisin B1 Aptamer Impedimetric (EIS) Maize 2 pM [135]
HT-2 toxin T-2 toxin AFM1 Antibody Amperometric Human urine 0.4 ng mL 1 1 ng mL 1
0.3 ng mL 1
OTA Aptamer Impedimetric (EIS) Grape and 0.030 ng mL 1 [137]
OTA Aptamer Amperometric (CV) Red wine 0.23 pg mL [138]
OTA Antibody Piezoelectric (QCM) Red wine 0.16 ng mL 1 [139]
OTA Antibody Optical (SPR) Coffee 3.8 ng mL 1 [140]
OTA Aptamer Impedimetric (EIS) Fruit juice 5.2 fg mL 1 [141]
OTA Black phosphorene Potentiometric (DPV) Grape juice and 0.18 mg mL 1 [142]
red wine
OTA Antibody Piezoelectric (QCM) x 17.2 ng mL [99]
1 1
OTA AFM1 Antibody Potentiometric (CV) Red wine and milk 0.15 ng mL 3.04 ng mL [70]
PAT Aptamer Potentiometric (EIS/DPV) Juice 0.27 pg mL [143]
PAT Aptamer Impedimetric (EIS) Apple juice 2.8 ng L 1 [66]
Sterigmatocystin Soybean peroxidase Amperometric Corn 2.3 nM L 1 [75]
T-2 toxin Aptamer Flurorescence (FRET) Maize and wheat 0.93 pg mL 1 [93]
T-2 toxin Antibody Optical (SPR) Wheat 1.2 ng mL 1 [144]
ZEN Aptamer Amperometric (CV/DPV) Maize 0.17 pg mL 1 [145]
ZEN Antibody Amperometric (CV/DPV) Corn and corn 1.5 pg mL 1 [76]
ZEN Antibody Impedimetric (capacitive) x 1.9 pg mL 1 [146]
ZEN Aptamer Potentiometric (CV/DPV) Maize 0.105 pg mL [72]

antibody-antigen reaction) and proportional to the ana- free detection of PAT in apple juice accessed by EIS [66].
lyte/target concentration [61,62]. Yagati et al. [63] devel- The assembling of the anti-PAT-aptamer onto the sur-
oped a label-free impedimetric immunosensor composed face of the screen-printed gold electrodes (AuSPE)
by polyaniline (PANI) nanofibers coated with AuNPs in enabled the detection of PAT with high sensitivity
indium tin oxide (ITO) disk electrodes to improve the (LOD and LOQ of 2.8 ng L 1 and 4.0 ng L 1, respec-
efficiency on the detection of AFB1 in spiked corn, tively) and selectivity against ZEN, OTA, ochratoxin B,
enabling the loading of multiple capture antibodies sites. and AFB1.
Yagati et al. [63] monitored the changes in impedance
magnitude (|Z|) by EIS, detecting AFB1 with high Recently, an impedimetric sensor for AFM1 detection
sensitivity, linear range of 0.1–100 ng mL 1 and LOD based on aptamers has been reported by Istamboulié et al.
of 0.05 ng mL 1. [67]. In this work, hexaethyleneglycol-modified oligonu-
cleotides (seven-base pair sequences) of the anti-AFM1
Aptamers are becoming a growing alternative in myco- aptamer were immobilized on the diazotized screen car-
toxin detection [64]. Aptamers structure is composed of bon electrode by a carbodiimide coupling reaction. A
single-stranded oligonucleotides (RNA or DNA) can bind dynamic range of 2–150 ng L 1 was obtained with a
with high specificity to a wide range of targets, including LOD of 1.15 ng L 1. Krittayavathananon et al. [68] devel-
mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi. Moreover, aptamer pro- oped an impedimetric sensor for AFB1 detection in milk
duction is cheaper than that observed in antibodies and using a single-stranded DNA covalently attached to a
can be easily labeled in biosensing platforms [65]. A functionalized reduced graphene oxide aerogel deposited
recent study showed the use of aptamers to the label- on a glassy carbon rotatory electrode (LOD of 0.04 ng

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 71

mL 1). Of note, EIS biosensors do not require an enzyme due to its stability in a wide pH range and thermal
conjugate to antibodies or mycotoxins to obtain an elec- stability for the determination of sterigmatocystin in corn
trochemical signal [69]. samples. Amperometric results showed a LOD of
2.3  10 9 mol L 1 and good agreement with HPLC mea-
Potentiometric sensors surements. Another study has focused on the use of
The potentiometric biosensors address the use of ion- monoclonal antibodies for ZEN detection adopting elec-
selective electrodes to achieve analytical data. The poten- trodeposited multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
tiometric method requires two (WE and RE) or three and gold–platinum (AuPt) nanoparticles as signal-
(WE, RE and CE) electrode systems, where the recogni- enhancing agents in the sensor platform [76]. This amper-
tion event is evaluated through the variations in the ometric immunosensor was able to detect ZEN in corn
circuit potential between the WE and RE [49]. Different flour and corn-based baby food using CV and DPV with a
voltammetric techniques such as cyclic voltammetry linear range of 0.005–50 ng mL 1 and LOD of
(CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and 1.5 pg mL 1. Tria et al. [77] developed an innovative
square-wave voltammetry (SWV) have been used in device with the capability to detect OTA by simultaneous
mycotoxin measurements. amperometric and luminescent evaluation. Tria et al. [77]
explored the use of the synthetic peptide NFO4 with
Karczmarczyk et al. [70] reported an inhibition-based high binding affinity to OTA based on a microfabricated
assay in AuSPE aiming the detection of OTA and cell-on-a-chip transducer with a concentration range of
AFM1 in red wine and milk, respectively. The sensing 1–10 mg L 1.
platform consisted by a self-assembled monolayer (SAM)
of 3-mercaptopropionic acid and BSA-mycotoxin conju- In addition, screen-printed electrodes can be used asso-
gates enabled the sensitive detection of the toxins ciated with multichannel electrochemical systems for
through CV and DPV with a LOD of 15 ng mL 1 to analysis of multi-AFB1. Piermarini et al. [78] developed
OTA and 37 pg mL 1 to AFM1. In a study conducted an immunosensor array based on intermittent pulse
by Zhang et al. [71], a glassy carbon electrode was modi- amperometry for multi-AFB1 detection in corn samples.
fied with a single/walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs)/ In contrast, magnetized screen-printed electrodes have
chitosan nanocomposite as immunosensor for AFB1 been used as electrochemical transducers. Piermarini’s
detection in corn. Electrochemical measurements includ- group developed a device for AFB1 detection based on
ing DPV, CV, and SWV showed a linear range of 0.001– indirect competitive ELISA using magnetic beads as
100 ng mL 1 and LOD of 3.5 pg mL 1. Recently, a vol- immobilization support and magnetized screen-printed
tammetric aptasensor was developed containing Fe3O4 electrodes [79].
and hollow cubic platinum/gold nanoframes to enhance
the sensitive detection of ZEN in maize samples [72]. Previous works demonstrate that the enzyme acetylcho-
The capture probe, a DNA S2-aptamer immobilized linesterase (AChE) is inhibited by aflatoxins. Aflatoxin
on the sensing platform, was able to detect ZEN with oxidase incorporated in sol–gel has been used for the
good reproducibility and stability, with a LOD of development of AFB1 amperometric biosensor on elec-
0.105 pg mL 1. trodes of Pt electrode modified by multiple-walled carbon
nanotubes (MWCNTs) with a LOD of 1.6 nmol L 1
Amperometric sensors (0.5 ng mL 1) [80]. In addition, an enzymatic biosensor
Similar to potentiometric studies, a typical amperometric for the evaluation of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in olive oil was
sensor also works with a two or three-electrode system. developed [81]. The immunosensor and label-free EIS
The identification of an analyte by an amperometric sensors follow the changes in resistance to electron trans-
transducer is carried out through the measurement of fer at the surface of the working electrode resulting from
the resulting current generated after the reduction and the complexation of mycotoxins in the range of 1–20 ng
oxidation of electroactive species immobilized on the WE mL 1 with detection limits of about 0.5 ng mL 1.
surface after setting an appropriate potential [59,73]. The
WE are usually made of inert metals (Pt, Au) or carbon Optical biosensors for mycotoxins
(graphite, vitreous carbon). However, the main disadvan- Surface plasmon resonance sensors
tage is the regeneration between measurements. Cur- Optical techniques present useful features such as high
rently, disposable printed electrodes have been an out- sensitivity, label-free detection, and real-time analysis.
standing alternative due to low cost and scale production Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and fluorescence
[69,74]. approaches such as fluorescence resonance energy trans-
fer (FRET) are the most exploited methods in optical
Dı́az Nieto et al. [75] demonstrated a useful approach for sensors studies [82,83]. In brief, SPR analysis occurs after
mycotoxin detection through biosensor technologies assembling of a sensing platform composed by biorecog-
relies on enzyme-modified electrodes. Soybean peroxi- nition agents on the surface of an inert metal (usually gold
dase enzyme was chosen as a biological sensing element thin film) placed on the interface of a glass prism. The Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

72 Food mycology

glass prism is illuminated by a laser beam in a predeter- mycotoxins and enhanced sensitivity with a LOD of
minate angle, resulting in an evanescent wave that pene- 0.13 ng mL 1.
trates in the gold film. Then, as the evanescent wave
extends, it will interact with free oscillating electrons of Bueno et al. [90] developed a fluorescence analyzer based
the gold film. A shift of the SPR angle is associated with on a smartphone camera, whose biosensor system consists
the modification of the metal surface that affects the basically of a black polymethyl methacrylate and
resonance system [39,83]. SPR shift indicates molecular photometric measurements in the UV range. The device
interaction/binding event and can be measured compar- was able to detect OTA in beer with a linear range of
ing two reflection spectra or changes in the intensity of 2–20 mg L 1 and LOD of 2 mg L 1. Bueno et al. [90]
the reflected light. demonstrated how associate innovative technologies to
actual models of health and food quality monitoring.
Joshi et al. [84] described a competitive inhibition immu-
noassay for DON and OTA in beer using an imaging SPR FRET technology has been extensively used for the
(iSPR) sensor. The iSPR sensor was composed of 3-D development of fluorescent biosensor based on nonradio-
carboxymethyl dextran containing specific monoclonal active energy transferred from an excited donor fluoro-
antibodies (mAbs) against DON and OTA. The iSPR phore to a nearby acceptor species [91]. Functionalized
biosensor chip was reused 450 cycles with a LOD of nanoparticles play an essential role in FRET analyses as
17 ng mL 1 and 7 ng mL 1 for DON and OTA, respec- energy donors. Shojaee Sadi et al. [92] created a FRET-
tively. Hossain et al. [85] developed a study based on based immunosensor for citrinin detection in human
multiplexed iSPR assay composed of AuNPs functional- serum. The nanobiosensor was developed by assembling
ized with secondary antibodies as signal amplification tag Fe3O4/silica core-shell nanoparticles functionalized with
for detection of three different Fusarium toxins (DON, anti-citrinin antibody and conjugated with BSA/citrinin/
T-2, and ZEN) in wheat. The antigen-coated biosensor Rho123 fluorophore as acceptor and QDs as energy
platform showed excellent reusability and exhibited a donors. FRET-based immunosensor was able to detect
LOD of 15 mg kg 1 for DON, 12 mg kg 1 for T-2 toxin citrinin with a noteworthy LOD of 0.1 pM in a range of
and 24 mg kg 1 for ZEN. 1–6 pM.

Recently, Wu et al. [86] reported an aptamer-based SPR Khan et al. [93] used aptamer functionalized silver
biosensor able to detect two different aflatoxins using the nanoclusters assembled on a molybdenum disulfide thin
same aptamer, an unusual phenomenon. The sensing layer for the development of a selective fluorescent
platform assembled on a CM5 sensor chip was composed aptasensor for T-2 toxin detection (LOD of 0.93 pg
by a thin layer of carboxymethylated dextran covalently mL 1) in maize and wheat samples. The sensing probe
bounded the biotin-modified aptamer using streptavidin reveals a promising application of the same nanostruc-
and EDC:NHS coupling agents. The aptasensor detected tured platform to the detection of other mycotoxins by
both AFB1 and AFB2 with high specificity in vinegar changing the aptamer sequence.
samples, showing a linear range of 1.5–50 ng mL 1 and
LOD of 0.19 ng mL 1. Piezoelectric biosensors for mycotoxins detection
Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)
Fluorescent sensors The potential of QCM-based biosensors has been
Another powerful class of optical biosensors is found in explored in the monitoring of toxins and pathogenic fungi
fluorescence-based transducers. As can be seen in SPR in food and environmental analysis. A QCM transducer is
sensors, the label-free detection of multiple analytes and composed by gold-plated crystal quartz, whose surface is
high sensitivity allow their use in academic and medical functionalized with a sensing layer of interest. A molecu-
purposes as a bioanalytical and diagnostic tool [87]. Fur- lar recognition or binding event in the gold electrode
thermore, the association of nanoparticles and fluores- surface leads to a mass change and specific vibrations as an
cence techniques for mycotoxin identification became a electric signal is sent through the quartz crystal, inducing
powerful strategy for fluorescence recovery and enhance- changes in the resonant frequency [94].
ment of the biosensor sensitivity [88].
In a recent study, a QCM sensor was developed for the
Recently, Tan et al. [89] functionalized mesoporous silica determination of AFB1 [95]. The enhancement of recog-
nanoparticles (MSN) with rhodamine 6G as signal fluo- nition sites and the resulting improvement of sensitivity
rescence indicator and specific aptamers as recognition in the sensing platform was obtained after the introduc-
probes to produce a fluorescence aptasensor for AFB1. tion of MIPs of poly(o-aminothiophenol) and AuNPs
The signal probe is released and a fluorescent signal is associated with organic frameworks composites. The
obtained when the aptamer interacts with AFB1. The proposed sensor was able to detect AFB1 in peanut,
sensing platform tested in peanut oil, corn, oatmeal, and pistachio, rice, and wheat samples with a LOD of
rice showed high specificity to AFB1 against diverse 2.8 pg mL 1. The application of MIPs in biosensors for

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 73

mycotoxin detection has become an excellent strategy to this purpose [103]. For example, a method to measure
overcome the restrictions of specific antibodies in detect- Aspergillus flavus (a potential aflatoxin producing fungi)
ing only one type of target analyte. The main features of biomass in maize based on qPCR assay was recently
MIPs rely on the ability to mimic recognition elements (e. described. Mitema et al. [104] demonstrated that A. flavus
g. antibodies, biological receptors) [29,96,97]. Ertekin b-tub gene was able to detect and quantify A. flavus
et al. [98] developed a novel QCM-based label-free biomass in different maize lines found in Africa, placing
immunosensor for AFB1 detection using IgA mAb as a the b-tub gene as a potential biomarker for molecular
sensing element. The sensor system was composed by a analyses. Thus, Mitema et al. [104] developed a biocon-
SAM of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) and IgA trol strategy for aflatoxin mitigation using an atoxigenic A.
showed a LOD of 1.625 ng mL 1 with a 1.25–10 ng mL 1 flavus isolate KSM012 against the aflatoxigenic A. flavus
detection range. Similarly, Pirinçci et al. [99] developed a isolate KSM014 after a co-infection of maize. This
label-free QCM immunosensor obtained with an ami- approach could be widespread to other mycotoxin-pro-
nated gold sensor surface with the 10F4 antibody as a ducing species.
recognition element to OTA. The obtained sensor
expressed a LOD of 17.2 ng mL 1. Furthermore, PCR-DGGE stands out as a promising
molecular tool for identification fungi identification in a
Current trends for the detection of spoilage wide range of food samples, since not all cloning techni-
and toxigenic fungi in food ques are capable of analyzing different types of samples
The presence of spoilage microorganisms in food remains [105]. In brief, the suspect food sample is processed and
a threat in public health and food quality directly affect- then the extraction of total DNA is performed. Universal
ing consumer’s life, which even with modern agricultural primers are used to the amplification of the microbial
practices in the developed world, millions are affected DNA of taxonomic interest to be separated by acrylamide
with food poisoning [100]. Moreover, the greater impact is gel. The resulting fingerprint bands indicate the micro-
seen in developing countries, where climate and environ- bial contaminant in the sample.
mental issues aligned to old-fashioned storage procedures
and unregulated markets result in extensive exposure to Moreover, PCR-DGGE presents the advantage of clon-
these pathogens [101]. The early detection of microor- ing, sequencing, and potential of terminal-restriction
ganisms in the whole food chain arises as a crucial step to fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP) anal-
reduce economic losses and prevent human and animal ysis, becoming useful for the identification of fungal
intoxication by mycotoxins (secondary metabolites exten- contaminants [42,106]. Durand et al. [107] reported that
sively produced by molds and toxigenic fungi). This PCR-DGGE can be applied to the screening of coffee
section aims to highlight the current trends in sensing processing to the determination of ochratoxinogenic fungi
methods for the detection of mycotoxin-producing micro- species such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus carbonarius,
organisms in foodstuffs and agricultural commodities. and Aspergillus ochraceus. Durand et al. [107] demonstrated
that DGGE fingerprints presented the evolution of the
A wide range of methods for detecting mycotoxin-pro- fungal microflora of coffee by the extraction and amplifi-
ducing species are available, where the analysis time and cation of 28S rDNA from the filamentous fungi species.
sensitivity play a crucial factor of choice. We can highlight
some methods, as follows: 1) standard microbiological PCR-ELISA is a PCR variant useful for fungal analyses.
methods: the first step of procedure relies on microbial Recently, Omori et al. [108] reported the accurate and
culture, isolation and further identification (e.g. classical sensitive detection of toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides
culture-based methods, extremely time-consuming); 2) (fumonisin producing Fusarium species) in corn samples
proteomic and genomic methods: initial mold peptide/ by PCR-ELISA. A FUM21 gene was used for identifica-
DNA/RNA extraction from food and further analysis by tion of DNA of Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight sp. isolates. A LOD of 2.5 pg for DNA fragments of F.
(MALDI-TOF) and other molecular techniques such as verticillioides was obtained. The sensitivity was potentially
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), fluorescent in situ increased for Fusarium species as compared to single PCR
hybridization (FISH), DNA barcoding; and, 3) evaluation analysis.
of the physicochemical properties of the metabolites
produced by mycotoxin-producing fungi through elec- Luo et al. [109] described the development of the DNA
tronic nose (e-nose), and others [42,102]. amplification technique through loop-mediated isother-
mal amplification (LAMP) for detection of three afla-
PCR and its variants such as quantitative PCR (qPCR), toxin-producing Aspergillus species (A. flavus, Aspergillus
reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), PCR denaturing parasiticus, and Aspergillus nomius). Luo’s group establish a
gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), PCR-ELISA, LOD of 2.4, 7.6, and 20 pg of Aspergillus DNA in artifi-
and others can be applied for fungi screening in foods, cially contaminated samples of nuts, peanuts, and green
presenting specific protocols and genes established for coffee beans, respectively. Recently, the LAMP method Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

74 Food mycology

was optimized for the detection of Fusarium temperatum, Aspergillus and Fusarium species. The obtained SWV peak
an emerging maize pathogen and fumonisin B1 producer, potential data were able to precisely discriminate
which presents a potential risk to human food and animal between genera and species, in a range of 20 different
feed supply chains [110]. The method was specific and species. Sedighi-Khavidak et al. [123] were able to detect
sensitive detecting less than 10 pg of fungal genomic A. flavus (potential aflatoxins and sterigmatocystin pro-
DNA in 60 min. ducing Aspergillus species) in pistachio samples combin-
ing CV and EIS analysis associated to electrodeposited
The most widely used and established sensory method- AuNPs and an ssDNA probe of aflD gene onto a GCE.
ology to monitor fungi in food is the electronic-nose (E- Sedighi-Khavidak et al. [123] obtained a massive LOD of
nose). E-nose can be a GC variant system based on a 0.55 nM and a linear range from 1 nm to 10 mM to the aflD
solid-state sensor that detects volatile compounds [111]. gene. Silva et al. [124] described the first electrochemical
E-nose sensors are sensitive to different volatile com- biosensor for detection of Penicillium sclerotigenum in yam.
pounds and can generate a fingerprint that represents the The impedimetric genosensor was used to detect fungal
flavor/aroma characteristics of the food. Thus, the genomic DNA in samples of pure cultures and yams. The
unwanted smell of the food can be detected and reflects developed sensor was based on a self-assembled mono-
the primary metabolism of fungi [112,113]. In summary, layer of a magnetite/polyallylamine hydrochloride com-
E-nose has been applied for detection of mycotoxin- posite as an anchoring layer for DNA hybridization and
producing fungi species in a wide variety of fruits, such used EIS to evaluate and quantify the hybridization
as apples [114], stored oranges [115], strawberry [116] and degree. The sensitivity of the sensing platform is notice-
peaches [117]. Gu et al. [118] explored the use of E-nose able (LOD of 24 pg mL 1) aligned to specific and repro-
for the detection of Aspergillus spp. in rice, being able to ducible results for the detection of fungi in foods.
differentiate three different Aspergillus species (Aspergillus
candidus, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Aspergillus clavatus). Recently, Luna-Moreno et al. [125] developed an immu-
Shen et al. [119] associated near-infrared spectroscopy nosensor based on SPR detection for Pseudocercospora
(NIR) to E-nose to develop a fast and sensitive alternative fijiensis, which causes Sigatoka black banana disease, in
of detecting A. ochraceus, A. flavus, and A. parasiticus in banana leaf extracts. The immunosensor detected a pro-
peanuts with a LOD of 0.0808 log CFU g 1. tein (glycosylphosphatidylinositol – GPI) extracted from
the cell wall of P. fijiensis. The gold-coated SPR chips
Electrochemical biosensors are useful to toxigenic-fungi were functionalized for direct immobilization of antibo-
detection. The methods of fungi identification are mainly dies against the HF1 protein (GPI protein of P. fijiensis).
developed to evaluate industrialized products of eco- The optical response was concentration dependence to
nomic importance. Of note, wine is one of the beverages HF1 and monitored in real-time by SPR (LOD of
most studied in the development of biosensors for moni- 2.1 ng mL 1).
toring of fungal contamination. Tubı́a et al. [120] created
an impedimetric immunosensor to detect Brettanomyces An innovative proposal was reported by Zang et al. [126]
spp. (the main deteriorating yeast of wine). Conventional to monitor grain spoilage fungi based on O2 biosensor to
commercial methods for Brettanomyces spp. require a long detect catalase activity. Zang’s group obtained a high
period of culture and occurs contamination with filamen- correlation (>0.99) between catalase activity and spore
tous fungi, as well as false-positive results. Different counts for four fungal species analyzed (Aspergillus glaucus,
species of wine spoilage yeasts, such as Brettanomyces Aspergillus candidum, A. flavus, and Penicillium cyclopium) in
bruxellensis, Pichia guillermondi, and Debaromyces hansenii stored grain samples (wheat, rice, and corn). Detection of
were evaluated by using an impedimetric immunosensor. catalase activity was performed in 10 min, while culture
A high impedance variation was obtained when exposed and spore counting require five days. The proposed
to yeast species than that observed for label-free detec- sensor system is highly sensitive and fast as compared
tion of the same analytes. Recently, Villalonga et al. [121] to conventional monitoring methods.
developed two amperometric biosensors for rapid and
sensitive detection/quantification of B. bruxellensis and Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight
total yeasts in red wine. The sensing platform was based mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been
on superparamagnetic Fe3O4@SiO2 labeled with Conca- highlighted as an attractive and effective tool in monitor-
navalin A to yeast detection presenting a LOD of 5 CFU ing food contaminants, such as spoilage fungi [127].
mL 1. An anti-Brett polyclonal antibody to detection B. MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and accurate method in
bruxellensis was also used with a LOD of 8 CFU mL 1 in a detecting various fungal groups, especially Aspergillus,
wide range of 10–106 CFU mL 1. Fusarium and Penicillium spp., well-known mycotoxin-
producing filamentous fungi [128].
Mateo et al. [122] explored a solid-state voltammetric
strategy to create an electrochemical fingerprint model MALDI-TOF MS is based on the detection of proteins
to detect and differentiate mycotoxin-producing through an N2 laser emission to a UV-absorbing matrix

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 29:64–79

Biosensor for detection of fungi and mycotoxins in food Santana Oliveira et al. 75

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