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Annexure 13 - New HT Agreement

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Agreement for Supply of Energy

(Low Tension (Demand Based Tariff), High Tension and Extra High Tension)
(on stamp paper worth the amount specified in Kerala Stamp Act, 1959)
(Sec Regulation 103(1) of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014).

This deed of AGREEMENT made on this ........................ the day of ................ Month ........
Year between ............................ (official address) .................................... on behalf of the
Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. (herein after referred to as the “Licensee”) of the one part
and Sri/Smt.................................................... of (address) .................... having consumers
number of .......................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as
the “consumer”) of the other part, as follows:

1.(a). The License shall supply to the consumer and the consumer shall taken from the
Licensee all the energy required for operating the consumer’s equipment and lighting his
premises at ................................................................ up to a total quantity of .......... KVA,
hereinafter called the contract demand. The supply to the consumer shall be in the form of
.......... phase alternating current at a nominal frequency of 50 Hertz per second. Power up to a
maximum of ........................ KVA (Contract Demand) will be supplied at a nominal voltage
of ......................................... volts.

(b). The frequency and voltage of electrical energy all the point of delivery of power to the
consumer shall be subjected to the fluctuations that are ordinary, usual and incidental to the
generation and transmission of electrical energy, but such fluctuations shall not, except owing
to extraordinary reasons beyond the control of the Licensee, be more than the variation
allowed under the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time.
2.(a). The point of delivery of power at ......... volts shall be at the incoming terminals of the
control switchgear installed by the consumer.

(b).The consumer shall provide to the Licensee free of cost, land or space or both required for
the purpose of erecting the necessary control switchgear and metering equipment and allow
the Licensee’s Engineer or Officer access to such station as provided in the Kerala Electricity
Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time.

(c). The consumer shall, at his own cost, provide, install and maintain suitable............. KV
circuit breakers complete with protective gear on the low voltage side of the consumers step
down transformer or in his main feeders with settings of the protective relays lower than
those of the high voltage breakers of the Licensee, duly approved by the Licensee.

3.(a). The consumer shall furnish security deposit charged by the Licensee as per the rate
approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission, from time to time.

(b). The consumer shall furnish security to the extent of.......................... months probably
current charge as fixed by the Licensee.

This is fixed in the first instance as Rs. ............................. (Rupees

.....................................................................................................................................). The
consumer shall, on demand in writing, replenish or enhance, as per the provisions in the
Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014, as amended from time to time, such security in the
even of the security being found by Licensee to be insufficient or exhausted and the decision
of the Licensee or his authorized representative in that regard shall be final and conclusive
between both parties. A demand for the purpose of this clause shall be insufficient if a notice
is send by registered post or by any other approved mode, giving ten days time to comply
with it. The Licensee shall review the adequacy of security of all consumers as provided in
the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014, as amended from time to time. Based on the
review, the Licensee may demand for shortfall or refund the excess security as the case may
be, as provided in the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014, as amended from time to time.
The mode of payment of security shall be stipulated in the Kerala Electricity supply Code,
2014, as amended from time to time. In the event of the consumer failing to replenish or
enhance the security even after demand, it shall be lawful for the Licensee to disconnect the
service, as per the provision of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014, as amended from
time to time, and in that event the Licensee shall not be liable for the loss, if any, sustained by
the consumer.

4. The quantity of electric power and energy supplied by the Licensee to the consumer
shall be ascertained by means of current transformer/potential transformer unit and time of
the day meter conforming to the specification of the central electricity authority and Licensee.
It shall be installed and maintained by the Licensee unless the consumer opts to purchase his
meter. The maintenance of meters associated equipment and replacement of the defective
meters and associated equipment shall be done as per the provision in the Kerala Electricity
supply code, 2014, as amended from time to time.

5. The consumer must provide at his expense a locked enclosure of a design approved by
the Licensee for the purpose of housing the Licensees terminal high tension flash/extra high
tension switchgear and metering equipment, in the case of indoor installation. In the case of
outdoor metering installation, a fenced enclosure, duly approved by the Licensee, with lock
and key for housing the metering equipment as mentioned above shall be provided at
consumer’s expense. The metering equipment shall be easily and independently assessable
for the Licensee’s officials by the consumer or his agent shall be dealt with as per the
provisions contained in the Kerala Electricity supply code, 2014, as amended from time to
time. Unauthorized entry or attempt to enter the metering premises by the consumer or his
agents shall be a valid ground floor disconnection of supply to the consumer’s premises after
the expiry of 24 hours from the service of a notice to this effect.

6.(a). The reading of the said meter or meters shall be taken by the authorized representatives
of the both the parties here to as near as soon as practicably on the first day of each calendar
month and recorded. The readings so recorded shall be binding and conclusive between the
parties hereto, as to the basis for computing the quality of electrical power and energy
supplied under this agreement. The recording of the readings shall be in a card or book to be
attached to such meters, which shall be open to the inspection of the consumer also. Payment
for power and energy supplied shall be made by the consumer recording to the recorded
readings of the meters and at the rates specified in the tariff schedule. Payment shall be made
by the due date mentioned in the invoice for the power supplied. On default of payment, the
consumer is liable to pay interest as fixed by the Kerala Electricity supply code, 2014, as
amended from time to time.

(b). If the consumer fails to remit the dues within the time stipulated in clause 6 (a) it shall be
lawful for the Licensee to cut of the supply of power after giving the notice contemplated in
section 56 (1) of the Electricity Act 2003. In that event it shall also be lawful for the Licensee
to adjust the security deposit towards the dues.

7. If the consumer, at any time considers that any meter is not in proper order for correctly
registering the quantity of the supply, he may apply to the Licensee for a special test of the
meter and associated equipment, with remittance of the required fees approved by the Kerala
State Electricity Regulatory Commission. On receipt of the application and testing fee, the
Licensee, shall cost to test the meter and if during such test, the error in the meter is found to
exceed the limits of accuracy laid down in the central electricity authority regulations, as
amended from time to time, the consumer’s bill shall be adjusted in accordance with the
provisions in the in the Kerala Electricity supply code, 2014, as amended from time to time.
If, however during the test the error in the metering dispute is found to be within the limits of
the accuracy laid down in the central electricity authority regulations, the previous bill shall
be conformed and the test fee shall be forfeited to the Licensee. Testing as stated above shall
be done at the instance of the Licensee also in which case no testing fee shall be necessary. If
upon such testing after intimation to the consumer the meter or meters are found to be
effective the Licensee shall be entitled to revise the invoice as stated above and it shall be
binding on the consumer.

8. In the event of any meter ceasing to register the consumption of electricity correctly, the
consumption during the period of cessation shall be determined as per the provision in the
Kerala Electricity supply code, 2014, as amended from time to time.

9 (a) (i). This agreement shall be deemed to how come into force with effect from ..................
and the prior agreement, if any between the parties, is hereby repealed and abrogated by this

(ii). The consumer shall pay for all electrical energy supplied to him by the Licensee under
this agreement and ascertained as herein before provided, at an amount calculated in
accordance with the terms given in the tariff schedule. Nothing in this agreement shall affect
the liability of the consumer to discharge the dues to Licensee on account of supply of energy
during the term prior to ........................ as per prior agreement, if any, and or as per rules,
terms and conditions of supply prevalent from time to time from the date of service

(b). The tariff applicable shall be as per the tariff notifications in force from time to time for
the category of service shown in the schedule. The consumer also agrees that the Licensee
will be free to alter, with the approval of the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission,
the method of billing. The tariff notifications issued by the Kerala State Electricity
Regulatory Commission for the Licensee from time to time shall form part of this agreement
as if incorporated herein and this agreement shall stand modified to the extent.
10. For the purpose of this agreement, the maximum KVA demand will be average of the
quantities of KVA delivered to the point of supply of the consumer recorded during any
consecutive 30 minutes period (or any other period approved by the Kerala State Electricity
Regulatory Commission) of maximum use in the month registered by the ........................ KV
metering equipment installed at the point of supply. The Licensee however reserves the right
to shorten the above time interval in special cases, if necessary, with the approval of the
Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

11. All sums found due to the Licensee from the consumer under or by virtue of this presence
or by reason of breach thereof or otherwise are recoverable under the provisions of the
revenue recovery act for the time being in force as if they are arrears of public revenue due
land or in such other manner as the Licensee may deem fit. The above provisions shall not
prejudice any other remedy to which the Licensee may be entitled for the recovery of such

12. The Licensee and the consumer hereby agree that it shall be competent for either party to
terminate this agreement by issue of 30 days advance notice, send by registered post, after
initial lock in period of two years, he shall be liable to pay the charges as stipulated in the
Kerala electricity Supply code, 2014, as amended from time to time.

Provided always that the consumer may, at any time, with the previous consent of the
licensee , transfer the benefits of this agreement, as per the provision in the Kerala Electricity
supply code, 2014, as amended from time to time, to any other person. But the consumer
shall also be liable to the licensee for all sums due from him till the date of such transfer and
his liabilities till that date will not cease by virtue of the transfer. The transferee shall execute
a fresh service connection agreement for the continued supply of power.

13.(a) The consumer shall furnish to the licensee, full particulars accompanied by drawing
showing the arrangement of all electrical plant and equipment installed by the consumer as
also full details of loads. The plant and equipment so installed shall be of suitable design and
in regard to manufacture, construction and performance, conform to the relevant Indian or
international standard specifications or other equivalent standard specifications applicable to
such plant and equipment and their operation shall not interfere with or detrimentally affect
the service of the licensee to the supply to any other consumer. For that purpose the following
conditions shall be observed.
(b)The average power factor, incentive for high power factor and disincentive for low power
factor of the plant and apparatus owned and operated by the consumer at individual points of
supply shall be as provided in the Tariff order issued by the Kerala State Electricity
Regulatory Commission. The average power factor shall be determined by the ratio of the
KWh and KVAh recorded monthly.

(c)The harmonic dumping beyond this stipulated levels shall attract penal charges as
determined by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission.
(d) The consumer shall use only energy efficient equipment.
(e)The completed installation should be tested by the engineer of the licensee authorized in
this behalf and a certificate to the effect shall be produced before power service connection is
given. The service shall be energized only if the installation passes the test.
14.(a) In case of parallel operation of the generator of the consumer with the supply system
of KSEBL the consumer shall pay ‘parallel operation charges’ as approved by the Kerala
State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

(b)In the case where protected load status has been granted to the consumer, the consumer
shall pay the additional charge for protected load status as specified in the tariff order or in
the tariff schedule which shall be recovered each month through regular billing and the
protected load charges shall not count towards minimum charges of any, for the supply.

15. In the case of industrial consumers, whenever a colony supply is taken from industrial
supply it shall be segregated and metered by means of a sub meter and the consumption shall
be charged at the rates approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

16.(a) The consumer shall not make any alternation in the machinery or equipment either by
way of addition or substitution or transfer which may increase the obligation of the licensee
to supply electrical energy in excess of the agreed contract demand and/ or which may affect
the supply system of the licensee to its detriment. In any event the consumer shall notify the
licensee of the intended alternations, additions, substitutions or transfers and obtain prior
approval of the Licensee in writing before doing any such alternations, additions,
substitutions, or transfers. In such cases a fresh agreement shall be made by the parties.
(b)When no such approval in writing is obtained, the licensee shall be entitled to cut off the
supply and also reserve to charge penalty as per the provisions of the Kerala Electricity
supply code, 2014.
(c)If on any inspection of the premises or after inspection of the equipment, gadgets
machines, devices or records maintained by the consumer, the ‘Assessing Officer ‘ of the
licensee, comes to the conclusion that such person is indulging in unauthorized use of
electricity, action as per the relevant provisions of the Kerala Electricity supply code,2014
shall be taken.

17. The consumer also agrees that when the actual maximum demand of any month exceeds
the contract demand as specified in this agreement and the licensee and the consumer have
not signed any new agreement as envisaged in clause 16(a) above, the service shall be liable
to be disconnected without notice. Also the consumer is liable to pay the excess demand
charges at the rate as shown in the tariff notification in force from time to time.

18.(a) The supply of electrical power under this agreement shall be available continuously
except in case of lockout, strike of the employees of the licensee, breakdown of machinery or
plant or flood, drought or other force majeure condition or any other cause over which the
licensee has no reasonable control, in which cases the licensee shall not be responsible for
any discontinuance or diminution of the supply, and shall not be liable for any loss or
damages to the consumer, but shall restore the supply as soon as reasonably possible.
(b) In case where the consumer is unable to consume energy, due to lockout, strike of the
employees of the consumer, major breakdown of machinery or plant, which to the
satisfaction of the licensee is responsible for the non-consumption of energy, or other force
majeure conditions over which the consumer has no control he shall resume consumption of
energy as soon as reasonably can and he shall promptly intimate the licensee the reasons for
such non-consumption. In any event the consumer shall be bound to pay to the licensee the
fixed minimum charges as approved by the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission,
irrespective of the question as to whether any energy has been consumed or not, whatever be
the reason for non-consumption. However, the licensee shall have the right to take periodical
shutdown as and when required for the purpose of routine maintenance after giving
reasonable notice to the consumer and no claim for rebate or refund of charges on this
account shall be entertained by the licensee.

19. In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires;

(a) The word “Act“ whenever it occurs shall mean the Electricity Act,2003,(Central Act 36 of
2003) as amended from time to time or such other enactments governing the supply and use
of electrical energy as may be in force for the time being and
(b)The words “Rules” or “Regulation” whenever they occur shall mean the rules and
regulations for the time being in force made by the competent authority.

20. (a) The consumer agrees, that if the supply given under this agreement is utilized for any
purpose other than that shown in the schedule annexed hereto to remit the amount he may be
charged for the entire supply as if the tariff applicable is the highest one in vogue for the
various uses put to by him for the entire period.
(b) Applicable to seasonal consumers only.

(i) The consumer having registered with the licensee as a seasonal consumer specifying the
periods during which the supply is requested for different purpose as shown in the schedule
annexed hereto agrees that the tariff rates in vogue and applicable for each use shall be
applied during the concerned periods.

(ii|) It is agreed that if the consumer uses the service for purpose other than the one for which
he has registered as given in the schedule during the relevant periods the highest of the tariffs
applicable to the different uses shall be charged for the entire period.

(iii) The consumer having registered as a seasonal consumer, who utilizes the supply for a
few months only in a year as shown in the schedule, agrees to the following:

(a) Demand charges shall be paid at the normal rates applicable increased by 5 (12-N)
percent where ‘N’ is the number of months during which the consumer has registered himself
with the licensee to utilize the service in the year as shown in schedule. There will be no
billing for the idling months.
(b) The service to the consumer shall be disconnected without notice immediately on
termination of the registered period unless the consumer ask in writing for the continuance of
the service during the idle period. In such a case, he will be charged for the all period at the
same rate applicable for the original period.
(c) The monthly minimum applicable shall be demand charges for 75 per cent of the
contract demand increased as per (1) above for each working month. The consumer
guarantees to have a minimum of four working months per annum failing which he agrees to
guarantee a minimum equivalent thereto for the working season.

21. If the consumer indulges in theft or unauthorized use of power by adopting the means as
specified in section135 or 126 of the Electricity Act, 2003, then action as contemplated in
section 135 or 126 of the Act and as per the relevant provisions of the Kerala Electricity
Supply Code, 2014, shall be taken by the Licensee.

22. The Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 as amended from time to time and the rules
and the regulations made under the Act shall be deemed to be part of this agreement and the
provisions therein as also the statutory obligations under the act of rules or both shall also be
binding on the consumer.

23. The liability and the assets of the consumer under the prior agreement shall continue
under this agreement also. The Arbitration Clause if any in the prior agreement shall stand
repealed by this agreement and the arbitration clause shall not be applicable to any dispute or
client between the parties arising under the prior agreement or under the agreement.

24. The schedule appended hereto shall form part of this agreement.

1. Description of the premises at which
the supply is to be given

2. Purpose for which the supply is to given

3. Tariff for supply
4. Category of Service HT/EHT
Industrial/Public utility etc.
5. Whether seasonal consumer, if so
purpose period.
6. Contract Demand
7. Connected load

Approved drawing attached shall be part of this agreement.

In WITNESS where of ............................................................................................................
for and on behalf of the KSEBL and sri/smt................................................................................
............................................................................... (Address) for and on behalf of the
consumer have set their hands and seals on the ................................... day of the month
of……………......................... and Year ................................., First above written.



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