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Stronghold - Readme

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Stronghold - Readme


Section 1 - System Requirements

Section 2 - Keyboard Commands
Section 3 - General Information
Section 4 - Additions to the Manual
Section 5 - Multi-player
Section 6 - Statistics Tables
Section 7 - Additional Features

Section 1. System requirements

OS: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 & Windows XP.
CPU: 300mhz AMD / Intel processor (550+ Preferred)
RAM: 64 MB (128MB Recommended)
HDD: 750MB
VIDEO: 4MB DirectX 7.0 compatible graphics card (800x600 upwards)
SOUND: DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card
MODEM: 56k (for Internet Play)
CD-ROM: 8X Speed

Section 2. Keyboard Commands

Section 3. General Information

We recommend experienced game players play the game on the ‘Hard’ or ‘Very Hard’
difficultly levels.

The campfire (section 2.4 in the manual) can only hold a limited amount of people. Once that
limit is reached you will need to create jobs for the people around the campfire before more
people will come to the castle.

Section 4. Additions to the manual

The ‘Fear Factor’ (section 3.7 in the manual) system for using good and bad things has
changed. As your population grows, you will need to build more good or bad things to
maintain your ‘Fear Factor’.

Good things have a positive effect on your troops, giving them a better attack-rating
dependant on your fear factor level. You can see this bonus by clicking on the scribe’s book,
then on the ‘Army’ button. Bad things will give troops a penalty. The maximum bonus and
penalty ranges from +25% to -25%. When you select a unit (whilst playing as either a good
or bad lord), green or red dots will appear above the unit’s health bar, indicating their bonus.
Red dots indicate a penalty, while green dots indicate a bonus. Each dot represents a 5%
adjustment in the units attack-rating.

Trebuchets and catapults require rocks to fire. You can get additional rocks by exchanging
ten stone (if you have them in your stockpile) for twenty rocks.

Setting Engineers to a ‘Defensive’ or ‘Aggressive’ stance allows your engineers to dump oil
automatically. The ‘Aggressive’ stance will cause the engineers to dump the oil if any enemy
is nearby, while the ‘Defensive’ stance requires three or more enemies to be nearby.

Archers that are set to a ‘Defensive’ or ‘Aggressive’ stance will stop and attack enemy units
when on route to a destination. Archers set to a ‘Stand Ground’ stance will try and continue
to a destination, even if they are being attacked.

You are now able to view how well you scored, when you win a game in single player mode.
A multi-player scoring system has also been implemented.
Occasionally, fires will occur and set buildings and trees alight. A building that is alight will
send out sparks and if any other buildings are nearby, they will also catch fire. You can
combat the spread of fire by building a well.

To display where an event has occurred on the map, click on the ‘Exclamation Mark’, which
appears in the corner of the mini-map.

Creating troops within the barracks (section 6.2 in the manual) now costs gold. Hovering the
mouse over the troop will display the costs at the top of the barracks screen. See Section 6
of this Readme file for a table displaying the costs.

The Inns (section 3.6 in the manual) ‘Ale Coverage’ within the game is dependant on the
population count. The higher the population the less ‘Ale Coverage’ Inns will have. This
means more Inns need to be built to have the same effect on your popularity.
Within a multi-player game, any player can commandeer empty siege equipment.

Section 5. Multiplayer

There are two main ways to get connected. If you know whom you are going to be playing,
use Stronghold’s built in connection services. If you want to find a game to join on the
Internet, use GameSpy’s matchmaking service, GameSpy Arcade.

Connecting using Stronghold

On the Multiplayer 'Service Provider' screen you are presented with at least four connection
types. The four main types of connection are:

1. IPX
2. Internet TCP/IP
3. Modem Connection
4. Serial Connection

In all these types of connection, one player must be a 'Host' and the rest must join into the
host's game.

1. IPX

This is mainly used on LAN's. No configuration is required.

2. Internet TCP/IP

Use this if you wish to play on the Internet or on a LAN. If you are using TCP/IP on a LAN,
then no one needs to supply an IP address. If you are using the Internet, then the host must
inform the other players of his IP address (shown on host’s screen). The host must then start
his game and the others must enter the host's IP address and click on ‘Join’.

This is probably the best way for two people to play head to head (presuming both people
have Internet connections). One player is the ‘Host’ and should supply the other player with
his IP address and the other player should enter the IP address before joining the host’s

3. Modem Connection (2 Player Only)

First, select your modem from the list of available Modems on your computer. Then, if you
are hosting the game, just click on 'Host'. The other player must enter the phone number of
the host and click on 'Join' and the modem will call the host's computer.

4. Serial Connection (2 Player Only)

Both players will be asked for their serial connection information. Normally you will be asked
for the 'COM port' of the serial port. The other settings should normally be left on their default

If you are joining a game, after clicking on ‘Join’ you will be presented with a list of sessions.
Normally only one will be shown (unless you are playing on a LAN with more than one game
of Stronghold being played). Select the session that you wish to join and you will be taken to
the ‘Waiting Room’.

It is best if the ‘Host’ is the person with the fastest computer, as well as the fastest and most
reliable net connection, because if there are any game-play connection problems, it is the
host that has to fix this. During a game, if the ‘Host’ loses connection to the game, another
player becomes the host.

Connecting using GameSpy Arcade.

(Only brief instructions for GameSpy Arcade are supplied here. Please refer to GameSpy
Arcade's own instructions for further details.)

When playing Stronghold using GameSpy Arcade, games are limited to 4 players.

To play Stronghold using GameSpy Arcade, run GameSpy Arcade directly without running
Stronghold or run Stronghold then select the ‘GameSpy Arcade’ button from the multi-player
start screen.

Once in GameSpy Arcade, go to the Stronghold section and create a game, if you wish to be
a ‘Host’, or look for available games and join one of them. When everyone is ready, launch
the game. GameSpy Arcade will minimize and Stronghold will launch itself.

If you are the host, you will be taken to the Multi-player waiting room screen (further details
below) otherwise the game will wait until it has made a connection to the host before taking
you to the Waiting room.

The Waiting Room - choosing your game

On this screen when playing as the host, you can select the map and game settings you wish
to play with. Once you are ready, you must select the ‘Ready’ button and then wait for the
host to launch the game. The host can 'Eject' any player he doesn't want in the game by
clicking the 'X' button next to the player's name he wishes to eject.

The host can also put people into teams of two by clicking on the number below 'Team'.
People with the same number are on the same team. During the game, players can join and
leave teams by holding 'Alt' and clicking on the troops of the player he wishes to join to or
leave. If you are trying to join another player, the other player will be told that you wish to ally
with him and if he holds 'Alt' and clicks on one your troops, you will both be placed in the
same team. To leave a team, hold 'Alt' and click on one of your ally's troops and you will be

The host can also select the map he wishes to play. Some of the maps may be ‘grayed out',
which means that either you have too many players to play that map or one of the players
doesn't have that map.

There are two types of multi-player games. In the most common type, the victor is the last
person left alive. The other type of game is 'King of the Hill'. In this type of game, the players
can win by either killing the other lords as normal, or by occupying the keep at the center of
the map until his timer reaches zero. The first person to reach zero wins.

If the host clicks on 'Connection Options' he will have the option to set the game speed. The
default is 40, making this lower will slow the game down, but it may make it more reliable if
you are having connection problems. Setting the game speed higher will result in a faster
game, but you may experience more connection problems. Unlike in the single player mode,
you can't change this setting during the game.

The other option is Autosave. It is recommended that you have this set to 10 minutes. This
means that every 10 minutes the game is automatically saved. This is especially useful if you
are experiencing connection problems, because it allows you to resume the game at a recent
point. If you don't experience any connection problems then you can turn this setting off.

When everyone is ready, the host should click on 'Launch' and the game will begin.

During the Game

During the game it is possible to chat to other players using the chat panel, which is activated
by pressing the “Enter’ key. On the chat panel you can select which players you wish to chat
to and you can also send them pre-defined 'insults' by clicking on the 1-20 buttons. If any
players are in teams, the colors of the teams are shown in the top-left corner of the name

Some machines may suffer from connection problems during the game. This is most likely to
happen when people are playing on the Internet using modems. There are two main
problems that are likely to occur.

Firstly, if a player's connection becomes very slow, or they lose their connection entirely, the
other players will be presented with a panel with the option to eject the player with the
problem. If the player's connection hasn't recovered within 60 seconds they will automatically
be ejected or the host can click eject at anytime to remove that player from the game. If the
player's connection recovers, then the panel will automatically be removed from the screen
and the game will continue normally.

The other connection problem is when the game on each person's computer gets out of sync
with the host. This normally only happens on the Internet using modems, but it can occur
with other types of connections. If the games lose sync, a panel will be displayed with a time
bar showing how long it will take to re-sync the game.

If the host thinks it will take too long, he can click 'Cancel Game' which will end the game for
all players. Once the game is re-synced it should continue as normal. During re-syncing it is
still possible to use the chat feature by pressing the “Enter’ key.

If at any point a player wishes to leave the game, he should bring up the options menu and
press 'Quit Mission', he will then be asked to 'Quit Game' which means he will leave the
game, or he can select 'End this Game' which will ask the other players if they wish to end
the game. If all the players agree then the game will end and everyone will be returned to the
waiting room.

Once the game is finished, the players are presented with a ranking screen. This screen
details the achievements of the players during the game. The winner of the game is at the
top of the list. He received one crown for winning. Other crowns are awarded for how well
the players have played. Stars are awarded for each opposing lord that the player has killed.

Section 6. Statistics Tables

Section 7 - Additional Features

Free Build Mode:

You can add your own events and invasions within the free build maps. Press F1 at any
time while playing a free build map and select the event or invasion you wish to start.

Multiplayer Mode:
Multiplayer mode now has the option, ‘Strong walls on’. ‘Strong walls on’ means troops
cannot attack walls & towers. Only siege equipment is able to destroy the walls & towers.

Multiplayer mode now has the option to stop in game alliances.

Your troops can now capture the Gatehouse from an enemy player. You can capture a
gatehouse by getting one of your troops onto the top of a gatehouse. Once one of your troops
is on the gatehouse, the gatehouse will automatically open.

Map Editor:
Pressing ALT and <comma> within the map editor now includes the option to resize the
map. WARNING: When making your maps smaller, you will lose the edges of the play area.
Be careful when using this feature, as it is irreversible.

When troops are set on aggressive within multiplayer they will automatically target enemy
buildings as long as there are no enemy troops in the immediate vicinity to attack.

The Lord can be sent back to the keep at any time, you can do this by clicking on the keep
when you have the Lord selected.

The keys: Q, W, E, set the stances for your troops: ‘Stand Ground’, ‘Defensive Stance’ &
‘Aggressive Stance’ respectively.
Selecting troops and double clicking on their destination will cause them to walk at their own
pace and not the same pace as the other troops in the selection.

In the multiplayer set-up screen, the last four IP address entered are remember and can be
cycled through by clicking on the button next to the IP entry box.

Map Editor Keys:

Set initial levels - A panel to set-up initial taxes, gold and ration levels within the map editor,
edit scenario section. - Use: ALT @ or ALT #

Change map type - In the main map editor screen this key allows you to change the map
type. - Use: ALT and <comma>

If you wish to visit Stronghold related Web Sites, visit:

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