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Level (I)

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10. If the value of 103.5kg is rounded off to three
ACCURACY, PRECISION,TYPES OF significant figures, then the value is
ERRORS AND COMBINATION OF a)103 b)103.0 c)104 d)10.3
11. The number of significant figures in
ERRORS 6.023x1023 mole1 is
a)4 b)3 c)2 d)23
1. The accuracy in the measurement of the diameter
12. The side of a cube is 2.5 metre. The volume of the
of hydrogen atom as 1.06 x10 m is
cube to the significant figures is
10 1 10 a)15 b)16 c)1.5 d)1.6
a)0.01 b) 106 x10 c) d) 0.01x10
106 13. When a force is expressed in dyne, the number of
2. The length of a rod is measured as 31.52cm. significant figures is four. If it is expressed in
Graduations on the scale are up to newton, the number of significant figures will
a)1mm b)0.01mm c)0.1mm d)0.02mm become
3. If L   20  0.01 m and B  10  0.02 m then a)9 b)5 c)1 d)4
L/B is 14. 2.0 is
a)  2  0.03 m b)  2  0.015 m a)1.414 b)1.4 c)1.0 d)1
15. The mass of a box is 2.3kg. Two marbles of masses
c)  2  0.01 m d)  2  0.005 m
2.15g and 12.48 g are added to it. The total mass of
4. The radius of a sphere is measured as the box is
10  0.02% cm . The error in the measurement of a)2.3438 kg b)2.3428 kg c)2.34 kg d)2.31 kg
its volume is 16. The number of significant figures in 0.010200 is
a)25.1cc b)25.12cc c)2.51cc d)251.2cc a)6 b)5 c)3 d)2
5. If length and breadth of a plate are  40  0.2 m 17. When the number 0.046508 is reduced to 4
significant figures, then it becomes
and  30  0.1 cm , the absolute error in 5
a)0.0465 b) 4650.8 x10
measurement of area is 2 2
2 2 2 2
c) 4651x10 d) 4650 x10
a)10 cm b)8 cm c)9 cm d)7 cm 18. With due regard to significant figures, the value of
6. If the length of a cylinder is measured to be 4.28cm (46.7-10.04)is
with an error of 0.01cm, the percentage error in the a)36.7 b)36.00 c)36.66 d)30.6
measured length is nearly 19. The value of  / 53.2 with due regard to significant
a)0.4% b)0.5% c)0.2% d)0.1% figures is,
7. When 10 observations are taken, the random error a)0.0591 b)0.0590 c)0.590 d)0.5906
is x. When 100 observations are taken, the random 20. By rounding off, a)20.96 and b)0.0003125 to 3
error becomes significant figures, we get
a)x/10 b) x c)10x d) x a) 21.0;312 x104 b) 21.0;3.12 x104
8. If L1   2.02  0.01 m and L2  1.02  0.01 m c) 2.10;3.12 x104 d) 210;3.12 x104
then L1  2 L2 is (in m) UNITS AND DIMENSIONAL
a)4.06  0.02 b)4.06  0.03 FORMULAE
c)4.06  0.005 d)4.06  0.01 21. If the unit of length is doubled and that of mass and
9. A body travels uniformly a distance of (20.0  0.2)m time is halved, the unit of energy will be
in time (4.0  0.04)s. The velocity of the body is a)doubled b)4 times c)8 times d)same
a)  5.0  0.4 ms 1 b)  5.0  0.2 ms 1

c)  5.0  0.6 ms 1 d)  5.0  0.1 ms 1

22. Given M is the mass suspended from a spring of is (P is pressure, d is density, h is height, v is velocity
force constant.K. The dimensional formula for and g is acceleration due to gravity)
M / k  a)  M 0 L0T 0  b)  M 0 LT 0 
is same as that for
a)frequency b)time period c)  M 0 L2T 2  d)  M 0 L2T 4 
c)velocity d)wavelength
23. The dimensional formula for the product of two
30. The surface tension of a liquid in CGS system is 45
physical quantities P and Q is  ML2T 2  . The dyne cm-1. Its value is SI system is
1 1
P a)4.5 Nm b)0.045 Nm
dimensional formula of is  MT 2  . Then P and
Q 1 1
c)0.0045 Nm d)0.45 Nm
Q respectively are 2
31. If minute is the unit of time, 10ms is the unit of
a)Force and velocity acceleration and 100kg is the unit of mass the new
b)Momentum and displacement unit of work in joule is
c)Force and displacement 5 6 6 6
a) 10 b) 10 c)6x 10 d)36x 10
d)Work and velocity
32. The magnitude of force is 100N. What will be its
24. The fundamental physical quantities that have same
value if the units of mass and time are doubled and
dimension in the dimensional formula of Torque
that of length is halved?
and Angular Momentum are
a)25 b)100 c)200 d)400
a)mass,time b)time,length. 3
33. A motor pumps water at the rate of Vm per
c)mass,length d)time,mole.
25. The physical quantity which has the dimensional second, against a pressure P Nm . The power of
energy the motor in watt is
formula as that of is a)PV b)(P/V) c)(V/P) d)(V-P)
34. If the units of lengths and force are increased by
a)Force b)Power c)Pressure d)Acceleration
four times the unit of energy will be increased by
26. If J and E represent the angular momentum and
a)16% b)1600% c)1500% d)400%
J2 35. SI unit and CGS unit of a quantity vary by 103 times,
rotational kinetic energy of a body, represents
2E it is:
the following physical quantity. a)Boltzamnn constant b)Gravitational constant
a)Moment of couple b)Moment of force c)Planck’s constant d) Angular Momentum
c)Moment of inertia d)Force 36. The value of universal gravitational constant G in
27. If the fundamental units of length, mass and time 8
CGS system is 6.67 x10 dyne cm2 g 2 . Its value in
are doubled, the unit of force will
SI system is
a)doubled b)halved
c)remain same d)four times a) 6.67 x1011 Nm2kg 2 b) 6.67 x105 Nm2kg 2
PRINCIPLE OF HOMOGENEITY c) 6.67 x1010 Nm2kg 2 d) 6.67 x109 Nm2kg 2
28.   A   is dimensionally correct. The
  2
dimension of A,B and C respectively are (  , A,B,C THE EQUATIONS
are constants) where  is wave length of wave 37. The final velocity of a particle falling freely under
a)No dimensions, L, L2 b) L2 ,No dimensions, L gravity is given by V 2  u 2  2 gx where x is the

c) L, L2 No dimensions d) L dimensions L2 distance covered. If V= 18 kmph, g=1000cm s2,

x=120cm then u=----ms-1.
p v2
29. According to Bernoulli’s theorem   gh  38. The equation which is dimensionally correct among
d 2 the following is
constant. The dimensional formula of the constant
a) v  u  at b) s  ut  at
2 3
c) s  ut  at 2 d) t  s  av 1. The Accuracy of a clock is one part in 1010 . The
39. The dimensions of ‘k’ in the relation V=k avt (where maximum difference between two such clocks
V is the volume of a liquid passing through any operating for 1010 seconds is
point in time t, ‘a’ is area of cross section, v is the a)1s b)5s c)10s d) 10 s

velocity of the liquid)is 2. The length of a rod is measured as 35.3cm then the
a)  M 1L2T 1  b)  M 1LT
1 1
 graduations on the scale are up to
a)1cm b)1mm c)0.01mm d)0.1mm
c)  M 0 L0T 1  d)  M 0 L0T 0 
3. If L  2.06cm  0.02cm, B  1.11cm  0.03cm,
40. If force (F), work (W) and velocity (V) are taken as
then L  B equals to
fundamental quantities then the dimensional
a) 3.17cm  0.05cm, b) 2.06cm  0.05cm,
formula of time (T) is
c) 3.17cm  0.02cm, d) 3.17cm  0.03cm,
a) W 1F 1V 1  b) W 1F 1V 1 
4. The radius of sphere is measured as  5.2  0.2  cm
c) W 1F 1V 1  d) W 1F 1V 1 
then the percentage error in volume of the ball is
41. If Force F, Mass M and time T are chosen as a)11% b)4% c)7% d)9%
fundamental quantities the dimensional formula for 5. If the length and breadth of a plate are  5.2  0.2 
length, is
cm and  4.0  0.1 cm then the absolute error in
a)  FMT  b)  FM 1T 2 
measurement of area is
c)  FL2T 2  d)  F 1L2T 2  2 2 2 2
a)10 cm b)11 cm c)12 cm d)1.3 cm
42. If force F, Length L and time T are chosen as 6. If the length of a cylinder is measured to be 8.28 cm
fundamental quantities, the dimensional formula with an error of 0.01cm then the percentage error
for Mass is in measured length is nearly
a)  FLT  b)  F 1L1T 2  a)0.4% b)0.2% c)0.1% d)0.5%
7. A student performs experiment with simple
c)  F 2 L2T 2  d)  F 1L1T 2  pendulum and measures time for 10 vibrations. If
LEVEL-I(C.W)-KEYS he measures the time for 100 vibrations, the error
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a in measurement of time period will be reduced by a
6. c 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c factor of
11. a 12. b 13. d 14. b 15. d a)10 b)90 c)100 d)1000
16. b 17. c 18. a 19. b 20. b 8. If L1  (3.03  0.02) m and L2  (2.01  0.02)m
21. c 22. b 23. c 24. c 25. d
26. c 27. c 28. a 29. c 30. b then L1  2 L2 is (in m)
31. d 32. a 33. a 34. c 35. b a)7.05  0.06 b)6.05  0.06
36. a 37. c 38. c 39. d 40. d c)6.05  0.02 d)7.05  0.02
41. b 42. d
9. A body travels uniformly a distance of
13.8  0.2 m in a time  4.0  0.3 s then the
LEVEL-I(H.W) velocity of the body is
a)  3.45  0.2 ms 1 b)  3.45  0.3 ms 1
c)  3.45  0.4 ms 1 d)  3.45  0.5 ms 1
10. The pressure on a square plate is measured by
ERRORS measuring the force on the plate and the length of
the sides of the plate. If the maximum error in
measurement of force and length are respectively
4% and 2% then the maximum error in 23. The dimensional formula for the product two
Measurement of pressure is physical quantities P and Q is  L2T 2  the
a)1% b)2% c)6% d)8%
SIGNIFICANT FIGURES & dimensional formula of P/Q is T 2  the and Q
ROUNDING OFF respectively are
11. 2.34 obtained by rounding off the number a)distance and velocity
a)2.346 b)2.355 c)2.335 d)2.334 b)distance and acceleration
12. The number of significant figures in 0.0006032 is c)displacement and velocity
a)7 b)4 c)5 d)2 d)displacement and force
13. The radius of disc is 1.2 cm, its are according to idea 24. The fundamental physical quantities that have same
of significant figures is dimensions in the dimensional formula of force and
2 2 2 2
a)4.5216 cm b)4.521 cm c)4.52 cm d)4.5 cm Energy are
14. When Energy is expressed in erg the no significant a)mass, time b)time, length
figure is four. If it is expressed joule the no of c)mass, length d)time, mole
significant figures will become 25. If  is rigidity modulus, r is the radius, l is the length
a)9 b)5 c)1 d)4 2lc
and C is the moment of the couple then has
15. 58.97 is  r 4
a)7.679 b)7.68 c)7.6 d)7.7 the dimensions of
16. A stick has a length of 12.132cm and other stick has a)Angle b)Mass c)Length d)Frequency
a length of 12.4cm then total length of the stick is PRINCIPLE OF HOMOGENEITY
a)24.53cm b)24.5cm c)2.45cm d)2.453cm 26. The acceleration of an object varies with time as
17. The respective number of significant figure the a  AT 2  BT  C taking the unit of time as 1 sec
number 23.023,0.0003 and 21x10 are and acceleration as ms-2 then the units of A,B,C
a)5,1,2 b)5,1,5 c)5,5,2 d)4,4,2 respectively are
18. The Number of significant figures in 5.69 x1015 kg is a) ms 3 , ms 2 , ms 1 b) ms 2 , ms 1, ms
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 c) ms 1 , ms 2 , ms 3 d) ms 4 , ms 3 , ms 2
19. The value of 124.2+52.487 with due regard to
significant places is 27. If   log  Bx  C  is dimensionally true, then
a)176.69 b)176.7 c)176 d)177
(here  is the coefficient of viscosity and x is the
20. The value of with due regard to significant distance)
a)C is dimensionless constant
figures is
b)B has dimensions of -1 in length
a)0.226 b)0.23 c)0.2 d)0.2261
c)The dimensional formula of A is ML2T 1
21. When 57.986 is rounded off to 4 significant figures,
d)All are true
then it becomes
28. If the velocity (v) of a body in time ‘t’ is given by
a)58 b)57.00 c)57.90 d)57.99
UNITS AND DIMENSIONS ALFORMULAE V  AT 3  BT 2  CT  D then the dimension of C
22. If ' L ' is length of simple pendulum and ' g ' are
acceleration due to gravity then the dimensional a)  LT 1  b)  LT 2  c)  LT 3  d)  LT 4 
 1 2  Pr 4
formula for   is same as that for 29. In the relation V  where the letters have
a)Frequency b)Velocity there usual meanings the dimensions of V are
c)Time period d)Wavelength a) M 0 L3T 0 b) M 0 L3T 1 c) M 0 L3T 1 d) M 1L3T 0
30. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10ms-2 and the 39. If pressure (P), velocity (V) and time (T) are taken as
units of length and time are changed to kilometer the fundamental quantities, then the dimensional
and hour respectively the numerical value of formula of force is
acceleration is a)  P1V 1T 1  b)  P1V 2T 1 
a)36000 b)72000 c)36000 d)129000
31. The magnitude of Energy is 100J. What will be its c)  P1V 1T 2  d)  P1V 2T 2 
value if the units of mass and time are doubled and LEVEL-I(H.W)KEY
that of length is halved?
1. a 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. d
a)100J b)200J c)400J d)800J 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. d
32. If the units of mass and velocity are increased by 11. c 12. b 13. d 14. d 15. a
two times then the unit of momentum will be 16. b 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. b
increased by 21. d 22. c 23. b 24. a 25. a
a)400% b)200% c)300% d)100% 26. d 27. d 28. b 29. b 30. d
31. d 32. c 33. c 34. b 35. a
33. SI unit and CGS unit of a quantity vary by 10 times, 36. a 37. a 38. c 39. d
it is
a)Boltzmann’s constant b)Gravitational constant
c)Planck’s constant d)Angular momentum
34. The initial velocity f a particle is given by
u 2  v 2  2 gx where x is the distance covered. If u=
18kmh 1 ,g=1000 cm / s 2 =150cm then v=m/s
a) 45 b) 55 c) 35 d) 65
35. The equation which is dimensionally correct among
the following is
a) v  u  at b) v  ut  at
c) s  ut  at d) t  s  av

36. The dimensions of  in the relation v 

(where v is velocity, p is pressure,  is pressure, 
is density)
a)Dimensionless b)  LT 1  c)  ML1T 2  d)  ML3 
37. Taking frequency f, velocity (v) and Density (  ) to
be the fundamental quantities then the
Dimensional formula for momentum will be
      
a)  v 4 f 3 b)  v3 f 1 c)  vf 2 d)  2v 2 f 2 
38. If momentum (p),Mass(M), Time (T) are chosen as
fundamental quantities then the dimensional
formula for length is

a) P1T 1M 1 
b) P1T 1M 2 
c)  P T M 
1 1 1
d)  P T
2 2
M1 

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